TIIE MORNING OREG ONI AN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1920 13 HELP WANTED SI ALE. $300 TO $300 A MONTH. Are you earning that? Many automo bile experts are. You may Join the hlgh-kalarled, skilled-mechanic ranks it you take advantage of the gas engineer ins courses ottered by the LEADIN'j AUTO SCHOOL. OK THE WEST W 1 Til A RECORD OF MOKE 8UCCESSKUL ORADUATta THAN ANY OTHBtt SCHOOL. Investigate, enroll and don t pay us a cent until you ara convinced that wo II deliver the goods. That's fair. lut it? Write for our It Ss-page catalogue. It's free. Ask for book No. 5. OUR COL -R3KS ARB FREE TO , OREGON EX-SERVICE -MEN. ADCOX AUTO A NO GAS ENGINE SCHOOIj. UNION AVENUE AND WASCO ST. 18.287 TOUNO MEI have. In the past years. Den assisted in finding positions through the Portland Y. M. O. A. advisory and employment dept. This is not an "agency" and no extra fees or commissions are charged. Employers naturally turn to the y" for men because we appeal to the best typo of men and boys. Our demand at present is far greater than the supply. You never had such an epportunlty to get a belter position if you are prepared for it. All men in clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially Invited to consult one . of the employment sec re taries, room 307. Free vocational guidance and employ ment Tor ex-service men. LKAR.V the vulcanizing business, writo 155 Esst Broadway. Call or Help Wanted -Salesmen. BATiKSM ETT IP TOU ARE T.OOK 1NO FOR A REAL OPPORTU MTY AND ARB WILMXO TO PAY THE PRICE IN TIME AND KKKORT, ONE OF THE LA RO ES T 1NSURA NCE COMPAN I ES IN THE WORM) WILL TRAIN YOU IN INSURANCE SALES MANSHIP: SYSTEMATIC ED U CATION ; PERSONAL ASSIST ANCE: UNLIMITED OPPORTU MTI E3 F R MONEY-MAKING. M 833. ORt'UOMA.N. SALESMEN If you are looking for a real opportunity and are willing to pay the price In time and effort one of the largeat insur ance companies In the world will train you in insurance bs les manshlp; systematic education ; personal assistance ; unll m I ted opportunities for money-making. M 033, Oregonian, WE need a few more substantial, reliable salesmen to represent us in certain de sirable portions of this state, with or without cars. Liberal commission con tract. Trees are in great demand and a cspable man can make big money. For particulars address Oregon Nursery Com pany, Orenco, Oregon. A LARGE eastern company wants an hon est. Industrious man to assist in the management of Its local branch. This is your opportunity. Large earnings to right man. Even if employed it will pay you to look into this. Local ref erences required. Apply 10:30 to 12 M. Mr. Fox. 1107 Spalding bldg. THE OPPORTUNITY for the man who believes in the future, who can forget the past. " Six men of ability. The house Is back of you. Selling experience not necessary. Ask. for Mr. Mills. 00J Wil cox bldg. . A LKHMEN for Oregon, Montana, Idaho, .North and South Dakota; big commis sion paid upon receipt of orders; soiling all classes of merchants; state sales man agers wanted. Call 9 to 12 A. M., 327 Lumbermens bldg. WANTED 4 MEN TO TRAVEL; EXPE Jt I E N4J ED SO LI CI TO R S PRE FERK E D ; OOOI) MONEY TO HUSTLERS CALL TH U RS DAY. 0 TO 1 2. 1 TO G. ASK FOR MR. HARRINGTON. FRANKLIN HOTEL. TWO CITY salesmen to call on all lines of business; if not experienced please do not call; good money for right men. Call between 5-7:30 I. M., Cromwell apts., No. 22. J. S. Wood, Aia.ll block from city hall. AUTOMOBILE salesman, experienced man, Mcauulnted wlLh cltv: must bo a hustler. to sell most popular 6-cyl. car, in price class, old established nrm; answers treat, ed confidentially. A 233, Oregonian. FORD salesman wa-nted for Portland ter ritory; must furnish own car. Splendid opportunity for a live wire. Address box number BO 440, Oregonian. W A NTED Two stock salesmen, men that know the Grays Harbor country, this is fur a good, clean company. Call Morning. 401 Main. Vancouver. Wash. WANT few salesmen to sell lots In de veloped beach resort; good commission and leads. See Sawyer, 213 Stark St., between 10 and 12. IF YOU have a Ford and wish to make money, we can place you In stations where you will make good money. Call 633 Wash. Bt. 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. WANTED Experienced confectionery salesman for established high-grade line ' for southern Oregon territory. X 107, Orcgonlah. lORDSON TRACTOR salesman wanted to work in Multnomah county territory; experienced ma-n preferred. Address box No. AN 433, Oregonian. SALESMAN and demonstrator for growing concern ; experience not required. B 270. Oregonian. WANTED Automobile salesman for Chev rolet. Apply sales manager. Fields Mo tor Car Co.. 14th and Alder. SALESMAN who is capable of makng big money. Detroit Automatio Scale Co., 306 Oak street. SALESMEN Wonderful opportunity, la come insurance, 601 Corbett Bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS wanted for factory work; good wages, steady work. Experience un necessary. Saturday afternoon off. Take N and S car to Sixteenth and Thurman American Can Co. 2 HOTEL cooks, out; waiters, out. $17.30 hotel maid. Seaside; waitress, city, $17; Girl to work in snake cage: lady to take care invalid; cook for harvest Hands. PORTLAND LABOR AGENCY. 30 Raleigh Bldg. 327 Washington at WIDOWER, working man, with three clean, well-behaved children, ape 0 11 years, wants housekeeper; prefers one who has own furniture, or would board In widow's home where children could have mothers love and care. AE 633, Oregonian. WANTED Neat appearing young lady to work at soda fountain in candy store afternoon-night shift. Experience not necessary. Don't phone. Roger's Candy st ore. Broadway at Yamhill. WANTED Experienced saleslady for no tion dept.; must be quick and accurate good salary to one who can qualify. Ap ply Mr, Kent, fcimon s store, 2U ana AI ier sts. INVESTMENT house wants reliable ste nographer: must have had some expe rience with bonna and quick at figures; references required. State age and salary ex peered. i zv.i. ureijoman. WANTED Lady to do general housework good wages; no washing or irnnina: lib eral hours off duty. Inquire Mr. Carter, 1212 Uasco bldg. or East 3623. Phone Main .j. STENOGRAPHER, $2.", per week; tell about your business experience and edu cation in your application. AB 600. Oregnnla n. WANTED Have position open for 2 or 3 girls to learn marking and sorting; $13 to $20 a week. Crystal laundry. E. 21st and Sandy. Rose City car. STENOGRAPHER who will invest $3o0 and services tn help organize good pav ing advertising company. C. S. pre ferrefl. A 2:2, Oregonian. S N EAT vrirls. cereal department, Olympic mill. 1st and E. Washington. Ask for Mr. Stevens. YOUNG woman who understands kinder garten work: mustcian preferred. Bdwy. 2.v.V 143 l"th st. CHANCE for young man to learn motion picture machJne operating. Apply 31S Piatt Wdg. WOMAN wanted Main 73R4. to work in storeroom. AN EXPERIENCED waitress. Mandarin cafe. Krt'JH Morrison. WANTED Head waitress for American plan hotel. Alexandra court, 53 Eila st. WANTED Woman to assist Alexndra court. 33 Ella st. in pan try. EXPERIENCED alteration help wanted. The Fashion, 39 Washington. YOUNG woman wanted at boarding house st 1773 Derby st. Wood lawn 83. WANTED Experienred Call Autotmati: 223-17. demonstrator. G1RIS wanted in Lincoln Allen, book bindery. 112 First st. Apply W NT ED Cbs m ber uia it Is. Mull ncinah ho tel. Aiply Asb-slreet entrance. HEIJ WANTKO FEMALE. YOUNG "WOMEN EARN 189.00 SECOND MONTH. $90.00 FIRST MONTH. $000.00 FIRST TWELVE MONTHS. MUCH HIGHER FOLLOWING MONTHS. INCREASES REGULARLY. APPLY NOW. Room 601, 6th Floor. Park and Oak Sts. Telephone Building. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. GIRLS WANTED for factory works, good wages, steady work. Experience un necessary. Saturday afternoon off; take is ano to car to aijtteentn. and Thurman. American Can Co. THR MEIER A FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of girls between the . ages of 16 and 18 for our wrapping and office departments. Only those who are not to return to school will be consid ered for the positions. Apply Employment Bureau, Sixth Floor MElKJci 4t FRANK COMPANY. THE MEIER PRANK COMPANY has vacancies in several departments for ex perlenced salespeople. These are per manent positions and orrer splendid op portunities for those who desire advance ment. Apply employment bureau, 6th floor, jueier & jrrank company. THE MEIER A FRANK COMPANY re quires Che services of girls between the ages of IS and 22 for positions in the soda fountain and dairy lunch depart ments. Apply employment bureau 6th floor, Meier A Frank Company. EXPERIENCED millinery saleswomen. Apply to Mr. Dolan. third floor. LIPMAN, WOLFE A COMPANY" THE METER A FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of experienced millin ery mukers and saleswomen; permanent positions. Apply Employment Bureau. Sixth Floor MEIER &. FRANK COMPANY. THE OLDS. WORTMAN A KING STORE requires the services of an experienced saleswoman for corsets. Also an ex perienced saleswoman for silk depart ment. Apply superintendent's office, 0:13 to 10: JO A. M. WANTED One waitress, $60 per month and board first month, $70 per month and board second month and thereafter. Work 6 days per week, and as late as 12 P. M. Good chance for promotion to girls who apply themselves. Apply Broadway Hazelwood, 127 Broadway, after 0 A. M. THE MEIER A FRANK CO. requires the services of an experienced hemstitcher. Apply Mrs. Fisher, hemstitching depart ment, aeoond floor. Meier A Frank Co. PALACE LAUNDRY COMPANY requires me services or several laaiea, experienced or inexperienced, good working condi tions, steady employment and beat of wages. East 10lh and Everett sts. WANTED Young lady between 20 and 23 years or age, good personality, neat ste nographer with some knowledge of book keeping. Must understand how to meet good people tactfully. Prefer lady with some real estate experience. AV 25, Oregonian. LOCAL corporation wants honest, capable young man who is not afraid of hard work and who is willling to invest $looo in good-paying business, part of which can be -paid out of earnings; references given and required. Apply Y 168, Ore gonian. WOMEN and girls wanted Exnerienoe not necessary; good working conditions and good pay. Apply in person. Take Rose City or MontaviUa car to E. Tenth ana want souin to fine at. Troy Laun dry company. APPLICATIONS will be received from young women aged 20 to 33 for wood working factory at St. Johns; good pay and steady employment. AB 392, Ore gonian. WANTED Two teachers tor the hla-h school and one for the 3d and 4th grades. Apply to clerk. Myrtle Creek, Oregon. EXPERIENCED hemstitcher; also appren jur umiun covering; permanent position. .Button ana bleating Shoo. 600 Royal bldg. v wishing government positions; $100 iuuui.li aii.-wci immediately. Ji.v o, uregonian, r-ortiana, or. TRIMMERS and experienced makers waniea ior tuiy anu oui-oi-town posi- noun. Aft"? iiwcuuri c io., .Broad way and Burnside. aa i gin in neea ox a i r ten a aoolv to ine oaivauon Army xiescue Home, May fair ana Alexander sts. Phone Main DICTATING machine stenographers, rood position. The Ediphone, 502 Oregon THE Florence Crittenton Home is ready to help any girl in distress. 935 East uiiFan. ai v car. asL aio. MILLINERY MAKERS wanted; also tw young girls to learn making. Elsie WANTED Glri to assist with housework; no cooaiug. Apytj vj jnarsiian, near 21SI. WANTED 2 cultured women to handle Bpecmt cuuvsuvutti norx. vuif. Ore gonian. WOMEN wanted for steady inside work Western Oregon Han ale Co., East 31st ana sanay Diva. STENOGRAPHER Good salary and good iuiui v , biuio rK"iionuo ana pnona quid ber. R 915, Oregonian. 3TENOGRAPHER Opportunity for good beginner; give age, .experience and pnone. Aoarfss s uregonlan. NEAT, Tellable single woman or girl of age to Keep nouse ana clerk In store. TO commercial sc. ilfciljf vv a is i snaaers. Dress rra tors and hand ironers. Troy Laundry CTmpnuyt giuu fine si. WANTEO uiris ior simonizinsr automn biles. Call at the slmonizing station. 173 I'ISl SI. WOMAN to do work in storeroom: rfr. ences required; must live near 23d and Y asn i n g to n. wain mm. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker, good location give pnone numoer. a vj, uregonlan, GOOD lady chiropodist, fine location; give LADY barber, the $L 324 Coucn st.; 63 o WANTED Girl for general housework. family or a. rnoae mornings, Jiain 3334, PORTLAND LAUNDRY Girls Union and Mill sts. wanted. WAITRESS wanted at the Oregon restau rant. 13t brand ave. TEACHERS, register free. Many calls. v esunore Agency, apoaane. vv asn. WANTED Girl at 1778 Derby st. as helper in small boarding house; good wages. WILL GIVE PIANO lessons for laundry or other work. Main 8018. CHAMBERMAID WANTED. Hotel Rainier. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Mallory hotel, 171 Lownadale st. LADY barber wanted, apply 203 Jefferson street. WOMAN to run rooming house: give rooms, and wages. W 230. Oregonian. SCHOOL GIRL wanted for general house work. Call Wdln. 6073 before noon SCHOOL GIRL to work bourd and wages. W s: for room and tie. M.iin 47."!. SCHOOL GIRL to yii it rework: good lioie, salary. Tabor 2 10 J, HELP WANTED FEMALE. THREE IMPORTANT TRAVELING POSITIONS MUST BE FILLED WITHIN THIRTY DAYS. Reliable Chicago corporation wants 3 Intelligent women to act as traveling representatives at once. Position per manent and offers unusually good op portunity for advancement Applicants must be over 27, and with high school education or equivalent; no investment or previous .experience necessary. To suc cessful applicant we will pay railroad fare and salary from start. Position worth $60 per week ; give age. educa tion, brief personal description In first letter. Address W. L. McUowen. 1516 Garland bldg., Chicago, 111. WANTED YOUNG GIRLS FOR BAG MANUFACTURING. GOOD WAGES WITH LARGE BONUS PAID. SAT. AFTERNOONS OFF. APPLY AMES. HARRIS, NEVILLE CO., 15TH AND HOYT STS. TAKE N. AND S. OR 16TH ST. CAR. THE OT.DS. WORTMAN A KING STORE requires the services of experienced saleswomen for drugs and toilet goods. Apply superintendent's office. 0:13 to 10:30 A. M. YOUNG lady, preferably just out of high school or business college, must be able to operate Remington and take dicta tion: accurate in figures ; no experience necessary; must be steady and reliable and willing to start at beginner's wages. General office work. Apply C. D. Mor rison, 448 Washington st. ESTABLISHED investment house has opening for efficient typist and stenog rapher; one accustomed to figures and familiar with the ordinary books ' of account preferred. Reply in own hand writing, stating age. experience, refer ence and salary expected. C 984, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED hair cutter. Apply m-. ployment bureau. 6th floor, Meier A Frank Co, WANTED First-class bookkeeper, expe rienced in double entry and in handling cash; steady position and good salary to person having the proper qualifica tions. Apply Hazel wood Ice Creain company. E. Sixth and Main sts. TfV ANTED Stenographer and office as sistant; must be Remington operator and take dictation fairly fast; no objection to beginners if capable of learning quickly; give references, phone number and state salary desired. K 532, Oregonian. TWO EXPERIENCED shakers, no others need apply ; $15 p-er week; one experi enced counter girl, I 'J I per week ; one repair woman, $18 per week. Apply liberty Launary, onion ave. TOUNG GIRL, employed downtown, wishes board and room in private family where there are no children and where she will be treated as ono of the family. Mar. 4770. MRS. L. V. SCOTT, formerly director of employment for women with the federal government, will secure employment for women in an lines. or rice - itenry bldg.. cor. 4th and Oak sts. Bdwy. 4537 GIRLS, age 16 to 20, for light stock work, no experience required, steady employ ment and opportunities for advancement. Apply between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. at HM H-paldlng bldg. EXPERIENCED GTRLS FOR STITCHING MACHINE. APPLY MR. HENDERSON, MAIL ROOM, OK EU ON IAN BLDG. WANTED Girl over 15 years old to help take care baby 10 months old. Good home, small wages. Apply 410 HoJIaday ave. SECRETARY, $150; stenographer, $125 insurance stenographer, $no; stenog raphcr, $100; bookkeeper. $100; stenog rapher. $75. 301 N. W. Bk. bldg. GIRLS wanted, experienced on power sew lng machines preferred. Apply Theo. Bergmann Shoe Mfg. Co., 621 Thurman St. EXPERIENCED cook for general down stairs work, family 3 adults ; no laun dry. Phone Main 2640. Apply 415 W. Park, mornings. WANTED Efficient women looking for clerical and technical positions to reg ister for vacancies existing in this chu of work. 506 Spalding bldg. WANTED. TALENTED CHILDREN For Juvenile Dramatia club playing Portland and viciniy. 706 Ellers bldg. GIRLS wanted at once; light work. Co lumbia fa per nox jo., -otn ana Hoi laday ave. 2 MARRIED women wanted, 1 for dining room, 1 for kitchen, all JV. 2 1st. Bdwy. 2720. YOUNG lady, experienced In hair dressing and manicuring; prerer Marinello gradu ate. Marinello Shop, 210 Central bldg. GIRL or woman to help with housework in modern home; room and good pay. Phone Marshall 2666. WO MAN having some nursing ability. light nousewoTK, email iamiiy; no wash ing; good wages. E 5.31. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED clerk wanted for bakery and cafeteria work, r enning a bakery, 147 Killings worth. EXPERIENCED ironer, woman; good wages. Domestic French laundry,-1 3H 11th. EXPERIENCED saiesiady to sell ladies' ready-to-wear; permanent position. Ap ply at Levitt's store. 4th and Wash. YOUNG lady for grocery and confection ery, cau alter iu.au a. ju., urana ave., cor. Hawthorne. GIRL to work in reception room. Call at :30 A. M., 40tl Columbia bldg., 363 wasnington st. WAITRESS, sawmill camp. Standard Em ployment oitice, 12 fw. Fourth st. WANTED Jani tress for office bldg. steady position, -ioa Ltwia mag. DISHWASHER. Bender's lunch room. 229 N. 23d st. WANTED Experienced saleslady. Call WANTED Experienced egg candler. Ar mour 6C JO., 101 IS. 13th St. WOMEN to work one hour, make day's wa gea. 4ia i?tocK Exchange blug. Wanted -Domestics. WANTED Experienced woman, not over 40, for general housework; 4 In family; no small children; every modern con venience; good room with private bath on 2d floor, good wages: no washing, but must be good cook. Call mornings at 2.0 Shenandoah terrace or phone Main 7657. Take car to end of Westover line. Ask conductor for Taylor residence. ELDERLY lady to keep house for aged couple in town; immediately; permanent position for right party. Write Mrs. S. E. Gather, Lebanon, or. WOMAN for housewom, one willing to help with care or two smau children wages $45 per month. Phone 20 Ore froti City, Or. WANTED Experienced cook, small fam ily, no washing. Phone East 7182: resi dence C21 East 18th st. North, corner of Brazee st. WANTED A young Japanese girl to assist and learn general Housework, In small family; need not know much American, 'leiepnone Alain boU3. WIDOW or girl for housework in family of two. Call at 518 Third st., Oregon uty. or pnone dip uregon vity. WANTED Young girl to assist with housework in a five-room apt. Call Main 1 664. Apt. 202, Highland Court. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; no upstairs work, no washing adults oniy. jviam -t4 1 . WANTED Girl for general housework no cooking; good wages. 151 Laddlngton court. COMPETENT maid for cooking and assist with general housework. Phone East 6870.- GIRL wanted for general housework; no -washing ; good pay. 144 N. 2ttd st. ' Main 1714.- EXPERIENCED second girl; two in fm lly. 253 King street. Main 3753. A COMPETENT GIRL for general house work. Good wages. Phone Main 2300. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; good wages. 747 Giisan st. GOOD girl for general housework. Phone Tabor 031. GIRL for general housework; must be . competent. Apply 60S Northrup at. GOOD girl to assist with 2 children; some upstairs work. Main 2026. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. 600 HOP PICKER3 WANTED. APPLY BISHOP BROS., 124 N. 6TH ST. HOP PICKERS wanted for Mission bot tom. 60 acres. $1.50 per hundred lbs. Register st 276 Taylor St.. cor. 4th. HOPPICKERS $LW per 100 lbs. paid. For particulars write Lorm uresy, Aurora, Or R. No .-?. VY E A V" E LIS and experienced w.r. ji, r.'. 'i . help; steady work. Eureka Woolen j4i1J, Eureka, Cal. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. HOPPICKERS, NOTICE Hoppickers want ed for the J, W. Seavey bopyard at For est Grove; 130 acres of tine hops; crop ovvo better than last year; good clean camp sheds, water piped to the grounds, wood sawed stove length, good grocery store, camp stoves furnished, clean straw in camp sheds, all accom modations free; picking $1.50 per hun dred for those remaining until work fin ished ; camp sheds are built to accom modate 4 or more pickers, so make tip your parties accordingly. Apply at 222 Plttock block, corner Uth and Stark eta., or telephone Broadway 1000. Ask for Mr. Qglesby. . WANTED Hop pickers. Phone 529-11. 227 Kail sU EDUCATIONAL. DRESSMAKING AND PRACTICAL, DESIGNING COURSE. Including the following In full with notes: Costing only $32, with terms if so desired. PATTERN MAKING, drafting to In dividual measurements; no fitting. NOVHLTIES; Stitchery, all kinds, fancies, dress designs for embroidery, braidings, headings, tassels, etc. DRESSMAKERS' ART, with stenciled designs, etc. DRESSMAKING. COLOR HARMONY, PRACTICAL DESIGNING; DRAPING. Limited Number in -Classes. For time and place see Oregonian for Sunday, 2b th. 1IOLKR BARBER COLLEGE. W'H teach you the trade in 8 weeks, give you a set of tools and some pay wnue learning. Positions secured. Ore gon ex-service men, the course Is free to you. Write or call for particulars j ana catalogue, -'a burnsidd st. POSITION'S ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BBHXKB-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue PIANO AND HARP. Concerts, muslcales, recitals. Dunning eylem for beginners Alice Genevieve Smith, Studio 509 Eller bldg. Phone Main oOat). Summer school 1Gb 4 6th ave. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; ca!p and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduce! this term. 233 Madison. MISS M ATTINGLY'S PRIVATE School, shorthand, typewriting. Individual in struction, day, evening. 2U) 14th st. near Jefferson. Main 3803. PORTLANT) Barber College teaches the ( barber trade in eight weeks; pays while learning; good set of tools given : posi tions secured; tuition reduced. 38 N. 2d st. EAST SIDE? COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Bucket's private school; lndivldr uai instruction. 122!$ Grand ave. E. 427. ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. rranK tv. weiles, ex -asst. state supt-. Mgr., N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8276. LEARN TELEGRAPHY -Re-lkible Tele graph Institute, 434 Railway Exchange diqs. j ree oooKiet. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. 2oo oak st. OREGON law school, AMsky bldg.. Mor. W. E. Richardson, bm. Mi 3d and iln 977. YATES-FISHER Tearhers' Agency Free registration. Main t27 4. Broadway-bldg. STUDY massage. Portland School of Ma sage (Inc.), 711 Swetland bldg. M. 778?. A FREE piano lesson to limited number ceginners only. T l8, Oregonian.. HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER wishes pupils. t'hone '2-. F1SK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Main 4833. Teaching positions, free reg. SITUATIONS WANTED MA I.E. GENERAL MDSE clerk wants position in city, eight years' experience; would con sider position in grocery store, age 29, single. Address B. C. W., 160 l&t at. worth. hX-bEUVJCE man desires position as chauffeur or truck driver; can handle all makes and do minor repairing; can furnish best of references. C 221, Ore gonian. AI LOCOMOTI v su engineer. 12 years' prac tical experience, main lines and logging roaas, wisnes steady position with re liable company, C. P. M., room 23. 130 Va Tnira street. PAINTING AND TINTING. My prices are less than you'd expect to pay for finest paints and workman ship. I do good work. only. Louis liurk, rtroaaway CAPABLE young man. 26, wants a selling position tnat is a real commercial trav eling proposition. Prefer to cover Pacific coast states. K 167, Oregonian. WINDOW trimmer and card writer, exper- frencea, wouia line to worn as assistant on steady job; age 25, single. Address 1U0 21st st. N. N. H. H. - MAN AND wife wish positions; wife good cook, man gooa worKer; win go on larm, camp or country notei. f i&o, orego nian. SITUATION by married man handy with an toots, unaerstands elevators snd elec trical work, 3 years as apartment eng- neer. c uregonian. WANTED Position as manager on a dairy xarm; tnorougmy understands an branches of farming, stock raising and marKct gardening. Li zo. uregonian. SITUATION wanted by engineer, station ary or hoisting, with first-class company; hold first-class Montana state license. Address Jas. Moore, Hotel Hood. POSITION wanted. Japanese electrical en gineering graduate, experienced in power stations, storage oattery. in. .at., uao jn. union ave. WANTED Employment as chauffeur, pri vate or trucK; ten years experience ; married; references A-l. B 203, Ore- gpnian. BY EXPERIENCED colleotor and sales man, etsrht years experience: will work on salary and commission; best of ref erences. 20,-t Blackstone hotel. MIDDLE-AGED MAN, not very strong, de sires light work. Steady, reliable. R 168, Oregonian. STEAM engineer, 12 years experience in refrigeration, electricity and gas, good tiLL-ruunu jncuHuic. x i ooo, vrcouiaiii. RAPID CARD WRITER wants permanent position; dept. store experience. K 16a, Oregonian. FOR REASONABLE prices on building. repairing, painting, tinting, phone E. BUILDING superintendent; reinforced concrete a specialty. E. R., 704 Washing ton st., Vancouver, wasn. MAN WITH car, stock or storeroom; sales man, capable worker for mutual inter est. ' AH nil, Oregonian. RELIABLE married man wishes position in wnoiesaie nouse. rnone woodlawn 4230. GENTLEMAN, long experience metal mfg. lines, on ice and selling, desires position; moderate salary. kj ioo, uregonian. CARPENTER, contracting, general repairs. remodeling, etc.; reliable mechanic. Broadway 24S7. EXPERIENCED salesman and sales man ager wishes good specialty line. G 233, uregonian. IF YOU -need tinting done call J. H. Ber- Ion, Main 526. 344 First St., or. Main uaa, room l. NURSERYMAN. " Experienced in budding roses; steady position for right party. Apply Tabor 121. CEMENT WORK Floors, walks, garages and driveways; reasonable. Call Tabor 6(i0. mornings or evenings. WANTED Contract hauling piling, logs or mraoer; ys -ion irucic, o-toa trailer. AL oUi. Oregonian. PA PERH ANGER. C. L. Biggs, 443 Halsey. bo i 14 wants work in store; some expe- nence; reierences. .cast . JOB EVENINGS, 5 or 6 hour or night man garage, xaoor eon.'. FOR first-class painting, tinting, etc., call woodlawn 2407. Lapp, Willis A Co. FOR CEMENT or cesspool work call Main iuo aiter o tr. iu. ask ior aimer. JAPANESE boy wants Job, hotel or res- taurant, any king, aj b32. OTegonian. EXPERIENCED janitor wants work. Call woouiawn i-'oi alter o o'clock P. M. ma.n ana wire, wire as waitress, man as fireman ; prefer camp. O 1 OO, Oregonian. SHINGLING Main 7006. CONTRACTS Room 11. ELDERLY man wants position aa night watchman. AC 880, Oregonian. HOUSE-PAINTING, tinting; Residence, Tabor 3031. guaranteed. ALL kinds of cement work done at a rea- sonable price. Tabor 6888. CHAUFFEUR desires driving by hour, week or month. Main 8S28. CARPENTER, new or repair work, esti mates cheerfully given. Blaco. Main 1063. ELDERLY, reliable man wants position as night watchman. Mr. Collins. East 7021. BY JANITOR. 1, 3 or 4 hours afternoon or evening, labor bJUt; require references, i POSITION wanted man. 3.. lty wnj eNprlenceri siles AE w:'.1. Oregniiiaii. 1', . ..:"!' - C I - A Sri factory cabinet maker; steady job and good pay. 100 3d sl.' N. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. EXPERIENCED baker wants work as camp baker. AV 258. Oregonian. GASOLINE wood saw; wood sawed on short notice. Main 4339. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER-STENOG- KAf HBK A N O ALL-ROUND OK'H-IS MAN WANTS POSITION IN OR OUT OF CITY. BROADWAY 514. AI BOOKKEEPER wants position in or out of city; good local references. Main 74ftfi. PRACTICAL accountant wants small seta of booku to keep; satisfaction guaran teed; reasonable charges. Phone 315-58- BOOKKEEPER desires several hour's work evenings. E 218, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. DRESSMAKER Original, clever designs for fall 3-piece and coat frocks; excel lent references. Here Aug., Sept. only. Woodlawn 3u5. WANTED Position as manager- In first class apartment house or hotel by young woman or gooa appearance wuo is ex pendable and experienced; beat refer ences furnished. "H t3, Oregonian. RE KIN ED mlddle-asred ladv would like home Willi family; light work, smau wages. 023 Morrison. Phone Alain LACE, SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE cur- tains none up iiks new. win caii. East 8318. GRAMMAR school girl wishes to work for room ana board and small wages. (Joun try preferred. N 2ot. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED camp cook wants work. large or small crew. Marshall itfio, room T. AG S8, Oregonian. LADY wants house cleaning, other work. hours, day; work guaranteed. wood lawn 6305. EXPERIENCED ironer, woman; good wages. Domestic French laundry, l3a 11th. YOUNG lady wishes situation as "wood turner or band saw;: three years expe- rlence. A. J 838, Oregonian. WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evening" while mother is away. References. Wdlu. 1611. EXPERIENCED cook wishes situation with second help or Institutional work. A 902. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, 25, single, wishes position. grooery; experienced ; hustler; references. Bdway. 3783. or V 20, Oregonian. YOUNG woman will care for children evenings; can furnish references. O 137, Oregonian. WIDOW with two boys, 3 and 5 years. wants cooking in small camp or on ranch. W 131, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS cook and baker wants 15-20 men, camp, ranch, boat or club. Mrs. Brown, 181 13th st. Phone Main 4307. COUPLE with boy & years wishes room and board for services of. wile. Pnons Main 7920. GOOD cook wants position cooking for 12 to 15 men in camp, $ioo. or to iu men on ranch. $75. AJ 840. Oregonian. WOULD take charge of hotel, rooming or apartment houso; best of reierences given. Phone Main 0'.4. MARRIED LADY wishes rooming house to manage for apts. and some wages. Tabor 8453. LADY wants cleaning; 50c. hour and car fare. Woodlawn 5967. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Call at 7ol Raleigh st. ; EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher; best of references. Main 2817. 'WOMAN wants day work Thursday, Fri day. East 8372, room TOO. DAY work wanted. Call Main 3720 Thurs- day. W'lSH position as saleswoman or recep tionist; legitimate oaiy. waranan on-;t. WANTED Position as file clerk, general clerical work, Broadway o.t.'J. BY COMPETENT woman, work by the hour. Call 5-7 P. m. oniy. wain. oio. Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra- plier wants position in city; oest ot rei. errnces. Main, 7496. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po sition August 23; permanent or tempor ary; $25 per week. A G 835, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per manent position; salary iiuu. zo, ure gonian. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKER Original. cleTer designs for fall 3-piece and coat rrocKs; excel lent reference. -'rf-Uere) Aug., Sept. only. Woodlawn 4306:- -' EXPERIENCED dressmaker will go out bv dav: rate $4. Phone Broadway 218 room 223, Do not call later than 10 A. M. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking and remodel ing. Call Mies Proctor. Aiaranaii iou, 373 Fourth st. DRESSMAKING Work guaranteed; prices right. 311 Central bldg., 10th st. Main 3408. DRESSMAKING and alterations: work guaranteed. Miss stump, Columbian apts.. No. 42. Main 3 Oil. PLAIN and family sewing. Call East 70-5. 863 E. Washington, cor. E. 2bth. PLAIN dressmaking done reasonably. 768 Michigan ave., near Beech st- EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER. TABOR 7855. SEWING of all kinds, well done for a reasonable compensation. Aui. 214-au. RELIABLE dressmaker, remodeling; years or experience. 'labor si. Nurses. TRAINED nurse, long practice, best ref.; reasonable. Marshall 4-iuu. Apt. 22. PRACTICAL nurse would like care of in fant or invalid. Marshall 4410. TRAINED NURSE wishes more oases or hourly nursing. Mar. 340. Housekeepers. WOMAN with girl 10 years old wants place to keep house ior gentleman, witn or without children, more for home than large wages: lu or out city. O 13S, Oregonian. " I sTEADY, respectable woman with girl of i 7, l wishes position -as housekeeper .for 1 or 2 gentlemen; best city references. E 225, Oregonian. POSITION as linen room woman or as sistant housekeeper in notei oy a thor oughly experienced woman. Phone Bdwy. 2016. YOUNG widow rttli little daughter de aa housekeeper. Phone sires position East 7100. Domestic, HOUSECLE ANING. House cleaning, window washing, car pec cleaning by expert workmen ; f lootfs waxed. furniture polished like new. CITY HOUSECLE ANING 8ERVICE, 1S8 Chapman St. Phone Main 1157. REFINED, middle-aged woman wishes po sition as housekeeper ana companion or nurse and companion. East, 4035.; C. S. family preferred THE VERIBBST WINDOW CLEANERS. Tabor 4638. House cleaning, zioor wax ing and vacuum cleaning; estimates cheerfully given. Best of references. RELIABLE middle-aged lady wants house work; good cook; city or country. o 15U, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cook in private family. Phone Tabor 34l. WOMAN wants work, day or hour. Tabor 7oyy. WANTED TO KENT. Houses. 5 OR 6-ROOM bungalow or modern house, unfurnished or partially furnished: lo cation convenient to Westminster Pres byterian church preferred. Call Main 4 MODERN 5 to 7-room unfurnished house. east side, by September zo ; permanent. Good care guaranteed. Auto, aia-tfi. WANTED By Sept. 1. furnished 4 or 5- rootn house or nat. reasonable, west side. A J 830. oregonian. WANT to rent a house, 5 or 6 rooms, with back yara, eiecinc ugnt, gas. au Oregonian. . RELIABLE coupie desire to lease unfur nished bungalow for two years. Tabor 2033. COUPLE desire unfurnished 5 galow or tla.t with furnace; tion ; references. East 317. room bun good loca WANT TO RENT OR LEASE 3-ROOM MODERN iiuuani. ou.miauuw on FLAT; ADULTS. EAST tlSUO. WANTED Strictly modern 6 or -room house, not over ou, in uoBiraoie uisirict. East 4312. . WANTED To rent 4 to 5-room house. modern, partly lurmsneo. oy feept. 1. Call East 68QQ. ask ior .Mr. vveiser. WANTED By young couple, 5 or 6-room furnished bungalow; reierences, .East tn.VT. WANTED Modern 5-room furnished house near Mt. i aoor car line or Aiontaviua. AV 270. Oregonian. WANTED Modern 4 or 5-room nouse, flat tr apartment tor iamiiy oi a. Main in. 4 OR 3-ROMM unfurni-'id lui'f. Iritli una eiectr". uinf. . ' ni. ,reKiiiiun WA XTKD- -4 r 3-room furnished modern A .31. Uregunlaa, WANTED TO KENT. "WANTED. TO RENT. ABOUT SEPT. 3.A6 OR T-ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON WEST SIDE BY A RESPONSIBLE FAMILY OF FOUR ADULTS. EAST 6S74. WANTED By man and wife, small house or cottage, on west side, furnished or unfurnished, any time up to Sept. 1. Will be permanent; reasonable rent; ref erence if desired. V 203, Oregonian. RELIABLE young couple desires 6 or 7 room modern, unfurnished house, with garage ; no children. Irvington, Holla day or Rose City preferred. Best of references, O 223, Oregonian. YOUNG couple want small. furnished house, bungalow or flat, for October 1. Will give reference and take best of care of furnishings. Apply K 164. Oregonian & OR 6 -room house, furnished, with lease for one year, with the option of buyin-g any time within year; Sunnyside pre ferred. Answer carrier SO. care post office. WANT to rent or lease 4 or 6-room fur nished houso with modern conveniences or will exchange my ti-room furnished nouse ior smaller one. .fnone Vt oou lawn 24S4. 0:30 to 7 P. M. WANTED About Sept. 1, unfurnished modern o-room house (Bungalow pre f erred L In good location; best of care given property. .mono .Marshall lui. Mrs. Nordean. WANTED Bungalow or house on east side, with 6 or 7 rooms, now or later. Phone or write Mr. Shull, care Meier A rra n k t -o. Ivoca 1 b. WANTED TO RENT Bungalow or mod ern 6-room house in Rose City park or jrvington uttricu win lease. rnone Woodlawn 4415. UNFURNISHED modern house. 6 or 7 rooms, on or ueiore bept. i. adults best reierences; prefer lease. Phone Woodlawn 4X72. WANTED To rent on or before Nov. 1, modern o to 7-room house or bungalow; would take a lease ; let me hear from you after 0 o'clock. Phono Aut. 327-H3. WANTED To rent furnished cottage, bungalow or flat for one month uu tun ning Aug. 23; two adults and child; ref erences. Address E 2 U. Oregonian. WANTED JTo lea for at least one year. modern uinurnivhed 6-rm. house In good location; responsible party, four adults In family. Phone Tabor 8807. WANTED To rept modern 6-room house or bungalow with garage, good location; will pay $03 per month ; best of refer ences. AG 834, Oregonian. WANT TO RENT Adults, to 7-room furnished modern house; permanent; ga rage East 7860. Apartments. WANTED To rent 2 large or 3 or 4 small unfurnished housekeeping rooms witn bath In private family or apartment house. In vicinity of Couch or Ladd schools; will pay $40. Phone room 204 Cordova hotel after 6:30 P. M. WANTED A 4 or 5-room heated unfur nished apt. In first-class apt. house. For 3 adults, refined and responsible people, west side preferred. Can give best of references. L 017, Oregonian. WANTED About September J, to lease furnished or unfurnished apartment; must be modern ; 5 to 7 rooms ; refer ences. AN 804, Oregonian. FURNISHED, or partly, 1-room apartment or large front room, south of Washing ton or SB car line. E 03, Oregonian. 3 TO 3-KOOM unlurnished flat, walking distance; good references; adults only, Call East 2400. THREE or four-room unfurnished apart ment, west side or Portland Heights; view if possible. Marshall 1463. WANTED Furnished apt., 3 or 4 -room; must be nice location; for adults; best of references. AR 800. Oregonian. WANTED By Sept. 1, small, well-furnished modern apartment. AH &30, Ore gonian. COUPLE would like 2 or 3-room furnished apartments, walking distance. V 204, Oregonian. . WANTED 3 or 6-room unlurnished apart ment or flat, west side. G 240, Orego nian. Blooms. WANTED Sept. 1, by lady author, two clean, unfurnished rooms, with kitchen ette. first floor, bath connected, elec trlclty, heat, near car, with family pre ferred. Lower P. n il or roo tun. Rei erences exchanged. Phone East 7896. Rooms With Board. YOUNG lady employed wants room and board in modern urlvate home: or room in private home near good boarding house, easy walking distance, west side. Give phone number. P 101, Oregonian. WANT work on farm for boy 13 years, where he can go to school. M 186, Oregonian. WANTED A quiet home place for middle-aged woman with two meals a day. Is out all day. J 990. Oregonian. Housekeeping Rooms. WANTED To rent, by ytiung couple, housekeeping rooms tn modern west side home, walking distance. AB S80, urflgonian. WANTED For 6 months, housekeeping suite in refined modern home; rer erences exchanged. C 225. Oregonian, 3 OR 4 ROOMS and bath, close to Haw thorne school. G 246, Oregonian. FOR KENT. SOME very good, clean sleeping rooms at 208 1 1 th st., near 1 ayior. Furnished Rooms. MAXWELL HALL. 207 14th st. Modern furnished rooms, rates to permanent guests ; one 2-room basement apartment; best location in city; a home away from home; save hotei bills for transients. COOLEST, NICEST ROOMS IN CITY. Every room In Hazel hotel outside rooms; large, light and airy, nicely fur nished, not and cold water; all other conveniences; lovely parlor with piano. If you are lonesome and homesick come to the Hazel. Third nd Montgomery. Main 7004. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th st., at Washington. Rates, $3 per week up, $1 day. Fire proof, large attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusement and shopping center. HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison St., at East Sixth. The principal east side hotel; dignified and refined; $1.25 per day and up; $9 per week and up. PERKINS HOTEL. Fifth and Washington Sta. Attractive rates to permanent guests. Commodious suites for families. RITZ HOTEL. Morrison and Park sts. New, fireproof and modern. Special rates to permanent guests. HOTEL TAIT. 12TH AND STARK STS. Pleasant, desirable all outside rooms, phone s, elevator, $3 per week up. LARGE, clean, light attractively fur nished sleeping room, suitable for cou ple or 2 gentlemen, near shipyards. Rea sonable. 573 8d. FOR RENT One well furnished room with kitchenette and privilege of bath ana telephone. Call East 113. 520 E. Ash st. VERY desirable, nicely furnished, sleeping ana housekeeping; seiecx io cation. ll 23d st. IN OWNER'S home, large modern outride room. 2U 11th St., corner Salmon; adults. Phone Main 8078. LARGE, beautifully clean e team-heated room, bath as often as wanted, $5 week. The Wannita, 3S3 Yamhill st. A FURNISHED room, splendid location, $3.50 to $5 per week. 304 Yamhill sU Main 6804. SARGENT HOTEL Housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Phone East 2UL 271 ft Grand ave. HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 11th st. Nice, modern, clean rooms, at transient and permanent rates. ST. PAUL HOTEL 130 Fourth st., clean, modern, respectable. Transients $1 up. Permanent $5 up. HOTEL OCKLE Y. Morrison at Tenth. Rates $1 a day up; weekly, $3 up; free phone and baths. $1 DAY, $2.50 week up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cadillac, Third, near Jefferson. NICELY furnished steeping rooms; hot and cold water. 2t0 H "th st. OHIO HOTEL Housekeeping ar.d sleep ing rooms. 266 Front, corner Madiaoa. FURNISHED H. K. suite. $12 per month. 588 Killgrove. Bdwy. 3423. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. 2-ROOM modern apt.; 1 single room. 460 Jefferson. 260 14TII, near Jefferson ; choice rooms, walk ing diss nee. Main 3803. FURNISHED room for gentleinau. Hoyt. Marshall 3flS. 771 N i El 1 furnished front room, p-in . j:.tan p : t-,.-rred. Main 522- 4"2 -r.--n . FOR BUSINESS pen pi.?, walking distance; C, S. preferititL. 373 E, Morrisoo. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms la Private Family. CLOSE in. available the 20th. very desira ble front room for 2 men appreciating a good home; will serve breakfast. U 013, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL suite of front rooms, newly papered, in steam-heated flat; a good home for permanent tenants; Nob Hill. Main 1000. VERY PLEASANT room, semi - private bath, walking distance, $19. Phone Mar shall AOS. NICE room in modern home for congenial gentlemen. 3 East 18Lh st. S. i'honi East 8006. BEAUTIFULLY furnished outside room, with or without housekeeping privileges; walking distance. Phone Main 4005. TO A GENTLEMAN, furnished rooms in private family in Irvington. 415 East 11th st. N. East C334. FURNISHED roum for young gentleman; home privileges; steam neat; privaxe en trance. Broadway 3403 mornings. 448 TAYLOR St., clean, pleasant furnished sleeping room, steady; gentlemen; Quiet home. DESIRABLE room, home privileges; walk ing distance: girl employed preferred; reierences. .Main ouj s. LARGE front room suitable for two; hot and cold water with prtvatte lavatory. 675 Flanders. Bdwy. 2634. PLEASANT, modern, well furnished, home privileges, reasonable; i or . laaies. la bor olfl0. NICELY furnished sleeping room, use ot piano, home privileges, with or without board. wood lawn VERY" nicely furnished room with or with out open-air sleeping porch. See this sure. 4.r5 Market. FRONT room, modem home, congenial, refined family, garage If desired. Mar shall 360. WELT furnished room, 15 mln. walk, modern; reasonable. 340 E. GUsan. Mel von. NICE, clean, single H. K rooms, fur ntshed ; ngnt, gas. pnone, rurnaco neat free. 334 E. Madison, corner 13th. LARGE ROOM, suitable for one or two; all conveniences. 30O Jitn. NICELY furnished room with breakfast also garage if desired. T'hone East Mi2. NICELY furnished room, 201 West Park corner n ayior. IRVINGTON Nice room, si. pch., 1 or men: Bdwy. car line. East 82o0. LARGE, comfortable front room, waikin distance; isou itia uisirict. Main 84S5 ROOM for & gentleman In j strictly pri Bdwy. 1782 vate Jewish family; rer. ROOM with sleeping porch, suitable 2 or 3 adults. 203 v est Park. LARGE, desirable rooms, modern. sixtn st. Rooms w(th Coar. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential hotels on Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. $2 50 a day up; rates by day. or month. Aieais servea to transients. NORTONTA HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-ciass Iamiiy notei; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a homo. reasonable rates. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 380 Tenth st. For business girls and students; reasonable rates. Mar. l: ROOMS, with board, for working men very nice and reasonable, 24 Alblna ave, East 8150. 432 MORRISON, cor. 13th., choice and board; modern conveniences, Ind distance. room walk' ROOM and board for business girls; al modern conveniences; walking distance j per week. Aut. i'i-y(. 12 h.. 7tn SUITABLE for two gentlemen, rooms with board. r'hone Main 1 t2.-i. ROOM and board, reasonable, for 2 men in fame room. Phone East young Rooms With lAiard In Private Family. YOUNG lady employed to share large room with congenial young lady; piano, nome privileges; walking uistance; re a son able rate. Main 5023. 468 Market, LARGE, nicely furnished room, suitable for 2 young ladies ; excellent meals walking distance. Maiu 0323. 047 V3 titli st. FURNISHED front room In strictly mod orn home, suitable for two, with board. iviain 3ua. YOUNG man to room and board; congenial family of young people; piano, modern. Main 608. LAiGE room, good board, home comforts, walking distance ; prefer gentlemen would like permanent roomers. E. 844 A NICE front room, suitable for tw gentlemen, along with home cooke moals. 20i N. 21st st. PRIVATE home for children. Marshall 2162. 714 Everett. ROOM and board in private family with home privileges. 4a Kast imh .x. ROOM and board, good home cooking. East 8300. 234 E. 23d St. Furnished Airavrtmenw. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank' Btoio; good surroundings, strictly mod ern. outside, with French doors and bal cony. Permanent and transient. TOURISTS' SUMMER HOME. ALSO TRANSIENT HIGH-CIS3 APARTMENTS. 1. 2 and 3-room apts. and sleepln norch. beautifully furnished in Chinese rugs and willow furniture; also bachelor suae and single rooms and oatn; reter ences required. Marshall 2830. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 180 VISTA AVENUE. A newly furnished 3-room apartmen with 2 a tsap peering beus ana omnia balcony. Call Main 8883. Price $ adults only; will rent by week or month THE ELM WOOD. Three-room furn. apt.; two disappear ing beas, tiiea nam, aressing -room, eit. strictly first class; $ij up: aauits; erences. 413 loth. Main 6000. BALKNAP APTS. Completely furnlshe 2-room. $37; also larce corner 2-room $45; Including light ; walking distauce, 187 17th st, near Yamhill. THE LAURETTE. Comnletely furn. three - room apt. ! flrst-ciass apt. bouse. 5 min. walk; $7 adults.- 220 11th. Main 8;iW7. TRAVELING salesman and wife want pe manent 2 or 3-room apt., all conveniences, walking distance to town ; rent not exceed $0O. P 100. Oregonian. FOR RENT 3-room well-furnlshed apart ment. sub -let for $i5. Irving St., near 21st st. Mar. 2620. THE STAN FIELD, 204 Porter St., mode 2-room apt. boouse; light, phone, lau dry facilities; $22. Main im. 3-ROOM ait.. all outside rooms: very light; Immediate possession. Barker Apts., 685 Irving st. Marshall 2061. AUDITORIUM COURT. Nice, clean apartments, reasonable. Under new management. 3-ROOM furnished apts.; steam heat, free phone; 2ith and tanay bivd., 1 oik from 2 car lines. 8-13 Nelson st. FOR RENT In widow's home. 2-roo furnished apartment with bath; puva entrance. G71 Gantenbein ave. WANTED Young man, employed, to eha bachelor's Quarters. Apply Ross, 4u3 4th st. 3-ROOM apartment, nicely furnished adults. 1137 Williams ave. Woodlawn 4536. L1G HT, clean furn ished 2 or 3-room apt. with private bath; reasonable tQ desira ble tenants. 139 Russell. FURNISHED five-room apartment. all modern, very pleasant; Nob Hill district. Call Marshall 1S54. FOR RENT One front room and kitch enette, furnace heat. 404 Park st. UNLON AVE. and Killlngsworth, $21.1 all complete; concrete bldg. ALBERT APT. Neatly furnished, steam heat, private bath. M40 Mississippi ave. GLEN COURT, Park and Taylor, furnished apts. M. 1061. -ROOM modern furnished apartments, . $6 to $10 per week. 402 3d st. , 3 AND 4-ROOM apts., also single rooms. Leeds Apts.. 210 Market St. Cnfurnlsheu Apartments. 4-ROOM modern unfurnished apartment, $45; no children. Waverly Court, E. 26th and Clinton. Garage if desired. 3 ROOMS, third floor, front hskpg. ulte; reasonable. 631 Hoyt st. Bdwy. 404 6. UNFURNISHED 6-room apt. Marlborough apts.. Main 7516. Fu rnlwhed or Unfurnished Apartments. 2 ATTRACTIVE modern furnished or un furnished 4-room apartment. Lights, phone, heat; $80. 421) Larrabee. ONE 2-ROOM apt., the Renford. Main 353 This is a nice one; close in. Flats. vM miil"in f !at Collo- ; t. or rent to aiu!i-- el I 0-ROOM lower flat, newly tinted, alkirg I distance. 301 Eugene fit FOR RENT. Fiats. NE UPPER and one lower flat to rent; wm lease ror one year; 6 rooms each, modern. East 16th and Couch sta. Call Broadway 043. 25-4 Oak st. Union bat Deposit A Trust Co. CLEAN, modern 6-room flat for rent: furniture lor sale : bargain for cash, or will give terms. Broadway 1710. ROOMS, lower flat, strictly modern, lo cated on )Hth at., near Alberta; rent $35. Gu-nafT. Broadway 4073. Main 2306. OR RENT Attractive, modern flat, five rooms, with purchase of furniture. Mar. 3101. Furnished Tats. MUSIC teacher wishes girl einp.'oyed to snare fiat rent ; lessons, piano, reason able; walking distance; reierences. Main S01S. FINE airy outsido rooms, strictly mod ern, with bath, light and phone; adulta only. Woodlawn 42S3. 1230 Kcrby. ATTRACTIVE 5-room flat, completely fur- nisnea, west suie, ?ou. East 2.i78. U UN IS H ED lower flat for rent. 21 E. 15th st. THREE rooms, electric lights, bath: $30; - easy walking; adults. East 178:;. ROOM lower fiat, partially furnished; west side. Phone 516-20. Housekeeping Rooms. VERY DESIRABLE housekeeping rooms. comfortably furnished, well ventilated, suitable for employed ladles; clectrlo ' lights and hot and cold water; $18 per month. Del Moute, 1G7 Stout St., ucar 2Ut hand Wash. COM PLKTELY furnished one, two and three-room housekeeping suites. with, or without private bath; hot water con tinually, gas ranges, laundry, electricity. 186 Sherman st. Mar. 3083. BEAUTIFULLY clean, steam-heated, large iron t suit a. completely furnished for housekeeping. $32 per month, freb phone and bath; pas range; nice. Tho Wannita, 3 ft 5 Yamhill at. Also sleeping room. HOUSEKEEPING suite, running water. dressing room nnd wardrobe; light, wa ter and garhaeo service; $30 month. A P Pi y P. o. Box 27, city. URNISUED housekeeping rooms close to factories and school, prices reasonable. Io04 Corbt tt st. Phone Main 7262. TRUNKS and baegage delivered in down town district for 2oc Auto service. Free storage for 13 days. Phone Bdwy. 2443. MAKE the Buahmark your home; one and - 1 w o-room ouisiae apts.. clean, modern, respectable. Washington st., cor. 17th. EXTRA LARGE 1 and 2-room H. KT. suites, $16 and $25 per month; running water In room. 30." 6th et. k FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, walking instance. j.4tu, near Washington. ; west side. THE BEAVER. 12th and Mar. Furnished .ti. iv. rooms, aid up, including gas range, hot water, electric lights, laundry room. LARGE front room, with kitchenette. walking distance; good location. Phone Marshall 60S. TWO ROOMS, en suite, newly furnished ' and decorated, $18 per month, near ship yards. 573 3d. $3 WEEK, completely furnished house- Keeping suites. The Cadillac, 3d near ' J ef f erson. 3 CLEAN, pleasant rooms, $18 per month; 1500 a car service. 1 a Dor Ju-ii. TWO ROOMS; also looms and kitchenette; not water a 1 way a boa r la no era st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent, smgla or double. 17o N. 17th. Call mornings. CLEAN and desirable H. K. and sleeping rooms, 30 N. 17th st.. near Wash. SUITEi3, ;ur;iished or uuf unusaed : running water. 163 l.st, S. W. corner Morrison. FURNISH ED rooms for light housekeep- mg. ua n w ain. 0101. SLEE PI NG rooms. $2 up; ni-e. clean. housekeeping rooms, $1. 447 Main Ft. KITCHEN and sleeping room, third floor.' .- 10m si. FURNISHED and unfurnished apartments. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 323 4th si reel. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms j-fotci ruDian. -iuv-j v awiiinstou st. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. TWO large rooms and kitchenette in at tractive home ; furnished : adults oniy. Also single room, furnished for light housekeeping for ladies employed. East -234 S. 711 E. Ankeny. SI NO t.E 1 1. K. room, suitable for lady employed ; running water lu room, llplit and clean; very desirable. Xob Hill, 630 Glisun. LOVE i Y lare room, largo closet and sleeping porch; modern hom fine lo cation ; every convenience for 2 lad ies, employed; walking distance. East 2438. NICE clean room In modern Mat. reason able; between Salmon and Main sts., on 10th. Phone Main 3738 before 0 A. M. or after 6 P. M. FOR RENT CHEAP Two or three fur nished house keeping rooms in private house; half block from Union ave, 333 East Hancock- st. CON VEN IENT housekeeping room, nice . neighborhood. walking distance; gas. light, heat, $14; employed person. 383 East Main. TWO CONNECTING H. K, rooms, neatly furnished; bath, phone, walking dis tance. 187 Chapman, near Yamhill. 4 H. $2 K. ROOMS, gas and light furnished, 1. MontaviUa car. 106 E. 60th st. N. $1 1 TWO rooms, furnished H. K. Alo one H. K. room $11.50. 400 Clay st. $2 WEE K Sm all f u rn 1 h h e d h. k. room. 267 Knott, near Williams. H. K. ROOMS for couple of adults; also sleeping room, close in. 403 V5 12th st. CLEAN basement room: free phone, cook ing gas and electricity. 221 11th. FURNISHED apartment, close in, ant place 13 E. 11th st. pleas- Houses. 8 -ROOM modern house, Irvington dis trict. $60 per month; 3 months in ad vance. COBB BROS., 263 Oak street. 8-ROOM mod. house, rent $40; some h. w. floors ; rent 4 rooms income $73 month; vard and garden; furniture for sale, $1000. 683 E. Salmon, near 20th st. East 7100. t WILL shnre my house with a couple; 3 rooms, use of kitchen and bath, good basement, stationary tubs, furnished or unfurnished. Woodlawn 1611 after 4, or 000 Haight ave. WHEN YOU MOVR Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 580. A 6747. MODERN 7-room house, close in. east side. Will lease for year or longer. All or part of furniture for sale. Cash or terms. AC S24. Oregonian. 8-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale; 7 minutes from postoffice: beautiful sur roundings; strictly modern, reasonable. Fast 63S1. FOR RENT or sale, 7-room semi-modem house ; hot and cold water, gas. elec tricity; lot 50x120; good fruit trees: 23 minutes from heart of city.-' Main 9519. S-KOOM house. East 12th st. $40 mo. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO., near Ankeny 165 i$ 4th t LOCAL and long-distance moving and hauling; first-class equipment. Green Tr. Co., 202 Alder st. Main 1261, 572-61. q ROOMS, furnace, fireplace, everything modern, near Multnomah club, walking distance. C DeYoung A Co., 810 Spald ing bldg." 4 ROOMS, suitable family, near court house ; gas and wood range ; also wood heater; light, water and garbage serv ice. AE 830, Oregonian. MOVING Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. A W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. FOR RENT 7-room modern house, close in; rent $35. ror imormation can at 242 McMillan street. UNFURNISHED 7-room house and ga rage, on 57th ave. and 71st street. Call Monday, Tabor 1670. 0-HOOM house, 62 East Oth, near Davis et. Kent v-iu to steaay tenant. i. jexoung & Co., 810 Spalding bldg. 6-ROOM house, bath, gas and electricity. 6(i5 2d st., bet. Sherman and Caruthers. Rent $30. Furnished Hnnsf. SAVE FARE 15 minutes' walk to Morri- -son. close to shipyards; $22: partly fur nished or unfurnished house at 740 4th pt., bet. Porter and Woods. WILL rent 6 rooms of my beautiful home to responsible party ; must be able to furnish best of references; no phone call. 1034 Williams ave. FOR RENT 5-room modern furnished house. Call after 6 o'clock or telephone HI 0-30 for appointment. 887 Junior st. MODERN 3 rooms, partly furnished, entrance Laurelhurst park; $40. 3770. near East FOR RENT Furnished house on Portland Heights for 3 months, beginning Sep tember 1. Main 7350. FOR RENT Sept. 1, for 3 months, nicely furn ished 6-room house, good location ; references. Mar. 340S. BY SEPT. 1 Furnish' lh.r;. in house. 3 fir-TiJ aces, f urr h-" - 2 or 3 hUi1U; $75, i-.ci trnces req;, it n'.. Main 4710. FO Ft RENT Six-room furnished houee, .near liwstU sL 70o Williams ave. 1