THE MORXIXG OHEGOXIAX, SATUTJDAY, AUGUST 28, 1920 13 REAL KHTATE. For Sale Houses. $1630 $250 CASH, small house with bath, elec, gas, full lot, f rutt, garden, chicken home, street improve ments In and paid, near tar. $2250 $150 cash. $25 and Int. monthly, 7-room house, 4 bedrooms, bath, lec., corner lot. macadamized at., near Union and Killingsworth ave. $1800 House. R rooms, good lot, not paved, near Bnrthwick and Fre mont sts., $Soo cash. See this close-in cast side bargain. $1700 Small cash payment, house, 5 rooms, small lot near Hawthorne ave and E. 41st. $2000 $200 cash, old 6-room house, 3 25-foot lots, west of Kenton, near St. Johns car. GEORGE K. ENGLKHART CO., Bdwy. 5173. t24 Henry Blag. HiM. SjA NT A BARBARA BUNGALOW, I.fFB than today's cost of house. Brand new and very latest in Califor nia designclose cornice gabled win flow caps -pergola and canopied entry. Full plastered basement with stat. trays. "Newly-wed" kitchen and bath with in laid linoleum 3 bedrooms (or 2 and den ) targe living, room west front ) handsomely decorated hard wood finish floors." Large garage matches house. Built by owner and guaranteed to be as high grade in construction and mate rials as any bouse of double the price. 4 100. terms. Shown by appt. only. -1 . M. Reeves, phone evenings Ta bor 1 702. LAURELHUnlfT. Can give immediate possession; spot Iissly clean, modern 2-story residence, ideally situated on car line, close to t-chool and park; large living room, flre vlace. ianeled din in he room, art lb tic be va ried plate built-inw. glass wnroom, best oak noors up and aownstairs, j nice Dea roomu. liirce enclosed sleeping porch, nathrootn. large white enameled kitchen, lull cement basement, iurnace. la unary trays, fruitroom, new concrete garage. lipM util ul awnings, lawns and snruuoery , must be st'en to be appreciated ; never offered before; deal direct with, owner. 987 ttat Glisan. BEA UT 1 F U L HO M E. Cot $12,000. Price Only $7,500. No. 1 75 Owner has best of reasons for losing money on this home. We believe him when he tells, us the place cost him $12.0uO to build. Has large lot fiuxlOO situated in beautiful Creston addition. Cannot describe this home in &n small a space, but seeing is believ ing. Better make an appointment. Re member, the price is only $7,500, only $3000 cash, balance as long a time as you wish. Marshal! 1893. IRVINGTON. DUTCH COLONIAL HQME. ft beautiful rooms, oak floors. Ivory f in Lsh, tapestry walls, double fireplace, full .basement, furnace, fruit room, coal bin. U is really a complete home and must be sold; non-resident owner. Photo at office. Call at office tor full details. C. M . DERR, COR A. McKENNA & CO., S3 Fourth St. Main 4522. WuUEKN, artistic bungalow of 0 rooms and reception hall. Living room, dining room, music room, reception halt have beautiful hardwood floors: massive fire place, attractive buffet, Dutch kitchen, built-in refrigerator, large attic, screened in back porch, full concrete basement, fine furnace, garage, improved street, paid. Price $55Ht, $100 will handle; terms. o. W. Bryan, 009 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1903. ROSE CITY. BUNGALOW BEAUTIFUL. 5 rooms, breakfast nook, floored at tic, oak floors, fireplace, garage, one Hiock to Sandy blvd. Has been built ktoout two vears and In the very best of tradition. Photo at office. Price $0500. C. M. DERR, XE A. McKENNA & CO., W Fourth St. Main 47,22. L A U R E L H U R S T . " Fine corner lot. louxlOO, fine view mountains and Laurelhurst park ; mod e rn 9-room residence, four bedrooms, sleeping porch, maid's room, hardwood f.oors, hot water heat, double garage; J I 7.U0O, terms. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. M A 1 N 1 S0O. RESIDENCE. EAST 0771. HAWTHORNE. $1000 CASH. No. 107 Very pretty new 5-room bun ealow. hardwood floors, fireplace, good plumbing, light fixtures, gas, basement with laundry trays, close to school and car lino, lot 50x100. Price $4250, $1000 cash, balance to suit. Marshall 1S9S. IRVING TON. Beautiful . new bungalow', six large rooms, living room 14x28, hard wood floor, papered with best tapestry paper, finished in ivory and white enamel; ex nsive plumbing, tiled bath, and ga fcge. 58 5 E. 23th st. N. Herman Nel son, owner and builder. EAST IRVINGTON. $55M. No. lSO New 5-room bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, beautiful built ins, plumbing, light fixtures, gas, shades, 50x100 lut, about 4 blocks to the Broad way car line. Price only $5500. $10u0 cash, balance can be arranged. Marshall 1S08. IRVINGTON DISTRICT, yine corner lot, 100x100, on Broadway, Vroom residence. 5 bedrooms, near Irv lngton school; make good home now, and in a few years will double in value ; house Is modern except hardwood floors; $12,000, terms. POIX DEXTER. 209 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE. EAST 677L ONE BLOCK TO LAURELHURST PARK $5000. No. 162 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-ins, basement, fur nace, paved streets, closa to car and park. rice only $5000. $2000 cash, balance $U0 per mont h, less than rent. Marshall 1.S9S. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into Income? We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything; furnish rlans and finance. Established 10 years We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATIS FACTION. L, R. Bailey Co., Inc., 924 X. W. Bank bldg. PRETTY CORNER. $4100. No. I06 -room Hawthorne home. turnace, pavea streets, verv pretty cor Jr lot, 50x100. Price $4100. $850 cash. Valance $50 per month. Place vacant ana reaay to move into. Better hurry, Marshall 1S9S. IRVINGTON. Strictly modern bungalow, 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, tiled bath, hardwood floors. Mil on one iiuor; garag; nas iiasco fur nace; can give immediate possession; vimu, nait casn. POINDEXTER. 20S SELLING BLDG MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE. EAST 6771. RICHMOND DISTRICT. $4000 Best buy in this district: seven rooms, larire well-constructed hnui) w.-ih fireplace and built-in conveniences; large 101 wun pavea street; Uiu cash, bal ance easy, S. S. PRENTISS. 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 125x100 Two 4-room California hjt gas, electric light and some plumbing ;n, street improvements in and paid; plrnty space for another building; will ell as a whole or separate: price $3600 some terms, by owner. 264 West Farra- gut t.. near i-cmnsuia ave. SMALL APARTMENT. Owner of 3-atory bldg. (10 apts.) with two stores on ground floor, will sell very attractive figure; present income over i4uuu per annum; will soli on favor able terms and take some trade. Apply 217 N. W Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114 SEVEN ROOMS, ivory finish Inside, newl painted outside, fireplace, hot-air hea"! touci upstairs ana aown. linoleum JtiU'hen anrt bath, not water heater, full cement Usement; garage: 1 block from r; nice gTounus; attractive price FROM OWNER. Just finished, beautiful neir ntvU flu, rooms and breakfast nook, floored attic This is strictly e-nodern, with all the latest built-ins, close to Rose City car im vim vi iv. c i 1 is hi. r or run par IICUIIJB 1.M1UIIO DUOS. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will seoure th money ana ouua xor you. Terras Ilk BUILDERS REALTY EXCHANGE 621 Morgan bldg. Slain 2033. FOR SALE By owner. 6-room hnno-au. balh. gas, electricity, full basement. 50x 100 lot. 2 blocks east of Union ciose to school, Woodlawn car. Phone &fllWOOU sU'J. " ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. CLASSY. MODERN. 6 ROOMS. v orncr 101. an improvements in an paid. If you want a good home, reason aD;v pneeu, gooa terms, caq Tabor fciryi $J250 OWNER'S BARGAIN, 6-ROOM HOUSE: CEMENT BASEMENT. Vi:R- NACE. PRACTICALLY MODERN; EAST SIDE; WALKING DISTANCE; SOME Hu 1 . shr; v v :n mk. tmy -M k a y B D $.;;;j NEAR Kranklin high; modern semi bungalow; 0 rooms downstairs, 3 flnishe attic rooms; nrepiace, launury trays, fu basement; iiouu casn, balance easy. 1 bor (-"63. 9- ROOM modern house, paved streets. I provements in and pain, on canine, nea e-chool. St. Johns : J 1000 cash, balanc monl h ly. Snap. C has. Roswcll, ownc 53 Fcnton bldg. C- ROOM cottage, west side. close In. walking distance; beautiful view prop erty, near Shattuck school. Inquire. 32$ Morrison st. IOOt 1 0O ; GOOD house ; Sunnyside ; from owner; $4750; terms. Main 8100. EKAL ESTATE, For Hale House. FOR SALE BY OWNKK One of the most modern and best situated small houses In Portland ; corner, one block; to best streetcar line in city and only 20 min utes to town; 6 rooms, hardwood floors throughout; full cement basement, gal rage, back yard fenced, new Gasco fur nace with Soperbo hot water tank, fur nace and tank cost over $(500 to install; house newly papered, curtains go with houie; 191U taxes fully paid, also street and other assessments: drive by and look it over. Address U5S E. Yamhill St.. corner 3Ith; price is $8500; cash or terms. I f interested see E. P. Hopwood, room 201, Oregonian b!dg. No agents. $650. MOVING TO THE DALLES. My beautiful Laurelhurst bunga low is for sale, $1500 under aiue. Beautiful lawn, flowers and khrub bery; be quick If you want a bar gain. Come out today and see Mr. I Delahunty at office. Fast 39 th and Glisan streets, or phone him at Tabor 3433. HOME BUYERS. ATTENTION. Do you remember Rose City Park whi n there were only 2 houses east of the railroad? When Sandy road was a sea of mud from fall to late spring? We do, and have been selling property In t his desirable section ever since. Kno the district like a book. Let us help you to select your home. Autos at your serv ice. It places you under no obligations. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark st. Main 1084 and 583. THE HARRIS METHOD SELLS HOMES. That the public Is constantly watching our method of advertising the addresses of our listings i proven by the amazing number of homes old by us each week. If you have a moderately priced home that you can sell with reasonable first payment, phone Main 5624 at once. RALPH HARRIS CO., 827 Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A 7-room. well-constructed and thor oughly modern; fine condition; large lot; choice location; select nelghborjiood beautiful view from large porch; attrac tive price and terms. SAMUEL R. IJORTON, 610 Henry bldg. Broadway 2320. ROSE CITY. $2000. No. 44 6-room modern bungalow, fur nace, fireplace, fine light fixtures, pretty ouiu-ins. goQn basement, paved street, lot 50x100. The price of this place is only $42.o, $2000 cash, balance to suit. Better hurry. - Marshall 1808. FOii SALE Six-room house, strictly mod ern, in Beaumont district. All built-ins. nrepiace and furnace, full basement, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, newly painted, $5500. $2500 cash and the balance $28 per month with 6 per cent Interest included. Call Sat. and Sunday. L. A. Baker, 317 Henry bldg". Bdwy. 4S07 $2050 TERMS. 5-room bungalow, large living room, fireplace, bookcases. Imp. In and paid, corner lot, east frost. 1 blk car, near school. Would take lot in Alberta as part pmt. if price right. . No Inflated price considered. Alberta car 30Lh, south 1 blk. to 101 5. Owner. FORECLOSURE. Charming 5-room bungalow, 60x123 beautiful garden, orchard, pergola draped with vines, lots of frut trees; $3500, terms $500 cash, balance 2 and 3 years at 7 per cent. Delahunt, East 1347. 1 INSULA. DISTRICT 3 rooms, mod ern, stationary laundry travs, garage chicken housf. paved and paid, lot 60 2-3 xl29 ft.; $1250 cash? assume $1500 mort gage. May arrange terms with respon sible buyer. Furniture if desired. 1550 w aniisn avenue. wooaiawn oOj. A GREAT BARGAIN. $4000 for a fine, 2-story 6-room on r,. j sin near starK st. Has con. hase- ment. furnace, buffet, wash trays. H. S. streets; oniy jiuu casn, bal. terms F. L. BLANCHARD. 4m -j s wet land Bldg. Ph one Mar. 829. BY OWNER 6-room modern house, f ur- nisnea or unfurnished; garage and chicken house; with 2 or 3 lots; abun- j dance of fruit, berries and garden; $500 cash will handle it. 4503 45th ave. SelL .111. $2750 FOR good 5-room house, in fair condition, concrete foundation; 50x100 lot; paved street, sewers in and paid for; located on E. Irving- st., 2 blocks from Rose City car. F. W. King. 3044 Oak bi. nii'Huvi ay 00. $1000 .FOR A good 3-room on E. 38th. witn not and cold water, gas and elec tricity, lot 48x100. $400 cash, balance mommy. uiEice open Sunday. F. L. BLANCHARD, 401-1' Swetland Bldg. Phone Mar. 829. IRVINGTON. bargain Mne-room residence and glass steeping porta, r rencn doors. plate-glass windows, hardwood floors. in is is not an miiatea value. Owner 523 E. 25th st. N. ' -ROOM house, sleeping porch, full base- mem, wusn irays, large rooms ; 50x100 lot; cherry trees and raspberries; a bar gain, at $0500; from owner. Phone East uo. oo Vancouver ave. BLOCK with 3 double nouses, income 1 $60; S, E. cor. East th and East Grant cts., oiocn. uuruicMi -interstate ave. and Bryant sts.; income $20, good terms. ti. Jtf. aimei vc. n.uuuuenarum, (Jr. $2750 NEW CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. Furnished or unfurnished: Richmond If block from car; beautiful, modern little home; leaving roruana; terms Sellwood 601. 3-ROOM SHACK. Lot. 50x100; fruit and berries; 2 blks. 1 to car line; price. uuo; i5 cash; bal ance, $15 per month. Call Mr. Fisher. Main 5429. 24S Stark et. $2000 $300 CASH: EASY TERMS. 5-room plastered house, bath, electric lights and gas; block to car; 50x100 lot; sewer and sidewalks. Fisher, 248 Stark st- Main 54-'!. IRVINGTON BARGAIN $6250. Irvlngton nome. 7 rooms and sleeping poicn, , 'iitiBue, iurnace full lot. near Knott on Oth. McDonell. " FROM OWNER. Four-room modern house, furnished complete, garage, auiomoone, very cheap, close to Rose City car; cash or terms. iast euaa. ARE YOTJ LOOKING FOR A HOME? Save time, shoe leather and work by telline us what you want. W hnv Call at 5829 7 2d st. S. E. Phoqe Tabor 1:410. uaoie neaity co. n. 6-ROOM. m-STORY BUNGALOW. Easv walking distance to J effort high, built 5 years, 3 bedrooms, 50x100 lot, garage: aui. terms. .Borth wlck st. By owner. WALKING distance, west side 7 rooms, bath, cement Dasemenr, gas, electricity 2 fireplaces; lot, 00x100; $5000. half casn. u w nt-i , OCII1HB3, -p( jutn st. ROSE CITY PARK Large 7-room house, modern. In excel- I lent condition. Price Is right. 657 East bjin mm " " 1 door IM04. BY OWNER 5-room house, lot 50x100 xamny iruu. w 1 ca on piace ; Wood stock car. uii iwio hu . $2250; 2 DIOCKS . (v ig ocnOOI. FURNISHED SELLWOOD BUNGALOW 0 rooms, paved street, ready 'to move in. only $1000 casn. oda'vMhalA-'111 City oaay. aiarsnau iu.-. - See it BY OWNER, 4-room furnished bungalow in nawinorne uiainct. 1x4 ii,ast Grant. All improvements in and paid for. Phone benwoou -ii-t. iciiiia. FULTON district 7 rooms, modern, small casn payment uv u, uaiance iiae rent. ur-ap at sj4.o.. uwner must sacrifice. E 134, uregonian. IF YOU want a brand new 5-room bunga low in Rose City at actual coat, call owner i:i-o. ji erixis. PORTLAND HEIG-HTS. uesiraoif 1 u-nui y moaern eeven room nouae. vai . owner. Alain 2986. 5-ROOM modern house for rent; furni ture for sate; 4.u; some terms. Morris, with Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark st. $4000; TERMS. Furnished complete, 5-room cottage; wner. 207 Cherry st nr. Williams ave. CHEAP House with two five-room flat 324 E. 1st st north. Inquire 14o Front BY OWNER The most attractive ho n. Pltv Park Phn ,. . l4V - mset-ript IOn. INVESTORS, see me to settle an estate- can give you a nargain in nouses.. Fred v lereciv, " 17 00O a. 6-ROOM HOME W 1 1 n tr . excellent location. 2009. No agents. uuuo owner, Jast 1NCOMK property, six flats, close in, west Slue, i -ov, unt -1 11 1 u cub 11, jj pa y Da lance. aiain di6. I WILL assist you in financing and build- wt your nome. rnone AUto. iS-J-oJO. will lurnisii iui ouua on easy terms or ouuu on juur iot. rnone Aut. 32-526. IRVINGTON HOMES 3 McDonell 5UQ E. 14t h N. East 41 9 . LOTS- OF HOUSES Walking distance. i or laic jngr t. - t .1 "2 asm n gion street. 4 ROOMS, nice location, close in; $lKO0; simp . m-e- u in- r. . v orcemer tit g. FOR SALE By owner, furnished bunga low, iv.y rai uroEaway. SUNNYSIDE Owner, 6-room cottage. 1000 ,aai saimon. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY. CARE l'-SAVIDGE COMPANY. MAIN 74S7. See our listing before you buy. Every house we offer for sale has been per sonally appraised and we guarantee it if worth the price asked. $2500 A six-room houee, with three large bedrooms upstairs; walk ing distance to Jefferson high school ; close to car; this house is substantially built and is very attractive appearing. $2000 This eight-room house is X block from the car line and walking distance to Fcanklin high school; It has 4 large, well-arranged bed rooms: at this price it is a snap. Only $40O to handle. $1S00 THIS 7-room house is on a paved business street, with all improve ments in and paid; walking dis tance to town and Jefferson high school; lot atone worth more than price asked for entire property. Full plumbing. $2200 -If you want a substantial six room house, with latest of plumb ing, freshly painted and tinted, within walking distance of Frank- lin high school, 'for a small down payment, see this one; two large bedrooms upstairs, one down ; fine new grade school one block away ; abundance of fruit now on trees; Hawthorne car line. $2000 Close to plant ofPenlnsala Lum ber Co., this substantia! 7-room house can be bought for $300 down. Three large bedrooms on .first floor. One block to car line. Lot ToxlOO. , BIHR-CAREY COMPANY. CA REV-SAVIDGE CO., 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. 3d and Stark Sts., ' OPEN EVENINGS. MAIN 7487. CHOTCE WEST SIDE GENTLEMAN'S RESIDENCE. Attractive, desirable and exclu sive, 8-room gentleman's'home, on 100x1 25-f t. of park-like grounds; convenient to Westover' and Will. Hts. car; pre-war built under own er's supervision, and heat, light, plumbing, etc.; the very best in terior is Colonial arrangement and 2 sleeping porches ; location over looking Macleay park lrom head of Savier St., view unsurpassed for beauty of river, harbor and moun tain scenery. Prico $15,000; terms if desired. Shown only by appoint ment with owner's agent, Geo. J. Schaefer. 817 Board of Trade bldg. Main 000 or Broadway 5167. $3400. This Is an excellent buy In a 5-room bungalow, located on a paved street with all liens paid; it has a beautiful buffet, Dutch kitchen, full basement. wash 0 trays, attic and large reception hall, beautiful lawn and good lot, $1400 cash payment required. Let us show you. J. A. HUBBELL. 10S9 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8S92. "Stucco Office." IRVINGTON COLONIAL BUNGALOW 731 E. 18th st. N. Six large rooms, hardwood floors. French doors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet ; all drapes in cluded. Fine garage. McDonald, East 419. FOR SALE BY THE OWNER. Fine Piedmont home, third house north of library and Jefferson high school. 11-0 commercial street; beautifully im proved residence street ; has full lot, garage, sleeping porch; well-built with cement basement, laricc norch. east front. fireplace, oak floors, splendid fixtures, built-in buffet, beamed ceiling, three fine bedrooms and den. finished attic. Price $7000. Main 953 or 601 Stock Ex. bldg. OPPORTUNITY TO SELL HOME TO COUPLE WHO WANT TO RENT FOR FIRST THREE MONTHS; MUST BE BUNGALOW TYPE WITH FIVE OR SIX ROOMS; CLOSE IN, EAST SIDE PREFERRED.. THE HOUSE MUST BE FURNISHED OR rAKTLY FURNISHED. CALL MAR SHALL 1130. HAWTHORNE -RESIDENCE. So tx for a 1 -room on E. Clay near E. 3th, with fine lot 50x90, H. S. st. A bargain $1200 cash. $4750 for li-room first floor. 3 toilets. bath, lavatory, furnace; on E. 38th, one j. 1 win car. i .;u casn. a. snap. F. L. BLANCHARD, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. FOR SALE by owner; Rose City corner; i-room completely modern house, hall large living room, fireplace, bookcases Mutt seats, oeamea aining room, tine buf fet, cabinet kitchen, gas stove and water heater, 4 bedrooms and bath up, full basement, American furnace; immediate possession. E 9t3 Oregonian. Tabor HAWTHORN E BUNGALOW, BY OWNER. A modern, up-to-date 1-atorv. 7- room, with fireplace, buffet. Dutch Kiicnen ana nawood floors, furnace and very fine garage, at 3G7 Glenn ave. for juuu. rnon m arsn a 1 1 a Jit. F. L. BLANCHAR D, POSSESSION SEPTEMBER 1. 7-room modern house, on Rn Shaver car and 2 other car lines, within s blocks; close to 2 schools: 16-foot alley in rear; 50x100 lot; 8i!2 Commercial st . near corner of Failing st. ; price and terms reasonable. F. H. V, Andrews, 604 Piatt bldg. Phone Marshall 6025 FOR SALE 6-room modern limm hv owner; must sell at once; Sunnyside dis- inc. oeiween two car lines; will sell for $300 cash, or will consider JJO0O down and balance easy terms. 706 rc Tavinr near 20th; East 4046. MODERN 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. Living and dininc rnnm rn front, finished in old Ivory and tapes try paper, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitch en, complete bath. Price $2750. easy terms. Phone Tabor S892. FOR SALE: One block south of Franklin nigh school, one 5-ro-m house with bath sleeping porch, fireplace, Dutch kitchen! 2 bedrooms, large attic and basement. Inquire at 5530 Slat ave. southeast. Tabor 5325. 6-ROOM house, paved street, sewer, fu!l- iac utwcmeni, 101 ouxiuo. o0 Maiden avenue. 9-room vhouse, 4 bedroom. paved street, lot 75x100. 625 Maiden ave.; quick possession. Sellwoo car: terms. Owner. $8950 TERMS. - aW. COR. 2D AND HALL; 100x100. 2 HOUSES. G. C. GOLDENBERG. ABTNGTON BLDG. MAIN 4803. TH E FORD Jersey dairy guarantees 2.1 per cent to its investors, which Is paid on or before the tenth of every month For further particulars write Ford Jer sey dairy. Vancouver. Wash. SELLWOOD MODERN BUNG. 3 A, LOW, 1!750. Almost new, full cement basement wash trays. Hurry! $2750 cash. Mar shall 1022. $Vi00 FOR A 5-room, lot 40x135, on paved $300 cash. Office open Sunday. V F. L. BLANCHARD, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Phone Mar. R29. 40x1 LVT A?Pj,ew parage large enough to live In until house is built; fine neigh- I oornooa ; 9iiuu, s-iuo down, small month I J J rnsi IRVINGTON SNAP! Immediate oTeT- 1 nancy: wner aroina: to Snnicn. modern home, near car and school. Main 8078. East 394. "u FIVE-ROOM bungalow, new: must be sold -ALFALFA or fruit land, eastern Washing Immediately by owner. 253 East 73d N. f on; ,3JJ acres C ri'er frout' 4- Montavi Ha car. 'wuu. $000 cash, bal- ance terms. FOR SALE A BARGAIN. Four-room house, bv owner; worth $1200; will take $850.- $350 cash, terms on balance. 1313 Concord st. EXTRA NICE Rossmere residence, fine corner, luuxiuo; if rooms, rireplace, hdwd. .floors, garage; terms; owner, 11U0 Knott street, corner 41st st. North. $1000 CASH. Cozy cottage. 5 rooms; ready to move In; walking distance: $3500; terms, easy. 3Q3 Cherry St.. near Williams ave $5500 BUY'S from owner, modern 7-room irvlngton house and garage. It is worth more. East 2153 or Marshall 1881. 6-ROOM house, 1744 Dwight St.. three blocks north of St. Johns car; must sell leaving city. Owner. P"hone Main 360L 5-ROOM modern bungalow In Richmond district, lot 50x100. $3800. $1000 down balance to suit. E. 7978. 4-ROOM house, on Mt. Scott line, near ibtn st. : nrepjace, gas, garden; $1000. Inquire 243 Stanton st. and 448 garage in nne condition: owner. Roselawn ave. Phone 324-43. FOR SALE by owner, modern S-room Irvlngton bungalow; hardwood floors sleeping porch, garage. 583 East 2d N $5it0 CASH buys my equity In 5-room bungalow; assume $3100 at $33 a month. Call Broadway 2903. SAVE COMMISSION $700 down buys 6- room nouse ajia two lots at 336 44th Bt; Call Tabor 356. Owner. IRVINGTON Beautiful 5-room modern bungalow, just completed. 680-E. 13th SL V. Open for inspection, 10 o'clock to 4. MODERN 5-room bungalow. Willamette Heights. Call owner. Main 6494, KEATj estate. For Sale Houses. HAWYTHORNE DISTRICT. v 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. This thoroughly modern bungalow la located only 2 blocks from Hawthorne ave. ; has hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, garage, four bedrooms, 2 down and 2 up; all street improvements in and paid; reduced from $5000- to $4700 for quick sale, $2500 cash payment required. J. A. HUBBELL. 1089 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8S92. "Stucco Office. FOR SALE by owner, 5-room plastered house, with or without furniture, at a reasonable price. Call No. 6C31 85th U Mt. Scott. Suburban Homes. ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN HOME. AND ONE THAT PAYS. 7-room house equipped with modern plumbing, air-pressure water system andj sewer: dandy garage, chicken park ana barn; 3 acre tracts all In bearing fruit, berries and garden; excellent soil; corn now growing loft high. Family cow and chickens; delightful location, on good road,, only mile from city limits. Photos at office. Price $6500 for quick saje. a. Jv. Hill, 4,o Lumbermen liiag. $5500 a: ACRE, right on Johnson creek at Stanley station, is just outside city limits, paved road to city, by 52d St., is on Estacada car line ; 8 -room modern . home, parage, chicken house; also 4-rm. house, rents for $12. Am going to Can ada and will sacrifice; buildings would cost thatwiow; must have at ieat $3500 cash. Come to Stanley, ask for Bauta, owner, or pnone sciwood 1714. Five acres on rising ground, splen did view of city and mountains. Jvan gently sloping. W'ell, fruit and fine grove of trees. Price $4500. Write owner, Milwaukie, Ore. R. 2, Box 115. N $1750 H ACRE garden land, right on Jonnson creek at Stanley station, Esta cada line; 4 -room plastered house, bath. I ana pantry, gas, light and water; pos session oy sept. 1. y $1100, 3-room house, acre, near "by. jo-me to sianiey or pnone M.uier, ceu- woon kh. SALE or exchange for city home, 6 rooms. dandy modern 0 rooms, sleep, porch, ail built-ins, fireplace, full cement base- ' ment, henhouse, garage; 1 acre all planted, fruit and berries; close to Gresham; $3000 cash. Can buy adjoin- 1 ng acres. Ai bj, uregonian. $4600 BRAND new 5-room bungalow and large Biennis kwim (, hmtuwoou floors, fireplace, all built-ins; strictly modern ana aoume constructea through out. Paved street paid. See it. 881 Al- Derta st, owner. East 6516. A B car. IRVINGTON PARK $3250. Modern 5-room bungalow; old ivory - finish, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen. cement casement. vacant. rasy terms. A. H. AKkouin, iiu n.cni uIjUU. FOR TRADE OR SALE 7-room house, lot 100X100, lots ot iruit, corner, gooa IO- I oation, fine income property, close to factories. Will consider auto, suburban I property or cash. P 84 Oregonian. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES fmm S1800 up. Inquire Td house north of Risley station on Oregon City car line, sign "Aiaer uroon. For Sale Acreage. KNAP IN ACREAGE. Jt320n for 3 a. all under cultivation. with small house. 75 bearing fruit trees. cow and chickens. $500 cash, bal. monthly. S4750 for 2 a. new, modern 4-room I himrflinw : hdwood floors, built-in buffet. hot and cold water, gas and electricity, n.n: huscmpnt and earaee. 1 a. in iruit. right on Base Line road. $1500 cash. Phone Marshall 829. F. L. B L .VN CH A R D, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. $8000 FOR 12 acres, all under high state of cultivation; 4 a. in cherries; some other fruit, fine 7-room house with basement and fruit cellar: good barn. a silo, water through house and barn with gas engine; a fine team and farm implements. About one-half cash. A bargain. Near Gresham. F. L. BLANCHARD, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. 7 ACRES on Sholls Ferry Read. 10 miles trom down town, nearly all cul tivated, lies beautifully with flowing stream year round ; fair house, large barn, silo, granary, etc. Price $30O per A. Beats anything in entire vicinity. Good for' farming and a wonderful place for city man. Hart. 010 Ch. of Com. Phone Mar. 15S5 or Main 8480. AT BEAVERTON. 15 acres all under cultivation with fine, large residence, barn and hot he uses; also one smaller house. This can be divided in 2 places. It has a water system with air pressure. All for only $600 per acre. This is a rare bargain and about 10 M. from Portland. F. L. BLANCHARD. 401-2 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND. Write for map of western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over 10.000 acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Wash. ACREAGE. ' BEST BUY In Multnomah county: $10500. Fifteen acres. SliOO an acre below market I price; high and sightly, a beautiful trace, I lor a country nome, on tne nigh way. 20 minutes from Washington St. See It today. Phone Marshall 1377 or write! 331 Madison St. TWO ACR'ES. IMPROVED. Located In Rockwuod acre adjoin U,g Miwaukle. This Is a beautiful sightly irct. nigniy improvea wun foifees ; I'hts and city w;itt- " Apply to cw&er, -07 Northwestern Panic bld-f. $50 DOWN. S15 MONTHLY for dandy little 20-acre tract, 12 miles from. Oregon city, mile to Highland; fine soil, some timber, some cleared ; good roads. Total price $1100. Fred. W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Best acreage home. Medforfl houses, lots apples, pears, grapes, berries. nearly 3 acres, inside city limits, two garden, city water; must sell account I age. $3200, terms If necessary. Fine proposition. Address 3 ox A, Mall Tri bune, Medford. Or. ' $5500 45 ACRES, 16 under cultivation, 6- roora nouse, - oarns, cnicaen house, aood well and spring on place; some standing timber, good family orchard; 14 . miles irom sun nun rauroaa. inquire W . t. Cradwell, Gresham. route A, box 141. I uooa terms. - " FOR SALE BY OWNER. ! acres adjoining town of Cornelias, an in cuit., o-room nouse. Darn and out- buildings, - cows, 1 horse, 100 chickens. lamiiy orcnara. . trice o;juu. MRS. S. MILNE. $675 ONE ACRE, right on Johnson creek, near Stanley station: must b rush- worth $1200. Come out or Phone Miller, beuwooa 1114. 15 ACRES, a house moving outfit and carpet loom. 10m Allen, 6131 82d at. e. UN lot Sale -Farms. uk. tALb iu acres, clear, 1 acre I prunes, one acre appies, cherries and pears, balance in alfalfa clover and aar- den; 30-ton silo; on milk route, l'i miles from highway, on rock road; 6 cows 3 horses. Must sell. $7300, $5000 cash. f . oisen. Beaverton. or. r. 4. box 47. 110 A. AT WASHOUGAL, 33 miles from Portland ; 50 A. under cultivation, fair I buildings. -orcnarq ana runnina water. 60 A. .16 miles from Portland: 45 un der cultivation; fair buildings and good lences. spring: ior saie or exchange ; easy icruia. rnunu cast 1 00. foot lift, one mil to station and P. O. Will net over $2000 per year; price F. A. McGUIN, t 1002 Wilcox Bk!s. NOTICE. ' f 'UBSW " FARMS AT BARGAINS. Yamhill. Or., has some of the best farms. We have small and large farms for sale. Let us show them to you free of charge. Phone or write Weldner & Vought, Bank bldg.. Yamhill. Or. IRVINGTON For sale. 160 acres wheat land, near Prosser, Wash., dry farming, one good-year crop pays for the land; price now $20 per acre, half cash; will be worth $300 per acre when irrigated. L 552, Oregonian. 100 HIGHLY cultivated acres; electric station and paved highway; 14 miles from Portland ; home, barn, warehouses and outbuildings; excellent drainage; $25,000 ; terms; see owner. Gillette, 194 Abernethy st. YAKIMA VALLEY. 9 acres, ideally located, all In hay and garlen. small set of buildings, fully paid water right; price $2500. Central Y akima Ranches Co., 512 Selling bldg CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $500 per acre, easy terms, best soil: farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland, 208 Falling bldg. FOR SALE Dairy ranch on Yaqulna bay, 120 acres, best ranch on the bay below Toledo. G, W. Andrews, box 133, To ledo, Oregon. 40 ACRES at Bengal, Minn., to trade-for good passenger auto. Box 24, Yamhill, Oregon. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, good noil, i tillable; ernplov ment; easy terms. J. R. Sharpe, 83 3d. ORCHARDS, alfalfa, garden tracts, larm . lands. Special bargains. Ackiey Co Clarkslon, Wash. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. LAND. YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY In Cen tral Alberta and Saskatchewan are rich park lands, open prairie, ready for the plow, interspersed with trees, which af ford excellent shelter for stock; here grain grow inp, dairying and livestock raising .re being carried on successfully. The country U ideal for mixed farming. The Canadian Pacific railway is offer ing ajarge area of these fertile lands in Lloydminster and Battleford dis tricts. This fertile land will become the home of thousands of prosperous farm ers. On similar land Seager Wheeler grows the world's prize wheat. Near Lloydminster the world's prize oats have been grown, and butter of the highest quality is made.. A man can soon become independent on a farm in this district. These lands can be bought now at prices averaging about $18 an acre. You pay down 10 per cent. If ditions, no further payment of principal until end oi rourtn year; men j.o an nual payments. Interest is 6 per oent. Also thousands of acres of irrigated lands In southern Alberta at 50 per acre, on which the company will loan SJOOO for Improvements to approved purchasers with 20 years to pay for land and loan. Landseeker's excursion party leaves Portland for Calgary, Al berta, on Saturday, September 4. Re duced railway rates. For further par- ticulars see Canadian Pacific Railway company, 208 Railway Exchange bld., L. P. Thornton, district representative. COMPLETE country home, fully equipped to tne last aetau; i acres 01 me ieL loam soil, 12 acres In a high state of , cultivation, all fenced and cross-fenced, fine spring creek through place, excel lent spring at door, ample water for ir rigation, almost new 5-room house in good repair, good barn. 2 modern hick-en-houses and parks, large tool house, woodshed, work shop, large family or chard in full bearing of assorted fruits, including English walnuts, cherries, prunes, crabapples, grapes, blackberries, including good team, fine cow, 2 hogs, 300 chickens. 1 heifer, 2 sets of harness, wagon, hack, buggy, 2 plows, harrow, cultivator, 6 tons of hay. incubator and brooder, range, table, heating stove, dresser, and cream separator, only 2 ,i miles from good town on Pacific high way with all rural advantages in a highly improved and prose ro us com munity; price 3000. half cash. THOMPSON, SWAN & LEE. Third and Main., Vancouver, Wash. 40 ACRES. 30 In cultivation, 5 acres of clover, 300 10-year-old prune trees, large family orchard of apples, cherries, plums, walnuts, etc.; 1 acre corn, 2 acres spuds, large barn and full of hay and oats, 3-room house, well, eprlng, dandy team and wagon, 2 cows, separator. 2 hogs. Mower, rake, harrow, plows, buggy, harness, and all small tools; in fact, everything goes w'th this place except the household goods; Vz mile of railroad station; price, $6o00; terms. . .' 'cart REAL ESTATE CO. r Jstacada, Oregon. FORCED SALE. FINE 452 ACRE BARGAIN. Here is an Ideal ranch of 452 acres with 350 acres under crop; 200 A. wheat, 75 A, oats, 75 A. hay of which 1-3 go with place. It is in the New berg dis trict on fine road; 6-room house plast ered. batlT, toilet, running spring water,. R. F. D. and phone, barn 60x120. ma chine shed, hog house, bunk house, and smoke house. The owner's want action, therefore price of only $105 per acre; might consider some exchange F. L. Eddy, RITTER LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WHEAT LAND To make money raising wheat one must have a large area. Here is your chance. Over 5o0 acres of the best Alberta wheat land, with equip ment of full line of machinery tractor, car, 16 head of horses, 30 cattle, pump Insr outfit, seed and feed for spring, household goods new, no Junk, 500 acres or over mostly under plow, and tne out fit as named for S55 per acre with terms. An agreeable business. Other property as a well-furnished home, apart ment house or suburban home, consid ered. Will sell without equipment, rate accordingly. write J. xi. iiscer, xioou River, Or. 160 ACRES of the best soil obtainable, S5 acres in cultivation. 73 acres in line fir timber; land litis gently rolling and on good gravel road. New 7-room rest dence, hot and cold water, bath, city water, also spring ; fair barn full of hay, granary, woodshed, 3 good horses, 11 head cattle, 150 chickens, 35 pigs, 40 turkeys and all farm implements. If you want a real farm oniy few miles from Carlton, see this at once. Price $15,000, yn cash. Hfsgard. COE A. McKENNA & CO. F-urth St. FOR SALE 80-acre farm at sacrifice be cause son is leaving for college. This place is stocked and equipped, located just 7 miles from city limits of Portland and the price is only S100 per acre; 80 acres, 30 acres in cultivation, balance good timber and pasture, lots of fruit; 6 room house, 2 barns and other oldgs.; running water In house and barn; com plete farm machinery, team, 2 cows. 50 hens, crops 'are worth $1000 alone; $3000 cash, balance 5 years 8Te. Main 7977- INCOME-PRODUCING- FARMS AT GRESHAM. THE BEST FARMING SECTION IN OREGON. On the paved highway, close fo Port land ; some good bargains in stocked and equipped farms, suburban homes, chicken ranches and berry lands. KRIDER & ELK I NG TON. Gresham. Or. Telephone 17-X. 160 ACRES, Deschutes river bottom dairy and stock ranch; hO acres hay, crop goes with place, all goqd soil, lies nice, fair 5-room house, big barn, chicken house, garage, etc.; 4 miles to P. O.. high and grade school transportation free: own ers have prior right to adjacent gov ernment range, $50 per- acre. Address owner, G. H. Dentins, La Pine. Oregon. A SNAP I If taken before September 1, 384 acres on Oregon City car line; 8-room house. 80 minutes' drive over hard surfaced roads to city ; gas and electricity on tract. Ideal for platting or elegant coun try home. Price $21,000, $10,000 cash. H. G. Starkweather. Phone enevings, Oak Grove 162-M. IN THE LOGANBERRY DISTRICT. $100 per acre for 42 acres of land, 13 miles lrom Salem, 5 miles from Jef terson, 18 acres under cultivation, 8 room house, barn, chicken house and hog house; 6 acres of prunes, 5 years old, in poor conditlpn. A splendid buy, well worth your inspection. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 23. acres of good land in Sutler county, Lai.; tuny equipped, good building, modern house, plenty of water. ElecLric and telephone service; H -mile from two railway stations. Inquire ot owner. R. m. Gruber, 1 . o. Box lb, Marysvllle. Cal. FARM, 160 ACRES, IN WASHINGTON t Utis 11 , tvnciAi, oiuix ltaiai. H 941, OREGONIAN. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED, DTRECT FROM OWNER. 5-room modern bungalow, with ga- rave. in restricted district, paved street not over $6000, spot cah.. Call Main 5073. t FIRST-CLASS large roomed strictly mod ern home. 200 by 200 feet or more, beau tified, level grounds, garage; 8 to 13 rooms, 2 baths; no old stuff; no agents. A 001. Oregonian. ' LIST your west side property with the man who makes selling west side houses his specialty. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 9478. Fl RST-CLASS large, modern bungalow; 2 bedrooms, fine bath downstairs, 2 or more up and bath; one acre ground; no agents. J 57. Oregonian. WANTED For $4250 spot cash, from own er, 6 rooms and garage, in Rose City park, Irvlngton, Alameda or Laurelhurst districts. J 140, Oregonian. WANT to buy 5-room bungalow, $2500 to $750 from owner, full basement bath, electricity; near Catholic school; have $5o0 cash. 771 Missouri st. WANTED FROM OWNER 5 or 4 rooms with attic, modern, on or near pavement; any good district; prefer Hawthorne; full particulars. Not over $3000. B. D. 475. w a VTF.n To buy from owner. 40 to SO acres. 5 or 6 good cows, feed for same and necessary; iiam price, location and terms. B 103, Oregonian. X HAVE $800 and I want to buy a 5 or 6-room home in good district, up to $3500. uHt have possession by Sept. 2a H W9, Oregonian. WE WANT a small home where we can have garden and chickens, but have only $150 cash: must have 2 bedrooms. C 919, Oregonian. MAN WITH $2000 wishes first-class mod ern 5 or 6-room bungalow, not to exceed $45O0; mu&L-be a good bargain. H 504, Oregonian. wii.i, r h v $3000 for 4 or 5-room bunga low, $350 cash, balance monthly. Wdln I WANT the best two-family flats that $6000 will buy; must nave iurnace and fireplace . Beliwood 24ii. FURNISHED 3-room houseboat or cottage on installments. Call Main 4803 before 3 P. M., Room 21. or Mon. Main 5204 WANTED House and a few acres, near Tigard; for cash; must not exceed $ 50. AN 330, Oregonian. WANTED House or bungalow; have $1000 as first payment, rc y, uregonian. J WANTED Best bargain in 5- or 6-room home. $2200 cash. R 211, Oregonian, WANTED REAL ESTATE. 116 SALES IN 26 DAYS. FRANK L. McUUIRE Is going to establish another home-selling record during August. JUST THINK! Jltf sales the first 20 days of August; 14 homes sold Wednesday, Aug. 11. We spend thousands of dollars advertising. YOUR HOUSE IS SOLD IF listed with us. We are in touch with hundreds of buyers. We will inspect, appraise and photograph wlth-ha. Li hours. IS alert, ambitious salesmen to work, on its sale. See FRANK I. McGUIRE TO Sell Your Home. A bin Eton Bldg. Main IOCS. THE HARRIS METHOD SELLS HOMES. That the public is constantly watching our method of advertising the addresses of our listings is proven by the amazing number of homes sold by us each week. If you have a moderately-priced home that you can sell with reasonable first payment, phone Main 5624 at once. RALPH HARRIS CO., " 827 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE OR TRADlfi for farm, saw and . planing mill. 12 to 15 M. capacity; locat edson highway; together with mill site. trutiK ana aonaey equipment ana uniocr contracts; -value $lti,0U0. C 1102. Ore gonian. HAVE client for strictly modern residence; must have four bedrooms ; prelers lrv lngton; might consider some othur good district; will pay what the place is worth, all cash. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800; Residence. East 6771. WE HAVE CLIENTS for bungalows in a'.l parts of city at $2500 to $750U. List with us for quick results. PARRTSH, W ATKINS &. CO., 106 Second Street. LIST YOUR home with us. Immediate ac- tion guaranteed. We photo and appraise our home free. Buyers waiting. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark st. Main 1004 and 583. WANT to buy d-irect from owner 5-room bungalow, location between Union and Williams ave., in Elliot school district; wilt pay $500 down and $100 month: give exact location, price and full de scrlption. AB 789, Oregonian. WANT to sell your home? List it with realtors anxious to cive you oulck sat isfying service. Buyers waiting. TViake your price and terms attractive, leave the rest to us. Coe A. McKenna Ac Co, 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. BUILD NOW! If you own a iot we will secure the money and bund Xor you. Terms like r BUILDERS REAXTY EXCHANGE. 621 Morgan bldg. Main 2035. BOARDMAN OREGON. Wanted 40 acres under ditch relln qu.shment or deed. Phone evenings E. 7563. Henry F. Cover, 661 E. Irving. HAVE m a n v clients who want modern homes in restricted districts from $o0U0 up. 1 bey can pay siooo cash, balance $50 or more per month and interest. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800; Residence, East 6771. WANTED 5 or 6-room modern bungalow good district, paved street, garage; must be eood buy around S4000 one -ha if or all cash: give location, price, full de scription; no agents. Address K 552, Oregonian. I WANT to buv a modern 6 or 7-room bunaalow on Rose City or Hawthorne; want privilege of renting until January 1 ; give full particulars in urst letter. AN 340, Oregonian. WANT a home; have good suburban acre age as part payment. Main 1346. MODERN garage. 6-rm. bungalow. Sandy J 95S, Oresonian. Farms Waited. SMALL farm. 20 to 40 acres, good land, in Oregon, some Improved ; have 9500 cash ; state terms and full particulars In first letter. A. B., R. No. 5, box 2 7 3, Vancouver, Wash. Wanted to Kent Farms. WANTED to rent a farm of 300 acres or more as I have plenty of help. 4 men in family; would like to rent on share with stock and impliments. I have 6 horses. 10 cows, some farm tools, the farm I am on is not large enough. Ad dress Po. Box 651, Philomath, Or. good references. WANTED To rent farm, 40 to 00 acres, cultivated, with plenty pasture; prefer nlace with two houses, close to school ; buy stock and equipments to $2000; rent cash or shares; owners only. Write 1420 Lenore St., Portland, Or. Phono Wood lawn 892. WE WANT to lease farm of about 200 A, near Portiana witn tiu to iuo a. under cultivation, will buy stock and equip- - ment to $5000. Give location, price and terms, o vn uregonian WANTED RANCH Experienced poultry man wants lease zor term ox years; priv ilege of buying; 5 to 10 acres, equipped poultry ranch. Sept. 1. AO 806, Ore gonian. WANTED To rent on shares or lease fully equipped, farm or dairy. Might buy later. References. L, E. Hart, General Delivery, Portland. HAVE client with cash wanting to rent small farm, or acreage, near Portland preferred, will buy the equipment. John Feruson, Gerlinger bldg. W A NTS to rent farm, everything fur nished, on share or payments: married; no children. Call 3S7 Yamhill, F. D., Apt. 21. WANTED to rent. 2 1 to 3 acres and house on Gilbert or oster road. s 933. ore gonian. WANT to rent small farm close to car line; state terms. 4335 9th st. S. E. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE Small sawmill, cutting 12 to 1 j M. per day, lbxott return Hue boiler, 14xltf Erie City engine, 7x9 upright en gine and Sumner mill; plenty of tim ber and orders to go with mill. Sell at a bargain. AVrite A V 302, Oregonian. FOR SALE Quarter section finest yellow fir timber; cruises 7,500,000 ft.; Euchre creek section. Curry county. Or.; price 75c per M. W. B. Smith. Box 21, Hooper, Wash. TIMBER FOR SALE A good sawmill with logging outfit for lease and 65,000, OO0 feet of timber; can pay for as cut. Only $15,000 cash required. D 002, Ore gonian. FIFTEEN to thirty million feet of timber for saie. Railroad facilities at hand for shipment. BD 348, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 40 ACRES of land near Kaiama, Wash.; will take good auto in part payment, $2000, 160 acres of fir timber land near Hood River, cash $4500. part cash, bal ance trade, $5ooo. will take income prop erty for part; 10-room strictly modern residence, two lots, garage, $?000, will trade for small ranch and part cash or will take good land for ail. Write u or call J. J. Walker. Lafayette. Oregon. WANTED 5 or 6-room modern bft ngalow, well located, on east side, in exchange for my 14-acre country, home on the Willamette river, 18 miles from Fore land; paved auto road all the way or 5 minutes walk from Oregon electric sta tion; very desirable. Phone owner, Broadway 5570 TO EXCHANGE 40-acre dairy ranch for Portland property or Dusiness; u unaer dIuw. the rest' in brush and stump pas turc ; plenty of water, best of soil ; one mile from station ana scaooi. a. j. W eber. Liberty bond. Wash. 140 ACRES, partially Improved, for city property or acreage ; e-room nouse, ga- r a-e. fruit, oaved street, near car line for sale or trade for smaller house. 1000 E. 16th st. N., Woodlawn 33. TO EXCHANGE Painting, tinting and pa- pering lor vacant lots, run-down house and lot, automobile, lumber or what have you?. Phone East 638. Sellwcou 150s, automatic 220-33. FOR SALE or exchange. 80-acre ranch under Irrigation in southern Jdaho; want ranch or merchandise business in western Oregon in exchange. Box 256, Gooding, Idaho. OWNER of a nice, well-located lot, free of incumbrance or any Kina. win ex change as first payment on nearby acreage, either improved or unimproved. A 973, oregonian. CHOICE dOOxlOO corner lot, free of en cumbrances, to trade for & good auto mobile; will pay difference if requires. See Stave G. Ma ran das, 424 Washing ton st. TO TRADE Abstract plant of best coun ty In Oregon, traae ior nome in port land, better residence section ; price $7000. Owner, 44S Roselawn ave. Phone 324-43. WILL take $2250 Canadian municipal bonds at par ior acres Deanng cran berry land; cost over $300O. BC 870, Oregonian. SWAP 40 acres of good tillable land, clear for good light car. 206 East 72d st. N., roruana, ur. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 42-room H. K. apts.. Income more than $330 month. 557 H W illiams avenue. cast 34(. TRDE-rl20 Nash Roadster to trade for Rose City Bungalow; will pay difference. A V 304 Oregonian. WILL trade - 5-room modern house equity for your auto and $10O cash. Fred Spear, Tabor 5S87. $2200 EQUITY in east side business prop erty acreage; lots or equity In small cottage. E 131, Oregonian. WILL take good auto as part payment on I house and lot. Call 325-26, TO EXCHANGF REAL ESTATE. FOR EXCHANGE I will exchange the following property free and clear pf in cumbrances for one piece of property and would assume some. I want some thing in Oregon that I can handle with out too much time, as I have other business: Lots 9 and 10, Francis add. to Port land ; fine location, fir trees, oniy biock to fine paved street and street car line, $750. Lot S and frac. lot 7, blk. 12. Fair Grounds add. to Seattle. $750. A choice level 5-acre tract light brush, sandy loam soil, very best berry and potato land, one mile cat of Aurora, Or.. $S00. An undivided one-half Interest In 130 acres of timber land in sec. S, twp. 38 N., R. 41 E., Stevens county, Washing ton. $10UO. These properties are all good, hut I want rn one piece and will assume some. Submit our propopition. Address C. M. CRITTENDEN, Hubbard, or. YAKIMA VALLEY ranch of 40 acres, equity for sale or trade for small, well- located farm in Willamette valley, pre fer Salem. Albany or Lebanon. This ranch is well located on &ood road. 1 mile from graded school and loading station; 5-room bungalow with elevated tank; w ater piped in kitchen and bath : a nice home in good neighborhood. If interested, write owner, giving descrip tion of what you have to offer. J. D west. Vapato, Wash. E XC H A N G E. E X CHAN G E. E XC HANG E. Apartment house, $8500, for farm, to I0O acres; will assume. Player piano ljo.0) ior small home. Alberta, will as sume; 143-acre farm $h5 per acre) for ciote-in suournan nome : slock runcn. IrtO acres 4$4nuu for city property to JO0O; -1-acre f ru it farm ( $85u0) for Portland property to J5uu0. These a Just a tew of the hundreds of exchanges on our use. see Air. stepnens. r red w. German Co., i32 Chamber of Com. 1 ACRE TRACT $3000. 1 -story. 8-roorfi plastered house. concrete foundation. In splendid condi tion; no Incumbrance; 14 assorted fruit trees, ground all in garden. straw berries, asparagus, grapes, etc. ; barn 10x24; good woodshed and chicken house ; will exchange for 5 or 6-room house. Alberta or Wood law n preferred. See Mr. Stevens. Fred W. German Co., namoer ot Commerce. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 320 -acres iu Toole county, Montana; J 00 acres in cultiva tion. 100 acres in flax; small house, good barn for head, good chicken house, good granary lix4. good weil; price $lu.0u0, $2uoo mort gage at 6 per cent; aged couple owns this property and will consider home in city of Portland or suburb, or what have you? See Brown & Biddle. 324 Railway exchange bldg. Marshall 3331. HAVE suburban acres; house. Main 1340. will trade for TO EXCHANGE MISCEILAXEOCS. ALL RIGHTS of U. S. patent No. 1,337.061 electrical app.Iance ior high-grade au tomobne, unincumbered property. or what have you'.' carl after o weekdays, oj- tunoay 001 E. owth st. Tabor 304.1 GASOLINE WOOD SAW on a 1-ton truck good shape; will sell or exchange us par payment on rooming house. 712 lloyt St. Main 4,di). CIRCLE EXCHANGE. We buy and sell ladies' and children! slightly worn clothing. 413 Fliedner bldg., 10th and Washington. Bdwy. FOR SALE. Hories, Vehicles, Livestock. .AUCTION SALE. AT DEER ISLAND STATION. 33 miles from Portland on lower Colum bia river highway, most all paved ; sta tion is on tne larm, 3 local trams eac way dally; 5 miles up the highway from Goble. 6 miles down the highway from St. Helens. 60 HEAD HIGH-GRADE GUERNSEY JERSEY AND HOLSTE1NS; . 0 H EAD PURE-BRED HOLSTE1NS; 4 PURE BRED GUERNSEYS. TUESDAY, AUG. 31. SALES TO COMMENCE AT 11 A. M. The herd is of the Clover Hill certifie farm and Is probably the best in the stat of Oregon for milV production and rich ness of test. The hea 1th and care of these cattle have been under the super vision and inspection of tbe Portland city mi IK bureau and have been tuoercul tested semi-annually for a number years. The production from these cow has just received the h i cheat score for certified milk in the state. 6 head pure-bred Holsteln cows ; 2 pure-bred Holatein bulls, ages 21 months and 7 months; 1 pure-bred Guernsey tow, 1 pure-bred Guernsey heifer, 2 pure-bred Guernsey bulls. GRADE COWS. Cows are milking from 36 to 73 lbs. daily; 45 head now fresh or due to freshen by date of sale; three grade Guernsey heifers due to freshen this fall. LOT OF MACHINERY, ETC SHANNON B. SHAFER, Owner. Col. W. S. Wood A: Sons, Vancouver, Wash., Auctioneers. FOR SALE A dandy vpan of young mules. 5 and 6 years old, weil broke; $-50 takes them. Get busy, am leaving town. 1470 Villard ave, corner Bryant st. Take St. Johns car to Bryant sL, go two blocks went. BARGAIN $145. team 2GOO lbs., right off from work; $vi5 for lou-lu. horse; also harness and wagon. Atlaj Wood Yard, 327 lront st. ELEVEN high-grade Holsteln cows, 1 full blood bull. A. Grant, Gresham, Or. ; Powell valley road, near Li 11 ue wan station. FOR SALE OR FOR TRADE Hogs, good young Jersey-Guernsey cow, giving about 2a gallons a day; price $lou. Route 4, Beaver ton. Or. FoR SALE Jersey cow, giving 3 to 4 gal lons, $ 1 o. Can be seen at 5th and F sts., Oswego. Phone Main 474. L. E. Smith. CHEAP for cash, horse weighing 130O. and set neavy double harness. Airs. Lauder 4:0S 5bth st. S. E. Mount Scott car to Myrtle Park. 2 J EKS.E Y cows. 4-cal. Rout a A. Box 480-A Barker road, mile north of Base Line. BERKSHIRE boar, weight 400; extra fine. Inquire Gales store, on Foster road, 1 miles east of Lents. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow, also pprlng- ers; will trade tor iat cows. k. h. My ers, 6SS E. UlFt 5L N.. labor 8024. DEAD stock removed quickly; cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Mllwaukie 0'--J for service. 2 EXTRA dairy cows, one family cow. to 5 gal. and up. 908 lu. 32d and Poweu st. FOR SALE Two choice corner lots, one ciose in, cneap 11 taacn at once. Seu- wood 163-0. DEAD horses taken quickiy; cash for dead cows. laoor 1 SOW AND 11 pigs for sale. Phone Seil- wood oWK VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWE. TABOR 6566. FOR SALFj Shropshire rams, registered. Holniun ruel Co., U4 utn st., Portland. W 1 LL take stock in Streidler, R. 1, box pasture. Roth & 1 routdale. Or. FOR SALE bor 1237. Buildings, cow. Box 21S. and hay. Ta FOR SALE 11 registered Shropshire ewes. Holman r uel t o., U4 vtn st. TWO HORSES for saie. American Laun dry Co., 140 E. Third st. N. FOR SALE BY OWNER One barn 20x30. 766 Rodney ave. Phone Woodlawn 14 TWO fine cows cheap or trade for team of good wora norses. rnone c-asi num. FOR SALE cheap, 5 ah oats and one sow to farrow soon. 433o lOtnst. i. E. WEANED pigs, $8. Main 7809. I'lauios, Organs svnd Musical Instruments. SPOT CASH PAID FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. BOUGHT, SOLD. RENTED. KXCH. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. Main 4405. 128 First. Tabor 671j3. ONE upright piano, walnut finish, $275. One Columbia graronoia. Ji. with rec ords. Call Marshall 2453 Sunday before 2 o clock, and week days after 6 o clock. PIANOS WANTED Hlgnest CASH paid or TRADE FOR NEW V1CTOROLA and records. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 12A- - 127 4th st. Main oose. for SA ii htanaara maite Diano. un right, $200: New Home sewing machine. su.oo. tan o-a souin oroaaway. PLAYER PIANO WANTED Will give Tillamook Beach lots for a good piayer. write dj aoz. oregonian, CABINET Grafonolas with records fo rent. Empire Transfer Co., 254 Broad way. Broadway laj. BARGAIN $23 v ictor phonograph for sale cheap, in Ai condition. Phone auto 220-87. PIANO tor sale; oak finish, line tone; $150 cash. P 1!;.. Oregonian. WANTED Good bargain in piano, give cash. Marshall 5709. SAXOPHONE for sale at sacrifice. Saxo phone studio. KI4 Eilers bldg. WANTED A piano, cash deal. Main 3864 before 5 :3ft ; no dealers. PIANO wanted; pay cash. Main FOR SALE. I'ianoff. Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. ijU Meinway Ac Sons upright. $-00 Cash 4'.5 Howard, walnut, upright. 65 Cash, 350 Gray & Co., natural up right 119 Cash. 2 Small upright pianos, $05. 75 Cash S0 Mendenhali player piano. 403 C-uua 1750 Kerry woOa rchestrlan . 4'JjCsi 1h Cello, splendid tone. bow. t5 Cm4 175 Kimbaii, 0-octave oreran.. 68 Cati. 15 Needham, light top organ 28 Cash. Pianos stored. 75c monthly. Piajioa bought and sold for cash. 103 Tenth su SCHWAN PIANO CO., Downstairs Store. $100 Steinway & Sons, mahogany. . ,$4:(S u75 Hobart M. Caoio. mahogany... Sy.5 650 Automatic Music Co.. uprigrht. lo-i 65o Ebersole, plain mahogany.... 365 luoo Singer player piano, oak 63- 900 Thompson player piano, mah.. 635 850 Mendenhali player piano, mah. 4li 9i0 Thompson player piano, mah.. .Terms f 15 to $50 cash. 0 to $15 mthly. $120 Brunswick and Victrola phono.. $V 120 Domestic, Musikland phono..., 9 uu viciroia, vo; 3u Lakeside..., 18 Terms $10 cash, $3 to $6 monthly. 101 Tenth St.. at Washington and ba ark. PIANO BARGAINS, We have the best BARGAIN'S. Chop around, then come in and SEE OUR USED PIANO BAR GAINS. Guaran teed terms given, FISHER, almost new, ma hogany J375 KSTEY, plain case, w alnut. . .$325 FISHER, a good buy ....$200 KINGSBURY, oak case; a nap $315 SMITH & BARNES, real bar gain $300 And others. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO, Ilia 4th St. Between Washington and Alder St. WINDSOR $175 cabinet phonograph, ikuk manugany. high-grade machine, sola by Jenmng & Sons. including over 100 records; machine cannot be told from new; records not scratched ; bargain for cash. Phone Auto. 322-34 tor demon stration. Must be sold this week; leav ing city. 5-NOTE Pianola and 50 rolls ( Z5-00 $125 Brunswick, like new (some records! 100.00 Full size Mansieldt and Notne piano 118.00 . Kingsbury (fine tone) 2H0 00 HAROLD S. GILBERT, Pianos. Player Pianos. 34 Yamhill S PIANOS, $15. $235, TERMS. Fine sta inlaid makes, 2 Emersons. 2 Fischers. Cables. Kingsbury, 2 Welling tons, MeCameron, others. You can't bur them elsewhere for near the price we ask. Hundreds of pleased buyers. Bro kerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg Furniture Ior Sale. GARDEN tools, lawn mower, ladder, gaS water heater, rugs, drape curtains and. solid brass rods, bath tub and toilet seat, rocking chairs and table, meat sate, cooking utensils, garbage can and pnint. East 61 SO. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine at. OAK. DINING table and chairs, kitchea cabinet, baby bed. combination wooi and gas range, wood heater, gas heater. gad plate. 7 IS E. Ash. East 2U. FOR SA LE Large, luxurious couch, cov ered with genuine leather; an elegant piece of furniture; $175. Telephone East It 1 b. BEDROOM set, bookcases, chairs and din ing tabie, small and large tables, vari ous other articles. Tabor S212. SAVE half of. the freight by having your iurniture shipped in pool cars. Call East 8U1. Pacific Storage & Delivery Co. FU R N ITU RK for four rooms, almost new. Call Saturday attcrnoon or Sunday. 560 E. Morrison. BEA UT1FUL quarter-sawed, golden -oak buffet with beveled French plate mirro East 3240. l HEATING stove, range, large rug, iron bed and springs. 404 13th st. k URN1TURE of Home for rent. . 7-room home for saie. East 2SS5. OA IC BUFFET, practically new. Phone before noon, Marshall 234S. FOR S ALP- Furniture, cheap; house for rent. Call Kast 70M. FOR SALE Good wood and coal heater. itoO E. 0th st. N. MAJEciTIC range and -burner gas range. At condition. laoor if.w. Oft 1 eg J nrn 1 1 u re. ROLL-TOP desks, 1 roll-top t. w. desk. 2 safes, 2 rotary bookcases, 20 law-size bookcases, chairs and filing cabinets. Bushong A Co.. 01 Park st. DESKS, tables, chairs and drawing boards irom government ana snipyaras ior sale by D. C. Wax, 31 N. 5th St., Bdwy. 273!). BY OWNER Desk chairs, bookcases best grade; sold separately. Main 4486. Poultry. OO WHITE LEGHORN yearling hens. high-grade hoy a nixed stock, now laving, $1.25 each; 50 Burred Ruck and 25 R. I. Red pullets, $1.25 to $1.75 each; Barred Rock and R. I. Red yearling hens. $2 each. This ttock i.s expertly selected for heavy laying and guaranteed to please. J. R. Maguire, 7!7 Oregon St., Portland. FOR SALE Two black Minorca roosters and 20 hens, separately or all together; reasonable price. 1480 East 6th street North, near Woodlawn school. 100 FINE month-old Tancred White Leg horn pullets for sale. Phone Gresham 40 X 3 . a dd. K. V. Maulding. Boring. Or. 50 WHITE LEGHORN pullets, O,. A- C; strsin. Kas-t 44. FOR S A LE A bout 75 Leghorn pullets, 3 mo. oul. i-u and oopcr. S. k.. Dog, Rabbit, Iiirri, Pet Mock. BOSTON TERRIER pups, broad white blaze, exceptionally well marked ; sired by my little Toss dog; if you want a promising stud, now is your chance. These pups are young, but will hold them, for you if selection is made now. Coma out Sunday A. M. or after 8 P. M. My little Toss dog is producing the best pups in the west. Scrwice fee $10. Ham let. 0057 M'd ft. Tabor 4SS3. HIGH-CLASS AIREDALES. Handsome dog, 9 months old, $33; 8 weeks old, $15 to $25. H. Ringhouse, phone Milwaukie O.'l-R, Clackamas. ON E FINE Neubian buck and three does for sa.e or traae. a. rowen, iroui- dale. Oi PORTLAND CAT KENNELS. Tabor 7501. $250 fciua; Kittens cneap; cats uoaraeq. THOKOL'GHBKKD English setter, 3 year old; well trained. 14Z L. otn st. . SINGERS FOR SALE. CALL MAIN 408. FOR SALE 2d-hand rabbit hutches. 521 E. 40th st. n. Launches and Boats. MODERN houseboat, Dutch kitchen, tap estry panel ei lect; ivory wooawora ; built-ins; fumed oak and ivory furni ture. 1200. Sellwood 2040. Moorage assured. FREIGHT and passenser 9i-h. p. steam boat: a bargain. v tilo a. nogcrs, M a rs hheld. Or. FOR SALE One motor canoe, good con dition. Phone Main 1 w. Machinery. WE PAY the highest prices for second hand machinery, scrap iron ana junit ot all kinds. Phone calls promptly attend ed to. Call Main 5684. GOLDBERG & DAVIS, 'Ml Columbia st. A 15-HORESPOWER horizontal firebox boiler, in good condition, $200 ; suitable for creamery or cheese factory. Ad dress box 120, Amity. Or. PAINT spraying machine. Champion Mfg. Co. Woodlawn 3607. Typewriters. REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Thoroughly rebuilt and guaranteed for one year same as new machines. DO NOT CONFUSE THESE MACHINES WITH THE USUAL OFFERINGS. Send for RETAIL prices. Terms if desired. SOLD. EXCHANGED. RENTED. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington St.. N. W. Cur. Sixth. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies ior all makes. Jv. W. PEASE CO 110 Sixth St. Main DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. A 11 makes overhauled; experts. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. Sell, Rent and Exchange. Main 6307. Supplies. 203 Oak st. FOR KENT Typewriters, $4 per month; 3 months $10; special students' rates. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO. 88 Broadway. Broadway 621. UNDERWOOD and Remington typewriters, $3.50 a month. Empire Transfer Co., 254 Broad wa y. Broadway 155. 1 REMINGTON No. Monarch : practically 1L 1 Noiseless, 1 new, cheap. D. C Wax. HI N. 5th, Bdwy. 2 NEW rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark. Main 14"7. REMINGTON No. 10, latest mod., H price. C. W. Roberts. 660 Flanders. Apt. 1. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon T y pe w rlter Co.. 94 5th s t. M aln 3668- UNDKRWOOD NO. 5FOR RENT; A 6. FOR $10. BDWr. 3405, . 1