THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18. 1920 COX AGAIN SENATOR ATTACKS HARDING Opponent Is "Reactionary," Charges Bourbon. BASE OF CONTEST STATED throughout the state, In a letter this time addressed to them by F. C. Knapp. He said: Last Saturday a man who had Just driven from Chicago to Portland, via the southwestern route told me that he eon etdered our failure to provide these signs an act which would rankle in the bosom of visiting automoblllsts for years to come. Then he went on to say that his trip had been one of pleasure until he struck Ore gon, but that there a question In his mind if he would ever be able to over Come the aversion to this state on account of, his experience from the California line to Portland. It does not seem to me that we should let such a simple proposition as the erect ing: of proper crossroad signs sleep in a pigeon-hole. The taxpayers of Oregon are responding readily to calls for funds to be used In making our state more attractive. miy aiBgust mem, ana our visitors as well, by giving small details lack of attention? Speakers' Bureau Chairman Ar rives to Plan Governor's Speak ing Tour on Coast, COLUMBUS. O.. Aug. 17. In ad dressing the Ohio democratic conven tion today. Governor Cox flayed Sen ator Harding, republican nominee, as "reactionary," denounced ' what he termed Mr. Harding's plan -for a sep arate peace with Germany, but said that the democratic position on the league of nations reservations was not "unbending." "The San Francisco platform, he said, "gives us the right to enter the league on terms that need no de fense. Our position is not unbending. We claim that we can accept any thing (in - reservations!-that inter prets, that calls attention to the lim itations of our constitution, that calls attention of the other nations that we ,will go thus far and no further." League Issue Featured. The league issue was featured by Governor Cox and also in addresses of Secretary Baker and Senator Pom erene of Ohio. "Perfectly perfidious act," and "dis honorable deed" were terms applied by Governor Cox to the separate peace proposal as the convention gave him ovation after ovation. "The separate peace Ide-. he de clared, "will remain In the public mind." "This, after all." he continued, "is the crux of the situation. The reactionary-candidate promises you noth ing but a proposal which, at its best, promises nothing but , months and possibly years of delay.- On the other hand, we promise that after March 4 with the least amount of conversation possible, we will enter the league." AVar Probabilities Denied. He denounced the republican argu ' ment that the league would increase probability of war. 'Denying also that the league could order American soldiers overseas. Governor Cox continued "The republican leaders in declar ing that four or five potentates over seas can order our soldiers anywhere. are speaking a deliberate and wilful un truth." Governor Cox reiterated that con gress only may declare war and. as serted that "what the reactionary re publican leaders contend would re quire a constitutional amendment." German Peace Aaaalled. After "vigilant study" of Senator Harding's acceptance address, Gov ernor Cox said he found the state ment "that has staggered the sensi bilities of the world the unthinkable. the monstrous proposal for a scp arate peace with Germany." "Now that our army is disbanded and the military strength .of the al lies scattered," the governor said, "he would destroy that pact (the league) and enter into a new covenant." "I give you this assurance." he con tinued, "that this dishonorable deed will not be perpetrated, first because Warren G. Harding will not have a chance to do it, and, second, that will not insult 2,000,000 soldiers by doing it myself. ; Governor Cox said he was Indebted to the opposition for furnishing cam paign issues. The governor weighed the records of himself and - Senator "Harding in Ohio, especially in . the fight for a new state constitution. Senator Harrison, chairman of .the democratic speakers bureau, will ar rive tomorrow to confer with Gov enor Cox regarding management of the candidate s future -speaking trips. and to map out tentatively the gov ernor's Pacific coast tour in Sep tember. "SWINDLED " SAYS POM DEFEXSE TO CHARGE FORGERY AXD XOTE-RAISIXG. ANSWER, TO ROOSEVELT READY Borab Willing to Attack Any Ad vocacy of League of Nations. SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 17. (Spe cial.) Readiness to reply in a pub lic speech here to. any advocacy the league of nations voiced by Franklin D. Roosevelt, democratic candidate for vice-president, in his speech here next Thursday evening, was expressed here today by United tstates Senator Borah, who said he had been asked by Spokane repub licans to reply to Mr. Roosevelt. I ara always ready and willing to speak against the league, he said. Senator Borah today made public statement in which he attacked the present Idaho election laws and fa vored a return to the direct primary law in that state. HARDING'S STRENGTH STEADILY GROWING Bryan Denies He Has Planned to Assist' Cox. PEACE LEAGUE RIDICULED: Obligations for 9100 in Many Cases Raised to $1000, Says Counsel for Financier. BOSTON, Aug. 17. An Intimation of the defense to - be offered by Charles Ponzi, now in Jail as the out come of his financial dealings, was given today by ' his chief counsel, Daniel Mclsaacs, who said that Ponzl had been swindled out of thousands of dollars through the forging and raising of his notes. The attorney declared notes for $100 in some cases had been raised to $1000 and others accordingly. At a hearing in federal court to day on petitions for receivership of the Securities Exchange company, of which Ponzi was the head, no oppo sition was voiced. Judge Morton took under advisement the receiver ship plea. - Governor Coolidge today expressed the opinion that there are - now enough laws to meet situations such as have developed in the Ponzl and Old Colony Foreign Exchange com pany cases. This comment was made after he had received a letter from District Attorney Pelletier, suggest ing special legislation. Attorney-General Allen said tonight that the Returns filed by noteholders so far showed the Ponzl liabilities to be $3,349,031. This sum included the 50 per cent profit promised. DRUG POISON KILLS TWO Ex-Soldiers Found In Sfegro Cabin in Butte, Mont, BUTTE, Mont., Aug. 17. Narcotic poisoning was declared by doctors who performed autopsies this after noon to have caused the deaths of James McAlona and Al McFadden. who were found in a cabin on South Arizona street this morning and died in the police patrol en route to the police station. . A gallon jug of moonshine and a bottle labeled "denatured alcohol" were found in this cabin. The cabin where the two men were found is said to be the home of James Williams, a negro, and his wife, also colored. -Both were arrested and subjected to examinat'on by the county attorney and police. vviuiams asserted the liquor was brought to the cabin by the two men. ALASKA TRIP IS WORST Captain on Return Says Voyage Most' Severe of Career. SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 17. (Spe cial.) A long passenger list, which included the crews of several Bering sea canneries, was brought back by the Alaska Steamship company's liner Victoria, Captain Fred Warner returning from her second voyage of the season to Nome today. Captain Warner reported one of the most severe voyages of his career, the big liner having been delayed nearly two weeks in Norton sound by heavy weather which prevailed almost all the way from Unlmak pass to Seat tle. Cannery officials, passengers on the Victoria, say the salmon pack' in Bering sea and Bristol bay has been very light this year, in most cases less than two-thirds that of last year. California and Missouri Papers Get Into Fight With Lineup for Republicans. - OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Washington, Aug. 17. Signs are Bear ing of tightly .drawn "political lines, indicating that the national campaign will soon be on in earnest. Taflpr, rt mthllf. t Vi n n o-i t After listening to the two presidential candidates for a couple of weeks are making their choice and taking their positions on one side or the other. The New Tork Evening Post de clared for Cox yesterday, and on the same day t ho Hearst papers went further than heretofore, and gave ap proval to the declaration of Harding in favor of four Issues. "Labor, peace league, farm and tariff." Within the last few days republican leaders have received the welcome news that the Sacramento Bee and the Kansas City Star are in the fight on the side of the republican ticket, and from both headquarters in a few days will be announced the names of several prominent public men wno have planted themselves for Cox or Harding. Bryan Denies Report. Chairman George White's statement that William Jennings Bryan was soon to go on the stump for Governor Cox brings response from Mr. Bryan that he has made no plans for the campaign.' Hearst papers, through the Bris bane editorials, continue to hammer Governor Cox and-the Wilson league .i u& naiiuno editorial of yesterday , KOOSEVEJLiT IS AT " BLLILXGS Democratic Nominee for Vice-President to Speak. BrLiilNGS, Mont., Aug. 17. Frank lin D. Roosevelt, democratic nominee for vice-president, arrived at 1 o'clock today and was immediately taken to the Billings Commercial club, where he was entertained at a luncheon given the business men. Mr.Roosevelt will deliver an ad dress here at 8 o'clock this evening. STRANGER DIES IN FIRE Un known Person Victim of . Rail road Accident at Tenlno. CENTRAL.! A, Wash.. ' Aug. ' 17. Special.) C. Turvey, operating a logging camp near Tenlno, was in Centralia yesterday endeavoring to learn the identity of a man who was burned to death Saturday on the Tur vey logging road. The stranger asked permission to ride on a logging train. As the train rounded a curve a bridge a short dis tance ahead was discovered to be in flames. The train crew Jumped to safety, but the stranger . apparently became confused, and as the car on which he was riding passed onto the fire-warped rails he was thrown from the car into the flames. According to the train crew the stranger was about 32 years old, dark complexioned, of medium height and with a noticeable scar on his left cheek. WHEAT TRADE RESUMED Canada- Opens Dealing in Futures Today. WINNIPEG. Man.. Aug. 17. Trad ing In wheat futures, which opens to morrow for the first time since May, 1917, was the absorbing topic on the floor today. Conjectures on what the opening price would be ranged from $2.55 to $2.75. f . It is thought the trade "volume for a few days will be small until there is a larger movement of the new crop and traders readjust themselves. The wheat board, it was learned- today, will continue indefinitely to accept deliveries of old wheat on which par ticipation certificates had been used up to midnight August 14. This is due. it Is said, to the trouble experienced in getting their wheat forward. U. S. STEAMER CALLS AID ' . Danish Police Get Mutiny Report and Dispatch Armed Men. ' LONDON, Aug. 17. Danish police received a wireless from the Ameri can steamer Hoxie, en route for Lon don, yesterday, asking for help be cause of mutiny on board, said a Co penhagen dispatch. Motorboats with armed .men were instantly sent out but no trace of the vessel had been found. - The Hoxie sailed from Norfolk, Va., July 30. for Copenhagen. ROAD SIGN LACK CITED ced Again Called to Attention of County Commissioners. Once more attention of the county commissioners and state highway association has been called to the lack of proper signs at crossroads RAMSGATE MOB MILITANT Crowd Attempts to Prevent Load ing of German Ships. EAMS(AtE. England.-Aug. 17. A serious clash occurred today between the police and a mob trying to pre vent the loading of two German ships. Police dispersed the mob, but sev eral policemen were-slightly Injured. Brisbane's said: Cox says republican senators, in opposing the peace league, are trying to annex the presidency . or tne United States to their domination. "May be so. but that would please Americans at least asTvell as to have Mr. Cox, as advocate of the peace league, annex the whole United States to the domination of Europe "As between control of the United States by republican senators and domination by a European council. the people of this country would prefer republican senators, however little they may think of republican senators generally. Brisbane Favors Harding. "Senator Harding announces his presidential fight on four issues "labor, peace league, farm and tariff: As the fight will be against the peace league, that makes four American is sues. The four issues may not bo ex actly Ideal or complete from every Etandpoint, but they compare favora bly with four such Issues, for in stance,' as Bessarabia, Mesopotamia, Armenia, Siberia- "To have a candidate for president of the United States apparently tak ing interest in things that concern the United States is a refreshing change from Czecho-Slovakia and the 14 littles points east of the Atlantic ocean.". Yesterday's editorial is followed with this one: . "If you want more war. If you are anxious to buy for $100 more bonds that drop down around $80, if syou want another dose of profiteering,; vote for the peace league and you will ' have all those things. - ; 7fot Morgan-Co nt rolled. "Yesterday the New York Evening Post, owned in the office of ;J.:Pier pon Morgan & Co., came out formally for the league of nations and.vCox. No wonder. One big war made Mor gan & Co. gigantically rlclt. Did it make you gigantically rich? You can guess what more war would do for Morgan.- .What could It do for you?" ' - Some criticism already Is heard of Cox's plan of campaign. There are many democrats who would prefer that their nominee stop .his constant haranguing of the republican candi date and the so-called "senate oli garchy." They complain that he Is following too closely the lines on which Charles E. Hughes "started out two years ago. and which brought such tragic polit ical results. - -. ''. Apprehension Is Felt. ; Apprehension is felt among demo crats that their candidate will stir up some of the so-called "senate oligar chy" to make reply, and that when it comes the American people ' are likely to sit up and take notice. - . It is easy, they say, to carry on a' one-sided debate, as Governor Cox is doing now, but that he is falling to take into acocunt what might hap pen should some of the big minds of the senate decide to answer. COMMISSION CHARGE CUT Livestock. Dealers Must Give Vp Ex cessive Allowance WASHINGTON. Aug. "17 Declar ing the Increases unjust. Secretary Meredith today ordered licensed com mission men at the principal stock yards to r:ease charging the advanc ed commission rates on sale of live stock put into effect August 2 last. They were forbidden to charge in ex cess of rates promulgated on July 1 last. The commission men were given until next Saturday to comply with the order, which affects those at the stockyards in Chicago, Kan sas City. Omaha and the national stockyards in East St. Louis. An announcement was made that excessive rates also would be ordered discontinued when found to exist at livestock exchanges where the depart ment of agriculture has no represen tatives PACIFIC LINER LAUNCHED Lightning Bolt Kills Boy, 14. SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 17. Ver non Mitchell, 14, was killed by a bolt of lightning this afternoon. The body lay at the city morgue several hours before it was identified by the boy's parents. Shipping Board Counsel Xamed. WASHINGTON, Aug. 17. Appoint ment of Colonel G. D. Goff of Mil waukee, Wis., as general counsel for the shipping board, succeeding R. A. Dean ot Fall River, Mass., was an nounced today. Xew Jnpo-SIav Cabinet Formed. BELGRADE, Aug. 17. Milenko R. Vesnitch has formed a new cabinet for Jugo-Slavia. Most of the mem bers of the old ministry retain their portfolios In the new regime. 22,000-Ton. Empress of Canada to Go on Oriental Rnn. LONDON. Aug. 17. The steamship Empress of Canada, which is for Vancouver - Japan- service, was launched today by the Fairfield com pany, Glasgow. The vessel is the largest liner built by the company -and will be the largest running on the Pacific. It registers 22,000 tons. The ship will leave Liverpool in March next year and make a world's tour on the way to her Pacific sta tion. Socialist Paper Appeals Case, WASHINGTON. Aug. 17. The su preme court in an action filed today was asked to review federal court de crees rendered in New York convict ing the American Socialist of ob structing recruiting during the war, -and Now 1 he MMtieo or Press machine that prints DIRECT from standard printers' type; thus saving electrotype expense also prints three colors at one time Here Is a machine that produces printing and form -typewriting both at the same time if desired. Equipped with two ink fountains, a letterhead may be printed in ink of one color, the body of the letter through a ribbon on another, while the signature or other desired printing in a third color, all at one operation. Think of it: And direct f rom - type which eliminates expensive curved plates and spe cial type. The Multicolor Press Is a complete printing plant, built on the correct flat-bed principle. It will, pro duce any Job printing within its capacity type page, 8x12 inches; sheet size 94x14 inches. Every thing is standard flat cuts and half-tones, type -In fact, all equipment Is the same as the printer aura. It is electrically driven at speeds of from 1500 to 5000 an hour. THE AUTOFEDE Gives you 5000-sheet capacity at one loading. May be filled while press Is running. Feeds letter beads, envelopes, cards, tags, labels, small forms . and large In short, anything from paper to three ply cardboard up to sixteen-page bound booklets at a speed of from 4000 to 5000 an hour. Who Recommends It? There are many more exclusive features of the Multicolor features found in no other machine. We could tell you that this Press reduces the cost of printing 40. to 60 and it actually does but what you want to know is who has used It for a sufficient length of time to really test it out. .. Five years ago Frank Waterhouse & Company purchased one of these machines. It worked so satisfactorily that we now have three In our own . printing plant and know from experience that no machine can equal the multicolor in the kind of work it will do, the speed, the cost of production, and, most important, the very low cost of maintain ing the machine in first-class ofOer. Last Friday, one of Seattle's leading printers saw our machine on, demonstration. After, the demon stration he went on record as saying: "I have been in the printing business for forty years and will have to admit that the Multicolor Press is the best tpreS3 of its kind 1 have ever seen." The model plant of the University of Washington Is Installing a complete Multicolor outfit this month. And other well known firms leading printers have seen 'the machine and ordered! They know what it can do and koir it does it. A Seattle printer recently returned from the East and remarked how many of the leading printers' In Chicago and New York have Multicolor equipment. In the City of Detroit twenty-five printers have in stalled. Multicolor Presses in the last ninety days. Why? "Because there is nothing like the Multicolor. This was proved to them and in a few minutes demonstration can be proved to you. What They Say About the Multicolor Press We have been using the Multicolor Press for over four years and nave always found the machine practical and satisfactory in every way. As for re pairs and upkeep, the expense has been so small we do not care to mention it." FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY. New York City. Publishers Literary Digest. "Have used the Multicolor Press for av number of years. It has cut down cost of form letters, etc., nearly 50. besides furnishing us better work than when done outside of our office. In our work it is absolutely necessary that the match be perfect. Wa also use It for printing our house organ, miscel laneous office forms, etc." BLACKSTONE INSTITUTE, Chicago, Ill Fuller Brushes. Inc.-, of Hartford, Conn., who have bad five years' experience with the Multicolor Press, state that it is a "time and money saver." They use it for letters, bill heads, report cards, return envelopes, advertising cards, etc., etc. On 3V&x5 cards they report the following results: Run per hour S.7S0 S on per hour 11,250 7 hours per day...- 78,750 "On a job of 600,000 we can make a saving of $100 in a week, and as we do a large amount of this work we find it well worth while." Repeat Orders Spell Merit Note these names carefully; firms of this stand ard buy only where efficiency and economy count. Most of these concerns are using several other presses: U. S. Rubber Co. ,.....New Tork, N. T. Fifth Avenue Bank.. .. New York. N. Y. J. V. Farwell Co. .............. -Chicago. Til Federal Life Insurance' Co .Chicago. 111. Square D. Company. .........Detroit, Mich. Packard Motor Car Co. ...... Detroit. Mich. Children's Flower Mission.. Cleveland. Ohio Hascall Paint Co. ..........Cleveland. Ohio University of Washington. .Seattle. Wash. Carleton Dry Goods Co. .... .St. Louis, Mo. Llgget & Meyers Tobacco Co.. St- Louis, Mo. Washburn Crosby Co. ...Minneapolis, Minn. Minsingwear Corp.. Minneapolis. Minn. Armour Leather Co..,.... . .Boston, Mass. Fuller Brushes, Inc. .Hartford, Conn. Cameron Printing Co. ..... .Yakima, Wash. Beaver Board Co Buffalo. N. Y. Washington Envelope Corporation. .Seattle B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co. Los Angeles, CaL San Francisco Examiner. San Francisco. Cat. W. B. Harness .......Yakima. Wash. .Hieden's Mailing Bureau. .Seattle Co-operative Printing Co..... .. ....Seattle See It Yourself We now have one of the latest "Lfberty JIofleTrt Multicolors in stock, which we will gladly demons strata to you. See it in actual operation note for? yourself that it is a real printing press not a "duplicating" machine note that it Is standard throughout note also Its speed its ease of opera, tion its simplicity and, above all, the kind ot work It turns out) Simply phone us or send the coupon and irlt out any obligation on your part ws will arrange a. demonstration and place before you facts that will greatly interest you. But act now I j Multicolor Sales Division Frank Waterhouse & Company Central Bldg. ; Seattle PORTLAND REPRESENTATIVE Major Jack Hamilton Care Corona Agency. s, no Sixth St. T.rtSr2er2Xi . Z3T W t-J" SI iV ,aJ fl r- ilk -: -hem- -u iy : . ' -II ' "IV Specifications: Wrp -- 4; ' I I ilc(ctToi' irse power 110 or 220 D c cr t PRESS SPEEDS 1E00 to 5000 an hour. ' V For Demonstration Phone Main 2285 $410 Profit in Two Months ! The Robert E. Mackenzie Company, 1592 Woodland Ave. IS., Cleveland, says: "In the short time we have had the Multicolor Press, which we believe Is not over two months, the machine has paid for itself and we, on the first job, are making a profit of about $410." Specifications: MOTOR U horse power, 110 or 220 A. c. so cycle. , PRESS SPEEDS 1E00 to 5000 an hour. INSIDE DIMENSIONS OF PRESS 8x12 Inches. SHEET SIZE 9xl4 inches. WEIGHT. NET 375 lbs.; gross. 525. CUBIC MEASUREMENTS 24x44x44 Inches. APPROXIMATE FLOOR SPACE 3x6. AUTOMATIC OR HAND FEED. . AUTOMATIC JOGGER three sides. Multicolor Sales Division Care Corona Agency, 110 Sixth St, Portland. Gentlemen: We want to know what a Multi color Press will do for us. With out obligating ourselves send us sample of Shop forms..... .Office forms. ..... ... Factory forms.... Imprinting-. Firm name. . I I 1 I See Mr I rl . ... at. .--..o'clock I I "I through publication of a pamphlet called "The Great Madness." The or ganization was fined $3000, but Scott Nearing, -author ol tne article, was acquitted., ALASKA PLANE DAMAGED Three Pilots Scheduled) to Start for 'Dawson Yesterday. .- WRANGEL, Alaska, Aug; 1T In taking off for White Horse, Y. T yesr terday afternoon, plane No. .l ot the American aviators New York to Nome squad, with Captain Street aboard, was ' s lightly damaged. Thu three planes wnicn xiew to White Horse yesterday were to leave there at 6 o'clock this mornins for nwion unless weatner conaivions prevented. Jamaica Police on Strike. KINGSTON. Jamaica, Aug. 16. A general strike has oeen ..ailed by po licemen here and by railway em ployes, the former demanding double pay, while the rauroaaeru oojeci io a white traffic inspector, uroer is Do ing maintained by troops ana special police. . ' - Sheriff Starts for Australia. SHEBOYGAN. Wis.. Aug. 17. Sher iff William Brockman and Chief of Police H. G. Dehne left today on their 12,000-mile journey to Sydney. Aus tralia, to brlnsr back Ed Pooler. It is charged that .Pooler and his ' son robbed a young man of S800 March 1. Calvin Pooler, a son, is now serving a six-year sentence in Waupun prison. . Canadian Rnliny Canceled. WASHINGTON. Aug. 17. Regula tions proposed by railroads requiring prepayment of freight charges on traffic to points in Canada were ordered suspended today from August 18 to December 16 by the interstate commerce commission, pending investigation. Phone your want ads to The Orego- nlan. Main 7070. Automatic 660-95. EAT BREAKFAST. LUNCH DINNER AT AND Wood's Lunch SIXTH AND STARK Atfyeh'a offer yoa opportunity to . select your ' Oriental direct from the im porters -with the prof its of middlemen elimi nated and with nearly as wide a variety of choice as though you were personally in the - Orient. Atiyeh Bros. Alder at Tenth by Leonard ar Oil Relieves Deafness, Stops Head Noises It Is set out In the ears, but Is Rubbed In Back of the Ears and Inserted in the Nostrils. Has had a successful sale since 1907. Stoat-Lyons Drug Co. (3 stores: Northern Pacific Pharmacy. Sd and Morrison Sts.: Perkins Hotel Phar 6th and .Washington: lrvinston Phar S. Broadway at 15th). This Signature on Yellow , Box and on Bottle For sale In Portland Mmnnfactnrer 70 Fifth Ave., w York City. THE AFTER-SMART OF SHAVING IS ALLAYED BY SANTISEPTIG MANY men who would'like to shave themselves, dread the after-smart caused by using the razor daily on a tender skin. To all such we recom ment Santiseptic Lotion; it not only allays the smarting and soreness, but it acts as well as an antiseptic, pro tecting the face from infection. The sense of security from infection that you enjoy from the use of Santiseptic is especially reassuring. Santiseptic. too, is delightfully cooling and re freshing: it leaves the skin with. soft, velvety finish which bespeaks the healthy, well-groomed man. There is no shave "too close" when Santiseptic is used. The odor of Santiseptic is wholesome and cleanly. Unlike many preparations, it is not sticky. To use it in your daily shave is to en Joy a real luxury. Santiseptic is easily procured at most drugstores and toilet goods counters and costs but 0 cents. Adv. Ladies Let Cuticura Keep Your Skin Fresh and Yound 8rp.Ointrnrnt.TmIfTOn,g;.'ri wiiem. for mpS Phone Your Want Ads to The Oregonian v Main 7070 Aut. 560-93 THAN UONG TRIP, Redman Searched Three Years For Relief From Dyspepsia Before He Found It. "Yes, sir, I've found a real medi cine at last, for nothing but a real medicine could do what Tanlac has done for me," said Rudolph Redman of 847 Kellogg etr.eet, Portland. Or. "During the past three years it seems like I have taken everything under the sun for a bad case of stom ach trouble, but it was only recently when I took Tanlac that I got any relief. My appetite was so poor I didn't know what it was to be hun gry, and even the little I did eat failed to digest properly, causing fawful pains that seemed to run clear' around my waist. I had severe headaches and at times when I would stoop over and go to raise up every thing would be blurred before my eyes and I would nearly fall over. I was in a terrible run-down condition and so nervous the least little noiee would cause me to jump, so I came down to Portland from Canada think ing the change would do me good. However, it didn't, and my condition became so bad I had to lay off from my work from time to time. "Finally, one of my friends got me to try Tanlac, and I want to say right now it certainly has done the work for me. My appetite is just, fine, and I can eat anything I want without my stomach troubling me the least bit. The headaches and dizzi ness are an gone, my nerves are steady again, and I've been gaining in weight and strength right along. Why, I'm1 simply feeling fine, and I don't hesitate to Indorse Tanlac after all it's done for me. Tanlac is sold in Portland by the- Owl Drug company. Adv. Phone your want ads to The Orego nlan. Main 7070, Automatic 560-95.