Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 06, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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Double Trading Stamps Today With Cash Purchases All Over the Store!
$11 to $13.50
White Oxfords
$8 Pair
Main Floor Women's White Albo
Cloth and Nubuck Oxfords in neat
styles with military heels. Also
white eyelet Ties with covered
Louis heels. $11.00 to QQ ff
$13.50 grades the pair DOUlF
$7.50 to $10 Oxfords
At $6.00
Main Fir. Women's White Reign
skin Oxfords and Pumps on the
latest lasts for sport and dress
wear. Turn or welt soles. fi? flft
$7.50 to $10 grades, pr. tSOeUU
$5.50 to $7.50 Pumps
At $4.00
Main Floor Women's Pumps and
Oxfords of white Sea Island duck.
High or low heels. Cool, comfort
able footwear for 6port (f
wear. $5.50-$7.50 grades
Main Floor
Crepe Night Gowns $1.95, $2.19
On Sale Bargain Circle 1st Floor
Women's Night Gowns of good
quality cotton crepe in plain white
and pink. Shown in neat, attractive
styles. Garments from our regu
lar $2.25 lines. Priced spe- Qf?
cially for this sale at only DJ-.7
Women's Night Gowns of figured
cotton crepe specially priced for the
Anniversary Sale. Excellent quality
material and well made. The regular
$2.49 gowns. Priced very CJO - Q
special in Anniversary Sale De-L7
Entire Stock of Men's Suits
25 Off Regular Prices
Any man or young man having
need for a new suit can get it at this
store and save a full fourth. High
grade clothing in the season's best
styles. Novelty fabrics and plain
serges. Men's Store, Main Floor.
$25 Suits $18.75
$70 Suits $52.50
All men's $30.00 QOO ?A
suits priced special at DiitjJ
All men's $35.00 fl?0?
suits Driced special at 35iU i J
$40.00 con on
special at DtU.UU
$45.00 QQQ nr
ial at OOOt I O
suits priced
A 11 me:
suits priced special
All men's $50.00 (JJOrJ Cf
suits priced special at wO I tJvl
All men's $60.00 ff
suits priced special at 5tcO1U
All men's $70.00 flJCO CA
suits priced special at Dt)tJJ
$2.50 Ties $1.65
Main Floor. Men's ties several
hundred of them selected from
regular stock for the Anniversary
Sale. Beautiful patterns in a wide
range of. the best colors. Regular
$2.50 qualities. Priced I-J P
special for today's selling 5A.JJ
Boys' Union Suits 95c and $1.19
Formerly Priced $1.25 to $1.75
Main Floor. Boys' Athletic Union
Suits of Nainsook material. Famous
"Kerry Kut" make. Full rangeof
sizes. Regular $1.25 grade. QKf
Special, this sale, at only UU
Main Floor. "Kerry Kut" Athletic
Union Suits of extra quality; Nain
sook material. . "Sleeveless and knee
length. All sizes; $1.50 and - Q
$1.75 grades. Special at DJ--I-7
Boys' 2 -Pant Suits, at $16.45
Sizes 9 to 15
Main Floor. Boys' School Suits in latest styles
with belt all around. Hand tailored garments
that will hold their shape. Browns, I- C 4 P
tans, grays; 2 pairs pants. Special DXO.freJ
$12.50 to $13.50 Suits
At $9.85
Main Floor. Boys' Suits made up in fancy dark
mixtures. Very latest styles, with full lined pants.
Ages 8 to 17. Suits formerly selling QQ QJ?
at $12.50 and $13.50. Special sale Ot.OD
Odd Lines Boys' Hats 39c
Stamps on Charge
Charge customers wjll receive
Trading Stamps on their accounts if
paid in full on or before the 10th of
each month. Take advantage of this.
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Olds, Wortman & Kin
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
$4.50 Pajamas
At $2.95
Bargain Circle, First Floor Women's
Pajamas of Japanese Crepe QO OPT
Billie Burke style. Special 3e73
Extra Special Offerings in Seasonable Merchandise Throughout All Sections of the Store
Organdie Flouncings
$1.95 a Yard
Center Circle, Main Floor Organdie Ruffled Flouncings in
pink, blue, coral, lavender, old rose, green and white. Scal
loped or straight edge ruffles, also white Organdie Flouncings
and ruffled Net Flouncings. Dainty styles for women's and
girls' summer dresses and party frocks. Flouncings in this
offering formerly priced up to $3.50. Extra spe- 3- QP
cial offering for the Anniversary Sale yard only DAtJ
40-Inch Fancy Chiffons
$1.19 a Yard
Center Circle, Main Floor Novelty Figured Chiffons in a
large assortment of pretty designs and color combinations.
Also plain Chiffon in 6everal different shades. Full 40 inches
wide. Very desirable for dresses, blouses, etc. tf" "1 Q
Take advantage of this special offering. The yard D -I-!
Georgette Blouses
second floor. we nave too many
high class Blouses and in order to
reduce the stock quickly about 100 of
them have been -cut just half. Beau
tiful models many of them exclu
sive. Mostly in Georgette Crepe.
Beaded, embroidered, braided and
lace-trimmed. In great variety.
Sale Prices
$29.75 Blouses in this Qi A QQ
Anniversary Sale, for wlliOO
$32.50 Blouses in this
Anniversary Sale, for
$35.00 Blouses in this
Anniversary Sale, for
$36.75 Blouses in this
Anniversary Sale, for
$45.00 Blouses in this
Anniversary Sale, for
ONE LOT high-class
georgette crepe and tricolette
Blouses in the Anniversary
Sale, priced spe- Q"1 O QQ'
$49.50 Blouses,
very special at
$55.00 Blouses,
very special at
Double Stamps
for cash.
cial at ; only
Women's Wash Dresses
4 Special groups of Women's Tub Dresses at big reductions fqr the Anni
versary Sale. Dozens of dainty styles, made up in the season's best materials.
Women's Dresses
Second Floor Smart coat style frocks for
beach and outing wear. Of cotton poplin
in white, pink, blue and lavender. Also
dotted Voile and. Organdie Q" A QFTi
Dresses. Special for this sale DJ-ft.D
Women's Dresses
Women's Dresses
Second Floor Gingham, Voile and Poplin
Dresses in plaited, ruffled and many other
pretty styles. Some are beautifully em
broidered. Plaids, stripes, etc. C- "1 QPC
Priced special in this sale at DxJ-IJ
Women's Dresses
Dainty Summer Dresses of plain and fig
ured Organdie and figured Voile. Tunic,
overdrape and surplice effects. Very at
tractive for afternoon wear. g- ft QQ
Popular colors. Special now DA.70
Second Floor French Organdie Dresses in
white and several colors. Many charming
styles in this lot. Some with ruffles, frills,
hemstitching, etc. They come CJO QQ
in good range of sizes. Special 0i'i.O
$6 Sport Crepe
Main Floor Kaba Crepe a high
class silken fabric for women's
skirts and suits. Beautiful finish.
Shown in pink and white.QQ OK
Regular $6.00 grade for DO.tD
$5.00 La Jerz
Main Floor A very desirable silk
for sport skirts and suits. Shown
in. pink and white. (JO QQ
Standard $5.00 grade at D0
Voiles $1.98
Main Floor Indestructible Voiles
in a full range of all the wanted
shades for dresses, skirts, etc. A
lovely, sheer fabric. In Q1 QQ
Anniversary Sale, yard wl0
45c Yd.
Main Floor Plaid Ginghams in a
large assortment of the new pat
terns and colors for women's and
children's dresses. Also the new
checks, stripes and plain colors.
These are of excellent 4P
quality. Special, yard J t
75c Crepes
At 43c
Main Floor Japanese Crepe in the
much wanted novelty striped pat
terns for kimono and smocks. The
regular 75c grade. Special- AOg
ly priced in this sale, yard 4vi
$3 Shirtings
At $2.08
Main Floor Silk mixed Shirtings
in attractive new striped patterns.
For 6port apparel, men's shirts,
etc. Our regular $3.00 QO f0
grade. Special, yard Wi.UO
Bust Ruffles
Vz Price
Main Floor. Women's Bust Ruffles
odd lines, soiled and mussed, at just half
regular prices to close them out quickly.
Bargain Circle, First Floor. Broken
lines of women's Brassieres mostly
large and small sizes, and somewhat
soiled from display, on sale Friday at
special prices. Many attractive styles.
Best of materials. Double S. & H. Stamps
"Old Monk"
Olive Oil
We have just received a new shipment
of the famous "Old Monk" Olive Oil. This
comes direct from France and we rec
ommend it as being of superior quality.
' . 4th FJpor.
Corn 20c Can
Paris brand Maine Corn, one of our
most popular brands.-Get a sup- OA
ply. Special $2.35 doz.;per can "vJC
Basement Underprice Store
Wash Silk Petticoats
Special $3.95
Basement Women's Wash Silk Petticoats underpriced for
the Anniversary Sale. Shown in white and pink. Neat
styles trimmed with pretty laces and insertions. Made to
wear with summer suits and dresses. Ask to QQ QK
see these. Priced special in the Basement at Dt.7tl
Waists $3.48
Basement Women's Waists of Georgette
Crepe in white and wanted colors. Many
exquisite styles to select from. QO A Q
Specially priced, Basement Sale DO.rtO
Brassieres 50c
Basement Bandeau Brassieres of good
quality pink material. Back fastening
style with elastic inset. All. sizes Kflr
from 34 to 44. Basement special at
Canvas Shoes
At 98c
Basement Misses' and" Children's
White Canvas Shoes, sizes 5 to
88 to 11 12 to 2. All
sizes in the lot to start QQs
with. Special price, pair fO
Wash Goods
25c Yd.
Basement Lawns, Batistes,
Voiles, etc. 27 to 38 ins. Of?
wide. Special, yard only itlU
Fine Nainsook.'DO QQ
Box of ten yards for Du70
AH Summer Millinery
Greatly Reduced
SPORT HATS of Batavia Cloth in
combinations of navy and white
green and white black and white.
These are shown in the medium size
and are smartly tailored. Fine for
beach, sport, camp or street wear.
Regular $6.50 and $10.00 Q A frft
values on sale now for D.tJU
RIBBON HATS in large and me
dium sport styles. White and a good
selection of desirable colors. These
are all late models and any woman
having need for a new hat should
see them. Priced special QJ1 Cft
in Anniversary Sale for
Double Stamps with cash purchases.
All Early Summer Pattern Hats at y Price
All Children's Hats on Sale Offered at y2 Price
Basement Millinery Sale! Women's Sport and Outing Hats Special at $2.98
Bootleggers and Moonshiners Paj
..Fines Totaling $20,436.57
During June.
Bootlec"S and moonshiners dur
ing the past year have paid a heavy
toll in fines in federal court because
of their activities with the copper
.till and heavy suitcases. Figures
made public Wednesday by United
States Attorney Humphreys show that
the total amount received in fines
from violators of '.he federal prohibi
tion act and the internal revenue act
reaches the sum of $20,406.57. for the
year endina- June 30, last.
The paynwnt of these fines is in
addition to scores of Jail sentences
which were Imposed on those who
engaged in the illicit manufacture
and sale of intoxicating liquor.
"The coming of national prohibi
tion has brought with it an alarm
ing increase in the number -of crimi
nal cases in the federal court." said
Mr. Humphreys.
And in support of this statement he
cited records which show that the
grreatest number of criminal cases in
Jie history of the Oregon d:.Vrict was
recorded in June of this year, when
99 indictments were returned. 64 of
which were for violations of the pro
hibition laws of the nation. During
the war the greatest number of crimi
nal cases in any one month were
handled in November. 191S. when 60
were placed on the federal court
The total amount received in fines
during the year ending June 30 was
141,235.92. The biggest month of the
year was last May, when $8900 was
received In fines. Moonshiners and
bootleggers paid the heaviest tribute
in March, when they paid a total of
$4926 in fines.
Campaign On to Insure Honest
Weights and Measures.
A general check on weights and
measuring machines used in Portland
is being conducted by Sealer of
Weights and Measures Jones, under
instructions from City Commissioner
Although a general campaign is
conducted to insure honest weights
throughout the year, numerous com
plaints brought to the attention of
Commissioner Mann have resulted in
the decision to make a check, of all
the scales in the city.
Evening Star Grange to Meet.
Evening Star grange will meet Sat
urday at 10:39 A. M. at the hall at
Kast Eightieth and Division streeta
Business and Initiation of candidates
will occupy the forenoon session. The
lecture hour will be at 2 P. M. Rev.
C. E. Cline will speak on the subject
"Shall all law in this country be con
sidered despotism and ownership of
property theft?" A. K. Mickey will
speak on co-operative marketing. Mrs.
Liena Jasper will sing. Miss Helen
Hawkins will give instrumental se
lections and Mi st a Elizabeth Crissell
will give readings. Dinner will be
served at the noon hour.
Little Trouble Had in
From Fire Carelessness.'
ALBANY, Or, Aug. 5. (Special.)
That campera in the mountains are
taking better care of camp fires than
ever before is the statement of C. C.
Hall of- this city, supervisor cf the
Santiam national forest, who has re
turned from a tour of inspection. He
say that there are more campera in
the mountains now than for many
years, but that the rangers are find
ing no camp fires left burning.
In former years considerable trouble
was experienced, but Mr. Hall says
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
Olive Oil
takes the place of
harmful animal fats
that apparently campers have learned
at last to regard the warning noticea
Fine for Skin Exposed
to Sun or Flying Dirt
These days the face needs special care
and attention. Flyln dust and dirt, the
beating sun, are severe en any skin. Their
despoiling effects are best overcome by
the application of pure mercollxed wax.
This keeps skin, and pores n a cleanly
condition, the complexion beautifully white
and spotless. Reddened, tanned, freckled
or roughened cuticle is actually absorbed
by It. One ounce of mercolized wax. ob
tainable at any drug store. Is sufficient to
completely renovate a soiled complexion.
It is used like cold cream, allowed to re
main on over night and washed off in the
KIne lines and even the deeper wrlnkjea
often appear at this season. In such caves
nothing Is better than a face bath made
by d I evolving an ounce of pure powdered
feaxoiite In a ha!f pint witch hazel. This
l remarkably effective. Adv.
We want
your approval
The largest Macaroni Makers in the world want
your good opinion. Golden Age Macaroni is
wholesome, convenient to use, and economical.
It is perfectly made in the greatest, cleanest,
most modern macaroni factories on earth. But
your good opinion and approval is wanted for
this splendid dish.
Why not today at your grocer's?
A rn ort vrrt iv-frf
r Macaroni