THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1920 FOR SAL1 Miscellaneous. SEW, SEW. SEW. PEW. Phone Sellwood I071. NO AGENTS EMPLOYED. Sewing machines cleaned, timed, ad justed, repaired, bought, sold, rented, supplies and attachments, power and mfg. machines; motors, shafting and tables Installed : everything in needles. Phone Sellwood 1071. . NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Bather than return our salesmen a samples to the factory, consisting of raincoats, motorcoats and leather coats. W have placed them on sale to the pub lic at wholesale price. United Rubber Co.. 70ft Morgan bide. 6EWING machines, guaranteed to sew, for $ L0. The latest drop-heads in all makes, only slightly used, $20 to $35; all the latest new Singers: cash or pay ments: machines rented. S3 per month. linger store (Moose bldg) 193 4 th st. USED electric vacuum cleaners in first class mechanical condition at a bis; sav ing; a lew hand vacuum cleaners. l each: SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY. 81 Fifth et. SEWING machines, new and second-hand. sold for less: no agents employed: com plete line of parts for all makes; ma- cmnen repaired ana rercea. Main SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 11)0 Third St., near Taylor. ELECTRIC repair and parts for all makes I irons. heaters. toasters. nercolators. vacuum cieaiersL fans, drink mixers. doorbells, etc Wiring and motor dept. I Ciuick service. Hynson Electric .o. Phone Bdwy, 4203. 3o2 Pine, at 5th. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, old and exchanged. Easy terms if de sired. NORTHS SAFE & LOCK CO., 105 Second Ht. Main 2045. HOT-WATER, tanks. 30-gaL, $7; 40-gal.. 90; tested and guaranteed; stove and ;: xurnace cons, gas neaters xnstaiiea; ex : Tert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams st. East 851. . FUR CHOKERS i From $11 tip; every article reduced this I month.; remodeling. THE FUR FTFTOP. . 0S Swetland bldg.. Fifth and Wash. LICENSED INDEPENDENT ELECTRI CIAN WIRES 3 ROOMS FOR $12.50; 5 JIOOMS $20. ALL NEW MATERIAL "USED AND GUARANTEED TO PASS INSPECTION. WOOD LAWN 3791. li'HY An .vfirlstinir n crcravfLt ion bv jeaKy toot : wny not a permanent anu 1 comfortable roof? We repair, rubber-I ond end rejuvenate all kinds of leaky I toois. vv orK guaranteed, jviain oooo. -&AUVIES ISLAND Duck Club wants 3 . members for Wednesday's shooting, ori 1 the best preserve on Sauvies island: 1 ft hour's drive from Portland. C 951, t Oregonlan. OR SALE A Bowser 5-gallon stroke gas oline pump with a 280-gallon tank and All fittings, all In first-class condition. Tabor 4474 or address G. D. Burns, Lents Ft at ion, Portland. Or. IX-FOOT steel range, refrigerator, gas I ranee. SO-eaL tank. IS chairs. 6 tables, 1 J dinner plates, cups and saucers, silver- i ware, meat platters. Singer sewing ma rhme. bread sneer. Phone Last iua ATTENTION. DUCK HUNTERS'. I "Wanted, a congenial companion for Partner duck shootintr. Lakes on Sau vies" island, close in. Oood lakes, good sport. Walker. 3 1 North Second st. BPLENDID cooking and eating apples and Bartlett pears for sale reasonable. 312 1 Kast 55th. st., near Washington, for next 1 month, except Sunday. Bring boxes and raskets. WE WASH your rugs at home on the floor with the Ham ton-Beach electric arpet washer: satisfaction guaranteed. Wood- I lawn 1259 or East 404a. STEEL SAFE. 'Good condition, inside measurement 0x00xI7 inches. Inquire 910 Lewis blag.. Broadway 4iiu. CIRCLE EXCHANGE. We buy, sell and exchange ladies' and I children s clothing. 415 Fleidner bldg.. 10th and. Washington sts. Bdwy. 220. ISO TAKES a dandy National cash reg ister, registers 1c to $-5; large drawer I and safety box; this is a snap. 018 Cor bet t 'bldg., 5th an-ri Morrison. MANTLE clock, home canned fruits, vege tables, cot, clothes basket, small rugs, aluminum ware, nose, laprooe. bedding. fruit. TaDor itj'.n. io n.. 1 a yior. LARGE boy's suit with 2 pair short pants. good material ; 4 waists, 1 pair lady's shoes and suppers, about No. 6; call Monday. 448 Belmont st. FOR SALE cheap, hoop-la concession. complete new 10xl4-ft. tent and every thing necessary; reason for selling. Write u vf, uregonian. FOR SALE Roll-top desk, chair. National register, floor cases, all sizes: candy out fit, gas range, ice box, wall case; half price. 242 Salmon. NEW -SINGERS." $5 down. $3 monthly. r; xnert sewing mac nine rerjairina-. MORRISON-STREET SINGER STORE. rS2 Morrison. Marshall 721. SAFES New and second-hand; some with I Durgjar encsts. at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 39Ht'. 48 Front st. isuu electric washing machines; some bargains. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY. 5th and Oak sts. bia.xuaku not air furnace No. 33. com plete, with pipes and registers for 111 rooms: used 3 years; price $100. Phone I East B382. ELECTRIC Irons, appliances, door bells. vacuum cieaners ana ransres renal red. fixtures rewired; we call and' deliver. oodiawn i'J.i or East 404o NATIONAL cash registers, floor cases. wan cases, ice dox, sales, electric cof- ree mm, otner lixtures; terms. 242 Sal- mon st. 8A GBAFLEX with Goerz-Dagor convert!- bio F. 6.8 lens, Al condition, $120. or win trade ior jx4 v- 34y, Ore- Konian. GENUINE Canadian beaver set, large muff ana cape, tan osj naroia ave, oil JVlil- wauKie, seuwooa car. 16 GAUGE Winchester pump gun and case. $27.50. Room 31, Read hotel, 4th and E-aimon, J to 4 1'. M. 6OLID mahogant hand-made davenport ana gateieg taoies at great reductions. va 31. iptn st. isortn. BECON D-HAND lumber for sale. East 7th and Hawthorne. See Air. Whitlock. ynone East 8470. LARGE refrigerator for delicatessen, res taurant or grocery, good as new. Tabor! :i.-i;i. nawtnorne ave. SAFE Fireproof safe in good order; will sell cheap if taken at once. R 903, KODAKS. we nny. well, rent and exchange ko- I cans, aanaya sv wasnington st. FOR SALE Sectional bookcase, kitchen treasure and reading lamp. 1740 Stanton street, corner ttn. WILTON velvet rug, fine condition; good pattern. Address ri . t. ssmitn, box 43, Aiona, jr., ior appointment. L.I..DAK nosts lor sale, larce Rii s-t carload get 10 carloads. H. Goodrich, FOR SALE Three S-ft. floor cases, small safe and one meal urn-sized safe, beau- tuui. a4J saimon st. 70 BICYCLE, best condition. 9 months old, leaving town, will sell $30 cash. .Mar. iMo. FOR SALE 3-A Kodak special. B. Jfc T, Kodak, anastlgmat lens. f. 6-3, together "wim case,' fcasi ioi. H HAT and gas. Rector system, 3 gasrjdia- tors, fan. motor and piping, at ba&ain. Inquire Beebc Co.. 1st and Washington. FOR SALE Large clothes cabinet with ! extension rod, suitable lor store or tailor shop. 927 Corbett st. PEARS Take your containers: no sal on Saturday. 20s E. 47lh N. Montavill FOR fc-ALE Boys suit, extra trousers; 3 1 blouse-, nat; size 14 years. Phone Mon day. Tabor 9518. " BARGAIN. 1 am installing a larger soda foun tain, will seil the one I have cheap. 569 kj. tsurnsiae. NEW CADILLAC, 4 -burner, side oven; used less than a month; $31. 214 llth. 16-PLATE static machine, $20. sfter U A. M. Main 8657 H-H. P. D. C. MOTOR and current con- troner, ou. --wain e-ooi. arter 11 A. M. DENTAL cabinet, instrument table, gold caie, some euppuva. iui uregonian bldg DOUBLE coll gas water heater, like new; 9ix; wortn g.m. wooaiawn 50G7. BAKiiAi.N Almost new noover electric weeper. .warsnan 0.11. Vt'sll SALC2 U nlversal blue enamel rang 8559. 171 44th st. East 3. Phone Tabor BLEEPING bag; state lowest cash price P. O. Box 558. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening ricA' sllcrhtlv wnrn Main 0",7 FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st st.. near Ash. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. $1 per day. delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 34 D. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sal. Pacific T;nt & Awning. 1 N. 1st at. FATE NT SIGN-WRITING APPARATUS. ADDRESS BOX 291. SILVERTON, OK. DESK ADDING MACHINE. $15. 518 COK. RETT BLPG MARSHALL 557 FOR SALE Cash register, icale and sbo case. 49 Front st. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. LAST CHANCE Everything Is go In 5: fix tures for sale: going out of business; bar gains in hosiery, ladies', men's, chil dren's, toys, dolls, books, notions, house hold goods. We must vocate in a few days, so buy now. while the buying is gooa. i ne f air, w asn. at. at urn. WANT motor boat with cabin. 28 to 33 feet length. 12 to lo miles. Phone, ex cept Sunday, where to see boat. Main 1114. ELECTRICIAN'S I. C. S. course, lot. launch, engineer book ; want gas or combination range, furniture, Hawaiian guitar, recoras or wnat 7 n. na. uregonian FOR SALE Large theatrical trunk, good conuition. extra strong. jan evenings. Marshall 1027. FOR SALE Fine pears, $1.20 a box. also nne uravenstein appies. ring a box. Call at 1513 East Morrison st. CLEARANCE sale on hdw. and tools. 6 0th st.. between Stark and Oak. FOR SALE or trade, oak flooring. Call 325-2U. ONE Bridge Beech & Co. hotel coal or wood range. o73 Eleventh st. Main 638. CALL Wdln. 13S1 and ask about slab wood. Will deliver. rnica riKiiL. FOR SALE Law library of the late J. C. Simmons, uu w jicox oiag. LADIES Opportunity to get ladies' used apparel in Laurelhurst home. Tabor 225. FOR SALE Paint spraying machine. Champion Mig. to. wain. 3C07. BLOCK WOOD, slab wood, mixed. 2-load lots, tpecial prices. East 201. VULCANIZING- mould for sale, Columbia J7. o3U j-tomDara st. WARDROBE New golden oak; bargain. Call 1026 Division St.. bet. 34tn ana atn. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, $1 per day. delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 3495. GAS RANGE and man's bicycle, both like new. Phone Tabor H34'J. FOR SALE Slightly used tireless Cooker and vacuum sweeper. 2bU koss. DIAMOND wanted ; will pay cash. What have you 7 p Oregon lan. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. MANLEY AUTO CO. Burnside at 11th St. BEST OF BARGAINS EAST TERMS. COMPARE OUR PRICES. SEE THESE CARS. 1920 -NATIONAL, 7 -pass. ; cord tires; r driven only short distance; a sav ing of several hundred dollars. 191 NATIONAL, 7-pass.; new cord tires and spare. 1917 Model N HUP, good tires, spot- lisht. bumoer. I3u license : low price of $1150, with terms to suit. This was the last Model N we sold. Driven just 10,000 miles. 1918 5 -pass. HUP; good tires; easy terms. 1920 FORD- touring: has $125 In extra equipment ; $00 cash, balance sou per month lor V months. 1919 DORT. B-nasa. : driven 4500 miles .lust nicely broken in; low price of 191S MAXWELL, 3 -pass, roadster, $500. 1920 LIGHT 4 OVERLAND. S900. 1918 OVERLAND, Model 90, $550. 1919 OVERLAND. Model 90, $750. ( 1918 FORD COUPE, $725. 1918 5-pass. DODGE; low price of $850 $Jou cash, balance monthly. SEE MR. MOUNTAIN. Phone Broadway 217. 1019 DODGE, in pririe condition, all cord tires, 2 oc them new; a real sacrifice at $ 9' 1917 STUDE BAKER, new paint 875 1917 CHANDLER, good tires 875 1917 HUPMOB1LE, model N, all cord tires, car guaranteed to be in A-l shape; quick sale price... 1125 These cars overhauled and guaranteed to be as represented. WASHINGTON PARK AUTO CO., Washington, at 23d. Main 7305. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG-, 2D FLOOR. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled .$20 Rear axle overhauled 0 Valves ground, carbon removed 3 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which Insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. , GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO., 280 Front St., Corner Jefferson. , WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories. tires, tuoes, jjora parts, light globes, etc.; also do towing. Open day and night. LONG A SILVA, Phono East 6840. 462 Hawthorne. FORD SEDAN. 1919. for sale, perfect con oition, a Dargain ior someone who needs a car and has the cash. Call room 239 Scott Hotel before 11 A. M. Saturday. uroaoway ana surname. 1913 WARREN DETROIT roadster in good condition ; spoiugnt ; win sen ior ow ; leaving town. Call at Gibson Karaze. Alder and. 12th, or call for Holland at Seward hotel. BUICK, 1919, 5-passenger touring car. run youv mues; new top, six tires, tour cord; guaranteed; terms to right party. DOOLY & CO., Board of Trade bWg. Mar. 702. $675 REAL AUTOMOBILE, ATTRAC TIVE, rUWEKFUL. Cole 6-60, 7-passenger; original finish, like new; tine condition; terms. Sell. 651. MAXWELL ROADSTER. 1918. new ton reiinisheu, good tires; this is a snap for uicn. saie ; 530 ALDER. BDWY. 1852. fAiuiJ touring, Dest or condition; a snap at oovi, terms. urana ave. North, near Burnside. wis nuusui speedster, cord tires, spe cial paint job; make us an offer. 49 isortn .Ninth. Broadway 118. 1919 VEJLIE BILT WELL 6. in excellent condition and appearance; sell cheap and take cheaper car in trade. Main 780. FOR SALE Overland 75. delivery body. aU new tires; win sacrifice for $250 cash. Sellwood 2875. OVERLAND touring, good condition; must sell; a snap at $3d, terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1917 HUPMOBILE, fine mechanical con dition, new paint; car is at garage, E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. I 1918 85-4 OVERLAND: wonderful shane- I cord tires; make us an offer; 49 North rintn st. uroaavay lis. 1 CHALMERS roadster, 1917; will sell at I $600, terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near 1 : I H'KA.vaun, series 'J is, looks and runs like new, ii.uw miles; ior quick sale, $2400 Call Main 6741 or Broadway 840. CHEVROLET touring. 1918, fine condition. gooa tires; a snap at 49o, terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1920 BUICK. used a few hundred inil&: gooa new cora tires; iwu. rrivate own- er. -Vi am 1 oi.i. evening 1 abor 677. F. B. CHEVROLET roadster. 1920; will tane roro, as part payment. Ml N. Jer sey st. 1917 STUDEBAKER Very fine shape; will sen on very easy terms at a big snap, 49 North Ninth st. Broadway 318. 1918 DODGE car, driven only 6325 miiM In Al condition, for $830. 24S Tamhill St., 'room ouj. 1918 FORD touring; good tires, fine con dition, repainted, lots of extras, $475 li tjAuxiuAK, roauster. iirst-ciass shape, toou. j 00 tium, uyuaue nurary. Mar. 1 CHANDLER coupe, special body, ' I condition, bargain. East 30O4. 1918 CHEVROLET All good tires. $5- 49 North Nintn st. Kroadway 118. 1918 SAXON t, a good light car; cheap, $550. terms. Main 780. FORD touring, bargain $325 cash. Macadam. Main 3828. $375 TAKES my 1917 Overland light 5 nass. 215 Grand ave. N. 1917 rOKU, in Deautnul shape, at a big sacrifice. 49 North Ninth st. Bdwy. lis. 1914 BUICK for sale. Marshall 2675. Owner, 343 First. FORD delivery car for sale cheap. 384 E. Washington. FOB BALE AUTOMOBILES. CHANDLERS. 1918 CHANDLER, 7-passenger, rebuilt throughout; newly painted, good tires, with extra ; we give new car guarantee on this car. Price $1500. 1918 CHANDLER CHUMMY, 4-pass. roadster, rebuilt throughout, over-size cord tires, nearly new; guaranteed same as new car. Price $1500. 1917 CHANDLER, 7-pass., fine me chanical condittion, cord tires, newly painted; a real snap, price $1000. Two-pass, specially built roadster, on 1917 rebuilt Chandler chassis. wire wheels, with extra, and 5 cord tires; a .powerful and racy car; must be seen to be appreciated. Price $14o0. 1916 5-pass. Chandler Six. completely overhauled, good tires. Price $050. 1918 MITCHELL, 7-pass. touring, good, condition, wire wheels, extra, tire; $750. 1918 OAKLAND, 6-pass., good condi tion, excellent tires. Price $800. 1917 SAXON Six, A-l coiiditin; $700. 1918 OVERLAND" 4-90 club roadster; good mechanical condition, wire wheels, good tires, repainted. Price $750. 1910 OVERLAND, 5-pass., first-clss mechanical shape, good tires with extra. Price $473. 1919 OAKLAND roadster, wire wheels, like new throughout. Price $1050. OPEN SUNDAYS, and evenings, 0 to 8 o'clock. 605 Washington Street, 514 Alder Street. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. ' HAVE AN EXPERT NOT AN APPREN TICE DO YOUR CAR REPAIRING. Appoint one of these men to do the work on your car and it will be done right: J. L. Blankinship, foreman, Hudson expert ; late foreman of shop at Arnold's. Hudson dealer. Los Angeles, Cal. C. R. Palmerton, Grant. Hupmobile ; six years with Manley Auto Co. f. Grolbert. Oldsmobile, Dodge; seven years in Portland shops. Stuart McKie, Cadillac, Buick, Kissel; eleven years in the game. We employ no apprentices. WASHINGTON PARK AUTO CO.. 23d and Washington. Main 7:05. FORD OWNERS. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motors overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed .... 3 Magneto recharged 5 We hand -lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect-running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. - THE REASON, the Ford engine starts . hard and the lights are dim is because the MAGNETO is weak. Have it RECHARGED by EXPERTS. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO. 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7644. DO YOU WANT A NEW CHEVROLET? Buy from P. If. DUNN MOTOR CO., Corner Mflwaukie and Bvbep ave. Phone Sellwood 1393. Easy terms. Liberal allowance for your" Ford or Chevrolet. LATE-MODE7L de luxe Studebaker 6 tour ing car for sa le. special Ca iifornia top, plate-glass windows, removable steering wheel, bumper and full equipment: 5 good tires, good paint and fine mechan ical condition; personal car and has had real care; leaving town and offering at a bargain, $950. Wooiard service sta tion, 9xh and Everett. HUDSON SPEEDSTER 1918. UNLIMITED POWER. Mechanically perfect; guarantee and service same as new car. Will paint any color desired ; tt all cord tires and spe cial tire carrier on rear; gives that racy appearance. Liberal terms, $1875. East OVERLAND. OVERLAND. Overland touring, electric lights and starier, tires good. lou win be sur prised when you see this car. Price $250. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO., East. 3770. Grand Ave. and Hawthorne. MAXWELL TOURING. Here's one full of service at see it at THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 15TH AND WASHINGTON. 500 WANT to sell my 1920 5-passenger Essex. Car has run just 4000 miles, all good , tires including extra and some extra equipment. Will take light car in trade. Will consider Ford roadster only. Phone Aiain 4 FORD BARGAIN. 1917 model, new wheels, tires, cush ions, top and paint; just overhauled looks new. runs like new, $485. cash or terms. owner, East 4919 or 443 E 9th N. BUICK ROADSTER Just the car for you ua 11 s oniy uuu. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 15TH AND WASHINGTON. HAYNEiS 6, 4-pasenger. classy 1919 sport model, fully equipped, first-class condi tion; cord tires; private owner; bargain at wu; terms or cash. H uio. Ore gonian. l'w-TON FORD truck, 1920, has been run lour days, self starter, absolutely first- ciass snape, curtains on side and back. Price $950, cost new $lo . Call at Haw- tnorne Garage. 445 Hawthorne ave. 1919 GRANT 6, in splendid condition. Thi is the car exhibited at auto show las; year; splendid rubber; extras ; sacri- nced at $8(u; terms. $285 down. Mr Argo, Uroadway 3281. STUDEBAKER. STUDEBAKER. Studebaker four. light touring, electric 1 ignis and starter; a real snap, $2lo. r KA.tln WU 1 UK (JAK CO.. East. 3770. Grand Ave. and Hawthorne. BEST light car on the market today; rides iiae a rocaing cnair: over and. l ! model, with good rubber. Take a look and make an offer; must have) money. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 1920 OAKLAND TOURING CAR. I must sell my almost-new Oakland, looks and runs like a new car; good tires, some extras ; will sacrifice for $1050. Phone Woodlawn 40-68. MAXWELL MAXWELL MAXWELL 191$ Maxwell touring; looks like new; tires good: $475. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. E. 3770. Grand Ave. and Hawthorne. 1919 OVERLAND Ninety, has had the best of care from private owner; seven good tires, spotlight. . chains, powerful, eco nomical motor, in perfect condition ; price is exceptionally low. 215 10th st. NEW FORD sedan, several extras, car only driven a few miles; must be sold at oice. Phone Broadway 1572. Mr Clark, or evenings Wdln. 50y5, Mr. Edson. ST BARNS-KNIGHT. A wonderful car in perfect shape, just overhauled and nearly new tires and only $1250. The best buy in town. Phone Bronaugh, Bdwy. 616. 1917 STUDEBAKER 6, fine condition. 5 good tires, two of them cords; one spare, never used ; spotlight, motometer, etc. ; $650. terms can be arranged. Mar. 1523. BIG . USED CARS. PRICES STOCK. . RIGHT. No Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. CHALMERS light six, 4 new tires, 1 spare; just completely overnauiea; &75 cash or will take bug as part pavmenC Mr Ward, Broadway 2389. Marshall 2008 FOR SALE Cadillac 8. 1917 model. passenger, newly painted, new top, five new cord tires; In A-l condition; must be seen to oe appreciated. Cail East 459 1920 STUTZ touring. 7-passenger, nearly new, good reason for selling, or will ex change for smaller car and cash. BC 441, uregonian. REPUBLIC 1-ton truck, first-class me chanical order; will sell at sacrifice. Commercial Motor Repair Co., 264 Davis sr., foruana. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. tood medio n leal condition, good tires; must sell; a snap at $475, some terms. 30 Grand ave. isortn, near turnsiue. 1919 CHEVROLET 5 . good tires, in fact, this car is Just like new. $675. 49 North Ninth st. Broadway 118. 191 BUICK, 4; gust overhauled, new tires. Al condition, bargain ; leaving city. nuwy. u. A CLASSY model 90 Overland, new paint. fine condition; $w0. easy terms. Main ISO. OAKLAND touring, 1918. almost new; will sacrince at uio. o Grand ave. North near Burnside. FORD coupe, in first-class condition: terms given; call E. ,5329, or after 5:30 P. M. 418 E. 12th St. MAXWELL touring, 1918. fine condition good tires; real bargain at $775. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. BUICK touring, 1919. first -class condi tion, many extras; $1450 : time on part if well secured. Owner, 915 E. Flanders. PAIGE SIX. 1917 touring, wire wheels, one extra; real bargain at $1000. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. IS ! CHEVROLET, new tires. $275 cash. 414 Glisan. corner 10th. FORD roadster, electric starter and lights, . BOod tires; $425. Main 780. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES, SALE LATE MODEL CARS. You will find the following models on sale: APPERSON EIGHT. BU1CKS. COLE. CHANDLERS. - CHEVROLBTS. ELGIN'S. GRANTS. FORDS. - MAXWELLS. STUDE BAKERS. WEST-COTTS. OVERLANDS. PAIGES. ' If you -want a car now'a the time to get it and the place is THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 15TH AND WASHINGTON. 1918 OVERLAND touring in the best of condition; driven only 700O miles; six cord tires, spotlight and mirror. The car looRs and runs like a new one; not a blemish on it and has had the best of care. 1 am forced to sell, as I am going south. I don't want to wait long, so will sell very cheap. Call Smith, Bdwy. 24S. 109 11th st., bet. Stark and Waste. NO BROKERAGE. FREE INSURANCE FOR 60 DAYS. INTEREST ONLY 6 PER CENT. Owner will sell to responsible party 191S OLDSMOBILE LIGHT SIX. perfect shape; take Ford on trade; terms. Com plete camping outfit goes with car. Phone Tabor 1487. CHEVROLET roadster, late model, me chanically perfect: new tires all around and an extra; well worth $700; goes for $595 and try it out on hills before pay ing; want about $20O-$:iO0 down or se curity. Phone owner day time, Bdwy. 33; nights, East 61M7. CHEVROLET. 490 model, good all arqund, at $395; it's a buy. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 15TH AND WASHINGTON, 920 FORD touring car by owner. This car is in fine-mechanical condition, self starter, shock absorbers and other ex tras, tires in fine condition; a snap at $575. Seo Irvine, Broadway 240, or Ta bor 5868. 1919 FOR D TOU R TNG . One of the late ones already for the siarter: price oniy ana terms easy Phone Dunn. Sellwood 1393. I , 1920 PAIGE. Larchmont sport mod!, good as orna new and worth $3Unu; run very little; owner leaving city and will sacri fice for $20O with terms, and will take light car as part payment. Mr. Argo, Broadway 3281. FIERCE-ARROW brougham. 38-horse power, 1012 model, new wheels, demoun- abie rims. . new cord tire. setf-starter. good suburban car or taxi, in perfect working condition; price $1500 cah. At nroaoway garage, k. iMth and Bdwy FORD COUPE BODY. This body m practically new; $225; will take .touring or roadster bodx n exenange. FR A NCI S M OTO R CA R CO. E. 3770. Grand Ave, and Hawthorne Ave. BARGAIN Ford 1-ton truck: has liglits. cao, nat uoay ana license; tires hardly show wear; better than new; $ti50. Call Broadway 41i2 or write G 963, Orego- nian. 1916 CHEVROLET. 5-pass.. appraised at .uu oy jnevroiet aeaier; win take 4o 1 tor quick sale, casn or terms; has new battery, new coi I and good tires. Mr. Argo, Broadway 32S1. 1918 FORD sedan that has had very good care; demountaoie rims, electric lights I and battery : no starter, speed ometer: $700. M. H. Baldwin. 251 Yamhill st. 1917 CHANDLER chummy, beautifully re- linished ana tnorougniy overhauled ; I price reaucea to idu ior quick sale: will take light car as part payment; lerms. ivi r. Argo, nroao way 0-01, 1920 CHEVROLET, splendid mechanical condition, complete equipment, special ciutcn. iock, gooa tires, two just new: finish looks like new car. Call 12 Grand ave., Ka-st 340. MY COUNTRY CLUB is at the Used Car Exchange, loth and W ashington ; go up and nave a riac; pricea low. LATE 1917 light 6 Paige, splendid condi tion, new top ana plate glass; extra good tires': Al mechanically; sacrifice . Ior 'J7o; terms; jo aown. Mr. Argo, Kroaoway a-o 1. WE HAVE a fine 1919 Nash touring car to ceil very reasonably. The Port land Garage. 5th and Taylor. CHEVROLET touring, 1918. Al mechanical condition; must sen: a bargain at ,2u, terms it desired. 30 Grand ave. North, near .Burnside. 191S MAX W ell touring. . good oversize tires, spot light, new paint and in first- class condition; bargain at $625. Owner. See it at eo Lnion ave. N. 1919 CHEVROLET delivery. A-l mechani cally ; good rubber, original finish ; snap for cash. Talbot &. Casey, Grand ave. and East AnKeny. 1918 PAIGE. 5-pass., appraised at $1400 market value: will take $1200 for quick sale; terms, 4uu aown; con ait ion guar- anteed. Mr. Argo, uroaoway awi. FORD touring, with Ford starter. $75 worth of extra equipment. Car never driven over 2- miles an hour: A-l me chanical shape. Automatic 311-35. MOTORS. gears, bearings, wneela. axles, ck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodei Auto Wrecking uepi., iuo-7 nth st. MAXWELL touring, 1919. Al condition. used privately; a snap at auu, some terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn side. COLE 4-cvl.. 5-pass., excellent condition in every way; owner leaving city; must sell quickly; wilt permit any auto mechanic to examine; $62o. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3281. I HAVE a 1917 Maxwell roadster and 1!15 Buick roadster which I will trade for some city property, can ri. o. Aiu- ler, 421 East Clay st. East 53S4. LATE Franklin at a snap, series 9-A, 4- passenger, with 5 cord tires. -2 extra tubes, Alemlte lubrication; $1500; terms. Phone Broadway 016. Mr. vv arinm-r. FOR SALE FIVE-nassenger Dodge, 1917. Like new; tine mecnanical condition; d new tires; one extra. $875 cash. Phone mornings, Marshall 4533. ALMOST NEW DODGE SEDAN. Will sell for cash or easy payments, or will take a Ford coupe as part payment. Phone Broadway oi4. FORD runabout, 1916. Al condition, tires almost new, real bargain at oou, some terms. 30 Grand av. North, near -d urn- side. 1920 CHAN'DLEiR CHUMMY. This little car is very classy, special paint job, only run 6000 miles; perfect condition; ?iaaui terms. uw y. ai. MAXWELL. 3-pasaencer roadster. good tires, extra wheel, now vv uiara nai lery; $5O0 cash, must sell. Phone 271-37 before 8 FORD touring, 1917, best of condition, good tires: real bargain at x4oO. JU urana ; ave. North, near Burnside. litis MAXWELL tourinff in fine shape: real snap at 49j. 1 aloot & Casey, urana ave. and bast AnKeny. WILL trade 5-room modern house equity for your auto and $100 casn. 1? red Spear, Tabor u887. 1919 MODEL 90 Overland; good tires. fact this car is just UKe new; iuu. iw i North Ninth st. Broadway 118. PARTY leaving must sacrifice 1917 Chev rolet touring. .iiu. uo-v : -a st. to. r-. Phone Automatic Lents 201 1. MAXWELL touring, 1917, Al condition. good tires; real bargain at $450. 30 Grand ave. North, near BurnBide. 118 BUICK, 7-pass., new paint, cord tires; a fine automobile; take cheaper car in trade. Main 7SIK MUST sell at once: two almost new Ford deliveries; will sell cheap. R. P. Stewart, 64 E. 7th st. N. FORD CHASSIS, will make a good bug; a real snap for $225. some terms. 30 Grand ae. North, near Burnside. RT"i!K 6. fine little five-passenger: you will like it; $1100 cash; private owner. C 140, Oregoman. FOR SALE On 8x32-1 nch Sneca Falls lathe with bar cross reea. jonn a. wai ter Tiro Co.. 3K Stark st. OAKLAND ti touring, 25 miles to gal. of gas; very reasonable. Call after 5:30 P. M. 919 Michigan ave., cor. Skidmore. ELGIN 6. $950. terms, or will trade on Ford. 803 Thurman, evenings. FOR SALE Mitchell six, price reasonable. 432 Prescott st- FORD sedan; a 1919 bargain at $725. Call Tabor 55il, Sunday. 1918 REO. 7-passenger; Main 780. a gift at $900. ECONOMY 6 for sale by owner. 2SS Burn- side. LATE MOULL 7-passenger Mitchell; new paint: cord tires. $UuO. Main 780. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. 7 AT THE COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. PLANT. Oood morning, Mr. Brown, you are out rather early." "Why, hello, Harry, I didn't hope to be so lucky as to find you here." "Say, Harry, give me the dope straight. Should I buy a car now or wait say till " spring, or early next summer?" "Listen to me. Brown ; prices on new cars are going down just as soon as you can get the laboring man to leave his little home, his Ford car, his Phono graph, and respectable clothes, and crawl back into the old tenement dis trict, where he can keep a pig In the back yard to supply his year's meat.' "Oh, I see you don't think they are going down ?" "Do you?" "No." "Let me give you some advice. Brown. Buy now, right away. Good rebuilt and reffnished used cars have not kept pace with the advance in price of new cars: they are away below actual value in my opinion. You can buy any car in this house from two to five hundr-ed dollars cheaper now than next spring. There is some wonderful driving weather still to be naa tnis year. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS. 1918 Touring $ 975 3917 Tourine 925 191 Touring 750 191tt Roadster 750 Truck, 2-ton. new attachment, Cadillac motor, a dandy, only... ....$l4tv 1914 OVERLAND Delivery.;. 350 450 iyi7 maxvell Jjeilvery ...... 1919 REO TRUCK. -tort, new tires, run 6000 miles 1918 FORI) Sedan, electric starter. 1 1 50 775 1917 FORD Touring 1918 OVERLAND-90, a remarkable buy 1917 MAXWELL Touring 1917 REO RoadMter, good shape. . . 1916 BUICK Touring, rebuilt 1914 REO Touring 1912 CADILLAC, good service car.. li18 BU1CK-6. fine shape 1918 CHANDLER Touring C.. 1920 CHANDLER Dispatch, wire wheels, nearly new 19IH COLE-8. a beauty 1915 STUDE BAKER-6, good shape. 4 700 475 , 800 1050 500 4 0O 12 5( 1400 2350 llOO new top. new paint 1919 HAYNES-6 Touring, in perfect shape, a beautiful car, and prices at only 1000 1 500 1920 BUICK Coupe, nearly new . 2000 FKANKLIM Touring, series -ti. cord tires 225C CADILLACS. 4-passcnger, like new, absorber . type 37 CADILLAC Westinghouse shock 375 7-passenger, type 57 CADILLAC. runs and looks like neAv 3600 WE ARE OPEN SUNDAYS. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY Washington St; at 21st. Main 6244 REMOVAL SALE. FOUR DAYS LEFT before we move into our new location at 84-86 10th St., between Oak and Stark streets. We have some very fine buys In just -new cars. We can save you big money on every car. You will seo by this list that they arf all late-model cars. Every car guaranteed as repre sented. 1917 CHEV, tires 1919 CHE V. new 1920 t'M EV, touring; rebuilt fine $ 500 touring. 9; per cent 650 . 7o 900 350 400 touring like, new. 1919 CHEV. roadnt'r: baby grand 1918 FORD roadster; runs like new 1918 TOURING; rebuilt; good tires 1917 HUPMOBILE touring ncw- 1100 cord est 1 1 Hup 1019 ESSEX roadster; 5 t ires .....' 1919 REO 4, 5-pass.. OS per cent new 1916 COLE 8. 7-paas., fine buy.. 1400 950 500 R00 FRANKLIN 6, just-new' tires ... . CHALMERS Master 6, over hauled . 1917 BUICK roadster 950 It will pay you to look these over. You will he surprised. CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER. 511 Burnside St. Between 14th and 15th Sts. Phone Broadway 1424. Conley & Arbuckle, Props. BEAUTIFUL, late model, 8-cylinder. 7- passenger Oldsmobile; t cord tires; bar gain price, $1200. with terms to suit. KAST Si UK HKAMiM FIELDS MOTAR CAR CO.. Grand Ave. and Burnside St. East 490, Open Evenings and Sundays. Ask for Stetson or McCord. CADILLAC EIGHT. Cadillac, 191S, 7-pasKenger touring, in fine condition; a car that is well worth $3000 ; brand new cord tires on rear, extra tires; owner must sell; your chance to save $.00; price is $2.o; pome terms. Call owner. Main 715, Mr. Kendall, or ask for Mr. Montgomery, Howard Auto Co. Broadway 1130. 1912 CADILLAC roadster, electric lights and starter. $3o0. 1915 Studebaker. 5050. 1919 Chandler, $1250. 1916 Hudson super six, $1100. 1920 Dodge. $1225. 1919 Dodge, $1075. 1917 Dodge. $850. 1SS Tenth, opposite library. Mar. 232. ESSEX TOURING This car is as good as new: new cord tires. This car must be seen to be appreciated; $14o0. 530 Alder, Broadway BUICK roadster, never been run. purchased August 2.1 ; witl sacrlt ice l or quick sale, terms. Phone Broadway 16S1 , E. M Crouch, Union Station restaurant. O A. K LAND touring car, new paint, spot n t ana Dumper , nioiwr is in ".ni shape. $800 cash. Call Mr. Stanley Bdwy 41S4, 100 N. iiroadway. 1917 MAXWELL, new painu tires, engin rear end ana ciutcn; win sen cneap ir 1 can close right away. Avayslde Garage, 421 E. Clay st. 1919 BUICK 7 PASSENGER. Cost $250tt with extras and only used 8 months; will discount $soo for quick sale ; this is a bargain, vv oodiawn 2111 1918 LIGHT SIX touring car. new paint, good motor; a snap at $.soo. Call Mr, Montgomery, nawy. 41&4, iuu N. it road way. OWNER can deliver at once 1920 Ford touring wtn starter: aiso jyu cnevroie touring, terms. 6820 92d st. S. E. Au tomatic, Lents 2011. OVERLAND. Model OO, looks like new, runs like new; o good tires and in line mechanical order; $ t oO. 530 ALDER. BDWY. 1852. DODG E touring. 1918. best of condition eood tires : must sell : a real nuy. ssoO, with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. OAKLAND touring, 1919, fine condition tires are extra good, only run 2b00 milei a wonderful buy. Call M r. Clemmons Bdwy. 4 184. 100 N. Broadway. STUTZ STUTZ Bent buy In the state: inequality car. 6-passenger stutz, late moaei, at bargain, terms, can .-wain or .viar. iw. 191 OAKLAND touring, by owner; moto in A-l conauion, gooa tires ana a spo light. Mr. Stover, Bdwy. 4184, 100 N Broadway. 1920 LATRAIN must be sold rt once. Ow er, w oodiawn ouuo. Automobiles Wanted WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. . THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 127 Lownsdale St. S. W. corner 15th and Washington. COMPLETE set of blacksmith tools for sale or traue ior small trucK. or worm gear preferred. Write F. W. Thompson, R. F. D. 2, box o4B. Van couver. v ash. CASH FOR YOUR FORDS. 530 ALDER. BROADWAY 1852. FORD sedan or coupe with Ford starter aa nart navment on 1920 Olds touring. run 2200 miles; cord tires, t-pot light and bumper. Call Automatic 314-01. WANTED Ford touring car in good con dition, as part payment on new 4U0 Chevrolet or 1920 Ford. 5820 92d st. S. E. Automatic Lents 2011. 80 ACRES sage brush land, free from in cumbrances, to exenange ior roro, coupe; must be in A-l condition. Call Broad way 878. WILL trade my equity In 5-room home for good Fora roauster or coupe; assume $3100 at $35 a month. Call Broadway 2903. WANTED Late model light touring car. prefer Ford or Chevrolet. luu .cast Ta y I or st. Phone Tabor 1923. WANTED A Ford delivery car condition. Write or call at garage, 63 N. 23rd st." in good 23d St. 1 WILL DO HOUSE PAINTING AS FIRST PAYMENT ON GOOD CAR- TABOR 5212. WANT to buy old cars, any size, any con dit ion;taiivaicouvej I WILL exchange painting for good light car. Jones, East alio. , FORD wanted; I am not a dealer; wiil pay cash. 1054 Macadam. LIGHT trailer wanted. L. P. Manning, Gresham, Or. WANTED Late-model Ford coupe. lor, 189 fark, toaay. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. Motorcycle?. USED MOTORCYCLES. All makes, terms if desired. Used mo tors, parts, etc EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand Ave. Excelsior. Henderson and Cleveland Agency. INDIAN motorcycle for sale cheap, Dea- pers garage, under Willard Pattery serv ice station, th and Washington sts, Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE Motorcycle with sidecar. In dian. 1918. Late model, 3-speed. A. Dar gain. Phone East 6370 or call 412 Laat 7th st. N. FOR SALE Harley-Davidson, $150; best buy in the city, see il at iou ieo ave. St il wood car. 2-CYL. EXCELSIOR motorcycle, just over hauled, good running condition; $4o. 327 Wasco St. Call East 1523. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY" US. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 30. FOR SA LE Motorcycle, in good running condition ; $ 1 5. Phone b-ellwood jjjo 1 . EXCELSIOR motorcycle, $60 cash. Fred Spear. 1 abor s4. Auto Tires and Accessories. AUTO wrecking, will buy your old car for wrecking, ail parts t-oid ior an cars. Pert land Auto Wrecking Co., 200 E. Union ave., near Hawthorne. Automobiles for 11 Ire. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without driv ers. Day ofight service. COUCHMAN GARAGE, lyth and Couch. Remember our number. Broadway 3696. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS. HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BROADWAY 2408. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable rates. 132 12th st., between Washington and Alder. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE L. 1. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE, Mar. 232. lOjJH. AND 1 A.MH1LU A 123S. ALT II OF & BENNETT, CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, THI RD AND TA YLOR. M AlN 1 6S7. AUTOS for hire without drivers. Third street Garage. 84 d St. Bdwy. 491a. 1920 3 PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE, WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 3547. IOR SALE THICKS AND TRACTORS. ASK ABOUT OUR FREE TRIAL ON TRUCKS. We have one of the largest storks of used trucks in the state of Oregon They are all overhauled and put In the finest possible condition. It will pay you. to investigate our line. SPECIALS THIS WEEK. 3 Reo two -ton trucks. Your choice for $ 6O0 191S Moreland one-ton $ 1917 Republic 4-ton $ 191i Republic one-ton ". . . $ 1918 Ford panel delivery $ 850 4 1920 Ford one-ton body and cab...$ 6 1918 Republic two-ton $1850 MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. EASY TERMS. NO BROKERAGE. GRANN1 N'G & TREECE. 542 Alder St., cor. 17th. Broadway 1723. "ORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGS Wiil sell my $ 120O equity In a new 2 Vis - ton He pu blic truck, used 60 days, tun 500 miles, for $700 cash, or would consider a late model Ford touring car as part payment; quick action' necessary, as tnis snap won't last long. Buyer must bo financially able to meet balance cf pay ments monthly when due. If in the market for a bargain, call Main 7094, room 202, for appointment. LOG-HAULING contract. S. 000.000 feet at $4.50 per thousand ; u 0,010 lies at 10c each; 4--mile haul; can work, all weath er, good roads; will assign this con tract to purchaser of 2 servlc'e trucks and trailers. Call 227 Salmon st. A BARGAIN 1917 model. 5-ton steel-tired White good roads truck, together w ith a 5-ton Troy trailer; both in Al condi tion. Fred Parkwood, Woodlawn 5323. 1236 Cleveland ave.. city. GARFORD truck with trailer, in good working order, new rubber, will sell cheap; small payment down, easy terms, good long job with truck If wanted. T. H. Pack, Hoff, Oregon. Va-TON TRUCK. first-class condition, with body suitable for hauling lumber or wood, ready to go to work; will sell at a bargain. 527 Chamber of Com -me rce bids. , Main 7543. FORD delivery with open body, flat cur tains, very best ot condition ; must sell ; a bargain at $475 with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FORD truck, gear drive, with open and closed bodies, tires almost new; a snap at $700. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn side. ONE-TON truck, good condition; will trade for roadster or touring car ; win pay cash difference. 414 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 4428. FORD one-ton truck, 1918. truck adjust ment, gear drive, tires almost new; real bargain at $750. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1-TON FEDERAL truck in good condition. Owner will sell tor $o00 or traue Ior tc uring car. 414 Glisan, corner 10th. FORD delivery. 1910. best of condition; a real bargain at $45. terms. oO Grand ave. North, near Burnside. LOG-HAULING contract, $6 per thousand. r winter s work. Call 24 Salmon st. 1-TON FORD truck, run about pne less than 1 OO miitt. .4 ihird tt. FOR SALE Ford delivery. very cheap. Caw at 8t E. Irving st. HAVE new tractor for trado in real estate; lIso seconu-nana trucK. Aiain t-t. -TON TRUCK, and good steady job goes with it. Call Marshall 2098. ACCOUNT of health. 3 -ton truck, work ing in town. Olsen, 888 E. 13th st. N. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE MUST have 500 used men s suits, coats. and pants, all sizes, all colors. Call us for one or more. We pay cash from $10 and up. A phone call will bring us with cash to your place. Call 1 67 1st St.. near Morrison, or call Main 738. UP TO $35. FOR MEN'S SUITHS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price ior mens clotnes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d St.. N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9344 OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest cash prices paid; will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. HERE IT IS. We buy second-hand men's and ladies' clothing ; also furs of all kinds at best prices. Phone Main 3207 or call at Ben Adlar. 201 Third st. UP-TO-DATE BUYER. I pay the market price for 2d -ha nd Limit ure. tools, rags, old clothing ad all kinds of junk. I WILL CLEAN Call Main 1923 and UP YOUR HOUSE. DIAMONDS WANTED. We pay cash, in any amount, for diamonds VINES JEWELRY STOORE, 257 Washington st., cor. 3d. Main 6640. JUNK WANTED. We pay full value for all kinds of furniture, second-hand tools, rags and clothes. Call Main 1923. WANTED SO. 000 second-hand bricks for basement work. R. J. Stewart, 404 Glisan st. Phone Broadway 1613. WANT COUNTERS. LONG AND SHORT TABLES, FLOOR CASES. MAIN 4U5. TABOR 6798. SECTIONAL boiler wanted that will take care of 1000 or 12O0 feet of. radiation. Mar. 1950. WANTED Large size wardrobe trunk, good condition. Phone evenings. Mar. 1027. ' WANT glTl's bicycle, must be chap ; give description and price. Box 840, route A, Portland. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone, today. Main 4627 or 166 First st. WILL PAY YOU MORE FOR ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. MAIN 4495. TABOR 6798. SELL us your furniture and rugs. Reli able Furniture Co., 203 2d st. Main 7308. WE BUY used furniture. For best results call Auto. 217-71 or East 2405. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. , MAIN 3332. SAFE or filing cabinet; size. Y 607. Oregonlan. give price and JUNK, rags, metals, old clothing, tools, furniture, paper; good prices. East 5171. WANTED 8x10 tent, 5073. also two cots. Main WE BUY used furniture. For best results call Auto. 217-71 or East 2405. HIGHEST.SPOT CASH prices paid for dia monds. Dan Marx & Co., 283 Wash. st. 250 OR 30O OPERA or other chairs for seating hall. Tabor 2793. WANTED Hunters to shoot on lake at Sauvies island. Phone Wdln. 452. WANTED Pair marceling Irons. Call Marshall 3923 between and 8 P. M. LADY'S trunk w anted. Phone Tabor 6432.. W A N T E I M I SC E 1 .LA N EOU S. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I PAY SPOT CASH AND THE HIGH EST MARK ET VALUE FOR DIA MONDS. NO AMOUNT IS TOO LARGE FOR ME TO HANDLE. 1 AM COM MISSIONED BY A LARGE DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE DIA M ON DS OFF ER E D. M Y LOO AT IO N IS DOWN TOWN AND CONVENIENT. ALL BUSINESS 13 STRICTLY CONFI DENTIAL. ERNEST DEEDS, 310 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 3173. $12.50 TO $25.0O FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER, THE TAILOR, He pays more ttyin anyone in the city for uuits, overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison St., near 3d st. Will call day or evening. $S.50 UP TO $25.00 GOLDSTEIN. THE TAYLOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC BROADWAY S932. 245 BURNSIDE. CALL ME BEFORE AN 1 BODY ELSE. BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. FURS. FURS. FURS. Cleaning and alterations, any descrip tion. Use La France fur dressing for summer and save $lOO. Reasonable prices. LA FRANCE FUR M KG. CO.. 163 W. Park, bet. Morrison and Yamhill. ! Main U29. SPOT CASH PAID FOR SHOTGUNS, RIFLES, TENTS. TRUNKS. SUITCASES. VALISES, TOOLS, BICYCLES. J s J ' 1 1 'I" il T t I'VI'l.M' TTV- CHANGED.' MAIN 4495. TABOR 0793. 12S FIRST. WANTED Baritone horn, low pitch nickel or silver plated ; write me full description, years in use, lowest price for cash. L. t. Knierick, bi?son, cai. Furniture A Van tod. A. &. S. GEVURT'. FURNITURE STOKE. FURNITURE WAN i ED. Before you sell your furniture be sure and calt Marshall 587. Your call will bring our buyer at once. We pay the top price for ued furniture, carpets, rugs, etc., rverj'thing in household goods. We also buy o' f ice furniture. All calls attended to the same day. Call Marshall 5.S7. A. & S.'GEVITRTZ FURNITURE STORE. 205-207 Firbt street. Between Taylor and a I mon. FURNITURE WANTED. ST A R FURNITURE CO. HAS A REPUTATION UF I'AYlNii THE HIGHEST PR fC E-S FO K U S K D F L R N I TU RE. C A K F E TS. R C G S. RANGES, OF KI C E FURNITURE, ETC. CALL MAIN 5461 AND BE C O N V I N C K l. YOUR CALL ntOMlTLY ATTENDED TO. STAR FURNITURE CO.. 160-162 FIRST, CUR. MORRISON. PHON E MAIN 54M. MARSHALL 5981. GEVURT2 FURNITURE CO. WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALL. ATTENDED TO SAME DAY; HIGHES PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLI. EST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE Ut OUK KIND IN PORTLAND. 185 FIRST ST. PHONE MARSHALL 59S1. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR F U RN ITUHE. CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL W I LL B RING TH BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. CASH FURNITURE CASH. We need used furniture of all kinds, stoves, ranges, rugs, etc.. to ship out o tow n. Will pay bight r prices than an local dealer. tan us ior one artiui a house fuil and a courteous and com pett-nt buyer will be promptly at your service. Mar. 2t93. Crown Furniture Co. f WANT YOUR F URN ITU RE. CARPETS. STOVES ETC., TO tSHlf OUT. ANU W I LL PA Y M ORE Til A N OT H E R LUC A L DEALERS. A PHONE CA LL 11-11 1 u L I Vii Wl' VVIf AT (iVi'li1. VV" H . "i u-ll'.I. t'ONVINCE YOU. CALL MAIN ' 4773. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your lurniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are iu the market for same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. FIRST ST. MAIN 7728. WE MUST have a lot of usea furniture and household goods, suitable for pri vate and apartment houses. We pay more than others do. A phone cail wUl bring buyer with cash. Call MAIN 73S. MAIN 8951. We buy everything in furniture; we pay the price. FREEMAN-WOLFE FUR. CO. L'OO 1st St., S. E. Cor. Taylor. CALL MAIN 8S78. We pay tho highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. 8S78 MAIN. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on household goods. Pacific Coast For warding Co., 9th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 703. 150 OK 3O0 OPERA or other chairs for seating hall. Tabor 2793. EDl'CATIONAL MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, give you a set of toois and some pay while learning. Positions secured. Ore gon ex-service men, the course Is free to you. Write or call for particulars and catalogue. 234 Burnside st. POSITIONS ASSU RED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking. bookkeeping, secretarial, v ree caiaiogae OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach vnu the trad in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuitioQ reduced this term, jjj Aiaatson. PORTLAND Barber College teaches the barber trade in eight weeks; pays while learning: gooa set or 1001s given; post tions secured; tuition reduced. 38 N. 2d st. i.ka RN TELEGRAPHY Reliable Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange biug. f ree Dooaiei. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Buckel's private school ; individ ual instruction. 122 Grand ave. E. 427. ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. state supt., Mgr., N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8276. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. 205 V Oak st. OREGON law school, Alisky bldg., 3d and . Mor. W. E. Richardson, sec. Main 977. YATES-FISHER Teachers Agency Fr?e registration. Main t274. Broadway bldg. STUDY massage. Portland School of Mas sage Inc.). 711 Swetland bldg. M. 77ad. FISK 'Teacher' Agency Journal bldg. Main 4835 Teaching positions, free reg HELP WANTED MALE. MEN AS finishers in furniture factory. Apnly 652 2d St. S. 4 u, n 2d St. An experienced waiter, steady work and extra good wages. WANTED Office boy. bldg. Apply 611 Yeon WANTED Men to cut hemlock railroad tics; Clatsop county. AP 813, Oregonlan. MAN TO run Front st. small laundry. Inquire 312 WANTED Baker, second hand on bread and eakes. Peerless Bakery. Oregon City. BOY' WANTED for steady work ; chance to learn good trade. 3Q9 Oak at. WANTED A washer. Portland Co., Union ave- and E. Mill. laundry WANTED Experienced janitor, 145 3d st. Soller's cafeteria. M A N DISH WASHER. $75 per mo. and board. Imperial hotel. BOY WANTED for'Wm. Kiumpp Co.. Tenth street. 149 BOY WANTED. W. BALTES & CO.. PRINTERS F. Fl RST-CLASS auto mechanic wanted : good wages. A twood Lee Co.,Wasco or. EPER1ENCED shoe man wanted. 263 Morrison. A BRIGHT, young man with references for grocery and confectionery. Tabor 39K4. WANTED Man to carry siian. 30.$ Oak si. BARBER w anted at 112 Sixth street. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED An industrious and intelligent man. one who has knowledge of stone nuaonry and a married man preferred, who would like 1 he opportunity of go inn on a large undeveloped eastern Ore gon ranch to improve the same by de veloping the water supply, build roads, construct buildings and reservoirs, etc A dwelling will be made for family and land, supplies and animals furnished, also a iiiall salary and a share in the wheat crop from rest of place. This Is not a wheat farmer's proposition and none need apply, but an opportunity ti start in a small way and enlarge until two sections of land are being operated in a modern, self -sustaining plan; all waste land being utilized. . Somewhat an experiment, but a chance to snow up the gambj of set w heat farming. f 974, Gregorian 18.2S7 YOUNG MEN have, in the past years, been assisted i-n finding positions through the Portland Y. M. C. A. advisory and employ-men t dept. This is not an "agency" and no extra fees or commii-slons are charged. Employers naturally turn to the " Y" for men because we appeal to the best type of men and boys. Our demand at present is far greater than the supply. You never had such an opportunity to get a better position if you are prepared for it. All men in clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to con&uit one of the employment secre taries, room 307. Free vocational guidance and employ ment for ex-service men. $300 TO $500 A MONTH. A re you earning that? Many auto mobile experts arc, You may join in high-salaried, skilled-mechanic ranks if you take advantage of the gas engineer ing courses offered bv tho LEADING AUTO SCHOOL OF THE WEST WITH A RECORD OF MORE SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES THAN ANY OTHER SCHOOL. Investigate, enroll and don't pay ua a cent until you are convinced that we'll de! Ivor the goods. That's fair, isn't it ? W rite for our $1 88-page catalogue. It's free. Ask for book No. 5. OUR COURSES ARE FREE TO OREGON E X - S E U V 1 C E M E N . ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. UNION AVENUE AND WASCO ST. MR. EX-SERVICE MAN Are you hunting a job or seeking a career? Have you discovered where you fit In? Would you like to talk over your problem confident '.ally with a man of w ido experience w ho will take a per sonal interest in you? The Y. M. C. A. advisory and em ployment dfipt. can assist you in choos ing, and can help you find the place for w hich you are best fitted. This service is absolutely free to ex-service men. See one of the secretaries. Room 307 WE HAVE open in gs In our country-w ida organization for J men of good appear a rce. forceful personal 1 1 y a nd of- k"m1 character; must l- possessed of either organization or publicity ability; good starting salary to the right man; tel alt about oursrf n nrat letter, giving record and references. B 121, Orego nlan. WANTED Carrier for route on Union ave. between Columbia blvd. and Bryant st. Profit $.:o per month. Also need good boy for route In Brook -i n ; profit about $;;o per month. Apply 1 i 1 y t iron la t ion Dept., room 203, Uro gonian bldg. CA N USE your g nan as Falcsman In established, selling staple food lines to housfw ives. This job will pay $35 to $40 per week from start to producer. Libera 1 guarantee and commission. 1 f you are a salesman, it will pay to look into t hi?, oven It now employed ; ap plications treated strictly confidential; In answering state a go, selling experi ence and w here formerly employed. AR 08, Oregon ian. THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of a J a panose bus boy for tea room. Hours 9:15 to 5:45. No Sunday or night work. Apply em ployment bureau, sixth floor. Meier & Frank company. THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of an experienced silk and dress goods salesman. Permanent position. Apply Em ploy men t Bureau, Sixth Fluor. Meier 6c Frank. Com pa-ay. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Automobiles, tractors, vulcanizing. This school, not run to make money but to make automotive mechanics. Is &uper vied by leading automobile and tractor business men oi Portland. Students do practical repair work. Free tuition to ex-service men; clip this ad. Send it or cail at office, 410 Oregon Institute of Technology, Y. M. C. A, T A l I- O R S W ANTE D. Open-Shop Conditions. Full information regarding wages and working condit ions given upon applica tion at this office. PORTLAND EXCHANGE OF THE PACIFIC COAST MERCHANT TAILORS' ASSOCIATION. 5U0 OREGON BLDG. LEARN A TRADE NOW AND PAY LATER Are you mechanically inclined? It m, investigate HEMPHILL'S AUTO- MOBILE and Gas Tractor School at 707 Hawthorne ave., corner East 2Uth, where you can learn in six w ecks to operate and repair all makes of autos and trac tors. WANTED Youtb man between 20 and 35 with ability to handle stenographic work and fcinall uont accounting system; must he real, high-grade man with good per sonal apptaranca and capable of ad- ancing. Permanent position with live firm manufacturing wood products. Write Box 5;;tt, Nanipa, Idaho. THE MEIER & FRANK CO. requires th services of an experienced caudymakcr. Apply employment bureau, sixth floor, Meier & Frank Co. W ANT ED Two young men, 21 to 25. of proven Christian character. preferably with college or university education, to take up life work with national evangel ical organization. State full particulars, salary. AG 785, Orcgonian. ALL A ROL'N D orchard man, capable of handling tractor and other machinery; one whose wife will cook in fa.mily preferred. Communicate with N. P. Mearn, White Salmon, Wash. Tel. 77X. 1 1 liST1CLASS, experienced hotel clerk lor night clerk position ; must have good references, good appearance; permanent if Satisfactory. Hotel Seaside, Seaside. uregoii. MAN WANTED Who can cut and lay carpels and cut and hang draperies; steady job to tho fight person; answer, stating experience, references and salary e : peeled. F. A. Gummer, Stoc kton, Cal. GRANITE CU TTERS W A NTED. Can use three good granite cutters and one good inscription man; eight hours. $8. Wire our expense. Kamlah Granite & Marble works. Kamlah. Idaho. WANTED To hear from Harry Waiker. Please, dear, let me know something in regard to your leaving and where you are. as I am sick and need your help ; don't treat me like this. Your worried wife. THREE boys, between the ages of Id and 18. to work in check room; boys who are going to school this fall and want to work, evenings preierreo. bee Mr. Smith at Multnomah club. WANTED Errand bov one with wheel preferred; good chamje for advancement. Apply to Mr. Show cross. Kilham Sta tionery & Printing Co., Fifth and Oak. WANTED Boy about 17 years of age to work in factory. Apply Ames, Harris, Neville Co.. 15th and Hoyt sts. WANTED Errand boy; one with wheel preferred; good chance for advancement. Apply to Mr. Shawcross. Kiiham Sta tion e ry&lririUrigCc.Fifjji PRINTER WANTED Two-thirder who can set ads and some job work on country weekly. Write Herald, Banks, Or. P1CK-AND-SHOVEL laborers wanted. Ap ply between 3 and 4:30 P. M. PORTLAND GAS & COKE CO., 241 Flanders st. . WANTED Names, men, boys over 17. wishing to become mail carriers; $llf month. Answer Immediately, AV 245. Qregonian. Portland. Or. WANTED Marker and assorter; good -wages to competent worker. Oregon Mty laundry, Oregon City, Or. W A NTED First-class coatmakcr. Reed Bros., tailors., 203 Wilcox bldg. LEARN the vulcanizing business. Call or write 158 East. Broad way. LOG-HAULING contract, $6 per thousand, or winter's work. Call 227 Salmon st. FIRST-CLASS barber: $28 guarantee 60 over $40. Emil Feb vet, Dallas, Or. A 1'PRENTICES tu re factory. to work in metal f urni Apply 715 Thurman ' st. NON-UNION barber wanted ; steady job ; wages guaranteed. 205 Morrison st.