THE MORNING OREGOMAX, FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1920 18 HELP WANTED MALE. BECAUSE of the character of the institution In serting this advertisement Its salesman must be man ot appearance, personality and ability above the average; we have a, permanent connection with oppor tunity tor advancement. The work must be last and intelligent on the part ot the salesman; there is nothing easy bout the proposition; it takes a man to handle it. but a man can do It; for sucn men the remuneration is considerably above the average. Call 403 Spalding, lildg Mr. Stranahan. AN EXPERIENCED BUSINESS EXECU TIVE, ABLE TO HANDLE SALES AND ADVERTISING NOW CONNECTED WITH MANUFACTURING- CONCERN. WISHES TO MAKE PERMANENT CONNECTION WITH FIRM DESIRING THE SERVICES OF A MAN CAPABLE OF TAKING OVER MANAGEMENT OR SALES END OF THE BUSINESS. CAN FURNISH A-l REFERENCES. ALL CORRESPONDENCE MUST BE TREAT ED CONFIDENTIAL. ADDRESS AO 770. OREGON IAN. PILE DRIVER MEN... Wood cutters Teamsters ........... Laborers, close in $700 Cord, 4.30 6.00 . .$5.00 and 5.50 4 set taller 3. Mill and yard men. If you are looking- for work or need help of any kind. Call at STANDARD. 12 N. 4th. St TWO EXPERIENCED dress goods salesmen; apply employment office before 30:30. LIPMAX. WOLFE & CO. THE MEIER & FRANTC CO. require the services of two men for temporary work at stove warehouse. Apply employment bureau, sixth, floor, Meier &. Frank. Co. WANTED AT ONCE EXPERIENCED RECORD CLERK WHO JS THOROUGHLY FAMILIAR WITH WOOD SHIP CONSTRUCTION : MATERIALS: NONE OTHERS CONSID ERED. APPLY WITH REFERENCES, FRIDAY BETWEEN 10 AND 12 A. M. AT S01 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. WANTED Experienced men in wholesale paper business, also stationery, ambi tious to work up to salesman's and inside positions, with Washington jobbing .house. Give age, experience, dates of . employment In above businesses and sal swry willing; to start at in your reply to receive attention. AV 220, Oregonian. SALESMEN wanted We want two more salesmen in our piano department. If you have selling ability and plenty of energy with an ambition to "make good" , we can offer you a very liberal propo sition. Apply to Mr. Gabriel. The Wiley B. Allen Co., Morrison st. at Broadway. L BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN Represent a reliable established company In your territory. Experience not necessary. We Jielp you succeed. Some splendid open ings now lor young middle-aged, or Idcrly men. Toppenisb. .Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. . WANTED Thoroughly experienced tea and coffee route salesman, with or with out Ford machine; established city route; fine opportunity for good man who is looking for a permanent proposition. Apply today, 711 Union ave. N. Ideal Tea Co. CAPABLE man to have charge of out-of-town sawmill yard, also car loading and shipping, daily capacity 100 M ft. all fir lumber; rail trade, no local ship ments. In answering state salary ex pected, age", qualifications, etc. Address O 610. Oregonian. WANT experienced motor drome rider or riders;, will furnish motor drome and motorcycle; also musicians and people for sideshows. Apply Babcock shows, Ohchalis. week of August 0-14, or Clark County fairgrounds, ancouver, v ash., August 16-21. BLACKSMITH wanted for horseshoeing ana general repair wont ana norse iok ging equipment. N. A. Lunde, Falls city, or. NEW sawmill, GO miles from Portland ; i-jo,uou cuts; begin operating Monday ; one pond man. one offbearer. deck man, carriage rider; also general mill workers. Apply in person to Loggers' Employment agency. 4j .n. 'ci St. LINOTYPE OPERATOR for permanent position ; union shop; open Sept. 1st; some knowledge floor work in country shop preferred; a good opportunity for the riffht man. Address lie Lium hcho, lie hium. Washington. SAW M ILL night watchman for mill CO miles from Portland; prefer man having some experience in firing boiler: nerma- nent job; must be able to furnish refer ences as to liability. Apply Loggers r-mpioymeni agency, 40 .x. st. WANTED A .boy for all day work in public library; must be 1G years of age or over and through the Sth grade of school. Apply at general office, 10th and i umnui sis. TWO farm hands wanted; niiddle-aed must hav general farm experience steady lob : S00 ter month and hnrH Apply Fred Dundee, Broadway and Flan- STEADY work slab hauling, short distance xrom r-oruana wttn used l-ton Federal truck; a worker can make good money must have $(W) to pay down, Hanawalt .-warsnau nna. WANTED Boy IS years old to run bump' ers; experience not necessarv; $16 week to start. Crystal Laundry, E. 21st and can ay. WANTED 2 or 3 boy for candy dept. True Blue Biscuit Co.. E. 6th and Davis. WANTED At once, first-class, open-shop, expenencea, an-arouna machinist to work in city. Apply o20 Oregon bldg. Fifth nnd Oak sts. EXPERIENCED man as foreman of aerv ice department at The Dalles. Or. Give references. Address Ford Dealer. The uaues, ur. BARBER wanted, one experienced In children s hair cutting; short hours. Ideal Children's Parlor, Room 315 and 16, Medical bldg. WANTED At once, first-class, open-shop young men for sweeping in good sized plant In city. Apply 520 Oregon bldg., Sth and Oak sts. WANTED Man. middle aged, to work on a stock ranch; do all kinds of farm work. C. Minslnger. 210 Board of Trade. WANTED Experienced truck salesman for city, salary and commission. Apply S17 Henry bldg. BARBER Steady job; 2 Saturday men. S. H. Howard, sec. Master Barbers' as sociation. SO Bdy. st. SALESMEN with Ford car, nearby coun try territory, make $60 to $100 per week. Call 317 Board of Trade, 8:30 A. M. WANTED Experienced grocery clerk who can drive Dodge; must have references; call Main 4537. Mr. Thomas. W A NT ED First-class woodworker. one who understands body building. Call Ta bor 5603. WANTED Helper for saw repair shop: young man with some experience. 291 East Morrison st. LOGGER to log 500 M by contract. Ross Alexander, tiuisooro, Or. Inquire Hills boro livery. WA NT to contract with responsible oar ties to cut 1000 cords of wood. Call 702 uoucn bldg. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, three months work; state age, experience and salary expeciea. s , Oregonian. LIVE WIRE BOY desirous of l-:i-n im printing business; good opportunity. Ott rroa. rnnung .o., on f irst street. WANTED A farmer, between 35 and 43 years old. to manage a farm. Inquire 426 Abington bldg. WANTED A first-class Dhonoranh ka1. man. good salary to right man. Apply r. o. jiiuiuuii oc io. WANTED Good reliable coatmaker steady work, good pay. week or piece 7 orK. v. r, Marreue, ranama is log. WIDE-AWAKE young man as advertising solicitor; good money. G C10, Orego nian. wamlu union Daroer, s, guarantee, must be first-class man. Address E. R. IjQghrcy, Julias Hotel shop, Corvallls. Or. WANTED At once. 3 barbers. Yeon bldg. barber shop. Guarantee $33 per week. V ANTED One kitchen porter. 170 a mo. BARBER for Saturday; guaranteed, fd st. WANTED Phone 12 Al meat cutter. Rainier. Or. $33 per week COUPLE for janitor work, small apart ment nouse. o-?o r-verett. BOY WANTED Light work In Mildman Cigar factory. 43 a East 3d st. BUSINESS help wanted. P. O. box 663. city ; experience unnecessary. BOY about 16 years old for office work; excellent opportunity. AJ 444. Oregonian. MACHINE presser. Queen City Dye wka, 2$s Grand ave. jUS BOY w anted, rison. Swetland's, 269 Mor- JiOY wanted to carry dishes and learn soda business. Swetland's. 269 Morrison. BELL boy wanted, and Jefferson. University club. 6th BAR PER wanted for Sa t. ,$ 7 126 2d st, JjAKBER WANTED 244 Alder at. HELP WANTED IffAMe, SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY can place number experienced SWITCH MEN and FREIGHT BRAKEMEN on various divisions, CALIFORNIA. NE VADA and UTAH. INCREASED RATES OF PAY EFFECTIVE. For particulars call room 11 UNION STATION. DID YOU EVER HEAR OF ANYTHING LIKE IT? CLEAN, EFFICIENT. SMOKE LESS, ODORLESS. ECONOMICAL, GAS BURNING. PIPELESS FUR NACE We have it and are offer ing $50 reward for the best name suggested. Winner'to be announced as soon after September 1st as possible, when name is to be decided on. Phone, write or call for pamph let giving suggestions as to the kind of a name desired. EDWARDS CO., ' Fifth and Oak Sts. $300 to $500 A MONTH. Are you earning that? Many automo bile experts are. You may join the high-salaried, skilled -mechanic ranks if you take advantage of the gas engineer ing courses offered by the LEADING AUTO SCHOOL OF THE WEST WITH A RECORD OF1 MORE SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES THAN ANY OTHER SCHOOL. Investigate, enroll and don't pay us a cent until you are convinced that we w deliver the goods. That's fair, isn't it? Write for our $1 88-page catalogue. It's free. Ask for book No. 5. OUR COURSES ARE FREE TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. UNION AVENUE AND WASCO ST. 1R OQT "V CITTVCl XTFVV have, in the past years, been assisted in finding positions through the Portland Y. M. C. A. advisory and employment dept. This is not an "agency" and no extra fees or commissions are charged. Em d1 oyer naturally turn to the x for men because we an Deal to the best type of men and boys. Our demand at present is lar greater than the supply You never had such an opportunity to set a better position if you are prepared for it. All men In clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to consult one of the employment aecre tarlei. room 307. Free vocational guidance and employ ment lor ex-service men. LINOTYPE OPERATOR WANTED. W want a young man who can keep a low-base No. 6 producing. A splendid chance tor the right man. This is steady Job; conditions the best. If you are a two-tniraer, let us near trom you. a gooa cnance to learn floor work. Address, CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL. Prinevllle, Or. MR. EX-SERVICE MAN Are you hunting a Job or seeking a career? Have you discovered where you fit in? Would you like to talk over your problem confidentially with a man of wide experience who will take a per sonal interest in you? The Y. M. C. A. advisory and em ployment dept. can assist you in choos ing, and can help you find the place for which you are best fitted. This service is absolutely free to ex-service men. See one of the secretaries. Room 07. UPHOLSTERY FOREMAN WANTED FOR PLANT IN PACIFIC NORTHWEST; MUST BE CAPABLE AND EFFICIENT. AV 207. OREGONIAN. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Automobiles, tractors, vulcanizing. This school, not run to make money but to make automotive mechanics, is super vised by leading automobile and tractor business men of Portland. Students do practical repair work. Free tuition to ex-eervlce men; clip this ad. Send it or call at office, 41G Oregon Institute of Technology. Y. M. C. A. LEARN a trade now and pay later. Are you mechanically inclined 1 n so. in vestigate HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE AND GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL at 70. Hawthorne ave.. corner East 20th, where you can learn in six weeks to op erate and repair all makes of autos and tractors. WANTED By holesale grocery house. vouni man with srrocery experience splendid opportunity to work into the sales department. Answer, stating age, experience, references, education and salary expected. AR 778, Oregonian. WANTED Young man just out of high school, to sell Grafonolas in the country; will furnish auto; a fine chance lor t hustler: must furnish good references no experience necessary. Apply G 978, Oregonian. WANTED Bookkeeper, stenographer and general office man for small place oi business; give age. refferences, phone, salary expected or no attention will be paid to your reply. AP 821, Oregonian. A FEW good men can secure steady em ployment by applying at the Portiana Gas & Coke company's plant on the Linn ton road. Take free bus at 23d and Savier at 7:15 A. M. IF IT'S HELP you want, call BROAD WAY 5286. STAR EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 24 North Second St. UPHOLSTERERS wanted; perament poai sltions; first-class men only. Washington Mattress Co., Seattle. WE ARE shooting pictures every day. If vou really want to set into pictures, call Sunbeam Film Co., 1029 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WAN TED First-class all-around laundry -man, one who understands washing. Ap ply Post Exchange. Vancouver barracks, Wash. BOY wanted for first-class caomet work; no pay for, first month, after that S2 a day with a raise every week. B 624, Oregonian. BUSINESS MEN. If your need is trained, efficient office help, call Bdwy. 4409. Clerical Help Service, 529 Artisans' bldg. WANTED Names men, boys over 16, wishing to become railway mall clerks; $133. $195 month. Answer AV 930. Ore gon lan. - AT ONCE All around Baker; best of wages; all new machinery. LE1BS BAKERY. Albany. Oregon. MOTION PICTURE OPERATING An op portunity to learn good-paying business. Call 310 Piatt Bldg. WANTED Students to learn vulcanizing and retreading from Akron, O., grad uate. 433 Stark st. WANT 300 cords wood hauled 240 rods, $1; or sell $4. 141 E. 69th N. evenings. Tabor 7053. WANTED Several first-ciasa bakers, for In and out of town. Call at 71 3d St.. near Oak. LEARN the vulcanizing business. Call or write 158 East Broadway. Help Wan tea Salesmen. SALESMEN Wonderful opportunity, com insurance. al Corbeit Bdg. HKLP W ANTED MALE. Help Wanted Salesm en. WANTED High-class man to represent the International Correspondence schools; ex perience not absolutely necessary, hut must have sales ability and possess un usual energy and determination. This is an established territory out of Portland and will pay right man $300 per year. Bond and reference required. S. P. Snyder. 265 Oak st. A LARGE and fast growing organization desires the services of several high grade men, capable of being developed Into salesmen; previous experience un necessary. If you are capable of build ing a selling organization, we will give you an opportunity and such co-operation as will assure your success. Call 900 Wilcox bldg. THREE Catholic men wanted as salesmen on refined outdoor proposition; if inex perienced, ' we train you; city or road territory; highest wages paid; perman nent positions; rapid advancement. If you possess ability. A-l references . re quired. Call 8:30 to 10. 4 to 6, 719 Spalding bldg. 1 AM in a position to olter you an oppor tunity whereby you will make more money, live happier and have a bigger future. If you are a man of ability and ambi tious -to forge ahead, answer in person; references required. Call 10 to 12. H. B. Fox, 1107 Spalding bldg. AN UNUSUAL opportunity is offered to a live-wire salesman who understands the tire business, to handle a hizh-srrade tire, or would consider man who has nad wide selling experience. AR 819. Oregonian. WILL be at Cornelius hotel. R223. until riday noon. If vou are a. real a en man, wiling to go out in the big sticks mum get i cai money pnone ior appoint ment. is o advances; every assistance omerwise. STOCK AND SECURITY SALESMAN Don't overlook this opportunity learn of a high -class dividend-paying proposition; a good salesman will not only enjoy but welcome chance to pre sent it. T 616, Oregonian. WHOLESALE AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN". ONE WHO HAS HAD WHOLESALE EXPERIENCE ; PERMANENT POSI TION FOR MAN WHO CAN PRODUCE. D 9S2, OREGONIAN. IF you are a man who wants to make money, we can place you in a position where you can make big profits; small investment required. Call Main 166S for appointment. AUTOMOBILE TRUCK SALESMAN, ONE WHO HAS HAD WHOLESALE " AND RETAIL TRUCK-SELLING EXPE RIENCE. D 9S1, OREGONIAN. WANTED Experienced talking machine salesman for outside work ; car fur nished. Write, stating experience and references. P. O. Box 347. Oregon City. BEST opportunity In the northwest, get in inunuictuiuring ousiness as part owner ; new invention; start now. Invest $30U0 to $50O0. D 639. Oregonian. TWO live salesmen to handle Texas oil leases in Washington and Oregon Call 709 W. 11th., Vancouver. Wash. SALESMAN with Ford car, nearby country territory; salary and expenses. Cali 317 Board of Trade. SALESMAN with some money to act as state distributor. Call Mr. Nesley. Alder hotel, mornings. GOING subdivision, Al proposition, good """' it.-H.uB, uik money to ngni man. See Johnson, 248 Stark st. WANTED AGENTS. 4 SOLICITORS for crew work in tow Call between 8 and 8:30 A. M. at 2 Stock Exchange bldg., ready to go to worn. HELP WANTED FEMALE. PIANIST WANTED TO DEMONSTRATE SHEET MUSIC Steady work, good pay; preference B'ven to young iaay wno also sings. Metropolitan 5-50c Stores, Inc., cor, Broadway and Washington sts. MULTIGR APH OPERATOR First-class multigraph operator want ed by established firm. Pleasant place to work, with good surroundings. Must be reliable and competent. State ex perience ana give telephone number. BC, w, vrc CLOAK and siit store desires the services of an experienced fitter; permanent po sition; apply manager of alteration dept.. ii umuiuug va, iuin ana w asn ington. 5 EXPERIENCED waitresses for beach re sort, $45, board and room; 1 dishwasher. $o0, board and room; 2 waitresses for Koseourg, or., $50. board. 320 Henry oiug. n.n. aJKJ 11. EXPERIENCED telephone exchange oper ator; one who can operate typewriter preierrea. Apply at ottlce, bO Front St., weiwcen w ana ii a. m. Ji.fiSKiKCED hosiery saleswomen, also experienced, glove girl lor responsible yuaiuuu. ijeuuoa s. tuv Juorrison st. v a . x uinLi wan tea, must be experi- encea waning on trace and Dox packing: steady work, good wages and tabie ooaro. cat n f male, 145 Broadway. LADY to assist with work in a small at-t. and as companion to lady; y;ry light vcik in moderate family. T;ib-ir IL'20. 240 E. 47th st. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, steno.. J0- nu; .t experienced stenographers. 75 S110; 3 girls for typing and gen. office work. 1015 Wilcox bldg. RIVATE secretary. $150; lumber stenog rapher. $125; bookkeeper and stenogra pher, $100-4125; bookkeeper and cashier, $100. 301-338 N. W. Bank bldg. EXPERT stenographer for office work ; no uegmnera neeu appiy; state salary ex pected, qualifications and references. M 610, Oregonian. WANTED Two ladies, one for mangle de partment, one ior rinisn oepartment. Palace Laundry, E. 10th and Everett. YOUNG girl to care for baby and help witn nouseworK; good home and wages. 5!tf Third st. WANTED A lady housekeeper for fam ily of 3 adults; good home; references. 90 E. Main. DICTATING machine stenographers, good positions. The Ediphone, 502 Oregon bldg. WANTED First-class experienced wait ress; room ana board furnished. Alex andra Court, 53 Ella st. EXPERIENCED stenographer, two weeks, beginning August 9, 20 week. 401 riatt oiag. ELDERLY woman for lieht houBeworV nnrt plain cooking; one who wishes a home more tnan wages. u Q41. Oregonian WE have several fine positions to nffr experienced makers and trimmers. Miller At Kaas o., Kpyai blag. THE Florence Crittenton Home Is ready to help any girl in distress. 955 East i.ii:san. juv" car. feast 316. A COMPETENT woman cook for private raiumnmn , reierencua. uroaaway 3450 617 Kearney st. w an i ED women who are fine cake. uicau aim paaiiy- uaaers; gOOa XUtUre, H TJS4. Oregonian. GIRLS wanted to work in fancy box de partment at candy factory. Apply ne"'? rwaa oj oon. .OQ ML.. fttarK Si BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER, exoeri ence not necessary ; position permanent. are sib, oregonian. A GOOD strong woman to care for invalid girlin her house. Suburbs preferred. n uregonian. STENOGRAPHER experienced in automo bile work, $100 to start with an ex cenent iuture. lino Wilcox bldg. w a.n i t-u a. girl for bus and counter. afternoon shift. Please call after 11 a. xi. uti Washington st. wan i ed Experienced woman to opera t dishwashing machine. Swetland's. 269 .Morrison. TWO WAITRESSES and counter girl for hotel at Hood River. Details room 203, Beck bldg WOMEN to sort newspapers and maga zines. Northwest Waste & Cotton Co., 32 Front st. WANTED Teacher for school. Mrs. E. Potter, man. Or. mall clerk. district Water- W ANTED 2 or 3 girls in mangle room; experience not necessary. Crystal Laun dry. E. 21st and Sandy. GIRL wanted to wait table in boarding house; good wages for right girl. Wood lawn S3. WOMAN for housework, must be good cook. Sleep noma nignts. tnree in family. 345 E. 13th st. N. EXPERIENCED counter girl, way. 186 Broad- WA NT ED Experienced 191 Vz Fourth street. young waitress. 2 HAND ironers. one garment prets girl; good wages. Apply Oregon Laundry Co. WANTED A-l alteration lady. Apply The Grand, 348 Washington st. 2 MATRONS, some jani tress duties. $65 board. MRS. SCOTT. 3Ly Henry Bldg. 3 COOKS, out. $60. $5 and $95. SCOTT. 329 Henry Bldg. TEACHERS, register free. Westmore Agency. Spokani Many- call. . Wash. CHAMBERMAID wanted. Angela Hotel, 625 Washington. CHAMBERMAID wanted. 270 Fourth and Jefferson: going wages. COMPETENT cashier; must have refer ences. New Grand the iter. 103 6 th gt. WANTED Experienced candy girL Apply Kebe's confectionery, 363 Alder. HELP WANTED FEMALE. INTE RESTING WORTH-WHILE WORK FOR YOUNG WOMEN. TELEPHONE OPERATORS EARN $60 FIRST MONTH, $000 FIRST YEAR- RAPID ADVANCEMENT. LUNCH ROOMS WITH MEALS AT COST. APPLY NOW. Room 601, Sixth Floor, Telepbne Building, Park and Oak Sts. DID YOU EVER HEAR OF ANYTHING LIKE IT? CLEAN. EFFICIENT. SMOKE LESS. ODORLESS. ECONOMICAL, GAS BURNING, PIPELESS FUR NACE We have it and are offer ing $50 reward for the best name suggested. Winner to be announced as soon after September 1st as possible, when name is to be decided on. Phone, write or call for pamph let giving suggestions as to the kind of a name desired. EDWARDS CO., Fifth and Oak Sts. THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY h vacancies -in several departments for ex perienced salespeople. These positions are permanent ana arrora splendid op portunities for those desiring to advance. Apply Employment Bureau. Sixth ioor, Meier de frank company. EXPERIENCED ribbon novelty sewer, one with original ideas. Apply Employment office before 10:30. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. WOMEN AND GIRLS WANTED, STEAD WUhK WITH GOOD PAY; NO EX PEHIENCE NECESSARY. APPLY IN PERSON. TAKE ROSE CITY CAR OR MONT A VILLA CAR TO E. 10TH ST., WALK TWO BLOCKS SOUTH. TROY LAUNDRY CO., E. 10TH AND PINE STS. YOUNG woman with pleasing personality and good education for a permanent po sition; educational work, good salary to start, opportunity for promotion. Apply Miss Smith, between 8:30 and 5. 637 Pittock block. LADY CLERK wanted to assist in traffic oepartment ; quick at figures; one with knowledge of typewriter preferred; state salary and particulars in first letter. O 612, Oregonian. $40 PER WEEK for 3 girls not over 23 years of age and must be neat and will ing to work in business district or Port land. Call, 9 A. M. to 3 P. M., 51$ Henry bldg. MRS. L. V. SCOTT, formerly director of employment for women with the federal government, will secure employment for women in all lines. Office 329 Henry bldg.. cor. 4th and Oak sts. Bdwy. 4537. APPLICATIONS will be received from young women aged 20 to 35 for wood working factory at St. Johns; good pay ana steady employment. Afi 392. Ore gonian. WANTED Experienced operator on needle Union Special machine, on shirts; steady work, 44-hour week. Saturday afternoons off. Apply k2 Front at. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and ste nographer, one who can take full charge ot oince; give rererences ana salary ex pected AJ 498, Oregonian. WANTED Strone. intelligent woman to keep house and care for an elderly wom an; wages fiHJ. call iorenoons, 4 Brown Apts. WANTED Names of women, girls over 16 wishing to become government postal cierus; commence nuu; answer imxne diately. AV 931, Oregonian. ANY girl in need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fa tr and Alexander sts. Phone Main 3-i.jn. um car. MILLINERY MAKERS, permanent oosl tlons for 5 experienced makers; good salaries. Elsie Trimmed Hat Co.. Arti sans Diag. w A.M tu vv oman aisnwasner; 70 per montn ana Doara ; worn six aays pe week. A pply chef. Hazelwood, 388 Washington st. STENOGRAPHER; state age, experience, references in own handwriting; salary $65 to start; no objection to a good be ginner. 15 b!, Oregonian. WANT bright girl, good penman and good at xigures, ior position in large orrice; $12 week to start. Address, giving ptionc, a Ht, oregonian. WE A RE shooting pictures every day. If you really want to get into pictures, call Sunbeam Film Co.. 1029 Chamber of Commerce bldg! SWITCHBOARD operator, permanent po sition with established wholesale house for girl with ability; please answer fully. BJ 441. Oregonian. WOMEN or girls to help in laundry. Apply Post Exchange laundry, Vancouver Bar racks, Wash. WANTED Young girl or elderly lady to care for 2 children while mother works. Call East 825. or 350 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Women to operate power ma chines for patching oags. Apply 20u Front St. EXPERIENCED sales girl wanted ; must be respectable and nave nrst-ciass refer ences. 464 Washington st. EXPERIENCED fancy candy packers wanted. Apply Chocolate Truffles Co., corner of Grand and East Stark. STENOGRAPHER, wholesale house, utate experience, phone and references. K &s, Oregonian. WANTED Practical nurse to care for In valid lady, small flat, first floor. Phone Aut. 310-46. WANTED Women 209 Front st. to sort rags. Apply YOUNG GIRL to aFsist with housework for room and board, can Tabor ei.7. FIRST-CLASS dancing Call Automatic 511-63. teacher wanted. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Manda rin cafe, 362 S Morrison. WANTED Chambermaid at the Martha Washington. 3S0 10th. Marshall 1251 WANTED Girl Ji55 Alder st. to sell blouses. The Famous. Apply WANT a lady for hall work, keeper Seward hotel. See house- RESPONSIBLE woman for cooking. Apply Levitt's store. tn ana wasningxon. COM PETENT girl fnr beauty shop; salary. Call 451 Morgan bldg. M17KIC? course exchange for fancy work laundry or light house work. Main 3018. EXPERIENCED hand ironer wanted, ply Troy Laundry Co. COOK wanted for small hospital. Main 3429. ONE CHAMBERMAID, Campbcii HoUU, H ELF WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS WANTED. FOR BAG MANUFACTURING. TEN POWER MACHINE OP ERATORS. SOME INEXPERI ENCED ACCEPTED. THIS IS PIECE WORK AND OUR GIRLS AVERAGE $16 TO $23 PER WEEK. $12 PER WEEK PAID BEGINNERS WHILE LEARNING. v . GIRLS MUST NOT BE OVER 20 OR UNDER 16 YEARS OF AGE. MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE FACTORY WITH SATURDAY AFTERNOON OFF. APPLY AMES-HARRIS-NEVILLE BAG COMPANY, loTH AND HOYT STS. EXPERIENCED Hosiery saleswoman. General merchandise saleswoman and Apprentices for office and sales po- BiLioiiB. Appiy employment oureau be- iore .LIPMAN, WOLFE &, COMPANY, THE OLDS. WORTMAN & KING STORE requires tne services of an experienced candy saleswoman. Apply superinten dents oilice, W:10 to 10:0 A. M. YOUNG lady office assistant with knowl edge or bookkeepine and stenography. preferably one with advertising; agency or newspaper experience; must be thor oughly competent: reDly in own hand writing, giving age, experience and sal-1 ary expectea. hi eti7, Oregonian. COMPETENT stenographer wanted In law office; state experience. L 62, Orego- nian. Wanted Domestics. WANTED At once, experienced woman between 25 and 45 to do cooking and housework on farm; permanent position to right party. Address Mrs. L. W. Walker. The Dalles, Or., R. F. D. No. 3. Box 38. CAPABLE woman for cookine and Ken. era! housework in country. ADOly room 208 Seward Hotel. Friday, Aug. 6, 12:30 to 2 P. M. and 7:30 to 9 P. M. WANTED First and second girl for gen eral housework; both must be experl- c need ana competent; good wages. Phone East 5794. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and housework to go to Gearhart for re mainder of summer. Address P. O. Box o33, Gearhart. Or. WOMAN to assist with general housework! in exchange for self and husband a room and board, some wages. Phone Marshall GIRL to assist with general housework; no cooking or washing. Appy mora ings. oirj Lovejoy. WANT good cook; no washing or upstairs work; auuit3; good wages, room witn bath. Phone East 4333 or 441 E. 21st N. WANTED A housekeeper for man on farm; has a boy la years old. AV 221, Oregonian. WANTED Young girl with some knowl edge of cooking for light housework; o rooms, 2 in family, labor 1 4J7. WANTED Competent woman for general housework, plain cooKing, no washing. w ages Alain Jui. "MAID WANTED General housework and cooking, family of two. loo N. d st. GIRL to do general housework; good home. good wages. Jo- Monroe. baHt sih. WOMAN to do general housework. Tabor sui. GIRL wanted for light housework, modern 5-room flat, 3 in family. Main 7713. II E LP W A NTE D MA LE O R FE MALE. I CAN use the following workers, either experienced or those willing to learn: 1 man, 22-35 years fid. 2 ladies. 18-30 years old. 1 experienced bookkeeper and office girt. Dr. C M. ttcnena, Derby biag., Salem, Or. ONE experienced bathroom man; two ex- Derienced bathroom maids: one experi enced office eirl and bookkeeper. Good wages to right parties. Seventh Day Ad- I ventists preferred. Dr. C. H. bebenk. Derby Bldg., Salem, Or. EXPERIENCED agents wanted. Western Casualty Co. Exceptionally gooa propo sition, belling Diag. WANTED Competent A pply mornings, 10 bldg. theatrical people. to 12. 706 EUera EXPERIENCED marker, male or female. Apply Troy Laundry, Astoria, Or. WANTED Man and wife for first-cla apartment house. D 9S3, Oregonian. EDUCATIONAL, MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Will teach you the trade in 8 weeks. give you a set of tools and some pay while learning. Positions secured. Ore gon ex-service men. the course Is free to you. Write or call for particulars and catalogue. 234 Burnslde st. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. PIANO -AND HARP. Concerts, musicals, recitals. Dunning system for beginners. Alice Genevieve Smith. Studio 509 Eilers bldg. Phone Main 6656. Summer school 16S4 6th ave. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach vou the. trade in 8 weeks: scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed ; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss bucaei private scnooi; lnaivia ual instruction. 122 H Grand ave. E. 427. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning ; gives you set ot iooii free; position secured. 38 N. Second st. ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-aset. state iupl, Mgr. N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8276. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Reliable Tele graph Institute, 434 Railway Excnange bldg. Free booklet. FISK Teachers Agency Journal bldg. Main 4S33. Teaching positions, tree reg. PIANO instruction, experienced teacher. Tabor 7122. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary, zoo ua. au, OREGON' Law School. Alisky bldg.. 3d and Mor. W. E. Kicharaeoo. faec aiain vt t. CHAMBERMAID wanted, 270fc Fourth and Jefferson ;-going wages. YATES-FISHER Teachers Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. GARAGE floor man wishes position; can do repairing; references. AE 871, Ore gonian. YOUNG MAN wants position as chauffeur, private car. W. M. Schleman.Main 1C92. FOR first-class painting, tinting, etc., call Woodlawn 2497. Lapp. Willis & Co. CAKE BAKER, first-class, wants work. city or country, aiain osiy om st. CARPENTER New or repair work, esti mates cheerfully given. Blaco. Main 1663. CARPENTERING. REPAIR IN 5 AND Rt- MODELING. PHONE TABOR 234. PAINTING. tinting; prices reasonable. work guaranteea. iaoor jikji. DRUGGIST, 20 years" experience, relieve or permanent. AO oregonian. HAULING wanted, for 2-ton truck. Broadway 2927. ALL kinds of cement work done at a rea sonable price. Tabor 68S8. WANTED Lumber or wood hauling, aqy aiBini;c. j i - ' -rim - WANT job cutting wood. Prefer rick wood. Have gas saw. Marshall 3433. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. POSITIONS WANTED. We have need for employment for a number of men who are more or less handicapped by injuries they receivea while employed in the various indus tries of this state. Some of them are suitable for farm work, some for watch men, and others for otner tunas gi light employment. Here is the list; 57224 Age 29. Bulgarian, does not speak English, neck injury, has had considerable experience in gar dening and wants work in that line. " 10263 Age 30, Hindu. lost function of left foot, has been employed in lumber camp, wants job as ele vator operator or watchman. 20691 Age 45. lost 2-3 function of right hand, has had varied experience and iihould be valuable nanay man about ranch, has had much experience as teamster. 65544 Age S6. lost function of left hand practical! v deaf, wants job ai watchman or caretaker about some mill, factory or warehouse. 271o3 Age 43, lost function right leg. wants job as watchman. 25615 Age 43. lost function right hand except thumb and part of second and third fingers of left hand, has had farm experience In old country and can do light work on farm. here. 34970 Age 33, lost , function right foot, wants work In highway con struction. These men do not expect to receive the wftges of able-bodied men, but de sire a reasonable wage for the services they are able to render. They desire. If possible, to find permanent positions. If you have a job available, please address State Industrial Accident Commission, Salem. Oregon. ' CIVIL ENGINEER, university graduate. experienced in highway and railway en gineering and building construction, wants job In Portland or vicinity; short, stout, 28; hard and conscientious work er; initial salary secondary consideration. Room 516, Y. M. C. A. EXPERIENCED salesman In various lines. age 3o, wishes connection with reliable house to sell a clean-cut business propo sition, something with a future; a hard worker and producer; no canvassing proposition considered. BC &t4, Ore gonian. MILLWRIGHT with wide experience in coast and inland mills, open for en gagement as head millwright or con struction foreman; good draughtsman; installation while running a specialty; A-i rererences. ak Mi, oregonian. p" ( e- EXPERIENCED lumber bookkeeper, ca able of taking lull charjee of books, d sires position in or out of city: several years' experience in the lumber busi ness; Det oi rererences. pnone .mar shal! 27el. SAWMILL MEN. , MAN experienced in trading, tallying and also as yard foreman wants position; can also take charge of books and op erate typewriter; good references. AR 816. Oregonian. YOUNG man who can locate ignition and carburetor troubles wants job in garage or as delivery driver. Will on week's trial at low wages. 351 Glisan . 2056. At home after 4:30 P. Al. DENTAL STUDENT desires employment a lew nours morning ana evening lor room, board and carfare to begin about Sept. 25; not afraid of work. L 613, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED picture machine operator wisnes position in small town, wages ex pected reasonable. Address E. L. Meyers. 204 Madisou su, Portland. Or. Phone Main 2876 PARTY with 5-ton and 2-ton trucks wants work, either by day or contract; lumber, logging or any heavy hauling; nothing too big. J. R. Martin, care of A. W. Frank, 561 Glisan st., Portland, Or. AUTO ELECTRICIAN AND TROUBLE SHOOTER; GOOD LATHE MAN. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS WORKMAN CAPABLE OF TAKING CHARGE. CITY OR COUNTRY. V UU4, OREGONIAN. WANTED work from 7 to 11 F. M. as doorman In theater or clerk in cigar store ; any other light work. Call Mar- shall 2330. after 6 P. M. POSITIVELY first-class automobile ma chinist with 15 years experience. Can do any kind of lathe work, welding and starting, lighting and ignition. BC 820, Oregonian. DRIVER, trouble shooter; qualifications exceptional; want driving job; service car, bus or truck : understand starting and lighting system, etc. BC 809, Ore gonian. WANTED By reliable, industrious young man, ngnt worK in city at once, tau Melvfn Carter, 264 Vi First and Madison streets. YOUNG man wishes position, machine shop, general repairing, bench t floor work ; can do welding. BC 866, Oregonian. YOUNG marrisd man wishes position as solicitor ior some reiiauie wooa ana coal company. Well acquainted in city and quite well known. Ab 3oU, Oregonian. EX-SOLDIER desires position as time keeper or bookkeeper, four years expert ence; excellent references. Apply Main bil. room 7. EXPERIENCED accountant, whose time not fully occupied, would like a small set of books to keep. Best oi references. A f tszd, Oregonian. MARRIED man, 30, desires permanent lO' cation with firm, good references; will do any kind of work, in or out of city. AO pi oregonian. YOUNG man with long experience in ar paint wo.'K wisnes position as helo v artist painter. Write Marcellus Galindres, aiJKirBt st. A GOOD, husky, handy man, 30 years old wishes work ot any kind just so it i: steady; common school education. AE bt.i. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED farmer, aged 27. married, wants steady job on small dairy, truck or general iarm. totate an particulars. Kr jo.i, orsjffnian. ACCOUNTANT desires employment spare ume; anytntng m onice or dook work. AB fr-'o. Oregonian. CARPENTER, contracting, general repairs, remodeling1, etc.; reliable mechanic. Broadway 24S7. HUSKY BOY, 18. wants any kind of work; has some Knowieage ot mechanics. Phone Main 0641. apartment 404. YOUNG man. with one-ton truck, wants hauling Job. experienced ; good worker. AC 874. Oregonian. MARRIED MAN desires work as carpenter helper; some experience. Call at 161 E. 63d N. Phone Tabor 2610 after 6 P. M. YOUNG MAN. ex-soldier. 8 years' experi ence in office work, wishes position in or out of Mty. O 203, Oregonian. NEAT young man. IS. can operate switch board and work around hotel. Main 1665. SCHOOL boy. 12. obedient, trustworthy, wants to assist for a good borne and $2 a week. AF 817. Oregonian. REASONABLE price on cement work and cesspools. First-class work. R 594, Ore gonian. WILL furnish small delivery auto and services, $6.50 per day. AL 778, Ore gonian. JAPANESE EOY wants job, hotel or res taurant, any kind work. AR 897. Ore gon tan. HOUSE and roof painting, walls cleaned. Tabor o-l. W. L. Uelew, L"403 63th st. S. E. YOUNG MAN wants position as book keeper or general office work ; age 34 ; 8 years' experience. BC 821. Oregonian. PAINTING, kalsominlng. furniture polish ing ior rent or rurnisoea apt. or small house. Marshall 5355. MAN AND WIFE want janitor work In office building or apartment house; rran familiar with oil burner. Broadway 4457. WANTS kalsom in ing, painting, furniture polishing by hour or contract. Marshall 5333. Will Galther. ROOF cleaned, repaired and painted, rea sonably; all work guaranteed. Phone Tabor 029. RELIABLE repair man would like em ployment or delivery driving. Call Tabor 52. EXPERIENCED truck driver wants work; references. AE 872, Oregonian. CARPENTER Tabor S.27. -New or repair work. Phone CARPENTER, new and repair work, branches. East 5396 after 5 P. M. FI RST-CLASS porter wants position; city references. Broadway 4224. Bookkeepers. Stenorraphers. Office. YOUNG MAN. 21. married, desires position as asst. cashier or asst. bookkeeper; ex perienced in every kind of office work; prefer small firm. H 60S. Oregonian. LUM BERM AN, experienced In managing retail yards, understands mill and fac tory, middle aged; references. AH 885, Oregonian. CAPABLE young man desires small s.-t of books to keep after 3 P. M. AB 827. Oregonian. PUBLIC accounting, sets of books, audits, systematizing, advice. Jos. A. Lager feM. 234 Third st. Main W17. BOOKKEEPER wants position, ii city: Al reference. Main 7496. ACCOUNTANT wants a few s:ts books to keep ia hi office.. Main 7196, is FIXATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper. Stenographers, Office. DEPENDABLE office man, 27. married, five years employment in positions giv ing thorough training in stenography, . typewriting, filing, accounts, correspond ence, card records, etc.. desires perma nent position either in Portland or other coa?t city. Postoffico box 3291, Port land, Or. Soldiers said Sailors. COLORED man wishes position as chauf feur w ith private family, willing and able to work. Phone East SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. LET me figure on your work, carpentering, painting or mason work of all kinds; work guaranteed; prices right. Call Woodlawn 1572. 101 E. 10th St. N. 5 TO T-ROOM modern home with garage in Laurelhurst. Rose Jlty ParK, Irving- ; ton or Alameda. Will lease for 1 to 2 i years; no children. Best of references. E t06. Ore go n ia n. UNION linotype operator-machinist and floor man wants -steady position in or near Portland ; married: plenty refer ences, jsox ui, c.stacaca, ur. SCHOOLGI RL, 14, trustworthy, ambitious, well trained, wishes to assist with house work or care for children for room and board and $2 a week. L 212. Oregonian. YOUNG WOMAN with 10 months' tele phone experience, desires position on private exchange. L 614, Oregonian LACE. SCRIM AND MaRQUISETTE cur tains dono up like nmw. Will call. East 851 LADY wants house cleaning, other work, hours, day; work guaranteed. Wood lawn 6305. ; EXPERIENCED young lady wishes to take charge of rooming house or apart ments. E 604. oregonian. WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings while mother Is away; references. Woodlawn 1611. TWO ADULTS will pay reasonable rnt 1 for a-room oungaiowor list; permanent.; near car. Tabor 1337. BY EXPERIENCED teacher, pupils to tutor in all grammar grade subjects. Tabor 1392. COLORED woman wants day work. Phone Wcodlawn l6H. A GOOD colored girl wants morning work, or four or five hours. Phone East 7429- CLEANING, laundry, window washing. 50c hour ana car rare. Jiain bi... LADY wants washing and Ironing by day. Call Woodlawn S541. between S and 4- S WITCH BOARD operator will work five hours a day. aJ ai, uregonian. WOMAN wants day work. 50c an hour. Phone 32234. MOTHER wi ing porch. ill mother 2 or 3 girls; E bOo, Oregonian. IRONING well done; also light cleaning. Tabor lo-. LADY wants care of child while mother I works or by the hour. fc.ast i'Ot. RELIABLE lady wants day work. East 4t92. EXPERIENCED office nurse wishes posl- I tion with doctor, a O'.M. oregonian. WORK WANTED Saturday; wash. Iron or can fru:t. woo J lawn evenings EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work. Friday. Saturday. aenwooa i-j-. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Phone Mam a4il'.. LADY would like care of apartment house. experienced. BD 7bt. Oregonian. DAY WORK WANTED. EAST 8094. LAUNDRESS wants washing Friday, 6 or 8 hours. East 7741. Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED BOOK KEEPER WANTS PART-TIME WOKlv. BANK OR TRIAL BALANCES SMALL SETS OF BOOKS. OR WHAT HAVE YOU? Y 677. OREGONIAN. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wishes posi tion by August lo: use typewriter, aiso comptometer and Burroughs adding ma chine; references furnished. O 60S. Ore gonian. YOUNG lady wishes office work. Good penman. Can use typewriter. Live phone number. BD 788. Oregonian. YOUNG lady, competent general offee as sistant, desires position immeaiaie; j ex cellent references. Call Broadway 37oL'. STENOGRAPHER. 2 years' experience. temporary work, $4 per day. HKi tia, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra pher, best of references. Alain ::bi . BOOKKEEPER-STENO wants position la city; good references, aiain nno. STENOGRAPHER wants extra work from 4:30 P. M. to u. TBDor -os. Dressmakers. tv iTF.n Plain sewiner. children's specialty. 863 E. Washington. East 7625. Mrs. Edwards. DRESSMAKING by the day or piece. East 2376. NURSE wishes confinement, massage and minor surgical cases; reierences. muor EXPERIENCED nurse wishes confinement case. Sellwood l:4is. NUKSE going or invalid. east will travel with child East 3993. Housekeepers. RELIABLE middle-aged woman wishes position as housekeeper, one or two gen tlemen. lOtolhoneMajnJ RELIABLE elderly woman will keep houae for working woman. H 678, Oregonian. COMPETENT housekeeper (Scotch) de sires position. B 6l2. Oregonian. Domestic. THE VE RI BEST WINDOW CLEANERS. Tabor 4638. House cleaning, floor wax ing and vacuum cleaning; estimates cheerfully given. Best of references. AN EX-COOK wants cooking only, no serving, in wealthy family of adults pre ferred; wages $73 and up. N 597, Ore gonian. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent a well-furnished house by man ana wue ana - uausinco. October 1; west side preferred; east side considered; best of references. phone Tabor 4748. , WANTED To rent 6-room or more house or bungalow, strictly modern ; A-l ref erences Will pay 6 months' rent in advance If desired. East 5141. House. r v.i .t irf.e rmiDle without children, neat and particular tenants, desire to rent in good residence district a 5 or 6-room bungalow, partly furnished or unfur- I nihd- must have hardwood floors, firc- niarp and furnace: can give high-class reierences and desire a year's leae or longer. Phone J aDor moi. WANTED Permanently. 6 large room, I modern, unfurnished house with yard in Piedmont or Walnut Park district pre ftrred. Write or phone full descrip tion, condition, location and rental. J. F. Steins, manager Coast Culvert & Flume, Co. Kenton Station. Wdl. 3171. nni' iK-intr at hotel wants six-room home for two months: must be well fur nished; will pay 1U0 per month; beat of reierences. AH 879. Oregonian. ON or before Sept. 10, by family (adults), a seven or eiight-room house; must be in good condition and In desirable loca tion; west side preferred, but east tide will be considered. Main 1903. WANTED To rent. bv. responsible couple. ttith one child. 4 or 3-room furnished I bungalow or lower floor of private home. Hawthorne district preferred. East 6S34; . WANTED To rent by Aug. 15. 6 or 7 ' room modern, unfurnished house: will give best of care as we have always owned our own home; references; J adults. With garage. 298 East 36th gt. FAMILY of 3 want to rent a 5-room house; prefer a house on paved road a 'ittle ways out of town on one of the roads south of Portland. A 118. Oregonian. WNT house at Tillamook beach for last two weeks in August: must be fur nished and large enough for two adults and Ave chiiaren. Dallas. Or. .Write L. D. Brown, vniiNfl couple would like to rent mod em 4 or 5-room unfurnished home in desirable neighborhood. Will lease: Phone Tabor 3740. . WANTED To rent five or six-room mod ern nouse oy reuaoie v " -" -J 3S48. Ask for Fralzer. n-V-T tn. rpnt fi VP-ToOm Unfurnished house. Hat or apartment, close in. Tele phone A utomatic oi - FIVEto 7-room modern furnished house, first-class location, paved street, furnace, single or double garage. East 7S60. WANTED to rent, 3-room house. Sunny side preferred, permanent tenant, will lease if desired. Phone Woodlawn 3333 WANTED By responsible. middle-aged rn'unle. 6 or 7-room, clean, unfurnished house. Phone Sellwood 918. WANTED To rent 5 or 6-room unfur r.ished house, not over $23. M 217. Ore gon ian. ' WANTED To rent, a 4 or 3-room bouse or flat. M 6X3. Oregonian. WANTED Modern 4 or 5-room nouse. flat C-r apartment ior mumy m a. muiii nvt. CONGENIAL refined couple would modern home, garage. Last 7860. WANTED TO RENT. SIX-ROOM nnfurnishad house or pre ferably with, garage Phone Marshall 3tV42. Apartments WANTED 4 or 5-toora unfurnished flat or apt. with sleeping porch, west side. AO 772. Oregonian. WANTED At once. 12-20-room a rooms must be good. Call room Seward hotel forenoon today. WANT to lease small apartment or room Ing house, close in. H 973. Oregonian. 3-ROO.M unfurnished apartment, wlil lease. Call Mrs. Read. Main 4SS. Rooms With Board. MIDDLE-AGED gentleman wishes room and board, private family (not a board ing house). Elderly lady owning home with garden and chickens preferred. References: United States National bank. Crown-Willamette Paper Co. Phone room 420, Seward hotel. If not in, leave telephone number. WANTED By young man employed in office, excellent habits, room and 3 to S meals per day; 1 or 2 tables for study t will be required; prefer South Portland; please give address and phone number and state how many roomers you have. Address C 61ti. Oregonian. BUSINESS man. single, wishes board or room and board in Alberta district. V 602. Oreyonian. WANT some family to care for baby by month. Call Broadway 4S40, apt. 2 be tween 3 and 4 o'clock. LADY In poor health desires quiet, clean place to board in country. East 62&6. Miscellaneous. I DESIRE to hire furniture for bedroom. living room and hail for period 3 mos. No children. Tabor 1P0S. BURROUGHS adding machine for monia or six weeks. Telephone trasr lost. FOR RENT. SOME very good clean sleeping rooms, 204 17th st.. near Taylor. Furnished Rooms. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th st.. at Washington. Rates, $5 per week up. $1 day. "Fire proof, large attractive, spotless rooms. close to amusement and shopping center. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison st., at East Sixth. The principal east side hotel; dignlflM and refined; $1.25 per day and up; $ per week and up. PERKINS HOTEL. Fifth and Washington Stsv Attractive rates to permanent gueeta Commodious suites for families. HOTEL TAI7 " 12TH AND STARK STS. Pleasant, desirable all outside rooms, phonos, elevator, $5 per week up. PRINCESS HOTEL. S4 EAST BURNS IDE. SUMMER RATES S4.30 UP. Transients. $1 and up. RITZ HOTEL. Morrison and Park sts. New, fireproof and modern. Special rates to permanent guests. SAVON HOTEL. 1311" 11th street, between Washington and Alder, clean, modern rooms, privats baths: fl per day up; 4 per week up NETH ERLANDS HOTEL 126 13th St.. corner W ashington; transient and per manent; spotless rooms, $5 per week and up; phone, private baths. YOUNG man to share pleasant outside room, close in on west side; reasonable. M 614. Oregonian. LARGE. clean, attractively furnished rooms, suitable for one or two adults, near shipyards. 573 Third St. NICE, light, airy, front room, private fam- Jefferson st. HOTEL ARTHUR. TlO 11th st. Nice! modern, clean rooms, at transient and permanent rates ST. PAUL HOTEL 130 Fourth St., clean, modern, respectable. Transients $1 up. Permanent 5 up. HOTEL RAMAPO, Washington st. at 14th, rooms $6 and up per wee; also family suites of 2 and 3 rooms and bath. SARGENT HOTEL Housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Phone East 291. 271 Grand ave. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st- at Tenth Rates $1 a day up; weekly, $3 up; free phone and baths. 1 DAY, $2.50 week up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cadillac. Third, pear Jefferson. NICELY furnished sleeping room, hot and cold water. 269H Fifth st. OHIO HOTEL Housekeeping and sleep in grocmTsJ 266 IironLcorne NEWLY furnished sleeping rooms. 414 Market st. Men only. ; DESIRABLE room for girl employed, home privileges, walking distance. Main 3018. LARGE, sunny room, suitable for 2, walk ing distance. 511 Columbia. Unfurnished Rooms. I NICE and airy unfurnished sleeping room. private family; across froadway bridge. '-'93 Crosby. Furnihhed Rooms in Private Family. SOME lady will procure a reasonable and exceptionally pleasant room with all con veniences, six-minute car service, two lines, by calling East 5394 days only, or leave your call. AP 86S, Oregonian. I WELL-FURNISHED airy room. 692 Eliott ave., Ladd add., walking distance, W o:k. from Hawthorne car; rent reasonable, everything modern. East 6041. OR 2 LARGE front rooms, large clos et; includes use of piano, heat, light, phone, bath; close in east side, near car and upblic garag-. 323-10. WELL FURNISHED ROOM in private home with privilege bath ana tciepnonc; gentleman preferred. 329 E. Ash at. Phone East MCELV furnished room in first-ciass steam heated apartments; reasonable; walking distance. Carmelita Apts., 501 13th and Jefferson. Phone Main 4720. VERY attractive suite of rooms, also single room nicely furnished in steam heated flat, plenty of hot water. Nob Hill. Main iwj. . NICELY furnished room, suitable for two people; bath and phone privileges; cios to downtown district, west side. 309 11th st. ONE or two rooms in modern home, with kitchen privileges, prefer two glris. 683 E. Salmon, phone East 71Q0. NEWLY furnished sleeping room. ac commodate 1 or 2 persons. isl Oiisaa street. Main 5SS4. Price $15. ' REAL CLASSY ROOM. Private family, close in. west side. This is different. 435 Market. NEWLY furnished modern room, W. S.. 10 min. to P. O.. $12 per month up. 692fe Everett. W A LK l.NG distance, cheerful, fine porch. ya-d ; $13 to $25. 655 Everett, Broad- way 3501. DESIRABLE furnished rooms. refined home, west side, ladies only. Marshall 7 :;.". CLEAN, quiet room, able; 382 Ross st.( bridge convenient, re a ton -2 blks. Broadway FRONT room, private home, refined, con genial family, walking distance. Mar shall 3969. IRViNGTON. corner room in beautiful home. Men only. $12 to $15. East 8259. ONE nice. light room with sleeping porch, TuQa Hoyt st. NICELY furnished room, west side, walk ing distance. 61 N. 21at St. Main 864. AIRY front bedroom. 1 or 2 gentlemen. Marshall 369. 24S 13th st. NICELY furnished rooms. cJose in. 600 Lovejoy st. Marshall 835. LA ROE. desirable room, modem ; aiso 1 small sleeping room. -1 qui gt. LARGE, afry room, suitable for two. 160 N. 21st st. Broadway 2t 87. LARGE, airy room, suitable for two. 160 N.- 21st. Broadway 2U87. FOR RENT Two rooms; reference; Irv ington or Broadway car. 535 E. 11th st N. NICELY furnished room in walking dis tance NICELY furnished room In modern homo for 1 or 2. Bdwy. 5371. 147 N. 17th. - 1 Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. S3D AND HOYT STS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the bet-known residential hotels on Pacific coast American plan, with or without bath. $2 50 a day up: rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. NORTONIA HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suit or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all ,the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. SS? 10th st. For business girls and students; reasonable rates. Mar. 1251. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences: walking distance: 5 per week. Aut. 21-974. 12 E. 7th St. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th. choice rooms and board, modern conveniences, walk ing distance. Rooms With Board in Prirate Family. LARGE, airy, single H. K. rooms, kitch enette. $4 per week. 201 13th st. - f I LARGE modern room. 431 West Park SU