13 ' THE MORXIXG OREGONLIX, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 102O GOODING AND PATCH SURE DF CDNVEHTIDN Each Issues Statement Claim inq Senate Nomination. GOVERNOR ALSO PLEASED Indorsements Given Administration and Prospects Before Session at Pocatello Delight. BOISE, Idaho. Aug. IS. (Special.) Frank R. Gooding- of Gooding-, for mer governor of the state, and Colonel L. V. Patch, both candidates for the nomination of United States senator before the republican state conven tion which meets at Pocatello next Tuesday. August 24, are each confi dent of being the nominee. P. K. Cavaney and John Veatch, representing Governor Gooding here, authorized the following statement: "The Gooding forces have carried practically every county in southern Idaho, except Boise, which is in doubt, Payette and Ada counties giv ing us practically everything in south and eastern Idaho. Blaine. Adams. Valley and Gem counties will go to Gooding. We will also have strength from Washington county. Up-to-date returns from the various county con ventions are more favorable than we had expected, although there was never any doubt but that Mr. Gooding would be nominated on the first bal lot. The incomplete returns make this certain. Patch Also Is Sore. From the Patch state headquarters here the following statement was is sued today: "Incomplete returns from every sec tion of the state make it certain that Colonel U. V. Patch will be nominated for United States senator by the re publicans at the state convention at Pocatello. Valley county. Ada county and Payette county have instructed for Colonel Patch, giving him a total of 20 instructed votes, with many counties yet to be heard from, which is a greater instructed vote than all other candidates for senator com bined have. "Colonel Patch has carried Ada, Twin Kails and Nez Perce counties, three of the largest counties in the state, in addition to many smaller counties. He has carried Washington and Minidoka counties and broken even in Cassia county, and has been named for sec ond choice in Butte county. Bannock county has not reported. "The returns from the different counties are even more flattering: than anticipated, although it has been known for some days that Colonel Patch would carry the state. Friends of Colonel Patch have been named on all delegations from the northern counties." tiovcrnor Also Pleased. Relative to the action taken by the republican county conventions in Idaho Tuesday, Governor D. W. Davis today made the following statement: "I deeply appreciate the action taken by the county conventions throughout Idaho. All from which we have heard have Indorsed the ad ministration and in many instances instructed delegates are being sent to the stale convention at Pocatello. 1 feel my chances for renomination are excellent and am basing my judg ment on the returns received from al most every county in the state." United States Senator Nugent will be renominated by the democratic state convention at Idaho Falls next Tuesday. This is conceded by demo cratic party leaders, after reviewing the partial returns from the various county conventions. His friends will be in control of the conclave. There were no convention contests except in Shoshone county, where the convention divided and two sets of delegates were elected in Idaho Falls. The so-called Weniger delegation named in opposition to the Meyer delegation, and which is for Nugent, will be seated, it is believed, at Idaho Falls. The names of two men were brought Into the contest for the gu bernatorial nomination Senator Pet tibone.of Idaho county, who has the Idaho county delegation, and Chief Justice Morgan of Latah county, where a favorable delegation was elected for him. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FURN'IKHED 3. room apt., modern. Phone East a:;41 or call SSI Victoria st. WAITRESS wanted. 4n4 FT. MorrisorL DIED. FA1RWEATHER At the family residence, 115 Humboldt street. August 18. William Henry Fairweather, age 40 years. 0 months, i days; husband of Grace Fair weather of this city; son of .Sarah A. J" airweather: brother of W alter J5. and f leorge M. Fair weather, alt of New Brunswick, Canada; Hall Fairweather of Vancouver, B. C. RemHins are at the conservatory parlors of East Side funeral directors, 414 East Alder street. Notice of funeral will appear in later issue. H ALL At the residence. 461D Woodstock avenue. August IS. Electa Hall, aged 77 years, mother of Mrs. Onique Dionne of Portland ; A. R. Hall of Marysville, wash.; Mrs. R. S. Potter of Bliss, Idaho; -x. p.. nan oi .miic neu. jr. ; Mrs. Alable Bonjour of Clayton. N. M. ; Mrs. Lela Beach of Howard. Kan., and D. W. Hall 1 of Rosp, Kan. The remains are at Fin les. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. ' j KL'XN Dr. Richard Nunn. on August 16. 19'n. The funeral will be at his former residence, 777 Flanders street, today I (Thursday). August 1U, at 2 P. M. His I friends are requested not to send flowers. FUNERAL NOTICES. LAVAGETTO In this city, August 18. 1020, Virginia Lavapetto, aged r0 years," beloved wife of G. I.avagetto. and moth er of Cleto ltvHRftto. Funeral cortege will leave Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon streets, at 1 l.'lo p. M. today (Thursday). Aucust 111. loin, thence to t. Michael s church for services at -P. M. Krlcnds invited to attend. Inter- ' ment Rose City cemetery. LOCKLEY In this city. August 17. 1920. Hope l-ockley. afred 4 years, beloved daiiKhter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Locklev. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon streets, at 2:0 p. M. today (Thursday). August 1!). U20. ' In cineration Portland crematorium. HAl'G At the residence, East Pine street. August 17. 15120. Albert A. Haug. ased (10 years, beloved husband of Emma Haug. Friends invited to attend the funrra! services at Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon streets, at ,1::?0 P. M. today (Thursday). August 10, 3U20. Interment Riverview cemetery. McELHANKY In this city, August 16. Roy Preston McElhaney. aged o vears. son of Mrs. Bonnie McElhanev of 3R6 Montgomery st. The remains were for warded last evening by J. p. Finley & Son to Koxeman, Mont., where services will be neld and Interment made. THOMAS The funeral of the late Peter Thomas will be held Friday morning. Aug. 20, from the residence, 113 E. 74th St., at 8:30. Services at the Ascension church at 9 A. M., where requiem high moss will be said. Interment Mt. Cal vary. Miller and Tracey, directors. KIT.BERO The funeral services of the bite William Kilberg will be held Fri day. August 2n, at 2:30 o'clock P. M., at Kinlcy's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. interment. Mount Scott ceme tery. H AUG Aug. 17. Albert A. Haug. dearly .beloved husband of Emma B. Hang. Ker icei from Edward Holman's today (Thursday). a:0 P. M. ) I't'XERiL NOTICES. BOTER At Snlem. Or.. August 11. It. S. Boyer. ageii 37 years: husband of Frances Boyer; father of Lydia. Case, Georse, Neolu and Uertrude Boyer, all of this city; son of Lydia Boyer; brother of William Boyer and Mrs. Ida Mills of this city. The funeral services will be held from the conservatory chapel of the S. Dunning. Inc., 414 East Alder street. Friday at 2:30 P. M. under the auspices of the Spanish-American War Veterans. Friends and members of the Veterans are Invited to attend. Interment In Kiver side cemetery. OVER HOLTS At the residence. 1183 Mis souri avenue, Tuesdav. Lucille Ellen,-age 4 years daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Overholts; sister of Erma. Willard and Marvin Overholts. Friends are Invited to attend funeral services at 2:30 P. M. today (Thursday), at the chapel of Chambers Co., 24S-'JoO Killingsworth avenue, near Williams. Interment in Rose City cemetery. IAILY In this city. Aufr. 17, Oliver Iaily, aged 05 years. Funeral services will be held from the chapel of Miiier & Tracey today (Thursday), Aug. 10, at 2 P. M. Interment River View cemetery. Arrangements in care of Miller & Tracey. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL 114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Dunning & McEntee FlXEIltl DIRECTORS. Now located in their new residential fu neral home, 'Morrison at 12th, west side. Phone Broadway 430. Automatic 545-58. The Funeral Home of Krtlnement and lHfttinrtive Service. Note We have no branches nor any con nection whatever with any other undertaking firm. EDWARD HOLMAN &SON : FUNERAL DIRECTORS' Third and Salmon Streets. Main 507. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY , Perfect Kunera! Service for Less. Independer t Funeral -Directors. Washington Street, Between 20th and 21st Streets, Wist Side, , Lady Assistant. Main 2091. . Auto. 57S-S5. McENTEE & CEILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home, 10th and Everett Sts. Phone Broadway 2133. Automatic 521-33. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL. DIRECTORS. ' Main y. Montgomery at Fifth. DOWNING & McNEMAR The Residential Funeral Home. 441 Multnomah St. Jrvington I?ist. East 54. F. S. DUNNING. INC. 414 E Alder. Phone East 52: Perfect service, personal direction, free use of floral chapel and auto equipment. PT T TrT PI T E. Eleventh and Clay. . -L. Llliritvll , Kast TS1. Tabor 1S33. A. D. KENWORTHY .& CO. 5802-4 U2d .St., lnts. Tabor 5267. ERICSON Twelfth and Morrison Sts.' Broadway 2534. AD TCI I CD On 592 Williams ave. III LLLLLII UUi East 1088. C 1088. BREEZE & SNOOK 4tlxl. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. M. 41a-, A. ii-.H. Lady assistant FLORISTS.' Smiths Flower Shop Portland's progressive florist. "We special ize in lunerai designs. 141 sixtn, op posite Meter & Frank's. Main 7215. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists. 354 Washington. Flowers for all occasions, arranged. . Main 2B9. artistically CLARKE BROS., florists, 2S7 Morrison St. Main Tioy. Fine flowers and tloral de signs. No branch stores. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington St., bet. 4th and 5th. Main .A 11U1. MONUMENTS. S?b BLAELSiNG GRANETE CO. I rVr THIRD AT MADISON STWEgT I PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 266 Fourth St., Opp. City Hall. Neu Bros. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all 'cases of alleged cruelty to animals.- Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its home, 535 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time, Woodlawn 764. Bogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc.. picked up free of charge. NEW TODAY". Permanent Sectional Mouses Uolckly Erected. All the lumbar used is of standard size and quality. A sectional house differs from an ordinary house only in the method of construction. If an ordinary house was 'cross - cut from the peak of the 'rpof to the floor every four feet, the front and rear walls being cut the other way, the resulting sec tions would .resemble a mill made sectional huse in the process of construction. Every wall and roof section is a duplicate of every other, thus assuring a perfectly rigid Bouse from top to bottom. Let us solve your building problems by time, labor and money-saving methods. . IF IT'S "MILLMADE" IT'S "WELL-MADE" Ask about our Special Portable Garage, size 10x16. price 75. Write or Phone (or Catalogue Elwood Wiles & Son 802 Title A Trait Bid. On 4th St., Bet. Stark and Oak Phone Main 4724 Mortgage Loans Lowest Interest rateai Installment re pay mentis If desired. Bulldlnic loans mude. So delay In closing. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-21U Nonhnt.Ifrn Bank Building Marshall 4114. t fcAU I UK5 AliU AUiUiril5 TRATORS Will Find Our 'l'nrice-Secnrea FARM MORTGAGES Exceptional investments fur trust funds. Not a foreclosure la twea- ty years. FEAR GRAY, Pkone ftla-ln 5 -.02 Fourth 9u 528 MORRISON MAR. 755 . 54 MORRISON MAR.237 PORTLAND HOTEL v BROADWAY S. PARK. SEW TODAY. HAVE A BARGAIN ! $5750 New, six rooms, two bedrooms and bath first floor; one bedroom second floor. Occupied by owner. Lot 50x100. . It's a Home in. Eastmoreland LADD ESTATE COMPANY Marshall 5454. 246 Stark St. Houses 'and Garages Erected fa Portland ti ! 1 Khlnned Anrh... In built 4-foot aoe- , tlona rlftdjr aad j easy to put to Ketner. a first-class Bouia or rarmirtt ai- rect from the factory at a GKEAT SAVING. You pay no mlddlomoa pi out. write xor catalog. Kedimade Building: Co. Kast Eleventh anil Market, 2 Hlock. south of Hawthorns. I'Ucs. Kant 5114. I'urtlama. Or. Send Us Your Old Carpets . (We Call and Deliver.) Old Rim and Woolen Clothlns;. We Make Reversible, Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS ' Room-Size Fluff Rngi Woven. 17.50. Rat Rnfrs Woven All Slzea. Clothea Cleaning; and Dyeing; Depta. Alail Orders Send for Booklet. - Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning " 0x12 Rugrs, Steam Cleaned, 1 1 -50 . WESTERN FLUFF HUG CO, 54 Union Ave. Pboness bant B516 and Kant 7655 DUTCH COLONIAL KltiHT ROOMS, ON SIGHTLV lOOx 10O CORN KR LAURELHURST Hardwood floors in all rooms; elegant plumbing, shower bath; nearly com pleted. Buy now and pick your own decorations. Wonderful possibilities for beautiful landscaping. For fur ther information call owner and builder. N. 0. EKLUND l abor HO. WE CALL FOR YOUR OLD CARPETS. Rugu and Woolen Clothlns. FLUFF RUGS All. Work Turned 'Oat Promptly Rag Ruga Woven All SUea Mall Orders. Send for Booklet. Carpets Cleaned, Laid and Refitted.. A'OBTHWEST RUG CO. 1HS Uaat 8th St. , Phone Kaatt 35tU. v VICTORIA, B. C TO LET From the 15th September next until the First of July. A well furnished house adjoining the Oak Bay Golf Links, consisting of dining room, drawing room, smoking room, and four bedrooms, two bath rooms, tennis court, garage, etc. Apply to A. W. Junes Limited. Yiutoria, H. V. Edward E.Gotidey Co. MUKK.AI.K LOANS United Statu llank liuildin. REAL. ESTATE. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. BUY a home and have an Income at earn time. I have two small apartment houses In Irvington for sale at 917,000 and $14,000. First-class in every respect. L J. U'Xeil. 717 Board of Trade bidff. For Sale Bear h Property. FINK BEACH LOTS. . SALTAIR TILLAMOOK BEACH. I have four choice lots, all tog: ether, two faclna- the Pacific ocean; board walk; county road and railroad run In front of property. The other two lots adjoin the iro above and face on the T road in the rear. All are near the depot. hotel and Kockawav. falze of lots are 25 feet by about 70 feet and ar ex ceptional adapted fur business or resi dence. Will consider some acreage near Portland or .utomobl.e in trade. Price $150 and $125 each. Address R 70. Oregonian. CHOICE BEACH LOT. EXCHANGE FOR - Painting and Pbperhanging "' and furnish material. Lot located on Tillamook beach (Salt air), near station and ocean, AK 760, Oregonian, ForSale Business Property. A SNAP 100x1 OO CORNER. 12TH AND HOYT STREETS. ' . Trackage on 12th street. Will be soJd at a real sacrifice. For further partic ulars call Mr. Geddes. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 3092.' BUSINESS corner, lot 50x100. 15th and Flanders sts.. terms. Phone Auto 218-20. For Sale Lot. 2 & -ACRE TRACT , , $1507. :. ' v v $75 DOWN. . $20 MONTH. Stream along s one entire side, lots of beautiful oak, ash and cot- -,, tonwood shade trees, rich garden soil, build a little home here, one of the choicest tracts In Parkrose, north of Sandy hlvd and car. line. Tracts in this district are selling fast, so do not delay, for acreage 't these prices and terms near the city have never been offered be fore. Go see these tracts ; take Rose City Park car. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. PARKROSE BRANCH OFFICE end of PARKROSE CAR ' LINE. IO ACRES. 5 acres cleared, no buildings, fenced; good roads; 2 miles east of city: snap at $3000, $ OUO cash. .Call o w ner. Tabor 52. ' REAL ESTATE. For Sale NEW PARK ROSE TRACT JUST OPENED. " ' OVER 3 ACRES. 10O DOWN $20 MONTH. $650 per acre, fine meadow land, ground all cleared except beauti ful shade trees-of ash, oak .and Cottonwood, which border the property; buy one of these tracts and build a little home and you should have a mighty ffood In vestment. This is the new PARK ROSE tract just opened, north of Sandy blvd. and car line. Think of it, over 3 1-3 acres for only $-2180. J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY, 8 Chamber of Com. bid?. PARKROSE BRANCH OFFICE at end of PARKROSE CAR UNE. HIGHLY IMPROVED IRVINGTON LOT. On Weldler St., between 21st and 22d. This lot is under cultivation with bear ing fruit trees, full frown shade trees, berries, etc., parking; and front In lawn; price $2000. RITTER, LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bide. 8 DOWN $8 MONTHLY. About lots fronting; 3 sts., one of which is Portsmouth ave. (paved), 2 blocks north of St. Johns car; street work all paid. Total price, 9S70. which Is Just .what street work cost. Fred W. . German Co.. '732 Chamber of Com. Bid?. TERRACE PARK Two lots. 100x100, block from car line and paved St. best building; lots in district. If you will look at them you will buy cheap for cash. Owner. Tabor 1796. BEAUTIFUL Laurelhurst lot. overlooking lake, for 900. Phone 219-85. For bale Houses. Marshall 1898. LAURELHURST DISTRICT; -, VACANT. No. Soecial New 5 -room b un train w, large floored attic, down stair hardwood floors with exception of Dutch kitchen French doors, French fireplace, pretty du lit -ins. cement rioorea basement, iur race, very pretty electric light fixtures; corner lot: price only 15400. tlOOO cash balance $65 per month, which would be less than rent lor this pretty new bun galow. ROSE CITT. DUTCH COLONIAL. No. 154 Larse 7-room Dutch colonial home. 1 bedroom downstairs, den, living , room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, hard wood floors, extra Kood Dlumblntr. fur nace. fireplace, basement, screens and shades: lot 50x100: this is a very pretty home and the price is only $7000, $3500 cash balance to suit. HAWTHORNE. No. 167 Very pretty new, 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, good plumbing. Uicht fixtures, gas. base ment with laundry trays, close to school and carl me, a lot oOxioo: this bungalow is new and vacant and ready to move into; price $4Jo0, $1000 cash, balance to suit. LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST CO., 285 Stark Street. Near Fourth. Marshall 1898. ON; ALAMEDA DRIVE. Splendid view lot 68x1115. run ning through to Wisteria Drive; very attractive 7-room, 1 -story bungalow ; living room, library, dining room and central hall, .all hardwood floors; dandy kitchen; big, back view porch; 3 nice bed rooms with bfg closets; full ce ment basement; furnace; station ary tubs, etc. A delightful loca tion, and a home of refinement. Nothing better for the money in all Portland. Price $7500. See J. W. Crossley,- manager of our "High Class Home . Department. . FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Distinctive Home. Abington Bldg. Alain 106S. LAURELHURST HOME. 9-room, bung-alow type, located on one of Laurelhurst' s choicest view lots. 50 x 150. On the lower floor you have those convenient two bedrooms, a lovely liv ing -room, dintnir-room and Lutch kltch n with breakfast nook. Upstairs the three beautiful bedrooms and large sleepi-n? porch. This home Is equipped with the finest hot water heating- plant made, the prettiest tiled bath money could buy, hardwood floors, large, cheery fireplace, expensive hardware and llght inur fixtures, nlate elass windows, bev eled mirrors in bedroom doors and every imaginable Duiu-in convenience. Yes. it -has a double - garage which conforms with the house In architecture. Price HAoUV. reasonable terms. - LUED!EMANN COMPANY. 913 Cham-ber of Commerce. Main 60G7. $3250 GREAT ALBEKTA BARGAIN $4730 FOR $3250. $3250 $3250 $o250 $3250 $3250. FORECLOSED ABOUT $1250 CARTfT. 6 large rooms on 1 Moor, a real bun galow, built-lns. fireplace, mirror, en am el plum., cement batst't. Dutch kitchen. 8UX1UU, A Lt LjEj Y, FH UIT. CHICKEN RUNS: U BLOCK CAR. Setl one lot and reduce price to 25 0O. j ust tninic or it: 5 est buy you ever saw, Like new inside and outside. NOW ;VAtAM. move ID. j 034 EAST 25TH NORTH 1034 EAST 25TH NORTH ALBERTA CAR TO 25TH ST. THEN HALF BLK. SOUTH Main 4303. Main 4S03. 6-R. SANTA BARBARA BUNGALOW. Less than today's cost of house. Brand new and very latest in Califor nia design. close cornice. gabled win dow caps. pergola and canopied entry. Full plastered basement with stat. trays. "Newly-wed" kitchen, and bath with in laid linoleum 3 bedrooms (or 2 and den). large living room (west front) handsomely decorated hardwood finish floors Large garage matches house. Built" by owner and guaranteed to be as high grade in construction and mate rials as any house of double the price. $4100. terms. Shown by appt. only. J. M. Reevea, phone evenings Tabor 1792. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. Beautiful, modern. 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, full concrete basement, furnace, 2 fireplaces,' French doors, all built-in conveniences; extra front room in basement, finished for double bed room, billiard or recreation room with outside windows and entrance. This is a sightly location with an excellent view, one block from car and near 2 large schools. Large lot and will be sacrificed for $5500. or will sell completely fur nished for $1350 additional. See Richard W. . Mast, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 8-ROOM HOUSE: $4500. In Al condition, 5. nicely arranged rooms -and tath below. 3 large airy ' sleeping rooms up. fine porch across the front, good basement, all kinds of built in. conveniences, corner lot 50x100. de sirable location, only 2 blocks to M. A. car line, about 5b(ocks to Jefferson high. This is feertamly -a great bargain, the house alone could not be dpullcated for $0000 at present prices. It will be a pleasure to Bbow you this spienoia home. - O. B. RIPPEY. 610 McKay Bldg. - NEAR 20TH AND EAST MAIN STS. 5-ROOM i BUNGALOW. $3500. Walking distance. Dandy v bungalow with fireplace, lot 50x75; possession Sep tember 1; very easy terms; just two blocks from car. This is a real buy let us -snow you.- A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St., hear 4th. Main 3002. Branch office. 50th and Sandv. WALKING DISTANCE. - NEAR LADD'S ADDITION. . 2-story, double constructed 6-room res Idence. bath, fireplace, full cement base- ynenu laundry trays, sewer: an exceotion ally good buy for only $3200. first pay ment iiuu. oaiance on terms. Let us show you. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. No. 402. Central irvington. "price $6000 price. 6-room modern home and dandy oOx , 100 lot, all kinds of shrubbery. We have many special bargins In this district. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. .Marshall 3089. 14 Swetland Bldg , ROSE' CITY PARK. 5-room bungalow, nearly new. hard wood floors, fireplace, extra fine built-in -buffet. Dutch kitchen and breakfast aook, large attic, cement basement, large front porcn, aoxiuu lot; price only $4700, $2000 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 5-HOOM new, modern bungalow, close In. $3250. 740 feast 10th 9U REAL ESTATE. For Kale Houses. LATJRITLHURST "BUNGALOW. Very attractive 1 -story modern bungalow, 3 nice bedrooms and in closed sleeping porch ; furnace, fireplace, full cement buement, 50x100 lot. Modern bungalows like this in Laurelhurst for any such price are very scarce. See J. V Crossley, manager high-class home department. FRANK L. McGHRE, To Buy Tour Distinctive Home. Abington Bidg. Main 106S. THREE BTG BARGAINS IN LAURELHURST Tou are invited to inspect them today. Drive out to ofiice at East 39th and Gllsan streets, get keys and inspect them at your leisure; vacant, ready to move into. Built four or five years, good as new, pre-war prices. Don't forget the place. East 39th and Gllsan streets, or phone Mr. Delahunty, Tabor 3433; evenings. East, 5779. RODNET AVE., FINE 6-R. HOME. $5000. N ice 6-r. house in pink of condition; elec, gas, furnace, bath, full cement basement, trays, buffet, white enamel and mahogany woodwork: 3 bedrooms, French doors in living room; fine lot, 50x100; all city work in and paid; about 12 fine full-bearing fruit trees, loaded with fruit ; fine chicken run with three small houses; lots of choice roses ; on Rodney ave., near Jefferson high school; close In. Price $5000, some terms. Shown by appointment only. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. MR. BUSINESS and professional man. wouldn t you like a fine suburban home close to car, on fine road for your auto mobile and with all city conveniences. Just look at this. A strictly modern 7-room bungalow with an acre of choice lawn, fruit, flowers and garden for only $8000. 1 acres of fruit and garden with nice cottage, only $3100. I HAVE many others from $3000 to $20,000 each on which I can quote reasonable prices and terms. J. B. .Holbrook, 214 215 -Panama Bldg. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. EIGHT ROOMS. Irving room 16x30. sun room, quaint dining room, large Dutch kitchen, one bedroom and bath first floor, three rooms second floor, garage, splendid location. MRS HARRY PRICE PALMER. x.ast 7076. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room Bungalow Garage. $5250. VACANT, MOVE RIGHT IN! Here, truly, is a dandy bungalow, just s mod ern as can be imagined. Fine hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, buffet, Dutch ' kitchen, new furnace. Ideal iy located near Sandy boulevard. Some one is going to get a big bargain and it might as well be you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main "002. Branch office, 50th and fciandy. HOME BUYERS. ATTENTION. Do you remember Rope Ci ty Park when there were only 2 houses east of the railroad ? When Sandy road was a sea of mud from fall to late spring? We do, and have been selling property in this desirable section ever since. Knon the district like a book. Let us help you to select your home. Autos at your serv ice. It places you under no obligations. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark st. Main 1094 and 5R3. ONE OF Irving ton's uest corner homes. large living room in ivory, sowa manog any dining room, oak floors throughout, two fireplaces, two baths, double garage, hot water heat, $13,000. If you want a good homo and a good -si zed home In Irvington, nothing to compete with this. Phone us when you will be ready to go and see It. R. T. Street, Good Homes Realtor. East 804. LAURELHURST COLONIAL HOME. - Handsome 2-story. 8-room home with garage. Just vacated by owner leaving for south ; located on choice corner looking into park; very large rooms and old Ivory finish ; walls papered ; 4 fine bedrooms, sleeping porch and 2 tile baths on second floor; beautiful grounds and shrubbery. labor 4J. SPECIAL! 3-room house. Alberta district; gas, bath, toilet, 3 lots, excellent corner, side walks and curbing; very good for invest ment as well as small house; $1750,. $3O0 cash, balance $20 per month. Including interest. See Mr. Yail. with A. W. ESTES, 905 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-63. SMALL APARTMENT. Owner of 3-story bldg. (10 ants.) with two stores on ground floor, will sell at very attractive figure; present income over $4000 per annum; will sell on favor able terms and take some trade. Apply A. H. BIKRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. 5 ROOMS, FURNISHED. OWNER SAC RIFICE. $3000. Eugene St.. near Williams ave.; oak furniture, leather davenport, brass beds, furniture best ; location ideal ; owner leaving. immediate possession ; $1000 cash vdll handle, balance easy; see for yourseir. Aiarsnaii iu;. GROV E LAND PARK HOME. $3400 Best buy in this district, don't miss It. Six rooms ana sleeping porcn, fine large basement, corner lot. street all in and paid; nothing like It in this beau tiful district for tn-is money. S. S. PRENTISS. 6!5 Chamber of Cormrierce Bldg. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW HOM E ' Nearly new 6-room bungalow with enraee. near Park ; old ivory finish French doors to sun and dining rooms; Pullman breakfast nook; walls nicely papered, beaut if ul lawn and sh rubbery ; a rare bargain and quick possession. Tabor 407. $500 CASH VACANT. 6-room house, just painted and ren ovated on inside ; street hard surfaced and paid; lot 33 1-3 by 110; price $2700; house atone coma not De Dunt ior juuu lot worth $1000. 80S Lombard st., on Peninsula. Coe A, McKenna & Co., b2 Fourth st. $2650. $600 cash, balance $20 a month. room house and bath, bookcases, buffet. basement, only 2 blocks to car, walking distance .lenerson nign. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $4750 A dandy bungalow on full lot, 5 rooms and bath; garage, close to car. Can give some terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St. Main 1004 and 5S3 ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW, Nearly new 6-room bungalow with every new feature ; French doors, old Ivory finish, best oak floors throughout, Pullman breakfast nook. nice lawn, attic; a real snap at $7000; terms. Tabor 407. . FOR SALE OR TRADE. One 3 and one 4-room house on half acre In Lents district, worth $2800. Trade for acreage of equal value. See Mr. Vail with A. W. ESTES. 905 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-63. VERY attractive 6-room bungalow in fine district; diock 10 car; mut ne seen to be -appreciated; good garage and all requirements to make a dandy little home; furnished or unfurnished. Phone owner. Woodlawn 2302. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Artistic 5-room bungalow, modern ex cept furnace; 3 doors from carline; new ly decorated, beautiful lawn and shrub bery, garage: only $4500, on terms; $2400 cash. Marshall 1318. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot. we will secure the money and build or you ; terms like rent; call and see us. BUILDERS' REALTY EXCHANGE, 621 Morgan Bldg. Main 2035. J2600 NEW CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. The classiest little home In Richmond. i block from car, all built-ins and full basement. Call and let me tell you all about it". Terms. Sellwood 651. $0500 IRVXGTON BARGAIN. Beautiful 8-room house, ail modern, hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, full cement basement, garage; imme diate possession. Main SQ70. FOR SALE. A beautiful big place. 2O00 Portsmouth ave. Take a look and make us offer; paving in; bargain. in BLOCK wILh 3 double nouses. Income $60; S. E. cor. East Pth and East Grant sts., 4 block northeast Interstate ave. and Bryant sts.; income $20, good terms. H E. Miser ve. Rhododcndrum, Or. WANT 5-room bungalow at 1127 E. Franklin st.7. No plumbing In; a snap at $1850. . with $700 cash, balance on time. Take'R. M. car to E. 30th st., go five blocks south. Call Tabor 1267. l VAC A X T MOVE IX. " 5-ROOM modern bungalow, full front porch, attic, nearly new ; price '754l Including street improvements. 426 Lum bermens Bldg. s HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Five-room modern bungalow, all built-lns-. furnace, space for garage, close to school, 1184 Mixter st. near "9th. 7-ROOM house. o modern, near Jefferson high school; lot 50x100. clone to carline; price $2900. . Address 950 Minnesota avenue. Owner, REAL ESTATE. For Sale House, " $750 DOWN. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. Almost new 6-room bungalow, occupied only very short time, beautiful location (fir trees in yard), all rooms old Ivory finished, hardwood floors in the main rooms, fireplace, built-in book cane, writing desk and buffet. Dutch kUchen with breakfast ta ble, furnace, full concrete base ment, alpo attic; price only $5750. This is indeed a good buy. Re member you. won't buy houses this cheap 30 days from now. J. L. HARTMAN COM PANT, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 20S. FINE HOME IN WOODSTOCK. Built just before the high prices; It cannot be duplicated for double the price; It has 7 large rooms, modern bath, electric lights and gas. full cement base ment, laundry trays, woodlift. tine Dutch kitchen, buffet in the dining room, large east front porch; all new, neat and clean; line big lot, 60x120 feet; house is double constructed throughout and a splendid home for $3750. My automo bile is at your service to show you. E. W. HUGHES, 507 JOURNAL BLDG. MAIN 2S58. DISTINCTIVE LAURELHURST HOME. A beautiful up-to-date home in finest part of this district, in perfect condi tion, for $11,000, on terms. Could not be duplicated for less than $15,000. Large reception hall, living room, library, din ing room and kitchen on first floor; 3 large bedrooms, sleeping porch, sewing room, bath, etc., on 2d floor. All fea tures that are found in a modern, resi dence. Shown by appointment with, Mr. Bliss. COE A. McKENNA & CO. 82 4th St. Phone Main 4522. 6-ROOM COTTAGE 50x100 COR. $3000. Good 6-room cottage, electricity, gas, bath, basement, all on one floor; 3 bed rooms, fine corner lot 50x100, paved st. and all Improvements paid; .some fruit, lots of flowers and shrunbery. close in on Cleveland ave. ; price a snap $3000; about $600 cash, $23 a month. 0 per cent, no mortgage to assume. Shown by ap pointment onlv. G RUSar-: BENNETT. 31S-r2t Board of Trade. Main 7452. LAURELHURST HOME. $7350 You would never expect to buy a home like this, especially in this fine addition, for so little money. 6 rooms, den and break fast room, also sleeping porch. Strictly modern ; imp. paid; terms. .1. A. WICKMAN CO.. "Shortest Way Home." 164 Stark St. Main 1004 and 5S3. LAURELHURST HOME. Here ie a beautiful 6-room ho-m fin ished in old Ivory; has large living room with sun parlor and den, cheerful dining room, 3 nice bedrooms and open sleeping porch on second floor, nice fireplace. Hot water furnace. 50x100 lot. all Im provements in and paid; $0300, $2000 casn. This is a real buy. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th St. Main 69T.9. IRVINGTON HOME BARGAINS. Would like fair offer for 2 fine inri 9-room homes I have just repainted and aecoratea, in nest locations near car; one is on 65x100- corner, the other on 00x100 inside lot; both have old ivory finish, plate-glass windows, very large living rooms and beautiful grounds with trees and shrubbery. Tabor 407. NEAR LAURELHURST PARK. 6-room house on SOxSO-foot lot. with improved street and sewers in and paid for; full basement, hot and cold water, bath, large reception hall, living and dining room, kitchen, built-in pantry with cooling closet, for only $2300, $000 cash will handle. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WALNUT PARK. Splendid 6-room home, with furnace ; nice, large rooms. 50x100 lot, some large bearing cherry trees, lots of roses, im provements all in and paid; $50o0. $2OO0 cash. See -his at once, as owner must move to Spokane. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 1Q4 5th st. Main 6869. WHY PAY RENT? 4 -room house, newly papered and painted, Lents district; 100x100 lot. Chicken house, fine garden; $1000. $200 cash, balance $15 per month. See Mr. Vail, with A. W. ESTES. 905 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-63. IRVINGTON Corner, south of Knott St., 7 or a rooms, living room and one bed room are very large; oak floors through out, hardwood finished hall, living room, dining room. A good buy, $95oo. You will be pleased if you let us show vou through this and others of Irvington' s best buys. Phone when. R. T. Street, Good Homes Realtor. Ea?t 694. NEAR IRVINGTON SCHOOL. Paved streets, large lot. beautiful yard; 8-room house, newly papered and painted; garage with concrete floor and runway; a well-constructed, comfortable home in an excellent location, for $3900. Phone owner. East 2295. ROSE CITY PARK. Fine bungalow of 5 rooms down and 2 nice rooms up; nice, large rooms, oak floors, furnace, fireplace, 50x1 no lot. all improvements in and paid. This is an exceptional buy at $5500. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th at. Main 6869. IRVINGTON. Bungalow. 6 rooms, ground 75x100 a perfect picture, masd wita flt-vcrs, im ported Japanese and other shrubbery ; $9o0, terms $1400 :adi, bat. $50 m..ii;h Including interest. Owner. Ea.st 1147. ' . TITLE insurance policy is a guaraatci by a responsible company that you will not suffer loss on account of the title to your real estate. When you buy real estate get a title Insurance policy. o abstrict required. Tills & Trust com pany. $4000. Two good houses, walking distance, east Portland; 6 rooms, bath, pantry, large closets, full basement, electric ity and gas. Terms. Call and see them. 774 E. Yamhill. Phone E. 1708, or M. 8267. AN abstract of title is not a guarantee of your title. It is merely a history of vour title. A title insurance policy Is a guar antee of your title. Therefore when you buy property get a title insurance policy. No aos tract required. Tiile & Trust company. OWNER residing In house. 7 rooms, gas, modern improvements. iOOxluu. fruit, berries, near Franklin high. $3ti0, cash $1000. terms. Phone Tabor 703. Also 6-room house, lot 75xl0. basement, gas, near car and school, $2300, $500 cash, terms. CHOICE houseboat, extremely well fur nished, cozy and tight for winter and in perfect condition, with large float in front; moored at Oregon Yacht club $2000 cash. $225o terms. J. Ii. Kloster man. 812 Board of Trade bldg. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME Large modern residence of 8 rooms, overlook ing the lower harbor and the mountains Price $5700. Easy terms. Call on BEN R1KSLAND. 404 Piatt bldg., 1 L'7 Park St. IRVINGTON SNAP $0000. Attractive 2-story, 0-room house just repainted and decorated; old ivory finish, best oak floors, fireplace and fur. nace. room for garage; terms. Tabor 407. BEHIND every policy of title insurance is a deposit with the state of Oregon to protect you against loss, yet it L cheap er than the abstract method. Title A Trust company. A TITLE insurance policy is a guarantee of the title to your home. When you buy your home have the titled insured Better be safe than sorry. Title & Trust company. .TITLE insurance is tn modern way - of handling titles to real estate. Quicker, costs lets and no abstract required, Tltit & Trust company. GET title insurance instead of an abstract. It is quicker and cheaper and you are 1 absolutely protected against error. Till Trust company. CLOSE your real estate deal without an noying details by using a title insurance poiicy. No abstract required. Tu: Trust company. TWO GOOD, modern. 7-room houses, full basements, 908-010 Corbett st.. imme diate possession. $3000 each. David 3. Stearns. 617 Corbett bldg. WE have already examined the titie to your property and can issue you a titl insurance policy without delay. Titls A Trust company. WHEN you get a title Insurance policy you do not need an abstract of title. One premium pays for all time. litis & Trust company. $000 COTTAGE 4 rooms, modern, big 'lot. E. 10th. McFarlanU, 208 Failing bldg. TITLE insurance saves time and money because no abstract Is required. Tit.s & Trust company. CLOSE your real estate deal quickly through title Insurance. No abstract re q u i red. Title & Trust company. KV ERV purchaser of real estate should bave his title insured. Better be salt man sorry. Title & -Trust Compaq. X HAVE a 7-room house In splendid con dition, cost $7500 to duplicate; near good schools; at a bargain. Tabor :!54. WHEN you purchase your home have the title insured. Get a title insurance pol icv. Title & Trust Co. MODERN 8-room house, good condition, by owner; Rose City Park. Owner, Ta bor 19&0, mornings. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 1000 Photographs of Homes lor Sale. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Because it Is the original, superior, scientific, modern method of home sell ing. The McGUIRE SYSTEM has won an international reputation and estab lished a national record. The System of Real Service. We protect your every Interest. Wo eliminate your every house-hunting problem and put you in immediate touch with the home of your requirements. Every one of our 1000 homes is personally Inspected and ap praised. Our 18 autos and courteous, experienced salesmen constantly at your service. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. $50(MJ A new lovely Laurelhurst that's never been occupied; 5 rooms, low. sweeping California lines; superior construction and mate rial; fireplace, bookcases, mas sive buffet, Dutch kitchen, cen tral hall with linen closets, hard wood floors, ivory finish. East 44th. You can smell the refresh ing, fragrant pines of delightful Laurel hurst Park. $4750 Irvington sacrifice. Just think, a , 6-room, very distinctive modern home with 3 airy sleeping rooms and large sleeping porch; many built-in conveniences ; furnace, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, full lot, paved street, liens paid. On E. 10th street, near Tillamook; terms. $4250 West Piedmont, one of Portland's most attractive bungalow homes; low. rambling lines, full width . front porch with massive con crete columns, large living room with fireplace, pretty dining room with massive built-in buffet; white Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, 2 airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing; only block to car. Could not replace this property for $6000. A home with character. $4200 A DREAM Rose City, mafslve pillared front and side porch, 5 rooms, spacious, airy; white Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors throughout, close to car. You'll love this artistic little home. A machine will take you out to day. This is below the hill. $3990 Hawthorne bungalow with typ ical California bungalow lines; attractive living room, pretty din ing room with massive ouni-in , buffet, ideal white Dutch kitch en with breakfast alcove, hard wood floors, woodwork finished In old ivory, two airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, paved street, liens paid. Terms. East 30th street. $3250 Located on Bevyle Terrace, over looking East Portland, is this very distinctive modern bunga low, unusually attractive lines, 7 rooms, living room with fireplace and built-in bookcases; music room, solid panel dining room with massive built-in buffet, won derful white Dutch kitchen, three . airy bedrooms, sleeping porch, best white enamel plumbing, elec tric lights and gas, largo lot. Close to car; terms. $3150 Just east of Piedmont, on Alns worth ave., on a full corner lot, is this 7-room double constructed very substantial modern home; 2 bathrooms, fireplace, built-ins, paved street ; wort h $4500. We can't duplicate this wonderful bargain. $2800 It's no use to debate about val ues when you've seen this won derful home bargain, because your point is 100 per cent won. On E. Madison, near 42d, on a full lot, with fruit, is this typ ical 5-room modern bungalow; white enamel plumbing, e lec trie it v, gas, 1 block to car; terms. Don't fail to see this betore you buy. , 12750 An Alberta bungalow, 5 rooms, ideal floor plan, practically new, very attractive, modern and a bargain that you could not dupli cate. On E. 26th st., near Going; terms. This is a better bargain than anO Alberta home you have looked at. Let us prove it. We'll send one of our machines right out for vou. and we have doz ens of other Alberta homes that you may inspect at the same time. $2580 A must-be-sold Montavitla bunga low 'beautiful: 5 rooms, cheery fireplace, bookcases, butfet, white Dutch kitchen, 2 light, ariy bed rooms, chicken house ; East 73d N. This Is splendid value. A ma chine, will take vou out today. $1650 Sellwood bungalow; low, rambling lines, large front porch full width nf house, o lignt, airy rooms, eic trie lights and gas; down vacant, immediate possession. AND OVER 10O0 OTHER INTEREST ING HOMES FOR SALE 131 OUK OFFICE. Hundreds of families have found and purchased Just the home they desired through "THE McGUIRE SYSTEM" since January 1, 1920. There are many reasons WHY. Here Is -one: We have th larett disolav room in the United States, where over 1000 photographs of anDraised homs are displayed, each Ui it rennectivc district. Under every pic ture is full intormatlon regarding the hrttn a It renresen ts. A few minutes spent In this modern office will accomplish as much as weeks of aimless shoppin g. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Building. Main 106. Hi6 Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. A SUBURBAN HOME. In That Beautiful Residence District. MULTNOMAH. Strictlv modern, practically new 5 room bungalow, bath. Dutch kitchen, fireplace. Iieht. gas. city water, full roment basement, laund ry trays, garage. 3 large chicken houses, beautiful half acre of ground, hard surface road. 1 h 1 nf-it s school. 4 blocks Multnomah sta tion. for the exceedingly low price of $60O0. Pay $2500 cash ; we can arrange balance. Furnished with beautiful ma hogany furniture. Including piano, which fan br bnucht at less tnan nair vaiue Roallv a beautiful home and excellent bargain. Let us show you. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Ring. ADJ. ALAMEDA PK. $5750 ELEGANT COLONIAL 6 beautiful nns.. large living rm French doors, hdwd. f!rs., 2 fireplaces, Kiinroom. brkfst. rm.. Dutch kitchen. A furnace, full cement bast., elegnn tly finished. 100x100; the garage is beauty. Owner built home just year ago railed south on account of business Does not desire to rent, therefore he has cut urice $10OO today for quick turn $2000 cash will do. This home Is in rood locality, but just off the PAVING We estimate the nrescnt value to be in the neighborhood of $8750. See us about it. We have a photo of same at office. Main 4So:;. G. C. GOLDEN BE RC Abington bldg. Yra. in Portland." No. 575. ROSE CITY. PRirK S55IIO S1500 CASH. Dandv 6-room modern home, on 50th st., below the hili: 50x100 lot: compare this price with oth-er ads. We handle good buys only. We have many other Rose City homes, new and old, but at special prices. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., Marshall ."9S9. 514 Swetland R'dff. SUNNYSIDE. $3750. 2 -story residence w ith 6 rooms, den and floored attic, fine bath. 2 toilets. 2 lavatories, built-in buffet, fireplace, full basement, laundry trays, 1 block Sun nyside car, west of 39th street, close to stores, school and churches, $150O will handle, balance monthly. Let us show you. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 10O7 Yeon Bldg. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $7500 $1500. On 18th st.. 6 rooms, breakfast nook, H. W. floors throughout, fruit trees, roses, shrubs, fine garage. Mc DO NELL OWNER, EAST 419. SEE OWNER. Eight-room home, four bedrooms, sleeping porch, sewing room, furnace, fireplace ; strictly modern, good condi tion This is a bargain, price $7500; Sunnyside district. Call Tabor 1164 HOM E FOrT H E OLD FOLKS? 5-room plastered bungalow type of cottage, good garage, alt kinds of fruit and berries, ground 100x150; price $2oH; $300 cash, balance monthly. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. $2500 $500 CASH. $25 MONTHLY. Six nice, large rooms, well arranged, SOx 101 lot, possession can be given Au gust -jOHNSONDODSON co., (,33 N W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. " Good six-room modern cottage, frac tional lot. south of Grant and west of Sixth street, 350 cash, balance monthly. TAGGART BROS.. 1102 Spalding Bldg. BUY FROM OWNER. 8-room bungalow; bleeping porch, fire place built-ins, choice pi umbing. full lot, garage, fruit: $4500. NeiU. 217 North western Bank building. W ESTM OR ELAND 5-room bungalow, full basement, fireplace, east front, garage, excellent condition; 2 blocks car, 4 school ; $3750. $1300 cash, balance easy. Marshall 1922. EAST SIDE. WALKING DISTANCE. 0-room house, well built and in good condition. 1 urn ace ; between E. 11th and 1-th sty.: price $:i20O. HENRY W. GODOARD. 243 Stark st. $2OO0 BUYS a modern 5-room oungalow, "with a fine lot on Hawthorne ave. Easy terms. For partlcu lars call on BEN RE I SLANP. 4Q4 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. BEAUTIFUL Rose City bungalow, nicely located ; large Corner lot, trees, bushes, berries; strictly modern. Owner, 553 L. 46LQ N. REAL ESTATE. IRVINGTON $S500. Very attractive 7-room houas on 16th, near B razee: one of tns best home locations in Irvington; large living room and dining room. 4 nice bedrooms, all rooms fin ished In white enamel ; large ga rage; 50x100 lot. A home of re finement. Sea J. W. CroJsIev, rnanager of our High-Class Homo Department. FRANK I. McGUIRE To Buy Your Distinctive Homo. Abington Bldg. Main 106S. WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY. Fine 8-room home, corner, pave1 street, one block to Sunnyside car. ml Jlst: beautiful living room, dining room, buffet, large pantry, kitchen. 3 fine bed rooms and sleeping porch, cement base ment, fireplace, furnace, lawn and flow ers. Must be sold before Sept. 1 to clos estate; act quickly. All street improve ments in and paid; $0500. Any reasona ble terms, inco tt A HUBBELU Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8S92 "Stucco Office. Evenings, call Tabor 3900. BIf?ft?i1 T wner leaving city, must sell; U5hIy mod-. beautiful, extra well S.aivhr2e,ltajolnlnC LAURELHURST r:,". $3300; large lot; or $4600 wltb . no ro"nd: $2590 cash; tnpla builY'ri iJutch kitchen in white enamel, alt th whallK in whit. including bathroom, .,h Snower; extra lavatory In separate j IUm; . bedrooms, c and si. porch; fruit trees immediate possession; will lUM1 room; J bedrooms. rtrPMKtni' rnnm and berries ; sell furniture Good Hornet 11 desired. t Realtor, E. 894. an conlrl Siassed-in sleeping' porch, ' c,0"cnr0 e basement, new furnace; an exceptionally nice lot with English wal-trees- nry aPPle prun and plum mNtVb"eTr frarasc; terrs- You'll make a COitp yZ overlook this. COMTE & KOHLMAN. MAIN 6550. a chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON NEW. building costs are mounting again; fan C ?ZTt thc rush come? th. u,lt oS? .,hii beautiful colonial home. iahL?mpleted by tn bf,st skilled dav ihr.-K SP.Ver. rooms. hardwood floors throughout, til bath, linoleum In k.trh- Tir-t DakLasL room and back porch; urst-class and complete. Key for in- PPheCni0n next,,door- East 22d Ji. N. hone evenings after 6:0U, East 1875 Owner, ROBERT B. BEAT, Binder. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH. . . 6-room home. kifrnr0f0m1S' nne batn- whI enameled ,'i..en fu 1 cement basement, laundry h-oh nevv,y Parted outside and in. Do 'f f Mt- Hood from front porch, street improvements In an.1 riri 1 oiocic to car; only $3650. first navm.-r.; $500, Let us show vou. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon BIdir. GEO. T. xitvi.NOioN New modern colonial hnm. or eignt rooms, hardwood floors through ?ili' ha0trhner- itioub'? earage. most coMl, rtnTvJ ,k n-,n,-r doors, plate-glass win bfl electric light fixtures, beau tifully papered; $10,500. You will find kV.J ia 1lttSt. bea"ful home, the best tT n 1 ortlani fr the price: worth lvmn.ey' to An inspection will con V ? l a nles"re to us to show wLthH pr,operty- R- T Street. Good Homes Realtor. East 894. ..ftREAO THIS SACRIFICE! Ti -rcash Puts you in possession of a good 7-room house in Alberta district: electric lights, gas. bath, toilet. som Duilt-ins. full cement basement; 100xl0 lot sidewalks and curbing. Bearini fruit and berries; total price, $2750; balance monthly, 7 per cent. See Mr. Vail, with n- A' W- ESTES, Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-6J BABY BUNGALOW, tollhouse fur two; beautifully artistic, among the trees; tile bath, small kitch en, breakfast nook, fireplace, hardwood noors, red concrete front and rear porch. 1 or someone accustomed to the littl luxuries of life. New and clean. Se this house for $:t.Oif at Sol De Pauw st, in University park, on the Peninsula. oe A. McKenna & Co.. &2 Fourth sL Main 4522. WESTOVER HEIGHTS HOME. Magnificent new Georpian colonial home built of hollow tile and stucco on double lot. with unobstructed view of city, mounts in and river; every new feature, including brocaded silk paneled walls. hand -pain ted solarium, 12 sets French doors, 3 tile baths, double ga rafe, gas. hot-water heat. 1079 Westovet road. R. H. Torrey, owner. Tabor 407. FOR SA LE One of the most attract ivt medium sized homes In Portland; thor oughly modern; 3 bedrooms, 2 ftreplai-cs hardwood floors, billiard room, gut heating system; magnificent view; splen did locality ; double garage ; will sell home alone or completely furnished. Foi appointment phone Tabor 50;. No tradca considered. Half cash, balance terms. m SACRI F1CE. $;i;oo. Owner will sacrifice six -room tiou.M located near Glisan and E. 57th st., buill less than year ago at cost of $3400. on lot valued at $100O; must now be sold t raise ready cash; owner leaving city. Call L. R. Bailey Co. for appointment to sea Phone Mar. 640. 5-HOOM BUNGALOW. ACHE, on 60th st. and 47th ave. S. K. ; baa iirepla.ee. buiit-in kitchen, bath and tw toilets; a bout 12 bearing f -berry trees, one or two prune trees and one plum tree, some berries. Price $l500, $750 cash, balance month I v. BROWN & GRANT. 201-2 Fen ton Bldg. Broad way 3222. BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL HOUSE IN LAURELHURST. Built less than one vear aso. Show me you are responsible and 1 will giv you very easy terms and a very low price ; now vacant. Come out and In spect. Office. East 3'.th and Glisan sts.. or phone Tabor 3433. Evenings, East 5779. Mr. Delahunty. FU RNISHED FIVE R )OM3. PRICE $19tM -PRICE. 5 rooms, ail furnished, rented for per monrh: and lot 45x170. This is no! in IrvitiRton, but is located at Lenta, on M t. icott line. If this looks good, call me up. Morrin. Marshall 39S9; evenings, automatic 219-19. $3150. $ 600 cash . bu y s this 7-room h ousc, bath, full basement. 60x!00 lot, on paved street, only 2 blocks to car, a bou t 13 minutes' ride to center of city; som fruit trees. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 377. ATTRACTIVE BUY. ROSE CITY PARK". VACANT MOVE IN. 7 rooms and sleeping porch. All up-to. date features ; corner grounds, CHOICH LOCATION, CLOSE IN. Great sacrifice for about l cash. Be sure to see this. Owner. Broadway 421. $7500 LAURELHURST SNAP $7500. If you are looking for a real bargain In a 2-story house by all means let m show you th Is place. Built about 5 '4 years; 6 rooms, den and sleeping porch, close to park and car. For particulars see J. A. McCarthy. 27't Stark at Main 170O; eves.. Tabor 5057. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. On 5Sth ave. S. E. and 2 blocks from Woodstock car, 2 blocks from school and convenient to business district. l'ric $3250, $750 cash, balance monthly. BROWN & GRANT. 201-2 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 3222. IRVINGTON S-ROOM. NEAR KNOTT ISth $7350 Real Bargain. Wonderful home A-l condition, fini garage, beautiful grounds, best location. Kast 4-19. FOR SALE By owner. $1300, $300 down, balance to suit, comfortable two rooms, toilet, closets, gas, 50xlu0 lot. four met fruit trees, berries; leaving for Calif ir nia. 1111 E. 15th st., near Alberta car. N E VV I R V I NO TO N BU NG A LO W. New five-roorfi modern bungalow on Broadway car line. 24th near Klickitat street, best buy in district; price $7500. Sec it today. Main 27. EAST SIDE BARGAIN. If you are looking for a large modern bungalow and garage, like new, at th right price, call owner, Broadway 131, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. BEAUTIFUL house, near Hawthorne, mu1 sell, reason is owner leaving town; this is an unusual buy. Call between 2 and 5 P. M. Auto, phone 5-1824. 193 y 2d st., room 3. S 05 O 0 LAURELHURST $ H 5 0 ft-. 7 rooms and large sleeping porc h, 1 story bungalow in good location ; must be "sold at once. By appointment only, Marshall 3352. Rock, 403 Couch bldg FOR SALE A real home at a sacrifice most desirable location in Rose City; modern throughout. Owner leaving city. No agents. 444 East 52d North. 224 EAST 53D. 8-room Mt Tabor mansion. like new, worth $13,000, sell for $S950. terms; 73x100. ga rage. view. Main 4,S(3. IRVINGTON. Six-room house, absolutely modern, close in; garage; must sell at once; only $5900. Owner, East 334S. A VERY fine Edison, larse size, mahog any case; also a splendid piano, beau tiful oak, satin finish. 356 Hoiman, cor. Garfield; t a k Wood lawn car. HOUSE for sale, range., some carpet, fur niture. Call Sellwood 27U. T $5250 ROSE P IX V parl'.-a In of i nB and1Jdlnmff rooms, finished built T K?'wide 'Replace, handsome biir f'r,TntbUfl,tU rrencn ors leading to vis front porch: hrrfu-nni4 n .