16 THE MORNING (OKEGONIANf WEDNESDAY, SErTE3IBEK 1, 1020 BEAL F.STATK. "4K Pf h'MBKR MORN" ts'a good time -to buy your home, w hcji tho firnt almost impercepti ble cbill conies and you're glad to have a cheery home awaiting ycu. There's a splendid buy on the AJa. moda, In Hone City Hark, in a 6 room delightful, modern bungalow ; hardwood -floors throughout, large iiving room with massive fireplace, beau tiful d irting room, French doors, 3 nice, big, sunny bedrooms -with extra-targe closets; fine -bathroom: grounds tiSxMw feet long, run.ning through from tho Alameda l Wisteria, drive, afioriing an tx Ilont view of Lb-o surroundings; hdo tretsa. shrubbery, etc. Price t50, and this is $HMh under value; a borne in a class by ioeif. ee J. W. Crossley. manager high-oass- home department, for full yrticulars. with . FRANK L. fcleOUIRE. To Buy Y Home, jlbinston, BUig. Maan 106S. feltiUKST BARGAIN ON WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Modern In every detail and up to the minutn residence. Must be sold at a big sacrifice on account of family trou ble Lot 75x110, beautiful, unobstructed view. Lota of shrubbery and choice TOMBS. Immense, big living room with fire place and den. Beautiful dining room with built-ins; "Dutch kitchen, three large bedrooms and sleeping porch ; bath room and shower with best of plumbing; hardwood floors throughout; full cement basm.nt ; hot water heat; laundry and irui t room. Cost $14,000 to build at pre-war prices. This can be ween bv appointment only. Price $10,500, about half cash; no agents, tall Mr. Knuth. with McClure & Pchmaui-h Co., 3O0 Railway .Exchange bldg. Main 1503. WHY PIT $25 MONTH KENT WHEN $25 month rent will buy a home ? We have a number of well-constructed 8 and 4 -room bungalows in first-class locations that must be sold account of owners having taken jobs in other cities. They arc real snaps. Can be bought as low as $1000 on very easy terms. Why pay rent to the landlord when the fame amount of money will buy a home of your own? Our salesman will be pleased to show you any of them. Autos at your service. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teon Bldg. HANDSOME LAURELHURST HOME. One of the most elaborate 2-story bungalows wirh garage and every new feature, including rich, old ivory fin ish, French doors, finest oak. floors throughout, dainty breakfast room, one fine bedroom and bath downstairs; 3 large, square bedrooms, bath and sleep ing porch upstairs; finished basement with billiard room; located on East Flanders street, in most exclusive sec tion, near car and park; less than four years old and never offered before. Tabor 407. LAJT ATDTTTON. "PRICE $5500 200 CASH. The beet buy In this tract; own er called us this morning and cut price from $6000 to $5i5O0. This is of 6 rooms, strictly modern and corner lot. If you are lit the- mar ket at ail, this wiil pay you to look up. Marshall 9 Si). IRVINGTON. One of Irvington'a beautiful and most substantial 7-room homes, large, cher ful rooms, exceptionally large and at tractive library or den with large fire place, finest oak floors, 4 large bed rooms, cement basement and an excep tionally fine hot water beating plant. This home is located on a beautiful 100 xlOO corner lot, all improvements paid; $17,500. terms, THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth st. Main 6860. FOR SALE A FINE NEW HOME IN LAURELHURST AT E, 45TH AND DAVIS. $5750 will buy you a flse new 6 room bungalow home, ready to move Into; evei y modern convenience; fur nace, fireplace, hard wood floors ; every thing you desire; terms; (tee It at once. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 6th and Morrison fits. MODERN, artistic bungalow of 6 rooms and reception hall. Living room, dining room, music room, reception hall have beautiful hardwood floors: massive fire place, attractive buffet, Dutch kitchen, built-in refrigerator, large attic, screened In back porch, full concrete basement, fine furnace, garage, improved street, paid. Price $5500. $1000 will handle: terms. O, W. Bryan. 509 Chamber of Commerce. Main HXi3. ONE THOUSAND WILL HANDLE, ATTENTION, MR. RENTER. Beautiful home In Laurel hurst, close to park, 0 beautiful rooms, all In old Ivory finish, not more than a year old. Will be sold to reliable party at a very reasonable price and very easy terms. Come out to my office at East 39th and Olisan streets, get keys and inspect at your leisure. Don't forget the place. East 39th and Gllsan st-s. Open Sun day. Tabor 3433. f-ROOM modem houe In Westmoreland, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, all bull t-in conveniences and garage; price $7000, terms If desired. Phone Sellwood 2287 Sundays or evenings; Main 39i3 weekdays, or see owner at 703 Gasco bidg. HOLLADAY ADDITION. 363 Multnomah bL, walking dTM'h-nce east side, near scnoots and churches; two-story, 8-roonj house, four bedrooms, bath, electric lights, hardwood floors. full-sre concrete basement, with the famous Gasco furnace, large garage; if so I c this week can make special price ant terms. PO'NDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MTN 1S00. RESIDENCE. EAST 6771. IRVINGTON PARK $7000. Owner having just bought larger home, will give someone rare bargain la a strictly modern 2-story. 6-room home with sleeping porch ; finished In eld Ivory and like new: located on 75x100 lot with lots of beautiful trees nd shrubbery an Ideal place for chil dren; quick possession and easy terms. Tabor 407. ROSE CITY PARK. ROOMS. PRICE 45750. Dandy 6-room bungalow, on 50x100 corner, hard-surface st. In and paid: has hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, a I the built-ins, garage, etc.; fine lawn and shrubbery; in best part of the district. and a dandy buy. MARSHALL 1S9S. v 2S3 Stark Street. ROSE CITY. BUNGALOW BEAUTIFUL. 5 rooms, breakfast nook floored at tie. oak floors, fireplace, garage, one block to Sandy blvd. Has been built shout two years and in the vry best of condition, rtioto at ortice. trice $6ouo. C. M. DERR. COE A. McKENNA & Co.. (12 Fourth st. Main 4522 WRSTOVER HEIGHTS HOME. Magnificent new Georgian colonial home, built of hollow tile and stucco, on double lot . with unobstructed view of city, mountain an-d river; every new fea ture, including brocaded silk paneled walls, hand-painted solarium, 12 sets of French doors. 3 tile oaths, double c& rage, ga-s, hot-waCer heat. 1079 Westover road. R. H. Torrey, owner. Tabor 407. VALUE TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND. SALE PRICE. $13,500. Grounds 125x200 and not further out than 40th st.. one of the handsomest bungalows in Portland. Hot water heat. A double garaee that would cost at least $2500 to build, ground high ly im prover! ; an meat country home right the city. Call at my office. East 39th ana ipan his., or phone labor 3433. ROSE C 1TY PARK. 6 ROOMS $5000. Complete with garage. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen full cement basement. best furnace. Assls. paid. See it today. A. G. TEEPE OO.. 270 Stark st. Main 3002. Brunch office. 50th and Sandy. $3600. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL. 6-room. 2-story residence on paved street . close to school. 1 block car: mighty good buy; will sell on most any kind of terms; owner gone; vacant; can move right in; payments same as rent. Let Li Show You. fiKO. T. MOORE CO. 1 0O7 Yeon Bidg. WALNUT PARK. I.arga 6-room home on Cleveland ave. Breakfast room, furnace, several bear ing fruit trees, rose bushes, paved street, all Improvements Daid. $5000. $2000 cash. Surrounded by finest homes and good THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fiftn st. Main 6869. v T FURNISHED 4-ROOM. $-1400 for a good 4-room with good gas range, sewing machine, heater and poultry house, lot 40x170, with garden and berries. Only $400 cash, balance monthly. F. I BLANCH ARD, 401-2 Swetland Bidg. Main 829. 6-ROOM bungalow on 63d ave.. ML Scott car, corner lot 50x100; furnace, fire place, double constructed. Price $3500; cash down, $ loOO. balance like rent. Call Mr Knuth, with McClure & Schmach Co., 306 Railway Exchange Bidg. Main 1R03. . COZY LITTLE HOME. Nice 4 rooms down, 1 up ; plastered, ga. strtets; 73x100. garage; S4U0O, 4i REAL KSTATE. For bale flouttes. $1000 WAVER LY DISTRICT; $70O cash. 6 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace. Porch acre as entire front of house. On paved streets, less than one block to oar. 50x100 lot; trees, etc. Will be vacant Sept. 1 5. Terms. $ ft 300 This is a real buy. Waverleigh district; modern in every detail. 6 rooms, large sleeping porch, hard wood floors, fireplace; everything to make an elegant homt at a moderate price. Koine terms. $3750 On East Davis street, near Lau rel hurst; 3 rooms down. 2 up and bath ; full basement, close to car. A nice home a rid on easy terms. Quick possession. $S0OO Irvington home, on large lot. fac ing east ; 7 rooms and den, hard wood floors. This place must be seen to appreciate this value. Some terms. $7500 Irvington corner; hardwood floors. throughout, 6 rooms, sleeping pch. Owner away and house is vacant. Art quickly if you wan t a fine home in this district. Terms. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO. Broadway 943. 284 Oak Street. L AUR ELH UM T. A LOVELY LAURULHURST for people "who care" ; one of the stateliest, most beautiful homes in this exclusive home district; every thing that you wish for in the modern dwelliivg to promise Ideal comtfort and beauty; splendid hot water heating plant: lustrous hardwood floors; OLD IVORY ENAMEL INTERIOR FINISH; garage, attract Ive 50x100 corner, lawn, etc. 11-56 Hazeitfern Place. Can be inspected by appointment. Ce.II J. W, Crossley (Sundays Main 5473). manager high-class home departmen t. with FRANTC L. MoGUIRE. To Buy Your Distinctive Home. Abington Bidg. Main 1068. FINE WEST SIDE HOME ON RALEIGH STREET. Half brock from H3d street carllne; BOxtOO lot ; fine lawn and shrubbery; garage. Lower floor has hard wood; reception room, large living room, beau tiful dining room with pantry and fine kitchen ; three large bedrooms and glassed-in sleeping porch; fine bath room with best - of plumbing; best hardware throughout; billiard room and floored attic on third floor; full cement base ment; hot air furnace; wash trays and fruit room. This home must be seen to be appre ciated. Price $9000, half cash, easy terms. See Mr. Knuth. McClure & Schmauch Co.. 306 Railway Exchange Bidg. Main 1503. ROSE CITY PARK. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW GARAGE. $5250. OWNER MOVING TO SEATTLE AND MUST SELL. You will appreciate the real value here, folks. A dandy little bungalow just as complete as they make 'em. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement. Fox furnace, splendid garage. One of Hose City's finest locations. Let ns show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark st. Main 3092. Branch office. 50th and Sand"y. BEST ROSE CITY. BUY. tt rooms and sleeping porch, all mod ern conveniences, furnace, fireplace, cab inet kitchen, full basement, good garage. On paved street. $5500, $1500 cash, $25 per month, 7 per cent interest. Will sell nicely furnished for $6504). One-half acre and nice 4-room house, gas and city water, garage and chicken house; all in cultivation; some fruit and berries. Price $2250, $400 cash and $15 a month. For this and other good buys, see Mr. Croxford. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Bdwy. 5043. 410 Henry Bidg. IRVINGTON HOME. Exceptional offer, beautiful 8-room bungalow-type home; large living room and reception haHl. dining room, oak floors; bedroom down, maple floor; mod ern Kitcnen, bunt-ins, breakiast room; 3 large, airy bedrooms on second floor, sleeping porch glass enclosed, bath with shower, built-in dresser and wardrobes; large furnace: concrete garage. Priced at $9000 to sell at once. Owner leaving city. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. 104 Fifth St. Main 6869. LADD'S ADDITION. $5500. 6 rooms, double constructed, strictly modern residence, with 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch, built-in effects, hardwood xioors. nreniace. run cement basement. furnace, street improvements In and paid for; full price only $5500. The house alone would cost more than price asked for property. It Is an excellent house on a corner lot at a sacrifice price. Let Us Show You. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bidg. LAURJLHURiS T BUNGALOW GARAGE S.V750 TERMS Modern 7-room bungalow, 2 bedrooms on first floor. 2 bedrooms and sleeping porcn on second ; oak Tioors. buffet, bookcases. fireplace, furnace, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, all street improvements paid; garage and cement driveway. This is your opportunity to buy a well built Laurelhurst bungalow ior .iT(i. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 306-30S Board of Trade bidg. Bdwy. 4754 LAURELHURST. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $4750. Here It is. folks. A dandy bunga low. narawooQ rioors, rirepiace, buffet. Dutcn kitchen, cement basement, fur nace. etc. One extra room finished In attic, too. Requires half cash, but it's a mignty gooa Duy. J.et us snow you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark st. Main 3092. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. $6500. irvington. on car line, full lot, seven rooms, four bedrooms, furnace, garage. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. EAST C77I. Suburban Homes. ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN HOME, AND ONE THAT PAYS. 7-room house, equipped with modern plumbing, air-pressure water svstem and sewer; dandy garage, chicken park and barn; 3 -acre tracts, all In bearing fruit, berries and garden; excellent soil; corn now growing 10 feet high. Family cow ana cnicKens, aeugntiui location, on good road, only mile from citv limits. Photos at offce. Price $6500 for quick saie. a. iv. iiu, 426 Lumber- mens bidg. ON NEWBERG HIGHWAY 5 acres, half mile from red electric station ; all under cultivation, best of soil; fine orchard of apples, pears prunes, grapes, cnerries, l acre black berries, acre straw berries, acre loganberries; five-room house, electric lights, oan, cnicaen house, wire fencing, 1 cow. 1 hog. 150 chickens: all croDs. machinery and tools; price $6500, $4500 cash. John Ferguson, Gerllnger bidg. AT A SACRIFICE 4 building sites. $500 each; 4 $600 each; choice homes: river front, paved highway, Oregon City car 6 rooms, bath; colonial, 7 rooms, bath 11 rooms. 3 baths, or will build to suit acre ud. Phone owner for aoDoint ment. Ask for Oak Grove 1-W. or mi Milwaukie, Or., Route 1, Box 2S8, River roaa. Also b.bi acres, concord tracts, jauuw casn. OVER 2 ACRES $4200. All In cultivation, 2 very neat cot tages, i or d rooms, i or . me latter be ing plastered, both In splendid condi tion ; close to school. In city limits, be twecn M. V. and R. C. cars. This u very decided snap. $1000 cash, balance monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 cnamoer ot commerce. SUBURBAN BUNGALOW ONLY $1200. Here s a dandy d-room cottage with iauxi4o, pipea water, lights, fenced, woodshed. 2 blocks to school 35 min utes out on big red electric; $200 down. can you oeat it. au ouu (Joncord bidg. HOME AT LAKE GROVE. A modern 5-room bungalow, half acre iana cieareo : Deautirui view of lake a real buy. none . t. Reese any noon Main --4. property can be seen any CHOICE 3-ACRE improved tract and 6 room bungalow, close in. on Powell Val ley and Laurel ave., $o000. Acreage a lone worm price. bpienuid bouse, ca rage, pure well water, gas, phone. Owner Tabor yj4ii. Ai tj i J rv a-room oungaiow with .-aere, locatea at uaraen Home, on Oregon fciiectric; new ana nuty; has gas, elec tricity. nice bath; bargain only $3200 $1000 cash. See McCORMIC, 242 Wash mgton st. mam 'ju. BUNGALOW AND HALF ACRE. .Near uaruen Home station ; 4 rooms, modern, large chicken house, $21 OO, terms. laeai ior xamiiy seeking co fort and economy. F. B. Layman, Main 1 U'JV. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carlin from $1800 tip. Inquire 3d house north or rtisiey station, on regon City car- line, h i km a icier prooK. Hu.wli.al TE, S4.iu Lies on countv rArf piped water, lights, fine grove of trees. close to eiect rtc station : $40 down. $ 10 per montn. uwncr, ouu concord bidg.. J ACRES IMPROVED. Splendid 4-room cottage, bath, toilet, gas, etc. Located 6 blocks Huber sta tion. This is a bargain, $3750. COBB BROS.. 263 OAK. HAVE 21 acres of ground, fine large house, all city conveniences, hour from center of city ; not a commercial place, just an ideal home. L 64, Ore gonian. LAKE GROVE, GOODIN, BRYANT. Acres, with nice bungalows, frms; choice modern homes.. $3500 to $6500. Main 3672, McFarland, Failing bidg. BEAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. MULTNOMAH BARGAINS. $S0O 66x3 40 ft. with small log bun galow, $;;00 cash, balance $10 per month. $1000 4-room cottage, lot with fruit. berries, chicken house and yard, some furnitu re, $350 cas h, bal -ance $20 per month. $1650 New 2 -room bungalow, modem, U acre, $:i00 cash, balance $20 per month. $2000 132x140 ft. choice sightly corner facing on Capital highway, with S-room house. Best buy in this district. $750 cash. $o200 5-room bungalow on two choice sight ly lots in Buckingham Hts., fireplace, built-in features and' up-to-date home. $3350 21h acres of choice sightly ground r all planted to fruit trees about 12 years old and heavily bearing. A wonderful place to make a home. Only short distance from station. $3500 Choice half acre facing improved county road. 115 ft. frontage and 145 ft. depth. New. modern bun galow, all kinds of bearing frut tre, good walk to the station, 3 blocks. $4000 Nifty up-to-date bungalow on large tract of ground 80x140 ft.; big garage; place is all In beau tiful shape with lawn, shrubs and flowers. Owner leaving district; compelled to sell. Terms to suit responsible buyer. $4250 Buys a new modern 5-room ben gal ow and 1 M acres of ground facing improved county road, on ly 2 blocks from Multnomah station. This is a wonderful buy and offered at the low figure oniy because the owner must move. I have a great deal of vacant prop erty in the Bhape of beauiiful building sites which I am offering for sale in the neighborhood of Multnomah. My property ranges In size from city lots to y acres, and has the streets graded and utilities in the ground and paid for. You make, no mistake by Investigating Multnomah. It is by far the most pop ular suburb on the west side. Mr. C. L. Newman is ir. charge of Multnomah of fice all day Sunday. On week days call up Main b80 or drop into our office at 404 Piatt bidg.. 127 Park sU BEN RIESLAND, Exclusive Agent for Multnomah Property v on the Oregon Electric SUBURBAN ACREAGE HOME. A splendid 20-acre tract, very sight ly; a very well-kept orchard of 250 trees; an 8-room plastered house with fireplace, Dutch kitchen, bath, toilet, and stationary wash trays; barn is 36x 40, another barn 24x24, splendid apple house, 2 modern chicken houses with Ksa fronts, a new water tower and tank, good team, 1 cow, double and sin gle harness, 2 buggies, 1 wagon, spray pump, harrow, cultivators, hay rack, 3 plows, small tools, 8 tons of hay, and all of the crop. Located 2 miles east of ' Oregon City, 15 miles from Port land; price $9500; will take a 6 or 7 room house in Portland up to $5000 and give plenty time on the balance, or will take 2 good houses up to full value. See Mr. Hurd, Fred W, German Co 732 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME. 1 Vl. acres. 6-room modern Kht- lnr all on one floor, 3 bedrooms, large attic with stairway, wash house, fruit mnrr, ' chicken houses, barn, garage with cement xioor. pump nouse, gas engine, water La.jin., euuu wen ana c-Ttmot be pumped dry. All kinds of vcs'ptahiod fmit- grounds and buildings In the pink, of wnuiuuu. ah iact, tne most complete Buuuruu.ii nome ever onered tor sale. Lo cated on the Oregon City car line, $7500. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON" CO . 306-8 Board of Trade bidg. Bdwy. 4754 Five acres on rising ground, splen did view of city and mountains. Land gently sloping. Well, fruit and fine grove of trees. Price $4500. Write owner, Milwaukie. Ore. R. 1, Box 195. OAtKltlCL fdT Iruick 8fllf: 2 srro fir iana, modern bouse; 6 blocks south of nuuer; owner on ptace. j. a. Davis, Huber, Or. For Sale Business Property. WEST SIDE water front; trackage: naved tV-T ' t" . uwwer. J.--J. in. w . nasi a BUSINESS corner, lot aox100. 3 5th and b landers sts., lerms. Phone Auto 218-29. For Sale Acreage. 2 ACRES. 5-ROOM COTTAflR X"7r.n Nearly 2 acres, ail fenced, some fine fir trees; 5-room cottage, gas for light end fuej; good well, chicken house and run, small barn; on E. 82d st., a paved road to Portiland. ahnnt & KlrfU frnm i rvenaau station, nair-nour ride in auto; . reai snap at -oi'f about lHM cash. balance to suit at 6 per cent. Shows oy appointment onjy. GRUS9I & BENNETT. 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7454 SPLENDID ACRE HOME IN GRESHAM. certainly a great big value in a mod ern acre home. This in rie-ht in p.ch am and offered for much less than value of the house alone. One acre of ground with an abundance of vegetables grow ing on it. Especially attractive 6-room nouse, run cement basement, wash trays, fireplace, hot and cold water, bath, ga rage. Price only $3200. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 438 1. 6 ACRES of ground with fine orchard and gardening plot; modern 5-room bunea low, only a few blocks from Ryan sta tion, also near Multnomah station on the Oregon Electric. One of the few choice unbroken tracts in this district. If you want a place thoroughly modern and besides equipped with all manner of iruit, uowers ana trees, be sure to vestigate. Ben Riesland, exclusive agent. rimi mug., jz ( rrK St. SOUTH OF HILLSBORO. 25 acres, good soil, all can h uitl vated, 10 acres under cultivation; small crees; ana spring, mile to schqpl. '""c un u ruuu, Bearing iruit trees 5-room- house, barn. chicken house price $2600, $600 cash; Jersey cow and ou caiCKena included; might conslde small Portland house. JOHN FERGU SON. Gerllnger bidg. MODERN BUNGALOW, ACRE. NEARLY ALL BEARING FRUIT. $3600. Fine view including Mt. Hood ; elec tricity, ga. Bull Run. 4 rooms and bath, plastered, full plumbing, cement base ment, furnace, 3-room house, now used as garage, good barn, Mt. Scott city car; an unusual opportunity. Reasonable terms. J. C. Corbln Co.. 305-6-7 Lewis bidg NEAR BEAVERTON. OREGON. 5 acre, good land, all can be .culti vated, 3 acres under cultivation; wo en wire fencing, orchard. 4-room bungalo v. ready for lath and plaster; good barn, chicken house and other buildings, lie Commutation fare: 30 minutes out 2 carlines; price $2850. $950 cash. Per sonally inspected: photo at office. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger bidg. BARGAIN AT GARDEN HOME. 19V. acres, less than Va mile from sta tion and facing road; covered with fine grove of trees; beautiful outlook, near Hunt club; Ideal country homesite. Price $60OO, reasonable terms. LUEDDE.MANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR A DESIRABLE HOME. Get an acre or so of ground in that tract of land next to Irvington Park choice property, fine view, rich soil and in excellent condition for small fruits and vegetables; 2 blocks from Alberta car. J. O. Elrod, owner, 517 Corbett bidg. Main 6173. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND Write for map of western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over 30. OOO acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Wash. ONE ACRE GOOD 3-ROOM SHACK. Only $1800 for a beautiful full acre with comfortable 3-r. dwelling. just outside city limits. Has good chicken house and brooder; also great variety fruit and berries. Lots of garden stuff. Take $500 as first payment. R. F. FEEMSTER. 417 Abllngton Bidg. ACREAGE $10 PAYMENTS. Opening Stokes' fine farm at 42d and Simpson ; kee cow. chickens; cut ex penses. Why live way out Rose Citv or East Moreland? Raise nothing and half live. R- W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main 1643. Residence, Main 1377. TWO A CRMS. IMPROVED. Located in Rockwood acres adjoining Milwaukie. This is a beautiful sightly tract, highly improved with 2 houses; lights and city water. Apply to owner, 207 Northwestern Bank bidg. 14 ACRES of choice ground on the Sec tion Line road, equipped with modern slaughter house, sheds and outbuildings; to be sold by owner at a very reason able figure. For particulars call at 4o4 Piatt bidg.. 127 Park st. FOR SALE About 4 acres of nicely located land; Just a few steps from 2 electric trains at Bonlta station; land is all under cultivation; price, C1650 cash, or half cash.. Call Aut. 322-19. TEN ACRES, 1 miles east city, Velio ave., cleared, city water, on Mt. Hood railway. Tabor 5268. 15. ACRES, a house moving outfit and carpet loom. Tom Allen, 6131 92d mt. ' 6 E. TEN LEVEL acres, Hlllsboro, $1500; bar gain. McFarland Realty Co., Failing bidg. BEAUTIFUL 3 acres; cheap if taken right away; on electric; west side, near Pa cific highway. Owner, Main 83S0. RKAL K ST ATE. 'or Sale Acreage. FTNTC STLT LAND PARK ROSE NEW TRACT. $575 PER ACRE. 5 CASH FIRST PAYMENT. Only 5 to 15 acres at this price; nearly all of ground ready for plow ; balance wild rose bush a and a slight fringe of trees along drainage canal ; only about 4 of mile from Sandy blvd.; Parkrose Is just outside city limits, where taxes are low ; good school, with, high school grades. Why go a , long way from Portland when you can buy land like this near the city and close to markets? PARKROSB BRANCH OFFICH at end of Parkrose car line. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Main 208. VERY BEST SMALL FARM BUY. 8 ACRES. 6 MILES OUT. No one will be able to show you any thing like this for the money. 8 acres, all in cultivation, no rock, and a perfect-lying tract. Good 6-room plastered house; nice red barn, outbuildings; nu merous large cherry trees, an abundance of prunes, 2 large English walnut trees and plenty of apples, pears, etc. Also 2 acres of strawberries. Two Jersey cows, 2 hogs, 50 chickens and crops go with the place. It is only 6 miles from city limits of Portland, in thickly-settled community, right at stores, schools and churches. Price only $4000. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 6th st- Broadway 4381. LOGANBERRY ACREAGE. Have secured option on best ground that lies out doors, close to city car line, beautiful home sites. I will plant loganberries, giving best of care till July, 1921. Thirty years' ex perience as fruit grower, juice manu facturer, moral and financial responsi bility; guarantee fulfillment of contracts, Do you wish further details of proposi tion? F. A- Breck, Mfg. BrecVs Loganberry Juice. 384 East 41!d st. Nortn. FOR SALE 2 acres, just off Buckley ave. or might exenange same as nrst pay ment on homo. Bdwy. 3413. Call for Mr. Duke. Fruit and Not Lands. FOR SALE. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD. 27 acres. 17 acres in trees; 7040-box crop apples this year; has modern 5 room bungalow, cellar, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porches, tub and shower bath, screened porch, kitchen bay, etc., large packing house and barn, 2 tenant houses; spring water on place, pumped by hy draulic ram; improvements on place could not be replaced for $15,000; a good investment, a fine home and place to live ; has paid a good net return ; good reasons for selling. Write for particular, price and terms. A 540, Oregonian. APPLB-OROHARD SACRIFICE. 15 acres 10-year-oli apple orchard at Lvle, Wash.; Spitz. New towns and Jon athans, just coming to full bearing; cost $00 per acre to buy and clear land and set to orchard and bring to bearing; owned by an eastern widow, who cannot handle; will sell for $300 per acre or $4r5O0, aJMl give terms of five years to pay. GRUSSI & BEXXETT, S1&-321 Board of Trade. Main 7454. HOOD RIVER 35-acre apple ranch on main road to Mount Hood; -u in lo ve ar. 5 in 6-year-old trees. Owner hav ing eastern interest wishes to make Quick cash sale before this crop is har vested. Address Owner, Box 241, Route 4. Homesteads, Relinquishments. CAN LOCATE you on a good homestead. Either farming or timber tracts, on or near eood roads. Also have some good relinquishments, close in. Hours 8:30 to 5, and evenings 7:30 to 9. ANDERSON. 531 Railway Exch. Bidg. For Sale -Farms. FINE DAIRY RANCH. 208 acres, 100 acres cultivated, balance pasture: fine large barn, cost $3000, wilt hold 50 cows and 100 tons hay; 3 norses, 10 cows. 100 tons hay. all farm machin ery: welt watered, good 5-room home. 16 miles from Portland. Price $175 per acre. One-half cash. See Mr. Croxford. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., 410 Henry Bidg. Bdwy. 5043. INCOME-PRODUCING FARMS AT GRESHAM. THE BEST FARMING SECTION IX OREGON. On the paved highway, close to Port land; some good bargains In stocked , ana equipped . iarms, suouroan nomas, chicken ranches and berry lands. KRIDER &. ELKINGTON. Gresham. Or. Telephone 17-X. 23-ACRE CHICKEN RANCH. This Is snlendid land. 25 miles south east of Portland, on good road, right at electric station; 20 acres in cultl vation. 0-room house ; good new barn ; 7 un-to-date chicken nouses. Personal : Team, wagon, harness, plow, 350 laying pullets, 427 ousneis grain, frice $0000. HARGROVE REALTY CO. 122 N. 6th t. Broadway 4381. $600 WILL handle this 40 acres. 12 acres In 9-year-old commercial apples, C acres cleared this summer, 7 acres In alfalfa between stumps. Rest pasture with small stumps and brush removed. 5-room house. barn( chicken coop. Crops go with place ir taKen at once. Irri gated. Red shot aoll. Guy J. Parker, Parkdale. Or. FOR SALE N. W. & of Sec. 31. Township 6, Range 1 east, 5 miles north of Wood land, Wash., 6 miles south of Kalama. Some timber In northern part, southern part easily cleared, good range, plenty of water, fine view, good place for a home. No improvements, $10 per acre, with terms. Inquire or address Cow litz County Abstract Co., Kalama. Wash. " A SNAP I If taken before September 1, 38 acres on Oregon City car line; 8-room house, 30 minutes' drive over hard surfaced roads to city ; gas and electricity on tract. Ideal for platting or elegant coun try home. Price $2f,000, $10,000 cash. H. G. Starkweather. Phone enevings. Oak Grove 162-M. NOTICE. FARMS AT BARGAINS. Yamhill. Or., has some of "the best farms. We have small and large farms for sale. Let us show them to you free of charge. Phone or write Weidner & Vought, Bank bidg.. Yamhill, Or. FOR SALE 320 acres. $30 acre, cultivated farm 6 miles to railroad; good buildings, 20 head cattle and horses; machinery, feed; would take house In Portland as part payment. v Mary Storms, Sidney, Mont. 31 ACRES, highly Improved, good house and barn, fenced, on good road, near high school, $4000, $500. bal. like rent. L. A. Baker, 317 Henry bidg. Bdwy. 4S97. TEN ACRES, all under cultivation, mll from- Foster road, close In, 6-room farm house, large barn and outbuildings, springs and running stream, $5500. half cash. Interstate Land Co.. 24S Stark. 160 ACRES Wheat ranch in Canada; this is worth looking into If you want a bargain. See J. P. McKenna for price and terms. Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. 120 ACRES 16 acres cleared, house and J barns, a creetts running through pace and crop for $2500. 18 miles west ot MCMinnvuie. w rite s. v. Johnson, R. R. No. 4, McMinnville, Or. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. 120-acre ranch, 35 miles Portland house, barn, some cleared, near school $4000, $500 cash. L. A. Baker, 317 li enry mug, duw. iop i . FoR SALE Dairy ranch on Yamuna 120 acres, beet ranch on the bay below Toledo. O. W. Andrews, box 133, To- jeao, urriou. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $50 to $500 per acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, ail Blges. amraria.nu. railing pldg. 160 ACRES In the state of Washington; vou will get this at a bargain: it must be sold. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 39tn. 'laoor tnud. 10 ACRES ON S. P. ELECTRIC. near station: store and school: nrioe. $1000; $75 down. 7 years' time on bal- ance. uraper, vi i5oara 01 Trade bidg. FOR SALE. 200O-acre stock ranch in Wasco plenty water, 100 head cattle; machinery anu ounuinta. -r urcgonian. 16 ACRES, Newberg, house, barn, fruit. creeK, DUO Coras umocr; ouw. Al. 3672. McFarland Realty Co.. Failing bidg. ORCHARDS, alfalfa, garden tracts, farm lands. Special bargains. Ackley Co Clarkston. wasn. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, eood soil. y til I able: m dIo v- ment; easy terms. J. R. Bharpe, 83 3d. ONE OF the best 160 acre farms in-Wash-I ington county for sale or lease. H 9221 Oregonian. I VANCOUVER 10-20 acres, $125 acre, easy terms. McFarland, Failing bidg. REAL ESTATE, For fale SPLENDID 65 ACRES. EQUIPPED, FOR $8700. This Is no out of the way place, but a splendid property In one of our best farming sections; 65 acres, just 25 miles pouth of Portland. 1 3 miles from sta tion. 2 miles from good town and on graveled road; over 40 acres in cultiva tion, balance nice woods lot pasture with nice spring and large fishing stream on boundary; all lies with just a gentle slope to this stream. Good 8-room house, large barn, numerous outbuild ings, abundance of fruit. Personal : Splendid team black mares, third horse, colt, 2 cows, sow, 8 pigs, 5 shoats, 6 sheep, chickens, 2 wagons, full set ma chinery. Price $8700. $3700 cash, bal ance 5 per cent.. If you are in th mar ket for a good farm, see us. Wo han dle no other kind. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 4381. WELL-IMPROVED 61 ACRES AT A REAL. BARGAIN. This farm is located 31 miles from Portland, on good road, west of Sandy, contains 61 acres, 13 under cultivation, 20 more can be cleared at very little cost ; 50 can be cultivated ; all fenced ; close to school. R, F. D. and cream route. Good family orchard. 5-room painted house, ceiled and papered; barn and out buildings; all in fair condition; joins 500 acres of outrange. Lots of neigh bors close by. Price $3700. Will consider house in Portland at cash value, or sell on good terms. STEWART &. BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bidg. SO ACRES MILES FROM FOREST GROVE. " On the new paved highway. 7-room house, barn, all outbuildings, city water, cost $lOO pcx month for the farm; on electric line. Telephone In the house on milk route, the 3 (J acres all in high state of cultivation, 11 acres clover seed ; 45 tons hay In the barn; a fine big garden; lots of potatoes and kale planted; 8 ex tra good cows. 1 heifer, nice team horses, 2 big fat hogs, chickens, all farm ma chinery and tools to run the farm with, price all equipped for $10,000; $8000 cash balance long time at 6 per cent. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bidg. FIXE 600-ACRE FARM 60 MILES DOWN COLUMBIA RIVER. FOR $32 PER ACRE. This farm has 2 sets of buildings, orch ard at each, all fenced and cross-fenced, but very little waste land ; about 70 acres under cultivation, lot more easily cleared. With this goes 36 head of cat tle, team and all machinery and toots. This place will pay for itself in a very short time if handled right. Will take In a house to $5000 to $6000; some cash: long time on balance at very low rate of interest. This place has a future that we would like to tell you about. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bidg. UNDER MARKET VALUE. 70 acres rich loam soil, no rock or gravel, several hundred dollars' worth of piling timber. 25 acres In high state of cultivation, large family orchard of assorted fruit in full bearing, small house, fair barn and necessary out buildings; in a thickly-settled and pros perous community, close to school, on main county road, 2 miles from Pacific highway town, with all rural advantages. Price $5300. $5O0 cash, balance 6 per cent Interest. THOMPSON, SWAN & LEE. 3d and Main. Vancouver, Wash. SMALL DAIRY RANCH. 80 acres, located in Clatsop county, Oregon; fine black soil. 50 acres can be cultivated. 10 acres under cultivation, 1 acre of fine orchard, good house, with plumbing, spring water piped to house, barn, chicken house, hog house; price $4000. with 4 good cows, chickens, horse. cream separator, good line of machinery and some furniture; $1500 cash. This Is only 2 blocks from station; Wanstrom station, r ine creek through the place, lots of pasture. JOHN FERGUSON. tiernnger Diog. 10 ACRES WITH MODERN HOUSE, ON rAV UJAlt.NT. A perfect-lying 10 acres, all In cultl vation and very rich soil; faces on pavement and right at station ; Just 6 miles from the city limits of Portland; a splendid, practically new 6-room bun- galow, plastered concrete foundation, large living room with fireplace, hot and cold water, bath, all white enamel plumbing; bearing fruit and berries. Price $5000. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 43S1. 28-ACRE RIVER BOTTOM FARM. All in cultivation, 2 acres genuine hea ve rd am. xnis sou cannot be beat: acres family orchard, all kinds berries, good house and barn, fenced and cross fenced, fully stocked, team, harness. wagon. Z cows, ao cnicKens, an zarm lm piemen ts, household furniture and 1-3 of this year's crop go with place. Stock and crop are worth $1500. Close to Woodburn. This is a bargain. Price $5500, including everytnlng; $3000 cash. Main 7141. 527 corbett bidg. SACRIFICE! Two acres: 4-room .cottage. 43 x 1 chicken house, 32x16 brooder house. 12x 12 feedhouse, 1 oats sprouter. 2 plows, 1 horse, buggy and harness, 90 1 -year-old hens. 22o G-montliB-olo pullets (Leg horns) 45 6-monthu-old pullets ( Barred Rocks). 75 4-months-old Leghorns ; all for $2000; $700 handles; 4 mile from station, Oregon Electric railroad; owner. P 919, Oregonian. FOR SALE: 23 4 acres of good land in Sutler county, cat.; luuy equipped, gooa building, modern house, plenty of water. Electric and telephone service; H -mile from two railway stations. Inquire of owner. R. . O ruber, r. u. ox l. Marysville, CaL "WANTED REAL ESTATE. HAVE client for strictly modern residence must 'have four bedrooms; prefer Irv- inrton: mle-ht consider some other good district: will pay what the place is worth, all cah. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800; Residence, East 6771. WHO wants to sell their home? Telephone Delahunt. East 1347. WANT ROSE CITY BUNGALOW, o or 6 rooms and earace. on oaved street , must be good buy; my client has $2000 casn; win pay to .uuu. rnone us .w once. G. G. McCORMIO CO., 242 Wash ington st. Main 8220. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot we will secure the money and build for you. Terms like rent. Call and see us. BUILDERS' REALTY EXCHANGE, 621 Morgan Bidg. Main 2035. HAVE many clients who want modern homes in restricted districts from auou up; they can pay $ 100O cash, balance 150 or more per montn ana interest. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG Main 1800; Residence, East 6771. WANTED To buy on Portland. Willam ette, Kings Heights or westover, niou- ern nouse wnn spacious grounua m ti i vdia rpnirfni i1 district: state oartlcu lars and lowest cash pric. Address A V 321. Oregonian. Want ACRE with 3 or 4-room house must have city conveniences ana some bearing fruit; prefer cheap place worth SDout siwju casn. rnone v-r. j. -i t. -CORMIC CO.. 242 Washington st. Main 8220. WANT to sell your home? List It with realtors anxious to give you quick, sat isfying service. Buyers waiting. Make your price and terms attractive, leave the rest to us. Coe A, McKenna &. Co, 82 f ourtli st. Main 4j. 5 OR 6-ROOM house. Will trade 50x100 lot, well improved, sidewalks in ana Ta.ve-d. small house semimodern. Pied mont district, as first payment. Wdln 4348. HAVE you a house that J3O0 ca?h wil handle? 1 have scores of calls ior small-payment homes. Phone me at once. Main 3638; evenings. Sell. 1115. O. A. Pearce, S15 Chamtber of Com. BUNGALOW ABOUT $5000. HAWTHORNE OR ROSE CITY PARK Pay SIOOO casn; good payments, uiv location. Answer if you want to selL Owners only. N 912, Oregonian. 5 OR 6-ROOM modern bungalow d-irec from owner in Hawthorne or Mt. Tabo district: prtoo not over $4540, first pay ment $2000; no agents. Phone Tabor 3433. w A K'T R-room house in 6. Portland. went side, nlace in need of repair, smal cash and monthly payment; must be cheap, be 4t. uregoman. TWO to five acres, all in cultivation, wit buildings, near Portland, price not ove $3000; have $30C0 cash; give full detail in first letter, j. cronson. rarK s WANTED TO BUY FROM OWNER 5 6-room bungalow; can make small pay ment and $30 or $35 per month. Call Woodlawn 877, mornings. WANTED Modern bungalow In exchange for -Improved cor. lot in Hawthorne add., balance cash. Apply 452 . 10th st. after 12:30 P. M. . HAVE buyer for house on west side, abou 95OO0. Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W, Bank bidg. Main 3787. LOT. CLEAR of incumbrance as first pay ment on 4 or 5-room bungaJow. Week days after 6. Bdwy. 2917. WANTED at once, 5-room bungalow. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bidg. Main 3787. FORD 1919 touring. $500; cheap lot and and cash as first payment; terms. Ju - WANTED House or bungalow; have $1000 as. first payment. R 982. Oregonian. WANTED Best bargain In 5- or 6-room homo. $2200 cash. R 21L Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. 1 r.7 1 37 HOMES SOLD IN AUGUST BY FRANK L. MoGUIRE. Just think! 137 homes sold this month: 1 920. W E CAN SELL YOU KS. 1 4 homes sold Aug. 11. We inspect, appraise and photograph your house within 24 hoursv 21 alert, ambitious L1VKW IRh SALESMEN to work on your home We spnd thousands of dollars ad vertieing, and are In a position to GET RESULTS. . FRANK L. MoGUIRE. TO SELL YOUR HOME. Abington Bidg. Main 1065. THE HARRIS METHOD SBLTS HOMES. That our method or advertising our liftings with address and f uU descrip tion of place is a BENEFIT TO THE SELLER. Is proven by the amasting number of homes sold by us each week. PHONE MAIN 5624 anrt we will giudly list your home IF IT IS P1UCHD RIGHT. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY.. S27 Chamber of Commerce. RESIDENCE WANTED. We have a client with spot rash to buy a residence in any good district up to $4n0. Telephone us and ve will Inspect at once. Let a live bunch handle your property. Main 802. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bidg. WANT 5- ACRE MODERN HOME for client with all oash; prefer cast side on Powell Valley road, or similar; don't want any junk; must be good. Phone us at once if you've the right kind ot a place. G. G. McCORMIO CO., Washington St. Main C220. WE HAVE CLIENTS for bungalows in all parts or city at $2500 to 9 (oou, 1st with, us for quick results. PARR IS H. WATKINS CO., 106 Second Street. W suited to Rent Farms. HAVE client with cash wanting to rent small farm, or acreage, near rortiana preferred, will buy the equipment. John Fe-fuson, Gerlinger bidg. WANTED TO RENT 40 to 10O acres; equipped preferred; tributary to Port land. 240 Russell st. TIMBER LANDS. OR SALE Quarter section finest yellow fir timber; cruises 7.50O.OO0 ft.; Euchrs creek section. Curry county. Or.; pries 75c per M. W. B. Smith. Box 21, Hooper, Wash. 120 ACRES timber land, spruce, hemlock; clearing, buildings, fruit, near bay and beaches ; a ranch or summer home ; fot sale reasonably. Box 105, Tillamook, Or. 0 MILLION feet of choice Douglas fir timber, about 4 miles west of Dram, Oregon ; price $2 per M. WOODCOCK. 20 HENRY BLDG. WANT to purchase small sawmill, whole interest or part. What have' your Ar 851, Oregonian, FOR RENT FARMS. 50 ACRES FOR RENT, PERSONAL FOR SALE. On the paved highway, very fine ce ment house, extra large good barn, all outbuildings, 12 fine cows. bull, four horses, 45 tons hay, 7 acres corn, 1 H in spuds, good orchard. Fine place tu live. Rent $550 per year. Price $4600. See Johnson. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bidg. FOR RENT 132-acre farm, H cultivated, especially adapted to dairying and ber ries; 5 miles east of Salem, hard -surface road ; reasonable rent. Sel l stock at market value. See owner, Mc Kin ley Mitchell. 202 Stark eL TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR EXCHANGE I will exchange the Xollowing property free and clear or in cumbrances for one piece of property and would assume some. I want some thing in Oregon that 1 can handle with out too. much time, as I have other business: Lots U and 10, Francis add. to Port land ; fine location, fir trees, only block to fine paved street and street car line, $750. Lot 8 and frac. lot 7, blk. 12, Fair Grounds add. to Seattle. $750. A choice level 5-acre tract light brush, sandy loam soil, very best berry and potato land, one mile east of Aurora, Or.. $SO0. An undivided one-half interest in 130 acres of timber land in sec. 8. twp. 38 N., R. 41 E., Stevens county, Washing ton. $1000. These properties are all good, but I want in one piece and will assume some. Submit your proposition. Address C. M . CR1TTE N DEN, Hubbard, Or. 2 ACREfS, all in cultviatiion, 2 mUes f roan regon City; good 5-room house, barn, chioken house, good well, family or chard, crop; price $2000, easy terms; or will exchange for Portland residence, ML Scott district preferred. See Mir. Farns worth, with H. A. DRYER. "THE ACREAGE MAN." 508-9 Lewis Bidg. Broadway BOM. 20 ACRES NEAR ST. HELENS. Half under cultivation; new 6-room house, ready for plastering; good-sized barn, all necessary outbuildings; 2 or 3 blocks off paved road; a splendid little place. Price $600u; will exchange for 20 to 160 acres with running water; will assume small ambunt. See Mr. Hurd, Fred W. German Co., 73J Cham ber of Commerce. 40 ACRES of land near Kalama, Wash.; win wKe gooa auto in part payment, $2oiX. 160 acres of fir timber land near Huud River, exsh $4500, part cash, bal ance trade, $5000. w ill take income prop erty for part; 10-room strictly modern residence, two lots, garage, $70oo. will trade for small ranch and part cash or will take good laud for all. Write to or call J. J. Walker. Lafayette, Or. 80 ACRES NEAR EST AC A DA, A rattling good 60 with lo cultivated; fair house, barn and orchard, spring and running stream; at least 1:500 cords wood near electric siding; fine soil; lajid lies well. $4000. Will take residence or good lot as part. R. F. FEEMSTER. 417 Abllngton Bidg. WILL TRADE RIGHT. 90-acre fruit ranch, all fenced ; new 10-room, modern house, all other build ings, machinery, etc., that is required; 4 big mares. W ill consider modern nome, tne lurniture or apartment house, or what have you to trade? THOMSON. 620-21 Henry Bidg. HEADQUARTERS FOR EXCHANGES. Have valley farms and Idaho and wasmngton lands to offer on city prop erty from $3000 to $40,000; also some line umuer zor city or suburban. B. M. PRICE st CO., 200 Henry Bidg. Phone Bdwy. 5146. GOOD 6-room bungalow, near Mt. Scott car line; cement wa.ks. lot lvOxlsO; modern chicken house, shade trees, fruit amd berries. Price $35X). Ow ner will trade for small equipped farm and pay some cash difference. Rai-ph Ackley, Main 7141, 527 Corbett bidg. WILL TATE small house in as first pay ment on large, beautiful home in Laurel hurst; price $65UU. Will take up to $27t0 in clear house, balance like rent. See Mr. Parsons, A. H. SKOTHIM CO. 332 Ry. Exch. Main 5199. WANT HOUSE EQUITY. 20 ACRES WHITE SALMuX DISTRICT, and some cash; value 20 acres $1500. Will consider house needing repairs SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. 160 ACRES, one mile from Seal Rock, near Newport, in exchange for Portland in come property ; will also pay cash and assume mortgage. E, H. Collis. East ocmu. SPLENDIDLY located modern 10-room house In Fulton, about 15 minutes from center; cor. A.eiiey ana Pendleton, iraae ior smaii nouse, close in. Al ar- 6-ROOM bungalow for land : prefer Co lumbia higiiway, between Portland, As toria; cash difference if suited. B 820, ii CUU .u. FOR SALE or exchange. 9-room modern house with 3 lots: small place well lo- cateo. as urst payment. Automatic 216-0; WANT late model auto for equity in 5 lots near iutn st., near handy boulevard. v nat nave your y yjy, Oregonian. 27 ACRES, 10 acres clear. 5 timber and 1. of & mile from electxiostat4on. for home in rorimuu, wen r. rnone bell. Ttti. WILL take good auto a house and lot. Call part payment on TO EXCHANGE M1SCELLANEQ C S. 1U LAUHA.NOb Painting, tinting and paper banging for cash register, office furniture or furniture of any kind. East 538, Sellwood 15i8. ABBOT bug to trade for Edison disc phon- "s't" i-u t. laoor .Lit ev ning's. CHOICE building lot for acreage. Mar shall 575. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles, Livestock. FOUR milch goats for sale cheap. Call ifojM. bAJ-.fc. a good Jersey cows. 1117 v a. ci&s tmrciana car. FOR SALE 11 registered Shropshire ewes. FOR 8ALF. Two milch goats. 331 Glenn ave. FINE heifer calf. Tabor 4307. 1 OR SALE. HorMt. Vehicle. I .i veto-k. HORSES. HORSES. 20 head of bra vy d ra 1 1 horses and mares, weight 13t0 to 1 Soi I ts.. 5 to t years old ; heavy boned and stock built; some wc-ll-niatched team,; ail horse- guaranteed as represented or money re funded. U. S. Stables o65 Union ave. S., corner of Stevens. K. D. Williamson & G lass. TWO YOUNG cows, just fresh ; one Guernsey; one red. white cow. milking 32 pounds on dry feed; sec them; milk 7:30; one block south S. P. dfpoU Mil waukie. Phone 80-G Milwauki1. Henry Smith. Also one team, 2o00 pounds; will try them for you. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE, t gray mare. 6 years old. weight 1300, sound and gentle. Must be disposed of jat once. M ra. Lauger, 4908 5Sth st. S. E. Phone Tabor -7 10. Mt. Scott car to Myrtle Park. TEN HEAD of horses. 4 to 7 years old. 1 200-1800 lbs, and some wet! - ma tched teams. Inquire Geo. Brown, 564 No rt li mp St. FOR SALE Nice 7-year Jersey milch cow coining fresh in November. Call Mar shall 1653 Wednesday, or see Ed Likum, R. 1. Box 186. Oswego, Or. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow, also spring ers; will trade for fat cows. E. H. My ers, om jc;. o i st, st, r., l abor SH24. DEAD stock removed quickly ; cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukie 0i- J for service. LEAD horses taken quickly; cash for dead cows. Tabor 4203. VETERINARIAN. HOWE. TABOR 6566. 1 GOOD family cow and 8 tons hay. cheap. Tabor 1237. EIGHT stands Italian bees, $60. Call 313 Stanton St., apt. 3. LARGE fresh S-gaUon Durham cow; aviso two large springers. 751 E. A,sh. FO R SALE Shropshire rams, registered, iiolman Fuel Co.. 94 5th St.. Portland. WILL take stock in pasture. Roth Streidier, R. 1, box 3, Trout dale. Or. GOOD family cow for sale or trade for good work horse. 1029 E. Yamhill st. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. J small upright pianos 65 and $ 1 Bradbury square at 85 $4io Hallet Davis upright piano cash $55o Kroegcr & Sons Upright piano cas h $ltno Steinway & Sons upright $05O player piano, now 195 210 290 495 tuiH concert grand piano :i5 3 parlor organs $i'S, $35 and 4S Pianos stored. 75c monthly; pianos bought and sold for cash only. 103 Tenth St.. Corner Stark St. $lOO to $150 carh paid for ued upright pianos. Call Broadway 16TS, Security Storage Co.. 103 Tenth street. USED TALKING MACHINES At Prices That Will Move Them Quickly. All in Good Condition. Phonograph, small $ 25 Victor, small 35 Victor, small . 50 Unoia Cabinet and 12 records 60 Music, cabinet and 16 records 60 Domestic cabinet and 12 records. 75 urunswick cabinet and 13 records.. IOO Victrola cabinet 100 Phonograph cabinet and 11 records 115 Phonograph cabinet and 11 records 120 $5 to $10 cash. $4 to $7 monhtly. Schwan Piano Co., 101 10th.. Cor. Stark. Phone Broadway 1C7.S. 65-NOTE Pianola and 50 rolls $ 25.U0 $125 Brunswick, like new (some records) 100.00 Full size Mansfeldt and Notne piano IIS. 00 Kingsbury (fine tone) 200.00 HAROLD S. GILBERT, Pianos. Player Pianos, 3&4 Yamhill St PIANO BARGAINS. You should see our real bargains In usod pianos. We will SAVE YOU MONEY. Terms given. SEIBERLINC-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125-27 4th St., bet. Wash, and Alder. EIGHT FINE UPRIGHT PIANOS : $125 TO $225; ALL Fl NE STAN DA RD MAKES; EASY TERMS GIVEN. BROK ERAGE CO., 312 WORCESTER BLDG. PIANOS WANTED Highest CASH paid or TRADE FOR NEW VICTOROLA sod records. Seiberling-Lucas ilusio Co.. 1 127 4th st. Main 85S6. WILL sacrifice an up-to-date player piano ior casn or terms, uaii -Via in l7S afternoons from 2 to 4. CABINET Grafonola with records for rent. Empire Transfer Co.. 204 Broad way. Broadway 155. " PLAYER PIANO WANTED Will give Tillamook Beach lots for a good player. Write BJ 862, Oregonian. FOR SALE! Aldrlch piano, practically new, $250. . Call Woodlawn 221. FOR SALE Steinway piano, condition. Broadway 4246. hrt.t-ci ss PIANO WANTED Will pay cash for bar gain from private party. Marshall 15;12. FOR SA LE New Hues her C melody sax ophone for cash. Call Columbia 243. WANTED Bargain in good toned piano; give cash. Main 3S4. betore 5 P. M. PIANO WANTED Pay rt Main ts.'i.Mi. Furniture for Sale. A BARGAIN YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO PASS UP. We offer continuous-post bunga low beds, with steel spring and 40-pound all-cotton mattress In roll-edge art ticking, single, or full size, at the unheard-of low price of $29.50 This offer good for this week only. Easy terms. M1SH FURNITURE CO., 1S2-190 1st st. SPECIAL SALE on pillows. 15 per cent off regular price. Mattresses on special .sale, also 15 per cent off. New cane seat chairs at big re duction. Six-burner gas range with side oven, for hotel or res taurant: W'tll sell very cheap. OKI FURNITURE STORE. 209-211 2d st , Between Taylor and Salmon. PRIVATE SALE Lady's large writing desk, round center table, princess d reis er, three pieces solid mahogany, 2 round center tables. 3 rocking chairs, all of solid oak, brownish finish; black walnut bedroom suite. 7 pieces, cheap. Main 6105. NEW IVORY DRES3E R and chiffonier. $2 j each; iron ueds. $2.o0 and up; springs. $1 up ; mattresses, $2.50 and $3.i0 ; gas range, $8 ; steel range, $is heater, $5; gasoline camp stove, $'2.50, ior nop pickers. j4 t;. ashington st, DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California, we can save you money on your freight in our through cars ; fireproof storage, C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine st. B RAN D new five-piece ivory bedroom set, original price $220; also carpet, dining table, chairs and buffet. Wdln. 3609. 1164 E. 16th st. N. Evenings only. SAVE half of the freight by having your xurmture snipped in pool cars. u&U asl 891. Pacific Storage Ac Delivery Co. HALL mirror, table and seat, stair carpet, wicker rocker with cushions, iron bed. 558 E. 4StH st. N. DR ESSER. bed. bookcase, leather chairs, study lamp, youth's chair, kitchen tabic, single bed, buffet, machine. Wdln. 1330. $250 TAKES furniture for 7-room house if taken by September 1, and house for rent. East 70S1. FOR SALE One Buck range, good as new, $5o ; one good-looking heaLer, $15. 749 Johnson st MODERN furniture, practically new, of 6 room house. Bargaiu for quick sale. Call East 12. FOR SALE Dining-room table, buffet and 6 oak chairs. 683 Hawthorne, corner 19th. ' East 7978. "ECLIPSE" range for sale .Phone Wdln. 3703. 1223 E. 24th st. NT FOR SALE Furniture of an S-room house ; no dealers. East 2563. NEW HALL stand with mirror 1x4 ft.; bargain. 205 Vs Jefferson. F,OR SALE CHEAP Walnut bed and couch. Call 861 E. Franklin. FURNITURE for sale for 4 roimi com plete, same as new. Call M. 4S57. FOR SALE Golden oak dining room and six chairs. Phone 2518. HOUSEHOLD furniture. Office Furniture. LARGE office safe, 2x4x6 feet; also vault doors, Supple-B;i llin Shipbuilding corporation, 604 N. W. Bank bidg. Phone 51 1 -15 5 ROLL-TOP desks. 1 roll-top t. w. desk. 2 safes. 2 rotary bookcases. 20 law -size bookcases, chairs and filing cabinets, Bushong & Co.. 91 Park st. DESKS, tables, chairs and drawing hoards from government and shipyards for fale by D. C. Wax. 31 N. 5th Pt.. Bdwy. 2739. BY OWNER Desk chairs, bookcases, best grade; told separately. Main 44&6. FOR MLK. Toultry. 2 W H1TK LE lilOil N y car un g ben, high-grade bogai; ized s ock, now lavins, $1.25 fjrh; oO Biirred Rc-k and 25 R. I. Red puileis. $1.25 to $1.75 f4Cl; RarrS Rock and R. I. Rod earlmg hen.;, $2 each. This stock is expertly ejected for heavy laying and g tin ran toed to picas. J. It. Masuire, 7t-7 Oregon sL. Port. and. Iog-., KafThit. Birds, Pet Mock. FO K S A LE Boston terrier, months old. 1151- Hth et. 1 20 1 . female, 8 Broadway Portland cat kennels. Tabor 7501. $250 fctud; kittens cheap; cats boarded. Launches and Boats. CANOE CANOE. 1 6 - FT . OLD T O W N CANOE in A -1 condition: is only a year old, with 3 paddles, 2 non-si nkable pillows. 1 lazv bark, 2 blankets; also a IV. VlCTROLA. with 20 of tho lutost records. This canoe and equipment cost me $250; will el fice at $150. AL 7oS. Orcgonian. FOR SALE Modern 5-room houseboat, furnished or unfurnished, winter's wosd. bath and sleeping porch; must sell, leav ing city. Cr!1 So! I wood 366$. FoR SALE Modern 5-room houseboat.; one of the best on ri vpt ; completely fur nished. Sellwood 24JO. 20-FOOT motor boat, for quick Fale, $S0. See Lamberson & Reid bout house. 41P-G. NEWLY painted cano" with paddles, llpht, cushions and easy back. 1451 Virci n ih. 4-ROOM houseboat for sa cheap. No. 3 Willamette moorage. Sell. 3502. Machinery. HIGH-PRESSURE BOILERS AND EN GINES FOR SALE. 6 B. & W. boilers. 6X0 h. p., 200 lbs. 6 li. & W. boilers, 5mi h. p., ISO lbs. J0 B. fc W. boilers. i!50 h. p.. 160 lbs. 4 Edge-M oore water tube boilers, 600) h. p.. 20O lbs. 4 Stirling water tube boilers, 512 h. p., 175 lbs. 4 Heinle water tube boilers, 419 h, p., 175 lbs. 2 06x16 tubular boiler? t. 1 U6x20 Erie City, 500 h. p. 8 72x IS butt strapped boilers. 150 lbs. 2 72x18 butt- strapped. 125 lbs. 2 Donnigan-Swift. 72x18 boilers, 125 lbs. 4 5oxl6 lap team boilers 1 48x14 butt strapped boiler. 1 Firebox boiler, 20O h. p. 1 Firebox boiltT. I'M h. p. 1 Firebox boiler. 30 h. p. 1! Upright boilers, 12 h. p. 1 Scotch murine d ry back. 20ft h. p. 1 Atlas engine, 20x27. automatic 1 Sylvester engine, 2032. 1 6x10 side-crank engine. 1 KxlO center-crank engine. 1 12x36 Quincy Corlit-s engine. 1 Upright engine, 8 h. p. 1 12x10 i jxlO duplex pump. 1 6x5 Fair ban ks-Moie g-ar pump. Also many other sizes of Boilers, engines and pumps. Always pleased to make prices. G. & It. MACHINERY CO., 503 Gerlinger Bidg. Main 8201. Portland. Or. WE PAY the highest prices for second hand machinery, scrap iron and junk of all kinds. Phone cnl Is promptly attend ed to. Call Main 504. GOLDBERG -fc DAVIS, 207 Columbia st. AIR COMPRESSORS. AIR TANKS. U. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, saiety valves, coupling, and automatic switches, every thing for the air line. air compressor a equipment co. Hroadway 33 Ml. 32a Couch St. A 15-HORESPOWER horizontal firebox boiler. In good condition. $200 ; suitable for creamery or cheese factory. Ad dress box 121. Amity, Or. PAINT spraying machine. Champion Mfg. Co. Woodlawn 360 7. WOODSAW for sale cheap. 407 Yeon bidg. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona- portable, $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies for all makes. E. W. PEASE CO.. 110 Sixth St. Main 2285. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. A 11 makes overhauled ; experts. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy, Sell, Rent and Exchange. Main 6397. Supplies. 263 '-j Oak st. FOR RENT Typewriters, $4 per month; 3 months $10; special students' rates. R EM INGTON T YPE W R1T ER CO. 88 Broadway. Broadway 621. ALL MAKES: sold, rented and exchanged; terms if desired; send for retail prices. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 3-M Washington st., N. W. Cor. 6th. UNL'ERWoOD and Remington typewriters, $350 a in tn tli. Empire Transfer Co., 254 Broad way. Broadway 155. 1 R F-M I N G TON No. 11, 1 Noiseless, 1 Moii arch ; practically new, cheap. D. C Wax, 31 N. 5th. Bdwy. "J739. C0K0N A typewriter; pure ha May, 1920. Sacrifice ca-sh. gon mn. cd new in Y 921, Ore- NK W. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. p. D. Co., 231 Stark. Main 14-7. REMINGTON No. 10, latest mod.. price. C. W. Roberts. 600 Flanders. Apt. 1. ALL MAKES rented and re-palred. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 5th at. Main 3668. FOR SALE Rex typewriter at half price, owner leaving city. Taror 843S. Miscellaneous. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Rather than return our salesmen's samples to the factory, consisting of raincoats, mo tor coats anil leather coats, we have placed them on sale to the pub lic at wholesa le price. UNITED RUBBER CO., 726 Morgan Bidg. ONE NO. 3 Stewart oven, tempering fur nace. One oil-tempering bath with ther mometer; will consider trade for smaller equipment. Call B rod way 1827. Alba tross '.Metal Furniture Co. BCONOM Y fruit jars, reading lamp, elec tric or gas; electric vihrajor. leather ette davenport, like-new folding bed.. lawn mower, fruit-tree spray. Phone Seilwood 103S. 5 CORDS of fir arid oak seasoned Uuod for sale on highway. Owner. G. A. Tyler. 935 E. Ankenv st. Phone Eat 5523. Home after 7 P. M. FIXE BARTLETT PEARS, good for can ning and eating, delivered $2.50 box while they last. Phone East 87 0 452 East Burn side street. SAFE filing cabinet, will sell cheap, good as new, holds Globe-Wernicke filing sec tions. Phone Main 5199. 332 Ra.il way ExchanR-e. U BoYS' suits and 2 boys' overcoats, like new : also a miscellaneous lot of new hardware, including builders hardware and tools. 44 Front st. JLNiC WANTED JUNK. H Ighest prices paid. We :o buy . clothing and furniture. Main 7Jr. SLA B and block mixed, already sawed ; al.-o cord and slAb wood for quick de livery. Phone East 1Q93. ONE S-FT. showcase, plate-glass shelves ; cash registers, scales- and many other fixtures. Call 113 Second st. FoR SALE One bod and bedding, one cook stove, one No. 20 Kuud heater. 8S1 Thurman st. DIAMOND, about 1-k.. extepi ionnlly f.ne stone: at great bargain. BD 85S, Ore gonian. VACUUM c"; earners sold, rented, repaired, exchanged, bought. Ray Huntley, Ma.in HOT-AIR furnace and pipe for 6 to 7-room house for Fale; excellent condition. Al r"j4, Oregonian. BLUE sfEKGiS Eton suit. $10; apricot taf feta party dress, $7.50; both small 36. E:st 7905. FOLDING sulky with top, $1; child's ham mock. ?2. Kast 7?'Q5. ANYONE having a tent for sal or rent cull Broadway 371. FOR SALE Good hot-air furnace. 512 Panama bidg. :b VOLUMES of Ridpath Universal Liter ature. Tabor 43S4. 4 KARAT diamond, 1 pair ear screw?, 1 V karat: bargain. Phone Sellwood :f.05. FOR SALE Factory samples-; women's and children's. 234 Second, cor. Main. FINE 7-pass. car. trade for diamond, per fect stone. AP S52. Oregonian. NEW ELECTRIC Singer sewing machine, used only few weeks. $50 cash. Main 597. CASH register, Nationa I : r-nrbctt bidg. Marshall ; a bargain. 513 MAN'S new dress euit. size 36. A bargain. Call aftor 6 P. M. Bdwy. 3752. PLUMS, prunes and pears for sale, pick them. Tabor 4;3. FOR SA LE Large second-hand tent; snap at $30. Automatic 210-02. 7-FOOT steed range, in good shape; 287 Morris st. -East 10S2. N K W SINGER maeh ine, drop head ; 2S7 Morris t. Phone Fast 102. FOR SALE Second-hand qqurt and pint fruit .iars. Main 57. LA W LI BRA R V : sacrifice, cash or terms. BO 739. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS Bridge-Beach " ra.. Tor sft )e. Call Main 8241. W RECK AGE wood for sale. $4 a load. OrH E. S479. E. 7th and Hawtho ic. 1 CT; ESCENT steel range In excellent con dition. Phone T.ihor 6 $93. ANYBODY going to Texas call Est &4o.