THE MOItXIXO OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1920 V K V WITH UHFJUHKESS Dallas and Independence Peo ple Register Protest.. HIGHWAY CAUSES TROUBLE Complaint Says Commission Vio lates Legislative Edict in Omit ting Two Towns. DALLAS. Or., Aug. 5. (To the Ed itor.) The Orefronlan of July 28 con tains a local article on page 3, headed "Dallas Wins Court Fight, Loses Road." with an accompanying map. numerous errors and misleading statements, which we desire to point out, and correct. The suit to which the article and map refer was brought In the circuit court of Multnomah county by the city of Dallas, the city of Independence, the district attor ney of Polk county and nine resident taxpayers of Polk county against the State highway commission and certain contractors, to enjoin the commission "from changing or attempting to chansre the route or location of said Pacific highway as located, estab lished and designated by the legisla tive assembly of this state and the people of this state," and from con structing and hard-surfacing "a road from McMinnville via Holmes" Gap. Kickreail, Monmouth and thence di rect south to the Benton county line," and designating such road as the Pa cific highway. The road between Sa lem and Dallas is in no way involved In the case, though recent action of the commission in reference to the Salem-Dallas road doubtless had a part In bringing on the litigation. The road-bonding act of 1917 (chapter 423, Laws 1917) provides a highway system for the state. It is a matter of common history that the measure would not have passed the house but for the affirmative votes of both Mr. Stafrin and Mr. Fuller, residents of Dallas; that the bill was then submitted to the voters of the state, under referendum provisions contained in It, and received the ap proval of the electorate. Law Ia Cited. In section 6 of the act we find that "the highways described in sections and 7 of this act are hereby deter mined to be the highways of first importance to the general public of the state of Oregon." This section also determines that "the following highway should be permanently con structed and finished with a hard surface:" The Pacific highway from the Multno mah county line through. Washington coun ty and Yamhill county by way ot HilU boro. Forest Grove, McMinnville to Dal las, Monmouth and Independence in Polk county; to Corvallla and Monroe In Benton ccunty, and through Eugene to the north line of Douglas county. . The highway commission then of ficially adopted a route for the Pa cific highway, running from McMinn ville to Bellevue. in Yamhill county, and thence through Dallas, Monmouth and Independence, and on November 27. 1917, a map showing this loca tion was given out and published. Then in 1919, after changes In the personnel of. the commission, this icute was abandoned, the commission announcing that the road would be constructed from McMinnville by way of Amity, Holmes Gap. Rickreall and Monmouth to Corvallis. with a "stub" or "spur" to Independence. Dallas would not be reached by the Pacific highway, but a post road, with the assistance of the federal govern ment and the county of Polk, was to be constructed from Salem to Dal las. Surveys were then made and con tracts let for the proposed Salem Dallas post road and far disconnected stretches of the proposed Pacific highway. The court of Polk county has expended and is willing to ex pend money on the post road, but has refused to prepare the so-called Pa cific highway for paving, on the ground that under the law Dallas and Independence, as well as Mon mouth, should be on the highway. The commission then. In May, 1920, announced that it had canceled the contract for the construction of so much of the Dallas-Salem post road as would lie between Dallas and Kickieall and that it would use the funds available for that part of the post road for the preparation of a roadbed for the proposed Pacific highway running south from Mon mouth to the Benton county line. The result would be. of course, that Dal las would not be on any state high way, "stub," "spur" or otherwise, and that Independence would be left on a "spur." This precipitated the fight Judge McConrt's Decision. , The decision of Judge McCourt, dated July 19. 1920. Involving the suf ficiency of the complaint, is inclosed for your information. You will note that the juge says: The commission cannot designate that link of. the Pacific highway described In subdivision 2 of section 8 ot chapter 423, Uwi of 1817. so as to leave Dallas or Independence a substantial dis tance from the road. Six or even three miles would be a deviation beyond the authority of the commission. Dallas and Independence are points upon the road requiring observance In laying out and constructing the road equivalent to that of a definitely described terminus the road must be laid out and constructed to them. "The commission is given broad discre tion In selecting the route of the highway between the several points named in the act. but the route or routes selected must lead from one to another of such points. The language of the statute is "McMinn ville. to Dallas." The requirement of a road to Dallas would not be met by a road the nearest point of which was six miles from Dallas. Neither would the requirement be met by a spur or branch extending from the highway to Dallas One traveling the road authorized by the leelslature would pass through Dallas would go to Dallas while he would not set nearer to Dallas than nix miles travel ing the road It Is alleged the commission Is building as the Pacific highway. "Referring now to your article. Tou say: "Before the end of the' season Dallas would have a paved road to Salem but the court decision blocks the paving plans of the state highway commission. "Whether the Dallas-Salem road could be completed this year is prob lematical. The decision has no ref erence to that road, and if the com mission stops the work It will be merely to punish Dallas people. Pavement Not Finished "The pavement between Salem and Rick reall has been finished. "This is also an error. Pavement has been laid from Salem to Brunk's corner, a distance of approximately five miles. It would require four miles more to take the pavement to Kickreall, and five miles more to jjauas. "The court has also ordered stopped the work - between Independence and Mon mouth. "That part of the road was paved In ism ana is not in controversy. "The article concludes: "As the court has decided, the Pacific highway will begin a meandering course from aooui noimes p to Dallas, then wander back to about Rickreall. and amble ft again towa-d Independence, forming S slgzag and increasing the mileage of the Pacific highway, which means increas ing the cost of building the road through Polk county. "The court has not ordered the route from Holmes Gap to Dallas: In fact. It is doubtful If such a route is being given serious consideration In any Quarter. Judee McCourt held that the commission is vested with a reasonable discretion as to the loca tion of the road between the points designated in the act, but, according to his decision, the proposed location described in your article would show a palpable abuse of discretion. The acceptance of it, even If proposed by the comission. would be a reflection on the intelligence of the trial judge and the people of Polk county. "To sura up, then, and correct ths principal misleading statements In article and map: "1. The court has not ordered ths route from Holmes' Gap to Dallas. "2. The court has not stopped the work on the post road between Rick reall and Dallas. "3., The court has not ordered the route from Rickreall to Independence. "4. The court has not stopped any work between Monmouth and Inde pendence. Geographical Fact Cited. "It is true that both Dallas and In dependence are some three miles dis tant from an imaginagy straight line drawn between McMinnville and Cor vallis. This is a geographical fact. No one has ever disputed it. The legislature knew it when it passed the law. The people of Oregon knew it when they approved the law by vote. But it so happens that the highways, railroads and towns of Ore gon are not laid out on township and section lines. The highway commis sion is not following a straight line when it attempts to locate the high way through McCoy and Rickreall to Corvallis. Nowhere else in the state has the commission evaded the law, and discriminated against any town as it is attempting to discriminate against Dallas and Independence. "The law plainly says that these towns are to b on the Pacific high way, and the people who are affected feel that they have the right to ask. even demand, that the law be obeyed. All the recent argument against the observance of this law is made to sound as if Dallas and Independence had suddenly pushed themselves into the game as outsiders and demanded that the highway deviate from a straight course between McMinnville and Corvallis" merely to accommo date the Polk county towns. "Had the road followed the original route from McMinnville to Bellevue, as adopted by the first commission In 1917, there would have been no such sharp angles as ais shown on The Oregonian's map. The proposed route from McMinnville to Monmouth and Corvallis is a creature of the present highway commission. Law Desired Enforced. The citizens of Polk county have asked nothing except that the law be foilowed in constructing the Pacific highway. The three towns. Dallas, Monmouth and Independence, are to be on the highway, according to the act voted in good faith by the people of Oregon, and as Judge McCourt has held. ' If, as has been threatened, an attempt shall be made to change the law, it remains to be seen whether the legislature will be willing to vio late an agreement made in good faith by a former legislature, and ratified by voters of the state. That question Is of the future. The only question now Is: Shall the law be obeyed? Dallas Com. club. N. C. Schoefer. A. B. Starbuck. Mark Hayter. Tracy Staats. H. C.Eakin. A. C. Petersen. P. A. Finseth. H. A. Wood. W. B. Ellis. T. J. Craven. Floyd D. Moore. W G Vassell. Dr. P. Patterson. J. R. Allgood. Oscar Hayter. J. R. Craven. C. B. Sundberg. James Boytlston. H. L. tenlon. Conrad Stafrin. V7. V. Fuller. Independence Retail Association. Dj E. Fletcher. G. C. Skinner. C. W. Francs. C A. Mci-aughlln. H. Hlrschberg. N. B. Horton. Z. C. Kimball. C. D. Cal breath. Walter w imams M. L. Boyd. ID. A. Kern. J. E. Sibley. R. L- Chapman. -A. B. Mulr. J. C. Hayter. Aug. P. Risser. H. J. Slllotl. R. R. Van orsdel. RAISINS UP 22 MILLION Price for 1020 Crop Ia'So Cents Pound; Growers Benefit 5 Cents. FRESXO, Cat, Aug. 9. The Cali fornia Associated Raisin company to day named a price for the 1920 raisin crop on a basis of 15 cents per pound to the grower. This is an Increase of 5 cents per pound over last year. With an Increase in the yield this year, raisin growers will receive ap proximately $22,000,000 more this year than last year. The estirnated tonnage this year Is 200,000 tons, against 190,000 tons last year. The price the trade will pay this year for the crop will be 80,000, 000, of which the growers will get $60,000,000. For the first time In history the price of loose raisins Is higher than seeded raisins. MAN'S INJURIES PROBED Veteran Actor, Found Unconscious in Xew York, Sllgblty Improved. NEW TORK. Aug. 9, Searching In vestigation of the circumstances which resulted in serious injuries to John C. Slavln, veteran musical com edy actor who is unconscious In a hospital here, was ordered today by District Attorney Swann. The con dition of Mr. Slavin. found, yesterday unconscious from a fractured skull and concussion of the brain, near the residence- of John J. Mctiraw. man ager of the New York Nationals, to day was reported slightly Improved. LOWER PRICE-SUGAR HERE Initial Shipment at $1.75 Under Old Kate Ready for Market. The first shipment of sugar, bought at the recently reduced price, arrived by steamer from California yesterday, and will be put on sale by wholesalers this morning. The wholesale price will bo $21.25 a hundred, a decline of $1.75. The eastern raw sugar market Is weak and lower prices on this coast are looked for at an early date. DEBRIS INJURES SEVEN Two Buildings In Dallas, Tex., Col lapses During Repairs. - DALLAS. Tex.. Aug. 9. Seven per sons were injured, two seriously, in the collapse of two buildinga on Main street undergoing repairs today, day. The collapse came without warning but a score of persons escaped Injury. Frontier Days Judge Chosen. ' WALLA WALLA, Wash., Aug. 9. (Special.) William Ferguson, banker, stockraiser and wheatgrower, will be presiding judge at Frontier days here September 16-18. Tex McCloud. a roper who has been in London and other European cities, has written that he will be here for the show. World Chess Match Fixed. THE HAGUE. Aug. 9. Dr. Emanuel Lasker. world's chess champion for 2 years, and Jose R. Capablanca, Cuban champion, today agreed to play a match of 24 games for the world's championship ia Havana next Jan BOTH SIDES ARE AGREED MILK DISTRIBUTORS TO ABIDE BY COMMISSION" FIXDIXGS. Mayor Says Probing Body "Will Be Appointed if Council ' Will Provide Funds. Agreement of the Portland milk dis- ! trlbutors to abide by the findings of a ' milk commission, assures the appoint- ment of such a commission by Mayor ' Baker probably before ths end of ths present week. The agreement signed yesterday was filed' by A. M. Work, president of ' the Portland Damascus Milk company : and includes, according to his state- I ment, all the milk distributors who operate plants In Portland, with the ! exception of a "few small and unim- I portant ones." I Several days ago the Oregon Dairy- I men's Co-operative league filed a let- i ter agreeing to abide by the edicts of a milk commission appointed by the mayor. Mayor Baker announced yesterday that he would not appoint a commis sion to consider the milk problems until he was assured of sufficient financial aid from the city council to Insure a thorough probe. "There is no use attempting to solve this question unless It is done right," said Mayor Baker. "I must place some funds In the hand:, of the com mission to provide them with facili ties to learn all the facts. This will take the work of expert accountants and will cost the city money. "But I am determined that this milk investigation does not revolve Into a price-raising campaign. As I have often said, the producer must have a reasonable profit over cost of pro duction and the distributor is entitled to a fair profit. But until we deter mine what costs of production actu ally are and what it costs to distribute milk in Portland, we cannot learn If the present prices a're excessive." FORESTERS TALK BY RADIO Telephone Set Used Between Mt. Hood and Summit Station. Wireless telephone service between the top of Mount Hood and Summit ranger station is in operation, de clared C. M. Allen, telephone engi neer for the forest service, who has Just returned from the mountain. The wireless sets were Installed under his direction. A gasoline engine, installed on the top of the mountain, furnishes the power for the radio. Later a wind motor will be put at the top and a gasoline engine below. The wireless will be used exclusively next year, Mr. Allen said. A. T. Maas and W. H. Kelly are in charge of the wireless art the top of the mountain and John A. Calvary at Summit ranger station. Woman Takes Fourth Husband. VANCOUVER, Wash, Aug. 9. (Special.) Mrs. Abbie Treanor, SO years old, became a bride today for the fourth time, when she was mar ried to Ray McCullom, 29 years old, of Portland. This is the first time he has been married. Her previous hus bands all died. The marriage was performed by Cedric Miller, justice of the peace. AMUSEMENTS. PORTLAND DATS show cnorNos ZSTU A.D RALEIGH. MOWDA .AUG. 16, 17 TUESDAY, WORLD'S ONLY Sl'PER - CIRCUS. PERFORMANCES DAILY, 2 AMD 8 P. 91. FREE STREET PARADE MON DAY, S:30 A. 31. Admission and reserved seat tickets on sale both days at Sherman, Clay Piaaa Co., Sixth and Morrison Sts. No extra charge. DANCING TAUGHT AT COTILLION ACADEMY CLASSES START PROMPTLY AT 8:30 EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EYEN1NG One Class Lesson Consuming; the ENTIRE EVENING. SPECIAL FEATTRE DANCE ORCHESTRA EVERY THURS DAY EVE. FOR CLASS. Sammer Rates. Our Teachers Are Second to None. All Clause Under the Personal Direc tion of Prof. D. Patterson Downey. COTILLION HALL.' Fourteenth. Near Wrmhlngt on. Broadway 3380. Go Bathing at olumbia Beach No Waiting . for the Tide to Come In or Go Out, SWIMMING Tery afternoon and evening. DANCING very even las except Sunday and Monday. Launches at foot of Morrison Bridge, or take Brooklyn car to w ooaara Are. A big sandpile for the. kids at COUNCIL REST P A R K Games, Amusements. Dancing DANCING TAUGHT Alt new steiia and dan 3a tausrht at De Honey's beautiful academy. Twenty-third and Washington. Ladies, $3; gentlemen, $5. Classes Tuesday and Thursday evenings. 8 to 11:30. Plenty of desirable partners and practice. No embarrassment. Learn from profes sional dancers. Private lessons all hours. Phone Main 7656. 3 siMWsgisf. 3 iosrSsJ&iJ AMT6KMENT8. t City Mall Ordera Received Now r-H nni 10 THEATER Fll II 111 Broadway at Taylor. 1 li-ll-il- Phone Msls 1. 7WiflI? NEXT SUN. j popular Price I I Hat. Wed. Special Price I Mat. Sat. Oliver Moreteo Prwats r ISs atlonal Comedienne CHARLOTTE 6RENW0QD In the Musical Comedy LINGER LONGER LETTY" I ., TO SECCRB TICKETS KOWl Address letters, checks, money order to W. T. Pangle. Add 10 Per Cent War Tat to Price Ticket Desired. Include se.f addressed stamped envelope. PRICES: y.vrn. Floor. 92.50; Balcony. & roas at $2. 4 at $1.50, 13 at $1; Gallery. 7 at 75c. Wed. Mat. Floor. 1.50; -Bal.. $1: Gal., 50c. Sat. Mat. Floor. 12: Bal.. 5 at $1 50. 13 at 1; Gal.. 7 at 75c Gal lery admission, all performances (not reserved). 50c. ANTAGEg UATINEE; DATLY, t:S0 MLXE. DIANE. AND JEAN RUBIN! The French Chan tense and the Young Swedish Composer, In "A Miniature RecitaL" SIX OTHER BIG ACTS Three performances daily. .Sight curtain . at 7 and 9. TODAY-TONIGHT Musical Faroe. "Ha vana Bound"; "The Blood Barrier -vith Sylvia Br earner 5 Erford'e Golden "Whirl: The Kinirs, romerty songs; Burt Adler, fun nraker; Martin Elliott. GLOBE Eleventh and W an h ington Dorothy Dalton IS His Wife's Friend CIRCLE.? Washington. Mary Miles Minter IN. "Judy of Rogues Harbor" Also the Comedy, 'Prince of Daffodil" And the Pathe News. Open from 1) o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock of the following morning. iHUSErnENT PARK, TONIGHT Campbell's Famous Band AND Dorothy Daphne Lewis Mezze-Contralto of -Note. AMUSEMENTS CONCESSIONS Admission to Park Free to 5 P. M. Except Sundays and Holidays. Cwrs at First and Alrlpr. Fare Cpnts AUCTION SALES. At tee Bsker Auction House. Yamhlu and West Park streets. Sals at lO A. M MEETING NOTICES. AL KADEH TEMPLE. A. A. O. N. M. S. A moonlight dancing party will be Riven on the pleasure boat "Blue bird," ou .Monday night, Au gust ltf. Boat leaves west approach to Morrison street bridge at 8:15 P. M. Tick ets are 75 cents each and may be purchased at Brady fc Oliver's, Yeon building. Tickets are llmltpri nnrt nnn. but Shrinera and their ladles will be ad mitted. No tickets will be sold after ca pacity of boat Is sold out. Klrst come, first served, will be strictly observed. BuJ your ticket at once. Wear your fes. HUGH J. BOYD. Recorder. a stated conclave ot Washington com- MANDEKY. No. 15. K. T.. will be held Tuesday eve ning. August lO. at 7:30 P. M. All sojourning Sir Knights are cor dially Invited. O. P. EISMAN. Recorder. KENTON LODGE. TfO. 145. A F. AND A. M. Bneclal gVtfS communication today (Tuei. "0.?, aububi a 'i , comniriiciDI T P. M. Work in -E. A. degree. Visitors welcome. By order of F. ROBINSON. Secretary. IMPERIAL LODGE NO. 159, A. F. AND A. M Stated communication this (Tuesday) evening. August 10. 8 o'clock. There will be a special ses sion at 6 o'clock for work In the Fellowcraft degree. Visitors cordiallj welcome. , A. C. JACKSON. See. ELLISON ENCAMP MENT, NO. 1, I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Tuesday) evening, 8 P. M.. Oddfellows" Temple. 226 Alder street. Visiting patri archs are always welcome. CHAS. CHRISTIANSEN. Scribe. COURT MOUNT HOOD. NO. 1. FORESTERS OF AMERICA, meets every Tuesday night. For esters' hall. 12S Fourth street. Visitors welcome. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, nw designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 6th St. FRIEDLANDER'8 for lodge emblems, class pins and medals. 810 Washington st. BREZEE la this city, Aug. 9, William t Brezee, aged 69 years, husband of xt-v r Ftresee of this city and brother of Albert Brexee of Kenai, Alaska. The deceased was a member o? the L. O. T. M lodge. Remains at tne residential funeral parlors of McEntee A Eilers, 16th and Everett sts. Funeral notice later. Kelso and Chehalls papers please copy. POX Residence, 440 Failing st.. August 9 1920. Peter Fox. beloved husband of Mary Fox. father of Mrs. W. B. Jones, Mrs. George Steelsmith and Frank Fox; grandfather of Alba. Carl and Corinne Fox, all of Portland. Funeral notice later. MURPHY In this city, August 8. Leonard Murphy, aged 11, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs- N. V. Murphy of Vancouver, Wash. Remains at new residential fu neral parlors of Dunning &. McEntee, Morrison at 12th. Funeral notice later. LANE At the residence, 363 Beach st. August 9. Ethel Kreyer Lane, aged 32 years, sister of Mrs. Erma Christgau, Paul Kreyer and Albert Kreyer of Port land. The remains are at Fin ley's, Mont goroery t 5th. Funeral notice later. JENNY In this city, August 7, John Jenny, aged 28 years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jenny. Funeral notice later. Remains are at the resi dential parlors of Miller A. Tracey. CHANEY In this city, August 7. 1020, Josephine W. Chaney, aged 82 years. Remains at Hoi man's funeral parlors. 3d and Salmon sta. Notice of funeral later. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS I6 Fourth St.. Opp. City Hall. Xen Bros. LAPSING GRANITE CO. I R.7 o W. Me Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, Hoiue 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, publle accountant. Auditor. Income tax service. Concord Bldg.. 2d end Stark. Phone Main 7443. ALTERATIONS. LADIBS- tailoring. Perfect flttlnc: work guar, i. Reubin, 40S Bush A Lane bids' ASSAVEBS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAT OFFICE. 143 Second Qold. sliver and platinum bought- BATHS. DR. McltAHON'S sanitary baths. Always ready. Steam ihowera plunges, tubs. Necessaries Xurnished. Rubdowns and mascags when desired. Service and prices cannot be beat. S. W. cor. ftth and Wash. Tell your friends. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and mas sage, loth floor Broadway bldg. Mar shail S18T. Dr. Laura B. Downing. CARPET WEAVING. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Bag rugs all sixes Mall ordera prompt. . Send for booklet. 8x12 rugs steam or dry cleaned. S1.S0. FLUFF BUS CO.. S4-88 Union N. E. 6515. E. 7835. B 1475. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. FLUFF OR RAG RUGS. W3VEV ALL SIZES. WRITE OR CALL PORTLAND RUG CO. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS PARPCWTCD GENERAL CONTRACT- "rim till Lit ins;, , , Jobbing;. Tabor 9049. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IBWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 887 Washington. Broadway 431. A 1254. CHIROPODIST. FFCT UIIDT Come to Dr. Gartner, foot I Lr.l nUftl specialist: corns, bunions. foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland building. 5th and Washington. Main 1081. DR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles scientifically corrected. Lady assistant. 812 Morgan bldg. Main 8762 , DR. B. LOUISE COX. cMropodlst. 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. 438 Morgan bldg. Main 4498. CHIROPODISTS ARCH SPECIALISTS. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florello De Veny. the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists In the city. Parlors !I02 Ger llnger bldg.. 8 W. cor. 24 and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPRACTOR. 300.000 KNOW McMahon. 100 ehlroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment best CHIMNEY SWEEPS. BISHOP. CHIMNEY SWEEP. Furnace smokes through rcBlstrs, needs repairing or cleaning? Tabor 3S83. COLLECTIONS. NETH A CO., Worcester bldg. Main 170. No collections. no charges. Estab. 1900. CONTRACTORS. PRESERVE TOUR HOUSE. New shingles stained, old shingles re stained; estimates given free; roofs stained by contract. Call Tabor T2G8. W F. O'DELL, cement contractor, all kinds of cement work. Phone Main 7933. DENTISTRY. nFNTKTBY keene. 351 ULlllOlnl Washington L Without pain. Latest nerve-blocking method. DANCING. BERKELEY dancing academy; private les sons, day-evening; latest steps, jazx steps taught by best professional teacheis. Mr. snd Mrs. Summers. 129 4th. Main 331 MRS. BATH, 208 Dekum bldg. Privata lessons day and evening. Main 1313 DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITV VETERINARY HOSPITAL, 413 East 7th, cor. Grant. East 1847 and 219-62. Dogs and horses clipped. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS AND MILL SUPPLIES. THE M. U KLINE CO.. 84-86-87-89 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bid. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO.. 63-05 Front at. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. Front and iforrieon. RASML'SSEN fc CO.. Second and Taylor. FUNERAL NOTICES. COOPER At Milwaukie. Or.. August 8. Dorothy May Cooper, aff 2 years, 11 mo. and 3 days, beloved daughter of Mr. and . Mrs. Nelson A. Cooper. Vuneral services will be held today (Tuesday). August 10, at 2130 P. M. from the residence funeral parlors of Walter C. Kenworthy, lo3J and 1534 East 13th St.. Eellwood. Friend invited. Interment Rivervlew cemetery. DUFFET In thiatcity. August 6, Edward F. Duff-y. a-tetT57 yea.r 10 months 2'i davs, huaband of Margaret Duffey of this city. Funeral services will be held Wedr.epday, August 11, at 10 A. M., from the conservatory chapel of East Side r-4pe,sl directors. 414 East Alder street. Friends invited. Interment Mount Scott Parle cemetery. FROESSNER At Ceres. Wash..' August 8. Marie Froesaner. aged 4tt years, wife of Eugene Froecsner; mother of Eugene y. Froeesner of Ceres, Wash. The funeral ervices will be held today (Tuesday). Autust 10. at 2:30 o'clock P. M.. at Finley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited, interment, Riverview cemetery. POICH In this city. Aug. fl, Mrs. Amelia Poicn. aged 8ft years, beloved wife of Sam Poicli. of Ltnnton. Or. Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday, August 11. at 11 A. M-, from Pearson's undertaking parlors, Russell street at Union avenue. Friends Invited. Inter ment Multnomah cemetery. EDWARDS At Sacramento. Cal, Aug. 8, Alice Edwards, beloved wife of E. B. Edwards, mother of Mrs. E. B. Whit ney of Blocksbury, Cal.; Mrs. L. E. Hart ot Portland and W. J. Homing of Salt Lake. Funeral services will be held today Tuesday). August 10, from the chapel of Miller A Tracey. Incineration Mount Scott crematorium. KING In this city. August 8, 120. James King, aged 73 years, beloved brother of Mrs. E. A. McLeran of Wllhoit. Or. Friends Invited to attend the funeral services at Holman's funeral parlors, 3d and Salmon sts., at 10 A. M. today (Tuesday), August 10, 1920. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. DIETRICH Near Vancouver, Wash., Au gust 7, 1920. Eva Ast Dietrich. Survived by husband, one son and two daughters. Funeral services today (Tuesday . Au gust 10, at 2 P. M. from- Limber's funeral parlors, Vancouver, Wash. Interment in Columbia cemetery, Portland. HARTFORD The funeral services of the It te Mpry L. Hartford will be held to day (Tuesday), August 10, at 10:30 o'clock A- M., at Finley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment, Roe City emotery. CONNER The funeral services of the late Roy Elmer Conner will be held today (Tuesday). August 10, at 1 o'clock P. M.. a Finley's. Montgomery at 5th. Friends Invited. Interment at Sheridan, Or. PIPER Funeral services of the late Louis B. Piper will be held Wednesday. Aug. 11, at 2 P. M. at the chapel of Miller A Tracey. Interment Mt. Scott Park cemetery. FUNERAL CABS, LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AUTO LI VERT. MARSHALL 114. FLORISTS. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's progressive florist. We special ise In funeral designs. 141 H Sixth, op posite Meier A Frank's. Main 721 ft. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists, 854 Washington. Main S69. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS , florists. 287 Morrison st. Main 7709. Fine flowers and floral de signs. No branch stores. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington st. bet. Lh and fiUb iiaia 11 0L ' S28 MOSMSOH rVW. 7i3 a 4 MOWWISOM HA. 137 POICrLAND HOTTI. RRtJrVW A WAAK.. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. H. M. IT. ELECTRIC CO. j VYt3t?4 winding and electrical repalr iLsSi f lng a specialty. New or used tsr----t mo,ors. Bdwy. 104J. A 104 iirvrnne rjruimiun and &D HlUIUfid ntllUUHU Repaired Bought and Sold, vimnul KLRCTR1C WORKS. pnone 4iI-27. 24oV 1st st- M. 871. HEMSTITCHING. X. D. HEMSTITCHING shop; superior work, prompt service. Room olS Oregon Eilera bidg., 2b7 Washington st. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on tha basts oi ca.iabia service. Thou santla ot a.usLied customers. A trial will convince you. cnariea W. Good man, optometrist. 20 Morrison. M. 214. GEORGE KUKENSTE1N. the veteran op tician, ia an expert eye litter, and bis cnarges are very reaaonaDle; satlsiactioa guaranteed. Aiorri.on St., near 2d. - BCIB.NTlr lCALLV TltST- fcL) wiLh mouern instruments, u.asse nttea, S2.u0 up. A. E. HUKWirz. optouieirisL. 225 1st at. I'Al.SXLNU AND 1'AfEKHA.N tIU. .X1NT1U, papernanglsxg. John C. Con liak. 133 lotq st. .N. Airoadway 2943. Dibr'ENDABLE house painting, tinting, paper hanging. Tabor o21i. ' PATENT ATTOKNEV8. PATnlNTS Our practice has extended over a period of M years. Ail communi cations strictly confidential; prompt, ef ficient, conscientious service; handbook fiee on request. UN.N sc CO.. patent attorneys, aaa Francisco office, ilobart bldg., 002 Alarkei at.; Ctutago ottice. room biO Tower bidg.; Wanaington of fice, room 103, 024 i' bl; Ne -lor ottice, v oolwurth bidg. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S. and toreign patents. oOl Uekum bldg I'illSlClA-NB. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway bldg.. raeuraati&m, stomaca, bowei, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, femaia disorders, in affections, blood pressure, enlarged tor.uiis, moles, birth marks. - ILlMlllNti bti-PLIES. RANGE boilers. 30. 40. 120 gal. price, lus King. Main 164. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE price, a tark-Davis Co.. loo 4th. M. 791. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale price. A. L. Howard. 230 3d si. pIiintinq; WF P!1Y and sel1 used printing ma ll C uUI chinery and equipment. J. L Caidweil Inc.. 2U7 2d st. PRI1T!KRF- w. baltes & company, lfll:l I III J First and Oak. Main 1U5; 311-65 SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO. 221 FRONT ST. We buy and set! everything In tha hardware and furcUura line. Phone Main 9072. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 801 Dekum bldg. U.- S.. foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH Thirteenth and Kearney. GENERAL. HAULING. Motor and nurse equipment; any c paciiy. Moving, packing, storage. PHONE BDWY. 3309 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan St.. corner 13th. Phone Broadway 181 or 116'J. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks Lo wrest Insurance rates In the city. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 102 PARK ST. Main S193. A 1031. MANUFACTURERS HIDES. WOOL AND CASCARA BARK. KAH.M BROTHERS. 1U5 Front bU PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND PIPE. THE M. L. KLIXE CO.. 84-8q-87-Stf Front. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVKRDING & FARRELL, 140 Front t. SASH. DOORS AND GVASS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. Front and Morrion. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordasre Co.. 14th and North p. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Now located in their new residential fu neral home, Morrison at 12th, west side. Phone Broadway 430. Automatic 645-S&. The Funeral Home of Refinement snd Distinctive Service. Note We have no branches nor any con nections whatever with any other undertaking firn EDWARD HOLMAN &SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon Streets. Main 507. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Dlrectora. Washington Street. Between 20ta and 21at Streets. West Side. Lady Assistant. Main 288L Auto. 678-8S. McENTEE & EILEES Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home, lGth and Everett Sim. Phone BrOAdWAT 2123- Automalin 1 J. P. FJLNLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth. DOWNING & McNEMAR The Residential FniMtraJ Home. 441 Multnomah St. IrvinKton-Dist. Kast 4 F. S. DUNNING. INC 414 K. Alder. Phone East S3. Perfect aervice. personal direction, free use of floral chapel and auto equipment. P Lu LERCH ? Eleventh and Clay s-'-LiV-' East 7S1. Tabor 1U3 A. D. KEN WORTHY A CO.. 6802-4 Pad St.. Lenta. Tabor 5267. ER1CSON Iw,uth nd Morrison CiIilUOWl Broadway 2534. A. R. ZELLER CO.T- BREEZE & SNOOK $4?2l?a SKEWES UNDERTAK! XOCOM PANT aj and Clay. M. 4152. A. H23L Lady Aasistant OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases or alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courtuouae. Phone Main 7 Iron A. 11 to 6 P. M. Tbe society has full chance of the city pound at Its home. 635 Columbia bou iark Phone any Hme. W o o d 1 awn 764. pogs for sale. Horse ambulance for alclc or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted whe-e necessary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc picked ud free of chares. Phone your want ads to The Orego nlan. Main 7070. Automatic S60-95. NEW Ton AT. WE CALL FOR YOC'R OLD CARPETS. Ran mad Uasles Clothing. FLUFF RUGS All Work Tsrara Oat Promptly Rax Uses Wo Tea All Sizes Hall Orders. Sens far Booklet. Caruets Cleaned. Laid sad Refitted. KORTHW EST H CO CO. ISM east 8tk St. akne atamt 35au. NEW TODAT. Laurelhurst Bargain This beautiful, modern, roomy home for sale at 57500. It's easily worth $10,000. Owner i3 leaving for Cali fornia and wants to sell quickly. House has eight large, airy rooms, and separate servants' quarters. It is replete with modern conveniences that go to make a high-class home in a choicest part of beautiful Laur elhurst. Owner tenant and inspec tion by appointment only. . See our Mr. J. W. Crossley, manager of our "Distinctive Homes Department." FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Distinctive Home Abington Building. Slain 1068. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE In trie matter of the "State of Claude A. McDonald, deceased: By order of the Hon. George Tazwell, a judge of the circuit court. I will sell at private sale to the hifthest bidder for cash, or sufficient to cover outstanding liens, balance two years at 6 per cent in terest, at the office of O. W. Kastham, attorney. 412 Henrv building. Port land. Oregon, the following real prop erty, subject to the approval o the court, to-wit: The east eixtv feet of lot 7 block 189. together with dwelling thereon, being ?1 East N'inta street North. Shown by appointment. Do not disturb tenant. THOS. MOFFETT, Administrator. Send Us Your Old Carpets (Wa Call and Deliver.) Old Ran and Woolen Clothlnr. Ve Make Reversible. Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Koom-Size Fluff Ran Wovea. I17.5A Baa Ron Woven AU Sizes. Clothes Cleaninar and Dvelns: Dents. Wall Orders Send for Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 8x15 Rues. Steam Cleaned. (1.59. WESTERN FLCFF RCQ CO- 6 Union Ave. N. rbones. ICaat 516 and East 7633. Mortgage Loans Lownt Interest r a teat Installment re payments it aealred. Bat I dins; loan made So delay la clualnc A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-219 Morrkwealern Bank Bnlldisub Marshall 4114. EXECUTORS A NO ADMI.V'IS- TKATOKS Will Find Onr Thrice-Speared FARM HOHTGAGES Exceptional Investments lor trust funds. Not a foreeloaure In twen ty lean. FEAR at CRAT. Phone Hais 3S. 1U2 Fourth St. LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on real estate, first and second mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc. F. E. BOWMAN & CO. no Cham, et Com. Bids;. Main 3020. Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS United fctatea Bank Uolldlns 50 10 - room house and lot 60x100 on Glisan near 23d. Part cash. C. If. IvOItKI.L, J.07 REAL ESTATE. BUILO NOW! If yon own a lot w will secure the money and build for you; terms like rent. Call and see urn. BUILDERS RE ALT If EXCHANGE. J1 Morftari Bldg. Main 2u33. ! or frale Flat aid Apartment Property. BUT a home and have income at same time. I have two small apartment houses In Irvinfrton for sale at $17,000 and $18. OW); firnt -class in every respect. K. J. O'Xetl. 717 Board of Trade. $1C00 BUT 3 1 9 -room apt., close in. east fcide; rent $.m ; Income $200. Se BROWN & FIDDLE. 324 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. BUY THIS large apartment house direct; will sacrifice for some cash; annual In come M8,HM. Address D Oreonian. Fur Sale Beach Property. CHOICE BEACH LOT. EXCHANGE FOR Painting and Paperbenglnf; and furnish material. Lot located on Tillamook beach (Salt air), near station and ocean. AK 760, Oregon., n. TWO BEACH lots, at iJike Lyteii. Tiiia- mook, cheap. Owner Tabor fooi. H Houses w Garages 3 I Erected la itjfrS Portland IM IF? UuSlKlM htppl Anywhnr kj in bunt -foot e M ft.- iilt-t B. tions r a d y and WxiK Ij3" y ta Li iTiT mm etiw. I a firct-ci&sa boas or farf 41- a II rert from th factory at a GREAT 1 II A VINt. Ton pay no middaLa 1 y pioflu Write for V Rediniade Building Co. 1 1 F-aM blevfntta and Market, II I S afcuocka south of Hawthorn. L risen fcunt 6114. I'lirllnnd. On L REAL ESTATE. For SaJeBeach Property. f ALTAIR TIIJ.AMOOK BEACTH. 1 Have four choice lota, all together, two facing the Pacifio ocean: boari waiic; county road a-nd railroad runs in VTP, oft property. Tbe otner two lot adjoin the two above and face on th road in th rear. AH are near the depot, hotel and Rockawav. Size of lots are feet by about 70 feet and axe ex ceptlonaly adapted for buainesa or real- f." 2til "'d!" ome acreage near i ortia-nd or automobile In trade. Price ?, nd Address R WO. Oregon tan. CARTWRIGHT PARK. SEASIDE OR t.1 re on sa! in Cartwnirht f w rrom to $700; nearly 200 lots to choose from; liberal terms offered ao tnose wishing to build a Seaside home, ror Xul! information call or phone. WH1TM ER.KELLT CO- 434 Pittockt Blocks Phone Broadway 7S4. or P. M. COLE. A rent at Seaside. Oreyon. GEARHART Exceptionally desirable tract of over four acres, with extensive beach front An ideal location for beach home cr homes. This must be seen to be ap preciated; e.'tOOO, reasonable terms. A H. BIRRLLL CO.. 310-219 Northwestern Bank Bide. Portland, Or. Marshall 4114. GLARHART A modern, desirable house. Bix rooms, completely and well fur nished, one block back from ocean front; a bargain at $100. part rash. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 216-210 Northwestern BanJc Bid., Portland, Or. Marshall 4114. or Sale Lota, SOME FIXE BUILD Ufa LOTS. 2 west slope lit Tabor, ....each $ 959 ? .V" Jmrk ...each 1000 l Alameda Park, corner 1200 1 Iurelhurat .................... 1100 2 Veatm ore land ....each 70O The street assessments on these lots are all paid. This includes sewers. If you are going- to build, buy these at roclt bottom price. CLEV E LAXD-HEXPERSON CO.. 21- Railway Exchange Bldg. ALAMEDA PARK. . One of the finest view ridge lota, run ning from the Alameda to Regenta drive. 60x12.5; beautiful shade trees; opportunity for fine landscape work; unobstructed view; only $2200. HENRY W. GODDARD, 2i STARK ST. Main 83L FOR SALE CHEAP Lot 1. block fll. Laurelhurst addition, beautiful corner on East .JOth st.; will sell for orlsinal pur chase price of lot, $2000. with $1200 worth of Improvements; assexsments fully paid. AV 242. Oregocian. FOR SALE IN 'ALAMEDA PARK. 50x100 building lot on Dunckley ave 200 feet west of car line. ALAMEDA INVESTMENT CO., 443 Stark st. Broadway 12SS. LOT 50x100 at 35th and Skldmore, price $:ir.0. By owner. Wdln. 3.M0. ForSale Houses, 440,'jO 7 ROOMS, MODERN $46T0. Delightfully located in the Mt, Tabor district, with an inspiring view of th mountains. - . Four rooms first floor. Including bed room with extra toilet and lavatory; 3 bedrooms, bathroom and real sleeping porch second floor; furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-lna and garage. It's a real home, ready to move Into, at a low valuation. Terms. CaUx-Bdwy, 16"8. or East 24o8 eTenings. WESTMORELAND. FINE HOME. LIVING ROOM. DIV ING ROOM. KITCHEN, DEN FIRST FLOOR. THREE BEDROOMS. SLEEP ING PORCH, BATH SECOND FLOOR; FULL CONCRETE BASEMENT. DOU BLE GARAGE; ALL CARPETS. CUR TAINS AND GAS STOVE INCLUDED IN PRICE, $7500; TERMS, THIRD CASH; DISCOUNT FOR ALL CASH. roiNDEXTBR. 20S SELLING BLDG, MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE EAST 677L BABY BUNGALOW In Monta villa; It has 3 neat, clean rooms, electrio lights and gas, a shower bath, patent toiiet, garage, fine corner lut. beautiful flowers, shade trees and gar den; only $350, $250 cash, balance like rent. It's a snap and beats paying rent. My auto la at your service. Come right la. E. W. HUGHES. S07 Journal Bldg. Main 2S5S. I RVIXGTON NEW. Building costs are mounting again; buy now before the rush cornea this fall. See this beautiful colonial home, just completed by the best skilled day labor; seven rooms, hardwood floors throughout; tile bath, linoleum in kitch en, breakfast room and back porch; firt-class and complete. Key for In spection next door. 729 East 22d st. N. Phone eveninjrs after ft P. M. East 1875. Owner. ROBERT B. BEAT. Builder. $7000. STRICTLY MODERN" WEPTMORE L AND B UN GALOW; HARD WO. 'D FLOORS, ALL BUILT-INS, FINE COR NER LOT. GARAGE. LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM, KITCHEN, BATH, THREE BEDROOMS FIRST FLOOR. THREE BEDROOMS SECOND FLOOR; TERMS. HALF CASH. PO IN DEXTER, 20S FELLING BLDG. MAIN 3S00. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. TWO HOMES NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. 5-rooma modern bungalow, double con structed, lot 40xlOO; garage: H. S. street; Lawn, fruit ; lovely little place. Prico $48.".0. Terms. 6-room modern bungalow, nsual bulK lns. beamed celling, Dutch kitchen; lot f.OxlOO; gaiage; H. S. street, $4f0 carpet, shades, ranee, fuel, some linoleum in cluded. Price $5S50. Terms. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDO. IRVINGTON. Strictly modern bungalow, six rootns, three bedrooms, tiled bath, hardwood floors, all on one floor, garage, has Gasco furnace, can give Immediate pos session: $1M)U1. half rasft. POINDEXTER. 208 Selling BJdg. Main 180Q. Residence East 6771. ROSE CITY bungalow, snap at $5500: near Sandy on East North: S rooms and muslq alcove finished in old Ivory, hardwood floors, two disappearing beds and springs; built-in desk, cement porch; garden, full basement, fruit room, ce ment laundry trays, furnace; a real buy; $2400 cash, balance easy terms. Owner, Tabor 774. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income T We desigi and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE, SATIS FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. Inc 824 N. W. Bank bldg. ' I RVIXGTON PARK. WORTH THE PRICE. Eight rooms, sleeping porch, corner lot 50x100, paved street, garage, alley. Must sell at once. $4250, $1000 cash. I. E. Carlock. 1125 Gasco Bidg. Main 6456. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. New colonial bungalow, 5 rooms, breakfast nook, attic, modern built-lns, unobstructed view, full lot. select neigh borhood; no incumbrance; $7500, terms. Owner. Main 3Sa6. ' THIS WILL PLEASE YOU. 7 -room modern home, 8 bedrooms, fireplace, lot 50x100, lawn, fruit and shrubbery; restricted district; a real bargain at $4300, terms. THOMSON. 620-21 Henry Bldg. $5300. High-class bungalow, built for home; fine living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, furnace, beautiful grounds. POINDEXTER. 208 Selling Bldg. Main 1S00. Residence East 6771. laurelhurst bungalow. 5 rooms down, two large rooms np; fine condition; near car and school: this Is the" best buy in Port and for $1000, $2O00 cash. Phone Mar. Sr.2 for appt. It won't laFt long. Rock. 4U3 Couch bldg. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 6 R. and breakfast room, den large attic, garage; cor. lot; strictly mod.; fin ished throughout in old ivory ; paved and pd. at $6500, terms. Rock, 403 Couch bidg. Mar. 3352. FINE CORNER LOT. 0-room house. 5 bedrooms: might consider smaller place or give easv torms. POINDEXTER, 208 Selling Bldg. Main ISoO. Residence East 6771. $12 PER MO. AND INT. 6-room Alberta bungalow; fireplace, modern: Sox 100: only $'i2SO. Go look. MAIN 4803. OWNER, 1034 E. 25TH N. SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS down and bal ance on easy terms, will buy a good eight-room house, close In. Apply at 47 E. 15th st. South. IRVINGTON', $6500. 6-room home, hardwood floors. Wory and art paper throughout. 2 blocks to car and one block to school. East 4 lit. NEAT little 4 -room house, 2 lots, price 1475. small payment down, balance $15 per month. 6 per cent Interest. Call Mr. Fuher. Main S42A. 243 Stark St. RICHMOND bungalow, f.loOO; five rooms, modern, roses and shrubbery; $vr0 cash. S. S. Prentlsa, 615 Chamber of Com merce bldg. LAURELHURST. 9 rooms, up-to-date, just completed, your own terms; price $0OO. 1185 E. Davis. EVERY purchaser of real estate siiouid have h is title Insured. Better be saia tiisn sorry. Title A Trust company. b-ROOM modern house, lotx.l00. fruit. r.cnr car; $.3400, $lOHO cash. Interstate Innd Co.. Main 5420. WILL sell this new modern 4 -room bua K: low in KoHe City be-.ow coat. Owaer, irCQ E. 47th XL. evenings.