THE MORNING OKEGONIAN, SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1920 ARGUMENTS TO END TODAY ON PICKETING Judge May Take Movie Case Under Advisement. with influenza and pneumonia. His sicknes was nearly fatal and the screen which Indicated that the case had been given up was put around his bed. He ordered It taken away and proceeded to get well. He is making an extended visit at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William. Ostrander Sr. POINTS IN LAW DISCUSSED Attorneys on Both Sides Confine Themselves Largely to Simi lar Cases In Other States. The arguments being presented in the hearing of the Peoples Amuse ment company for a permanent in junction to restrain the unions from picketing Its theaters will be con cluded today at noon, according to order of Circuit Judge Tucker, pre siding Judge in the case. Attorneys on both sides think that Judge Tucker will probably take the case under ad-visement. The hearing yesterday occupied six hours of arguments in which both sides confined their presentation largely to points of law In similar cases in other states. Trouble Not In Portland. John F. Logan, one of the attorneys for the moving picture house owners emphasized the fact that there was no diBDute between .the employers and the employes in Portland, but that the trouble arose in Tacoma. "The opposition advances the ridic ulous proposition that the union does not have to give a reason for strik ing; that the union does not have to give a reason for picketing," he said. Thy can do, then, what no one out Bid of a labor union would dare do,' Mr. Logan said that the pickets chosen were women and that their purpose was intimidation. He char acterized the whole action aa illegal, un-American and wrong. ' U'Rrn Explains Strikes. W. S. U'Ren, one of the attorneys for the moving picture union local stated that this was not a case of a sympathetic strike. He explained at length the difference between a sym pathetic and non-sympathetic strike, giving it as his belief that a sympa thetic strike was one in which union members outside of the trade directly involved entered the. strike. "No one claims that there Is any real strike in any of these theaters," said Dan J. Malarkey, one of the at torneys for the houses. "The only cause for these theaters In Portland being boycotted is that over in the state of Washington some contro versy has arisen between employes other than the employes mentioned in the case and employes who are not the employes mentioned in this case." The court will open tomorrow's hearing at 9 A. M. Many persons interested In the case visited the courtroom at various times throughout the day. COOS FISHERMEN QUIT Gillnetters Say Five Cents Not Enough to Maintain Equipment. MARSHFIELD. Or.. July 30. (Spe cial.) Fishermen in general have dis continued gillnetting on Coos bay. owing to the lowering of prices of fered for Chinook, wnich is the 6ea sonable catch at this time of the year. The fishermen were being of fered 5 cents a pound when they quit. Those who complained of the price and took up other work declared that they could not afford to maintain their equipment at the price offered for their catches. This price is 2 cents lower than is being paid on the Umpqua river. where most of the fishermen also laid off. CHANG E ffl GAHDAG E DISPOSAL PROPOSED WAGE AWARD PLEASES Some Classes of" Employes Think Increase Should Have Been More. ASHLAND, Or., July SO. (Special.) No radical comment is heard In the local railroad yards concerning the wage award recently made the rail road workers. However there Is i feeling among the fraternity here that some classet of employes, notably switchmen and bridge workers, should have received greater increases. One well-known locomotive en gineer states: 'The switchmen, brldgeworkers and one or two other classes of railroad employes never have received compensation In true proportion to that received in other lines of railroad work." Better System Here Held Im perative Need. BIDS WILL BE SOLICITED GOOD MUSIC MAKES. A GOOD PICTURE BETTER minimi hi Starts TODAY 11 A.'M. The Rivoli is the only first-run Portland photoplay theater to maintain an orchestra. TOM HOWARD IS KILLED Former Eugene Man Victim of Ac cident In Texas Oil Fields. EUGENE, Or., July 30. (Special.) Tom Howard, a former Eugene boy, was killed in the oil fields of Wichita, Tex., July 15, according to word re ceived by friends here. Some of the machinery broke, throwing him 60 teet breaking both legs and arms and injuring him internally. He lived only an hour after the accident. Mr. Howard and his mother re turned to Texas eight years ago after having lived here for a- number of years. LAND TITLE IS IN DOUBT Application for Purchase on Larson Inlet Raises Question. MARSHFIELD, Or., July 30. (Spe cial.) An interesting case Is being Investigated on Larson inlet, wherein the title to some rich bottom land is placed in question by the applica tion of Archie Philip, former county commissioner, to purchase the prop erty from the state land board. The land is now occupied by Julius Lar son who dyked the land and claims ownership. To definitely decide the status of the land the state board has sent surveyors and investigators here to examine into all the details and re port the findings. The question at issue is whether the property is tide lands, and if so, then It is subpect to sale by the state land board. Tiro Men to Face Larceny Charge VANCOUVER, Wash., July 30. (Special.) Frank Keller and Frank Anderson, brought here from Chlco, Cal., by Sheriff Johnson and Deputy R. F. Wiley on a charge of having stolen a machine at Camas July 3, were arraigned today before Cedric Miller, a Justice of the peace. They were bound over to the superior court, and not being able to furnish bail of $2500 each were remanded to jail. The car was stolen from Ed Laver of Fishers and eo badly damaged he was compelled to purchase a new one. Coquille Ranch Brings $35,000. MARSHFIELD. Or., July 30. (Spe cial.) Seventy-one acres of land ly ing adjacent to the city of Coquille was sold by its owner, Mr. Kistner, to E. N. Smith, for a consideration of $35,000. . This ranch is practically all cleared and is said to be of the richest bottom land with the exception of few acres. The price is prpbably the highest for which any Coos county farm of like area has- brought. The ranch is mostly devoted to dairying. Firms and Individuals to Be Asked to Make Proposals, Voters Then to Decide Matter. Municipal collection of garbage, or at least a complete change from the present method of garbage disposal in this city, seems inevitable. The city council yesterday authorized a call for bids for the privilege of either collecting or disposing of Portland garbage. With such bids before the council by September 10 it is hoped that some proposal may be submitted to the voters at the November elec tion. City Commissioner Bigelow has In vestigated various proposals made by reduction plants and garbage collec tion agencies and he said yesterday he was satisfied that some plans sug gested would be more satisfactory to the city, both from a financial and a health viewpoint, than the system now in operation. It is the plan ot Commissioner Big elow, approved by the council, to ob tain bids from firms and individuals prepared to tackle the Portland garb age problem. .Bids will be called for through advertisements intended to reach all persons interested in the subject. I, on Angeles Plan Favored. Such bids must be submitted to the council by September 10, after which time the council will make a careful investigation of. the various proposals and select the most suitable for sub mission to the voters. The Los Angeles plan Is looked upon, with considerable favor. There contract is in effect with a reduc tion company which pays the city for the garbage delivered to the plant. This, it is said, not only pays all the cost of garbage collection but yields a neat profit for the city. Under the present system of gar bage collection in Portland It is esti mated that not more than one-third of all the garbage is collected and de stroyed at the incinerator. The col lection is in the hands of private col lectors who charge a monthly fee for their service. Charge Held Disadvantage. This charge results in many people in the city refusing to utilize the pres ent system. Garbage disposal by In dividuals, in many cases, is said to be a menace to public health. At least a dozen firms operating throughout the United States are ex pected to bid for the privilege of col lecting garbage in Portland or paying for the garbage the city will collect in the event the voters indorse the plan. Prowler Fastidious One. SALEM, Or., July 30: (Special.) The prowler who robbed the home Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Pollock here las night apparently is a fastidious one, He displayed unusual taste for fin ery, appropriating several pairs o Mr. Pollock's silk socks and other articles of considerable value. DOCTOR CALLS BY PLANE w Method of Travel to Patients Introduced at Marshfield. 1 - ' I MT Jl te) 1 IWWW l' , t'Cv lfifAu iSlto Ar I Hubert J m pefSOnaX - - Flute 1 1 Harp M a direction 2 I fT jMZnvT aV? Ml xm-Tljcha 4UterTJ :ffltfSr ' ,4r FN I T&sTo be heard at Sunday Concert M KX3L 1 Internal ion nal It , 'JZrWf j A F ' and Daily Afternoons U. C JpP t,.' '"'''mSr THE BIGGEST SHOW IN 7 m2ift TOWN FOR h f I 25c AFTERNOONS I I I "THE BUTTERFLY MAN" 35c EVENINGS SPECIAL SUNDAY CONCERT He made some of them sad (Including War Tax) WJS " Z Nn Tomorrow' And some of them glad, "" ijj Tannhauser Overture K. Wagner Quite a few of them mad, srSSSw n"-J f Narcissus ..E. Nevin t , , , jikK. CiJ , fe;si KJ Tristan and Isolde.., R. Wagner But none of them bad. ffjgi' t5 Angel's Serenade G. Braga t I&''"3mirl1r$ TifPq ' f-""' 3 Harp, Flute and Violin. e But they all loved him, IPi? Jp t: J Violets E. Waldteufel from dainty debutantes to 5 rl V 'S,a,lL WEEKDAY CONCERT double-chinned matrons. J-'Cm. J" -JJZJTT Tannhauser Overture R. Wagner 1 ' ' ' gfefefo XiliiSttCrtra i Z I 1 i -CIout e rsoS2 : I INTERNATIONAL NEWS . Coolest Theater in City TOPICS OF THE DAY g HE reception for Miss Grace Mitchell which was held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. William F. Fiebig, aided by the Unitarian Wom an's alliance, Wednesday afternoon was largely attended by Portland's representative women. Miss Mitchell, MARSHFIELD, Or.. July 30. (Spe- ' iwunB vuu..i cial.) Dr. E. Mingus of this city in-iIrom fi"Slana as a ueiegate 10 me an- troduced a new method of travel In this locality in visiting patients when he engaged Lieutenant Briggs and his airplane to convey him to Bandon for a consultation. ' Dr. Mingus received the call when he could not leave for more than a short time. Bandon is 32.2 miles from Marshfield by the shortest automo bile route and the trip would have consumed at least six hours by that method of travel. By going by air plane he was in Bandon In 22 min utes. The consultation occupied half an hour and he returned to Marshfield in 24 minutes, being away less than two hours. RELICS TO FEATURE FAIR Booth at Eugene to Be Devoted to Mementos of Pioneer Days. EUGENE, Or., July 30. (Special.) Relics of early days in Lane county and Oregon will be a feature of the exhibits at the county fair here in September, according to announce ment of W. C. Yoran, secretary of the fair association. It is proposed to Cevote a large booth to this depart ment, and pioneers and others who have such relics are asked to lend them to the association for the occa sion. R. A. Babb, local hardware dealer, who has often had displays of relics In his show windows, has been placed In charge of collecting the exhibit. PLANT MAY BE REBUILT Also Wood Products Company Con sidering Albany Plans. ALB ANT, Or., July 30. (Special.) Though definite plans have not been made, it is probable that the plant of the Alco Wood Products company, which was entirely destroyed by fire Wednesday evening, will be re-estab lished. It is reported the building may not be rebuilt on the old site, but a new structure erected at some other location. This company had developed a large business here in the manufacture of silos, other wooden articles of va rious kinds and a general planing mill business. nual meeting of the National Unitar ian Woman's alliances, which was held in Boston, last May, as a representa tive of the "membership league of Unitarian and other liberal Christian women" of England. The Fiebig home was a bower of beautiful flowers; on the porch were large boxes of growing flowers. The hall, where stood Miss Edwards, showed a profusion of Gaillardias. In the living room, among other decorations, were clusters of giant dahlias, whose receiving with Miss Mitchell and Mrs. Fiebig were Mrs. J. S. Young, president of the Portland alliance; Mrs. Frank Jackson and Mrs. S. R. Wentworth, vice-presidents; Mrs. O. Summers, treasurer; Mrs. L. A. Walker, secretary; Mrs. J. W Thatcher, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. William G. Eliot. The dining room was a bower of beauty in kind and color. The purple and cerise petunias, artistically veiled in gypsophilia, made a most attractive center piece for the table with its sil ver and china, where Mrs. Lee Hoff man and Mrs. L. W. Sitton poured and served ices and cake, assisted by Miss Ferguson, Miss Cora De, Lin, Miss Corliss, Misses Cora and Ruth Eliot, Miss Ethel Wentworth, Miss Hawley, Mrs. A. C. Forester and Mrs. Marsh Boothby. Arriving in Portland last Tuesday Miss Mitchell ha been busy meeting and speaking to the people here, not only at the reception Wednesday, but at the Unitarian church, Thursday. She left yesterday for California, and expects to return to England in the autumn. Mrs. Henry Hart (Emma Hackney) of Boise and Mrs. M. J. Berry (An netta Hackney) of Plainview, ' Tex., were entertained yesterday with a motor party and luncheon at the Jack o'Lantern with Mrs. Benjamin Fenner as hostes (Special.) L. B. Cusick of "Vancouver, and Miss Eunice Canfield of Portland, were married here today by Rev. C. C. Curtis of the First Christian church. They left later for a ten-day honey moon trip to Joseph, Or., and upon their return will make their home in this city. Mr. Cusick is well known to the plumbing trade In Portland, being for 15 years with the Gauld company. Last November he became interested with the C. E. Braley com pany In a plumbing establishment here. Mrs. C. II. Powell was hostess .re cently at an elaborate dinner party at the Multnomah hotel, honoring Mies Elaine Bryan, who became Mrs. J-,eon lishop Thursday. Portland friends have just received the news of the wedding at Hood River, Wednesday of last week, of Miss Alma Hinrichs of Hood River and Eric Klossner of Pullman, Wash. The wedding was the outcome of a war romance which began at the Pu get Sound. Naval hospital, where Mr. ivlossner was a member of the naval hospital unit and Miss Hinrichs a Red Cross nurse. Miss Hinrichs graduated from the Good Samaritan Training School for Nurses of Portland. Mr. Klossner is a graduate of the Washington State col lege and a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. After a short honeymoon they re turned to Pullman, Wash., where Mr Kloasner Is in business, and at whictt place Mr. and Mrs. Klossner have new bungalow, recently acquired In anticipation of the happy event. HOOD RIVER. Or July 30. (Sne cial.) One of the season's pleasantest entertainments was given last night at the J,otus Grille, with the post of the American Legion as hosts. About 200 participated in an evening of dan cing and witnessing a cabaret per formance given by a company of Ha waii a n 3 from Portland. Proceeds were approprlted to the legion building fund. BAKER, Or.. July 30. (Special.) Miss Margaret Romig and William YVendt were married Wednesday eve ning at the home of Ira B. Sturgess. The wedding came as a pleasant sur prise to the many friends of the well known couple. The ceremony was performed by Rev. William Westwood of the Presbyterian church. BAKER, Or.. July 30. (Special.) Word has been received in Baker of the marriage of Miss Bessie- Irene Trout and John Charles Rupp. The bride has been one of the nurses at St. Luke's hospital, and the bride groom is a reoresentative of the Idaho Candy company. The newlyweds will take up their residence in Baker fol lowing a short honeymoon. BAKER.. Or., July 30. (Special.) Miss Gussie Nelson and Charles R. Johnson, well-known young couple of Baker, were married Wednesday aft ernoon in the offices of Justice of the Peace, "3eorge E. Allen. The bride will BOY, GIVEN UP, SURVIVES Cottage Grove Youtb. "Weathers At tack of Pneumonia. COTTAGE GROVE, Or.. July 30. (Special.) William Ostrander Jr., re cently with the American forces in Siberia. Is home from Letterman hos- pital, San Francisco, and is the only one to survive the number who went I into the hospital with him suffering VANCOUVER, Henry Berger Jr. left yesterday for Seaview for a visit of two weeks with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Mattern are occupying the Sealy cottage at Long Beach this summer. Mrs. J. C. English entertained yes terday afternoon at an informal tea at her home in Brice avenue. A co terie of friends shared the pleasure of Mrs. English s hospitality. Mrs. Charles A. Brodie had a few friends in to tea yesterday in compli ment to her mother and sister, Mrs. I. W. Smith and Miss Marjorie Smith who will leave next week for Ken dallvllle. Ind. Several other social af fairs have been given recently for Mrs. Smith and her daughter. Miss Marjorie. On Tuesday of next week Mrs. J. F. Mathews will give a lunch eon for them at her home on East Fourteenth street. Leaska tonight at Scappoose is of musical and social Interest. A num ber of Portlanders will motor there for the occasion. M'ss Constance P'per will be the accompanist for the singer. Women's Activities ji.ext month and could be issued before the by County ombs it was necessary to ob- le permission of the girls be licer. Cleri tain . mothi Sev al college girls were enter tained &st evening by Miss Henrietta Bettrr. er. Who presided at an al fresco Jupper at her home in Love- joy street. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bowman, ac companied by Miss Jane Allen and Miss Archibald, are In California, fol lowing an automobile tour of Oregon They are en route to the Yosemite valley and will return In mid-August. Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Bryan and their little daughter, who came from La Crosse, Kan., to attend the wedding of Miss Elaine Bryan and Leon Bishop solemnized last Thursday,- are leav ing for California to continue sightseeing trip. Miss Dorothy Worcester will leave today for a fortnight's visit at Gear- hart and Cannon Beach Mrs. Arthur Johnson and her sister. Miss Mary Gibson, are at Gearhart for a two-weeks' visit. Miss Eugenia Peters of Seattle was honor guest last night at a dinner- dance given by Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Squires at their home on Park avenue and King street. The concert to be given by Leah MARSHFIELD. Or., July 30. (Spe cial.) Miss Genevieve Thompson of Creswell, Or., has been engaged by the Coos county court as county chool supervisor to assist the county superintendent. Miss Thompson is graduate of the state normal at Monmouth. KNOXVILLE, Tenn., July 30. (Spe cial.) Miss Betty Gram of Portland, ne of the national organizers of the ational woman's party, arrived in Tennessee today and will interview legislators at Nashville, preparatory to the coming suffrage battle in the legislature August 9. Although one of the youngest workers, she Is veteran campaigner in the national fight in New Jersey, in Maine and in West Virginia, where she kept the enate in session a week waiting the arrival of one vote from California. Tennessee is rapidly filhr-s with suffragists from everywhere. To day's arrivals include Miss Anita TAKE NOTICE I Reduction in Price m Saratoga mm0 Chips l Order From Your Grocer Now . Wash, July 30.- Politzer, national legislative secre tary, making her headquarters here. Fresh from interviewing both Gov ernor Cox and Senator Harding, she says: "The acid test of republican democratic sincerity is the proposi tion they give in the legislature'. Suf fragists all over the country are watching party records in this state." HOOD RIVER, Or., July 30. (Spe cial.) Miss Grace E. Smith, an Ore gon Aericirltural college graduate. has been chosen head of the home economics department of the Hood River high school. Miss Smith is ex pected here August 15, when she will begin work immediately with canning clubs, whose members will partici pate with demonstrations and exhibit at the annual school fair to be held the middle of September. The Democratic Women's club will hold a dancing party this evening at the Portland hotl. There will be U cards for any who do not dance. It was announced. If you would know what real olive oil tastes like try imported Pompeian Olive Oil Creaming Vegetables ? Carnation adds a rich, delicious flavor. Try this pure milk "from Contested Cows' a i Your protection The name Tillamook on the rind is your assurance that you are buying cheese of the highest quality. Up and down the Pacific Coast, the grocers are proud to dis play Tillamook Cheese because they know of the high stand ards under which it is produced. Tillamook cuts the cost of living it is far greater in food value than meat, eggs, fowl, potatoes yet how inexpensive by comparison I Five quarts of full cream milk go into the making of a pound of Tillamook. You can buy Tillamook at the best Kiocen every whereby the slice or in S and 14 pound sues. TBLLAM TILLAMOOK COUNTY f(f WWm&T M CREAMERY ASSOCIATION XSX Wkm M Wi'fdT JSr 24Chees, Kitchens 0md WiiflW and Operated Co-operativb ''lill!1 by Tillamook Dairymen "S (jf , T' TILLAMOOK. a v.