TTTF MOT?ATTXO OREGOMAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1920 15 REAL ESTATE. MODERN FULLY-EQUIPPED CHICKEN FAliM. Consisting of 60 acres, finest land, adjacent to Portland, most ail In cultivation except 13 acres lirst growth red fir timber, cruis ing about 2000 cords, worth $5 per cord on the ground. There is a very fine modern bungalow with fuli concrete basement, pressure water and electric light system; Brood bam, 'i complete modern chicken houses, large complete modern brooder house, large store room, electric lights and water la chicken and brooder houses; 1000 pure-bred White Leghorn laying hens, 1600 pure-bred chickens, all pouitry feed, toois and machinery; 4 acre set to loganberries and raspberries, crops all seeded. In come lor 1919 between $7000 and $ftoGO. Fine cow, 4 pigs, horse, wagon and harness. This place is only J.Q miles from Portland on good auto road, near good school, 4 miles from good Columbia river town. This Is without doubt one of the best-paying poultry farms in the northwest. Owner wishes to retire and in order to do so at once is willing to take the sacri fice price of $15,000. Jt will pay you to Investigate this, as the first man who sees it and means busi ness will buy It. $5000 cash, bal ance can be arranged. THOMPSON". SWAN ft LEE, Sd and Main Sts., Vancouver, Wash. VALLEY FARM. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 151 acres, 45 in cultivation, balance epen pasture and timber, deep, rich soil, no rock or gravel; never-failing spring water to house and barn; bearing family orchard, 125 young prune trees, other mall fruit; good 7-room house with fire place, two good barns, hoghouse, chick en house, etc. The following stick and full set of farm tools and implements, good as new. go with place; 15 head of cows and heifers, some milking, some Coming fresh soon, 1 reg. Holstein bull, good brood sows. 3 young work horses, 1 colt, about DO chickens; only 19 miles from Portland. 5 miles Newberg, mile to main paved highway and K. R. sta tion. This is absolutely the biggest bar gain in the country and will bear closest investigation. Everything goes for $125 per acre; $1)000 cash, balance long terms at 6 per cent. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 1654 Fourth Street. SO ACRES. FULLY STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 0 MILES OUT ON GOOD ROAD, FOR $7500. Step right in and get this year's crop. Located Just 9 miles from city limits of Portland, paved and rocked road all the way and all to be paved in immediate future 30 acres; 25 cleared. balance timber. Splendid land in one of the best farming sections near Portland, right at stores, churches and schools, 6-room house, large practically new barn, with basement lor cows; bearing orchard and line spring; three horses, cow. 100 hens, crea m separator, binder, mower., disc, drill, riding and walking cultivators. 2 wagons, harness, 3 plows, harrows and numerous other small tools; 13 tons baled timothy, lots loose hay and all the crop from over 40 acres of land; machinery practically new; every tiling goes for ST.5) 00. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 0th St. Broadway 43S1. THE CHEAPEST BUY IN OREGO.N, BARRING NONE. 320 acres at $50 per acre; 100 acres nndtr cultivation, 150 has been cleared once; can be put In crop in 2 years; 60 acres In wheat now, ;0 tons hay in barn; lies rolling, just risrht: 2 springs and creek and good well on place; 100 acres line pasture, gooa 7-room Douse, oatn, water in 2 big stock and hay barns. granary, J U -horse gas engine lor water system and power; big family orchard; 6 horses, 2 cows, binder, mower, hay rake, plows, harrows, disk; everything on place goes at price, household furniture and all; 3" miles from Portland; gravel road within 1 mile of place: $u000 cash, bal. Ill years on easy terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. CHOICE PLACE NEAR DAMASCUS. 2t acres all under cultivation and in crops but 34 of an acre, right on good graveled roaa, z acres in iruit ana ber ries, good 5-room house, barn and out buildings, large chicken park; place ii all fenced with woven wire; 150 Leg- norn cnicicens. good team, gooa cc new wagon, roller, truck, disk, riding cultivator, i norse cultivator z plows, -j. harnesses, lots of small tools. House Is well furnished and clean as a pin. Everything on this place goes for $6500, gome terms. Can you beat it ? STEWART A BUCK. MS Northwestern Bank bldg. CLOSE-IN FARM. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 40 acres on Tualatin river. IS miles Portland; extra choice level land, all In cultivation ; buildlnRs worth $J00O; 7 room house, has modern plumbing, good barn, granary, garage, modern chicken house, cost $1100; on improved road; growing crop and 4 cows, 2 heifers. Jer seys, 1 horse and about 250 chickens and ail farm equipment go with place at 13,000, half cash, good terms on bal ance. This Is an excellent bargain and will bear investigation. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 1654 4th St. DAIRY FARM. IfiO-acre dairy farm near CorvalMs. Or. 125 acres under cultivation, 15 acres in timber, balance In pasture; live creek, new barn and silo. 7-room house, hog pen, chicken coop and other outbuild ings; on good graveled road, telephone In house; one mile from high school; price ITS, 000, on terms; will accept small farm or suburban home as part pay ment; dealing with owner direct. JOHN J. CRAMER, Harrisburg. Or. MODERN BUNGALOW. RICH, BLACK BOIL, 65 acres. 40 cultivated. 15 pasture, 10 timber; lies well; all could be cultivated: hip. berry, grain or onion land ; 30 miles south Portland; road to be paved; no better soil; S-room modern bungalow, water system, hot and cold, bath. Dutch kitchen, good burn and silo; cement floor for cows; 2 dally mails, telephone, etc. If you want a real home bring the wife and look It over; $12,000. C. E. Crannll, 2US First. Main 4203. OS HIGHWAY. NEAR TIGARD. 35 acres. 22 cultivated, all can be cul tivated; black loam soil; 10 acres timber, fi-riom plastered bungalow, with plumb ing, water system; electric lights being put in ; woven wire fencing; barn, ga rage, chicken house, fine orchard, over CI 000 worth of potatoes; all the other crops, complete line of machinery and stock Included, $5000 cash, balance long ttme. 6 pr cent. Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. YAKIMA VALLEY, 20 acres, on highway, 1 mile from town ; 3 acres orchard. 3 acres spuds and onions, balance alfalfa; fine 6-room bungalow, full cement base ment, good outbuildings; price $61)00, terms. Large and small farms on easy terma Hover, M2 Belling bldg. "WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED To buy a small house, low price, with bath and basement, 1 or more lots, fruit, good soil and location, close in ; must be a bargain and one t hat a hsndy man can improve. Give full particulars. AE e-21, Oregonian. V ANTED To purchase 6 or more room house, east side, near high school; pre fer bungalow: must be modern and com plete; give full information as to loca tion, age. price and terms. AB eua, Orepoman. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot we will secure the money and build for you; terms like rent. Ca;i and see us. BUILDERS' REALTY EXCHANGE. fi'-M M orpn Bldg. Main 2035. 5 OR 6-ROOM HOUSE. In Richmond or Hawthorne districts; have very desirable lot or commercial stock bearing 8 per cent Interest as first payment. eiiwooa bal. WANTED IMMEDIATELY FROM OWNER. R-room mod. house, Hawthorne. Rose City; lot 75 or 100; all cash. D 967, Orp gonian. ""WANT PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. 7 rooms and sleeping porch. In good repair; need home at once, pay up to SOooO; submit what you have to Y 966, urrponlan. WANT to buy a umail place of about 1 acre, west side preferred, with bearing fruit and berries; no expensive buildings; give trms. M 91. Oregonian. HAVE $200 to pay down on house with 2 or more lots. s:re and condition no object: give full particulars in first let" ter A 924. Oregonian. "WILL buy or lease U to 2 acres of ground with 6 to 7-room house, garage or barn. on gooa roaa. nesr canine, in or near city limns. n you, uregoman. HAvn client, ior or 4-room House, easy terma aiw want tt to s-room house. cloee In. east or west side. Lee-Rob- citsoit i.o., u oroen Diag. MODERN 6-room bungalow, near good car line, not too far out: murt be bar- Ram ; Dei ween ana ssu. call Main WANTED from owner. 5 or 6-rootn bun galow: must b centrally located: give full particulars. Address H 969. Orego nian. WANTED A lot or house and lot in Garibaldi. Or.; must be cheap for cash B W. Bailey, Whitney Co., Garibaldi! Oreson. WANTED A 4 or 5-room bungalow with s.eeping porcn ; price suoo cash; Rose City. S93, Oregonian, WASTED REAL ESTATE. Over $2,000,000 worth, of HOMES SOLD BY FRANK I McGUIRE, Since January 1. 1020. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Have you a home to sell? Try the , McGuire System, which has won an in terna tlonal reputation and established a national record for Home Selling be cause It is the ORIGINAL SUPERIOR, SCIENTIFIC, MODERN method of Horn Selling. OUR RECORD: CM Homes sold last year. 110 Homes sold in May. t Homes sold on July 13. 672 Homes sold to date this year. Your house is sold if listed with us. WE NEED IT TODAY! Within 24 hours after listing we PERSONALLY AP PRAISE. INSPECT AND PHOTO GRAPH it. We'll display the photograph of your ho ne in pur GREAT SHOW. Rf-OM, which is continually thronged with live EARNEST HOME BUYERS! If you can't come, telephone. Our only charges are the standard, rate of 5 per cent in the event of a satisfactory sale. IS experienced salesmen with autos to work on the sale of YOUR home. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Sell Your Home. Abington Bldg., Main 106S. 106 3d St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. WANTED FOR CASH. 5 or 6-room bungalow, R. C. Park, Laurel hurst or Hawthorne dists,, not over 41000; have client ready to buy if property suits; also one for 5-room bun galow west of 50th, bet. Belmont and Sandy blvd., to $5000, $800 cash and $50 per month. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO., 163 4th st. WILL PAY CASH FOR BUNGALOW. A cash customer wants 5-room mod ern bungalow on paved st. near carline and Catholic church; rooms must all be on one floor; Irvlngton, Laurel hurst or Rose City d istrlcts. R. W. MAST, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED FARMS. We want to list medium-sized Wil lamette valley farms. 15 to 80 acres. We have dally Inquiries from bona fide buyers for small farms, also have many inquiries for suburban homes. 1 to 5 acres; If you want to sell let us hear from you. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 165H 4th St. HAVE client for strictly modern residence; must have four bedrooms, prefers Irv lngton, might consider some other good district ; will pay what the place is worth, all cash. POiNDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800. Residence, East 6771. HAVE client for 4 or 5-acre tract with small house and some timber, east of Portland preferred. R. H. Confrey, HITTER. LOWE A CO., 2(1-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. HAVE client for' strictly modern 8-room residence, wants to buy this week; will pay up to $10,000, terms $1500 cash, balance $75 per month. Poindexter, 208 Selling bldg. Alain 1800. Residence, East 6771. WANTED, for cash, suburban home, one to 3 acres, near car line; owners only. AC 793, Oregonian. WANTED House or Bungalow; have $1000 as first payment. K 882 Orego nian. Farms "Wanted. LOCATE on either good farming or tim ber tract. Claims going fast. See me at once. Hours S to 5. Evenings 7:30 to 9. Anderson, 531 Railway Exch. bldg. Wanted to Bent Farms. HAVE client with cash, wanting to rent small farm, or acreage, near Portland preferred, will buy the equipment. John Ferguson, Gerlinger Bldg. EXPERIENCED, married, gardener, wants to rent small farm for fruit and berry culture; best of references. BJ 823, Ore gonian. HAVE good proposition to offer responsi ble party on farm south of Roseburg. See owner, Ruseel bldg., room IS. FOR RENT FARMS. WANTED TO RENT. Farms of 160 to 500 acres. We have clients who will pay cash rent and buy personal property, if you are figuring on leasing your ranch. this fall, it will be to your advantage to see MR. BLATR WITH THOMPSON, SWAN A LEE 3d and Main St., Vancouver, Wash. 170-ACRE RANCH FOR RENT. Stock and farm Implements for sale, 17 good cows, 6 mules. 50 sheep, 40 goats, 15 hogs, good buildings, all neces sary farm implements in good repair; close to school, telephone, 3 miles from town. If you are interested in a good dairy farm It will pay you to Investigate this. See owner at union depot barber snop, run, ur. LUNSiuiiHAiJLiS pasture, fruit; 80 near Oregon City, rent November, 1021, $350. 141 East 69th north, evenings. Tabor 7055. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE or trade. 160 acres good tim ber, cedar poles and ties, on Columbia river and railroad. Phone Marshall 2G75, evenings Tabor 8421. 120 ACRES YELLOW PINE. Wheeler coun ty, for sale or exchange for improved bungalow, Portland or suburbs, and as sume. Owner. Main 3836. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. Marshall 3S03. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Special. Modern 11-suite apartment house, very close In, west, side; total amount of rent given on application; price $35,000; will take residence prop erty, good mortgage paper, about $7000 cash, balance very long-time mortgage, LAWYERS' TITLE A TRUST CO., 285 Stark Street. Near 4th. Marshall 1893. 160 ACRES, aoout 20 cleared, good gar den, fenced; family orchard, about 1, 000. 00O feet of fir timber, chicken house, chickens and cow included: new 6-room modern log bungalow, 8-foot full base ment, furnace, modern kitchen and com plete bathroom, 4 mile to school. Pa cific highway; price $4500. Take modern city bungalow In trade. ' THOMSON. 620-21 HEN RY BLDG. 40 ACRES of land near Kalama. Wash.; will take good at to in part payment, $2000, 160 acres of fir timber land near Hood River, cash $4500, part cash, bal ance trade, $5000. will take Income prop erty for part; 10-room strictly modern residence, two lots, garage. $7000, will trade for small ranch and part cash or will take good land for all. Write to or call J. J. Walker. Lafayette, Oregon. WILL take in a bungalow as equity on this hlgh-ciass farm. 75 acres, only 17 miles from city, paved road most of the way, 45 acres now- In crop, which will prove what the land is. This is a bar gain and won't last long, so you had better act at once. Price $10,000. STEWART & BUCK. S15 Northwestern Bank Bldg. EXCHANGE OFFICE. Free and clear lots a specialty. I possibly can arrange to better your position. See Mr. Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Broadway 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. BOO ACRES, all fenced (sheep proof); 200 acres open pasture, some bottom land; family orchard, 4-room shack, barn and hay shed, good roads. Price $6000, Would take modern home in good loca tion. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. 40 ACRES good, level land, Washington county, lots of timber, some clear, no buildings, on good road near station: .would make fine little ranch, to trade for Portlsnd house up to $5000; price $4000, mortgage $1600. See owner, 810 Union ave. North. APARTMENT PROPERTY. Lot 120x120 corner; 54 rooms all fur nished. Particulars and picture with my agent. Will consider modern city nome in part iraae witn some casn. THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDO. ONE STUDEBAKER LIGHT SIX. 191 model, trailer, tent 16x16; two folding cots, gasoline stove, complete touring outitt; win iraae ior nouse. vi toyra- cuee st., St. Johns. TO EXCHANGE Painting, tlntine and ta. perlng for. vacant lots, run-down house and lot. automobile, lumber or what hav you?. Phone East 638. Sellwood 15i8. automatic 220-83. 20 ACRES at White Salmon and cash for mail house in i'oruana. District imma tenal. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Ex change blag. I HAVE 9 In acres In Sheridan. Or. Will trade for 5 or 6-room house on east side, north, win pay some cash, i West Broadway. UUuD 0-rm. house, walking distance; wiU consiaer lot or smau acreage, some casn, balance terma; price $30u0. 233 Hancock. A STUDEBAKER truck to trade for house and lot or acreage, close in. Call 990 Powell Valley road. WANTED Los Angeles for Improved well located property In Portland. AV 233, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. AUTO wanted for 2 N. W. car Unci haxd -surf ace st, su North. corner lots, 888 J. 27th TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. FORTY ACRES FOR FURNITURE. I have 40 aqres, unimproved, near Goldendale, Wash., value $1000; will take all or part in good furniture. Phone owner, Tabor 7875. I HAVE m beautiful diamond sunburst and diamond and pearl earrings that I wiil trade for a good piano or phono- - graph. The value of these Is $475 cash. Address AL 780, Oregonian. A STUDEBAKER truck to trad for house and lot or acreage, close in. Call 890 Powell Valley road. WANT good used car, have clear hour and lot or vacant lots. Woodlawn 4998. FOB SALE. Hor Vehicle Liven toe It. BUNCH of good dairy cows, going 4 to 6 gals, per day ; some fresh and some coming fresh soon. 632 E. 24th. Wood stock car. 3. GOOD work horses, weight all around 1400 lbs. each; 1 1200-lb. horse, harness, buggy and cart. $85. Call 990 Powell Valley road. 2 EXTRA good family cows, one of the finest Jerseys in town ; must sell. Call at 990 Powell Valley -road. DEAD stock removed quickly; cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukie 69-J for service. SADDLE HORSES harness, $50 up. Alder st. and work teams in Frank L. Smith. 223 DON'T miss this: Milk goats at sacrifice prices. 1350 Wilbur st., Wdln. 4014. DEAD HORSES taken quickly; aeaacows. xaDor 4JOa. FOR SALE Two lumber and other wagons. 320 Union ave. North FIVE extra good fresh cows, all heavy miiKers. toa a-'a ana ypweit sts. VETERINARIAN, DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $750 Stelnway Sons upright. $290 Cash 495 Howard, walnut, upright.. 265 Cash 350 Gray A Co. natural ud- rlght 110 Cash - small upright pianos, $65, 75 Cash 850 liendenhft.ll nla vor niana. 4R. Cash 1750 Berry wood orchestrian. . . 495 Cash loo ceno, splendid tone. bow.. 65 Cash 175 Kimball, 6-pctave organ. 68 Cash jrfD JSeedriam. li-'nt ton ortran 28 Cash Pianos stored, 75c monthly. Pianos nought and sold for cash. 103 Tenth su BCHWAN PIANO CO.. Downstairs Store. $900 Steinway A Sons, mahogany .$435 575 Hobart M. Cable man 305 650 Automatic Music Co., upright.- 165 bOO Ebersole, plain mahogany 365 1C00 Singer player piano, oak 635 d00 Thompson player piano, man.. 535 850 MendenhaU player piano, mah. 495 900 Thompson player piano, mah.. 495 Terma $15 to $50 cash, $0 to $15 mthly. .Brunswick, ana victroia pncao.uo 120 Domestic, Musikland phono.... 68 50 Victrola, $55; $35 Lakeside 18 Terms $10 -auh, $3 to $6 monthly. 301 Tenth St. at Washington and Stark. PIANO BARGAINS. We have the best buys In used, pianos. See them and be con vinced. GUARANTEED. Terms given. FISHER, snap $165 EBTEV, plain mahog. case. . 325 CABLE & SON. a bargain 185 KINGSBURY, oak case 315 HARVARD, fine mahog. case. 273 STEINWAY A SON. good as new 500 And others. SEIBERLTNG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125-27 4TH ST.. BET. WASH. AND ALDER STS. AUGUST SALE of used pianos and player pianos now on. Your chance to get a guaranteed make of piano or player that is in first-class condition at a very low price. Chickerlngs, AVebers, Hardman. Kimball, Decker and many other first class makes included in this sale. Con venient terms. Reed French Piano Co., 12th and Washington sts. Broadway 750. 65-NOTE Pianola and 50 rolls. $ 25.00 $125.00 Brunswick, like new (some records) 100.00 Full-size M a n s f e ldt and Notne piano 118.00 Kingsbury (fine tone) 200.00 HAROLD S. GILBERT, Pianos, Player Pianos, SS4 Yamhill St. FOR SALE Reasonable, player piano with rolls. Detroit Jewel gas range, Ruud heater. 3-piece library set. 2 leather rockers, 8-ft. dining room table, 6 kitchen chairs, 9x12 grass rug, 3 beds, 2 springs, all like new ; party leaving clly. 4827 43d ave. S. E. PIANOS WANTED Highest CASH paid or TRADE FOR NEW V1CTOROLA and records. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 127 4th st. Main 8566. FOR SALE; $310, Brunswick wtlh rec ords; used less than 6 months; leaving city, will sacrifice. Call Bdwy. 4140, Apt. 3. BRUNSWICK phonograph with records, value $285, now 2U0; llKe new; terms given. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. HARDMAN baby grand piano, nearly new. at a bargain. Must be sold at once as I am leaving the city. 47 E. 15th st. S. PLAYER PIANO WANTED Will give Tillamook Beach lots for a good player. Write BJ 862, Oregonian. MUbIC credit will save you $10 cash any musical instrument you want to buy. Call East 4710. room 20. 6 to 8. MOVING away and have a perfectly n Columbia Grafonola for $100. Tabor 5243, mornings only. FOR RENT Cabinet grafonola, late dance music. Empire Transfer, 254 Broadway. Broad w ay 1 55. HIGH-GRADE tuba, phone, banjo, man dolin. $45. 90 East 8th st. N. CLARINET. Boehm system, high pitch; barga in. Woodlawn 2227. FOR SALE! Upright piano In first-class condition. Call Wdln. 2821. PIANO WANTED Pay cash. Main S5S6. Furniture for Sale. GOOD DINING ROOM SUITE. FOR LITTLE MONEY. Consfssrng of round royal oak extension table, 6 royal oak chairs and a fine sideboard to match, all for $72.50. Easy Terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 First St, CARPETS, rug?, dressers, chiffonier, beds. bedding, desks, bookcases, books, library, 'iling cabinet, hall furniture, buffet, ta bles, chairs, rockers, sewing machine, typewriter. Hoosier kitchen cabinet, range, washtubs. dishes, cooking utensils, lawn mower, hose. 47 E 15th st. S. OAK ROLLED and flat top desk at a big reduction, and also ladles writing dsk complete with chair. OKI FURNITURE STORE, 209 Second St., Bet. Taylor and Salmon. SPECIAL iale on feather pillows $1.25 snd up ; eiectric fans at a big reduct ion, $6.50; ice refrigerators at 20 per cent discount. OKI FURNITURE STORE, 209 Second St., Bet. Taylor and Salmon. OAK DINING SET. rugs, rockers, chairs, 1 library table. 1 camp stove, 1 lawn mower, 1 Presto tank, half filled ; 1 mahogany desk chair, extra dressing table and 1 mah. uite. 910 Thurman. ONE large mahogany bureau and dresser, . two mahogany chairs, one small mahog any rocker. White rotary sewing ma chine; one mahogany writing desk. Wdln. 1714. TWO LEATHER chairs, 1 telephone stand with chair, 1 lounge. 2 9x12 rugs and 1 8x10; 7 small rugs. 1 steel range with gas attachment. 787 E. Glisan. Call mornings. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight In our through cars ; fireproof storage. C. M. Oisoa Transfer ft Storage Co.. 248 Pine st. TWO WILTON velvet rugs. 2 rockers, bookcase, sanitary couch, 2 mattresses, 1 kitchen table with 4 chairs, kitchen ware: apt, for rent. Broadway 3031. FOR SALE Two Axminster rugs, library table, dining table, six chairs, electric lamp, A-l condition. Call after 10 A. M 833 E. 44th st. South. 5 ROOMS of furniture; also piano, house for rent to responsible party. 968 Thur man street. Phone Auto. 517-04. OFFICE furniture, used by government, now on saie at Pacific Stationery ft Printing Co.. 107 Second st. FOR SALE chap, large, finely carved oak bed and springs. 499 East 29th sc. South. Sell. 716. FURNITURE of 6-room house for sale; piano, a large Edison. Woodlawn 8669. FURNITURE for sale cheap, st. S. E-, Tabor 3190. 2650 49 th THREE rooms, furniture for sale, 190 N. 14th st. Office Furniture. 5 ROLL TOP desks. 1 roll-top L w. desk. 2 safes. 2 rotary bookcases, 20 law size bookcases, chairs and filing cabinets. Eushong ft Co 81 Park st. FOB SALE. Poultry. FOR SALE 66 White Leghorn1 hens, 1 year last April; am leaving; if take all, lave them for $1.10 each. Phone Main 6310. Hillsdale route No. 1. box 113. 300 YOUNG White Leghorn laying hens, $L25 each; guaranteed Hoganized stock. J. R. McGuire. 767 Oregon St., corner 24th. CHICKENS and geese for Hammond. Garden Home. sale. H. J. CHICKENS for painting and tinting. Stock Exchange bldg. Dogs, Rabbits, Birds. Pet Stock. 2-YEAR-OLD pedigreed English setter, male, partly trained. Fred Bernard i. Sa lem. Or. PEDIGREED Persian kittens, $5; Gem ear phone, cheap. 702 Leland at. PORTLAND CAT KENNELS. Tabor 7501. $250 stud : kittens cheap; cats boarded. WHOLE stock of canary birds for sale; fine singers. Phone 1042. S12 E. Pine st. FOR SALE Toy Boston bull bitch, coming o years oiq ; price 3bU. uau aiar. -, Launches and Boats. LOOK! DIRT CHEAP! A beautiful 4-room houseboat, com pletely furnished, strictly modern, close in; price $1400, terms. Alain 3672. Mc Farland. Failing bldg. Machinery, AIR COMPRESSORS. AIR TANKS. U. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety valves, coupling and automatic switches, every thing for the'alr line. AIR COMPRESSOR A EQUIPMENT CO. Broadway 3300. 220 Couch st. PAINT spraying machine. Champion Mfg. Co. Woodlawn 3607. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies for all makes B. W. PEASE CO., 110 Sixth street. Main 2285. DOANB GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All makes overhauled expert me chanics, N REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy, Sell, Rent and Exchange. Main 6397. Suppliea. 263 V4 Oak st. GUARANTEED rebuilt typewriters, all makes, sold and rented; easy terms; send for prices. Wholesale Typewriter Co., 321 Washington st. Main 5681. UNDERWOOD. Remington typewriters, $3.50 per month. Empire Transfer, 254 Broadway. Broadway 155. A NO. 1 NOISELESS typewriter, good or der, reasonable price. 624 Morgan bldg. Main 2035. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 starK. Main iih. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 4 birth, Alain gooa. Miscellaneous. WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky root? W hy not a permanent ana comfortable roof ? We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky rofs. Work guaranteed. Main 5560. FUR CHOKERS from $11 up; every article reduced this month: remodeling. THE FUR SHOP. 606 Swetland fc!dg Fifth and Wash. 7-FOOT steel range, bread cutter, six din ing tables, disnes, pots ana pans, iu gal. potato steamer, ice refrig., nmll hood, 20 feet pipe. Phone Bast 1082 MUST SELL cash register, showcases, scales, electric coffee mill, root beer barrel and many other fixtures; cash or terms. 113 2d. Phone Marshall 2438. USED electric washing machines; some bargains. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY, 5th and Oak sts. LICENSED Independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12.50; 5 rooms $20. All new material used and guaranteed to pass inspection. Wdln. 3701. FOR SALE Waterpower washing machine $5, good wringer $2.50, sewing machine $S, good wood heating stove, $18. Cali Tabor 5150. SAFES New and 'second-hand ; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO., Broadway 1066 48 Front St. NEW "SINGERS." $5 down. $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON -STREET SINGER STORE 3S2 Morrison. Marshall 721. WE WASH your rugs at home with the Hamilton Beach carpet washer, satis faction guaranteed. Woodlawn 1259, East 4045. 500 CORDS old growth fir wood. $4 : or hire hauled 240 rods, at $1. 141 East 69th north, evenings. Tabor 70o5. ATTENTION For sale, diamond blue en amel ring from Czar's collection; $500. credentials. O 958, Oregonian. DESKS, typewriters, adding machines, rugs, time clocks from shipyards. D. C Wax, 31 N. 6th st. Broadway 2739 FOR SALE Floor cases, counter cases, cash registers, safes, wall cases, ice box. candy outfit; terms. 242 Salmon. FOR SALE One large and small safe, National penny register, corner floor case, other fixtures; hurry. 242 Salmon. A SANITARY gas range, double copper coil water heater, also a large size trunk. East 4iso2. AT NEARLY half price, safe, computing scale, cash register, eignt-it. snowcase. 306 Oak st. BEAUTIFUL brown wolf fur. worn five times, cost $60. Need money, sacrifice for $25 today. Phone Marshall 2. DOUGH mixer. 2 bbl. Champion, used ' 6 mos. ; good as new. Dan McQuade, 1349 E. 6th St. N. Wdln. 3524. ELECTRIC coffee mill." Toiedo scale, show cases and other store fixtures. 1076 E. 24th St., 1 block north Alberta. COLLECTORS, attention: Collection of rare Hawaiian land shells. AV 407, Ore gonian. DUCK hunters, chance for 2 congenial sportsmen to take interest In. fine lake. BF 893, Oregonian. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy's. 329 Washington st. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, showcases, wall cases, fixtures; terms. W J Quigley. 369 Hawthorne. East 123. OFFICE furniture, used by government, now on sale at Pacific Stationery & printing Co.. 107 Second st. FOR SALE. Double-barrel hammerless shotgun, like new, $20. BJ 821, Oregonian. FOR SALEi All kinds of second lumber, celling, rustic planks, framing lumber. East 7th and Hawthorne. East 8479. FOR SALE No. 4 Sharpless separator, used two months, reasonable; also trailer. Leaving farm. 422 Shaver st. FOR SALE Hot air furnace, excellent condition. 512 Panama bldg. WILL sell or trade electric grills, tosater, percolator. BJ 822. Oregonian. NEW all-wool 3-piece suit, size 38. Main 102. BIG load of boxwood. $5.50 pr load. Woodlawn 5904, or 1133 Montana ave. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. Pacific Tent A Awning, 1 N. 1st st. BEER BAR for sale, 18 ft. Ion. Burnside - 375 E. DESK ADDING MACHINE $15 518 COR. SAFES One large and one small. R 80S, uregonia-u- OPPORTUNITY to get ladies used ap parei in i-.nmcmmg'- n'wo. iuuor Biia FOR SALE Paint spraying machine. Champion Mfg. Co., Wdln. 3607. FOR v SALE Cash register, aafe. adding machine, showcase. 43 Jsf sc., near Ash. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. $1 pfcr day, delivered anywhere Woodlawn 3495. FLOOR showcases, all sizes, plate glass, all kinds ot mirrors. 600 1st. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dresses, slishtly worn. Main 0567. GASOLINE woodsaw for saie or trade for light car. pcuwpoa 0111, ROYAL typewriter for sale, nearly new. 347 Lincoln st. No dealers. FOR SALE Second-hand 2676. lumber. Main WRECKAGE wood. $4 load delivered in city, b'none -fc-asr anu. GOOD Majestic wood Phone East 67S9. and coal range. WICKER baby bupgy, $14; also 1 bassinette. $4. Woodlawn 394S. FOR SALE Body Brussels rug, 9x12, Just been cleaned; $32.50 Main 505. VULCAN gas range, wood and coal range, 6-hole: chsap. 503 E. Market. NEW easy washing machine, used two months; $165 cash. Main 1531. QUANTITY" of house paint at wholesale If taken at once. V 004. Oregonian. FOR SALE Child's adjustable bed com piete. Mar. 3191. LADY'S suit, size 36. hat and smock, rea sonable. Main 426S. SPLENDID cooking apples for sale cheap. 112 E. st. Tabor 1S33. FOR SALE Natural blonde, three-strand switch, never worn. Wdln. 1591. GET TOUR, auto brakes renewed for $2. Grip-o, L0 E. Burnside FtXB SAUK. miscellaneous. PREVENT DISEASE OF GUMS. Do you know that tartar scales. Im perfect fitting crowns and bridges, over hanging fillings, irritating gums, all con tribute to pyorrhea, pus of gums. In flammation of gums, loosening of teeth and finally loss of teeth? I specialise In first-class dentistry. X-ray examinations. DR. A. W. KEENS, Majestic Theater Bldg., 351 Vi Wash. St. LUMBER! LUMBER! 2.000,000 feet of all dimensions. PLUMBING! PLUMBING! AM kinds of plumbing material Doors, Windows and Cable. DO LAN WRECKING & CONST. CX. Office, 171 Front st. Lumber Yard. 19th and Wash. 515-77. SEW, SEW. SEW. SEW. Phone Sellwood 1071. NO AGENTS EMPLOYED. Sewing machines cleaned, timed, ad- juaiva, repairea. oougnt, soia. rouc, supplies and attachments, power ana mfg. machines; motors, shafting and tables Installed; everything in needles. Phone Sellwood 1071. A LOT of mixed merchandise to be closed out today consisting of books, shoe pol ish, canned goods, notions, hotcake griddles, hats caps, sweaters, candies, etc., must be sold today, wholesale or retail. 209 Mill st., between First and Front sts. Take S. car, walk 2hk blocks east. PURE extracted honey for sale, alfalfa, sweet clover and white sage honey, 1920 crop; 5-gal. can $12.00; 6 10-lb. pails, $14; 1 10-ib. pail. $2.50 f. o. b. Grand View, Idaho. Send check with order. A very fine honey. Geo. A, Young Jr., Grand View, ldah. . I CHANGED to oversize tires so have for sale one brand new 32x3 all weather tread Goodyear, never been on; also one used tire and some tubes. All for less than cost of new tire. Call Real Estate Dept., 285 Stark streeL ELECTRrC repair and parts for all makes Irons, heaters, toasters. percolators, vacuum cleaners, fans, drink mixers, doorbells, etc Wiring and motor dept. Quick service. Hynson Electric Co Phone Bdwy. 4293. 302 Pine, at Bth. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Blue angora buck rabbit; H. R. double-action .32-cal. revolver, army bugle, fine first-baseman's mitt, books, wood-burning outfit, original cartoons, boxing gloves, erector toys. Tabor 65 SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 943L SEWING MACHINE' EMPORIUM. m 190 Third st., near Taylor. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. Easy terms if de sired. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO. 105 Second st. Main 2045. USED electric vacuum cleaners In first class mechanical condition at a big sav ing; a few hand vacuum cleaners, $1 each. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY, 81 Fifth st. FOR SALE Two 8-foot floor cases; num ber different sizes; cigar cases, lift-up top; complete candy outfit; scales, elec tric coffee mill, wall case, cash regis ters, bread slicer. 242 Salmon. POP CORN. Eastern a-nd western fancy grades pop corn; can furnish In any quantity, w holesaie and retail. Ray E. Roberts, dox id, J3oise, laano PRUNES! PRUNES! 25-lb. boxes, 3; 100 lbs.. $11.50: 300 lbs.. S11.25: 100 lbs. peaches. $16.50. Order today. Cowley's Grocery, 1S8 Third st. HOT-WATER tanks. 30-gal.. $7; 40-gal., $0; tested and guaranteed ; stove and furnace colls, gas beaters Installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams St. East 8516. NEW HARTMANN WARDROBE TRUNK: A REAL BARGAIN. CALL BDWY. XY52. ' FOR RALE ArrTOMOBII.ES. SOME REAL SNAPS. 1020 FORD Coupe, wire wheels BUICK, 5 pass., 6 tires 1019 MAXWELL, new tires ... 1918 ELGIN 6. good condition . 1018 BRISCOE touring 1017 FORD touring 1019 CHEVROLET, new tires... 1919 CHEVROLET. 5 new tires . .$ 850 . 900 . 850 . 1000 . 675 . 475 . 700 . . 750 OLDSMOBILE COMPANY OF OREGON. Broadway and Couch. Bdwy. 2270. BEAUTIFUL late model fl-cvlfnder. 7-na.s- senger Oldsmobile, 5 cord tires; bargain v1 x.i"', wun terms to suit. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO. 14th and Alder Sts. Broadway 240, vsjjea evenings ana aunaayg. .. 1919 ROADSTER Chevrolet Roadster in exceptional con dition. 5 good tires; spotlight and oumper; runs like new; easy terms. fhone Tanor 478. 1918 BUICK 6 TOURING My Buick is in wonderful condition, good tires, new top and just repainted; I rmist sell and will sacrifice and give terms. Phone Broadway 2256. CHEVROLET BABY GRAND roadster, wire wheels. A nobby little car. Don't miss this at $425. 30 Grand ave., north, near Burnside. STEPHENS SALIENT SIX sport model in elegant condition: would accept a smaller car ss part payment and give terms on balance. Broadway 3G06. ESSEX touring, 1019, in best of condition. A. real bargain at $1475. Will consider trade on Ford. 30 Grand ave., north, near Burnside. BIG USED CARS. PRICES STOCK. RIGHT. No Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. BT OWNER Almost new coupe, 2700 miles. Overland, o-cy under, 3-passenger and chair; all extras; leaving city. 1500 Can be seen 471 Morrison. FORD sedan, 1920. Wire wheels, one ex tra. Electric starter. Used privately. A real bargain at X975. 30 Grand ave., N., near Burnside. STUTZ BULLDOG, just overhauled, has 5 com tires; tms car is just being re painted; make me an offer on .this job as it won't last long. East 2766. STEPHEN SSALIENT SIX SEDAN at a great discount, or would consider aft open car as part payment; term on balance. Broadway 3606. MAXWELL touring, 1919, very best of condition. Owner must sell. Real bar gain at 4850. 30 Grand are. near Burnside. TWO-POWER range, 8-cylinder Peerless, 7-passenger touring. Driven 3000 ml., cord tires. Will consider trade. Main 780. Mr. Dalton. 1918 BUICK. touring car, good, mechanical conaiuon, runs gooa. iooks good, good tires; a snap, $1050, Phone Frank Smith, Bdwy. 1130. 1918 MAXWELL for sale, good paint and tires, s.ou aown, Daiance, ll)S. at 30 monthly. By owner, 352 San Rafael st., phone 324-94. 1918 MAXWELL, 6-passenger. good condi tion, cheap for cash. Main 850. 595 Wash ington. CHEVROLET roadster. 1918. Owner must sell. Bargain at $375. 30 Grand ave., north, near Burnside. 1918 FORD, electric starter, car in good cond Ition ; good rubber ; $5ftO. terms. Phone Lovltt. Milwaukie 25 W. OVERLAND touring. 1915, in good run ning condition. Will sacrifice at $125. 30 Grand ave, north, near Burnside. BARGAIN 1912 PACKARD. Small 4, model 18. Must sell. Wood lawn liL FORD touring, 1915, fine mechanical con dition. Bargain at $275. 30 Grand ave., north, near Burnside. . FOR SALE Buick C-25. 115, good con dition; can bo seen at Monarch Motor Co., 343 Vancouver ave.; price 7350. 191S FORD touring, fine condition. 30x3H tires, spot, mirror, ether extras, $475. 136 Russell st 1915 FORD; new top, new tires, speedom eter, late iock, at joo; easy terms. HM tu. isi el ri. wooaiawn 648. DODGE roadster, snap at $600; terms if aeslrea. Automatic 3 11 -33. 4-PASSEiNuEK roaaster Peerless, 2 power range . iysu moaei. jau Alain 7o. OVERLAND CHUMMY ROADSTER. $7 terms. Phone Dunn. Sellwood lo93. 5; FORD chassis, will make a good bug. $225. 30 Grand ave., north, near Burnside. CHEVROLET TOURING, 1319; $700. terma Phone uunn. benwooa j-v.m. VEL1E roadster. 1919 model, very cheap; easy terms. Jroaqway jduo. FORD SEDAN; elec. starter; $750, Phone Dunn. Sellwood 1393. FORD s-peedster, very classy. $150 In extras. Sacrifice for $425. Tabor 4573. FORD TOURING. $275, terms. Phone Dunn, Sellwood 130 a. FOR SALE Trailer, pneumatic tires and large pea; eou oun st. p. a. 191S CHEVROLET, runs like new ; nei tires; bargain for cash. Wdln. 3025. STL'DEBAKER 4, 1917, 7-passenger. good condition. nawon. txv iiancock, W1NTON SIX, cord aires, $750. Main 3579. -AUTOMOBILES. CUT PRICES. SUMMER PRICES THAT ARB MAKING US SALES. We do not hare a used-ear depart mentthese bargains are on our sales room floor: 1917 Maxwell, fine running, small modern automobile $ 42ft 1913 Maxwell, great bargain.... S43 1919 Maxwell, "like new" 745 1818 Chalmers light six, fine con dition, first-class shape 1150 1919 Essex going through our . shop, will be like new and same service and same re placements of parts as a - factory gives you on a new car 1425 HUDSON BARGAINS. 1916 Hudson super six. always In private hands; has been alt gone over In our shop, then repainted We give you the same service and factory re placement of parts as on a new automobile 1250 1918 Hudson super six. always was in private hands; has been through our shop and Is like new. We give you the same service and factory replacement of parts as on a new automobile 180O 1919 Hudson speedster, always In private hands; has been through our shop and all gone over, then repainted. We give you the same serv ice and factory replacement of parts as on a new auto mobile 1825 TRUCKS, truck, good 1913 Maxwell truck ... New2918 old-style one-ton truck, bargain on a new truck. C. L. BOSS 'AUTOMOBILE CO., 615-617 Washington St. Portland. FORD OWNERS. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motors overhauled 920 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed..... 9 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc. which insures a perfect-running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. THK REASON the Ford engine starts hard and the lights are dim Is because the MAG NETO is weak. Have it RECHARGED by EXPERTS. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO. 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7644. USED CHEVROLETS. SERVICE RELIABILITY REPUTATION. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. CHEVROLET AGENTS. 14TH AND ALDER STS. BDWT. 240. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed S Magneto recharged . 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO., 230 Front St.. Corner Jefferson. 1918 CHEVROLET ROADSTER. This light roadster runs and looks fine; will do 20 miles on gal. gas and use the same tires as Ford; low upkeep and lots of service; a car you can sell over night when you get ready and we have low price on this one and only $250 down, bal. easy. Come and try it. 505 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. Open Sunday. WB CARRT a full line of auto accessories, tires, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc. ; also do towing. Open day and night. LONG & SILVA. Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne. 1919 CHEVROLET TOURING. This car is new and will speak for it self when you see - It, and better come and try it. We have low price and will take $30 down, balance long, easy terms that will please you. We charge no brokerage. 505 Alder St. Red Front Used Car Co. CHEVROLET ROADSTER. 1919 MODEL. FIRST-CLAPS CON UITIOaN. nvJS GOOD TIRES. LESS THAN 1 EAR OLD, EXCEPTIONAL BUY AT $700. SEE SMITH AT flTH AND EVERETT. BROADWAY 8287. YOU HAME heard about the 85 Overland. The really good car the uveriana people made. This is a a an ay 3 -pass., gooa tires, more power than most cars. If you want a dependable car, look at this one. laoor uoti. NEW CHEVROLETS. Immediate delivery ; easy terms. P. H. DUNN MOTOR CO.. Cor. Milwaukie and By bee Ave. Phone Sellwood 13?t3. CHANDLER chummy, in beautiful condi tion, motor runs smooth as a clock, top and upholstering good as new; 5 good tires, bumper, two spotlights; a real buy. Call Mr. Howard. Broadway 1858. FOUR-PASSENGER, 4-door Empire six; wire wheels, lots or extras, new etres: cost $1900; run only 6000 miles on paved streets; bargain price. The Peasleys, 407 Morrison. OAKLAND touring. 1920, used privately. very best or condition, win sacrifice at $1075. 30 Grand ave., north, near Bum side. WILL SELL equity In Veils '18 model. iuu; oargain 11 som Dciorc Aug. 10, Call at once at 611 43d ave. S. E. Mount Scott car. Kern Park Sta. 1W18 OLDS eight, also 1918 Hudson be longing to a doctor; having only use for one, will sell either at sacrifice; terms to responsible people. Main 259, room 2. FORD coupe, 1918 model, first-class con dition, part cash, balance on time. Call after 5 P. M. 418 E. 12th st. N. or phone East 5529. 1920 CHEVROLET roadster. run SOOfJ miles; $725; 114 Oakland roadster with electric lighting and starting system, $4O0. Call Frohman. Broadway 821. 191S FORD touring, best kind of shape, all good tires; $425. $100 down. baL monthly. A-l Auto Works &. Painting Co.. 525 Alder st. 1S20 MAXWELL, like new. for sale by owner. $400 will handle It. 1641 East Stark at. Phone laoor 0S06. l,nc v nvur. 1 tvuituBi uio, a x rai Bar gain at $475. 30 Grand ave., north, near A MAXWELL, 5-passenger; good running order, gooa ures, jou casn 11 taaen to morrow. 43 Hawtnorne arve. MAXWELL touring, 1917. Will sell at - $375. 30 Grand ave., north, near Burn side. 1920 LIGHT 4 Overland, looks fine, rides as easy as a large car; come in and make offer. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MAXWELL touring, 1918, good tires. Will sacrifice at $475 and give terms. 30 Grand ave., north, near Burnside. laift FORD: six tirea two brand new: this car runs perfectly; $525 cash. 261 Front street. FOR SALE 1920 Ford sedan, splendid condition and appearance, at 505 E. Broadway. ONE 1919 OVERLAND 90 for sale, a bar gain if sold now. 916 60. Ivanhoe st. Phone CoL 632. FOR SALE Mitchell automobile In A-l condition, thoroughly overhauled. 1918 model. Call East 4447 or Wdln. 4179. OVERLAND roadster In arood runninr condition and good tires, $100 cash. 432 Hawtnorne ave. OVERLAND touring, model 75, In good condition, neai oargain at s-t.'a. Terms. 80 Grand ave.. north, near Burnside. FORD touring, 1918, good condition, good tires; owner leavina.. 101 Portsmouth ave. FORD touring, 101ft, used privately. A bargain at $375. Terms. 30 Grand ave., north, near Burnside. 1919 FORD roadster, practically new, load ed with, extras and toois. L. D. Houlis, 354 Montgomery, phone Main 1331. FORD, good condition; new top and paint, hock absorbers, speedometer and spot- lighf. $350. Tabor 13&S. TRAILER for sale, use with touring car; Price $60. Inquire 1002 E. 24th st. N. CADILLAC, excellent condition. $900; parked opposite 329 Salmon, Mala 4769 TOR 8ALI FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. 1920 CHANDLER DISPATCH, like .new. new overstsed cord tires. 1 . brand new extra, bumper, moto meter. Gabriel snubbers. perfect mechanical condition; guaran teed same aa new car. Price. . . .$2000 191 CHANDLER. 7 -pass,, rebuilt throughout, newly painted, good tires with extra; we give new car guarantee on this car. Price. . . .$1500 1918 CHANDLER CHUMMY, four pass, roadster, rebuilt through out, oversize cord tires, nearly new; guaranteed same as new car. Price $1500 1018 CHANDLER DISPATCH, newly painted, first-class me chanical condition, wire wheels, cord tires with extra: guaranteed same aa new car. Price $1300 SPECIAL, 1918 CHANDLER CHUMMY. 4 pass, roadster, good mechanical condition, wire wheels; very good tires, with extra. Price $1273 1917 CHANDLER. 7-pass.. fine me chanical condition, cord tires, newly painted; a real snap. Price 1917 VELIE. 5-pass., good mechan ical condition, repainted; good tirea Price S 900 191 S OAKLAND, 5-pAsa., good con- ditlon, excellent tires. Price.... $ 800 1918 OVERLAND 4-90 club road ster, good mechanical condition; wire wheels, good tires, repaint ed. Price 75$ SOME MORE GOOD BUYS. COME IN AND SEE THEM. ThM ears will all be found as repre sented and very reasonable terms can be arranged. 605 WASHINGTON STREET. 514 ALDER STREET. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO- LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 20S SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. inia TtTTICK ROADSTER. This car (s in perfect mechanical condition, having been run less than 9900 miles. The tires are in excellent shape, there being 3 new ones; seat cov er, bumoer. fire, extinfcuisher. tire cover, spare tire, etc., go with car. Owner going east, ao must sell immediately. Price $1450. Phone Main 6S69. NOTICE to bargain hunters In a used car ltflw Lexington chummy roaaster like new. in the best possible condition. Come and be convinced. Cost more than double what we are asking. Our price $OoO. bmall payment down. bal. easy. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO., 525 Alder. 1017 DODGE TOURING. $725. This car Is like new and Is really an '18, but we sell them all cheap and this one will surprise you and we will take SHOO down, balance easy: take car in trade; come and try it; we charge no nroKerage ana we are open tunaays. fins Aider st. Red Front used Lax Jo. OAKLAND roadster, nearly new, 5 wire wheels and cord tires, bumper, etoetc, etc. Price cut to $1075. Some terma 531 WKah. Bdwy. 1614. $625. DODGE 5-PASSENGER. Jl nt.,.Ah HaIaa t o-li i t inn ulf.Mtartr generator. This Is a snap for anyone wanting a car. Don't answer unless you have cash. Phone TABOR 8152. CHALMERS. 6-cyI., completely overhauled and repainted. A dandy buy at $h00. Some terms. 531 Washington st. Bdwy. 1614. c 1 vnv STY TOURING. "IS. This car Is reflnlshed dark blue with gold stripe and is a very beautiful car: runs as good as new and the low price of $650 with $250 down, balance easy, will let you enjoy this car while you ride. Open Sundays at aw Aiuer Red Front Used Car Co. toil a ttt .t . A T In dnndv Bhaoe. has good tires, priced $10O below market price. uary. vix-a. w- vniT wave nfipn wanted a dependab small light car, one that you took no chances on after you bought it. Can buy this latest model 20 Maxwell with a guarantee 01 vt uy a new car would offer you no more. Terms or cash. lapor 101 . " 7TZ puttmvY ROADSTE?It. This one has ive wire wheels and good tires and is finished dark maroon and will run and look to suit you. Come and try it: low price of $075, with $250 down, balance easy, lane rum u 505 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. hfrr'S ths ear vou want: 1918 Max well, fine appearance. five good tires, Al conaiuon. economical ig ujiic, car fare and take some good Sunda ,ina at inw rnst: S200 down and Ion terms on balance. Call Mr. Howard Broadway 1S58. ti-w tt r vi ; I. Thomas 6-cyIInder bug, painted red. in fine running condition. Has a fine whistle, tires in good shape. If you want speed and power you will buy this car. Easily worth $450. Will sell for $200 cash. E. A. Oetzen, 16th and Glisan. BUICK ROADSTER. 191T. Good tires, good condition; spare nw tire, lots of extras: roust sell at once. Lester Heym to.. -J" pi" t u vir a rianriv ifiiR S-Dassencer Briscoe, newly painted, four new tires and one spare, airo new iop, -. did condition, at a very reasonable price, small cash payment and long terms on the balance. Mr. Howard, Bdwy. 1858. 7-PASSENGER CAR. type 57, in perfect condition, used only by the president of Reed college; may be seep at Reed college. Phone Sellwood 2436. Price, with 6 cord tires and ail extras. $3300. 1S19 BUICK touring car that is like a new 1 .. .n mllR- rnrd tires. part nw; owner leaving city, a real value for $1500. See the car and con vtnM vnnrsif. Phone Tabor 4459. ONE Studebaker light six, 1919 model, . 11.. iftxlrt two foldins: cots. gasoline stove, complete touring outfit; will trade for house. 14 S. Syracuse St., St. Johns. $10 DOWN will buy either a good Reo Overland 4; both cars in fine shape; you will be pleased to own one of them. Mr. Howard. Broadway 1853. MODEL 1920 Overland demonstrator, in first-class condition, would pass for brand-new ; $350 cash. $o75 in small monthly installments: a snap, don t miss it. Phone Tabor 8S50. 19?0 Dodge coupe in elegant condition; has shock absorbers, bumper, ivire wheels and other equipment; car caTi be seen at Broadway garage, E. 24th and Broad way MAXWELL roadster, 1917, very best of condition. Owner must selL Real bar gain at $475. 30 Grand ave., north, near tturnsiae FOR SALE or trade. Ford and Chevrolet for a larger car, one or both with some cash- private owner. Call evenings after 6, 880 37th st. S. E. . WE PUT STEEL TEETH IN TOUR OLD FLYWHEEL. H. B. BLACK MACHINE SHOP 534 ALDER ST.- BDWY. 26teL MAXWELL touring car, good as new; snap. $225 cash. . Call week days, 773 Williams ave. 7-PASSENGER Buick, practically new, and extras at a bargain. Phone Wood lawn 2111 1919-1 920 3-PASSENGER roomy roadster, cord tires all around, at a bargain. Phone owner. Tabor 2171. 1918 STUDEBAKER touring car. In good condition, real bargain for sale. Broad way 4200. 299 Burnside st. FORDS overhauled and in good shape; shock absorber, spotlight and speedo meter, $375. Marshall 46L TWO FORD delivery cars with panel bodies for sale cneap. j,a..iit.w Jioior tar Co., E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. East 6SS5. vhax'KLIM 5-uaas.. 6 M-. excellent condi tton; sacrifice $S50. . Tabor 2538 or 28 E. dfiitu 191 FORD, electric starter, shock ab sorbers, speedometer, Yale lock, $475 cash. Tabor 6640 after 5 P. M. FORD ROADSTER, extras; a good buy at $85. Phone G. L. Stover, Bdwy. 4184. A DANDY Winton six for a diamond (cord tires). Main io i. NW bug body, $75. 500 Union ay a. FOR PA LE AUTOMOBILES. BIG REMOVAL SALS IS ETILL ON. A FEW GOOD BUYS LEFT. Our Price. Your Pce. 350 . FORD ROADSTER ...... FORD ROADSTER". 19 MOTOR FORD TOURING. MS MOTOR FORD TOURING, 17 MOTOR FORD BUS. '18 MOTOR CHEVROLET TOURING, MS MOTOR CHEVROLET TOURING '19 MOTOR CHEVROLET TOURING, '20 MOTOR CHEVROLET TOURING. .$40O 4 50 .. 425 .. 400 450 .. 650 ..700 . 750 18 .. 600 40O 875 . S50 400 60O 650 700 . 550 400 950 50O 600 HIGH GRADE ROADSTER, RUNS GREAT 1919 SCRIPPS BOOTH 6, 05 per cent new FRANKLIN TOURING. new t tres ... . CHALMERS MASTER SIX, Just perfect Every car must go before Sept. 1. We must make room, for our new location at 86 10th st. Between Oak and Stark. CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER, 511 Burnside St. Phone Broadway 1424. THE FIRST NAME OF EVERT CAR WE SELL IS SATISFACTION. .That's the big item in buying a car. CHANDLER SIX Here's one that's hard to beat. BUICK SIX Just came In. Priced right. STUDEBAKER SIX CHUMMY. Some class. ELGIN SIX VICTORY SCOUT xnodeL This is the talk of the town. ELGIN SIX TOURING Best buy In the city. LEXINGTON SIX A 1919 model. Priced right. 1919 M A XW ELL TOURING, only $800. FORD TOURING and ROADSTERS. Remember, we sell you satisfaction. THE USED CAH EXCHANGE, 15th and Wasnington. QUALITY COUNTS. In used cars as In other things, quality counts. We have used cars of quality, many of them over hauled and repainted, all of them having thousands of miles of satis factory service still in them. Com pare our cars and our prices with others and you will see the wis dom of trading with us. OVERLAND, model 90. club roadster, with wire wheels, wind deflectors, 2 bumpers, spotlight, spare tire; all ready for the road; a pickup at TO0 1018 MITCHELL. 4-pasa.. club roadster. 1017 HUPMOB1LE, 5-pass.. 4-cyl. 1916 MITCHELL. 7-pass.. 6-cyl. 1017 MITCHELL. 5-pass.. 6-cyL-101S MITCHELL. 5 -pass.. 6-cyl. 1013 MITCHELL, 7-pass.; -cyl. 119 MITCHELL. 5-pass.. 6-cyl. 1019 MITCHELL. 7-pass.. 6-cyL HHS WILLYS- KNIGHT. 7-pass.. 4-cyl. JORDAN SPORT MARINE. 4 -pass.. 6-cyL -JORDAN SUBURBAN, 7 -paws.. 6-cyl. OVERLAND, model 85. 5-pass.. 4-cyl. MANY OTHERS. BOTH LARGE AND SMALL PRICES $500 AND UP NO BROKERAGE CHARGES WE CARRY OUR OWN NOTES MITCHELL.- LEWIS & STAVER CO BROADWAY AND EVERETT. Phone Broadway 4675. C G. BLEAPDALE. TERMS NO BROKERAGE. All standard manes. Call and them over and get our oroposition. your own terms. FORD TOURING. 1918 PAIGE. 6 CYL.. 7-PASS MAXWELL TOURING MAXWELL ROADSTER, 1918 .... CH E VROLET. 1918 - BUICK LIGHT 4 DELIVERY MAXWELL, 101S TOURING OVERLAND, MODEL 90 OVERLAND, 85-4 OVERLAND 7-PASS.. NEW MITCHELL LIGHT SIX CHALMERS LIGHT 6 look Make $ 4T5 .$ 4T.0 ft.'.O . 750 .$ 650 J 7 .Ml .5 .no i 700 .$ SM .$1250 .$1750 MANY OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM. TERMS NO BROKERAGE.. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS... . C G. BLEASDALE. e30 Alder SL Broadway 1852. 1919 HATNES 4-pass., 4-door roadster. Has 5 cord tires and looks and runs like new. If you want something classy a., a bargain better see this. 631 Wash ington st. Bdwy. 1614, 1916 STUDEBAKER 6 touring in first class shape, newly painted and all prac tically new Urea Price only 1550, easy 1Jl AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO., 525 Alder St. vertible into a regular Ford roadster. This car is mechanically good and all good tires. It's a snap. S425. easy terma A-l AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO.. 525 Alder St. TWO DODGES, both newly painted, mo tors In good running oraer. tuner oav !i map at 700. WILLAMETTE OAKLAND COMPANY. Broadway at Flandera. Phone Broadway 41S4. HUDSON BUY. Late model 19 Hudson, has been stored for some time. Speedometer shows something like 1100 miles. This is a 7 pass. and cannot be told from new. Cash or terms. Tabor 9067. , OAKLAND touring car. new paint, good tires and top. just overnauiea; inis car will be sacrificed at from $200 to $300 under the present market. See me and this car at 1O0 N. Broadway. Mr. Stan- ley, Bdwy. -1184. CHANDLER CHUMMY" roadster, fully equipped: has never been off the pave ment. In excellent condition mechan ically; a dandy buy." Call Mr. Clem mons, Bdwy. 4184. 100 N. Broadway. 1TOR SALE 7-passenger 1920 Buick; been driven mix weeks; reason for selling, arn Waving town; car may be seen at Ford arage. Gresbam, Or. Calx phone Gresnam - 1918 MAXWELL, repainted and In A-l running order, for sale cheap, or would consider trading on Ford. Owner, 423 Plttock block. OAKLAND SIX. Good running condition, good tires; must be seen to be appreciated; will sacrifice for $500; terms. Broadway $817. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. Good mechan ical condition. Will sacrifice at $475 and give terms. SO Grand ave., north, nar Burnside. FOR SALE Brand new Stuts six passen ger, extra equipment, run 4000 miles on paved streets only: will sell for $2950. Fhone Broadway 5737. MY $300 EQUITY in 5-passenger touring car. $300 If tsken this week, balance ft-25 In 6 mouths' time. Call Woodlawn 42t2. FOR SALE My beautiful Pairs roadster, must be seen to be appreciated, all In first-class condition: will sacrifice for $1250 Ray Barkhurst. 94 Sixth St. 191S DODGE touring, looks like new, new pantasote top. fine mechanical condi tion, good tires, extra tire; a snap buy; $S5u; no trades. Phone Main 3119. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. We wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at baif price. David Hodes Auto Wrecking Dept.. 105-7 N. 11th tt. IF YOU want a swell car see my Buick bug. $375. Marshall 1863. ' Automobiles Wanted. WILL PAY CASH for Ford touring. Phone Tabor 4376, eving only.