14 THE MORNING OREG ONI AN, . WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1920 BRA L. ESTATE. t or Kale CARET-SAVIDGE COM PANT. BIUH-CAKEY COMPANY. Alain 7187. We have carefully chosen a large lumber of houses for sale at every price tn every part of the city. Whatever we ad vertlse we can recommend as be ing of good value. See us before you buy your home, ROSE CITY. $4250. This bungalow is one block from the car on a paved street : living room, built-in bufiet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays, fireplace, hard wood flours. This is a very distinctive bungalow and is cheap at this price. 1KKMS. WEST PIEDiMONT. This substantial 6-room, story and half bungalow type house Is within walking distance of Jefferson high school, close to library and Peninsula park, one block to car, amusements and stores'; 2 bedrooms downstairs and 2 vp, and garage. This ia worth the money. ALBERTA. $3400. $500 down "will take this modern 5 room bungalow, on a paved street, with ewer, one block from car line. 12 blocks to Jefferson high school. This bungalow ia in Al condition and is excellent value. KENTON. $3200: This 5-room bungalow is well worth the price asked; lot is 50x111, 3 blocks from car; full plumbing,, gas, electricity, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement; only $500 down. ROSE CITY PARK. $3S30. City Parle for Your Back Yard. If you buy this modern 5-room bunga low you will have the new city park tor a. back yard. Paved street, sewer, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays, furnace. This Is an excellent buy; it is below the hill. Convenient terms. CARKT-SAVIDGB COMPANY. , B1HR-CAKEY COMPANY. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 74S7. Open Evenings, KEW LA TJR ELHURST HOME. On splendid 39th st. corner, 1156 Hazelern ave. : 8 beautiful, large, airy rooms, all In white enamel ; hardwood floors throughout ; hot water heating system ; one of the most beautiful Interiors in all Portland. Price $0500. See Mr. I. W. Crossley, manager High Class Home Department, for full est particulars, FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Distinctive Homes Abington Bldg. Main IOCS. A BI-G BARGAIN $3450. Here Is a fine big house of 7 rooms and sleeping porch that Is positively the big pee t bargain we've seen. There are 8 rooms besides reception hull and pan try down and 4 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch on upper floor; there is I an extra tohet and lavatory down; a lug conoretie basement, wash trays, high- :raae lurnaoe, garage; oOxlOO corner Jot, some fruit and berries. To buy the Jot and build the house now would cost &t least $5500. Owner leaving town, will eell for $3450, with $2200 down. See this quickly. COMTE & KOHLMAN, 228 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6350. LAURELHURST BUNV.ALOW. Very attractive 1 Vs-story modern bungalow, 3 nice bedrooms and in closed sleeping porch; furnace, fireplace, full cement basement 641x100 lot. Modern bungalows like this in Laurelhurst for any such price are very scarce. See- J. W. Crossley, manager high-class home department. FRANK L. McGUTRE. Buy Your Distinctive Home. Abington Bidg. Mala 100S. 4000 PARKROSE HOME. HALF-ACRE TRACT. Attractive 4 -room bungalow and garage, fireplace, built-in features and bath. This place is located on Richardson road (a graveled street), faces east, fine soil, some fruit and berries; terms $1500 cash, balance arranged. J, L. HART MAM' COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com, bldg., or Parkrose Branch office at end of Parkrose car line. tlSIINCTlVS LAURELHURST HOME. A aeLutlful up-to-date home in finest : i -t T . . . . I nuii, lur ij.iw, on xerms. uouia not be duplicated for less than han 15.00D. Large reception hall, living room, library, din ing room and kitchen on firttt floor: A large bedrooms, sleeping porch, sewing room, bath, etc., on 2d floor. All fea- xures that are found in a modern resi dence. Shown by appointment with. Mr. Bliss. COB A. McKENNA & CO. 82 4tb. St. Phone. Main 4522. $MO0 HOSE CITY PATUG $5150. The living room In this 'handsome 6 room bungalow extends clear across the front. The living and dining rooms are (papered with a beautiful tapestry pat tern (imported), and finished in enamel; 4.hCTe are two bedrooms with lurro anrf light closets, with room In attic for two more rooms; a lovely fireplace, hard- -wooa Tioors. new lurn-d.ee. Really, it'i wonderful buy Only $1800 caifli for first payment, th balance like rent. move rignt in it you like. COMTE & KOHLMAN. 29 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Main 6550. $5000 LARGT5. GOOD-LOOKIW HOUSE. On prominent corner, 100x100, fruit . and shade trees, improvements all frn. . cement garage; 10 rooms beside bath, I 1 laundry, attic; full basement, furnace, I , (ireplaoe; great opportunity for large family or a money-maker for a few 1 lect roomers. This place cost a lot of uoney ana is a real sacrmce. CALL MAIM 6S7 FOR AODRDS3. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $3300. uodern 5-room bungalow, first-class 1 eonaixion; gooa sized laving room with I nrepiace; aining witn Dullt-ln buffet; Iutch kitchen, two larera lie-ht hrt- rooms, full cement basement, improve ments in ana paid. J. L. KAHNOPP 4 CO. Main 675. ati Ry.- Exch. Bldg. HUSLNEiSS CORNER. lOOxlOO. SN'AP. Fine H block, corner vacant, 6-room "house on Inside lot, on Williams ave. and Shaver; owner refused $8350 for thi. price now StiOOO. lnoluding city liens. Easy terms if desired. We recommend ioia as a poo a investment. GRLSSI & BENNETT. 31-8 Board of Trade 31dg. Main 74S2. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW If early new 6-room bungalow with I every new feature; French doors, old ivory xinisn. oest oaie tioors throuKhout, Pullman breakfast nook. nice lawn, nttic; a real snap at $7000; terms. uaDor 40f. IRVINGTON. Bungalow. 6 rooms, ground 75x100. perfect picture, mas-sed wlta fU-wcrs, im ported Japanese and other shrubbery: $(00. terms $1400 cah. bal. $50 mouth. mciuum b nurresi. uwner, n.a jt i j . 94OO0. Two good houses, walking distance, I east Portland; 6 rooms, bath, oantrv. large closets, full basement, electric- I ity and gas. Terms. Call end see 1 them. 774 e. lamniii. Phone E. 1708, Or M. BITOT. ROSE CITY PARK $2500. By owner leaving city. Must sell modern 4-room bungalow. Paved streets. Large living room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bath: French doors; finished In Ivorv. A snap. Phone Tabor 7404, 037-E 50th TAKE IRVINGTON CAR. Brand new six-room bungalow, strict- lv m nHrti' hni'il mrii f i-v.-i.-u n j built-ins; all st. impts. paid; $050 cash win nanuie. to see it toaay. 821 East iom bu a . i nuutt owner, ast 4U00. CHOICE houseboat, extremely well fur. nished. cozy and tlcht for winter and in perfect condition, with large float In irom ; mooreu at uregon lacht club $2000 cash. $2250 terms. J. H. Kloster- - m:m. i-' rtoara or Traae bide1. MODERN heiKhts home, fine viw ha ... tiful large grounds, price $14,0OO: can di vide grounds and sell for $U000. Other rooo. propuny imgni oe consiaered ia part. rv. iioore, ou juoaca or Trade. IRVINGTON SNAP $0000. Attractive 2-story. 6-room house just repainted and decorated; old ivory finish, best oak floors, fireplace and fur nace, room for garage; terms. Tabor 407. VUDERN 8-room house, good condition, by owner; Rose City Park. Owner, Ta- DOr 1K', IIIUI IllllgJ. FOR 8ALE Modern 8-room house, fur- t nace, lot jioxuu. 'in is is a snap at n :wuu. JLii owner, x aoor pna. BEST buy advertised. Three lots, mod- ern rooms. rrom-owner. Sunny side; , -tiiu; worta moiq oi'jy. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. ON ALAMEDA DRIVE. Splendid view lot 68x125. run ning through to Wisteria Drive; very attractive 7-room, 1 -story bungalow; living room, library, dining room and central hall, all hardwood floors; dandy kitchen; big, back view porch; 3 nice bed rooms with big closets; full ce ment basement; furnace; station ary tubs. etc. A delightful loca tion, and a home of refinement. Nothing for the money In all Port land. .-Price $7500. See J. W. Crossley, manager of our 'High Class Home Department. ' FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Distinctive Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. THREE BIO BARGAINS IN LAURELHURST You are invited to Inspect them ' today. Drive out to office at East 39 t-h and Glisan streets, get keys and Inspect them at your leisure; vacant, ready to move into. Built four or five years, good as new, pre-war prices. Don't forget the -place. Bast 3Sth and Gllean streets, or phone Mr. Delahunty, Tabor 8133, evenings. East 5779. GREAT BARGAIN. $4500. To Rottlft nn F.stnto Strictly modern 7-room 'bungalow with full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, built-in buffet, kitchen with pass pantry; large livine- ronm larz front nnrrh: beveled plate glass in front door; one I bedroom on first floor and three on the I second; hardwood floors throughout on first floor: second well finlnheri in fir; house must behold to the highest bidder I at once. ,it. Tabor district. J. L. KARNOPP & CO. 310 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 675. MR. BUSINESS and professional man. wouldn't you like a fine suburban home close to car. on fine road for your auto mobile and with all city conveniences. Juat look at this. A strictly modern 7-room bungalow with an acre of choice! lawn, fruit, flowers and garden for only I 1 acres of fruit and garden with nice Cottage, only $3100. I HAVE many others from S300O tn io nort each on which I can quote reasonable I prices ana terms. J. 11. i-iolbroole. H14- 215 Panama Bldg. IRVIN'GTON BUNGALOW. EIGHT ROOMS. Living room 16x30, sun room, quaint dining room, large Dutch kitchen, one bedroom and bath first floor, three rooms second floor, garage, splendid location. MRS HARRY PRICE PALMER, East 7070. ROSE citv TtT-xrrs A T j-iw New. 7-room bungalow, oak "floors in uvwimi&irs, except twtcnen ; furnace, fireplace, all latest built-in. 1 Dutch kitchen; 2 bedrooms down and 2 Upstairs; plate-glass w endow a, brass hardware ;a fine home on East &5Lh, n-ear Broadway; price $5675, about $2250 mommy at o per ceo-t. G RI'iSST A- Tl VV VITTT 818-321 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7432. aiarsnaii lows. WESTMORRT.AVn FINE HOME. LIVING ROOM. DIC ING ROOM. KITCHEN, DEN FIRST FLOOR, THREE BEDROOMS. BLEEP- I irsu -jkjh. HATH SECOND FLOOR; FULL CONCRETE BASEMENT; DOU BLE GARAGE: ALT, PAPPITTS -ttt? TAINS AND GAS STOVE INCLUDED IN PRICE, $7500; TERMS, THIRD Pti, uisuuunt r OR ALL CASH. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. I ONE OF Irvlngton's best corner homes. raise living room in ivory, soidd mahog any dining room, oak floor thrnnvhnnr two fireplaces, two baths, double garage. not water heat, $13,000. If you want a good home and a good-sized home in irviiiBioH, nocning 10 compete with this. none us wnen you will be ready to go and see it. R. T. Street, Good Homes sailor, .cast era 4. LAURELHURST COLONIAL HOME Handsome 2-storv. 8 -ronm hnm. nritv garage, just vacated by owner leaving I ouuiu; lotaiea on cnoice corner looking Into park; very large rooms and old ivory finish; wails papered; 4 fine bedrooms, sleeping porch and 2 tile baths on second floor; beautiful grounds IRVINGTON nrsTPTPT Fine corner lot 100x100, on Broadway, v-iuuui residence, o bedrooms, near , rion Bcn. maice good home now. nu in a rew years will double in value; V.uae ia modern except hardwood floors; f i ierms. -f 91NDEXTER, 20S SELLINGBLDG. Main 1800. Residence East 6771. SPECIAL! o-iwuih nouse. Aioerta district: mi bath, toilet, 3 lots, excellent corner. Bide walk and curbinn; very good for invest-I ureiu as wen as small bouse: J1750. $300 Cash. balanon l'0 nap winnth i I .. .1 : I 4 . - . ' r . . iuwuuius L A. W t.",.ST,ir.a BOS Chamber of Commerce.' Auto. 514-63. SMALL apahtwrvt Owner of 3.,rnrv hlnc in - . - . 1. two stores on ground floor, win n . t very .l,.ractlve flKre; present Income 5.T per "nnum; will sell on favor able terms and take some trade. Apply 217 X. -W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. GROVELAND PARK HOMR S34O0 Best buv in thi rtinti. . miss K. Six rooms and sleeping porch, fine large basement, corner lot, street all ; 1 j- " """""a 'me it in this beau- w. viBinn ior tnis money. 01 o Chamber of Commerce CBldg. LAURELHURST BL'Kf,il.nw unvirr '"""J "w o-room Dungalow with Kuti&Ku. near rarx oin vnrv f ni.i. t. " uuors to sua ana aining rooms; x-uuman oreakrast nook; walls nicely papered, beautiful lawn and shrubbery; ""S"1" anu. quick possession. 1 rvi vftTnw Strictly modern 11 l,,ou utti-ii. narawooo Tioors, .i n 011c noor, garage, Has Gasco fur ItnnZA can 8:1 ve imtnediate possession; POINDEXTER 208 SELLING RT.Trt Main 1800. Residence East 6771. S.IOO C A Si H V AfAVT 6-ropm house, just painted' and ren ovated on inside trt horH ... a and paid; lot 83 1-3 by 110; price 12700; lot worth $1000. SfS Lombard Ft., on i reninsuia. j0e A. McKenna &, Co., 82 Near Franklin high school, paved rt . -'wui Dungaiow. beautiful grounds, terms. $3000 cash. miivt tj p-r cent, POINDEXTER. 208 SELLTNO mnrz Main 1800. Residence East 677L FOR SALE OR TR A TUP. One 3 and one 4-room house on half J r noinn, WOrtn B00. casc ot equal vaiue. See Mr. Vail with A. W ""P cnamber or Commerce. Auto. 514-63. VERY attractive 6-room mfngalow in fine uioviiv,!., ft uiut-K i car; must be seen I to be appreciated; good Kara ire and nil requirements to make a dandy little I "uu,e. luniioiiea or uniurnisneo. Phone v w iter, w uouiawn .JZ. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Artistic' 5-roora bungalow, modern ex cept furnace; 3 doors from carline new ly decorated, beautiful lawn and shrub bery, garage; only $4500, on terms; 92400 BUILD NOW. If you own a lot. we will secure the I money anu. ouuu ior you; terms like rent ; can anu see us. BUILDERS' REALTY EXCHANGE. 621 Morgan Bldg. Main 2035. 92G0O NEW CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. j. ne LnwsieBi iiLLie nome in Klchmond V block from car, all built-lns and full uaseiurn t. iuii anu Jet me tell you I - it. a ci mo. ecu W OOO OO 1. $0500 IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Beautiful 8-room house, all modern I hardwood floors throughout, fireplace' I full cement basement, garage; imme- i O IM-te puBar.-emii. JiaiO OU ( u. FOR SALE " ' A beautiful big place. 2000 Portsmouth ave. Take a look and make us an offer; paving in; bargain. BLOCK with b double nouses. Income ou; . "i" ana ;ast Grant sts.. block northeast Interstate ave. and Bryant sts.; income $20. good terms. rt. rj. wibc . uiiuuouenurum, Or. WANT 5-room Dungaiow at 1127 E. jranKiin st. ' piuuiDing m; a snan I at $1850. with $700 cash, balance on 1 time. Take R. M. car to E. 80th st., go VACANT MOVE IN T" 5-ROOM modern bungalow, full front I porch, attic nearly new; price $2750 including street improvements, 420 Lum- bermens xiiug. 7-ROOM house, modern, near Jefferson high school: lot 50x100, close to carline; price $2900. Address 055 Minnesota avenue, uwner. NINE-ROOM BUNGALOW NEAR 35TH AND SANDY. VERY CHEAP. OWNER, 3-ROOM house, large lot. $S5Q cash or terms, eo-o ovta mu a, BEA L, ESTATE, For Sale House. LALTR ELHURST HOME, $15,000. IN THE VERY HEART OP LAURELHURST ON 100x100 FT. OF BEAUTIFULLY LAID-OUT GROUND WITH ABUNDANCE OF SHRUBBERY AND BEARINO FRUIT TREES. THE HOUSE IT SELF IS A MODEL FOR AR RANGEMENT AND CONSTRUC TION ; OFF RROM THE RECEP TION HALL IS A LARGE LIV ING ROOM WITH BEAUTIFUL TILE FIREPLACE. THE DIN - ING ROOM IS COMMODIOUS AND ARTISTIC WITH AX TN- - USUAL BUFFET, LARGE DUTCH MTCHE.N, LARGE DEN ANT) BILLIARD ROOM ALL DOWN STAIRS. THE WOODWORK IS IN PHILIPPINE MAHOGANY AND THE FLOORS ARE EAST ERN OAK. .BOTH UPSTAIRS AND DOWN. UPSTAIRS ARE FOUR LARGE BEDROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH: A WONDER FUL LARGE TILE BATH AND SHOWER. THIS HOME IS THOROTXmLT MODERN AND HAS EVERY THING THAT YOU HAVE PIC TURED IN YOUR DREAMS. LET ME DRIVE YOU OUT. MR. EVERSON, MAIN 7487. $300 CASH, Stmnyslde cottage, five- rooms and bath. Price $1900. $350 cash. Kenton bungalow, 4 rooms and bath, nice ldt, and a comfortable little home, $1700. $300 cash, 5-room cottage, bath. With this place goes a new com bination gas and coal range, six cherry trees, chicken house ; three blocks to car. Alberta, Price $2100. 4 -room bungalow with bath, very nice condition, paved street, Montavilla, Price $1800, third , cash. f $350 cash. 8 -room house "with, bath, 100x100 lot. Alberta, Price $2900. O. A. PEARCE. 815 Cham. Commerce, Main 3633. ROSE CITY PARK. NEW DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED BUNGALOW A GEM $5900. Look here, folks. Be good to your self. See this bungalow compare it with others you have been looking at costing much more. You positively could n t expect to buy a better home for this money. It's really the verv acme of bungalow perfection. The qual ity or worKmansmp and materials used, speak for themselves. You .will appre ciate the extra large living room, too. Costs nothing to investigate it may mean a big saving to you. Now ready for occupanay. A, G. TEEPB CO., 270 Stark st.. near 4th. Main 8092. urancn oince, ootn ana Sandy. NORTH IRVING TON, PRICE $2100 $1300 CASH. 5 rooms modern with all the furniture and dandy 50x100 lot; and, yes, there is a sleeping porch. All for $2100. Call me up. MORRIN, MAR. 1265. Evenings, Aut. 219-19. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room Bungalow. Garage, $5250. VACANT. MOVE RIGHT IX! Here. truly. Is a dandy bungalow, just as mod ern as can be imagined. Fine hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, buffet, Dutch kitchen, new furnace. Ideally located near Sandy boulevard. Some one is going to get a big bargain and it might as well be you. A. G. TEEPB CO.. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3092. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. $3800 THIS is just the home you have oeen iooKing ior. Head this care fully: 5 rooms and steeping porch down, one room up; attic; built-lns of all kinds, writing desk, book cases, buffet, dressers in bedrooms, Dutch kitchtm. In perfect condi tion, nicely painted and decorated. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. "Shortest Way Home. 264 Stark St. Main 583 and 1094. ONLY $4200 FOR THIS Splendidly constructed. 10-room house. oak floors and hardwood finish, full ce ment basement, - high and light; Fox furnace; house could not be built today for less than $10,000: located on. corner. 100x120, fenced, with garden in, chicken nouse ana run. This is in the Mt. Scott district. If you want a bisr bargain let us snow you this; $4200. with terms. ilacli.Nh.s & PKATT, Bdwy. I608. 209-210 Oregon Bldg. NEAR 20TH AND EAST MAIN STS. 9-KUUM BtNCALOW. asoo. walking distance. Dandv bnncs.ln with fireplace, lot 50x75; possession Sep tember 1; very easy terms; just two blocks from car. This Is a real buy lei us snow you. A. li. TEEFB CO., 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 80S2. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. $7000. STRICTLY MODERN WESTMORE LAND BUNGALOW. HARDWOOD r'UKlBS, ALL BU1LT-1NS, FINE COR NER LOT, GARAGE. LIVING ROOM. 1.' 1 . 1 .N i..r rtuUM. 1 1 U M f. IN . HATH THREE BEDROOMS FIRST FLOOR THREE BEDROOMS SECOND FLOOR; j i'. n ..i .-, njii.r Aan. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S0O. RESIDENCE EAST 6771 SEE IT TODAY. $5350. ROSE CITY PARK. $5350. 1 1-L1.-JV wHJi.'NfclVU KbAU THIS: A 6-room bungalow, perfect condition on a corner, ivory finish, hardwood floors, -furnace and fireplace, finest of bullt-ins, below the hill, close in, paved uiiu sewer, icinis. THK FKKD A." JACOBS CO 104 Fifth fit. Main 6869. IRVINGTON HOME BARGAINS. Would like fair offer for 2 fine S and 9 -room homes I have Just repainted and fx.ecora.ieu, in. uesi locations near car one is on dqxiuu corner, tne other on tHftclOO inside lot; both have old ivory finish, plate-glass windows, very large living rooms and beautiful grounds with trees ana enrupoery. i aoor 407. inviiNutuw nuMBi iot ooxiuo; 7 rms. uwner moil sen mis week: thin i a very highly improved place, in the very best of this district; modern. Call for appointment to inspect property. Price ouuu. Dome terms. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., -proaaway vg. Oak St. WHY PAY RENT? 4-room house, newly papered and paintea, ients aiutrict; 100x100 lot. Chicken house, fine garden ; $1000, $200 iiBut u&iiuiua f iu per mooui. See Mr. Vail, with A. W. ESTES. 905 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-63. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. YOUR OWN TERMS. New, modern, near car at city limits gas, electricity. Bull Run water, acre, all cleared, good view, immediate Dosees- alon, $3050. Responsible party can buy iiae rent. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis bldg. 1 ACRE. '. Price $5500. cash, 7-room house and 1 acre of dandy good soil, every kind of a fruit tree you could think of. Also all kinds of berries and grapes. This is the kind of an acre we seldom get. Call early If you want this. Ask for Rector or Morrin. Mar. 3989 FURNISHED HOME. -$1800 $300 CASH. 5 rooms and small lot; house Is In good repair and' location very well. This will Burely beat paying rent. Only $300 down. You will have to act quickly If you get this. Call Morrin, Mar. 2U80. Evenings Aut. 219-19. $250 CASH. Will sell my little 3-room house, bath room, pantry and small inclosed porch, elec. lights and gas. with full lot, gar den, fruit, city improvements, all in and paid, close to car, and among good homes, for $1050. Owner, Bdwy. 5 1 7:1. 75 ACRES, nearly all under cultivation. Buuu uuuw.udn, v 111 line ueanng cherries, 14 miles from center of Port land, on hard -surfaced road, $350 per acre; can sell S5 acres of this If wanted; no better land in Oregon. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. NEAR IRVINGTON SCHOOL. Paved streets, large lot, beautiful yard; 8-room house, newly papered and painted; garage with concrete floor and runway; a well-constructed, comfortable home in an excellent location, for $3900 Phone owner. East 2295. LAURELHITRST. Strictly modern 2-story residence, hardwood floors, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, full-size basement, $7000; terms, half cash. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800. Residence East 677L $1500, $350 CASH, balance $20 per month buys 4-room bungalow west side on good auto road. Both gas, etc. Large lot. Lee Robertson Co., 413 Corbett bldg. I HAVE a 7-room house In splendid con dition, cost ooo to duplicate; near good schools; at a bargain. Tabor 9354. MODERN bungalow, 6 large rooms, full lot: nrst-ciass condition; tine location, near Hawthorne, phone H-95. R EAL ESTA TEL For Ssvle Hon ROSE CITY PARK. BUNGALOW. A real California bungalow, large living room full width of house, large cming room, bedrooms, kitchen. preaK- fast room and bath finished In white enamel; cement basement, furnace and fireplace, all kinds of built-in features. J t blocks to car: this is a wonderful little home for $5500; half cash, long time on oaiance. NEAR PIEDMONT. 7-room modern home, elegant buffet ana zirepiace; rooms ail large ana airy; near Vancouver avenue : corner lot, 65x100; this place was built for a home and it's a dandy; price only $4750, half casn. NORTH MOUNT TABOR. 7-room, strictly modern. l44-story house, hardwood floors throughout, fur nace, cement basement, one bedroom downstairs. OOxlOO-foot lot, 1 V blocks to car; this is an extra well finished house and a bargain at $4500; $1500 casn, good terms on balance. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165 4th St. MARSHALL 1898. WALKING DISTANCE. $1000. No. 163 Very good 6-room house and sleeping porch, situated close in, east ! side, near the Broadway bridge, hard wood floors, fireplace, plumbing, gas. electric ngnts and shades: fine case ment with furnace and laundry trays; small corner lot with all Improvements In and paid for; remember streetcar fare and rent is money gone forever; price $5000. $1000 cash, balance to suit- HAW THORN E DISTRICT. $1000 CASH. No. 107 Very .pretty new 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, good plumbing. light fixtures, gas, snaaes, cement casement, laundry trays, close to school and carllne: lot 50x100, price $4250; $1000 cash, balance terms. -OO- O 1 AtlA & 1 rtCCj J , INLAn in. Marshall 1898. MUST SACRIFICE MY BEAUTIFUL HOME. Lady leaving Portland offers for quick sale her modern 7-room home with sleeping porch; lot 52x110 feet, in beau tiful west side section ; superb view, hardwood floors, furnace with water coils, Ruud heater, open fireplace, in direct lighting fixtures, beautiful slop ing lawn, wide veranda, breakfast porch, white Dutch kitchen and bath, fruit trees, roses ; 35 minutes from heart of city, excellent car service; worth $15,000; will sacrifice completely furnished for $10,250; must have $5750 cash, balance time. Telephone Main 5072. ATTENTION! ROSE CITY PARK BUYERS. We are the leaders In sales in the Rose City Park district. We maintain a branch office there at 50th and Sandy blvd. We are better equipped than any one else to handle property In that dis trict, most of our salesmen live there; we know nearly every house in the sec tion and those who want to sell natural ly come to us with their Rose City park property. Doesn't it stand to reason that we can serve you best? At any rate it would be folly to buy without first see ing our listings. This much Is sure it would be poor business judgment. Let us show you you will be under no ob ligations. A. O. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark st., near 4th. Main 3092. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. $3250 GREAT ALBERTA BARGAIN 4750 FOR $3250. $3350 $3250 $3250 $3250 $3250. FORECLOSED ABOUT $1250 CASH. 0 large rooms on 1 floor, a real bung-alow, -built-ins, fireplace, mirror, enam el plumb., cement bas't, Dutfch kitchen. 80x100. ALLEY, FRUIT. CHICKEN RUNS; BLOCK CAR. Sell one lot and reduce price to $2500. Just think of It! Best buy you ever saw. Li ke n e w 1 neide an d ou tsidie. . NO W VACANT, move m. 1034 EAST 28TH NOR TFT 1034 EAST 28TH NORTIS ALBERTA CAR TO 25TH ST. THEN HALF BLK. SOUTH Madn 43Q3. Main 4803. HOME BUYERS. ATTENTION! $500 cash will handle a home in Rose City park. . We have some that require a larger first payment, but . will be glad to show you our ex tensive list of homes in this and other desirable sections of the city. We will submit your offer as to terms. We can please you. Autos at your service. It places you un der no obligations. See our photos on display at our omce. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 264 Stark St, Main 583 and 1004. REDUCTION IN PRICE OF FINE MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. Nearly new. 1565 East Taylor- street, with all up-to-date conveniences and all desirable built-ins, sun parlor, break fast room, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, furnace, electric range, every thing first-class and best finish for good home; owner leaving must .sell quick: terms. Key at i20 E. xayior st. L. E. Steinmetz. Main 6091. or Tabor 3224. Let us show you the Inside of this if you want a good home. $0000 CASH, R, City; my fine home, new ana -perfectly furnished, o rooms ana attic, h. w. floor, fireplace, breakfast room. lull c. Dasement. xurnace. etc. Ivory throughout, mahog. and oak fur niture, two floor lamps, library lamp, piano, mohair davenport (rose), gate- ' leg tame, spinnet-ieg aesK, Wilton rues. etc. These are only a part; 12x13 ga rage; lattice zence, imported snruus Owner. For appointment call Aut. 1 312-43. No agents. $3200 This Is a real bungalow; fireplace, ! putiet, uutcn Kitcnen, run cement basement, wash trays, macadam st.. only y blk. to Union ave. cars. If you have looked around at all you know how scarce homes of this kind are at the price. Let us show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 'Shortest Way Home, 264 Stark St. Main 683 and 1094. 8-ROOM BUNGALOW. Irvington Park. lot 100x100. lawn fruit and shade trees, street improve ments in and paid for, near car; price $5250: can arrange terms to suit. Call Mr. Fisher. Main 5429. 248 Stark. WILLAMETTte HEIGHTS. 6 rooms, tiled bath. 2 fireplaces, beau tiful view, 75 by 100 lot, 9C750; $1250 wiU handle. Main 1128. or Main 1893. BARGAIN HUNTERS. R. C. P. district. 7-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, fine parking, fruit, cor ner; improvements paid; $4800, $2300 will handle, owner 4l Henry bldg. 7-ROOM and sleeping porch, furnace and fireplace, lot 100x100, nice lawn and fruit, near car line. Price 93500; small payment a own, balance arrangea to suit. Call Mr. Fisher, Main 542A. 248 Stark. COZY new 3-room bungalow, finished in ivorv and white: bath. nreDlace. break fast nook, built-ins; terms. Woodlawn 2411. 1646 Minnesota ave., Kenton. FOR SALE or exchange, 4-room, semi modern house, large lot, clear, for sale or traae on larger nouse. wooaiawn 4348. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. 5-room and bath, full basement, 50x100 corner, some fruit. $2400, terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. NEW MODERN 7-room house, 3 acres ground; $5500; will consider Rose City or Laurelhurst lots. 301 Ry. Exch. Main 7931. MODERN 6-room cottaare. 2 lots. Karase. chicken yards, fruit. $3000; part liberty bonds. Woodlawn 3S9. 94000 ROOMS. MODERN. FINE LOT. PAVED STREET. NEAR HAWTHORNE CAR. 338 E. 35TH. OWNER. HOUSE for sale, range, some carpet, fur- nltu-re. call sell wood ZiAl. MODERN HelgMa 5-room bungalow. Willamette Cail owner. Main 5494. Suburban Homes. 3 ACRES with magnificent home; 6 rooms and two sleeping porches an modern conveniences. Family orchard in bear ing, all kinds-of fruit and berries. Only 7 miles from town. Price only $400. Turner & Kimball. 514 Henry Bldg. WELL-IMPROVED 10-acre farm. 9 miles from center of city; good buildings; all cultivated; ciose to toiumoia nignway; price 9juoii, .'.uu down, balance to suit. See Mr. Taylor, with L. K. MOORE, 317 Board of Trade bldg. ATTRACTIVE ACRE FOR HOME. Shade trees, on main road ; 3 blks. from station and lake, water, light. At Lakegrove; $900, part cash. Easy pay- ments. owner, pnone Oswego 701. CHOICE 8UBURBANHOMES and acreage, well located, near car line. from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north 0 f Rlfcley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Aider Brook." LAKE GROVE acre, modern bungalow. shade trees, electric, phone, boating. fishing, very attractive home, 3 blocki carline. Main 3672. McFarland, 208 Failing bldg. 1 ACRE with modern 5-room bungalow. gas, electricity, and city water oniy 5 miles out; best car service out of city; $3500 and easy terms. Turner & Kim ball. 614 Henry Bldg. SVfe ACRES right on car line ifcnall orchard, balance of land In cultivation. $2050 and easy terms. Turner & Kimball, 514 Henry Bldg. 91250 BUYS 3-room house and 100x100 lot west side, near car line, $150 cash. Bal ance to suit you. Lee Robertson Co., 413 Corbett Bldg. V- alkk witn beautiful modern 5-room bungalow close to car line and only six miles out, $2200 and easy terms. Turner REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY HOME. Near Tigard, just off Newberg high-1 way, commanding fine view of surround- I ing country; acres, an in cultiva tion: modern buniralow: livins: room, din ing room, kitchen, breakfast room and bath on first floor. 3 bedrooms on 2d floor, full cement basement; best of con- I struction ana in nrst-ciass conaiuon; in exhaustible well and nressure water sys tem, barn. pumphouse and chicken 1 house to accommodate 400 hens; family orchard, half acre strawberries, half 1 acre raspberries; some crop goes with I place, also Implements, etc.; a comfort able, complete country home, only short drive from Portland over hard sur- I face. 912,000. with terms. MacINNES & PRATT, Broadway 1658. 20t-210 Oregon Bldg. STOCK. CROPS AND FURNITURE. Nearly 7 acres, located west of I Gresham, 1 mile from Linneman Junc tion ; all under cultivation ; 1 acres I strawberries. H. acre raspberries. 35 plum and cherry trees, lots of grapes and other fruit ; 4-room bung-alow. 2 rooms paneled ; barn, chicken house. 2 acres potatoes. V acre corn. 1500 cabbages. 4 tons hay,-1500 lbs. grapes; complete line of mission furniture, tools, machinery. fine cow, horse, chickens. Price 94500, 91500 cash. Inspected by Brooks, with JOHN FERGUSON. uERLINOER BLLMi. BE AUT I FUTj COUNTRY HOME. 22 acres, just off the Port land -Newberg highway, this side of Tigard. with fine new home, all beautifully finished. inside and out. Wonderful firenlace. sleeping porch, bath, new garage and fine water system ; 143 acres in high ptate of cultivation; balance rn beautiful grove of old growth tim-ber. This place must be sen to be appreciated. Price only S 13.000. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Cham, of Com. 41500 HIGH CLASS suburban home In I Gresham 5 acres; all In cultivation; the garden spot of this section; the place I for a business man who would like the! conveniences of city In a country home; I paved and bard eurlace road all the way; electric depot across the road: ShiUer station, quarter mile beyond I Gresham; gas connected up, electric I iignts and Bull Run water in the house. It. Cruikshank, owner, route 4, box 7. Phone Gresham 307. 91000 BUYS for you a nice little 4-room 1 nouse partly furnished, 1 blocks I ' from Ryan station near Multnomah on the Oregon Electric. Terms 9350 1 cash, balance $20 per month. 6 per I cent Interest. This is an exceptional I buy. BEN R1ESLAXD, exclusive sales agent, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 1 Park st. Multnomah office open I hunaaya, Mr. rsewman in charge. BY OWNER., attractive, artistic and de sirable home, corner paved. Meld rum and river road; Oregon City carline. Shingled bungalow.' 1 Vt acres eood soil, stone gate and comer posts, beautiful grove, fine garden, fruit and shrubery, garage, mod ern, poultry nouse. cas. electricity, pres sure water "system. Phone Oak Grove i 102 M. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. This beautiful suburban home of 2 A acres is in high cultivation with berries. fruit, all bearing, natural trees. House, is a 7-room Dungalow all modern, or you can have 1 acre if you like. Inquire F. M. Youngs, third house north Kieley station. AT MAPLEWOOD station, on Salem elec tric line, a room house, electricity, gas 1 ior cooKinr. ana neat, water in nouse. bearing fruit, some furniture, phone. Darn, cnicaen nouse, z or o large lots $2600, on term; discount for cash. owner stuo waamngton st. Broadway 1 OSWEGO LAKE BUNGALOW. Here is a modern bungalow with over I six city lots, right at station; wonderful view ox. lake; modern, with fireplace. basement, 3 sleeping rooms. Price only $3700, terms. uau ouu concord bldg. Alain o ior particulars. HALF ACRE with bearing fruit trees, new I modern 4-room bungalow on im-1 proved county highway. $3500, suit-I aoie terms, nor particulars see iE RIESLAND. 404 Piatt bldg., 127 1 Park st. Multnomah 'Office open all I cay aunaay, air. r e wman in charge. BEAUTIFUL tract of ground with 132 feet fronting on Capital highway. hmall 3-room nouse, line view, near Multnomah. Terms. For sale by BEN RIESLAND, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. MultmSmah office open Sundays, Mr. Newman in charge. For Sale Acreage. $4250 BUYS a modern 5-room bungalow witn 1 14 acres oi grouna on im proved county boulevard, 2 blocks J from Multnomah station. Excep tional buy. A regular little farm. Verv fertile eround. See BEN RIESLAND, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st., or call at the Multnomah office on Sunday, Mr. Newman in charge. r APRRS nf rround in choice native doe- wood and fir. Large bearing orcnara and fine gardening tracts with an up- to-date. 5-room buniralow. close Ryan and Multnomah stations on the Orirnn Kltric An ideal country home with, modern conveniences. Price 911,- OO0. For particulars BEN RIESLAND, o .rMatt biag.. uf rarn st. TtKATITIITlTL HOMESITE. One acre, close to Division St. and two blocks to carline. fine soil, land Is I plowed ready to plant your berries this fall; beautiful grove of fine trees; on Im proved st., water and gas, phone ana light wires in front of property; price very reasonable. Cail owner. Wdln. 2048. TWO ACRES. . IMPROVED. Located In Rockwood acres adjoining Mtlwnukie. This is a beautiful eJghtly trct, highly improved with 2 l-ouees; I l'ghts and city w:.n.. Apply to owner, 207 Northwestern Bank bld-r HERE'S what you have been looking for. almost 5 acres, cultivated, no stumps. fenced, barn, well, force pump, right at S. P. Electric station. will make dandy chicken ranch, and close to Oswego lake. Price $1700. Call 6OO Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. 10 ACRES. Hazelwood, short distance east . of citv. Bull Run water, gooa son, xauuu; will divide; also 2 acres, end of Haw thorne line, cultlvatea, lies nneiy. ouu; adjoining ground $1500 per acre up. Owner, 010 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Marshall 158o. SEEKERS OF SMALL TRACTS, LISTEN! I have a lew smau acreage tracts. some Improved, priced very low, accord ing to surrounding property. Let me show you. Mr. Van with A. W. ESTES. 905 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-63. NEAR OREGON CITY $3200. Rnlfndid 40-acre tract. 10 acres in cult. balance timber and Brush; all fenced. good spring; 5 miles east of town, just off Abernethy road; reasonable terms. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham of Com. n ACRES with 1 acre bearinsr prunes, com mercial orcnara. berries, ana a tcooa 1 garden, modern house and conveniences I Just at the edge of the city limits. $5200 house. Price $5250.. Turner Ac Kimball, 514 Henry bldg. FINE GARDEN AND BERRY TRACTS. Fine soils and, convenient to good car service close to Portland; only $3O0 per acre, easy terms. 8. 8. PRENTISS. 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 1 WISH to dispose of 10 acres of unlm- proveea iana near ocous -Aims, uarioi 1 Co., known as lot 90. McCown's fruit I furmg. Will consider any reasonable of fer. J. B. Nelson, 21Q Market st., San Francisco. Cat. $15 TO $30 PER ACRE. Logged-off lands, 40 miles down the 1 Columbia ; good roads, school, settlers 1 on adjoining tracts. Easy terms. F. B. Holbrook. Co., 214 Lumber Exchange 1 bldg. : FOR SALE By owner, H acres, near 1 Portland., gooa nouse. orcnara, Jtsuu 1 Run water, seas, electricity, good garden. 1 acre corn. Price $6500. Part cash. Tabor 22Q7. ' 40 ACRES $550. 7 miles from Gaston, Or. Lies well. fine soil; brush land, easily cleared., A. W. ESTKo, 005 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-63. $2000 BEAUTIFUL acre, with best of water, with new 4-roora nouse, reauy to orArt r eht on the Oregon city car line; near Concord. Terms. B. S. Cook. 001 Stock Exch. " 10 ACRES. MT. SCOTT. Lies fine, best soil; value $3i00; - efettner. ar oart on house up to $4000. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis bldg. 1 ACRE. CITY WATER. HOUSE. No gravel, cultivated, close to good grave! road. $2100. terms. Mutual realty n 101Q 'NT W hank bids. BY OWNER 160 acres. 7 miles S. W. of BlOdeett, VT.; price iu per acre, r or full particulars write W. C. Morris, Turner. Or. ACRE of fine ground, ctose to Division St 7 DIOCK IU 1111c, imiliiveu 01., water and gas. $9o0, easy terms. Call owner. Wdln. 2948. HOMESEEKERS OPPORTUNITY. One to 5 acres, easily cleared, close In; $50 down, $5 month. 334 College sL Call 12 to 3 P. M. v lo ACRES, Soutn Portland, near Ryan station. J. c. rt, rv.; o-o acre. Ad dress owner, F, Coote. Rock Point, B. C Canada. $750 CHICKEN ranch, 74 acres, 9200 cash. Main 3672. McFarland, 208 Fail ing bldg iiACRE. city water, gas and fruit trees; will sell all or part very cheap. Q 247, Oregonian. 15 ACRES, a house moving outfit and carpet loom, Tom Alien, 0131 92d sL S. E. 10 ACRES on Base Line road, 1 bl4-k east I oi Rusaeiivuie uraotfe aa.ii. vm, urresu REAL ESTATE. -Acreage. BEAUTIFUL COUNT RT HOMB, FULLY STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 40 a. of the best loam soil, all tillable; 25 a. In high state of cul tivation, balance in open cedar down pasture, exceptionally well fenced: family orchard of assorted fruits and full bearing; almost new 6-room bungalow, extra good barn, fully equipped with modern conveniences: new garage, modern chicken house, double walled dairy with concrete floor, hog house and lot, together with good team. 4 good Jersey cows, 4 hogs, hundred chickens; new disc, 2 plows, har how, mower, rake new separator, harness, wagon and all necessary small tools. Four acres of extra fine wheat; 44 a. of excellent oats; 4 a. very best stand of pota toes; 1 a. corn, 1 a. kale. Farm Is in excellent condition in a thick ly settled and highly improved dis trict. 2V4 miles from Ridgefield, Wash., on good auto road, close to paved highway. Price 99000, half: cash. THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. , 3d and Main sts., Vancouver, Wash. 9575 PER ACRE: PARKROSE. 10 acres, fine a soil as In the state, good onion and berry land, nearly all cleared, some wild rose bushes and timber along stream. This tract Is located In the new part of Parkrose, just recently put on the market so if you are in terested see it at once, terms. 10 cash, balance arranged, in? terest 6. We also have 3 or 4 tracts from 4 to 5 acres. J. L H ART MAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. bldg.. or PARKROSE BRANCH OFFICE at end of PARKROSE carline. ACREAGE SNAP. 3 acres, highly improved. In thriving younir town 16 miles from Portland : few minutes walk -from the electric sta tion. Land is all in cultivation and rn crop; 1. acre fine young bearing orchard. i 1-3 acres in Dotatoes and balance or land In berries of all kinds, mostly In bearing. CaTinery close by. Good 6-room plastered bungalow. practically new ; electric Mights and city water available; barn, garage and chicken house. Place is all up in fine condition. Price only .loOO. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Cham, of Com. OVER 18 acres in fine bearing orchard; 10 acres of apples of best commercial varieties, some peaches and cherries; all 12 years old; in finest kind of shape; graveled road; good 6-room house, grav ity water system, packing house, ga rage, tool ho use, some water for irriga tion, barn and chicken house. This ranch on a good paying basis, over $2500 in come per year, clear; price 9500; will consider Portland home to full value. Marsters, with JOHN FERGUSON. GER LINGER BLDG. 60 ACRES WASHINGTON COUNTY. 8 acres cleared. 40 acres could be cleared for a few dollars per acre. Al most level, oniy about ia acres rougn. Large creek, some creek bottom ; fine spring a few feet from house; 3-room house, all fine soil, unlimited outrange. A fine stock country, ideal land for prunes or walnuts; 7 miles from Gaston. A. W. ESTES. 005 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-63. ONLY $12.50 PER ACRE. 120 acres. 5 miles west of Forest Grove; SO acres fine agricultural loam when cleared and the greater part very easily cleared. Fine creek and several springs. Some fir and cedar timber. Prac tically no rock ; fine pasture and, un limited outrange. Will make a good home. A. W. ESTES. 005 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-63. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND. Write for map of western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over 10,000 acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO Tacoma. Wash. For Sale -Farms. GOING DAIRY NEAR GROWING TOWN. CLEARS OVER $400 PER MONTH. 82 acres, 25 cultivated, 5000 acres outrange; 22 head Al cows, 3 mares, 0 hogs, lots of chickens; two sets of buildings, spring water piped to house and barn, all kinds of fruit, lots of Implements. This place is located 1 miles from the Columbia highway and a growing town of 2000. with railroad and boat landing; high schools, theaters, churches and industrial plants. Private milk route clears over $400 per mo. Everything goes for $10.0oO. There is easily $5000 worth of personal property on this place. This is a dairyman's chance. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. OV THR PACTFTC HIGHWAY. Sou t h nf Salem. 1 V miles from small town, over 36 acres of good land, all can be cultivated: 20 acres under culti vatlon. balance in timber; nice creek. well and pump, 5-room celled and pa Tiered hmtRA. hn rn . chicken house. (COOd shed, granary, good bearing orchard of large variety of fruit. With the place goes team, 2 good cows, 2 heifer calves, 1 sow. 6 DiKS. 45 chickens. 2 wagons, hack, plow, cultivator, cream separator. tools, s acres wneat, o acres oats, u o rrp nnlnfnfis 8 cords wood and fruit. Price 95000, 93500 cash, or will consider 6 or 7-room house near school for part. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. LARGE STOCK RANCH. 8S0 acres, stock ranch. In the heart nf the ranee: BOO acres of hay land, re mainder can be put in; can be made to cut 1400 tons of hay; excellent range in the hills; modern 8-room house; has its own electric light and water power plant; good abundant water supply; everything strictly first-class; located 2H miles from Jordan Valley, Or. Price $S0.0OO. cash $30,000. balance on easy terms. A snap for a big concern; reason for selling. III nealtn. r or aetaiieu in formation address box 537. JORDAN" VALLEY. OR. HERE IS A CHANCE FOR A MAN WITH A SMALL AMU LINT Uf LAan. 58 acres, on main road, 7 miles east of Molalla, 15 under cultivation, 40 more slashed and burned, now in pasture; al most new 4-room house, not finished inMe? hum nnrt outbuildings : all fenced Now. don't net excited when we tell von that this ran be boueht for $3000, There i a federal loan of $1250. By paying $1750 you can have 30 or more years on oaiance. STEWART & BUCK, 813 Northwestern Bank Bldg WASCO COUNTY WHEAT RANCH. 800 acres, 400 cultivated. 200 summer fallow: average yield 25 to 30 bushels 12 acres in alfalfa; fenced and cross fftnrd hoff-tiKht: eisrht fields, running; water in each ; finent set of buildings in county; running water in nouse. Darn and hoghouse; everything in first-class condition : 100 acres water right; all subject to irrigation; good roads; 6 miles to railway: sio per acre: stoca ana ma chinery for sale. Owner, V 200, Ore gonian. DAIRY FARM. 160-acre dairy farm near Cervallls. Or, 125 acres under cultivation. 15 acres In timber, balance in pasture; live creek, new barn and silo. 7-room house. hog- Den, cbicken coon and other outbuild inus: on good graveled road, telephone in house; one mile from high school; price $18,000, on terms; will accept small farm or suburban home as part pay meat; dealing with owner direct. JOHN J. CRAMER. Harrlsburg, Or. PRUNE FARM MUST BE SOLD. 20 acres, 12 acres under cultivation splendid soil; 100 prune trees 8 years old. promising crop or saou ior tnii vpur- AO trees of other fruits, also ber ries; 7-room house, good barn, woodshed Kara are and chicken houses: 2 wells: 4 miles northeast of Vancouver, on good graveled road, 1 miles to electric sta tion, less than Vz mile to school. Price $60 00, farm machinery and some stock included. A sacrifice. Write box 250, route 0, Vancouver, wash. 94000 For SALE or trade, 20 acres roll ing land in southern Benton county, 2 mile from good graveled road, lo acres cleared, d acres in bearing- apples, fin well and running water.- lots of fir and oak timber; comfortable o-room house good barn and outbuildings; all crops, stock and equipment. win take up t $2000 in weu-iocatea city nome; som cash, balance terms. No agents. Tabor 7S94. 20 ACRES, 2-3 In cultivation, beut soil, some very nice timber, live stream on nlaee : 2 miles from oavement. in Washington county; 10 minutes' walk to electric station ; gas, city water and llgnts available; ia.tr buildings, smai orcnara. rnce oooo. Hesgard, COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth st. YAKIMA VALLEY. 40 acres. V mile from station, small buildings, 22 acres in alfalfa, 8 more bcine seeaeu: wonoerrui croD of hv which is included in price, $750, terms. otner tracts. larKe ana small, on eg terms. Central Yakima Ranches Co., 512 Selling Didg. 6-ROOM modern house, price only $2300, close in, on rast otn street, nice netgh borhood, fine rruit, improved streets, plastered, fireplace, electric and gas, bath, etc. Terms $300 .cash. bal. $20 mo. Other Dargaine. 11. w. uariand, 20 3d, cor. 1 ayior. NOTICE. FARMS AT BARGAINS. Yamhill, Or., has some of the best farm. we Tiave smau and large farm for sale. Let us show them tn vm free of charge. Phone or write Weldner & VougiU ia.nJt mug., xamuili UrK REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. COLTON DISTRICT. In Clackamas county. 28 miles south east from Portland. In the district is a sawmill, planing mill, electric light plant, several grade and a high school, blacksmith shop, garage, general store, church and pos toff ice. The roads are generally graveled and macadamized. The land is adapted to general farming, dairying and fruit raising. Following are a few of the many GOOD BUYS we have in this locality: 40 acres. 6-room unfinished bungalow, bam, etc., all fenced, some In cult.; good well and creek. $2000. $500 cash. 40 acres, full set of good buildings, good orchard, stock, and implements; also household goods. 94500, $2."r00 cash. 80 acres, unimproved, good creek, on county road, some timber. $2200. $20 cash. Will take Portland property on part. 80 acres. 6-room house, good barn and other bldgs.. all fenced, fine orchard, plenty of water. SSOOO. $3700 cash. 120 acres, full set of buildings. 23 acres In cult,, creek, well and springs, good road. $,-00, 91500 cash. 122 acres, 7-room house, large bam. all first-class, 40 acres in cult., creek and wells, on macadam road. 910,980, $6000 cash. Photographs at our office. FRED W. GERMAN CCI. 732 WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM! BARGAINS. 159 acres, all In cultivation, with exception of about 15 acres in timber, very good buildings, together with all crop and a lot of personal property. Price $19,500. Situated 7 miles from Albany. 222 acres. 100 ares In cultva tlon, balance In open pasture with a little timber, good running stream of water, good P-room house and good barns; some per sonal property. This is a good grain and stock farm Price 952 per acre. 1000 acres, fine grain and stock farm, 350 acres in straight culti vation. 400 acres in pasture and balance in timber and pasture, well watered throughout; store, church, school and R. R. right at the place. The above places are particularly good buys and for Information call on or write J. V. PIPE. Albany, Or. 23 ACRES RIVER-BOTTOM FARM. AM in cultivation, 2 acres of genuine beaverdam. This soil cannot be beat; 2-acre family orchard, all kinds of ber ries; 5-room fair house, barn, fenced and cross-fenced ; fully stocked, team, har ness, wagon, 2 cows. BO chickens, all farm implements and furniture and one third this year's crop go with place; the stock and crop are worth i 1 5-X) ; close to Woodhurn. This Is a bargain; price $5500, rncluding everything; 93O00 cash. Main 714L 527 Corbett bldg. WHEAT FARM FOR TRADE. 1250 acres in eastern Oregon, 1100 In cultivation, half in summer fallow; very fair buildings, good well and pumping plant ; stock and equlm-ent for operat ing; price $45,000. Will consider income property, any good town, or valley farm up to $30,000, balance mortgage. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 3 Chamber ofCommerce. SPECIALS 35 acres, adjoining town In Washington Co., 4 cultivated, ail kinds buildings, fruit, trout stream, spring, timber, $ 1800. terms. 38 acres, north Buxton. 14 cultivated, good buildings, fine orchard, spring, crops, horse, wagon, buggy, implements. $2500. terms DUBOIS. 804 Spalding bldg. 10-ACRE cranberry farm, all kinds of otner berries; sand and peat soil ; 4 M acres cultivated ; 4-room house, garage and cranberry house; this year's crop goes with place and will brine $500: own er must sell, will take Ford car and $tiM cash as first payment, or will exchange for city property; price $4500. Main 714L 527 Corbett bldg. BIG SNAP, 100 acres, only 17 miles to Portland; price only 900 per acre, 15 acres in .cult., house, barn, bal, pasture, good soil, some wood. Just the place to fix up and make $6000. Other bargains. H. W. Garland. 201 3d. corner Taylor. 10 ACRES ONLY $75 DOWN On S. P. electric, near sta. and good school. Price 91000. 975 down. 7 yra time on balance. Draper. 401 Board of Trade. . GOOD rfarma, 40 A,. SO A.. 160 A., 160 A., to settle up an estate, good bargain. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 30th. Tabor 6493. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near roniana, au to uu per acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, ail sizes, McFarland, 208 Failing bldg. WILL sell or trade my Improved E. Mon tana grain larm tor Willamette val. land: good location, no crop failure; price $36 per acre. Fred Emling, Sidney. Mont. LOGGED-OFF lanus, $10 acre up; running water; gooa son, uiiaoie; employ ment; easy terms. J. R. Sharpe, &3t 3d. NEWBERG, 16 acres, house, barn, garden. 500 coras wooa. creeK, scenic, $:S000. Main 3672. McFarland, 20S Failing bldg. WANTED RKAL ESTATE. THE HARRIS METHOD. WE SELL HOMES That the public Is constantly watching our method of advertising the addresses of our listings is proven by the amazing number of houses sold by us each week. . If you have a moderately prised home which you can sell with reasonable first payment, phone Main 5024 at once. RALPH HARRIS CO. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. S27 HAVE client for strictly modern residence; rnunt have four bedrooms, prefers lrv ington, might consider some other good district; will -pay what the place is worth, all cash. POINDKOCTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1SOO; Residence. East 6771. BUILD NOW i If you own a lot we will secure the money and build for you; terms like rent. Call and see us. BUILDERS' REALTY EXCHANGE, 621 Morgan Bldg. Main 2U35. HAVE many clients who want modern homes in restricted districts from $5000 up. They can pay 91000 cash, balance $50 or more per month and interest. POINDEXTER, 08 SELLING BLDG. Main 1S00; Residence East 6771. I LL GUARANTEE TO SELL YOUR HOUSE. Have buyers waiting for your house if your price Is right. I'll make a quick sale. Marshall iou. WANTED To buy from owner, Sunnyside. west slope or Mt. labor or Hawthorns ave., modern 5 or 6 room bungalow or cottage, give location, lowest price and terms. Address j yso, oregonian. WANT to buy small acreage, cleared, with house, modern, close to electric line: weet side preferred; employed in Port land; $ 1000 cash now, more later. Ad dress Box 61 S Forest Grove, or. WANTED 5 or 0-room house and lot In Italian settlement, city; 91800 to $2000 $30O. down. $25 mo. and int. Main 6030 or oOt Stock Exchange bldg. WANTED From owner, modern 6 or room house. Sunny side, Hawthorne .ave. or west slope Mt. Tabor, give location terms an I lowest price. D. 5H55 Oregonian, WANT 6-room hoase or bungalow or rooms with space to finish extra room, Hawthorne or Ptidmont district. $2500 to .iMi apni casn. rtroaaway i. I SPECIALIZE in Kenton property; list your house with me. Sold 7 in 5 day a O. A. rfciAKCK, 815 Chamber Commerce. Main 3633. WANTED HAWTHORNE OR ROSE CITY HOME. 5 or more rooms; give best price and terms. Marshall 1022. LIST your west side property with the man who makes selll.ig west side houses his specialty. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 9478. WANTED AT ONCE Rose City bu-ngalow, either cash or terms. Let me hear from you at -once: no ageo-ts need answer. Phone Broadway 266. WANTED 5 or G-rni. bungalow, lrv., R. C. park or Laurelhui-st. not to exceed $5000. Give address, phone and price in letter H 25S, Oregonian. MUST have bungalow by S-ept. 17; .give price, terms and description in first let ter; no agents need answsr. L 245, Ore gonian. I WANT an 8 or 9-room houye on the west side up to $12. 000; must be In good condition; no agents. Main 74S7. SELLWOOD HOME WANTED. 5 or 0 rooms. If priced right, can pay ash. Marshall- 1022. WANTED 5-roon bungalow ,. any good district, not over $4500; havi $1000 cash. AG 836, Oregonian. WANTED 5 or 6-room hou.te, not over $3500; have $S00 cash. AO 837, Ore gonian ONE ACRE with good modern house or bungalow, close in; $500 cash, balance terms. AH 840. Oregonian. WANTED 1 or 5-room house, close In ; have good secured note of $:t."0 at 7 per cent, as first payment. 041 Thurman Pt. W ANTED House or Bungalow; have $1000 as first payment. K VS2 Oregonian, WANTED REAL ESTATE. PATTOX-CAN YON-BARNES OR COR NELL ROAD 5 TO 20 ACRES. Must have family orchard and 4 or 5 acres good garden soil. Should face south. Not particular about house ; fair road. Not over 6 miles city hall. A run down place acceptable. In answering give complete descriptions and state miloji distance to city ball. S.M ITH-WAGOXER CO.. STOCK EXCH. Farms Wanted. MR. FARMER. HAVE BUYERS WAITING. Now la the time to sell. If your price Is righ t, I'll guarantee sale, no matter how large a pi act you have. Write par ticulars today. George Johnson, 626 Chamber of Commerce. WILL buy for cash 80 or core acres good cheap land, western Wash, or Oregon. Write to O. M. Grimm, R. 2, lias ton, or. WANTED Farms and acreage. Colt. 426 Lumbermen's bldg. Claude Wanted to K?nt Farms, FARM WANTED TO RENT. Have client wanting 200 or SOO-acr farm nuitablo for dairy with about 75 A. under plow. Must be on good road or near depot within shipping distance of Portland. F, L. Eddy, RTTTKR. LOWK X- rn 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 1 WAN r to leas a general farm of about jou acres, at leact ou . A. under cultiva tion; I do not want to purchase per sonal property as 1 have my own. Give location, price and full particulars first letter. AR 8"3, oregonian. W ANTED To rent f;irm by experienced valley farmer for term of years, large or small. F. E. Way. Salem, R. S, E S. Adams. HAVE client with cash wanting to rent small farm, or acreage, near Portland preferred, will buy the equipment John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. WANTED Sheep pasture for 50 fine ewes; will let on shares. It. F. D. 8, Box 130. Salem. Or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FARM TRADE OR SALE. 121 acres, 12 acres cleared and under cultivation; 20 acres slashed and in pas ture; balance fir and cedar; trout stream through place; this is creek bottom land and lies nearly level soil stood high test Oregon Agricultural college. 4-room box house, barn ; large chicken house. Trade for city home in good district. J40 per acre. See Mr. Vail with A. W. ESTES. 905 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-63. 40 ACRES of land near Kaiama, Wash.; wt:i take good aiuo in part payment, $2000, 160 acres of fir limber-land near Hood River, cash $4."00, part cash, bal ance trade, $50oo. will take Income prop erty for part; 10-room strictly modern residence, two lots, garage. $7000, will trade lor small ranch and part cash or will take good land for all. Write to or call J. J. Walker. Lafayette. Oregon. IRVINGTON Corner, south of Knott st., Ji or 8 rooms, living room and one bed room are very larsn; oak floors through out, hardwood finished hall, living room, dining room. A good buy, $9500. You will be pleased if you let us show you through this and others of lrvington's best buys. Phone when. R. T. Street, Good Homes Realtor, East 894. 250 ACRES alfalfa and- stock ranch. Crook county, Oregon; about 50 in allalfa, 180 under ditch and cultivated, modern buildings of all kinds, U-room house, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, R. R. crosses place, owner must make change. Price $20,000. Consider good Portland income property. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. FOR EXCHANGE 15 acres choice logan berry land, S acres now in bearing yard. One mile eiectric station ; if properly handled should sell $2500 worth of tips and have berry crop besides next season. Other business compells me to sell; price 94000; would take auto In part or other property. C. M. Crittenden. Hubbard. Or. EXTRA choice alfalfa, corn or grain ranch, 320 acres, 2S0 under Warm Springs ir rigation, $125 per acre, $3000 cash will handle, will consider clear income city property up to $20,000, balance 13 years at tt per cent. Owner, box AV 277. Ore gonian. EXCHANGE OFFICE. Free and clear lots a specialty. I pos sibly can arrange to better your po sition. See Mr. Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry Bide. WANT to exchange 80 acres extra good soil, no rock, cleared, partly fenced, eastern Oregon, or 160 acres timber, southern Oregon, for good 8-roora bouse; west side preferred. Will pay casa dif ference, $2o00. Phone Woodlawn 3410. Owner. WANTS FARM NEAR PORTLAND. Client has Improved income prop erty, well-located. In Portland; price $75,000. Will exchange for good farm near Portland. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, tH3 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE YOUR PROPKRTY. We have placed Mr. J. R. Stephens !tt charge of our exchange dept. Real serv ice and real value will be rendered in connection with all deals. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Com. Bldg. 540-ACRE farm near Eugene, most ail un der cult. ; very gooa ouuuings, a. oak timber. It. R. station close to farm. Price $100 per acre. Consider Portland property in exchange. L. K. Moore, 317 Board -of Trade. WANT to exchange 1518 acres deeded land. 20 head -attie, good ounuings, water for 100 acres, 23 work horses, all ma chinery and tools. Eastern Oregon. Want Portland income. Phone Woodlawn 541U. Owner. 371-ACKE wheat ranch, Umatilla county; some stock and macninery, j per a. Consider valley farm, near Portland pre ferred. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade A FINE lH-acre home, 7-room bungalo and other improvements, fruit and ber ries ; 10 blocks, from car, south of city; price $4000-; will exchange for house and lot closer in. Main 4''J4. TRADE OR SELL. Stock ranch in Washington, equipped; 160 acres deeded ; 4H0 relinquishment ; 4S0 school land, leased. Price right. AL 842. OREGONIAN. TO EXCHANGE Painting, tinting and pa pering for vacant lots, run-down house and lot, automobile, lumber or what have you?. Phone East 538, Sell wood 1508, automatic 220-33. FOR EXCHANGE Portland for San Francisco; exchange lot in Olmsted park, for San Francisco or bay district prop erty. What have you? Dunbar, 1143 Hyde St., San Francisco. EXCHANGE Several choice residence lota in piedmont district ; will sell or trad a for property in Bellingham, Wash. W. i ray, J 1 E. Grant at. 20 ACRES NEAR WHITE SALMON and some cash, turn in house in Port land; district makes no difference. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK BX'CH. H AV E acre close In on O. E., near sta tion, for sale or trade. What have you? Main 7202. - PORTLAND property to exchange for Sea Bide property. 1105 E. 30th N. , PORTLAND tnT Los Angeles property. Call Broadway 131, 0-4 P. M. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANKOC3. WHAT have you of equal change for piano course? aiue to ex Main 301S. WINTON 6. cord tires, for diamond; value 97.-.0. Main 3579. ELECTRIC fan, value about $1S, for part payment on phonograph. Call East 3424. FOR SALE. Horse. Vehicles, Livestock. TEN' H HAD of good young milch cows, 8 milking, 2 coming fresh next month; must sell; $o."0 takes the herd. Will give 6 months on bankable note. Woodlawn 5357. 3OO0-LB. TEAM, youns, round, true and well mated; also 330v-Ib. team, harness and farm wagon. Thette horses are guar anteed good workers and will sell cheap. Atlas Woodyard, o27Front. , $135 FARM OUTFIT Small team, sound and true; harness. 3-in. farm wagon, cultivator, harrow acu. almost new plow. 327 Front st. JERSEY-HOLSTEIN cow. 3 years old, 5 gals. Cross street south from high, bchool, Milwaukee. $ 1 3.. DEAD stock removed quicmy; cash paid for dead cows and crippied horses. Phone Milwaukle tty-J for service. SADDLE HORSES and work teams ia harness, $50 up. Frank L. Smith. 223 Alder st. DEAD HORSES taken quickly; cash for dead cows. Tabor 4203. VETERINARIAN. HOWES TABOR 6566. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. One team and harness for Bale. THREE exceptionally fine fresh cow a, rich and heavy milkers. Mar. 3277. TEAM OF IIORSES Weight 2800; harness and wagon. $185. 635 Thurman st. GOOD heavy team for rent by the month. Woodlawn 200. TWO freFh cows. M. K. Johnson, 234 (foot of) Main st. Tabor 144S. M. E. Johnsdn. FuK SALE Shropshire rams, registered. Holman Fuel Co., 04 5th st.. Portland. YOUNG Jersey calf for sale, Jersey cow. 7719 50th ave. from largo S. E. TWO GOOD- COWS 06S Powell and 2d; street.