20. THE MORNING OREGONIAN. TUESDAY. AUGUST 31, 1920 FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. SEW. SEW. SEW. SEW. Phone Sellwood 10TI. NO AGENTS EMPLOYED. Sewing- nncrilnes cleaned, timea, ad justed, repaired. bouKht. sold, rented, supplies and attachments, power and mfe. machines; motors, shafting and tables Installed ; everything In needies. Phone Sellwood 1071. ' GET INTO THE TIRE GAME. Vulcanizing- and retreading shop In suburbs of Portland, all new, modern machinery; this Is a real buy; good reasons for selling; llvlnc rooms so with the shop: well located snd plenty of business; price Jl-'UO. Ci Oil. Orego nlan. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Ratber than return our salesmen's samples to the factory, consisting of raincoats, motorcoats and leather coats, we have placed them on sale to the pub lic at wholesale prlie. United Rubber Co.. 7l'B Morgan bliiar. l"OR SALE A quantity or 40-watt clear Alazda lampK, u&ed flurins; Shrine week only: all tested; J0 per hundred: no smaller orders considered: also some 60-watt white nitrogen lamps and 1000 lt Lux nitrogen lamps. H. R. POP PLKTUX. 71 Front st. NOTICE TO TUB P-LBLIC. Rather than return our salesmen's samples to the factory, consisting; of raincoats, motor coats and leather coats, we have placed them on sale to the pub lic at wholesale price. VXITED RUltBEit CO.. 726 Morgan bldg. t'SKD electric vacuum cleaners in first class mechanical condition at a big sav ing; a few hand vacuum cleaners. $1 each. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY. 81 Fifth St. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no AKenta employed: com plete line of parts for all makes: ma chines repaired and rented. Main 0431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. HIP Third at., near Taylor. I'OK SALE CHEAP Enlarging lantern, podtearu size, with condensing lenses. Focusing platform; also folding stand ards for background, reflectors, etc. Ad dress, or call evenings. -312 E St., Van couver. Wash. FOR SALE All sizes of floor cases, large and small safe, counter and wall cases, ice boxes, chairs, candy outfit. Hobart electric coffee grinder. National register, counter with draft arm. bread cases, check protecter. 242 Salmon. ELECT RIC repair arid parts for all makes irons, heaters. toasters. percolators, vacuum cleaners, fans, drink mixers, doorbells, etc. Wiring and motor dept. Quick service. Hynson Electric Co Phone Bdwy 4203 302 Pine, at Oth. BAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. Easy terms if de sired. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. 103 Second st. Main 204.. HOT-WATER tanks. 30-gal.. $7; 40-gal.. fit; tested and guaranteed: stove and furnace colls, gas heaters Installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams st! East 8.18. FUR CHOKERS From $11 up; every article reduced this month; remodeling. THE FUR SHOP. "0fl Swetland bldg.. Fifth and Wash. LICENSED INDEPENDENT ELECTRI CIAN WIRES 3 "ROOMS FOR $12.50; 6 ROOMS $20. ALL NEW MATERIAL USED AND GUARANTEED TO PASS INSPECTION. WOODLAWN 3791. WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a permanent and comfortable roof? We repair, rubber bond anti rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Main 5560. WE WASH your rugs at home on the floor with the "Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; satisfaction guaranteed. Wood lawn 125U or East 4045, CIRCLE EXCHANGE. We buy, sell and exchange ladles' and children's clothing. 415 Fleldner bldg., loth and Washington sts. -Bdwy. 220. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1'IOB. 4S Froni, Bt- L'SE'i) electric washing machines; some bargains. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY. t 5th and Oak sts. A BEAUTIFUL set of new white furs for sale reasonable at 'MS Mtlwaukte and Crampton sts. Call after 10 A. M. Mon day. Phone Sellwood 2806. INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA. 2 volumes, Morocco bound, as new. Coat $148; sacrifice. $75. 010 Thur man st. KLECTRIC Irons, appliances, door bells, vacuum cleaners and ranges repaired, fixtures rewired; we call and deliver. Woodlawn 1250 or East 4045. F. MARION CRAWFORD novels. 30 books complete edition, new; sacrifice. 010 Thurman st. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. USED CAR BARGAINS. You should see these cars to ap preciate their value: 1918 FORD, 5-pass., good value $ 450 1910 CHEVROLET, 3-pass., tires , new 700 3918 MAXWELL, 5-pass., new paint 700 1919 MITCHELL, 5-pass.. nearly new 1S00 1917 OAKLAND sedan, new paint. 950 IBIS BRISCOE. 5-pass.; a snap.. 675 1910 ELGIN. 5-pass.; like new 1000 1919 CHEVROLET, extra equip ment 700 CHEVROLET 1920, run 6000 miles, extra equipment 775 Also some slightly used Oldsmoblle cars that we are prepared to give splen did bargains on. OLDS MOBILE CO.. Broadway at Couch. Pho..e Broadway 2270. 1319 VELIE, driven under 5000 miles price $1400. Main 780. HUPMOBILE. Fine condition, good tires, run less than 12.00U miles; will sell this car right as I am leaving city and do not wish to pay storage, 1'hone E 8139. r-ij rranklln touring car. overhauled and repainted. Will take small car in exchange. AL 341. Oregonian. 1320 CHEVROLET, splendid mechanics condition, complete equipment, special C'Utch lock, good tires, two Just new; tlnlsh looks like new car. Call 12 Grand ave.. East 346. u LATE 1918 Maxwell, fine condition new paint. $623; terms. Main 780. BUCK roadster, never been run purchased August 25: will sacrifice for quick sale terms. Phone Broadway 1081, E. Al' Crouch, Union Station restaurant. llODliK touring, 1918, best of condition good tires; must sell; a real buy, $s5o' with terms. 30 Gland ave. North, near Burnside. HAVE l OKD delivery in fine running con dition for sale very cheap, demountable rims. Call Tabor 1490. JU ST sell today.' good 3-seat Maxwell 1UI8. extra wheel, good rubber, new battery; $.nlO cash. Call 271-37. 18 CLASSY STUD. ROADSTER, $750 " 18 Maxwell touring, wind shield, like new. i.0 cash. Q.wner, 131 4th st. BRAND NEW 192o Dodge, never beT. driven. W. H. Wallingford Co.. loth H"o nnwniimmn. uroaquay 2626, 1919 VBLIK BILT WELL 6. In excellent condition and appearance; sell cheap and take cheaper car In trade. Main 780. OVERLAND touring, good condition; must sell; a snap at $37, terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnsidc. LHALMERH roadster, 1917; will sell al $tlo, terms. 30 Grand ave. North near Burnslde. FRANKLIN, series B, looks and runs like new, ll.twv miles; lor q'llck bale $40O Call MaJn 6741 or Broadway 840. CHEVROLET touring, 191.S. fine condition good tires; a snap at $495, terms. 31) Grand ave. North, near Burnslde FORD with Ford starter. 1919 or 390 model: pay cash; stato price. c 907, Oregonian. ' 1918 DODGE sedan. Just overhauled, new tires, lots of extras, $1200; private party Bdwy. 2274 or E 100. Oregonian FORD 1919 touring. $500; cheap lot and and cash as first payment; terms Cel. it. ' J918 SAXON 6, a good light car; cheap $350. terms. Main 780. 1920 I.ATRAIN must be sold rt once. Ow -er, Woodlawn 5905. FRANKLIN CAR. series OA. 5 cord tires, cash or trade. Tabu- 6329. 1917 DODGE touring car. 5-passenger, good shape. Bdwy. 1572, Mr. Clark. rV FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. PRICES "WAY DOWN. Very much lower' than a year ago, while prices of new cars have advanced. We do not have a used car depart ment. These special, bargains are on our salesroom floor. 1917 Maxwell, good condition 1-3 1918 Maxwell, fine small modern car, all fixed up like new and first-class condition ............ -A-3 1919 Maxwell like new ..745 1919 Dodge, good tires, fine mechanical condition. Bargain price. 1919 Hupmoblle coupe, always In private use, fine condition ...... .$1650 1919 Chalmers light six with hot spot. All gone over and all in first-class condition. Quality car at a price J1400 Essex that Is O. K. In every way. Will give you the same service and replacement of parts as on a new automobile $1425 Hudson super-six that was In priv ate owner's hands. Has been through our shop. Is In perfect condition. We sell to you with the came service and replacement of parts as given on a new auto mobile 1250 1917 Hudson speedster. Looks like new, fine condition and sold with the same service to you and re placement of parts as on a new automobile $1550 191 S Hudson speedster. All gone over mechanically. Looks like new. Sold with same service and replacement of parts as on a new automobl.e $1825 TRUCKS. Maxwell one-ton truck, ditlon Good con- .$350 C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. 615-C17 Washington St. Portland. USED-CAR BARGAINS BY LONG & SILVA. 402 Hawthorne Ave. 1 Olds 4 ..$750 1 Studebaker 600 1 Dodge 750 1 Overland roadster ............... 35J 1 Chevrolet roadster 350 5 Fords, from $400 to 47 J 1 Mitchel: bug 230 1 Studebaker bug 150 1 Buick ton truck 50J LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR- SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & .MORTGAGE CO., -2US SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. FOKD OWNERS. FORD overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled .............. 6 Valves ground, carbon removed 3 Magheto recharged ................. 5 We hand-iap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO., 280 Front St., Corner Jefferson. BUICK TOURING. 1918. This car has all the equipment that the 1919 can have on them, and this one is so new you will be surprised at the low price; has cord tires and one extra; come and try it; it runs perfect. We can take light car of popular make in trade. Will take $450 down, balance easy monthly payments. Open Sundays. 505 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories, tires, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc.; also do towing. Open day and night. LONG A SILVA, Phone East es-u. 462 Hawthorne. BUICK ROADSTER. LATE MODEL. This car has cord tires and refinished, and. will look and run to please you Come and try it. The price is low, and -we will take S40O down, balance easy. Take car In trade now. If you are looking for a regular bargain in a Buick roadster, see this one; fully equipped DOS Alder St. Red Front Used Car Co. WANT to sell at once my 1920 Essex, run Just 3600 miles; 5 cord tires and other extras; car Just like new regards to fii-ish. win take some .terms II neces sary. Phone Mam Tloo. 1017 BUICK TOURING. This car is in fine condition and will speak for Itself; has good tires, one ex tra, and new leather top, side curtains. and Is complete; low price of $975, with $350" down, balance easy; take Ford In trade at right price. 505 Alder St. Red front used car Co. ; 1920 HUDSON -SEDAN RUN 6000 MILES; 6 TIRES, A-l ME CHANICAL SHAPE AND A REAL BARGAIN; COST NEW $3950. SAVE FOR SALE 1920 OLDSMOBILE SIX: ALL CORD TIRES AND EXTRA CORD, SPOT LIGHT. MIRROR. MOTOR ME TER. DRIVEN ONLY FEW THOUSAND MILES. PERFECT CONDITION. WILL CONSIDER SMALLER CAR AS PART PAYMENT. TEL. SELLWOOD 162. 1917 FORD Shock absorbers, spot light, good rubber; a snap, terms. 531 Wash ington st. Broadway 1614. FORD ROADSTER 1917 or early '18 model. Almost new tires: Hasseller snocht aDsorDers. low price of $390 $lou down on this car, balance easy. JAKE'S USED CAR EXCHANGE. 28 N. llth St. Bdwy. 3214. Open Sundayg'and Evening3. 1919 OVERLAND 00, new paint, fine con dilion, easy terms, $750. Main 780. ONE BARGAIN. Hudson speedster, overhauled, re.na.lnt ed: guaranteed as new car by Hudson people; cord tires; two extra tires; $1575 casn or nati terms. aiurray Atanvill-e, cast otjJJ. LIGHT FOUR. This car has all good tires, electric lights, self-starter and snubbers on the springs. Low price of $300. $123 down, - balance easy. JAKE'S USED CAR EXCHANGE. 23 N. llth St. Bdwy. 3214, 1918 SAXON . a good light car in good condition, $550. Main 780. 1919 BUICK 6 roadster; fine shape: five cord tire, one is new; car used one year; driven 6O00 miles, city streets only; see this snap. $1500. Call Broadway 1130. Ask for Mr. Montgomery. 1918 KISSELKAR. Real .bargain at $875, cord tires all around, clock, spotlight, bumper, etc., will consider small car as part payment. Tabor SC26. ONE 1919 OLDSMOBILE Little 6. fine condition; looks and runs like new; ex ceptionally good tires, one brand new spare tire: price $1400: cash or terms. Call Mr. Montgomery, Broadwav 1130. 7-PASSENGER BUICK. Used only 8 months by private owner and practically new car: many extras; at a bargain. Wdln. 2111. 191S FORD In Al condition: lonka and runs like new: with lots of extras; will Siicruicc; terms lr desired. Call East 733-S. BA BY grand Chevrolet. In good cond-ition. new battery point, vacuum feed: might consider standard make piano in trade. ..an .-viain au-t. morning ana evenings. HUDSON LIMOUSINE AT HALF PRICE YET GUARANTEED MECHANICALLY AS NEW CAR. REPAINTED AND TIRES GOOD: $2400. EAST 8695 PAIGE SIX. 1917 touring, wire wheels, one extra: real bargain at $1000. 30 Grand FOR SAl.i-J Jforn delivery car, closed body, 1919 model, first-class condition 62 11 72d St. S. E. 1920 STUDEBAKEK. 7-pass., cold tires perfect condition: $2000. will take lighter car and give terms. 367 stark 5-PASS. Vclie. good condition with ,-. tire and rim. Call Monday, 432 Haw- inornc SOME good Fords. Bulcks and Jefferles for sale at sacrifice; easy terms. 351 Burn slde st. TOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. . WILLYS-OVERLAND-PACIFIC COMPANY. ' ' USED CARS. 17, '18. '19 and '20 Models. Ford touring that's a bargain at $ 375 Overland touring, model 00, new tires Ta Overland C C. overhauled,-and re- painted 75 Overland touring, model 85-4, ex- tra good -,, Buick 6, touring model D 4a 8.0 Liberty 6 touring "take It" 1000 The above are far above the average. You are assured of fair dealing. WILLYS-OVERLAND-PACIFIC COMPANY. Broadway 3535. Broadway at Davis st. HAVE AN EXPERT NOT AN APPREN TICE DO YOUR CAR REPAIRING, Appoint one of these men to do the work, on your car and It will be done .'Iht: J. L. Blanklnshlp. foreman. Hudson expert; late foreman of shop at Arnold's. Hudson dealer. Los Angeles, Cal. C. R. Palmerton. Grant. Hupmoblle: six years with Manley Auto Co. R. Grolbert. Oldsmoblle, Dodge; seven years in Portland shops. Stuart McKle, Cadillac. Buick. Kissel; eleven years in the game. Vv'e emplcy no apprentices. WASHINGTON PARK AUTO CO.. 23d and Washington. Main 730S. FORD OWNERS. , CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motors overhauled ................. .$20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves feround, carbon removed .... 3 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which Insures a perfect-running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. THE REASON, the Ford engine starts hard and the lights are dim is because the MAGNETO is weak. Have It RECHARGED by EXPERTS. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO. 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7644. DO YOU WANT A NEW CHEVROLET? Buy from P. H. DUNN MOTOR CO.. corner Milwaukie and Bybee ave. Phone Sellwood 1393. Easy terms. Liberal allowance for your Ford or Chevrolet. HUDSON SPEEDSTER 1918. UNLIMITED POWER. Mechanically perfect: guarantee and service same as new car. Will paint any color desired; 6 all cord tires and spe cial tire carrier on rear; gives that racy appearance. Liberal terms, $1875. East 0363. 490 CHEVROLET this car has been over hauled completely; has very good tires and surely will go up the hills. Low price of $350 $125 down, balance easy. You had better hurry to get this one. JAKE'S USED CAR EXCHANGE, 28 N. 11th St. Bdwy. 3214. Open Sunday and Evenings. EMPIRE HIGHWAY SIX. Wire wheels, new tires, 4-pass., 4-door tourabout, spotlight, bumper, clock, chains, spring oilers, pyrene and rear plate glass; value over $1900, offered at a bargain, only run 60U0 miles. The Peasleys, 40 1 Morrison. 1918 REO. 7-pass.. Just overhauled, new tires; snap, suuu. Main 780. 1920 FORD touring car by owner. This car is In fine mechanical condition, self' starter, shock absorbers and other ex tras, tires in fine condition; a snap at aio, see jrvine, uroaaway 4U, or 1A' bor 586S. FORD roadster, electric starter and lights. good tires, 4o. aiain ou. 1919 NATIONAL. This car looks e-ood. ana is me most conservative car on tne market, for gas consumption. Low price ol xou maae your own terms. 28 N. llth St. Bdwy. 3214. Open Sunday and Evenings. 1917 VELIE, 5 over-size cord tires, new paint, top and upholstering fine. $90. xerms. main lau. ltj-TON FORD truck. 1920, has been run four days, sell starter, absolutely first class shape, curtains on side and back. Price $950, cost new $ll Call r.t Haw. thocne Garage. 445 Hawthorne ave. 1920 OAKLAND TOURING CAR 1 must sell my almost-new Oakland. looka and runs like a new car; good tires, some extras: will sacrifice for $1050. Phone Wood lawn 40tiS. 1919 OVERLAND Ninety, has had the best of care from private owner; seven good tires, spotlight, chains, powerful, eco nomical motor. In perfect condition; price is exceptionally low. 215 10th st. LATE model 7-pass. Mitchell, new paint, cora tires, fu.u. juain NEW 1920 OVERLAND demonstrator would almost passfor new; 1 year to pay auu fiuv, vftii ,.u occ 1 1 , co. nei of Couch and Broadway or phone Bdwy. jsk tor Jioruen. 1918 FORD sedan- that has had verv rnnd care; demountable rims, electric lights and Dattery; no starter, speedometer; $700. M. H. Baldwin, 251 Yamhill at. Alain olbu. FOR SALE Late model Liberty six tour. ing; wire wheels, bumper, spotlight, good tires; car in excellent condition; will give terms or consider small car in trade. Call Brown jionoay. croaoway 3535. FAST bug. Al condition, 2 spare tires, fully equipped; price very reasonable Phone Marshall 982. or J. Reed, care Kooerta .Motor io. MY HUDSON light six. making 15 miles to gallon, Including 6 cord tires, all oversize; new top; price ooo cash. No trade. Frank L. Smith, 228 Alder st. 1919 MOON, model 6-36, in finest of me chanlcal condition, cord tires, car only run lew tnousana miles, a bargain, terms, fnone Automatic ziy-yi. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. Al mechanics condition; must sell; a bargain at $525, terms it desired. 30 Grand ave. North, near rjurnsiae. 1918 MAXWELL toMrlng. 5 good oversize tires, spot light, new paint and In firt. class condition: bargain at $625. Owner. See U at 858 Union ave. N. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. We wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at bait price. David Hodes AUIV , , 1 - . . B -- . - , . I . . A 1 in SU MAXWELL touring, 1919, Al condition, used privately; a snap at $900, some terms. 00 vjiauu w. nuria, near burn slde. 1 HAVE a 1917 Maxwell roadster and lyro duick roauster wnicn 1 will trade for some city property. Call H. S. Mil ler, 421 Eaft Clay st. East 5384. FORD runabout, 1916, Al condition, tires almost new, real uargain at S3o0, some terms. 30 Grand av. .North, near Burn slde. 1317 STUDEBAKER 6, fine condition. 5 gooa tires, vwo 01 inpia corns; one spad-e, never used; spotlight, motometer, etc ; $630, terms can be arranged. Mar 15"3 BIG USED CARS. PRICES bTOCK. RIGHT. No Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. FOR SALE Cadillac 8. 1917 mnrl.l t passenger, newly painted, new top, " five new cord tires: in A-l condition, must De seen to oa iwicu. can t.ast 4592. urir-vKuijr.. wu"6, iio, gooa mechan ical condition, good tires; must sell- a snap at $473, some terms. 30 Grand ave. Nortn, near surosms. SIXTEEN -VALVE FORD BI!(5 A-l conaition mrougnout. The fast est bug in the city, at a sacrifice. 610 Thurman Rt. 6TUTZ BEARCAT Run 11.000 miles, five new cord Urea, two spotlights, ton: ear jubi ropa'nicu. Aine uw. tau owner at ri.ast -ooo. OAKLAND touring, 1918, almost new: will , sacrifice at $975. 30 Grand ave. North, r'ORO, CHASSIS, will make a good bug a real snap tor sjj.i, some terms. 30 Orana ave. iiunn, near purnsiqe. FORD touring. 1917. best of condition rrf tires; real bargain at $450. 30 Grand ave. J-iurin, i' DuruHiuc. XIAXWEI.L touring. 1917. Al c-niiriittnn good tires; real bargain at $450. 30 orana ae. runn, near ournsiae. BEFORE you buy a Ford see this one $350. 635 Thurman st. BEAUTIFUL Cadillac bug for sale, $675 easy terms, 351 Burn&ide sr. FOB BALE AUTOMOBILES. SAVE ! . . A reduction of $100 on any car listed below for week commencing Au(r"ust 15. 1920 any r in this list is fairly priced now and with reduction offered some positive bargains can De found. Every car Is, in good mechanical condition, some have been repainted and entirely re- Dullt, others completely uv.-i iiau.w with a price ranged to suit any pocket book and very easy terms. CHANDLERS. 1918 CHANDLER, 7-passenger. rebuilt throughout, newly painted, good Ures, with extra. We give new car guarantee on this car. Price $1500. 1918 CHANDLER CHUMMY, 4-pass. roadster, rebuilt throughout, oversize cord tires, nearly new: guaranteed same as new car. Price $1500. 1918 CHANDLER DISPATCH, newly painted, first-class mechanical condition, wire wheels, cord tires with extra; guar anteed same as new car. Price $1800. 1915 CHANDLER CHUMMY. 4-pass. roadster, good mechanical condition, wire wheels, very good tires with extra Price $1275. 1917 CHANDLER 7-pass.. fine me chanical condlliqn: cord tires, newly painted; a real snap. Trice $1000. MODEL B-A' FRANKLIN touring, wire wheels, good condition, good tires, with extra; $1350. Two-pass. Special Huilt Roadster, on 1917 rebuilt Chandler chassis wire wheels with extra and 5 cord tires; a powerful and racy car; must be seen to be appreciated. Price $1450. 1916 6-pass. Chandler Six. completely overhauled, good tires. Price $700. 1018 OVERLAND, B-pass., good condi tion, excellent tires. Price $800. 1017 SAXON, Al condition. $700. 1018 OVERLAND, 4-90 club roadster, good mechanical condition, wire wheels, good tires, repainted. Price $750. 1916 OVERLAND, B-pass., first-class mechanical shape, good tires with ex tras. Price $475. , OPEN SUNDAYS and evenings, 6 to 8 o'clock. 605 Washington Street. 514 Alder Street. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. MANLEY AUTO CO., Burnslde at llth. St. BEST OF BARGAINS EASY TERMS. COMPARE OUR' PRICES. SEE THESE CARS. 1920 NATIONAL, 7-passenger, cord tires; driven only short distance; a sav ing of several hundred dollars. 1019 NATIONAL, 7-passenger, new cord tires ina spare. 1C,1T Mnilnl tj. hup. good tires, spotlight bumper, 1920 license; low price of $1100, with terms to suit; this was the last model N we sold; driven Just 10,000 miles. 1918 0-passenger HUP, good t es; easy terms. 1917 GRANT : low price of $500; $200 cash, balance monthly; gooa tires. and runs line. "1914 FORD. 5-passenger touring; a snap at $250. 1918 MAXWELL 3-pass. roadster; $300. 1020 LIGHT 4 OVERLAND; $900. 1018 OVERLAND, model 90; $550. 1919 OVERLAND, model 00; $750. 1918 FORD COUPE; $725. 1918 DODGE, o-passenger; low price of $850; $350 cash, balance monthly. SEE MR. MOUNTAIN. Phone Broadway 217. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. You will note the difference as soon an v mi Hten into our used car salesroom; in fact, you may wonder if you have not gotten into the new car department, so trim nd neat are our used cars. Our policy is to go through every used car that we lake in traue anu uresa ii- uii, mAchanlcAllv and otherwise, and when w iret through the car is worth much more than before, yet the added cost is little. We hive here a few for your approval 1910 Maxwell. 5-pass., 4-cyl $ 4O0 Overland, model 90, 5-pass., 4-cyl.. 650 Overland, model 85. 5-pass., 4-cyl.. 650 1910 Mitchell. 7-pass.. o-cyi out. 1917 Hupmoblle. 5-pass.. 4-cyl lor.o 1918 Willys-Knight. 7-pass., 4-cyl. 12f.O 3917 Mitchell. 5-pass., 0-cyl ... . 1000 1918 Mitchell. 5-pass., B-cyl 1150 1917 Mitchell, 7-pass.. 0-cyl 900 1918 Mitchell, 7-pass., 6-cyl k. . 1100 1919 Mitchell, 5-pass.. 6-cyl 1000 1918 Mitchell chummy 11 OO Jordan sport marine. 4-pass., 6-cyl. Jordan Play Boy, 2-pass., 6-cyl. Jordan Silhouette, 5-pass., 0-cyl. We have many others, both large and small. Reasonable terms; no brokerage charges. We handle our own notes. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVER CO., Broadway at Everett St. Phone Broadway 4675. 1018 LEXINGTON CHUMMY. If you will come and look at this car, see the fine condition it is in, then have a ride in it, you will surely buy It If you are looking for a real bargain In a high grade car; the paint and tires are fine and mechanically it's as good as you would want, and the low price of $785 buys it.'with a reasonable payment down. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO. . 525 Alder Su CHUMMY ROADSTER. 18 MODEL. This light, dependable four is re finished dark Packard blue, with gold stripe, dark maroon wheels; is very stylish car; one that you will be proud to own, and one that we will let you try Derore you give a aonarlor it; Mas 5 wire wheels and nearly all new tires; full, complete set tools and side cur tains; ready for winter rains; lojv price, and we will tnke $275 down, balance easy: open Sundays. 503 Aider st. RED FRONT USED CAR CO. 1918 OVERLAND-90. This car looks and runs as good as you would want to ask for. and there isn't a nickel to be spent for anything but gas and oil, and away you go; the tires are all first-class. $200 down and $45 per month buys it. A-l AUTO WORKS sc PATENTING CO. 525 Alder St. MODEL 88 Hayncs. in excellent shape. run less tnan iuoo miles; good cora tires, one spare: price cut to $1800. Some terms. 531 Washington st. Broadway 1614. FORD BUG. Ford Bug. all practically new tires and runs fine, a snap for someone; for quick sale, $425: easy terms. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO. 525 A'der St. FOR SALE STUDEBAKER FOUR touring, cheap. Good mechanical con dition. Call East 4972 before 10 A. M. Sunday or after 6 P. M. week days. I HAVE ordered new cars and made $500 payments: wnt sen my equity for $200 to first person calling. AF 737, Ore gonian, MY LITTLE Oldsmobile six, in fine con dition, good tires. Just the thing for small family; close price for cash. Own er, 145o East Taylor. 1919 MAXWELL Good condition; new tires; has been well taken care of; owner. Automatic 320-4:1. 1918 BUICK, 7-pass.. new paint, cord tires; a fine automobile; take cheaper car In trade. Main 780. 1919 BUICK touring car; been run 30O0 miles: good as new. Address 14lh and Morrison sts. Phone Broadway 9:!. OVERLAND touring. Al running condi tion. $600 cash. Take Vancouver car to Columbia boulevard, go one block north. ONE FORD touring car. first-class con dition: price $225. Address 14th and Morrison sts. Phone Broadway 9::. MAXWELL touring, 19J8, fine condition good tires: real bargain at $775. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. ONE FORD truck: worm drive, with flat rack: Al condition. Address 14th. and Morrison sts. Phone Broadway 93. itiinsns super-six- m-m By buying my new Hudson you save S60O. inquire .in ibi BL 1919 MAXWELL touring car; perfect con dition; a bargain. $050. Address llth and Morrlsoiysts. Broadway 93. PAIGK touring, best of condition; a snap at $8.-0, terms. 30 Grand ave. North near Burnsids, . FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. AT THE COVET MOTOR CR CO. PLANT. "Good morning. Mr. Brown, you are out rather early." "Why. hello. Harry. I didn't iupe to be so lucky as to find vou here." Should 1 buy a car now or wait say till spring, or early) next summer?" 'Listen to me. Brown : pi-fcea on new cars are going down Just as soon as you can get the laboring man to leave his little home, his Ford car, his Phono graph, and respectable clothes, and crawl hack into the old tenement dis trict, where he cart keep a pig in the back yard to supply his year's meat." "Oh. I see you don't think they ars going down ?" "Do you?". "No." "Let me give you some advice. Brown. Buy now. right awav. Good rebuilt and refinished used cars have not kept pace with trie advance in price of new cars; they are awav below actual value In my opinion. You can buy any car in this oouse irom 200 to s.,oi cheaper now than next tDrinr. There Is some won derful driving weather still to be had luis year. ' DODGE BROS. MOTOR CAR. 1915 Touring S 97.-. 1917 Touring 925 1916 Touring 7r.O 1916 Roadster , 750 Truck. 2-ton, new attachment. Cadillac motor, a dandy, only $1400 1914 OVERLAND Delivery 3MI 1917 MAXWELL Delivery 30 191 OREO TRUCK. "4 -ton, new tires, run 6000 miles 1150 1918 FORD Sedan, electric starter. 773 1917 FORD Touring 425 1918 OVERLAND-UO. 'a remarkable buy 700 1917 MAXWELL Touring 47.'. 1917 REO Roadster, good shape 800 1916 BUICK Touring, rebuilt 1050 1914 KEO Touring 500 1912 CADILLAC, good service car. 400 J918 BUICK-tt. fine shape 1250 1918 CHANDLER Touring 1400 1920 CHANDLER Dispatch. wire wheels, nearly new,............ 2150 1916 COLE-S. a beauty 1100 1918 STUDEBAKER-6. good shape, new top. new paint 1000 1919 HAYNES-6 Touring. In perfect shape, a beautiful car, and prices - at only 1500 1920 BUICK Coupe, nearly new 2O00 FRANKLIN Touring, series 9-B. cord tires 2250 CADILLACS. 4-passenger, type 5.7 CADILLAC, like new. Westlnghouse shock absorber 3750 7-passenger. type 57 CADILLAC, . runs and looks like new 3600 WE ARE OPEN SUNDAYS. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Washington St. at 21st. Main 6244. C. G. BLEASDALE. TERMS NO BROKERAGE. All standard makes. Call and look them over and get our proposition. Make your own terms. FORD touring, foot starter, tires, shock absorbers good 423 650 350 450 FORD 1-ton almost new truck, worm-drive in fine condition. FORD touring, good tires . . PAIGE, 6-cyllnder, 7-pass. good tires; refinished; for cash MAXWELL touring, fine mechani cal condition; refinished BUICK light-4 delivery MAXWELL, 1918, touring; this car is like new OVERLAND, "model 90, motor thor oughly overhauled, new top, re finished 500 asc 750 700 OVERLAND 85-4; tires, for refinished; 5 700 050 CHANDLER, 4-pass., chummy; new top. plate glass In rear, victoria curtains; mechanically right COMMONWEALTH, 1920; this car is new: wire wheels: a large re - duction if sold at once. flVRRLAND 7-nasseneer. looks like new; Just the car for rental 850 WTT.T.YS-KNIGHT 7-oassehger. like new 1250 ESSEX, as good as new. for quick sale 1450 MANY OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE' FROM TERMS HKUKbKAUt., OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. C. G. BLEASDALE, 530 Alder St. Broadway 1852 FRANKLINS. We have the following used Franklins taken ill exchange on new r'rank.lns. These cars have been overhauled In our own shop by Franklin experts ana are in nerfect mechanical condition: Series 8 touring car $1500 Series 9 4-passenger H00 Series 9 touring car 1S0O Series 9-B touring car . 2OO0 ALSO A late model sedan, used only a short while in the city. Can be had at a discount of- S900. We give liberal terms and take cars In exchange. BRALY AUTO COMPANY, 601 Washington St. Main 4SS0. USED CHEVROLET! SERVICE RELIABILITY REPUTATION. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. CHEVROLET AGENTS. 14TH AND ALDER STS. BDWY. 240. CHEVROLET ROADSTERS. "17 AND '18. These two light, dependable fours will do the Job, and they are like new every way; have new ttres and tubes and have been refinished. and the low price we have on them will please you; take $175 down on either of them, balance easy monthly .payments. Come and have a look, at 505 Alder st. RED FRONT USED CAR CO. 1920 MAXWELL TOURING. A-l CONDITION; FIVE TIRES AND REAL BARGAIN AT $850 AND $900. LATE MODEL AND SOME SAVING FOR AN ECONOMICAL CAR. CALL BROAD. 3047. 1920 MOON touring car, practically new, having been run only 2370 miles. Can be had at a discount of $1050. Cash or terms. BRALY AUTO COMPANY. 601 Washington SL Main 4S80. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. 1918 MODEL. REPAINTED, GOOD TIRES AND TWO EXTRAS. THIS CAR IS A DANDY AND PERFORMS WITH ANY OF THEM. MUST SELL AT ONCE. CALL MAIN 3937. P1ERCE-ARROW brou;tiara, 38-horse-power. 1912 model, p-rw wheels, demoun able rims, 5 new cord tires, self-starter, good suburban car or taxi, In perfect working condition; price $1500 cash. At Broadway garage, E. 24th and Bdwy, 1918 BUICK, 7-pass., new paint, cord tires. Take cheap car in trade. Main 780. $300 BUYS Ford touring, late model, new tires, shock abserbers, speedometer, safety steaming device, full set of tools, everything complete; car in best mechan ical conuition. a-x auio noma At Painting Co., r'J5 Aider st. Automobiles Wanted. AUTO wrecking, will buy your old car for wrecking, ail parts sold for all cars. Portland Auto Wrecking Co., 200 E Union ave.. near Hawthorne. HAVE 7-room home, fractional lot. Wood lawn district; price $:io00; trade good small car first payment. J. IV. Richards, 3.:S Main st. Alain t qui. WANT CLOSED CAR. Prefer light six. must be modern and In good shape. I have open car as part pay. AM 348, Oregonian. WJLL. trt.de my equity In 5-room home for goud Ford roadster or coupe; assume J 3100 at $30 a month. Call Broadway 'joa. - TWO DIAMONDS, one large, one small, exchange for Ford car; car must be A-l shape. For appointment, address AJ 884. Oregonian. GOOD oil lease, DeWltt county, Texas, to exchange for Late model automobile, p 1)32. Oregonian. VANT to buy old cars, any tyze. any con dition. CaU Vancouver 600.1 K. K. Oora, FOR' SALE AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED LATE MODEL. CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 127 Lownsdale St. 8. W. corner 15th and Washlngton. . CASH FOR YOUR FORDS. 630 ALDER. BROADWAT 1851 WANTED To sell or trade a fully equipped small cafe, doing good busi ness, for a late model Eight auto; Ford preferred. Willamina, Cate, Wil-iamina. Or. WANTED BUICK SIX. Will pay cash for late model Buick; must be Al condition; prefer dealing with owner. P 922, oregonian. WANT 1919 or 1920 Dodge touring direct from owner: cash and quick deal lor bar gain. Apply 426 Lumbermens bldg. ttroadway 421. LIGHT trailer wanted. Gresham, Or. L. P. Manning, Motorcycles. USED MOTORCYCLES. All makes, terms if desired. Used, mo tors, parts, etc EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand Ave.- Excelsior, Henderson and Cleveland Agency. FOR SALE Miracle motorcycle with tandem, cheap: good shape. Call Mon day, 432 Hawthorne. HENDERSON motorcycle, late model, re built, excellent running machine; $21UL 23 Vi Williams ave. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 6230. Automobiles lor litre. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without driv ers. Day or night service. COUCHMAN GARAGE, 19th and Couch. Remember our number. Broadway S696. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS. HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BROADWAY 2408. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable ratos. 132 12th st., between Washington and Alder. Broadway 84U. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE 1 T GITI f IV.V'Q LUCUIMM IllRir.li' Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236. J ALTHOF & BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. THIRD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1037, AUTOS FOR HIRE Day or night service; Columbia highway trips. phone Main 355 or Tabor 4845, AUTOS for hire without drivers. Third street Garage, 84 3d St. Bdwy. 4918. 1920 5 PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE, WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 3547. FOR SAI.E TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. YOUR CHANCE to get a used truck at away under the market price. Don't tail to see the won derful bargains we are offering. TWO-TON WHITE. Overhauled in our shop; new Giant tires; Just the truck for hauling wood. THREE-QUARTER-TON G. M. C. MODEL 16. These trucks are being overhauled In cur shop. Better look them over. The price Is right. t THREE-QUARTER AND ONE-TON REPUBLICS. These trucks have been put in A-l condition mechanically. How about buy ing one of these to haul your fruit from the ranch to market? DODGE DELIVERY. Make us an offer. THE WHITE COMPANY. Park and Couch. Tel. Bdwy. 41SS. TRUCKS. FORD, 1 ton, worm drive $750 FORD. 1 ton, chain drive 550 G. M. C, 1 ton 700 STUDEBAKER. self-starter 850 REPUBLIC, ton. 700 PANHARD, 1 ton 750 REO. ton 050 OLDSMOBILE CO., Broadway and Couch. Phone Broadway 2270. THIS NEW MACK TRUCK will take some cash and light car to responsible party oecause A REAL JOB GOES WITH IT. Two-years' logging hao-1, winter and summer roads. operates year rounu. Truck run only 2000 miles. Don't answer unless you mean business. 910 Thur man street. a u. r.iRFORD truck with trailer, in good working order, new rubber, will sell cheap; small payment down, easy terms. good long joo witn iruca 11. wauiea. T. H. Pack. Hoff. Oregon. FORD delivery with open body, flap cur-tulnft- verv .best of condition; must sell; a bargain at $475 with terms. 39 Grand ave. North, near curnsiue. FOKD truck, gear drive, with open and closed Doaies, lirw. auiiuaL ne , u snap &t $700. 30 Grana ave. .-,ui iu, near ours side. FORD one-ton truck, 1918, truck adjust ment, gear drive, tires almost new; real bargain at $750. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. WILL take wood in payment of one 2-ton Sterling ana one 2-ton 4-wheel drive; both in operation. Edlefesen Fuel Co., 301 Oak st. ONE 4-ton Packard, cheap, easy terms; any reasonable offer will be accepted. Owner. 1308 E. 13th St.- N.. Portland. FORD delivery, 1916, best of condition; a real bargain at $475, terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. IVa-TON REPUBLIC truck for sale by owners. 209 Front st. Ask lor Mr. Albert. FOR SALE Ford truck, been used one week; leaving town. Call auto. 519-34. A FINE 2','i-ton truck:' sell cheap or take Ford as part payment. East 3875. 1-TON FORD truck, run about one week; lets than 100 miles. 254 Third st. S. WANTED M I SC E L LA X EO V 8. FURS. FURS. FURS. Cleaning and alterations, any descrip tion. Use La France fur dressing for summer and save $100. Reasonable prices. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO., 163 W. Park bet. Morrison and YamhilL 1 Main 6529, UP TO $33. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. Ill 'l BL .L-. ' - , OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's caat-off clothing; highest cash prices paid; will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SE.COND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3223. 209 Madison. HERE IT IS. We buy second-hand men's and ladies' clothing; also furs of all kinds at best prices. Phone Main 3207 or call at Ben Adlor. 201 inira mi. iiajiv..w ' ' - - - - We pay cash, in any amount, for dia monds VINE'S JEWDLRT STOORB. 257 Washington St.. cor. Mti. Main 6640. i r -r-i r-i TW. RITYKR I pay the market price for 2d -hand furniture, tools, rags, old clothing and all kind of junk. Jall Main laiNi and 1 WILL. (JLbA.V mr- J v"- "-" WANTED Baritone horn, low pitch, nickel or silver plated; write me full description, years in use. lowest pr for cash. P. Emerick. Siason, Cal. W1L.I take wood in payment of on-S J-ton Sterling and one 2-ton, 4-wheel drive; both in operation. Kdlefsen Fuel Co.. o"L uaK SI. WANTED One electric washing machine: must be cheap for cash. AO 720, Ore gonian. HIGHEST prices paid for Junk of all klnas ana oiu tiuuuiis. uuui , eiw Woodlawn 3r0". WANTED 12-gauge pump, gun ; elate i-i ; r.r.nrlittn-1 H ffTi 1 Iro- inOUei, s- auu vwuu.wv - gonian. - WE BUY used furniture. For best results call Auto, .n-ii or .casi -tw. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices pafd for dia monds. Dan Marx & Co.. 2h3 Wash, st. SMALL cash register; must be cheap. CaU Main ai.su aionuay. JUNK, rags, metals, old clothing, tools. carpeis, mriiuui'j, g,wj y i--ts, a.i. 1 1 WANTED Piano player for motion picture theater. Addresa Grand. The Dalles, Or. RA-NGE with coils, one wood heater, one gas neater. a v i, uregoniao. WANTED 30 or 34 lunch counter stools with or w i tnout, pacas. i root 1 1 z W I l.L PAY CASH FOR S H OTG UN OK RIFLE. MAIN 44'.o. 1 A HUK U70S. UVOU Uul, i-91 caoti. XmXwr 3or WANTED MISCELLANEOtS. LEE'S EXCHANGE. First-hand aid to second-hand buyers. We have customers who a re looking for the following ar ticles: If you have them ; if you can supply them, come in and see us and we will give you full in formation. No sale, no charge. But mfnd you, our customers are looking for honest quality and low prices. Don't bother to come unless you are prepared to give them a square deal in every particular. HERE IS WHAT IS WANTED: Machinery for a 40 to 60-M. saw mill. Including saws, belting, car riage, planers and edgcra. Adjustable Hall-Bourchet dress form, small size. An Inexpensive 1918 or 1919 roadater. Buggy or light wagon In good condiiion. Perfectly plain couch. Full-size mattress from a clean, home. Combination coal and gas range. Enough 2x4 lumber for a hn 'house and wood shed. Addressograph. Architect's drafting table. Eliot addressing machine. T-ee's Exchange is located at 55 First st., N. W. corner of First and Pine. It is only a desk room in a printing office, but If you are looking for second-hand bargains, call LEE'S EXCHANGE, BDWY. 0194. and you will get the information if they haven't it already. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I PAY SPOT CASH AND THE HIGH EST MARKET VALUE FOR DIA MONDS. NO AMOUNT IS TOO LARGE FOR ME TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BY A LARGE DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE DIA MONDS OFFERED. MY LOCATION IS DOWN TOWN AND CONVENIENT. ALL BUSINESS 13 STRICTLY CONFI DENTIAL. ERNEST DEEDS. 340 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 3173. $12.50 TO $25.00 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR, He pays more than anyone in the city for suiut, overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall 1220 or 253 Madison St., near 3d st. Will call day or evening. $8.50 UP TO $23.00 GOLDSTEIN. TH E TAYLOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 3U32. 2454 BURNSIDE. CALL ME BEFORE AN Sl BODY ELSE. BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. Furniture Wanted. & S. GEVURTZ FURNITURS STORE. FURNITURE WANTED. Before you sell your furniture be sure and call Marshall 587. Your call will bring our buyer at once. We pay the top price for used furniture, carpets, rugs, etc., everything In household good a. We also buy office furniture. All calls attended to the same day. Call Marshall 587. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 205-207 First street. Between Taylor and Salmon. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We want your used furniture, rugs. carpets, stoves and all household goods, and will pay the highest cash price. TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, sporting goods, tents, bi cycles, ty pew riters, adding ma chines and store and office fur niture. When you have anything to buy, sell or trade CALL MAIN 9072. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221-223-225 Front St. FURNITURE WANTED. STAR FURNITURE CO. HAS A REPUTATION OF PAYING THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR USED FURNITURE. CARPETS, RUGS. RANGES. OFFICE FURNITURE, ETC. CALL" MAIN oOt4 AND Blfi CONVINCED. YOUR CALL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. STAR FURNITURE CO.. 160-1G2 FIRST, COR. MORRISON. PHONE MAIN 5064. MARSHALL 5981. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY; HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLD EST, MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF OUR KIND IN PORTLAND. 185 FIRST ST. PHONE MARSHALL 5981. CALL MAIN 300 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR, MAIN 3U0. CASH FURNITURE CASH. We need used furniture of ail kinds, stoves, ranges, rugs, etc., to ship out of town.. in v -"b"ti fiau-c uiiu may a house full and a courteous and corn- service. Mar. 2603. Crown Furniture Co. I WANT YOUR FURNITURE. CARPETS. STOVES, ETC., 1 U toUlr" UL 1, AND WILL PAY MORE THAN OTHER LOCAL DEALERS. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING BUYER AT ONCE WHO WILL CONVINCE YOU. CALL MAIN 4773. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your iurniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are In the market for same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 208 FIRST ST. MAIN 772S- WE MUST have a lot of usea furniture and household goods, suitable for pri vate and apartment - houses. We pay more than others do. A phone call will bring buyer with cash. Call MAIN 73S. MAIN 8951. We buy everything in furniture; -we pay the price. FREEMAN-WOLFE FUR, CO. 200 1st St., S. E. .Cor. Taylor. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. 8878 MAIN. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on household goods. Pacific Coast For warding Co., Oth and Hoyt Bdwy. 703. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4027 or 106 First at. SELL us your furniture and rugs: Reli able Furniture Co., 203 2d st. Main 7308. HOUSEHOLD FURN'ITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIM 3332, KDtTATIONAL, ROCKY JIT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free Frank K.. Weiles, ex-asst. state sudl. Mgr., N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8276. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. 265 Oak st. OREGON law school. AUsky bldg.. 3d and Mor. W. E- Richardson, sec. Main 977. PRIVATE kindergarten at 781 Belmont st.: will opi'n St.pt. 13th. Call East 6175. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. STUDY massage. Portland School of Ma-.-sage 'Inc.). 711 Swetland bldg. M. 7 7 sO. FISK Teachers' Agency Journal bldir I Alain leaching po.iuous. trek restBUY waalcd lor delivery. Tabor uS-3, KDITA TI ON A 1. SCHOOL of dressmaking and practical de signing. Special course. Sept. 6 to Nov. 6, consisting of following: Patternmak ing, drafting to individual measurements, no fitting required. Novelties, stitchery, all kinds fancies, dress dosins for em broidery, braidings. headings. tassels, etc. Dressmakers' art. with stencil de signs, etc. Color harmony, practical de signing, dressmaking, draping. Classes morning, afternoon and evening. Notes and equipment furnished. Course S32, terms if desired. Limited number in classes. Enrollment starts Monday, Aug. GO. Rooms &4 to 57 Sellinp-H irsch bids. Main G213. . Office hours. 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. iioLLn barber college. W'U teach you the trade in 8 weeks, give you a set of too's and some pay while learning. Positions secured. Ore gon ex-service men, the course is fre to you. Write or call for particulars .nqionue. Q-j DUrnSIUfl st. A IATiON brings quick success; learn aviation; school for aviators and me chanics; be prepared for the present and future game. For full particulars inquire Dudrcy Aircraft Co., b24 Mor gan bldg. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OP B EH NKE-WALKER Business College. Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed ; pay while learning; tuiuoa reduced this term. 233 Madison. PORTLAND 'Barber College teaches the barber trade in eight weeks; pays while learning; good set of tools given: pol tiona secured; tuition reduced. 38 N. 2d at. LEARN TELEGRAPHY -Reliable Tel- graph Institute. 434 Railway .Exchange bldg. Free booklet. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Buckel's private school; Individ ual instruction. 122 Ss Grand ave, E. 427. HELP WANTED MALE. THE ME1R A FRANK CO. requires th services of an EXPERIENCED FURRIER to take charge of the fur workroom; best wages; permanent position. Apply to Mr. Ludwig Hirsch, 4th floor. STENOGRAPHER-PRIVATE SECY.. Kail way. One with Railway experience pre ferred $150-$173 STENOGRAPHER, must have lumber experience; good future. Mont. $150 up BOOKKEEPERS. Ibr., out town. $150 up STENOGRAPHER, Ibr.. out town $125 up j- rv i n.-.-) i r..wu rt, insurance, city i-rwi !-.-.- i r, . wvj ix, easiern Oregon iji --rvi n.- i ii.nuu i-i. iurKe Deacn no must be pood man. Km. and bd. $ i-vs. iv.-.- i rt.vj., auiu, uui low n iuu up STENOG'R. law, Klamath Falls $00 up PORTLAND SERVICE BUREAU. 432 Plttock Block. HERE Is an opportunity for a young man to learn the newspaper business. Prefer one who knows the business. For such a person there is an excellent oppor tunity in one of the best towns in the state of Oregon and on a prosperous daily newspaper. Apply giving age, . experience, reference, salary expected, etc.. to A 07. Oregonian. MACHINIST to operate milling machine and do general machine work; must be quick and accurate ; also able to figure out all kinds of spur and bevel gears; steady work and good wages if satis factory ; do not apply unless you are a first-class machinist and able to do ac curate work. Fred Dundee, Broadway and Flanders. LEDGER CLERK. YOUNG MAN. 18-21 YEARS OF AG It. FOR LEDGER CLERK. ONE WITH SOME EXPERIENCE PREFERRED. SALARY $t0. 432 PITTOCK BLOCK. LIVE real estate salesman who owns his own car. Must know city and come well recommended. 285 Stark street. CLOTHING SALESMAN WANTED. Fully experienced salesman for tem porary position. Apply today at 127 Oth st., ask for Mr. Hammond. Winthrop Hammond Co MAN WANTED Who can cut and lay carpets and cut and hang draperies; steady job to the right person; answer, stating experience, references and salary expected. F. A. Gummer, Stockton. CaL MEN. age under 55, experience unneces sary, travel, make secret invest! Ration, reports, Falarits. expenses. American Foreign Dotective Agency, 016 St. LouU. WANTED Young man. between 18 and 20, to learn florist business ; man who can drive machine prt f erred : must be willing to work. Apply 4; Morrison st. WANTED Young. experienced truck driver for milk route wagon: $110. room and board a month. Northwestern Dairy, East 24th and Columbia blvd. YOUNG man Grocery experience, to put up orders; one who knows how to drive a delivery car preferred. Sealy-Dresser Co. BUSH ELM AN wan led, experienced on high-class garments. Apply at once. Ask for Mr. Hammond. Winthrop Ham mond Co.. 127 Sixth nt. WANTED Experienced truck driver for retail milk route. References required. Wages $ltO per month and room and board. Call Tabor 2702. SALESM EN Permanent, prof itnbie busi ness can be started with $50. 62 North 2 3 d s treet. WANTED Young men for railway news service ; cash botid $25 required. Van No y 1 n t e r tate Co.. 131 N . 5th s t. A GOOD carpenter wanted for Inside finishing. 625 Washington st. Angela hotel. LUM liER stenographer and general office man for out of town; $125 to start. 1015 Wilcox Hldg. t WANT man to help about country plar who is capable driver of car and truck. Gardener preferred. A E SS2. Oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED candy maker's neipcr: must have good clean habits and be a tv i H i n g worker. Janke's. 940 Union ave. N YOUNG man for good permanent position in city; S70 to begin with and pood ad vancement. 10L VilcoxBldg. WANTED AT ONCE Man to lath -room house; call at job. 24S E. Hol land st. , WANTED Janitor at the Martha Wash ington. CS0 Tenth, corner Montgomery. References required. L WA NT ED Young clothing salesman ; ona with window trimming experience pre ferred. D 019. Oregonian. GOOD reliable man to list and sell hotets and apt. houses. 50 per cent. A 968, Oregonian. ' OPPORTUNITY for young man to learn to operate motion picture machine. 318 Piatt bldg. WANTED Steady, honest boy to learn trade. Glenn Service Station and Auto Repair Shop. 550 Union avenue North. KITCHEN porter wanted. 741 Washington st. Main 75S4. WANTED M;in to tend furnace night and morning. Main 40-".u. 1100 Vaughn St. EXPERIENCED auto body builder. Apply 5 0O Union ave ., N. WANTED An old-fashioned dishwasher at 204 Columbia st CLOTHING man, also mcn'a shoe salts man. 10' Second st. BUS BOY wanted. University club. Sixth and Jefferson sts. WANT good cook for small town rostau rant. W. E. Minickley, Kalama, W a-h. ' BOY WANTED. F. B.LTF.S & CO.. PRINTERS. FIRST-CLASS auto mechanic wan leu; good wages. A tw. ood Lee Co., Wasco or. WANTED Man marker and sorter. Troy 1 un dry Co.. Boise. Idaho. EXPERIENCED and unexperienced hc;p for all departments at U. S. Cleaners, LEAKN the vulcanizing business. Call of write 158 East Broad v.-t y. W a NT ED First-claii ooatmaker. Reed Bros., tailors., 203 Wilcox bUlg. APPRENTICES to work In metal furni ture factory. A pply 715 Thurmaa sU WA NTED Nieht clerk. American HoteL Third and Flanders. WANTED A first-class truck and car mechanic. J. A. Richardson. Bandon, Or. TWO LABORERS. Sterret t Packing Co., Kentou station; $4.50 a day. - WANTED A-l Ford mechanic; none other need apply. 303 Hast Broadway. WANTED Boy to work in grocery store and drive Ford car. Call :21 3d st. WANTKO to carry sign 0 hours ::0S Oak st. OR 2'-TON TUUCK. with man, liaul cordwood. Call Sellwood 18. WANTKO Errand ry ; muni be over 1U. IHVI-Hnlman, 111 Spcnnd Ht. FlRBMAN for tlredKe.. $Hi mouth a.nd board I.. I'enne. 34 AMr. 125 I V1 v to