THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1920 19 IN V FOB BENT. Rooms With Board in Private Family. BEAUTIFULLY furnished, new and clean, hot and cold water, room for 11 gentle men or man, and wife or 2 ladies; aiso single room; beautiful lawn and porches, table board. Special chicken and cream dinners on Sunday. Phone Bdwy. 5450. mornings and evenings. MCELY" furnished front room with board for two. also sarage tf desired; also room on 3d floor; walking distance. Phone East 5715. QNE well-furnished double room in pri vate hotel; home cooking, modern coon veniences. Call East Sui9 for appoint ment. ONE nice room, suitable for man and wife or 2 men, first-eiasa board, lots of hot water, shower baths, table board with out room. 6Sl Glisan st. ' ONE nicely furnished front room in pri vate family, with board, $40 per month Prefer widower with one or two chil dren. 371 X. 17th st. Bdwy. 5710. NICK front room, suitable for 2 gentlemen, along with home-cooked meals; modern. 1MI5 N. 21st. EITHER singie or double rooms, home cooking and home privileges. Call East 7552. WANTED Small children to care for by month: can give best of references. Ta bor 053. WILL share my 5-rooin furnished flat cheap. Eaat 4593. IRVINGTON Large slttling room and Bleeping porch. 2 meals. East 664a. Furnished Apartments. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier FrtnVi stoie; good surroundings, strictly mod ern, outside, with French doors ana bal cony. Permanent and transient. TOURISTS SUMMER HOMB. ALSO TRANSIENT. m HIGH-CLASS APARTMENTS. 1, 2 and it-room apts. and sleeping porch, beautifully furnished in Chinese rugs and willow furniture; also bachelor suite and single rooms and bath; refer ences required. Mart hall 330. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS, ISO VISTA AVENUE. A newly furnished S-roora apartment with 2 disappearing beds and outside balcony. Call Main 3S33. Price $7j; adults only; will rent by week or month. ft-ROOM apartment in best part of city for rent, with furniture., for sale; rent is $50 and price of furniture is $40. bee ua for full information. PARRiSli. W ATKINS & CO.. Main 1644. 106 Second St. THE JACKSON. S-room apts.. $27.50 to $40; private bath, phone service. 15 minutes' walk to uth and Alder sts. Union ave, and East Davis st. E. 2846. LADY living alone in first-class apartment will rent to business woman iamw at tractively furnished room, oriental rugs, ditappearang bed, closets, bath, phone, u be of kitchen, B 600, Oregonian. DESIRABLE 3 or 4-room apartment, with sleeping porch, $60; 3-room ground floor apartment, private porch and entrance, $50. 730 Hoyt st. Main 1502. KDWI PJ BRAE. 3 rooms, larae closet and bath, white namel finish, nicely furnished and clean, lr ington district, 11th and Hancock. East 4619. . 3-ROOM furnished apt., including lights, gas, hot and cold water, phone service, linen; $-6. Graud Union hotel, 3i is E. Burnside st. LEEDS APARTMENTS 2. 3 and 4-room anurnnantM sleeDln rooms: mod ern, fireproof block, private baths, clean. reasonable. 210 Market st. NORTHWEST A PAR T ME NTS. 2-room H. K. apt., sleeping rooms. rilS'A Washington St., between lth-lith $3.5u week up. Broadway 343. A r.T 1()'T APTS. One 3 and 1 4; beautifully furnished. modern apartments; walking distance. west siue. an .mj.hi TWO single H. K. rooms, also sleeping room, suitable for two ladies or : gentle men, close in. Call Bdwy 4Uia. i l'im. modern aDartment. suitable for parties with children. 422H East Burn- side. La Roy apartments. FURNISHED 3-room apartment, private bath, rent $32.50 up. Orderleigh Apt., a Grand ave. at E. Stark st. van RENT 1 two-room apartment: this is a nice one. clo&e itt. The Rexlord. Main 553. ONE 3-room furnished apt., with private bath and phone. San Marco apts., cor. E. Sth and Couch; price $40. E. 19 FRONT APT., 1 big room with kitchenette. light, airy, clean; west 8iue; us ma, BA water. B rwy 1371. vi:i!'isnKQ nuts, for rent: all modern conveniences, close in. lights and private phone furnished. Call fc,ast L-i:Hs:iKHMn rt "-room, with kitchen- ette. $20. Todd apt., E. 1-th and Stark. East 2509. iAU fnm iuh nnarliTint at 210J,4 14lh st., near Salmon; can be inspected after 7 P. M . P hone Main i2al. PE ABO DY APTS.. 10th and Upshur. n nimokopnlnir anartmenU. 1. 1! and o-c Steam beat: reasonable. Broadway 1546 t AND 4-ROOM furnished apts.: steam heal, free phone. -J7th and Sandy blvd. 3 Llk. from - car lines. Si'.', Nelson st 3 NICE, clt-an, large rooms for H. K. new furniture and carpets. Walking dis tance. 20 East 15th st.. cor. Ash. I'ORTNOM A H, 3 and 4 rooms, hardwood floor, walking distance; adults. 200 E. 1 :.t h. NICE front S-room furnished apt., wifi private bath and phone, $40. Carloia Apts.. 341 14th st. PLEASANT front room and alcove, and light free; adults. 347 Hall THE ST A N S F I E LD, 204 Porter st., mod ern "J -room apt.. $22. Main 730 J. A N D 3-room furnished apartments rea sonable rent. Call uroadway ,-ts.n. 2- ROOM apartment. 102 2Sth at., eoi part furnished, Sandy. $19. FURNISHED apartments, $3 a week and up. 269 Market, oJM 4th st. OARF1KLD, 3 rooms, sleeping porch. 361 K. Fa i ! i n g. Ul ock west union. - FURNISH ED 3-room suite for rent. Mar- shall AliUMAV TERRACE. 395 12th J-room front apartment. large ONE-ROOM H. K. apt., apt-, also single rooms. 1 -2-room H. K, L'PSUL R A PTS. 2-room furnished apts. 513 per montn . up. -auo in. iutn st. THE F l.O R E N C E . 3 S 5 4-room furnished apts: 11th st. clofce in. ALBERT APT Neatly furnished, steam heat, private bath. 40i Mississippi ave. 4-RoOM apartment, modern, fir it floor. O'.lsan st. TOURNEY BLDG. Furnished apartments. -07 ' 2d st. 2-ROOM bailment apt., furnished, Irvington; $25, adults. East 4852. S: NORTHUP st., 3-room furnished apart ment. f none juarsnait 2 LARGE rooms. 327 Wash. Raleigh Bldg. SUNLIGHT APT., modern 3-room apt bath and phor.e. Tabor 0065. THE FLORENCE. 388 llth st., 3 4-room furni.shed apts; close in. LnlurniMuea Apartment. W ANTED to lease, unfurnished apart ment house, west side, can give highesi rett-renees. Af etti, oregonian. GRACE apt., 24th and Northrup, i-room modern, steam heated apt., sleeping poron; ?.o. .Mam iuus. ROgLTX APTS. 2-room apt., utrictly modern. Broadway 4 I AO. S-ROOM modern unfurnished apt.. $26 children. Waverly Court, E. 26th Clinton. t ROOMS 3d floor, front suite, modern. snap. di Hoyu jroaaway iu-io. -ROOM apartment, very desirable, walk lng a 1st a nee. aiy ciay st. NICE 3-room and sleeping porch, steam heat, phone, etc., t60. Main 4124 S-ROOM unfurnished apt., with porch. 1 Ft. Clair st- Mar. 3555. Hats. 6-KOOM newly ca lomined and paintd located near Alberta at. : rent $' pe montn, h,. ii. oustait, tsawy. 4Ui J Main 2506. VCR rent Nice 6 room unfurnished apart ment. East Oregon and Grand ave. Rent $4U per month. The Fred A. Jacobs "cm puny. km First ft. Main 6S69. -ROOM lower fla $.i0. West side. 5t!l 5th Tabor 45; st. Adults. 6-ROOM adolls. lower fat. 304 Eugene st, East 63S2 $35; Furnthhed Flats. XLSIRABLE furnished 5-room fiat, ex- cciieut est aide district, stso. East 2578. MUSIC teacher wants girl to and study music. Main 3018. share flat 4. ROOM furnished flat, adults. 607 Van couver ave,, near Fargo. East 4707, FOB BEST. Fnt! Flats. CLEAN, modern furnished 4 rooms, bath, sleeping porch, front balcony, private basement, furnace, fine view, west side, close in; adults; references, $40. 464 Hall st., near 13th. OZV upper 6-room corner flat; fireplace. Jtector heating system; walking distance; 5u mo. 444 Rodney ave., cor, Tilla mook. 86TH AND FOSTER ROAD. 15 3-room furnished flaL "SEE THE YELLOW SIGN." SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. AND 4-ROOM furnished flats; $30 and $40. 360 Chapman, car. MilL Phone Main 4174. ULLV furnished G-room flat; piano; $50; walking distance. Evenings and Sunday, Marshall 3 Jit 5. URCHA&ER of furniture will rent 6- room, sleeping porch, income ana home. SJjiji 13th st, ROOM flat, nicely furnished, in modern residence; rent $20. Woodlawn 5S00. Housekeeping: Rooms. COMPLETELY furnished one. two and three-room housekeeping suites with or without private baths, hot water con tinually, gas range, laundry, electricity; children welcome. Ih6 Sherman St., Marshall 35)83. . L'ST what you have been looking for, clean and nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, desirable residence district. 1020 East Main st., corner 34th. Hawthorne car. $4 WEEK up, completely furnished house- Keeping suites, aosoiuteiy clean, every convenience; save carfare. The Cadillac, 3d. near J efferson. URN1SHED housekeeping room, $2.50 a wees; sleeping room, a weeK. 13th street. Hawthorne apartments. KUNKS and baggage denverea in down town district lor Jjc. Auto service, r ree storage for 15 days. Phone Bdwy. 2445. MAKE the Bush mark your home; one and two-room outside apts., clean, modern, respectable. Washington at., cor. lTth- HE BEAVER, 12th and Mar. Furnished it, iv. rooms, sio up, mciuamg gas range, hot water, electric lights, laundry room. COMPLETELY furnished newly renovated s-room suites, u ana io; near snip yard;,. 573 Third St. N FURNISHED, light outside H. K. rooms. center el town; reasonable rent. 221 12th st. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, also one sin gle one; walking distance. 372 V Haw thorne. ICE, clean front room, first floor, lovely location, close in. 201 14th st.l, near J efferson. HOUSEKEEPING rooms completely fur- nisnea, not. water; ciose in. Main street. FRQNT room and kitchenette, single rooms; hot water always. tooo landers etreec. VERY desirable 1. and 2 H. K. 745 Hoyt st. select location. NICE H. K. room! with lights, water and phone. 535 East Burnside. URNISHED 2-room housekeeping apart ment. 461 E. Morrison. HOUSEKEEPING rooms and basement, $30. 450 Yamhill st. COMPLETE nicely furnished 2-room housekeeping suite. 515 Yamhill st. . K. AND sleeping rooms, close in, 16th at. 167 FURNISHED housekeeping Goodnough bldg. LARGE front single furnished H. K. room, first floor. 340 Jefferson st. BASEMENT housekeeping rooms suitable for bachelors. 202 llth st. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family -S9 SO. 6TH ST.. between Montgomery and Harrison; light housekeeping rooms, two three-room apts. and one two-room apt., with running water in each; close in and clean; $20 each. RUST room and kitchenette. second floor, also two basement rooms, furnished for H. K. ; clean, good location ; la,rge lawn, walking distance. ou tvereiL Broadway S6tf. LIGHT, cheerful H. K. rooms, modern home, furnished, separate entrance and porch, nice neighborhood, best car serv ice; adults. 106 E. 30th st. Tabor 5501. FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, loo Monroe st. Phone woodlawn 622. VANCOUVER. Modern 5-room bungalow, tlon; 2 lots. Tabor 4414. NICELY furnished 2d story front room for housekeeping. Also sleeping rooms. 68 North Ninth st., near Davis TWO large, well-f urnished H. K. rooms, suitable for 3; ail conveniences; close in. fi3 N. 20 th st. TWO large H. K. rooms, light, phone. bath ana neat lurmsnea. buu .ast Wash ington st - 1 SUITE of light housekeeping rooms. 1171 Minnesota ave. H. K. ROOMS, gentlemen, everything nished. hut E. Yamhill, cor. Jinn. Houses. MR AND MRS. HOUSE HUNTSR. Intend moving this fall, don't put H off, houses are scarce. It Is hard to tell what people will do this winter. Bet ter make your arrangements now. -'SEE THE YSLLOW SIGN." SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH, AUGUST 1 Beautiful Irvington home, hardwood floors, fireplace, garage, etc. ; $73 a month. 500 East 25th st. N. Call Broadway 40S0. Room 701. COMFORTABLY" furnished 4-room suite. in modern home; nice tor a or 4 aauits; desirable, walking distance. t4 N. 16th., corner Flanders, west side FOR RENT $25 per month, 5 rooms, on 2 floors, good for manufacturing or light housekeeping, 149 H First, near Morrison. Inquire 221 Morrison. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTH WESXHiKN JEi-ECTKlU lignt service, Broadway 680. A B747. LOCAL and long-distance moving and hauling; nrst-ciass equipment. ureea Tr. Co., 202 H Alder st. Main 1261. 672-0L MOVING Piano, furniture and long-dis tance hauling a specialty. O. ft W. Truck Service Co., 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. dial. MODERN 4-R. apt.; fireplace, furnace, big basement. Uitll Hawthorne. laoor dUl. MODERN 7-r. house, cement basement. furnace, near snipyaros. rnone oiv-ui. Furnished Houses. IN irvington, 6 rooms and sleeping porch. completely iurnisneo. iou per montn, from Aug. 25 to Nov. 1. East 580. Ref. required. G-ROOM furnished house, fine location. close to car: owner uesires to reserve one room. 531 E. 35th. b'ellwood 117. ATTRACTIVE 4-room house and garage on Willamette river ana uregon ny river road. Call 728 Morgan bldg. FURNISHED cottage. Sunnyslde; only two people; loo per mo. -n. n. oiauo, la bor 219. -ROOM modern furnished house on East Burnside st.; walking .distance; sleeping porch, etc.: rent $75. Call at 230 Stark. Summer Resorts. FOR RENT Furnished room, 1 block from oeacn. -4- r irst si., ave. m, sea side. Or. FOUR-ROOM cottage on ridge at Seaview from August 13 to 91. tteasonaoie. sell- wood 2071. After :jn p. M. FOR RENT or sale, large walled tent. Can non -tseacn. u. u. Nvingara. ccoia, or. SEASIDE 5-room modern cottage for Sep temper. oi. Main 4tKJS. FOR REST. Summer Aesorta. MacLEAN8 CAMP, OSWEGO LAKE. Cottage for rent, partly furnished; reached from Oswego station on 4th fit. Red Electric line. MacLean, &u7 Lewie bldg. Phones Broadway ooOO and Os wego 431. SEASIDE Good clean housekeeping rooms, $10 to $12 a week: sleeping rooms $6 and $3 a week. 770 Broadway. Phone 1 1 3. M. H. Lowe, box 232. TWO lots, Gearhart park. In woods; cost $75 each, will sell for 2o each, term or cash. G 697. Oregonian. SEASIDE Small 2-room furnished house, near ocean, $15 per week. Wdln. 4:;3. 50x100 CONCRETE BUILDING. Near city hall, will leas for 5 years; suitable for garage and repairs. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. bldg.. Main 08. FOR RENT DeeiraJsle store. No. is 12th st., in Hotel Bristol block, between Stark and Bumside sts. See D. Gt Woodward, i u si. l ei. Main 14 jd. FOR RENT Concrete store room for any kind of business. Woodlawn 6022. FOR RENT One-half of store or part of it. i w as n ins ion St. Offices. SEVERAL desirable offices. Acorn bldg. Inquire Stubbs Electrio Co., 75 0th i- NICELY furnished office, including phone, for rent cheap. 1333 Northwestern Bank Bldr. LARGE office with use of reception room and typewriter; rent reasonable. 510 12 Pittock block. FRONT office, modern, in Railway Ex cliange bldg. Apply room 312. BCSFNESS OPPORTUNITIES. WILL EXCHANGE FOR HOME. $3.-00 grocery, conf. and ice cream parlor with long lease, best of loca tion, good fixtures, average receipts $65; will pay cash difference up to $6500. See Harper, 204 Stark st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. We want your mercantile stocks; quick action, sale or trade for income or farms. Parsons with O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, 332 Railway Exchange. Main 6109. SUBURBAN GARAGE. Brick building 60x100, rent $05 month, lease; machinery and tools invoice $1000, stork about $3000; price $4000; business $2000 month. Koom 511 Railway Ex change. A PARTNER WANTED. Handy man with $550 can buy equal naif interest In large concrete garage, 20 cars storage, plenty of repair work; can clear 200 month each partner. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. WE HAVE THREE GOOD MEN with sev eral hundreds up to $5000 to invest as partners or outright sale of good busi ness. What have you? Call Mr. John son, with Q. H. Skotheim Co., Main 510&. FOR SALE Controlling interest in geod paying garage; agency for two rast-seii lng cars; good reasons for selling. Ad dress J. I. Bacon, route A, Box 426, Port land. Or. BY OWNER, large garage, located in heart of city's large business, well estab lished, repair shop, well equipped, lots of repair work; $2500 will handle. Braod- way outs. SOFT DRINKS. CIGARS. Tobacco and pool, corner location. good as there is in the city. Price WOODCOCK. 200 Henry bldg. $2000 RESTAURANT, receipts over $70 per uay; wnite toppea tables. large counter; located in 200-room hotel. We do not misrepresent. Coover & Holman, 322 Falling Bldg., 3d and Washington. BEST opportunity in the northwest, get in manuiactunng ousmess as Dart owner new Invention; start now. Invest $3000 tojjuuu. u oju. oregonian. FOR SALE Grocery and feed store doing $4500 cash business a month: one mile south of Oregon City. Call 4S4J. Oregon '-uy. FOR SALE General merchandise, prop erty, stock and fixtures. Best prune country. raved road : no competition. Particulars. AV 187. Oregonian. $2950 LIGHT grocery, conf. and soft drinks, near transfer point, beait of fix tures, long lease, daily average receipts sou. ee narper, -jo oiarK st. WANTED Someone to publish the latest song, entitled "That Jazz Jizz Jazziest Hug," on a royalty basis. Information, P. O. Box sin. city. FOR SALE 2 drllllne machines with con . tracts. Suitable for one or two parties. Address ail inquiries to AV isu, ore gonlan. COUNTRY restaurant. $1400; doing $50 to $60; low rent. 2 years' lease; about $400 stock included; $500 will handle, balance to suit. A V 218. Oregonian. GROCERY stock and fixtures, cash and carry; 5 living rooms; one block from school ; $2200, or will invoice. E. 40th and Sherman. ' WANT to buy a working interest In res taurant or cafeteria. 20 years experience as chef, steward and manager. P 611, Oregonian. RESTAURANT for sale, corner location, doing good business, owner leaving town, $50 rent. 2H-year lease. Call Eaat 2870. DRUG STORE, suburban, doing $40 day; good corner location; cash proposition. W 203. Oregonian. For SALE Out-of-town plumbing and tin shop, fully equipped, good business; price $2000. AV 162. Oregonian. HIGHLY-DEVELOPED automobile patent for sale. Something new. Writs A. A. Kufner. R-7, Salem, Or. FOR SALE Grocery store doing good business; ail cash; good location; rea sonable. Apply 524 North 24th St. HAULING job. steady with 3-ton truck, $500 down. States Auto Truck Co., 430 Burnside. FOR SALE BY OWNER ERIKSON'S WHITE SHIELD MATERNITY HOME. 798 E. 72D ST. N. PARTNER wanted in very profitable busi ness, $2000 required. Boom 511 Rail way Exchange. ICE CREAM. confectionery and light grocery stock and fixtures; expensed only $1 a day. Phone East 1251. 10 SHA RES In capital stock of Bankers' Mortgage corporation. AK 863, Orego nian. - MUST sell on account of sickness, restau rant near shipyards. 335 First st. HAT cleaning and Broadway 1447. shoe shine for sale. KESTAURANT for sale, near Northwest Bridge Co. Fine business. 375 Front. GOOD paying restaurant, account of poor health. must sell 201 2d st. ONE-CHAIR barber shop for sale cheap. Mt. Scott car to Millard ave. No. 5507. GROCERY stock and fixtures for sale, good corner location. 514 Alberta st. POOL room for sale, cheap. Inquiie 72 Grand ave., telephone East 6070. FOR SALE $400. 149 -Confectionery, First street. soft drinks; SHOE SHOP, fully equipped, for sale. In quire Chas. B. Slater. Harrisburg, Or. ONE HUNDRED shares of Universal Nut Lock stock. BC 776. Oregonian. DENTIST office. Equipped. bargain. Main 4190. MILL1NE RY business for gale. S63 Al d e r. B IS IN ESS OPPORTUNITIES. . HEADQUARTERS FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GROCERIES. $1000. close in. east side, sales $33 to $40, cash and carry: a neat place and low rent. 91950, or Invoice, good location, good fixtures, clean stock, rent $23 including 4 living rooms. $2500, or invoice. Ideal place for man and wife, rent $35, including modern 6-room flat and basement. $3700 Grocery and conf.. Al foun tain and fixtures and fine stock; close In on Hawthorne. Owner must go to fcigher altitude. CONFECTIONERIES. $1050 Neat corner on 3d st. Space to enlarge or release for some other busi ness. $1650 Neat stock and fixtures, good business and low rent living rooms and basement. $2000 Eoctra good fixtures and trade; rent $30, including neat it-room flat. $400o. west side, well equipped; a moneey maker. RESTAURANTS. $00 j33o, $1500. all west side and good buys. " $2250, doughnut plant and lunch, on downtown street. $1050 Good bak(-rv. rtntHn whole output; well equipped and very reason- 'till. MISCELLANEOUS. . V". $4000. tire shop $1100. pool nan JoOO; also other opportunities. SEE BROWN & BIDDLE. 3-4 Ry. Exch. bldg,. 3d and Stark. GOOD freight truck and business for sale m, 1 iiew -ton truck; has good milk and general freight haul, now pay ing iuu to $000 per month. I cannot run ii myseir on account of operating large dairy ranch; hired help does not ouiid up or keep up the business; will for less than actually have in truck. $100 1 cash will handle. Address Shannon B. Shafer, Deer Island, Or. $650 BUYS well-equipped restaurant, close ... v.., iwiu uotnjf good ousiness. Lease at $45 a month. $3d00 buys fine pool parlor, 10 Arl tables and fixtures; cigars and soft drink stock. Clearing about $400 per month J-year leaSe. Rent $35. Sea BROWN & BIDDLE, Ry. Exch. Bldg. 3d and Stark. 324 CAPABLE man familiar with .mnmnhii business to invest $10,000 to $20,000 with services in the best and one of the old est automobile businesses; in Portland; you can handle your own money; busi ness paying now 25 per cent: a real opportunity for a live man. Address. w-.infuM Particulars In first letter, B 6i0, Oregonian. TRANSFER AND FUEL BUSINESS. Owner leaving city, must sell; good paying, well-established business; will sacrifice; $1000 will handle, including all equipment; price $3500. For further in formation see Mr. Schmidt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO Bdwy- 43. 410 Henry Bldg. LIVE SALESMAN TO HANDLE MA H??EY POPULAR LINE; MUST BE FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE. WE ARE NOT SELLING TERRITORY; GOOD MONEY FOR THE RIGHT MAN CALL AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE. BU CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. GOOD cash grocery. $33 sales per day, rent $2S.50 (can have lease); nice living quarters, fixtures very good. 2 cash reg- 13 tiBan new stoca ; price $3000, or win invoice ana sea iixtures at $730. Cash. l THOMSONJB20-21 HENRY BLDG. old "established'office'business. clearing over $500 per month. Will sell one-half Interest to good man, no experience needed; ground-floor location, center city, swell furniture. 6 salesmen at present, can work more. x.ct me snow you. U7, Oregonian. UKULtKt, by owner, good location, only grocery in district; on corner, concrete uuuuiug, ime uving rooms up stairs, bath and gas; rent only $16; cash busi ness, clean, stock and fixtures: will el! all for $1500. End of Errol Heights car ime. caueme una. sen wood 3297. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. Have to cars steady storage, plenty cpAir nujn.; wane partner to seil gas, oiib. etc., ana De nandy in garage; o evou ; .uuu ouyg nan inter est with A-l mechanic. Room 401 De kum bldg. BEST GARAGE PROPOSITION. Going business, sells ens. accesriM splendid town, Oregon, near Portland. on highway .prosperous section. For run miormation see me quickly. Hedges, 201 West Park. WANTED Partner with $10,000 capital iu ati as joDuer, state agency on dodu- lar line of proven worth. Rapid turn overs, excellent profits: this agency good ior io.uiu net prom urst year. G U75, PARTNER to assist In financing patented article; money-maker on small Invest ment; aiso salesman with car. Phone x auor v lua aiter . m. ror appoint ment, or box X 100, Oregonian; $0050 CONF. and soft drinks, heart nitv long lease; must be sold today; this store win invoice over siuu, line fixtures and one of the best sts. In Portland. S,ee iiai JCi m-i. " mat rw si. .- rj . .11. CAUTION. BUYERS Before closing deal of so-called Interest In established rea estate business, get advice of Portland rtea.ty oara, 41 Oregon bldg. Broad way 1903. CLEANING and pressing business for sale. Owner has other business and cannot give it his personal attention; average receipts net $350 per month; can easily oe ooupiea. a eua. oregonian. FOR SALE Meat market, well equipped, ice machine in connection; can be bought on your own terms; the cause, partners disagree. Call or write Mrs. E. Bohn. Canby. Or. CIGARS, confectionery and soft drink store, business $30 day, rent $10 month, business paid $50 week, invoice $1650. Room 51 1 Railway Exchange. A NIFTY, up-to-date 2-chair barber shop, bathroom in connection, 3 living rooms in rear, 5-year lease. T. W. Murphy. Wheeler. Or. DENTAL PRACTICE. DENTAL EQUIP MENT AND OFFICE FIXTURES FOR SALE CHEAP. CALL WDLN. 1285 OR MAIN 630. IF Y'OU have $1000 in cash I can put you In good paying motor truck business. Atterbury Truck Sales Co., Contracting Dept., Broadway 354. 89-91 9th st. WELL-ESTABLISH ED beauty parlors for sale; good locality; will sacrifice on ac count of health; Investigate; it Js worth your while. O 600, Oregonian. $2350 GROCERY and confectionery, doing $200 business per month; fine location, rent $30, long lease; some terms. See Morris. 248 Stark st. $yoo WELL paying restaurant. ooA lo cation, doing good business, fiWd equip ment; $400 cash, balance easy payments. See Morris, 243 Stark st. WE HAVE buyers for grocery and barber shops. If yours is for sale, let us know. Broadway 4S80. THOMSON. 620-21 HffNRY BLDO. HERE'S the place you'ro looking for; fine little confectionery store with fountain, cheap rent for good location. 629 Wash ington st. GROCERY with high-ciass trade, doing $3000 a month; corner store; $2500 will handle; owner must leave town. Ji 605, Oregonian. IF you have a light grocery and conf. for sale, from $1000 to $1500, call Harper, Main GS3. $530 -WAFFLE HOUSE, short orders, well located, long leas. See Morris, 48 Stark st. -CHAIR barber shop for sale cheap lo cated at 292 H 1st. Apply Mrs. San tell. 421 E. 4Sth st. FOR SALE Soft drink and confectionery store. Burnsiue street. TWO POOL tables and one candy case. Inquire 582 Union ave. N. POLLY AND PA'S FISH TL'RAS OUT TO BE BW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GARAGE. FOR SALE by owner. first-clas ga rage business and new two-story build ing located on main -paved highway, miles from Portland, In one of. Portland a bet suburns; sells gas. oil, , tires and supplies and does a general repair and storage business; tine living rooms on second floor; bal. of second door used for storage; first-class garage equipment and excellent stock of merchandise and Ford parts. This business can be doubled In a year's time and Just right for 2 men; will take $7?u0 for building and invoice for equipment and stock; gross receipts approximately 3u00 per month; will take about $7500 cash to handle. No agents. No Box AV S5. Ore gonian. FpR SALE Stock of dry goods, men s, women's and children's shoes and men's furnishings; well located in good brick building with, good lease. In v good Co lumbia river city; It will pay you to Investigate this stock; stock will invoice about $u00. Address U. tf. Mercantile Co.. 7ol Washington st., Vancouver, Wash. I WANT A MAN WHO HAS 350 TO IN V&VST A STOCK OF GOODS 1X5 TAKE OVER STOCK AND BUSINESS; GOODS SOLD AT COST. I WILL GIVE YOU FREE OFFICE AND PHONE AND BUSINESS ALREADY ACQUIRED; GOOD FOR 1150 TO $3UO PER MONTH. CALL TODAY, 432 PITTOCK BLOCK. FOR SALE Cigar and confectionery store in large, well lighted building; all new fixtures; must make quick sale; vill sell cheap; easy terms; aide line pays rent, telephone, gas and water Inquire Camas waiting room, 801 Washington st-, Vancouver. Wash. CONFECTIONERY, light lunch, town of cOO, on Pacific highway. Willamette river, Oregon Electric and Southern Pa cific Co.; Doing $40 per day, profit 40 per cent: light overhead expense; for quick t-ale, $1300 cash; deal direct with me. AV 214, Oregonian PARTNER for garage, best location on the west side, business wen estaousnea, storing 6S cars, repair shop fully equipped, lots of repair work, long lease, good opportunity for first-cla&s me chanic; $1200 will handle, AJ 440, Oregonian. A NICE home with $600 year income, - room cottage. store ouuuings. ait in fine condition, cement walks, paved St.. electrio lights, close to Portland; $3000 cash or trade for a grocery or delica tessen. By owner, J. Fulton, 209 N. Main at., Newberg, Or. WANT LIVE MAN IN BUSINESS. Am clearing $oOO per montn. can increase business and if you are a hus tler I can show you. Have eight sales men at present. ll sell one-half in terest. Money secured. Box P 014, Ore gonian. PARTNER FOR GARAGE. Active man can buy half interest In busy west side garage: large storage and repair business; handle used cars; can clear $450 month each partner. Price $3uu0. some terms. Call room 401 De kum bldg. ROTARY daylight bakery for sale, sani tary and up to date, doing good business in town with $2.000 payroll per day; - low rent, excellent chanoe for baker and wife: owner going east. Deal di rect. Call Tabor 1913 after 7:30 P. M. Address BD 823, Oregonian FOR SALE 1 hay and grain store and 2 large warehouses at Dayton, Or. Bus iness last year $250,000. Price $8500. Possession immediately. Proposition will stand closest Inspection. Charles Ander son, box 132, Dayton, Or. AUTO ACCESSORY STORE. Centrally located; handles auto acces sories, oils, tires and electrical goods; both wholesale and retail; clean, weil baianced stock; wllli invoice; clears net $600 month. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE. Wholesale and retail candy store In Astoria, Or.; best location in town; good bargain for the right party. See proprie tor. Address 535 Commercial St.. Asto ria. Or. LEAVING CITY. Confectionery, soft drinks, rent only 35; price $lO00. Main 7031. EXPERIENCED salesman with $300 and services. What have you? BD b71. Ore- gonian. Business Opportunities Wanted. MAN or woman or man and wife to travel with a party of evangelists who are good singers and have $500 to $10oo cash to put into the Lord's work. We are now . holding meetings, have more dates than . we can fill for a year. We have a large tent and auto, we are well equipped for the work. Answer if you can qualify. P. O. box 930. $5000 AND --SERVICES to invest in lumber operation tty practical operating lumber man; references exchanged, interested operating or brokerage. N 204, Orego nian. CLIENT, just disposed of rancft. desires to locate business proposition; has cash. Give details and address AR 7a, Ore- gontan. m WANTED A good grocery, general mdse., or confectionery store, in city or good country town. P. O. box 298. Glad stone. Or. GROCERY or confectionery, about $S00 to slouO- livlns- rooms: must be a real buy for cash ; full particulars please. BP sro, oregonian. WANTED To buy a two or three-chair barber shop: must be in fair location. A 015. Oregonian. WANTED Truck hauling. Am In position to handle gravel, lumber or cordwood Campbell. Bdwy. 4379. 10th and Everett. WANTED Small groc. and conf.. from $1000 to $1500. Main D429. ask for Mor ris. Hotels and Rooming HouNfs. APARTMENT HOUSE, 37 rooms. J7 apt s. 2 years lease, fries saouu.uu. BRICK HOTEL. 36 rooms. Rent $60.00. Price is only $100.00. White Tmplc, 18 rms. H. K. Rent $15. S1S00 and clean as a pin. MAGOON, 626 Cham, of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE Apartments and sleeping rooms, 26 in all, in the business part of town; brick bldg.; can get lease; siiOOO deal. $500 cash will handle. Call In person. 545 4 WasKington st. North west Apt. Phone Bdwy. 14S. 08 ROOMS. Hotel of 70 rooms and 28 apartments, all same building. Steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms. Down town location. Long lease. Income $1500. 401 Stock Exchange biag. FOR SALE Rooming house, nice fur niture, good location, all rooms full. easv walking distance from oostoffiee. . Selling on account sickness. Call 324 Jackson. Marshall 2341, ask for Mrs. Hannlgan. COOVER & HOLMAN. G22-3-4 Failing Bldg. 3d and Wash. SELL HOTELS & APT. HOUSES. We do not misrepresent. FOR INSURANCE CALL MAR. 3903. TWO SWELL apt. houses, bargains; fur fine, central steam heat, mod ern. money makers; rent and price mod erate. Call ui lutn st. FOR best bargain In apartment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 24 4th st. - WE HAVE number of good paying places that can oe bougni at a oarain. ome in and see us. 401 Stock Exchange bldg. 14 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. close In clears $150. Barney. Johnson & Co., 170 10th st. IF YOUR rooming house is .for sale, cal Main 3G38. If it Is well located we can sell It for you. c is. sowaen Co. $400 WILL put you In t 7 rooms; cheap rent, change bldg. Main 53 paying place 401 Stock Ex 42 ROOMS H. K, suites. Income $350, Rent $05. Lease. Phone East 34S7. HER PALS A FOUI -BY CLIFF STEKRETr, BUSINESS OPPORTUN ITIES. Hotel and Kuoming Houses, 16 ROOMS. 11 . K., rent $61i, always-full leraTton: clears $1V7 and own apt.; fl-vm, terms. 1 7 rooms, H. K.r rent $50, very well furnished; clears $137; $2100, terms. 1 rooms, mostly sleeping, rent $75, lease; steam heat, well furnished; clears . $250 and own apt.; $3800. terms. . 25 rooms, brick bldg., rent $140, lease; mostly H. K. running ater in all rooms; $3700, terms. $3 rooms, all H. K., rent $73, lease; steam heat; clears $150 and own apt.; $2250. terms. 18 rooms, alt H. K., rent $35: elee., always full, good home and big Income; $16iK), terms. 14 rooms, rent $40, H. K., very home - like place; clears $134 besides own apt.; $17O0, SS00 down. 11 rooms. H. K rent $35, NOB HILL, good home and $50 clear; $1200. terms. 14 rooms, H. K... rent $40, good loca tion : elec, furnace; gross Income $175; $1575. terms. 9 rooms, H. K., rent $45; elec. stove or furnace heat; grofca income $130 and apt.; $S50, terms. Small boarding house, 7 rooms, rent $25; clean but plain 115 boarders), close in; $5U0 for all. S-room modern flat. Nob Hill, rent $45, own apt. and $ou clear per month; unusually well furnished ; $120, terms. THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDO. WE HAVE OTHERS. 14 -apt. house, well located, always full: net income $200 per mo.; price $3UU0, half cash : four rooms for land lady. 3 H. K. rooming house, industrial district: net income per mo. $130; price $900. terms. Nice home and $0O per month net In come, good furniture and location $1000. terms. WEST SIDE REALTY CO.. 1G4 West Park St. A BEAUTIFUL HOME. TEN ROOMS and ileeping porch, cioe in, west side, well arranged ; we use five rooms and rent five, can rent more ; income $110: .lease. Thli is & real honest-to-goodnes nice place and must be seen to be ap preciated; prioed to sell, by owner. If you want an ideal place to live and small income, call Main 2590 or 4879.' RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. B0 -room hotel In residence section, west side, close In, large, clean, well furnished rooms, splendidly equipped kitchen and dining; fine income, small investment. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. $1800 BUYS 21-room apartment, east side, geod lease, good term s. $S00 buys 9-room-apt.. west side. A pleasure to show this plsce. $600 buys 0-room apt., east side. Our auto at your service. See BROWN & BIDDLE. 3d and Stark, 324 Railway Ex. Bldg. COUNTRY HOTEL. Owner wishing to retire, is selling th only hotel in town of 2500 pod. on Co lumbia highway to Astoria, making $600 per montn ; win consider ctty property; must hav3 value. See Rock, 403 Couch bldg. Marshall 3352. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. 19 H. K, rooms, furnace, gas, elec tricity, rnt only $100, net income $175 $2000. 12 rooms, sleeping, thoroughly modern ana ciean; rent iT.t. income V-OO; SlbUU JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business, Hotel, Rooming or Apartment nous oi any kind, anywhere, are F. Rierdon. RITTF.R. LOWE tt CO. ' 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We write all kinds of insurance. MRS. M. E. LENT, Hotel and apartment-house broker. $23-4-5 Northwestern Bank Bldg. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. TAKE NOTICE. Business, situated at 394 -East Burn side street. Portland. Or., owned by W. L. Reed, changed hands: will not be re- cpeonsible Cor any bills after the 9th of August, fete Christoff. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Time limit for bids on furnace instal lation in tne Ashland. Or., high school extended irom Saturday, August 7, Saturday, August 14. 1920. F. S. ENGLE. Clerk I HAVE sold out my business to Carl Ald- ricn. carver, or., June lo: I will not be responsible for bills contracted after above date. Emerson Andrews, Carver, orrBon. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles were found on cars or tne r. k., & p. Co.. Aug. 4 purses, key, stone. 1 glove, tennis rac quet, v pacaages, books, coat, pick bucket, broom. 5 lunch boxes, traveling bag. 2 suitcases, roll of naijer Ownt-rs may obtain property at First and Alder streets. LOST Small diamond pendant from laval- iiere, oetween ow Drug store and 14th and Flanders. Finder please return to Teresa Mickel at Alexandra court, 63 cua street, or pnone Alar snail 017U; lib eral reward. LOST On July 31, between Boring and Oregon City, a tan leather miitsc r-nn. talnlng adult's and child's clothing and omer articles, cost also a sola pillow linder notify D. F. Bentley, Boring, urtR o n . re w a TQ . PICKED up and impounded. 415 Syracuse Bireei, August , i orinuie cow. red and white; will be sold August 7. Oregon Humane society, 10 A. M., if not called ror. ior cnarges against cow. i iiuroerry raincoat Monday even ing oetween tet. jonns and Broad w a bridge on east side. Finder nlease )av at 120T Gasco bldg., or call Main 6362 rewara. LIBERAL REWARD for information lead lng to recovery of black and tan ra terrier, stolen July 30, from Ladd's ad UIIIUII. r.dSL LOST A lady's brown suitcase, between me nenson note ana .iuili ana Belmon marked E. S- H. on tho end. Tabor 6650. rc m uru, LOST Reward for music roll left on Rose City Park car July 28. Finder phone LOST 2 black hand grips between Kelso and Vancouver; noeral reward. Leave, a oregonian on ice. LOST Small valise, brown pasteboard, containing oiPie. in Laaos addition Leave at g-aivation Army, l :m 1st e LOST Aug. 3. .square mink fur on Musn St., at Holiness camp meeting. Sellwood 2Uou. newaru. FOUN D July o, bet. Marmott and Bull nun, large tire on rim. can i-. A, Har low, aaarsnau u-tuu. LOST Between Beaver Creek and K-n wood, tan leather traveling bag: reward none c. r,. a pence, weaver Creek. LOST Traveler's check book containing checks in name of A. O. Hubbard. 207 rtauway c a u 1 1 tt u g c uiag. Kewara, i.usi a Din. smau cam eon in a m.- Finder call Main S017 or Jaeger apt. No! LOST Tent between Portland and Dundee. Return to -im ceimont st. rteward. LOST Pink knit sash on Wash. st. Return Campoen-n in notet. FOUND Sat. afternoon, lady's small black purse. ati i auor -ton i. LOST One Premo folding kodak. Re turn to -" w Broaoway. rteward. LOST Yellow Persian cat. 092 ave. Reward. Phone East 6041. LOST package containing Reward. Main 1106. lady's shoe. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Between 742 Overton si.. Second. Alder, or" on Washington. Saturday night, a gold watch fob. initials eng. K. L. B., valued as a keepsake, from dead brother. Finder will pleae notify Mrs. Beats. 742 Overton st. or call Main 5t56 or return to 742 Overton st... Portland Maternity hospital. LOST Black and white English setter puppy about 4 months old. Return to 006 First si., or phone A. 3567. Reward. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CA'SHED. TOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND &. MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR, IF better than 10 per cent appeals to you. answer this ad, stating the amount you have to invest. Gilt-edge securities for amounts from $20u to $5000; bank ref erencea A F S16. Oregonian. LIVESTOCK LOANS. We have money to loan on cattle, sheep and hogs. P. E. BOWMAN & CO.. S10 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE; First farm mortgages. A No. 1. 7 per cent; payment or both prin cipal and Interest guaranteed by reli able mortgage company ; owned by pri vate party. AG S75. Oregonian. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers coo tracts on real estate in Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumberniens bldg. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGES FOR SALE. INTEREST GUARANTEED. JOHN BAIN, 607 Spalding bldg. MONEY" to K an. See Lawyer Title & near 4th. Trust company. 265 Stark st., Money to I-oan on Real Estate. RESIDENCE LOTS. T, five-year period. You may pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal, semi-annually and reduce in terest on loans under $3000 INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 value house and lot at 7. You pay one-half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For ex ample, $2000 loan, you pay $10 monthly and Interest; you have privilege of pay ing $100 or any multiple thereof monthly. Interest reduced accordingly. NO COM MISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period, 6. Excellent re payment privileges. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main S308. 407 Yeon bldg. CITT LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On Improved property, or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts in same pro portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS &. LOAN ASSN.. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. $60,000 TO LOAN In sums to puit on city. suburban and farms. Building loans a specialty. WILLIAM G. BECK. 213-216 FAILING BUILDING. " THIRD AND WASHINGTON. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed Attractive repayment privileges. A. H. B1RRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4119 MORTGAGE LOANS, on farm and city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 80 Fourth st.. Portland. Or. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms, no commission, no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. 87 Sixth St.. Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. INSTALLMENT LOANS. NO COMMISSION UNION ABSTRACT CO.. S3 4TH ST. HENRY BLD 1. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 203 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. MORTGAGE loans on Improved farm and city property, favorable repaying privi leges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD. 309 Piatt bldg. Main 5371. CITY AND FARM LOANS. No Delay. No Delay. No Delay. $1000, $1500, $2000. $3000 and UP. We loan our money on real estate. V. H. DESHON, 615 CHAM. OF COM. LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our money on real estate. 1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, live stock, notes, etc, F. B. Bowman & Co:. 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026, $400, $500, $600, $S00. $1000. $1200. $1500, su)00 and up, lowest rates, quick action; pay off $100 or more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co.. bSl Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. MONEY TO LOAN. Get your bulding loan here; straight or installment loans ior less, exceptional terms; liberal appraisals. Mr. Johnson, 332 Railway Exchange. Main 5199. FARM LOANS without red tape, delay or publicity. Amounts to sun. Willamette Valley Mortgage Loan Company, Aurora. Oregon. $300. $400. $500. $750. $1000 AND UP; low rates: quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate of interest. Otto & Hark son Realty Co., 413 Chamber of Com. $500, $1000 AND upward on improved real estate , iavorauie terms , no aeiay ; no brokerage. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. I HAVE $10,000 to loan on residences, 7 per cent, want small loans, $2000 to $4000. H. E. Mooney. 505 McKay bldg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and Louis Solomon & Co.. 403 ! per cent, lellfng bldg. MONEY to cest. Geo. loan on real estate, 7 per P. Lent. 717 Corbett bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSER, ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture. . pianos etc. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO-L1CENSED- 218 FAILING BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN, on diamonds, watches. Jewelry and bonds, legal nates; all goods held 1 year. VINES JEWELRY STORE, 114-116 3d St.. Cor. Washington. Main 6649. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds. Jewelry, legal rates; articles held a year: estab lished 185.S. Dan Marx A Co.. 283 Wash, HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furni ture: legal rates. 203 Washington bldg. GEO. HARVEY loans money on house hold goods, legal rates. Tabor 3806. FINANCIAL. Money t Loan -Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONET AT S PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BT PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS. WATCHES, JEWELRY. VIC TROLAS. PIANOS. LIBERT X BONDS AND FURNITURE. 894 STARK ST.. NEAR TENTH CARRIE MTERS HERRMANN. Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. ,P YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICSt YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. . LOANS MADE ON ALTO MO BILES, FURNITURE. PIANOS, V1CTROLAS, REAL ESTATE. BONDS, ETC. lr your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity in your possession and you can repay us In small monthly payments. WL ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried peopis on thir own note. Rates reasonat ' Private offices. All business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. ...... , (LICENSED). OO-SOT Dekum Bldg. Marshall 328. to. v. cor. Third and Washington. Si7wl.?0'NJ::Y TO SALARIED PEOPLE ,OTK WITHOUT INDORSEKS OR ? KK." 1T V 1N v ESTIG ATIO N CON Fl DENHAL. 310 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. Loans V KUtetf. FSiR SALE Ctaoics City Mortgages at $40uu Irvingtcn homo of T rooms; hardwood floors throughout; thor oughly modern. Receutly eold for $i500. $aa00 Six-room house, well located ra Irvington; hardwood floors throughout: exceptionally wU- built and finely finished. uoo House of six rooms; hardwood floors, two fireplaces, garage; well locate in Irvington. ln- All of the above are well -! loans to good men. Thv at- hum.-. live to the conservative Investor In citv mortgages who consider absolute safety more important than all else. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY. n wR?om -' Chamber of Com. Bldg. 91 Third St. Phone Main 3067. want $oo st 6 per cent; $S00 at 7 per cent; $1400 at S per cent, on houses now unaer construction; alto $500 at 8 per ven j 15 cr Ciackamas county red w. German Co., 732 Chamber oi Commerce Bldg. MONEY WANTED. nf several amounts, from $10OO to $6kio or more on improved and income property; loan guaranteed, highest in terest. O H. Skotheim Company, 332-33 Railway Exchange bldg. $1400. UK. $1400, fc. $14O0, S. i-room modern house, now under con struction; ground 75x100; owner values $4000; a good loan. Fred W. German Q-. 7.2 i ham, of Com. ..... WANT TO BORROW $4C00 private nuney for 6 or 12 months. goou security, large monthly payments it desired Phone Bdwy. 3763 -To borrow from private partv. on real estate. Call Tabor W ANTE borrow $2500 on S-room lot. good district. bungalo BC hUT. . 100x100 Oregonian. $0.i) 00 Short time, excellent surtiv w - 97. Oregonian. iE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE Co"' Z Chamber of Com.. 4th and Stark. PERSONAL. THERE is a remedy at hand for every dis cordant condition. The peychometa pnysical fnstitute invites you to call and have a personal interview with its di rector. Dr. D. K. Zimmerman, Psycho metaph. 310-3-.7 Bush & Lane bldg Phone Main 0701. 10-12 mornings, 2-5 afternoons; evenings and Sundays by ai pointment. ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST Painless dentistry, by the nerve'-block-ing method, without after effects I make X-ray examinations of teeth I specialize in first-class dentistry at rea sonable fees. Lady attendant. Mar. 3205. DR. A. W. KEENE. Majestic Theater Bldg.. 351 Was b. " DANDRUFF AND FALLING HAIR I3 THE SCALP'S CALL FOR THE EKDEE HAIR CERATE. $2.20 PER JAR. POSTPAID. Get it at your druggist or THE EKDEE CO.. 800 Union ave. N.. Portland. Or. TA KARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER is a cleansing, healing germicidal and Invjg- orating douche, a great aid In leucor rhoea and female dUardj-e; 50c and $1 per box. Portland HoteJ Pharmacy. LEARN beauty culture, night school, 7 to o'clock; 5 expert special teachers; wori; day time, learn good trade evenings. Sa itary Beauty Parlors. Marshall 1702. BUY YOUR SUMMER FURS AT" THE FUR SHOP. Fine furs to order. Moderate prices. Above higbr rent. below high pricea 600 Swetiand bldg.. 5th and Wash. PUBLIC LECTURE. Free scientific lecture on human na ture Friday, Saturday and Sundaf & P. M.. by Prof: Griffith. No. 12 N. 6tsj st. Ladies and gentlemen invited. RHEUMATISM and stomach troubles yiel.l to Lang's Mineral Wonder when a. I else fails. A pure mineral, not a drug, package $1. Recommended by thousands' Portland Diet. Co.. 314 Stark. Portland' FEB VET & HANEBUT. leading wiB and toupe makers; finest stock h uman hair goods. hairdressing. manicuring. face and scalp treatment. 310 Alder. Malt 546. INDEPENDENT Bible Spiritualist church 441 East 12th st.. cor. Sherman; 3 car lines to door. Meetting Thurs., 8 P. M. Rev. Mrs. J. C. Schori. TO SEASIDE. Leave Portland 2 P. M. Saturday. Hud son seven -passenger touring car; reser vations. Main 596. Fare $3.50. $1 GETS both feet fixea up at Dr. Eaton's. the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST., who doesn't hurt you; a yrs. here; exam, free. Globe bldg.. llth & Wsh. Bdw. 2824. BATHS Steam baths, chiropractic body massage and vibration. Dr. Margaret Haynie. Main 1765. 213 Swetiand bldg. Open evenings trained nurse assistant. WILL Mr. Frederic Stafford Smith whs was in Prince George. B. C. please leave his address for a friend at AO 8S2. Oregonian ? MASSAGES for lumbago, nervousness, etc 413 Buchanan bldg. Main 8366. Open evenings and Sundays. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc Hours 2 to 5 or by appointment. Phons Main 104i). Office 3Q8-C. Thirdst. IF YOU are tired and nervous, have a scientific body massage. Dr. Ovtdia Larson. 427 Morgan b idg. Mai n 19J9. NO CURE, no pay; falling hair, .dandruff", hair grown on bald heads; ladies or gents. 314 Macleay bldg. IVERSON'S eczema and poison oak cure for all skin troubles; relief at once. Call -Woodlawn 104o. FOR STOMACH trouble and better blood circulation, see Dr. Chybki, drugless physician, 286 Burnside St.. room 14. SULPHUR steam bath, violet ray; Improve your system. Mrs. Rollins. 426 Clay Main 8359. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. MASSAGE, baths, kidneys, constipation, rheumatism. Dr. Eina Sorensen drug less phys.. SOS Panama bldg. Main 50S. SHAMPOO, face, scalp treatments, mani curing hair dyeing, waterwaving. 230 Fiiedner bldg. SCALP treatment, facial massare, electri- ' cal treatment, steam bath and massage. Ethel Burke. 304 Dekum bldg. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or writs Dr. Dean. 234 Vj Morrison st. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10 needles method: trial free. Josie Finley. 514 Bush Lane bldg. Main 630S. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed forever bv muitiple-needlo method. 504 Swetiand b 1 d g.. Fiftii aid Washington sts. ART work, hand painting, photo coloring, designing, beading done reasonable. Ta bor 214. ETHEL McCOY.l chiropodist. 609 Buchan an bldg.. Wash., near Sth. Main 6076. LI DA JACKSON, superfluous hair, mani curing. face, scalp. S22 Filed ner bldg. DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay youT See Vlereck. collections. Dekum bldg. PRIM EDA BALM, formerly called Balm cf Figs. 844 E. 33d. Sell. 2213 mornings. PATIENTS to take cabinet massage or hourly nursing. baths with Tabor 8172. PILES CAN BE CURED without ODer ation. Fj-ee booklet. P. O.Box 1105. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an operation. Free booklet: P. O. Box 1100 JUNICIDE wiil cure rheumatism or money back. 408 Dekum bidg. SEE Madam Carter for ail beauty and hai work. 209 Alisky Bldg. BODY massage, violet ray. 10 A. M. to $ P M. daily. 4o0 Morgan bldg. Main 7579..