TIIE MOItNTXG OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1920 K V alEKTINv. NOTICF.S. ABD-UHL-ATOF TEMPLE. NO. 117. T. O. K. K. Regu lar meeting tnia (Saturday; evening. AnfUll 21. 190. 5th floor Pythian Temple. West Park and Yamhill streets. Ttu.fn.w. f lmnortance. A full tendance Is desired. By command of the Koyal vizier. THADL GRAVES. Sec. OREGON LODGE. NO. 101, A.- F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Satur day) evening at 7 o'cloclc Work in the P. C. degree. Vis iting brethren cordially invit- d. By order of the W. at. LESLIE S. PARKER, Sec. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 48. A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communication this (Sat urday) afternoon and evening. 4 and 7 o'clock. F. C. and M. j M. decrees. Eant 8th and Burnbide pts. Visiting brethren welcome. . By order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Sec. j PALESTINE LODGE. NO. I 141. A. F. AND A. M. Special ! meeting this (Saturday) even- J ing. 7 o'clock. Work in M M. degree. lsitors welcome. By order of W. M. W. F. TOWNSEND. Sec. IONIC COURT. No. 1, OR DER OF THE AMARANTH Regular meeting this (Satur day) evening in Pythian tem ple, Park and Yamhill streets, at 8 o'clock. ALICE C. GIBBS, Sec'y. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, lew designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 6th at. FRIEDLANDEK'S tor lodge emblems, lass pins and medsia. S10 Washington st NEW TODAY. EXTRAORDINARY I Barg ains in Seaside Lots 1 50 Cut IN PRICES BITY NOW AND HL1LD YOUR SUMMER HO MIS LATER. The owners of the Cartwrifrht Park. Seaside, Oregon, authorize, until October 1st. a flat reduc- tion in prices of 60 on all lots est of the Necanicura. 53 Prices heretofore have been from J75.00 to $700.00. Now, fhe 53 same lots can be secured at a 5 price of from $37.50 to $350.00, including lots on the Necanicura River, lots In Spruce Grove, lots on Boardwalk, and lots facing meadow which adjoins Seaside House, The purpose of this reduction ZZ in price is to encourage buy- S In?, so that if sufficient sales 35 are made, the owners will be 53 enabled to make certain Im- 35 provements that will benefit 35 the whole tract. 35 This offer only prood nntil Oe- 35 tober 1st. For further partic- ulars, inquire Whitmer-Kelly 35 Company, 414 Pittock Block, " and F. M. Cole, Seaside, Oregon. Houses uvd Garages reeled la Portland SThfpped Anrwhrr In built 4 -toot eee- ritiF Ui tioM r e a a y anu tether. jk nmt-cla-i bouse or garage dl ert from the. factory at a GREAT I SAVING. Ton pay no middlemen pi otic write lor catalog. Redimade Building Co. ast Kieventli and Market, 1 Blocks south ot Hawthorn. I'hcne fcMt 6114. Portland. Op, a- FOR SALE A BEAUTIPrii Bid PLACE, 20OO Portsmouth Ave. Take a Look and Make Us an Offer. Paving In. Bargain. Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver.) Old Rnga and Woolen Clothing. We Make Reversible, Hand-Woven FLUFF JIUGS Roon-Slw Fluff Itugs Woven, 17.50. Rag Rngs Woven All Sices. Clothes C leaning and Dyeing Depts. .Mail Orders Send for .Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 0x12 Rugs, Steam Cleaned, 1.50 WCSIKHM FLIFF HtU CO, 54 Union Ave. N. Phonesi feast 51tt and Eait 7655 r WK CALL FOR YOUR OLD CARPETS. Rasa and Woolen Clothing. FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Oat Promptly Bag Rags Woven All Sixes Mail Orders. Send for Booklet. Carpets Cleaned, Laid and Refitted. ' KORTHW KS1' Kl(i CO. lhS Ua 8th St. Phone tCaat Mortgage Loans Leneit Interest rates t installment re payments IX desired. Uuildlnic loans made. No delay Id closing. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-21U kvrtlinnlrra Hank Uuildia llarhmll 4114. VICTORIA, B. C TO LET From the 15th September next until the Kir l ot July. A well furnished house ad joining the Oak Bay Golf Links, consisting of dining room, drawing room, sinoKing room, and four bedrooms, two bath rooms, tennis court, garage, etc Apply to A. V. Jones Limited Victoria. B. C. WANT TO BUY BOAT Combination Freight and Passenger Stern-Wheel Boat. About 170 Feet Lontr Tall MR. CI. KVKUAMJ, Main 8887. FARM MORTGAGES For Conservative Investors at rates not heretofore available. No safer investment extant. Not a foreclosure in twenty years. All securities first personally in spected. FEAR. A GRAY Main 35. 102 Fourth St. Edward E.Goudey Co. MOHTUAG E LOANH rjsUtsd ftiates ttasut. ttulldlag NEW TODAY. Houses and Garages mm mm PERMANENT SECTIONAL HOUSES are definite as to cost. When you place an order for a Mill made Sectional House you know In advance what it will cost down to the last penny. You will never have to contend with under-est imatlon and other extras that always pop up where carpenter labor is employed. , IF" IT'S "MILLMADE" IT'S WELL - MADK - . Write ar Fhome- (or Cartatocne Elwood Wiles & Son 802 Title Trust Bids;. , On 4th St., Bet. Stark and Oalc J'noae dtntu a '.,-a t f JC )J AMONG THE FIRS ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS iThfs low, rambling bungalow, built of hollow tile, enormous living room with extra large fireplace, Dutch kitchen, two largre porches, one of which is large enough for two or three beds. The house has bath and toilet, concrete basement and splen did furnace. The ground consists of acre fronting on both upper and lower drives. Both the ground and the house are In a very poor condition, but the possibilities for improvement are unlimited and the price, $4200, certainly should make this an at tractive proposition, and we think that the house alone could not be duplicated for this price. tlfiSO cash, balance $20 monthly. 733 Chamber of Commerce. MANOR Imposing and picturesque, something of the associated charm of a manor house unusually rare, with its ter raced garden, arched pergola draped with wistaria and festooned with other vines. The spirit and charm is grand Built in a nook acre of ground facing six Btreets, overlooking the whole city. From a large reception hall you enter throu-gh French doors to living room. 18x28. separated from the dining room. 16x20, by a wynyata compton. From their windows, 9x12, you have a view of SO miles. A loggia overlooking the grounds, use as a lounging and sun room; large library. Liuxemoerg Kitcnen, witn fuiiman breakfast room; 3 bedrooms in white, every one a sleeping porch. The view from every window is a framed pic ture. Billiard hall with table. Rector heating system, costing $2000; double garage, heated; servants' quarters; only $9800; $3000 will handle. DELAHUNT EAST 1347. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. tiUY a home and have an Income at same time. 1 have two email apartment houses In Irving ton for sale at i,000 and H8.000. first-class in every respect, ii. J. O Nell, 717 Board ot Trade bidg. 2o'o GROSS INCOME PER YEAH. $00,000 cash will put you in possession of a first-class Income property, worthy of investigation; must have cash. See Houck, 110 Tenth at. FOR SALE by owner, boarding and room ing house, 15 rooms, doing good business. Marshall 2370. 207 Sherman st. For Bale Beach Property. FINE BEACH LOTS. SALTAIR TILLAMOOK BEACH. I have four choice lots, all together, two facing the Pacific ocean; board walk; county road and railroad runs la front of property. The other two lots adjoin the wo above and face on the road In the rear. All axe near the depot, hotel and Rockawav. Size of lota are 25 feet by about 70 feet and are ex ceptional y adapted fur business or residence- Will consider some acreage near Portland or utomobt.e in trade. Price S 1 50 and $125 each. Address B 7 u, Oregonian. CHOICE BEACH LOT. EXCHANGE FOR Painting and Ph per nan sing ' and furnish material. Lot located on Tillamook beach (Salt air), near station and ocean. AK 76u, Oregonian. 7-ROOiI cedar cottage at Gear hart, $1500. P. a. Norton, Fenton Pldg. Bdwy. 274. I'or Sale Business Property. BUSINESS corner, lot 50x100, 15th and janaers sts., terms, f none Auto For Sale -Lots. HIGHLY IMPROVED IRVINGTON LOT. On Weldler st., between 21st and 22d. This lot is under cultivation with bear ing fruit trees, full grown shade trees, berries, etc., parking and front in lawn: price $2000. RITTER. LOWE t CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. TEN 50x100 LOTS In excellent location on oiM st.. one block from Knott street, which is main thoroughfare between Irvington and Hose City park; only o00 each. Title & Trust company. FINE 100x100, corner 50th, near Haw thorne; paved street: sacrifice. 41450; worth double. Marshall 1067 evening. Smith, owner. 10 ACRES, 5 acres cleared, no buildings, fenced: good roads; 2 miles east of city: snap at $3600. $600 cash. Call owner. IRVINGTON. 75x100 corner lot; accept change. Owner, East 7504. part ex- FOR SALE 1 lots and 2 houses, price rea sonable; on E. 95th st., corner Hoyt. By owiier, iu. Dunuux. FORD 1919 touring. $50O. cheap ML Scott lot and cash as "'rst payment. Columbia 664. FOR SALE Building site Park, Sailwood 360&, la Alameda ENGLISH REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lot. NEW PARK ROSE TRACT JUST OPENED. OVER S ACRES. $100 DOWN 20 MONTH. $450 per acre. fln meadow land, ground all cleared except beauti ful shade trees of ash, oafe and cottonwood, which border the property; buy one of these tracts and build a little home and you should have a mighty good In vestment. Thla Is the new PARK ROSE tract just opened, north of Bandy blvd. and car line. Think of It, over 8 1-3 acres for only $2160. J. t,. HARTMAN COM PANY, 8 Chamber of Com. bldff. . PARKBOSE BRANCH OFFICE at end of PARKROSE CAR LINE. 2-ACRB TRACT 81507. $75 DOWN, $20 MONTH. Stream along; one entire side, lots of beautiful oak. ash and cot tonwood shade trees, rich garden soil, build a little home here, one of the choicest tracts in Parkrose, north of Sandy blvd and car line. Tracts in this district are selling fast, so do not delay, for acreage at these prices and terms near the city have never been offered be fore. Go tfee these tracts; take Rose City Park car. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Comi bldg. PARKROSE BRANCH OFFICE end of PARKROSE CAR LINE. $8 DOWN IS MONTHLY. About lfe lots fronting 3 ata.. one of which is Portsmouth ave. (paved), 2 blocks north of St. Johns car; street work all paid. Total price. t70. which is jusi wnac street worn cost, r'red W. liennan uo., iaz uaamwr or jom. mag 100x100, H BLOCK car and paved street best located lota in Terrace Park; $0o0 cash for the two. Owner. Tabor 1716. For Bale lioosea. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. i FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. The McGuire System has won an in ternational reputation, and established a national record, for home selling, be cause It Is the- ORIGINAL, SUPERIOR, SCIENTIFIC. MODERN METHOD. The system of REAL SERVICE. We pro tect your every Interest. We eliminate you every house hunting problem, and put you In Immediate touch with the home of YOUR requirements. EVERY ONE of our 1000 homes is personally inspected and appraised. Our 18 autos and courteous, experienced salesmen are constantly at your service. OPENlFOR SALE By owner, cosy east fron EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. T bungalow. 5 rooms and bath downstairs HOLLADAY-IRVTNGTON. $4500 If you're just back from your vacation and longing for some of that "delightful coolness," it will do you good to look at this beautiful IRVINGTON, vine-covered and in vi tins; 6-room, un usually homelike and artistic: fireplace, art bookcases paneled dniing room, handsome buffet, model Dutch kitchen, cozy den ; HARDWOOD FLOORS, sleeping porch; garage; Hens aiJ paid; A WONDERFUL BARGAIN. "If different." $4100 An IRVINGTON BUNGALOW; new and artistic: 5 rooms, very practical floor plan, very attrac tive built-in conveniences, best white enamel plumbing, electric ity, gas; HOT -WAT Eft HEAT ING SYSTEM, paved street, liens paid; ONLY $50O down . E. 9-th at. &EK THIS TODAY I $31'50 A MONTAVILLA BUNGALOW BEAUTY 1 A well-cared-for, homey aspect greets you here, 5 rooms; JUST LIKE NEW; built in buffet, ideal Dutch kitchen, full lot, shrubs, trees, etc. Her, is a REAL HOME waiting for you! Terms. We have 60 homes in this district. $3400 A REAL BUY" In an ARTISTIC 7-room ALBERTA BUNGALOW; built-in conveniences, cheery den, fu-11 basement; 1 block to Alberta car, Webster st. This Is one ot our SO value-giving ALB E R T AS. $2050 On E. 84th st., 'close to the S. a and Mt. T. cars, you'll find this 5 -room modern bungalow-cottage; ONLY $50O down, balance easier than rent: paved st. liens paid; AN ACTUAL HOME BARGAIN, but one out of more than 100 HAWTHORNES. 100x100 SELLWOOD. $1990 Comfortable 4-room SELLWOOD COTTAGE home, fine 100x1 OO lot: just $4O0 down; EASIEST MONTHLY PAYMaENTS. E. 19th U, near Harney. MOUNT SCOTT HOMES. . $1990 ARTISTIC DUTCH COLONIAL TYPE bungalow, 5 rooms, pan eled dining room, cozy white Dutch kitchen, white enamel plumbing, garage; splendid lot, 50x178, fruit; just $500 down; 79th st. If you're looking for a modest, reasonably priced home with a large lot, it's worth your while to see our list of MOUNT SCOTT BARGAINS. RODNEY, NEAR FAILING. $2900 8-room, substantial, comfortable home, modern, best white enam el plumbing, electricity, gas; 5 light, airy bedrooms, full base ment, close to car; just $500 down. IT'S VACANT, move right In. START NOW to do justice to yourself OWN YOUR HOME $2100 In the cool shade of giant firs Is this beautiful, almost-new PENINSULA BUNGALOW. at tractive combination living and dining room, disappearing bed, ' sunny breakfast nook adjoining white Dutch klchen, pleasant sewing room. white ensvmel plumbing, electricity, gas, ?a rage; full lot: VERY EASY DOWN PAYMENT. Macrum St.. near Lombard. THINK OF THIS! Home-buying is a REAL PLEAS URE TO BE LOOKED FOR WARD TO when you do "it" the McGUIRB WAY. $2490 Modern 5 -room bungalow-cottage, white enamel plumbing, electric ity, gas; 60x100 lot with 9 frui-t trees, plenty of berrie; owner living In California, SACRIFICES AT A REAL BARGAIN. 43d ave.. near 71st St.; TERMS. See FRANK L. McGUTRB To Buy Your Home. Ablnton Bldg. Main 1063. 106tt 3d St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. HOLLADAY ADDITION. 368 Multnomah St., walking distance east side, near schools and churches; two-story, 8-room house, four bedrooms, bath, electric lights, hardwood floors, full-size concrete basement with the famous Gasco furnace, large garage: ii sold this week can make special price and terms. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1&O0. RESIDENCE. EAST 6771. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW GARAGE. 50x100 LOT 6 ROOMS. 6 rooms, all on first floor; fireplace, buffet, bookcases, full cement basement. furnace, wash trays, Dutch kitchen, 3 bedrooms. &uxiuu lot, garage, paved st. and sewer pd. ; located 1 blk. to Haw thorne ave., near 48th sC Price $5150. Terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 0752. ALBERTA By owner, S-room modern bungalow, at ovz jarrett st., near 15th $3600. Evenings. 4:30. Woodlawn 806, $5500 BUYS from owner, modern 7-room Irvington house and garage. It Is worth more. East 2153 or Mar. 1881. a-ROOM modern story-and-half house: $Hii00; near S. P. R. R, shops. 879 E 26th at. MODERN S-room cottage. 2 chicken yards, fruit. $3000; bonds. Woodlawn 3S99. lots, garage, Part liberty LADD ADDITION 6-room house and ga rage, $3500 cash will handle. Owner East 8718. FOR SALE Modern 8-room house, fur nace, lot 115x200. . This Is a snap at $5800. Call owner. Tabor 852. SLNNYSIDE Owner, 6-room cottage, 1000 m. oat m on. MODERN 5-room bungalow. Willamette Heights. Call owner. Main 5494. NEAR S. P. shops, for sale by owner. 6 room modern house. 715 K. 22 d st. 8. $2000 NEAT 5-room cottage; $500 cash; by owner. Call at 106 North 6th at. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ALAMEDA, $10,0O0. Lovely home, 8 beautiful rooms, Dun ham hot-water heating plant, pedestal plumbing, quarter-sawed: eastern oak floors, massive fireplace, French doors, large breakfast room, tapestry paper, kitchen perfect, beveled mirrors, wide concrete porch, 22-foot garage, southern exposure; built 4 years; near Broadway car on Dunckley. McDONELL, East 419. WESTMORELAND. FINE HOME. LI VINO ROOM. DIN ING ROOM. KITCHEN, DEN FIRST FLOOR, THREE BEDROOMS, SLEEP ING PORCH. BATH SECOND FLOOR; FULL CONCRETE BASEMENT, DOU BLE GARAGE; ALL CARPETS. CUR TAINS AND GAS STOVE INCLUDED IN PRICE. $7MH): TERMS, THIRD CASH, DISCOUNT FOR ALL CASH. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN laOO. RESIDENCE. EAST 6771. AMONG THE FIR ON PORTLAND HTS. About 9-10ths of an acre, plenty of native trees and shrubbery, some fruit. -room rustic cottage, not modern. This magnificent home site has never been of fered for less than $6500. but owing to death of former owner we are Instructed by his widow to offer It for $4200. plus street work, about $500, on terms of $500 cash. $50 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HOSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Modern 6-room home, hot water heat ing system alone cost $920. Hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, built lns, three bedrooms aid batta on second floor, rooms all freshly tinted, full ce ment basement; on 59th st. Price only $4200, cash down $1000, balance like rent. McCLURE A SCHMAUCH CO., 806 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 1503. No. 575. ROSE CITT. PRICE S500 $1500 CASH. Dandy 6-room modern home, on ROth st.. below the hill; 50x100 lot; compare thle price with other ads. We handle good buys only. We have many other Rose City homes, new and old, but at special prices. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC.. Marshall 3089. 514 Swetland Bldg. $3500 BUYS a 6 and 4-room house on 50x 125 lot, near corner Union and Russell; a snap. $3000 buys a genuine real 6-room homey place, 50x100 lot, fruit and berries, close to St. Johns car; easy terms. $1750 buys 50x94 with fruit and ber ries, sidewalks in. good 4-room house, bath and toilet; $150 cash, balance 6. See Houck, 110 Tenth st ROSE CITY. Beautiful bungalow. 6 rooms, all on one floor, gas radiator, fireplace, oak floors. French doors, finished In white enamel, garage with side drive. Price $54O0. terms $1500 cash; balance may be arranged. If you want something of class see this at once. Mr. Boehm. MacINNES & PRATT, Bdwy. 1658. 209-10 Oregon bldg. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. " Fine corner lot 100x100, on Broadway, 9-room residence, 5 bedrooms, near Irv ington school; make good home now, and in a few years will double In value; house Is modern except hard-wood floors; $12,000, terms. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. EAST 6771. I AM THE OWNER. VACANT SEPTEMBER 1. $2900 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. REAL BARGAIN, I NEED MONEY. 6 rooms, full basement, good plumbing, electric lights, gas, fireplace, some buMt-ins; east front, aH city assessments in and paid; terms. If you are aXter a snap, call owner at Main 7067. large attic and sleeping porch up, fire place, built-in bookcase, paneled dining room, ouiit-in ouiiet; wnice enameled kitchen, built-in conveniences, cement basement; interior in excellent condl tlon: $3000, $1000 cash. bal. terms. 203 E. 73d st. N. NEW CLOSE-IN BUNGALOW. B rooms and attic, cement basement. BOxlOO lot, improved street ; breakfast nook, living r. and dining r.' in front; completely modern. On Weldler between 28th and 21th sts., 1 block s. of Broad way. Owner and builder, Mr. Weller, Main 4503. East 6372. 212 C. of C. BARGAINS. Tf you want a good home reasonable, call and see this one ; 7 large rooms, ready to move into; modern, best loca tion, Irvington; splendid new 5-room bungalow, well built, waterproof base ment, furnace, garage. Irvington Hgts. Fine. See it. East 273. Herdman. EXCELLENT etory-and-a-half bungalow, 2 large bedrooms first floor and 3 up stairs, furnace, fireplace and built-in s; extra toilet and lavatory upstairs, fruit and wash rooms in basement ; 50x100 ' lot; a real family home; only $3850, reasonable terms. Take R. C. Park car and Investigate. Tabor 4307. IRVINGTON. Strictly modern bungalow, 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, tiled bath, hardwood floors, . all on one floor; garage; has Gasco fur nace; can give immediate possession; $0O0. half cash. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. EAST 6771. FROM OWNER. Just finished, beautiful new style, five rooms and breakfast nook, floored at tic. This is strictly modern, with all the latest built-lns, close to Rose City car, and the price is right. For full particulars phone East 8038. LAURELHURST. Strictly modern two-story residence, hardwood floors, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, full-size basement; $7500, terms, half cash. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. IN WALNUT PARK. $6300 By Owner. Story-and-half modern bungalow; hard surfaced streets, piped for hot water heat, hardwood floors downstairs, white enamel Kitcnen ana Datn. aiza M.aliory, cor. Emerson. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $7500 $1500. On 18th St.. 6 rooms, breakfast nook. H. W. floors throughout, fruit trees, roses, shrubs, fine garage. McDONELL OWNER, EAST 419. 5004 44TH ST. S. E. I have a 5-room house, lot 100x100, fruit and berries and a fine garden; there is gas in house and water and one year's wood in the shed goes In the deal at $iuu. on terms. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS. 6-room plastered bungalow type of cottage, good garage, all kinds of fruit and berries, ground 100x150; price $2000; $300 cash, balance monthly. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. VERY attractive 6-room bungalow in fine district; Vt block to car: must be seen to be appreciated; good garage and all requirements to make a dandy little home; furnished or unfurnished. Phone owner. Woodlawn 2302. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot, we will secure the money and build for you; terms like rent; call and see us. BUILDERS' REALTY EXCHANGE, 621 Morgan Bldg. Main 2085. BUY FROM OWNER. 8-room bungalow; sleeping porch, fire place, bullt-lns, choice piumbing. full lot, garage, fruit; $4500. NeilL 217 North western Bank building. 6-ROOM residence, close in. southwest Dart of city; a good buy at $4000, See us for full details. PAKR1SH, WATKINS &. CO.. 106 2d st. BUNGALOW." 5 rooms furnished, new mahogany furniture. $4500. Tabor 7388. 615 E. 64th st. N. $000 NEW CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW, The classiest little home In Richmond. block from car, all bullt-ins and full basement. t;au ana let me tell you an aooui ii. irrjim. pcuwooa oo i. i BLOCK with 3 double nouses, income $60; S. cor. iast win and .feast Grant sts., hi block northeast Interstate ave. and Bryant sts.; income $20. good terms. H. E. Miserve. Rhododendrum, Or. WANT 5-room bungalow at 1127 E. FranKiin su r io pmmoing m; a snap at $isou, wiiu tain, , oajance on time. iae xv.- in., car iu c. ovin at., go nve DiQciva uu'- v.m.h iauor io. WALKING distance, west side. 7 rooms, bath. 2 fireplaces, electric lights, gas, ratnPTif basement: lot SOxlnO Cjinnn- ha.lf casta. Owner, evenings, 467 10th stl FOR SALE By owner, good 5-room house wlthkn wanting distance, ciose to Ben son Tech. school; terms. 94 E. 16th st. N. East 3913. FOR SALE BY OWNER New 5-room modern bungalow on Improved property, reasonable. Call before Thursday ai 1394 East 19th st. 8.. Westmoreland Add. FIVE-ROOM, mooern oungaiow, new on 100 xlOO; lot In lawn; an ideal home, by owner. ; i u oi a. juvuurma car. $:t50O, $500 cash, Dai. terms. IRVINGTON Beautiful 5-room modern bungalow, just completed, osu e. loth N Open for inspection au to 4. vor SALE: Br owner. 9-room modern house on Waverley Heights, $6500. Phone Sellwood mil. pfiR SALE or trade. 4 acre. 4-room oias- tered house; gas, water, fruit, berries Woodiawn iZoi. I HAVE a 7-room house In splendid - con dition, cost $7500 to duplicate; near good schools; at a pargain. lappr woo. wnnKRN 8-room house, good condition. by owner; Rose City Park. Owner, Ta bor IU SU, mornmss PORTLAND HEIGHTS. rtMlrnhle two-story modern seven room hduse. near car; owner. Mala 29S6. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -House. CARET-SAVIDGB COMPANY. B1HR-CAREY COMPANY, MAIN 7487. An expert selects our homes. Who Is going to select yours? If you are not familiar with values and want to be sure of getting your money's worth, see our larpe, well-chosen listing before you buy a home. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. $4200. Don't pass up this real buy. Five-room bungalow on 50 by 130-foot lot ; hard wood floors, built-in buffet, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, best of plumbing, large rooms, full cement basement, garage, good chicken house. This is a well-built and substantial home. If you are look ing for a good buy, here it ia. SAVE CAR $2800. FARE. If you want a very substantial 5-room bungalow house, close in, see this one. It has 2 large bedrooms, living room with fireplace, dining room and kitchen. This house is on the N.-E. corner of 11th and Harrison streets. Conveni ent terms. HAWTHORNE CARLINE. $2200. This story-and-half house has 6 rooms. 2 of them being upstairs bedrooms and I 1 down; latest ot plumbing, gas, electric ity, newly painted and tinted, house is 4 vears old and in very good condition; several trees loaded with fruit, walking distance to high school. Vacant. Very I easy terms. An excellent buy. WALKING DISTANCE. $1800. This 7-room house Is on Williams ave within walking distance. The pavement j and sewer are in and paid. The lot I alone is worth $2000 Only $300 down. KENTON. $1800. 75 by 100 lot, with 5-room house; 8 1 blocks from car, 2 bedrooms, living I room, dining- room, kitchen, fruit and .berries. Only $300 down, balance less I than rent. CARBY-SAVTDGE COMPANY, BIHR-CAREY COMPANY. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. MAIN 7487. OPEN SUNDAYS AND VENINGS. ON ALAMEDA DRIVE. Splendid view lot 68x125. run ning through to Wisteria Drive; very attractive 7-room. 1 -story -bungalow; living room, library, dining room and central hall, all hardwood floors; dandy kitchen; big, back view porch; 3 nice bed rooms with big closets; full ce ment basement; furnace; station ary tubs, etc. A delightful loca tion, and a home of refinement. Nothing better for the money In all Portland. Price $7500. See J. W. Crossley, manager of our "High Class Home Department. FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Distinctive Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. 6-R. SANTA BARBARA BUNGALOW. Lees than today's cost of house. Brand new and very latest In Califor nia design, close cornice, gabled win- j dow caps. -pergola and canopied entry. Full plastered basement with stat. trays. "Newly-wed" kitchen, and bath with in- j laid linoleum 3 bedrooms (or 2 and I den). large living room (west front) handsomely decorated hardwood finish I floors. Large garage matches house. Built by owner and guaranteed to be as high grade In construction and mate rials as any house of double the price. $4100, terms. Shown by appt. only. J. M. Reeves, phone evenings Tabor 1792. TRVTNGTON BUNGALOW. EIGHT ROOMS. Living room 16x30, sun room, quaint dining room, large Dutch kitchen, one bedroom and bath first floor, three rooms second floor, garage, splendid location. MRS HARRY PRICE PALMER. xLast 7976. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. Why remain In that "stuffy" apart ment when --ou can get a new 4-room bungalow, finished In old ivory, with f Irepiace, very attractive buffet, Dutch kitchen; nice, light, airy bedroom, ce ment norch. lot 45x100. for only $2750. A $500 cash payment will take this cozy little home, close to school and car, in . good residence distrift. ' . J. A. HUBBELL. 1089 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8892. "Stucco Office." HOME BUYERS. ATTENTION. Do you remember Roee City Park when there were only 2 houses east of the railroad? When Sandy road was a sea of mud from fall to late spring? We do, and havs been selling property In this desirable section ever since. Knon the district like a book. Let us help you to select your home. Autos at your serv ice. It places you under no obligations. J. A. WICKMAN CO., "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark st. Main 1094 and 583. FOR SALE BY OWNER. East side, modern home, 7 rooms, j walkiner distance, sieenlnsr porch, sraraee. full cement basement, fine furnace and fireplace; everything paid. Price $5500, easy terms. Main 6206. IRVINGTON HOUSE. Newly painted, 7 large rooms. Ivory and white, enamel; furnace, two fire places; extra large closets In bedrooms; lot 50x123 to alley. Small fruits, aspara gus, good garden; garage: $7000. Sell furnished. Including Anglo-Persian, Wil-I ton and 5 oriental rugs, $7Suu. Owner, 801 Clackamas, near 24 th. $7400 WORTH $12,000. Ladd add., 7-r. bungalow. See it. Like new. Complete. Garage. Main 4S03 Main 4803. HOUSE AND FULL LOT. CASH $250. PRICE $1650. Small vacant house, 3 rooms aud large I bathroom, fruit, berries, grapes; street Improvements all In and paid, 1 block to car; among good homes. " Owner, Broadway 5173. 624 Henry blrg. NIFTY new bungalow, 5 rooms, breakfast nook. Bleeping porch, nre place, hard wood floors, white enamel finish, corner lot: price $4650. small payment and easy terms. Main 1963. 509 Chamber of Commerce. S3000 IRVTV1TON $3000. If you have $3000 cash you can buy a fine 6-room house on corner lot, modern to the minute; best location. LAWRENCE. EAST 3348. SOME CLASS ALAMEDA PARK. A real bungalow. This a home. large roomy rooms, strictly to date: 2 blks. to car; ideally located. For particulars call Tabor jy2. $1600 FOR a 6-room, bath, toilet, on cor ner, wxiuu, s oiocK irora v vv car, on I E. 42d st. ; $600 cash. bal. monthly. F. L. BLANCHARD. 401-2 Swetland bldg. Phone Mar. 820. 7-ROOM modern bungalow. hardwood I floors, lot Koxioa. blocK to car line; price $3250: small payment down, easy terms on balance. Call Mr. Fisher, I Main 0429. 24 star st. RENTS go up when school begins. See me ir you want a nome on small pay ments, i own several. c:aii evenings or punaays. :no. aast zi.n st. s. FOR SALE by owner, 6-room bungalow; bath. gas. electricity, full basement, SOx 100-ft. lot, diocks east or union ave. Woodlawn car. Terms. Phone Sell. 530. MODERN 6 rooms; oak floors, buffet, flrw- I place, full cement Dasement, wash trays. all improvements , isu sooio lurni- ture. owner, ium pan ay mvq. T-ROOM house, modern, near Jefferson Yiiirh school: lot .vtxioo. close to carline: price $2000. Address 955 Minnesota avenue. Owner. FOR SALE by owner, eight-room modern Viaha. comer lot. north frontage: $3300. soma terras. 440 Failing st. Phone East 6133 250 6-ROOM cottage, west side, close in, walking distance; beautiful view property, nir owuow. uhui1 828 Morrison St. vBvrnv Six-room house and bath, base ment, trays, corner lot; 1674 Minnesota avenue. Price $2500; $500 cash. 6 ROOMS, furnished; price $3100, $400 cash, easy terms on balance. Call Mr. Fisher, Main 5429. 248 Stark st. BARGAIN 5 rooms, 1 blocks Alberta car; owner must sell; $2275. $700 cash. balance easy erms. Woodlawn 6260. 6-ROOM house, paved st.. sewer, nice unrn full-size basement. washtravs. screens. Owner, 509 Maiden ave. Terms. a -rooms and bath, Hawthorne district t200 : $500 cash balance terms. AP 774, Oregonian. NEW. SMALL bungalow strictly modern. $3750; trms. Automatic 327-45. Wood- lawn 340&. RESTDENCE 8 rooms with attic, situated best part oi west nue. rin uiug. r.nnn fi-room house, hot and cold water. gas and basement. - 245 Whit taker at. REAL JEST AT E. For Sale House. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. A fine 6-room and sleeping porch, with hardwood floors; fine, large liv ing and dining room in old ivory and mahogany and French doors between; built-in kitchen with hard maple floors; 3 large bedroqns all in white; fireplace; built-in buffet and bookcases; beamed ceiling and panel dining room; furnace; 2 toilets; good' garage; all in the pink of condition and only $7500; 4 cash. A snap. Phone owner, E. 213, or call at 401 Swetland bldg. SNAP IN WOODSTOCK. 7-room house, 50x100 lot. on 42d and 40th ave., half block from car line. This must be' seen to be appreciated. Has hall with closet, large living and dining rooms, beamed ceilings, elegant bedroom and kitchen on lower floor, also toilet. Three large bedrooms with large closets on second floor. Price $3500, cash down $100O, balance like rent. McCLURE & SCHMAUCH CO., 30B Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 1503. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. New modern 6-room colonial house, just completed, can be bought for leas than cost; has hardwood floors through out, built-in conveniences, Gasco fur nace, garage, etc. Must be sold at once; located on E. 16th, between KllcKitat and Fremont. Will be open all day for inspection. RICE CONSTRUCTION .CO.. Owners. Phones. Automatic 320-85; East 2432. IRVINGTON NEW. Building costs are mounting again; buy now before the rush comes this fall. See this beautiful colonial home, just completed by the tsest skilled day labor; seven rooms, hardwood floors throughout, tile bath, linoleum in kitch en, breakfast room and back porch; first-class and complete. Key for in spection next door. 729 East 22d st. N. Phone evenings after 6:00, East 1875. Owner. ROBERT B. BEAT, Builder. $700O. STRICTLY MODERN WESTMORE LAND BUNGALOW. HARDWOOD FLOORS, ALL BUILT-LNS, FINE COR NER LOT. GARAGE. LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM. KITCHEN. BATH. THREE BEDROOMS FIRST FLOOR, THREE BEDROOMS SECOND FLOOR; TERMS, HALF CASH. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SO0. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. FOR SALE. Modern 10-room colonial house on 65 foot lot; large living room, dining room, breakfast room, kitchen, six bedrooms, bath, two toilets, sewing room, large sun porch and larze closets, earaee: uartlcu- larly well built and finished for owner's own home. For appointment phone 214-02 or call at 369 Hemlock su, Laaa s auu. GROVE LAND PARK, among the trees, on paved street, near r rantf an nign scnool, tl4 blocks to Hawthorne car. Five-room bunccalow. f acinar east, with firnlnop hardwood floors, all bullt-ins, two clothes ciosets, large, airy oearooms. with bath and. Dutch kitchen finished in ivory large floored attic and full basement with laundry trays. 50x100 lot; eay .triiis. mono ow ner, j aoor oino. $3500 TERMS SNAP. Real bungalow, furn., flrepl., hd. wd. fire., buffet, bullt-ins. nice dist., 4 blks. car. 45th st. Main 4803 Main 4&03. "EASY WALKING DISTANCE." Well built, well-appearing. 2-story 8 room house, modern plumbing, good fur nace, J toilets, good garage, full lot. no Incumbrance ; just across Broadway bridge, price $5500. cash, A decided bargain. FRED W. GERMAN. 732 Chamber of Commerce. FURNISHED FIVE ROOMS. PRICE $1904) PRICE. 5 rooms, all furnished, rented for $30 ner month: and lot 45x170. This Is not In Irvington, but is located at Lents, on Alt. fecott line. it mis looks good, call me up. Morrin. Marshall 3i89; evenings automatic 219-19. A SNAP. We will sell at once our 5-room house, 50x100 lot. in Irvington ; with double Karaite and all improvements Daid: blocks to irvington and Broadway cars. This is located on l.tth st. and easy waiKing distance to town. .Price SaOOu. Come and see this, 4l E. 13th N. LAURELHURST HOME, 1175 EAST DAVIS STREET. 6 rooms and tnalosed sleeping porch. large living room, nrepiace, dining room, bullt-ins, Dutch kitchen, - full cement basement, trays, large, airy bedrooms and bath; Al condition; best construe tion; garage; terms. Owner, Tabor 3066. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into income? We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences. anything ; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years we oner ociuni x x, 05nitri. SAlia FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc.. 924 N. W Bank bldg. IRVINGTON Corner, south of Knott st., 7 or b rooms, living room and one bed room are very large: oak floors tltroueii out, hardwood finished hail, living room, dining room. A good buy, $9500. You will be pleased If you let us show you through this and others of Irvington's best buys. Phone when. R. T. Street, iiooo Jioines neitnor, cast ou-. No. 402. CENTRAL IRVINGTON. PRICE $6000 PRICE. 6-room modern home and dandy SOx lOu lot, all kinds of shrubbery. We have many specia. barging in this district. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., Marshall 39S9. 504 Swetland Bldg. NEAR IRVINGTON SCHOOL. Paved streets, large lot. beautiful yard; 8-room house, newly papered and painted; Arage with concrete floor and runway ; a wen-cons true tea. com r or table home in an excellent location, for $3900. .Phone owner, iast zya. -ROOM house. 791 E. Taylor st.; lot S3x 10O: house just painted on outside an calci mined on inside ; price $5200 ; can be bought on small payment down and balance monthly payments ; Is a good buy. I. G. Davidson, 819 Chamber Cora- merce. " $5300. Near Franklin high school, paved St., near car; well-built 6-room bu ngalow, , beautiful grounds, terms; $3000 cash, balance 6 per cent. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE. EAST 6771. HIGHLAND BUNGALOW. $3500 for a 5-room with fireplace and built-in buffet: lot 50x100; sewer and b. s. streets all paid. $1000 cash, bal monthly. F. L. BLANCHARD. 401-2 Swetland bidg. Phone Mar. S20. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $5000 for a modern 7-room with hard wood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, furnace, with fine garage. 467 Glenn ave. Home mornings and evenings, oi phone owner, Marshall 829. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. A swell home, with gas range and radiant fire (new) window shades and drapes. All fine and tasty. Full lot, garage. Leaving city. Sell at $5450, terms. Tabor 8292. YOUR CHANCE. 5-room cottage between Alberta aad Irvington car; electricity, gas, bath, etc., full cement basement, 50x100 lot, fruit, etc $2275, $7O0 cash, balance easy, from owner. Woodlawn 6260. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $3150 for a 7-room residence on Clay near- 38th, lot 50x00, with some fruit,, h. s. streets. $1200 cash. F. L. BLANCHARD, 401-2 Swetland bldg. Phone Mar. 829. WILLAMETTte HEIGHTS. 6 rooms, tiled bath, 2 fireplaces, beau tiful view. 75 by 100 lot, $6750; $1250 will handle. Main 1128. or Main 1893. IRVLNGTON SACRIFICE Owner leaving city, line moaern nome, large living room, fireplace, art paper, oak f ioors, a-ttractlve bedrooms, garage; choice lo cation, near car line. Main 8078, East 394. WOODSTOCK ADDITION $1400. 6-room house, plastered and finished, on lot 50x100, one block from car; plenty of fruit and roses; near school. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. " " ROSE CITY PARK. Large 7-ioom house, all bullt-lns, fire place, good lawn, near school 657 East 65th and Sandy blvd. Tabor 9354, Re duced to $500. IRVINGTON 8-ROOM, NEAR KNOTT 15th Sitiou neai jsargain. Wonderful home A-l condition, fine garage, beautiful grounds, best location. East 419. BEAUTIFUL house, near Hawthorne, must sell, reason is owuor wvhik town; tnts is an unusual buy. Call between 2 and 6 P. M. Auto, phone 5-1824. 193 ft 2d et., room 8. BEAUTIFUL house near Hawthorne; must seli; reason is owner leaving town; tnis is an unusual buy. Call between 2 and 5 .P. M. Auto, phone 5-1S24. 193 ft 2d st., room 3. ROSE CITY PARK house for sale, 1430 Alameda drive, phone Tabor 6021. Six rooms, rec. hair, sleeping porch, floored attic, full basement. Fox furnace; price $ 6500. MODERN 5-rooni bungalow, two blocks from Jefferson high and one block from Mississippi ave. car, uuu. no agents. Call Woodlawn 994. SALE 5-room house, 740 Michigan ave. ; painted and cleaned outside and in ; terms: price $2500. See owner, first house north. ; f FURNISHED houseboat for sail. Willam ette Mocrage No. 24. CALL and Investigate. Tabor 4307. BKAL F.ST ATE. For Bale Houses. $3250 TERMS $3250. $4750 FOR $3250. 6-R. ALBERTA BUNGALOW BARGAIN. . Foreclosed; must sell: SOxlOO; H blk. car. Has fireplace, bullt-ins, en. plumbing, c. bast. ; vacant; move in. Main 4S03 1034 EAST 20TH N. Alberta car to 25th st. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. 8-room moaern bungalow, garage, every convenience, nothing needed, move right In, has been appraised, adver tised and Is worth the $6500. but must be sold on account of death In the family and the cut price of $5750 must move it, terms. If not sold on this ad will be rented, be sure and see this Inside and out, all day Sunday, before lo and after 4:30 weekdays. 402 E. S.Id st. N., corner Hancock. Aut 310-20, owner. FOR SALE BY OWNER. ' Well built bungalow of 5 rooms down stairs and attic with space for 2 more rooms ; has hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, bathroom, city water, gas, elec trie lights and fixtures, cement base ment; lot 91x107; ten bearing fruit trees; close to school aflU hard-surfaced road; $2500 with $500 cish. balance easy. Go45 7Sth st. S. E. Take Mt. Scott car to 77th st. NEW BUNGALOW. BEAUTIFUL SOUTH MOUNT TABOR DISTRICT. Five rooms, bath, vestibule, basement, hardwood floors, mirrored door, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, white and ivory finish, choice, neat, desirable; on Haw thorne car line at 27th ave.; terms; re agon able. By owner. Tabor 3552. HAWTHORNE BUN G A LOW $ 3 4 50 5 rooms and recep. hall, fireplace, ce ment basement, wash trays. Dutch kit chen, buffet, book cases, paved st. and sewer paid ; a pleasant, clean home in good condition, located 1 block from Hawthorne ave., near 35th st. $1000 cash. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. SMALL APARTMENT. Owner of 3-story bids. 10 apts.) with two stores on ground floor, will sell at very attractive figure ; prewont Income over $4000 per annum: will sell on favor able terms and take some trade. Apply A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. MARSHALL 1898. Old-time price; 7-room modern Rose City house, half block to car line on 65th street. Your opportunity ; $4500, $JOt)0 caph, balance easy terms. LAWYERS' TITLE A TRUST CO.. 2S5 Stark St., near 4th. Marshall 1898. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Less than cost, not built for specula tion, new colonial 5-room bungalow ; attic, breakfast nook, up-to-date finish, modern, built-ins. view unsurpassed; se lect district; $7500; terms. Owner. Main 3 S3 6. $4750 FOR a 6-room on E. 38th N 1 b. irom car, lot oOxlOO. This Is a fine bungalow and has 2 toilets, 2 lavatories. Rooms are all large ; has furnace. A very fine baeement. JIUOO cash. F. L. BLANC HARD. 401-2 Swetland bldg. PUone Mar. SNAP 5-R. house, furnished reacy for occupancy ; garage, large chicltcn house. leased ground wired; 110 chicks 2 weeks to 4 months. 43 1 ',4 -year hens, garden and garden tools, sidewalks and sewer: only $2150; must have $lo50 cash. BD 7S2, Oregonian. $4000 BUYS a modern bungalow, new ra diant gas heater, new combination gas stove, lot 100x100 corner, all kinds fruit and berries, good garden, close to Rose City car. Terms. Call at 613 Chamber of Commerce bldg and see pictures. Morris. HOME BUILDERS. I guarantee to save you 5 to 20 per cent on the cost of building your home. Can render financial assistance. Call Mar 2310. MURRAY. 210 STOCK EX CHANGE BLDG. $300 CASH; $15 MONTHLY. Neat plastered cottage ; bath, gns, electricity, city water. paved streets. On East 20th street. Price $1S50. See Mr. Marsters. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger bldg. ROSE CITY. PRICE $4."HM $1000 CASH. 6 rooms, hardwood floors, hot-water heat, full basement, very nice lawn. If you want a real buy, call me up. Mor rin, 30S9; evenings, automatic 219-19. FOR SALE $2000, terms, 5-room modern house. 00x1041 lot: iruit. berries and gar den; street improvements paid ; 1 block from car; owner leaving city. Call 705 E. Charleston, St. Johns. ALBERTA DISTRICT 6-room modern houae. only $1300 ; terms, $600 cash; one block to car line, nice shrubbery; a real home ; full cement basement. See Garland. 201 Third. NEAT little 4-room house, two lots, fruit and garden, $1450, $150 cash, balance terms to suit. Main 54i9. 248 Stark Pt. Suburban Homes. COUNTRY HOME FOR BUNGALOW. 7 rooms, bath and reception hall with full length mirror door. Finished in whit enamel and old ivory. Garage; air pressure water system; three V-acre lots highly improved; nearly ail in fruit, balance in garden. Good road. mile east of city limits. Cash value $65uo. Want 6 to 8-room bungalow in good district. See A. K. Hili, 4J6 Lumber menu Bldg. Bdwy. 421. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. This beautiful suburban home of IVi acres ia in high cultivation with berries, fruit, all bearing, natural trees. House Is a 7-room bungalow all' modern, or you can have 1 acre if you like. Inquire F. M. Youngs, third house north Risiey station. AT MAPLEWOOD station, on Salem elec tric line, 6 room house, electricity, gas for cooking and heat, water in houa, bearing fruit, some furniture, phone, barn, chicken house, 2 or 3 large lots, $2600, on terms; discount for cash. Owner 555 Washington st. Broadway 3408. A CHEAP living for present good invest ment for future. One acre and fifth ; 6-room house. 240-ft. frontage. O.-W. R. & N. Ry. Fruit, berries, garden, cow and chickens. 1708 Midway ave., E. St. Johns. IN RIVER DALE district, very attractive acre home. 5-room modern bungalow, garage, chicken house, etc. ; fine soil, nice young family orchard, plenty of small fruit, berries, etc. Owner. Phone 523-72. BY OWNER Attractive suburban 1 acres and 7-room bungalow, with all city conveniences and country advan tages, in good condition and fine loca tion. Call corner River and Meldrum roads or phone Oak Grove 102M. BEAUTIFUL suburban home, 8 rooms, hardwood floors, bath, fireplace, partlj furnished; 12.60 acres ia cultivation, barn, equipment; $12,000. D. A Nor ton. 603 Fenton bldg.. Bdwy. 274. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Riuicy station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." NEW tractor, trade for real estate. 1346. Main For Sale Acreage. TWO ACRES. IMPROVED. Located in Rockwood ncrce adjoining Milwaukie. This Is u beautiful e'hhtly trct, highly improved with 2 cses; Vshts and city w.tt. Apply to cwner, 207 Northwestern Panic bldf. BUNGALOW. ACRE, ALBERTA CAR. Why buy ordinary house and measley lot way out in Lents or Sellwood when von can buv this fine, close-in. im proved acre for $2150: terms ; no gravel or city assessments. Mutual Realty Co., 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. WISH to dispose of 10 acres of unim proveed land near Scotts Mills. Marion Co.. known as lot 90. McCown's fruit farms. Will consider any reasonable of fer. J. B. Nelson, 216 Market St., San Francisco. Cal. $15 TO $30 PER ACRE. Lo (Tired -off lands. 4o miles down th Columbia ; good roads, school, settlers on adioining tracts. Easy terms. F. B. Holbrook Co.. 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE 20 or 40 acres, all in cultiva tion, suitable for prunes or berries, with in 3 miles good valley town; $100 per acre; close to scnooi; terms. jlj aT, Oregonian. FOR SALE By owner. Oft acres, near Fort land, gooa nou"e. orcna.ru, itull Run water, gas, electricity, good garden, 1 acre corn. Price $6500. Part cash. Tabor 2207. 3ALE 30 acres. 20 in orchard; crop good; volunteer potatoes good crop; sale very cheap at $100 per acre. I. G. David son, 819 Chamber Commerce. 2 1-3 ACRES, under cultivation, good well, neat house, on county road, close to electric station, near Metzger. D. R. Drackett, owner. Main 5295. BARGAIN 11 acres good level land near Tualatin, covered with lifent timber, on Main road; price $1100. half cash. E. J. GEISER. 417 Chamber of Com. 15 ACRES, a house, moving outfit and carpet loom. Tom Alien, 6131 92d st S. E. 40 ACRES timber land, many big trees, for sale reasonable. Owner, Metx, Colo nial hotel. 165 W. 10th st. 31 ACRES of land, 4 miles west of St. Helens, good house and barn; must sell. Call Woodlawn 1S97. BEAUTIFUL small bungalow to be sacri ficed; located In Oswego; must be sold at ouce. Marshall 3153. REAL ESTATE. For Sal cr-Acreage. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND. Write for map of western Washtmrtan showing location, price and terms. Over 10,000 acres sold last year at our low price. Kasy payments offered to actual settlers. WEVffRHAEUPER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. 23 ACRES, only 10 miles out on Base Line road and electric line ; fenced and in hltfh state of cultivation, $.M)u per acse. Pnone owner, Woodlawn 5603. For Sale -Farms. "STOCKED AND EQUIPPED." 60 acres, IS acres in cultivation, 30 A. easily cleared, balance good saw timber; sawmill , mile; this is all good land; orchard, berries, potatoes, carrots, beets, squash, parsnips, etc. ; 6-room house, barn. 13 tons of hay in barn, plenty of water, 2 horses, 2 cows. 2 brood sows, 2 dox. chickens, 2 goats, wagon, hack, plows, mower, rake, harrow, et., smaJ tools; situated in the Corvalils and Philo math districts; price for all $;t0iK. $2(u0 cash, balance mortgage, OVe. You cannot beat ..this for real value. "EQCIPPEll." 28 acres, 12 A. in cultivation, balance pasture, little timber; plenty of water; 8-room house, new good barn, orchard, grapes, berries, close to school, cannery and creamery ; good market; wagon, plow, harrow, cultivator, post hole rig ger, saws, axes, pitchforks, cow stan chions, mowing machine, harness, small tools, De Laval cream separator and small tools; price for all ;750, $V0O cash, balance mortgage, 6; situated iu Yamhill county, near Willamlnu; this is a bargain. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165 4th st. VALLEY FARM. STOCKED AND EQLUPPED. 151 acres, 43 In cultivation, balance : open pasture and timber, deep, rich soil, no rock or gravel ; never-failing sprtn tr water to house and barn; bending family orchard. 12-3 young prune trees, other small fruit; good 7-room house with fire place, 2 good barns, hoghouse. chicken house, etc. The following stock and full set of farm tools and Implements, good as new, go with place; 15 head of cows and heifers, 1 reg. Holstein bull, 2 good brood sows. 3 young work horses, , 1 colt, about 50 chickens; only 19 miles from Portland. 6 miles Newberg, V mile to main paved highway and R. R. sta tion. This la absolutely the biggest bar gain Mn the country and will bear closest investigation. price $20,000. terms, or will take city property upon $b000 as part ry men t. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165 4th St. OPPORTUNITY FOR CASH. Twenty-seven acres, cleared, ready for cultivation, suitable for berries, fruit, garden truck, etc., as fertile! and as can be found in all the Willamette val ley. Has running water, located 4 mile from town, electric line station 200 feet from edge of property ; good schools, bank and many business houses, modern, upto-date town, electric light, city wa- ' ter works, churches, etc. Gnd, clean community. Value of this property $iI500 for quick cash sale. First come, $1000 clear title. Call on Gordon J. Ta lor, Molalla, Oregon. LARGE STOCK RANCH. 880 acres, stock ranch, in the heart m of the ranite; 600 acres of hay land, re- " matnder can be put in; can be made to cut 1400 tons of hay; excellent range in the hills ; modern S-room house; has its own electric llfrht and water power . plant; good abundant water supply: everything strictly first-class; located 2V4 miles from Jordan Valley, Or. Price $m,000, cash $30,000, balance on easy terms. A snap for a big concern; reason for selling, ill health. For detailed in formation address box 537. JORDAN VALLEY. OR. FINE 432-ACRE BARGAIN. Here is an ideal ranch of 432 acres, with 350 acres under crop; Sort A. wheat,-. 75 A oats, 75 A. hay, of which 1-8 goes with place. It is in the New berg u is trict, on tine road; 6-roum houte, plas tered, bath, toilet, running spring water, R. F. D. and phone; barn 60x120, ma shine shed, hoghouse, bunk house and smokehouse. The owners want action, thereiore price of only $105 per acre; might consider some exchange. t F. L. Eddy. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade BMg. 68 ACRES. 30 under cultivation; all can be cultivated; I mile to school; good ' fences, 2 springs, good bottom land, . 3-room house, barn. mixed orchard, granary, chicken house, price $4750, with 4 cows, 6 hogs, 100 chickens. 1(1 tons hay, erem separator, machinery and garden; $3000 cash. Will consider Port land house, clt-ar, up to $2500. Owner in town for a few days. Near Lebanon, Or. John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. 14000 For SALE or trade, 20 acres roll ing land In southern Benton county, f4 ' mile from good graveled road, 13 acres cleared. 5 acres in bearing apples, fine. wt-11 and running water, lots of fir and oak timber; comfortable 6-room house; good barn and outbuildings; all crop, stock and equipment. Will take up to $2500 in we 11 -I oca ted city home; some cash, balance terms. No agents. Tabor 7894. i "DESIRABLE LOW-PRICED FARMS. 90S a. S. Or., trade for apt. to $60,(100. 1500 a. well impd, Douglas Co., $15,000. 194 a. Improved farm. $5800. 18 a. improved, close in. $6000. 20 a. near Gresham, $3500. Many others to choose on our list. E. P. DREW". 304 Lumbermens Bldg.' Broadway 1080. FORECLOSURE. FORECLOSURE. Redemption period nearly gone, must sacrifice; price reduced from $175 to $160 per acre for cah sale; just 40 miles from Portland, on the O. E. Ry., station near farm, land lies level, just right for loganberries, prunes, hops; must be sold at once. Call for infor- -mation. Mar. 3352. Rock, 403 Couch bldg.. 100-ACRE farm for sale by owner; 5 acres in voung prunes. 2. acres unaer cultiva tion : 7-room house, barn. sheds and chicken coops, horees, scows and stock and tools can be bought; 4 miles E. of Yamhill. Yamhill Co., Oregon. Owner will be at 240ft Front st. Saturday and Sunday. : BARGAIN. 16 acres, 4 acres good prunes, pota toes, corn, kale, beans; chicken house, wngon, buggy: hay In barn; good house, some furniture; well, living stream; farm Implements. All for $.".000; $2500 cash, long time on balance. P. D. Gibhs, 723 Powell, owner. Phone Sellwood 7247. YAKIMA VALLEY. 40 acres, ft mile from station, small buildings, 22 acres In alfalfa, 8 t mors being seeded; wonderful crop of' hay, which Is included in price, $6750, terms. Other tracts, large and small, on easy terms. Central Yakima Ranches Co., 512 Felling bidg. NOTICE. FARMS AT BARGAINS. Yamhill, Or., has some of the best farms. We have small and large farms for sale. Let us show them to you free of charge. Phone or write We.dneT A Vought. Bank bldg.. Yamhill. Or. IF YOU WISH TO PURCHASE a 520-acre grain and stock ranch, with about 20O acres in cultivation, at $40 per acre, drop me a letter for further description. No agents nor commission. W. Purdy, 1550 Waller St., Salem. Or. A REAL BARGAIN 33 acres rich soil, 12 miles from Portland; 3 acis in cultiva tion, some valuable timber, on good road. Price $3oOO. terms, E J. GEISSK, 417 Chamber of Com. 4 GOOD farms, 40 A, SO A., 160 A., 160 A , to settle up an estate, good bargain. See J. P- McKenna. Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. FOR SALE Dairy ranch on Yaqulna Bay, 120 acres, best ranch on the bay- below Toledo. G. W. Andrews, Bx. 133. Toledo, Oregon. POULTRY farm for sale. Two acres Inside of city limits; 6-room house, lights and water. $3000. E. J. Shumaker, Jeffer son. Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $30 to $300 per acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. 208 Failing bldg. WILL sell or trade my improved E. Mon tana grain farm for Willamette val. land; good location, no crop failure; price $36 per acre. Fred Emllng, Sidney. Mont. jCoGGKD-OFF lanus. $10 acre up; running water; good soli, ft tillable; employ men:; easy terms J. R. Sharpe, 3 ft Sd. GOOD 300-acre farm near Dallas, Or., $0000. D. A. Norton, Fenton bldg. Bdwy. 274. ORCHARDS, alfalfa garden tracts, farm lands. special bargains. ACKiey uo.t Clarkston, Wash. Homesteads, Rrtlmiutah meets. LET ME locate you on either a sod farm or timber tract: claims going fast. See me at once. Hours S to . 5, evenliit 7:30 to 9. ANDERSON, 531 Ry. Exch. Bkis;. 2 HoM ESTE ADS, 100 each, adjoin lb?:; heavy valuable timber, close to town, 11. R. and sawmill; unusual opportunity if taken quick; $3i0 each. 301Corbett bids. I HAVE a few good relinquishments for sale. Hours 8 to 5, and evenings 7:30 to 9. Anderson, 531 Railway Exch. bldg. HOMESTEAD relinquishment tor sale: ' this one is surely a good 6ne. Address 6b0 N. 20th St.. Salem. Or. RELINQUISH homestead. 20 miles from Portland. Inquire fioi N. 21st st. WANTED REAL KSTATE. " WANT to buy a partly Improved and equipped farm, not less than 40 acres ' Owners only. . M 163, Oresonian, BT 1Q1.2