TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1920 NtW TODAY. tsar Cozy, -Artistic Homes already bulK for you. One to seven rooms. Order now before the tail rush. Sectional Garages Special Offer: A 10x16 garage, made of 6-Inch Rustic Siding. F. O. B. factory $75.00 803 Title Tnut Bids, O. 4ta St, Bet. St-rlc .. Oak. Phone Maim 4724. F.OR SALE OR . EXCHANGE VEST SIDE BRICK WEAIl "WASflBJrGTOJT STREET. 7 TTnder eeeu red lease for term of years. Pavlngr 7 net on $30,000. Other property to value of $15, 000 will be considered as part payment. KO PHONG IXFORMATIOX. r INSIDE PROPERTY. TWELFTH FLOOR. YEO.V BtriLDrVR Send Us .Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver.? Old Rhr;i and Woolen Clothing;, We Make Reversible, Hamd-Wovea FLUFF RUGS Boom-Sixe Fluff T Las Wores, 17.50. Rag- Rna-n Woven All Slxea. Clothes Cleaning and Dyelna Depta, Mail Order Send for Hook. let. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning: 9x12 Ruri, Steam Cleaned. 1.50 HKSiEHiV FLUFF 11 LU CU 54 L'nlon Ave. W. Pboneai Eaiit ttSld mud Knst 78S3 WE CALL FOR TOUR OLD CARPETS. Bos;e and Wo lea Clothing FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Oat Promptly Rag Ungi Woven All Sixes Mali Orders. Send for Booklet. Caroeta Cleaned, 2,ald aad Refitted. SOUTHWEST RUQ CO. t 1SH at 8th St. flwa, laat SSIMh Mortgage Loans toweit fntereat rates)! I natal I meat re payments 11 deal red Uuildlnjg loaaa made. No delay la cluslng, A. H. BIRRELL GO, 1Y-21U .Northwestern Banlc BuUalaa alar.hnU 41M. LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on real estate, first and second mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc F. E. BOWMAN & CO. HO Cbam. of Com, Bldjr, Main 3020. FARM MORTGAGES For Conservative Investors at rates not heretofore available. No safer in vestment extant. Not a foreclosure in twenty years. All securities first per sonally inspected. li)AH & GRAY, Slain 35. los Fourth St. Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS Halted -tatea Bask Bulldlaa REAL ESTATE. I'or Sale Flat and Apartment Property. MUST HAVE $20,000 CASH. Brick, stucco apartments; Income nearly $14,000: completely furnished "with best oak furniture; will sell corner lot, building and furniture for $50,000; no trade considered; see our manager. 3 0 to 12 A. M. 1210 N. W. Bank bldg. Aiatn hh;i, BUY a home and have an Income at same time. I have two small apartment houses in Irvington lor sale at $17,000 and $18,000; nrst-class in every respect. R. J. O'Neil. 717 Board of Trade bldg. For Sale -Beach rroperxy. FINE BEACH LOTS. SALTAIR TILLAMOOK BEACH. I have four choice lots, all together, trvo lacing the .Pacific ocean : board walk, county road and railroad runs in iront of property. The other two lots adjoin the two above and face on the road in the rear. All are near the depot. hotel and Rockaway. Size of lota is 25 feet by about . 0 feet and are ex centionally adapted for business or resi den ce. Will consider some acreage near Portland or automobile in trade. Price $150 and $125 each. Address R t70, OriBonian. CHOICE BEACH LOTS, EXCHANGE FOR Painting and Paperhanglng and Furnish Material. Located on Tillamook beach (Salt air), near station and ocean. AK 760, Oregonian, ' EIGHT beautiful lots. Bay Ocean. $800 one NeahkHhnie, $200, or will trade for auto. T 962, Oregonian. For Sale Lots. 100x1 .'a ttttii on one oi me best car lines in the city, and at the same time bat one of the best views of city to be had on east side. Ideal apartment sit or residence. $2000, half cash, or will trade. V eaver, owner, ada Burnslde. CHOICE lot on Jefferson st., between tw of the best business streets, suitable fo garage, repair shop or other business sacriilre. JlO.WHi. J-i Oregonlan. FOR SALE oOxlOS-ft. lot. east fiont, lm orovements in ana paia ; some fru trees; $30. Call forenoons. 1017 Vernon ave. Alberta or Irvington car. FINE bldg. lot, Clinton st., near 43d; Rich mond rilst.. $500. terms; liberty bond: . J. II, McMahon. 2006 East 43d. Tabor s:ti. TERRACH PA R K, lOOx 1 00, block car and paved street; sewer and sidewalk in. IF YOU have lot suitable for apartments. 1 will help you duiio on same. rnon Auto. 32-526. iHVit;TON corner lot, finest location, $1300. worth $20o0; 329 Salmon. Mam 479. VORD 1919 touring. $00; cheap lot an and cash as first payment; terms. Co 664, fb HEAL ESTATE. For Kale Lot. 2 ACRES. $1271. PARK ROSE. $65 down. $15 month. Interest Included at 6 per cent: facing on a fine stream; nigh, level ground: a beautiful (trove of trees on creek, bank. ash. oak. Cottonwood! rich, silt land which should more than make your - payments In garden truck and berries ; low taxes: no street Improvements to pay: plenty of firewood. Build a little home here; no restrictions. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce bids.. 4th and Stark sts. Main 208. Branch office end of Parkrose car line. PARKROSE. $96 DOWN. 1 20 MONTH. 2 acres just a short distance north of Sandy boulevard and car line: rich silt land already plowed, facing on Slauson street. 230x383; price $1021. Build a little home here unrestricted. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANT. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark, sts. Main 208. Branch, office end of Parkrose car line. I HAVE 49 LOTS in one boay within two and one-half miles from courthouse; moderate-priced houses on this property can be sold as fast as completed, or could be cut into two or three beautiful home<ea. Owner can't finance and must sell. Phone owner. Woodlawn. 2975. WAVE RLE IGH HEIGHTS. 2 LOTS. Lots IS and 19, block 17. on Franklin St., bet. 20th and 31at.; paved st. and all city liens all paid; price $1850. terms. or $1750 cash; also lot 6. block 8. on Kenilworth ave., near Franklin, for $800, terms, or $700 cash; everything paid. These are bargains. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318-821 Board of Trade. Main 7452. ALL RIGHT, you house-builders, run up a little house on this concrete basement! where the house burned down a few months ago, walls for 28x33 house, water! and gas in and new cesspool all con nected; on paved street. Price for whole I works- with one lot, SStoi easy terms. Sell wood 2S42. For Sale -Houses. $4750 TERMS. LOT 100x200. 29 BEARING FRUIT TREES. 6-roora residence in Parkrose; fireplace and built-in effects; hardwood floors in living and din ing room. Fine bath room, gas and electricity. Cement basement. Berries and garden. Place sacri ficed, J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SNAP $ 6000 $ 6000 $ 6000 $ 6000. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 6 rms.. including sleeping porch, attic; I hd. wood firs., fireplace ,den, brkfst. nook, P. G. windows, tapestry decora tions, buffet. Sun room. All double const d., finished in delicate old ivory, f. c. bas't., furnace, laundry trays. o$xl00, paving paid. Blk. south. Sandy I Diva. THE RICHEST LITTLE BUNGALOW IN ROSE CITY 1-3 cash, bal. long time. Main 4803. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, Abington bldg. "35 yrs. in Portland." SNAP $5650 TERMS. 6-r. Colonial Snap. ADJ. ALAMEDA JUST OFF1 PAVING. Garage, 100x100. and $7000 home for $5650. There is a real chance; ebullt 8 months. Owner leaving. Has firepl., I iurnace, an tne ount-ins, nardwood fls.. beautiful decorations. This is an Ideal home. inspect it at once. Photo .at oirice. Mam 4803. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington bldg. "35 yrs. in Portland. SNAP $8950 8-r.f finished to the queen's taste. Large rms., a real mansion. West slope Mt. Tabor, worth $15,000. 75x100, view, garage, every other conv. See us about it. Only $1500 cash. Main 4803. O. C. GOLDENBERG, Abington bldg. "35 yrs. in Portland." 13100 A 6-ROOM semi-mod., almost new. iarpe attic, run cement basement, lot &uxluu, liberal terms, fruit trees, ber ries, dandy chicken run. See this Mon day. J. P. McKENNA, Belmont at 89th, Tabor 6493. SNAP $500 CASH. NEW. $4650 ROSE CITY SNAP. 6-r., firepl.. oak firs., built-ins, 0x1 paved sts. $50 per mo. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Abington bldg. t'35 yrs. in Portland.' Main 4S03 $200 DOWN. 8-ROOM BUNGALOW. Bath. lectrin lle-htn litiinrlrr t-h v fruit trees, berries; block off good zxiacaaam st. COOVER & HOLM AN. 322 Failing bldg. $3750 BUNGALOW $3750. A aandy little home on full corner lot, both streets paved" and paid for; house has fireplace, buUt-ins, kitchen. uttwi nu ueuroom in wnite; terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. WEST SIDE home, attractive situation on j.ytn street. would sell all furnished and a splendid income property, but I too large for present owner. Would j take small desirable home as nart nav. i See the owner at C01 Stock Exchange ROSE CITY BARGAIN $7500. 8 -room bungalow; $5000, $1000 cash and $50 month; i-i. w. floors, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, built-ins. fruit trees. corner lot. Paved streets. 419 Henry I Diog. Lawson, i(i wy. iwui. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW VACANT. Six rooms. attic. strictlv modern. steam heat, garage; $4950; 350 45th eL; owner. laoor $845 WITH FURNITURE. 6 rooms, plenty of fine fruit. ; 50x100 lot; completely furnished. Price $3250. $845 down, .f ull particulars. MAIN 7931. ' IltVINGTON. A new, modern, 6-room bungalow with Pullman visitors' room for sale by owner. 590 East 25th st. North. Open toaay rrom a to o. FOR SALE. BY OWNER. 5-room, strictly modern bungalow !n I Rose City Park, 6 blocks from Sandy I blvd. Very desirable neighborhood. I Oarage, call Mr. Brooks. Mar. 6080. KENTON New, mddern. large 3 -room bun galow, bath, breakfast nook, full lots, very attractively finished, reasonable. from owner. 164b Minnesota ave. SALE 5-room house, builtins. fireplace. full basement, .wash trays, garage: lot 50x100, on 661 East 50th st. N. $3500. Owner, i?l4 MsKiyou st. FOUR ROOMS AND BATH. FURNISHED. 2 full lots, price 14u: small payment down, easy terms 'on balance. Call Mr. Fisher. Main 5429. 248 stark. EXCELLENT 5-room house, near Arleta school. lot 62xl4o, with fruit, bearing trees. Best buy in city. Price $3150. Terms, owner, laoor MUST sell 0 -room modern home, corner lot. waiktnir distance: resicenciai district. Be tween 2 car lines, near 2 schools. Mar shall 1022. J2050 A 5-ROOM cottage near 39th, large lot. plenty of fruit, must sell this week. See J. P. McKENNA,' Belmont at 39th. TJbor 6493. IRVINGTON mansion, needing some re pairs. $4500: worth $6000; somebody's windfall. Main 4789. VACANT HAWTHORNE, CLOSE IN $4000 50x100 lot, fruit, berries. Owner nonresident. Some terms. Mar. 1022. TITLE insurance saves time and money because no abstract la required. Tit.e A Trust company. IRVINGTON PARK bungalow; 5 rooms, modern; $2500; will tint bouse. Main 47S'.. - BEAUTIFUL close-in 8-room house; $5250; good terms. 804 Spalding bldg. WILL furnish lot and build on easy terms or build on your lot. Phone Aut. 32-526. CLOSE-IN 5-room modern cottage; $2100; terms. . Dubois. 804 Spalding bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale $7000. ROSE CITY" PARK. $1000 CASH. BAL. LIKE RENT. 1 Six-room new bungalow, extra well constructed ; hardwood floors in living and dining rooms, many builtins; self-regulating furnace. Immediate possession. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY,' No. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.- - $750 DOWN. NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Beautifully located In Mt. Tabor. Old ivory finished throughout. Hardwood floors in living room and dining room. Fireplace, built-in writing desk, bookcases and buf fet. Three bedrooms and attic. Full eement basement, good furnace. This place occupied only few weeks: just enough to make it in good shape. Price only $5750. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANT. No. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldff. NEW CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW ROSE CITY PARK. A HARE OPPORTUNITY. 5 rooms and breakfast nook. Garage. Corner lot. paved street, automatic gas furnace, hardwood floors throughout, built-in fixtures, fireplace. radiant gas heater; finished completely; ready to oc cupy; $1000 cash, balance $50 a month. Interest included. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANT 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. EXCLUSIVE HOME. The home offered in this advertisement Is perhaps the most exclusive you have ever had an opportunity to buy. The owner has permitted me to offer it, but not publicly. It is situated adjacent to golf links and river front with 2 acres of land. The house has 12 rooms, e baths, gas heat, and is of the most sub tantlal and modern construction. Answer this ad for further particulars. AM 347, oregonian. ONE THOUSAND WILL HANDLE. ATTENTION. MR. RENTER. Beautiful home in Laurel hurst, close to park, 6 beautiful rooms, all in old ivory finisn. not more tnan a year old. Will be sold to reliable party at a very reasonable price ana very easy terms, Come out to my office at East 39th and Glisan streets, get keys and Inspect at your leisure. Don't forget the place. East 3!Hh and oiisan sts. open sun day. Tabor 3433. 7-ROOM modern rnnse In Westmoreland fireplace, furnace, harowood floors, all built-in conveniences and garage; price $7000, terms If desired. Phone Sellwood 287 Sundays or evenines: Main 374 weekdays, or see owner at 703 Gasco VALUE TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND. cat v PPIP l."1 114 enn Grounds 135x200 and not further out 1-ian ACitYt at nn A tt tha hanrl enm act bungalows in Portland. Hot water heat. A double garage tnat would cost at least $2500 to build, ground highly Im proved ; an ideal country home right in tne city. tan at my otiice, Jtast aatn and Gil?an sts., or phone Tabor 3433. FOR SALE BY OWNER. East side, modern home, 7 rooms; walking distance; sleeping porch; ga rage ; full cement basement, fine fur nace and fireplace; everything paid; price, $5250; easy terms. Main tuo. ROSE CITY PARK. Exceptionally fine 5-room btmsralow on 50x100 corner lot. below hill ; very cozy and complete; oak floors, fireplace, all the built-ins. furnace, all Improvements in and paid; $5450; $1750 cash. Owner moving away. Move quickly. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, 104 Fifth Street. Main 6S69. LAURELHURST. 8 large room and breakfast room, just completed, up to date; full thick ness 13-16 best oak floors, center hall entrance, double plumbing, Gasco fur nace: large garage, plastered Inside, $9600. easy terms. 11S5 E. Davis st. SIXTY-EIGHT HUNDRED. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST HOME. Your opportunity; come quick. Seven rooms, all in old ivory finish, choice part or district. Call at the office. East 39 th and Gli?an sts., for key. Easy terms If desired. Open Sunday. Ta bor 3433. AN abstract of title is not a guarantee of your title, it is merery-a history of your title. A title insurance policy in a guar antee of your title. Therefore when you buy property get a title insurance policy. No abstract required. Title & Trust company. i J4G00 7-ROOM modem, almost new, full cement basement, iurnace, 2 trays, fire place, oak floors, built-in effects, 50x 100 lot, garage, splendid location; it is vO. K. $1500 cash. See J. P. McKENNA, Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. $1100 FOUR rooms and full lot -on west sme, waiKing distance, m ms is not a $3000 place, but it is a comfortable home for a workingman and has five nice iruit trees, tan oe snown Sunday or after a any evening. 324 Railway Ex- cnange. warsnau ddJi. k ill i-K insurance policy is a guarautt- oy a respontiDie company tnat you will not suffer loss on account of the title to your real estate. When you buy real estate get a title Insurance policy. .o aostrjcx requirco. iium iruit com pany. . WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. Beautiful 8 -room home In best locality for view and car; hardwood floors throughout bouse, plate glass, beft fur nace, hot water, fireplace; 75x110 grounds; street bard surfaced ; bargain. Ai. a-w. u; apaiaing old jr. BY OWNER 6-room modern house, fur nished or unfurnished; garage and chicken house; with 2 or 3 lots; abun dance of fruit, berries and garden; $500 cash win nanaie it. ou -loth avenue. Sellwood 2774. BRAND NEW GARAGE HOME. 12x20, oniy $4u; lot 40x100, corner 7th st. d. xi. lerms. PORTLAND REALTY & TRUST CO. 214 Railway Ex. Bldg. Main 2129.. . TITLE insurance policy is a guarantee or tne tine io your nome. When you buv your home have the titled inKiiraw Better be safe than sorry. Title & Trust company. .l-ROUM ooitaee. run cement bumn 40x100 lot. electricity ana gas, bath and pantry; nan diock to Aioerta car; terms llKe rem. vw"c. oi n.. tin in. TITLE insurance is tne modern way of handling tines to real estate. Quicker, costs less and no abstract required, TlUe & Trust company. 7 ROOMS. MODERN 2 full lots, block to car line, fruit ana sarueu. i ouu, wow cash Call Mr. Fisher. Main 5429. 248 Stark st' WE have already examined th tih. your property and can issue you a title insurance vu,w w uuuu uoitv. utia Trust comiiany. AT LIN N tu iwo ma iota with two small nouoes, uc.p. uniiieuiate posses sion. uwner. jmraHnii owi. CLOSE your real estate deal quickly through title Insurance. No abstract re- q u lred. t nie oc a rust company. MODERN, six rooms, cement basement furnace, line location, uiiiespie, 602 Dekum oms. WHEN you purchase your home have the title insured, uei a uu insurance pol WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. For sale 8-room house, lot 75x100. on canine. r nunc v v net . inn m. EVEKi purcnawer oi real estate sauuia have nis title insured, setter be than sorry. Title A Trust company. FOR SALE Small house and lot. 6S W. Highland st. Inquire 1 WkLL assist you in financing and build inq your nome. rnone Auto. 32-526. LOTS OF HOUSES Walkine distant. for sale cheap. 2I5 Washington street. MODERN 5-room bungalow. Willamette Heights tau owner, juain &44. LIST HOMES RIGHTLY PRICED WITH MRS. BERRY. MAR. 16S4. REAL KSTATE. For bale House. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 9-ROOM BUNGALOW. You will have to see this fine bunga law to appreciate -Hs value and possi bilities. There are 5 rooms downstairs with all modern conveniences, such as hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, furnace. There are 3 large rooms and sleeping porch upstairs, 2 complete bathrooms one up and one down ; good garage. It Is arranged so that one can lease the upstairs rooms and pay in terest on the whole investment if de sired. Bungalow Is located on E. 42d st., between Hawthorne and Harrison. For full particulars, call J. A. HUBBELL. 1089 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 892. JEFFERSON HIGH J9 good home of t roome, with bath, newly papered and decorated, clean and ready to move Into; 4 rooms and bath first floor. 3 rooms on second floor. 50x100 lot, walk ing distance to high school, close to car, less than 15 minutes downtown; price $2900; only $300 cash; located at 953 Minnesota ave. Owner will be on premises today. Call at the bouse or see Mr. Pearce. 815 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 368. IRVINGTON. Swell home, C rooms, completely fur nished, Turkish rugs, imported net cur tains, silk tapestry; mahogany, brass bed sets ; oak dining set, kitchen com plete; everything only $R300; this 60c on. ueianunt. .feast I34f. $5400 ROSE CITY PARK $5350. This really beautiful 6-roora bungalow ts close In on 39th st. All rooms are finished in white. The living and din ing rooms, are especially fine. There are 2 bedrooms and a den that could be uaed for a bedroom., There is a large, light basement, a Fox furnace. The lot la a corner and the street Hens are all paid. Owner wants $1700 cash, balance easy. Let us show you this lovely home. COMTE & KOHLMAN. Main 6550. 208 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE Nice 4-room house, acre of land, all in cultivation ; house is plastered, has gas and city water, chicken house ; 8 blocks to car; price $2250, $400 cash and $15 a month. 5 rooms and bath, electricity, cltj water, acre of land, assorted fruits and berries; price $3000. $1000 cash and $25 a month. See Mr. Croxford, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW $3400. Here is one good buy in a well-built double constructed bungalow on large lot, paved street; reception hall, French, doors between living and dining rooms, Dutch kitchen; full basement and attic, which can be finished in 2 extra rooms if desired; located just east of 39th St.; $14O0 cash payment required. J. A. Hubbell. 1089 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8892. "Stucco Office." ATTRACTIVE PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. EXCELLENT VALUE. 8 rooms and large attic ; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, built-Ina in liv ing room, dining room and kitchen; one bedroom and bath on first floor, 50x100 lot. street improvements paid. Price $0000, terms. BROWN & GRANT, . 2Q1-5 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 8222. COUNTRY HOME IN THE CITY. A buy of a lifetime; 6 full lots. 7-room house, sleeping porch, bath and pantry. cement basement, with wash trays; house in first-class condition ; a beauti ful creek running throuah center of property, with trout pond and three arti- nciai islands; tract oerrtes and a gooa garden ;' price $6250, terms. Phone Sell- ft ood 3 S3. SIGHTLY grounds, 100x110, N. E. cor. East Third and Multnomah streets, with 8 roomiand 6-room houses, both modern and in good condition; full cement base ments, electricity and gas, good furnace and wash trays in each; all street im provements paid. Price $18,000, part cash. Apply P. Wagner, 301 Multnomah street. Phone East 5875. LAURELHURST. Fine corner lot. 100x100: fine view mountains and Laurelhurst Park: mod ern 9-room residence. 4 bedrooms, sleep ing porch, maid's room, hardwood floors. hot-water heat, double garage, $1.,000; terms. POIN DEXTER, 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. EAST 6771. NEW BUNGALOW. BEAUTIFUL SOUTH MOUNT TABOR DISTRICT. Five rooms, bath, vestibule, basement, ha rd wood floors, mirrored door, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, whlto and ivory finish, choice, neat, desirable: on Haw thorne car line at 27th ave. ; terms; reasonable. By owner. Tabor 3552. IRVINGTON HOME BARGAINS. Would like fair offer for 2 fine 8 and 9-room homes I have just repainted and decorated, in best locations near car: one is 65x100 corner, the other on 60x100 Inside lot; both have old ivory finish, plate-glass windows, very large living rooms and beautiful grounds with trees and shrubbery. Tabor 407. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Fine corner lot, 100x100. on Broadway, 9-room residence, 5 bedrooms, near Irv ington school; majce good horse now and in a few years will double in value; house is modern except hardwood floors. $12,000: terms. POIN DEXTER. 209 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SO0. RESIDENCE. EAST C771. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Furnished, com fortable cottage at 5o3 Terrace drive, on paved street, neac car and school; hardwood floors, gas heating system, fireplace, wash tray and water heater: big porch and wonderful view r price S4500; terms. Owner. 502 Sellin- bldg. Main 3603; residence phone. 527-28. BY OWNER. Good 8-room house; lot 50x100. close In. bet. S. S. and Hawthorne car: full cement basement, furnace, wash traysj large . sleeping porcn. tonets upstairs and down; nice lawn; rtne neignoornood : 6 blks. Laurelhurst park and 4 to good school ; ;mm. terms. rapor ."; l. ALAMEDA PARK. Splendid 6-room home on 50x100 lot. li blocks from car. nice cheerful rooms In fine state of repair; fireplace and fur nace, good location; a fine home and i splendid buy, $3S00: $1500 cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANT. 104 Fifth Street. Main 6S69. FO R SA L15 5-room, modern bungalcw, 2 lots, chicken house and yard, garden, full-grown orchard and berries: 5 blocks from Mt. Tabor car, 2 blocks from good school: reasonable price; owner leaving city ; if you want a real home Investi gate; no agents. 2033 Hawthorne ave, Automatic 219-14. $2200. IRVINGTON CAR. Modern 5-room cottage with gas, elec trie lights; bath and built-in buffet: paving in and paid; lot 50x100; easy terms. J. L. KARNOPP & CO., 319 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 675. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. Nearly new 6-room bungalow with every new feature: French doors, old ivory finish, best oak floors throughout, Pullman breakfast nook. nice lawn. attic: a real snap at $7000; terms. Ta bor 407. NICE BUNGALOW IN OVERLOOK. 6-rooms and sleeping porch, furnace, flroplace, 2 bedrooms and bath on first floor, 50x100 lot. good view of river and a good bart-ain. Price 4.0O. good terms. 2A1-2 Fen ton Bldg. Broadway 3222 $5300. Near Franklin high school; pavejst. near car; well-built G-room bungalow beautiful grounds; terms; $3000 cash. nai an ce n per cent. POIN DEXTER. 20S SELLING .BLDG. MAIN 1SIM. KKSlDKNCti, EAST 6771. ATTENTION. i HOME BUYERS. We have several erood bar trains in both new and old bouses In Irvington at prices considers oiy oiow tne market. Call THE RICE CONSTRUCTION CO. home builders. 690 East 15th st. North- Telephones, East 2432. automatic :20-R.. 13950 HAWTHORNE. Modern 5-room bungalow, fireplace, bookcase, buffet, linen closet, white Dutch kitchen, bath and bedrooms, full cement basement; near school; excellent bungalow district. See it today. 11R2 E, Lincoln, near 39th. Owner. Tabor 6581 $4500. Near Washington high chool, good 6- room house, three bedrooms, furnace beat and small lot. POIN DEXTER. 20 SELLING BLDG MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE. EAST 6771, IRVINGTON. BARGAIN Nine-room residence and glass sleeping . porcn, r rench doors, plate-glass windows, hardwood floors. This is not an inflated value. Owner, 623. E. 25th st. N. GROVELAND PARK. 7-room bungalow, e years old. every modern convenience, concrete garage. paved street, oauu. u .cast &2d st S. near Division. HOUSE on 52d st., $2000, $500 cash. bal. like rent; just a nice, cosy little place, close to carllne and is worth the money. L. A. Baker. 317 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4797, HOME AND INCOME. 8 rooms and - attic rooms, good plumbing. 2 toilets, garage, corrfer lot. 1042 Belmont, owner, raoor S3Q0, INVESTORS, see me to settle an estate - can give you a bargain in homes. Fred Ylereck, w j roni su REAL KSTATK. For Pale Iloiiftea. BTHR-CAREY COMPANY, CAREY-SA VIDGE CO.. MAIN 7487. We have a large, carefully-chosen list ing of houses in every part of the city, at every price. See us before you buy. WALKING DISTANCE. $5250. Double constructed house of 9 room-. 5 of them being bedrooms. 2 toilets, paved street, sewer, full cement base ment, laundry trays, furnace, double pa- rane; i0t j oy cjoae to car, walk- ! Ing distance to Jefferson high school! and city; plenty of fruit, berries and shrubbery; thia ise a snap; oniy $S00 down. ROPE CITY. $4200. We have another Rose City bungalow which we consider an excellent buy: full lot. 2 blocks from car. 5 excellently arranged rooms with full cement base ment, laundry Irays,' fireplace, hard wood floors. This house is in Al con dition; good terms. NEAR PENINSULA PARK. $3675. Jefferson high school Is close to this place: it is a substantial 7-room bun galow with 4 bedrooms. 3 of them being upstairs: cement basement, built-in buf- ii. uccn Kitcnen. garage. rireplace. This house is In a restricted district and Is an excellent buy; very easy terms. ALBERTA. $3400. Modern 5-room bungalow, 2 years old, 1 block from car. 12 blocks to Jefferson high school and 1 block to grade school. Full cement basement. Dutch kitchen. This is an exceedingly good buy. Easy terms. CLOSE IN. $2750. Modern 5-room bungalow type house In Stevens' addition. 2 large bedrooms, dining room, fireplace, excellent base ment; corner lot with all improvements In and paid ; unexcelled car service; walking distance; easy terms. SELLWOOD, $2700. Modern 5-room bungalow on East 19th street, cement basement, laundry travs, 2 fine bedrooms and sleeping porch, full lot, 2 blocks to car; only $500 down. 60TH STREET. 93 BY 223. $2500. Six-room house, ther hein a A nnrn. stairs bedrooms. 3 blocks to car, 4 to grade school; 12 fine fruit trees, everv kind of berry and small fruit; only $300 BTHR-CAREY COMPANY. CAREY-SAVIDGE COMPANY, 211 Railway Exchange bldg. - Main 74S7. ARE YOU LISTENING? Here Is an unusually well built, double constructed 5-room mod ern bungalow, very attractive, both outside and In. It has a very cheerful fireplace, where you can gather about, when it rains and tell stories, etc. Very convenient dining room and kitchen; 2 large, airy bedrooms, best white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas, full ce ment basement with laundry trays, full lot, 50x100, with fruit. Easy terms. Just 1 hi blocks to MV car. Price $2850, with a liberal discount for cash. The owner is going east. East 87th. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. 106 3d St., bet. Wash, and Stark. $1950. 5-room bungalow, large rooms, fire place, plum bine:, basement. 4oxl00-f t. lot to alley; here la a home for a little money; iw wju Handle. Call Mr. Libby. 5-room bungalow, Dutch kitchen, buf fet, good plumbing, large attic and good basement. 50xl00-ft. lot. fruit trees and Derries. near car, only $3000, with terms. nee .mt. tooy. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Bdwy. 5043. v 410 Henry Bldg. -FOR SALE BY OWNER. I must sell my Rose Citv home at once It Is just below the school nn .17 nt The lot is 50x130 and the house faces east; it js a o-room Dungalow with large, well-arranged rooms; hardwood floors fireplace, built-in buffet, large Dutch kitchen, corner bedrooms; finest of plumbing, full attic, full cement base ment with laundry trays; fine (taratre, Call at 467 East 57th st. North or. phone iaDor voott DOUBLE -CONSTRUCTED 7-room hou on East Pine street, near 22d. four large, airy bedrooms upstairs, full cement base ment, laundry traye, furnace, full lot with all street improvements in and paid for: walking distance to Washlne ton high school ; only $5250, $50O down, This is a bargain. Mr. Fredrickson, Main 7487. 29TH AND DIVISION STS. $3850 5-room modern bungalow, with Dreaxiast noon, naruwood floors, fire place, built-in conveniences, teraen basement, close in, one block from ca line, ail street improvements in and paid terms. Call at 891 Division st. Sell WOOd 9,.l. 7-ROOM modern house, hardwood floors. iurnace, every convenience, corner lot, size or two oemg luoxiio, all kinds o fruit in bearinsr. berries, earden. 22 min utes from downtown, on Woodstock car line. uy like rent, small payment down, balance $50 month, including interest. rieu wooa 1 1". LAURELHURST BUNGALOW MOM R Nearly new 6-room bungalow with ga rajre. near Darn: oia ivory rinisn. t renci doors to sun and dining rooms; Pullma breakfttst nook; walls nicely papered, beautiful lawn and shrubbery; a rar bargain and quick possession. Tabor 407 MT. TABOR. FINE VIEW. BEAUTIFUL LOT. 100 xlOO, GOOD 8-room house. furnace, hardwood floors up and down : can be bought at a bargain and on terms POINDEXTER. 201 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S0O. RESIDENCE. EAST 6771. $8000! $8000. - Modern Laurelhurst home. 8 rooms and sleeping porch, all built-in conven iences; hardwood floors, plate-glass win dows; a real bargain. Answer today, G 92, Oregonian. $3S50 BUYS a beautiful modern 7-room bungalow, combination living and din ing room, music room, fu.ll cement base ment, wash trays. 3 nice bedrooms; 1 block to car; terms. Turner & Kimball, 514 Henry bldg. NICE BUNGALOW HOME. A modern 5-room bungalow, with large attic, good condition, cement basement lot 100x135 feet, corner; price $2500, $500 cash. $25 per month, R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 165 4th St. s'EAR KENTON NEW 5-ROOM BUV OALOW, cheap if sold before Sept. 10 Harold P. Mills, 1473 Minnesota avenue corner Bryant. . $0500 ROSE CITY PARK, house. 1430 Ala meda drive, pnone laoor uii2i. 6 rms., rec hall, sleeping porch, flgorerl attic, fuli basement. Fox furnace ; price $6500. GET title insurance instead of an abstract. ii in quicKer ana encapex. and you are absolutely protected against error. Title & Trust company. WALKING distance, west side 7 rooms, bath, aement basement, gas, electricity. 2 fireplaces; lot, 50x100; $5000. half cash. Owner, evenings, 467 10th St. LEAVING TOWN, will sell house; haro wood floors, two lots, fruit, garden, fur niture if desired; terms. See it' and make offer. Sellwood 310. WHEN you get a title insurance policy you do not need an abstract of Utl. - On premium pays for all time. Title Trust company. - . - IRVINGTON. . . If you want a real home; up-to-date; $710; completely furnished except linen. Call owner. East 2473. Kf.AL HOME AT SACRIFICE In most de sirable part of Rose City Park; modern; bfaut!tul shrubbery and fruit trees; by ownc r. 443 East 52d st. N. ROSE CITY PARK. Large. 7-room house, modern, good buy. $6500. 657 E. 63th st., 50 feet from eanuy i i v " . a. uui Large 7-room bouse, modern. In excel lent condition. Price is right. 657 East 65th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 9334. ROSE CITY Modern 6-room house and sleeping porch. Price $4800, $20uO cash, balance terms to suit. Owner. Tabor 5S49. ,- BY OWNER The most attractive - house in Rose City Park. Phone week days. wain mr iwuuh mm oescription. rwAT. WITH owner, $700 down, hatann. like rent, buys 6-room house and 2 lots at a ri. -i.n. -an laoor j.-. $500 CASH buys my equity in 5-room bungalow; assume $3100 at $35 a month. Call Broadway 2903. TKir-oMI? oroDerty. six flats, close In. wt side, $7250. one-third caeh, property will pay oaiancg. oio. 2-R. TENT-HOUSE, barn, garage, with 2 yrs.' lease on looxiuo ground; $12, with terms. Tabor 123i. IF YOU want to buy a home or build or trade, call or Vr nig xn .nauiron 51. FOR SALE BY OWNER Furnished buu galow. 1029 East Broadway. REAL EST AT fc. ATTENTION! ROSE CITY PARK BUYERS. Our company pays particular at tention to this popular district. We maintain a branch office at 50th and Sandy. Most of our sales- men live in Rose City Park. We know the history of nearly every house In the district. Because we sell so many houses there those who want to sell naturally list their property with ua. Wouldn't it be wisdom on your part to see our attractive offerings before you buy? Below we offer just a few of our Rose City Park listings. We will be glad to show you. You will be under no obligations absolutely. ROSE CITY PARK--6 Rooms and Den. $4250. Exceptionally large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, etc. Terms. ROSE CITY PARK NIFTY BUNGALOW $5350. Here truly Is a home you will be proud to own; living room extends entire width of house: finest hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, wash trays, furnace, etc. Real value. ROSE CITT.PARK A REAL BARGAIN. C-room Bungalow, Garage, $5250. OWNER MOVING TO SEAT TLE. You'll like this nifty bunga low. You'll appreciate the con struction. The location is ideal. The bungalow is complete in every way. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement; Fox furnace, wash trays, garage. A beautiful home. This is one of those homes you would stop to admire in passing. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 Rooms on One Floor. Garage $3500. Owner building suburban home and is offering his beautiful Rose City bungalow on very liberal terms. Complete In every way; hardwood floors. fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, gas heating system, garage, beautiful shrubbery; wonderful terms can bo arranged. ROPE CITY PARK. NIFTY BUNGALOW GARAGE. $5730. Here you are. folks. Here's a home you will be proud to own. Modern to the very last detail. Living room extends entire width of house; great big plate glass win dow in living room. Fireplace, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook. Really you wouldn't know how to make it any better; let us show you. ROSE CITY PARK. NEW NIFTY BUNGALOW AND GARAGE $3900. See this one. folks. Compare it with others priced at more money, the builder here put forth his best efforts to produce a perfect house. See it yourself and be convinced. The quality of workmanship and materials speak for themselves. No need to mention that It has hard wood floors and other conven iences. It'll be a downright pleas ure to show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 27G STARK ST.. NEAR 4TH. Main 3092. BRANCH OFFICE, 50th and Sandy. 6-KM. SANTA BARBARA BUNGALOW, i.ess than todav s cost of house. Brand new and very latest In Califor nia aesignciose cornice eablea win dow caps pergola and canopied entry. Full plastered basement with stat trays. ewly-wed" kitchen and bath with in laid linoleum 3 bedrooms (or 2 and den ) laree Ilvina room west fronts handsomely decorated hardwood finish lioors. Large garage matches house. Built by owner and euaranteed to be as high grade in construction and mate rials as any house of double toe price. -J1U", terms. Shown by appt. only. J M. Reeves, phone evenings Tabor 179- COLONIAL HOME. $4950. A beauty with a beautiful iew of snow-clad mountain peaks, with merging tints ox green of nr and cedar; the spirit oi cnarm oi us surrounding dwells with in this little home; the living room 16x irs. with fireplace, dinine room with Williams sideboard, Luxemburg kitchen, 3 bedrooms, fine basement, best furnace, lot 50x105; cost $0000, will sell for $4950. Going to Idaho. Delahunt, East 1347. IRVINGTON. DUTCH COLONIAL HOME. S beautiful rooms, oak floors, ivory imisn. tapestry wans, double it replace, full basement, furnace, fruit room, coa bin. It is really a complete home and must be sold: non-resident owner. Photo at office. Call at office for full details. C. M. DERR. COE A. McKENNA & Co.. 82 Fourth st. Main 4522. HAWTHORNE HOME. A very complete and clean 6-room home with nice large rooms, nice den, bedrooms a-nd sleeping porch. Al hot al furnace ; improvements all in and paid nice lot. room for earaire. on East Main, close to car. $4000: $1000 cash. See this quick. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth St. Main 6869. SACRIFICE. oouu. Owner will sacrifice six-room house located near Glisan and E. 57th st.. buiit less than year ago at cost of $3400, on lot vaiuea at iuuu; must now oe sola to raise ready cash; owner leaving city. Call THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into income We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything; furnish plans- and finance. Established .10 years we orrer sjukhk. rJrtviCE. satis r'ACTlON. L. K. Bailey Co., inc., 91 N. W. Bank bldg. 125x100 Two 4-room California houses. gas. electric tight and some plumbing in, street improvements in and paid; plenty space for another building; will sell as a whole or separate price $3600. some terms, by owner. 264 West Farra gut st., near Peninsula ave. LAURELHURST. Modern 7-room house, hardwood floors, fireplace, fu'l cement basement laundry trays and furnace. Garage, two cherry trees and twe apple trees. A very at tractive and comfortable home. $6500. Phtme owner. Tabor 5507. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. AS PRETTY AS A PICTURE. 5 rooms and enclosed sleeping porch, full lot, garage; better than new In ma terial and coast ruction, and priced lor quick action. Or. ly $5150, on your own terms. Owner, Tabor 2523. $2000 TAKES a modern up-to-date 5 roora house In the Tabor side district, only 2 blocks from the large modern Tabor side school. This Is a wonderful buy for the money. Don't fail to in vestigate. Call for particulars 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. NEW modern bungalow of five large rooms. DreaKiasi noox, steeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, white enamel finish. Dutch kitchen, built-in effects; concrete basement; corner lot,, close in. 609 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. FOR SALE by owner. 7-room modern Irv ington bungalow and furniture; hot water, furnace, full cement basement and cement garage, corner lot or quar ' ter of block if desired: 1 block from Broadway car line. E. 8535. FOR SALE By owner, 6-room bungalow, bath. gas. electricity, full basement. 50x 100 lot. 2 blocks east of Union ave., . close to school, Woodlawn car. Phone Sellwood 530. , MUST SELL my 5-room house, modern. lot 100x100, ' ccrner close in. walking distance, cheap. Terms. Inquire- after 5 o'clock even ings or Sunday. 700 E. 9th st. N. BLOCK with 3 double houses. Income $60; S. E. cor. East 9th and East Grant ' cts.. block northeast Interstate ave. and Bryant sts.; Income $20. good terms, t E. Miserve. Rhododendrum. Or. 4-ROOM cottage at 992 East Yamhill. It is a big snap at $2000, on your own terms; out-of-town owner must unload at once. See N. H. ATCHISON. 204 Henry oiog. BEHIND every policy of title insurance is a deposit w.'tb the state of Oregon ta protect you against loss, yec It Is cheap er than the abstract method. Title A Trust company. $3250 BUYS a modern up-to-date bungalow on a hard surface street, E. Grant, in the Hawthorne district; all street Im provements paid. Full particulars at 4v4 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME? Save time, shoe leather and work by telling us what you want. We have It. Call at 5829 72d st. S. E. Phone Tabor 475. Cable Realty Co. IRVINGTON MODERN 7-ROOM HOME; SLEEPING PORCH. DEN AND FIN ISHED ATTIC. BY OWNER. 459 EAST 19TH STREET NORTH. CLOSE your real estate deal without an noying details by using a title insurance policy. No abstract required, Tue m Trust company. 4-ROOM house, on Mt Scott line, near . 86th st ; fireplace, gas, garden; $1000. inquire 243 8tanton at. IRVINGTON HOMES" " McDonell, 600 E. 14LU N. Last 419. REAL ESTATE. For 8ale Houses. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. i 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Vour Home. SCHOOL STARTS SEPTEMBER 7. Are you settled for the winter? Let us help to establish you permanently in a home of -YOUR OWN. The McGuire System makes home buying easy. 10X photographs of PERSONALLY IN SPECTED and APPRAISED HOMES FOR SALE. Every district. Every kind of home. EVERY PRICE. A wider and better selection than can be had any where in the entire city. 21 automo biles and courteous, experienced sales men at vour SERVICE, constantly. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. $5O0 DOWN. v M UST BE SO LD T OD AY! BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON. $6500 $5oO down! In the HEART OF ALAMEDA, 5-room. new DUTCH COLONIAL bungalow, new; best possible construction; superior materials; every built-in; nre nUrA. art bookcases. beautiful buffet, cosy den; HARDWOOD FLOORS; ideal whit Dutch kitchen: full cement basement splendid furnace, etc;. INTERIOR FINISH OLD IVORY; lull 10t: paved street; Hens all paid ; 1 diock to u-roaaway car; c. .nm. THIS IS EXCEPTIONAL! $500 down and the loveliest bungalow In IRVINGTON IS YOURS! PIPELES3 FURNACE! $340O 6-room substantial, comfortable ALBERTA HOME. Built-in buf fet, convenient kitchen ; 3 light, airy bedrooms; sleeping porch; best white enamel plumbing, elec tricity, gas. garage, full cement basement with P1PBLESS FUR nace. E. 27th st... near Jar rett. TERMS. This IS REAL V.VLUE! Wre have 80 homes in this district! $12O0 $350 DOWN. $1200 $350 down, cosy 3-room ALBER TA; patent toilet, electricity and fruit. EASIEST MONTHLY PAYMENTS. E. 32d. Your $350 will do wonders for you here! ALBERTA HOMES. $2700 $500 down! ARTISTIC G-room ALBERTA: practical floor plan; white enamel plumbing, electric it v. tras. full basement: .Junt I block to Alberta car. WHY RENT? $1850 EASY TERMS. Kasv terms: verv neat and prac tical 4-room home on Skidmore st., near Michigan; white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas; X dik to Mississippi car. UNDUPLICATED! $29 50 5-room splendid modern bunga low, with ideal floor plan, built in labor saving conveniences, cheery fireplace, buffet. white Dutch kitchen; beautiful grounds with fruit, berries, etc. Ru?sett close to Union. THIS IS A REAL BUY. Get settled before school starts. This is a good start! 100 WEST SIDE HOMES 100. $2625 On Broadway, on the west side of the river, is this 5-room, com fortable bungalow cottage with plumbing. EASY TERMS ; WALK ING DISTANCE. Broadway. SEE THIS I $2900 Brown English type. 5-room mod ern bungalow in TERRACE PARK. Very convenient floor plan ; large, airy rooms ; cheery fireplace; full attic: best white enamel plumbing; electricity, gas; full iot, v S2d st. TERMS. HAWTHORNE HOMES. SOUWI OF LAURELHURST. $3S00 Just south of LAURELHURST is this typical 5-room CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW; full width front porch; paneled dining room with " buffet: full Dutch kitchen: cen tral hall: finished floors, screened in back porch; best white enam el plumbing: electricity. gas; HOUSE LIKE NEW. TERMS. E. Morflson, near 43d. We have 100 homes In this district, every one of which Is worth your attention: $210O Just $5,O0 down: attractive HAW THORN E 15 L. ,UA 1,0 W LU l TAGE: combination dining room and kitchen, living room. 1 airy bedroom; PAVED STREET LIENS ALL PAID; 2 blks. to S. S. car. E. Taylor. THIS IS A REAL HOME BARGAIN. (Get settled beiore school starts.) 50 S ELLWOOD HO M ES 50. S40O DOWN: SELLWOOD. $1995 $400 down, 5-room SELLWOOD COTTAGE, white enamel DiumO' ing, electricity, gas, paved street liens paid : 1 block to Sellwood car. 4 blocks to school. Beacon, near 12th. SEE THIS TODAY THIS IS EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. PEN INSULA COrtY HOME. S:itH) Down $3O0 Down. $1995 J.iOO down. BALANCE EASTER THAN REiNT! Artistic 5-room bunsalow, white enamel plumb ing, gas, electricity, full 50x100 lot with lots or iru'tt ana ber ries. W. Emerson st. BIG VALUE! The McGuire System of Home SERV ICE fs unequalled! A few minutes tpent in our great diirplav room will convince you that YOU CAN SAVE TIME AND MO.VEi in your search for a home and receive 10O per cent satisfaction. If necessary, we will help you make your down, payment. tn. , FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. 106H 3d St., bet. Wash, and Stark. GOOD GRACIOUS, Mr. and Mrs. Houi seeker, just look at these! One of those nice 6-room bungalows; so nice and con- vlently arranged, with beautiful lawn and flowers. 50x100 lot. S3500. No. 2. G-room. bungalow -style, with beautiful lawn and flowers, very nicely arranged and in fine condition. 50x72 lot. hard surface street, only $3000. I have many other homes from $2500 to $6000 each on which I can quote a homeseeker reasonable price ana terms. J. B. HOLBROOK. 214. 215 Panama Bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Very cozy, handsome, 5-room. modern bungalow on pavea street witn sewer, Rooms are large, well arranged. Ce ment basement, laundry trays, garage, fruit, shrubbery, fireplace. Only $3975. Easy terms. Main 7487. $4000 7-ROOM semi-modern, near Catho lie school and church; suitable for on PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Artistic 5-room bunsalow, modern ex cept furnace; 3 doors from carllne; new iv decorated, beautiful lawn and shrub bery. garage; only $4500. $24,00 cash, BY OWNER. Will sacrifice for quick sale, 5-room modern bungalow, lot 50x100, plenty fruit, garden. ;aii at zuir c. aamblii. Mt. Tabor car passes tne door. 6-ROOM HOUSE. Hardwood floors, furnace, flreolace. paved street (all paid). Two blocks from street car. Price $4250. Answer this ad tor further particulars. Its a bar gain. LS1 a4ti. oregonian. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot we will secure the money ana duuo ior you. Terms like rent. jau ann see us. BUILDERS REALTY EXCHANGE. 621 Morgan bldg. Main 2035, LOOK AT THIS FOR S2700. In Kenton district, 1 blk. west of Den ver and 1 blk. south of Lombard; S room house, garage, fruit and lawn. 1533 Lancaster at. Terms. Owner. Home Sunday and evenings. - FOR SALE Lot 50x103, 3-room cottage - on rear; mt excavatea and cement base ment 28x38 In for new house: good ta rage. Price $800 on terms to suit. Call Tabor iwsm. uwner. ROSE CITY PARK. A beautiful, seven-room house; fire place, hardwood floors, basement, built in effects. Will give terms, W. R, Heales. 201 3d st. TWO HOUSES. DANDY BUYS $2750 5-room bungalow. Irvington car line, paved St., full lot. The other, five rooms. East Glisan st.. $2500. Jacob Haas, Main 6127, East 1364. AM GOING east, will offer my home for quick sale for $6000; fine location, near car line to school. Has every conveni ence, plenty of fruit; 100x100 corner lot. Woodlawn 3669 ROSE CITY SPECIAL BARGAIN. Seven rooms, built for owner's home, double plumbing, furnace, fruit and laundry room: nothing better for price asked. Jacob Haas, Mair 6127, East 1364 $6500. Irvington, on car line, full lot, seven rooms, four bedrooms, furnace, garacre. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. EAST 6771. TWO GOOD, modern, 7-room houses, f ull basements. 908-910 Corbett st., imme diate possession, $3000 each. David S, Stearns, oi i v.uiuru uiug. MUST sell my home at sacrffice; 7 rooms -hardwood floors, furnace, full cement basment. large cement porch. Prlr $4500; terms. Call Tabor 6310. ner lot 55x1 OO. garage; several large fruit trees: $1000 cash. bal. as we can agree. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. REAL ESTATE. For Sale "SEPTEMBER MORN." Ts a good time to buy your home, when the first almost im perceptible chill comes and you're glad to have a cheery . home awaiting you. There's a splendid buy on the Alameda, in Rose City Park, in a 6-room delightful, mod em bungalow: hardwood floors throughout, large living room with massive fireplace, beautiful dining room. French doors. 3 nice, big. sunny bedrooms with extra large closets: fine bathroom; grounds 68x165 feet long, running through from the Alameda to Wis teria drive, affording an excellent view of the surroundings; shade trees, shrubbery, etc.: price $7500 and this is $1000 under value; a home In a class by itself. See J. W, Cross-ley, manager high-class home department, for full particu lars, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 1068. Marshall 1S9S. FURNISHED. ROSE CITY. No. 173. Very pretty story-and-one-half bungalow, completely furnished, all ready to start housekeeping. Where can you beat It? Listen! Hardwood floors, fireplace, hot-water heating sys tem, all late built-ins laundry trays In basement. Total price, including furni ture, only $5250. $2800 cash, balance $50 per month. It's a buy. LAWYERS' TITLE & TRUST CO., 285 Stark Street, near 4th. Marshall 1898. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST HOME. Thoroughly modern and very attrac tively arranged 9-room house on one of best building sites in Laurelhurst: 2 bed rooms downstairs. 3 more and fine sleep ing porch upstairs; handsomely deco rated living room 'and dining room. Dutch kitchen, beautifully tiled bath and very handsome bathroom fixtures; hardwood floors, plate glass windows, finest workmanship, hot-water heating plant, double garage. This is one of the best built and most modern and com plete houses in Laurelhurst; the price, $12,500; terms if desired. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. NORTH IRVINGTON. No. 477 Price $4S50 Cash $1300 6-room borne, very well ar ranged; Dutch kitchen, very good size: large dining and living room; 3 light bedrooms: a concrete ga rage and concrete retaining wall; 50x105 lot. and one block of the car. This is a home hard to match at this figure. Many others in this district. MARSHALL 1265 WEST SIDE HOME. I am going to sell the following de scribed home at about one-half its ac tual value. It occupies a quarter block near in on the west side and Is artistic and absolutely modern to the minutest detail. Kiftht rooms finished In hardwood and mahogany; two baths; three fireplaces. The very best of modern construction, convenient and up-to-date in every re spect. The price is $17,000. Terms if de sired. I do not wish to consider any other property in exchange, but if you are looking for such a home, by all means answer this advertisement acd I will be pleased to show you the place. AK 340. Oregonian. FURNISHED WEST SIDE HOMES. One beautiful home of H rooms and all Imaginable conveniences, full base ment and strictly modern for $65O0. One double 5-room flat yearly new, renting for $73 per month. Price $10,000. One 1 4-room. bringing splendid in come besides best part as a home for the owner. All furnished, large grounds, splendidly located on 19th street; ideal as a home by slight change or make 4 apartments. Price $12,500. One Colonial building of 12 rooms, large and full basement, accommodates two autos and a full lot on corner. Price for this $65tH. And a beautiful home near West Park, unfurnished, S rooms, for $700. Terms on all. B. S. COOK. BOl Stock Exchange bldg. WISTERIA DRIVE HOME. This is the homiest home you were ever in. It is located on a beautiful corner lot where you have a beautif al outlook. The house is bungalow type, story and half. Large living room and dining room across front. Fine fire place, beautiful built-in buffet, hard wood floors, large Dutch kitchen, large, light basement, with laundry trays and good furnace. -Upstairs are three pretty bedrooms, with large closets, wonder ful sleeping porch, garage. Abundance of fine shrubbery. The price is $6300 and it takes $35o0 cash. Call Everson, Main 74H7. HAWTHORNE AVE. DISTRICT. No. 507 FOR THE WISE BUYER Price $3800; $1350 Cash. On Marguerite, near Division, Is this 5-room bungalow, finished in gray; has floored attic, gas furn ace in good condition. This place is 3 years old, finished In old Ivory inside, MARSHALL 39S9. IRVlN'GTON"S FINEST. Circumstances necessitate aulck sale ot one of the raost fascinating, near.y new 2-story, 8-room homes, located ca choice 75x100 lot on E. 17th st., near Stanton. This beautiful place was bui:t for a home by owner and has every new feature, including sun ami breakfast rooms, sleeping porch, rich old Ivory finish and finest oak floors throughout; very elaborate tiled bath wtlh most ex pensive fixtures and shower; automatic gas heat, finished basement, double ga rage. Priced below actual value. R. H. Torrey, Tabor 407. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 Rooms. Price $3750. No. 146. Dandy 6-room bungalow on 50x 1O0 corner, hard-surfaced street in and paid for; has hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, all the built-ifta, garage, etc.; fine lawn and shrubbery; in best part of the district and a dandy buy. Marshall 1898. 285 Stark St., near 4th. FINE HOME IN WOODSTOCK. New, neat and clean, 7 large rooms, full cement basement, modern, bath. 2 toilets, electric lights and gas. fine Dutch kitchen, elegant buffet in the dining room, big east front lot. 60 by 123 feet, with 20-foot alley; 5 blocks to car; handy to school, walking distance to Franklin high and Reed college; only 93850; located 5525 60th St., third house south of 55th ave. For terms and In spection see E. W. Hughes, 507 Journal bldg. $2000 DOWN. -MUST SELL. No. 162. Owner instructs us that we must sell this beautiful home. Descrip tion: 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, good basement and furnace, paved street and cement sidewalk. Dandy buy at $3250. $2000 cash, bal ance $25 per month and 6 interest. Just think! Lot 50xloo. Marshall 1898. " 5-ROOM COTTAGE. $2000. Nearly half an acre, 43x442; house has modern conveniences and is In iairly good condition; street graded and cement walks; about 3 blocks from car and six blocks from school; 10 bearing cherry trees, some berries, small barn and chicken house; $500 sash, balance month ly or to suit purchaser. BROWN &, GRANT. 201-2 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 3222. $700. STRICTLY MODERN WESTMORE LAND BUNGALOW; HARDWOOD FLOORS. ALL BUILT-INS. FIXE COR NER LOT, GARDEN. LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM. KITCHEN. BATH. THREW BEDROOMS FIRST FLOOR. THREE BEDROOMS SECOND FLOOR; TERMS HALF CASH. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. EAST 677L HAWTHORNE RICHMOND. 452 12. 30th. garage $4150 2619 E. 49th, garage $5000 11S4 Ivon $4500 433 East 37th $4500 "Modern, with hardwood floors, fire place, breakfast room ; all Imps, paid ; $10K) down, baL terms; vacant; house open. GEO. A. ROSS. Mar. 858. 404 Gerllnger bldg. ' HOLLADA Y ADDITION. 7 36S Multnomah St.. walking distance east suie, near schools and churches; two-story. 8-room house, four bedrooms, bath, electric lights, hardwood floors, full-sized concrete basement, with the famous Gasco furnace, large garage; if sold this week can make special price and terms. . POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE, EAST 6771. BY OWNER 6-room cottage at 60GEast 9th &U, $2500. East 2022 or East 5556.