THE 3IORXr?TG OTTEGOXIAN. FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1920 13 WOMEN SEEK WORK SEVEN DAYS OF WEEK Permit, if" Granted, to Apply to Ticket Clerks. EQUAL FOOTING, OBJECT Velfare Commission Makes It Clear No Change Will Be Agreed To. Women will be permitted to work as ticket clerks in some railroad sta tions for seven days a week, under certain specified conditions, if the in dustrial welfare commission decides to adopt tentative recommendations made vesterday fc.t a special confer ence called to consider the question. The conference members did not take a vote, since all were not present, but the eeneral opinion was that wom en should be allowed to work seven. days a week as ticket clems, since they have asked permission to do so. The members of the industrial wel fare commission who had called the conference of railroad employers, em ployes and three disinterested par ties from the public-at-large, made it clear that they would not permit a change in the ruling that women are to work a maximum of only 48 hours T.e6J.' Cummings, representing the employes and ticket clerks, explained that the women want to work 66 hours a week, just as the men do. so that they will be on an equal footing with the men. 1 Law Korblds Seven Day. Under the present ruling of the commission, he explained, the women cannot work more than six days a week, and therefore cannot apply for these positions, since in the smaller nations the clerks must be on duty leven days of the week. The commission members think tint some system can be worked out hereby the commission wouia aes ;nate stations where women could ot work over six days a week and ecide upon other stations where ley would be permitted to work the ill week. Another Session Called. Special permission would be granted L those stations, which showed upon ivestigation that the women were ot actually at work more than 48 ours a week, although they might e on duty for 5B. The members of the special con irence are: R. E. McCormick, su erintendent of the Southern Pa- fic; K. L. Ashley of the O.-W. R- N., Hugh Herdman, Mrs. J. G. Wil n, C. N. Hayhurst, Mrs. Anna Phelpe. rs. Klla Rice, Mrs. Mae Dillane. The members of the commission resent were Miss Eunice L. Smith kid William L. Brewster and Mrs. lillie R. Trumbull, secretary of the ommisston. Amedee M. Smith is out I the city. Mr. Herdman acted as hairman. Another meeting will be held in wo weeks, at which time a definite ote will be taken. ABOR COUNCIL TO FORM png Union. Fight Terminates When I Application Blank Arrives. VANCOUVER, Wash.. Aug. 6. (Spe 1.) A long battle in union circles ims to have been terminated by e receipt of an application blank re for the formation or a metal des council in this city, a branch the international, according to a ort from the central labor council. The local here was opposed by the rtland council as the local is af- iated there, and of course Portland es not desire to lose local sup- rt. All shipyard workers unions, tal trades unionists and kindred banizations will form this coun- Mazamas to Visit Oswego. The Mazamas will go to Oswego ke for their regular week end trip urday and Sunday. Owing to the reme hot weather and the fact t that many of the club members now on the annual outing at Mt. ker. the club will not make a long e, but will spend the night on the res of the lake and hike over the oining hills early Sunday morning, urning to camp to spend the heat he day in the shade and renew the k in the evening. rhe main party will leave at 5:40 iM. Saturday, from the Southern Jiflc station at Fourth and Oak sets, going to Lake Grove, from ere they will mark their trail for benefit of those going later. Grilley Funeral Today. uneral services for A. M. Grilley, executive secretary of the Port Y. M. C. A., will be held this rnoon at 3 o'clock at the audito- of the Y. M. C. A. building. The ices will be in charge of Rev. h MacAfee, secretary of the land church federation, assisted ev. Donald McClure. pastor of the City Park Presbyterian church, c will be in charge of Walter kins and the Rosarian quartet. funeral cortege will be accom- ed by an escort of Rosarians and ons. rallbearers will be members he Y. M. C. A", staff. Is Club to Visit Larch Workers. e Trails club will this week visit party now working on the Larch ntain trail under O. E. Warner. e going Saturday will follow the els Rest trail to the camp and a session at the campfire that insc. All, including Sunday visi- should bring axes or brush Huy round-trip tickets to al Veil. lorrow County Harvesting. KPPXER, Or., Aug. 5. (Special.) heat harvest is under way in row county and the grain is of -class quality. The yield is a average although many fields : injured by the hot weather. cations tonight are favorable for Many farmers expect to hold b crop for a better price,, which expect to come later in the fall. inal Camping Trip Monday, lly ono more trip to Spirit lake p is to be made this year by I. C A. boys, a croup ot them pnff Monday. Those now at the to are scheduled to return to Port I on the same day. All those de. g to join the outbound party ld notify the Y. M. C. A. before rday night. Portlanders to Washington. iiy W. Talbot, president of the Ific Power & Light company, and nklin T. Griffith, president of the Hand Railway. Light & Power pany, are on their way to Wash Ington, D. C. They will attend a cob. ference of the national water power commission, composed of the secre taries of war, interior and agricul ture. as1 members of a special com mittee of the national association of power.- and light companies. Chief Engineer Merrill of the commission is engaged in working out regula tions to be established by the com mission and the . conference will be in relation to the matters to be em bodied in the recommendations. Ii. G. Conant Is Candidate. VANCOUVER, Wash., Aug. 5. (Spe cial.) L. G. Conant, a resident of this county for the last 30 years, and two terms county treasurer, baa an nounced his candidacy- for the office of county commissioner from the 3d district, including Vancouver, and suc ceeding J. P. Kiggins, who is ending his two term. For 15 years, when j Mr. Conant first came here, he waa a school teacher and then engaged in business and is now Interested in a lccal procery store. Rald Results in Arrest, SAI.EM- Or., Aug. 5. (Special.) Confiscation of 40 gallons of liquor and- still equipment and the arrest of H. H. Buckner were the results of a raid made by six federal officers and Sheriff Needham last night on Tice's island, ne'ar Independence. One large cask contained 30 gallons of the brew and the remainder was in small jugs. . All but two gallons was poured into the Willamette river. The two gallons will be used as evidence. Buckner will be taken to Portland. Circus Comes Monday. John Robinson's circus will be in Portland Monday and Tuesday, August 16-17, according to announce ment by the advance agent who came through Portland yesterday. A street parade Monday morning will open the circus, which consists of four rings this season, together with two -stages and a large track. Some spectacular features and "stunts" are. promised, together with a pageant, "When Occi dent and Orient Meet." Drink Costs 91400. Peter Zarklis, Greek laborer, told the police yesterday that he had been lured to a room in the Saranae hotel. Sixth and Couch streets, by two strangers who offered him a drink of liquor and robbed him of J1400. Zar klis said that he was accosted on the street by a stranger. This man took him to the room, where the second man held him up. with a dagger. He lost $250 in money and checks for 11150. he said. Senator to Visit Old Home. SALEM, Or., Aug. 5. (Special.) For the first time in 68 years, A. M. LaFollett, state senator for Marlon county, will go back to Indiana to visit his old home and some of his relatives. The LaFollett family will hold a reunion. Senator LaFollett has stood closely by his farming and fruit interests in Marion county for many decades. This season he has no peach crop, and says he can take time for the visit- Woman Loses Homestead Claim. YAKIMA, Wash., Aug. 5. (Special.) The fact that she was prevented from carrying on .her. homestead de velopment during a period when she was in court for alleged unpatriotic activities failed to save to Miss Anna MacEacherm her homestead claim. It has been cancelled by the land de partment. Miss MacEacherm is can didate for governor on an "indepen dent constructive." platform. Forest Employes Resign. Two employes in the Portland office of the United States forest service have just made known their resigna tions. One is Miss Hazel Howard, for several years librarian, who intends to teach English in the high school at Red Lodge, Mont. The other Is George Root, who has been a surveyor work ing out of the district office for six years. He is to enter a firm of archi tects in Seattle. Alfalfa Fields Inspected. BAKER, Or.. Aug. 6. (Special.) B. B. Fulton, assistant county agent, arrived in Baker yesterday and will Bpend- the week inspecting the al falfa fields in the county to de termine whether or not there is any of the dreaded alfalfa weevil. So far as is known. Baker county is free from the pest, but the pending in vestigation is a precautionary meas ure. Ketchikan, in southern Alaska, is only 60 hours by steamer from Seat tle and is only 115 miles from Prince Rupert. B. C. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFT. MILLINERY makers, top wages, yearly positions. Apply JLisle Trimmed Mat Co., Artisans bldg. MILLINERY makers wanted, steady post tions, good wages. lsie Trimmed Hat Co.. Artisans bldg. AMUSEMENTS. HEAR CAMPBELL'S FAMOUS BAND TONIGHT Miss Dorothy Daphne Lewis Mfuo-Contralfo off Note. AMISE.MENTS CONCESSIONS Admission to Park Free to ft P. M. Daily Ifixceit Sunday and Holidays. Cars First and Alder. Fare 6 Cents. Children FREE AT COLUMBIA BEACH TODAY Portland's Only Beach GLOBE Jack Pickford 'A Burglar by Proxy L SWIMMING J J, r' every afternoon and evening. J jOsr'Joi I,. every evening: except Sunday J I come t and Monday. J I llfta and I .IfeVs asklnatoa I (XliW AMCSEMENTS. tJlTT T f"' Broadway at Taylor HLlLiIVJ Phone Main 1 'TODAY 2:15 ',T0NIGHT8:I5 (In Person) OWN COMPANY CHARMING FILM BEAUTIES WN JAZZ ORCHESTRA A RT PENNEY IN -NOVELTY- Summer Revue POPULAR PRICES "ES. j TICKET OFFICE SALE "j Opens Today L J I? T T T Broad mr at Taylor IIJ-iIIjIU Phone Main 1. MATINEE 2:15 ONLY EVENING 8:15 Next Sunday, Aug. 8 GEORGIA MINSTRELS 1 40 PEOPLE iO IS VAUDEVILLE ACTS 15 POPULAR PRICES EC:f Children Under 12 at Matinee 25c .TODAY - TONIGHT "THE MAXINR DANCERS," whirlwind dancing:; BESSIE BAR RI SCALE in "THH WOMAN WHO UNDERSTOOD"; HTJGHfOHNSON. trick ster; The Perrlnis, equilibrists; Cooper and Lane, "The Bellboy and the Porter"; Blair and Creptal, "The Reporter." Walter S. Ash at the Wurlitzer. pANTAGES MATINEE DAILY. S:30 Young America'!! Favorite Divertissement GAl'TIER'S TOY SHOP With a host of Diminutive Animal Per formers, in an Amazinr Routine of Delightful Entertainment. SIX OTHKK K1G ACTS Three performances daily. Night curtain at t ana v. CIRCLE at WaahlnsrtOB. Anne Cornwall "The GirfinThe Rain" Also the Comedy "Watch Your Stepmother" And th I ' u . 1. .. is : pen 'rom 9 o'clock in the mornlnir until 4 o clock of the following morning. Magnificent View. Pure Mountain Air, free Picnic Grounds, Amusements at COUNCIL CREST PARK Dancing: Every Evening; Except Sun- aay. BASEBALL Portland vs. Los Angeles August 3-4-5-63 P. M. Double-Headers Saturday and Sunday 1 :30 P. M. PORTLAND0 DAYS SHOW GROUNDS 25TH AXD RALEIGH, MONDAY, ?sDnYv, AUG. 16, 17 T17K WORLD'S 0!VL,Y SIPER - CIRCUS. FKRFOKSIAIVt'ES DAILY, 2 A IJ S P. M. FREE STREET PARADE MON DAY, 9:30 A. M. Admission and reserved seat tickets on sale both days at Sherman, Clay Piano Co., sixth and Morrison Sts. No extra charge. AUCTION 8 AXES, At Wilson's Auction House, io Furniture. 169-171 Second fit. MEETING NOTICES. SCXNVSIDE CHAPTER. TJ. r, R. A. M.. East 29th and Hawthorne Stated convoca tion tonight (Friday). 7:30 o clock. W. J. BRECKEL. Sec. SUNNl'SIDE CHAPTER. NO. '42. R. A. M. Special convoca tion tonight (Friday. Masonic hall. 39th and Hawthorne. By oruer or M. T. W. J. BRECKAL. Sec FRIENDSHIP LODGE NO. 180. A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communication thia (Fri day afternoon at 2:15 ock, for the purpose of conducting the funeral of our lat hrh er. A. M. Grilley. Services at Y. M. C. A. auditorium at 3 o'clock. Members are re quested to attend. W. L. CORNELL. W. M. ALBERT PIKE LODGE. :NO. 162. A. K. AND A. M. special communication this (Friday) evening. Aug. 6. at i ..u o ciock. .Brother w. Irving Latimer. P. M.. will confer the -i. oegree and win be our guest of honor, the occasion being the 84th anniversary of his birth. Visiting breth ren velcums. G. W. COOK, Sec. SELUVOOD LODGE. NO. 131. A. P. AND A. M. Special meeting this tKriday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Master degree to be conferred by the Grotto oegree team. V iBftors w-.l. Refreshments. By order W. M J. M. BUTLER, Sec POBTLAND LODGE. NO. 5j. A. V. AND A. M. Special communications this (Friday) anernoon sna evenine. com mencing 4:30, Masonic Tempi.. Work in II. M dfffre. Visit ing brethren welcome. By order W.'m. H. J. HOUGHTON. Sec' LAST TIMES ' AFT, 2; 1.1. TOMORROW. K V K. S:15 er!J CHESTER CONKLiN WASHINGTON LODGE NO 46. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this Friday) eve.. 7:30. East Sth and Buin side. E. A. degree. Visitors welcome. Bv order of W M J. H. RICHMOND. se"c ' ROSE CITT SOCIAL CLUB O. E. S. Annual outing Aug ust 8. Columbia Park St Johns car line, chapter mem bers invited. Bring your lunch. . Cof lee served. COMMITTEE. UEETTNO NOTICES. KIRKPATRICK COUN CIL.. NO. SECURITY BENEFIT ASSN., will meet In regular closed session In their council chambers at 8 o'clock this (Friday) eve ning, at the Swiss hall, 3d and Jefferson sts. Members all eel acquainted with the new campaign just started. . MULTNOMAH CAMP. NO. 77. W. O. W., will hold regular meeting at hail. E. 6th and Alder streets, this (Friday) night. August 6. Inltiatlon. Visiting; mem bers welcome. J. O. WILSON. Clerk. WEBFOOT CAMP NO. 65. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, meets every Friday night at W. O. W. temple. 128 Eleventh .street. All memberf request- ' ed to be present. v is: una members welcome. H. L. BARB UK. Clerk. 128 Eleventh St. OREGON COMMANDERT I js x. r-iease aitena iuu l eral services for Sir A. M. . Grilley at Y. M. C. A., 3, o'clock P. M.. today. Meet at the asylum at 2:30 lor escort duty. C. F. W1EGAND. Recorder. REGULAR meeting this (Friday) evening at 8 HASSALO o'clock at Oddfellows tem ple, 1st and Alder sts. First degree will be conferred on VI candidates. Visitors wel 1CL0E come. R. R. SIBLET. N. G. D. SCOTT. Rec. Secy. w. DANCE given by Big Five Dancing club Saturday night in Eagles 'hall. 3d and Madison sts. Good floor, good music, good time. Come. 8:30 P. il. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, new designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 6th at. FRIEDLANDER'8 lor lodge emblems, clazs pins and medals. 310 Washington St. PIED. ODON At Prescott, Ariz., July 5, Helen Odon. age lo years, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Odon, sister of Clara. Esther Odon of this city, but now residing at Prescott, Ariz. Funeral notice later. Arrangements in care of Miller & Tracey. - ftxebal yoTicg. BISSKTT In this city, August 4, Law rence A. Bissett, aged 21 years, beloved eon of Mrs. Margaret BiBsett of 63 Bast 19th. at. North, brother of Margaret M. Bissett, Andrew P. Bissett, U. iS. army. Camp Grant, 111., and Mrs. J. G. Ryan of Vancouver, Wash. Funeral cortege will leave the new residential funeral pariori of Dunning &. McEntee, Morrison at 12th St., Saturday, August 7, at 8:30 A. M., thence to St. Francis church, E. 12 th and Pine sts., where requiem mass will be offered at 0 A. M. Friends Invited. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery. FISHER In this city, July 31, Helen Fisher, ai?ed SO years, beloved mother of Mrs. Louise Miller, Mrs. Lizzie Edwards, Frank and Paul Fisher, all of this city; Mrs. Pauline Erz Worthington of Belling liiim, Wash., and Henry Fisher of Kim berly, Nev. Funeral cortege will leave the residence, 10S9 East Washington St., Saturday, August 7, at 9 A. M., thence to St. Joseph's church, Powell Valley road, where requiem mass will be offered at 10 A. M. Interment St. Joseph's ceiuetery. Arrangements in care of Mil ler & Tracey. HALEY In this city, August 4, Susie Haley, aged 37 years. Beloved wife of James E Haley: mother of Walter, CHve and Harlan Haley; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith; EiMer of Mrs. -V. A. Carter of Warriagton, Or.: Mrs. Edward L Sarge of St. Helens, Or.; Mrs. Fred Kelson of Freeman, O. ; Charles, Clar ence, Clev Smith, all of this city. Fu . neral services will be held Saturday. Aug. 7, at 2 P, M. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment Mount Scott cemetery. GILBERTSON" At Salem. Or.. AugTiist 3, Karren Olive Gilbert son, aged o'J years, beloved wife of George Gtlbertson and -mother rf Wallis A. Gilberteon of this city; sister ot Klma Ekblad of this city, George E. of North Dakota, and William Ekblad of Marshfield, Or. Funeral cerv ices will be held from the conservatory chapel of the East Side funeral directors, 414 East Alder street, Saturday at 2 - F. M. Interment in Mount Scott park cemetery. Friends invited. BAUMAN At the residence of Mrs. H. F. Wader, 30 E. 10th Ht. K., August 3, Kuni Bauman.. aged 67 years months and 1 days. Beloved sister of Mrs.- Edw. - Renfer and aunt of Mrs. H. F. Mader and Ruth Renfer of this city. Funeral services will be held from the conserva tory chapel of the East Side funeral di rectors, 414 E. Alder street, Friday. Au gust i, at 10:30 A. M. Concluding serv ices will be held at the Portland crema torium. Friends invited. GRILLEY At the residence. 404 E. 38th st. N., August 4. 1020, Albert M. Grilley, aged 44 years, oeloved husband, of Flor ence Grilley, father of Alberta, Dorothy end. Donald Grilley. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at the Y. M. C. A. auditorium. Sixth and Taylor sis., at 3 P. M. today (Friday), August 6, lvzKt. xnterment rtiverview cemetery. CAMPION In this city, August 3, 1920, Edward Campion, aged bo years. Fu neral cortege will leave the residence, 4U5 East Broadway, at 8:U0 A. M. to morrow (Friday), August 6, 1920, thence to Holy Rosary church. Third and Clackamas streets, where requiem mass will be offered at 9 A. M. Interment Mount Caivary cemetery. CAMPION In this city, August 3, 1I20, Edward Campion, aged to years. Fu neral cortege will leave the residence, 493 E. Broadway, at 8:30 A. M. today (Friday). August 6, 1020, thence to Holy Rosary church, Third and Clackamas sip., where requiem mass will be offered at 9- A. M. Interment Mount Calvary cemetery. BERRY The funeral services of the late Angeline ierry will be held, today (Fri day), August 6. at 2 P. M.. at the residence. 600 East Oak street. Friends invited. Incineration, Portland Crema torium. J. P. Flu ley &r Son, directors. NASH The funeral services of Jennie Nash, widow of the late James H. Nash, ,. will be held today (Friday), August 0, at 2:30 P. M.. at Fin ley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. interment Lone Fir cemetery. PATT1SON The funeral services of the late George ixeison .fattison will De neia today (Friday), August 6. at 0 A. M ., at Finley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment Mount Cal vary cemetery. ORR Funeral services of William E. Orr will be neia oaiuraay, August i, at iu:au A. M. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment Multnomah Park cemetery. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. v JONES AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL 114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Now. located in their new residential fu neral home, Morrison at 12th, west side. Phone Broadway 430. Automatic 545-5S. The Funeral Home of Refinement and Distinctive Service. Note We have no branches nor any con nections whatever with any other undertaking firm. EDWARD HOLM AN &SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon Streets. Main 607. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors, Washington Street, Between 'JOih and list Streets, West Side. Lady Assiitnt. Main 2691. Auto. 578-85. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home, lith and Everett Sts. Phone Broadway -133. Automatic 521-33. J. P. FINLEY & SON H'NERAL DIRECTORS. Main IK Montgomery at Ftfth. DOWNING & McNEMAR The Residential Funeral Home. 441 Multnomah St. lrvington-Uist. Kast 54. V. S. DUNNING. INC; 414 K. Alder. Phone 52. Perfect service, personal direction, free use of floral- chapel and auto equipment. PT T TT-T) T-T E. Eleventh and Clay. . Ji. JiILirv.ri Kaat 7sl Tabor 1S33 A. D. KENWORTHT & CO., 5P02-4 9-d St.. Lents. Tabor 527. rPTPHM Twelfth and Morrison Sts. itirilOWr ... Broadway 1I534. A. R. ZELLER CO. 592 Williams ave. East 108S. C 1083. BREEZE & SNOOK gWS10?, t" 1546 6KEWES UNDERTAKINO COMPANT, 3d and-Clay. M. 415-' 31.-Lmdy Assistant KLOB.18TS. iZAAr&l 328MarrisonSt. ' ,?PrjrtlandHotiMay T stores - Bet.BrthrjIPark Maz257 Charge Accounts Solicited. Smiths Flower Shop Portland progressive florist. We special ize in funeral designs. 141 V Sixth, op posite Meier & Frank's. Main 7215. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists, 354 Washington. Main 169. "Flowers for all occasions artistically arrangeq. CLARKE BROS., florists, 287 Morrison St. Main 7700. Fine flowers and floral de signs. No branch stores. TONSETH FLORAL CO., 287 Washington st. bet. 4th and 6th. Main 5102. A 1101. MOVCMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 868 Fourth St., Opp. City Hall. N'en Bros. IPS B LAPSING GRANITE! CO. yT THIRD AT MAOISOW fiTBCET OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY investigates all cases cruelty to animals. Offic of alleeed Offices, room 160 courthouse.- Phone Main 378 from 8 A M. to 9 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its home, 535 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time, Woodl awn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc.. cicked up free of charge. KEy TODAY. Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver.) Old Rags ssd Woolen Clothing. We Make Reversible. Hand-Wovea FLUFF RUGS Room-Size Fluff Ross Woven. S17.M Raar Ron Woven All Sizes. Clothes Cleaninr and Dyelnar Dents. Mail Orders Send for. Bookie. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning H2 Roes. Steam Cleaned. a. WESTERN FLCFF RVQ CO. 64 Union Ave. ,N. Phones. East 8516 and East 7655. FOR RENT 10,000 square feet storage space, fireproof building. MONARCH MOTOR CO. 343 Vancouver Ave. East 4136. WE CALL FOR YOUR. OLD CARPETS. Ross and Woolen Clothlno FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Out Promptly RaT Kugn Woven All Slues Mall Orders. Send for Booklet. Carpets Cleaned. Laid and Refitted. Northwest rtjo to, 1HH East 8th St. Phone East 35S0. Absolute Guarantee! VERMIN yo Riddance, No Pay. ROACH DOOM, MICE PILLS, ANT DOOM, BEDRlu DOOM, HAT DOOM MOTH DOOM, FLY DOOM, Mfg;, by EDGAR A. MURRAY CO. Drtit P1LLMAN A CO, All, 45 Union Ave., Portland. Phone Enst 7407, Tabor 7809. EXECUTORS AND ADMINIS TRATORS Will Find Oar Tnrice-Seeured rAHM UORTUACLS Exceptional Investments for trust funds. Itot a foreclosure in Itrts. . ty years. FEAR dt GRAY, Phone Main 35. . 102 Fourth St. Mortgage Loans Lowest Interest rateat Inatallment re- piymcnti If desired. Building? loans made. Mo delay In closing;. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-219 .Northwestern Banlc Bnlldln& niarsaait FOR RENT Upper floor Manchester Building;, S5 5th street. Suitable for dancing, club room, light manufacturing. Apply pn premises. LIBERAL LOANS We loan our owrsmoney on real estate, first and second mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc. F. E. BOWMAN & CO. 210 Cham, ot Com. Bids. Malst 3020. Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE) LOANS Halted States Balk Uuitdlaa REAL ESTATE. For Sal Flat and Apartment Property. NON-RKSIDENT will sell 6-family apart ment ciose in. east side; low pric of $7500 for quik sale; terwa. Owaer. LO Oresoniin. u Houses w Garages B I "-z. Erected la jUc Portland fi IiHiSSl Shipped Aarwher ij Met-: tr-X In built 4-foot seo- f fki ET6V&4W on raady and fl ; ! Isg ffig" Xo ut LI A first-class bouse or garage dl- f rert from the factory at a GREAT 1 II SAVING. You pay no middlemen IR Ml profit. Write for catalog. I Redimade Building Co. I I Kant Kleventh and Mao Wet, T II ' 2 Blocks south of Hawthorne. L Pboa East 6114. 1'ortlana. Or. V KF.AL ESTATE. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. BUY a home and have Income at same time- I have two small apartment houses In Irvlngton for bale at 17.oeO and I18.1HJO: first-class In every sespect. R. J. O Nell, 717 Board of Trade. FOR SALE at assessed value, S. E. corner 14th and Columbia, 50x57 feet. 6-room house: income Uo; fine apartment sua. Price 6000. half cash. R. J. McDulIeo. 3-'2 Pike St.. Seattle. Wash. i?or bale -Beacb Property. CARTWRIGHT PARK. SEASIDE. OR Lots are now on sale in cartwrignt -Park from 75 to 700; nearly -'00 lots to choose from: liberal terms pnered to those wishing to build a Seaside home- For full information call or phone. WHITM ER-KELLY CO., 4t4 Plttock Block. Phone Broadway 784. or F. M. COLE. Agent at Seaside. Oregon. CHOICE BEACH LOT. EXCHANGE FOR Painting and Paperhanglng and furnish material. Lot located In Tillamook beach (Salt air), near atalion and ocean, ia 760. Oregonian. S2 ACRES. North Beach, short dlstanc. above Breakers hotel. Finest ocean frontage, partly cu'tivoted. part lit.e shade trees; about 10 acres cranberry boe; tloO per acre. Owaer, 810 -n. ol Com. Phone Mar. 1585 FOR SALE Or will rent or leas, two choice lota. 60x140 teet at Tillamook beach, on board walk, county road and railroad: near dance pavilion and DoleL AL 7B7, Oreronlaa. GEARUART. splendid full let, clear title. fHo: need the money. Main 4i39. hot bale -Lota. IMMEDIATELY CALL OR PHONE. Now Is the time to buy a home site In beautiful Walnut Park. FJr-.Sc:.t OFFER THIS WEEK FOR T MORl. HOMES. You can build now or at our pleasure. Remember when building ma terial drops in value lots will advance. Take advantage of this ' clle,'t ,?"'' made you by owner. W. M. w Killings worth, office 114D Union ave. North, ot nee hours 10 to 12 A. M. Phone after wards Wood lawn 3304 or Woodlawn jl. tsoo. 50x150 KILLINGS WORTH AVE. Owner must have money: all clear: ce ment walks, a big lot in a good neigh borhood; good abstract and warranty deed. HITTER. LOWE ft CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade bldg. 2T5- BOxlOO on E. 11th. fac. east. 100 ft. S. ef Killlngsworth; no liens; owner must sell: good abstract and warranty deed, . BITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. BEAUTIFUL Alameda Park 108x100 cor ner, best part ot section; streets Paid: special for quick aale. 2650. terms if you wish. JOHNSON-BODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank BldgJ Main 8.8T. Twrt tttt.t. int. with 0 bearing fruit treea. ...I..., ...... r...lUlni nf 100X10U corner. 17th and Jarrett sts., four blocks north of Alberta car line: S1200 buys both lota: terms if desired; no incum- brances. N 974. Oregonian. ROSE CITY SNAP 500. 60x100, on East 60th, near Broadway, paved st. and all improvements in. Price for quick sale, 50U, plus J163 city Hens. GRUSSI & BENNETT. S18 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. LOT with 2 corners on E. Dth, Killings worth and Brown avenues. 110-foot east front. 47 north and 47 south front roo-h 4or 4. houses; improvements In and paid , lor. 1 nis ween only j St'llwood 771. owner. ALAMEDA PARK. 50x100 corner, streets paid; $1000. a snap. , JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 6S3 N. W. Bank Bldg Main 8787. 00x100 CORNER, Lee Bow Park, :23 cash; sidewalk almost worm price u&eu. -strict furnished. E. Scherzinger, o- .N. ltith St.. owner.- FINE Rosev City corner, J1000; streets paid; terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 6"3 N. W. Bank Biclgj Main 3787. t w v-t v-m-r: Trwioni onmer. will accept other well located lot to value S1UU0 as part payment. East 7o04. owner. DANDY lot for any purpose. 17th Taylor. Speak to Leroy Lomase. Chamber of Commerce. and 54 FOR SALE or trade property. 4U3 East good lot for beach 2lth St. FOR SALE Lot in Rose City park. 1 blocks from car. Owner, xaoor ioa-. For Sale Homes. p $260 VACANT IM0 CASH. SlIOoU VACAXT S00 CASH. R-r. pfnnt bunsralovv. best nlumblne, cement bas t, electric lights, gas, -Ipg. nr.. 50x100. fruit, berries, excellent con dftion. like new; conv. to Franklin hisa school. G. C. GOLDEXBERG. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Abl-ngton Bldg. Main 4803. ft-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3G30. 5 rooms, full cement baeement, floored ftttfe. fireoiace. burret. booKcases. uutcn kitchen, wash trays, French doors, fin ished in white throughout; paved streets and sewers naid : l dlock to car: i: cash, balance $32 per month, including interest. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752 FOR SALE 7-roora house, full cement basement, furnace, on a corner lOOxloO, good retaining wall; sewor and street improvements all in and paid; with all the fruit and berries necessary for fam lly use; In a good neighborhood ; close to Union ave. A snap at $4SoO. Ask for B. H. Moore, 1 he Lawrence Co. Jl'J Corbett Bldg. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. YOUR OWN TERMS. New. modern, near car at city limit? eas. electricity. Bull Run water, 1 acre, all cleared, good view, never been occu pied, $3050. Very small cash payment netrSBarv from resDonstDie oarty. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 303-6-7 Lewis Bldg. WONDERFUL BARGAIN. ALAMEDA. Select (-rooms and sleeping porch -white enamel, hardwood floors, garage $6o00. terms; $1000 cash. SoO month, including Interest. East 1347. J00 DOWN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. LOT 78X115 FEET. Garase. family orchard, grapes, house faces east; between 2 carlines; on hard- surface road. Garden spot 0uxll feet. Nice neighborhood: cheap; ;S000. OWNER, Broadway 413. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. ' Five-room strictly modern bungalow. lot fit ixlOO, xgood neighborhood; faces east; -s block: from car; paved street. Will accept home in Irvington or Lau re hurst or heights and assume mort gage. P C15. Oregonian. HAVE TWO HOMES MUST SELL ONE, Bungalow, five rooms and sleeping porch, outcn ititcnen, zuii cement base ment. furnace. 50x100 lot. garage, one biocK ttose uity car: ciose in. rrice S37oO; easy terms. Owner, 304 Oak st. Broadway un. $11.000 IRVINGTON $11,00(1. 11 ROOMS. . Never offered for sale before. Hot water heat. Absolutely modern. If you care to see me oesi uuy in i.vii(iTUi on 15th st. call Bdwy. 133. CENTRAL EAST SIDE. For sale. 47 East Fifteenth st.. 8-room house, lot j.ixiuo. sman payment down, easy terms tor the balance; a bargain must soiu at uiiv u. FOR SALE. A beautiful big place. 2000 Portsmouth ave. Take a look and make us an offer; paving in;bargain 6-ROOM home, full plumbing, basement. DOxiUU it, i run ana oernes; a snap, IOtU, cat ii, udiiinue moniniy, JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N, W, Bank Bldg. Main 378T. OWNER MUST SELL on account sickness, confectionery and cifrars. soft drinks; good location. Rent $50 per month; will sacrifice for $lt50. Main 7031. FROM owner only, $2200, $500 down, bal ance like rent, now vacant, 6-room house tn pood condition; painted, tinted and new plumbing, fruit and flowers Woodlawn 410. $000 CASH $.1000. 2 lots, 6-r., spg. pr.. furn.. firepL. fruit, garden, blk. car. Great snap. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Ablnton Bldg. "So Years In Portland." Mam 4S03. AUTOMOBILE ACCEPTED. Have $7.00 modern residence; will consider late model tt-cylinder car, not over $2000. and $30O0 cash; balance time to sulr. See owner. 428 Lumbermene bid. 6-ROOM Iurnished house, fuli lot. improve ments paid. $2000, $500 cash. Kent terms, some balance. Albee, fc INTERSTATE LAND CO.. C4S Stark St. Main 5429 REAL SNAP ROSE CITY. 6-room modern, furnace, fireplace; 1 -vina city, must pell. J. ROBB1NS, 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. L-ROOM modern bungalow, nil built-in ef fects, open fireplace, sleeping porch, ga rage, ail newly tinted, close in ; $4uu0, terms. Mr. Millership, Alder Hotel. ATTRACTIVE 5-room modern bungalow, lot uOkHMJ; pnty fruit; car passes door; big bargain for quick sale. Call Tabor 3410. " $lr.OO 8 R"OMS. hdwd. ; furnace, suitable '2 tlata. blS Chamber of Commerce. REAL ESTATIw For Sale Houses. CAREY-SAVIDGE compant, MAIN 74S7. Our expert appraiser reports to rs that the following houses are well worth the prices asked. We have a carefully chosen list of houses in every district and good business judgment suggests that jou look at them be tors you buy. ROSE CITY. 94SOO. On full lot, paved streets, sewer; S large bedrooms with closets upstairs, all in Ivory A'oodwork; living room with attractive fireplace, dining room with built-in buffet and cove ceiling. Dutch kitchen, den, full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, hardwood floors. With substantial -monthly payments this house can be aad for $750 down; a real buy. ROSE CITT. $3500. Strictly modern 6-room bungalow, on full lot, 2 blocks from car, living room, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, fireplace, hardwood i'loors garage. This place is much under val ie. Convenient terms. NORTH OF PIEDMONT. $4750. 1 00x100 on Rodney avenue, near De kum. with story and half house, with 3 bedrooms upstairs; full cement basement, lots of fruit and berries, fine garden; excellent buy; $1000 down. WALKING DISTANCE. $3600. On Tillamook street, a double con structed house of S rooms, all on one floor, full cement basement, furnace. Dutch kitchen, street improvements in and paid; good value; only $600 down. KENTON. $3200. A very substantial bungalow of 5 rooms, near ca-, on full lot, built-in buT fet, Dutch kitchen, 2 large bedrooms, cement basement. This is a very at tractive bungalow; only $500 down. CARET-SAVIDGE COMPANT. 211 Railway Exchange Building. Main 74S7. Open Evennigs and Sundays. Marshall 1838. SUNNY SIDE DISTRICT. . $600. $600. No. 124. Good 6-room house, plumb ing, gas, electric lights, screens, shades, paved streets, close to school and car. Lot 40x100. price $3300. $600 cash, bal ance $22 per month. This is less than rent. $2500, $2500. Ni. 123. 5-room cottage, good garage, plumbing, gas and electric lights, screens, shades, paved streets, cement sidewalks,' good lot, fruit, flowers and shrubbery, close to school and car. Total price $-'500. $1000 cash, balance terms. LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST CO 2S5 Stark Street, Near Fourth. Marshall IS 9 8. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. Substantially built, gracefully designed. In a fine location, one block from car line, in Portsmouth; large living room with fireplace, large dining room with superb cabinet work: hardwood floors. every facllty known for kitchen conven ience is installed; large reception hall, big porch, fine, airy bedrooms, inclosed sleeping porch, lull concrete basement, lot 50x100. with an abundance of fruit and vegetables. I may be wrong, but in my estimation this is a fine home at $4750. Mr. Mahoney, COE A. McKENNA A CO., 82 Fourth Street. 1 Main 4522. Evenings, Columbia 6;18. MODERN bungalow, 5 rooms, large attic. uaseraent. .trice New modern bungalow, 4 rooms, breakfast nook, concrete basement; $32o0. rt ew modern cottage, 6 rooms, sleep ing porch, built-in teatures, lireplace, concrete basement; $300. New. nifty bungalow, 4 rooms, break fast nook, concrete basement, large at tic, with an acre of ground: $5750. Beautiful bungalow, 5 rooms, break fast nook, sleeping porch. fireplace, concrete basement, corner lot; price $4650. O. W. BRYAN, S09 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. FINK VIEW OF MOUNTAINS Lovely 8-room residence, lot 72x123. fruit, berries, nuts. Here's positively a great bargain for $4500. very easy terms. New pipeless furnace, $200 electric range, gas water heater, buffet; better construc tion than nine out ot ten houses you'll find. Be sure to see 35 East 55th N., 4 blocks south of Montavilla car. Ta bor 854. IRVINGTON. MY COLONIAL HOME IS FOR SALE. 5S6 E. 32TH ST. N. Pass by and look It over. If Inter ested call at 033 E. 13th st. for key. I cannot use the bouse myself and must sell. There are 8 beautiful rooms, old ivory finish, tapestry walls; in the very best of condition; 2 fireplaces, full base ment, furnace, built-in fruit room and coal bin I have $8250 in it. Make me an offer. Owner. WEST SIDE 6-ROOM SNAP. Good 6-room house, elec, gas, lath, cement basement, 3 nice bedrooms, cor ner lot 50x50, liens all paid nice view, on Curry st. Price a snap, only $2iiOQ. any reasonable terms, $5KI or less cash, $25 per month. Why pay high rent? Vacant and ready to move into. Shown oy appointmentonly. GRUSSl & BENNETT, 318-321 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. $300 DOWN and balance at $30 monthly for a dandv 6-room house, located at SOS Lombard street, in a good district and on a paved street; newly painted and decorated, rooms large and airy. This beats the rent game and Insures you a perma nent home. Price $2750. Call Ml Ma honey. CO? A. McKENNA & CO., Main 4522. Evenings Columbia 638. AN IDEAL COUNTRY HOME. Large grounds, fine car service, just out of city and high taxes, 5-room new bungalow, lara3 fireplace, oak floors, all built-ins, gas and electricity. We are selling property at cost of construction, $4500, $1000 cash, terms on bal. Mar shall 3352, evenings. Tabor 3090. 403 Couch building. J. B. ROCK CO.. FURNISHED BUNGALOW Furnished five rooms and large attic, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-ins, furnace, lots of fruit, paved and paid, all fine furniture, new rugs, everything in best of condition, near Laurelhurst Park, block to car. see this one and you'll took no farther. Marshall 3352. J. B. ROCK CO. J.-.500 ROSE CITY PARK $5500. , 6-room modern bungalow with garage, on 50x105 lot, hardwood floors, enamel finish, fine shrubbery and grounds, east front. A teal value at the price. Con dition perfect. Call Mr. Bliss, COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth Street. Main 4522. A SNAP. - Good 6-room house, lot 100x100, bear ing fruit trees, all sorts of berries; electric lights, full cement basement, five blocks from Woodlawn car; price jjouu. jjio c. inn ol. rn. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. New 5-room colonial bungalow: break fast nook, attic, hardwood floors; ivory xinisn, uasco iurnace; select neighbor hood; beautiful view; $7850, terms. Own er. Main ZtiXG. HOME FOR OLD FOLKS. five-room oungaiow type cottage, on ground 150xl0;j. fruit, berries, etc., dote to car; $350 cash, balance monthly; a splendid little buy. Fred W. German to.i i&z tnamwr or commerce. TAKE IRVINGTON CAR. Brand new six-room bungalow, strlct lv modern; hardwood floors, furnace anU built-ins: all st. impts. paid: iiiod cash will handle it. Go see it today. 21 K. 3 tit H at. rnone owner. Cast 4000. FrfftNTTXG on Oswcko lake, nfc hnnB. low. 3 rooms and large sleeping porch. basement, toilet, electricity; 1SG0. $soo cash, balance easy. A. 2d. Howell. 401 Board of Trade. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 7-room modern home on good car line, 30 minutes' walk from business center of Portland: price reasonable, $2500 of it 1 ike paying rent. Phone East 775. FOR SALE. Modern 5-room bungalow, hdw. floors fireplace and Iurnace; garage in base ment; on corner lot, 50xl0O; splendidly located. Good buy. Call Tabor S044. WONDERFUL BARGAIN. Beautiful modern G-room and bath residence, large corner lot. on car line paved street, garage, fruit, etc; deal with owner. 1095 E. 30th t. N. FUR SALE 5-room house, two lots, fruit trees, woodshed ; $300 cash, $700. as nav men is. ou PORTLAND HEIGHTS residences. 724 to 730 Patton roa, to be sold for cash by owner. Phone Bdwy. 403, 247 Ankeny l 5-ROOM house all furnished; garage, lot 33"xlOO, for $2600. One block from Williams ave. 79 Vancouver ave. 7-ROOM modern bunjtalow for sale; fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, garaga. Cail Tabor 4S73. FOR SALE Modern 8-room 50x100; leaving city; $2250. 8th st. house, lot 23 East OWNER. $6ftG0. Irvington house, strictly modern. Investigate. Main 4190. 6-KOOM modern furnished cottage, with garage.. East 1302, REAL ESTATE. For Sa.'e -Hoi H-ACRS TRACT. 3-ROOM HOUSE. $1500. one block and a half to Colum bia highway and car; all planted to gar den. 6 fruit trees, some furniture, Imme dmte possession, only ?S00 cash, balance 2a a month, interest included at 6r. J. L. Hartman company. 8 Cham ber of Com. Bldg. Main -OS. ROSE CITY PARK. CLOSE-IN VACANT. T Rooms and Sleeping Porcb. Semi-bungalow type. A DELIGHT EKk. HOMJ:; 1" HIGH-CLASS LOCA TION; all up-to-date features; newly decorated; attractive corner; paved streets. In choicest part of "R. C" dis trict, convenient to car. Real bargain lor about cash; terms. If you realty want a home don't lose this unusual opportunity. Immediate possesion. Call owner, Broadway -421 or Tabor lta evenings. LAURELHURST NEW BUNGALOW. Brand new 5-room bungalow, just be ing completed, strictly modern and up to the minute, garage, oak floors, all built-ins. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cooler, old i - ory finish throughout, good floored attic, fine cement basement, lot, 60x100. ail liens in and paid, restricted district, 1 block to car, 15 minutes' ride to west side; will be readv to occupy in about 2 weeks; price $6050, $2OO0 or more cash. Shown by appointment mly. ORL'SSI & BENNETT, 313-321 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. ADMINISVRATOR'S SALE. This ad will run 3 days and property must be sold this week. Consisting of one 8-rocm semi modern home and lOuxlOO corner lt; all kinds of truit and flowers. Should brin about S00UO; will take $4ut0; u cash. Near Reed college. Mar. 3989. Evenings, Aut. 219-19. JUST what you have been lnokinc fp One of those beautiful suburban homes, modern 7-room bungalow, with one of those beautiful acres in lawn, fruit and ornamental shrubbery, close to electric car and in fine district, only $t0oo. I have many other suburban homes from S2joo to $10,000 each on which I can quote a homeseeker reasonable prices and terms. J. B. HOLBROOK, 214-213 Panama bldg. MT. TABOR SWELL HOME SNAP. B-roora large residence; 4 fireplaces, furnace, buiit-ins. library, sewing room, 4 bedrooms, larse sleeping porch large attic, fine corner, 100x100 paved sts.. paid: elegant view on East Morrison et., one block to car; would cost $14,000 to build house now; price $1000, on any reasonable terms. Photo at our office. . GRUSSI & BENNETT, 318-321 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. RICHMOND HOME. 6 rooms, reception hall, fireplace end furnace; good cement basement with trays, corner lot. 3 bedrooms; t4600, ouo cash, balance J20 per month and interest at 6 per cent. CLEVELAND-H KNDERSON co, 212 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. LAURELHURST BARGAIN. An exceptional buy in a 6-room house; hardwood floors, magnificent buffet, fireplace, furnace, beautiful interior fin ish; fine location; now vacant; no incum brances; price $7500; SiioOO cash will handle. J. a. McCART X", 270 Stark st. Main 1700; evenings'. Tabor 5o;7. $3500 $1400 CASH. Cozy 5-room bungalow, , fireplace, built-in bookcases, bullet, complete kitchen, good basement, some fruit; hard-surface street in and included la price. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main 3787. FINE PIEDMONT HOME. Offered by owner for first time; strict ly modern, clean. ne'lv retinished in side and out; would coet $18,000 to du plicate today; will sell for $12.0U0 cash; location S. W. corner Mai lory and Jar rett, .No. 1219 ilallory. Owner on prem ises. BUNGALOW, 4 rooms and attic, cement basement. 80x100 lot, fruit, berries and garden, chicken house. Everything in excellent condition and a real snap for $2100. $300 down. Mr. Jesse, 627 Cor bett bldg. Main 7141. WESTMORELAND. Large living room, dining room, kitch en and den first floor, o bedrooms and sleeping porch second floor; furnace, double garage; $7500, terms. POINDEXTER. 20S Selling Bldg Main 1S0U. Residence East 6771. $5100 ROSE CITY $3100. 5-room modern bungalow on Alameda drive, 50x100 lot, hardwood IKors, fire place, full cement basement, fruitroom. laundry trays; beautiful fir trees and lawn; $1000 down. Weller & Rinehart, Main 4503. 212 Chamber of Commerce. DANDY little modern home, living and dining room in one, bedroom, kitchen, disappearing bed, bookcases, buffet, fire place, full basement; $2130, $to0 will handle. JOHXSON'-DODSON CO.. 633 M. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $;iOt0 E. 41ST ST. SOUTH $3000. Good 8-room 14 -story home, on Oox lOO corner, paved street, fruit trees, good surroundings and only $300 cash. Call Mr. Bliss. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth Street. Main 4522. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot we will secure the money and butid for you; terms like rent; call and see ua BUILDERS' R E ALT ST EXCHANGE. 621 Morgan Bldg. Main 2033. $3300. High-class bungalow, built for home; fine living room, dining room, kitchen, S bedrooms, furnace, beautiful grounda, FOl.NLiEXTER. '208 Selling Bidg. Main 1S00. Residence East 6771. PRICE ONLY $1230. In the Hawthorne district, lot 50x60. 2-room house, street improvements all in and paid; $5u cash, balance $20 per month aud Interest. Gibson, 2US Stark. Marshall 12. SOUTH PORTLAND SNAP. $1000 3-Room Home $1000. Vacant; $100 cash. baiance like rent; has electricity, 30x1 0u lot; fine view. Needs repairs. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Exch. F-LEGANT 0-'OD.n bungalow, furnished with good furniture, gas and wood ranges. paved st., good plumbing, spruce siding. E. 25th and Gladstone st, $4iM0; $1000 cash, baL monthly. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. FINE CORNER LOT. 0-room house. S bedrooms; might consider smaller pace or give easy terms. POINDEXTER. 208 Selling Bldgr. Main 1 8O0. Residence East 6771. FOR SA LE Six-room house, 3 lots, with bearing fruit trees aud chicken house; near school. Price $2700, furnished complete; $500 cash and balance $25 a month and 6 per cent. See ovner. 66U-4 60th st. S. E. Mount Scott car $2500 CAPITOL HILL $2300. 6-room bungalow, new, never been oc cupied; lot 0xl3, 5 minutes' walk from Capitol Hill station, 10 minutes Fulton park ; easy terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO., Stock Exch. ' BEAUTIFUL bungalow, four large rooms, bath, many built-ins, garage, chicken houses: over A., all cultivated ex cept small fir grove; almost 600 straw berry plants and 500 logan and rasp beirv plants; $3230. cash. Tubor7412. $7000. Walking distance, east side. 4 bed rooms, Gasco furnace, garage, full base ment : terms. POIN DEXTER, 20S Selling Bldg. Main ISoO. Residence East 6771. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW, one of the best modern homes in the best dis trict. 5 rooms and larpe sleeping porch, garage, trees and shrubbery. From own er will take $3100 cash to handle, MO East 44th North. 5 ROOMS and sleeping porch, parage full plumbing. Dutch kitchen, cement base uient: ctose to school; Rose City Park car; 50x100 lot. Quick possession $23uu. terms. Tabor 430L $3000 100x100, .8 ROOMS. Prominent corner. cement garage, fruit trees; view of city. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. DEAL direct with owner; a well con structed square house In excellent con dition; 1 large rooms, near good schools; immediate possession. 65th and bandy blvd. Tabor 934. ' $6000 LAURELHURST HOME $6000. 7-r?om bungalow and sleeping porch, oak floors, iurnace, fireplace,' bu: fet; near car, good location, in fine condition; naved and paid. Ca'l Mars-hall 3352. BY OWNER. Rose City Park. 5 room! with sleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout, modern In every respect. 704 E. ibth l North. Price $5000, on terms. ULST be sold this week, rock-bottom price, my beautiful Rose .City home, every built-in feature and convenience, near school and R. C car; immediate possession ; good terms. Tabor S&4o. MLST sell, at once, 7-room modern bun galow; H. W. floors. Dutch Kitchen, large sleeping porch, full cement base ment, garage; no agents. Call owner. Main 7'J72. - IRVINGTON A 7-room house. iarge enough for moderate sized family, a bargain at $5500. Phone owner, Mar ehail 1SS1. LA DD ADDITION 6-room modera kuM and garage. East 371H. i