THE 3IORMXG OREGOMAX, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1920 7 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF City Editor Main 70T0. 0B0-95 Sunday Editor Main T070. 5B0-9O Advertlslnr Department. . Main 7070. 500-05 Superintendent of Bldg..Main 700. abO-Sj AMUSEMENTS. HEILIO (Broadway at Xaylor "Llnier Longer Letty." Tonlsnt. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill) Vaudeville and moving- plcturea. 2 to 3. 8:i.1 to 11 P. M. Saturday. Bundiyi ana honcays continuous, 1:15 to 11 P. PANTAGE3 (Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville. Tliree ihowi dally. 2:30. 7 and 8:03. HOLLA DAY PARK Municipal band con cert, 8 P. M. COUNCIL CHEST Free amusement park. Take "CC" car Morrison or Washing ton streets. THE OAKS Campbell's American Band in concert. Free admission until 5 P. except Bnndaya and holidays. COLUMBIA BEACH Children free. Bath ing and amusements. OBECONU.N AT RESORTS. Subscribe with the. following agents at your summer resort, to secure the most prompt delivery of The Oregonlan. City rates. Subsoriptions by mall are payable In advance. Barview, Or V7. A. Slpprell Bay City, Or O. E. Shelley Bayocean, Or F. D. Mitchell Brighton. Or A W. Rowe Car.on. Wash C. B. Smith Cascadia. Or G. M. Greisendorfer Ecola, Or. .Cannon Beach Merchandise Co. Garibaldi. Or D. C. Ellis & J. L. Kidder Gearhart. Or W. S. Roblson Long Beach. Wash W. E. Strauhal Manzanita, Or Kardel Manhattan Beach, Or Mrs. S. F. Angel Nahcotta, Wasn H. J. Brown Keahkshnle Beach, Or A. C. Anderson Kehalem, Or D. C. Peregoy Newport. Or O. F. Heron Ocean Lake. Or Nettle Tompsett Ocean Park, Wash Chas. Teble Paclflo City, Or D. F. Edmunds Rockaway. Or Frank Miller Baaside. Or C. W. Alward Ehipherd's Hot Springs. Wash Mrs. N. St. Martin Seaview'. Wash George N. Putnam Tillamook. Or J- S. Lmar Wheeler. Or....E. H. Cody and Leo bonier Wllholt. Or F. W. McLeran Linnton Walk to Be Started. Proceedings are to be Inaugurated this week by the municipal depart ment of public works for the laying of sidewalk along Linnfon road be tween the Linnton school and the "Whitwood Court ferry landing. An ordinance will be before the city council Friday taking over from the county the sidewalk area of the road When this is done proceedings will be started for cement sidewalks. The walk has been petitioned for by the property owners of Linnton road on the ground that under present condi tions children going to and from school are required to walk along the road and are in constant danger of being run down by automobiles. - Council Handles Routine. On ac count of the absence from the city of Commissioners Barbur and Mann the regular meeting of the city council yesterday was limited to routine mat ters, there being insufficient num ber of members present to pass measures requiring four votes. The meeting was confined to the han dling of routine matters such as the reference of petitions to various de partments and the opening and read ing of bids. Among ordinances on the calendar was one providing for the reeistration with the police bureau of furniture placed in storage. Time for a public hear'ng on this was set for 2 P. M., Septem ber 1. Street Agents Estopped. Ticket celling on the streets and wharves of the city is under tha ban. The city council yesterday turned down a request from an automobile concern operating cars from Astoria to Sea side for permission to sell tickets for the ride at the boat landing In Port land. Two automobile companies are In competition for the Astoria-Sea-eide business. One has the exclusive right to sell tickets on tle boat, and the other to get business has sales men on the street where passengers are Intercepted before taking th.e boat. The council ruled that the street is not the place to fight out a question of competition. Courtroom Is Transformed. Cir cuit Judge McCourt returning from his summer vacation to assume the duties of presiding judge until Au gust 27 found his courtroom trans formed, with newly tinted walls, new velvet carpets and two large vases of flowers on his bench yesterday. Boquets of dahlias and gladioli were the gifts of A. M. Evans and Harry Shoop. bailiffs; James Willoughby, head bookkeeper in the county clerk's office, and Joe Rogers, presiding clerk. Manslaughter Is Charged. A formal charge of manslaughter was filed against G. Oki, driver of a light automobile delivery truck who ran down and killed 4-year-old Roy Mc Elhaney August 16 at West Park and Harrison streets by Deputy District Attorney Maguire yesterday. This followed the recommendation of the coroner's jury, meeting Tuesday right, which held that the Japanese was to blame for the accident and that he had been driving with de fective brakes. Milk Hearing Date Set. Hearing In the injunction suit brought by the Oregon dairymen's co-operative league against Portland milk distributors to restrain the latter from alleged ef forts to persuade league members to break their contracts was set for Au gust 24 by Circuit Judge McCourt . yesterday. He denied the applica tion of attorneys for the distributors to secure a modification of the tern porary restraining order until that time. Berrt Grower Files Suit. With the assertion that $4121.15 is still due on an $8321.15 contract for logan berries and black caps Wassell, Helgren compan uermuiien, owner or a 20-acre berry farm near Dundee, filed suit for col lection in the circuit court ye'ster day. He said that the contract price for 63,815 pounds of loganberries and 3 68 pounds of black caps was 13 and 15 cents. Auto Deal Brings Arrest. Charged with having sold an unpaid for automobile to George Kaady, II. S. Anderson was arrested Tuesday night by deputy sheriffs and must face accusations of larceny by bailee Kaady maintained that Anderson sold him a machine for J1525 cash, though the automobile still was the property of Joseph Flora and several hundred dollars was owing on it Huntington Folks to Picnic. All rormer residents of Huntinerton. Or are invited to attend the second an nual picnic to be held at Laurel- nurse parK next Sunday afternoon sasket lunch will be enjoyed. Modern office systems rievlseH ni installed. Our system experts at your nu oougauon. uver 400 stock forms to select from, at a saving. x-nune .niin ijn. 'aciric staty. Sc Ptg. u.. iui oecona screei. Adv, t ILLED JfAINLESSLT. We dO fill teeth, regardless of how sensitive iney are or wnere cavities are located witnout pain py aia or nerve block ins. its.. Niamey, hlcscndahl and Aiarsnau. ju Journal bldg. Adv. ladiolcs exhibit. This is last day of the Crissey gladiolus exhibit. enown in ine -ueier i (rank audi torium. -Many choice and unusual eorts are included. Adv. .must sen Chummy roadster, 1918 model. A-x condition, worth 1200 no reasonaoie oner refused. Can be cen lbs .King st. Adv, Swimming every afternoon and even ing Dancing every evening except Sunday and Monday. .Wlndemutb.. Adv. - Hill Military Academy, Portland. Oregon, offers the right kind ofl training.. Register now. Adv. Keumerer Coal Carbon Coal Co., inine agents. . Last IIS 8. Adv. and data on game and predatory J Ik a.mijtti conditions in UKanogaa aim , Whatcom counties, Washington, will ; be secured by a party of five men, who will leave Portland Friday on a 20-days trip. In the group will be William L. Finley, who is to secure wild life movies for the National Geographic society, and Stanley G. Jewett of the United States biological survey, who is to take in a preda tory animal hunter and pack of hounds for running cougar, lynx and bear. . He is to make a study of pre datory animal conditions on game preserves in the two counties. Other members of the party will be John Keating, Percy Toung of Albany and Frank I. Jones, a photographer. Week, op 56 Hours Desired. A meeting of the state industrial wel fare commission will be held in the courthouse at 4 o'clock this after noon to consider the petition of women ticket agents in railroad offices of the state who have asked permission to work 56 hours a week. Among those expected to attend are E. L. Ashley of the O.-W. R. & N. Co., R. E. McCormick of the Southern Pacific E. D. Kittoe of the Spokane, Portland & Seattle railroad; Mrs. Mae Dillane, Mrs. Ella Rice and Mrs. Anna Phelps for the employes; W. L. Brewster, Miss Eunice L. Smith, Amedee Smith and Mrs. Millie R. Trumbull for the commission; Hugh Herdman, Mrs. J. G. Wilson and C. W. Hayhurst for the public. Fronk Family Safe. Fears for the safety of E. M. Fronk, his wife and two boys, who were motoring from -Seaside to Portland, via Tillamook, and did not arrive on schedule Mon day night, nor on Tuesday, "were dis pelled on their safe arrival yesterday. Unexpected delays had caused Mrs. I Isabelle Fronk of 450 Holland street, j mother, to notify the authorities of her fears that her son and family might have plunged ov'er a cliff on the road to Tillamook. Mr. Fronk, who lives at 455 Buffalo street, had been on a brief vacation tour, and had stopped over at McMinnville on his return. Drug Vender Goes to Jail. Will iam P. Smith." colored, was sent to jail for 180 days by Acting Municipal Judge Deich yesterday as the result of his arrest the preceding night in the act of selling drugs to a white man In- front of the Golden West hotel. When Patrolman Parker and White appeared on the scene Smith ran down the street and was ar rested after he had been pursued several blocks. He then tried to swallow the "evidence," according to the police. Parking Is Prohibited. Captain Lewis, head of the traffic bureau, an nounced yesterday that in compliance with an ordinance passed by the council, automobile parking will no longer be permitted on Ankeny street from Front to Sixth street. Persons parking their machines there In future will be subject to arrest. The ordinance prohibiting the park ing was passed on request of busi ness men along that street and on recommendation of Former Fire Chief Dowell. Party of 75 Tourists Due Todat. Today a party of 75 tourists will spend the day in Portland as part of a transcontinental sightseeing trip under the auspices of Boyers' tours of Reading. Pa. The party occupies three standard Pullman cars, with baggage car and diner attached, and are scheduled to arrive at 7:20 A. M. over the' Northern Pacific. The cars will be attached to a section of the Southern Pacific train for San Fran cisco tonight. Bot Not Major Hibbard's Son. Harvey Hibbard. S-year-old son of J. B. Hibbard, 530 East Twentieth street, who was fatally wounded by revolver In the hands of a play mate while playing Indian, was not the son of Major John B. Hibbard, manager of the J. K. Gill company, nor was the lad any relation to him. Mistaken messages of sympathy have been reaching Major Hibbard daily, he said yesterday, since the accident of August 6. Police Rush to Bank. One of the girl employes at the United States national bank accidentally pushed the Durgiar alarm yesterday morning, with the result that a squad of police and detectives rushed from the police station. -Motorcycle Patrolman Stiles, the first policeman on the scene, was presented with a box of cigars for tne "boys' at the station.- "Smokes are on us." he was told. opera isight" Tonight. The first opera night" at The Oaks will be tonight when Director Campbell will put on an unusually interesting pro gramme due to requests from many Portland music lovers for selections from such operas as "Tannhauser. ine oeiieue, irom Lucia Is one of the popular compositions which will be heard tonight. Bot Brought to Hospital. Will iam Deivert. aged 10, whose home is n fetella, Wash., was brought to Port land yesterday, and taken to Good Samaritan hospital suffering from fractured skull, the result of his at tempt to ride a horse Tuesday eve ning. The boy was thrown from the horse and afterward kicked. His condition is considered serious. franklin D. Roosevelt, democratic ce-presidentlal nominee, will speak t the auditorium, Saturday evening i o u cluur, august zi. iou are cordially invited to attend. Admis sion free. Adv. dr. K.OSENBURG has returned. 735 iiorgran Didg. Adv. mc.mahon, 100 Chiropractic. Main 2Ui. A(1V. Outfit The School Boy Now Before the End of Our Sale Sept. 1st Knicker Suits 6 to 18 years. $10 and $12.50 fljr? OC values now D I 0J $15 and $18 "I QC kinds, now.. 0J-X.OtJ Hi School Long Trouser Suits $30 Kind, Now Single and double breasted; ages 14 to 20 years. Until the end of our sale, September J, 20 re duction on Mackinaws, Overcoats, and every thing that boys wear. Morrison at Fourth. S. & H. Stamps Given. IBM SUMMER Travel Mountain, River, Lake and Beach Reports Columbia River Highway HOTELS. I BEACH BSSORTS. Chanticleer Inn OX COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY A superb view of the Columbia River (Jorge and Mt. Hood is well worth coming across the continent to see. Our own ranch supplies our table. Phone or write Owner and Mgr. MRS. MARIE A. MORGAN, Corbett. Or. n Shell-Shock Recurs. William F. Bent, special policeman and a veteran of the Canadian and American armies in France, where ho was severely wounded, is in St. Vincent's hospital as the result of a recurrence of shell shock. Bent was engaged in con versation at Sixth and Oak streets when, it is said, he suddenly began to scream that the Germans were after him, threw himself upon t,he sidewalk and struck his head on the concrete. He was taken to the police emergency hospital and later sent to St. Vincent's hospital. Negro Gets Four Months in Jail. William Smith', negro, who is de clared to have been responsible for the detention of Mrs. Ethel Novak, a government witness in a residence at 583 Montgomery street where she was discovered by the police under the influence 6f a drug Tuesday night, was sent to jail for 120 days by Acting Municipal Judge Deich yes terday. Mrs. Novak was wanted by federal authorities to testify in a case against lour messenger boys, charged with delivering narcotics to addicts. fn'i'van! These are Bracing !0-acre berry " mornings, men Novak Is Bound Over. John. Novak, who was arrested on a charge of as sault with a dangerous weapon, after he is said to have stabbed a fellow player,- Nick Demas, in a gambling game In the north end about a month ago, was held to answer to the grand jury by Acting Municipal Judge Deich yesterday. Demas was not seriously injured as a result of the affair. Operation Fatal for Child. Hope Lockley, 5-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lockley, died at at. Vincent's hospital Tuesday evening following anoperation. The little girl had been ill for several days. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2:30 from Holman's parlors. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our heartfelt appreciation to the G. A. R. and W. R. C. and all our friends for their kind sympathy and assistance during our recent bereavement and for the beau tiful floral offerings. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. J. Warren Blaney Fall's almost here, and it's time to think about new clothes. Joy's been thinking; about you all Summer long ; he's got an assemblage of fab rics that will make your eyes glisten. aims to oraer on easy payments; that s the Joy' way! Come in. 104 Fourth Street, Bet. Washington and Stark Four S3ipgs in Portland iaujEii Hazelwood Features Two Big Restaurants The Broadway Hazelwood, 127 Broadway, with a seating: capacity of 375. The Washington Street Hazelwood, 388 Washing ton street, with a seating capacity of 350. Where excellent meals are served in a courteous man ner at reasonable prices from 6 A. M. to 12 P. M. This is the season of the year when Oregon Fruits and Vegetables are in their prime, and we are featuring the best every day. Hazelwood Soda Fountains Where you can obtain delightful, cooling Sherbets and Sundaes Hazelwood Ice Cream can be purchased in brick or bulk form, to be taken home. - Hazelwood Candy Caramels and Homemade Specials Chocolates with rich cream centers, pure fruit flavorings Choice Fruits and Nuts with a smooth chocolate , coating Hazelwood Pastry Delicious Cakes, Pies and French Pastries made fresh daily, for service in our dining rooms and for sale to take home at our Dairy Store, 127 Tenth street and at our Pastry Counter in the Broadway Hazelwood, 127 Broadway. HAZELWOOD ORCHESTRA Music at the Washington Street Hazelwood 6 to 8 "9:30 to 11:30 Hazelwood Confectionery and Restaurant 383 Washington Street Broadway Hazelwood 126 Broadway CROWN POINT CHALET MRS. HENDERSON, Prop. 1000 feet above the Columbia river. This vantage point commands a view of the river for 65 miles. From Its wide veranda can be seen Table Moun tain, Lone Rock, Cape Horn. Silver Star and Rooster Rock. Crown Point Chalet Is noted for its excellent chicken dinners. Make reservations by calling Mrs. Henderson, long dis tance, through Corbett. The Jack o'Lantern HORSETAIL FALLS, COLUMBIA HIGHWAY Dalntv. delicious and appetizing light lunches served. Come once you'll come again and keep coming. MRS. WILLIAM GEBOTT, Prop. Bridal Veil P. Oregon. THE INS OF THE BRIDGE OF THE GODS CASCADE LOCKS. OREGON. A auiet. homelike place, on the Colum bia River Highway, where the tourist wilt enjoy home cooking. In nomelike surround ings. Individual service, personal atten tion. In our cafe adjoining is served only quality food, prepared under the super vision of Mrs. Madden. The famous Cas cade Locks are just 100 yards from this hotel, and the raptda in plain view. MRS. N. JENNIE MADDEN. Everyone Goes to rHETazelcDOod CJ CONFECnONEJ0r & RESTAURANT The best of every thing to eat, pre pared in the way you like best. The Hazelwood will welcome you Portland. in 388 Washington 127 Broadway WHITE SALMON, WN. See the picturesque White Salmon Country. Visit Mt. Adams, lava caves and the ice caves. Fins fishing and hunting. Stop over nlftht with u we will furnish you oil, gas, service, stor age, accessories and expert repairs. SORTER'S GARAGE, White Salmon, Wash. Buk-k Dealers. Conducieu a.iontf lines most invit ing' to men and women of refined tastes. Send for illustrated booklet. MRS. C. W. J. RECKKKS. White Salmon. W'Hh. Phone 78Vl HOTEL GULER In the beautiful Trout Lake valley Washing ton. Good trout fishing on the lake, in Trout creek or White Salmon river. By auto or horseback, visit the lava and Ice caves, G oose lake, Indian race trac k. S te&m boat lake, etc Automobile road to M t. Adams from hotel. 12 miles. Cement court, ten nis, croquet, swimming Pool. Amusement hall with dancintr ana billiards, near hotel. $3 per day, $16 per week, Gasoline to supply an tourists. J. K. Reynold, Proprietor, Guler, Wash Bozanta Tavern Elevation 2240 Feet. Uayden Lake, Idaho. 87 Miles Kaat of bpokane. Most beautiful resort In Idaho. Sit uated on the banks of Hayden Lake, Golf, tennis, boating, fishing. Beau tiful drives and walks. Addreas Das J. Moore Prop. MOCNTATV RESORTS. For Reservations and Tickets Rainier National Park Call on or write our Special Representative. Doritej B. Smith, Mgr. fournal Travel Bureau, 180 Brdway Phone Mar. 197. Portland. Or. HOISE OF CHEER The SEWARD Is a new. modern and elejrantly .appointed hotel, possessing; one of the most beautiful corner lob bies In tbe northwest. Located at 10th and Alder sts.. opposite Olds. Wortman A King's bis; department store, in heart of retail and theater district. Rates J 1.50 and up. Excel lent dlninR-room service. Popular prices. Bus meets all trains. "W" car also runs from Union .Depot direct to Hotel SEWARD. W. C. Culbertson. Prop. A Moderatelr-Prlced Hotel of Merit HOTEL CLIFFORD Emmt Morrison St. and East Sixth. SliSPer Day. Pgr Weefc Ttp. MOUNTAIN RESORTS. TAWNEYS MOUNTAIN HOME On the Salmon river, near Mt. Hood; home cook J nr. pleasant surroundings. -Fried chicken on Sundays. An Ideal place for your vacation. Lartre individual bunga lows for those who prefer them. Daily auto stage. Phones Kast liii and Main 172. Long distance. Welches, OresTOn. T. H. TAWNEX. FroDw Welches P. Orecon. S i i Leave KOUTL.EDGE SEED A FLORA CO.. 145 SECOND ST.. phones Main 172, A-3811. for Arrah Wannah. Welches. Taw Beys, Government Canrp and Rhododendron. Owned and operated by Irvlnrton Garage Aoto Co.. Inc. J. I S. Snead. Pres. Mgr. Phone K. 135. K. 14th and Broadway, "Make reservations In advance. " RHODODENDRON INN, MT. H00 Oregon's most beautiful mountain resort on Ziezar river, in evercreen forest, near base of ML Hood. Real meals, well cooked and well served, large swimming; pool, rianrtner hall, saddle horses, croouet fish' lng. Rates $4 per day. $21 to $25 per week. For auto stage call isast lio or juaia li &LK3. EH1L FRASZETTI, Prop. Rhododendron. Oregon. HOTEL SEASIDE, INC. SEASIDE! (CLATSOP BEACH). O REG OX. .XA Oregon's New All-the-Year-Round Ocean Beach Resort Hotel Rates for Room and Meala Included. Per Day. One Person. SSJtO or 8.50s Two, f 10.OO nr Stlt.OO. I Per Week. One Person. 3&AO or 42.00 Two, CTO.OO. Bath. Per Day, One. or S8.50t Two, glZ.OO or S13.0O. ' VjT'i Bath, Per Week, One, S5S.50 or 5.OOs Two, SO.50 or S4.Sfc. ' SPECIAL- RATES FOR CHILDREN. AMERICAN PLAN ROOM AND MEALS INCLTTDED. "i For reservations, address CHAS. IX. ROWLEY, Slanaser. Oregon's FihesFBeacB Resorf T7TS HOTELS BUNGALOWSl . N ATATORTUE! HOTEL BAYOCEAN, sightly location, overlooks Tillamook Bar and ocean. flrenlaWL good rooms and beds European plan. $1.50 per day and up; splendid dining service, meals at reasonable rates, lower than Portland prices; Just the place to rest and re cuperate. Splendid NATATORIDM largest tank In the N. W.; swimming instructor dancing, bowling, fishing and other sports. BUNGALOWS and TENTS tor rent, fur nished. For circular call Main 5403. Receivers. T. B. Potter Realty Co.. 33S Chamber of Commerce Building. ELMORE HOTEL ROCK A WAV, OREGON The best hotel on Tillamook Beaches. "The place that pleases." For reservations address J. J. KBEBS, Rockaway. Oregon. Hotel Ecola ECOLA, OREGON Spend your vacation at beautiful Cannon Beach. Our auto meets trains at fceaalde. Excellent service and fine cui sin. For reservations address HOTEL ECOLA. Ecola, Oregon. KODAK FILMS DEVELOPED FREE Necanlcum Inn. Seaside, Oregon. The only family hotel overlooking ocean. Beautiful grounds, sun parlors and roof garden. Dining room In charge of trained dietitian and staff of especially selects O. A. C. students. kllsa Emily Damann. Prop. Seaside. Oregon. Phone your want ads to The Oregon nlan. Main 7070, Automatic 560-95. TRAVELERS GUIDE. irO'S TO EUROPE FROM QUEBEC Aug. 23 Wilhelm ....Liverpool Sept. t Victorian .... Liverpool 1'ROM MONTREAL Auk-. 20 Tunis'an Havra Aug. 21 Coraicaii ....Liverpool Aug. 28 Scandinavian .Antwerp Aug. 28 Melita Liverpool Sept. 8 Sicilian Glasgow Sept. 10 Grampian. . .Antwerp Sept. 11 Minnedosa. . .Liverpool ARODXD THE WORLD Tour de Luxe, 71.500 Vp UAKCH TO JLK, 11-21 EinprMt ef Canada, 22,000 Tons New Palatial Ship for Pacific Serrica CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES I hone Broadwajr 90. bo ihtrd bt.. t'oruana. The New St. Martins Mineral Springs Hotel Colombia Rtver'a Beat Resort Hot Mineral Hatha. Very beneficial for rheumatism and blood disorders. Auto meets all trains at Carson, Washington. r.T.ULJ'i'JJ' I al H H 1L J PERXAWBiKOBAH'A. mrt DE JANEIRO.&ANTOa. MONTEVIOCO & BUENOS AVRES. LAMPORT HOLT LI N E Freqnent ssllinjrs from NewYork by modern, fast anH luxurious appointed p..sscnKrr ieimen. ApplyCompny,somce.:iBroadway.N.lC.-fT U or UOBSF.Y B. SMITH. -T ijf . 1 180 nroauvray. d I I 1 Jf 1 1 ilAilLLtJaJ Portland. Or. AUSTRALIA Bonolnln. Bnvm, Sew Zealand. The .Palatial A'as-jencer Steamers B. H. B. "NIAGARA" K. M. B. "HAKCKi Se.000 Tons 13,500 Tona Ball from Vancouver, B. C ror rare and sallinca apply Can. Pae. RatJ. way, o5 Third St., Portland, or Canadian aVsxualaaian Koval Mail Line, 4M beyaaaa St. Vancoaver. is. C. Astoria Route S. S. "ASTORIAN" 2:30 P. M. DAILY (Except Thursday). FARE 1.0o. Including tax. Morri&on-St. Dock. Phones: Main 8065. 611-48. Astoria and Way Point9 STR. GEORGIANA Jtoond trip dally except Friday) leaves Portland 7:10 A. M-, Alder-street doci Leaves Astoria P. M.. Flavel doclc. Fara fl.65 each way. Special a la carta dlnln service. Direct connection for eouta buchu. Klaht boat dally. 8 P. UL, dally except Sunday. Tna Harkla Xratunariai Uea wo. Alain iuA w. Thone Your Want Ads to The Orcgonian j Main 7070 Aut. 560-93" Miss Catlin's School FOB BOARD TNG AND DAT PTJPDL8 Now occupies Its new building; on WEbTOVtK TKKKAUta An Ideal Location Basketball and Tennis Courts. Prepares r'rls for eastern aa well as western colleges and schools, under a fac ulty of able eastern teachers. Number of students in each class limited. Prlm&rv, Intermediate and High School Departments Boys Accepted in Primary Orades. Special and College Preparatory Courses. Music. Art. Physical Train ing and Science. French Taught Throughout the School. Boarding Department Special Feature. Catalogue Sent Vpon Request to WeKtover Terrace, Portland, Oregon. Phone Automatic 612-73. bchool Opens Sept. 13. All Night TOWING Service If stuck or wrecked, call our Cadillac 8 towing car, equipped for the most diffi cult jobs. ' , We can also supply your tire requirements at any time, any place, nights, Sun days, holidays. WE NEVER CLOSE y Covey Motor Car Company Hall Gas Floor Heater No Fumes No Dirt Clean Healthful Furnace Heat INTRODUCTORY PRICE S65 Hall Gas Furnace Co. 167 PARK ST. Just South of Morrison. Main 7065 OUT-OF-TOWN PEOPLE F.nMIhed 3Q Years In Portland. V 4ia - v THE C. GEE WO C1II.VF.SE BIEDICINK CO. I Our local patronage Is large, yet we take particular pride tnt the fact that visitors from all parta of the Northwest visit this office, a ad we o I enjoy the larsrest practice from out-of-town people. 1 DDinrC UDDV has been brought to the highest state of perfection. Tlra I I DnlUuC lIUnN teeth on this bridge are interchangeable at will without i removlnsr from the mouth. We use gold or porcelain, aa jour fancy die- j i tatea. This is only one of our many original methods. FARTlCL'LAR ATTEVTIOX PAID TO- PLATES t AND BRTDGEWORK. PYORRHEA SrCCESSKl'LLY TREATED. EXAMINATION FREE. Honrs 1 8u30 to 5 P. M. Phone Mala 2020. 33 Years la Portland. WISE DENTAL CO. RELIABLE PAINLESS DESTTSTS. Sll FAILIRJCi BLDG., THIRD AXD WASHING TON, S. E. CORNER. ENTRANCES ON THIRD STREET. 1QHJJ iimmnnmimiMinniniir nmiiutieaiimiiTwtrtmiiiiMiwHimwwiiimtnnwmtMTntmtt TABLETS All Pain Headaches Neuralgias Colds and La Grippe Women's Aches and Ills rtIi"r,r?"'4 jr Rheumatic and Sciatic Pains "fab'ut XOe 7? Lrtl II- f T? V.T A TT? "RTI PIANOS, PLAYER PIANOS. PHONOn , GRAPHS W J I Also rc4iiio. UJ - l U new and better process r tti for less money. Tunlnc and action reg-ulauog. HAROLD 9. GILBERT SS4 Yamhill Street Pianos Bought Rented, Sold C. GEE WO has made a life study of the curative proper ties pos sessed In roots, V. . KiiHo o nil kV y bark,' and has from his wonder ful, well- known r e m e dies, all of which are d e r- fectly harmless, as no poisonous drugs or narcotics of any kind are used in their make up. -For stomach, lu-ng, kidney, liver, rheumatism, neu ralgia, catarrh, bladder, blood, nerv ousness, gall stone and all disorders of men, women and children. Try C. Gee Wo's Wonderful and Well Know n Root and Herb Remedies. Good results will surely and quickly follow. AT l2Vi FIRST STREET, PORTLAND. Phoue your want ads to The Orego nian. llain 7070, Automatic 60-95. Grow Your Hair FREE RECIPE 1 After being almost totally bald a New York Dnsiness man B -.1 has a prolific growth at age of 66 for which he wil. send the genuine Teeipe free on request to any man or woman woo wishes to overcome dandruff or gain new hai: growth. Or testing box of the prep aration, A'ofa(0. will be mailed with recine if you send 10 cts., atamps or "iver. His sddre.. is John H, BT-301. Station V, New York, N. Y. Wanted Chairs to Cane by School for Blind FOR PARTICULARS CALL X' MR. J.F.Myers Mar. 5O0 or Ta bor Oo: MISS HAKKER'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. PALO ALTO. CAL. Resident and day school. Favorable climate and large grounds permit of outdoor life all the year. Prln. Catherine Marker. A. B. Vassar. -!. .ll'-.-j.' a,, ,, ' 'r York Pfanacau mud Modlc&I T t- i -" J Muam wj ui tan, gne rtmnr nerves aud t uJfncstrntTtb nd vitAJity mr due to dAoiocr vtxMe. that thtrr air thousands win, muupiy M3J Ulinf iMUXtl rw; iMKra carnifciM, inc. thntVM back to vihraat i vi t7rsrasM KsaatlrJi II Washing Won't Rid Head of Dandruff The only sure way to get rid of dan druff Is to dissolve it, then you de stroy it . entirely. To do this, set about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon: apply it at night when retir ing; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it In gently with, the finger tips. "Do this tonlg-ht, and by morning; most, if not all, of your dandruff will be gone and three or four more ap plications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dan druff you may have. You will find, too, that all ltchins and diKging of the scalp will stop at once, and your hair will be fluffy, lus trous, glossy, silky and soft and look: and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive and 1 aever falls to do tle .work. Adr,