Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 06, 1920, Page 22, Image 22

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Make Powerful Contributions to Store-Wide August Sales Now in Progress
The- Qjualit V Store- or- Portland
nftK.3ixlhi.Xui lovAIfcr3t.
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Summer Dresses
Formerly $19.50 to $25 now half price
and less.
Clearaway of summer dresses in voile,
organdy, dotted Swiss and gingham.
Plain colors, fancy flowered and figured
effects, checks and stripes.
While any ' remain today TEN
Jersey Suits
$20 '
Women's and misses' jersey sport suits
at this special price for Friday.
Oxford, tan, brown, navy, Pekin and
heather mixtures..
Tuxedo and notch collars. Loose and
fitted backs.
Such jersey suits as these are uncom
monly good at $20.
Meier & Frank's: Fashion Salons, Fourth Floor.
and Laces
Half price sale of remnants of these,
materials while quantities last Friday:
Wash laces, embroideries including
edges, bands and flouncings, metal
novelty laces, georgettes, silk and cotton
Regularly 5c to $3.
Now 3c to $1.50 EACH.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
Fine Georgette
Crepe Blouses
$4.45 ''
Smartness of styles vies with, quality
of material to make this a most attrac
tive assemblage of georgette blouses
at $4.45. .
Short sleeves, collarless models.
Charmingly beaded and embroidered.
White, flesh, brown, taupe and royal
Sizes 36 to 44.
. Meier & Frank's: Blouse Shop, Fourth-Floor.
Union Suits
The $2.50 grades in regular sizes for
$1.95; the $3 grades in extra sizes for
Famous Munsing union suits of fine
quality lisle with silk top bodice band
finish with straps.
Pink and white.
! Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
t r
Silk Stockings
.-' $1.49
500 pairs of women's pure thread silk
hose in all sizes.
Fine soft finish silk stockings with
lisle tops, heels and toes. Mock seam
legs. Black only.
First quality silk stockings that are
no less serviceable than they are hand
some. Reduced for this Friday sale to
$1.49 pair.
Meier &. Frank's: Main Floor.
i .
Salted Peanuts
Regularly 40c. Made in our
own Candy Factory. Packed in
pound boxes. No deliveries.
Main and Ninth Floors.
Hair Goods Salon Offers Today
Transformations $2.49
Regularly $7 now less than half
price for these transformations in plain,
shades to fit all around the head.
Switches $4.95
Regularly $10 now half price for
switches in assorted shades of gray. 22
inch. Made on three separate stems.
Transformations $4.95
Regularly $12.50 and $15 now less
than half price for all-around transfor
mations of natural grey hair in all
shades, including light grey.
Switches $2.49
Regularly $5 now half price for full
fluffy 24-inch switches.
Meier & Frank's: Hair Goods Shop, Fifth Floor
6 for 75c
These regular 20c and 25c
handkerchiefs may be purchased
singly at the special price of 14c
each. Women's fine sheer lawn
handkerchiefs with daintily em
broidered designs in white and
colored hand loom work.
inch hemstitched hems.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
7 for $1.00
Regular 25c values. Group
ing various short lines from our
regular stock of men's initial
lawn handkerchiefs with hand
loom embroidered plain and
fancy wreath designs in white
and colors. Full size, well made
handkerchiefs finished with V
inch hemstitched hems.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
. 27c
Regular 45c grade. 1000 yards
of good quality marquisette
with taped borders in hem- .
stitched effects. A big surprise
at 27c, while any of a thousand
yards remain.
Meier & Frank's: Seventh Floor.
80c Hair Bows
Children's hair bows made of
1V4 yards nice wide taffeta rib
bon in plain and fancy light and
dark shades. All ready to put
on pretty heads. ,
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
45c Outings
Good assortment of heavy
weight striped outings, 27 inches
wide. The regular 45c grade,
special for Friday 37c yard.
Meier &, Frank's: Second Floor.
Floss Cushions
Not many, but while they last
we will sell these 12xl6-inch
floss cushions for the kiddies at
35c each. ..They are filled with
silk floss and covered with good
white muslin.
No phone or mail orders; none
C. O. D.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.
Regular $60 to $100
New "Society Brand" Suits
Being1 Society Brand, they are all wool.
Being Society Brand, they are chock
full of style.
Being Society Brand, they are meticu
lously tailored.
Being Society Brand, they are the
world's best, ready-to-wear clothes.
Being these thing's and more of like
merit they are wonderful values at $47.50
instead of $60 to $100.
Meier &. Frank's: The Store for Men, Third Floor.
These for Friday and Saturday in The Store for Men, Main Floor.
"Shawknit" Sox 28c
Our regular stock price is 40c pair. 1680 pairs of the
famous Shawknit Middlesex and Parisiana sox in black,
ecru and black with white soles. Sizes 9V, 10, lOVa. 11, llVs
English Wool Sox $1.95
Our regular stock price is $2.50 pair. Pure wool im
ported English sox in rich heather mixtures. All sizes.
"Paris" Garters 29c
Standard 50c quality. 100 dozen of these nationally
known garters at almost a third less. Elastic, is in perfect
"President" Suspenders 59c
Standard 75c grade. 480 pairs of famous genuine Presi
dent suspenders in assorted patterns.
Boys' Sweaters $3.95
Regularly $5.50. Boys' roll collar, button-front sweater
coats in dark oxford, green mixtures and cardinal. All sizes.
Fiber Silk Pajamas $8.o5
Regularly $15 suit. 460 suits of fine quality fiber silk
pajamas in all sizes, 15, 16, 17 and 18.
Muslin Night Shirts $1
Regular $1.50 value. 1200 serviceable muslin night
shirts in sizes 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19.
New Fall Ties $3.85
Comparable to our regular $5 and $6 values. New four-
in-hands of extraordinarily fine silks bought under the
market and offered on the same basis to men who wish the
newest things in silk ties for fall.
White Shirts $1.50
Regular $3, $3.50 and $4 values now half price and less.
580 stiff-cuff white shirts, also blue and black striped pat
terns, bizes 14, 14!2, lb, lb'A and 17. Broken lines
grouped for clearaway.
Madras Shirts $2
Many are regular $5 values, others $3.50 values. Finely
serviceable shirts of woven madras, oxford cloth and per
cale m sizes 14 to 17 y.
Meier & Frank's: The Store for Men, Main Floor.
300 Fine Felt Hats of $7 Value Now at $4.75
This, too, despite the fact that manufacturers are quoting higher prices for fall. Felt hats like these at $4.75 (no
tax) are an investment. First class workmanship. Narrow and medium bands. Full leather sweats. Colors are
pearline, mouse, myrtle, black, Belgium brown. All sizes 6 to 7 in each lot.
Sale of Caps
Regular $2, $2.50 and $3 caps for
$1.85. Regular $3.50 and $4 caps for
$2.85. Regular $5, $5.50 and $6 caps
for $3.85.
Caps all of good kinds from stan
dard makers. Domestic and imported
fabrics. 1, 2 and 8-piece styles and
English models. All sizes from 6
to 7V2.
Clearaway .
of remaining nanamas. banirkoks.
baliluks, leghorn and Milan straws.
Our regular $12.50, $13.50 and $15
grades at $4.95.
$8.50 and $9 nanamas at $2.95.
A few toyos and yacht straws at$l.
Meier &. Frank's:
The Store for Men, Mam Floor.
2000 Yards
Were $2.50 Yard and More
Clearaway of odd pieces of good silks from the
Main Silk Store on the Second Floor.
35-inch fancy silks, including striped Jap silk
shirtings in light colors and fancy taffeta silks in
good color combinations.
Many are half price and less today at $1.29 yard.
It will pay you to supply your needs liberally.
Meier & Frank's: Center Aisle, Main Floor.
Three big sales massed on the Fifth. Street thoroughfare to make Friday a day
of extraordinary value-giving f or patrons of t h e popular Bargain Squares
600 Brand New Slip-On Sweaters
Kinds That Sold Formerly at $5 and More
A special purchase of 600 brand new slip-on
sweaters in a dozen pretty models of which four
are pictured.
All wool. Women's and misses' sizes.
Rose Copen Pink
Brown Tan
Good looking serviceable sweaters for beach
and other wear.
-Meier & Frank's: Center Aisle, Main Floor.
3000 Pairs
$1.00 to $3.25 Values
The biggest and best bargain ever offered, says
the glove buyer. So we've given it the place of
honor on the thoroughfare immediately inside the
Fifth street .entrance.
First quality silk and chamoisette gloves in
two-clasp style, 6, 8 and 12-button lengths. Good
colors and all sizes, but broken lines, hence this
astoundingly low price.
No phone orders, approvals or C. O. D.s
Meier & Frank's: Center Aisle, Main Floor.
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