Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 31, 1920, Image 9

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AUGUST 3J, 1920
City Editor .. Main 7070. 5BO-9fl
Sunday Editor Main 7070. 560-95
.Advertising Department .. Main 7070. 530-H.r,
Superintendent of Bldg .. Main 7070. 000-93
OKVHEUM (Broadway at Taylor) Vaude
ville. This afternoon and tonight.
HIVI'ODKOMB (.Broadway at Yamhill)
Vuudeville and moving pictures. 2 to 5,
0:43 to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundays and
holidays continuous, 1:15 to 11 P. M.
PA.MAOE3 (Broadway at Alder) Vaude
ville. Three shows daily. 230. 7 and B:05.
COl.VCII.. CREST Free amusement park.
Take "OC" cars. Morrison or Washing
ton streets.
THE OAKS Campbell's American Band
In concert. Free admission until 5 P. M-,
evcept Sundays and holidays.
COLUMBIA BEACH Children tree. Bath
ins and amusements.
Subscribe with the following agents at
your summer resort, to secure the most
prompt delivery of The Oregonlan. City
rates. Subscriptions by mall are payable
In advance.
Barview. Or . . . . ."W. A. Slpprell
Bay City, Or O. E. Shelley
Bayocean, Or F. D. Mitchell
Brighton. Or A. W. Rowe
Carson, Wash C. B. Smith
Cascadla. Or G. M. Orelsendorfer
Ecola. Or. .Cannon Beach Merchandise Co.
Garibaldi. Or D. C. Ellis & J. L. Kidder
C.earhart. Or W. S. Roblson
Long Beach. Wash W. E. Strauha'
Manianlta. Or E. Kardel
Manhattan Beach. Or. ...Mrs. S. F. Angel
Nahcotta, Wash H. J. Brown
Neahkahnle Beach. Or.... A. C. Anderson
Nehalem. Or D. C. Peregoy
Newport. Or O. F. Heron
Ocean Lake. Or Nettle Bompsett
Ocean park. Wash Chan. Treble
Pacific City, Or D. F. Edmunds
Rockaway. Or Frank Miller
Seaside. Or C. W. Alward
Shipherd's Hot Springs, Wash
Mrs. N. St. Martin
Feavlew, Wash George N. Putnam
Tillamook. Or J- S. Lamar
Wheeler, Or E. H. Cody and Leo Sohler
"Wilholt, Or F. W. McLeran
Paving S a v i n a Reported. The
municipal paving plant saved prop
erty owners on Clatsop avenue and
vicinity a total of more than $5000
In paving costs this year, according
to figures given out yesterday by
the municipal department of public
works. The $5000 represents the dif
ference In the cost of the work, per
formed by the municipal plant and
the amount of the lowest bid sub
mitted by contractors for the Job. On
Clatsop avenue between East Eleventh
and East Thirteenth streets the pave
ment was laid for $2585 and the
lowest bid was $4013. On Clatsop ave
nue from East Thirteenth to East
Seventeenth street the lowest bid was
$14,368 and the cost by the municipal
plant was $10,109.
Meat Peddler Warning Out. A
warning against the purchase by
housewives of hams and other kinds
of meats from peddlers and hawkers
was issued yesterday by city health
bureau officials following receipt of
complaints from persons who have
purchased inferior meat on the pre
text of its being choice. "These ped
dlers are the fly-by-night type who
come into the city over night and
etart out the next day to unload a lot
of inferior meat imported here," said
Dr. E. E. Chase, chief of the bureau
of meat inspection.
Light Fine Imposed. An automobile
tire stolen from the malls cost Ed
ward S. Kirk of Albany $100 when he
pleaded guilty to the th,eft yesterday
before Federal Judge Bean. The boy
lis 13 years old and because of his
youth the fine was made light. Kirk
was indicted with Alvln E. Whetstone,
who paid a similar penalty last week.
T,he tire had been hung over a mail
box by a rural carrier. The boys
alleged that they were driving by
and found the tire In the road.
Doo License Payments Due. Dog
license payments for the year 1920-21
are due September 1. License Col
lector Hutchinson yesterday issued
notice to all dog owners to prepare
to obtain the new licenses as soon
after September 1 as possible. Up
to yesterday there was a question
about new license tags being on hand
in time for issuance on that date,
but this was cleared up by the receipt
of tags yesterday.
Children to Give Entertainment.
An entertainment, will be given this
afternoon at 3 o'clock at Mount
Tabor park by the children of this
district, entitled "The Story Book."
Folk lore stories, nursery rhymes, a
pantomime. "The Japanese Sun God
dess," the familiar stories of "The
Three Bears" and '"Little Women"
will be presented. The public is in
vited. Violation of Prohibition Law
Charged. Stillman Andrews, Lester
Tallmadge and Melvin Andrews were
brought before United States Com
missioner Drake yesterday charged
with violation of the national prohibi
tion act. They were released on bond,
Stillman Andrews being required to
put up $1000 and the other two $500
Street Railway Sued. Panic
caused by the blowing out of a fuse
on a Williams-avenue street car Au
gust 12. 1920, resulted in injuries to
Florence Farrell for which damages
of $10,000 are claimed from the Port
land Railway, Light & Power com
pany in a suit filed in the circuit
court yesterday.
IIirsh Estate Appraised. The late
Augustus Hirsch left an estate valued
at $19,463. according to the inventory
ana appraisement filed in the circuit
court yesterday by C. C. Colt, Ruth
B. Rogers and Francis J. Leonard.
The bulk of the property is in shares
or stock in Swift .& Co.
Too Many Raisins Bought. Sale of
$o00 worth of raisins to one nur
chaser has involved John Quilici with
the law. In a complaint filed in the
federal court it is alleged the raisins
were sold for use in irianuf acture of
Intoxicating liquors.
Clothing Salesmen Wanted. Must
be accustomed to high-class trade;
temporary position during sale. Apply
at once, ask forMr. Hammond. Win
throp Hammond Co., 127 Sixth st.
John m. Scott Leaves. John M.
Scott, general passenger agent of the
Southern Pacihc for lines north of
Ashland, left last night for San Fran
cisco to attend a conference of the
railroad's executives.
Dance A Real Dance. Cole Mc
Elrey's orchestra just returned
ten months In the east. Murlark hall,
Twenty-third and Washington streets
Dance every Wednesday and Satur
day nights. Adv.
Commissioner Mann Home. City
Commissioner Mann returned yester
day from his annual vacation, which
was epent at Cascadla", Newport and
Bull Kun head-works. - .
Crissey Gladiolus Exhibit in the
Hotel Multnomah lobby includes the
famous "Golden Measure" and prize
winning "Mrs Norton." Adv.
Wanted. By young lady, room and
board: short walking distance Frank
lin high school. Address A 965, Ore
gonian. Adv.
For Sale. New Buick sedan five
passenger, driven 3000 miles. Mrs
Seward, Hotel Seward, Broadway
1594. Adv.
Have your scissors and razor ground
at the Lewts-Stenger Barber Supply,
cor. 10th and Morrison. Adv.
For Rent. First-class apartment
house: long lease. C 995, Oregonian
School Books bought, sold and ex-t-hanged.
Hyland's, 204 Fourth street,
between Taylor and Salmon. Adv.
Kemmerer Coal Carbon Coal Co.,
mine agents East 1188. Adv.
Dr. Dorwin Palmer has returned;
6teven bldg. Adv.
Dr. Dayton, glasses. Swecland bldg
Abraham Asher, attorney, returned;
Chamber of Commerce bldg. -Adv.
Eight .Vendors Fined $23 Each. I
Eight. fruit vendors from the Yamhill- j
street market drew $25 fines each in j
municipal court yesterday for violat- '
ing the city ordinance agalnBt calling ;
their wares. Judge Rossman later
remitted $20 of the $25 fines in each
instance on the promise of future ,
good behavior. The raid on the mar
ket was conducted by the police after
numerous complaints had been re- j
celved through Market Master East- ;
man. Those fined for the ordinance :
violation were: Morris Hasson, Mor- ;
ris Altaras, H. Suwol, Sam Renala, ;
Victor Benisle, M. Eastern, Joe t
Jsidleor and E. Meneshe. ;
Many Would Be Policemen. Elimi- i
nation by the municipal civil service
board of the age limit for applicants
for permanent positions as police
men has brought a rush of appli
cants. W. E. Marion, secretary of the
board, says he now has about 150 ap- .
plications for the test to be held !
Thursday and Friday of this week, j
Many more are expected before the I
examination. The test will consist '
of report writing, shooting and ath-
letic stunts. The physical tests will ;
be Thursday, including medical and
physical examination, and the written '
work will be Friday at the public :
auditorium '
Workers to Take Outing. The
Central Labor council of Portland and
vicinity has announced Its annual
Labor day picnic to take place this
year at Council Crest park. Imme
diately after the laying of the corner
stone of the new labor temple an
adjournment will be made to Council
Crest and the remainder of the day
spent in dancing and games befitting
the occasion. Strip tickets, good for
every attraction on the grounds, may
be procured from members of the
Four Magnetos Stolen. Four
Bosch magnetos stolen from his truck !
in the National Fuel company's yard
at Second and Oregon streets during
the last six weeks is the record
claimed by M. J. Weiser in a com
plaint made to the automobile theft
department of the municipal police
court yesterday. He claims that each
visit of the prowler has cost him in
the neighborhood of $100 and he has
otfered $25 reward for the apprehen
sion of the thief.
Boy, 2, Run Down by Truck. Two
year old Roy Dennis, whose home is
at 562 Front street, was knocked
down and bruised by an Oregon -Box
Manufacturing company truck driven
by Lawrence Grace of 747 East Tenth
street on Front street between Lin
coln and Grant staAets at 3:30 P. M.
Grace was held for an hour penuwg
investigation by Acting Traffic In
vestigator Yost, but was released
later .when it was found .that the
driver was not to blame.
Youth, Despondent, Tries to Die.
C. Dallatore, 18, attempted suicide
Sunday night in his room at 310V6
Tenth street, by taking poison. He
was taken to St. Vincent's hospital,
where it was reported yesterday that
he was out of danger. Hospital au
thorities could not determine the drug
used, but the boy admitted that the
poison was taken in the form of pills.
Despondency Is the reason assigned
for the act.
Window Washer's Fall Fatal.
Zachariah Radanowsky, a window
washer, who sustained a broken back
as a result of a fall from an upper
window of St. Mary's academy on Au
gust 23, died at St. Vincent's hos
pital Sunday night. The body is at
the county morgue.
You won't find Any
Slack over the instep.
The New
lace evenly and
hold the foot
comfortably snug.
In Black, Tan, Mahogany
Exclusive Ralston Agents.
Ask for S.& H. Trading Stamps.
street, who says he Is worth $11,000.
Those going on the bond of Joe
Laundy are Jennie Maud Smith of
Hillsdale, Or., whose property consists
of a house and six lots, in Portland
valued at $6500, and Joseph Maurice
Ricen, druggist of 1145 Sacramento
street, who estimates his property at
The bonds were approved yesterday
by District Attorney Evans and Pre
siding Judge Tazwell.
A Delightful Place .
to Dine
Appetizing and nutritious meals
served in a' pleasing way at prices
that are exceptionally low considering
quality of food, attentive service and
attractively decorated dining rooms.
We Specialize in Good Things to Eat
Delicious Soda Fountain Beverages
You will enjoy one of our crisp salads, dainty
pastries or creamy egg drinks.
offer a great variety of tempting dishes.
388 Washington St.
127 Broadway
states, whereas before there was only
Oregon in my charge." He will shortly
make a tour of the district and will
then recommend changes.
KafJberlne Beck Irvine, . . Philip
Miller, Jennie Maud Smith and
Joseph M. Ricen Sign Papers.
Bonds of $2000 each were furnished
yesterday for Karl W. Oster, com
munist labor party leader and L "W.
W., and Joe Laundy, L W. "W.. to
obtain their release from the state
penitentiary pending their appeal
from convictions in the circuit court
for violation of the criminal syndi
calism act of Oregon. Oster is under
sentence of five years, . imposed by
Circuit Judge Morrow, and Laundy
one of two years, given by Circuit
Judge Belt.
Katherine Beck Irvine, whose home
at 4S1 Tenth street has been made
the headquarters of George F. Van
derveer, I. W. W. attorney, and Will
iam D. Haywood, convicted national
secretary of the I. W. W., during
visits to Portland this year, was one
to sign the bond of Oster. She is
worth $50,000, according to her affi
davit, her property comprising a
house and two lots in "Portland and
120 acres of alfalfa in Malheur county.
The other bondsman for Oster is
Philip Miller, jeweler of 275 First
Honolulu Would Welcome Portland
Club to 31 id -Pacific.
Honolulu would welcome Portland's
Royal Rosarlans, according to a let
ter received yesterday from the mid
Pacific city, and Honolulu organiza
tions are endeavoring to aid the Port
land society to obtain a steamer for
such a trip.
Under date of July 28, E. J. Jaeger,
prime minister of the Rosarlans, wrote
W. F. Farrington of the Star-Bulletin,
Honolulu. ' detailing the plan of the
organization to visit the island. Mr.
Farrington's reply, received yesterday.
declared Honolulu would welcome the
visitors and, in the meanwhile, will
exert what influence lies within its
power to obtain a vessel for the trip.
Mr. Jaeger declared the chief handi
cap was the lack of such a boat. If
one can be obtained it is- expected
that the tour would do much to put
Portland "on the map" with the resi
dents of Honolulu and might be in
strumental In effecting a direct pas
senger service between the two ports.
Four States and Alaska in Xevr
Territorial Division.
"W. R. Bryon, chief of the federal
sleuths in Portland, has returned from
a conference in Washington and
brought back with him a brand-new
title, that of superintendent of the
9th district of the United States bu
reau of investigation. The division,
which will have headquarters 4n Port
land, comprises Washington, Oregon,
Montana, Idaho and Alaska.
"The reorganization," Mr. Bryon ex
plained, "does not mean that the of
fice here will be enlarged, but means
that I shall have to cover all these
Alien Charged With Shooting With
out Iilcense; May Be Deported.
C. Lorenzo, an Italian, is in the
county jail on the charge of being
an alien and hunting withoutt a gun
license. He was arrested Sunday. His
case has been postponed until
Lorenzo has a record, says A.
Burghduff, state game warden, of
having fired five or six shots at a
deputy state game warden about six
years ago. He says he was also in
trouble in Clackamas county about
seven years ago.
Mr. Burghduff will ask for an in
vestigation by Immigration officials
of Lorenzo's record, to determine
whether he should be deported as an
undesirable alien.
We wish to thank our friends for
their acts of kindness and words of
sympathy during the death and burial
of a loving son and brother, Henry
Monner; also do we deeply appreciate
the many beautiful offerings.
Two Most Serious Fires in Wash
ington Under Control.
The two most serious fires of the
season in the state of Washington are
now under control, reports W. B. Os
borne, forest examiner, who is in
charge of fire protection In this dis
trict. Mr. Osborne directed the fire
fighters at Icicle Creek near Leaven
worth, Washington, in the Wenatchee
national forest, and in Colville forest
near the Canadian line.
The Icicle Creek fire burned over
about 10,000 acres and 160 men were
used in fighting it. The fire started
August 11. The fire ir the Colville
forest covered 6000 acres. Back firing
was most effective in fighting both
fires, said Mr. Osborne.
Mf gf. Co. wants loan of
$10,000 to $15,0003
years. Will give first
mortgage on $60,000
AE 846, Oregonian
We wish to express our thanks to
our many friends and Lady Maccabees
for all their kindness and help during
the sad bereavement and loss of our
dear beloved mother and sister; also
for the many beautiful floral offer
ings. Mrs. Iola M. Langdon, Leslie
and Ray Yalt and Lucy Eaton and
Sadie Bennett. Adv.
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nian. Main 7070. Automatic 560-95.
( Cantrell a" Cochranes)
Ginger Ale
Write the importers
56 Beale St, S. F.
with name of your dealers it
they cannot supply you.
RED CROWN gasoline srv
is an all-refinery gaso-
line with a continuous
chain of boiling points. ffj
California) U Vg8Egg J
w r-i TS E"
me Gasoline ofQualh
New Perkins Hotel
Fifth and "Washington Stn.
Rates with detached bath. $1 up.
Rates with private bath, $1.50 up.
Auto Bus Meets All Trains.
Joy tailors to your taste,
and he makes the pay
ments easy. If you'll come
in and see the new. fall
woolens you'll make Joy
your tailor!
AU-Wool Fabrics
Correct Designing
Faultless Tailoring
104 Fourth St., Bet.
Washington and Stark
Four Shops in Portland.
WOOL and
Boys' Clothing
Third Floor
Regular $18.50 to $22.50
THESE .suits are big values every one!
Most of them are pure wool and you can
select any pattern or style you want from our
large and choice assortment. A variety of boys'
suits in different weights and shades of gray,
green, brown and fancy mixtures were taken
from our regular stock and placed in this sale
as an INDUCEMENT FOR YOU to become bet
ter acquainted with these Oregon-Made Suits
for Boys.
MOTHERS: We especially in
vite you to come in and see our
Boys' Clothing Department and
carefully inspect our Oregon
Made suits for Boys. We know
that as a rule, Mothers invari
ably know how to judge woolens
and every Boy's mother in
Portland should see these splen
did, Oregon-Made, Wool Suits,
to appreciate them!
i,7rr i '
Entire Building (S. W. Corner), THIRD AND MORRISON
Astoria Eugene ' Marshf ield North Bend
How much do you save
on common tea at 20 cents
a pound less than the price
of Schilling's?
How much do you lose?
You save nothing. You
lose money. Schilling Tea
is so full of flavor a pound
makes so many cups that
a cup costs only cent.
You lose fragrance, rich
satisfying taste, invigora
tion. You lose cheer and
Get Schilling's and enjoy
your tea.
,jl Schilling Company
San Francisco
It's the Specialist's Skill
that tells the story not only
in scientific eye examination
and lenses furnished, but
also in the "know how" of
adjusting the glasses to such
a nicety that the greatest
ease, comfort and style are
given to the wearer.
Let me give you the benefit of
twenty years' experience and, if
needed, make you a pair of Per
fect Klttingr Glasses.
KyenlRht Specialist
Kotranoe 340 V& WuhiBston,
Knights of Columbus
This school will open September 7 at 290 Grand Avenue North,
corner Clackamas. Registration may be made now at the school
or at .the K. C. Employment Bureau, 205 Artisans Building.
Classes will include bookkeeping, accountancy, typewriting,
shorthand, penmanship, English, French, Spanish, salesmanship,
mechanical drawing, commercial art, radio telegraphy, auto
mechanics, oxy-acetylene welding.
Instruction will be offered in any study ftfr which there is
the requisite demand.
Civilians will be admitted at moderate fees in all classes where
there is room after taking care of ex-service men's needs.
and (S t
This is turning an old sarins fa- about.but
modern methods of reducing fat have made
this revision possible.
If you are overfat; opposed to physical ex
ertion: fond of the table and its good things,
and still want to reduce your excess flesh
several pounds, so to your druggist (or
write to the Marmola Co., 93 GarfielCBuild
ing, Detroit, Mich.) and give him. (or
send them) one dollar, thus satisfying your
ambition for a trim, slim figure, by receiv
ing a good size box of Marmola Prescrip
tion Tablets (compounded in accordance
with the famous Marmola Prescription);
take one of these pleasant candy tablets
after each meal and at bedtime, and you
will lose your fat at the rate ertwo, three
or four pounds a week.
Then continue the treatment until your
weight is what you desire. Marmola
Prescription Tablets are not only harm
less but really beneficial to the general
health. "You don't need starvation diet or
weakening exercises. Just go on eating
what you like, leave exercising to the
athletes, but take your little tablet faith
fully and without a doubt that flabby flesh
will quickly take unto itself wings, leaving
behind it your natural self, neatly, clothed
in arm flesh and trim muscles.
Pianos and Player
Pianos, Phonographs
and Records
ouie oros.
16G 10th St.,
Near Morrison
IVIan Teacher
wants prlnclpalshlp or position in commer
cial department of high school or college;
best of refences; Oregon Ufa diploma.
Add rests L 204. Oregonian
Wanted Chairs to Cane
by School for Blind
V MR. J.F.Myers
Mar. 50A0 or
Tabor fMV
A Moderately-Priced Hotel of Merit
. Eaat Morrtsoa St. and East Sixth.
S1.25 Per Bay. fit Week Vp.
Phone Your Want Ads to
The Oregonian
Main 7070 Aut. 560-95
A E? fron
il ,1 fuL
C. r.EE WO has
made a life study
of the curative
proper ties pos
sessed in roots,
herbs, buds and
bark, and has
compounded there
in his wonaer-
well- known
r e m e dies, all of
which are per
fectly harmless, as no poisonous
drugs or narcotics of any kind are
used in their make up. For stomacn.
lurix, kidney, liver, rheumatism, neu
ralgia, catarrh, bladder, blood, nerv
ousness, gall stone and all disorders
of men, women and children. Try
C. Gee Wo-s Wonderful and "Well
Kit o w n Root and Herb Remedies.
Good results will surely and quickly
follow. '
Sbecializ'ri ins
Resident and Non-ftesideit
Holmes School
663"W?idlerSt, Pbrtlaitd.Oreon-'
She Can Truthfully Say
Hay fever, asthma and bronchial
coughs yield to the soothing, healing
properties of Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound as quickly and surely as
do ordinary coughs, colds and croup.
Mrs. Geneva Robinson, SS N. Swan
St., Albany. N. Y. writes: "I tried
Foley's Honey and Tar and results
encouraged me to use more. I can
truthfully say It is the best cough
medicine I ever used. Two bottles
broke a "most stubborn, lingering
cough." Adv.
The Preparatory School
31IO 13th St.
Miss Jewell. Miss Qulgg.
Fall term will opn Sept. 13.
Office hours beginning Sept. 6,
10 A. M. to 4 P. M.
Tel. Mala 5313.
Art Museum, 5th and Taylor Sts.
V t
Resident and day KhooL Favorabls
climate and lance around permit of
outdoor life all tha year.
Prtn. Catherine Harker. K. B. Valvar.
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nian. Main 7070, Automatic 560-95.