Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 02, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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tion for the preservation of civiliza
tion. "The ever-increasins: cost of living.
shortage of coal cars, scarcity in coal
production, high Interest rates. In
creasing unemployment, call for im
mediate remedy.
"We declare the remedy now:
Socialize the railroads, the coal mines,
now; the flour mills and stock yards,
now; open unused land to cultivation,
now': prepare to substitute for this
capitalistic oligarchy the social
ownership and democratic manage
ment of the means of production and
the control of government for the
producers by the producers.
"Mere political issues will not meet
the requirements of . today's social
problems. Economic readjustment of
a fundamental character must be
made, and can be made peacefully if
we prevail. We enter the conflict
with the call from the dungeoir to
liberty, from the white walls of At
lanta's bastile. to the White House at
Washington.' '
Two Friends Also Die When
Train Hits Machine.
Socialist Vice -Presidential
Nominee Summarizes Aim.
Prohibition Candidate
dent In 1916 Loses
for Prest
Life on
Hope I Declared Still Cherished
for Peaceful Change to Co
operative Scheme.
And Last
' Way to Give Address.
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DENNISON, O., An;. 1. J. Frank
Hanly, ex-governor of Indiana, a pro
hibition candidate for president in
1916, and Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Baker
of Kileore. O., were killed six miles
from here today when a Pennsylvania
freight train struck their automobile.
All suffered fractured skulls and
crushed bodies. Mr. HanTy died at
9 A. M.
Dr. and Mrs. Baker had met Mr.
Hanly in Dennison and were driving
him to their home in Kilgore, 20 miles
The Baker automobile was driven
across the tracks back of a freight
train and in front of another.
Mr. Hanly was en route to Carroll
ton, where he was to have delivered
an address tomorrow.
Election to Governorship in 19 04
by Almost 85,000 Plurality.
Krank Hanly was born April 4, 1S63,
in a log cabin in Champaign county,
Illinois. He secured his education by
working his way through school, then
taught school. In 1889, he was ad
mitted to the bar in Indiana. A year
later he was elected to the Indiana
eenate. In 1894 he was elected
representative in congress. In 1896
at Lafayette, Ind., he formed a part
nership in the law practice with W
K. "Wood. A year later he was a ca
date for United States senator onthe
republican ticket against Senator Al
bert Beveridge, but lost the no
tion. I
In 1904 Mr. Hanly was elected gov
ernor on the republican ticket by al
most 85,000 plurality.
When his term expired In 1909 he
became an active worker in the pro
hibition causa and for five years
toured the country at the head of a
body of prohibition lecturers known
as the "flying squadron." In June,
1915, the "flying- squadron founda
tion" was incorporated with Mr.
Hanly at its head.
As president of the "flying squad
ron foundation" he was preparing to
launch a nation-wide fight to elect
dry congressmen to maintain the law.
In 1916 he was the unsuccessful
candidate of the prohibition party
for president.
He was publisher of two papers
bore, the National Knquirer, a weekly,
which he founded in 1915, and the
Indianapolis Commercial, a dally.
He represented the drys before the
I'nited States supreme court in the
Oliio cases in which the constitution
ality of the national prohibition
amendment was sustained.
One of Greatest Leaders Lost, De
clares National Chairman.
CHICAGO. Aug. 1. The prohibition
party lost one of its greatest leaders
in the death today of J. Frank Hanly,
V. O. Hinshaw, chairman of the pro
hibition national committee, said to
fcicht. "Mr. Hanly made his first big- fight
for prohibition 16 years ago when he
was elected governor of Indiana on a
county option platform in opposition
to John W. Ker"n," said Mr. Hinshaw.
"Mr. Kern was understood to be op
posed to prohibition in that campaign
and. Hanly's victory marked one of
prohibition's first great triumphs."
Three Cocoanut Companies In Phil
ippines Are Consolidated.
MANILA, P. T-, Aug. i. British in
terests have obtained control of the
three largest cocoanut oil companies
In the Philippines, which have been
consolidated into the Philippine Re
fining corporation with a capital of
Lord Leverhulme. chairman of the
hoard of directors of Lever Bros., Ltd.,
of England, becomes chairman of tha
board of the Philippine Refining cor
poration. Among the directors of the new
concern are Dean O. Worcester, Carl
"W. Hamilton. Kmilio Aguinaldo and
Orvllle O. Sanborn, the latter repre
senting Lever Bros.
Lever Bros, are reputed to be the
largest users of cocoanut oil in the
world. i
Eugene Man Wauls "Water From
Willamette for Irrigating Tract.
SALEM. Or.. Auk. 1. (Spectal.)--E.
J. Laughlln, of Kite, has filed with the
Ktate engineer an application covering
the construction of a reservoir for t
storaRe of 105 acre fet of water, ar
lor the appropriation . of the store
water lor tne irrigation or lou acre
in Harney county.
J. M. "VVatkins of Eugene, would ap
propriate water from the Willamette
river for the irrigation of a email
tract of land in Lane county.
Kmmer B. Anderson seeks to ap
jropriate water from Kry'a Gulch for
irriaation of a small tract of land in
Aliirion county.
. Xegro Association Convenes.
NEW YORK. Aug. 1. The Univer
sal Neftro improvement associatior
opened ita first convention today to
fleet a "world leader and a negro
leader of the 12.000.000 of the United
Stales and a provisional president of
Africa." A constitution and a "bill
of rights in the name of the negro"
also ar. to be adopted.
Closed Shop light Slated.
CHICAGO. Aug. 1. The Chicago
Federation of Labor today authorised
its president, John Kitzpatrick, to
appoint a committee "actively to go
to battle with the United States
Chamber of Commerce on the closed
shop proposition," and devise means
Of preventing open shops.
Rig Kentucky Still Is Sold.
nouncement was made today of the
fraie of the old Jordan distillery of
this city and 40.000 gallons of wn'.sky
to George Iee and other New York
capitalists for $769,349. The machin
ery and equipment will be taken to
Trip Made to Oregon With Party
Reaching State la 1845.
Funeral Is Tomorrow.
Mrs. Martha P. J. Corastock, widow
of C. B. Comstock, and one of the
first pioneers to come to Portland,
died Saturday nig-ht at the home of
her daughter. Mrs. A. D. Charlton.
Death was caused by heart trouble.
Mrs. Comstock was born in Clinton,
Mo., March 3, 1838. She was a mem
ber of Captain Chamber's immigrant
party which crossed the plains and
reached Oregon City in 1845. This
party consumed a year's time in cross
ing: the plains, making a trip which
was replete with thrilling episodes
and encounters with hostile Indians.
When Mrs. Comstock reached Ore
gon City she was but 7 years old
When she first visited Portland there
was but a single shack in the terri
tory which is now occupied by 258,288
persons. The greater portion of her
lifetime has been spent in Portland,
giving her an opportunity to watch
a great city grow.
Mrs, Comstock was married when
she was 16 years old to C B. Com
stock, and immediately following her
marriage moved to Umpqua valley,
where she lived for two years. She
then accompanied her husband to
Portland, where Mr. Comstock con
structed grain elevators and wharfs
at Springville, where Claremont tav
ern now stands, near Linnton.
Mrs. Comstock is survived by three
daughters Mrs. T. B. Howes, Mrs. A.
D. Charlton and Mrs. J. A. Mackenzie,
all of Portland. She was a member
of the First Presbyterian church and
of the Oregon Pioneers' association.
The funeral will be held tomorrow
afternoon at 2 :30 o'clock from the
x 4?
- 9s
Mra. Martha P. J. CoaMtock,
O rr eon pioneer, vrho died In
Portland Saturday.
home of Mrs. A. T. Charlton. Inter
ment will be in R'verview cemeterv,
George Patterson, 2 1. Removed to
Hospital With Broken Skull.
George Patterson, 24. of 5S7 Pres
cott street, suffered a fractured skull
last night in a collision between an
automobile driven by Mrs. M. Bernard,
of the Ramapo hotel, and another car
driven by J. R. Murna. 59a East
Kighteenth street north, at East
Thirteenth and Clackamas streets.
Mr. Patterson was in Mr. Murna s
machine. Both automobiles were
Mr. Patterson was taken to the
Emanuel hospital. He has a chance
to recover.
First Pictures Are Shown to Knights
of Columbus Service Club.
Motion pictures of the human eye.
the first eyes filmed, were thrown on
the 6creen in connection with a lec
ture. "Through Life's 'Window." by
Dr. A. P. de Keyser. president of the
Portland School of Optics, at the
Knights of Columbus Service club
last night. Several nlldeti were also
shown depicting actual photographs
eye dissecting and the latest in-
ment in eye measuring.
D de Keyser told of the various
functions of the human eye. how it
functions, how it is constructed, why
we see and how the eye can be-taken
care of for better vision.
Other motion pictures were on the
programme, including some interest
ing pictures taken by aviators of the
photographic division, United States
navy, and several educational films
secured by the club.
Other health lectures promised for
August are "Diseases of the Skin."
Dr. Thomas Wynne Watts"; "111 Ef
fects of Bad Teeth on the Health."
Drs. Fixott and Holbrook. .The latter
lecture will be- illustrated.
C. M. Gregory Says Association
President Forced Increase to
Prepare for Winter Boost.
Responsibility for the increase in
the price of milk to Portland con
sumers, made effective on July 1, is
laid directly to Alma D. Katz, presi
dent of the Oregon Dairymen's Co
operative association by C. M. Greg
ory, representative 'of the Portland
milk distributors, in a statement
issued last night. .
Mr. Gregory says the advance of
1 cent a quart was made because of
a "club" held over the milk distrib
utors of Portland and under the di
rect instructions of Mr. Katz, given
at a meeting In his office on June 16.
Mr. Gregory .claims that at this
meeting Mr. Katz demanded an in
crease in the retail price of milk in
order to- prepare for increases which(
must be made in the wholesale price
of milk next winter.
In addition to the alleged demand
for an increase In the retail price of
milk. Mr. Gregory charges that Mr.
Katz ajso sought an increase of 10
cents a hundredweight in the whole
sale price of milk.
According to Mr. Gregory, on the
following day, June 17, Mr. Katz tele
phoned the representatives of the dis
tributors not to announce any change
in the price to the dairymen, but to
advance the price of milk to the pub
lic, with the understanding that an
agreement on the wholesale price
would be determined after the rush
of the bhrine convention was past.
Province of Chi Lo Is Reported
Invaded After Rout of Chin
Lists' Troops.
PElilX. July 21. (Delayed.) Re
porta'of the battle between the troops
supporting General Tuan and the
forces of Chih-Li province were con
tained in telecraDhic advices to Fe-
Licin today.
The Tuan rorces lost 2000 men, ac
cording to estimates, while 400 sol
diers of General Wu-Pel-Fu were
slatn. Many of the Tuan casualties
were the result of a mine explosion
into which the troops were led by a
ruse. The Wu-Pei-Fus simulated re
treat and after leading the Tuan men
into the trap opened an enfilading fire
and exploded the mine. The enemy
was demoralized.
This coup started a retraat of the
first 15 divisions and practically
crushed Wu-Pd-Fu's opposition
Results of this battle between the
forces of General Tuan. head of the
Anfu party, and the Chinese regular
forces under- General Wu-Pet-Fu
were outlined in advices to the state
department July 19 from the Ameri
can legation at Pekin.
Ex-Mexican Minister to Bolivia
Found in Hotel Scuffle.
MEXICO CITT, Aug. 1. Carlos Felix
Diaz. ex-Mexican minister to Bolivia,
was found at the point of death from
a bullet wound in a hotel today. He
died later. The hotel manager forced
his way into Senor Dias' room, where,
he reported to the police, he found
rlai n1 woman struggling for a
Dias accuse i uic v, itniKii ox naving
shot him. the police said.
Agriculture Should Hare Kcpresen
tative at Capital to Present
Xeetls, Says Chamberlain.
That the farmers of the country
should have their- representatives and
spokesmen to present the needs of
the farmers along legislative lines to
congrress, an do practically all other
industries in the country, was the de
claration of Senator Chamberlain, who
was one of the speakers before the
iviuitnomah county grange at the an
nual grange picnic and meeting Sat
urday at Gresham.
The event was largely attended by
farmers from all over that section
and a musical programme, speaking,
athletic events and games filled the
dcy. The grange members and friends
began to assemble in the morning,
bringing picnic lunches, and the event
lasted well into the evening.
In the matter of proper legislation
for the farmers the farmers them
selves can do a great work by aiding
congress by suggestions . and infor
mation. Senator Chamberlain de
clared. Practically all other Indus
tries, he said, are represented by lead
ers at Washington, who appear before
committees and give valuable infor
mation to the congressmen, as well
as guarding against detrimental leg
Some steps should be taken by the
farmers to be represented by leaders
from among their -group to give ad
vice and suggestions to congress rel
alive to the farmers' problems, Yin
Senator Chamberlain also spoke
the way the government has been en
deavoring to co-operate with th
farmers and bring them greater pro
duction and greater prosperity
through the department of agricul
ture, citing the valuable research
work of the department, which has
led to the eradication of f ruit-tre
pests and livestock diseases of variou
kinds, and also the development
new species of grains, fruit and vege
tables to fit climatic conditions in dif
ferent parts of-the country.
Crood road work was shown by the
Oregon senior senator to be of par
ticular advantage by bringing mar
kets closer to the farm. He cited
the government programme of aid in
road building as an example of the
federal government's interest in rural
development and urged that Oregon
take advantage of the federal road
improvement measures to the utmost.
Closer co-operation among the
farmers was urged by Judge Staple
ton, who in addition to being a judge
is also a farmer and member of the
Scrutiny of Candidate's Attitude on
Agriculture Urged. .
WASHINGTON. Aug. 1. Farmers
were advised to scrutinize carefully
the public records of political candi
dates and to reject those unfriendly
to agriculture In a statement issued
today by Charles S. Barrett, chairman
of the National Board of Farm Organ
izations and president of the National
Farmers' Union.
"For the first time In the history of
agriculture great political party con
ventions have given it a distinct place
in their platforms." he said.
"It is hoped that the farmers in vot
ing for presidential electors will con-!
siuer wnat tne candidate Is likely to
be willing or able to do for agricul
ture." Obituary .
HOOD RIVER, Or., Aug. 1 (Spe
cial.) Funeral services for Mrs. J.
H Gerdes. aged 54, wlto died Friday
night at her home here, will be held
at the Asbury Methodist church to
morrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. She
is survived by her widower and five
Greeks Drive Turks Back.
HONOLULU, T. H.. Aug. 1. (Spe
cial.) Greece has 200,000 troops in
the field In -Asia Minor, driving the
Turks back to the lines originally
assigned them by the peace confer
ence. That is the word brought bv a
j local jeweler of Greek ancestry who
recently paid a visit to his old home
in Athens.
Gaelic League Holds Horse Fair.
DUBLIN". Aug. 2. Although the
Gaelic league has been proclaimed
illegal owing to its supposed ivtn.
pathy with the Sinn Fein, the annual)
Dublin horse fair opened under its !
auspices today.
CHICAGO. Auc. 1. In his letter
accepting the socialist vice-presidential
nomination made public today by
socialist national headquarters. Sey
mour Stedman of Chicago summarized
the party's aim as the "transforma
tion of the present capitalist system
into a collective and co-operative so
ciety." 'We have always," he added, "ad
vocated a peaceiul change and this
high hope is still cherished by us."
Eugene V. Debs, five times head of
the socialist ticket, was notified in
prison at Atlanta, Ga.. by a special
committee several months ago and
made an informal address in reply.
Notification ceremonies were dis
pensed with relative to the vice-pres
idential candidate.
A change in society, Stedman de
clared, is impending, and he said that
th socialist party offered the only
practical programme to avert threat
ened chaos. He urged Immediate
socialization of railroads and mines.
flour mills and stock yards.
Nomination 1 Accepted.
I accept the nomination you tender
me, he wrote, "deeply appreciating
the confidence and comradeship with
which it comes and pledge my beat
efforts to meet the. duties and, re
quirements of the task you have set
for me.
'Our beloved standard bearer Is
mute by the Judgment of a harsh and
unreasonable Interpretation of war
time legislation. His imprisonment
is continued by a ruthless, despotic
chief of the democrats, supported by
a republican congress. Yet his clarion
call will rally together all Intelligent
workers of hand and brain, all who
love liberty and believe in freedom
and humanity."
Of the work of the peace confer
ence. Mr. Stedman said:
"Self-determination meant to our
party and comrades what it- said. It
was a declaration which first came
to life from a convention of our party
and we are the only political party
in the United States which stands
for keeping the faith and recognizing
the Russian socialist republic, the
only party in the United States which
demands recognition of the Irish re
public. Proposed Leogne Denounced.
"We denounce the proposed league
of nations as an organization of inter
national capitalists banded together
for the purpose of subjugating and
exploiting the peoples of the world.
"We favor a league of free peoples
administered by delegates elected di
rectly by and responsible to the peo
ple." Dealing with domestic affairs, Mr.
Stedman continued:
r reedom or speech has become a
byword, the liberty of the press is i
lost liberty: representative govern
ment-is attacked and successfully
throttled in the state' legislature of
New York: to the citizens of a con
gressional district have twice been
denied representation by denying its
elected representative his seat and
participation in congress: to newt
papers, the most enlightened in the
country, are denied the use of mails
mob violence and murder have been
and are being tolerated and approved:
houses have been searched and papers
seized and people arrested without
warrant or legal procedure.
Profit-Grabbing Scored
"Large Industries go unchecked in
grabbing profits; the railroads are
handed back to private privilege wrih
a loan and guaranteed dividends, the
miners and railroad workers are
crushed by injunctions and indict
ments and tried under war statutes
for offenses charged to have been
committed within the last few
months. And now, by no means, do
we behold a relaxation. The most
firmly entrenched capitalists of the.
world are in this country. The world
war has solidified and united them.
They control the press and the ave
nues of information and the economic
power and wealth of the country.
"The closing of war in Europe
opens more clearly the class con
flict. We are drifting Into a firmly
established captalist despotism with
thousands of spies, reckless power
nd subdued workers. Capitalism
lay topple over and bring in its wake
chaos, starvation and destruction; to
meet this impending change intelli
gently; to avert this chaos and de
struction, our party offers the only
sane and. practical programme.
Cost of I.lvlnjt Is Cited.
"We are pre-eminently the Amer
ican party, because we stand four
square with the ideals and traditions
jiow betrayed by self-styled patriots.
We offer the only possible solu
"Fourth st Washington st
At Fourth
- and
Location is one of the
many conveniences
of doing business
with .
Circulation of Petitions Among
Force by Applicants Will
Xot Be Approved.
B. F. Dowell dropped the title of
chief engineer of the fire bureau yes
terday after 25 years of active service
in the Jepartment. Although his re
tirement under the pension law was
announced more than a week ago,
technically, Mr. Dowell has been, chief
of the department until yesterday.
when his retirement actually began. " I
John E. Young Is acting chief of
the fire bureau and will continue in
thi capacity until an examination
has been conducted by the municipal
civil service department.
Acting Chief Young and Battalion
Chiefs Grenfell and Holden will par
ticipate in the examination. Ap
pointment of Portland's next fire
chief will be made by City Commis
sioner Blgelow, in charge of the fire
Before leaving on his vacation.
Commissioner Blgelow Instructed the
three applicants for the position of
fire chief that circulation of petitions
by the subordinates would not be ap
proved. This ruling was made In or
der that bitter feeling may not be
come prevalent throughout the de
partment during the period prior to
the announcement of the successful
Rev. Mr. Boozer of Medford Gets
Attractive Ofrer.
MEDFORD, Or.. Aug. 1 (Special.)
Medford and the FirBt Presbyterian
church may soon lose Rev. L- Myron
Boozer, who 1ms just been tendered
the position of student pastor for
Presbyterians attending Oregon Agri
cultural oollege at Corvallls.
The offer came to him aa a surprise
The position there affords so large a
field of opportunity and the salary Is
so much greater, than the church pays
here, that the popular Medford pastor
will probably accept It, though he
said tonight that he had not decided.
Mr. Boozer was chosen for the po
sition by the Presbyterian eynod and
the appointment has been approved
by the general board of the Presby
terian church in charge of educational
centers. :
Permanent Supply Arranged For.
From Oklahoma Field.
ALBANY, Or., Aug. 1. (Special.)
That the gasoline shortage in Albany
will be a thing of tne past soon is
the expectation of the Albany Auto
mobile Dealers association, which has
made arrangements for a permanent
A carload of gasoline will be
shipped every five days from Okla
homa for the local association, and
this will assure ah adequate supply.
Three cars are in transit now, and
the first is expected here tomorrow j
and not later than Tuesday. '
Tourists from the east and middle
west who .have come through Albany,
the past two weeks say that there is
no shortage of gasoline except on the ',
Pacific coast.
Programme to Be "Given in South
Park by Municipal Organization.
The Portland municipal band con
cert will be in the South park to
night. Under direction of Joel B.
Ettinger, conductor, the folio wins
programme will be given:
Overture Zampa Herold
Metropolitan Opera Eicerpta Tobani
Religious Meditation L-aat Hope
Requested by Mr. Duncan J
Invitation A la Valse Weber
(Requested by Mr. McClay)
Selection The Serenade Herbert
Gioconda Pone h lei li
Concluding with the Dance of the Houra
(a) Morceau de Concert Whispering
Flowers V. Blon
Qi) Idyll Down South Myddleton
American Fantasia Herbert
S. & H. green stamps for cash.
Holman Fuel Co Main 353. 560-21.
In The
The Picture of- Pictures.
Ask any one who has seen
it and thousands have.
150 Shades!
Every tube of Purola Shaving Cream contains the
"makin's" for about 150 cool, satisfying shaves.
Each particle of cream multiplies itself hundreds of
times with water. '
We waited years before "we put out a "Purola"
Shaving Cream. We were not satisfied to put the
"Purola" name and guarantee on record until we
had a cream that represented a real improvement.
Now, make this test! Take a several days growth
of beard those boasting of tough, wiry beards,
especially invited. Use hot water and a pinch or so
of Purola Shaving Cream. Sixty seconds of lather
ing and you'll have the face covered with the cream
iest, softest lather a man could want. It'll retain its
creaminess without replacing until you've been over
the face, and lleaves a comfortable, exhilarating
impression that lasts long after you shave.
Get a tube at your druggist's. Try it tomorrow, and if Purola
Cream doesn't do what we say, the trial 13 on us. That's our
WATER," water everywhere,
but Clicquot's the thing ta
drink I From first bubbling sip to
last golden drop, dry mouth and
parched throat are royally enter
tained by this rare blend of .pure
Jamaica ginger, juices of lemons
and limes, clean cane sugar, and '
crystal-clear spring water, highly
Buy it by the case from your 1
grocer or druggist, and make the '
daily round of
Clicquot drinks a
fixed family custom.
It will delight every
frTUf DiMV
aCillis, Adast., U. 8. A. QX. ,
All Purola Preparations are guaranteed
to give thorough satisfaction or the price
you paid will be ciuserfully refunded.
Prepared and Guaranteed by the