TTTE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1920 lltLI" WANTED MALE. 18.-J87 YOUNG MEN have. 1n th. past years, ben aalsta In tindinj positions through the Fort.ana "V. hi C A. advisory and employment dept. This is not an "agency" and no extra fees or commissions are chariea. Employers naturally turn to the x for men because we appeal to the Best type ot men and boys. Our demand at present r greater than the supply. Sou never had such an opportunity to gel a better position it you are preparea for it. All men in clerical, technical ana commercial lines are cordially invited to consult one of the employment secre taries, room 307. . . Free vocational guidance and employ- Tnent for ex-service men. $300 TO Tr00 A MONTH. Are you earning that? Many auto mobile experts are. Vou. may join the high-salaried, skilled-mechanic ranks II you take advantage of the gaa engineer ing courses offered by the LLADiNU CTO SCHOOL OK THE WEST WITH A KECOKD OF MOKJS SLLUSsf UL GRADUATES THAN AN1 OTHtK bCHuOl. Investigate, enroll and don t pay m a cent until you are convinced that we II de:iver the goods. That's fair, isn't it? Write for our l hS-page catalogue. It's fre. Ask for book No. S. OUK COLiHSES AKU KKEB TO OKKGON BX-6EKVICB MEN. ADCvi AUTO AN1J OAS ENGINE SCHOOL. UNION AVENUE AND WASCO ST. WE HAVE OPENINGS IN OUR COUNTRY-WIDE ORGANIZATION' FOR 2 Mfc.V OF GOOD APPEAKANOE, FORCE i'l.L, PERSONALITY AND OF GOOD t'MARACTEK: MUST BE POSSESSED OF EITHER ORGANIZATION OR PUB LICITY ABILITY; GOOD STARTING fc ALARY TO THE RIGHT MAN; TELL US ALL ABOUT YOURSELF IN FIRST LETTER. GIVING RECORD AND KEr C11E.NCBS. O oo. OREGON IAN. MR. EX-SERVICE MAN Are you bunting Job or seeking a easreer? Have you discovered -where you lit In? Would you like to talk over your problem confidentially wiLh. a man of wide experience who will tak. a per sons! Interest in you? The Y. M. G. A. advisory and em ployment dept. can assist you in choos ing, and can help you find the place for which you are best fitted. This ervice ia absolutely free to ex-aervice men. See one of the secretaries. Kuom U7 ' THT3 MEIER A FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of an experienced silk and dress rood salesman. Permanent position. . Apply Employment Bureau. Sixth .Floor, Meier & Frank Compaay. AUTOMOTIVE? SCHOOL. Automobiles, tractors, vulcanizing-. Thin school, not run. to make money but to make automotive mecnenics, is super vised by leading- automobile and tractor business men of Portland. Students do practical repair work. Free tuition to ex-service men; clip this ad. Send it or call at office, 416 Oregon Institute of Technology. Y. M. C. A. TAILORS WANTED. Open-Shop Conditions. Full Information regarding wage and working conditions given upon applica tion at this office. PORTLAND EXCHANGE OF THIS PACIFIC COAST MERCHANT TAILORS' ASSOCIATION. 606 OREGON BLDG. YOUNG man between IS and 23 with at least a high school education; one with two years' college training preferred, to learn the business of a well-established ' corporation ; good salary to start and opportunity for promotion to one wlll- i lng to start at the beginning and put forth earnest, conscientious work. J 548, Oregonian. iW ANTED One first-class, reliable up holstery foreman to take charge of that (department in an establishment of 25 years' successful business: must know the business thoroughly and give refer I erences as to character and experience; permanent position at good pay to the ' right man. Write Seattle Matt. St Uph. Co.. Seattle. Wash. THIS NEW MACK TRUCK will take some cash and light car to responsible party because A REAL JOB GOES WITH IT. Two-years' logging haul, winter and , summer roads. Operates year round. Truck run only 2000 miles. Don't answer unless you mean business. U10 four- man street. Country newspaper man Want to get in touch with all-round man, editor, business-getter, printer, etc. ; one who has been in business for himself pre ferred : no money required. Just a first class man ; good proposition to right man. AO 55, Oregonian. - RANTED Young man btwn - a a.n 6 with ability to handle stenographic work and small cost accounting system; must be real, high-grade man with good per aonal appearance and capable of ad vncing. Permanent position with live firm manufacturing wood products. Write Box 5o0. N.mpa, Idaho. THE MEIER A FRANK CO. requires the services of an experienced candy maker. Apply employment bureau, sixtn no or, Meier fc Frank Co. lOL'NG man, 23 to 30 years old. with ex perience on ledgers ; must be a good Dennun. neat in appearance, of srood moral character and capable of ad vancement; excellent opportunity with large w noiesaie concern. cox -tJ Oregonian. BUSINESS MEN. If your need is trained, efficient office help, call Broadway 44M. Clerical Help Service, 629 Artisans' bldg. LARGE business, outgrowing present office system, requnires services of an account ant to organize and systematize work; a man who can think and draw conclusions from figure? will find here a position to suit htm. W 75. oregonian. $oOo PER MONTH is what you can earn if you will allow us to teach you how to sell our goods. Previous experience in selling is not necessary. Call at 002 Spald ing bldg. Ask for Mr. Borders. AN OPPORTUNITY will be given any man who is working, to bis present salary $'J5 to $50 per week, by working to pare time, evenings. For par ticulars address L 202. Oregonian. tHE SUNBEAM FILM CO. has several vacancies to be tilled at once; qualify yoursel f for our next production ; only limited number of people wanted. Chamber of Commerce bldg. RANTED A boy to run errands in whole sale district; we iurnisn tne wneei; a chance for advancement. Apply to superintendent June's cash store. Front and Oak st. W AN TED Office assistant for out-of-town position ; must be accurate with figures and able to operate typewriter; address in own handwriting, stating salary expected. C 67. Oregonian. RANTED Man with Ford car for estab lished retail coffee route; ex perlence In this line essential : salary and com mission. Apply Caswell Coffee Co., 25 E. 12th st. WANTED Names, men. boys over 17, wishing to become mail carriers; $112 month. Answer immediately, AV 245, Oregonian, Portland. Or. LINOTYPE OPERATOR Permanent po sition opn epiemoer o. oood ma- c nine, moaern snop, morning Enter prise. Oregon City. XiAN TO WORK in warehouse; hard work but srood salary and 1 f.ance to advance, state past employers, age and phone. M )4, Oregonian. WANTED Four or five expert pressers on laaiea lactcets and coaLs. both drv cleaned and dvd. Larimers City Die W orks. Boise. Idaho. WANTED Errand boy ; one with wheel preferred; good chance for advancement. Apply to -Mr. fhatv cross. Kiiham Sta tionery e rnnung io., ruth an d Oak. WANTED Young man to do general work around theater. Call b4war. 1 and 3 P. M. at Majestic tlveater, ak for I'ICK-AND-SHOVEL laborers wanted. Ap- PORTLAND GAS & COKE CO 241 Flanders st. ESTABLISH I1.U collection agency wishes experiences collector, also solicitor: splendid opportunity for right man. AJ 4 t , v.' r"KMi t h 11. IOI man wanted for office wvrli- collecting. $15 wek to irtart, chance for umittciuciii,. Auuress Art 411, Orego- WANTED Boy with wheel to deliver tele grams. Uood salary. Must be at least 1G years of age. Apply room 301, Tel. i. I .l . , a-KIK BIIIJ 'H t 919. v . i n. r irsi-c.ojs auLo mecfianic, un derstanding electrical equipment; first class wages to right man. Wire or write j o 11 u noon lb, Marsniieia, (Jr. WANTED A tailor for alteration. fn men's store. Address The Togs Clothes tinop. ufw lsion. loano. ana reirenui..; irom AKron, o., grad uate. 4H3 Stark st. WANTED Photographer; experienced young man preferred. Cal Calvert, 6th and Anneny. TOUNG man who understands dining-room service as assistant to steward. Apply HELP WANTED MALE. ! ! I CAPACITY 750.000 IA1XT til The Fruit Growers Supply company will commence sawmill, box factory and logging camp operations at Susanville, Cel., on or about January 1, 1021. we are prepared to accept applications for the following positions: Superintendents, Foremen. Graders, Sawyers. Filers, Fitters, Edgermen, Talleymen, Shippers, Blacksmiths, Machinists, Millwrights. Firemen, Electricians. Bookkeepers, Timekeepers, 8 ten os, and all others to be found In a going lumber manufacturing plant. Address all communications to KEMPTON HODGES. F. G. S. CO., Susanville, Cal. PfinTr.AKD'R T. A RGEST EMPLOYMENT AGENCY WANTS A YOUNG MAN WHO HAS HAD SOME OFFICE HLX PIS Kl a, AND WHO HAS A GOOD PERSONAL ITY TO TAKE CHARGE OF THE PDRTLAVn OFFICE FOR 4 MONTHS. MUST BE WILLING TO WORK HARD AND ATTEND TO BUSINESS. INVEST MENT OF $400 REQUIRED FOR PE RIOD OF 4 MONTHS. WHICH WILL BE RETURNED AT TERMINATION OF CONTRACT. SALARY. U50 PER MO. MORE AFTER 4 MONTHS IF SATIS FACTORY. CALL TODAY. 432 PITTOCK BLOCK MESSENGER, BOTS, WITH OR WITHOUT WHEELS. Average pay $125 per mo. Permanent work. Apply Delivery Supervisor. T6 Third St. PRINTER Opportunity la offered to practical orlnter to secure Interest in good paving weekly and job office; must be satisfiedtfto handle job and other me chanical end of business in fine town; 'will bear closest investigation; party must have $500 or more to invest; give age, erperlence, whether married or single, and name amount able to put in business and when could come in first letter. Address AV 324, Oregonian. WANTED Boy to work In factory. Ap ply Ames. Harris, Neville Co.. loth and Hoyt sts. COMPETENT male stenographer and order clerk In sales office large lumber manufacturer, out of town; preferably one witn previous lumber experience good opportunity ; make written ap plication only in own handwriting, stat lng age, references, experience, when available, commencement salary expect ed, crossett western Lumoer co., Wanna. Clatsop county, Oregon. COMPETENT male stenographer and audit clerk in sales office of large lumber manufacturer, out of town; preferabij one witn previous lumber experience good opportunity: make written appli cation only, in own handwriting, stating age, references, experience, when avail able, commencement salary expected Crossett Western Lumber Co.. Wauna, Klatsop county. Oregon. WANTED Printer; competent country printer may secure permanent situation in well-appointed country office : lino type and plenty of equipment; must be jQinpeieni io ao an tines or woric in country omce; wages, o to 5 per week; give experience, age. married or single and. state when could come in urst lettew.' Address, AV 323, Oregonian, STEADY man wanted take nermann charge rood territory. Supplies and spe cial information furnished. Experience not required. Cash weekly. If a ner- tiianent. profitable business interests you. .vo iiiia triai. zaaima auey rsur- gery, loppenion, v. 9n. CORDWOOD, Al proposition for first-class cordwood man with drag saw. There is $10,000 profit in this job. Near Cottage Grove. I will lavor the man that wants to get a start. t. l. box 58, Sherwood, OFFICE and commisary work, out of town, .iuu; lumoer stenographer, out of town $130; stenographer, city, $125; bright young man tor . O. W ., S1U0. 338 N w. a K. Dtdg. WANTED Steady, reliable young man in 10 av years, ror ciuo work. Ask lor manager .Multnomah Amateur Atn ieuc i-iuo. ntsi tsaimon st. WANTED Young man, high school grad uate. ior permanent position In office, Answer in own handwriting to R 92, oregonian. WANTED Two automobile na inter an one lop man. Apply sjovev Motorcar Co. ask for Mr. Kennedy. 4th floor. Wash ingion sr. ai L' WANTED Man, experienced cutting and (.iirr;.uiiifs ijpe sno u ii 1 1 press worK. tiive references and salary expected. AG oregonian. WANTED Messenger, over 16 years of age, general railroad office; salary basis $70 per month : give age and number number. Ah s.iii. oregonian. WANTED Hotel janitor; steady position room rurnisnea. uuicrest Hotel. 733 vvasmngton st. WANTED Chore man on hog ranch. B . ttranaon, sycamore station. Phone MACHINE presser, also solicitor for Queen vuy s woras. irana ave. lstab- lished route. Salarj and commission WANTED First-class bench and machine man ror cabinet shop. Universal Wood wormng .:o.. mu w. ad st. TWO BOYS, over 16. to work In box fac tory. Apply Oregon Box Mfg. Co., 1144 Macaaam st. WANTED Experienced garage man. Ap piy Robinson-smith Co.. 6th. and Madi son. Help Wanted Sales me a. . LARGE eastern company wants an hon est, industrious man to assist In th management of Its local branch. Th km !s vour opportunity. Large earnings to rlffhl mon Kuan If AmnlA. 1 . in pay you to iook. into tnis. Local ref erences required. Apply 10:30 to 12 M, Air, rox, iiui apaioing pidg. WE need a few more substantial, reltahi. salesmen to represent us in certain de sira ble portions or this state, with or without cars. Liberal commission con tract. Trees are in great demand and a capable man can make big money. For particulars address Oregon Nursery Com pany, orenco, Oregon. SALESMEN Catholic. to represent a large Catholic organization; we give you every assistance to make good; ad vancement iu a short time if ability is proven. Call 719 Spalding bldg.. 8 to 5:30 A. M.. 4 to 6 P? M. ONE OF the largest organizations of Its kind desires the services of five edu cated, ambitious and matured men, capable of being developed into high class representatives; the pay is above the average; even If employed. It will pay to investigate. Call 909 Wilcox bldg. SALESMEN We train you In our business. whl'h is easily understood; quick re turns; good men average above $00 per day. Apply WESTERN SECURITIES CO.. 2S3 Stark St. LIVE real estate salesman who owns his own car. Must know eity and come well recommended. 285 Stark at. MR. LIFE INSURANCE SALESMEN If you can sell insurance, call at our office, 209 Falling bldg., and we will put you at work. Merchant Life Ins. Co., 209 Falling bldg.. Portland. Or. SALESMAN WANTED City salesmen for commercial truck bodies. Universal Body Corporation. 900 Sandy. CLOTHING salesman: must be first-class. Kahey Brockman, Upstairs Clothier. SALESMEN Wonderful opportunity. In. come insurance. 501 Corbett bldg. WANTED AGENTS. u00 PER MONTH Is -what you can earn iE you win allow us to teach you how to sell our roods. Previous exoerlenca in selling ia not necessary. Call at 902 Spald ing Diag. ask ior Air. corners. HELP WANTED FEMALE. PALACE LAUNDRY desires the services or two ladys, with or without experience. Good working conditions and best wages. Take Rose City or Beaumont. Get off East 10th and Davis, Walk one block. WANT stenographer to answer phone: must take shorthand. Work easy, but must work Sat. afternoons. S65 to start. Write giving age and amount of ex perience. N 920, Oregonian. APPLICATIONS will be received from young women, aged 20 to 35, for wood working factory at St. Johns; good pay and steady employment. AB 302, Ore gonian. LADIES. CATHOLICS We can use two more salesladies on our sales force: per manent oositlons. ran id advancement to . those who qualify. Call 710 Spalding bldg.. 8 to 9:30 A. M.. 4 to 6 P. M. WANTED At once, capable ladies to so licit students for school of dress making and practical designing;- good commis sion. Rooms 54 to 57. SelUng-Hirsch bld-g. Phone Main 3213. THE SUNBEAM FILM CO. has several vacancies to be filled at once; qualify yourself for our next production; only a limited number cf people wanted, Cham ber of Commerce bldg. ST. HELENS HOTEL Chehalis, Wash., wants 2 experienced tray waitresses. $80 month and board; side money very good. Places must be filled by Sept. 1. Phone or write R. D, Turner. MRS. L. V. SCOTT, formerly director of employment for women with the federal government, will secure employment for women in all lines. Office 32 Henry bldg., cor. 4th and Oak sts. Bdwy. 4537 STENOGRAPHER for Alaska, $500; sec retary, loo; stenogra pher and book keeper. $100; typist and G. O. W.. $00; beginner la stenography, $60, 33S N. W. Bk. bldg. WANTED A good sturdy woman to wash aisnes; salary 70 per month and board; work 6 days per week. Apply chef. The Hazelwood, 388 Washington st- BRIOHT. Intelligent girl to procure real estate listings; good proposition to ngnt person. See Mr. Hughes, 4 to 6 P. M., 211 Railway Exchange bldg. HIGH school or business college girl to as sist witn nouse work; maii modern home, close In, on Portland Heights; two adults in family. Call Tabor 5004. WANTED Girl or woman to assist with light housework, no schoolgirl and not to be member of family; no washing; $'-" per month, room and board. Tabor 73o4. WANTED Capable girl for sepond work; wages w, 3 in ramiiy. Apply immedi ately. Phone Marshall 3311. 741 Everett street. WANTED Girl for bakery saleslady, $7.' per montn ana board : able to worn until 11:45 P. M. ; 6 hours a day. Call The j-iazeiwood. 3bM Washington st. WANTED Stenographer for wholesale nouse; congenial associates; good ligbt; chance for advancement; good hours. P POO, oregonian. WANTED Girl for oakery saleslady. $75 per montn ana ooard: able to worn until 11:45 P. M. Call The Hazelwood. 3SS Washington at. Eight-hour day. LADY for office work In motor car co. Moderate salary to start. Advance ment. Give phone, age and experience. AB 85S. Oregonian. SIX WAITRESSES, top wages; six expe rienced chambermaids, 5 housekeepers (no woman), 6 domestic and 6 second maids. Mrs. Scott, 329 Henry bldg. RECEPTION ROOM girl wanted. Expe rience not necessary. some knowledge of the typewriter preferred. Low wages. 915 Selling bldg. ONE OR TWO ladles help pick evergreen berries. Pay 25c crate and board. 3 miles east of Oregon City. J. Tucker, Route 2, Box 19. SMALL family desires neat girl to assist witn housework and be as one of fami ly. One who desires a good home. Broadway 802. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, $110; .aw sxenograpner, sjuu to 110; book keeper and stenographer, $90 to $100; stenographer, $100. 1015 Wilcox bldg. COMPETENT stenographer law office. small town, near Portland; state age, experience in first letter. B 90. Ore gonian. WANTED Reliable graduate nurse for nignt outy; small general hospital; lib eral salary and maintenance. For particu lars phone Oregon City 384. YOUNG girl or high school girl to help witn ngnt housework In small family; room, board and good wages. Call Main 7667. TWO CANDY girls; experience unneces sary; i2 week; prefer girl living with parents; call any time after 10 A. M. Harris, 120 &th st. MOTHER wishes to place her little irt in a. soon nonie wnere sne could go to nooi ana neip ror ner noard. and com pny; age 12 years. H 924. Oregonian. NEAT young woman wanted to keep stock in a. jeweiry store; one that is willing wwm eicauy. i Aiaer st. FIRST-CLASS saleslady with millinery ex- it:iiv luf tuy position. Appiy Muner re naaa to., ivoyai oidg. 3 EXPERIENCED waitresses: one for nignt sniit. Good wages. Union Station EXPERIENCED stenographer; three months work. State age, experience anq saiary expected, a 21. Oregonian WANTED Chambermaid at the Martha w asnington, 3S0 Tenth, corner Mont- EXPERIENCED operator machine. Shirek A Son room 4. of Co., buttonhole 311 Pine, WANTED EXPERIENCED COAT AND fc xv in l MlLLf. AKfLY MORNINGS. jjirLBntii, uw l kal JjDG. WANTED First-class experienced wait ress; we furnish room and board. Alex andra oourt. jna st. LADY barber wanted Ior Astoria ; waes $25 a week guaranteed. Address Liberty oaroer snop, i ii mn st., Astoria. Or. WANTED Two neat girls for chamber maid work. 8 hours; must live at home. 828 Hawthorne ave. YOUNG GIRL in need of a friend wishes housework where there are no children. Wages $20 per mo. Mar. 4779. STENO. Invoice clerk. Good position. Begin $!0. Second month, $100. Apply nl'y Artisan (Beck) bldg. WANTED Reliable woman as nurse for 3 year-old girl. References required. Call Marshall 4233 .between 10 and 12. WANTED Practical nurse to care for invalid lady, permanent position. Phone East MM. WANTED Only experienced dressmaker to sew on little girls' dresses. Call Mar. 1075. COMTOMETER oper. ; perman. pos. state age. place and references. AP 325. Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework. No children. Pleasant location. East 3922. WANTED Woman dishwasher, wait ta bles noon- time; no Sunday work. 114 N. 3d st. FIRST-CLASS piano player wanted. Ap ply In person. Clairemont Tavern, Linn ton road. WANTED Neat-appearing and experi enced counter girl for dairy lunch. 808 Oak. WANTED C. S. housekeeper to care for children, 2 and o years, while mo the works. Comfortable home. Wdln. 6435. WANTED Colored woman to scrub bath rooms at Nortonia hotel, nth and Stark no Sunday work; no phone calls. RELIEF cashier: 4 days a week: $12.50 and board. Columbia Employment o gency. WANTED Girls at Portland Laundry Co. Union ave. and E. Mill. DISHWASHER wanted; steady work, perial Hotel. See chef. WANTED Girl to work In Dennis con fectlonery store. IJth and Wash. WAITRESS wanted at the Olympia Cafe, 421 Washington st. GIRLS WANTED for light work. Mild man Cigar Factory. 43 East 3d st. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at White Restaurant, Ys in. oin st. WAITRESS wanted at once; $20 per week Marathon restaurant, in. iia st. EXPERIENCED saleswomen for our mil Hnery department. Emporium. 126 6th st WOMAN care for semi-Invalid, do some housework. Call 771 Schuyler st. JAN I TRESS wanted. Oregon bldg. Inquire superintendent ruesaay morning. WANTED Girls to work fn book bindery. H. J. Lenon i;o.. s . ma st. 10 LADY solicitors; splendid opportunity. Mrs. Scott, Henry Didg. ROOM and breakfast for refined woma for 3 afternoons a week. Marshall 855: EXPERIENCED waitress at Pillsbury 100 W. Park. WANTED An experienced chambermaid. Mallow Hotel, 171 Lownsdale. WANTED Dlshwabher at 229 N. 23d. WAITRESS w a n t ed. 4 04 E M o r r 1 son st. DISHWASHER wanted. Main 1007 HELP WANTED FEMALE. 4 WANTED TOUNG GIRLS FOR BAG MANUFACTURING. Our girls average .from $ie t $25 Br week on piece work, sowing sacks. The work Is pleasant and easy to learn, and ws guarantee $12 per week while learning. Girls must not be over 25 or under 16 years of age. Modern and up-to-date factory, with Saturday afternoons off. Apply AMES H RRIS NEVILLE CO.. 15TH AND HOYT STS. . Take N. & S. or 16th Car. EXPERIENCED calculating machine and comptometer operators, please register for positions with Miss Miller. 003 Yeon bldg. Have more positions open than I can fill. Beginning Sept. T I will give a six weeks course on calculating ma chines, comptometers and adding ma chines for $15; day and night classes. Registrations must be made by Sept. 4 for this class and only a limited sum ber of students can be admitted. Ask any business man or banker. Salaries from $So to $100. Miller school. 003 Yeon building. GIRLS wanted for factory work ; good wages, steady work; experience unneces sary; Saturday afternoon sff. Take Nf and S car to 16th and Thurman, Ameri can Can Co. THE MEIER A FRANK COMPANT re quires the services of girls between tne ages of 16 and 18 for our wrapping and oitice departments. Only those who are not to return to school will be consid ered for positions. Apply Employment Bureau. Sixth Floor. MEIER A FRANK COMPANY. THE METER A FRANK COMPANT has vacancies in several departments tor ex perienced salespeople. These are per manent positions and offer splendid op portunities for those who deaire advance ment. Apply Employment Bureau, Sixth Floor. MEIER A FRANK COMPANY. WANTED. Experienced Power Machine Operators. Overalls, Shirts, Mackinawa. 44-Hour Weeks. Saturday afternoon off. HIRSCH-WEIS MFG. COMPANT. 205 Burnside St. A COLLEGE or normal school graduate wanted; must possess tact and lmti tive; position permanent;- excellent sal ary to start and opportunity to advance. J 540. Oregonian. WANTED A middle-aged widow for H. iv. ; no objection to one child. Write to 508 Harney at.. Vancouver. W. Delor. WANTED Young lady, good dancer. assistant teacner; good salary, free i st ructions. Call at De Honey's Acad emy, I'dd and w asnington ; no phones, EXPERIENCED HEMSTITCH ER wanted; good wagee for right party; also gin ior alterations worn on sKirts. uut ton and Pleating Shop, 509 Royal bldg. WANTED Young lady experienced in hair dressing ana manicuring; prerer Marlnello graduate. Marine 11 o Shop, 210 cent rai Diog. WANTED A girl attending business col lege, who, in exchange for room and board and small wages, could assist in housework. Call Tabor Z434 mornings. GIRL wanted to assist In housework, laun dry goes out; good home and home treat ment to ngnt party; rive in iamlly wages $25. Call East 2374. GIRL to type orders in mercantile office. L nderwood or EUiott-r isher machines: good opportunity for willing worker. BJ 741. oregonian. TRIMMERS and experienced makers wanted for city and out-of-town posi tions. Apply Lowengart A Co., Broad way and Burnside. ANY girl in need of a friend apply to tne baivauon Army rtescue home, May fair and Alexander sta. Phone Main 345a DM car. WANTED Four or five expert pressers on ladies jackets and coats, both dry cleaned and dyed. Lo rimer's City Dye Works. Boise, WANTED Names, women, gins over 17, wishing government positions; $100 montn op. Answer immediately. Ar 246, Oregonian, Portland, Or. WANTED experienced waitress; good wages, room ana ooara, juaxiory notei. 171 Lownsaaie. EXPERIENCED pressers on women's gar ments, top wages, steaay woric, at The Wardrobe, Bflwy. lWtt. THE Florence Crlttenton Home is ready to help any girl in distress. ua5 .East Glitan. - M v car. East 316. WANTED Stenographer a nd bookkeeper, out-of-town position; si pected. Address G 651, ate salary ex- Oregonian. WANTED At once, chambermaid: $30, room and board. Hotel Kockrita, Kalama. Wash. WANTED Well experienced elevator op erator, state experience nao and give telephone numoer. f oregonian. THREE waitresses; must be experienced steady wont; t days ween, cat n Fiddle, lo iiroaaway. WANTED A girl handy with needle, who can sew. J. worroer, dui Merchants Trust bldg. HIGH SCHOOL girl wanted in good home 4 blocks irom jeixeraon nign acnooi. Phone auc ai-oo. EXPERIENCED cloak and suit saleslady wanted. Appiy ine rasnion. su Wash- in gtonsL YOUNG lady to work In confectionery store, experience ngnt nouse worm. Apply bOo fc-ast .Morrison. STENOGRAPHER wanted for Insurance office; salary sad a montn. a.j .bo, ore gonian. GIRL or woman for general housework. small ramiiy. raoor om. GIRLS wanted. Portland Paper Box com pany, s root st. WANTED Chambermaids at Multnomah Hotel. Apply Aan at.entrance. EXPERIENCED chambermaid. Wlliard hotel. GIRL for general housework, small family, no wasning. tu taoor WANTED Girl to work in dining room. Campbell noti. OPERATOR wantd on room 206. 4Q8 Wash st. ladies' skirts. WAITRESS CheMterbury hotel, 201 N. 20th street DICTATING machine stenographers; good pogltion. jne giOipnone, ooj u re yon bldg. WANTED A WOMAN TO DO SECOND WORK. APPLY 12 E. 7TH ST. WANTED Competent girl for general house worn ana cook my. on i f lanoers st. WANTED Kitchen helper for small stitution Call Bdwy. 3404. EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS. B OOT H ' 8. 823 MORGAN B L DG. PRESSERS. markers and distributors at U. cieancra. HELP WANTED FEMALE, INTERESTING WORTH-WHILE WORK FOR TOUNG WOMEN. TELEPHONE OPERATORS EARN $60 FIRST MONTH $000 FIRST YEAR, RAPID ADVANCEMENT. LUNCH ROOMS WITH MEALS AT COST. APPLY NOW ROOM 601. SIXTH FLOOR TELEPHONE BUILDING PARK. AND OAK STREETS. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. THREE IMPORTANT TRAVELING POSITIONS MUST BE FILLED WITHIV THIRTY DAYS. Reliable, nationally known Cnlcago corporation wants three intelligent wom en to act as traveling representatives at once. Position permanent and offers unusually good opportunity for sdvance menu Applicants must be over 27 and with high school education or equiva lent. No Investment or previous expe rience necessary. To successful applicant we will pay railroad fare and salary from start. Position worth $60 oer week. Give age. education and brier personal description in first letter. W. L. Mo Gowen. 1516 Garland bldg.. Chicago. 111. THE MEIER A FRANK COMPANT re quires the services of girls between the ages of 18 and 22 for positions in the soda fountain and dairy lunch depart ments. Apply Employment Bureau. Sixth Floor. MEIER. & FRANK COMPANT. THE METER FRANK COMPANT re quires the services of experienced millin ery makers and saleswomen; permanent positions. Apply Employment Bureau. Sixth Floor MEIER & FRANK COM PAN . THE MEIER. A FRANK COMPANT re quires the services of experienced opera tors for altering gowns. Apply Employment Bureau, Sixth Floor, Meier A Frank Company. WANTED Two nest-appearlng attractive girls for waitresses; salary sou per mo and board first mo., and $70 per mo. and board second mo.: saod chance for fur ther advancement to girls who apply themselves; experience unnecessary. Ap ply the Hazelwood. 388 Washington st-, after C A, M. EXPERIENCED hair cutter. Apply em ployment bureau, 6th floor, Meier A Frank Co. NEED reliable girl, of age or single woman to Keep nouse ana neip in store; experi ence not necessary; steady, good place with reasonable wages. 707 Commercial street- WANTED Christian woman or a compe tent Jefferson high school girl for gen eral housework, from 4 to 7 P. M. daily; someone living In upper Albina pre ferred. Call East 4169. Wanted Domestics. FAIRLY experienced and dependable girl for general housework who can fur nish references. Fine quarters nandy to kitchen. Every convenience in new modern home; good wages. Phone Main ?6o7 or call mornings at 270 Shenandoah terrace. EXPERIENCED rlrl for light houseworK gooa nome. uest waces. adujv mornings Phone Marshall 3160 or call Highland court, apt. 4U2, cur. 22d and Glisan. WANTED Young woman cook for small iamuy; no washing; must be experi enced and furnish references; wages $60. ui isth st. N.. corner of Unuee, Telephone East 7182. GiKL wanted to do houseworK, one will ing to help with care of chiid; wages $45 per month. lol loth L, Oregon city. ur. .fnone zo. WANTED Cook for family, no washing or ironing. Apply Mrs. Montgomery, Hawthorns 217-77. avenue. Phone Automatic WANTED Capable woman for housework on zarm; good wages to dependable person. Pleasant home for woman with child of school age. K VIS, Oregonian. WANTED High school girl to perform ngnt duties in prwate family in exchange for buard and room; near Washington high. 502 East Main. cor. 13th. GIRL to assist with housework, wages $25 per mo.; no furnace, no washing. Call 671 Schuyler at. after 3 o'clock. -East 3740. WANT young girl to assist wlth housework and neip take care of two-year-old baby; no cooking or washing, good home, good pay. Main 1714, 144 N. 2d. HOUSEHOLD helper 3 days a week, 6 hrs. Electrical appliances. btate wages by week or month. Z adults. A 984, Ore gonian. GIRL wanted for general housework, no wasning; good nome and good pay for the right girl. Apply 202 Washington st.. near Third. CAPABLE girl for cooking and down stairs worn; smau lamuy; no washing or ironing; wages $00. Telephone Main 330. 1015 Quimby. WANTED Experienced general girl, two in laiiMiy ; good wages. w estover road. Phone Mars-hall 4781, mornings WOMAN for general housework, two In family, good home for middle-aged woman. Apply 08 East 29th st. N. WANTED Reliable nurse girl to care for 2 e una ren. Appiy buy Marsnau eu, near 21st. WANTED Cook for small family where secomi main is aepu le.epnone mora tvtgs. Main Mk4. WANTED Girl for general housework; experienced cook ; no washing or Iron ing. 771 Tillamook st. East 395. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. No children. No washing or up stairs work. Main 2G47. WANTED Girl for light housework; mod erate wages, .appiy y college, corner 6th. GIRL or woman for second work for 6 weeks: si5 per wek. pnone mornings. Main 4780. COMPETENT girl for general housework. high wagea. eo Montgomery drive. Main 4207. WANTED Girl for cooking and down stairs work for tne month of Septem ber only. 460 9. 10th. Main 8151. GIRL for general housework; 2 adults. 1 child, loo Aotn, near xammiL. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; no cooking. 735 Irving, near 23d. A GIRL or woman for mother's helper for plain housework. Tabor 1765. WANTED AT ONCE wages. East 3788. -A good cook; high GIRL for general housework. Family of 2. Phone Main 3354, mornings. ELDERLY woman to care for two children while mother works. Call Columbia 3",5. GIRL to help with light housework. Phone 217-S4. 1074 East Alder st. GIRL for general housework; no cooking; no washing. Tabor 9339. GIRL to assist. In general housework. Ajp ply 1007 fiavier st. N., cor. 20th st HOUSEKEEPER wanted by gentleman 80. Please state age. C 911, Oregonian. GIRL for general housework In small fam ily. Call Main 7412. GIRL for housework, satisfactory wagea 850 Northrup st. Main 1113. GOOD GIRL to do downstairs work and cooking. Main 2926. WANTED Cook Bdwy. 3404. for small institution. ELDERLY housekeeper for man and In valid wife, near city. Call East 3702. GIRL wanted for general housework; five In family. 60 Everett st. WANTED WOMAN TO DO SECOND WORK. APPLY 12 E. 7TH ST. GIRL for light housework In small family, good wages, bungalow. Tabor 7546. GIRL for general housework, no cooking. Phone Tabor 8377. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE, WANTED 25 hop-pickers near Farro sta tion, Oregon Electric Rlwy. Apply Cover & Gregory, No. L Grand ave. Last 243, HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. HOP PICKERS wanted; about 2 weeks' picking; good camp grounds and ac commodations; Hopmere. Or., on Oregon Electric railway. Call 513 Panama bldg. HELP "WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. MEN with 50O to loan will be paid $5 per day and interest in rich gold mine. Snell, Sierra City, Cal. SITUATIONS W ANT E D M ALE. MIDDLE-AGED man, working nights, would like to work 1 or 2 hours morn ings for some lady who needs a man to do the havy Janitor work, in ex change for a room. Phone Proadway 374 and leave address with clerk, morn ings, t to 11:30. C L. B., room. 314, 1-tu et. - WANTED Position by young man as gardener and caretaker of grounds and to drive family car; willing to work; reasonable ; room and board included has good family; can give references as to family and good name. Am clean and of good character. Call Columbia 64Q. MECHANICAL engineer, with 16 years of experience in the automobile industry ; for past & years In responsible position with Lodge Bros., Detroit, Mich.; wants connection with, reliable dealer as part ner, service or branch manager. E. W., 2620 Arnold way. CorvaUis. Or. .TAINTING AND TINTING. . Shrewd buyers know the economy of finest paints plus finest workmanship. LOUIS BURK QUALITY PAINTER H road'w a y 1 -"7. YOUNG MAN, aged 22, would like a good opportunity to go on farm, some experi ence. What can you offer a young man? If Interested write C. Walking, Gen. Dal., Portland. Or, TIMEKEEPER and cost accountant, age 30, law graduate. machine shop, con struction work and lumber mill experi ence, wants position. AK 337, Oregonian. MAN THOROUGHLY experienced in retail and wholesale meat business wisnea posi tion as manager or foreman; references, M 07, Oregonian . YOUNG man attending night school de sires work. Good typist and tile cierK. Can drive auto. Am not afraid of work. B 918, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young farmer and stock man wanta position on larm; marriru. Best references. G. E. Lehman, 1606 Clarendon st. MARRIED man, over 20 years experience general merchandise and boo k Keeping, desires position Oct. 1st: moderate sal ary; references. AV 422. Oregonian. i'OL'XU MAN going to school, wants work after 4 o clock for ooara ana room or small wages; can drive any kind of car. R 021, Oregonian. WANTED By an assembling machinist position in machine snop or garage. perienced with tractors and diesel en gines. J. S. Williams. 7t0 East Oth st. N. A COLORED boy attending high school desires a place to work witn room arm board and small pay after school hours. Enner Champe, Princess Hotel. SALESMAN with light car wishes position Willi CMduilBUCU a-1 - - cessories house. Phone East 814Q. YOUNG MAN, 19, wishes position driving delivery car; knows city; can do minor repairs; references. N m. oregonian. WANTED to work in restaurant from 4 to 12. Address room 44, New Western hotel. 10th and Hoyt stsJ MAN AND wife desire janitor work in apartment house; man exper. iireman, AG H4w. Oregonian. WANTED Hauling with 1-ton truck Gordon Pattee. Box 198. Route 2. Hills dale. Or. YOUNG ATTORNEY wishes position with good established lawyer. Out-of-town location considered. D 921. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED experienced working rnnnie. looks for place managing apart rnents; references. AG 344. Oregonian. CHEF, first-class Frencn ana American cooking, requires situation. AO 862. Oregonian. PAINTING and tinting, by the day or contract; let us estimate; wortc guaran teed. Barnes A Sharp. Woodlawn 5Jo4. CONCRETE walks, sidewalks, basements, earaees and runways on contracL Ta bor 9031. WANTED By colored man and wife, po sition as janitor in apartment house; best of references. AK 840. Oregonian ROOMS tinted, $3 and $4. Phone Bdwy. 5060. CARPENTER wants work, town or coun try. Mr. Campbell, Mar. 2141. MAN WITH own auto BD 78, Oregonian. wmhes position, FOR HIRE 2-ton truck witn dump body and hoist, ttroaa wayioo. TRUCK 2Vi-ton, with freight, body, focj n I re. rnon v au w j o j- HOOMS tinted. $4 per room; painting rea sonable. Leave oraer. main s-o. CARPENTERING. REPAIRING AND RE MODELING. PHONE TABOR 234. t a i vri vii ana tint inr work rua. run teed. Prices reasonable. Tabor e t. COLORED bov wants position as chauf feur in private family. C 909. Oregonian. pippknte R. contracting, repairs, remod eling, etc. ' i w 7 . WANTED A job running an elevator by middle-aged man. rt, -'-t. oregonian SHINGLING contracts wanted. Room 11. Main 79O0. ROOFS painted, reasonable. Tabor 920. Bookkeepers. KtenographejOJflce!1 Drw.i.-yirpPIM. ACCOUNTING. INCOME TAX SERVICE, ETC. Ernest Johns, 958 Williams ave. I'now i -ot- BOOKKEEPER with nrst-claaa references winti DOB1UOD in r oui ui wij. 7406. COMPETENT bookkeeper has spare time day or evening. Y 90. oregonian. BlTUATIONSWANJTEJ- FEMLAaLE. rx no -..a, ftlri. will take care child or small children for room and board, where she can go to school. AE M5, Oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes reception-room work: in MUOlO Or Ol 1 ICC. AlttlU -0"0. ivuu -a.- or M 951. Oregonian. LACE. SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE cur tains done up like now. vm East 8518. WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings while mother is away references. wooaiawn ion. l Anv urUht nv-ition as assistant in phy sirian's or dentist's office. Main 2808, room 515; or F 82, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED domestic art teacher will accept good position. Wire Tideland Farm, Bay center. v ELDERLY woman will do light housework for wnrklna woman in.o wljt. x Oregon ian. WOMAN will help with cooking, salad making, etc.; wages io per wtoj.. jui,iu 1620. ' REFINED lady would like private switch board; evening work; to 10. AE 84-4. Oregonian. m YOUNG" lady wants washing and cleaning. Phone East 64S. 9 to 11 only. WANT house cleaning, other work, hours. day : work guaranteed. Woodlawn 6305. WANTED To learn hemstitching. . W 78. Oregonian. j COLORED lady wanta day work. Phone East 3237. LACE scrim marquisette curtains, hand laundered. 10 yrs exp. East 6106. WOMAN wants day work Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday. Marshall 3672. WANTED Work by the hour. Phone East LINENS French hemmed, embroidery, in fants wear and lingerie made. Sell. 2951. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Main 7020. COLORED OH EF wants work. Can fur nish reference. Phone East 8237. WOMAN wants day work. 50c hour, car fare and lunch. Woodlawn 6084. YOUNG woman wishes position press feed ing; prefer Job office. Phone Main 371. EXPERIENCED laundress wants work by t h e day. East 5374. WOMAN wants day work. Ant. 528-38. Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office, , YOUNG woman desires general office (no stenographer) work or work in doctor's office; must have work. Florence Luhr, 6103 45th ave.. S. E. THOROUGHLY experienced, well-educated stenographer desires position in law of fice. Main 7406. YOUNG lady stenographer wishes position ; competent and can operate dictaphone. East 2440. STENOGRAPHER and comptometer op erator wanta position. AO 343, Ore gonian. STENOGRAPHER, 8 years' experience, de sires permanent position. East 4246. YOUNG lady desires general office posi tion; best of references. Call Tabor 4785. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher. Best of references. Main 2817. COMPETENT stenographer and typist de sires home work; reasonable. Wdln. 5537. EX PE-R1ENCED stenographer desires tem porary position. . Bdwy, 4098. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMA LE. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, office. YOUNG lady wishes position. Has had five years' experience aa stenographer, bookkeeper and cashier. Understands inHurance thoroughly. References. AE 74, Oregonian. Drees makers. PORTLAND DRESS AND APRON SHOP. 221 PL ATT BLDG.. WASH A 'ARK. WILL OPEN SEPT. 1ST WITH THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN DRESSES. APRONS: PRICES THAT WILL BE INTERESTING. THIS AD GOOD FOR 25C ON EACH PURCHAE. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants position with dressmaker alone, to learn and for rea sonable wages; have had some experi ence. A t 66. Oregonian. D R E3SLS M A K ING h 1 1-d re n s clothes, alter ations; work guarantee!; 50c an hour, by day, home. M rs. Gannon, 408 Main st. .Marshall 3342. DR ESS MA KING. alterations, children's clothes; work guaranteed. Mrs. Ground, 4U7 luth. Main 1780. DRESSMAKING Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices reasonable. 311 Central bldg.. lutn st. Main s4um. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, tailoring; $:t.f0 per day. Mrs. Honychurch. Sell- Sell- M. to 1 wood 106O. DRESSMAKING. $3.50 Per day. A o f. m. .Mm. Brush. Tel. East 417. DRESSMAKING. $3.50 per dav. 9 A. M. 6 P. M. Mrs. Brush. Tel. E. 4172. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. Tabor . 7855. PLAIN and family sewing. Call East 7624. 863 E. Washington, cor. E. 2Sth. WANTfiD Sewing and altering. Main 3132. 403 Alisky bldg. DRESSMAKING Michigan ave.. done reasonable, near Beech st. THOSE desiring first-class dressmaking, call Main 72113. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker, d ay work. Ta- Dor 590. Nur PRACTICAL nurse furnish references. wants position. Can Phone Marshall r93A. NU.RSE going to Hot Luke would take care patient on train. Marshall 1 164. Housekeepers. CAPABLE? refined woman wishes position in widower's home; no objection to one or two chyd ren. Phone Wdln. 1 300. OUNG widow, neat and refined, wishes housekeeping position. 269Li Fifth St.. opposite city hall. Main 03 5. room i WOMAN, with small boy. wishes perm. nent housekeeping position. In town preferred. Bdwy. 4369. WA NTED By a respectable widow lady, with small child, position as housekeep er. A F 848. Oregonian. ' WIDOW with boy, 8, wishes position as housekeeper on farm. Ar 391, orego nian. Domestics. HOUSE CLEANING. House cleaning, window washing, car pet cleaning by expert workmen; floors waxed, turniturw ponsnca hkc new. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. 188 Chapman St. Phone Main 1157. THE VER1 BEST WINDOW CLEANERS. Tabor 4638. House cleaning, iioor wax ing and vacuum cleaning: estimates cheerfully given. Best of references. FRANKLIN high school girl. 16. wants to work in C. S. family, ooara. room ana small wages. R 922. Oregonian. WANTED Store building for furniture. Call East 0051 or 3?4 E. wasnington. WANTED TO KENT. Houses. RESPONSIBLE couple with daughter go ing to school would rent o or o-room modern home from owner who appreci ates first-class care of property; will pay reasonable rent and give references; Rose City, Irvlngton or Laurelhurst districts preferred. Phone E. 4552 Sunday or Main 308 weekdays. TO LEASE for two years or more, gooa house. or 9 rooms, two Datns. soou yard; Portland Heigh Ls. Willamette Heights, Cornell road. Westover; will pay good rent; best of references. A lot. Oregonian. WANTED By refined coupie and daugh ter 12 years, living accommoaauuu uj meals, private family. Rose City or 1 -a li re Hi urst district: references furnished. O 90S. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT furnished or unfur nished house or nouseaeepuiir i month of September, Rose City dl5trict. Phone Main 3100- Webb. Park WANTED To lease o-room modern bouse; furnace, gas range ana garage; wuims to pay 8 months' rent in advance. Lenox hotel, room 418. FURNISHED bungalow, 4, 5 or 6 rooms; will sign tease ior rcvwnui . will take possession at once. Phone L. C Bullock, Broadway 660. WANTED To rent 6 or 7 -room modern1 house or bungalow witn garage. -nc no object; best references. H 63, Ore- gonian. - WANTED to lease for one year or longer, unfurnished modern 6-room house in good location; family consists o adults o nly. Phone Tabor 8807. W NT to rent or lease four or five-room modern fiat or house, unfurnished, by re liable coupie. between Sept. lo and Oct. 1. H 556. Oregonian. T, . v-rc-n TO RF.XT OR L 0-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. NOB HILL OR PORTLAND HEIGHTS PRE FERRED. MAIN 4711. WANTED To rent furnished house. 3 or 6 rooms, with garage, in Richmond dis trict. Phone Sell. 2178. , vVc-n r. mnt bv SeDt. 4. near E. 43th t. and Hawthorne, furnished house nis Phone week days. Tabor 20t. WANTED To rent py &ept i, or o-nium furnished modern bungalow; Rosa City preferred; references. :por WANTED, by adults, 6 -room house, near Wah. nign. iv in, Apartments. WANTED Well-furnished modern 3 or 4 -room apt. or small house with garage, preferably on wrst aide, for 9 months; 3 adults: references. Harris P. Allen. nnrtvT,A hotel. Tel. Wednesday and Thursday. , . T-ci-a rrr pfvt Small nnfurnishei ji.rimpnt. brick building: reasonable rnt: adults. Broadway 802. House. 2 Williams. WANTED To rent, on or aDout Septem ber 1 4 or 5 -room furnished apt. or flat, waihinr distance, west side. Main 5o03. TIKF1XED vounss couple wish to share or have part of someone's home this winter. Phone luain -tie. Rooms. tv- a vT.-n Rnm Irvlrcton district; sleep i w . h iirm e- room. Call be t Jn it and 12. room 653 Hotel Port- land. Rooms Yith Board. vixm.Y two adults, one 8-year-old girl, wA.nts comfortable room and seeeping - v, with KfiArd In rood neighborhood. W4li stav ttil spring. Address with par ticulars. P 921. Oregonian ,.-.inL-iv-r. with bov 6 and Ctrl 4 desires room and board for herself and .k.n whr children will be cared fnr ifurinc day; reasonable. Address Mrs. Brooks. 1047 Corbett. city. ia . .r i vn tx titk and rirl 5 years old want room ana uoara i v '-' - - where little girl will be taken care of during day. Call mornings. Sell wood 140 WANT BID Room and board for adult son and where eioeriy iauy --' hisrh loralitv. north east side garage wanted near. AE 843. Oregonian YOUNG woman with small daughter wants . i m r-m ronm wtfhln 8 blks. of t?rt cmiv Park school; references. AL 776. Oregonian. WANTED Board and room for man and wif in orivate- family; no other board ers: will pay good price for right place Tabor 3064 Housekeeping Rooms. LADY with two boys, ages 9 and 12. de filres hoirsekepeing rooms In private i .in., in shnnl and car line. . or a.ddresa Mrs. Graham, 354 San Ra fael st. Miscellaneous. I WANT to rent small barn for horse and wagon. AB 7J0. Oregonian. FOR RENT. SOME good rooms. 208 17th. near Taylor also one a-room apu Furnished Rooms. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison at Tenth Rates $1 a day up; weekly. 5 up; free phone and patns. i iJVv-R "The Bushmark" your home clean, modern rooms. Washington st., ai 17th. SARGENT HOTEL Housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Phone East 291, 2 1 Grand ave. HOTEL ARTHUR, 170 11th st. Nice modern, clean rooms, at transient and permanent rates. SOM E desirable close-in housekeeping rooms will go Quick. 344 Salmon aU at Broadway. OHIO HOTEL Housekeeping and sleep lng rooms. 266 Front, corner Madison. SLEEPING room to let. Newhall Hotel. 402 E. Wash, st. Phone E. 8490. CLEAN, comfortable sleeping rooms, line beds, near shipyards. 573 2d st. FOB RENT. Furnished Boons. BEAUTIFTTLLT furnished suite or single rooms, with or without baths in higii c lasts apartment house, to refined gen tleman. Mart, hall 2$30. ANSON I A HOTEL 124 14th St.. at Washington. Rates. $5 per week up, $1 day. Fire proof, large attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusement and shopping center. FOR RENT Large steam-heated front room, suitable for gentleman or man and wife employed; near Montgomery-Ward new building; C. S. preferred; references exchanged. AB 436. Oregonian. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison st.. at East Sixth. The principal east side hotel: digni fied and refined; $ 1 .25 per day and up; $6 per week and up. PERKINS HOTEL. Fifth and Washington sta Attractive rates to permanent guests. Commodious suites for families. RITZ HOTEL, Morrison and Park sts. New. fireproof and modern. Special rates to permanent s. HOTEL LENOX. ' Third and Main sts. Rates $5 & week Jp; large rooms, attractive lobby. LARGE front room with private bath, ref erences. .Main uoo. 301 nth et, corner Mill. CLEVENGER HOTEL, 4l0s WASH. ST. NEW MANAGEMENT. H. K. and single rooms, daily, weklr. URNlSHED room with sleeping porch in apartment, suitable for 2; kitchen privi leges. Main 3140. ST. PAUL HOTEL 1 GO Fourth it: clean. modern, respectable. Transients $1 up. Permanent $5 up. . FURNISHED rooms for business man or woman. a-'ti't, Tenth street. II DAY, $2.50 week up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cadillac. Third, rear Jefferson. In furnished Rooms. GARLAND hotel. Trinity place: rate. $5 a week up. modern outside rooms, steam heat. Furnitthed H-ooms in Private Family. COMFORTABLE furnished front room, suitable for two gentlemen, with sep arate beds, reasonable; opposite Mult nomah club, 10-minute walk. 580 Sal mon. Main 3732. 140 N. 22 D ST. Second floor flat, buitable for bachelor or traveling man; heat, hot water, bath, phone, walking distance; no other roomers. Main 687. FOR RENT Furnished. large. clean, quiet slreplng room, heat and bath; pre fer 2 middle-aged teachers. 271 13th. corner Jefferso n . PLEASANT front room for one or two in private family ; convenient for nurses ; 211 N. 23d il., near Love joy. Marshall 3521. CHEERFUL turn. mis. in a strictly mod ern flat; 5 mtn. walk to P. O.. W. S., suitable for 1 or 2; reasonable. 002 Ss Evert-tt. TWO sleepirg rooms with home privi leges; board close by. 683 E. Saimon st. Phone East 7H,0. RV1NGTON Large front room near Irv lngton club; home privileges. 525 E. 21st st. N. LARGE front room downstairs, with kitch en privileges, for congemaL working girl. East 4593. CLEAN, comfortable, finely furnished room, large closet, steam heat, every convenience. Knob Hill. Main 1009. LA RGE sunny room and board for two (employed), no other boarders, west side, walk ing distanc e . Mars hall 60 IS. COSY furnished front room, small kitchen. nice home, near car, to couple employed. Tabor 2743. CLEAN, quiet room, convenient, reason able. 3S2 Ross St., 2 blocks Broadway bridge. 20 EAST 1 3TH Nicely furnished room furnace heat, l'iight, phone, for 1 or 2 gentlemen. NICE L.Y furnished rooms. east side, walking distance; on Morrison car; fur nace, light. Tabor 7714. LADD ADDITION. large, pleasant room with fine view, walking distance, reaaon- able: garage if desired. East 55S4. ONE furnished bedroom, bath, telephone, etc. Gentleman only. 408 Park street. Main 4443. ' 269 14TH. near Jefferson Choice rooms; walking distance; modern conveniences. Main 3803. FOR LADY One large bedroom In private family; all conveniences; Nob Hiil dis- . trict. Mars hail 3570. NICE sleeping or housekeeping rooms, also uniurmshed rooms. oot Everett st. tin evenings. TO RENT Large front room, nurse or sin gle man: morning or evening, 147 . street. FURNISHED room in good location, 26 E. 24th st. N.. one block from Monta viila car line. Call Automatic 2:7-t3. FoR KENT Two very nice furnished rooms to gentlemen only, tool East Couch st. Phone East 850U. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms very rea sonable. 10 Chapman st. Phone Marshall 1 828. WELL-FU RN 1SHED H. K. rooms; 2 beds; adults: close in; 925. 38 college, oetween 5th and 6th. ROOM (or a gentleman in a private Jew ish family: reierences. tsroaaway i i --. MODERN room, in walking distance, west side. 44:i llth st. FOR RE.T- rooms, unfurnished. Mai a 1152. PLEASANT front room and dressing room for 1 or J, wanting Distance. mar, y.. LARGE front room, nicely furnished, walk ing distance. faast ooj. NICELY furnished room. 738 Johnson, 2Jd and "jaa. Main aiw. ROOM in nice home for owe or two gea 374 Park. Marshall 209. tlemen. N1ELV furnished room for gentleman. Marshall ;H1. ian aiter 1-. .r. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential hotels on Pa.clflc coast, American plan, with or without hath. S2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. NORTON I A HOTEL. Portland's dowotowo high-clsss family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home, reasonable rates. AR'SYOU tired. Ill and want a good home to live in. with home privileges; quiet, refined atmosphere Call Auto matic 317-65. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 380 Tenth st. For business girls and students; reasonable rates. Mar. 1251. ROOM and board for business girls; ail modern conveniences: walking distance; 5 per week. AuL 21-974. 12 E. 7th at. Rooms With Board In Private Family. o5 PER MONTH for room and board in beautiful Mt. Tabor home; lovely large room with fireplace; 2 young men or married couple employed; garage If de sired. Phone Tabor 1442. ROOM in private family, 1108 Williams ave.. near Jefferson high school. 1 or 2 ladles. Wdln 14. with or without board. NICELY furnished room, suitable for two employed; a good table and full priv ileges; walking distance. East 156. VERY best of board and nice clean room, good neighborhood, near Union and Broadway. Call East 6393. CARE of child; good home in suburbs; over 6 vears; A-l references. Call even- jngs. Sell wood 2TM)4. NICELY furnished front room with board for two: flne location; walking dis tance. East 5715. LARGE room tor 2 gentlemen, phone, fur nace heat; no transients. East 8445. ROOM and board in private family ; all home cooking. East 830O. 254 E 23d st. CARE AND board for boy or girl of school age. Tabor 8505. ROOM and board In private family. East 8363. 590 East Salmon st. L,A KGE. well -furnished room with board; also smaller room. 701 Irving st. ROOM and board to lady employed, S24 per month. B 54. Oregonian. Furnished Apartments. THREE large, well-furnished rooms for housekeeping, close to Washington high school. 20 E. 13th sU. corner Ash. FURNISHED apartment, 2 rooms, with kitchenette. $2? Todd apts.. East 12th and Stark. East 2509. LUCILLE COURT APARTMENTS. 4 -room furnished apartments. Call "Broadway 2071. NICELY furnished 2-room apartment. 789 Kearney. Marshall 3456. 125 PER MONTH, 2-room furnished apts., Ciose in. 147 Lownsdale, near Morrison. UNION AVE! and Killlngsworth. $21.50 all complete; concrete bldg. 2, 3 AND 4-ROOM apts., also single rooms, Leeds apts., 210 Market mu TWO-ROOM apt., furnished, $30. Burnside. Auto. 213-32. 440 B NEW YORK APARTMENTS. 7th and Bel mont. East 233. 1-2-3 rooms furnished.