16 , THE MORNING OREGOXIAN; FRIDAY, AUGUST 13. 1920 REAL ESTATE. Jr or bate Lots. 3-ACRE TRACT $201 5. $100 DOWN. $20 MONTH. Stream on two sides, meadow land, lots of beautiful shade trees, rich gar den soil, build a little home here, one of the choicest tracts in Parkrose, north of Sandv blvd. and carline. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. Branch office end of Parkrose carline. 1 K ACRES PARK HOSE $1056. $C5 down. $13 month, corner tra-t, stream on one side, some beautiful shade trees, short distance north of Bandy blvd. and carline. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY, Branch office end of Parkrose carline. HIGHLY IMPROVED IHVINGTUN LOT. On Weidler St.. between 21st and 22d. This lot is under cultivation, with bear ing fruit trees, ful I -grown shade treed, berries, etc,; parking and front In iawn. "fttce $2000. ftlTTER. iOWE & CO., '.gl-3-5-7 BoaM of Trade Bldg. "ICE 50x100 east front" lot with alley and city conveniences; near K illingsworth ave., business district: worth $000. for $300. terms. Wdin. 3796 evenings. FL'LTON PARK lot. near school and R. R. station; price $l'.0. B 901. Oregonian. !"or 8Jr UousfB. WEST SIDE. Willamette Heights. 1 U -story bungalow, splendid 50x100 corner. 150 feet asphalt pavement, all paid; very large living room fulL dpth of house. French doors open ing on large view porch, hardwood floors, massive fireplace, beautiful dining room. Dutch kitchen, 4 nice bedrooms and bath, ful! cement basement, wonderful furnace, ga rage, etc. This is a very desirable horn in a beautiful setting, owner leaving Portland, will sell for $it0. Ask for Mr. J. W. Cros Jey, manager of our "High-Class Home Department." FRANK I,. MrGUTRE To Buy Your Distinctive Home. Abinston Bldg. Main 1063. Evenings Call Main 5073. WEST-SIDE HOME INCOME. On Quimby st., within walking dis tance of downtown section and of new plants of Montgomery Ward and Ameri can Can Co.; a very substantial, double constructed house of ten rooms, with two sleeping porches, full cement basement and fireplace. The rooms are large and o arranged that a person -might rent several of them as housekeeping rooms or singly, deriving therefrom more than sufficient income to pay for the proper ty, in addition to one's own living. Price mciudes about $20O worth of fur niture. The price Is dirt cheap, only $4200; $40) down. Main 7487, Mr. Ed wards. AN 470, Oregonian. . ROSE CITY' PARK. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $3400. First time advertised: you never would expect to buy a modern 5-room bun galow In this popular district for $3400. out-of-town owner has asked us to sell and evidently he doesn't know values. It's a real- opportunity for someone. Giad to show you any time. Oh. yes, the bungalow has a fireplace, full ce ment basement, wash trays, etc. A. O. TEE PE CO. 270 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3002. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. Tabor 0.".S0. $.-.250 ROSE CITY PARK $5250. Ria- livine room, finished In odd ivory; dining room with artistic buffet, hard wood floors, -wide fireplace, French doors leading to big porch, 3 bedrooms and huth in white: full- concrete basement, new furnace; an exceptionally line lot with English walnut, cherry, plum, ap ple and prune trees; new garage. Pay ciMiit nanYt and move rtarht in. You'll fall In love with, this nice home, It's a real bargain. COMTE & KOHLMAN. Main 65o. 228 Chamber of Com. j r 00 I RVI N"G TON HOM E $ 6500. On 17th street, near Thompson, con -nlnt tn 1 pvinetnn W-hOOl. 8 rooms, sleeping porch, finished at- l full cement basement, furnace, fire- ?luce, eastern oak and Canadian maple loors; sunroom, central entrance hall. Colonial type, best of material and construction. If you need 4 bedrooms ana sleeping porch witn a targe living iwm. mi hnim will suit vou. Inspection invited. Call owner, Broadway 16, or East 2436 evenings. N AI-A.UCLIA (-riMJtll -.-. n..im t,. t KUfllr tn Prna Mamv ft) r ' hs.lL living room. fireplace, built-in i I. .1 1 m i n Hiitlt.ln hnffet la r ire den. kitchen, hardwood floors throughout downstairs, three bedrooms v. . ii... .. i-t imuialrx A - fiirnncfl terms: alo seli furniture. 884 Skldmore st. Woodlawn 33S3. -.worf MHDKRX BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, reception hall, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, buffet, bookcases, linen fimtet. full basement, laundry trays. floored attic; lot 50x114. fine garden; double constructed and only 4 years oia J27O0. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exchange B!dg. IRVlNGTON DISTRICT. Fine corner lot lOOxloo. on Broadway, 9-room residence, 5 bedrooms, near Irv incrinn Kchnol. make cood home now and in a few years will double in value; house Is modern except naruwoou ioor J 12.000, terms. I'OINDEXTER, 20S SELLING BLDG. Main 1500. Residence, East 0771. ROSE CITY PARK, xr.ino Ri'YS this dandy new modern bun giilow, only 1 block to Sandy Buffet. Pullman kitchen, fire place, hardwood floors, etc. Easy terms. evening pnone ---. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. 264 Sturk St. Main 1094 and 5S3 OWNER WILL SACRIFICE beautiful mod ern 0-room bungalow; newly finished in side and out. Hardwood floors, furnace, good garage; st. imp. paved: near Wal nut park and Jefferson high. This is certainly a bargain. Price only $5000. Terms. Owner. Marshall 2486. IRVlNGTON DUTCH COLONIAL. $9000 ; must be sold at once; six rooms and S. P. Hardwood floors, w hite woodwork, modern in every detail and exceptionally attractive ; fine garage and lots of eh rubs; ground 75xlo0; two blocks from car. Btl w y. 432. TAKE IRVlNGTON CAR. Brand new six -room bungalow, strict ly modern; hardwood floors, furnace and built-ins : all st. impts. paid ; $W..0 cash ill handl. Gi sec it today. 621 East 1 til h st. N. Phone owner. East 4000. STRICTLY modem 6-room house in Haw thorne ave. district, on lot 00x100 ; 150 choice roses and shade trees; ready for Immediate possession. Owner must sell at once Piic-J $4X50. Call Tabor 3.". 114 V INOTuN SACRIFICE Charming home, original desisrn, ivory finish. ar$ paper, oak floors, French doors, garage. Own er leaving city. Main 6078. Evenings, Hast :'. W A I. KING distance, west side. 7 rooms, but h, 2 fireplaces, electric lights, gas. cement basement : lot 50x100, $5U00, half cash. See owner evenings. 4G7 10th street. ROSE CITY PARK. $5000. $15110 cash buys a 5-rm. mod. bun K alow, gar., full lot. 2 blks. to car. paved and paid. Best location In this di?t. Mar. Xij'J or labor oU4. I'L'LL CHARGE of fereU of city depart ment; new homes and good listings: mutt be familiar w fth city; have his own car and be on the square; fine con tract. Write AF SsT. Oregunian. biLl.WOOD, 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $2700. btrlctly modern, full basement, wa&h trays, paved street; $7."0 cash. MARSHALL 1022. 7-ROOM house, close In. will sell to re tpoiifibh party at very reasonable terms, worth your, time to Investigate. M UiS, Qrgonian. $200 CASH. Six -room house, ground 100x105. fruit trees, garage, balance $2750 in monthly payments. Inquire 731-) North Sixth st. ATTORNEY in position to deliver big bar gain. K-0xUki. near 30th and E Salmon, 6' rooms, hot water heat, clear; no com mission. Main Sli9. WILL seil cheap or trade nice 3-room house, lot 50x105. lots of fruit trees, chicken house, etc. UaO Powell Valley road. JsEW 4-RoOM bungalow, open fireplace, bathroom, full basement and 2 lots E 47th and Multnomah: J4750. easy terms John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg., owner fcoxlOO. 4-ROOM California bu ilea low. enr lot, good location for apartments or iiais. some terms, iru-t West Far rast St.. near Peninsula ave. IT-- $100 CASH 4 -room house. gas ua1 water, CUroom house. 5u- $li;i j-room cottages. Offer before Sep ti-r. Owner. 62 East 27th st., even lies or Sunday. -o HwOM modern home. Tremont i,rtHion ; Immediate delivery. Phone ..13, ICfUlt. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Home LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 1000 Photographs of Homes For Sale. See FRANK L. McGt'IRB To Buy Tour Home. Because It is the ORIGINAL SU PERIOR. SCIENTIFIC, MODERN meth od of home selling. The McGUIRE SYS TEM has won an International reputa tion and established a national record. The System of Real Service. We protect your every interest. We eliminate your every house-hunting problem and put you in immediate touch with the home of your requirements.- Everyone of our 1OO0 home is personally Inspected and appraised. Our 18 autos and courteous, experienced salesmen, constantly at your service. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. $4250 West Piedmont; one of Portland's most attractive bungalow homes: low rambling ' lines, full width fropt porch with massive concrete columns, large living room with fireplace, pretty dining room wfUi massive built-in buffet ; white Dutch kitchen, hardwood, floors. 2 airy bedrooms; white enamel plumbing: only one-half block to car. Could not replace this prop erty for $6000. A home with character. $4200 A DREAM ROSE CITY, mass ive pillared frotat and side porch S rooms; spacious, airy; WHITE Dutch kitchen; HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT: ciose to car; YOU'LL LOVE THIS AR TISTIC LITTLE HOME ; .a ma chine will - bake you out today. This Is below the hill. $3990: Hawthorne bungalow with typical California bungalow lines; at tractive living room, pretty din ing room with massive built-in buffet, ideal white Dutch kitchen witn breakfast alcove, hardwood floors, woodwork finished in old ivory: two airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, paved street, liers paid. Terms. E. 30th st. S32o0 Located on Bevvle Terrace, over looking East Portland, is this very distinctive, modern bunga low, unusually attractive lines; 7 rooms, living room with fireplace1 and built-in book case, music room, solid panel dining room with massive built-in buffet: won derful white Dutch kitchen: 3 airy bedrooms, sleeping porch, best white enamel plumbing; elec tric lights and gas; large lot. Close to car. Terms. $3150 Just east of Piedmont on A ins worth ave., on a full corner lot, is this 7-room double-constructed very substantial modern home ; 2 bathrooms, fireplace, built-lns. paved street ; worth $4500. We can't duplicate this wonderful bargain. $2800 It's no use to debate about values when you've seen this WONDERFUL HOME BAR GAIN, because your point is 100 per cent won. On E. Madison, near 42d, on a. full lot. with fruit, Is this typical 5-room mod ern bungow; white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas: 1 block to car; terms. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. $2750 AN ALBERTA BUNGALOW; 5 rooms; ideal floor plan; prac tically new; very attractive, mod ern and a bargain that you could not duplicate. On E. 26th sL, near Going; terms. This is a better bargain than- any Alberta home you have looked at. Let us prove It. We'll send one of . our machines, right out for you, and we have dozens of other Alberta homes that you may inspect at .the same time. $2580 A MUST - BE - SOLD , MONTA VILLA BUNGALOW BEAUTI-FUL--S rooms, cheery fireplace, bookcases, buffet, white Dutch kitchen, 2 light, airy bedrooms; chicken house; E. 73d N. THIS IS SPLENDID VALUE. A ma chine will take you out today. $1900 ALBERTA HOME BARGAIN 7 rooms; modern; 4 bedrooms; white enamel plumbing; gas; paveo. street. & Tills TO DAY. TERMS. . AND OVER 1000 OTHER INTERESTING HOMES FOR SALE BY OUR OFFICE. HUNDREDS of families have found and purchased just the home they de sired through "THE McGUIRE SYS TEM." since January 1, 1920. There are many reasons WHY. Here is one. We have the largest display room in the United States, where over 1000 photo graphs of appraised homes are dia t played, each in its respective district. Under every picture is full information regarding the home it represents. A FEW MINUTES spent in this mod ern office will accomplish as much as weeks of aimless shopping. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. . 106 Sd St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. ATTENTION! ROSE CITY PARK BUYERS. We are the leaders in wiles in the Rose City Park district. We maintain a branch office there at 50th and Sandy boulevard. We are better equipped than anyone else to handle property in that district, most of our salesmen live there, we know nearly every house in the sec tion and those who want to sell natur ally come to us with their Rose City Park property. Doesn't It stand to rea son that we can serve you best ? At any rate it would be folly to buy with out first seeing our listings. This much is sure it would be poor business Judg ment. Let us show you you will be under no obligations. A. G. TEEPE CO. 270 Stark St.. near :td. Main 3092. Branch. Office 50th and Sandy. . Tabor 05S6. WESTMORELAND. FINE HOME. LIVING ROOM. DIN ING ROOM. KITCHEN. DEN FIRST FLOOR. THREE BEDROOMS. SLEEP ING PORCH. BATH SECOND FLOOR; FULL CONCRETE BASEMENT. DOU BLE GARAGE: ALL CARPETS. CUR TAINS AND GAS STOVE INCLUDED IN PRICE. $7500: TERMS. THIRD CASH: DISCOUNT FOR ALL CASH POINDEXTER. 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1NO0. RESIDENCE EAST C771 FOR SALE. By owner A new modern two-story residei.ee with large living room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook and wash room on first floor; the second floor has a oearooms. Dam, steeping porch and sewing room. All have hardwood floors, bnamei rinisn; walls papered and a gas luruace in casement. Lommoaious ga rage; all on view lot in Laurel hurst. Phone East 230S. BUNGALOW, strictly modern; 6 rms. and sleeping porch. H. W. floors, full cement basement. Laundry trays, furnace. Full lot. V- blk. to car. in one of Portland's best districts. Price $5250. $1500. cash Mrs. Lucius, Tabor 30S9. $U100 BUYS 4 rms. and bath down with 2 rms. and kitchenette up. Newly iiiusiieu in enamei and tapestry paper. Built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, only 2 blocks to Haw- . tnorne ave. St. imp. pd. Rent part oi nouse. live tn balance. serins. r.vening pnone a4-i4. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. 204 Stark St. Main 1014 and 583. HAWTHORN'S DISTRICT. Mndf rn 5-room breakfast nook, attic. fireplace, bookcase. buffet. hardwood noor, all built in. best plumbing, fix tures. Biiaaoa, nmsiied in old ivory, pi pcred walls; garae. 50x100 lot. all I:n paid; close to high school, grade school and err. Price $5000. Terms. Owner, Marshall S5H. ROSE CITY PARK. CLOSE IN VACANT REAL BARGAIN. 7 rooms and sleeping porch; bungalow type; very attractive home; all up-to-date features; CHOICE CORNER; high class location; close to car. See this at once. Owner. Broadway 421. Even ings. Tabor 51il. No agents. EASY WALKING DISTANCE' Well built, well -appearing, 2-story 8 roora house, modern plumbing, good fur nace, 2 toilets, good garage, full lot. no incumbrance , just across Broadway bridge, price $5o00, hk cash. A decided bargain. FRED W. GERMAN. 732 Chamber of Commerce. AN EXCEPTIONAL buy In Hawthorne. 5- room oungaiow, naru wood 1 loors. f i re place, built-in kitchen, large cement basement, with laundry tray, and fur nace, all rooms are large and light, floored attic, all street improvements in and paid. Price only $400O. $2400 cash JOHNSON-DODSON CO 63 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7 FOR SALE 8-room house and modern chicken house, lOx3S feet; cement walk, electricity and gas. furniture and over 8 chickens, all White Leghorns; ten minutes' walk to O. R. & N. car shops 20 minutes walk to Union depot and four car lines are near by; $35oo; with out chickens and furniture 3000. 193 Ivy st. $4750 Here is your opportunity to secure 2 iota, plenty of fruit, garag. chicken house and a dandy 6 room home, strictly modern hdwd. floors, furnace, fireplace' built-in. Terms. Evening phone 324-14. J. A. WICKMAN CO Stark St. Main 1004 and 583. 2G4 $2700. 5-room cottage in Hawthorne district house Is neat and attractive, full plumb ing, concrete foundation, good basement. 50x100 lot. good lawn, fruit and berries Sewer and paved street in and paidl Seme terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Uousm. CHOICE WEST SIDE BUY. Attractive, desirable "GENTLE MAN'S residence, sufficiently re tired to be private and exclusive convenient to DM and Westovcr car lines. S rooms, modern; "Swiss-Chalet" style architecture. Pre-war built by day labor, under owner's supervision. Construction, inside finish. heat. light and plumbing the very best; venti lation, arrangement of rooms, convenience, etc.. study of able architect: grounds. 100x125 feet '2H lota) Inclosed by fine wire fence; location, head of Javier st.; south front, faces up canyon to ward Macleay park ; northwest view unsurpassed, scenic beauty of harbor, river, mountains, etc.; lawn and garage east. .This fine property has center hall and co lonial interior arrangement and fS offered for $1.1,000 with tarms, if desired. Shown only by appoint ment with owner's agent. Geo. J. Schaefer, Bdwy. 51C7 or Main 666, or at 817, Board of Trade bldg. A REAL HOME. Beautiful grounds. 150x100; riot further out than 50th street: abso lutely one of the handsomest bun galows in the city; seven rooms, hot water heat, two baths, a double garage that would cost at least $2500 to build at the present time. I will not attempt to describe this beautiful home. Suffice to say first cost was $20,000 five years ago. Some bargain at $13,000. Be sure and see Mr. Delahunty at -' Stark st.. or phone him at Main 1700. RODNEY AVE.. FINE 6-R. HOME. $5000. Nice 6-r. house in pink of condition: eiec. gas, furnace, bath, full cement basement, trays, buffet, white enamel and mahogany woodwork; 3 bedrooms; French doors in living room; fine lot, 50x1 no ; all city work In and paid; about 12 fine full-bearing fruit trees, loaded with fruit: fine chicken run with three small houses; lots of choice roses; on Rodney ave., near Piedmont, close In. Price $5000. some terms. Shown by ap pointment only. GRUSSI & BENNETT, 319-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. A REAL BARGAIN IN ROSE CITY ON 59TH ST. 6 " rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-ins, Dutch kitchen, 3 nice bedrooms and bath on second floor, full cement basement, laundry trays, hot water heat; all rooms and front of house are freshly painted; you can move right in; price $4200, . down $1000 cash, balance like rent; a positive bargain. Must be seen to be appreciated. McCLURE & SCHMAUCH CO., 306 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1.103. LAURELHURST. 6 ROOMS HOT WATER HEAT. Swell (i-room house, strictly modem In every particular; hot water heat, fire place, oak floors. buffet, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, trays, garage; nothing missing to make a complete home and in first-class con dition; no repairs needed. Price $7500, about $4O00 cash required. For sale by owner, 1007 Senate St., near 35th. Tabor ?2.3. No agents. A GENUINE OPPORTUNITY. East 40th st. near Belmont. 6 rooms, full cement basement, furnace, modern and in good condition, 50x100 feet, paved street, improvements all paid. 2 blocks best car service, 3 blocks school, near Laurelhucst Park. Owner must leave the city at once: $3650, $1025 will handle. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis Bid g. $3400. 41ST. S. E. $340O. Neat -room, story-and-half home, concrete 'foundation, newly painted, garage, chicken house, fruit trees and berries, fine garden. 50x1 0O lot; $1200 will handle this, good buy. ASK FOR MR. BUSS COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 4th st. Main 4522. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. YOUR OWN TERMS. New, modern, near car at city limits, gas, electricity. Bull Run water, i acre, all cleared, good view, immediate pos session : $3650; responsible party can buy like rent. . J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-0-7 Lewis Bldg. $6750 Buys a real home from owner. ModeHs o-room oungaiow type, in perlect con dition; fireplace. bookcases. buffet Dutch kitchen, linen closet, etc.; large tiuacis ttiui v i nuo w s ana mirror aoors no dark corners. Call Woodlawn 3s07. 0-ROOM BUNGALOW. $300 DOWN MT. SCOTT DIST. iot Tbxllo leet, garage, apples, cher ries, berries, grapes, wire fence, haro surface road, bet. 2 car lines ; bath in house: faces east. A real snap for $2000 Broadway 4133 or 305 Oak st HOME FOR OLD FOLK'S Five-room bungalow-type cottage, on ground 150x100, fruit, berries, etc., close io cat , jju casn, oaiance montnly; splendid little buy. Fred W. German v,o., (o- wamoer or uommerce. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. New colonial bungalow, 5 rooms, breakfast nook, attic, modern hunt -in unobstructed view, full lot. select neigh- uui uuuu , nu lucuiiiomuce; I iUU, terms. owner. 3iain 35;io. A LITTLE FARM RIGHT IN TOWN Nearly new modern bungalow, 3 full lots, an ainas or iruu, lots or berries, chicken house and runs ; $1000 down balance like rent. Owner, phone Sell- WOOU I WD. BY OWNER Furnished or unfurnished o-room moaern nouse, garage, and chick. en-house with 2 or 3 lots; abundance of fruit, berries and garden; $750 will nanaie. ouo ;nn ave. rnono Sellwood Ka.ii evenings or aunaay. PIEDMONT DISTRICT. 9 rooms, full basement and double garage; $nuu, tnm casn. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. WA NT to-room bungalow at 1127 E. j- ranKim t. piumoing in; a snap at $1850. with $700 cash; balance on time. uane it. in. car to .E. 39th go five blocks south. Call Tabor 127. EQUITY In 6-room plastered house, bath pantry and basement; fruit and gar den; near M. V. car on E. 5Sth st wouia consjuer ugnt car as part; value oi property ouu. uwner, Tabor S0SO. ALL FURNISHED -5-roora house, full base ment, one block from car; $200O, $500 ca&ii. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. BLbT buy in Portland: 8-room home, full cement basement, furnace, sanitary wash Lmj 6, uiiuiroonis, corner lot ; SdlloO $2000 cash. 524 East Klllingsworth ave, w ooa iawn )Ui;i. FOR SALE. A beautiful big place 2000 Portsmouth ave." Take a look and make us an offer; paving In; bargain FOR SALE or rent, five-room house, 10SS , - . , "icmamg furnf iuic ""mi uioneu $t.U0' eav terms; rent furnished $40 per month Phone 6S1 Gresharn. W. F. Honey NORTHWEST CORNER EAST 1TTH ' and Ankeny, six rooms, modern, fur nace, concrete basement; can't beat it" $3250. Jacob Haas. Main 6127, East 1 354. FIVE-ROOM bungalow; eight fruit trees; adjacent lots in garden; rent free; chick en house, St. Johns car to Concord 63 W. Church. SELL WOOD, 7 ROOMS PLASTERED $2650. Modern, full basement, 1 block and school ; $75Q. Marshall 1022. car IRVlNGTON DISTRICT. $52 "0. Nifty 6-room residence, modern COOVER & HOLMAN. Marshall 3ftf3. TWO -STORY double house in South Port land, to close estate, less than block from car; hard surface, everything paid, cheap for cash. Marshall 489. 224 EAST 53D. 8-room Mt. Tabor mansion. like new worth $15,000. sell for $&9"0. terms' 75x100. garage, view. Main 4S03. ' $425o MOVERS' six-room Hawthorne bungalow; hardwood floors, built-ins full basement. 300 East 46th. Tabor 45S9 owner. SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS do down and h.i. ance on easy terms, will buy a good eight-room house, close In. AddIv at 47 E. 15th st. South. ' BY OWNER 4-room furnished bungalow in Hawthorne district; all improve ments; good buy and easy terms. Call Seil wood 2774 evenings or Sundav. 3-ROOM ceiled house. blocks from Mt Scott car. cement sidewalk. $.Vi0: $jr6 down, balance easy terms. Inquire 610 Soth st. S. E. LOT 105x50 Bungalow 4 rooms, all ln good shape: cellar; $S0O cash; clear ab stract. Owner. 7120 84th st. S. E 5-ROOM plastered house, needs some re pairs, $1500. $500 cash. A. H. Bell 2tU;- Morrison st. Main 4379 MODe-RN 8-room house, good condition by owner; Rose City Park. Owner. Tabor lUSO. mornrr.gs. fi-ROOM house, nice home, lot lOftxlOO all set out in fruit, full bearing: $3500' part cash. By owner Tabor 172. BY owner, modern bungalow, one block from car. 1195 E. 2ft th N. Woodlawn 364S. IRVlNGTON ni Tillamook. Best with $7i0 cash takes it. Main 4789. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. CAREY-SAVIDGE COMPANY, BIHR-CAREY COMPANY, Main 74S7. Buying home certainly Is good busi ness, but it is not good business judg ment to finally select a home without f i rst consu 1 1 i n g a large, varied . care fully chosen listing, such as we have to offer. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $4750. Double-constructed. exceedingly at tractive 6-room bungalow on paved. : t., with sewer. The floor plan is ideal, con sisting of 3 nice bedrooms, living room, dining room with built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, full cement basement, laundry trays, fireplace. This is an id est home In excellent neighbor hood. TERMS. ROSE CITY PARK. $4500. On a corner lot. 50x102. paved st.. m choice neighborhood: an unusually at tractive bungalow of distinctive archi tecture, with rare shrubbery and flow ers: 1 block from car; large living room with attractive fireplace, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, 2 large bedrooms, cement basement with laundry trays; ivory woodwork; house is in excellent condi tion; convenient terms. HAWTHORNE. $4000. Artistic architecture Is one of the dis tinctive features of this bungalow of 5 weil-arranged rooms, on paved street with sewer, fireplace and garage; easy terms. ROSE CITY. $3150. Very artistic bungalow on corner lot, 2 blocks from car; large living room with Pullman bed, dining room, Dutch kitch en, 1 bedroom, cement basement. This is an exceedingly attractive place and. Is a good buy; terms. ALBERTA. $3000. On 58x100 lot, story-and-half hou.te of 7 Tooms, 2 bedroom-s upstairs and 1 down ; 1 block to car. walking distance of Jefferson high school; sewers in, pavements being laid ; only $600 down. This is a snap. CARETAVIDTiE COMPANY. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY, Main 7487. Open Evenings and Sundays. AN EASTMORELAND HOMES FOR' ONLY $6300. Business changes compel owner to dispose of this attractive, strictly modern home of 6 rooms and garage at' much less than It could ba replaced for today. Near ly ijew. nicely arranged, well con structed, oak floors. fireplace. Royal furnace and many other conveniences and refinements you must see to appreciate. Sightly lot facing west and overlooking Reed college and golf links. East moreland is recognized, as the most beau til u! snH pvpii.iV BtrinrA district In Portland. Homes for sale are few. Act quickly if you want this fin littla home for $6300. Terms. PHONE OWNER, 8ELLWOOD 1918. $5400. $500 CASH, BAL $50 MO. ROSE CITY PARK. o rooms and breakfast nook, garage. corner lot. paved streets, all paid; hard wood floors throughout, furnace, fire place; a very good buy. These terms are line re ii l j. MAKTMA. LU MfA.N 1, (.nam. ot Com. bldg. Main 2 US. IRVlNGTON KESinEVriT. $7500 for a fine 6-room with sleeping porch, with hardwood floors, fine, large living and. dining room in old ivory and manogany witn r'rench doors between, Dum-in Kitchen with maple floor; haj 3 large bedrooms all in white, a fim fireplace, large built-in buffet and book cases, beam celling and panel dining, vestibule and reception hall. 2 toilets, garage, nice lot facing east; half cash. a pretty home and at the right price. F. L. BLANCHARD. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. I R V I N G T ON-N E W. Building costs are mounting again buy now before the rush comes this iaii. bee this beautiful colonial home. just completed by the best skilled day labor; seven rooms. hardwood floors inrougnout: tile bath, linoleum in kitch en. breakfast room and back porch iirst-ciass ana complete. K.ey for In spectlon next door. 720 East 22d st. N. Phone evenings after 6 P. M. East 1S75. owner. rtOBK KT B. BEAT. Builder. 7 ROOMS. MODERN. $46.0 Delightfully located in the Mt. Tabo. district, with an inspiring view of the mountains. 4 rooms first floor. Including bedroom witn extra toilet and lavatory; 3 bed rooms, bathroom and real sleen-lne Dorc second floor; furnace, fireplace, hard wooa noors, Duut-ins and garage. It's a real home, ready to move into at a low valuation; terms. Call Broad way ivs, or isast 24-iti evenings. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA. Lovely' tfome. 8 beautiful rooms: Dun ham hot water heating plant, pedestal plumbing, quarter-sawed eastern oak floors. massiVM fireplace. French doors. large Dream a st room, tapestry paper. Kitcnen perfect, oeveiea mirrors, wid concrete porf:h. 22-foot garage, southern exposure, built four years, near Dunkley. MCUU.NELU EAST 413. IRVlNGTON BARGAIN. New modern six-room colonial house. Just completed, can be bought for less than cost; has hardwood floors through out, built-in conveniences, Gaeco fur nace, aarage, etc. Must be sold by th 10th, located an E. 16th. between Klick itat and r reemont. win be open all da; lor inspection. RICE CONSTRUCTION CO.. Owners, Phones, Automatic 320-85; East 2432. BARGAIN. PRICE $32U0. $1000 CASH. 7-room house and dandy 80x125 lot, all kinds of fruit and flow ers, no buy like this In Portland today. Investigate this. Phone 3&bD; evenings, auto. 210-10. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into income we design and build apartments, ga rages, residences. anything: furnish plans and finance. Established 10 -eara, We offer SECURITY. SERVICE, SATIS FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., y N. W Bank bldg. $7000 HOM&. T rooms. Including large living room with fireplace, hardwood noors. 'Z bath rooms. 4 sleeping rooms, double garage lot 60x100 ft., near gooa grade, high technical schools: at 610 East Couch near E. 20th; price $7000. which U under pre-war cost. $63uO. LAURELHURST. $6300. A beautiful .-room bungalow, new last fall, with all built-ins, furnace an fireplace. 50x100 lot. near car and well located. Condition perfect. ASK FOR MR. BLISS. COE A. McKENNA & CO., R2 4th st. Main 4522. HOUSES FOR SALE. If you are lookinjr for a house for small payment down and the balance same as rent. Fee Mr. Croxford, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Bdwy. 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK Modern 7-room house hardwood floors, fireplace, built-ins. 3 bedrooms, full basement and Dutch kitchen; newly painted inside and out. Call East 2604. Owner. 4 BLOCK with 3 double houses, income $60; S. E. cor. East 9th and East Grant sts.. H block northeast Interstate ave. -and Bryant sts.; income $20. good terms. H. E. Miserve. Rhododendrum, Or. 4 ROOMS and bath. hardwood floors, cream enamel finish, French doors be tween parlor and dining room; gas radiator heat; lot 52x100; $3000. $1000 cash. 1110 East Grant st. Tabor 360. IRVlNGTON. $5500 price, to sell at once; large roomy 7-room house ; open fire ; hardwood floors 'garaire. See owner. 433 E. 16th N. Mar. 3SS1. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS 6 roomsT" tiled bath. 2 II replaces. Deautirul view, jr by 100 lot. $r,T50: $1L'50 will handle. Main 1128. or Main 1S03. 4-ROOM house, unfurnished, water, lights, gas; sewer in street: lot 64x100. 657 E. 31st. st. N. Phone 7966. 4-ROOM bungalow. 1 block southeast of postoffice. Maplewood. Or. Call evenings. BRAND NEW 5-room bungalow, full con crete basement. $4250. 1371 Miss ave. SUNNY SIDE TAGE. 1000 OWNER. 6-ROOM COT E. SALMON. MODERN 7-room home, good neighbor hood, close In. $5000.- Tabor 6337. MODERN Heights 5-room bungalow. Willamette Csii owner. Main 5494 MODERN 6-room bungalow on Portland Heights for sale by owner. Mar. 16S3. REAL ESTATE. KENTON 7 rooms and sleeping porch, story and half bungalow, built-in bookcases, buffet, white enamel Dutch kitchen, exception ally nice and convenient; 2 bed rooms and bath first floor, 2 bed rooms and sleeping porch second floor; cement basement. wash trays, furnace. 50x100 lot, garage, paved street, sewer; restricted dis trict. Only $3800, half cash. KENTON Pretty 4-room bungalow, bath complete, cement basement, trays, nice lawn with shrubbery; close to Lombard and Albina sts. Price $2400. half cash. KENTON 6 rooms, all good sixe and conveniently arranged, bedrooms and bath on second floor: cement basement with trays: close to car. Prico $2500, with $500 cash. KENTON Pretty 4-room bungalow, new and fully modern, ivory enam el except kitchen and bath, which Is white. Hardwood floors, fire place. Everything right up to the minute. Only $3o00, one-fifth cash. KENTON Four rooms and bath, sleeping porch. $17O0, $2."0 cash with good-size monthly payments. KENTON 3 rooms and bath; no basement: but a chicken house; a dandy lot, close to car and a real good buy at $1650, $300 cash. HALF ACRE with a pretty 5-room bungalow, bath complete, fruit, lawn, shrubbery, all In pink of condition; garage; rigTit at station, 2M minutes out on electric; $3000, half cash. I HAVE a number of small houses in dfferent parts of the city that can ba hand led on small pay ments. I personally Inspect every house listed, and do not list prop erty that is not correctly priced. O. A. PEARCE. 815 Chamber of Commerce. Main 563 BEST -MADE. HOME IN PORTLAND FOR HALF ORIGINAL COST. THIS PLACE IS UP TO THE MINUTE IN EVERY PARTICULAR. This wonderful home is -t located on 100x120 lot overlooking the city and within three blocks of the best school in Portland; two blocks to best car service in city. The house is built from the ground, to attic of the best material and workmanship that money can buy; not a dollar la required In Improvements, as It is up to the minute and Just like new. There Is a double garage, which is fireproof. Full cement basement with servan I'm rooms, bath and toilet and fruit room, hot water heatinsr system. The first floor has 26-foot livrng-room ln old ivory finish, large eastern oak finished library, solid mahogany fin ished dining-room, wonderful kitchen and breakfast room: also, a very large screened-in back porch; all windows are plate glass with copper wire screens. 'Second floor has five I arse bedrooms and sleeping porch and shower bath " he attic is finished into gymnasium billiard hall and dance hall. This Is without exception the best made home and the best buy In Portland. If you want a refined, high-class home at half vaiue. tnis, i am sure, win anneal you. Particulars. G. A Sarles. 733 Jortnwestern Bank bldg. LAURELHURST. NEW, NIFTY BUNGALOW. S605O. Here you are, folks Here Is that real nifty, double-constructed bungalow with lots of class and distinction. The real structural quality of this fine home will make its appeal. The interior arrange ment is the very height of perfection. i ou yoursen couian't plan it better. Then, too, it has one of those new bun galow exteriors with a large cement porch. This is complete to the last de tail; near car; reasonable terms. It'll be a downright pleasure to show you. A. G. TEEPE CO. 270 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3002. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. Tabor U5S6. MURRAYMEAD, SWELL HOME. Nine-room strictly modern house, fur nace, three fireplaces, oak floors, al built-in effects, three bedrooms and steeping porcti on second floor: fine stricted location, just south of Haw thorne avenue, on E. 24th St.; walking distance. Can be bought for $10,000, or wui sen witn manogany rurniture and Sl.'iOO player piano for S15.UOO. Will take good 5 or 6-room bungalow as part payment. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. AM AUTHORIZED to sell at a irreat sacrifice, parties going to California. 3 o-room ana tnree 4-room modern bun galows, with large lots and garage; fine river view. nouses contain ream as nooks, electricity, modern plumbing, billiard, built-in buffet, polished floors. fireplaces, rarden with fruit trees and berries; located on highway 'and close to school. Near new iron ore discoveries. lUeal summer home. Must be seen be appreciated. See A. Frisendahl. Co lumLia tJity. or., near St.-Helens, Or. HOME BUYERS READ THIS; ITS TRUE. Strictly modern home, 7 : lot, close in, 2 blocks Laur rooms, corner Laurelhurst Park line hot water heat, breakfast room. uouoie piumuing, large sleeping porcn, large living room, large bed chambers. built-ins, fireplace, etc. Built by owner for home. You can" t afford to miss tins; you will buy this if you see ft. $5800. Call Tabor 4660 until 10 A. M. tor appointment. $4500 BUYS BRAND NEW PORTLAND BUNGALOW. 5 ROOMS AND BREAKFAST NOOK, HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, old Ivory finish, tapestry paper and n"every tnmg. Call Owner. R. S. McFarland. Tabor 2740. After 6 P. M. PORTLAND HEIGHTS RESIDENCES Offered by owner for aalel- 724 Patton road $6100 726 Patton road 6O00 i fatton road One lot. 728 Patton road For particulars call Broadway 405, or see owner at 24 Ankeny street. EAST HOLLADAY BUNGALOW. f New. five rooms, with large attic, ga rage, fireplace, hardwood noors. large living room and dining room in front; these bungalows are $1000 less than you can buy one like them elsewhere; move fight in. Owner and builder. Main 4503, East C372. WOODSTOCK HOME BARGAIN. 3 main rooms, long screened porch and small room, electric rights, 40x120 lot with alley; fruit, garden, chick house, shed, etc.; price $1650; terms. BENEDICT. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. IRVlNGTON. Strictly modern bungalow, six rooms, three bedrooms, tiled bath, hardwood floors, fell on one floor, garage, has Gasco furnace; can give immediate pos session : $fnoo, half cash. POINDEXTER. 20S Selling Bldg Main 1S00. Residence East 6771. $315 WEST SIDE, walking distance, 6-rm. cottage, newly papered Inside, new roof, near Multnomah club, block froyi car, basement. A tremendous sacrifice. Terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. "W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WILL SELL my home, a $7500 value, at $5500 if taken this week: absolutely the best buy in city of Portland. All modern throughout, good lawn and fruit trees, everything In perfect condition. 637 E. 65th st. and Sandy blvd. Main entrance to Rose City race track. $2r,00 MODERN 4-room bungalow on Rose. lawn ave., 1 block to car, walking dis tance j errerson nign school, all street Improvements in. beautiful lot. $625 cash $25 a month Including interest. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. ft Artistic 5-room bungalow, moderrf cept furnace; j doors trom car liny; new ly decorated, beautiful lawn and shrub bery, garage; only $4.00. on terms; $2400 cash. 3iarnnaii $300 DOWN $25 MONTHLY. 7-room house, fine lot GKxlOO, fruit trees, berries and roses: Sunnyslde-Haw-thorne district: price $3000. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $5300. High-class bungalow, built for home; rme living room, aining room. Kitchen, 3 bedrooms, furnace, beautiful grounds. POINDEXTER. 20S Selling Bldg. Main leoo. Kesioence jcaet 6771. 5-ROOM modem burfgalow. beautiful lo cation, east side, hardsurface sts., sew ers, etc., in and paid; can be two rooms on 2d floor, bargain $3350. terms. Gar land 201 Third, cor. Taylor. NEAR LAURELHURST PARK. 7-room bungalow ; fireplace, built-lns; paved, fruit, berries. This Is a bargain at $42O0. 120C0 cash. Mar. 3352 or Tabor 3090. BEAUTIFUL house, near Hawthorne, must sell, reason is owner Jeaving town; this is an unusual buy. Call between 2 and 5 P. M. Auto, phone 5182. 193 2d st.. room 3. FOR SALE Modern 7-room house, good location, hardwood floors, plate glass windows, plenty closets, light and clean, furnished or unfurnished; a bargain. Call Tabor 1951. LA DD ADDITION ( and garage. East -room, modem house 371 S. cottage. Call owner, Woodlawn 4S64 after 2 P. XI. SEAL K8TATB. For Sale -House. CLOSE IN $3150, $200 each, $30 monthly, buys large 6 room bouse, newly painted and reno vated, fine plumbing, good furnace, large corner lot with fruit, grapes, flowers; 1 block to Richmond car; a decided nap. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. buburtMUk Uomes. $y500 HIGH CLASS suburban home in Gresharn: 5 acres; all in cultivation; the garden spot of this section : the place for a business man who would like the conveniences of city in a country home; paved and hard surface road all the way: electric depot across the road; Shi Her station, quarter mile beyond Gresharn; gas connected up. electric lights and Bull Run water in the house. R. Cruikshank, owner, route 4, box 7. Phone Gresharn 307. IN MILWAUKIE, OREGON CITY LINE. Nearly 3 lots in Milwaukie. 8 kinds of bearing fruit trees, berries, grapes, rose hedfte and shrubbery, 7-room house, city water, gas, electric lights, garage, chicken house, graveled street. This nlace is in fine condition, with good in come from the fruit; price $250u. $1000 cash. Photos at office. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Building. $7500 FINE SUBURBAN HOME. Modern S-room bungalow, full base ment, concrete floor, plumbing, electric lights, phone, city water, nice frame ga rage with concrete floor; nice yard and lawn. b block on paved road. Joins city limits. 3 blocks citv school. 5 blocks carline. Come and. see it and you will want It. By owner, 6545 82 d sU S. E. Tabor 34S3. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING NICE from owner to purchaser see thts. one or two acres. 7-room house, modern, city con veniences, highly improved, flowers, shrubs, garden, feed, cow, fruit and pplea. Oregon City car; 30 minutes ride, about 3 blocks east of Courtney. Second door north of Courtney road on Courtney avenue. Office phone. Main 174. 3V4 A. BE AVE P. DAM SOIL AT BKAVERTON. 60 fruit trees, berries. 3 room bun galow and outbuildings. $3000. Mr Hallenbeck. care Beaverton LumberCo.. Beaverton, Or. No agents. Main 7141. IF YOU are looking for an attractive su burban horn with city conveniences on caved hithwav. near Oregon City cars and good school, call at corner River and MelOrum roads or phone Oak Grove 102-M. Fruit, flowers, fine garden, beau tlful grove and shrubbery. kt : rn t H -r a c h o m E. 5-room bungalow with V acre fine soil; fruit trees, garden; close to sta tion on Oregon City car line; $3500, $o00 cash. Photo at office. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. FOR SALE or trade. Oswego property. 5- room house, large barn, gas. eiectric light and water on place; sixe of lot 120x150; 16 bearing fruit trees and bushes. AJ 831, Oregonian CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north or Rislcy station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." For tale Business Property. QUARTER block. East Water street, near jviorrison oriuK. cioso in. u --n..BD. oo.. rifice. easy terms. Owner. AF 776, Ore goman. N KA RLY an acre with warehouse on fc. 47th North and it. tt. tracas. to cioee estate. Marshall 4S0. For Sale Acreage. MR. JACK OF PLEASANT HOME averaged HOOO per acre from his straw berries. Here are 5i acres the same soil and location that you can buy for $1460 with a payment of $150 cash and $20 per month. It Is all under fence and 3 acres ready to plow and plant. On good road and but snort oismnca electric station. See Mr. Boebm. MaclNNES & PRATT. 200-10 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1G58 3 MILES FROM CITY", $150 PER ACRE. Art arT- nn I v 3 miles from city 11m' Us just off good road; fine location and beautiiul view; 12 acres In cultiva tion, all fenced, all good soil; wonder ful possibilities for fruit and berries. $150 per acre, with terms. MaclNNES & PRATT. Broadway 16.'S. 209-210 Oregon Bldg. 2 ACRES. AH good, level land in cultivation, one acre in beans. Vz acre sweet corn. M acre in strawberries. 45 bearing fruit trees, small fruits, house, chicken house. 12 hens, cow; close to school and store, mile from Oregon City. $2100. A. C. HOWLAND. 8th and Main sts.. Oregon City. Or. ON THE PAVED HIGHWAY. At Aloha station, 2.C5 acres, under cultivation, some strawberries, loganber ries and blackberries, small cherry trees, new small house 20x24, garage, city wa ter, gas main by the place; price $21uO, $1300 canh. , JOHN FERGUSON, Geralinger Bldg. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND. Write for map of western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over 10,000 acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. LOGGED-OFF LANDS. Tracts. 5 acres up. located within 30 miles of Portiand. on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work nearby; buy on your own terms. Price $20 to $65 per acre. LEUDDEMANN CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. OWNER. $525 HALF ACRE $525. Water, gas available, building 14x14. Inclosed, not completed: $375 spot cash. Call Saturday, Sunday and Monday. 505 Stock Exchange Bldg.. Hansen! WE HAVE over 500 small places, close to Portland; some on paved roads cjose to electric line; all have been Inspected; photos at office. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. 7 ACRES 3 blocks to car, all fenced, 25 large Royal Anne cherry trees, 4 room plastered house. $2500, $700 cash. A. H. Bell. 231 Morrison St. HOMESEEKERS' OPPORTUNITY. One to 5 acres, easily cleared, close In. $30 down, $5 month. 334 College st- Call 12 to 3 P. M. 10 ACRES, Hazelwood. short distance east of city. Bull Run water, good soil. $3000 will divide. Owner. U10 Ch. of Com. Phone Mar. l;ibo. u. ACRES, end of Hawthorne line, cu ground $1"00 per acre up; owner. im Ch. of Com. Phone Mar. 15S5. BY OWNER 160 acres. 7 miles S. W. of Blodgett. Or.; price $10 per acre. For full particulars write W. C. Morris, Turner. Or. lo ACRES. South Portland, near Ryan station, O. E. R. R. ; $325 acre. Ad dress owner, F. Coote, Rock Point. B. C. C an ad a. THREE beautiful acres, cheap if taken Tii-ht away. 1 block from station on S. P. electric, near highway. Owner Main S3 80. 15 ACRES, a house moving outfit and carpet loom. Tom Alien, oil V2d st. S. E. EXCEPTIONAL Choice 20. near electric; buildrngs, best soil, crop included. $3250. Evenings. 141 E. 60th north. Tabor 70.15 Homesteads, Relinquishments. WILL relinquish 120-A. homestead, some improved, buildings, orchard. 10 head cattle, $1500 cash. Mrs. Paul Spear. Camas Vailsy, or. 160 ON main line of S. P., spur on land, . covered with cord wood timber, pasture. farming, orchard land; small house; If taken quick, $300. 301 Corbett bldg. LOCATE on either good farming or timber tract. Claims going last, see me at once. Hours 8 to 5. Evenings 7:SQ to 9. Ander son, 531 Railway Exchange bldg. I HAVE a few good relinquishments for sale. Anderson. 531 Railway Exch. bldg, Fruit and Nut Lands. FOR SALE 5-acre apple orchard, be tween Eugene and Corvallli; fine condi tion. 11 yr. old; win trade for Oak.. Cal.. res. prop. J. S. Belae, 29 So. La Salle, Chicago. For Sale Farms. HAVE PROBABLY the most complete farm listings and line of connections in the state; need high-grade man to take full charge of department. Write AF S8. Oregonian. 5-YEAR-OLD 9-acre prune orchard In f:ne condition. Douglas county, Oregon, for sale or will trade for Portland prop erty ; priced rlgh t : acreage preferred. East S469. 29 E. 18th St. N. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $50 to 500 per acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, ail sizes. McFarland. 209 Falling bldg. $2700 BUYS a good 5-r. house, with 8 acres, all In cultivation, orchard, barn, hen house, garden. level ; worth $3500. Main 3672. McFarland. Falling bldg. 43 ACRES quarter mile Willamette river, near Portland; highly improved, with or without crop: an ioeal farm home; widow must sell. Phone Woodlawn WILL sell or trade my improved E. Mon tana grain farm for Willamette val. land; good location, no crop failure; price $36 per acre. Fred Emling, Sidney. Mont. IF YOU have $2000 to invest in a cozy little farm and mean business, call on owner at 125 14th st. 6.. near Wash. st west side. 1200 will ha-ndie. FREE FARM LISTS, San Joaquin valley farms, Paul Rosaler, Stock to a, CaL REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. VALLEY FARM. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 151 - acres. 45 in cultivation, balance open pasture and timber, deep, rich eoil, no rock or gravel ; never-failing spring water to house and barn: bearing family orchard. 125 young prune trees, other small fruit; good 7-room house with fire place, two good bams, hog house, chick en house, etc. The following stock snd full set of farm tools and implements, good as new. go with place: 15 head of cows and heifers. somn milking, some Coming fresh soon, 1 reg. Holstein bull. 2 good brood sows. 3 young work horses, 1 colt, about 50 chickens; only 10 miles from Portland. 5 miles New berg, H mile to main paved highway and R. R, sta tion. This is absolutely the biggest bar gain in the country and will bear closest investigation. Everything goes for 125 per acre; $0000 cash, balance long terms at tf per cent. R, M. GATE WOOD CO., 1WH Fourth Street. FOR SALE. EQUIPPED DAIRY RANCH. SO acres. 4 miles Battle Ground with nearly nw buildings, house 6 rooms, barn 32x74, from 25 to 40 tons hay in barn, silo with about 6 tons ensilage in and growing corn sufficient to fill same. new ensilage cutter with 4 H. P. Kas engine, place equipped with necessary farm tools, team wegon and harness (new wagon), 11 milch cows (cream rh.ckv amount ,to from $140 to 1G(I per nionth, 1 yearling heifers a;tti I heifer calf, yearling (Jersey bull. brood sows, one of thm with young pigs, O. I. C. boar and 3 shoats thwl will weigh about SO lbs. each, and lot of small tools. Price $10,000. Would consider Portland residence property up to $4000 value. w. b. Mccarty. Battle Ground, Wash. MODERN SUBURBAN HOME. New, modern, 7-room bungalow with uilt-in effects, disappearing bed. built in dressers, large airy rooms, full con crete basement, furnace. wah trays garage, new barn with modern con veniences, up-to-date chicken bouses and park. 500 pure-bred White IeghoTr. gooa heavy team, fine jersey cow wagon, harness, disc. plow, cultivator, barrow and all recessarv. small tools - An excellent water sv?tem. water pined to all building!. 20 acres of the bet loam soil, all set to Italian prunes, some In bearinir. adioininsr orchards selling $1500 per acre: elevated building spot commanding a wonderful view, .lust out side th city limits of Vancouver on rtaved hitrhw v: beautiful home and money maker; price S21.00O; liberal terms. THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. Third and Main Sts., Vancouver. Wash FOR SALE In British Columbia. If.O acres, 7 acres In crop. 5 acres beaver dam meadow, well drained ; five-room house w ith running water, well fur nished: new barn, tool shop. smat blacksmith shop, chicken hou. pippen and other butldlnes: about 30OO worth of fir timber, 20 fruit trees, all kinds of small fruit: V mile to salt water. 2 small towns close in. gond road, good hunting, fishing; 2 creeks running throueh place: the best ot Climate horses, cow, chickens. 14 pigs, wagon buKKV and other Implement?: everything as eolne concern: .-on. S35nn cash, oai ance on terms. For further particulars apply to owner. A. W. alley, van Anda, B. C. Canada. 28-ACRE RIVER BOTTOM FARM. All in cult. 2 A. of genuine beaver dam. This soil cannot be beat. 2 family orchard, all kinds of berries. 5-room house, barn : fenced and crosi fenced; fully stocked: team. harness, wagon, 2 cows, 50 chickens, all farm Implements and household furniture an 1-3 of this years crop goes with place. The stock and crop are worth $1500. located close to Wood bum. This is bargain. Price S55O0. including every thing. $3000 cash. Mr. Kennedy. Tabor l2 or Main 7141, 527 Corbett bldg. CLOSE-IN FARM. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 40 acres on Tualatin river. 1 8 miles Portland; extra choice level land, all cultivation : build In rs worth StiOOO: room house, has modern plumbing, good barn, granary, (taraee. modern chicke house, cost $11 00; on improved road growing crop and 4 cows. 2 heifers, Jer seys. l horse ana about Uou cnlcKens , ail farm eauinment eo with Dla.ce $13,000. half cash, rood terms on ba ance. This Is an excellent bargain and win Dear investigation. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165 4th st FINE HOP RANCH. 61 acres, on good road that w-ill be paved, east of Newberg: 10 acres hop land. 10 acres clover. 40 acres und cultivation, large orchard, good plastered hoase with nlumb nc. water system house and barn, good buildings. Includ lng hophouses; some hay, oats and grai included: also team. cow. chlcwens complete line of machinery and ho' enui-Dment The 1019 hop crop on thii place sold ror si.ouu. orierea at a oar gain for short time. No trade consid ered. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerliinger bldg. Simi-ACRE stock ranch, 40 acres deeded. 32( acres homestead relinquishment, in central Oregon near Strahorn survey ; 00 acres cleared, balance good pasture; nearly all fenced; plenty excellent wood, well. 2 sprints, fine water; 2 sets build ings; some sub-irrigated land; raises ex cellent potatoes and root crops; unlimit ed outrange, school H mile, community hall on place, pos toff ice near; $fooo. terms, or will trade for strictly modern furnished bungalow. C. C. Lilly, 1233 Borthwick st. Woodlawn 3557. DAIRY FARM. 160-acre dairy farm near Corvallls. Or. 123 acres under cultivation. 15 acres in timber, balance in pasture; live creek, new barn and silo. 7-room house, hog pen, chicken coop and other outbuild ings; on good graveled road, telephone in house; one mile from high school; price $ IS, 000, on terms; will accept small farm or suburban home as part pay ment; dealing with owner direct. JOHN J. CRAMER, Harrlsburg. Or. DAIRY RANCH EQUIPPED ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY. Half mile from Woodland. Wash.; 70 acres, all fenced; 50 acres level bottom land. 30 in cultivation ; 5-room house, bath and toilet. water piped to the house; barn 70x00 feet, outbuildings; orchard, crop, stock and equipment. Price $10,500 with cash $4r00, balance 10 years at 6. An exceptional buy. A. W. ESTES. 903 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-6". ON HIGHWAY, NEAR TIGARD. 35 acres, 22 cultivated, all can be cul tivated, black loam soil: 10 acres tim ber. 5-room plastered bungalow with plumbing, water system, electric lights being put In: woven wire fencing, barn, garage, chicken house, fine orchard, over $1hju worth of potatoes; all the other crops, complete line of machinery and stocks Included; $30u0 cash, balance long time, 6 per cent. Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. 121 ACRES NEAR EST A CAD A. "Want Portland house and lot for this place; 8 miles from Estacada. 3 miles from Col ton ; very little waste land ; 4 room house, barn 24x24 feet, chicken house: 12 acres cleared; 20 acres slashed, burned and seeded; balance second growth fir and cedar timber. Fine trout stream on place. Excellent soil and will make good home: $4( per acre. A. W. ESTES, 005 Chamber of Com. Auto. 514-63. SO ACRES. $1000 WILL HANDLE THIS. 30 acres in cultivation, balance timber and pasture, 3 springs In pasture. 7 room house, barn 30xGO. woodshed, cow, chickens, plow, cultivator, wagon with place, close to school, 2 miles to high school: price $4000, $1000 cash, balance payable yearly. A. C. HOWLAND. Pth and Main St. Oregon City. Or. . FRIDAY. THE 13TH. IS OUR LUCKY DAY and will be yours if you see us about this 40-acre ranch. Price $4500, only $150 cash. All tillable, 14 acres fine bottom in cultivation: fine spring gravity sys tem, fair house: good barn, orchard. A dandy home. 14 miles from Woodland, Wash., on countv road; some equipment. A. W. ESTES. nnrs Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-63. IGo ACRES of land. 60 in alfalfa and clo ver and under ditch; 40 of grain land, balance in small timber; house, two barns, 10 Jersey cows, farm implements. 70 tons of hay In barn, three work horses; best dairy ranch on the creek; price $20.00u. one-third down, balance on easy torms. This is a snap and bargain. Write or call E. R. Jones, Lake Creek, Or. . FOR SALE BY OWNER. 40 acres excellent land under cultiva tion. 7-room house, good barn, granary, garage, large chicken house, 200 chick ens. $6000 in buildings. Implements, horse. 6 Jerseys, family fruit, hay. oat and root crops; on good rock road 1 8 mile out. $13,000. part cash and time. See L. Kearney. 0 to 12 A. M. Hotel Oregon. iM jr PER ACRE $8. 4 ACRES. TERMS. About 10 miles from Kalama, Wash., on county road, i-mlle from Kalama river, fine water,, creek and springs: good hunting and fishing; plenty of till able land : some timber. Will make a rood home. A. W. ESTES. 905 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-63. 20 ACRES BEAVERTON. 2 4 miles from Beaverton : best land In the stnte: 5 acres cleared and under cultivation ; 4-room house. 2 plastered : barn, ehlcten house, berries and young fruit trees. Mckness compels sale; $4., on, $2000 cash, balance long time. See Mr, Vail with A. W. ESTES. OOS Chamber of Com. Auto. 514-63. LO".GE D-OFF lanus. $10 acre up; runnini water; good soli. H tillable: employ ment; easy terms- J. R. Sharps, S3 3d, I REAL ESTATE. EXCEPTIONAL GOOD BUYS. 40 acres all good rich land. 21 acres under high stato of cultiva tion, more very easily cleared, a good 7-room house, dandy barn, apple house. chicken and pig houses, etc., a full-bearing orchard of assorted fruits and small fruits. Fine well and a never-f ailing run ning water throutih place. I mile from good country town. 2 4 mile from electric station and 11 miles out on fine auto road. A bargain a t 55O0 ; terms. 40 acres. 25 under cultivation, bal ance ln woods pasture; building are new. which consist of a 6-room house, large barn, granary, rhicken and outbuildings: well and run ning water, on main county road in thickly and prosperous com munity. 2 miles from fine little railroad and river town and 14 mils from Vancouver on good auto road, and with all rural and school and high school advantages. In cludes new disc, plows, harrows, cultivator, cream separator, mower. rak. wagon, harness, and all small tools, 4 fine cows, good tested hogs, chickens, etc., and all crops, all for only $4000. $4O00 cash, bal ance at 6 per crnt interest. This is an extra good 40 acres, about 30 acres under enl tvation, balance in pasture f.ne lecl land, a dandy, Ha building spot with good housa barn and outbuildings, fruit for family use. fine water, all rural s dvant a ices at door and on newly paved road at four corners, 2 mile from a fine little railroad and river town and 14 miles from Vancouver: a oandy home tMm. Price $7500. Only $2500 cash, balance at 6 per cent interest. 44 acres. 33 under high state of cultivation, several acres of green timber and balance tn pasture, a fine trout stream through place, all rural advantages. close to school, and 8 miles out. most of way bfing paved road, includes S fine cows, a good horse, harness, all farm implements and about a thousand fine white Leghorn chick ens, a COUpl dor, geese. R turkeys, etc.. a bargain at $10,000, half cash, balance at 6 per cent in terest. THOMPSON. SWAN A LEE, Sd and Main Sts. Vancouver, Wash. 3&-AORE HOME EQUIPPED $4200. Eight miles from Woodland. Wash , on good county road; IS acres cleared; good S-room house, barn, good orchard. 8rt English walnut trees; fine spring. This is a dandy good ranch with crop, stock and equipment including house hold goods. Ready to move In and make money; $2500 cash. A. W. ESTES. P"5 Chamber of Commerce. 1440 ACRES FOR $4000. STOCK OR SHEEP RANCH. 800 acres deeded, 640 acr relinquish ment, all In one body, pienty of water and outrange; SO acres cultivated, more could be put in; 5' miles to R. R.; most favorable location for sheep. MaclNNES & PRATT. 200-10 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 154VS. FARM FOR SALE 201-t acres mile east of Beaverton on Canyon road hlRh wav, all in cultivation. A-l soil, good house, barn, hot and cold water, bath, toilet, etc.. in house, creek by house; no Incumbrance; price $500 per acre. W. S. Barxce, Beaverton, Or.. R. F. D. 2. Box 10. YAKIMA VALLEY. 20 acres, on highway. 1 mile from town : 3 acres orchard. S acres spuds and onions, balance aifalfa; fine 6-room bungalow, full cement base ment, good outbuildings; price $6000. terms. Large and small farms on easy twrms. Hover, 512 Selling bldg. NOTICE. FARMS AT BARGAINS. Yamhill. Or., has some of the best farms. We have small and large farms for sale. Let us show them to you free of charge. Phone or write Weldner & Vought. Bank bldg.. Yamhill. Or. 160-ACRB ALFALFA RANCH. Ideal stock place, with plenty of water; all level, creek bottom soil, all fenced and R. R. crosses place; big out range In Grant Co., Wash.; will con sider good auto as part payment. baU terms to suit. R 071. Oregonian. IDEAL SHEEP RANCH. 3500 ACRES. Eight hundred acres in grain, balance very fine range; plenty of good water; house and barns. For information write A. E. Epler. care Carolina court. So- attle. Wash. LARGE and small farms, dairy, grain, fruit, berry and diversified; tine clear acreage, close to school, town and high wav; sold on small payments down and monthly installments. Write or see V. R. Putnam, v. ooauurn, ur. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HAVE client for strictly modern residence; must have four bedrooms, prefers Irv lngton, might consider some other good district; will pay what the place is worth, all cash. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1SU0. Residence. East 6. 1 1. WANT 5. 6 AND 7-ROOM HOUSES. WILL PAY $1000 CASH and monthly payments; Hawthorne. Richmond or Waverley Heights pre ferred; buyer now waiting. A. W. ESTES, 00S Chamber of Com. Auto. 514-63. HAVE client for 4 or 5-acre tract with small house and some timber, east of Portlani preftrred. R. H. Confrey, KITTEit. LDWE & CO., 211-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. WE H WE over 50 buyers for Laurelhurst homes. Let us sell yours. IS talesmen to work on its sale. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1063. HAVE client for strictiy modern S-room residence, wants to buy this week; will pav up to $10.oo0, terms $1500 cash, balance $75 per month. Poindexter, 208 Selling bldg. Main 1SU0. Residence, East 6771. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot we will secure the money and build for you; terms like rent. Call and we us. , vrP HL ILURK& tirvAL.ii uavm a. 621 Morgan Bldg. Main "WE HAVE manv buyers for houses. Your house might suit. All listings are given attention. nroau way no. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak Street. WANTED IMMEDIATELY FROM OWNER. 8-room modern houne. Hawthorne, Rose City, lot 75 or 100; all cash; from S5OO0 to $5500. D 967, Oregonian. WA.VTED Six or 7-room modern house, price not to exceed $.-jOOO. to pay $1000 do n. balance monthly payments; no agents: deal with owner direct. N 9u6. Oregonian. - l"WANT"to buy a Kmall place of about 1 acre, west side preferred, with bearing fruit and berries; no expensive buildings; give terms. M 931. Oregonian. WAVTFD A 4 or 5-room house on im proved street, not to exceed $2000; will Kive Franklin roadster as first payment and some cash. Phone Woodlawn lQO. 4 TO 7-ROOM modern house In Mt. Scott district; must be a snap; will pay about 5000 cash. Write full particulars. P. O. Box 10. Lents station. Portland. Or. have S200 to pay down on house with or more lots, size and condition no object; give full particulars in first let ter. A 924, Oregonian. WILL buy or lease 4 to 2 acres of ground with 6 to 7-room house, garage or barn, n eood road, near carline. In or near city limits. H .V,. O re g on I a n. WH4.T have you to offer in modern 6 or 7-room house in vicinity of Peninsula Park 7 Give description and price. AR 37S. Oregonian. WANTED From owner, the best house that around $4500 will buy; west side; walking distance, or Irvlngton. Main S3 r. . HOME WANTED FOR CAR, Close-In bungalow, 5 to 6 rooms, $2500. for 191S Dodge car tn good condition as first payment. AN S78. Oregonian. WANTED A lot or house and lot in Garibaldi, Or.; must be cheap for cash. S. W. Bailey, Whitney Co., Garibaldi. Ore g o n. "WANT from owner 5 or 6-room house, give full par4iculars in first letter. M. C H 520 Umatilla ave. WANT to buy home up to $0000 from owner, preter hot water heat, full par ticulars desiredCJiSJlOregonian. WANT to buy small modern furnished house in suburbs on $50 down, $50 mo. G bs2. Oregonian. WANTED 4 or 6-room hou.se not mor than $2500, Woodstock or Mt. Scott dls . trict preferred. Call Main 5429. HOUSE or bungalow up to $2000; also in market for small acreage. Phone Wood lawn 3024. . WANTED House or Bungalow; have $1000 as first payment. K 9S2 Orego nian. WANT to rent or buy bungalow, cither c i ty or suburban. AL 381. Oregonian. WANTED 2 lots In Irvlnirton. Give pri and (oration. AB S90. Oregonian. W ANTED A cottage "f 4 to e loomi t all cash. A. O. 3bU Oregonian.