10 TITE MORNING OREG ONI AN, MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1920 DULLES CITY, 0. S, DEGREE VXCLK SAM ASSERTS THE DALJLES SOT OX MAP. Warfare With Dallas Over Change of Names Because of Mail Mix ups May Xov Case. THE DALLES, Or.. Aug. 22. (Spe cial.) Although this city has been known by its present name for nearly 75 years. Uncle Sam boldly announces that The Dalles is not even on his maps, but that Its official title is ".Dalles City." Dallas and The Dalles editors and residents may now cease the verbal and printed war they have waged to get this city named "Fort Dalles" or Dallas called something else in order to avoid mail and express mix-ups, because of the similarity of names. Uncle Sam says this city is "Dalles City" and not what some, or most, or all persons think it. It came about in this way. Mayor Stadleman and other captains of in dustry here organized the Citizens National bank of The Dalles and ap plied to the controller of the currency .for a national bank charter in that name. The treasury officials said it could not be done, after they searched through Uncle Sam's old records, be cause the papers said that "The Dalles" did not exist, that it was not even on the map. "Dalles City" was the official name of this city, they decreed, and they were agreeable to issuing a charter for a national bank of "Dalles City," but not one for Borne place named The Dalles. Naturally, residents of The Dalles lost the argument and supporters of "Dalles City" won, so the new finan cial institution will be the "Citizens' National Bank of Dalles City." Australia has a population of 5,030, 000. AMTSEMEXTS. ' LAST TIME TONIGHT rjCTT TBroiMlway at ' XllJ11-.lVJ IT, one Mai TaTlor 1. tMk TONIGHT, 8:15 BIO JT.V SHOW DAYE WILLIAMS IVSSSg 160 LAUGHS IN 160 Ml.VUTES. POPULAR. PRICES -- $1, 75c, 50c pANTAGEg MATINEE DAILY. :S0 The Original Russian Super-Production, "THK KREMLIN OF MOSCOW." vvith Maurice liolden and Hia Associate Singers and Dancers and the Original Rufcslun Balalka Orchestra. SSI V OTHER HKi ACTS. Three performances daily. Night curtain at T and 0. LOEWS HIPPODROME TODAY TONIGHT. WARREN KERRI GAN'S MYSTERY l'l.AY 1)E LL'XE "30.0OO" "GINGER SNAPS." Snappy mucical menu MURRAY LANE. Ilnbby' Holiday" KA(i(i AND WHITE, ArrirtlnoloRy" GIBSON A HETTY', "StraUtht and Curly" I .OILS LEO. "The IjII.t Lad" WALTER 6. ASH. at the W urlitxer. GLOBE 11th and 'Waatiina-ton Constance Talmadge "Two Weeks" CIRCLE Fonrlh at Wosfaingtoa Douglas Fairbanks "The Mollycoddle." Also a Comedy and Nerni Reel. Open from 9 o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock ot the following morn ing. TONIGHT. Campbell's Concert Band Cullin's Famous Dog and Pony Show Kvpry Afternoon and Kvenlnjc AMUSEMENTS CONCESSIONS Admi?sion to Park Free to 5 P. M. Iafly Except Sundays and Holidays. Cars at Kirst and Alder. Fare 6 Cents. SWIMMING rery afternoon and evening. DANCING very evening: except Sunday and Monday. T-.aunrh.es at foot of Morrison Bridge, or take Brooklyn car to Woodard Ave. DANCINGtaught AM, NEW JAZ STKPS AND POPULAR DAMKfi ftuurnnteed. ladies' $3. Gentle nu $.". De Honey's beautiful academy, li.'M ami Washington. Beginners' class tttrts Monday and Thursday evenings. Ad vanced clans Tuesday eveninft. S to U::0. "Ple.nf desirab-e purtners and nractice no crrrrament- You can never learn dancing In private lessons from inferior teachers jou must have practice. LEARN IN A REAL SCHOOL from professional dancers. Phone .Main 7350. Private lessons ali hours. BASE BALL Portland vs. Vernon An if. 24, 35, 2, 27, 28 3 P. M. Uouhlr-Hrsilrr Sunday, 1 !0 P. M. 27 Acres of Free Picnic Grounds COUNCIL REST PArK Dancing Every Evening Except Sunday 1 "OLE THE SWEDE" AMCSEMENTS. TICKET OFFICE SALE I Opens Tomorrow fJ HEILIG THIS WEEK ""NIGHTS,AUG.s6i;7' Special Price Matinee Saturday. I FIRST VISIT TO PORTLAND 7Ae SELVyNS present Smiliri Through How to Secure Tickets Now Address letters, make checks and postoffice money orders pavable to w. T. Pangrle. Mgr. Heilig Theater. Add lO Per Cent War Tax. Include self - addressed stamped envelope. EVE'S Floor. J3; Balcony. J2.60. 2. 11.50, 1; Gallery (res.). 75c; adm., 50c. SAT. MAT. Floor J2.50: Balcony. $2, U-50, Jl; Gallery (res.), 50c; adm., 50c AUCTION SALES. At Wilson's Furniture. 169 Auction House, -171 Secoad st. 10 MEETING NOTICES. - SUXNTSIDE LODGE. TCo. 163. A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communication tomorrow (Monday), August 23. at 1:45 P. M., for the purpose of con ducting funpral wirvirpR ovr the remains of our late brother, Al bert Nelson of Georgetown lodge. No. 12. A. F. and A. M.. of Georgetown. Colo. Funeral from Cunning's, East Sixth and Alder streets, at 2:30 P. M. Interment at Mount Scott Park cemetery. Please bring autos. By order of W. M. JAMES S. GAT. Secretary. HARMONY LODGE NO 12 A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Monday) evening at 7 o'clock. Work in the Master Mason degree. Vis itors welcome, W. M. Do UN, See. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAPTER, NO. 14, O. E. S. Stated meeting this (Monday) 8 P. M.. -East 8th and Burn side. Social. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. BELLE RICHMOND. Sec B. P. O. ELKS. NO. 142. Members are requested to attend the funeral services of our late brother. W. H. Fairweather.. member of Missoula Lodge. No. 3S3, this (Monday) morning. 10 o'clock, at the chapel ot -sK." 'Iir4 the Portland crematorium. QasSaaU Visiting brothers invited to attend. M. R. SPAULDING. Sec GUL REAZEE GROTTO. No. 65. M. P. V. P. E. R. Stated meeting this- (Monday) even ing, 8 o'clock, at 3S8 Yamhill st. Important matters regard ing big ceremonial to be con. fidered. Entertainment and smoke. By order of the Mon arch. J. H. BUTLER, Sec. REGULAR meeting of Industry Lodge No. 8, A. O. U. W.. 3d floor Pythian bldg. (formerly Masonic Temple). West Park and Yamhill, Monday night, 8 o'clock. Buffet lunch. W. J. ALLEN. Recorder. W O O D L A W N LODGE NO. 17X. X. O. O. F. Meets every Monday evening;. M. at 444 Dekum a-v.. Wood lawn hall. c:ai)y Invited J. Visiting brother ? WAKOU) HART. S0l "LOCAL 83, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIA TION" OK RAILROAD SUPER VISORtJ OK MECHANICS. AH members requested to attend regular meeting Tuesday, August 4, account selecting delegate to grand lodge convention and other important bus iuess. W. B. GAS KINS, Sec EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, plna, new designs. Jaeger Bros., 131-3 6th at. FRIEDLANDER'S lor lodge emblems, class pin and medals. 810 Washington st. PEED. INGLIR In this city. Aug. 22. Andrew Inglls, aged 2 years, beloved infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George Infills, funeral notice later. ArangemenU care Miller & Tracey. TRACY In this city. August 22, Robert Tracy, aged us years. The remains are at Finley's, Montgomery at 5th. Notice of funeral later. FUNERAL IS'OTICE. JENSEN At 594 Tenlno ave.. -Aug. 21. Nicklas Jensen, aged S3 years S months 12 days, beloved husband of Elsa Jensen and father of C. A. Jensen of Omaha. Nebraska : Levi Jensen, Mrs. James B. Young. Mrs. Herman Schroder and Mrs. Walter 1. Watson, al! of Portland; Mrs. Joeeph Jensen of Driggs, Idaho, and Carl F. Jensen of Portland. The funeral services will be held tomorrow (Tues day), Aug. 24. at 1:30 P. M. from the residence funeral parlors of " Walter C. Kenworthy, l-.t2-34 K. 13th St., Sell wood. Friends invited. Interment Mount Scott Park cemetery. RICHARDS At the family residence in Troutdale, August 2-1, Jane Richards, ase-d 88 years, beloved mother of J. H. William H. and E. M. Richards of Kearney, Neb.: E. A. Richards of Trout daJe, Or. ; H. A. Richards of Beavertont Or.; N. S. Richards of Portland and George L. Richards of McCoy. Or. The funeral services will be held today (Mon day). Ausust 23, at 1 P. M. from the funeral parlors of A. T. Kenworthy & Co., 5S02-04 92d st. S. E. in Lents, after which the remains wiy be forwarded to Kearney, Neb., where interment wrill be m axl e . RA5C The funeral services of the late Anna Raz. who died in Hillsdale Au gust 20, 1120, will be held today (Mon day), at 'J, P. M., at the church in H illsdale. Friends Invited. Interment family lot, Greenwood cemetery. Those d (firing to go by train may take the Southern Pacific at 4th and Stark at 1:15 P. M., and get off at Bertha sta tion. Skewes Undertaking company, di rectors GE1S In this city. August 20, Herbert Oeis, aged 15 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. "Charles Gels, brother of Charles, Otto, Monroe and Irving Geis, all of this city. Remains are at the residential funeral home of Downing & McXemar, East 7th and Multnomah streets, where services will be held Monday, August 23, at 0:30 A. M. Friends invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. EDWARDS At residence. 441S 53d st. S E., August 21, James Ed-wards, beloved husband of Martha Ed-wards, father of Mrs. Leah Combs, Tacoma. wash. : Mrs, L. E. Durkee and Mrs. S. C. Butter, both of this city; George W. Edwards of EVereU, Wash. Funeral services will be held today (Monday) at 1. P. M. at the chape4 of M iller & Tracey. Interment River-view cemetery. THOMPSON At the residence, 740 E. Tav lor st., August 22, 1920, Thomas W. Thompson, aged y years, beloved hus band of Avarilla Thompson. Friends in vlted to attend funeral services at Hol man's parlors, 3d and Salmon sts., on Tuesday, August 24. 1U20, at 1:30 P. M. interment Hill cemetery, Gaston, Wash InKton county. Masonic services at graveside. THOM PSON At his late residence. 347 E. 47th. st., John M. Thompson, aged 53 years. Me is survived by a daughter, Mildred W. Thompson, aeed 13 vears. Funeral services will be held at the P. L. Lerch undertaking parlors, E. Jlth Hawthorne, Tuesday at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. PA LMER On August. 22, 3020. at the resi dence, 1044 union ave., fcJernice Palmer, aged 10 years, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Palmer and sister of Annabelle Palmer. Friends invited to attend runerai services at Hoi man s nar lors, 3d and Salmon sts., today (Monday) August . id.u, at JU A. Al. SCHIMSCHOK At the family residence 857 Grand ave. N., August 22, Floyd Schimschok. aged 3 months. Funeral services will be conducted this (Mondav morning at 10 o clock from the above residence. Pearson Co., undertakers. KUFseu st. anu union ave. COUNTISS The funeral services of the late William H. Countlss will be held today (Monday). August 23, at 1 o'clock f. M., at Fin ley a, Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Interment River view cemetery. HITOBAR'D In this city, August 21, 1920, jonn . Huouara, agea o-i years. Re mains forwarded Sunday, August 22. to boat tie, wash., by Pearson Co., uiuler la-Kern, ttuseu ana utuon ave. IN Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional' men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main- 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. 'ULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant. Auditor. Income tax service. Concord bids-, -d and Scam. Phone Main 7443. ALTERATIONS. LADIES' tailoring. Perfect fitting; work guar. I. Kenbin, 408 Bush & Lane Plug ASSAYERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second 1 ooiQ, silver, ana platinum bougnt. ALTOS FOR HIRE. 1018 PIERCE-ARROW by hour, day or month; long trips a specialty. Jock Houston, Broadway 3o4. Main 7351). V0 Broadway. ' BATHS. DR. McMAHON S sanitary baths. Always ready. steam showers, plunges, tubs. Necessaries furnished. Rubdowns and massage when desired. Service and prices cannot be beat. S. W. corner of Fourth and Wash. Tell your friends. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and mas sage, loth floor Broadway bldg. Mar shall 3187. Dr. Laura E. Downing. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. FLUFF OR RAG RUGS WOVEN ALL SIZES. WRITE OR CALL PORTLAND RUG CO. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. CARPENTER GENERAL. CONTRACT-ing-, Jobbing. Tabor 9049. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 3S7 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254 CHIROPODIST. FEET HURT Come to Dr. Gartner, foot specialist: corns. bunions. foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland building, 5th and Washington. Main 1081. DR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles scientifically corrected. Lady assistant. 512 Morgan bldg. Main 8762. DR. B. LOUISE COX. chiropodist. 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. 438 Morgan bidg. Main 4498 CHIROPODISTS ARCH SPECIALISTS. WILLIAM, Estelle and Florello De Veny, the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists in the city. Parlors 302 Ger lineer bldg.. S W. corner Second and Alder. Phone Main 1.101. CHIROPRACTOR. 300.000 KNOW Dr. McMahon, 100 chiro practor. 11th year making adjustments enjoyable. beneficial and curative. Throngs pronounce treatment best-; rea sonable; no camouflage. Advise your friends. Portland phones. CHIROPRACTOR 2& .SS; CHIMNEY SWEEPS. BISHOP. CHIMNEY SWEEP. Furnace smokes through resist s. needs repairing; or cleaning. Tabor 3S83. COLLECTIONS. NETH CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 179 No collections, no charges. E-tab. lf04 DANCING. BERKELEY dancine; academy: private lessons: day-eveninir: latest steps. Jazz steps, taui-ht by professional teachers. Mr. and Mrs. Summers. 129 4th. Main 3.118. MRS. BATH. 308 Dekum bids;. Private lessons day and evening. Main 1345. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSB CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL 415 East 7th. cor. Grant. East 1487 and 219-62. Dogs and horses clipped. dentistrVT" DENTISTRY DR. A. W. KEENE. 351V, Washington st Wittnn, pain. Latest nerve-hlock ing method. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. H M. H. ELECTRIC CO. SI N. 1st St., Portland. Or. Re- ''" .aim cicuu itiu repair csit t tne a soecialtv. Npw nr u vH ni motors. Bdwy. 1045. A lu4 a ma n ti iiAiinn .a ReDaired Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORK3. Chone 5:17-27 M. 871. ,-ja Main st. HEMSTITCHING. T. & D. HEMSTITCHING shop: superior work, prompt service. Koom 618 Oregon Kilers bldg.. ..Si Va Washington el AVHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS' AND MILL SUPPLIES. THE M. L. KLINE CO., 84-86-S7-89 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSEK HAT CO.. 53-55 Front at. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., Front and Morrison. KASMUSSEN & CO., Second and Taylor. FOERAL NOTICE. NELSON At the family residence, 531 Belmont, August 19. Albert i... iseison, aged 05 years 9 months 4 days, hus band ot Anna Nelson, father of Mrs. Alma Elfeis. Mullan. Idaho: Mrs. Edna Tynee, Kansas City. Mo.; Horace Nelson. Dallas. Texas.; Mrs. Helen Willhoite, Spokane, Wash.; Mrs. Bonnylaln South ard and Ruth Nelson, of this city Funeral services will be held at the crematory chapel of the East Side Fu neral directors, 414 East Alder st., at 2:30 P. M. today, Avgusl 23. Friends" in vited. Interment Mount Scott Park cem etery. Denver, Kansas City, Mo., and Dallas, Texas, papers please copy. WILLWORTH In this city. Aug. 22. Mary E. WHlworth, neiovea wne oi Harvey O. WHlworth. mother of Lillian E. and Cecil WHlworth of Portland. Fu neral services will be held today at 3 P. M. from the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment Kiverview cemetery. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AUTO Li liKl. WAKSnALL 114. JIXERAL DIRECTORS. EDWARD HOLMAN & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon Streets. Main 607. iady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Kuneral Directors. Washington street, between UUi and Zlst Streets. West side. Lady Assistant. Main 260 1. Auto. 578-85. Dunning & McEntee neral home. Morrison at 12th. west side. I I'hone .Broadway 430. Automatic K45-58. The Funeral Home of Keiinemeat tml .Distinctive Service. Note We have no branches nor any con nection whatever with any other undertaking firm. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home, ltith and Kverett Sts. Jr'hone Broadway 2133. Automatic S21-33. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main Montgomery at Fifth. DOWNING & McNEMAR The Residential Funeral Home. 441 Multnomah St. irvlngtoa Dist. Kast 54. JlST SIDE FUNERAL. DIRECTORS. (V. S. UunlunK, Inc.) The family sets the price." 414 East Alder. Phone East 5. P. L. LERCH E. Eleventh and Clay. East 7S1. Tabor 1S33. A. D. KENWORTHY S802-4 IC'd St., Lnts. & CO. Tabor 6207. 17D rr0 "VAT Twelfth and Morrison Sis. EjXvUoUlN Broadway 1'334. An 7CI I CD pn 592 Williams ave. III Z.LLLLD UU- East lOt. 8. C 1088. BREEZE & SNOOK lmont. B 1546. SKEWKS UNDERTAKING COMPANY, ad aad Clay. M. 4. Si-31. Lady assistant MtMC TEACUEKS. L. CARROLL DAY, teacher of piano and voice. Broadway 2555, 14S 13th st. ;JLSlt AL KINDERGARTEN. MORMXG kindergarten for children under school age; iundamentals of music taught. 148 13 th st., near Morrison. road way 1033. Tabor 5207. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. 1 solicit your Daironak'o on the basis ct cjf.uu.Lilt! tier vice. Thou ? tanas of tat-isiied customers. A trial will convince you. Chanes W. Good man, optometrist. 2Ui Morrison. M. 2124. GifiORGE RUBENSTELN, the veteran op ticuan. Is an expert eye fitter and hi charges arts very reasouabie; aatiaiaction guaranteed. 20 iiurribun at., near 2d. K IKS SCIENTIFICALLY TEST .1 wuu modern luturumenLsk i. asses uueu, fj.aO aua up. HUKrtTra, optometrist, 2-olstst. A. IS. PAI.M'INti A1 PAPKK HANGING. CHA3. H. KEEK. CHAS. HIXMAN. OlIS Washington St. 121V E. Davis St. Marshall 1900. Tabor 7514. We Paint and Repair New and Old Koofs. R-. & H. ROOF PAINTERS Authorized Agents tor Webt'oot Koof Paint ufrice and Warehouse, 1445 E. GLISAN. Tabor tiS7. , Portland. Or. PAIN TIN c-. ins, vtry kait,omimng and paper hantt reasonable. i-ast 118. -CAIN TING, paper hanging. John C. Coa 3K. ma lota st. -. Broadway XV4i. DEPENDABLE house painting, tinting, paper nangmg.- Tabor -17. LET JONES do your painting and dec orating; guaranteed worn, .bast 311u. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 4u years. All communi cations strictly conliuential ; prompt, ef ficient, conscientious service; handbook free on request. M CNN ic CO., patent attorneys, Ban Francisco office, Hobart bidg.. oa2 Market st.; Chicago olfice, room 610 Tower bldg.: Washington of fice, room 1U3. 0-0 F. St.; jSewr York of lice, voolworth bldg. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. 001 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway bldg.. rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, motes, birth marks. PLLJlBlNtJ SUPPLIES. RANGE boilers, 0. 40. 10-sal. price. lbs King:. Main 1S4. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE price. titans-Davis Co.. 183 4th. Ai. 797 PLUMBING supplies at wholesale pricea A. L. Howard. 30 Third st. FRiNTIJ.O. DDiMTIWR w- BALTES & COMPANY rnliC I l!lUKirst and Oak. Main ltjj; 511-65 bTORAGE. PACKING and crating furniture is our specialty; we cau save you halt of the freight by shipping your goods in pool car. Pacific Storage & Lelivery Com pany. East First and Madison. East 81. SKCOM)-HAMtSlQBES. LEVIN" HARDWARE & FUR.N1UKE CO. J-Jl FRONT ST. We buy and sell everything in the hardware and furniture line. Phnos Main UUiJ. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADE MARK BUREAU. 601 Dekum bldg. U. S.. foreign trade marks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH Thirteenth and Kearney. GENERAL HAULING. Motor and hor-e equipment; any capacity . MOVING PACKING STORAGE. PHONE BDWY. 3309 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan I corner 13th. Phone Broadway 12H1 1100. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates In the city. PACKING. MOVING, STORAGE" SECURITY STORAGE AND TRANSFER CO., 10S PARK ST. Main olUZ. A. 1001 MANUFACTURERS HIDES. WOOL AND C'ASCARA BARK. KAHN BROTHERS, 193 Front st. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND I'IPE. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. S4-80-S7-89 Front. rKODlCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVER DING & FARRELL, 140 Front St. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., Front and Morrison ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. FLORISTS. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's progressive florist. We special ize in funeral designs. 141 H Sixth, op posite Meier & Frank's. Main 7115. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists, Flowers 354 'Washington, for all occasions, arranged. Main 26. artistically CLARKE BROS., florists, 287 Morrison st Main 77u. Fine flowers afd floral de signs. No branch stores. TOXSETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington St., bet. 4th and 0th. Main 51(2. A 1101. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS Fourth St., Opp. City Hall. Ken Bros. fp LA EASING GRANITE CO. rtT TM1RDAT EDISON STREET 'KW TODAY. VICTORIA. B. C TO LET From the 15th September next until the KIrat of July. A well furnished house adjoining the Oak Bay Golf Links, consisting of dining room, drawing room, smoking . uw.... li i u i ucuiuuuia, two UaLQ- riiuBio, tennis court, garage, etc. Apply to A. W. Jonea Limited. Victoria. 1. C. FARM MORTGAGES For Conservative Investors at rates not heretofore available. No safer investment extant. Not a foreclosure In twenty years. All securities . first personally In spected. FEAR & GRAY Main 35. 102 Fourth St. Mortgage Loans Lowest Interest rateat Installment re. liaymenta If desired. Building; loan nimue. Mo delay In cloains. A. H. BIRRELL GO. Z17-21V Ai art bn extern lianlc iiulldlac. Marshall 4114. Edward E.Goudey Co. mortgage: loans United statea Hank Kuildlns WANT TO BUY BOAT Combination Freisrht and Passenger Stern-Wheel Boat. About 170 Feet Lonjr. ' Call MR. CLEVELAM), Main 66S7. FOR If Oil TRACK LOANS 6ee Oreeon investment & Mortgage Co 222 Chambec X Commerce. CHARGEACCOUNtS SOLICITED 328 MORRISON MAS. 755 . i-lS MORRISON MAR. 137 PORYlAND HOTEU T BROADWAY PAKK. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE WEST SIDE DUPLEX HOME Six rooms on the first floor and six rooms on the second floor, with finished attic, full basement, sepa rate furnaces, pak floors. Very Modern Sightly Location Surrounded by Good Homes I have a special price on the beautiful prop erty for a quick sale. G. M. DERR 83 FOURTH STREET. JIAIS 453 FOR SALE A Take ; BRAVTIFl'L BIG PLACE, SUOO Portamoutb Ave. i Look and Make Us an Offer. PavinR In. BnrKaln, Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver.) Old Rttsi and Woolen C'loth;n-r. We Make Keveraible, Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Room-Size Fluff Ruga Woven. Rae Ruga Woven All Sices. Clothes Cleaning: and Dyelne Uepts. Mall Orders Send for Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 0x12 Rues, Steam Cleaned, $1.50 WESTERN FLUFF Kl'U CO, 54 L'nlon Ave. M. Phones: Eaat 0510 and East 7655 WE CALL FOR YOUR OLD CARPETS. Rnss and Woolen Clothing. FLUFF RUGS Ail Work Turned Out Promptly Raff Kasi Woven All Sixes Mail Orders. Send for Booklet, (arycta Cleaned, Laid and Refitted. NOKTHWESl Ht'U CO, 1S lat tn St. Jfkonts -ttaat UoftU. RO!K CITY 0-KOO.V HOISK. Hardwood floors, etc. Just painted. Everything in good condition, about $2000 cash, balance Owner. Tabor 5S49. terms to suit. REAL ESTATE. 39 ACRES, beautiful homeslte. right on Oregon. City carline and hard-surfaced road, suitable for platting; gnu and elec tricity, good s-rooiu house; price $U0O per acre, terms. 5 -room cottage, river road, near Ore gon City carline: $.000. 2 1-0 acres Willamette river front, or chard, beautiful home site. ti-room house, Oregon City carline; SCO 00. 7 -room house, Denver ave.: $0750. "room house, Division st. ; $5,". 00. 0-room bung., Alameda Park; $6&.0. ti-room houae, Kose City Park; 0S00. RISLEY. STARKWEATHER & BLACK. OOl! Broadway bldg.. Main 611. For Sale -Flat and Apartment Property. WE HAVE a combination apartment and business property, near Sell wood car barns ; pays lUVe gross rent on invest ment; good tenants; $100i will handle, balance at 6' ; prict, $3600. See Mr. Richardson, at FRANK L. McGUIRE. BUY A home and have an income at tame time. I have two small apartment houses in frvington for sale at $17,000 and $18,000; lirst-class in every respect. R. .1, O'Neil. 717 Board of Trade bldg. tor Sale iSeavla Property. FINE BEACH LOTS. 6ALTAIR TILLAMOOK BEACH. I have four choice lots, all together, two faclnc the Pacific ocean; board walk; county road ad railroad runs la front of property. Tne other two lou adjoin the two above and face on the road in the rear. All are near the depot, hotel and Kockaway. Size of lota are 25 feet by about 70 feet and are ex ceptlonaly adapted fur business cur resi dence. Will consider some acreage near Portland or uiomobho in trade. Price $150 and each. Addre R Viu. oregonian. CHOICE BEACH LOT, EXCHANGE FOR Fainting and Piperhanglng and furnish material. Lot located on Tillamook beach (Salt air), near station and ocean. AK 740, Oregonian. EIGHT beautiful lots. Bay Ocean, 1S00: one Neahkahnle, $200, or will trade for auto. T tti-, Oregonian. 7-ROOM cedar cottag. at Gearhart, $1500. L. A- Norton, Fenton bldg. Bdwy. 274. Fruit and Nut Landa. 1254) ACRES on Pacific highway, Josephine county; 50 acres bearing fruit, principal ly pears, of best commercial varieties; townsfte included: Eieveral sets buildings, modern conveniences, equipment, ma chinery included: bargain at $45,UOO and for sale by owner. AR 811, Oregonian. For Sale -Lota, NUMBER of fine building lots. 43d St., near Division: all improvements bonded; $.VtO each, terms or liberty bonds. J. H. McMahon. 2i06 E. 43d st. Tabor 5361. LAURELHURST. Big bargain in lot 100x100 or 50x100. Call at office. K. 3I)th and Glisan t.. or phone Mr. Delahunty, Tabor 3433. B Houses ovd Garages B M -- Erected la l-t-es5.jfe-k Portland II IflnlaJ 23 N Mllniwd Anrwher. Ml t 1;--7lk- In built 4-foot seo- D IV "2 tA ff tlon ready and l UiiH j i asy Ho put - H a nrstclasa bouM or -rarage dl- I fl rect from the factory at a GHEAT 1 tl SAVING. Yoa pay no middleman's In f profit. Write for catalog. If Redimade Building Co. I j East Kleventb and Itlarkes. jl n 2 Blocas soutn of Hawthorn. U j I'hone tut 5114. 1'urtlauu. ln L - feat f&-m&xhgs!t, gf- is--" f ; toff. y REAL ESTATK. For Sale Lots. PARKROSE ACRES. NEW TRACT JCST UFEN'liD, STARTING 2 BLOCKS NORTH OK SANDY BLVD. THK LO WEST P RlC ED. THE RICHEST LAND. NEAR PORTLAND, JITPT OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS. 4 ACRES. $."0 PER ACRE. $132 down, J -i month, including interest at Hrc ; all cleared but fringe of trees along stream ; ' rich, b'ack silt coil, suitable for ber ries, garden, celery. Be sure and see this. It is a if if t at the price. ACRES. $000 ACRE. $10S down. ?:7" month, the last unsold tract between the two main streams, facing on botn; lots of tres, valuable ash and oak. which will solve your fuel problem for years to come; rich bottom land, about half cleared; very little un derbrush. $!14. $4--. DOWN. MONTH. Acre tract facing on Slauson st., stream on north line, a corner. This tu a natural park, no under growth, some magnificent shade t rees. commanding view of vailey an-l Mt. Hood This is the emall etil tract open for sale in new PARKROSE. And without douait one of the best. bee this Oday early. 2 ACRES. $:k down. $20 MONTH. Rich, black silt land. 2S0 feet from Marx ave., facing on Slau son street, 2 short blocks from Sandy blvd. Your garden should more than make your monthly payments, only $20 month, which includes interest at 6. CORNER. 200xH0 FEET. $102S. READY FOR PLOWING. $90 down. $20 month, interest Included at HVc; on main street, high level land; a crackerjack for a home site. The long frontage is a big advantage for future in case purchaser wishes to cut this up into smaller sites for sale. $1271. $3 DOWN. $13 MONTH. 1.950 acres high level land, running from street to stream, two-thirds cleared meadow land; some fine trees, a little natural park. sh. oak. cottonwond : a beautiful building site. Come early if you want this. Take ROSE CITY PARK car to PAR K ROSE CAR; buy tickets, 2Vc fare, go to end of car line, get in line and wait your turn for salesman to show you this won derful home tract; a money maker for the ones who buy now before it changes hands. This is un doubtedly the cheapest and best land near the city; 44 large tracts already sold; only a few desir able ones left. Values should double in a year in this little valley. Home folks are buying and build ing. Improving your tract. Open only a few weeks and selling like hot cakes. Come out and see. Hurry if you want to get in on this good thing. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. BRANCH OFFICE END OF PARKROSE CAR LINE. S LUIS, HULtih; AND FRUIT. $2500; 6 LOTS, $:tMH; FACING ON EAST STARK ST.. PRUNEDALE ADDITION NEAR MONTAV1LLA. OIVVKH ul-i MONT ST. TABOR 2400. MRS REEVE FUR SALE Lots 3 and 6. block 62, Stephens addition, corner East oth and Market streets. Nob. 300 and 313 E. ttth st. Price $7ou0, on good terms. J. L. vveiig o.. ouj uaseo ulag. CHOICE lot on Jefferson et.. between two of tlie best business streets, suitable for garage, repair shop or other business. aacrmce. giu.u. j-i Oregonian. FOR SALE Three inside lots in War rington Harbor at bargain. Write Caid well Dry Goods Co., Caldwell. Idaho. $0500. MOVING TO THE DALLES. My beautiful Laurelhurst bunga low is for sale, $1500 under value. Beautiful lawn, flowers and rhrub bery; be quick if you want a bar gain. Come out today and see Mr. Delahunty at office. East 3'Jth and GIttan streets, or phone him at Tabor 3433. MT. TABOR SWELL HOME, $13,000. 5 -room large residence, 4 fireplaces, furnace, all built-ins, library. sewing room, 4 bedrooms, large sleeping porch, large attic, room for 4 rooms. 3 lots, 150x100; paved street and all city im provements in and paid; elegant view, 1 block to car. Will install oak floors, build new garage and paint house two coats. Price $15,0oo, some terms if de sired. Photo at our office. Shown by appointment only. UKL'SSl & BENNETT. 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7432. ALAMEDA, 110,000. Lovely home, 8 beautiful rooms. Dun ham hot-water heating plant, pedestal plumbing. quarter-sawed eastern oak floors, massive fireplace, French doors, large breakfast room, tapestry paper, kitchen perfect, beveled mirrors, wide concrete porch, 22-foot garage, southern exposure; built 4 years; near Broadway car ou Dunckley. McDONELL. East 419. IRVINGTON NEW. Building costs are mounting again ; buy now before the rush comes this fall. See this beautiful colonial home. Just completed by the best skilled day labor; seven rooms, hardwood floors throughout, tile bath, linoleum in kitch en, breakfast room and back porch ; first -class and complete. Key for In spection next door. 72'J East -2d st. N. Phone evenings after 6:0, Kast 1375. Owner. ROBERT B. BEAT, Builder. IRVINGTON HOME. With Some Furnishings, $8500. Very substantial 7-rooin home with enclosed sleeping porch; in excellent con dition and thoroughly modern; splendid location, near school and car line; cash and terms. Owner. 533 E. 3 4th st N.. near Knott. BUT FROM OWNER AND SAVE. Modern bungalow. Al condition. 6 rooms, sleeping porch and bathroom, hardwood floors, furnace, good garage, street improvements paid : close in. on east side, worth more. By owner. Will sell for $500. terms. Mar. 24S0. NEAR WALNUT PARK. $4500 for a fine 5-room bungalow, fire place, buffet, furnace and garage, lot 50x107; $1500 caah: a bargain. K. L. BLAKCHARD. 401-2 Swetland bldg. Phone Mar. S2D. Btf OWNER $450 givea you possession of a 3-room furnished cottage. 50x100 lot. garden full of vegetables, fruit and flowers. Wdln. car to Winona t., walk two blocks S. E. 1442 Lenore st., cor. p.11eview ave. Wdln. 3120. 5004 44TH ST. S. E. I have a 5-room house, lot 100x100, fruit and berries and a fine garden; there is gas in house and water and one year's wood in the shed goes In the doaJ at $2100. on terms. WTLLAMETT& HEIGHTS. 6 rooms. tild bath. 2 fireplaces, beau tiful view, 73 by 10O lot, $0750; $1230 will handle. Main 112S. or Main lay 3. ROSE. CITY PARK BUNGALOW. A swell home v with gas range and radiant fire new), window shades and drapes, all fine and tasty; full lot. ga rage; leaving city; sell at $5450, terms. Tabor S292, BT OWNER 6-room modern house, fur nished or unfurnished; garage and chicken house; with 2 or 3 lots; abun dance of fruit, berries and garden; $25o0 will have !t. 4503 45th ave. Sell. 277i. IRVINGTON. 11-room home, H. W. floors through out, in very best part of Irvington and In Al condition; can give possession In 30 days or less. Call East 334S. WEST PIEDMONT HOME. Six rooms, 3 bedrooms, garage: walk ing distance Jefferson high school: mod ern : $4000: terms; owner, 1214 Borth wlck st. Woodlawn 5051. G-ROOM residence, close in. southwest part of city; a good buy at $4000. See us for full details. PARK1SH, W ATKINS & CO.. 106 2d st. EQUITY fi-room Hawthorne bungalow ; lot 30x103. 05 E. Harrison, 100 ft. from Glenn ave. Will be on place Sunday. KEAL ESTATE. For Sale House. MARSHALL 1S9S. Old-time price 7 -room modern Rose City house, half block to carline on B."ith street. Your op portunity; $4."i(i0. $Jou0 cash, bal ance easy terms. LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST CO.. 233 Stark at., near 4th. Marshall 1S0S. THREE BIG BARGAINS IN LALRELHURST. You are invited .o inspect them today. Drive out to of lice at E. 3yth and Glisan St., get keys and inspect them at your leisure ; va cant, ready to move into. Built four or five years, good as new, pre-war prices. Don't forget the place. E. 3!tt h and Glisan st.. or phone Mr. Delahunty, Tabor 343a. Kvennlgs. East 6770. RODNEY AVU., FINE 6-R. HOME. $5000. Nice 6-r. house in pink of condition ; elec, gas, furnace, bath, lull cement basement, trays, buffet, white enamel and mahogany woodwork; o bedrooms, French doors in living room'; fine lot. 30x100; ail city, work in and paid; about 12 fine full-bearing fruit trees, loaded with fruit; fine -chicken run with three small houses; lots of choice roses; on Rodney ave., near Jefferson high school; close in. Price $30H), some terms. Shown by appointment only. GitCSSl & BENNETT. 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7432. LAURELH L'RST, i ROOMS. HOT WATER HEAT. Swell 6-room nouse, strictly modern in every particular ; hot water heat, fire place, oak floors. buffet, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, trays, garage; nothing missing to make a complete home and in first -class con dition; no repairs nettled. Price $7300, about $4O00 cash required. For sale by owner, 1067 Senate et.. near 33th. Tabor 3253.. No agents. HOLLAUA V ADDITION. 3RS Multnomah $t.. walking distance east side, near schools and churches ; two-story, S-room house, four bedrooms, bath, electric lights, hardwood floors, full-size concrete basement with the famous Gasco furnace, larse garage : if sold this week can make special price and terms. POIN DEXTER. COS SELLING BLDG. MAIN IS00. RESIDENCE. EAST 771. GROVE LAND PARK, anion e the trees, on paved street, near Franklin high school. 1 Ms blocks to Hawthorne car. Five-room bun ea tow, facing east, with fireplace. hardwood floors, all bulit-ins, two clothes closets, large, airy bedrooms, with bath and Dutch kitchen finished in Ivory ; large floored attic and full basement with laundry trayts. "Oxloo lot; tuojsy terms. Phone owner. Tabor 01i6. HAWTHORItE. On East 37th tt.. near Hawthorne ave I have a 5-room bungalow that is very attractive, in fine condition, and the price is only $3750. Do you want to see it. C. M. DERR. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. S2 4th Street. Main 4522. AMONG THE FIRS ON PORTLAND HTS. We have three thoroughly modern res Idences. located two blocks from the car. ranging in price from 3550 $0750; splendid grounds and decided snaps. Photos at office of FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 7."2 Chamber of Commerce. IRVING TON". Beautiful new bungalow, six large rooms, living room. 14x2S. hardwood floor, papered wit h trest tapestry paper, finished in ivory and white enamel ; ex pensive plumbing, tiled bath, and ca rage. 5S3 E. 23th Ft. N. Herman Nel son, owner and builder. BARGAIN. 5 rooms, 14 blocks Al berta car. Owner mu.st sell, 12275. $70O cash, balance easy terms. Woodlawn 6260. MOST ARTISTIC SELLWOOD BUNGALOW. Ford ave., exclusive district, 5 rooms den, fireplace, full basement, laundry trays, excellent condition, immediate possession, w ill sell furniture, some terms. Marshall 1022. FOR SALE By owner, large 7-room house. 2 large lots, basement, bath, toilet and gas in the house; 2 outbuildings, 15 fruit trees, 2 large English walnut trees, large lawn; all fenced, cement sidewalk In front of house; $3200 cah, 34uo . time. 74H Tenlno ave. Sell wood car. IN AVALNUT PARK. SGHOO By Owner. Story-and-half modern bungalow; hard surfaced streets, piped for hot water heat, hardwood floors do wnstait s, w h ite enamel kitchen and bath. 1 125 Mallory, cor. Emerson. NEW 5-ROOM bungalow, finished in old ivory, hardwood floors, fireplace, all uull l-1 113. any uu i uuiuo, i ClOinea closets, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement and laundry trays, 30 xioo lot, one block from Hawthorne car. Reasonable terms. Phone Tabor 117U. FROM OWNER. Just finished, beautiful new style, five rooms and breakfast nook, floored at tic. This is strictly modern, with all the latest built-lns. close to Rose City tar. and the price is ritiht. For full particulars phone East iS(i3S. NJttiAR MONTGOMERY WARD PLANT. $4750 for 0-room modern house. 75x100 lot. located at 942 Thurman st.; biggest snap in the city; lots of fruit. $1 500 cash, balance like rent. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Chum, of Com. $1000 FOR A good 3-room and sleeping porch, hot and cold water, large wood shed, full lot. 50x100. on E. 3Sth St.; s cash, balsnce monthly. F. L. B LA XC HARD. 401-2 Swetland bldg. Phone Mar. S20. SELLWOOD BARO A IN-HUNTERS TAKE NOTICE. Owner offers fi-room modern house, full basement, 100x1 00. paved, corner, cost $5000. take (4000. hurry terms. want quick saie. Marshall 1022. MODERN 5-room bungalow. Rose City, close In,' one block to car. If you want . a house built solid as a battleship, buy this one; $450o. terms. Owner, Tabor 7h53. Main 5642, Edwin Jacobson. tlH Spalding bldgJ PENINSULA district, 5 rms modern, sta tionary laundry trays, Rarat,'. rhicken house, paved and paid: lot 60x120 feet. $1250 cash, assume $1500 mortgage. May arrange terms with responsible buyer. 1550 Wabash ave., Woodlawn 507fi. MODERN hou.se, 0 large rooms and der. large lot. well Improved; street paved; good neighborhood, waik lng distance to business center; price $5oo0. terms; or might take small bouse in suburbs part payment. BC 7S3, Oregonian. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS home. on Fran k I i n ft reet. la rge roo ms in the most sightly portion of this district; full lot ; price $.- OO, on very easy terms. For particulars, call at 404 Flatt bldg.. 127 Park st. $1350 FOR A 3-room with bathroom, with many built-in conveniences, large porch, lot 50x100; 3 biocks from WW car; $100 cash, balance monthly. 4 V. L. BL AN CHARD. 4ni-2 Swetland bidg. Phone Mar. S29. KKOM owner. 100x100. good 8-room house. walr hat : 3(Hh, Est Salmon : place neglected. $4750; $1500 cash; get order to see house, call at olJ Gasco. Main 8101. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME? Save time, shoe leather and worry by tilling us wnat you want. We have it. Call at 3S29 72d st. S. E. Phone Tabor 2475. Cable Realty Co. IRVINGTON PA If K BUNGALOW. Five rooms and bath ; modern fire place, buffet, Dutch kitchen, old ivory finish; price $3250, easy terms. A. H. Akerson, 420 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 554. ROSE CITY PARK home, double constructed. 6 rooms, sleep ing porch, strictly modern, full-size base ment. Fox furnace, paved street, garage; terms; no agenta. Owner, Tabor 5728. WANT 5-room btmgalow at 1127 E. Franklin st. ? No plumbing in ; a snap at $1650. with $700 cash, ba lauce on time. Take R. M. car to E. 3uth st., go five blocks south. Call Tabor 1267. WEST SIDE 12 rooms, rent only $20 a month; this place is all newly papered and painted, and clean; furnace heat; c lose in; price $ aOQ. B road way 1 046. HOUSE near Franklin high; very desirable, restricted all cash or substantial pay ment. 2'.15 E. 58th st., three blocks to Hawthorne car. Stop 2Uth ave. $30 MONTH $250 CAtH The price S3000. Almost new 4-r. bungalow, lot 50x100; now vacant. See J. P. McKenna, Hel rnont at 39th. Tabor 6403. $2500 $250 CASH Common sense Sunny side snap: 6-r. cottage lot 42x100, near 30th and Belmont. See J. P. McKenna. Relmont at 3fth. Tabor 6493. $3465 SNAP 5-r. semi-modern, cement basement, furnace, large attic, good lot. near Belmont. Se J. P. McKenna. Bel mont at 39th. Tabor 6493. FOR SALE 5-room house with four lots, large bearing fruit trees, smalt fruits, garden, etc. Inquire 1166 Madrona St., Woodlawn can $j75 SUNN YS IDE SNAP 6-rm. semi modern corner, s. and s. in and paid. Terms See J. P. McKenna,. Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. FURNISHED houseboat tot Bale. Willam ette Moorage o. 24. REAL ESTATE. For tSa RENTS TO ADVANCE! Since a rise in the apartment and dwelling-house rents is Imminent, now is the time to sound a new the slogan "OWN YOUR OWN HOME." And it shouldn't end with mere talk. LET US PROVE TO YOU" THAT IT IS BETTER AND EASIER TO OWN YOUR HOME THAN TO RENT. Since the first of the year OVER 70 FAMILIES have found and purchased just the home they desired through the efficacy of the Mc GUIRE SYSTEM. There are many reasons why, and here's one: Tne Mcitre sys tem is the ORIGINAL. SUPERIOR, sci entific. 24ith CENTURY method of horns &-eil ing. making this once -dreaded tak of "looking for a home" a PLEASURE TO BE LOOKED FORWARD To. Over liMKt photographs of personally Inspected AND APPRAISED HOMES ARE IN OCR GREAT DISPLAY ROOM. AM are offered for tale at price and terms to meet with your approval. IS alert, courteous sales-men at vour service. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOME'S FOR SALE. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Homo. $4100 AN IRVINGTON BUNGALOW; new and artistic; 5 rooms, very practical floor p'.an, very attrac tive built-in conveniences, best white enamel plumbing, electric ity, gas. HOT-WATER HEAT ING SYSTEM; paved street liens paid; ONLY $.V0 down. E. i)th st. SEE THIS TODAY. $4250 A splendid bargain in a 6-room FURNISH ED HOME I WITH IN EASY WALKING DISTANCE; huilt with an eye for comfort, full-width cool front porch, a pleasant living room with fire place; 3 airy bedrooms and sleep ing porch: excellent basement with furnace : paved street liens puid. AN UNDISPUTED VALUE ! East Burnside. near 20th. Just west of .Laurelhurst. ROSE CITY. $3700 BEAUTIFUL new art s-hinglcd ROSE CITY with maive ir .unia front porch, built-in mas "buff t-t, an ideally pleasant I uirc h kitchen; full lot. ail im provements in and paid for; E. 5uth, near Stanton. SEE OUR LIST of splendid ROSE CITIES BEFORE YOU BUY. HAWTHORNE HOMES. $3090 Ideal HAWTHORNE BUNGA LOW with lines that are un usual; 3 large, airy, made-to-li ve in rooms, massive built-in buffet, model white Dutch kitchen with unny breakfast alcove : HARD WOOD FLOORS Sanitary and beautiful , woodwork in old ivory; full basement, laundry trays, garage; E. 3(th. near Di vision. Hawthornes like this do not last long at all. and the onlv way to be secure is to took at it early. $2500 5-room, substantial BUNGALOW COTTAGE, full basement.' best w hlte enamel plumbing, electric ity, gas; just 1 block to S. S. car and school ; TERMS. E. 33th. near Belmont. ALBERTA HOMES. FRUIT AND SHADE TREK?, $2050 Sheltered in the cool shade of great trees. is this carefully planned semi-colonial ALBERTA b u n ga 1 o w : A COR D I A L W E L COME GREETS you here; five rooms, built-in labor savers, whites Dutch kitchen. furnace; 5ixlo0 grounds ; A BOOK AND THAT HAMMOCK YONDER be- tween the trees is a'.l you need for a PLEASANT VACATION ; E. 34th, near Emerson. ANOTHER ALBERTA. $1303 7-room home on E. 13 th. near Air.sworth; full 30x100 lot; EASY TERMS. Don't miss this. 103x108 ROOM TO BREATHE. $2Iy0 7-room. corn fort a blv, attractive home, bungalow -type ; very prac tical floor plan; LIKE NEW; cozy den. white enamel p'umb i .i s. el ectricity. gas : c'o?e to t he Woodstock car; TERMS. VA CANT. Have the family settl ;d before school starts. ScUlile, near 41st st. CENTRAL EAST PORTLAND. SAVE YOUR MONEY! $2250 ONLY $2M down; ENTIRE BAL ANCE $15 per month; 5-room comfortable bun-galow - cottage. E. 10th. nar Caruthrs; 50x7O-fC lot: WILL SOON BE VALUA BLE BUSINESS PROPERTY: all LIENS PAID. EASY WALKING DISTANCE. SEE THIS TODAY! W e have hundred's o modest priced homes, within WALKING DISTANCE, in ALL parts of thi city. LOOK AT THEM AND SAVK YOUR RENT AND CAR FARE. WOODLAWN. $2050 Just $350 down buys this very at tractive hunga'.ow, rooms, LIKE NEW; white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas ; cioFe tn car, Morgan, near 15 th. In Wood. awn we have many mod fniH'lv priced homes. WHY NOT ARRANGE TO LOOK AT THEM TODAY? MOUNT SCOTT HOMES, $1930 ARTISTIC DUTCH COLONIAL TYPE bungalow. 5 rooms, pan eled dining room, cozy white Dutch kitchen. white enamel plumbing, garage ; splendid lot, 5uxl7S; fruit; 1ust $50 down; 70th st. If you' re looking for a modest, reasonably priced homo with a larse lot. it's worth vour whil to see our list of MOUNT SCOTT BARGAINS. THE GREATEST VARIETY, the wid est selection of MODhTRATE-PRICED home.s are yours when you BUY YOU Ft HOME through the McGUIRE SYSTEM. Every home carefully appraised and in spected. Every kind of home in every district in the city is offered for your consideration. We make home hunti-ng a pl-asure. "Buy yxur home now and got settled before the fall rush begins, tee FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Y'our Home. Abinsrton Bldg. Main 1068. JOOs 3d st.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. $3750 BUNGALOW. ACRE TRACT. PARK ROSE WHERE TAXES ARE LOW. BIG BARGAIN Closing out an estate. 5 rooms and large ttic, hardwood floors in main rooms, both electricity and gas, ground all cleared; located Just off Craig road, only 2 blocks to car line. $1750 cash, balance 3 yars; possession at once. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. - Main 208. ROSE CITY PARK. $750 CASH $50 MONTH. AUTOMATIC GAS FURNACE. $5750. 5-room bungalow. garage, breakfast nook. HARDWOOD FLOORS THROl'OHOUT. corner lot. paved street, all paid; has modern built-in features; 3 blocks to Rose City Park car. J. , HARTMAN COMPANY. S Chamber of Commerce bldg. MODERN 7-room bungalow. large living room, beam ceilings and fireplace, nice dining room and kitchen with built-ins: one bedroom down, three nice light and airy bedrooms and bath up, very gener ous recp. ha II, large roomy porches, basement ; grounds 100x100 corner, two blks. from street car, 7 blks to one of Portland's best grade schools and easy walking distance to Reed college. Buy this direct from owner at $3950, terms . Tabor 7h.3. Main 5042. Edwin Jacob son. 71S Spalding bldg. " 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, $2500. 80x100, BEARING FRUIT. $500 CASH. BA U EAfeT. 5 rooms, cement usenit-nt. fumeee, 2 light, airy bedrooms, all kinds of bear ing fruit, chicken house. Only $50d cash. bal. $20 month. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CD., 306-308 Board of Trad.. Main 6752. HAWTHORN E BUNGALOW. $3450. 5 roomy, cement basement. w;sb trays. Dutch kitchen, built-ins, fireplace, paved streets and sewers paid. 1 b)o-k to Hawthorne car near 35th. A pleasant, clean home in a nice district. $1000 ca.-h. A real buy at $3450. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. , 30R-3UR Board of Trade Bldg. Main (,"52. B V OWNER. 4 -room furnished bungalow in Hawthorne district. 1122 East Grant. All Improvements in and paid for. Phone SHwood 2774. Easy terms. ' HAWTHORNE DIST R ICT. 5-room modern bungalow, all built-ins. furnace, space . for garage. close to school. 11S4 Mixter St.. near 39th. FOR SALE, cheap, 8-room house; nd some repairs; for $16(M; lot worth the money alone. Terms. HIS E. Sth st. S. Call Sunday or evening. FOR SALE A nice house and two lots on S4th st.; worth $25. 0; will sell for $ 1 S00, rensonable terms, by owner. Call Wdln. 3373 $ 4 1 00 N E W 5- roo m bun khIow, heat, Irvington. Main bU2o. hot-water