21, COMMODITY PRICES TENDING OOWilD nominal: refined, dull and easy; fine granulated, fl7.lMi 1 7. 10. Bank CleariniCH. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follnws: CloarinRs. Balances. Portland .'. .1.42. 11 I.S4i:.I77 Seattle B.3!.437 1,401. 4S!t Tacoina 5!ir..43 00.33S Spokane 1.4 SO. SUA 41.15U . wice as Many Declines Advances Recorded. as POKTJLAJfD Grain, Merchants' MARKET QUOTATIONS Flour, Feed. Etc. Exchanre. noon session. Bid- CEREALS GENERALLY EASY Tone of CoKon Goods Market Weak. iH-iitiiiicnt in Hide and Leather Trade Heirrtionary. TVhilc commodity price fluctuations were confined within a somewhat narrower range, the course of prices In the whole sale markets in the past week continued toward a lower level, there being 43 de clines fit the quotations received- toy Dun's Review, as against 24 advances. The grain markets again occupied the most impor tant position, a disappointing demand from abroad, together with favorable crop re ports, having a depressing effect on all cereals, and wheat, corn, oats, rye and barley yielded to more or less extent. In live meat", easier conditons pre Talled In beef and sheep, largely because of moderate consumptive demands, but hogs strengthened somewhat. Provisions moved irregularly, but as a whole, were Inclined to give way. Receipts of dairy products wen only sMghtly in excess of requirements, and, with all surplus of desirable quality read ily absorbed for storage purpose, prices of butter and eggs showed .some improve ment. Quotations of practically all iron and steel products are sustained, and advances have been .named In some instances, but disquieting advices regarding conditions In merchandising channels continue to dominate the cotton goods markets, and the prevailing tone is still easy. Sentiment in hides and leather remains reactionary, whereas a better feeling seems to be developing in rubber and silk. Wheat Hard white Soft white White club Hard winter Northern spring . . . Red Walla Walla. . Sept. . -.33 . 2.31 . 2.S2 . 2.31 . 2.31 . 2.2'J Aug. Aug. . 50.00 . 45.00 Oct. $ 2.30 2.2'J 2.2 2.29 2.211 2.2'J Sept. Sept. 47. SO 45.00 - Nov. $ 2.20 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.28 Oct. Oct. - 47. SO 44.50 47.50 47.50 63.50 47.00 47T.0 47.05 02.50 41.50 Oats No. 2 white .... No. 2 gray .... Barley Rrewiug ....... ..... standard feed Corn No. 3 yellow ........ 64.00 Milfrun 57.50 Nor3rneastcrn yellow. 64.00 63.00 62.00 FLOUR Family patents. J12.05; bakers' hard wheat. $12. Do; best Dakers' patents, $12.05; valley, $11.20; graham. $10.80; whole wheat, $11.05. MILL, FEED Prices f. o. b. mill: Mill run. $59 per ton; rolled barley, $61 63; rolled oats, $64; scratch feed, J83jf8i per CORN Whole. $73; cracked, $76 per ton. , HAY Buying 'price, f. o. b. Portland: Alfalfa, 24&25; cheat,$19; clover. o; flUY ISSUES STRONG BOTH STOCKS AM) BONDS ARK TAKEN AT HIGHER PRICKS. SMALL BUSINESS IN WHEAT MARKET Hard White and Club Rids Advanced Two Cents on Local Board. There was not much business In' the country wheat markets yesterday. At the , local exchange September bids were raised 1 2 cents on hard wheat and white club and 1 cent on northern sprint? and hard winter. Soft white and red Walla were unchanged. Offers fgr Ausust white oats were raised ? 'Jt while October gray oats were down SO cents. Barley bids were un changed to 50 cents lower. September October corn bids were advanced SO cents. Total wheat exports Wednesday, ac cording to a Chicago report, were 1,250, 000 bushels. Gulf bids on wheat on track, New Orleans or Galveston, August or Sep tember shipment, reduced 1 cent to a basis of 23 cents over Chicago December wheat. Iowa reports more old corn held than last year at tho same time or even dur ing the past ten years. Farmers want to ell but Ieva tors are afraid to buy on account of car shortage. Illinois reports plenty of corn but short on cars. Indian apolis bays farmers are loosening up on otd corn. Chicago reports the tendency of farmers is to hold on to their grain after selling enough to pay for harvesting and othr immediate expenses. Xtrr.inal receipts. In cars were reported by the Merchants' exchange as follows: Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras. 37c per pound; prints, parchment wrappers. In box Jots, 64c per pound; cartons, Hoc; half boxes, ac more; less than half boxes. 1c more; but t err at. No. 1. 6l5ti-c per pound at sta tions; UtSe Portland, delivery. KGGS Buying price, loss off, D2c; job bing prices to retailers: Candled, 50c; selects, 00c. CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. fc. Tillamook: Triplets, SOc; Young America, 31c. POULTRY Hens, 20(-Jc; springs, 32c; ducks, 2u&33c; geese, nominal; turkeys, nominal. JHOHK Fancy, 23c per pound. YKAL Fancy. 23c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. FRUITS Oranges, $6-758.25; lemons, $u&)5.50 per box: grapefruit, ?5ti per box; bananas, llfijl-c per pound; apples, new, J J. 50 1 per box ; cantaloupes, UOc &) 53 OO per crate; watermelons, 2&3c per pound; peaches, $U(2.uO per box; plums, $1.7aty2.2o per box; casabas, 4c per pound; grapes. $2.503.25 per crate; pears, $4tf 4.75 per box; blackberries, 3.50 per crate; huckleberries, 25c lb. VEUliTAbLKij Cabbage, 2V43o per pound; lettuce, $1.50$j2.6u per crate; cu cumbers, tta&7uc per dozen; carrots, - $3 per sack ; horseradish, 25c per pound ; garlic. Sue; tomatoes, 7 5c J 1-10 per box; peas, 7 to 10c per pound; beans, ot&bc per pound; beets, $3.50 per sack; turnips, $3.50 per sack; eggplant, 12fec per pound; creen corn. 2aQf30c per dozen. POTATOES Nw white. 331ic per pound; sweet, potatoes, per youuu. ONIONS Yellow, $1.50(1.75 per sack. Staple Groceries. Large Earnings Are Expected to Accompany Movement of Crops. Call Money Rates Advance. NEW YORK, Aur 26. The course of tod.y"s stock market was- again visibly influenced by firmer money tendencies and other developments which tended to confirm persistent reports affecting the status of several Important branches of industry. Impending withdrawal of some $13,000. 0O0 from the federal reserve bank, for gov ernment bond deposits left the market bare of time money. Call loans, after opening at the recent fixed rate of 7 per cent, rose to 9 per cent Just before the close. Foreign exchange, except the rate to Buenos Aires, made further, recovery. Railroad shares. Including many sec ondary or reorganized issues, were again in process of accumulation. Inaugura tion of the new railroad tariffs doubtless accounted in the main for the further absorption of transportation 9hares. but the larger earnings which are expected to accompany the movement of crops and heavy exports were not ignored In the calculations of traders. Reading was strongest of the rails, clos ing at a gain of 2, Southern Pacific leading the .trarrscontlnentals at an ad vance of almost 2 points. Sales 433,000 shares. Railroad bonds reflected the strength of kindred stocks, convertible Issues of the western and southwestern groups, gain ing 1 to 3 points. Liberty Issues, espe cially the third and fourth 4V4s and vic tory notes were distinctly heavy. Total sales, par value. $9,873,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. small box. 110150; plums, $1.2501.50; pears, Bartlctt, $3.004.00; figs, double layers -jt 2.00 ; single layers. $1 & it; white, K5c4& $1.15: grap-a. black. 1.7 5 4 -.-" ; seedier. $1.75 12. DO. Receipts Flour, 17 quarters; wheat, 2S0 centals; barley. 5217 centals; beans, 900 sacks; corn, JS00 centals; potatoes, 3032 sacks; onions, 110 sacks; hay, 201 tons; hides, 10; oranges, 100O boxes; live stock, l00 head. Raw Sugar Market Depressed. NEW YORK. Aug. 26. The local mar ket for raw sugar was dull and depressed with quotatlon entirely nominal. There is still practically no buying except from one refiner and from operators At from 2 to 3 cents under the last sale, which was on the basis of $12.04 for Cuba centrif ugal, duty paid, some weeks ago. Later in the day it developed that there had been a sale cf 35,iHo tons of new crop Cubas, January, February and March shipment to the far east at a price equal to or better than 11 cents c. i. f. New York. EXPORT DEMAND IS SLOW LOWER WHEAT BIDS FROM EUROPE. COME Chicago Market Strong in Early Part of Session, but Advance Is Not Maintained. ' Metal Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 20. Copper. . un changed. Tin firmer, spot and nearby. 4614 47c. Antimony, iron and zinc unchanged. Lead, easier; spot 9c. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 20. Spot cotton, quiet: middling, :i3.r0c. PRICES AT YAEDS HOLD Portland Thursday Year ago fctason to date. Year ago Tacoina -Wednesday Year ngti Feason to date. Year ago ...... Seattle "Wednesday . . . . Year ago Reason to date. Year ago Wneat Bar. Fir. Oats Hay SO 1 4 ... t) 1 ." ... . 8 2 l.sl 18 J27 SO 1!M 101 81) 202 166 313 T .. ... 3 - 12 100 ll' 112 ii23 42 ... oj 173 13 1 1 ... 1 '!S 2 5 ... 7 210 r.2 r.'j i 210 400 li'.l 77 OU 230 BITTER RESERVE STOCKS SMALLER Decrease of 19.1 Ipr Cent as Compared With One Year Ago. Storage holdings of butter at Portland are 812,836 pounds, against 1.231,004 pounds a year ago. Seattle holdings are 1,205.448 pounSs, against 1,031,222 pounds at this time last year. Storage egg stocks at Portland are 45:20 cases, as compared with 3S.472 cases last year, and Seattle holdings are 33.510 cases, against 4S.3G5 cases. San Francisco storages hold 1,342. 837 pounds-of butter, against 2,000,348 pounds a year ago and 131,316 casts of eggs, against 112,351 cases. Total butter stocks in the United States arc 10.1 per cent lighter than a year ago and egg reserves are 12. S per cent lighter. Supplies on hand in all storages on Au trust 1 of this year compared with the same date last year as follows: Aucr. 1. 1B20. Aujr. 1. 1019. SUGAR sac basis: Cane, granulated. 21V.C per pound. HONEY New, t7.508 per case. NUTS Walnuts, 2238c; Brazil, nuts. 33c; filberts, HUtfijc; almonds, 35c; pea nuts, 1415yc; cocoanuts, sl.75 per dozen. RICE Ulue Rose, 14 c per pound. btANS small white. 7c; large white, i.c: pink. oVc: lima. Utc per pound; bayous. llc; Aiexlcan reds, lufec per pouuii. COFFEE Roasted In drums. 30 0 50c. Provisions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS All bizes, 42ij40c; skinned. 41 46c- picnics, 25c; cottage .roll, 35c LAKU Tierce basis. 23c; shortening. -n it niiund. VHX SAJ-.T Short, clear backs, 2327e per pound; plates, 21c. BACON fancy, 46(tf58c; standard. Si 42c per pound. - . Hides and Pelts. HIDES Salt hides, all, weights, 11c Dei- uound: K.-een hides, ait weights. Uc; areen or salt calf, under 15 pounds, 20c; green or salt kid. 15 to 3U pounds, 12c; salt bulls, Oc; green bulls, 7c; dry hides, 20c; dry .salt hides, 15c; dry calf, under 7 pounds. 25c; salt horse hides, large, S4 each: medium. $3; small. SJ. P1L.TS Dry tine long-wool pelts, 15c ner Dound: dry medium long-wool pelts. 12c; dry coarse long-wool peits, 10c; salt long-wuol peits. S2 to 3 each; salt lamb pelts, 50c to 75c; salt shearlings, 2uc uuc; salt cuppers, lac to 20c Wool. Cascara, Etc MOHAIR Lud staple. 25c; short staple. l.tt: oer uouna. TALLOW No. 1. 7c per pound; No. 2, 5c per pound. CASCARA BARK Per pound, gross weights, old peel, lUVv, new peel, yVsc per uituud. VV'uOL Valley, medium, 35c per pound; valley coarse, quarter blood, 2uc; coarsa low and braid, loc; coarse matted, 1: HOPS New crop, UU4j65c per pound. Nominal. GRAIN BAGS Carlots, 12c, .coast. Oils. I.IXSEED OIL. Raw. barrels. S1.6U: raw. drums. $1. 76: raw. cases. $1.54: boiled. Barrels, $l.Tl; boiled drums. $1.78; boiled. cases, $ 1.86. TURPENTINE Tanks, si.uo; cases. S2.ll. COAL. Oils Iron barrels, 13 c; tank wagons, 25Vjc; cases, 28c. OASOLINE Iron barrels, 21114c; cases. 3Sc. FUEL. OIL, Bulk. J2.10 per barrel. Am Beet Sug. Am Can Am Car & Fdy Am H Sc. L. Dfd Am Int Corp. Am i.oco Am Sm & Rfg Am Sugar ... Am Sum Tob. Am T & T... Am Woolen Anaconda Cop Atchison At OH i W I Baldwin Loco. B & o P.eth Steel B. B & s Cod.. Calif Petrol... an Pac .... Central Lea. . Chand Motors Ches Ohio. C M & St P. . . C R 1 & P Col F & I Corn Products Crucible Steel. Cuba Sane Suit Erie Gen Motors.. Gt Nor pf d . . . Gt Nor Ore... Illinois Oen.. Inspir Cop. . . . tnt .ier M pfd lnt Nickel ... Int Paper ... Kan City So. Kenne Cod L & N Mex Petrol . . Miami Cop .. Mid States Oil Mldvale SteM. Missouri Pac. . Nevada Cop.. N 1" Central. N Y N H & H Nor & Westrn Nor Pac Okla P & Rfg Pan-Am Petri Sales. 80O 2.100 1,600 700 3,100 1,31)0 200 400 2,200 30O 7 700 1.6)0 ' 1.S00 20.S0O S.ildO 4,800 200 100 2.O0O 1.200 1.SO0 5,0(10 1.5O0 1.7O0 100 1.200 3. 1O0 4,800 8..100 0. 300 1,200 S00 loo 1,000 son 1. BOO 700 1,200 80O loo 10,700 100 4.300 G.400 1.200 2,600 1.2O0 6,700 1,500 400 600 9.400 MARKET FOR ALL CLASSES OF LIVESTOCK STEADY. Penna l'.mm Pitts & w Va itay con Con. Reading Rep I & s Roy Deh N Y S-hell T & T. . Sin O & Rfg So Pac Ry Stand O. N" J stude Corn... Texas Co Texas & Par. Tob Products. ranscon Oil Union Pac . . . U S Food Prd U S Ind Alco. U S Ret Strs. U S Rubber.. V S Steel U S steel pfd Utah Copper. . westhse Elec. Willys-Ovcrlnd 000 300 25.300 2,200 2,300 600 5.7UO 21,600 O.JItO 1.2O0 .1.000 6.300 1,100 6o0 3.00 2,200 4O0 1.200 1.50O 2.400 15,700 :oo Last High. Low. Sale. 73 7". 4 73 35 34 34", 13"i 133 V4 134" 73 73 14 75 74 73 74 7 74 76 55 li 55 U 554 114 113 114 87 S6 87 SHi1 86 6'4. 80 7i. 70 53 52 53 'i 82 81 82 137 135 135 100 107 10!m 30 38 39 . 77 76 77 20 20 20 27 27 27 120 110 120 54 54 04 87 85 87 58 ' 57 5S 35 ..4 35 37 35 3.1 30 36 36 00 8 80 138 130 V- 137 35 34 35 13 13 13 21 21 21 73 72 72 31 31 31 86 80 86 40 46 40 70 76 76 20 19 1 80 7S 80 10 10 10 24 23 T4 23 100 100 100 162 155 162 19 19 10 11 11 11 49 48 40 26 23 25 10 10 10 73 72 73 34 33 34 0 01 94 74 73 74 3 3 3 88 86 88 41 41 41 2S 27 2S 15 14 15 03 90 93 85 84 83 81 80 81 51 51 51 28 27 27 06 05 96 . 27 27 27 105 104 105 C. 01 62 47 46 47 36 35 36 06 6.1 66 9 120 11S 119 59 58 59 85 S4 85 9 00 R 8 84 85 0 88 90 106. 106 106 62 61 62 ' 47 47 47 10 15 16 Dozen Loads Are Received Over Xight Buyers Pay $9 for Bulk of Lambs Offered. There -were no new developments in the livestock market yesterday. A dozen load; were received, and trading was moderately active; with prices on a steady basis throughout. In the hog division the bes grade offered went at $10.75. Tne bulk of -he lamb sales were at $9. - Receipts were 207 cattle, 34 calves nd 697 sheep. The day's sales were as follows: J2.50. to arrive $2.40; No. 1 Durum. 12.35 (&2.40; No. 2, J2.30ST2.S5; No. 3, $2.23 2.30. Corn No. 3 yellow, $1.54 tl 1.53; No. 3 mixed. $1,52 61.53. Outs No. 2 mixed, 65&66c; No. 2 white, 64Vei65c. Barley Choice to fancy, $1.0261.06. Rye No. 2, $1.92(&-1.93. - vNew York Wheat Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 20. No. 2 red No. 2 hard wheat, $2.67, c. I. f. New York, nd track 23 steers. 1 steer. . 2 steers. 2 steers. 3 steers. 1 steer. . 18 steers. 2 steers. 1 cow. . . 1 cow. . . 4 cows. . 3 cows. . 1 cow.. . 1 cow. . . 1 cow. . . 1 cew. . . 1 cow. . . 1 now. . wt. 1020 1210 1170 1005 800 820 1006 -. 875 10SO loso 990 1148 800 710 000 1050 800 1210 Price. $ 8.25 7.00 y.ooi 8.2; o.no 5 1 cow. . 1110 24 cows. 1 cow. , , 2 cows. . 1 cow. . . 10 cows. . 1 cow. . . I cow. . . 1 cow. . . 2 cows. . 4 cows. . 1 calf.. . 2 calves. 29 calves. 21 hogs. . 13 hogs. . 6 hogs. . 2 hogs. . 1 hog. . . Official 932 930 930 1090 0S2 0O0 1060 440 090 087 280 210 190 165 138 1 cow . . . 5 cows. . 1 cow . . . 1 cow . 1 eow. . . 17 cows. . 8.501 1 cow. . ; 5.00 1 cow. . . 4.75 2 bulls. . 4.501 1 bull 6.001 1 bull.. . 7.00:31 mixed. 6.50 3 mixed. 5.60, 1 Log 4.0013 hogs. . . 0.00111 hogs.. . 5.001 4 hogs. . . 3 hogs. . . 10 hogs.. . 3 hogs.. . 2 hogs.. . 7.001 8 hogs. . . 7.25115 lambs. . 6.75 5 ewes. . 4.0O;12 ewes. . 5.75) 6 cows.. . 8.001 2 hogs.. . fl.0020 hogs. Wt. Price. 0.75 0.75 6.75 7.00 O hogs. . . 13.75 5 hogs.. . 8.00 11 hogs.. . 13.75 iiO lambs. 16.25 07 lambs. . 15.35IJS4 lambs. 253 14. 50112 ewes. . 320 15.751 4 bucks. . 250 1 6. 50 11 y earl gs quotations at the Union stockyards were as follows: 030 1142 820 0t)3 856 . 86O 620 460 1 500 1300 S00 200 470 178 193 100 303 200 170 130 102 69 84 SO 1051 175 164 204 188 142 50 05 59 133 137 123 Portland 00 5.75 6.35 0.35 6.35 0.35 4.50 4.00 7.00 5.00 fi.no 5.00 6.00 13.00 16.75 16.75 10.50 14.50 10.50 10.25 15.00 1 6 50 7.50 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.25 16.50 10.50 16.50 14.75 0.00 0.50 U.00 4.25 4.10 3.00 Creamery butter ... mi ft' P. a. butter . . 2!t7aio American cheese .. 51,334.143 Swiss cheese 2,978,759 Brick and Munster 2, (;:. 892 I.imburger 1.077,991 Cottage, etc 5.770.840 Cri-am, Neufchatel.. 225,502 Other cheese 6.315,705 T;ggs, case 0.844,825 Eggs, frozen 19,704 212 123.545.07O 3. OT3.741 62.645,144 2,017,211 845,020 834,344 6,057,458 333,758 4.761.51 S 7.849,778 19,023,799 1.000 500 1.60O BONDS U h Lib 3S. . .89.001 ao 1st 4s. . . .84 74 do 2d 4s ... .84.30 do 1st 4s. ..84. 00! do 2d 4 s. . .84 4 do 3d 4s. ..87.581 uo tin 4 V X . 81 fin VT t a- Victory 3s . ..95:34, Pac T A T "5V Pa con 4s . Cattle Price. Choice . grass steers $ 9.50 10.50 Good to choice steers...". .8.50(TD 9.50 Medium to good steers 7.50&) 8.50 Fair to good steers . . . 7.00ii) 7.50 Common to fair steers 0.00(fi 7.O0 Choice cows and heifers 7.25(3) 8.00 Good to choice cows, heifers.. 6.25 7.25 Medium to good cows, heifers. 5.25tfD- 6.25 Fair to medium cows, heifers. 4.250V 3.25 Canners 2.75(S? 4.25 Bulls 5.00 6.00 Choice dairy calves 13. ooc 15.50 Prime light calves 1 1 ..-.";' 13.00 Medium light calves 9.001ft 1 1.O0 Heavy calves i.lKW 9. 00 Best feeders 5.50 (g 0.50 Hogs Prime mixed 10.50(R 17.00 Medium mixed 16. 00 16.50 Smooth heavy 13.0oii 15. 00 Rough heavy io.ootfi.13. 00 Pigs 12.C0 15.00 Sheep Prime lambs 9.00(310.00 Cull lambs : 6.00 7.00 Kwes 2.251 6.00 Yearlings 0.25(f? 7.50 Wethers 6.25 6.75 do 4s U S 2s res... do counon U S 4s reg. . . do coupon Pan 3s reg. . uo coupon .95.4: mi 101 105 105 .77 .77 Anglo-Fr 5s ... 9ft '41 A T T cv 6s. 95 A ten gen 4s .. 74 L & R G eon 4s63U NYC deb 6s. . 89 N r- 4S 74 7i 53 81 90 96 82 79 91 S P cv 5s.. fto liy 53 .... U P 4s U S Steel 5s. . Bid. Allouez Ariz Com nv. Calu & Ariz.... 54 Calu & Hecla..290 FARMERS AGAIN OFFERING POTATOES Digging Has Been Resumed Since Weather Turned fooler. The potato market has a somewhat eas ier tone, as offerings by farmers are larger, digging having been resumed since the weather turned cooler. Buyers are pay ing farmers 2(S 2 cents for the best graded stock and around 2 cents for field run. Most jobbers are asking 3 cents. The Idaho crop reporting service places the commercial crop of the state at 8200 cars, compared with 6830 estimated last year. The potato crop, according to field notes of the bureau of crop estimates, needs rain in the northern lake section and in North Dakota and Tennessee. Gen eral prospects continue good. The planting of the fall crop in South Carolina has been delayed on account of dry weather. Po tato prospects In Wisconsin and Minne sota are less satisfactory, owing to lack of rain. Johnson county, Kansas, reports the average yield In that part of the Kaw valley section at 170 bushels-. Shipments throughout the country are now averaging about 3000 cars a week. TILLAMOOK CHEESE VP ONE CENT. Butter j. Firm nt Three-Cent Advance. Egg Receipts Small. Tillamook cheese prices were advanced 1 cent yesterday and now stand at 30 cents for triplets nd 31 cents for Young America, f. o. b. Tillamook. Butter was firm with the advance of 3 cents In prints generally followed. There w-as a good demand for cubes of extra grade. Eggs were scarce and firm and buying -was on the basis of 48 cents case count and 52 cents loss off, Portland delivery. The demand for poultry continued good at firm prices. Country dressed meats were steady. DANCE HALL IS CHURCH Peculiar Situation Develops in 'Purchase of iiuildtng. PASCO, Wash., Aug. 26. (Special.) Through the purchase of the Kni&hts of Pythias hall a most peculiar Bitua tior. has developed here. Previous to the purchase of the building by Methodists a lease had been secured on the hall for dancing purposes, which holds good until January 1, 1921. The Methodists have taken posses sion of the building, and are now holding their services in the room used as the dance hall, and upon which the lease is held.. Unless an agreement can be reached whereby the lease can be canceled, the last three months of the year will witness the unusual spectacle of two dances a month, held in a Methodist church. Mining Storks at Boston. ' BOSTON". Auff. 20. Closing auotaHnnn- J J I North Butte ... 10 wiu worn Osceola 3y. Qufncy 4314 Superior 4 u Sup & Bofitnn an 10 Shannon 1 2'Jrtah Con it 2 Winona 35 " 2 Sii Wolverine i: S'itGreno Can .... 25 Centennial Cop Range . . f;ast Butte.. Kranklin isle Koyalle .. i.ake L'oDoer. Mohawk . . . , . 34 CHICAGO, Auc. 26. All grains were affected by the early strength in wheat today, but the best prices were not main tained, a reaction carrying prices toward lower levels; At the finish wheat was unchanged to 1 e lower, with December $2.3314 to $J 33 12 and March $2.'JH; corn showed net loss of c to lc and oats were off Vic to 'c. Provisions, however, ruled strong at a 12c to oUv advance. Strength was shown early in wheat, but the decline In other grains served to temper bullish sentiment. December showed a firm undertone, but did not maintain the advance, while March was under pressure. Export demand was slow and bids from abroad somewhat lower. Oats were firm early on short cover ing, but weakened later with corn. Provisions showed & stronger tone on the strenrth In foreign exchange and an advance of la25c in hogs. The Chicago market letter received yes terday by Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland said: Wheat December wheat . showed a stronger undertone, but March was weak and at on time the difference widened to around six cents. Buying of December by seaboard houses offset hedging sales. There was a lack of snap to the export demand today and bids were reported on a lower basis, as Indicated by a reduction of one cent In offers to the country for shipment to the gulf. Premiums on spot here were fully two cents higher. No. 1 grades selling at 24 cents over December, but this was not surprising, lasmuch as Chicago has been relatively the lowest market In the west. While there are cer tain elements of strength in the wheat sit uation, th movement seems to be limited only by the number of cars available in the southwest and with a tight financial sit uation we cannot enthuse on the buying side. Corn Practically all reports today indi cated that the producer is getting ready to sell old corn freely and that the extent of the movement in the near future will be governed almost entirely by the number ish and on all bulges there is free selling. 1 In this connection it may be noted that whereas the recent disposition was to buy on breaks it is now the policy of selling on bulges. Cash corn was unchanged, but the demand was less keen. Oats Trade was not large and the mar ket affected by the action of corn. Coun try offerings were not large, but this de pended on the section of the west, one Indiana house buying 100, (K0 bushels over night. Eastern demand Is slow. That section has considerable grain coming to it on purchases for September shipment. Feel that ultimately prices will be lower. Provisions Fairly active; advance of 20 cents in hog prices causing some short cov ering. Offerings were light until the ad vance was established, when some realiz ing set in; cash trade rather quiet: 14.000 hogs Indicated for tomorrow, 7000 left over today. Leading futures ranged as follows: - WHEAT, Open. Hf eh. Low. L'.32 $2.:i-- 2.32 2.29,i 2.noi 2.26Va . CORN. 1.4' 1.4:5 1.42 U j..lS 1.20i 1.18 OATS. -97U .07 .07 .07 .061 MBSS PORK. 24.nr, 24. W) 24..r0 23. GO 25. So 25.60 LARD. IS. 20 IS. 37 1S.20 18.67 18.75 1S.60 SHORT RIBS. Sept 14.RO 15.02 14.80 Oct 15.47 15.17 15.30 Cash prices were: Wheat 2 red. $2.55 2.5 G J ; No. hard. $2. 54 (w 2. 50. Corn-No. 2 mixed, $1.0391.64; yellow, $1.GS. Oats No. 2 white. 7171c; white. 08 .70,,c. Rye No. 2. 2.03;ff 2.03 Barley $1. 10 1.12. Timothy seed $U.50(5'7.u0." Clover seed $22&:i7. Pork Nominal. Lard $18.25. Ribs $14.50 15.50. San Francisco Grain and Hay. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 26. tirain Wheat, $3.00 3. SO; barley. $2.25 2.35: oats, $2.rr0ii2.55; corn, nomifjal. Hay Fancy wheat, $27 28; tame oats, $23; wild oats. $17 Old; barley, S18021; alfalfa, fir.-t cutting. $1723; second cut ting. $21 1$23. Scuttle Grain Market. SEATTLE, Aug. 27. Wheat Hard white, northern spring and hard winter, $2.35; soft white and white club.y $2.33; red Walla Walia, $2.30; red winter. $2.32; Big Ben bluestem. $2.37. Feed Scratch feed, $87 ; feed wheat, $02; all-grain chop, $77; oats, $75; sprouting oats. $78; rolled oats, $79; whole corn, $81; cracked corn, $80; rolled barley, $70; clipped barley, $75. Hay Alfalfa, $32 par ton: double com pressed alfalfa, $36; do. timothy. $42; eastern Washington mixed, $30. Coffee Futures Advance. NEW YORK. Aug. 2G. There was con tinued switching from near to late months In the market for coffee futures today, but otherwise trading was comparatively quiet with prices higher on reports of a steadier tone in Brazil and talk of firmer cost and freight offers. The market opened un changed to 7 points higher and sold about 20 to 30 points above last night's closing figures wtt hfDecember touching $8. S3 and March $9.45 on covering or scattered buy. ing. The close was at the best point of the day, showing net advances of 25 to 30 points. Closing bids Sept.. $S,08; Oct., S.35; Dec, $K.S8; Jan.. $9.07; March. $9.45; May. $9.63; July. $9.S0. A better inquiry was reported fcr spot coffee, but prices were unchanged at S4e for Rio 7s and ll1 fj 1 5 ' c for Sa-ntos 4s. Ka stern Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. Aug. 26. Butter, unsettled ; creamery, 44 55 c. Egs, higher; recepits. S22S; firsts, 4S(JB 49c; ordinary firsts, 4345c; at mark Cases included, 454Sc; storage packed firsts, 50c. NEW YORK, Aug. 20. Butter, steady. unchanged. Eggs. firm, unchanged. Cheese, firm; state whole-milk flats, current make, white and colored specials. 28 29c; state whole milk twins, current make, specials. 27 c. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, Ga.. Aug. 20. Turpentine, firm, $1.40; sales IBS; receipts 664; ship ments 884; stock 9507. Rosin, firm : sales 1 594: receipts 1536; shipments 3025; stock 40,370. juote B, $13.10; D, E, F, G, H. I, K, M. N. WW, WG, $13.O0. rc. . . . March . Sept. . Dec. . Sept. Dec. . Sc pt . . Oct . . . Sept. Oct. . Close. $2.33 U 2.28 1.42' 1.19 .60 i .66 U 24.73 23.70 1 3.25 18.62 14.92 15.40 No. No. 3 Eastern Linseed Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 26. Flax. $3,1933.21. No. 1, 5S -$29,625.90 OREGON .Yielding , Eiempt I-'rora Federal Income Tbx 1 I BOND City of Seaside General Obligation Improvement Bonds Dated Aug. 1, 1920. Optional Aug. 1, 1921. Duo Aug. 1, 1930. Untlmatrd to Mature aa Follows: Price Tield Prlc Tie 1 SLT.IIO.OO Ausust 1. 1021 . . .08.BS ".SO J.!000.(VO AuEust 1. 1 02 . . . !-J SR T.r.O rUHMUlO Ausust 1. l'.-'J. ...". Urt 7.."0 ;;imhi.h August 1. l'.27. . .P1.9-". T.."o 3'MO.00 AuffUft 1. 102a. . .06.04 ' 7. SO (MKt.OO AuKUfit 1. 1 . . . ft I . ll T.-'.O .Kmio.iio August 1. l!-'4. . .'.M.90 T.r.O r.Doo.im Ausust 1. l'.i-0...w.ol 7.."n 5000.00 Ausust 1. lyjo. . .93.84 7.50 S120.90 August 1. l'JGO. . .S.0.5S 7.i0 Denomination S50O. LiorPt one fractional bond for $125.90. Due to the exceptionally hiKh yield of these' bonds and the substantial security back of them, this Issue will prove even a more attractive and conservative investment in future vears than at the present. These bonds constitute a first lien or mortgage on all the property within the corporate limits of the city. They are entirely free from Federal In come taxation. Principal and semi-annual interest (Februarv 1st and August lstl payable at the office of the City Treasurer,' Seaside. Oregon, or at the office of Morris Brothers, Inc. "Telephone or Telegrrapu Orders at Our Expense. ' MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. Between The Premier Municipal Bond Ilonse. Telephone 5th and 6th at&bllfth4l Quarter of a Century. Broadway Streets MorrU bid?., :S-1 1 Stark St. v 2151 Capital One Million IJollars. through two doors, only the outer one being locked, however: Chief McAuley said this morning that from evidence in his possession he believes that his agents will be able to arrest the man responsible. A revolver and package of cigarettes only were missing. DUI.UTH, Minn., Aug. 1IG. -Linseed, HOSPITAL DECLARED NEED Survey Made in Kastern Oregon of Tuberculosis Situation. BAKER, Or.. Aus. 26. (Special.) That eastern Oregon is in need of a tuberculosis hospital is the opinion of Robert W. Osborn, expressed fol lowing a survey of Umatilla, Union, Vvallowa and Baleer counties as field representative of tho state tubercu losis association. The machinery necessary for the es tablishment of such a hospital Is provided by a state law passed in 1917 which permits counties to form a district for the construction and maintenance of such an institution. The statistics for Baker county show that there are 51 cases of the disease. An acre will produce about 6000 pounds of indigo. Read the Oregonian classified ads. Dried Fruit at New Vork. NEW YORK. Aus. -o. Evaporated ap ples, dull. Prunes, firm. Peaches, steady. SLEUTH'S DESK OPENED Burglar Takes Kevolver and Pack age of Cigarettes. ' SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 26. A burg lar, entering the offices of the United States department of justice bureau of investigation on the fifth floor of the Central building last night, made his way into the office of J. F. McAuley, chief, and jimmied open the drawers of his desk. Doors were found closed and loctted as usual this morning and there were no outside evidences of the entry, making the attempt on the chief's desk appear to be awell-planned op eration. In entering the burglar passed Money, Exchangre, Etc. NEW YORK. Aur. 26 Urrr.mn. uncnaneea: exchsnce rr.snl.r . . . . . , aicB. ...ot. r a n . n mand. 7.07: cables. 7.0t p,i?tnn . demand. 7..16; cables. 7.58. Guilders, de mand, 31.75; cables, 81.85. Lire, demand. 4.(0; cables. 4.7a. Marks, demand 2 12 cables, 2.13. Drachmas. 8.84 New York exchanae on ilontrul per cent discount. Time loans, strong;: all dates, 8H81t Call money, strona: hlh n i ' t us raie i; ciostnc old 8, offered at last loan 9. Sterling weakened in the tat. demand. 3.57jt: cables xS.RSU. ' Bar silver, domestic nnrh.na..i . . 1 US; Mexican dollars, 75. ' LONDON, Ausr. 26. Bar silver. Ri5irf per ounce. Money 514 per cent. Discount onuri uius. o per cent: three months bills, O'iStO 13-18 Der cent 11H 0. Teaches Very Scarce on Street. Teaches were very scarce on the street yesterday and the best of the few lots Offered brought $2.25'ii2.50. Cantaloupes are selling well, but the supply is still ahead of the demand. Yak ima Burrell Gems were quoted at J2.75 3 and Rocky Fords at J2. Watermelons were slow. Bridge to Be Dedicated. KELSO, Wash.. Aug. 26. (Special.) The biggest celebration in the his tory of .the Yale community on the upper Lewis river is scheduled for Labor day, September 6, when the new Yale-Yacolt bridge, built Jointly by Cowlitz and Clarke counties, will be dedicated. A large attendance is expected. Swift Co. Stocks. losing prices or swift & Co stnk. v.nicago were reported by Qverbeck & wookc company ol Portland as follows: awnt dc uo 107 oniii ii.l. i um hhih i ........: Hit 1 -. 1 1 1 1 V . ALCINeJl & LIODV , R. National Leather mi" SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Chicago ' vestock Market. CHICAGO, Alls. 20. Cattle receipts 11. 000: steady to 25c hlglier on beef steers; good grades, stronger; quality averaged plain. Early top, $17. Go; bulk, good and choice, $15. SOtr 17.25 ; best erassers, strong; others steady;: bulk, $9.TiO84.i")0; she stock, mostly 10c to 15c higher; butchei cows, mostly $tt.50 l'J.70 ; canners, $4 4.75; bulls, slow to 25c lower; bologna bulls, $5.50 Sj. 6.75 ; bulk, good and choice vealers, $1017; stockers, slow, steady. Hog receipts IS. 000, 15c to 25c higher. Early top, $15.50; bulk, light and butchers, J14.758T 15.40: bulk packing sows, $13.U5( 13.85 ; pigs, 25c to 40c higher. Sheep receipts 25,000, steady to uneven ly higher. "Very good lambs bid $14: held higher; early top native lambs, $1.1.50; ranee Montana 2-year wethers, $S.25; feeding lambs, largely $135' 13.115. Oraaha Livestock Market. Omaha, Neb., Aug. 26. Hog receipt 5000; mostly 1015o higher. Bulk of all sales. $1.7514.25: top, $14.75. Cattle receipts 1900. Beef and butcher cattle, steady to 25c higher; veals, steady; stockers and feeders, 25o to 50o higher. ' Sheep receipts 2K.500. Killing lambs strong to 25c higher; best range lambs. $13.25; sheep, steady; feeders, slow, most ly 25c lower; top sale early, $12.75. Kansas City Livestock Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 26. Cattle 3500: beef steers, strong to 25c higher; top $16.t5, other good and choice. $15,509 lr.,50; she stocks ana calves, steady to strong; other classes mostly steady: best vealers, $l.f...i; prime heavy calves $12..0. Sheep-14,000, mostly 2..c higher; top ewes, $i,25; fat lambs. 25.;oc higher; top westerns, $13.36; natives, $12.50; feed ing lambs a little hiefeer. Seattle 'Livestock Market. SEATTLE, Aug. 20. Hogs Receipts, 71; market, steady. Prime,. $17.00017.30; medium t e -lce, $10 00 17.00; rough iMavies, $14.0O15.00; pigs. $13.004?.14.5O. Cattle Receipts. 150. Prime, $10,259 $10.75: medium to choice, $9.0Otf? 10.00; common , to good, $7.008.00; best cows and heifers, $7.50:8.00; medium to choice, $0.0067.00: common to good. $5.O00.00; hulls. $5.ooStl.r.0; calves, $7.0013.00. , Foreign (iraln Market. BUENOS AIRES. Aus. 20. Whem'closed firm. February $2.04. Corn steady, Sep tember, 00!i,92c. September oats, BUc. Weather favorable. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 26. Oats steady. St. Louis (iraln Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 26. Wheat closed: December, $2.32 'A; March, $2.28 bid. Corn September, $1.4514 asked; Decem ber. $1.19'; May, $1.16H asked. Oats September, 67 Vic asked; Decem ber. 06 c. closed : $2.46 Grain at Winnipeg. WINNIPEG. Aug. 26. Wheat October, $2.564 bid; December, bid. Barley October, $1.214; December, $1.1 1V4 asked. Oats October, 79 vie; December, 74 34c; May. 78?79',ic. Call or write for list of High-Grade Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 20. Cash wheat. No. 1 dark northern, $2.50'2.60; No. 3, 2.4f2.50: No. 1 red spring, $2.45: No! 2, $2.40; No. 3, $2.35: No. 2 northern. $2.432.45; No. 3. 2.3S2.40; No. 1 dark hard Montana. $2.55; No. 1 hard Montana. J Bonds S to yield jrj Secomo FUor?J Maim 64-6 K 11 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. S These First Mortgage 5 Gold Bonds Are First Liens on ALL the Properties of the Pacific Light & Power Go. including all its electric light and power plants, gas plants, water plants and street-car systems. PRICE 78.16 YIELD SV4 Bonds Due Aug., 1930 Denominations 1000 Morris & Co. Vic Ten-Year Sinking Fund Gold Notes A direct obligation of this great packing concern whose bare investment in tangible properties is more than $40,000,000. PRICE 9S'4, YIELD 1 11 tllllllblllMSlfeCQ Under Supervision Oregon s(ais tWlunDoparijnjcnjL BONDS TRUSTS ACCEPTANCES Lumbermens Bldg Price Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Hay City. . SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 26. Butter Hood River Schools Oncn Mondav. ii.xtra graae. ooc. prime zirsts. HOOD RIVER, Or., Aug. 26. (Spe cial.) :The city schools will begin next Monday with A. M. Cannon, formerly of Portland, as superinten dent of schools and B. H. Conkle, former principal of the Enterprise high school, principal of the Hood River high school. extra Bond Firm Employe Missing. YAKIMA, Wash., Aug. 26. (Spe cial.) Members of the bond Invest ment firm of Sllgar, Chezum & Co. are alarmed over the , unexplained absence of P. A. Wicker, an employe who has been missing since Monday night. They have no reason to sus pect foul play, but think the young man might have met with an acci dent or become suddenly ill. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK, Aug- 20. Raw sugar. Body to Be Taken South. KELSO, Wash.. Aug. 26. (Special.) The body of A. Garbarino, who was killed last week at the Ostrander camp, will be taken to Richmond, Cal., for interment. -A sister, Mrs. Cincl, and her husband, arrived from that place yesterday, and a brother from Renton, Wash. Arabian desert smoke nor drink. natives neither Eggs Fresh extras. 64c 03c; seconds, 40c; dirty No. 1, 54c pullets, oic; undersized, 3614c. Cheese Flats, fancy, 31c; firsts, 26 Vie - . h,.,!.. O... Poultry Hens, large, S840a per pound small, 32Q35C, White Leghorns, 2330c strictly young roosters, 4045c; old. 19 tgiL'.c: iryers, osiojiuc; broilers. 38 4J.40C ducks. 2628c: Diireons. 13 ftittfa: squabs, 57&6UC pound; Belgian hares, li 6-lc Vegetables Beans. 67c; lima, 596c; bell peppers, 60&76C lug; chile, SOfroOc; tcmatoes, &0&75c box; cucumbers, 75cf&$l lug; eggplant. 75&00c lug; peas, T&Sc aummer squash, $1L25; cream, 75c$l; potatoes street prices, river, $2754113 for No. 1; sweets, 7i8Vic; celery, crats. $6; green corn. $1.50&2.50 sack; onions. $1.00 1.75. Fruit Strawberries. 6075c; raspberries, 75c$I; blackberries. 6 4 8a chest; canta loupes, standards. $11.25; ponies, 75c 6'$1; flats, 5000c; watermelons, lVj4c; oranges. Valencia, $5.505.75; lemons. $2.40(6)2.50; grapefruit, $2,406 2.50; apples, Qravensteins. fancy $2.25tfji2.75; peaches. CASCARA BARK Ship to l and Receive THK HIGHF.ST PH1CE. We Want All Yon Have. Write for Tags and Prices. Sullivan Hide & Wool Co. 144 Front St.. Portland. Or. German Cities Bonds are now actively traded In on the New York Curb. We are specialists in these issues and particularly recommend the purchase of Berlin 4, Hamburg Bremen 4. for the reason that these cities repre sent the most Important industrial and shipping centers in Germany and these bonds have by far. the largest security bach of them. - At present prices, profits of 1000 are possible. We execute orders either tor cash or on conservative margin. Write for Circular K-0. Send for our Weekly Market letter, containing; careful analysis of ail active N. Y. stocks mailed free. HENRI & BERNHARD WOLF & CO. Incorporated. Stocks, Bonds, Foreign Exchange. S30 Madison Avenue, New York City. WE OFFER FOR QUICK SALE 100 Western Rubber Co. 6000 Queets Trading Co. 25 New World Life Ins. 30 Bankers' Mortgage Corp. Prlcea on Application.' Herrin s Rhodes inc. t ESTABLISHED IBM. STOCKS and BONDS. Railway Kxchanite Bldn:. Main Members Chicago Iipard of Trade. Exempt Froip Federal Income Tax $1,500,000 tate of Oregon Four and One-half Per Cent Highway Bonds Prices to Yield 5.65 to 5.25 Per Cent According to Maturity Maturing October 1, 1925, to April 1, 1945 These bonds are direct obligations of the entire state and are payable from taxes on all taxable property therein. As officially reported, the real value of taxable property is estimated at $1,519,280,000, the assessed valuation for taxation is $990,435,472, and the total debt, including this issue, is $16,243,750, or less than one and three-quarters per cent of the assessed valuation. Harris Trust and Savings Bank Orcnniied as N. W. Harris & Co. 18S2. Incorporated UM7. v Chicago Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank Chicago The National City Company National City Bank BnildlnR, w York. Portland Lumbermens Trust Co. Portland