14 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1920 REAL KSTATE. PACIFIC AGEN'CY, INC. 514-20 S wetland Bide. Marshall 3i)S9 or Marshall 1-65. No. 505. EAST SIDE. PRICE $3800. $1000 DOWN. This Is a brand new 5-room bungalow, with lot of built-ins, nice buffet dining room, 2 nice sieeplng rooms, everything on one floor. Phone in for appointment to see this nice new home within walking distance. No. 56.'.. EAHT SIDE. PRICE $2023, CASH $5S3. This place is on E. Hassalo sL and is a delightful 5-room bun- -galow and a very nice attic; close to car line and school, on a 50 100 lot. lots of fruit and shrub bery. This place is vacant and ready to move into. Linoleum and shades remain in the house. Call early for these vacant houses don't stay vacant long. No. W3. LADD ADDITION. PRICE $6000. ONE-HALF CASH. This is a nice, new house with 6 rooms and a sleeping porch. The rooms are large and airy and de lightfully arranged ; nice French doors, fine oak floors, pipeless furnace; everything in fine con dition; on a corner lot. No. noi. I. ADD ADDITION. PRICE $7400. HALF CASH. We call this a very good buy Indeed ; well located in this fine residential district, consisting of two stories, 7 rooms, and a well appointed home. The rooms are large and airy; the floors are oak, nicely finished. Haif a block from the car line, block from school; everything in fine condition. We would be pleased to show you this by appointment. No. 607. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. PRICE $0700. CASH $1200, for this strictly modern 5-room bungalow on E. 45th 'St. N.; fine large living room with a beauti ful fireplace with a plate glass mirror, buffet dining room and a Dutch kitchen; fine hardwood floors, hot air furnace, paved street. 30x100 lot. with a fine lawn and lota of fruit and shrubbery. If you are looking for a nice lit tle bungalow out In this district It will pay you to see this one. EAST FID:. PRICE $4200, CASH $1000. t This fl-room modern home was just listed with us and we are going to try to sell it within the next few days. If you would like A modern 6-room home on the at side in walking distance we dvlse you to look this over. The pouse is well arranged; has all the modern conveniences, full baee- ient. hot air furnace and two locks from the car: some fruit. ice lawn and beautiful vines and oses. I NORTH IRVING TON. ' PRICE $2100, CASH $1200. In this little 4-room cottage, which ,5 Iso has a nice sleeping porch. e are offering you a home that ould beat paying rent at a price fou cannot afford to turn down. t is close in on the east, side, 0 blocks from the car line, on a 4xl00 lot. We might add this iace is furnished and ready to move into. You could not replace 4he furniture for less than $300. This place will have a new owner within the next, fow days. Will it be you? PACIFIC AGENCY". INC. 514-20 Swetland Bldg. Marshall oUS3 or Marshall 1265. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW FOR ONLY $5030 lt 01 THIS W KEK, Here is an 8-room 2-story bungalow on a corner- lot, wth hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, built-in bookcases, ce ment basement, lurnace. laundrv travs. dandy garage; in fact, everything that goes to make a real modern home and eel In around $7500 but can be had if taken this week for only $5050; $1500 down. You will have to hurry if you want this snap. For appointment see K. R. Jesse, 527 Corbett bldg. Main FOR SALE. By owner A new modern two-story restdei.ee with large living room, dining room, Kitcnen, breakfast nooK and wasn room on first floor; the second floor has 3 bedrooms, bath, sleeping porch and tewing room. All have hardwood floors. Enamel f i nish ; walls papered and a gas furnace in basement. Commodious ga rage; au on view lot in .Laurel hurst. Phone East 2308. 4510 East 74th St. SACRIFICE. House. 5 rooms. 2 lots, $2350. About $rt,i cash. His elect, lights, bath, ce ment walks, fine lots, garden, fruit, or namental trees, chicken house and lot. across street from two attractive homes. Owner moving to country soon. C.FO. E. ENGLBMAKT CO., Bdwy. 5173 624 Henry Bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Mndfm 5-rooni brcakfust nook, attic, fireplace, bookcase, buftet. hardwood floor, all built In. best ilumbing. iix lures, shades, finished in old ivory. pa pored walls; garage. 50xlo; lot. ail Imp. paid; close to high' school, grade school ana err. rrice $iuou. Terms. Owner, Marshall S.iS. KENTON home for sale. f ."UiOU. Business sacrtfee well-built modern 7-room bung:inw: fireplace, bu il i-ins. garage, chicken house, large flower garden, lot oxiuu. Must be seen to be appreciated. No agents. $1000 or more nnwn, oaiance terms. au ood iawn 3 .0. "EASY WALKING DISTANCE." Well built, well-appearing. 2-story 8 t room house, modern plumbing, eood fur nace, 2 toilets, good garage, full lot. no iiu'umoTance , just across tsroauwav bridge, price $5500, cash. A decided - bargain. FRED W. GERMAN, 732 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 8-room house and modern chicken house. 10x38 feet; cement w electricity and gas. furniture and ove SO chickens, all YV hue Leghorns; , minutes' walk to O. R. & N. car shops, 20 minutes waiK to Union depot an four car lines are near by; $35oo; with out chickens and furniture $3000. 193 ivy st. KINK PIEDMONT HOME. Offered by owner for first time; strict ly in 3d urn, clean, newly remiished in side and out; would cost $18,000 to du pi Kate tod.ty; wiM bell for $12,000 cash ocaliou S W. corner Mallory and Jar rett. Ma. 12J0 Mallory. uwner on prem IhtS. 1RVINGTON DUTCH COLONIAL, $0000 must be sold at once; six rooms and S, F. Hardwood floors, white woodwork, modern in every ueiiin ana exceptional attractive ; fine garage and lots of shrubs: groumi uxiw; two blocks fro cur. Bdwy. 432. IRVINGTON SNAP SG00O. At inactive 2-story, 6-rooni - house corner hi r.. 1-th and Hancock, vacant Just repainted and decorated nsul out; old ivory finish, oak floors, fire place and "I urnace. room for garage, l a tor -H' t . WONDERFUL BAKtJAIN, ALA MUD A. Select six looms and sleenine norch white enamel, hardwood floors, garage 5u0. terms; $1000 cash. $50 moiUh, including in if rest. fc.ast 1347. A i i I insurance policy is a guaranty by a responsible company that ou will not suffer loss on account of tne title to your real estate. When you buy rea. estate get a title insurance policy. absirict required, luie & Trust com- pany. STRICTLY modern fi-room house in Haw thorne ave. district, on lot 50x100; 150 choice rotes and shade trees; ready for imir.ediHte possession. Owner must sell at once Pi iv- $4S50. Cnll Tabor 3.'.ts. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE Charming home, original design, ivory finish, art paper, oak floors. French doors, garage. own er leaving city. Main Ji07;. Evenings East :U4. ' ' WALKING distance, west side, 7 rooms, bath. 2 fireplaces, electric lights, gas, cement basement ; lot 50x100. $5v 00. t half cash. See owner evenings. 407 10th street. W 1 LI. seil cheap or trade nice u-room house, lot 5uxl05, lots of fruit trees, chicken hoU!e, etc. WO Powell Vulley road. MiW 4-ROOM bungalow, open fireplace, bathroom, full basement and 2 lots, e! 47th and Multnomah: $4750. easy terms John Bain. 5u7 Spalding bldg.. owner . EVERY purchaser of reai estate saouid have his title Insured. Better be sale t ft an sorry. Title & Trut com pa ay . $200 5-ROOM modern home. Tremont addition; immediate delivery. Phone Mam 7J1S. Terms. . CLOSE your real estate deal quickly through title Insurance. No abstract re qiilred. Title A Trust company. TITLE insurance saves time and money because no abstract is required. Tide c Trust company. REAL KSTATE. Marshall 1893. CLOSE IX. SUXXYSIDB $500 DOWN No. 9A 6 rooms and a floored attic. 3 good bedrooms, plumbing, laundry trays, cement basement, newly painted .in side and out ; cement walks, paved streets in and paid for. only 1 block to Sunnyslde car. Price $3500. $500 cash, balance $35 per month. . $600 DOWN. No. 124 Good 6-room house, plumb ing, gas and electric lights, screens, shades, paved streets, close to school and carline; lot 40x100. Price $33uO; $000 cash, balance $22 per month. HAWTHORNE $300 DOWN No. 8 A 6-room Queen Anne style house. 3 good bedrooms, plumbing, gas. efectric lights. cement basement. 1 block to carline. only 5 blocks to high school ; vacant, move right In ; paved street and sewer In and paid for. Price $3600; $500 cash, balance $35 per month. . BIG SNAP No. 53 5-room cottage, good plumb ing, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, good buildings, large bedrooms and .closets; sightly corner lot 50x100; both streets are paved and paid for. Price $3800; $1500 cash, balance $40 per month. Remember this is only one block to car, this side of 35th. $700 Hawthorne home at Mount Scott prices ; a large 2-storv. 6-room house, only 10 years old. Price $3700; $700 cash, balance $25 per month. SPECIAL NOTICE Call at our office and see the many photos of fine homes we are offering in Kose City and Laurelhurst. LAWYERS' TITLE & TRUST CO.. 285 Stark Street, Near 4th. Marshall 1808. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. THREE LOTS. CHOICE FRUIT AND SHRUBBERY, FOR $4500. ' -We know you cannot find any better value than this In the city, nor a more homelike place for anything like the price. The house is just 4 years old. .very large living room with il replace, targe dining room and kitchen, hardwood floors on livina room, dfnine room and downstairs bedroom, all bedrooms and kitchen done in white enamel, large sleeping porch, lavatory uo and down stairs, best white enamel plumbing; the three lots have an abundance of choice shrubbery, grape arbors and all kinds beaming fruit: price for quick sale. $4500; must nave S2.0O cash. Call at 4U t os ter road and examine the premises, or can on Hargrove Realty Co., 1-- r 6th St. Broadway 43S1. S.VM) RUSK CITY PARK $5550. This fine seen-room home couldn't be duplicated for $0500. It has all modern features. fJreDlace. built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, full concrete basement, fruit room, furnace heat, expensive new ga rage with full cement runway. The street imDrovements are paid. - Pay f,air payment down, then $25 monthly and interest. Don't overlook a good. buy. oee tnis tonay. COUTH & KOHLMAN, Main 6550. 228 Chamber of Co AM AUTHORIZED to sell at a great sacrifice, parties going to California, 3 5 - room and t h ree 4 - room mod e rn bun galows, with large lots and garage; fine river view. Houses- contain breakfast nooks. electricity. modern plumbing, billiard, built-in buffet, polished floors. fireplaces, garden with fruit trees and berries; located on highway and close to school, isear new iron ore cuscoverie. Ideal summer home. Must be seen to be appreciated. See A. Frisendahl. Co lumbia City, Or., near St. Helens, Or. HOUSES FOR SALE. 4 rooms semi-modern, small house 1n the rear that rents for $12.' Price SlfioO. Sb50 cash and Sl.-i a month. 4 rooms modern. Price $2100. $500 cash and. $25 per month, four blocks from car. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, full base ment, modern. Price $2700. $1250 cash. $25 a month, one block to car. See Mr. Croxford. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. $4500 BUYS BRAND NEW PORTLAND BUNGALOW. 5 ROOMS AND BREAKFAST NOOK HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, old Ivory finish, tapestry paper and n'eyery tning. Call Owner. R S. McFarland, Tabor 2740. After 6 P. M. $2700. 5-room cottage In Hawthorne district house is neat and attractive, full plumb ing, concrete Tounaauon, good basement 5Oxl00 lot. good lawn, fruit and ber ries, sewer and paved street in and paid; p-ir $270O, some terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 653 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S1 MUST RAISE CASH. 3-room house. Alberta district, toilet, bath and gas, 3 lots. This place cost over $2500. Will sacrifice for $1750. $300 casn. baiance $30 per month. Including interest. tome early, as mis win See Mr. Vail, with A. W. ESTES. 905 Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS RESIDENCES Offered by owner for sale: 724 Patton road $61 00 726 Patton road R000 730 Patton road 7500 One lot. 72S Patton road 1500 For particulars call Broadway 405, or see owner at 24 1 Ankeny street. NOB HILL CORNER. WORTH $16X00; PRICE $10,500. Strictly modern 11 -room house, two fine baths. 4 fireplaces, garage, etc. Th ad. means lust what I- says; don bother me unless you mean business $4500 cash down. Call Marshall 12G5 and ask for Mr. Fulton. EAST HOLLADAY BUNGALOW. New. five rooms, with !are attic, era rage, fireplace, hardwood floors, large iivmg room ana ammg room in front ; these bungalows are $1000 less than vou can buy one like them elsewhere; move right in. uwner and builder, .Main 4oX East 6372. WTLL SELL my home, a $7500 value. $."iS0O if taken this week; absolutely Ui best buy in city of Portland. All modern throughout, good lawn and fruit trees, everything In perfect condition. 657 E. 6.th st. and Sandy blvd. Main entrant to Kose city race tractc. $2200 "BUYS this 6-room house with tath. on paved street, with sewer, gas, elec tricity and water; on car line; small payment down, balance like rent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Artistic 5-room bungalow, modern ex cept t'urnat-e; 3 doors from car line; new ly decorated, beautiful lawn and shrub bery, garage; only $4500. on terms; $2400 cash. Marshall 1318. BY OWNER $3500, Walking distance, pleasant S-room cottage, 303 Cherry street, near Williams avenue. FOR SALE Modern 7-room house, good , location, hardwood floors, plate glass windows, plenty closets, light and clean. furnished or unfurnished; a bargain. Call . Tabor 1951. KOSE CITY PARK Modern 7-room house hardwood floors, fireplace, built-ins. 3 bedrooms, full basement and Dutch kitchen; newly painted inside and out. - Ca'l East 204. Owner. BLOCK with 3 double houses, income $tl0; S. E. cor. East ith and East Grant sts.. H block northeast Interstate ave. and Bryant sts.; income $20, good terms. H E. M i serve, Rhododendrum. Or. ROSE CITY PA RK 7-room new modern bungalow ; hirvnin. $5000. Terms $'nO0 cash; lot 5isl0 J; all modern conven iences; belutlTul plact-. H. V. GARLAND. COI 3d St. IRVINGTON COR N E R . 6 ROOMS. ONLY $tf0tO. Dandy 0-room modern house, 50x.l00. corner. 3 blocks to Broadway car. Call Marshall l'f5 and a.k for Mr. Fulton. 2:iOO 4 B1XCK. East Oak. large house, dilapida ted condition ; can be repaired ; close in: property with merit at bargain. Call forenoons, apartment 22. East 3i0. WE have already examined the title to your property and can issue you a titl insurance policy without delay. Title A Trust comitany IRVINGTON. $5500 price, to sell at once; large roomy 7-room house; open f:re; hardwood floors gara ge. See owner 433 E. ICth N. Mar. 1 SSI. CLOSE your real estate deal without an noying details by using a title insurance poiicy. No abstract required. TU'.s Trust company. MODERN bungalow. 5 rooms, sleeping porch, 1 block from Mississippi ave. car. blocks from Jefferson high; $4000; no atent?. Call Wood lawn 014. 0-RUOM house for rent. 2 biocks from Franklin high school. 40 per month. 3119 54th st. S. L. Mt. Scott car. FOR SALE .-room house. $500; $.'0 down, balance io per month. 4704, 79th street S. E. MODERN 5-room ' bungalow. Willamette He is. lis. Cail owner. Main 5494. . REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 1000 Photographs of Homes for Sale. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Because it is the ORIGINAL SUPE RIOR, SCIENTIFIC. MODERN method of home selling. The McGUIRE SYSTEM has won an international reputation and established a national record. The sys tem of Real Service. We protect your every interest. We eliminate your every house-hunting problem and put you in Immediate touch with the home of your requirements. Every one of our 1000 homes is personally inspected and ap praised. Our IS autoa and courteous, experienced salesmen constantly at your service. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. $4500 Beautiful Piedmont $500 down. easy payments; substantial, at tractive, modern 8-room home; solid panel dining room, conve nient white Dutch kitchen. 3 airy bedrooms, sleeping porch, full cement basement with furnace, large lot with fruit, nut antH beautiful shade trees; newly ren ' ovated ; vacant. Convenient to J-efferson high, school and libraryi 4500 IRVINGTN Df STRICT; 6 rooms and sleeping porch are contained in this very attractive IRVING TON home: artistically designed. fireplace and art glass bookcases in living room; paneled dining room with massive outlet; con- venient white Dutch kitchen : cozy den; hardwood floors; full cement basement, furnace, etc. ; paved, city liens paid; garage. TERMS. We have over 1000 homes for sale and hundreds of bargains. $2200 ADJOINING LAURELHURST on the west, on a, CORNER LOT; paved street liens paid, is this attractive bungalow; very artistic lines; duplicate of 4-room mod ern apartment. j..ivjua. $2500 Just three blocks nortfa of the , east approach of the steel bridge on a 71x100 ft. lot. are three cot tages bringing in good Income; or they could be divided and sold separately at a good profit. Forced sale to close an estate. $3150 Just east of Piedmont on Alns worth ave., on a full corner lot is this 7-room double constructed, very substantial modern home 2 bathrooms, fireplace, built-ins, paved street ; worth $4500. We can't duplicate this wonderful bargain. CLOSE TO VANCOUVER CARS. $2900 On Russet st. near Rod-ney, just 2 blocks off Union avenue, among the cool fir trees, is this very ar tistic, typical bungalow; large vine-covered front porch; attract ive living room with cheery fire place; dining room with massive buffet; white Dutch kitchen ; white enamel plumbing ; elec tricity and gas; tull lot with a wilderness "f berries and flowers. TERMS. This is AN UNDIS PUTED BARGAIN. I $2800 It's no use to debate about val ues, when you've seen this WON DERFUL HOME BARGAIN, be cause your point is 100 per cent won! On E. Madison, near 42d, on a full lot, with fruit, is this typical 5-room modern bungalow; white enamel plumbing, electrici ty, gras, I block to car. Terms. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS BE FORE YOU BUY. $2750 AN ALBERTA BUNGALOW; 6 rooms ; ideal floor plan; prac tically new; very attractive, mod- '- ern and bargain that you could not duplicate. On E. 2th, near Going. Terms, This is a better bargain than any Alberta home you have looked at. Let us prove It. We'll send one of .our machines right out for you. and we have dozens of other .. Alberta homes that you may in ' bpect at the same time. HUNDREDS of families have found and purchased, just the home they de sired through "THE McGUfRE SYS TEM." since January 1. 1920. There are many reasons WHY. Here is one. We have the largest display room in the United States, where over 1000 photo graphs of appraised homes are dis played, each m its respective district. Under every picture is full information regarding the home it represents. A FEW MINUTES spent In this mod ern office will accomplish as much as weeks of aimless shopping. SEE FRANK L. McGUIR E. To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. - Main IO"?. 106 od St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. 3 -MILES FROM CITY, $JO PER ACRE. 40 acres, only 3 miles from city Tim its, just off good road; fine location and beautiful view; 1:1 acres in cultiva tion, all fenced, all good soil; wonder ful possibilities for fruit and berries. $150' per acre, with terms. . MacINNES & PRATT, Broadway 1058. J09-1!10 Oregon Bldg. LAURELHURST. A Beautiful Home. ItA-s-tory, practically new, double-constructed 7-room bungalow, near Laurel hurst . park, all of the latest improve ments; ."rttxlOO lot with garage; full price $75uO, first payment JJ400, bal ance very easy. Autos at Your Service. GEO. T. MOORE CO., J007 Yeon Bldg. DEKUM & JORDAN. $2000 4-room bungalow, full base ment, bath and toilet, hot and cold water. 50x100 lot on hard-surface street on carline; 4 fruit trees. Terms. DEKUM & JORDAN. ' 3 '-'3 -4 Chamber of Commerce bids.. 4th and Stark sts. Main 2:i:t. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 6-room residence, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, cement basement and furnace, lot 50x100; sewer and pavement paid for, close to school; bargain at $4300. If you have $1400, balance could.be handled monthly. Autos at Your Service. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. $G2.-.0 EASY TERMS. 10!i4 EAST 2."TH NORTH. 6-room bungalow, fireplace, cement basement, enamel plumbing. SOxlOO. fruit. Vs. block Alberta car, worth loads more - than price; foreclosed, $3J50; terms, $25 per month. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Ablngton Bldg. :;5 Years in Portland." Main 4S03. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 5-room modern, large attic, fireplace, hardwftod. floors. Dutch kitchen; ,1xok- cases. built-in drawers in bedrooms, full lot. full basement, laundry trays, east front, on Improved street, assessments all paid: j4on. CLE V ELAND-HENDERSON CO. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main B752. $2iiOFIVE ROOMS $2300. $toi cash. bal. $3U per month for 5-room bungalow, bath, toilet, electric lights, newly papered and linoleum in kitchen and bath, paved streets, 1 block car, Mt Tabor district. MARSHALL. 1022. $4550 WAVERLY RICHMOND. G-room elegant home: all conveniences, double garage, block car, paved streets; terms. .Main 4S(M. - G. O. GOLDENBERG. Ablngton Bid. "35 Years- in Portland.' TAKE IRVINGTON CAR. Brand new six-room bungalow, strict' Jy modern; hardwood floors, furnace and built-ins; all st. lrnpts. paid; $'.."u cash will handle. Go tee it today. 2I East lth st. N. Phone owner, East 4000. GIVE HOME CHEAP. 5 room, fine condition, hardsurface st:'; owner compelled, to sell; two blocks car; 15 minutes out: Price $2t;oo. 301 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BIDG. ' Main 7931. SPECULATION INVESTMENT Cottage, lot 60xl2n, new city park. C74 E. 21st St.; paved street, carline, sewer all paid; also lot 67xl2U. 22d- st., all for $2700; . terms urgent. AF SS4, Oregonian. WELL, LOOK WHO'S HERE. PRICE $lfetH $3i0 CASH. 5-room furnished house, on car line ; near Peninsula and Lombard. Phone Marshall 3989. FULL CHARGE offered of city depart ment; new homes and good listings: must be familiar . with city; have his own car and be on the square; fine con tract. Write AF 8S7. Ore'gonian. SELLVVOOD. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, $2700. Strictly modern, full basement, wash travs, paved street; $750 cash. MARSHALL 1022. IRVINGTON bungalow, 5 rooms and ga rage, modern, ivory finish, oak floors, furnace, built one year; price $4b00, $1500 cash. Tabor 504. 7-ROOM house, close in. will sell to re sponsible party at very reasonable terms, worth your time to investigate, M 9SS, Oregonian. ATTORNEY in position to deliver big bar gain. 300x100, near 30th and E Salmon, S rooms, hot water heat, clear; no com mission. Main SI 99. 4-ROOM house, unfurnished, water, lights, gas; sewer in street; iot 64x100. 657 E. 51st. st. N. Phone 790. 4-ROOM bungalow. 1 b-ock southeast of postoffice. Maplewood. Or. Call eveninga. BRAND NEW 5-room buugalow. full con crete basement. $4250. 1571 Miss. ave. SUNNY SIDE. TAGE. 1000 OWNER. 6-ROOM COT E. SALMON. ' MODERN 7-room home, good netghbor I hood, c!os in. toOOU. Tabor 6337. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Hoi IRVINGTON DISTRICT. 538 E. 20TH. N. We want you to go see this nice home, completely modern and in fine condition; We are offering at the very moderate urn of $75C0. $3000 will handle. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION. 368 Multnomah st.. you will see a fine 8-room home, 4 nice bedrooms upstairs living-room, dinning-room, breakfast-room and kitchen downstairs, hardwood floors in hall, living and dining rooms and stairway; fine concrete garage; one of the best built. No better location on the fast lde- Price is extremely low at $&00. Term. SOUTH MOUNT TABOR, o-room bungalow and we must sell' this week. Nice large living and dining rooms with built-ir. buffet. Dutch kitchen, h cement basement, garage; lot 45x100; best of electric wiring and plumbing. Price $30U0. Terms. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. t Broadway 2aso. S5 4th at. - LAURELHURST. NEW, NIFTY BUNGALOW. $950. 4 Here you are. folks Here Is that real nifty, double-constructed bungalow with lots of class and distinction. The real structural quality of this fine home will make its appeal The interior arrange ment is the VTry height of perfection. You yourself couldn't plan it better. Then, too, it has one of those new bun galow exteriors with a large cement porch. This is complete to the last de tail; near car; reasonable terms. It'll be a downright pleasure to show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., - ; 270 Stark St., near 3d. Main 3092. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. Tabor 0586. FOR SALE. 5-room house, electric - lights, gas, bath, cement walks paid. ( fruit and F?-r?n--ear carline.- For quick sale oOO. $00 cash, balance easy 7. i -room good house,, lot 100x100. elec tric lights, gras. bath, fruit and garden. near carline; $3.'.00. $500 cash, balance easy terms at 7. .r.?'?11!. houe. close to carline. elec 1L "fr1 e8- bath, a nice homey place with chicken house and yard. rr.. r-2: 500 cash' balance, easy terms at . See Mrs. Noble evenings and Sunday. Tabor 27U3. 1WTEKSTATB INVESTMENT CO-..' Bdwy. 504:i. i Henry bldg. A REAL HOME. Beautiful grounds. 150x100: not further out than 50th street: abso lutely one of the handsomest bun galows in the city; seven rooms, hot water heat, two baths, a double f-t-ifM lat would cot at least ?"?to !uiId at th Present time. i .inot a.tlmPt to describe this beautiful home. Suffice to say first cost was $20,000 five years ago. borne bargain at $13,000. B-ertur2 and Be Mr. Delahunty at Main 1700 8t" .r phone him at ROSE CITY PARK: 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $3400. time advertised; you never would expect to buy a modern 5-room bun ?u,t"Z . thU PP"a-district for $3400. S .En OWm?r has aake1 u to sell and evidently he doen t know values, r iJrt re opportunity for someone, thf ShOW you tim"- Oh, yes. the bungalow has a fireplace, -full ce ment basement, wash traysT etc 0 A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St.. near 3d. Main -8092. Branch Office 50th and Sandy . Tabor 058fl. LAURELHURST1. -B-room colonial house, "close to STm Kark:,iui,t bout 8 months; will be sold at a sacrifice and on i?JZr?tBy terms- The best of con strurtion guaranteed. This- is orth investigating. Phcn - for appt. to Inspect. East 171. eve nings only, bet. B and 7 P M iZVfL?-1' Poaitiveiy no agents or commission. j living i. -? weii-ouut Dungalow; large Kh .timing room combined, with fireplace; two bedrooms, lure. nrf U . windows; bathroom. kitchen 11 . complete basement with .m Wished; strong spring with IE 1 pressure pumps provides abundant water. Lot' 100x100: fruit VZt?1 8ti!ian? cr?.8 corner of lot. Good fr t? Jocatibn .about Ave blocks from Riverdale station. Mrs. Helen S T?V-" JAfS SDal"ns bide. Main S66 5-ROOM LAURELHURST BUN GALOW. ThJs Is a litle palace and Is very close to the park; 5 rooms, nice attic, good garage; all hardwood siTn" Ver7 ""onable terms. Seen by appt. onlv SEE MR. DELAHUNTY 270 V Stark St.. or Phone him at Main 1700. TABUR SWELL HOME, $15 000 -Nine-room large residence, 4 flreolae I"aCeV J11 bullt-lna. librae- few' KiH Wt. .' me- terms ir de tired Photo at our ofHce. Shown b! appointment onjy ouvwn uj ,,o J?LTSSI & BENNETT. ' o.o-j-i ooaru ol Trade. Main 74-." nomp 5 nice, large rooms n.i k,.w ' "r r 7 rotmis ana bathroom on 5!?n?-f,,oor: has hardwood floors, buf- H rh.n r T. ' "replace and built-in . i-cuiiil o&sement, a i dou ble constructed, on paved street, witl tVa; n an? "nt: on' S blks. GT N oFXo$SSZ 'COT1"' JJ33N. W. Bank .Bldg. Main 37S7. 2830 SPECIAL SALE $850. ",8w ,us? or J rooms, semi-modern. kVk "un run cement basement LaAn' ?as electricity, luOxIOO lot fruit blocks tn ASrL 'dewalk:..- 1 ' 35 cash, balance L5 per Sonth" 'j'SJ cent interest. See Mr. Vail with 005 Chamber of Commerce. MOUNT SCOTT CAR 'LINE 4-room plastered bungalow n good condition, electric lights, city wltSf etc; fine lot, 9 bearing fruit trees also small fruit, stable for cow, or can be TokT araee: 150 down- OEOTAYoOKaE CO-flYeon Bid. $34 UO. 41ST. S. E. Neat fr-reom. story -and-half home ncrete foundation garage, chicken house, fruit trees and Mie fiVe arde. 50x100 lot? $1200 will handle this good buy. ASK FOR vp tit iJcj -..CO? A- McKENNA & CO. 4tll St. Mnin 4522. MOUNT SCOTT CAR, Ui?rt ?l?iSt bath a"d t0,Iet' Dutch kitchen, full cement basement. 80x100 Jot fine garden, close to school, good iH ?VSS& bK Vs as S-arage; $600 cash will handle, baiance monthly Autos at Your Service. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bl d g. WESTTORELAND BUNGALOW. ON LY fir". '". 1 1 a c-vr a t Others would not hesitate to ask $7000 for similar homes: every convenience ciate JeWel lhat OU wl" aPP . . , 4 G.C. GOLDENBERG. Ablngton Bldg. Maln 4S03 NOB HILT : ' Beautiful 1 0-room English residence, hm. fB 1 , l"akes an aristocratic i . uniana s most exclusive dis trict; hardwood floors. 3 bedrooms, sleep ing porch and maid s quarters, garage For appointment to see this iall Mrs , Lucius, Tabor 30S9. NEW MOnVRV c: -ni r....- 8 rooms, corner, hardsurface st.. two tnlin? ?eW: fiickn compels owner e e TOW tnis Property. Price 30r RAILWAY EXCHANGE BIDG Main 7931. ALBERTA SXAP! r PRICE $2000 $soo CASH 4fWinmfUnaI' -modern. and 4ttxlOO Tot; furniture for sale cheao Phone Mar. 3989; automatic 219-19 eve nings. 4-ROOM Ro?e City Park bungalow; mas V rPlac- bookcases. Dutch kitchen; $22-0. $.oo cash. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO 305 Oak St. FIV R-ROOil bungalow: eight fruit trees adjacent lots in garden; rent free; chick en house. St. Johns car to Concord. 63 W. Church. TITLE insurance la tne modern way of handling titles to real estate. Quicker, costs less and no abstract required. Title A Trust company. SELLWOOD, 7 ROOMS PLASTERET $265u. Modern, full basement, 1 block car and school; $750. Marshall 1022. $425u MOtR. six-room Hawthorne bungalow; hardwood floors, built-ins, full basement. 300 East 46th. Tabor 45SU. Owner. MODERN -room bungalow on Portland Heights for sale by owner. Mar. 16S'J. BY owner, modern bungalow, one block from car. 11U5 E. 29th N. Woodlaws 3648. ' arie attio ,re sl?P'n porch, iaa:U1pCaver0d0Ttrefe0r aU"'.., '? SEAL ESTATE. For Ssvle -Hoi BEST-MADE HOME IN PORTLAND FOR HALF ORIGINAL COST. THIS PLACE IS UP TO THE MINUTE IN EVERY PARTICULAR. This wonderful home is located on 'lOtisclO lot overlooking the city and within three blocks of the best school In Portland; two blocks to best car service in city. The house is built from the ground to attic of the best material and workmanship that money can buy; not a dollar is required In improvements, as it is up to the minute and just like new. There is a double garage, which is fireproof. Full cement basement with servant's rooms, bath and. toilet and fruit room, hot water ii eating- system. Tho first floor has 16-foot livrng-room 4n old ivory finish, large eastern oak finished library, solid mahogany fin ished dining-room, wonderful kitchen " and, breakfast room ; also a very large screened-in back porch: all windows are . plate glast with copper wire screens. ;' Second floor has five large bedrooms : and sleeping- porch and shower bath. The attic is finished into gymnasium billiard hall and dance hall. This is without exception the best made home and the best buy in Portland. If you want a refined, high-class home at half value, this, I am sure, will appeal to you. Particulars, G. A. Sariea. 733 Northwestern Bank bldg. attention: rose city park buyers. We are the leaders in sales in the nose tjity farfc district. We maintain a branch office there at 50th and Sandv boulevard. We are better equipped than anyone else to handle property in that district, most of our salesmen live there. auuw neariy every nouse in tne sec tion and those who want to sell natur ally come to us with their Rose City property. Jjoesn t It stand to Tea son that we can serve you best ? At any rate it would be folly to buy with out first seeine our liKtintrM Thi mrh is sure it would be. poor business judg- iiicm. uet us snow you you will be uauer no ODllgattons. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 70 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3092. Branch Office 60th and Sandy. ' Tabor 9586. A SUBURBAN HOME In That Beautiful Residence District. MULTNOMAH. Strictly modern, practically new. S room bungalow, bath, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, lights, gas, city water, full cement basement, lmmirv tmv- n-ar 3 large chicken houses, beautiful half acre of ground, hard-surface road; 6 blks. school, 4 blks. Multnomah station; 'ur ine exceeaingiy low price of SOOOO. Pay $25041 cash, we can arrange balance. f urnienea with beautiful mahogany fur niture, Including piano, which can be bought at less than half value. Really a beautiful home and excellent bargain. . - -fiuios ai iour service, OHO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. HE R K IS YOl'R fWAvr! Good 6-room bungalow and over an acre of ground good little barn, chicken house and run, 1 1 fruit trees, good roads, 20 minutes' waik Lents June tion, 8c' fare; only 2200. with easy "lO. Jill . jrfiooy. 'Tint-class 6-room, one and one-half eiory oungaiow, nearly new, fireplace, pipelfKS furnace, targe Dutch kitchen. uoiuuiur .ivxiuv-iooi lot, plenty or iruit, pared street. 400, terms. See Mr. i INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Brpadway 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. WHY J25 Month Rent WHEN c' $25 Month Will Buv a Home? We have a number nf wel l.cnnit r ncl tA 3 and 4-room bungalows lu first-class locations inai must be sold account ol owners naving taken Jobs in other cities They are real snaps. Can be bought as iow as iuvju. on very easy terms. .Why pay rent to the landlord when the same .amount of monev will buv a home of your own? Our salesman will be pleased . to snow you any or tnem. Autoe at Your Service. OEO.-T. MOORE CO., lOOT Yeon Bldg. WALKING DISTANCE. ... E. 201 h and Division, ll-sto-ry double 'constructed. fl-room residence, bath fireplace, full cement haRpme-nt. laun dry trays, sewer; an exceptionally gtod ouy ior oniy o'uu, iirst payment fUOO, oaiance on terms. Let Ls Show You. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 10M" Yeon Bldg. Suburban Home. IN CITY LIMITS of Grerh&m. 54 acres. under high state of cultivation; fruits of different, varieties, .about one acre in raspberries, best kind of soil, three cnicKen nouses, one hundred chicken; and good cow; good barn, garage, good .J-room modern home. Bull Run water. ga.s connected up and electric iignis. Align t traae tor a gooa. larm, stocked. Price, direct from owner. $10. 000. Address R. D Cruikshank. route 4, dox 7, toouth Roberts ave., on Damas cus roaa. rnone 3Ut, uresnam IN MILWAUKIB, OREGON CITY LINE Nearly 3 lots In Milwaukle. 8 kind. of bearing fruit trees, berries, graphs. rose hedge and shrubbery. 7-room house. city water, gas, electric lights, garage, chicken house, graveled tareet. , This . place is in fine condition, with good ''In come from the fruit: price $2500, $1000 cash. Photos at office. JOHN FE RGUSON, Ge Hln gcr Building. 5 ACRES. HOUSE. BARN. Good well, windmill, city water and electricity can be had. some fruit, all fine cultivated land, no gravel or city asseVsmeiits; 2 miles closer in than Lents; $(1500. terms. Main 1643. 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. IF YOU are looking for an attractive su burban home-with city conveniences on paved highway, near Oregon City cars and good school, call at corner River and Meldrum roads or phone Oak Grove 102-M. Fruit, flowers, fine garden, beau tiful grove and shrubbery. ONE ACRE, mostly in cultivation, located at Evergreen station, on the Oregon City carline. with five-room plastered hous. full cement basement, city gas, chicken house. All buildings in fine repair. Only $215U. and $500 wilt handle. John E. Howard. 31S Cham, of Com. ONE-HALF acre, 3-room house; gas, city water, chicken house, garden in; 3 blka to carr $1 l5o. $500 cash. . INTERSTATE LAND CO., 24S Stark St. Main 5429. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located. "near car line, from J 1800 up. - Inquire 3d house north --of Kisley station, on Oregon City car - une, sign Aiaer 5rooK. 10 ACRES, Gresham district, $000; good house, barn, orchard, hen houses. Main 37 McFarland. Failing bldg. $1000 BRYANT. Oswego take house, acre, $300 cash. , Main 3972. McFarland Realty uo., , bailing Diag. For Sale--Business Property. HALF block of ground, . bet. 1st and 2d sts., close-in property, which we are . compelled to elt for $22,500. There are several owners concerned who wish an immediate liquidation, consequently the sacrifice. The property is assessed at sjo.uuu. even in is is 20 per cent below the market, making an exceptional buv, either for bldd-ers or speculators. For particulars call on BEN RIESLAND, 404 ir'iatt mag., ui rarn st. QUARTER block. East Water street, near Morrison bridge, close 4n. trackage, sac rifice, easy terms. Owner. AF 776, Ore- gonian. i . For Sale -Acreage. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND Write for map of western Washingtan showing location, price and terms Over 10,000 acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers , WEYBRHASUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. . LOGGED-OFF LANDS. Tracts, 5 acres up, located within 30 miles 01 rortianaon raiiroau; good soil no rock, plenty of water: work nparhv- buy on your own terms. Price $20 to $65 per acre. LEUDDEM ANN CO.. 913 Chamber, of Commerce. ACREAGE on Red Electric lin m !a :ti down, and $10 per month ; city water. and electricity available; 7c fare. - Trf" can't beat thla proposition anywhere around Portland. See N. - H. AT cm au., " enry pig g. 5 ACRES, cleared, fenced; no buildings; on Powell Valley road, close in; $3000, oUU casn. per montn. INTERSTATE LAND CO., 24S Stark St. Main 5429. WE HAVE over 500 small places, close to Portland: some on paved roads close to electric line; all have been Inspected; photos at office. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger bldg. HOMESEEKERS' OPPORTUNITY. One to 5 acres, easily cleared.'jclose in; $50 down. $5 month. 334 College st. Call 12 to 3 P., M. SACRIFICE Choice 15 acres near Van couver, good buildings. Ideal location; $350O. worth $40o0. 141 East 60th street North.' Tabor 7I55. FOR SALE by owner, 2u-acre tract near Newberg. partially planted to fruit; about 15 acres in cultivation; price $4000, terms. Write box 35. Newberg. Or. 10 ACRES. Haselwood. short distance east of city. Bull Run water, good soil, $3000; will divide. Owner. 010 Ch. of Com. Phone Mar. 1535. 20 ACRES rood fruit lai'd in prune belt et st cf Vancouver, on good road. $2,"O0. Easr lerms Lee-Robertson Co., 413 Cor bett bldg. 2 ACRES, end of Hawthorne line, cul tivated, lies finely, $25O0. adjoining ground $1500 per acre up; owner. 91H Ch. of Com. Phone Mar. 15-S5. THREE beautiful acres, cheap if taken right away. 1 block from station on S. P. electric, near highway. Owner Main REAL ESTATE. -Acreage. GET TOUtt ACVEAGK NOW. t Acre All leVtel, clos to elect. ta S miles from city limits. No bldgs. Price $400. $50 cash, $10 per month. 6 Acres AH level and cultivated. On county road near Orenco; no blda Black loam soiL $1000. $100 cash. 5 Acres 2 acres in cult., balance ready: no bldgs.; 4 miles from city limits. lu00. $500 cash, $10 per montla. 20 Acre-BlacJr loam soil, mostly level. - small creek, no improvements; 4 miles from HUlsboro. $1S00; $300 cash, 2 teres Black loam soli, 19 acres In cult., on county road, no bldgs. ; 3 miles from HtUsborjo. $4500. Some terms. 33 Aci-es On Mo la 11a river bottom, one mile to station; no improve ments; some easy clearing. $2-50. $1450 cash. 40 .exes Practically all tillable. 2 acrea In cult., bal. brush and timber; no bldL-s. $1600; $200 cash. $15 per month. 44 Acrea Near Wilsonville, on county road. A In cult.: no bldgs ' good spring; easy cleared.! v $;i740; $1000 cash. THE JfRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce Bidtf. NINE MILES FROM COURTHOUSE. . ' aores,- all in cultivation, woven 1 wire fences, good barn, on rock road, V mile south of Base line on Barker road; excellent location; I am authorized to offer this beautiful tract for the ex treme low price of $4500; reasonable cash payment, easy terms. 5 ACRES $500. Near Bell station, all improved, very best of soil; fine berry land; $1000 will handle. 20 ACRES $5250. HVk miles from Tualatin or Sherwood, good 6-room house. lSVt acres In culti vation. 2 acres berries. 4 acres beaver- dam. 1 acre onions. 6 M acres stump pas ture easily cleared); the crops go with tne ptace ana easv terms. 40 ACRE? $5000. One mile off paved highway in Wash ington county, near Sherwood ; 20 acres in cultivation. 2 acres family orchard. 40 prune trees, 20 acres stump pasture with some timber reserved; spring water for stock every day in the year, no waste, no rock or gravel, 2 V4 acres spuds, fair buildings, crops, team horses, 1 cow, 1 yearling heifer. 1 spring calf, brood sow, 2 dozen chickens, wagon, hack, plows, etc.; very sightly; a splendid bargain n this place ;half cash bandies; 5 years optfbaal payments on balance, 8 per cent -O. B. R1PPE1'. 610 McKay Bldg. Main 6220. 10 ACRES ON PAVEMENT FIVE MILES FROM CITY LIMITS. Ten acres of nice, smooth land, alt In crop, which,, goes with place; practi cally new 5-room plastered bungalow, large living room with fireplace, built ins, all screened, hot and cold water, bath, splendid white . enamel plumbing, bearing oi chard. Remember, it is only 5 milts from city limits of Portland, on paved road and right at station ; price $5000. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th st. , Broadway 4SS1. MR. JACK OF PLEASANT HOME averaged $1000 per acre from his straw-berries- . Here are 5 acres the same soil and location that you can buy for $1460 with, a payment of $150 cash and $20 per month. It Is all under fence and 3 acres ready to plow and plant. On good road and but short distance to electric station. See Mr. Boehm. MacINNES & PRATT. 20f-10 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1658- FOR SALE BY OWNER. 800 acres best onion, celery and1 mint land on the coast ; clear, level, sub-irrigated; ready to plow; irrigation can be controlled to suit crops; close to rail road and schools; $75 per acre.. one-third down, balance on terms. 6. This is the best buy on the Pacific coast; must be seen to be appreciated. L. Jacobs, Klamath Falls, Or. - ,, SNAP. 10 acres, lowted mile from Rex station, on Newberg highway ; brand new 4-room bungalow, land all in culti vation.' fine spring, well at house: land lies high and sightly, and surrounded by some very fine prune orchards. More land adjoinmg can be purchased very cheap. Pries $3500. John E. Howard. 318 Cham, of Com. SO ACRES On Columbia blvd. as nightly as Crown Point, with 10 acres or more of nearly level land. - The lat table of sightly ground . ov erlooking the Columbia gorge IV up and down, accessible by the , highway, and for sale at a low l"lure. For particulars call 404 P!tt bldg., 127 Park sL ON THE-PAVED HIGHWAY. 1 At Aloha station, 2.65 acres, under cultivation, some strawberries. loganber ries and blackberries, small cherry trees, new small house 20x24. garage, city wa ter, gas main by the place; price $2100, I1300 cash. JOHN FERGUSON, Geralinger Bldg. HALF ACRES, acres and up to 5-acre tracts, improved .ana u mm proven, city water to- each tract ; all fine cultivated land ; some tracts in fruit. $10 month buys fine tract; no gravel or city as sessments, near 42d and Simpson ; Al berta car. 1219 K- W. Bank bldg. Main l4:i. - - $50 LOCATES YOU ON 2 ACRES. Right at electric station, east side, near Base Line road ; lies fine ; nice grove timber. Your chance to get a piece of acreage right. Price $900; terms $"0 cash, $10 monthly. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. l ACRES. South Portland, near Ryan station. O. E. R. K. ; f 6-o acre. Ad drew owner, F. Coote, Rock Point. B. C Canada. Homesteads, Relinquishments. WI L relinquish 120-A. homestead, some cattle, $1500 cash. Mrs. Paul Spear, uamas vuty. ur. 160 ON main line of S. P., spur on land, covered with cord wood timber, pasture. farming, orchard land ; small house; if taken quick. 3UU. 3U1 Corbett bldg. LOCATE on either good farming or timber tract. Claims going fast, bee me at once, Hours 8 toS. Evenings 7:30 to 9. Ander son, 531 Railway Exchange bldg. HAVE a few good relinquishments for sale. Anderson, oai Kanway bxen. bldg. Fruit and Nut Lands. APPLE ORCHARD SACRIFICE. 15 acres 10-year-old apple orchard at Lyle. Wash. Spitz. Newtowns and Jon athans, just coming to full bearing; cost $500 per acre to buy and clear land and set to orchard and bring to bear ing: owned by an eastern widow, who cannot handle. Will sell for $300 per ' acre or $4500, and' give terms of five years to pay. - GRUSSr & BENNETT. :tl8-S21 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. FOR SALE 5-acre apple orchard, be tween Eugene and Corvallls; fine condl . tion, 11 yr. old; will trade for Oak.. Cal., ' res. prop. J. S. Boise, 29 So. La Salle, Chicago. T'or Sale Farms. IDEAL SHEEP RANCH. 350O ACRES Eight hundred acres in grain, balance very tine range; plenty of good water; bouse and barns." For information write A. E. Epler. care Carolina court Se attle. Wash. 128 ACRES in Lane county for sale; 105 acres under plow, balance pasture; good 8-room house and other buildings, fruits; might trade: a bargain If sold at once. Investigate. Owner. Y 90S. Oregonian. HAVE PROBABLY the most complete farm listings and line of connections in tbe state; need high-grade man to take - full charge of department. Write AF SSS. Oregonian. ONE of the best 40 acres In the northwest, part orchard; at bargain price; fine producer and home place or an A-1 speculation ; illness compels sacrifice See my agent, Mr. Garland, 201 3d st. 5-YEAR-OLD -acre prune orchard In fine condition. Douglas county. Oregon, for sale or will trade for Portland prop erty; priced right: acreage preferred. East 8460. 29 E. ISth St. N. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near. Portland. $50 to $500 per acre, easy terms, best soil; farmsifor sale, all sixes. Mcranana, .wg railing1 bldg. is ACRES quarter mile Willamette rivr near Port'-and; highly Improved, with or without crop; an meai iarm nome; wido must sell. Phone Wood lawn 5Ss;i. WILL sell or trade my improved E. Mon tana grain farm for Willamette val. land; good location, no crop failure; prloe $36 per acre. Fred Emling, Sidney, Mont. GET A FARM, large or small, now In Southern Yamhill county: state your wants and address H. J. Richter. Amity. Oregon. IF YOU have $2000 to invest In a coxy little farm and mean business, call on owner at 125 14th st. S.. near Wash. st west side. $120O will handle. LOGGED-OFF lanui, $10 acre up: running water; good soli, H tillable; empioy merit; easy terms. J. R. Sharpe. fe3 3d. FOR SALE - 277-acre T&rtn in famous Umpqua valley narr Drain. For par ticulars address Box Z. Drain. Or. REAL ESTATE. lor Sale -Farm. VALLEY FARM. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. lil acres. 45 in cultivation, balance open pasture and timber, deep, rich soli, no rock or gravel; never-failing spring -water to house and barn; bearing family orchard, 125 young prune trees, other small fruit; good 7-room house with fire place. -two good barns, hoghouse. chick en house, etc. The following stock and full set of farm tools and implements, good as new, go with place; 15 head, of cows and heifers, some milking, some coming fresh soon, 1 reg. Hoist em bull, 2 good brood sows. 3 young work hofsee, 1 colt, about 50 chickens: only 10 miles from Portland. 5 miles Newberg. h mll to main paved highway and R. K. sta tion. This is absoiuteiy the biggest bar gain in the country and will bear closest investigation. Everything goes for $125 per acre; $'JOOO cash, balance long terms at 6 per cents R, M. GATEWOOD 4 CO., lt5H Fourth Street. 30 ACRES. FULLY STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 9 MILES OUT ON GOOD ROAD. FOR $7500. Step right In and get this year's crop. Located Just 9 mliei from city limits of Portland, paved and rocked road all the way and ail to be paved In immediate future 30 acres; 25 cleared. balance timber. Splendid land in one of tho best farming sections near Portland, right at stores, churches and schools. 6-room house, large practicaMy new barn, with basement for cows; bearing orchard and ftne, spring; three horses, cow. 100 fcer.s. cream separator, binder, mower., disc, drill, riding and walking cultivators, 2 wagons, harness, 3 plows, harrows and numerous other small tools; 13 tons baled timothy, lots loose hay and all the crop from over 40 acres of land: machinery practically new ; everything goes ior i.)uu. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 43S1. CLOSE-IN FARM. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 40 acres on Tualatin river. 13 miles Portland; extra choice level land, all cultivation ; buildings worth StiOOO: room house has modern plumbing, good barn, granary, garage, modern chicken House, cost JllCu;- on improved road growing crD and 4 cows. 2 heifers. Jer seys. 1 horte and about 250 chickens and sit farm equipment go with place $13,000, half cash, good terms on bai ance. This is an excellent bargain and win Bear investigation. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165H 4th st At Your Own Price. We own a tract of between sir and seven acres nrst-class loganberry land. located in the town limits of Castle Rock, 5 blocks from depot. This land can aM be easily put into cultivation and If farmed will insure a life of indepen dence to any berry grower. We are forced to sell within i0 days to the highest bidder. If interested, write at once. CENTRAL YAKIMA RANCHES CO., Prosser, Wash. - FINE HOP RANCH. 61 acres, on good road that will be paved, east of Newberg; 10 acres hop land, 30 acres clover. 40 acres under cultivation, large orchard, good plastered hoase with plumbing, water system for house and barn, good buildings. Includ ing hophouses; some hay, oats and grain Included; alpo team. cow. chickens and complete line of machinery and hop equipment. The 1IM9 hop crop on this place ."old for $12,000. Offered at a bar gain for short time. No trade consid cred. JOHN FERGUSON, Oerhinger bldg. 60 ACRES, STOCKED. CROP AND EQUIPMENT. All under cultivation, family orchard, good 6-room house, silo, dairy barn, ga rage and machine shed, windmill, water piped to alt buildings. 9 head of cattle, fine span of mares, hogs, chickens, etc., all equipment necessary to operate farm; located 1 mile from mall town on Ore gon Electric R. R., close to Albany. Price $13,000. terms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO.. 203 1st National Bank -Bldg., Albany. Oregon. DAIRY FARM. 160-acre dairy farm near Corvallls. Or. 125 acres under cultivation. 15 acres In timber, balance in pastuce; live creek, new barn and silo. 7-room house, hog pen; ..chfeken coop and other outbuild ings; on good graveled road, telephone in ; house; one mile from high school; price IS. 000. n terms; will accept smalt farm or suburban home as part pay ment; dealing with owner direct. JOHN J. CRAMER. Harrisburg. Or. 5U- ACRES. FOSTER ROAD. 20 acres . under cultivation, baiance pasture and timter: about 2O00 cords of wood, berries, family orchard, 3 springs and creek. -room house, good barn, other building?, all tools, 10 head of cattle., 1 team, 3 hogs, chickens and - ducks. It acres spuds. 5 acres clover, only 12 'i miles to center of 'Portland; price $7000, cash. K. L. EDDY. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. , 201-3-5,-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LAND AT SACRIFICE. . We own SO acres near Bend, Or., with , water right for irrigation: 50 acres is 'excellent farming land, located 36 miles In a northerly direction from Bend. Cir cumstances compel us to sell this to the highest bidder within the next 30 aays. 1-f you - are Interested, write- us. imme diately. - CENTRAL YAKIMA RANCHES CO.. Prosser. Wash. FINE dairy ranch. 170 acres, all stocked and equipped. Three large barns: IS head of cows, six head of mules, chick ens, hogs, sheep, goats, crop, hay. feed, etc.; all tools and dairy equipment; good house, well fenced, with woven wire; two and one-half miles from good town." creamery and cannery near; $25,000 will give you possession of all ; easy terms. L. A. Baker. 317 Henry bldg Phone Bdwy. 4SS7. ON HIGHWAY, NEAR TIGARD. 35 acres, 22 cultivated, all can be cul tivated, black loam soil; 10 acres tim ber, 5-room plastered bungalow with plumbing, water system, electric lfghts being put in; woven wire fencing, barn, garage, chicken house, fine orchard, over $lo)u worth of potatoes; all the other crops, complete line of machinery and stocks Included; $5000 cash, balance Ion, time, 6 per cent. Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger bldg. GENUINE RIVER BOTTOM LAND. IM PROVED. 102 acres of the best land out of doors, nearly all under cultivation : fine large modern house, barn, garage, woven wire fences, family orchard, water sys tem, located 3 miles out. Price $21,420; terms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO., ' 203 1st National Bank Bldg., Albany Oregon. 160 ACRES of land. 60 in alfalfa and clo ver and under ditch; 40 of grain land., balance in small timber; house, two " barns, 10 Jersey cows, farm implements. 70 tons of hay in barn, three work horses; best dairy ranch on the creek; price $20,000. one-third down, balance on easy terms. This is a snap and bargain. Write or call E. R. Jones, Lake Creek, Or. 160 ACRES- BETWEEN ALBANY AND LEBANON. VA11 In crop but a few acres that is In . timber: good S-room house. large Darn sheds, well at hoouse and one at barn; located mile of R. R. . station. Price, $ 1 25 per acre. Terms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO., 203 1st National Bank Bldg., Albany. Oregon. WHERE YOUR $ $ $ DOUBLE. 157 acres of the finest land in Ore-gon ust rig-ht for prunes. loganberries, hops: on tne o. B. car ana tt. raui roaa. 'miks from Portland: land adjoining sell ing irom s"u 10 4oo per acre : lore closure compels widow to sacrifice for $175 per acre: will take Portland prop erty; crop, rent goes to buyer. 403 Couch bldg.. Rock. FOR SALE BY OWNER 40 acres excellent land under cultlva- tion. 7-room bouse, good barn, granary -garage, large chicken house. 200 chick ens. $6000 In buildings. implements, horse. 6 Jerseys, family fruit, hay. oat and root crops: on good rock" road 18 miles out. $13,000. part cash and time. e L. Kearney. 9 to 12 A. M. Hotel Oregon. FOR SALE BY O W N E R. One hundred acres with almost ne buildings: a few acres of prunes, just beginning to bear: a ftne stream of water on piace. with sufficient amount of water and fail to operate lighting and power .plant for farm: about 8 miles from New berg. Or. Address P. O. box 35, New berg. Orx WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM, NEAR SILVERTON. 68 acres. 55 acres in cultivation, some timber. 30 acres black bottom. 25 acres red shot land, Al orchard. 7-room house, barn, outbuildings, good poultry outfit. 3 springs, gravity water; price $10,500. half cah. R. m. GATEWOOD & CO.. 1651., 4th St. 105 A., SO CLEARED; nice 7-room house with hot and cold water, 2 barns. 2 chicken houses. 1 granary, silo. 5 -acres assorted orchard. 24 head of stock, plows, binder, mower, hay rake, harrows, wag ons, harness. In fact all stock and im plements go with this place. Price $500, i- cash. W. F. Cary. Estacada. Or. ' NOTICE FARMS AT BARGAINS. Yamhill. Or., has some of the best farms. We have small and large farms for sale. Let us show them to you free of charge. Phone or write Weidner Vought. Bank b!dg.. Yamhill. Or. ItiO-ACRE ALFALFA RANCH. Ideal stock place, with plenty of water: all level, creek bottom soil, ail fenced and R. R. crosses place: big out run trm. in Cnnt o. Wash : ui!! ron - trio- ennd uto nart Davmetit bal. terms to suit. R 971, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -larniri. FARM BUYERS TAKE NOTICE. . SI acres. fcO acres in cultivation. 60 acres in wheat, oats and vetch. 12 acres in summer fallow. 1 acre potatoes, fine garden. Large orchard ; 9-room house, large barn, two good wells and creek; good team 5 years old, weight about oli0, one cow, wagon, harness, plows, cultivators, harrows and other mall farm tools; less than two blocks from school and church and ston. on fino road; will be paved all the way from Portland soon; miles from the electric line and 2l miles from Portland. Price $14,500. $0000 cash, balance 3 to 5 yeara at t per cent. MORRIS & BUXDT. 618 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 24rt ACRES. CLARKE CO.. WASH. 210 acres level, 36 acres rolling. 100 acres under plow, 40 acres timber, lOU acres pasture, unlimited outrange, ber ries, family orchard, soil has been ex amined by experts and pronounced of the best; school 200 leet. R. F. D., two wells, 6-room house, barn 4oxlOO. full set of farming implements. 3 cows. 3 muleji, 40 head, choice breeding ewes. 4 O. I. C. hogs, 40 acres clover,- baiance oats, rye and spuds. - Price, equipped. $0,000. good terms. - F. L EDPY, - -RITTER. LOWE A. CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bld HERE IS A SNAP. 80 acres, ii miles from Oregon City, close to hard road; 20 acres of this can be cleared at very little cost; most of balance in good pasture. About 200 cords of wood. Can get $8 per cord in Oregon City. You can buy this for $S0 per acre; $700 cash will handle. No buildings except a shack, but at this price you can well afford to build, STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. HERE IS A REAL FARM. 144 i acres right In the heart of the Tuaiann valley. So acres In cultivation, good buildings, on good rock road. 3 creeks on the place; no better farm In Washington county; price $150 per acre, or with all stock, crops and ail farm machinery. 4 fine horses. 10 cows, fine, crops of wheat and oats, lots hay in the barn, all for $30,000. Kood terms. MORRIS & Ri:nv 618 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. -V ACRES CLOSE IN, IMPROVED. 5 acres of prunes. 5 acres apples, lfl acres under cultivation, good house, bain and all necessary outbuildings, team, cow. nogs and chickens, wagon, disc, mower, harrow, plows. In fact all equip ment necessary, three miles out; price $."imio for evervthing. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO., 203 1st National Bank Bldg., Albany. Oregon. A BARGAIN in timber; 200 acres. 5 miles f 1 om Dallas, good gravel and rock road through place; 6.000.ono ft. of good saw timber, and from 30.000 to 15,000 cords of wood. This is not a mountain, but would make an Ideal farm after the timber is off. This is in one of the best fuuit sections In Oregon, for only $50. Ste C. A. Keopple, itth and Main sts., Oiegon City. A BARGAIN at $130 per acre; 200 acres, only 2r miles from Oregon City on mam road. Good building, creek in pasture, Bi-oJ family orchard, fruit of all kinds. ai(-ea now in cultivation; lot more easy to put In; come and see the crop on Oiis place; wheat will go 45 bushels per acre. About - 'r cash, ba'ance to suit purchaser, c. A. Keopple, yth and Main sts., Oregon City. o5 ACRES, adjoining town Washington Co., 4 cultivated, all kinds buildings, fruit, trout stream, spring. timber, $1SV0, terms. 3S ACRES, near Buxton. 14 rultlvatrd, all kinds good buildings, orchard loaded, horse, implements, crops. $2500, terms. K. DUBOIS. M4 Spalding Bldg, FARM FOR SALE 26' acres 1- mile oast of Beavtrton on Canyon road' high wr all in cultivation. A-1 soil, good house, 1-arn. hot and cold water, bath, toilet, etc.. in house, rreek by house; no Incumbrance; price $500 per acre. W. S Barzee.- Beaverton,-Or.. R. F. D. 2, Box .10. - A KIM A VALLEY. 20 acres, on highway, 1 mile from town; 3 acres orchard. 3 acres spuds and onions, balance alfalfa: fine 6-room bungalow, full cement base ment, good outbuildings; price $0900. terms. . Large and small farms on ey terms. ; Hover. 512 Selling bldg. .40 ACRES GO BLE. A 40-Hcre tract three miles from Goble. Unimproved land. Lies level, line soil.- Can be purchased for $0 per acre on easy terms. OTTO HARKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce. FREE FARM LISTS. San Joaquin va le farms. aui Rp-sler. Stockton. Cal. WANTED RICAL ESTATE. RALPH HARRIS CO. t. WE SELL HOMES HOME OWNERS. ATTENTION! Do you want your home sold next - e?k? if so get your listinar our see office by Friday, and . you will some, grand results. RALPH HARRIS CO.. S27 Chamber of Commerce. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. SMALL HOUSES. We are selling a great many small houses to the wage -earner and we are having calls every day for homes run ning $l0oo to $2000. Anyone having a house for sale will find it to their ad vantage to telephone us or call at tno office. "Telephone Main S02. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. HOUSE WANTED. Will exchange either of the following and some cash as part payment on mod ern house: 59 acres. Improved, near Columbia high higliway 1 acre, well located, in city limits. 320 acres, stock ranch, eastern Oregon. 2 lots in University Park. 615 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. WILL PAY CASH FOR BUNGALOW. A cash customer wants 5-room mod ern bungalow on paved st. near carline and Catholic church : rooms must all be on one floor; Irvington, Laurelhurst or Rose City districts. R. W. MAST. RITTER, LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED FARMS. We want to list medium -sized Wil lamette valley farms. 15 to -0 acres. We have daily inquiries from bona fide buyers for small farms, also have many Inquiries for suburban homes. 1 to 5 acres; if you want to sell let us hear from you. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 105 4th St. HAVE client for strictly modern residence; must have four bedrooms, prefers Irv ington, might consider some other good district, will pay what the place is worth, all cash. - POLNDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1M0.. Residence, East 6771. HAVE client for 4 or -acr tract with small house and some timber, cast of Portiani preferred. R. H. Confrey. KITTErt. L 3 WE fc CO. 21 1-3-5-7 Board of .Trade bldg. HAVE client for strictly .modern 8-room residence, wants to buy' this week; will pay up to $10,000. terms $1500 cash, balance $i5 per' month. Polndexter. 208 Selling bldg. Main 1800. Residence, East 6771. WANTED To purchase 6 or more room house, east side, near high school; pre fer bungalow; must be modern n i com- -plete; give full information as to loca tion, age. price and terms. AB 08, Oregonian. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot we will secure the money and build for you ; terms like Bnt. Call and see us. BUILDERS' REALTY EXCHANGE. 621 Morgan Bldg. Ma in 2U35. WE HAVE many buyers for houses. Yoor house might suit. All listings are giren proper attention. Broadway 4133. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak Street. m 5 OR 6-ROOM HOUSE, In Richmond or Hawthorne districts: have very desirable lot or commercial stock bearing 8 per cent interest as first payment. Sellwood 651. " WANTED IMMEDIATELY FROM OWNER. 8-room modern house, Hawthorne. Ro-e City, lot 73 or loo; all cash; from $5000 to $5500. D W7, Oregonian. HAVE $200 to pay down on house with 0 or more lots, size and condition no object: give full particulars in first let ter. A t24. Oregonian. WILL buy or lease to 2 acres of ground with 6 to 7-room house, garage or barn, on good road, near carline, in or near city limits. H l5ji. Oregonian. H WE client for 3 or 4-room house, easy terms. Also want 6 to 8-room house, close in. east or. west side. Lee-Kob-eitsoi. Co.. 413 Corbett bMg. WXNTED 5 or 6-room house. with - ittoxloo ground not over $:uoo. Might consider 3 or 4-room house. Cll Tahor 5033 or Tabor 517S. WANTED A let or house and lot in Garibaldi, Or.; must be cheap for cash. S. W. Bailey. Whitney Co.. Garibaldi. Oregon. - CULTIVATED acre Rark Rose, small house, plumbing, city conv, chicken house; from owrt-r. Cash price. T 615. Oregonian. WASTED A 4 or 5-room bungalow with sleeping porch ; price $30uo cash ; Rose t-'ity. AM '.3. Oregonia n. HOUSE or bungalow up to $2oOO; also in market for small acreage. Phone Wood lawn 30'M. WASTE $1000 nta n. -House or Bungalow; have first payment R S2 Orego- as WASTE -A cottaee nf i to 6 rooms for A. O. y&V Oregonian. I ail cash.