Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 31, 1920, Page 5, Image 5

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Frank Brooke One of Most
Prominent Men in Isle.
ing before the corporation commis
sioner Wednesday.
under Mr. Handley's orders the
Northwestern company -will be al-
owed to operate as loner as its affairs
are satisfactory to the commissioner.
The receipts of the state corpora
tion department for the month of
June aggregated $103,000, exceeding
the total fees for any similar period
of time in the history of the office,
according to a report prepared here
today by T. B. Handley. state cor
poration commissioner.
Murder Attributed to Political Mo
tives; Sinn Teiner in Prison
tor Threatening Victim.
DUBLIN, July 20. Frank Brooke,
wealthy country gentleman, close
friend of Viscount French, lord-lieutenant,
and member of a committee
on Irish reconstruction appointed last
year by the viceroy, was assassinated
Mr. Brooke was killed in the di
rectors' room of the Dublin & South
eastern railway, where he had gone
to attend a meeting of the board, of
directors. Three assassins fired at
Brooke while he was talking with
another director. One shot entered
Brooke's lungs and he died im
mediately. Brooke had no time to
use his revolver.
The assailants escaped.
Revenge May Be Motive.
One reason assigned for the shoot
ing of Mr. Brooke is his association
with Viscount French. Robert Bar
ton, member of parliament for East
Wicklow, was sentenced to three
months' imprisonment early in the
year on a charge of threatening Vis
count French and coupling Mr.
Brooke's name with that of the lord
lieutenant. Another suggestion is that the
shooting was in reprisal for dismissal
of railwaymen for refusing to operate
trains carrying police and soldiers.
Mr. Brooke in political quarters had
been conspicuous only during the last
12 months as the confidential friend
and adviser of Viscount French.
Patrol In Ambushed.
A military patrol was ambushed
and relieved of its arms 12 miles
from Dublin today.
A resolution introduced In the
council of the chamber of commerce
calling for a measure providing for
complete Self-government for Ireland
has created much interest, as the
chamber represents all large business
interests of the city and includes at
least 90 per cent Unionists.
The Freeman's journal says the
resolution is apparently an indorse
ment of its proposals for dominion
home rule.
Both Will Cross Atlantic to British
Isle; Kidnaped General Free.
LONDON", July 30. The chairman
of the irish vigilance society in Great
Britain at a meeting today announced
that Archbishop Mannix of Australia
would be accompanied to the British
Isle from the United States by an un
named distinguished compatriot. The
statement brought forth cheers for
Eamonn de Valera," president of the
Irish republic." He added that the
archbishop and his companion would
land in a manner which would aston
ish "the enemy."
Brigadier-General C. H. Lucas,
commander of the Fermoy military
area, who was kidnaped late In June
by the Sinn Feiners, has escaped. He
reached the Tipperary military bar
racks today, it is announced in Irish
advices received here.
General Lucas was picked up by a
military lorry near Oola, between
Limerick and Tipperary. The lorry
was later ambushed by Sinn Feiners
and a desperate struggle ensued in
which two soldiers were killed and
three others wounded.
On the arrival of a second lorry the
raiders decamped and General Lucas
was taken to Tipperary.
Way Prepared for Visit of Party
Leaving Denver August 2 5.
ASHLAND. Or.. July 30. (Special.)
L. Westergard, official pathfinder
and advance agent of the National
Park-to-Park association arrived here
yesterday to make arrangements for
the visit of the official party that will
leave Denver August 25. Ashland is
t present the end of the Park-to-
Park highway.
On the road maps issued by the- as
sociation and on their service guides
the route leads from Chicago to Ash
land and the distances are given as
so many miles to Ashland." Al
though the road turns from the Pa
cific highway at Medford, a red line
has been shown on the maps on to
Ashland and will assure practically
all Qf the tourists coming here.
Klamath Growers' Association to
Create Fund for Emergencies.
KLAMATH FALLS. Or., July 30.
(Special.) The Klamath County
Woolgrowers' association has - de
cided to levy a tax of 2 cents a head
on all sheep owned by members to
provide a fund tor current expenses
and create a surplus for emergencies.
The association is advising all mem
bers to Join the National Woolgrow
ers' association.
The general feeling of Klamath
county sheep men is that the market
for wool and other mutton products
will adjust itself and the growers
who are able to hold their wool crop
for a time will get a fair price. At
present there is no market. Very little
or the 1SZ0 wool clip has been sold
The majority of growers declare they
win not sen lor less than 50 cents
a pound.
Portia nders to Pull Flax.
SALEM. Or.. July 30. (Special.)
More than loO men engaged in Port
land by C. H. Gram, state labor com
mlssioner. to Dull state flax will or
rive here tomorrow, prenaratorv to
starting actual operation. Most of the
flax fields are located near Turner and
Aumsville. where camps will be es
tablished for the convenience of the
workers. It was necessary to employ
the men in Portland, according to Mr.
Gram, because of the scarcity of labor
in mis section.
Albany to Manufacture Tile.
ALBANY, Or., July 30. (Special.)
in nianuracture of tile will be a new
ndustry in Albany to be established
Dy the Albany Brick & Tile comnanv
This company has been making large
quantities of brick each year, but has
nan the tile It handled shipped in. Be
ginning within a short time it will
also manufacture its own tile. L. R.
Harrison of Anaconda, Mont., has be
come associated with C. G. Rawlings
of this city in the ownership of this
Iiance church, returned yesterday
with his wife from a visit to the
Hicks Lumber company's mill near
Underwood. Wash., where Mr. Carpen
ter delivered sermons to the logging
crews and Mrs. Carpenter gave sacred
song concerts. M. D. Hicks, chief
owner of the mill, is a member of the
local Christian and Missionary Al
liance organization.
Twelve Men Discharged fay
Court After Night Balloting.
Case Expected to Bo Taken up
Again Playmates Only Wit
nesses to Testify.
ENTERPRISE, Or., July 30. (Spe
cial.) Unable to come to an agree
ment, the Jury In the circuit court of
Wallowa county, trying Bert Daniels,
14 years old, for the murder of 1S-
year-old Roscoe Dorsey was dis
charged this morning. The Jury was
out all night having retired yester
day at 3 o'clock after receiving in
structions from Judge J. W. Knowles.
It Is expected the case will be tried
again. Nearly all the witnesses called
were boys who were the only persons
present when Roscoe Dorsey was
stabbed to death, the night of Febru
ary 13, outside of the school gym
nasium at Wallowa.
Two boys, Bert Daniels 14 and Vir
gil Daniels 12, were Indicted for mur
der and the older brother was brought
to trial first. Both brothers testi
fied that Virgil, the younger, had no
part In the killing.
Boy Fatally Stabbed.
A basket ball game was under way
in the Wallowa gymnasium the night
ol the tragedy. In the balcony were
a number of boys ranging in age
from 10 to 15 years. Some words
were passed, and Roscoe and the
Daniels boys went outside, followed
by many others. Roscoe was fatally
stabbed, and died a few days later in
the hospital.
For the state the boy witnesses
testified that Bert Daniels had been
the aggressor at the meeting in the
gymnasium, asserting that he had an
cper. knife in his hand at the time he
dared Roscoe Dorsey outside to finish
their quarrel.
Testimony Is Given.
The prosecution testified that the
Daniels boys both attacked young
Dorsey with knives, following him
up. and stabbing him after he had
reeled away mortally wounded.
Both the Daniels boys took the
stand and offered the only defense.
They said Roscoe used insultin
words to Bert Daniels when addressed
inside the gymnasium, and then in
vited the Daniels boys outside.
Dorsey at once seized Bert Daniels,
the latter said, and got him down,
and beat him severely. Bert said he
asked to be let up and as Roscoe loos
ened his hold on him and as Bert rose
he drew his knife Intending to cut
Roscoe just enough to make him quit.
Virgil Daniels told the same story
as his brother, adding that he had
tried to persuade the boys not to
fight, .and that he had taken Bert's
knife away from him at the last.
First Infantry Due August 1.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. July 30.
(Special.) The 1st infantry is to ar
rive at Vancouver barracks Sunday,
August 1. About 250 men will be in
command of Colonel B. A. Poore. The
headquarters company, machine gun
and supply companies and the 1st
and 2d battalions will come here. It
will no doubt be recruited up to full
peace strength.
Prelate Intends to Stop in Ireland
Despite Lloyd George's Assertion
NEW YORK. July 30. Archbishop
Daniel Mannix of Australia, who will
leave on the Baltic tomorrow for
Queenstown and Liverpool, plans to
stop in Ireland despite Premier Lloyd
Georne's assertion that he will not
be permitted to land, his secretary,
the Rev. Albert Vaughan, announced
No Information was made public
of the manner in which the arch
bishop plans to land, nor of any "dis
tinguished compatriot" who will ac
company him.
So far as known, Eamonn de Valera,
"president of the Irish republic," has
not engaged passage on the Baltic
BELFAST, July 30. Sinn Feiners
attacked the Lyculter Orange hall
near Strangford, County Down, today.
Windows and doors were smashed
and property inside was damaged.
Wild Blackberries Being Harvested.
ALBANY, Or., July 30. (Special.)
An immense crop of wild blackberries
growing in old burn of wide extent
along the Calapooia river above Hol
ley is being harvested now. People
from many different parts of the
county have driven up there for ber
ries and it is reported that on some
days the past week the road has been
lined with automobiles.
Threshing Begins in Linn County
ALBANY, Or., July 30. (Special.)
Threshing of the 1920 grain crop of
Lilnn county Degan today when a
threshing outfit commenced work on
the farm of H. T. Ridders, between
Albany and Lebanon. Several ma
chines will hegln work early next
Economics Course Secured.
COTTAGE GROVE, Or., July 30.
(Special.) Cottage Grove is to be one
of four cities of Oregon to have
home economics courso under the
Smith-Hughes federal act. Salaries
of instructors will be equally divided
Temporary Officers Xamcd for Or
ganization at Bucoda.
CENT R ALT A. Wash., July 30.
(Special.) The temporary organiza
tion of a citizens club was effected
last night at a mass meeting held in
Bucoda. W. A. Perkins was elected
temporary chairman and Edward San
ford temporary secretary. P. F.
Knight, Rev. Fredericks, Lee Morgan
and the temporary officers are a com
mittee on organization. The club will
be made .permanent next Thursday
The routing of the Pacific highway
through Bucoda and the laying of two
miles of cement sidewalks are among
the first proj -cts to be taken up by
the new organization.
Capture Foreshadows Breaking TTp
of Smuggling Gang.
SEATTLE, Wash., July 30. Seizure
of an automobile loaded with liquor
and the arrest of William Angelo,
chauffeur. Is said by the police here
to foreshadow the breaking up of ex
tensive smuggling operations which.
It is declared, have been carried on
off the West Seattle waterfront for
several months.
According to police dry equad op
erators, smugglers have been landing
liquor every two weeks at a point
southwest of West Seattle and bring
ing the contraband into the city by
automobiles. Information regarding
operations of the smugglers is said to
have been obtained through com
plaint of one of the members of the
gang that he had been swindled out
of his whisky stock.
Preparatory School for Enlisted
Men Started at Camp Lewis.
TACOMA, Wash., July 30. (Spe
cial.) Establishment at Camp Lewis
of a preparatory school for enlisted
men who wish to enter West Point,
has been announced. The first tests
will be held in December and the
school will be opened as soon as the
4th division arrives at the camp.
The school will be used by West
Point aspirants to the school from
the entire western division of the
The age limit is from 19 to 22.
Men who served In the world war may
enter the preparatory school between
the ages of 17 and 24. The law al
lows 90 men from the ranks to enter
West Point at one time. The limit
never - has been reached.
Hearing on Grain Weight Question
Is Announced.
OLTMPIA, Wash., July 30. The
Washington state public service com
mission will hold hearings in Seattle
August 10 on protests of millers
against a pet'tion of railroad repre
sentatives to have continued indef
initely present minimum weights on
grain and grain products, It was an
nounced today.
The commission will either sit
alone or Jointly with the commissions
of Idaho and Oregon and a number
of members of the interstate com
mission, according to the announcement.
Idahoan Going Through Wheat
Field Is Felled by Bolt.
CALDWELL, Idaho, July 30. Er
win Wyatt, a ranch hand employed
on a ranch three miles from here,
was struck and instantly killed by
lightning tonight while returning
from work in a wheat field.
He was 24 years old.
On their Tvay to the
"Half -Price
Neck tie Party
Fourth and Morrison
We're not "stringing" you these are real cut silk ties at
half price. If you want a dollar tie, bring "four bits"; if
you want a five-dollar one, bring "two-fifty" and so on!
Here are enough ties to reach around several city blocks.
Elbow in and get a few "feet front"!
"We've been
and bought !"
More Cowlitz Candidates File.
KELSO, Wash., July 30. (Special.)
W. A. Taylor, former county as
sessor, has filed on the republican
ticket for assessor of Cowlitz. Other
filings are William Stuart, incumbent,
for county attorney, and E. E. Dale,
commissioner from the first district,
for county conmissloner. Two other
candidates have already filed for that
commissionership and Assessor W. M.
McCoy is seeking re-lelection. Mr.
Stuart probably will, have no opposition.
General Arrives From Alaska; Will
Go to Yellowstone Park.
SEATTLE, July 30. Major General
Hunter Liggett, commander of the
western department of the army,
reached Seattle today after an in
spection tour of army posts In Alaska.
Except for the stranding in the
Straits of Fuca of the transport South
Bend, on which he made the passage
north. General Liggett said his trip
had been uneventful.
After a trip through Yellowstone
park the general will return to head
quarters at San Francisco.
Gospel Carried to Loggers.
HOOD RIVER. Or., July 30. (Spe-
between the school district, the state cial.) Rev. D. M. Carpenter, pastor
and the federal government. of the Christian and Missionary Al-
Xorthwestern Livestock Loan Com
pany May Operate Under
Certain Conditions.
SALEM, Or., July SO. (Special.)
The Northwestern Livestock - Loan
company of Portland must repay to
B. J. Vaughan and J. Arthur Johnson
sums of money they subscribed for
stock in the corporation while under
the impression that they were invest
ing in tne stock of the Northern Live
stock Loan company, or accept the
alternative of having their permit to
operate in Oregon canceled, according
to an order issued here today by T. B.
Handley. state corporation commis
sioner. It was also specified by Mr. Hand
ley that the Northwestern Livestock
Loan company should keep funds re
ceived from the sale of stock Intact
until evidence was produced showing
that all of its subscribers were not
mistaken when they invested money
in the corporation.
The Northern Livestock Loan com
pany has been in operation in Oregon
for several years, and more recently
the Northwestern Livestock Loan
company was organized, and placed
Its stock on the market.
The Northern Livestock Loan com
pany complained to the corporation
commissioner that the Northwestern
Livestock Loan company was using
the name to further the sale of stock,
as well as receiving and cashing
checks made payable to the former
Upon this showing the permit of the
Northwestern Livestock Loan com
pany to operate In Oregon was tem
porarily canceled, followed by a near
3r -
p a 8 8 b
Ra wlinson
in C. Had
don Cham
bers' story
of the peo-
1 e who
Feel th
pulse beat
of life in
the passing
new thrill
e v e r y
Well-Known Japanese Dies.
WHITE SALMON, Wash., July 30.
(Special.) Oda, of the Japanese firm
of Oda & Naka, died this week. He
has been in the truck gardening busi
ness on the Bingen flats for several
years and was well known by all Port-
$5.00 Ties for $2.50
$4.00 Ties for $2.00
$3.50 Ties for $1.75
$3.00 Ties for $1.50
$2.50 Ties for $1.25
$2.00 Ties for $1.00
$1.50 Ties for $ .75
$1.00 Ties for $ .50
A Mighty Spectacle of
Fun, Laughter and
Enjoyment. It's a 100fo
Joy Show
land commission houses. He leaves
widow and several children.
Locals of Loyal Legion of Grays
Harbor Organize.
HOQUIAM, Wash.. July 30. (Spe
cial.) A central union representing
the locals of the Loyal Legion of Log
gers and Lumbermen of Grays Harbor
was organized at a meeting held last
night in the Eagles' hall. Hoquiam.
The following members were elected
to office: A. A. Brown, Aberdeen,
chairman; Frank Lawrence, Hoquiam.
vice-chairman: D. O. Baker. Hoquiam,
secretary; A. Rhodes, Hoquiam, treas
urer. The harbor locals at the meetlnsr
decided to take part in the Labor day
exercises to be held at Tokeland. The
annual district convention of the le
gion will be held here during the
middle of August. Last year the con
vention was held in Aberdeen.
PIgstys Along Highway to Go.
HOOD RIVER. Or., July 30. (Spe
cial.) Victor Beauregard, owner of a
ranch crossed several times by the
Columbia River highway, east of the
city, will remove the pigpens which
have caused complaint from tourists.
The pigs' haunts have aroused consid
erable comment and motorists declare
the odor neutralizes the soaring
spirits after a spin around the grace
ful curves.
Read The Oreponlan classified ads.
M E I G- H A N
The Picture of Pic
tures. Ask anyone
who has seen it.
'J .
LJa rARCT- YLT SCREENED. - "- - trn-
WlNIFIgb) Greotvgdd vSl
i ; x
r apis?;"
"Great Scott"
at the
Shirley Mason
One of those comedy
dramas that everyone