THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1920 HOieMM RETAINS LEAGUE LEADERSHIP Portland Iron Works Defeated, 8 to 4. Nine LOSERS BLOWUP IN NINTH Fred Helmke Clouts. Out Home Ran In. Fourth Inning, Chasing ' la Three Scores. A A League Standings. Crown-Willamette . Arleta W. O. W Hejise-Marlln Streetcarmen Kendall station ... Cook ic Gill Co Eaitle Ground Cancos Columbia Park 8 10 10 8 7 5 4 4 4 2 .800 3 ."! 3 .700 3 .Til 4 .S36 7 :417 6 .400 7 .:!t4 11 .M7 other notch in the percentage column by dropping: a game to the Camas Blues by a score of 3 to 2. All the scores of both teams were made in the first four innings and after that it developed into a pitchers' battle between Larry Miller for Camas and Benny Culver of the Guards. Harreaves, Camas second baseman. connected for a home run .and Big- lund of the same team rapped out a three-bagger. The score: R. H. E.l R. H. E. Camas 3 8 '0 Mult. Grds. 2 8 0 Batteries Miller and Kershaw Culver and Mattson. Honeyman Hardware retained its lead in the inter-city circuit yester day by taking a game from the Port land Iron Works on the Seliwood park diamond by a score of 8 to 4. It was an even contest to the last inning when the iron workers blew up and the hardware team chased across three runs. Both teams scored one run each in the first irfning with Manager Brad ley's crew scoring again in the third. Honeyman came back in the fourth with three runs, and the iron workers tied the score in the fifth. From then on to the eighth the battle was score less. Honeyman broke the tie in the eighth by edging over a run and put the game on ice in the ninth. Fred Helmke. Honeyman catcher, pulled the Babe Ruth in the fourth Inning, poling out a circuit clout with two men on. Keough, "former Camas twirler, was on the mound for the Iron Workers and pitched good ball. The support given him at times was very poor. Doc Quizzenberry pitched for the hardware team and was touched up for-12 hits, but the fielding of his teammates was as usual snappy and scores were shut off several times. The score: R. H. E R. H. E Hon. Hdw. 8 9 lPort. Iron. 4 12 4 Batteries, Quizzenberry and Helmke; Keough and Myers. Bill Heale's Kirkpatrick Stars de feated the Hillsboro team, 6 to 5, at Hillsboro yesterday afternon in close game. Although the Hillsboro ' team made ten hits to- the five gar nered by the Kirkpatrick crew, the former could not edge over a vic tory. Brown, the Hillsboro pitcher, was as wild as a March hare. He walked nine men and was unsteady in the pinches at other times. Only the good fielding of the Hillsboro team behind him held down the score. Besson started in the box for the Kirkpatricks and went-until the ninth Inning, when he was .relieved by Boland. The score: R.H.E.1 R.H.E. Kirkpat'ks 6 5 3 Hillsboro.. 5 10 2 Batteries Besson, Boland, Stewart; Brown and Rogoway. The Multnomah Guards slipped an- PAPEB MAKERS TASTE DEFEAT r Arleta Humbles League Leaders In Uphill Contest. The Arleta "Woodmen of the World took the league-leading Crown Wil lamette team down a notch in the per centage column yesterday when the Mt. Scott lodgemen defeated the papermakers in a close game on the Sellwood park diamond, by a 6 to 5 score. Arleta fought an uphill battle, com ing from behind twice and tying the score and finally winning the game in the seventh inning, when three runs crossed the plate. Eddie Rathjen, Arleta second base man, led his team with the willow, getting four hits out of fve times up. King Cole started on the mound for the Falls City team, but a mixup in the second inning resulted in his be ing put out of the game by Umpire Shea. Cole was caught between first and second base and to all appear ances it. looked as though he hit Sec ond Baseman Rathjen when the latter touched him with the ball. Whether the blow was intentional or not was unknown, but the umpire sent him out of the game. v Jones took up the work in the box for Crown Willamette and pitched good ball. Lefty Leonetti was Man ager Brooks' choice for the hillock. Both pitchers were touched up tor ten hits. The score: R.H. E. R. H. E. Arleta 6 10 4 Crown W. 5 10 3 . The streetcar men's local team an nexed a win over Columbia park after a heroic and nerve-wracking ten-in nings of play in a game staged at Columbia park yesterday. Score 9 to 8. Manager Vosper used three twirl era and two catchers in his successful attempt to ward off defeat. The Co lumbia parkers, not to be outdone, used ai total o four men in the bat tery department, two chuckers and two backstops. In the early innings the railway lads were credited with five errors, which netted their oppo nents five tallies. With the score 5 to 0 against them, the ticket snatch- ers fought a game fight and nosed .out Padden's men in the tenth frame. Feldman, catcher, was spiked and put out of the game for several weeks. Score: R. H. E.l . R. H.E. Carmen .. 9 13 5Col. Pk . . 8 9 1 Batteries Young, Negsted, Hayes and Feldman, Wilson: Larrison, Hu back and Larson, Tigardson. - Kendall station scored a total of 29 uins against Battle Ground in a dou-me-header played in the Washington city yesterday, while the home guards were chalking up only seven runs. Four homers figured in the day's ter rific slugging. Brant, Steiger and Murphy clouting out circuit drives for Kendall and Matson for Battle Ground. The score: R. H. E. R H. E. Kendall... 16 16 2r3attle Gr'nd 5 5 3 Batteries LaMear and LaMear; Smith and Matson. "Cap" Larison and his Cook & Gill squad broke even in a double-header played Sunday at Columbia beach with the American Can company, win ning the first game 12 to 6 and drop ping the second 8 to 0. However, the Cancos used Rappe, under contract to the Oregonians, and may lose the. sec ond contest as a result, when the of ficial score is canvassed by the league officials. Scores: First game; R. H. E. R. H. E. C. and G. 12 7 2Pancos 7 16 6 Batteries Kallio and - Leonetti; Sage. Fors and Berkstrond. Second game R. H. E. R. H. E. C and G...0 1 3(3ancos . 8 6 2 Batteries Moor. McKinley and Leonetti; Rappe and Saub. Manager Lowry's Hesse-Martin con tingent emerged victorious over the fighting Columbia Park team on the latter's diamond in the second game played by the parkers Sunday, by the score 11 to 7. Lowry s men were given an awful scare and had to fight their way over every inch of ground, while the losers, despite the fact that they had figured in a sensational ten-inning game earlier in the after noon, were coming strong right up to the finish. Deardorff. chucker for the winners, homed with two on in the 8th, winning his own game. Gar barino gets credit for a three-bagger and Smith of Columbia Park a homer. Score: R. H. E. R. H. E. H.-Hartin 1114 5 Col. Park 7 10 7 Batteries Deardorff and Moore; Huback, Larson and Nelson, Thyge-son. BRITISH GOLF PAIR IS DOW? Vardon and Ray Get Sound Trouncing in Match. COURSE RECORD BROKEN Hasen OSWEGO TRIMS CAPITOL HILL Seven Errors Help "Winners File Up 10-Run" Score. Oswego trimmed Capitol Hill by a 10 to 2 score on the Oswego grounds yesterday afternoon in a game that was featured by the excellent work of Pitcher Walgrave for the winners. Walgrave held Capitol Hill to two hits and struck out 13 batters in the nine innings. Errors contributed largely to the downfall of the losers, as they chalked up seven during the course of the same-. Haines of the Oswego team broke into the limelight in the third frame when he recorded a double steal, taking second and third bases. Shipley also got a big hand in the third when he poked out a sizzling three-bagger. The score: R H El R H E Oswego.... 10 10 llCapitol Hill 3 2 7 Batteries Walgrave and Headrick; Duncan, Barryn, Grear and BelL Pigeons Bring $25 Fine. ALBANY, Or.. Aug. 1. (Special.) A. B. Nothiger of Sweet Home did not choose a psychological time to shoot wild pigeons on his place, for F. M. Brown of Portland, chief clerk of the state fish and game commis sion, and E. S. Hawker of Albany, dls trict deputy game warden, were pass ing along the road by his farm on their way to Cascadia. When the officers heard shooting they invest! gated and - found Nothiger with two wild pigeons. He admitted his guilt and handed the- officers $25 with which to pay the minimum fine. The case was filed and the fine paid in the local justice court yesterday. Hawaiians May Play Here. HONOLULU, T. H., Aug. 1. (Spe cial.) A Hawaiian soccer football team may play in the northwest dur ing the coming winter. An official of the local league will soon leave for the coast with a view to ascertai ing what arrangements can be made. It is hoped to 1 ave the team go direct from here to Victoria, play there then play In Vancouver, then Seattle, Portland and finally in San Francisco, before returning to Hawaii and Barnes Show Their Superiority in Best Ball Return Play. BY HARRY VARDON, Former World's Ooen Golf Chimoitin. (Copyright by the New York World. Pub llsnea by Arrangement.) NEW YORK, Aug. 1. (Special.) Walter Hagen, your open champion. fresh from his victory over Jim Barnes for the metropolitan title, played masterful golf in every detail yesterday and, paired with Barnes, they trounced Ed Ray and me sound ly by 4 up and 2 to play. There was little or no mediocre golf played at any hole of the course of the Holly wood club at Deal, N. J., where we played the match. Hagen, with a score of 70 for the 18 holes of the second round broke the course record of 72 or par. If he had not made that 70. Ray would have set a new record there, for he re quired only one stroke more than did Hagen. The first round found none of us going in the good form we showed later in the day, but even so, they were able to outplay us and end the round 4 up for the 18 holes. 1 con fess it looked rather dark. Haajen Has Gala Day. "We started well after lunch and succeeded in winning six holes, which cut down their lead to three. We had a glimpse of hope, but it did us no good, for when either of us would make a brilliant play, as Ray did on one or two of the holes, we were al ways neutralized by a counter bit of brilliant golf by Barnes or Hagen usually Hagen. Yesterday was certainly Hagen 'day," as he made the most astound ing shots. At the sixteenth hole in the second round ' Ray and I thought we had won a hole, or at least halved it, for Barnes had lost at least one stroke we knew, while I had run down an easy putt for a par five.' Hagen, on his second shot, had driven into a- very inconvenient li behind a hillock, fully 35 feet from the pin. This cock-sure young man, on his third stroke, pitched over th hazard and sank his putt for an easy three, finishing the match as far as competition was concerned, but played the other two holes, so that Hagen or possibly Ray might qualify for the prize that had been offered The breaks were, against Jim Barnes yesterday. So many times did he accurately have his direction i then heartbreakingly rim the cup, that I lost count of them. A good example of the excellence of his approach shots may be cited at the 15th hole in the afternoon play, At this hole, which is a par three being 160 yards or so in length, Barnes pitched from the tee to th green, and then missed a putt of less than 10 feet. a he missed so man more during the day by running around the edge of the hole. On the 17th hole Barnes dropped a par three after ha had driven deep into the sand of a bunker short or the green. At one other hole some one stepped on the ball and mashed it half way Into the soft earth, witn is niblick he got out of this trouDie very nicely and almost succeeded in making the hole in par. British Fair Play Well. Ed Ray played his usual game. turning in a score of 77 for the first round. He was on his putting game and his driving had quite as much ength as it has had at any other time since our arrival. I have seen him drive witn greater accuracy. I was suffering somewhat from my old affliction missing easy putts but as we began the second round X did better and went out with the low score of 34. "We have each won a match. Next Sunday will be the third and perhaps the last time on this tour that Kay and I will play against thuee two great golfers. We have two days- rest, today and tomorrow. Wednesday we play in Utlca; Wednesday nisnt we go to Youngstown, then to' De troif and to Inverness at Toledo on Saturday. Best ball scores, morning: Haeen and Barnas Out 4 T 4 3 4 4 5 8 4 35 In & 4434343 4 34 Ray and vardon Out 4 4334484 4 SR In 4 O 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 S Best ball score, afternoon: Haa-en and Barnes 4 4 4 2 4 4 5 4 '.33 In 44444333 4 33 OS Ray and Vardon Out 4 4 4 2 4 3 5 4 In 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 IRVINGTON TENNIS BEGINS SWETT YVIXS TWO JUTCHES IX STARTING PLAY. YACHT CHALLEXGE IS ISSUED Canadian Throws Down Gauntlet in Behalf of Xova Scotia Club. TORONTO, Ont. Aug. 1. Alexan der C. Ross, former member of . the Canadian parliament, announced to night he had sent a challenge to the New York Yacht club to compete for the America's 'cup in the summer of 1922. The challenge, he said, had been sent on behalf of the Nova Scotia Yacht squadron, and if accepted, it is said, proposed to have the boat de signed by a Britisher, built in Canada and manned by Nova Scotia fishermen. NEW YORK. Aug. 1. Alexander C. Ross of Montreal, wealthy mine own er, today telegraphed Commodore J. P. Morgan of the New York Yacht club challenging to compete for the America's cup, according to the New York World. The challenge was is sued for the Cape Breton Royal and Halifax Yacht clubs, of which Ross is a life member. Mr. Ross is quoted as stating that the Canadians will build a boat on the Atlantic coast to- be manned by their countrymen and that they will abide by the New York. Yacht club rules. Yacht Races Scheduled. SAN DIEGO, Cal.. Aug. 1. Start ing August 14, the San Diego Yacht club will stage a series of yacht races. The first event will be for the Sir Thomas Lipton cup and will be held off Coronado. The Hotel Coronado cup race will be held the following day. Yachts from the Los Angeles Yacht club are expected to partici pate. Poloists to Go to Mainland. HONOLULU, T. H., Aug. 1. (Spe cial.) The Hawaiian polo team will play on the mainland next, spring. This has at last become assured and, with this decision, it means that there will be mainland teams here next summer. The team will play southern California and a Jaunt to the east 1 coast is probable. Schedule Announced and Draw Made for Tourney "Which. Really Starts Today. Although no matches were sched uled for yesterday in the annual spring handicap tournament of the Irvington tennis club, six players got together and ran off their matches. Herbert Swett beat Kenneth Pare ius, 6-0, 6-0, Jacie Neer beat George Dewey 4-6, 6-4, 6-4, and Herbert Swett beat R. B. Bain Jr. 6-1, 6-1. Drawings in the men's doubles were made last night and announced by the committee. Following Is the -schedule for today and the drawings: 4 P. M. P. CookJngham (O-IS) vs. Ed. Britts (R-30). 5 P. M. J. B. Slacken tR-30) vs. E. A. Johnson 0-3-tt: Will Uray (scratch) vs. Dan Lewis (R-3-6); Dr. W. 1. Northup (scratch) vs. H. B. Wheeler (O-S-6): Miss Lilly Fox and O. Lewis tO-15) vs. Dorothy Ettlnger and Ed. Britts (R-15). 6 P. M. Winner Macken vs. Johnson vs. I II. V. Cate (0-15): Winner W. dray vs. D. Lewis vs. Dr. B. P. Stelnmeta (O-IS): Winner Cookingham va. Britts vs. H. Swett (0-15): P W. Lewis and Oltn Lewis (O-IS) vs. Ed Britts and Fronde (R-30). 8:30 P. M. H. Swett and G. W. Dewey (0-15) vs. J. Shives and H. E. Wheeler (0-3-6); J. Neer and Dr. K. P. Stelnmetr (0-15) vs. II. V. Cate and C. Richards (O-IS). Drawings, men's doubles First bracket. Ed Britts and Chester Fronde (R-30). Percy W. Lewis and Olin Lewis (O-li)); O. W. Dewey and Herbert Swett (O-IS), James Shives and H. E. Wheeler (0-3). Second bracket. Jacle Neer and Dr. E. P. Steinmeta (O-10), H. V. Cate and C Richards (0-15): R. B. Bain Jr. and Miles Standlsh (R-3-6). Will Wood and Charles Casey (R-15). Drawings mixed doubles First bracket. Campbell and Wakeman (O-30). bye; Mal- der and Mulder (scratch), bye; Ines Fair child and H. V. Cate (O-IS). Helen Hald and H. E. Wheeler (0-15): MIes McDowell and Miles standish (R-1S), Miss Bishop and -partner. Second bracket. Miss As-nes Mctiriae ana Dewey (0-3-l. Miss Burke and R. B. Bain Jr. (R-l.Y); Mrs. F. E. Harrisan and H. Swett (O-30). Mrs. W. I. Northup and P. W. Lewis (O-30); Dorothy Ettinger and Will Wood (R-151, bye; Miss Fox and Olin Lewis (Q-16). bye. XEER CAXADIAX" CHAMPION Portland Player Takes Title Round of Victoria Tourney. VICTORIA. B. C, Aug. 1. Phil Neer, Portland, Or., won the men s singles titles in the British Columbia tennis championship series here yes terday, defeating A. S. Milne. Van couver, in the challenge round after four hard sets. 3-6, 6-2, 11-9. 6-3, Miss Helen Baker, California, defeated Miss Lawson. Victoria, holder of the women's singles title, in straight sets, 6-4. 6-3. Other results in today's finals were: Men's doubles Marshall Allen, Se attle, and W. V. Burrlll, Tacoma, Wash., beat J. H. Vickary and E. H, Kennedy. Victoria, 6-3, 5-7, 6-2, 6-3. Women's doubles Mrs. C. J. Cush ing. Berkeley, Cal., and Miss Baker beat Miss Leeming and Miss Neame, Victoria, 6-3, 8-6. Mixed doubles Miss Baker and Alien beat Mrs. Cushing and Neer, 5-7, 6-4, 6-3. Western Horses Attract. Eastern followers of polo who have been watching the play of the Santa Barbara team which' is competing in tournaments on Long lland. N. x have been particularly impressed by the fine mounts used by the far Disinfection Cuts Down the Sick-List Big sick-lists are unprofitable to the man who pays salaries. That's why organizations aiming at high efficiency take every available means to protect the health of employees. Frequent disinfection is one of the first steps in health protection. Proper disinfection kills disease germs and thus prevents sickness from spreading throughout the establishment. Disinfectant Cuspidors, toilet-rooms, sinks, drains, floors, window-sills, dark corners all are favorite birthplaces for disease germs. Sprinkle a solution of Lysol Disinfectant frequently in all such places. Insist that Lysol Disinfectant be added to all scrubbing water, too. Used regularly, Lysol Disinfectant kills germ life or prevents its creation. A 50c bottle makes five gallons of powerful disinfectant; a 25c bottle makes two gallons. Remember, there is but one genuine Lysol Disinfectant made, bottled, signed, and sealed by Lehn & Fink, Inc. Lysol Toilet Soap 25c a Cake CorxfcaajTro the rifcrHHtry propoi tioH of the antiseptic ingredients of Lysol Disinfectant to protect th health of tbe skin. It is also refreshingly boo thin, heating sod helpful for improving th iKo. Ask your dealer. If he hasn't it. ask him to order it for you- Lysol Shaving Cream in Tubes Contains tbe neoaaary ptupm Lkjg of tbe antiseptic ingredient of Lyaol DiainfectaBt to render the raaor, strop, cup, and havinf-bruah aaep tically clean, ruard tiny cuta from infection, and five an aaoaeptie ahave. If your dealer hasn't it, ask bjm to order a supply lor you. westerners. The Californians have not met with any great success in the matter of victories, due in part to tbe absence, In a number of games of William Tevis. a star player of the team. CHEVROLET SETS RECORD 10 0-Mile Mark Cut Two Minutes on Columbus Dirt Oval. COLUMBUS, O.. Auk. 1. Gaston Chevrolet set a new world's record for 100 miles over a dirt track here today when be covered the century without a stop In 89 minutes and 23 seconds. The former recu.d oi rfi minutes and 30 seconds was set ly Tom Alley atMinneapolis in 1914. Tommy Milton, record holder- for the straightaway course, finished second. Ralph Mulford was forced out in the first lapse by a broken valve. Printer Champs Swamp Xew 1'ork. ST. PAUL, Minu.. Aug. 1. The Chi cago champions, swamped New York 15 to 2 and St. Paul beat Pittsburg. 10 to S. in the Printers' national base ball tournament here today. sSQ3&5391 3 To the People of Portland. to Pay More s sfXluW O r mi We are fighting against exploitation of the dairymen and you. WE WANT YOU TO KNOW THE TRUTH Because we have refused to stand in with promoters and "financiers" of the dairymen's league to raise prices to illegitimate levels. Because we have exposed the illegal practice of the league officials by which they are keeping milk off the Portland market to hold , up prices. . . Because we have exposed Che fact that the cost of keeping this miik off the market is charged back to the farmer, thereby greatly reducing the price the farmer receives. The league promoters assisted by certain financial interests, are doing everything possible to fool the public and the dairymen by accusing us of their own illegal acts. They are attempting to place upon us the responsibility of the advanced price July 1. Here Are the Facts: That advance was made because of the "club" he held over us of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, and On June 16, 1920, at the hour of 10 A. M., at a meeting called by him and held in the office of the Mutual Life Insur ance company of New York, room 418, Corbett building, this city, Alma D. Katz then and there instructed the representa tives of the distributors, then present in response to his call, to advance the price of milk lc per quart on July 1, to the people of Portland and that the price to the dairymen was to be advanced 10c per hundred pounds. His attention was called to the fact that conditions in the country did not justify any advance at that time. THIS HE ADMITTED, but stated that to satisfy, his members HE MUST give them some ad vance now; that the league was going to have more for its milk; that he didn't care what anyone thought or said, the price must GO and he would not "stand" for any more milk commissions? that he was to get the price next winter he would demand the prices must now commence to advance to the people of Portland. On June 17, the" next day, Alma D. Katz telephoned the representatives of the distributors not to announce any change in price to the dairymen, but NOT TO FAIL TO AD- and under the direct instructions the president and promoter of the VANCE THE PRICE to the public lc per quart, and that he would give us further instructions after the rush of the Shrine convention was over. On July 7, after the price to the public had advanced, at a second meeting held in Mr. Katz' office, as above, ' he amazed the distributors by demanding an increase for his " league milk 60c, which would make the price $3.80 per hun dred pounds, only 10 cents less than the highest winter price . heretofore prevailing, and stated that further ADVANCES WOULD BE DEMANDED in October. of Alma D. Katz, the agent Dairymen s League. Then and there the distributors decided they would not consent to pull Mr. Katz' promotion and financial "chestnuts out of the fire," and they refused longer to be clubbed into submission by danger of having their supply cut off or assist ; in the exploitation of the people of Portland or the dairymen. On July 17 the distributors finally broke all relations with the league officials, but are continuing to buy our supplies from all dairymen who desire to supply us whether a "mem ber" of the league or a non-member. We are paying the dairyman direct the full price for his milk and he is receiving at least 25c more per 100 than the league gave him. He is now receiving the full price and is not forced to submit to the large league "rake off" for its promotion and manipulation expenses. We think our friends and customers the people of Portland will fully realize that it would have been easier for us to accept the league's unreasonable demands and merely pass them on to the consumer of milk by further advances in price. . . But because we understood the terrible danger to the future of the city in allowing any spe cial interest promption or financial group to gain control of Portland's milk supply, because we know of hundreds and hundreds of dairymen who by threats and the rankest kind of misrep resentation were induced against their wills and better judgment to join in this scheme a business promotion disguised as "co-operation." Because we know these hundreds of dairymen do not approve of the things being done in their name and are only kept silent by 'fear Of the financial and legal power of these promot ers, we are telling the truth to the people directly. There is a vital principle at stake and the truth mjxst he told. In our next statement we will explain the inner workings of this scheme. Advertising Committee, Portland Milk Dealers