Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 02, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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Half of Work in Washington
Already Done.
Cox' Speech Is Expected to
Clarify Atmosphere.
AH Literature Will Be Distributed
From Seattle; Committee Points
Out Fight Is Wide Open.
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Both Party Leaders Avoid Pro
nounced Stand While Feel
ing Public Pulse. ,
(Continued From First Page.)
SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 1. (Spe
cial.) More than three months before
the general election the republican
state committee has succeeded in
compiling' the names and addresses of
2202 precinct committeemen in Wash
ington, a complete record of each
county's committee officers and sub
committees, together with a list of
available speakers and the officers
of 188 party clubs that have been or
ganized within the past few months
and now are actively at work.
. In carrying out a plan of co-operation
with Raymond Benjamin, Pacific
Coast assistant to National Chairman
Will H. Hayes and Elmer Dover, cam
paign manager for the coast states,
the Washington organization has
f Ued nearly 3000 addresses with the
party headquarters in San Francisco
mo that the regional headquarters can
get into touch ,with all active party
officials at any time it is necessary.
Literature Cut Down.
A new plan has been Introduced in
the present campaign whereby the
state committee is relieved of the
work of rehandling a mass of cam
paign literature- Samples of all pub
lications prepared for distribution are
forwarded to state committee head
quarters in Seattle and orders are is
sued here for the required number of
copies to be sent into each election
The mailing is done from general
headquarters and not only is one
handling saved and a bii? bill for ex
tra postage avoided, but it is mads
certain that the campaign literature
reaches the community where it is to
be used without any delay. Certain
regular publications are sent direct
to precinct committeemen and party
clubs without reference to the state
committee. All the speakers who ex
pect to take part in the campaignalso
receive their data direct from na
tional headquarters and each person
who has volunteered services on the
stump is expected to keep posted
through this prompt service.
Campaign Wide Open:
"Republican committee officials
point out that the campaign is being
directed in the open. All information
. gathered is tabulated and is availa
ble to any worker who has any tusi
hess with it. This includes all state
candidates who have been supplied
on application with lists of precinct
committeemen and club otiicers. com
plete data on all state newspapers
also are on file.
The republican state committee ex
pects to begin its aggressive cam
paign for the national ticket by. Sep
tember. when some of the most prom
inent spellbinders will come to this
state. No itineraries Jjave been ar
ranged thus far, but it is expected the
larger cities will hear many of -the
men prominent ;n national life.
United States Senator Miles Poin
dexter, who is chairman of the senate
republican campaign committee, is
expected to make a few speeches in
Washington both for the national
ticket and for Senator W. L. Jones,
whose campaign for renomination is
being supported toy Poindexter. While
he is here Senator Poindexter also
will consult the state committee on
plans for aiding in the fight for the
election of a solid republican con
gressional delegation.
Photo trom Underwood.
Recent photograph of George White who Is in charge of the Cox-Roosevelt
Woman Asserts LoftU Met
Clad in Pajamas and That
Tliey Drank Freely.
CHICAGO, Aub:. 1. (Special.) Ruth
"W'ooila, the young: hotel bookkeeper
who ia the central figure in the
whisky tragedy that culminated in
the sudden death of Samuel T. A.
1-of tis, wealthy diamond merchant, is
more kinds o a prevaricator, the po
lice aver, than they have encountered
in many a day. yhe asserts that she
whs lured to the Loftis apartment by
a telephone message. Loft is met her
alone in his pajamas. She drank with
iim and remained in the apartment
for si x hours. There hud been two
or three friendly struggles in which
a bottle was broken and finally Loftis
fell down dead. Then she called Roy
M. Shayne, to whom she was engaged.
Both fixed up a story that- Loftis
was alive when Shayne arrived, but
tn a few moments fell and bumped
bis life out.
The girl will be held for the coron
er's inquest, though the police do not
think that she killed Loftis. She can
not explain why she took, a large
um of money and his diamonds and
"1 must have been awful drunk,"
Fhe said. The money she was robbed of
during a wild automobile ride she
took after her escape from the Loftis
home. The jewelery and watch she
gave to her mother.
"Mr. Loftis gave me all of it,
pressed it on me and 1 took it as a
joke." is the way she explained the
Herman Wexler, the automobile
driver, said: "she called me and said:
drive anywhere to get a drink of
wiiisky. 1 drove her to a saloon over
the west side where we got some
d rln k."
At this time Miss Woods produced
a large sum of money and paid for
the drinks. She says a friend of
"Waxier joined them, entered the cab
and while riding robbed her of the
money. Waxier says a strange man
entered the cab with her.
Shayne has been released as the po
lice are confident that ail he did was
try to protect the character of Miss
"Woods. The police believe Waxier
lias not told all and that he knows
where the missing money went. The
girl was in his cab and in the saloon
with him for more than two hours. "I
didn't know what I was doing," she
said. "I wanted to go home but may
have told him to drive me anywhere
away from the neighborhood."
Waxier is under arrest. Joseph
Loftis, a brother who was forced out
of the firm after shooting S. T. A.
Loftis, arrived today. Mr. Loftis'
concern had a aozen stores .in as
many cities. The business which!
After Prowling for Loot in Homes,
Man Invariably Attempts '
to Hug Fair Sex.
cial.) "Jack the Hugger" has been
Seventeen women yesterday testi
fied that a man who entered their
homes at night to steal while they
slept Invariably attempted to hug
them before he stopped.
Age meant nothing in the life of
this man, since his victims ranged
from 10 to 60 years old.
According to the police, the "hug
ger has been operating all over tne
city for two months and there are
more than 50 other women who went
through similar experiences but who
did not appear to testify. The a
cused man Is Magius Swanson, 26,
Eighteenth street, near Fairmount
Following testimony of the witness,
many of whom indent if ied jewelry
and other articles taken from their
homes and said to have been found
in Swanson's possession, he was held
without bail.
"I am through with him for life,
said Swanson's wife, who attended the
hearing. "He is incorrigible. I am
going to get a divorce." Swanson
was arrested last Tuesday night. !
Adler saw Swanson leaving the home
of Peter Simon, 1515 North Lawrence
street. They arrested him as Simon
cried for aid.
Mrs. Simon had just retired and, as
she was dozing, Swanson was said to
have hugged her. She screamed. Her
husband grappled with the intruder,
who broke away. A search of Swan
son's home revealed stolen articles,
police said, including some from the
home of Mrs. Mary Palmer, 1222 How
ard street, and Miss Anna Sturm, 1442
North Philip street.
Mrs.- Palmer, who fs 50, identified
jewelry taken from her home. Miss
Sturm. 18, said she was awakened in
the night by someone trying to hug
Practically all of the witnesses told
a similar story.
Swanson was charged with bur
glary and assault and battery.
ever, has abounded with protests
against the shipping act, while for
eign chambers of commerce and other
commercial agencies have not hesi
tated to express publicly their dis
approval of the act and declare their
intention of adopting retaliatory
Japanese steamship companies have
threatened to divert their Pacific
steamers from western America to
Canadian ports or to carry their
freight through the Panama canal to
Atlantic ports near places of con
sumption, thus meeting the threat
to impose heavy compensating
charges on rail transportation on
Japanese goods under the amended
interstate commerce "act.
These threats have attracted atten
tion in Canada, where railroads are
asking why they should be punished
for something that the Japanese
companies or the Japanese govern
ment have done.
Premiers Thought in Accord
Peace Conditions to Be Held
Out to Buffer States.
Stutc Department to Seek Views of
Governments; Canada Asks
About Japanese Threats.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 1. (By the
Associated Press.) Studying of the
more than a score of commercial
treaties which must be amended or
canceled under the Jones shipping
act has been found so formidable by
the state department that the belief
was expressed by officials today that
it would be impossible to complete
the work by September 3, the expi
ration of the 90-day period permitted
bv the act.
In addition the state department
must enter into correspondence with
foreisrn governments affected to de
velop their views and learn whether
thev are willing to make the changes.
Therefore, it is probable that recourse
must be had to the plan of dating
back any action that the government
must take.
The attempt will be made to obtain
amendments of the existing commer
cial treaties, for then it will be pos
sible to avoid automatic application
of the 5 per cent differential duties
in favor of American shipping con
tained in the Underwood tariff act,
which, it has been found, would other
wise apply.
There is doubt among officials as
to the acceptance of such a procedure
by some of the more important for
eign governments which may prefer
to adopt some retaliatory measures
rather than submit to imposition of
'discriminatory duties on their im
ports to America.
(Copyright by the New York tVorld
liahed by Arrangement.)
LONDON. Aug. 1. (Special cable.)
The parliamentary correspondent of
the Daily Telegraph says that Lloyd
George returned to London recently.
Asked if he was satisfied . with the
results of the conference with the
French premier. Premier Lloyd George
said: "It has been a useful and suc
cessful day. We have arrived at a
full agreement between France and
Great Britain on the subject we went
to discuss."
It is learned in authoritative quar
ters that P'rance has agreed to come
into the proposed peace conference in
London, the only condition being
that, although the question of peace
between Poland and Russia shall be
first discussed,- the whole relations of
Russia and her border states shal
also be considered with a view to es
tablishing more stable conditions ii
that part of Europe. This means that
the representatives of Letvia. Lithu
ania, l-jStnoiua and Roumania wil
also be invited to take part in the
If and when peace is arranged be
tween Russia and her neighbors, then
France will be prepared to join her
allies in discussing with the Russian
representatives the important issue
of an understanding with the Rus
sian government.
Italy has been communicated with,
but up to a late hour no reply has
reached London. France, it is under
stood, will not raise the question of
payment by Russia of her debts to
other states until the time arrives
when the future relations of the al
lies with Russia come up for consid
eration. Great satisfaction is ' ex
pressed in diplomatic circles that
France had agreed to co-operate so
fully in the proposed conference.
The next step is for the soviet gov
ernment to determine whether or not
they will Vgree to the conference on
these terms, and on this point it can
be stated tnat opinion in official cir
cles is that they are acting sincerely.
wants Wilson's league of nations
without the change of a leV.ei, all the
way to Senator Reed of Missouri, who
detests any league of nations what
ever. Just at this moment, for ex
ample, a leading Missouri democrat is
running for the democratic nomina
tion for the senate from that state on
an avowedly anti-league platform,
with Senator Reed stumping the state
in his favor.
Harding; Went Far.
Of course, Senator Harding, in his
acceptance speech, went a consider
able distance toward clarifying this
league of nations issue by going far
ther than any of ficlalutterance of the
republican party has yet gone in the
direction of no league whatever.
Nevertheless this issue, nor the
"wet" issue, 'nor any other issue has
as yet clearly crystalized. with one
party and one candidate unequivocal
ly on one side and the other party and
candidate unequivocally on the other
side, lhis is the point to which soon
er or later the parties and the candi
dates may come if the voter is to have
anything tangible upon which to de
termine his choice in November.
Governor Cox, in his acceptance
speech next Saturday, may go some
distance toward jeffecting definiteness
of issue or issues as between himself
and Harding. It would be in Gov
ernor Cox' nature to do this. He is
by temperament and experience much
the more aggressive person of the
Having the last word gives him an
opening well adapted to his disposi
tion, and it can be expected with con
fidence that he will undertake to
state some issues so clearly and un
equivocally that his utterance will
constitute a clear line of cleavage be
tween himself and Harding.
Your correspondent's guess is that
Governor Cox will try to make tne
issue of the campaign one of progres-
sive versus reactionary, with himself.!
of course, in the role of progressive, j
Cox to Avoid Wet' Imae.
It is a fair guess, so far as one can
judge from the atmosphere of Colum
bus and Dayton, that Governor Cox
is not eager to get the "wot" versus
"dry" issues into the foreground and
it is almost as confident a guess that
Governor Cox would prefer to keep
the league of nations issue in tne
background and if he is permitted to
do so, will say less and less about it
and about Wilson as the campaign
goes on. But the thing that Governor
Cox may be expected to emphasize in
his acceptance speech next Saturday
and throughout the campaign will
be distinction between himself as a
progressive and Harding as a reac
tionary. On this point Governor Cox un
doubtedly takes the ground that Sen
ator Harding's' personal record is re
actionary and that he was given the
nomination by those leaders in the
republican party who are commonly
designated as reactionary. He will in
terpret Senator Harding s slogan of
back to normality as meaning back
to 1914, back to the time of the re
publican old guard.
For himself, on the other hand, he
can point out a fairly formidable rec
ord of progressive legislation, such
as employers' liability acts and the
like, which were advocated by him
and were put on the statute books
during his regime as governor.
Governor Cox can probably, if he
cares to, draw a parallel between the
legislation passed during his regime
as governor of Ohio and the legisla
tion enacted in various western
states, like Wisconsin and California,
under the auspices- of the progressive
party. Governor Cox has been clearly
progressive on economic and social
issues in Ohio.
BarkinK May Hurt Cox.
But the point where Governor Cox
will meet difficulties in promising to
be a progressive president and in get
ting the votes or progressives, lies in
the character of those forces within
the democratic party to which he un
equivocally owes his nomination and
those leaders to whom he is under ex
traordinary obligations.
Governor Cox may say that his op-
ponent. Senator Harding, is a creature
Use Crimson Rambler
THAT'S the modern way of keeping the fruits of
summer delicious for a later season.
That's the safe way MELOMAR is insurance against
th'e wasteful process of "candying." .
That's the economical way there's no shortage of
MELOMAR. That's the charming way the flavor is
vastly more appealing. By all means preserve with
Improve baking and making of dainty desserts
you'll be surprised
For Preserving :
Use the same proportions of MELOMAR
SYRUP to fruit as you would sugar.
I Silver Bubble -
I Molasses
I Pure Honey
Bonnie Treacle j
15 &rai e feUi M 1t(k.
Get your Crimson Rambler Recipe Cabinet
by sending us one Crimson Rambler label
and 10c.
Portland, Or.
tected by the police while attempting
to sell some woman's wearing ap
parel. He was taken to the police
station and upon being questioned
said he had purchased the garments
foi a girl in Seattle, but that she had
refused to accept them. He couldn't
lemember the girl's name, however,
and the police have telegraphed to
Seattle for more information.
of the reactionary senators who dom
inated his choice; but if he appeals
for progressive republican votes on
that score, . he is likely to meet with
an embarrassing response. He is very
likely to have-the experience of pro
gressive republicans responding that
while they may not like the reac
tionary senators who dictated Hard
ing's nomination and with whom
Harding says frankly he will co
operate, even, less do they like Tam
many and the New Jersey machine
and the Illinois machine ana tne unio OREGON CITY. Or.. Ausr. 1. (Soe-
macnine, to wnom toi is inaeuieu, cial Charles Rider, whose farm is lo
tor nis nomination, ana 10 wnom ne Cated in the Greenwood country,
must, as president, according to every j about (0ur miles from this city, re
rule of politics, be under obligations. ports tnat an artesian well on his
Harding is under great obligatlotil ; flowing nu f Kt on when fii-nt
to the old guard senators and to the,struek june 3U. As soon as the well
.Artesian Well Flow Large.
others who like them who gave him
the nomination. That he should rec
ognize this obligation and co-operate
with these men is the normal course
of politics. He says frankly that he
But Cox' obligation to Murphy of
New Tork, to Nugent of New Jersey,
to Moore of Ohio, to Marsh of Iowa,
to Brennan of Chicago, to Taggart of
Indiana and to the other old guard
bosses of the democratic party does
not differ in any perceptible way
from Harding's obligation to the re
publican old-guard senators.
That is the handicap which Cox
must overcome in appealing to get
the progressive vote for him.
was down there was a flow of water
about four feet high. The flov- aver
ages about two gallons per minute.
This is the only artesian well in that
scetion of the county.
Girl's Clothes Bring GrleT.
SALEM, Or., Aug. 1. (Special.)
Because Charles Wells was unable to
recall the name of a certain girl re
siding in Seattle, he was lodged be
hind the iron gates. Wells was de-
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Thus far. wniie mere nave been
on maiiv inouirles. tnere- nave been no
the installment plan was said to be a j formal exchanges and no threats of
success taliation. The foreign, press, how-
iCuticura Soap
The Velvet Touch
ag.0.ntmPt.yltn 2Se.mrti9re. For mm olaa
Mill DMau LabaraArls tlm T U.lil U .u
Olive Oil
A spoonful a day will
drive indigestion iwty
S. & H. green
Holman Fuel Co.
stamps for cash.
Main 353. . 560-21.
Hope Expressed League Council
Will Support Hague Outline L,est
Small Nations Reject It.
(Copyright by the New York World, pub
lished by arrangement.)
LONDON, Aug. 1. (Special cable.)
Elihu Root, who was the dominant
figure at the recent Hague conference
of jurists drafting a plan for the
league of nations permanent court of
international justice, when seen by a
correspondent today declined to give
any views on the league court or
American politics, on account, it is
understood, of the anomalous position
the republican party toward the
gue issue in the campaign.
owever, the correspondent Is ablo
to state authoritatively Mr. Root's
views and attitude regarding the
proposed court. He hopes the coming
meeting of the league council at San
Sebastian will accept the Hague con
ference's draft for organization of
the court and send a notification of
this acceptance to all countries in
the league, with a strong request that
they instruct their delegates to the
league assembly, which meets in
December, also to approve the plan.
This view is opposed by some mem
bers of the league council, who de
sire to hold up the council's deci
sion and refer the Hague proposal
direct to each country in the league
without recommendation. Mr. Root,
however, is afraid that unless the
Hague plan is presented to the as
sembly, with the moral support of the
council and the countries in the
league, the small states represented
in the assembly but not on the coun
cil may create endless criticism and
deliy acceptance of the Ha eue plan.
OF COURSE they tried to dissuade him,
because they felt a king should travel
in state. Albert thought otherwise. So he
piled into his airplane and was in London a
few hours later. Yes, the queen was with
Merely another example of the increasing
popularity of the airplane as a transporta
tion vehicle. If you will run out to Lewis &
Clark Field we'll be glad to demonstrate how inexpensive it is to
own and operate a plane and how easy they are to pilot.
Parts and repairs, instruction to owners and students, complete
airplane service.
29th and Linnton Road.
Phone B'way 33
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