TTTE 'MOltmr, OREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 11, 1920 13. 1000 REGISTRATION REACHED BY BUYERS Previous Mark for Alaska and California Broken. 8 YEARS ALL 'EXCEEDED Pacific Coast States, Montana, Utah, Arizona and Nevada Also Are Represented. More than 1000 retail merchants and jobbers had registered for buyers' week at the headquarters room at the state chamber of commerce by 8 o'clock last night, when the sec ond day of registration closed, rep resenting the cities and towns of the coast states and Montana. Utah, Ari zona. Nevada and Alaska. More buy- I era have registered from Alaska and California than for all previous years combined, and it is felt that the hoped-for total of 2000 will easily I be exceeded before the end of the week. Retail merchants from various points throughout Oregon and Washington are expected in large numbers today and tomorrow. Many small towns in Oregon, Washington and Idaho al ready are represented here by a solid turnout from their business houses. Yesterday was a busy day at head quarters. The buyers arrived in swarms and droves, registered and left Immediately for the various business houses. No particular event was on the entertainment programme during the day, and tfta visitors availed themselves of the opportunity to inspect goods and prices and get in their orders early. Many of the buyers, after a busy session In the wholesale and Jobbing houses, took advantage of the beautiful day to enjoy extensive eight-seeing tours about the city. "High Jinks" la Held. The "high Jinks" and smoker given by the chamber of commerce was the big entertainment feature last night. Much speculation had been caused among the visitors as to the exact nature of the coming entertainment, as the proceedings had been shrouded in mystery, and when the doors were thrown open into the dining-room visitors and "natives" crowded the place to capacity. They found the tables loaded with Ice-cold "Rainier" and "Blitz," donated by Lang & Co. and the Portland Brewing company, and "eats" provid ed by Armour & Co.. Tru-Blu Biscuit company, the U. S. Bakery, Portland Flouring Mills company and the Knight Packing company. An im provised stage was placed at the south end of the room and several vaudeville acts from local theaters and local talent kept the house in an uproar. Cigarettes and cigars were provided by the Tobacco Products corporation, Jenkins & Co., Blumauer- Franlc Drug company,- Rosenfeld Smith Cigar company, the Coast Cigar company. Mason, tnrman As J0. ana Allen & Lewis. While the men were enjoying themselves the visiting women buy ers were entertained at the theaters, with Mrs. W. F. Norman and Mrs. W. D. McWalters as hostesses. Retailers Hold Convention. In connection with buyers' week, . several national retail organizations are taking advantage of the large representation from coast cjtles to hold conventions here. The' Retail Shoe Dealers' association, which boasts of 800 association members registered for buyers' week, will hold a convention later in the week fol lowing a luncheon to be given at the Chamber of Commerce Thursday noon, according to J. G. Caldwell, secretary-treasurer of the Oregon branch of the national organization. Another convention Is that of the northwest furniture manufacturers and jobbers, who will hold meetings throughout the week. More than SO furniture exhibitors are participating in a display in the Morgan-Atchley building. Grand avenue and East Stark street, where every coneeiv able kind of standard and novelty furniture is exhibited. Interest Is keen among the visitors and many visiting furniture men spent the major part of their time yesterday Inspecting the Portland product Entertalnmeats Are Today. Two big entertainment features are scheduled for today. The first is the luncheon riven at the Lewis and Clark aviation field of the Oregon-Wash lngton & Idaho Aeroplane company, where the visiting buyers will be entertained by daring "stunts" in the air and by a military drill by the aviators. A number of the buyers will be taken on sight-seeing trips via aeroplane. Automobiles carrying the visitors to the aviation field will leave headquarters at 11:30 sharp. The first woman buyer to request a trip over the city via aeroplane was Mrs. L. W. Robbins of the Robbins general store of Molalla. Mrs. Rob bins is the buyer for the firm and has attended buyers' week every year during the past eight years. The second entertainment feature for today is the vaudeville and win dow trimmers' contest at the Baker theater at 8 P. M. Window trimmers representing the firms of Meier & Frank, H. Llebes Co., Llpman. Wolfe & Co., and Olds, Wortman & King will demonstrate all the latest wrinkles in window decoration and live models will be used to display dresses from uncut goods. A violin solo by Mrs. Vlvianne DeLory, a con tralto solo by Mrs. Gabriel Pullin, ac companied by Fred A. Brainard, and an aceSrdion solo by Mrs. Barge Leon ard are musical numbers on the pro gramme. Tomorrow's entertainment ecn'edule includes a river trip on the Bluebird to the municipal terminal No. and the million-bushel municipal grain elevator. Following a dinner on board the Bluebird a dance -will be given and the return trip to the city will be made at 11 P. M. L. D. KINNEY IS DEAD State Hospital Inmate Once "Notor ious for Real Kstate Deals. SALEM, Or., Ausr. 10. (Special.! With the death of L.. V. Kinney at the state hosDttal for the insane Sunday parsed a character whose speculations and promotions in real estate on Coos Bay and in Alaska a few years ago save him considerable notoriety. Hospital authorities believe Kinney was honest, but that his operations ware due to an unbalanced mind. He was about 70 years old. WOMEN'S HOURS TESTED Case Involving Overtime Opened In District Court. A case testing the riarht of the in duatrial welfare commission to limit tho working hours of women am- ployed in combined candy stores and j restaurants to 48 hours a week was opened before District Judgre Hawkins yesterday and was taken under ad visement. Miss Bernice Riley was the com plainant, charging J. Gaspari of the Sweet Home candy store and lunch counter on Third street, near Alder, with employing her unreasonably long hours, in violation of rules of the in dustrial commission. She was making claims for overtime compensation and was backed by the commission. William M. Davis, appearing for Gasparis, maintained that the law of 1913 limiting hours for women was superseded the laws of 1917 and 1919, permitting women to work 9 hours a day in restaurants though not more than 80 hours a week. Mj-s. Millie R. Trumbull, secretary of the welfare commission, insisted that tho powers conferred in 1913 had not beerL re moved. O'NEIL ACTOR, IS DEAD DAXTES IX "COUNT OF MOSTE CKISTO" PLAYED 15 YEARS. 60 00 Performances In Same Role Links Xame of Famous Player to Play Itself; Succumbs at 70. NEW LONDON. Conn., Aug. 10 James O'Neil, the actor, died at the Lawrence Memorial Associated Hospi tal today. He had been ill for two months suffering from an internal disorder. His wife and sons were at the bedside. He was 70 years of age. For more than fifteen years and in more than 6000 performances James O'Neil played the part of Edmund JJantes in ' The Count of Monte Cris- to" until his name became so associ ated with that play that in the minds of drama lovers to mention one was to suggest the other. It was his great est part, the character in which he achieved his greatest success and, despite his efforts to discard it for others, he was often compelled to return to It In gratification of pub ic demand or at the request of theatrical - managers. Mr. ONeil made his first appearance In that play at Booth'3 theater in New York, in 1883. under the management of John Stetson. -When Charles P. Thorne, who played the part of Dantes, died, Mr. o Neil took the part and thereafter played it continuously for years. An unusual Incident In Mr. JO 'Nell's career was his attempt to imperson ate Christ In a Passion Play pro duced in 1880 at San Francisco, where O'Neil was then a popular player. The effort was frowned upon by the au thorities despite the fervor and rev erence with which Mr. Oeil essayed the part and, after running for a few weeks. It had to be withdrawn. Later an attempt was made by Henry E. Abbey to produce the Passion Play In New York with Mr. O'Neil in the leading role but it was prevented by the authorities. Mr. O'Neil was brought to this country when a small child from the home of his parents in Kllk-nny, Ire land, where he was born November IS, 1849. His first appearance on the stage was in the National Theater at Clnnclnnatt In 186S. subsequently ne appeared at the St. Louis Varieties, played for a season in Cincinnati. was leading juvenile in a Baltimore company; played in a Chicago stock company for two years: and ap peared with Adelaide Neilson and Ed win Booth in classic plays. He went to New York in 1875 and played Pierro in "The Two Orphans," the Prince in "The Dancloffs" and Jean Renaud In "A Celebrated Case." Beginning in 1888 he achieved an en viable reputation as D'Artagnan In The Musketeers." He attempted many years ago to retire from the stage but often was recauea to appear in romantic dramas, in which he was a his best. PAPER MILL WORKER DIES Third Man Injured in Accident-Re ported In Serious Condition, VANCOUVER. Wash. Aug. 10 (Special.) E. McDonald, of Camas, who was injured in the sulphide room at the paper mill in Camas last Sat urday, died at St. Joseph's Hospital. A. J. Selph, injured at the same time, died Sunday. Christianson, the third man burned in the same accident, is reported to be about the same, though his condition Is serious. It was about 6:30 in the morning that the accident occurred, and they walked three blocks to a doctor's of fice. Selph had no skin left on bis body from his ankles to his chin. It Is thought McDonald got a whiff of hot steam and was burnel internally. The funeral of Mr. Selph was held in Camas this afternoon under the direction of the Oddfellows, and in terment was at the Fishers Cemetery. MURDER CHARGE IS MADE Dr. Xorman Bouchet Accused of Killing Mrs. Ruth Richards. Dr. Norman Bouchet was charged with the murder of Mrs. Ruth Rich ards, slain in her apartments, 272 Sixth street, early Saturday night. In a complaint sworn to before District Attorney Evans yesterday by C. A. Gilman, brother of the woman. The warrant will be served as soon as Dr. Bouchet is able to leave the hospital. The action was a formal aftermath of the finding by a coroner's Jury Monday night that Dr. Bouchet should be held responsible for the killing. The charge Is murder In the first degree and the first warrant of th kind issued in Portland since the restoration of the death penalty for murder in Oregon. Bond Issue Rehearing Asked. SALEM, Or., Aug. 10. (Speclal.)- The rountv court of Clackamas county has petitioned the supreme court (or a rehearing- of the mandamus case of W. P. Hawley against the county court in which the supreme court re cently handed down an opinion hold Ins void a road bond Issue of 11,700, 000 by Clackamas county. The issue was held void because it increased the county's bonded indebtedness above 2 per cent of the assessed prop erty valuation of the county. PORTLAND an. MON.-TUES. AUG. 16-17 show GRorxns TKn.Finn An raleigh. . 43 PtNS WILP BEASTS 43 PROVES OF eAMELS j 1000,000.00 Bl3 FFEE STKETT PARAPE PAILY AT 11 At. I Admission and reserved 8at tickets on sale each day at Sherman, Clay Piano Co., Sixth and Morrison. No extra charge. BUDGET WORKERS NAMED COM3ICXITY CHEST. COMMIT TEE IS APPOINTED. Clearing: House of Finance for Or - ga nidations Dependent on Pub lic for Aid Formed.. The budget committee of the com munity chest was appointed yester day by the board of directors, who met In the council chambers at the city hall. This committee Is com posed of J. C. Ainsworth, Emery Olm stead, B. C. Ball, C. D. Brunn, Max S. Hirscb, Mrs. Thomas Honeyman and W. D. Whitcorab. 1 . The community chest has been or ganized to serve as a clearing house of finance for -ell organizations that are dependent upon subscriptions from the public for support. Under directions given by the board yester day the budget committee, with the co-operation of Milton R. Klepper. acting secretary, will immediately notify such organizations that the committee is ready to receive their v. . . , - ' Such budgets will be checked by a i Dublic accountant and will also be carefully surveyed by the business men who are directors of '.he com munity chest. Mayor Baker was yesterday elected a director. A committee was appointed yester day to nominate a president, four vice-presidents and an executive sec retary.. The committee Js composed of Julius L. Meier, J. C. English and Marshal N. Dana. ILL ' C0IIVICT RELEASED Charles E. Connor, Who Served In Army, Has Tuberculosis. ... SALEM, Or., Aug. 10. (Special.) Because he la suffering in the last stages of tuberculc-618, Charles Conner, under a sentence of 15 years In the state penitentiary lor roDOing a bank at Haines, Baker county, has been released to return with his par ents to his home. Conner Is 23 years cyd. while his record shows that he has been a way ward youth, yet he enlisted in the army during; the war. but failed to get overseas. While In the army he contracted the disease. It Is said steps may be taken to have him sent to a military hospital In New Mexico. His parents and his physician are required to report each week to prison authorities. SUNDAY SCHOOLS CONVENE Conclave In Washington Is Set for August 2 4 and 2 5. VANCOUVER, Wash.. Aug-. 10. (Special.) The Clarke County Sunday School association will hold a con vention August 24 and 25 in Camas. The programme will be held in the First Christian church. This will be the 23d annual convention. A. C. Allen of Camas is chairman of the entertainment committee. W. Furman is president of the associa tion. Miss C. Ruth' Whipple is sec retary, and Carl Landerholm is vice president. It is expected that every Sunday school in the county will be represented. AMUSEMENTS. DANCING TAUGHT AT COTILLION ACADEMY . CLASSES START PROMPTLY AT 8 130 EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EYEN1SG One Class Lessos Consuming the ENTIRE EVENING. SPECIAL FEATURE DANCE ORCHESTRA EVERY THURS DAY EVE. FOR CLASS. Summer Ratea. Oar Teaches Are Second te nne. All Clause Under the Personal Direc tion of Prof. D. Patterson Downey. COTILLION HALL, fourteenth. Near Waahlnarton. Broadway 33 HO. CMldren Can Go Wading Anytime at olumbia Beach Come Early and Bring ' Your Lunch CIRCLE.' Mary Miles Minter IN "Judy of Rogues Harbor" Alas- the Comedy. "Prince of DaffydH" and the Pathe News. Open From 9 o'clock In the Morning Until 4 o'Clook of the Following Morning. DANCINS TAUGHT All new steps and dan aa taught at De Honey's beautiful academy, Twen- ty-tnira ana waemng-ton. iadies, $3; stentlemen, J5. Classes Tuesday and Thursday evenings. 8 to 11:30. Plenty of desirable partners and practice. No embarrassment- Learn from profes sional dancers. Private lesson all nours mono jniin iooo. Picnic in the "Old Orchard" at eOUNCIL CREST PARK Free Fireplaces, Wood. Benches. TahlM. U St THE 'tSlsjvjt.VT THE HIPPOPOTAMUS POORS OPEN AT l-7f.M. TKFCKMANCE SIAKTS 2-8 F.M. AMUSEMENTS. ti t ltj Mall Orders Received Mow V- e lO IP THEATER ill I! In Broadway at Taylor. IL-1L.IU. Phone Main 1. Ponnlar frff.e I I Snrelal I Price Slat. Wed. T 1 Mat. Sat. Oliver Moroaeo Presents Your National Comedienne CHARLOTTE GRENWOOD In the Musical Comedy 'LINGER LONGER LETTY" l.v. W TO SECURE TICKETS SOWl Addreu letters, checks, monsy orders to W. T. Pangle. Add 10 Per Cent War Tax to Price Ticket Beslred. Include se.f addrossed stamped envelope. PRICES: Eves. Floor, 12.50: Balcrfny. 5 ro at 2. t at II 50, 13 at $1; Gallery. 7 at 78e. Wed. Mat. Floor. 81.50; Bal.. 81; Gal.. 80c Bat. Mat. Floor. 2; Bal.. 5 at 81.50, 13 at 1: Gal., 7 at 75c Gal lery admission, all performances (not reserved), 60c. PANTAGES MATINEE DAILY. 1:80 MLLE. DIANE AND JEAN RCBINI The French Chantense and the Tonne; Swedish Composer, 111 "A Miniature Recital." SIX OTHER BIG ACTS Three performances dally. Kight curtain at t.and 9. TODAY-TONIGHT Musical Farce. "Ha vana Bound"; "The Blood Barrier" -vlth Kvlvia Breamer; Erford'e Golden Whirl: The KinH. comedy Honrs; Burt Adler, fun Daker; Martin Elliott. GLOBE Eleventh and nnhinfiton Dorothy Dalton IN , " His Wife's Friend TONIGHT Campbell's Famous Band Dorothy Daphne Lewis Mezzo-Contralto of Not. AMUSEMENTS CONCESSIONS Admission to Park Free to 5 P. M. Tluilv Exceot Sundays and Holidays. rars at First and Aider. Fare 6 Cents. ilmU4UUiw SWIMMING very afternoon and evening. DANCING TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. W-TI.T. FhHDerone one to six airls to east ern schools; references. Woodlawn 25D0. MEETING NOTICES. AL KADER TEMPLE. A. A. O. N. M. S. A moonlight dancing party will be riven on the pleasure Doat fciiue- blrd." on Alonday night, Au gust 3 ti. Boat leaves west approach to Morrison street briuge at :ia f. M. tick ets are 75 centa each and may be purchased at Brady & Oliver's. Yeon building. Tickets are limited and none but Shrlners and their ladles will be ad mitted. No ticketa will be sold after ca pacity of boat is sold out. First come, first served, will be strictly observed. Buy your ticket at once. Wear your fee. HUGH J. BOYD, Recorder. WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. 18. R. A. M. Regular tguiar sday) c!o convocation this (Wedneid evening. East Eighth Burntide sts.. at 7:30 o V is t tors welcome. ROY QUACK.BU8H. Bee .... HASSALO LODGE. NO. nVSCrU-U IS. I- O. O. F. Members. pieass lshs notice '.jiac ior luneral or Airs, toicney L. N?I5J young, our brother's w-lfe. inflF will take place today (Wednesday) at 2 P. M. Services at the University Park Congrega tional church, TaKe tt. Johns car and get off at Haven and Lombard streets. Mem bers are requested to attend. B. K. SIBLEY. N. O. W. D. SCOTT. Reo. Sec ,-T,,. ORIENT LODGE No 17, e.iSS-2?' I. O. O. P. Regular (S!pl 'Sv. meeting this CWertnes-YC-fcry day evening at 8 o'clock. WO-1' East Sixth and Alder streets. Sojourning brothers most eordial- i welcomed. K. C. V ANN ATT A. N. G. B. A. STARR. Sec y. . VP.ETS everr Wed. even. In. at 8 o'clock. Oddfellowa' i '51 ; Jl l'- aswf'.i aj sis isii.iii i ' 3 H every evening except Dunuijr Launches at foot of Morrison J! Bridee. or take Brooklyn car to Temple. 22 Alder St. Visit- . VDERSON In this city. Aug. . Joae Ins brothers '' 1 'lc?ie- phlne Anderson, aged 48 years, beloved JESSE T. JONES. Sec CORINTH CORPS, No. 54, oi Tillamook will hold their annuat picnic at Rockaway 'j,.,. a si sr i 1A20. All G. A. R. and rrr ineinbcrs and JamiUes cordially In vited. Basket lunch will be aerveti. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, ehtrma, ptna new design, jaegor pru.. isi-. wn w FRIETJl-ANrERS for loflffe erablimi, c'.asa pln ana meaaia. cm "mm i. tsSTT '" 1 ' 1 " IIET. MORRISON At the home of her daughter, i.,ut fi. 1020. Mary Elizabeth Morrinon, a Red 72 yeara. 4 month, 7 days, mother of Mrs. James Gilbreath of Portland, t-wnam M .nd Irwtn F. Morrison, and grandmother of Herrirt E. MorriBon of dential establishment, 001 WUUama ave. funeral announccmcui r. Ur.inMS In this city. August 10. Eva L. MeAdams. aged h2 yeara. late of 28 Nineteenth street isortn. wne or jonn MeAdams; mother of Orvllle, Verl, Guy, Lowell and Cleone McAdame of Portland. The remains "W erv at rlltu. wi iud-ioi oere- etter. POX Realdence. 440 Failing at., August 9 102O. Peter Fox. beloved husband of Mary Fox, father or Airs. w. ts. Jones, v r..Anfl Steelsmlth and Frank Fox: grandfather of Alba. Carl and Corinne Fox, atl of Portland. Funeral notice later. BENNETT In this city. Aogust 10. Laura 1. Bennett, lata Ol rnnumain, ur. Ke mains are at the residential funeral par lnra of McEntee ft Eilers. 10th and Ever ett streets and will be forwarded Wed. morning, August xx. to t-orvaius for In terment. REKATB In this city, August 9. baby Rekate, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rekate of this citr. Funeral arrangements in charge of McEntee ft Ellera. lata ana ,verett sts. CHAKET In this city, Aug. 7, 1S20. Jose phlne W. Chaney. aged 52 years. Re A". -V'u.t ....;.! .,ir. -i.Jrrj J and baimoa SLa. aoucs ol tuueral later. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant -Auditor, income tax servics. Concord Bids.. 2d and Starlc. Phone Main 7443 ALTERATIONS. LADIES' tailoring. Perfect fitting: ork guar. I. Keubin. 408 Bush A Lane bigg ASSAVERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, sliver and platinum bought. BATHS. DR. McMAHON'S sanitary bathe. Always ready. Steam showers, Blunges, tuns. Necessaries furnished. Rundowns ana rnuuK when desired. Service ana prices cannot be beet. S W. cor. tn and Wash. Tell your friends. CHIROPRACTIC, steam bathe and mas age. 10th floor Broedway bldg. J'ar triad 3187. Dr. Laura E. Downing. CARPET WEAVING. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag rugs all sues Mall orders prompt Send for booklet. 9x12 rugs steam or dry cleaned. l o FLUFF RUG CO.. . . 54-58 Union N. B. 6315. E. 7655. B 1475 CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. FLUFF OR RAG RU&S. WOVEN ALL SIZES. WRITE OR CALL PORTLAND RUG CO. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS OACDCMTCD GENERAL CONTRACT UnlU Lit I Lll in ngr. Jobbing. Tabor 9049. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 887 Washington. Broadway 454. A 1254 CHIROPODIST. CCCT UimT Come to Dr. Gartner, fi 1111.1 nUnl tl,,. - corns, bunlo foot arches made to order. 811 Swetland building. 5th and Washington, aim DR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles scientifically corrected Lafly assistant. 512 Morgan bldg Main 8762. DR B. LOUISE! COX. chiropodist. 10 A M to 6 P. M 438 Morgan bldg. Main 4438 CHIROPODISTS ARCH SPECIALISTS wTl.T.liM ictll nA Florello De Veny. the only scientific chiropodists inn aren specialists In the citgr Parlors B02 Oer- llnger bldg.. 8 w. cor. 20. ana Aider Phone Main 1801. CHIROPRACTOR. 300. 000 KNOW McMahon. 100 chiroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment nest CHIMNEY SWEEPS. msnnp. CHIMN'HY SWEEP. Furnace smokes through registers, needs repairing or cieanlngT -fapor aaaj. COLLECTIONS. NF.TH A CO., Worcester bldg. Main 17f6 No collections, no cnarges. mid. w CONTRACTORS. PRESERVE TOUR HOUSE TCew shlncles stained, old shingles re- stained; estimates given free; roots stained by contract. Call Tabor 72SS. W P O'DELL. cement contractor, all kinds of cemen work. Fnene Mam inas. DBNT1STKI. nCWTICTDV TR. A. W. KEENE, 351 V4 UL,:il Idl It I Wanhintrton rt. Withou pain. Latest nerve-blocking method DANCING. rf.rvrlct dancing academy; private les. font, flay-evening; laiest siepe. jki step tSUgnt Dy DCS t proiCFBiODKi wicTirri ir and Mrs. Summers. 12 th. Main H31S MRS. BATH. 2ns Dekum bldg. private lessons day ana evening. Mam uia DOO AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, 415 East 7th, cor. Grant. East 1847 and 219-G2. nogs ana norses cuppea. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS AND MILL 8IPPI-1ES. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 64-S8-67-3U Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO.. 63-r5 Front St. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. w p. FULLER A CO.. Front and Morrison. RASMUSSEN A CO., 6econd and Taylor FUNERAL NOTICES. YOUNG At the residence. 170 Haven at.. Monday. August u. ij. - -j f ,r. wife of Sidney L. Toung. mother ol Mrs. Dell F Young of Portland. Marsha of Dash Point. -Wa.h.: and Fen1.ll F at Portland. Funeral services will be helS' awhe Congregational church cor nr Haven and Lombard Bt-. at ai ?omirrlown( Wednesday) The .body wilj be at the parlors of Chambers Co.. Z4S and 230 Killingsworth ave. nntll I P. a. ferment in ML Scott park cemetery. wrnpHT In this city. .Aug. 8. Leonard MuFphTr-ged ll years, belove d ... .1 ?" and Mrs N. V. Murphy of Vancou .n Funeral cortege will leave the residence of Mr. and Mrs . M" Murohv 841 Thompson St.. today. Aug. 11 Whence to the church of the Made fine, 24th aid Siskiyou , w"r?4rj5 .is will be offered at A. M. ! r . r-iv. wv pumstery. rSngeTent. In r. of Dunning A Mo Eatee. JOHNSON- k. ,ldenee. 931 B. ntn johnsuw i ' ... in Thomas Wes- at. N.. Tuesday. August 10. Thomas vves h-?olJ"iiSS!? of VloyT" y"Vn o'f p-orffifand'firL Uuci.e Blanch. ste-aart ol Lo. Angeles. Funeral serv fcrif. SS hem at the chape, of Cham- VSlo. A M Thursday-"interment la Rose City cemetery. BrViee of this city and brother of Al- rvic wm t held Wednesday morn mguA . at St- Clement church i mii wU be offered at 9 A. M. Internnt Rose City cemetery, by Me Ente. & Eilers. directors. DARLINGIn thi.clty. . Jennie uariins. 2 h ri mother of D. D.. Floyd R. J.. R. D . . g8rv Ma.eay. Friends Invited to attend fD. fual services at Holman s luneral parlors. Third and Salmon t. at 10 . u tomorrow (Thursday), Aug. 1-. H.rminn ana J- , A. M. tomorrow uo"'"W' 1820. Wife ot Charles i. An?"n'.Ino'' ?1 llPUCitvui . M Oscar C, Aloe" t., S., Adolph. Evangeline and Marv.l A. Anderaon. Funeral notice later. Remains are at the residential parlors ot Miller A Tracey. FOX-In this city. Aur.?. Pf" MaXrV F. lather' of Mr W. B. Jonej, Mrs George Steelsmlth and Frank H. Fo": Friends are Invited to attend the funeral services at the home. 440 Fajl ,i it 2:30 P. M. Wednesday. Aug. 11 Interment Blverview cemetery. JONES At 472T 70th It H. E.. aocie ' M - o - . . Vun.ral services will be conducted today (Wednesday). Aur 11. at 2:30 F. M. In the mortuary chaoel ot A. D. Kenworthy ft Co.. 5S02 04 2d st Ji. E.. In Friends Invited. Interment Jit. ecott jrara cem etery. MULQUEEN-In this city. Aug . 8 Matt Mulqueen. aged 64 years, ot 104 Mac- adam St. Funeral services will be con- auctea umw , .. - - at St. I-awrence church, 3d ana faher man sts. Interment Ml Calvary ceme tery. I w a RREN At Mullno. Or., Aug. 9. Thomas A. Warren, aged 42 hand of Nanna Warren. Funeral serv ices will be held Wed., Aug. 11. at II ' V. . . ih ohanel of Miller ft Tracey. Interment at Multnomah Park cemetery. LANF The funeral services of the late i!lhel Kreyr Lane will be held today Wednesday), abiuw h - - "r;" P M . at Finley s, Montgomery at Fifth. ' Friends invited- Interment. Rose City cemetery. PIPER The funeral services of the late Louie B. Piper will be held Wed . Aug. tv - i u . st the e ha Del of Miller ft "Tracey. Interment at Mu Scott Park cemetery. CERECA The remains of the late Ferdl Jand Cereca will be interred Wed.. Aug. 11 under direction of Miller ft Tracey at Mt. Calvary cemetery. FUF.RAI. CABS, I tunrmvus for fnnera! services JONES I A.iu 4bw-. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO. at ttf tat at. Portland. Or. Re- CSitl winding and electrical repalr-SVgS-Tf ing a specialty. New or uesd t motor, Bowy, MOTORS REWOUND and Repaired Bought and Sold N1CHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS Phone 627-27. M. 8.1. 2i6 Main at. HEMSTITCHING. T- . -"8TfINSoon?S,0Prr.on Kilers bldg." 2S7 Washington. - - n i-f.a arr OPTICIANS. Ul 1UJ aim." - mKUSS-A AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the ..(. f ranable service. Thou sands ol satisfied custom will convince you. Charles W. Good optometrist. 20 Morrison. M. trial man, optoroe GEORGE RUBENBTKIN. the veteran op tician, is an exoert eye ini. . --- --- rh.r... r. Trv reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. 228 Morrison St. near 2d. T.-vc-a ui-ir.VTlirir.ALLV TEST- Vi' ED with modern Instrument. tilasses fltted. S2.J0 up. ... A. E. HURW1TZ. Optometrist. 225 1st St. PAINTING AND PAPERHANGINO. PAINTING, paperhanglng. John c. -on- liaK. 133 lBin St. iroa- DEPENDABLE bouse painting. tinting. paper Banging. lioor a-i. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice naa extenueu over a penoa ox " )" cations strictly confidential; prompt. et ficlent. conscientious servlc e: hanlt booK free on refluest. MUNN CO.. P""! un sn ..-a nfflee. Hobart bldg.. SS2 Market St.; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg.: Washington i of fice, room 103. H23 r office. Woolworth bldg. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years- eipen.ncwv- - ana roreign patents, wi - PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A PHILLIPS. Broadway ";,. rheumatism, sioroecn. ra'. kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, female disorders, skin affeetlona. blood pressure enlarged tonsils, molea, birth marks. PLUMBING BLPPLIES. RANGE boilers. SO. 40. 120 gau nrlce. los tvins. anam PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE price Stark-Dav-S Co.. 1S8 th. M 797 PLUMBING supplies at wholesale price A. L. Howard. 230 3d St. FRINTINO. iirr niiv and sell used prlnuns ma ilt BUI chinerr and equipment. j. I. Caldwell inc.. -u -tu BBiMTIWni"- "W. BALTES & COMPANY. rnirillilO First and Oak Main 168; 611.65 SECONP-HANP STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO We buy and sell' ev-rythlng In the hardware and furniture line. Phone Main u-i. TRADEMARKS. , irr-.r V TRADEMARK BUREAU. B01 I Dekum bldg. U. S.. foreign Vademarks ' TRANSFER AND STORAfiE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH Thirteenth and Kearney. GENERAL HAULING. Motor and horse equipment: any ca pacity Moving nscWIng. etorare. PHOSE BOWY, 3309 OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Gllsan St.. corner IStn Phone Broadway 12S1 or II SO. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminsl tracks Lowest Insurance rates In the city PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE! SECURITT "TOKAOE TRANSFER CO.. 105 PARK BT. Main 5105. A 1061. MANUFACTURERS HIDES. WOOL AND CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROTHERS. 105 Front St. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND P1TE. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. S4-Stf-87-a Front. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING & FARRKLL. 140 Front st. SASH. POORS AND CLASS W. P. FULLER A CO.. Front and Morrison. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. AUCTION SAXES. At Wilson's Anctlon Hoase. 10 A M. Furniture. 168-171 aecoad st. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Now located in their new residential fu neral home, Morrison at 12th. weat aide. Phone Broadway 430. Automatic 545-od. Xbe Funeral Hume of Refinement and Distinctive Service. Note We have no branches nor any con nections whatever with any other undertaking firm. EDWARD HOLMAN &SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third tod rial mo n Streets. Attain 607. Jady Aaaistanc MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Leea. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington Street, Between uta and 21st Streets. Weat Side. Lady Assistant. Main 2691. Auto. 578-85. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of l home. Ittth and .Everett Sts. Phone Broadway 2138. Automatic 621-83. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS, llaln 9. Montgomery at Fifth. DOWNING & McNEMAR Ths Residential Funeral Home. 441 Multnomah St. Irvlngton-Dlst. Kast C4 " F. 8. DUNNING, INC 414 E. Alder. Phone East 62. Parfect aervice. personal direction, free use of floral chapel and auto equipment. PT T TTRPH B- Eleventh and Clay . Jj. XjHiriVXl Eaat 78l Tabor leaj A. D. K EN WORTH T ft CO.. 6802-4 92d St., Lenta Tabor 52T. rpTTQ"T Twelfth and Morrison Bta. tiirilVOWlN Broadway 2634. AD 7CI I CD Oil 692 Williams ave. 111 aVCLLCn UUi East 1088. C 10SS. BREEZE & SNOOK lSrh T. 125S. B. 1646 SKEWE3 UNDERTAXINO COMPANY, d and Clay. JO. 415X A. 2231. Lady Assistant IXORISTS. Smiths Flover Shop Portland's protrresslve florist. We special lse In funeral designs. 141 V Sixth, op poalte Meter 9l Frank's. Main 7215. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists, S4 Washinrton. Main 209. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists. 287 Morrison st. Main 7700. Fine flowers and floral de signs. No branch stores. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington st bet. 4th and 6th Main S102. A 110L Phone your want ads to The Orego nian. Main 70.70, Automatic 660-85. qJ CHAfvGEACCOUNTS SOLICITED 5S rtoqnSON MAR. 75 . M MISON MAK.U7 posttland Hortu wotowt a pakk. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS . t Fourth St.. Opp. City Hall. Neo Bros. hl B LAPSING GRANITE CO. i rVr THIRD AT MAOiSON STBgtT 1 OREGON HUM ANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 1&0 courthouse. Phone Main 878 from I A. M. to 6 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its borne, &3S Columbia bou levard. Phone any time. Woodl awn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, ana stray animais c a r e a for. All dead animals, cows, borse. etc, ticked up free of charge. NEW TODAY. Houses Mvd Garages greeted ts Portland whipped Anrwhfr In built 4 -loot ac tions ready sad j May to put te st ether. rirsi .sl&ma flAJM Of tlrlKS Q I- ii-nm th factory at a GREAT 1 I SAVING- You pay no mddUmo a pi of it. Write for catalog. Hedimade Huuding Co. ast Kleveota and Market, t Block south of Hawthorn. hn V-mt 0114. fortlaua. Ol ALDER STREET INVESTMENTS $75,000 and $125,000 Attractive and Substantial Large Income Properties . WATCH ALDER STREET. The Retail Center STARK STREET Has the Banks No Phone Information Given GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO. 624 Henry Bldg. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE In the matter of the estate of Claude A. McDonald, deceasea: tsy oraer oi the Hon. George Tazwell, a Judge of h circuit court. I will sell at orlvate sale to the highest bidder for cash, or su-fficient to cover outstanding liens, balance two years at 6 per cent in terest, at the office of O. W. Eastham. attorney. 413 Henry building. Port land, Oregon, the following real prop rtv aiihTct to the aDDrovai Ol th court, to-wit: The east sixty feet of lot 7, block 189, together with duelling thereon, being .1 East Ninth street North. Shown by appointment. Do not disturb tenant. THOS. MOFFETT, Administrator. Send Us Your Old Carpets We Call and Deliver.) Old Rngs and Woolen Clothlnr. We Make Reversible. Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Room -Size Fluff Ron Woven. S 17.30 Hax Ron Woven AU Sixes. Ctothrs Clranln mud Dyelrtf Derta. Mai. Orders Send (or Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Roc. Steam Cleaned, f 1.5ft. WESTKRV FIXFT BFQ CO ft4 Cnloa Ave, N. Pbones. East 6A10 and ast 7655. LIVE WIRE WANTED as partner in an established whole sale busiijess. Plant is fully equipped and goods are in demand. HARVEY WELLS & COMPANY Main 4564 602 Gasco Bldg. MUST SACRIFICE Established Wholesale ' Business. Plant- fully equipped and goods in demand. HARVEY WELLS & COMPANY Main 4564. 602 Gasco Bldg. WB CALL FOR YOUR OLD CARPETS. Bscs and Woolen Clothing. FLUFF RUGS All Work T-UY-ned Out Promptly Rss Kstsa VVfea All Slaea Mall Orders. Bead for Booklet. Carpets Cleaned, Laid and Refitted. NORTHWEST RUG CO.. 188 East Stb St. fsoas Kaat SStiO. Mortgage Loans L-oweat Interest rateat Installment re payments If desired. Build toff loaas made fto- delay la cloklag. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 2.17-21S sortswestrrs Bask BaUdlaj Mar. kali 4114- EXECUTOR) AND ADMINIS TRATORS Will Find Our Thrtce-Seeare FARM UOUlUAbUJ Exceptional investment for trast fasds, Net m fereelosure 1st teves. tj rearsw FEAR A GRAY. ' Phase Hsbta Hi. - 1U2 Foarth St. tdwardE.GoudeyCo. MORTGAGE LOAN 3 C sUted ktatca Uasvla AluUdlaa 5 3 safi t asa i NEW TOOAI. .cMstfcads. t-eeseVsHltinVii ti AMONG THE FIRS ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS This low. rambling bungalow, built of hollow tile, enormous living room with extra laree fireplace, Dutch Kitchen, two larcra porches, one of which is lara-e enough for two or three beds. The house has bath and toilet, concrete basement and splen did furnace. The srround consists of H acre fronting on both upper and lower drives. Both the crround and the house are in a very poor condition. duplicated for this price. .1660 cash. Daiance fzg montniy. 732 Chamber of Commerce Absolute VPRWIM No Riddance. Uuarsvntee. ILriilllil .No Pay. ROACH I100M. ANT DOOM, MICK PILLS, HEnni tJ DOOM, RAT DOOM, MOTH DOOM, PLY DOOM, CnfinDA MIIDD A V Pfl by kuunu n- niLiuini uut Detroit PI La, MA N CO, Art- 45 I'nlon Ave, Portland. Phone Hast 7407, Tabor 7608. HEAL ESTATE. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot we will seenrs th money and build for you; terms like rent. Cull and us. BUILDERS' K K ALT If EXCHANGE. 'J1 Morgan Bldg. Mam 2035. or ale Flat and Apartment Property, BUY a home and have income at same time, i nave two small apartment house in Irving ton for aals at $17,000 and $18,000 ; first -class in every respect. K. J. O'Neil. 717 Board of Trade. $1C00 BUYS 19-room apt., close In. east siae; rent ; income f.'oo. See BROWN A BTDOLtE. 324 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. For Sale -Peacli Property. FINE BEACH LOTS. SALTAIR TILLAMOOK BEACH. I have four choice lots, all togther. two facing the Paeifio ocean ; board walk; county road a-nd railroad runs i front of property. The other two lots adjoin the two above and face on th road in the rear. All are near the depot, hotel and Bockawav. Slxe of lots are 25 feet by about 70 feet and are ex ceptlonaly adapted for business or resi dence. Will consider some screage near Portia-nd or automoblls in trade. Frle 5150 and Sl3 each. Address R 870. Oregonian. CARTWillGHT PARK. SEASIDE. OR. Lots are now on sale in Cart w right Park from $73 to $700; nearly 200 lots to choose from; liberal terms offered to those wishing to build a Seaside home. For full information call or phone. WHITMER-KELLY CO.. 414 Pittock Block. Phone Brosdway 7M4. of F. M. COLE, Agent at Seaside, Oregon. CHOICE BEaCaLoi EXCHANGE FOR Painting and Paperhangtng and furnish material. Lot located on Tillamook beach (Salt air), near station and ocean. AK 700, U re go n liin. TWO BEACH Jots at Lake Lriell. roook. cheap. Owner Tabor 6633. Tllla 2500--6-R.OOM furnished cottage. Bay Ocean. 618 Ch. Com. Main 4190. It or Sale Lota. VACANT WOODSTOCK LOTS. Nonresident offers to take one-half for two fine lots 2 blocks from car line. Buy the lot, we will get you a loan to build. Xleo have a group of three lots 1 block from car at $600. 2 fine lots to trade In on home as first payment. 1 block to car, hk block to hard surface. RALPH HARRIS CO., 827 Chamber of Commerce. $475 ROSE CITY PARK. OOxlOO-FT. COKN'ER LOT. MUST BE SOLD AND SALE CLOSED THIS WEEK. N. W. corner of 59th and Siskiyou sts. ; lot free and ciear of in cumbrances. This is indeed a GREAT BIG BARGAIN. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. old1. Main 203. HIGHLV IMPROVED IRVINGTON LOT. On Weldler et.. between 21st and 22d. This lot is under cultivation, with, bear ing fruit trees, full-grown shade trees, berries, etc.; parlting and front in iawo. Price e-'uoo. RITIEH, LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board ot Trade Bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP Lot 1. block 1. l.aurelhurst addition, beautiful corner on East 39th St.; will sell for original pur chase price ot lot. $2000. with I12I.0 worth of improvements: aasessmenta fully paid. AV 242. Oregonian. FOR SALE IN A LA Al EDA PARK. 50x100 building lot on Dunckley a vs.. 200 feet west ol car line. ALAMEUA INVESTMENT CO., Stark st. Broadway 1288. 443 S NICE 50x100 east front lot with alley and city conveniences; near Killlngsworth are., business district; worth 3o0, lor $:i.0. terms. Wdln. 3799 evenings. LOT 60x100 at 35tb and Bkidinore, price 50. By owner. Wdln. 3510. FULTON PARK lot. near school and R. R. station; price sjou. r. uui. yreBonwu. For Sale llousea. EAST HOLLADAT BUNGALOW. New. five rooms, with large attic, ga rage fireplace, hardwood doors, large living room and dining room in -front: these bungalows are $1000 less than you can buy one like them elsewhere; move right in. Owner and builder. Main 4JU3, East 8372 ; WILL SELL my home, a J7500 value, at (5S0O If taken this week; absolutely the best buy In city of Portland. All modern throughout, good lawn and fruit trees, everything in perfect condition. 657 E. 65th st. and Sandy blvd. Main entrance to Rose City race track. SLUNYSIDK CAR. Attractive, modern 5-rooro home; fireplace.-furnace, etc.; paved streets, near beautiful Laurelhurst park. Price only S4OO0. Terms. Tabor B108 or Broadway 421. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Artistic 5-room bungalow, modern ex cept furnace; 3 doors from car line; new ly decorated, beautiful lawn and shrub bery garage: only 4500. on terms; 42400 cash. Marshall 1318. IRVINGTON. If looking for a new and claasy -room bungalow with a large attlo and garage then see this today. 50 East Sith st. N-, near Stanton st. Open week days from s A. to o r. m. 'Jwiier. "OUR SPECIAL TODAY PRICE 3800. A fine tt-room modern home, just the thing for a Hne big family. You couldn't build the house for I50O0: garden, ber ries. Main 3072. McFarland, Falling bid. ROSE CITY PAKK 7-room new noflem bungalow; bargain. 50OO. Terms 2ooo cart; lot SOxlOJ: all modern conven iences; beautirw place. H 'VV. GARLAND. 201 8d et. IRVINGTON CORNER. ROOMS. ONLY $0000. Dandy tt-room modern house, 50x100. corner. 3 blocks to Broadway Mr. Call Marshall 12Q5 and ask for Mr. Fulton. ROSE CITY DISTRICT 5-room bungalow, fireplace, built-in bookcase, buffet, sleep ing porch, cement basement, garage: loi of vinvs. roses and fruit trees. $3uOO, terms. Phone T.bor 7174. e.oo VJ BLOCK. East Oak, large house, "dilapidated condition; can be repaired; clone in: property with merit at bargain. Call forenoons, apartment 22. East 3QO. IRVINGTON, $r,.r00 price, to sell at once; large roomy 7-room house; open fire; har'iwooa lioors- r Dtt owuer. 4i &. IGtli N. saMax. loci. Lt.'i 1 uc lne PossiDiiities ror improvement - I re un,'mited and the price, $4200, certainly should make this an at- - I .tractive proposition, and we think Li that the house alone cou-ld not be