TIIE MORNING OREGOMAX, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1920 REAL KSTATE. For Sale Houses. FRANK L? McGVIRB To liuy Your Home. LARGKST HOMK SEINERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS OP HOMES FOR SAL.E. SOON SCHOOL PATS WILL BR HERB. Are you Mettled in your own home? Now la the time to become permanently lo cated. Our extensive listings are the "WIOKST AND BKST In the Entire West. There i every variety of home. KVKRY PRICK. Kvery home PERSON ALLY INSPKCTKD AND APPRAISED. If neoesHary, we will help you make your down payment. 21 autoa and cour teous, experienced salesmen at your ml-r vice. J OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. BRAUT1KUL PIEDMONT. $4200 THIS IS A RARfcl BARGAIN In a DISTINCTIVE ultra modern Piedmont Home. HARDWOOD FUJORS: FIREPLACE; BUF FET; DUTCH KITCHEN; every convenience for your comfort and to please the eye. VERY ARTIS TIC WHITE INTERIOR; attract ive exterior, with massive pil lars, anil concrete retaining wall. n Detroit. T ERMS. In J EF FERKON HIGH DISTRICT. A splendid horn, and It won't last Ions, for THIS IS THE TYPE OF HOME that EVERYBODY IS JUST WILD" about. 100 HAWTHORNE HOMES 100. liUUO A HAWTHORNE HOME HAR MONIOUS and beautiful. Hut It in a low, rambling style; one floor; 6 rooms; arranged to get the maximum of sunlight and freh air; HARDWOOD FLOORS; cheery fireplace; attractive din ing room with buffet; Dutch kitchen; splendid iurnace, eic. i Paved street liens all paid; full lot. with beautiful shrubs, trees, etc; blk. to car. Close to school; E. 55th, TERMS. A REAL HOME. FRANKLIN HIGH DISTRICT. 3800 One of the most attractive and home-like homes in this district; rooms, unusually well built; paneled dining room, with hand some buffet; pleasant sewing room; 3 light, airy bedrooms and sleeping porch; best plumbing and lighting fixtures. TERMS YOU CAN PAY CONVENIENT LY. It's a BARGAIN ! See it today! 6 1st. ALBERTA HOMES. 0740 A UNIQUELY CONSTRUCTED new 6-room, one-story bungalow; large combination living and din 1 Jng room; clean Dutch kitchen; 2 sunny bedrooms; whit enamel plumbing; electricity, gas; full lot; garage; close to car and school. EASY TERMS. E. lth Bt. WE HAVE 80 homes in this district, at every price; some of the most attractive bungalow in the city are here! L M ON T AVI LL A. ! $400 DOWN! . S2100 1400 down; VACANT MONT A - VILLA HOME! 4 neat, cozy rooms: new: best white enamel Dlumbing: electricity; white Dutch kitchen. Halsey. near 01st. THIS IS GOOD VALUE. WE HAVE ABOUT 60 homes tn Montavllla, with large lots; SMALL liOWN PAYMENTS, etc. Won't you let us show you some of these bargains 7 WOODLAWN HOME. J 1800 $500 down; WILL TAKE J . W SMALL CAR AS DOWN PAY M ENT ! 6-room, very artistic bungalow cottage; white enamel plumbing: electricity, gas; full lot with fruit, etc. Vulcan, near Durham. SEE THIS TODAY. THE McGLTRE SYSTEM OF HOME SERVICE is unequaled! A few minutes spent in our great display room will convince vou that YOU CAN SAVE TIME AND MONEY in your search for a home and receive 1DO per cent satisrac tion. If necessary, we will help you make your down payment. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abblngton Bldg. Main 10C8. 10fl 3d St., bet. Wash and Stark. OROV ELAND PARK. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH. Double constructed six-room bunga low, just like new, has all the latest built-in features, Dutch kitchen, fur nace, full basement and laundry trays, one of the finest lawns in the city with nice shrubbery. The original listing price of this property was $5700, but we are now authorized to sell it at the very low price of J51U0, part cash and terms on balance. This is restricted district and close to the finest high school on the coast. Owner leaving city, must sell quick. afeo STARK STREET. MARSHALL 1808. IF YOU ARE NEW-COMERS AND WANT HOME IN RESTRICTED DISTRICT NEAR SCHOOLS. I HAVE THEM. EAST OR WEST SIDE. IF YOU WANT SMALL OR LARGE FURNISHED HOMES CALL ME. IF YOU WILL BUY FURNITURE IN A 5-ROOM HOUSE, KENT $30, I HAVE IT. ANY WANTS IN HOMES GIVEN MY PERSONAL ATTENTION. PHONff MARSHALL 1Go4. MRS. BERRY. $5300 $5300 $5300. On 45th st.. HOSE CITY PARK, we have a nifty 5-room bungalow, with fur nace, fireplace, all built-lns, beautiful hardwood floors, music alcove, cement basement, wash trays, etc.; all finished In ivory and white enamel, tapestry paper; 50x100 lot; lawn and roses; It's ti real buy at $5300; on terms. KUil MELL & RUMMELL. 274 Stark st. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 ROOMS, PRICE $5750. Dandy six-room bungalow, on ROxlOO corner, hard-Burtace st. in and paid; has hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, all the built-lns, garage, etc. Fine lawn and shrubbery ; In best part of the district ax id a dandy buy. MARSHALL 1S8. 285 STARK STREET. FOR SALE BY OWNER. East side, modern home, 7 rooms; walking distance ; sleeping porch, ga rage, full cement basement, fine furnace and fireplace; everything paid; price $jj)U; easy terms. Main 6206. HAGNIFICENT HOME, PALATINE HILL Two acres, overlooking Portland; non-resident offers at sacrifice ; if you i are looking for a beautiful home, see l this; 6 rooms, 2 sleeping porches, maid's room, extra mouern leatures, large i rooms: city water: must be seen to ap preciate ; make offer ; any reasonable terms. Marshall 1022. IF YOU want a clean, nice home with living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, bath and Dutch kitchen, attic and base 1 xnent, nice yard, flowers and shrubbery, (paved street, sewer in, close to car and school, on best car line in city 15 min t utes out, price $3000, $1000 cash, balance 925 per month including interest. John Malone. 34 Oak St. Bdwy. 206. " NON-RESIDENT CORPORATIpN , OFFERS i T-ronm modern home, adjoining Ladd's addition ; hardwood floors. modern ; built-ins. sleeping porch, fireplace, fur nace, full cement basement ; less than cost; come see and make offer. Mar Phall 1022. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5ixlOO LOT. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Ready to move right in. fireplace, bookcases, buffet, hardwood floors, white enameled Dutch kitchen with breakfast tiook, cement basement. Price $4500, very liberal terms. Phone Tabor HS02. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. Modern ten rooms and bath, living room, 12 feet by 25 feet, large fireplace, furnace, house finished in old Ivory ; hardwood floors, garage, 14x28 feet ; beautiful grounds; price Is right. Call owner. Marshall 24S0. " HOME BUILDERS. 1 guarantee to save you 5 to 20 per cent on tho cost of building your home; can render financial assistance. Call AUrsball 2310. L. W. MURRAY, 210 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. $3150 EASY TERMS. 6-room well-built home, garage, chick en house, three large lots, corner on 82d st., paved, bearing fruit trees and gar den. Johnson, with Interstate Land Co., 24H Stark st. Main 5429. " SACRIFICE SALE. My modern home, 7 rooms, full ceilfMit basement, splendid furnace and fireplace, garage, sleeping porch, full lot; close in on east side; every th Ing paid. Price $5250. terms. Owner. Main 6200. XaAURELHURST, $6000 LAURELHURST. Strictly modern 7-room bungalow, sleeping porch; near car, school ; this one Is priced $10o below value for quirk sale. Marshall 3352 ; evening. Tabor 3000. SELLWOOD BEAUTIFUL HOME. 6-room house, almost new ; SOxlOO, T-aved, corner lot ; fruit; full cement basement; Miller ave.; excellent buy; some terms. Marshall 1022. U A RG A IN 6-room modern house, walk ing" distance, Holladay And., $4500, terms. Phone owner, Tabor 412. FOR SALE $450. 4-room plastered house, one block from Mt. Scott car, $30 cash, $10 a month and interest. Tabor 547S. ROOMS. FURNACE, LARGE LOT. TREES. PAVED. VACANT ; ONLY $100 CASH, BEST TERMS. TABOR 764 ROSE CITY 7-room bungalow, every con venience, hardwood floors, etc., close in; $5750, easy terms. 310 E. 41st North. REAL KSTATE. For Sale Housfs, HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. This fine 6-room home is located at Thirty-ninth and Hawthorne ave. There is a future value to this location which cannot be estimated. The home Is well constructed all rooms are nice and large with such modern features as furnace, fireplace, nice wide buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement. This must be sold In the next few days and has been reduced from $oo to $o.".0 for quick pale; very liberal terms. If you are looking for a home In fine loca tion with great future possibilities It will pay you to investigate this. J. A. HUBBELL, 1080 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8892. . "Stucco Office." LAURELHURST HOME Some Trade. Very attractive 0-room house in best part or famous district. Modern home. ivoeclal orice of HOoO. Ooinr to build and will consider good lot. Not less than $1200 cash, balance terms. Parsons, I witn O. H. SKOTHETM COMPANY &i2-.i3 Ry. ExcJi. Bldg. Suburban Homes. BUCKLEY AVE. SUBURBAN HOME. Six nice, light, attractive rooms, bath and toilet, electric lights, gas, electric motor and water system, large cement basement; the house is modern and in splendid condition; 5 acres of garden land, all In high state of cultivation, plenty of fruit trees and strawberries for home use, near a good school and car line; $0500, and worth every cent of I it; 9iuuu casn win hancne it. R. H. CONFREY, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-0-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SPANISH LOG' BUNGALOW. 1 V acres of fine soil, with lots of fruit; 12c car fare; 40 minutes out; Iota of shade trees ; nice grounds with per gola; attractive bungalow, with large living and dining room, 1 bedroom and Dutch kitchen on first floor; large room upstairs; good electric light fixtures. fine . fireplace ; price, $3300; adjoining this Is also 1 Mt acres of loganberries that can be had very reasonable ; this is close to electric station. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN HOME, AND ONE THAT PAYS. 7-room house, equipped with modern plumbing, air-pressure water system and sewer; dandy garage, chicken park and barn; 3-acre tracts, all in bearing lruit, oernes ana garaen; excel. entsoll; corn now growing lo feet high. Family cow and chickens, delightful location. on good road, only mile from city limits. Photos at offce. Price J6500 for quick saie. a. hl. im, 42o Lumber mens bldg. BEST ON THE MARKET. 3i acres on the Red electric: 6-room modern bungalow, with fireplace, gas, electricity, cement basement, pump- nouse wun gas engine; garage; barn tull of hay; chicken houses; all kinds of fruit, berries and garden; just a few ieei oir nara surtace ; tnis is an abso lute bargain; $5000; terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. SOC-8 Board of Trade. Broadway 4754. HIGH-CLASS SUBURBAN HOME. In the town limits of Gresham. & acres. all in cultivation, C-room modern house, bath, toilet, concrete basement, laundry trays, juu nun water. Portland, gas. electricity, good lamuy orchard, 1 acre raspberries, 3 chicken houses, garage, barn; on good hard-surfaced street; price KU1DER & ELKINGTON, Gresham, Oregon. Phone 1 7-X. ACRE BARGAIN. $275 cash, $25 per month, buys an acre, all in cultivation, fronting on Co lumbia boulevard. Bull Run water, elec tric lights, 6 blocks from 2 city car lines; price oniy xuu. bee Jar. i-aras- i worm, witn H. A. DRYER, "The Acreage Man." 608-9 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 5081. AT A SACRIFICE 4 building sites, $500 each; 4 $600 each; choice homes; river zroni, pavea nignway, Oregon- City car; o rooms, cam ; colonial, t rooms, bath ; 11 rooms, 3 baths, or will build to suit; V acre up. Phone owner for ao-oint- ment. Ask for Oak Grove 1-W. or mail Mllwaukle, Or., Route 1, Box 288, River roaa. aibo o.oi acres, uoncord tracts, $3U00 cash. OVER 2 ACRES $4200. AH In cultivation. 2 verv neat e.t. tages, 1 of 3 rooms. 1 of 4, the latter be ing plastered, both in splendid condi tion; close to acnooi, in city limits, be tween ' V. and R. C. cars. This Is a very de. ided snap. $1000 cash, balance mommy. r rea w . uermaa Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. A NICE HOME. One acre, highly improved, lots of fruit and berries, 7-room house, close to ry. sta. Price S3ouo, terms, or will trade for 5-R. house on northeast side. line wooakffn or near union ave. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 1054 4th St. $1S50 DANDY SUBURBAN HOME. 25 minutes from Portland on hard- surface road and S. P.: u-room very com fortable house, barn and chicken houses. woodshed; excellent well water, all kinds of fruit; sightly corner; acre best soil; genuine bargain; terms. Sell wood xml, owner. NICE COUNTRY HOME. 4 acres in cultivation, very best of black land; 25 bearing fruit trees in good condition; lots of berries and small iruits; 4-room cottage, barn, chicken house: on Oregon City line. Price $4300, nan casn. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165" 4th st. 4 ROOMS and sleeping porch, modern. tompieieij iuruiaut:u ; on a. f. rea elec tric, 2 blocks from station. 7 c fare city water, gas ana electricity; owner i leaving at once lor nan francisco: Will sacrifice home and furniture for S35o t-.. K TT A T'll I'AV 4, t tt - MULTNOMAH station bungalow and half acre; modern throughout; city water gas, electric lights, furnace, breakfast hook; on auiomoone roaa; ror sale by owner; must have $2000 cash. baJon can be arranged. See owner, 204 Henry CHOICE 3-ACRE improved tract and 6 room bungalow, close in, on Powell Val ley ana J-aurei ave., $5000. Acreage alone worth price. Splendid house, ga rage, pure well water, gas, phone. Owner BUNGALOW AND HALF ACRE. ;.Nu.r vjdiui-n no me station; 4 rooms, "wwh, ins" tuicKen nouse,- SlOO terms. Ideal for familv a AAm fort and economy. F. B. Layman, Main 1 1 'iJJ, MULTNOMAH STATION Modern bunga low with sleeping porch; 15 minutes out on nest car service. Price includes eas range and heating stove. $1050, $450 cash, $25 a month. Main 6343 after 6 r. ivi. oniy. OWNER Am leaving city, your own prkse and terms; 3-room house, close to nice eirvuin, inxaHiuu-it lot, 4 blocks to car. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES ana acreage, well located. nr oni-iin from $1800 tip. Inquire 3d house north ul xvisiey uiHiion, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." 2 ACRES IMPROVED Splendid 4-room cottage, bath, toilet. ' feu, i--- uu-a.:u v iiiui-HM nuoer sta- iiuu. i mis js u. uargain, ? oiOU. COBB BROS., 263 OAK. HAVE 2 y acres of ground, fine large house, all city conveniences, hour i rom cemer ciiy ; not a commercial place, just an ideal home. L 64, Ore- oswkuu ia.k.e frontage, $400. XA5(i $750, $S0O, $1000, $1200. Here"s a fine selection nsm on inje iaKe front ; piped ncLim; ii5ia, tOlKBU roaHS. OWU- pr. y vuin.ui u mug-., jCQ ana Htark. SACRIFICE for quick sale: 2 acres fine land, moderi. house; 6 blocks south of Huber; owner on piace. j. A. Davis, Huber, Or. For Sale Business Property. INDUSTRIAL SITE Quarter block on trackage. East Water I street, between Morrison and Hawthorne I Driages; sacrince; easy terms. Owner, .in. a., oregonian. jkiuhi sen at once. Dest locatea revolving oven bakery with lunch room, doing, fine business; investigate ; no reasonable offer refused. P 995, Oregonlan. WEST SIDE water front; trackage: paved street; bargain; owner. 1421 N. W. Bank bldg. BUSINESS corner, lot 0x100, 15th and Flanders sts., terms. Phone Auto 218-20. For Sale Acreage. 14 ACRES of choice ground on the Sec tion Line road, equipped with modern slaughter house, sheds and outbuiidlr.gs; to be sold by owner at a very reason able figure. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. - 40 ACRES 2 miles from Columbia river, close to good town, gravel road; school, mail route and water to run vour own Hpht, 409 Willamette blvd. Woodlawn IOCS. 5 ACRES. HOT'SE. BARN, GAS. BOAT AND COMPLETE FISHING OUTFIT DOWN THE RIVER; SWELL PROPO SITION: ONLY $2800, TERMS. TABOR 7640. 349 EAST 52D ST. BARGAIN $250 cash buys 11 acres of good level land 12 miles from Portland, some fine timber. See owner. E. J GEISER, 417 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 2 acres. Just off Buckley ave., or might exchange same as first pay ment on home. Bdwy. 3413. Call for Mr. Duk & TEN ACRES. 1 miles east city, Velio ave., cleared, city water, on ML Hood railway. Tabor 5268. 15 ACRES, a house moving outfit and carpet loom. Tom Allen. 6121 92d sc. REAL ESTATE, For Sale Acreage. VERT BEST SMALL FARM BUY. 8 ACRES, 6 MILES OUT. No one will be able to show you any thing like this for the money. 8 acres, ail in cultivation, no rock, and a perfect-lying tract- Good 6-room plastered house ; nice red barn, outbuildings: nu merous large cherry trees, an abundance of prunes, 2 large English walnut trees and plenty of apples, pears, etc. Also 2 acres of strawberries. Two Jersey cows. 2 bogs, CO chickens and crops go with the place. It is only 6 miles from city limits of Portland, in thickly-settled community, right at stores, schools and churches. Price only $4000. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 4381. LOGANBERRY ACREAGE. Have secured option on best ground that lies out doors, close to city car line, beautiful home sites. I will plant loganberries, giving best of care till July, 1921. Thirty years' ex perience as 'fruit grower, juice manu facturer, moral and financial responsi bility; guarantee fulfillment of contracts. Do you wish further details of proposi tion? F. A. Breck. Mfg. Brerk's Loganberry Juice. 384 East 42d st. North. LOGANBERRY ACREAGE. Have secured option on. best ground that lies outdoors ; close to city car line : beautiful home sites. I will plant loganberries, giving best of care till July, 1021; 30 years' experi ence as fruit grower, juice manufac turer, moral and financial responsibil ity ; guarantee fulfillment of contracts. Do you wish further details of proposi tion? V. A. Breck. Mfg. Beck's Loganberry Juice. 3S4 E. 42d St., N. Tabor 2678, or Main 6173. ACREAGE SNAP S ac res hi gh l y imp roved" 1 n t-h r I vi rur town 18 miles from Portla-nd. Few min utes' walk from electric station. Land all hi high state of cultivation. One acre in fine young bearing orchard, one acre in potatoes and on-e acre In logan berries, raspberries and strawberries. Good six-room plastered house, barn, chicken house and garage. House wired and electric lights and city wa ter obtainable. This is a snap at $3300. John E. Howard. 318 Cham, of Comm. SPLENDID ACRE HOME IN GRESHAM. Certainly a great big value in a mod ern acre home. This is right in Gresh am and offered for much less than value of the house alone. One acre of ground with an abundance of vegetables grow ing on it. Especially attractive 6-room house, full cement basement, wash trays, fireplace, hot and cold water, bath, ga rage. Price only $3200. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 4381. 5 ACRES of ground with fine orchard and gardening plot; modern u-room bunga low, only a lew niocaa rrom Kyan sta tion, also near Multnomah station on the Oregon Electric. One of the few choice unbroken tracts in this district. If you want a place thoroughly modern and besides equipped with all manner of irutt, i lowers ana trees, be sure to in vestigate. Ben Riesland, exclusive agent. j-iaci Ding., ijt rarK st. FOR A DESIRABLE HOME. Get an acre or so of ground In that tract of land next to Irvington Park; choice property, fine view, rich soil and in excellent condition for small f rulrs and vegetables ; 2 blocks from Alberta car. J . O. Elro d, o w ner, Gl 7 Corbe tt Diag. Alain ei73. ONE ACRE GOOD 3-ROOM SHACK. uniy isuo tor a beautiful full acre with comfortable 3-r. dwelling, just outside city limits. Has good chicken house and brooder; also great variety ttuii ana perries. Lots or garden stuff 'i aae $ruu as rirst payment. R. F. FEEMSTER, 417 Abllngton Bldg. LOGGED-OFF LANDS. Tracts, 5 acres up, located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work nearby; buy on your own terms. Price $20 to $tU per acre. LtLUUEMANN CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE. 27 ACRES, $2700. About 10 miles center of town: acres cleared, rolling; nearly all till able ; 2 creeks, springs ; large quantity xir ana craar; line son, iree or rock shack; $10O0 will handle. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis bldg. GARDEN TRACTS. ' On red electric line, as low as $35 down and $10 per month; city water, gas and electricity available; 7c fare. You can't beat this proposition anywhere arouna .fortiana. bee N. It. ATCHISON rienry Diag. 16 ACPuES located IS miles from Portland witnin stones throw of the Willamette river; i-j. acres bottom land, fruit trees, large old house, on main count v mart close to electric station. Price for quick uaie. j. erms. John E. Howard. 313 Cham, of Comm. 5-ACRE BARGAIN. -room, double constructed, 2-story house, with furnace, fireplace, hot anil coia water; Beautiful view; a bargain ai $6()00; abundance of fruit and berries east of city limits: ideal soil. Marsters, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger bldg. $2 PAYMENTS $2. ciose-in acreage; some tracts with iruit ; water to eacn tract ; no gravel or city assessments: see it; 42d and bimpson; diocks east Kennedy school. R. W. Cary. 1219 X. W. Bank bldg. TWO ACRES. IMPROVED. Located in Rockwood acres ad loin in Mllwaukle. This is a beautiful slghtl tract, highly improved with 2 hou.tos lights and city water. Apply to owner, zui i onn western joana oiug. S500 A is l) balance monthlv navmpnt win nanaie mis l l-.i acres and nice new 4-room nouse on it; close to station buy direct from owner and save com mission. w. uruger, Tigard, Or. TEN LEVEL acres, Hlllsboro, $1500; bar gain. Aictariana realty Co., Failing oiug. HAVE close-in acreage, free and clear, in traae ior your nouse equity. Johnson, 248 stark st. Main S4'H. Fruit and Nut Lands. FOR SALE. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD. 27 acres. 17 acres In trees: 7000-box crop apples this year; has modern 5- room bunicaiow, cellar, iurnace, fireplace, sleeping porches, tub and shower bath, screened porch, kitchen bay, etc., large packing house and barn, 2 tenant houses; spring water on place, pumped b hy draulic ram; improvements on place could not be replaced for $15,000; a good investment, a fine home and place to live ; has paid a good net return ; good reasons for selling. Write for particulars, price and terms.. A 540. Oregonlan. 20 ACRES in one of the best sections of the Hood River valley; is acres in bear ing orchard, trees 0 and 12 years old, in excellent condition ; small house and outbuildings; have other interests and will sacrifice this place, for immediate salt, including crop, team and equip ment, for $12,n00; terms $6500 cash, bal ance time at 6. Owner, AV 327, Orejjro nian. . HOOD RIVER 35-acre apple ranch on main road to Mount Hood ; in 10- year, 5 in 6-year-old trees. Owner hav ing eastern interest wishes to make ouick cash sale before this crop is har vested. Address Owner, Box 241, Route -i. Homesteads, Relinquishments. CAN LOCATE you on a good homestead. Either farming or timber tracts, on or near good roads. Also have some good relinquishments, close In. Hours 8:30 tr. 5, and evenings 7:30 to 9. ANDERSON, 531 Railway Exch. Bldg. For Sale Farms. FINE STOCK RANCH. 19,000 acres. 160 alfalfa, 160 more easily put In; plenty water. 40 cattle, 200 horses. 5000 ewes. If you want something good, see this. S. S. PRENTISS. 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 33 ACRES, $5000. 33 acres, with 26 acres under plow, balance . pasture, family orchard, 2-story 9-room house, good large barn and other outbuildings. This Is a ibargain at onlj $5000, $2000 cash. F. L. EDDY, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. YAKIMA. THE VALLEY OF PLENTY. Government irrigation, no crop fail ures, noted for fruits, alfalfa, corn and spuds. Be your own boss-. 10 acres will make you independent; large and small tracts, terms. Call or write for price list. Central Yakima Ranches Co.. 512 Selling bldg. 200 ACRES near town of Sandy with V mile front on Mt. Hood loop highway to be hardsurfaced; 60 acres in cultiva tion : 6 acres pasture lies fine, good buildings, running water; good soil, & bargain. Main 4096. EXCEPTIONAL bargain, 3S acres near Buxton, 14 cultivated, 7 partly; good buildings, orchard loaded: springs, horse. Implements. crops, $2500, terms, 804 Spalding bldg. 160 ACRES Wheat ranch In Canada; this is worth looking into If you want a bargain. See J. P. McKenna for price and terms. Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6403. WHEAT in Gilliam county is paying more than the price of the land it is grown on; I have a limited number of farms for sale. M. Fltzmaurtce, Condon, Or. ONE OF the best 160 acre farms in Wash ington county for sale or lease. H 022 Oregonlan. CANADIAN, Montana land bought, sold, exchanged. Claude- Cole, 426 Luaiber mens bide. ' REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. FARM BARGAINS. I 40 acres, every foot in cultivation, A-l land, no waste, about 15 acres bottom j land; good 7-room house, water system, modern plumbing, good barn, modern chicken house, brooder house, garage, i etc.; 25 tons of hay in barn, chickens, family orchard. This place is 5 miles , from Hlllsboro; 2,s miles paved road; one of the best forties in the district, i Price $i:;,0OO; good terms. 1 NEAR REEDVILLE. ! 40 acres, 30 in cultivation. 10 acres pastur house. creek, family orchard, u-room barn. silo. etc.. 16 miles from Portland, near pavement extra choice land. This is a real bargain at $S50O. NEAR HILLSBORO. 12 acres, all in cultivation; A-l strawberries, family orchard, best of land: 5-room house, barn and other out buildings; 1 cow. 3 tons of hay, garden tools. Price $5UOO or will sell 5 acres with improvements for $3500. We have many other good farm bargains. NEAR OREGON CITY. 21 acres. 16 In cultivation, balance pas ture and timber; about 00 bearing apple trees; rolling land; creek, 5-room plas tered house, good barn. full of hay, chicken house, hoghouse, etc.. good well; on good road ; good team mares. 6 milch cows, 1 heifer, 4 hogs, 60 chickens: po tatoes, kale and corn growing. This is a nifty little place for $6S0O; cash. 25 acres. 20 acres in cultivation, 5 acres in pasture ; choice land, nearly level ; 5-room house and barn, 3 acres orchard, smalt fruits; 18 miles Portland; .price $0250, $2575 cash, balance 4 years, 6 per cent. 0 acres. 10 acres In cultivation. 10 acres pasture and timber; extra choice location. Vt mile By. sta., 6 mi. Hills boro; 6-room modern house, modern plumbing; water In barn; good chicken house, family orchard, small fruits; price $0OO0, half cash. bal. 6cc R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., lOo 4th St. SPLENDID 65 ACRES. EQUIPPED, FOR i8700. ThU in out of the wav olace. but I a splendid property in one of our beRt farming sections; 65 acres, Just 25 miles south of Portland. IV miles trom sta tion. 2 miles from good town and on rm vior7 rn&ri - over 40 acres in cultiva tion, balance nice woods lot pasture with nice spring and large fishing stream on hmmdarv! all lies with lust a gentle stone to this stream. Good 8-room hmiM l a re- ham. numerous outbuild ings, ' abundance of fruit. Personal: CnicnM toam.hlnrk mnres. third horse. 1 colt, 2 cows, sow, 8 pigs, 5 shoats, 6 sheep, chickens, 2 wagons, full set ma chinery. Price $8700. $3700 cash, bal ance 5 per cent. If you are In the mar ket for a good farm, see us. We han dle no other kind. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 6th Kt. Broadway 4381. cri n a a. i tr s.fk o r, farm nt cacriflce be cause son is leaving ior conege. place is stocked and equipped, located lust 1 mil from citv limits of Portland and the price is only $100 per acre; 30 a-r-r in rnitivai ion balance Brood timber and pasture; lots of fruit; 6-room house. z Darns ana otner umns.. ' -irv house and barn: complete farm ma chinery, team. 2 cows, 50 hens; crops are worth $1000 alone; $3000 cash, bal ance 5 vears. 8 : no trade considered. R. Mullenhoff, office hours. Main ivtt evenings, Tabor 2307. DAIRY RANCH; EQUIPPED; VT PirihM ' t-l I i M W A T . Hnif mil from Woodland. Wash.: 70 acres all fenced; GO acres level bottom inH nn ftcrp In cultivation: 5-room house, bath and toilet; water piped to house; barn, 70x00 feet; outbuildings; orchard, crop, stock and equipment; price, $10,500, with cash $4500, balance ! in vpam at Bqfi,: an exceptional buy: might consider Portland property to $4000. A W- T5STES. 905 Chamber of Commerce. AUt. 514 -63. 10 ACRES WITH MODERN HOUSE, ON v A v f. ,i nr r. A perfect-lying 10 acres, all In culti vation and very rich soli; faces on pavement and right at station; just 6 ttiMo fr-om th citv limits of Portland; a splendid, practically new a-room uun- va IOW llin SI H r H 1 CUIIU CIO luunuaiiwu. large living room with fireplace, hot and cold water, bath, all white enamel nlumblne: bearing fruit and berrifc. Price $5000. rt HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th Ft. Broadway 4381. 40 ACRES, located 28 miles from Port- lnnrt on VOOrl TOCK rOKU . 1 Vi. IIIIIB from electric station: 32 acres can be fuitivnioH- 20 acres under cultivation: Eood family orchard; good 8-room v,n..aA with wn ipp nined in : rranarv. ham. 'smokehouse: 1 horse, 2 cows, 2 w a cons, ulows. harrows, mower, rake. cultivator fnrricn tools. 2000 feet lum ber, 10 tons hay; 1 acre potatoes and m,rr ,a rlpn nrlo. SOOUO: $2000 Cash. Insnected W Brooks. with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. ONLY 15 PER ACRE. 40 ACRES CLEARED; SO acres cut ftvr hut tillable when cleared; land i!f well: 3-room frame house, fair hrn. well. 2 dHiiks; bearing orchard. hulling of land cut over: uood pasture, all deep rich soil; mile from good gravel road; 14 miles east of Castle Kock and o miies east, wi ioiier An.c. Wash.; $00 casn. A W.. ESTES. 005 Chamber of Commerce. Aut. 514-63. NKAR SHERWOOD. n aores. located 5 miles from Sher wood, 1 miles from Oregon Electric deoot: on fine macadamized road; all nan ha Pnltu-atoH' 1 AcrfH under cult i vation; assorted bearing orcnara; woven t wire fencing; 1 mile to school; good jittrantive H-room house. In good condi tion : barn, chicken house; with this rlfl-fl 2 U. acres potatoes. $150 hay. cow. chickens, hogs; price, $5000; $280 cash. Inspected by -ftiarsters, witn JOHN FERGUSON. 21 ACRES NEAR CORNELIUS FOR CITY PROPERTY". 21 acres. IS in cultivation, balance nnatnra and timber; 5-room CottaiCe. small barns, chicken house, etc. ; good well; also running water for stock; good soil: near highway and railroad. Price $0500: mortgage $2500; want house in f ti v about S3000. and some cash. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165 4th st. I 80 ACRES EQUIPPED; SS0 PER ACRE. AVx miles from Woodland, Wash.; 25 acres in cultivation; jamiiy orcnara; - room house, barn; 50x50; k mile to school j well, spring, mower, rake, pldws, harrow, cultivator, separator fwid many other farm tools, including some house hold goods; $2,to cash. A. W. ESTES. 003 Chamber of Commerce. Aut, 514-63. 23-ACRB CHICKEN RANCH. This is splendid land, 25 miles south east of Portland, on good road, ricrht at electric station: 20 acres in culti vation. 6-roxm house ; good new barn ; 7 un-to-date chicken houses. Personal : Team, wagon, harness, plow, 350 laying pullets, nusneis grain. frice $6O0. u onn rk v v P P a I .TV ci 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 4381. $600) WILL handle this 40 acres. 12 i acres in 9-year-old commercial apples. T acres cleared this summer. 7 acres in alfalfa between stumps. Rest pasture I with small stumps ana nrusn removed. 5-room house, barn, chicken coop. Crops I ko with place n tasien at once. irri gated. Red shot soil. Guy J. Parker, Parkdale. or. FOR SALE N.W. V of Sec. 31, Township 6. Kan ce l east, a mues nortn or wood land. Wash.. 6 miles south of Kalama. I Some timber In northern part, southern part easily cleared, good range, plenty of water. line view, gooa piace tor a home. No improvements. tlO oer acre. with terms. Inquire or address Cow- litz County ADstract jo., Kalama, Wash. A SNAPI If taken before September 1, 88H acres on Oregon Uity car line; s-room nouse. 30 minutes drive over hard surfaced j roads to city; gas and. electricity on tract. Ideal for platting or elegant coun try home. Price $21,000. $10,000 cash. H. G. Starkweather. Phone enevings. Oak Grove lh-i-M . POR RALE 23 acres of eood land in Sutler county, Cal. ; fully equipped, good buildinic. modern house, plenty of water. Electric and telephone service; -mile from two railway stations. Inquire of owner. R. E. G ruber. P. O. Box 16. Marysville. Cal. NOTICE. FARMS AT BARGAINS. Yamhill. Or. has some of the best farms, we nave smaii ana large farms for sale. Let us show them to you free of charge. Phone or write Weldner &. v ougnt, .Liana oiag., z amnm, or. FOR SALE 320 acres, $30 aere, cultivated I farm 6 mues to rawroau; good buildings, 5 head cattle and horses: machinrv feed; would take house in Portland as part payment. aiary storms, Sidney, j Mont. 120 ACRES 16 acres cleared, house and 2 barns. "2 creeks running throueh place and crop for $250O. 18 miles west ot McMinnvuie. - write ts. tr. Johnson, R. R. No. 4, iii.cM.inn vi lie, Or. MODEL DAIRY. 800 acres; modern to the minute : $15.- 000; barn, electric lights, etc.; close to Portland; only $110 per acre. Address 30S ttoara oi i raae diqs. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portiana, .w to iouo per acre, easy terms, best soil: farms for sale, all I sizes. MiTariduu. .b railing oiag. is ACRES In the state of Wasblneton: you win get tuis ai a nargain; it must be sold. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 39th. Jabor JJ-93. 10 ACRES ON S. P. ELECTRIC, " near station; store and school; price, $1000; $75 down. 7 years time on bal ance. Draper, 401 Board of Trade bldg. ORCHARDS, alfalfa; garden tracts, rarm lands. Special bargains. Ackley Co, Ciarkston. Wash ' LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water, good coil, tillable; employ ment; easy terms. J. R. SUarpe, b3 3d, REAL ESTATE. US ACRES. 26 acres In cultivation, CO acres first growth fir and cedar; 3O00 cords of wood: 100 bearing fruit trees, grapes; 6-room house ; run ning spring piped to house ; barn, 48x52 ; granary. 12x20 ; stone cel lar; new garage, hogpen, chicken house; close to school and church; on cream route, telephone. R. F. D. ; 8 miles to Oregon City ; 20 miles to Portland; $12,500; $5000, balance long time. A. C. HOWLAND, 8th and Main sta, Oregon City, Or. 24 ACRES NEAR SHERWOOD. 24 acres, all level, with 23 acres un der plow ; family orchard, berries for family use, 6-room house, barn and other outbuildings ; 4 mile from paved road ; all farming tools, good team, hogs, etc., 2 acres cucumbers, 5 acres spuds, 2 acres oats, 5 tons of hay in baru; price only $10,000, $4000 cash. F. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. AN IDEAL IRRIGATED HOME. Consisting of over 20 acres, with 15 acres full bearing orchard of pears, ap ples, cherries and table grapes; 0 acres lnsairaita. 8-room house, barn ana pacK ing house; y mile from paved road. If you want an AI orchard place, this is it. Price $21.50O. r . jj. 1. 1 l- 1 , RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. I HAVE the best farm in Beaverton. on paved road, 200 acres for sale at 300 an acre, terms if desired. R 936, Ore- gonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. 137 HOMES So!J during August by FRANK L. McGUIRE. Largest Home Seller on Pacific Coast. is your house ror sale? w ithin -4 hours- we will inspect, appraise and photograph same; 21 salesmen with au- tos to worn on its sale. FRANK L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 1068. WE SELL a very large number of houses. We render real service to both seller and buyer. List your house with us and we cruarantee that you will be sat isfied with our efforts. Phone and our appraiser will call on you. B L HH-CARK x COMPANY, Carey-Savldee Company. Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 7487. HOME WANTED. I have just landed In town and must have a home. I have $500 cash. What have you? R 537, OREGON IAN. ACREAGE WANTED. Have cash customers waiting for to 5-acre tracts: not too far out; on good road ; must be priced right. bee Mr. Croxford. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 5Q43. 410 Henry bldg. HAVE client for strictly modern residence; must have four bedrooms: preiers irv ington; might consider some other good district; will pay w hat the place is worth, all cash. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800; residence. East, 6771. B U ILD N O W ! If vou own a lot we will secure the money and build for you. Terms like rent. Call and see us. BUILDERS REALTY EXCHANGE. 621 Morgan Dldg. Main 2035. HAVE many clients who want modern homes tn restricted districts from $5000 up; they can pay $1000 cash, balance $50 or more per month and interest. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800; Residence. East 6771. 5 OR 6-ROOM house. Will trade 5Qxl00 lot. well improved, sidewalks In ana paved, small house semlmodern. Pied mont district, as first payment. Wdln. 4348. HAVE you a house that $300 cash will handle ? I nave scores ot cans ior sm aM-pa vment homes. Phone me at once. Main 3G3S; evenings. Sell. 1 Llo. O. A. Pearce. 813 Chamber of Com. WANTED 1 to 5 acres with 5-room mod ern house with gas and electricity, on paved road, or one that is accessible with auto all the year around ; pay up to $50O0. AC 668, Oregonlan. ' BUNGALOW ABOUT $5000. HAWTHORNE OR ROSE CITY PARK. Pay $1000 cash; good payments. Give location. Answer it you want to selL O wners only. N 012, Oregonian. WANT 5 -r room house in S. Portland, on west eide, place in neea or repair, small cash and monthly payment; must be cheap. BF S46. Oregonlan. TWO to five acres, all in cultivation, with buildings, near fortiana, price not over $3000, have $3000 cash; give full details in first letter. J. Bronson. 202 Park st. WE HAVE buyers wanting 5 and 6-room houses on - paven sts. rnce otu to $4500. E. J. GEISER. 417 Cham, of Com. Phone Main 5256. wamb-u oui r v ; i c a or 6-room bungalow; can make small pay ment, anu .u ui . wuulu. Woodlawn 877. mornings. WANTED Modern bungalow In exchange for Improvea cor. 101 in nawtnorne aaa., balance cash. Apply 452 E. 10th st. after 12:3 P. M. WANTED To buy strictly modern bunga low, Portland or Arlington neignts; win pay cash; mean business. AN 734, Ore gonian. 4 OR 5-ROOM bungalow in any good part of citv; will pay irom s.iou to uwu; have $500 cash; owners only. AE 877, Oregonlan. WISH to purchase from owner a modern home in .Laureinursi. ah b, orego FORD 1919 touring. $500; cheap lot and and casn as iirst payment; itrms. Col. 664. . WANTED House or bungalow; have $1000 as first payment, n o;, urcgoman. Wanted to Kent' Farms. HAVE client with cash wanting to rent small farm, or acreage, near rou.nuu preferred, will buy the equipment. John Fe guaon. Gerlinger bldg. WANTED TO RENT 40 to 100 acres; equipped preferred; triDUtary 10 xo in land. 240 Russell st. FOR RENT FARMS. 80 ACRES FOR RENT. 80 acres, all under cultivation, fine sandy loam soil and under the dike. This is all good alfalfa land. Modern 6-room house, with con crete basement, large dairy barn, milkhouse. machine shed, garage. Will give 3-year lease at $S3 per month. Personal property for sale: 19 head of fine Holstein cows, one bull, two horses, milk ing machine, gas engine, two wagons, mower, rake, disk, plows, harrows, cultivators. all small tools, cream separator, about 6 to 65 tons of hay. This place is located 3 miles from good coun try town with 10 daily trains, high school, bank, cheese factory and all kinds of stores. Price on personal property, $3000 ; can arrange some terms. 200 ACRES FOR RENT. For rent, 200 acres in the famous Woodland dairy district; all level and practically all under cultiva tion; large dairy barn, fair house; will give lease for $100 per month; following personal property for sale: 3 cows, 5 head of 2-year-old heifers to freshen this winter. 8 head of hogs, 2 large brood sows. 10 head of small pigs. 50 to 60 tons of hay. New Empire milking machine, gasoline engine, mower, rake. plows, harrows, cultivator, wagons and all small tools, cream separator and all dairy equipment, 2 horses, 2 colts, harnesses; will give possession September 1, 1920. See Mr. Blair, with THOMPSON, SWAN & LEE. 3d and Main, Vancouver, Wash. FARM for rent and equipment for Bale or trade for nrst-ciass rooming nouse. Write or call at 5S3 Washington st. from 12 to 4 or from o to o 'v- TIMBER LANDS. mo ciT.r. Quarter section finest yellow fir timber; cruises 7,500,000 ft.; Euchrt creek section. Curry county, Or.; price 75c per M.. W. B. Smith. Box zi. Hooper. AVasn. 6 50 000 FEET FIR. 3 miles of Devore. Or.. $1.75 m. ; 5.000,00 feet, 3 miles west or uram. Kjr 1Vf " ' WOODCOCK. 200 Henry bldg. 20 000.000 FEET of first-class Douglas fir ; good logging chance ; about 3 fc miles west or irain, ur.; price. - in. WOODCOCK, 200 Henry bldg. 40 ACRES near county road, containing spruce, cedar and hemlock timber; sell at assessed vmuo - euvu "--' Owner. 1330 E. Taylor. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. wavt amniicr olace: have 5 ruoms, mod ern. 2 lots. What have you? AL 653, Ore Ionian, A TO EXCHANGE: REAL ESTATE. FOR EXCHANGE: I will exchange the following property free and clear or in cumbrances for one piece , of property and would assume some. I want some thing in Oregon that 1 can handle with out too much time, as I have other business: Lots 9 and 10, Francis add. to Port land; fine location, fir trees, only block to fine paved street and street car line. $750. Lot 8 and frac. lot 7. blk. 12, Fair Grounds add. to Seattle, $750. A choice level 5-acre tract light brush, sandy loam soil.Vvery oest berry and potato land, ono mile east of Aurora, Or.. $800. An undivided one-half Interest in 130 acres of timber land in sec. 8, twp. 38 N., R. 41 E., Stevens county, Washing ton. $1000. These .properties are all good, but I want in one piece and will assume some. Submit your proposition. Address C. M. CRITTENDEN, Hubbard. Or. . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 320 acres iu Toole county, Montana; 200 acres in cultivation; lo acres in flax; 3 miles of good wire fence. Small house. Good barn for 8 head of horses. Good chicken house, good granary, good well, with soft water. Price $ 10.OOO, $2000 mortgage at 6. Aged couple owners of this property and will con sider home In city of Portland or sub urbs or what have you ? BROWN & B1DDLE. 324 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. MARSHALL 3331. 20 ACRES NEAR ST. HELENS. Half under cultivation; Dew 6-room house, ready for plastering ; good-sized barn, all necessary outbuildings; 2 or 3 blocks off. paved road; a splendid little place. Price $0O00; will exchange for 20 to 16 acres with running water; will assume small amount. See Mr. Hurd, Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham ber of Commerce. 40 ACRES of land near Kalama. Wash.; will take srood auto in part payment. $200O. 100 acres of fir timber land near Hood River, cash S4o00. part cash, bal ance trade, $5oo. will take income prop erty for nart : 10-room strictlv modern residence, two lots, garage, $70oo. will trade for small ranch and part cash or will take good land for all. Write to or call J. J. Walker. Lafayette. Or. LAURELHURST HOME Some Trade. Very attractive U-room house rn best pa rt of famous district. Mouern home. tSpecial price of $b00. Goiiu; to build and will consider Rood lot. Not less than $120 cash, balance terms. Parsons. U. H. SKOTHEiM COMPANY, 332-33 Railway Exoh. Bldg. 4UH ACRES. 14 miles out on Base Line road, all under cultivation, no mortgage will take bungalow as part payment- Marshall 272, bet. 0 and 10 A. M. No agents. 160 ACRES, one mile from Seal Rock, near Newport, in exchange for Portland in come property ; will also pay cash and assume mortgage. E. H. Collis. East 8060. HAVE clear city lots to exchange as part payment on bungalow or late model, high -class car. Marshall 27U, between 0 and 10 A. M. No agents. t YOUR chances are good to exchange farm and popular hotel, doing a fine busi ness. BG O00, Oregonian: DO NOT let your equities trouble you; will give you clear property for same. Marshall 272 between U and 1 A. M. No agents. 5-ROOM bungalow for land ; prefer Co lumbia nignway. between Portland, As toria; cash difference if suited. B 920, ore gonla n. FOR SALE or exchange. 0-room modern house with 3 lots ; small place well lo cated as first payment. Automatic 216-02. W'ANI late model auto for equity in 5 lots near 70th st., near Sandy boulevard. What have you? Y 910, oregonlan. WANTED, by owner, trade for grocery store, U-room house, ground IooxHjO. Phone Automatic 524-08. GOOD 5-pasenRer late model touring car, trade for your house equity. Johnson, 248 Stark st. Main 5420. 27 ACRES, 10 acres clear, 5 timber and 4 of a mile from electric station, for home in Portland, clear. Phone Sell. 767. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. TO EXCHANGE Painting, tinting and paper hanging for cash register, oftice furniture or furniture of any kind. East 53h, Sellwood 15ui ABBOT bug to trade for Edison disc phon ograph or close-in lot. Tabor 1763 eve nings. CHOICE building lot for acreage. Mar shall 575. FOB' SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. HORSES. HORSES. 20 head of heavy draft horses and mares, weight 130 to 1S0 lbs.. 5 to 7 vAflri old huavv bnnad and Stock built; some well-matched teams; all horses guaranteed as represented or money re fnniii IT s Rtuhifu :ii;." Union ave. S. corner of Stevens. E. D. Williamson & Glass. two . yottng oowa. lust fresh; one Guernsey; one red, white cow, mincing 32 pounds on dry reed; see mem; inna 7:30; one block south S. P. depot, Mll waukle. Phone So-J Milwaukie. Henry Smith. Also one team, 230 pounds; will try them for you. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. 1 era v marp A vp&rfl old. weilfht 1300, sound and gentle. Must be disposed of at once. Mrs. Lauger. 4008 58th st. S. e. Phone Tabor 14710. Mt. Scott car to Myrtle Park. FOR SALE 14 head of well-broke mares nd yearlings, weighing from J3o0 lbs. to 1650 lbs., all stock guaranteed true to work. Call at Transfer stables. E. 9th and Flanders. TEN HEAD of horses. 4 to 7 years old 1200-1 S00 lbs. and some well-matched teams. Inquire Geo. Brown, 564 North- rup st. FOR SALE Nice 7-year Jersey milch cow coming fresh in November. call Mar' shall 1653 Wednesday, or see Ed Llkum. K. 1, Box 1S6, Oswego, Or.. DEAD stock removed quickly ; cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukie 69-J for service. DEAD horses taken quickly; cash for dead cows. Tabor FOUR milch goats for sale cheap. Call Tabor 3o9. FOR SALE 2 good Jersey cows. 1117 Flavel ave., take t-astmoreland car. FOR SALE 11 registered Shropshire ewes. Holman r uel to, 94 5th st. FOR SALE Two milch goats. 331 Glenn ave. GOOD fajniiy cow for sale or trade for good work horse. 1029 E. amhill VETERINARIAN. HOWE. TABOR 6566. DR. 1 GOOD family cow and 8 tons hay. cheap. laoor li. LARGE fresh 8-gallon Durham cow; also two large springers! ui h. Ash. FOR SALE Shropshire rams, registered. Holman f uel Co.. V4 atn St.. Portland. WILL take stock In pasture. Roth & Streidler, K. l, box a, i routaiie. or. Piano. Organs and Musical Instrument. USED TALKING MACHINES At Prices That Will Move Them Quickly. Ail in Good Condition. Phonograph, small $ 2 Victor, small 35 Victor, small 50 Unola Cabinet and 12 records 60 Music, cabinet and 16 records 64) Domestic cabinet and 12 records.... Brunswick cabinet and 15 records. . 10 VIctrola cabinet 100 Phonograph cabinet and 11 records 11 Phonograph cabinet and 11 records 12 $5 to $10 cash. S4 to $7 monhtly. Schwan Piano Co., 101 10th.. Cor. Stark. Phone Broadway 1678. $175 PERIOD model Windsor phonograph, mahogany, high-grade machine; records worth $125; all as good as new; $150 cash makes this a bargain that must be seen to be realized. 803 Borthwick. Bt. Take Mississippi car to Shaver. PIANO BARGAINS. You should see our real bargains In used pianos. We will SAVE YOD MONEY. Terms given. SE1BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125-27 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. EIGHT FINE UPRIGHT PIAN03: $12.1 TO $225: ALL FINE STANDARD MAKES ; EASY TERMS GIVEN. BROK ERAGE CO.. 312 WORCESTER BLDG. PIANOS WANTED Highest CASH paid or TRADE FOR NEW VICTROLA and records. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 127 4th st. Main 8580. CABINET Grafonola. with records for rent. Empire Transfer Co.. 254 Broad- way. Broadway 355. "player piano wanted! Will give Tillamook Beach -lots for a good player. Write BJ 802, Oregonian. FOR SALE new, $250. -Aldrlch piano, practically Call Woodlawn 2821. PIANO WANTED Will pay cash for bar gain from private party. Marshall 1532. FOR -SALE New Buescher C melody sax ophone for cash. Call Columbia 243. ' WANTED Bargain in good toned piano; give cash. Main 3864, before C P. M. ; FOR SALE Steinway piano, first-class condition. Phor.e Broadway 4240. PIANO for sale, good as new. bargain; m uat go at once. 802 M ontgomery. PIANO WANTED Fay cash. Main 80SG. FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. 2 small upright pianos 65 and $ 75 1 Bradbury square at S3 $475 Hallet dc Davis upright piano, cash 195 $550 Kroeger & Sons upright piano, cash 210 $0of Steinway & Sons upright 0 $05 player piano, now 405 $lou concert grand piano 205 3 parlor organs $28. $35 and 48 Pianos stored. 75c monthly; pianos bought and sold for cash only. 103 Tenth St.. Corner Stark St. $100 to $150 cash paid for used upright pianos. Call Broadway 1678, Security Storage Co.. 103 Tenth street. "MUCH BETTER THAN A CHEAP NEW ONE." Stuyvesant pianola toak) $55 S"mith Sc. Barnes Hike new) 567 Harold S. Gilbert (worth $SOO 650 Latest improvements. 1 sell satisfaction. Six months rental trial your guarantee. The best shop In the city. HAROLD S- GILBERT, 348 YAMHILL. Furniture for Sale. A BA-RGATN TOU CAN'T AFFORD TO . PASS UP. We offer continuous-poet bungs low beds, with steel sprtn anl 40-pound all-cotton mattress in roll-edge art ticking, single. or full size, at the unheard-of -low price of $20.50 This offer good for this week only. FJasy terms. MISW FURNITURE COMPANY, 1SS-190 First Street. FOR SALE S rooms new furniture, con sisting of Axminster rugs, 1 full-size davenport, new ; l 5-jplece walnut suite, brass beds. Tiger springs, wool mat tresses; 2 writing desks, 2 library tables, wardrobes, chiffoniers, 1 Singer sewing machine, 2 Vulcan gas ranges, 1 Dudley vacuum cleaner, dishes, clocks, pictures, 20 yards new linoleum, 10 dozen quarts fruit, 12 doxen envpty jars; sell very reasonably; party leaving city. 513 Yamhill st., cor. 16th. BEAUTIFUL tapestry davenport. all spring-edge back, arms and seat, uphol fctered In a beautiful, expensive tapestry'; sells in any store for $275; buy from the maker and save the dealer's profit: 3 h igh -grade craftsman leather rockers that h.'U retail for $32.50 to $35; my price flS.50 delivered. Automatic 219-37. PRIVATE SALE Ladv's large writing desk, round center table, princess dress er, three pieces solid mahogany, 2 round center tables, 3 rocking chairs, all of solid oak. brownish finish; black walnut bedroom suite, 7 pieces, cheap. Main 6105. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine st. FOR SALE 1 dresser, 2 Axminster ruga, library table, round dining-room table. 6 chairs, 4 Simmons bed and coil springs, felt mattress. Call 333 E. 44lh st. S. after 10 A. M. 6 ROOMS of furniture, house for rent, swell location. Make over 5 per cent on Investment. After 3 P. M.a 316 East Broadway. SAVE half of the freight by having your furniture shipped in pool cars. Call East 891. Pacific Storage & Delivery Co. 150 TAKES furniture for 7-room house if taken by September 1, and house for rent. East 7081. FURNITURE of all kind for sale, suit able for private residence or rooming house. 6G6 E. Washington st.. East 5645. FOR SALE One Buck range, good as new, $.; one good-looking heater, $15. 749 Johnson st. BARGAINS Table lamp, fumed oak china closet, glassware and crockery. 10o9 E. loth st. N. Alberta car. FOR SALE Furniture of an 8-room house ; no dealers. Last 2ub3. FURNITURE for sale for 4 rooms com plete, same as new. Call M. 4Soi. FOR SALE Golden oak dining; room table and six chairs. rnone Tabor jla. FOR PLAIN furniture see Mrs. 66( Lmatllla ave. NEW dining room set. Ivory dresser and bed ; gas heater, cheap. L. 72t. FURNITURE -inch oak tabfce and low chairs; no dealers. Tabor 32 1 3. SQUARE oak dining table, 4 chairs, for .i. Tabor & i 0, evenings. A HOWARD heater anfi, oak dining-room set, RpJendid condition. Woodlawn 859. OAK FOLDING bed. Call East 7SO0. HOUSEHOLD furniture. East 2KS5. Office Furniture. OFFICE EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. Important matters make it necessary that I go south. Have excellent suite of offices in Henry building suitable for any business and will seH complete of fice equipment at a bargain and give Im mediate possession. If Interested act quickly. AC 8i9, Oregonian. LARGE office safe, 2x4x6 feet; also vault doors. bupple-Ballin Shipbuilding corporation, 604 N. W. Bank bldg. Phone 511-05 ROLL-TOP desks, 1 roll-top t. w. desk. 2 safes. 2 rotary bookcases. U0 law -size bookcases, chairs and filing- cabinets. Bushong & Co.. 01 Park st. OFFICE desk, roller top, sol-id oak. 4 ft. 4 in. by 2 ft. 4 in; teat fly 16x16; cow. 20 Kilpa trick. BY OWNER Desk chairs, bookcases, best grade: sold separately. Main 4486. Poultry. ZOO WHITE, LEGHORN yeaning hens. high-grade hoganized stock, now laying, II. '5 each: 90 Barred Rock and 25 R. I Red pullets, $1.25 to 91.75 each: Barred Kock and R. 1. Red yearling hens. $2 each. This stock Is expertly selected for heavy laying and guaranteed to please. J. R. Maguire. 787 Oregon st., Portland. FOR SALE Tea R. I. R. chicks. : Vi mo. Wood- old, 4.c each. dli scofleld St.. law-n 4893. Dogs, Rabbits, Itird.t, Pet Stock. FOR SALE 4 New Zealand does, pedi gree stock: one for $10: three at $5 each. Call East 3fMi;t. BEAUTIFUL canaries, singers, both old , and young: also females. Tabor 1631. PORTLAND CAT KENNELS. Tabor 73U1. $250 stud: Kittens cheap: cats boarded. GRAY Persian female cat. 4 kittens: cheap. Tahor 0381. Launches and Boats. CAXOE CANOE. 16-FT. OLD TOWN CANOE In A-l condition; Is only a year old. with 3 paddles, 2 non-sinkable pillows, 1 lazy back, 2 blankets: also a IV. VICTROLA. with 20 of the latest records. This canoe and equipment cost me $250: will sacri fice at $120. AL 738, Oregonian. HAVE ciear property to exchange for power houseboat or boat which can easUy be turned into same, do not care for speed. Marshall 272, bet. 9 and 10 A. M.; no agents. FOR SALE Modern S-room houseboat, furnished or unfurnished, winter's wood, bath and sleeping porch; must sell, leav ing city. Call Sellwood 306S. FOR SALE Modern 5-room houseboat; one of the best on river: completely, fur nished. Sellwood 2410. 20-FOOT motor boat, for quick sale. $80. See Lamberson & Reid boat house. 419-G. NEWLY painted canoe with paddles, light, cushions and easy back. 1451 Virginia. 4-ROOM houseboat for sale cheap. No. 23 Willamette moorage. Sell. 3302. MOORAGE space at Harriet club, side. Main 4808. V Machinery. $1500 COMPLETE machine shop equip ment, all new, suitable for mfg. Jeweler, experimental, tool or die work, garage, etc.; 12x5 quick change lathe, chucks, tools, etc., shaper. Blotter, drill press, emery wheels, motor, shafting, hangers, pulley,, belts, etc., vises, drills, taps, reamers, etc.; good deal for cash; may consider some terms. Phone for appoint ment before noon or after 0 P. M., Wood lawn 5o76. WE PAY the highest prices for second hand machinery, scrap Iron and junk of all kinds. Phone calls promptly attend ed to. Call Main 5084. GOLDBERG & DAVIS. 207 Columbia at. EMERSON motor, i -horsepower, almost new. D. C. V. Ilo-amp. 2.5 compound, wound 1200 revolutions; also Cutler Hammer reostat: all for $30. Jewelry store. Hellig bldg. A 15-HORESPOWER horizontal firebox boiler, in good condition, $200: suitable for creamery or cheese factory. Ad dress box 129, Amity. Or. WE HAVE available for immediate de livery 100 tons 40-pound relaying rails. Moiir Machine Co., 501 Lewis bldg. Broadway 4731. rAlNT spraing machine. Champion Mfg. Co. Woodlawn 3007. WOODSAW for sale cheap. 4Q7 Yeon bldg. Typewriter. UNDERWOOD and Remington typewriters. $3. no a month. Empire Transfer Co., 254. Broadway. Broadway 155. FOR SALE. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. W are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $5 com plete with carrying case; supplies for all makes. E. W. PEASE CO.. 110 Flxth St. Main 2285. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All ma kes overhauled ; experts. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. Sell, Rent and Exchange. Main 6307. Supplies. 263 Oak St. FOR RENT Typewriters, $4 per month; 3 months $1; special students rates, REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 8S Broadway. Broadway 621. ALL MAKES; sold, rented and exchanged; terms if desired; send for retail price a WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 3-! Washington st., N. W. Cor. 6th. TYPEWRITER No. 8 L. C. Smith. ued 4 mo.; tibrold carrying case; half prie. Inquire :.'u4 W. 12th st.. 6-8 P. M. today. CoKONA typewriter; purchased new in May. 120. Sacrifice cash. Y 021, Ore gnnian. N E V. rebuilt.J second-hand rentals at cu t rates, p. p. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregoa y4 bth mt- Main 36o8. FOR SALE Rex typewriter at half price owner leaving city. Tabor S43S. REMINGTON No, 10. latest mod.. t price. W. Roberts. 660 Flanders. Apt. 1. Miscellaneous. HOUSE BUILDERS. ATTENTION. One pair A-panel sliding doors with hardware, 6 ft. by 6 ft. 8 in.; one window frame, 4 ft. 2 in by 5 ft., complete with K ass; two pairs sash. 2 ft. 8 in bv 5 ft . with some weights. If taken before I move Saturday $lo pays for all. Auto matic 327-87. A SPLENDID line of imported oll-burnlng cook stoves and heating apparatus for mechanical and technical use. alcohol stoves, some extra-heavy boii-ers In gal vanized copper ami steel, etc. Goods on display in room 417 Worcester bids . Ma-in S7S. BRASS bed, complete, $.10; fult size iron bed. complete. $0; 30x4.6 library table, oak. $40: nice brown leather davenport, $50. 760 E. Broadway. East OR 4ALE Two International time-recording clocks, in good condition, guar anteed; bargain price. Peninsula Lum ber Co.. Columbia 304. . FURS FURS Above high rent Below high prices THE FUR SHOP, 606 Swetland Bid., flth at Washington. l. -ArLKI KNvEu lawn and landscape man; lawns made new or old ones re paired. 245 Alder st. Main 16V2. Res. Main 613. DUCK HUNTERS Sauvies Island Duck ciuo wants shooters on fine lake- 1 hour's drive from Portland. T 919 Oreponian. LSED 1-6-horsepower A. C. motor, $25 -horsepower D. C. motor. $50. Call 3u2 Pine st Broadway 4LU3. HIGH-GRADE double-barrel shotguns, au tomatic ejector, recoil pad. soieleather case. 76 First St. Main S57. A-B GAS and fuel range and $ft0O bigh- srnue turniture ior sa:e cheap. 82 4 4 Williams ave. ANT Lto-E for a large, fireproof safe you can pick one up for $70. BO 876, Ore gonian. ALEXANDER HAMILTON Modern BuM ness Course, 24 vols., new, $50. Broad way 4410. HOMES designed, built and remodeled by experienced anr reliable builders. Wood lawn 534S. CALL Woodlawn 1381; ask a-bout slab wood, short or long length, delivered w e can save you on your movin- ih tirta, ice boxes, all sizes floor and counter cases, safes, wall case, other fixtures on terms. 242 Salmon. PEARS Take your containers; no sale on Saturday. 0 E. 47th N. Montavllla car. J NOTICE! Bartlett pears are now readv for de 11 very at 112 East 55th St., Portland. Or. KODAKS. We buy. sll. rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy's 329 Washington st. HAND-KNIT rtifTle-tail sweater, best yarn, beautiful color; never worn; $12. Phon Marshall 5S.iS. 'LACK Persian lamb fur coat, practically new. three-quarters length, size 38. at 1 3 jt. WE BUY, SELL., RENT OR TRA.DE SHOTGUNS AND RIKLES XEWMAX. 128 First. Main 4495 JU.NK WANTED JUNK Highest prices, paid. We also buy clothing and lurnlture. Main 74. SLAB and block mixed, already rawed" also cord and slab wood for uulck de livery. Ph.ine East Kins. ONE S-tT. showcase, plate-glass shelves: cash registers, scale., and many other fixtures Call 113 Second st. i'OK ISA LE One bed and bedding, one cook stove, one No. Huud heater 881 Thurman st. VACUUM cleaners sold, rented repaired exchanged, bought. Kay Ben'tley. Main HOl-AlK furnace and pipe for 6 to 7-room house for tale: excellent condition. Ar So4. Oregonlan. 575 PULLMAN baby carriage Ivory en ameled. sell reasonable. Phone Slam a.44. King Hill Apartments. IS. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. 234 x Morrison st. LADIES Opportunity to get ladles' used apparel in Laurelhnrst home. Tabor 2S-Jo. FOR SALE Paint spraying machine. Champion Mfg. Co. Wdln. 31107. BLOCK WOOD, slab wood, mixed, 2-load lota, special prices. East lilMI. FoK SALE Law library of the late J. C. Simmon... I'l7 Wilcox bldg. FINE Hartlett pears, right for canning, delivered. S1.7." per box. Phone K. 1615. PEAKS, delivered. II. 7o a box. Call Wood lwn .Lira. COATS. furs. suits, gowns and evening dresses, slightly worn. Main fl.'.liT. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 4:1 lnt St.. near Ash. FOR RENT Vacuum cloaners, $! per day, delivered anywhere. Wdln. :149.". POTATO sacks, grain sacks; bargain prices. front st.. near .Morrison bridge. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. Ha. lric Tent & Awning. J N. 1st st. PATENT SIGN-WRITING APPARATUS. ADDRESS BOX 291. SILVERTON. OR. DESK ADDING MACHINE. $15. 518 COR BETT BLDG. MARSHALL 557. BIG LOAD of box wood. $5.50 per load. Woodlawn M't4 or 1133 Mont, ave. ANYONE having a tent for sale or rent call Broadway 3K71. FOR SALE Good Panama bidg. hot-air furnace. 512 FOR SALE Factory samples: women's an4 children's. 234 Second, cor. Main. FINE 7-pass. car. trade for diamond, per fect stone. AP 852. Oregonian. NEW ELECTRIC Singer sewing machine, used only few weeks. $50 cash. Main 597. CASH register. National; Corbett bldg. Marshall a bargain. 518 PLUMS, prunes and pears for sale, pick them. Tabor 4038. 7-FOOT steel range, in good shape; 28T Morris st. Eart 1 K2. NEW SINGER machine, drop head; 257 Morris st. Phone Kitst 10S2. FOR SALE Second-hand quart and pint fruit jars. Main 57. LAW LIBRARY: sacrifice, cash or terms. PC 739. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS Bridge-Beach range for sale. Call Main S241. WRECKAGE wood for Bale. $4 a load. Call E. S479. E. 7th and. Hawth.rne. SAFE Fireproof safe In good order; bar gain. AR 846, Oregonian. BARBER CHttlR for sale, $12. 36U East 75lh N., near Halsey. 15-YEAR-OLD boy's beautiful dark blue suit; bargain. East 0108. EYES tested free: spectacles guaranteed. Dr. Belding. 245'i Alder St. Main 1092. STEAMER trunk in good condition, $5 loth St., apt. 25. 2SS OX Y-ACET YLEN E welding outfit. $50. East 777S. and cutting GREEN BARTLETT PEARS, $1.50 a boa t4S Belmont. East 5H88.- GEM DOUGHNUT cutter at bargain; must be sold at once. 302 Montgomery. GAsl'lXTDRES FOR SALE CHEAP. East 1614. BART LETT pears cheap. 123t? East 33d st N.. near Kennedy school. Alberta car. BABY'S iron bed, springs and mattresa, drop sides: cheap. East S143. BARTLETT pears. ready for tannin Phone Tabor 4269. 1952 E. Taylor. CASH rei!ter,' computing scale and sae at a bargain. 30O Oak st BICYCLE, in Al condition, Phone Eaa 92. between 8 A. M. and S P. M. GENTLEMAN'S light wool tailored suit. $12 50. I'll say dye it. Woodlawn 1313. PEARS delivered, $1.75 a box. lawn 5357. Call Wood- FlI'MS. larjre blue, 4c; pears, 3c -37 E. t.'d st. Tabor 1038.