JULY 1920 X'' y S HS EX-U. S. ENLIST WITH GANTU Men to Man Machine Against Mexico. Guns 70C0 CHINESE ofr'ER AID Enlistment of 500 Japanese TTndcr Consideration Recruits Are Being Drilled. MEXICALI. Lower California, July JO. Governor Esteban Cantu'a action terminating relations with the Mexi can, provisional government and re norts that American ex-service men were to serve machine guns for the Cantu forces, were the outstanding features tonight in the situation here arising out of the announced inten tion of the central government to wrest control of Lower California from Governor Cantu. It was said by officers of the Cantu- forces that sufficient American veterans had crossed the international boundary line from Calexico to serve the 21 machine guns said to be part of the equipment of the Cantu army. Preparations to resist the invasion which Governor Cantu had announced was to be made from Manzanillo and Guaymas by Mexican federal soldiers nntiniied raDidlv. The recruits who have enlisted here in the last few hours were drilled today and Gov- ernor- Cantu expressed confidence he would have an army of sufficient strength to resist any troops that might attack his men. v According to the governer. prac tically all the 7000 Chinese in this dis trict have promised to support him. It was said that the enlistment of some 500 Japanese was under con i sideration. VILLA LOANS TO BE PAID Unofficial Reports Say Mexico to Guarantee $40,000. EAGLE PASS, Tex., July 30. All jiccsonal loans obtained by Francisco Villa, bandit leader who recently sur rendered to the Mexican provisional covernment. will be paid by the gov ernment, it was learned unofficially here today. The loans amount to $40,000 Mexican. Villa is said to have given receipts for all the loans he obtained and these will be refunded unnn nresentatlon of the papers to the government by claimants. Villa still was at Sabinas today, according to reports. He was waiting lor the arrival of the supply train which was to take him and his men to Torreon. It was thought that Villa and the remaining portion of his force might move today. 4428 GAINED BY ASTORIA POPULATION- OF THE DALLES INCREASES 927. and Is said to have given them In? I formation which is of value in the chase for Hart and Owens. "I go get Hart; he's bad man," asserted Mo tanic as he left the jail with a 30-30 rifle flung across his shoulders. OUTLAWS REPORTED IX CAR Message Says Jail-breakers Headed for Indian Reservation. v THE DALLSS. Or.. July 30. (Spe cial.) That Hart and Owens, half breed Indiana, and leaders in the Pen dleton jail Dreak. in which Sheriff Til Taylor was "billed, are headed for this section of the state in the hope of getting to the Indian reservation and hiding among their friends, is word that reached here this afternoon. The two outlaws were said to be in a machine driving west. They are Bald t6 have been identified by descriptions that were said to tally with the way they appeared at the time of break ing Jail. Sheriff Chrisman of Sherman county has sent armed guards out to the bridge crossing the John . Day river and Moody's bridge on the Deschutes river. 2 MAY BE HART'S VICTIMS TAYLOR'S MURDERER MAY HAVE KILLED MAX AND WIFE ALLIES IKE ACTION TO SUPPORT POLAND Limitation-Placed on Possi ble Soviet Demands. MUNITIONS ARE ON WAY preme court for defendants In the1 Douglas county injunction suit of Rockhill against.- the state highway commission and others, appealed from the circuit court, has halted similar injunction suits against the highway commission, Klamath County, its coun ty court and others in the local cir cuit, court. Judge Bacheldor of Lakeview had set the suit for hearing Wednesday, but the decision in the Rockhill case UDset the plaintiffs entire attack. points identical having been raised. An injunction is being sought by Mrs.) Sophia Henley to prevent building the state highway across- her land. Six other farmers are ready to file actions if the Henley case Is favor ably decided.' Pendleton Officer Says Double Crime Occurred About Time Half-Breed Entered State. The 'possibility that the murderers of Frank D. Jennings and his wife, who were killed May 27 while asleep In their car a mile from Bancroft. Idaho, may be Hart, who killed Sher- ff Til Taylor, and his partner, Owens, was suggested yesterday by H. Chris- toffersen, chief criminal deputy, who as just returned from Pendleton. where he took part in the man-hunt. No clews have been found in the Jennings murder case, and since the time element seems to coincide with the time that the Indians entered this tate. Christoffersen believes that Hart and Owens may have committed this crime, in addition to the others piled up against them, "Sheriff Til Taylor had not time to check back on these men's previous actions," Christof fersen said yester- Denikine, but were delayed on the day, "and it may be that they com mitted this crime. Mr. and Mrs. Jennings were mur dered while asleep in their car a ittle before midnight of May 27. Mr. Jennings was a typewriter and add ing machine salesman. In the morr.'ng their bodies were found in their .-r. Each had been shot four times wuh an automatic .38 pistol and Jennings' head had been beaten with a jagged lava rocK. Earlier in the evening two strange men had stopped their car a short distance from the Jennings machine. The next morning they were gone and footprints between the two machines connected them with the crime George E. Mabey, sheriff of Ban nock county at Pocatello, Idaho, is conducting the search for the mur derers. Four Other Cities in Oregon Show Growth; Shaniko Drops From 495 to 124. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Washington, July 30. Census figures announced today show the population of several cities and towns in Wasco and Clatsop for 1920 compared with the figures for 1910. The figures fol low: 1!20. Antelope l'-,n DuTur W3 Frien-1 Maupln '1S8 Mosler 3llt Shaniko 124 The Dalles S.807 Astoria 14. 027 Gear-hart i-'7 Hammond - t-"7 Seaokio 1.SH2 Warrenton 7oO The population of The Dalles b wards follows: Ward one, li84; war two. 14511; ward three, X'i'12; ward four. 1742. Astoria's population by wards shown to be: Ward one, 436S; war two. 4436; ward three, 3482; ward four. 1741. Other census figures announced to day were: Missoula. Mont., 12,668, decrease 20 or 1.6 per cent. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., 12,096.. de -crease 519 or 4.1 per cent. Columbus. Ga 31,125, increase 10, S71 or 51.4 per cent. New Brunswick, N. J., 32,779, In crease 9391 or 40.2 per cent. Clarksburg. W. Vs., 27,869, increas 18,668 or 202.9 per cent. Jefferson county. Ky includin Louisville, 286,369, increase 23,449 or S.9 per cent. 1910. 1 623 4:: U.3K1 1.12 339 Stocks ' Originally Intended for Deneklne Now Being Sent to Warsaw for Poles, PARIS. July 30. The limitations which Great Britain and France would put upon soviet demands of Poland in the arranging of an armls tice are set forth in a notification which has been dispatched to the Warsaw government by the British and French governments. It was learned here today. Poland requested the views of Great Britain and France on Dossible armistice terms and the governments at, London and Paris have notified the Polish government that they will not permit Poland to accept possible soviet armistice oe- mands involving: First Whole or partial disarma ment of Poland. Sedond A change in the Polish sys tem of government dictated or brought about by the Soviets. Third Acceptance by Poland of a boundary line less favorable than that provisionally drawn by Premier Lloyd George. Fourth The use of Poland as a bridgehead, in any sense, between Germany and Russia, Allies Give Munition. As bearing on the military situation. It develops that vast stocks of mu nitions from the allies are moving toward Warsaw today from Danzig, on the Baltic, and from Rumania and Czecho . Slovakia. These munitions were for the most part originally dis patched for the army of General SPA COm PACT FAVORED DEPUTIES SUPPORT StlLL ER.iXD DESPITE REPORT. STRIKERS MUST GO BACK (Continued From First Page.? way until too late to be available for his use. . The munitions being sent from Danzig, however, were shipped recently for the especial use of Po land. Other munitions are expected to be in process of shipment from France and Great Britain for Poland within a few days. Hungary has asked permission of Great Britain and France to attack the soviet army. Such an attack would Involve permission, likewise, to reorganize the Hungarian army, the demobilization of which was pro vided for by the Hungarian peace treaty. Request Caqsea Hesitation. The allies are hesitating over Hun gary's request, according to a high French official because they fear Hungary would expect too many con cessions in the terms of the treaty by way of amelioration. Information which has reached the French government was said today to reveal that Letvia, Finland, Rou- manla.vHungary, were all anxious to make common cause against the Bol shevik! now rather than be compelled later tS defend themselves individu. ally. To this end. It is declared, the four countries named " are making overtures to France and Great Britain for' support, moral and otherwise. This situation, it is stated, on high French authority, is the final card France and Great Britain have in hand to play if necessary in order to save Poland Adoption of 2 0 0-MiIlion Franc Ad vances to Germany Carries by Vote of 356 to 169. PARIS, July 30. (By the Asso ciated Press.) Premier Millerand again won the support of the cham ber of deputies for his government today in its Spa coal arrangement in the face of an adverse report by the commission on finances. He obtained a favorable vote of 356 to 169 for adoption of the 200,000,000" franc monthly advances to Germany. "Coal is the question of the hour," the premier said in his address, urg ing favorable action by the deputies. "The Spa agreement gives us 80 per cent of our needs at a price one fifth less than now."v He explained how Germany would be interested in deliveries through the five marks gold per ton payment for feeding the miners and through the advances. if full deliveries are made. "If you refuse to vote this bill," the premier said, "then our obligation to make advances ceases, but there disappears the coal protocol for ! 000.000 tons monthly to the allies. The control commission vanishes and finally there vanishes the provision for occupation of the Ruhr if uer many does not deliver 6.000,000 tons at the date fixed. Tou take also from our Belgian arid Italian friends the coal Germany promised." Referring to remarks that the treaty should - be . executed, he re minded the deputies that France had been getting only 500,000 to 800,000 tons monthly. M. Millerand referred to the pres ent closeness of the allies. It was not only necessary in facing Germany but also, he said, in looking to the east. COURSE OFFERED TUTORS the world, b.it no organization can loner endure that sets up its own strength as being superior to Its plighted faith or its duty to society at large. It has In the past built up an enviable reputation for abiding by ts contracts, which has been one oi its most valuable assets in maKing wage agreements. It may now make temporary gains by taking advantage of the dire necessities of the balance of the neoole through violation of ihesa contracts, but what of the fu ture? "How can '.t expect wage contracts with employers to be continued In the face of such violations, when normal I Poles Reported to Be Falling Back conditions nava been restorea ana ine country is free from the immediate BOLSHEVIKI TAKE FORTRESS JAPANESE EXODUS GROWS Hawaiian-Born Going to Japan in Increasing Numbers. HONOLULU, T. H., July 30. (Spe cial.) The exodus of Island-born Japanese to Japan is growing. Figures compiled locally show that in the last two fiscal years, 3785 island-born Japanese left Hawaii for Japan. From July T. 1918. to June 30, 1919. departures of Hawaiian-born Japanese numbered 1742. For the correspond ing period this year the number has been 2048. shortage of coal? How will it be able to resist the claims of the operators in the future to take advantage of the precedent which the miners have es tablished and decrease wage rates in ihe middle ot a wage contract, under the plea that they are unable to sell coal at the then existing cost of pro duction? A mere statement of these" questions ought to be sufficient to awaken the mine workers to the dan gerous course., they are pursuing and the injuries they are inflicting upon themselves and the country at large by the adoption of these unwarranted strike policies. Pnimise la Conditional. "Tn the consideration of the nation wide wage scale, involving many dif ferent classes of labor, by the bitu minous coal commission in the limited time at its disposal ; some inequalities may have developed jn the award that ought tJ be corrected. I cannot, how. ever, recommend any consideration of such Inequalities as long as the mine workers continue to strike in viola tion of terms of the award which they had accepted ps their wage agree ment for a definite length of time. I must, therefore, insist that the strik Ing mine workers return to work, thereby demonstrating their good faith in keeping their contract. When have learned thet they have thus returned to work I will invite in the scale committees of the operators' and miners for th-s purpose of adjusting any such inequalities as they may mutually agree chould be adjusted. OPERATORS REFUSE TO ACT Request for Joint Meeting of Scale Committees Declined. CHICAGO. July 30. Along Battle Line. LONDON, July 30. On the north ern front or the Kusso-i-oiisn Dame line the bolshevikl have captured the fortress of Gssovetz and the Poles are falling back on Lomza, 75 miles northeast of Warsaw, says a Russian soviet official statement under Thursday's date, received by wireless today. The statement adds: "In the Bialystok region, we have occupied a number of points from .seven to three and one-nail miles north of Bialystok town. The report says that on the Crimean sector, fierce fighting favorable to us is proceeding." HOUNDS ARE AT HEELS (Continued From First Page.) fied by them as Hart and Owens, half breed leaders in the Jailbreak, were sleeping in a cabin near Echo. These men said they were prompted to "turn up" the two convicts because of the $6000 reward. Although but little credence was given to the report a posse of a dozen men' was sent to Echo and close in on the cabin before day dawned. It was then the report was proven to be without foundations Another report from F. Traux of Kamela that two men had tried to treak into his cabin during the night was found to be another blind lead after a rigid investigation was con ducted early this morning. Indians (iivtngr Aitslstance. Assistance now being given by the Indians from the Umatilla reservation is more organized and of much more Importance than during the first few days of the chase. Parson Motanic, a giant redskin, and Carlisle gradu ate, is fast spreading word among all the Indians of the reservation to go out and lend every assistance during thj man-hunt. Ke has taken pic tures of the leading fugitives out to the reservation in order that a better description and identification mig'ht v be made. Motanic was !n conference today with officials at local headquarters JITNEY MEN SEE CHANCE Street Car Fare Lift in Tacoma Brings Competition. TACOMA. Wash., July 30. (Spe cial.) Jitneys operating on a 7-cent fare basis will haul passengers on the streets of Tacoma in competition with the Tacoma Railway & Power com pany, which succeeded In getting a 10-cent fare from the public service commission. City commissioners said today that arrangements for jitney surety bonds and other details would be made shortly and that the cars would be in operation to all sections of the city within a few days. That the jitneys can operate profit ably on a 7-cent fare is the opinion of men interested in the business. Mayor Rlddell informed the car owners that they must operate on schedule and as a public utility. Eignth Annual Training School Will Open August 2 at Oregon City. OREGON CITT, Or., July 30. (Spe cial.) The eighth annual teachers' training school will be held at the high school building in this city be ginning August and closing August 20. All teachers,' who expect to teach I In Clackamas county this year, and have not had 27 months' teaching ex- Derience. eight in this state, or who have not attended a six-weeks sum mer school at one of the state instl- tutions this year, or who are not! graduates of an accredited normal school are required under the state school law to attend. Three days' attendance at this school are required for teacher who wishes to take advantage of the pro fessional certificate, even though she ha taught the necessary time for exemption. ALBANY PROMISES QUOTA Snare of Fund for State Chamber of Commerce Pledged. ALBANY, Or., July 30. (Special.) At a dinner tonight at the Hotel Al bany 100 representative business and professional men gave assurance that Alhanv will contribute its annual ouota of $2000 to the $150,000 main tenance fund for the Oregon state rhnmber of commerce. W. L. Miller, field representative, outlined the organization's pro gramme and Dr. Henry G-atnes Hawn delivered a lecture on "The Soul of Things.'" After the addresses 23 men! volunteered to organize in teams to canvass the city. RlflG FOUND IN COOKIE oal mine op erators of Illinois today telegraphed I Tacoma Minister Has Novel Expe- John L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers of America, re fusing his request for a joint meet ing of the operators and miners scale committees in an effort to settle the strike in Illinois mines. They said they could enter Into no negotiations unless Washington authorities authorized the meeting. They also said they would not meet the miners' officials so long as the miners remain out. All Illinois mines are closed, ac cording to reports received here. ILLINOIS CHIEF SARCASTIC "About Fed Up on Appeals From President," Says Farrington. " SPRINGFIELD, 111.. July 30. Presi dent Frank Farrington of the Illinois Miners' union, when told tonight that President Wilson had offered to in vite a meeting of the joint scale com mittee of miners and operators to ad just wage inequalities. If the miners would return to work, .said: "I don't think much of it." In a previous statement he had declared the coal miners were "about fed up on appeals" from the president. rience in Restaurant. TACOMA, Wash., July 30. (Spe cial.) Rev. Robert H. McGinnis. rec tor of the Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion, had his first ex perience of getting the wedding ring, before the contracting- couple today He has united many in marriage. While munching a cookie bought in a delicatessen shop, his tooth struck something hard. Investigation showed that the object was a wedlng ring, lost In the dough by some cook. -He is ready to return the band to the owner. Dr. McGinnis is well known in Portland where he was married a few months ago. Prisoner Charged With Arson. SEATTLE, Wash.. July 30. Barney Clowers. alias D. L. Barney, 56, who was arrested .here late today on a charge of first degree arson in con nection with the burning of the Newaukum Lumber company's saw mill at Forest. Lewis county, Wash ington, March 1, 1919, is believed to be a member of an "arson' ringv said to be in operation on the Pacific coast. King county deputy sheriffs declared today. Mi has never determined the selling price of What is Milk worth ? Isn't it a fact that no price would be too high to pay for Milk if it was a question of paying or doing without? . The slow returns on the farmer's investment would never satisfy the business man in the city, even though he dealt in luxuries that half the world could do without. Yet the Milk producer is expected to be satisfied with bare cost or less for a product that is a vital, daily necessity to every person. How often has Mrs. City Dweller shuddered at the thought of milking a cow? And declared that no amount of money could induce her to forego the conveniences of town. - One of the greatest of these conveniences is the Milk bottle at your door every morning before you rise. Perhaps your daily ration is only one bottle ' of Milk. Even so, breakfast would be ut terly ruined without its cream "top"; the cooking that you would later enrich with it would lose its flavor and a high per cent of its real food value. And how much more importance does this'convenience assume in families where King Baby is the chief con sumer! Then there's the question of QUALITY. You are' perfectly well aware that Milk may vary in quality. But have you ever taken the trouble to become informed on the special-inspection service and special equip- 'Wife w see and ChO- wl . the ..T"8' . few i (T. ... Air. WV'ont. of to li Ri-. " corr.... V find 'rmer.. ' '"Jliv- "r.possibJe ,.' myself ... F'tri "e' husbann I " S00 B . " noi,rll 7,J on ST ores. Or- DTI m - it i-r . wan bacv .? 1 rn to eK-et:,r -erI bit w,ern ., -- j or win . a ' a ii rm Mud rs stiI, --ouon (JouhI -- oo,. f...,. I vcse. ui ,,. in ti ' her in- ;... 5"sr ..'"ustrlal ii: "y th, 'ins. neCe,.r c. - sal ha,S s, '"'Hon W. 3 1 ment required to maintain the quality you demand? These cannot be taken for granted; they must be paid for. What" a prodigious amount of effort and expense has been left in the wake of that cool white bottle you receive every morn ing! Could you follow back, step by step, you would be convinced that Milk is cheap at ANY price. Now make this resolve ! That you will not .allow slight fluctuations in the Milk market to cause you to cut down on the quantity of Milk you are accustomed to using. Rather, use more if possible. This prevents losses on the surplus that must be sold at away below cost if it is refused by the consumer. For tikie sake of your drink more milk si ' ' ' i ' ' ' " LIFE TERM GIVEN MOORE DUBIXSKY SLAYER ALKEAul IX PENITENTIARY CELL. - TWO KILLED IN WRECK Lumber Train la Crash In Suburb of Seattle. Highway Work Progresses. ROSEBURG, Or.. July 30. (Special.) Contractors who have charge of the work on the Pacific highway known as the Dillard-Myrtle creek unit, and which will eliminate travel over Roberts mountain, one of the most dangerous sections of the highway between Portland and San Francisco. exDect to have this stretch of road eomDlete by Octpber 1. Ttih road is now paved from Winston to Ruckels, a distance of nine miles, leaving only about five miles of pavement to com plete the work as far as Myrtle creeK, -Adjutant Gets Leave of Absence. HOQClAM. Wash., July 30. (Spe cial.) Robert A. Le Roux, adjutant of Hoquiam post No. IS, American Le sion, has received a leave of absence of three months by the post and left tonight for Seattle to take up his du ties as publicity director or tne norm western department of the Salvation army. Corea Nearer Self-Government. SEOUL, Corea, July 30. (By th Associated Press.) Of ficial decrees issued today create provincial, mu nicipal and village advisory councils for Corea. This is said In political circles to be the preliminary step toward self-government ' for the Co reans. Rail Wage Award Under Fire. CLEVELAND, O., July 30. Heads of the four big railroad brotherhoods wil meet here today to talk over plans to eliminate provisions of the railroad labor board's wage award which are considered unfair by the brotherhoods. Russell Brake, Also Charged witn Murder, Will Be Tried at Fall Session of Court. OREGON CITY. Or.. July 50. (Spe cial.) George Moore, wno with kus- tell Brake, is accused or muraerms viirrv Tiubinsky. the Portland ' taxi driver, and who entered a plea of guilty vyc-lnesday, was arraigned be fore Judge Campbell today and f en- to life Imprisonment in the state penitentiary at Salem. He was taken to the Institution the same day. Moore an Brake were arrested one week after the muraer oi uudij whose body was tnrown imo u Wil lamette river from the suspension bridge in this city. 1" a confession Moore laid the crime to Brake, who refused to make a statement on tne crime other than that he was inno cent. A few days later Moore made a second confession in wnicn ne w all the blame, stating that Brake was not with him that evening. Both boys wera Indicted by the tiacKamaa county grand jury and Brake will be tried at the fail term ot court. When ask 3d if he knew ot any rea son why sent2n -e Fhould r.ct be pro nounced, More saiil that he oia nut. When sentenced, Moore's eyes filled with tears. He is 19 years old. His companion, Brake, is 20. -- Moore Smiles Going to Cell. SALEM, Or.. July 30. (Special.) neorze Moore, slayer of Harry Du hlntkv. arrived at the penitentiary late this afternoon. The prisoner ap peared little affected and smiled al most continually during his ride from h ritnnt to the penitentiary. Upo being received at the prison .Moore "riroKhe-d in" and assignea to cell. Tomorrow he will undergo Ber tuiA. munRiircments and pose for i photograph. Warden Compton stated tonight that Mocre probably would be put at work in the flax plant early next weeK. MURDER SCARE DWINDLES Burned Human Bones" Those of Coyote or Dog. PENDLETON, Or., July 30. (Spe- ial.) Mystery surrounding the flnd- ng of 'burned human bones at Uklah recently, which with the dis appearance of Joe Williams, a fanner, who had lived there but a short time and caused people of that community to fear murder had been committed, was cleared up today. Deputy Sheriff Joe Blakeley and Coroner Brown visited the scene and closely investigated ail details, the burned human bones were de clared, by Coroner Brown to be those of a covote or a doe:. Upon investigation it was found 12 3 EI AT BURNS' SATURDAY AND MONDAY SEATTLE, July 30. O. S. Thornton. Auburn, Wash., engineer, and Alex Rennie. Everett. Wash., fireman, were instantly killed in the wreck 'of a Northern Pacific lumber train which crashed into a string of loaded coal cars at Fremont, a suburb, late today. Both trains were practically de molished and rolled -down an em bankment, burying the trainmen under the debris. INJUNCTION SUIT' HALTED Court Decision In Rockhill Case Blocks Action at' Klamath. KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. July 30. ; (Special.) The decision of the eu- Indian Recruiting Attempted. AGUA PRIETA, Sonora, July 30. According to Information made public here today, scouts for Governor Este ban Cantu of Lower California are in Sonora attempting to recruit Mayo and Yaqui Indians for service against the central governmnt. Corf an BombersArested. SEOUL, Corea, July 30. (By the Associated Press.) Seven Coreans carrying bombs were arrested today charged with intending to assassi nate officials and destroy public build Ings. - British Vice-Admiral Dies. HAMILTON, Bermuda, July 30.- Vlce-Admlral Sir Trevelyan D. Napier, commander-in-chief of the British rsorin American ana cbi niuie u val station, died here today. CRISCO $2 57 9-pound Tins Crisco. .4 ' c -J X; fVUeo. $I.S U'puuiiu 3-pound Tins Crisco 1 12-pound Tins Crisco A FEW MORE SMALL WHITE BEANS 20 LBS. for $1.00 GOLD CREST BUTTER, pound . r r I CREAM ... . . . OUC CHEESE, pound. 34c HOMINY, 2V28, per tin 14c Columbia SALAD OIL, per qt. bot . . , 64c WHITE ROSE FLOUR, 49 pounds, per sack . . ; ROSE OF CEYLON TEA; per pound. . ; . . HERSHEY'S COCOA, per pound. JUNO COFFEE, postpaid, per pound REASONABLE ORDERS DELIVERED D. C. BURNS COMPANY SOS-2IO THIRD STREET, BETWEEN TAYLOR AD SALMON Mall Order Servle. Write for MothIy Price List Vhol"Lalera to Private Families Hotel- and Restaurant. Fhoncsi Main Sl. 51S-S6. with a horse and buggy. They stopped at Pilot Rock to cash a check the next day and then came to Pendle ton, registering In a local hotel. Slurderer Warns Crowd. ANNISTON. Ala., July 30. Before going to his death on the gallows to-. day for the murder of a street car conductor, E. C. Caldwell, negro, former army sergeant, warned a crowd of 2o00 persons against whisky, cigarettes and carrying fire arms. Japanese War Held. Impossible.' TOKIO, July 30. Marquis Okuma, former premier, was quoted yesterday by the Jijl Shimpo as declaring it would be folly to dream of war be tween Japan and America and assert Ihat Williams and his wife had left ting such a thing to be practically im. the community June 29. drivintr out I possible. for Lunch, 'hv t