18. TITE MORNING OREGONIAX, SATURDAY, JULY 31. 1920 m FOB RENT. . Rooms With Board In Private Family. BEAUTIFUL room In Irvington; openi on sleeping porch; has large alcove, two double windows, closet, private lavatory; one or two employed; breakfast if de sired; $23 each; or one single room with sleeping porch, breakfast. S2o. Phone Kant hi: ."it. Broadway car line. FRONT room and board in private family, hot and cold water, phone, bath attached across hall; clowe in ad to carline; middle-aged gentleman In business pre ferred; breakfast and dinner served. $10 per week. tUll Sellwood 106$. ROOM and board for young gentleman In private family; home privileges; modern conveniences ; w alking distance. 7 10 E. BurriHlrie st. . FKONT ROOM. large, airy, cedar closet, good home cooking, all home privileges. 1 block from Hawthorne car. East b300. 2..4 E. 23d si. . Furnfehed Apartment. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes walk to Meier Frank's tore; good surroundings, strictly mod ern, ouuide, with irench doors ana ual cony. Permanent and transient. TOURISTS" SUMMER HOME. ALSO TRANSIENT. HTGH -CLASS APARTMENTS. 1. a and 3-room apis, and sleeping porch, beautifully furnished in Chinese rugs and willow furniture; also bachelor suite and single rooms and bath; reier ences required, Marshall 2S30. RESIDENT OR TRANSIENT. Apartments. 2. 3 and 4 iooms: n apartment hotel of superior character where your comfort and convenience r Xirst consideration. THE WKEELDON AN'N'EX, Corner Tenth and Salmon Sts. BEAUTIFUL 4-room newly furnibhed apt. All large, tight, airy outside rooms; un usually attractive and homelike; walking distance. The Meda apts., J i Vancouver a ve.. Just across the ii road way bridge; half block north of Broad way. Adults. Leae f'?r 1 year. 4 1' 7 ROD.V BY ave., 3 rooms, front porch and back sleeping porch second floor; , outside rooms, north front, clean and wholeaome; walking distance; good neighborhood. no children. $40. See janitor on premises, or H. E. Cross, Ore gon C i ty . KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 1M VISTA AVENUE. A newlv furnished, a -room apartment with 2 disappearing brd and outside balcony. Call Main 3ss:;. Price $.: Hdults on!y; will rent by week or month. U-liOOM apt. house, A rm.s. in basement, 4 rms. 2d flour; renting for $4u; 0 mis. top floor, fireplace, hardwood fluoTs. w uudurf ul view of city. $7,1. FRANK L. MeGUiRE, A hington bldg. THE ELM W OO D. Strictlv first-class. completely fur. B -room ants. Two disappearing beds, dressing room, tiled bath. etc.. $70 udi alfo :-rm. aots.. $65 up: adults; refer- ences. 413 mth st. Main 0000. 2s EW APT., lar-je room, built-in furniture, wall bed, Jn-tting room, bath, kitchen ette and h. ll. gas heat, private home, Linnton ro id. near St. Johns ferry, '2o. Phone Col. 15. BARON APARTMENTS. 14TH AN D COLL'MUIA. 8 and 4-room apartments, furnished and unfurnished. Main 7337. DESIRABLE, ni' 1y furnished 3-room apt., all outside rooms, private phone and bath: summer rates. Marshall Apts., ti-4 Marshall st. Broadway t THE LAURETTE. Completely furn. 3-rm. apts.. living room, bedroom, kitchen, bath: 5 min. walk. Relereuces. 11th. Main S3'j7. LEEDS APARTMENTS-, 3 and 4-room apartments, also sleeping rooms; mod ern, fireproof block, private baths, clean. reasonable. -1 o Market at. THE ELBRIDGE. 274 N. 21st St., desirable --room light, outside apt., modern brick, bids., aut. elevator, etc. Bdwy. 47oO. A LT A MONT APARTMENTS. One 3 and one 4-room. beautifully furnished modern apartments, close in. west side. Phone Main 0373. -ROOM apartment nicely furnished, 1st floor; gas, light and water furnished; free phuJie and bath; walking distance: $40; adults only. 34Q Hasfalo st. S-ROOM furnished apt., all outside rooms, finished in white enamel, on ;d rioor ; immediate possession. Call Mar. 2U6L 0t3 Irving st. Barker apts. THREE large, furnished rooms for H. K., new furniture, carpets and bedding. everything first-class. 20 E. 13th at., corner Ash. CORNER apartment; 3 rooms and sleeping porch ; never been occupied ; rent S00. Adults. Irvington. 3'J5 E. 15th N. East 4019. ft AND 4-room furnished and unfurnished apts, 3H4 Guild st.. Guild apt., between Thurmun and Vaughn st. Bdwy. 3S77. ON E .-room apartment ; this is a nice one; little furniture required. Rexford. Main 553. MCKLY furnished 5-room apt-, ail outside rooms, piano ; reasonable. Phone Main 73iq. PEABODY APTS., 19th and Upshur Housekeeping apartments, 1. 2 and 3-rm. steam heat'; reasonable. Bdwy. 1340. $S0 FOUR-ROOM steam heated, furnished apartment ; also one unfurnished. Cottel Lrug Co. ON E 3-room f urnished apt., with private bath and phone. San Marco apts.. cor. E. Mb and Couch ; price 40. E. 10UO. i-KUOM apartment, large sleeping porch, every thing furnished, Irom August 1 to September 1, $70. Call East 604. S-KuOM apt. with bath and large artis ing room, walking distance. Chapman apts., 335 Chapman st. NuKOMIS --room apt., private bath and phone, $;5. Broadway 4104. UNION AVE. and Killinssworth. (Id. SO. all complete; concrete bldg. PORT N O M A H 3 and 4 r o oms. walking distance; adults. L'UO East l.ith. IK.VMSUN furnished. A PTS. 2 and 3-room apts., 10-7 fz Belmont. THE FLORENCE -3 and 4-room furnished apt., walking distance. 3:$S-ll. THE ST A NT! ELD, 204 Porter st. Modern 2-room apts.. furnished. Main 73'.-. iioKToN APTS., 3-room furnished apt., OV'7 Washingin st. Main 3 0S. a-ROOM furnished modern apartments, 0 and $7 week. .Thud st. 3-KUOM furnished apta. with bath. $32.50. 32 E. Ash st. -ROOM apt .. nicely furnished, bath; on carline. 000 k Williams ave. ALCO APTS. E. Couch and Union reasonable. Modern --room apts. 2-KOOM apt-, also 1 room and kitchenette. 32S Mill, near Broadway. KING DAVID A PT. J-room furnished apartment. 54 N. King St. Mam 205S LEONARD 3-room apartment furnished, steam heat, adults, bath. 6G5 E. Main. FAIRMONT APT., 2S6 11th renovated 2-room apt. st. newly 3-ROOM apt., beautifully furnished. $45 per month. Woodlawn 5551. FOR RENT Furnished 4-room 1 rinity place. apt. 3D L pluraTumel Apartment. GRACE APTS., 24th and Northrup. 5 room modern, outside rooms, large front sleeping porch, hardwood floors, janitor service, etc Marshall 2512. 4,-HOOM APT. to let. some furniture for sale. Mordaunt Apts., 586 Everett, apt. K. Phone 54:;-S. -ROOM modern unfurnished apartment, VJ6; no children. Yaerly court. East 26th and Clinton sts. UNFURNISHED 3-room apt. for rent, close In. all Broadway 4811 between 12-1 or 6-7 evening. 5-ROOM front cor. apt., all light out side rooms. Elbridge, 274 N. 2lst st Bdwy. 4730 HOUSEKEEPING apartments In home, gas, light and heat free. Main st. private 1224 E. THREE to 5 rooms, 3-rooni, $16. at I2W0 Kelly st. Take Fulton car to Flower 2-ROOM front suite; private bath, reason able. 6;u Hoyt. Broadway 4Q4K. 4-ROOM and bath unfurnished apt., try. 40H Jefferson. FOR RENT 4-room apartment. 1010 Ai blna ave. Tel. Woodlawn 3043. Hats. FOR RENT 7-room, furnished flat, con venient and close in. Call Sat. between 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. Phone Main 1623 3!W Fifth st. . 4-ROOM fiat on car line: indiviidual bath anrt furuitce. extra disaDDeannir bed. laundry trays; $30 per month. Woodlawn 3763. C32 50 Clean, light, airy. 4-room f!i private bath, walking distance; adults only. 6714 Belmont.. Inquire on prem Ises. unfurnished flat for rent. 261 Chapman, cor. Madison, west side. Main 2323. -ci.ATfi 5 rooms. $32.50: 6 rooms. $; west side, walking distance; unexcelled v e w. 389H 16th. Vlnney. Mar. 1622. FOR RENT 3 rooms. 3d floor. Just across Broadway bridge. $12. Phone Main &3U3. FOR RENT. Flats. FOR RENT Flat of 5 rooms, bath and 4 sleeping porches, only $20 a month, and some furniture for sale; all new;, a nice, cool place to live and close In- Phone FIVE-RuOM unfurnished flat, bathroom, hot water reservoir, walking distance downtown or Northwest Steel yard; --5 per month. Inquire 42 1st st. FOR KENT One modern lower flat, ftre placa, reason ible. Inquire 3S Schuy ler st. 0-ROOM lower fat, $30. 304 Eugene at. Phone East 6,S2. Fnrnlsned Flat. VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FLAT, CLOSE IN ON WEST SIDE. MODERN. EXCELLENTLY FURNISHED, GASCO H EAT: KITCHEN, DINING ROOM AND RECEPTION HALL. LARGE AND WELL ARRANGED PORCHES, BASE MENT AND LAWNS (NO CARE OF LAWNS). RARE OPPOHTL'M T Y TO OBTAIN NICE HOME REASONABLY. MARSHALL 25KS. FURNITURE complete for 6-room flat for sale; fiat for rent to party buying furni ture; very cosily furnished: walking dis tance. Main 4246 before A. M. or after 6:20 P. M. w eek days or all day Sunday WILL sublet during August, 3-room apt., completely furnished. $43. including light, gas and phone. Call Mar. 2S03. North hampton apts. 401 E. r.OTH ST., near Hawthorne. 3 room furnished flat, $25. Wakefield, Fries & Co., S3 4th st. Broadway 29S0. FOR RENT In Irvington. a furnished flat of five rooms and sleeping porch. Call East 033. 3-ROOM modern furnished upper flat, light, water, heat furnished; 2 bedrooms. 3o7 E. 37th st.( near Wash. MUSIC teacher wants girl "to share flat and study music. Main 3018.' 3-ROOM furnished flat, walking distance. ,V2 Mill. Marshall 4174. 4 ROOMS in furnished flat, ave. N. 1006 Union Housekeeping Rooms. CITY HALL APTS. Very Central location. L'47 A Fifth at., near Main; 1 and 2-room light house keeping; clean; Jj.r.o to $4 week; sleep ing room. $U.5Q week. LA RG E outside H. K. rooms ; rent rea soiiuMe; between Steel & Bdwy. bridges. Call today and tomorrow. East bOlI. 222 Crosby st. SUITE of strictly clean housekeeping rooms, running water, electricity, gas, and free phone included. 407 Columoia st. LARGE, clean, light H. K. rooms: apts., $4. 5ti to 53 a week; sleeping room. $2.50 week. The A'ta ViKta. 544 Pettigrove. corner lOi h. Phone Broad w ay 3540. MOST desirable living or H. K. rooi-ts for one or two; also attic room suitable for two or three. A 11 furnished. Very reasonable, close in. 3dt J4th st. ON E large front room, on first floor strictly clean, suitable for one or two people. Call 32! Montgomery, between Sixth and Broad way, p h o n e M a 1 3401 . TRUNKS and baggage delivered m down, town district lor '2oc. Auto service. Free storage tor 15 days. Phone Bdwy. 2443. 2 SUITES H. K. rooms, one room and kitchenette: electric lights, bath, phone. -SI Larrabee. East 1 S;t7. MAKE the Bushmark your home; one and two-room outside a pts., clean, modern, respectable. Washington st.. cor. 17th. CLEAN furnished housekeeping room, free gas. 5 1 tj per mo., room 4lo Fifth and Morrison. Goodnough bldg. Marshall 107!. NEWLY furnished and newlv renovated housekeeping and single rooms. 3bl Ya m hi U. . SLEEPING ROOM and li-roora H. K. apta. Kate -i.;0 and up per week. Call Broad way 348. H. K. ROOM with kitchenette; running water, private entrance. 208 4th, opp. city hall; $4 week. THE BEAVER, 12th and Mar. Furnished H. K. rooms, $15 up, including gas range, hot water, electric lights, laundry room. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single. clean, modern; $12 per month and up. 147 13th $4.50 WEEK for one large single house keeping room itb. hot and cold water. 4H2 V-j Third " st. LARGE housekeeping tent, completely fur nished; hot water and electricity. 325 Main st. TWO nice, clean housekeeping rooms, very reasonable ; wilt rent single or double; easy walking distance. 370 Broadway. LA RG E, clean, airy rooms, easy walking distance, near Washington. Phone Bdwy. 2S77. 50U Flanders. LARGE front room and kitchenette, single rooms, hot water always. 655 Flanders. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing; everything furnished; $4 per week - UP- 103V Second st. 2 LIGHT, cheery rooms and kitchen, newly renovated, well i urnished, $16 per month. Tabor 152C. 1 SINGLE housekeeping, suitable for one person. $12. 4!t0 Clay st. $10 ONE front room and kitchenette. Clay. Mar. 2014. FURNISH ED housekeeping room, 1 room apts. 300 Jefferson. LARGE light housekeeping room, $3 week. 3H5 Ms Third st. TWO large, furnished housekeeping rooms. 507 Powell st. Adults- 3 FURNISHED rooms for light H. Phone Woortlawn 5101. 2 FURNISHED front rooms for rent. Washington st. Automatic 613-03. 540 FOR RENT Furnished room, all conven iences. Marshall 043. SINGLE furnished H. K. room for rent at 335 Clay st. 1-ROOM. houpe keeping, phone, N. 20th st. Broadway 4123. bath. 67 ONE small H. K. room suitable for 2, $16 per month. 320 Montgomery. Main 3401. TWO furnished H. K. rooms, close in. 4S9 Jefferson. FRONT 3 12 Cla H. K. y st. rooms, nicely furnished. CLEAN, cool H. K. room ; running water; close in. 30 N. 17th st., near Wash. H. K. AND sleeping rooms on car line; walking distance. 153 N. loth st. SEVERAL" 2 -room api $2.50 and $3 weekly; gas, electricity. At 637 fra 1st. $4 WEEK, large furnished H. K. room. 334 Washington, corner Third st; FURNISHED H. K. rooms and apts. at 421 'A E. Morrison. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. OR 4 rooms, nicely furnished, ground floor: no children. Main 41Utf. 427 Har rison st. 2 COMFORTABLE rooms for working .woman or couple, $15 per month. Call Main 19.". TWO nicely furnished H. K. rooms. $16 per month; gentlemen proferred, 529 Kearney st. Broadway 7S3. 1 ROOM, basement. with kitchenette, light, airy, clean, furnished- Bdwy. 1371. $15 FOR housekeeping rooms, private fam ily. 860 Grand ave. N. 1 NICE H. K. room. 146 N. 17th. Broad- way 2606. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, $13. ,07 Mississippi ave. 4 FURNISHED clean rooms, including a modern kitchen, adults only. Tabor 6618. 3 ROOMS, one block from Broadway. 5S: F. i x 0 ' FOB RENT. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family, FURNISHED light H. K. rooms; bath, phone, heat and electricity; $23 per month; walking distance. 202 Tillamook st., near Williams ave. East 6376. Aduita only. IV ICE room, 3d floor, suitable for light housekeeping, $10 per month. 389 12th st.. l.-z block to car. Marshall 3S02. Pri vate family. TWO LARGE housekeeping room, second floor, also 1 large housekeeping room, first floor, clean and well furnished, con,' cnient, close In. 03 N. 20th st. TWO furnished H. 1C rob ma for couple employed, 'it walking distance. Nob Hill district, gas, electricity and heat, fur nished. 056 Glisan st. SINGLE house keeping room, nice, home like place. $ 1 5.50 ; also two rooms with kitchenette, $6.30. 33114 Montgomery st. LARGE, clean H. K. rooms, kitchenette; light, phone, bath and heat furnished. 600 E. Washington 1 AND 3 rooms nicely furnished ; yard and shade trees, with or without garage. Kast 2010. TWO front rooma for housekeeping, close in. 314 6th st., west side. 1 OR 2 LARGE modern H. K. rooma. 33th st. 249 House. AUGUST 1 Beautiful Irvington home, hardwood floors, fireplace, garage, etc., $,sr a month. 500 East 25th st. North. Phone East 4633. Call afternoona or evenings. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC light aervice. Broadway 580. A 6747. , WILL rent large house, double garage, furnished. $75 month, 2-year lease; sell unfurnished $500 down, $50 month. Own er, Main 4S64. SOUTH PORTLAND. 10-room modern house. $40 per month: 10 min. car ride to center of city. Call Marshall 3080 and ask for Mr. Fulton. BEAUTIFUL S-room house for rent, west side, with all or part of furniture for sale at a sacrifice. 6S6 Hoyt, near 21st street. WILL TRADE furniture of 7-rooms val at $i0 for late model auto; house be rented for $50. Woodlawn 637. ued can LOCAL and long-dibtance moving and hauling; rirst-clas equipment. Green Tr. Co.. 202 Alder st. Main 1201. 572-61. WILL rent 6-room house to party buying furniture: in Alberta: place for chick ens; lota of fruit: $30. Wdln. 5357. MOVING Piano, furniture and iong-dis-tance hauling a specialty. O. W. Truck Service Co., 40 2d st. Plione Bdwy. 5121. 5-ROOM house for rent, oak furniture for sale. 3t)J Grand ave. N. 7-ROO.M house, large yard.- 1251 E. Main. Tabor 5WJ8. Furnished Houses. A 0-ROOM houe for rent, either furnished or unfurnished, to "reliable party. ;i27 E. l.'ith st., near Halscy. Take Irvington cur. MODERN 7-room house, close in. $:J0; lur niiure for sale, $4(10: easy terms. 042 E. Oak st. Aut. 227-14. LADY living in own home would share with one or two people; Nob Hill. tiUli Fianileis. Main 4188. A MODERN furnished 5-room house for month of August. 640 Kerby. Call be twenn 2 and :i Sunday afternoon. FURNISHED house for rent. UuO East 27th North. Apply forenooon. FOR RENT Furnished house. 88a E. 20th. Bummer fLesurtb. MacLEAN'S CAMP, OSWEGO LAKE. Cottage for rent, partly furnished; reached from Oswego station on 4th st Red Electric line. MacLean. 607 Lewis blag. Phones Broadway &000 and Oi wego 431. . FUR SALE Very desirable lot at Saltair. two blocks from R. H. station. 1 block to hotel; price $73 cash for quick sale. V 52i. Oregonlan. WANTED Cotlace at Ocean Park or near by. suitable for 4 people, for 2 wks. beginning August 8. Woodlawn 3416. G yOS, Oregonlan. FOR RENT or sale, cottage at Seaside, ocean view, 100 for Aug. Apply room 511 Panama bldg., or 124 Oth ave.. Sea- side. WE will rent our cottage on Still creek near Rhododendron, fully furnished for 2 weeks or more, beginning about August 18. Main 30ti7. air. Rankin. SEASIDE Rooms by day or week; also housekeeping and sleeping tents, rea sonable. Phone East 3424 between 8 A. At. and 6 P. M. FOR RENT Small furnished cottage for August, Ocean Park. Wash.; good loca tion, $25. 545 E. 28th. Phone Sellwood 4'JS. FOR RENT, right on the beach, furnished cottage, tents, well water. $10 to $-'0 a week. J. H. and L. H. Edwards. Main 72U2. WANTED To rent from August 10 to 30. north beach cottage to accommodate six: state particulars. C tf55. Oregonian. COMPLETELY furnished tent-house. Can non beach. Particulars C. L,. Wingard, 553 Morrison. FOR RENT Seaside, modern 6-room house for last three weeks of August. 321 3d st., cor. 4th ave. Phone Main lli. FOR RENT 14x24 wall tent. Cannon beach, $25 for season : not furnished. "". 1.. Wingard. 553 Morrison SEASIDE. OR. New, furnished. 2-room housea. suit able for 3 or 4 people. 10O 1st ave. West. ROOM for rent in prlvnte cottage at Rockaway Beach. East 1276. FOR RENT Five-room cottage at Seaside for August. Phone Tabor 4S3SJ FURNISHED tent on Willamette river. Call 728 Morgan bldjr Store. FOR LEASE SALESROOM 36x25. WITH ADDITIONAL SPACE IN LARGE GA RAGE SPEEDWELL GARAGE. 14TH AND COUCH. ST3. PHOME BROAD WAY 3974. STORE FOR RENT. VERY ATTRACTIVE STORE. BROAD WAY NEAR EVERETT ST. INQUIRE AT IO NORTH BROADWAY. SMALL STORE for shoe shop across from st-hool, $15; three nice unfurnished living rooms, ground floor. $10. A. H. Claus, 201 E. 34th and Taylor sts. FOR RENT Store, East 28th St.. bet. Couch and Davis sts. Phone Main 115. PART of a store in a splendid district. 6SW Washington st. Office. TUB F1TTOCK BLOCK HAS A NUMBER OF HIGHLY DESIRABLE OFFICES READY FOR IMMEDIATE OCCU PANCY. ONE LARGE SUITE OF NINE ROOMS CAN BE SUBDIVIDED. PHONE BROADWAY 784 OR CALL ROOM 414 P1TTOCK BLOCK. LARGE office with use of reception room and typewriter; rent reasonable. 510 12 Pittock block. FRONT office, change bldg. modern, in Railway Ex Apply room 312. BCSrNESS OPPOKTCNITIM. GARAGE Opportunity for reliable man to buy half of a garage doing 4i'00 montn business. Price $;1250. which Is less than value. Room oil Railway Exchange. FOR SALE or trade, stock of gen. mdse. and fixtures In small country town best location In Oregon. JU A. Bakec 317 Henry bldg. Hnwy. 4'.'. FOR' SALE Used bakers' outfit. Including 2 portable ov-ns ana otner tools; an a-rt. floor case. Main i.i'.w. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CREAMERY, $7000, TERMS. Fully equipped to mfg. butter, fee cream and cheese; located In Puget sound's best dairy country; manufactur ing 2800 pounds of butter and -rtO gal. of Ice cream a week; In town of located on main street; building and property worth price asked; ill health reason for selling. Snohomish Cream ery Co.. Snohomish. Wash. $750 BTJTS practically new. complete mul tieraphinjc outfit, motor-driven, self feed, signature device. 'J tvpesetting machines, all kinds of type and accessories. This is a real bargain. Call alter 11 A. M. Main Sli07. TOUR MONET FULLY SECURED AND LARGE PROFITS IN DEAI.IXG WITH THE SUBSTANTIAL. FARMERS; FIVE TO TEN THOUSAND DpLuA KS WITH SERVICES ON A GROUND FLOOR PROPOSITION; EXPERIENCE UNNEC ESSARY AND A LEGITIMATE. PER MANENT BUSINESS. O B7. OREGO N1AN. MINERAL, springs for sale. :8I)0. with ent tage. bathhouse, large swimming pool, mineral water; fine scenery; one-half mile from new Mt Hood loop highway. 1 4 miles east Government Camp. M. E. MESLRVE, Rhododendron. Or. PARTNER WANTED. Garage and used car depot, on west side, in the heart of the commercial dis trict; old-established place, now earning SliiOO per month clear; H interejt. in cluding equity in 3 cars; S7SU. Write D 8S4. Oregonian. SEE ME about this store today. 1S.".0; a dandy corner location; light grocery, conf., soft drinks; daily average re ceipts J.5; rent ;.", with 2-year lease: get full information, reasons for selling. Harper. J. A. Wickman & Co.. 6 PtHrk. FJ4LDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. wants fur rlture stocks, also cljthing and shoes. Merchants who have auch merchandise and, willing to sell at reasonable prices can write to Feldsteln Furniture Co.. 174 1st. Portland. Or. FOR SALE One creamery buildinsr and equipment in the very best location for up-to-date creamery and ice cream plant. Community support satisfactory. Charles Anderson. Secretary - Commercial Ciub. Dayton. Or. Box 132. BY OWNER Garage 100x100. one of the oest locations on the west side, business well established; now storing 70 cars; repair shop fully equipped and lots of re pair work; 4 years' lea.e; $2550 will han dle. Broadway 5706. FOR SALE. Wholesale and retail candy store In Astoria. Or.; best location in town; good bargain for the right party. See proprie tor. Address S35 Commercial st.. Asto ria, Or. GROCERY In heart of residence district jwner going east, corner store, first class stock, doing over $100 a day. ,.,, iwiiin ,inu garage. Kent reasonable; $2500 will handle. very Y 2U8, - " . B Ulllllll, VOULD like to sell my place of busi ness, a garment exchange, 403 Allsky bldg. Any person desiring a bargain will call at once. I am forced to depart from business on. account of sickness rKyu i Af l, centrally located. Including , , "i trucks and all equipment: clears $1000 to $2000 month; $25(10 cash -?.wn biilauce easy. Price $13,500. Room oil Railway Exchange. FOR SALE l-chalr barber shr,r. ..liK. ilshed for 12 years; good location, doing good business; the leading shop of the town. For further Information address O. K. barber shop, Silverton. Or R, SALE Two massaging machines. Si.oO each; 1 baby hair-cutting chair. IIKJ- bJlrber chair, cost $225. will take $100; hand clippers and other tools cheap. 537 Union ave. N E 4 '1 $37. PRICE Neat little grocery, cood In. cation In brick building; rent $10.50. In cluding steam heat. See BROWN & BIDDLE. 324 Railway Exch. Bldg.. 3d and Stark. FOR SAL t a bargain, transfer com- pany. established 4 years, doing a aood business: 2 new trucks: owner leaving city. P 902. Oregonlan. leaving FOR SALE Grocery and feed store doing - n i . uuajucaa m montn one mii soutn oi Oregon City. City. Call 4S4J, Oregon LIVE partner in up-to-date mfg. and bot tling concern; business growing too large for present manager to handle alone. For particulars address Y 08U Oregonian ?"OR SALE by owner, grocery store, build ing, stock and fixtures, 3 large living rooms; rare opportunity. A 605. Orego nian FOR SALE General merchandise, nroo- erty. stock and fixtures. Best prune country. Paved road: nn iAmnntiAn Particulars. AV 1 "7. Oregonlan. ' CLEAN grocery, doing $50 a day. all cash: no aenvery. no iixtures to buy: expense only $1 day; about $1100. 1122 Union ave. N. FOR RENT Gas filling station and ac cessory store In best suburban corner In city; living rooma In back; cheap rent. ai: laoor 2b6. MUST sell stock of groceries of about $250 m. uiscouni: also iixtures. scales, show cases, counters and shelving. Call 150 Boundary st- Take Fulton car BOR SALE 2 drilling machines with con tracts. Suitable for one or two parties Address all inquiries to AV 18o, Ore gonian. WA.NIH.O Parties with capital to Invest and take management or branch office of growlng manufacturing business in c"t. rj oti, oregonian. w.niea tor a garage; U5 cars sieaoy storage; sell gas. oils, tires and auio repuiiiiig: pays large profits. Cal room 401 Dekum bldg. ft" v . i , i s c ukc, root oeer barrel, on ou.-.y a.ieet, ooing goou ousiness; leaving JmiMB, ..n oiarK St. PICTURE SHOW doing good business; long lease '.ini cash , wiii hanule ; leaving city. Owner. A 211. Oregonian. FOR SALE Grocery store doing good business; all cash ; good location ; rea sonahle. Apply 524 North 24th st. FOR SALE Good clean ca.h grocery, fine location: rent $22.50; must sell at once. Phone Eat 2221. REST A URANT for sale cheap; only om in town of 3500 pop.; doing $60 per day year around. AV 1S3. Oregonian. PRINTERS Operator-printer will install inteitype In your office for interest in Fame. 737 East 42d Nort h. ICE CREAM, confectionery and light grocery stock and fixtures; expenses only $1 a day. t'hone East 1251. FULLY eouioned print in a plant fnr u i Press, cutter, motor and all tools; $550 I WANTED To rent modern, central iy lo cated hotel or rooming house. M 923, Oregonian. FOR SALE BY OWNER ERIKSON3 WHITE SHIELD MATERNITY HOMB. 7!8 E. 72d N. PHONE 312-79. FOR SALE Out-of-town plumbing and tin shop, fully equipped, good business; prica $2000. AV 162. Oregonian. $450 WAFFLE of city, long leaving city. and chop house, in heart lease; must sell at once; See Morris. 243 Stark st. SMALL BAKERY A-t condition, good location, money maker for right party BARGAIN. P. O. 173 Carson. Wash. WANT to buy sanitarium furniture. Main 7005. DANDY grocery store for sale, with a big discount. Inquire Bdwy. 2659. IF YOU want to sell your business, for quick resu'ts. see Morris. 24S Stark st. POLLY AND HER PALS THE RISK WAS TOO GREAT. BY CLIFF S T ERRETT businkm oproKTi'xrrusa. FOR SALE Hardware atore established 34 years, doing wonderful business, mak ing big money, located In llvest coast city in Oregon among saw mills, logging camps, mines and farming country; have best location In city. Tou can step Into big moneymaker without paying a bonus; good reason for selling. Address M. H., care AV 193. Oregonlan. FOR BALE OR TRADE. 80 acres in Willamette valley, an Ideal chicken ranch, b-room house. 2 barns. hens, cows, horses, machinery. All under cultivation. Water piped to all parts of ranch; flS.ouO complete. Will sell or trade for merchandise or Van couver property. w O. L.. WEBSTER. jot Washington st.. Vancourer. Wash. MR. BLMN&SS buyer, here Is an oppor tunity to step into a g-ood established Business, stock and fixtures; invoice about $17,500; located In a large terri tory; practically no opposition; located n.,fe.-- P Co-' anU . A. & K K. R.; now EioiJ!lK 8ale8 tvp5 -17500 per month; flJ.OUO to S 15,00(1 will handle deal; no trades. Ralph Hannan, Buxton, Or. WELL-KNOWN large Portland hoteFwlU tnBtall new re.-taurant seating 75 if right -man can be found to operate; com plete equipment for most renned patron age; only those need apply who under- stand catering to high-cias trade; give experience and full particulars in first letter to secure cousinration ; uuial. cap ital required. AH 719. NEWSPAPER The Silver Lake Leader Is tor sa.e; paper established 13 years; plant well equipped and a paying pro position with a bright future; only one other paper In the county; best of rea sons for selling y term a given. Address The Leader. -Silver Lake, Oregon. TriUers save stamp3 WANTED Young man or woman with mercantile talent, now employed In ship ping or wholesale lines, may acquire In terest in a rapidly developing foreign trade corporation by the Investment oJ IIOO to 3U0 and practice of foreign trade technic to ah to fit into a well-paid ana active personnel. B 72, Oregonian. 3fc-hX BUSINESS StiOOO CAN BUY -0 nines irom Portland. Kesiauram. oak cry. confectionery and cafeteria ; doing .mku m. montn ana up; a real money maker; don't miss this. Must e!l on account of other business Interests. No Bni3. iau Automatic l'I3-3J. FIRST CLASS CAFE. Bargain if taken soon; Al doing dally businesa of $150 location ; "to $O0. business. or) i in g- on account or other a a ureas Wash. ro4 Washington st., Vancouver, UN DERTAKING establishment property, fine corner location. lOOxlCO with pave ments all Ln 8-room houoe. 18x40. heated by turn ace and fireplace, chapel 34x4N: heated by electricity, all modern, nice driveway, very easy terms for right Party. V j)ti'2.' Oregonian. ROTARY daylight bakery for sale, sani tary and up to date, doing good business in town with $-o,u0 payroll per day: low rent, excellent chance for baker and wife; owner going eaot. Deal direct. Call Tabor 1013 after 7:UO P. M. Address BD "-3. Oregonian. FOK SALE Cash-and-carry grocery on 3d at., doing a good business, with good profits; established many years and on ducted by the same owner, who desire-s to retire and rest. This will stand the ctoseat Investigation, with a guarantee. Price $4000. H 60S. Oregonian. $1750 1-3 INTEREST rn 15VM sawmill; $750 cash, balance $100 per month: must be hutler and capable of earning at least $7 per day. Present orders leave $13 per M for doing the sawing; rest of work contracted out. L 073. Oregonian. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY for party with $30O0 to participate in profits from for eign trade transactions ; bUHiness can be built up to large proportions through, m established firm which desires to work Into tHis field. For Interview only ad- dress J fl'J4. Oregonian. SEASIDE restaurant. M. & B.. established buHlness, living quarters in connection, fully equipped, 5-year lease, rent $S2.50 per year; thia is a bargain, will bear in vestigation; price $-'2n0. Call or write M B Reataurant. Seaside. Or. A FIRST-CLASS mechanic, busy repairing aut os. wants a reliable partner to bell the gas, oils, tires, etc., and be handy In garage; profits are good. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE Restaurant doing good bufd ness In thriving city near Portland: will stand closest Investigation ; an oppor tunity for man and wife. J 005. Ore gonian. WE ARB splendidly equipped to turn cut -commercial printing. publication and briefs, min ns prof it erring prices. Mount Scott Herald. 5S12 9d stu. Lenta. Phono Tabor 7S1M. GROCERIES, cigars. Ice cream. light lunch, etc.; a nice store with living rooms ; net profit $1 5o to $J0O month ; $suo cash will handle it. Call room 4ol Dekum bldg. CAUTION. BUYERS Before closing deal of so-called interest In established real estate bus! nebs, get advice of Portland Rea-ly Board. 421 Oregon bldg. Broad way 3 902. FOR SALE Curtiss aeroplane, with Cana dian motor. completely overhauled, tested out and newly painted. In strictly first-class condition ; $1500. 812 Board of Trade bldg. BIG sacrifice, grocery and confectionery; good chance for lunch counter; right between 2 big factories. Must eli to ri a v. Call 150 Boundary sL Take Ful ton car. ONE of the best garages in heart of city; working five men; doing welding, generul overhauling and wreck work. Books opn for investigation; $3500 will handle. No agent a. East 7249. WELL established beauty parlor, must sWl on arcount of healt h : w ill sacrifice ; In vestigate; it Is worth your while; one cham e In a t housand for right buyer. A 612, Oregonlan. BIG money maker. East's California or ange cider : secure Portland agency ; 1 00 dealers now making large sale-. Cit y and state agents wanted. Woodlawn 5M4 $4tO 3-CHAIR harbor shop, heart of city, doing good business; have other busi ness. See Morri?. 2S Stark st. MA N or woman of good character to finance patent lawn mower sharpener. E 670. Oregonian. WILL sell or rent pool room or card room, also barber shop. Inquire 620 Union ave N. GROCERY store for sale In Montavilla. will sell building or stock. Phone Tabor 8610. CLEANING and pressing shop, down town; low rent, lease. Hoffman. 1S9 Park st MUST sell on account of sickness, restau rant near shipyards. 335 First at. Business Opportunities Wanted. I HAVE Inquiries every day for rooming nouses. If you wish to dispose of yours see m. Marper. with the J. A. Wick man & Co.. 204 Stark st. I WANT to buy a good barber shop, good location. I have cash money. Two or three chairs preferred. I GOG. Oregonlan. ui'siESH oppokt: nitifw. BusineM Opportunities) Wanted, 1 WANT a good used car. chummy pre ferred, but will consider a touring or roadster; as first payment I wish to turn over my equity of on a new piano, balance to suit you. Call Marshall 1056. WANTED Small groc. and conf.. from $uoo to $1500. Main 54 JO, ask tor Mor ris. Hotels and Rooming Houses. WILL SELL my equity In hotel; have now from 35 to 40 steady boarders; am getting $13 per week for room and board; there are 3 shingle mills, a sawmill and three logging camps to draw on ; has Ror d location, best in town; can secure leise of building for year or more at $40 per month entirely furnished. Will eef! fwr $1000 or at inventory. Write or call and see me. Box 30, Skamokawa, Wash. A PAYING PROPOSITION. 34 rooms completely furnished, large lobby, dining room, kitchen, ground floor. 31 rooms, a baths second floor: pressed brick building, steam heat, wood fur nished, hot and co id water; leasee; best hotel, best location, one of best pay roll towns in Oregon; '20 miles from Port land, paved roads. 35O0 population; good reason for selling; we can show you. C E. CranfMl. ana '4 First st.. room 22. Main 4203. All day Saturday and Sun day. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business. Hotel, Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon, RITTER. LOWE A CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We write all kinds of insurance. BY OWNER Furniture, 2 rooming houses, housekeeping ; all rented, good income, cheap rent, sleeping porch, garden, 30 hens, big lawn; close in. 444 and 446 East Oak. near 7th st. Phone A. M. Main 4M0. RENT FLAT BUY FURNITURE. $700 7-roorn, well furnished, modern, T min. walk from down town, all out side rooms; $75 income beside nice apt. for s-lf. Call Main 992. $15ixi 0 rooms, h. k. Always full, right downtown, clears all expenses leaving 4 lovely rooms for occupant; ideal place for people desiring a home; velvet rugs, floor lamps, fireplace, etc. Main 40-ROOM hotel, located In businesa center, hot. cold water in each room, steam heat, brick building, long lease. Phone Main 4J03. WOHKIXGMAX'S hot!. 50 rooms, fine lo cation ; doing fine business; $;0oo. Con sider s"me terms or trade. Jones, Main 54J!. IMS Stark St. 25 ROOMS, all housekeeping; must sacri fice on account of sickness for $100O. t "a 1 1 owner. Sei i wood 2;U0. FuK best bargain in apartment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Kealty Co.. 245 4th st. FOR SALE Eight-room flat with large at tic and basement, nicely furnished, piano Included. Call Main SI 95. M MS. M. E. LENT, Hotel and apartment-bouse broker. 523 -4 -5 Northwestern Hank Bldg. 13 HOUSE K E K PlXf! rooms, clears $100; g:ts lights ; 0 cash. Barney Johnson v. Co.. 170 loth st. B-ROOM house, well furnished and mod ern, furniture newrly new ; close In. west side; lovely home. 68 North 20th st. 1ST-CLASS houses, all sixes; IMtt 10th ?t.. old locution. investigate. 42 ROOMS H. K. Rent $05. Lease. suites. income $350. Phone East 34S7. IF YOU ha e a pood rooming house for sa phone. Broadway 4l!2. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles were found on cars or the r. k., l.. fc r. co.. Juiy furse, check hook, pair gloves. 13 packages, sack tools, overalls, sweater, banket, box. roll of paper. 2 w heels. 5 suitcases, 3 lunch boxes, 6 umbrellaB. Owners may obtnin property at First and Alder ftn. LOST OR STOLEN Airedale male dog. straigh t brown hair, fuzzy face and white breast and front feet are white; bobbed tail. License No. 14S9. Name on col la r. John Joe hen. Reward for return of dog or any information. East 6963. LOST Friday, bet. 4-5 P. M.. bet. Roberts i-fros. at 1st and .Morrison, on ssunnj sine car. gray coin purse containing $2n bil I, small change, stamp and keys. Reward. Phone Kat 07 On. LOST Black silk handbag containing VIO currency ind keys, public market, July 17. Kinder leave Oregonlan Office. Re ward. LUST Green silk umbrella, white handle, green glass top. specially prized as keep sake: big reward. 529 Montgomery st. Marshall CULL LOST Purse contain Ing money, ra 11 road ticket. Masonic card and fishing licence. Leave at secretary Elks Club, receive reward. LOST A pair of tortoise rim glasses on Alder between Park and llth sta. Kinder please return to 34S Washington at Re ward. Ma-tn 7:;:t. LuST Poeketbnok containing small change and lady's goI watch. Initialed A. H. Kinder please ret urn to cashier Star theater: liberal reward. LOST Tan satchel containing money, checks, personal papers. Kin tier please communicate J. H. Hansen, Cornelius. Oregon. LUST Platinum seal ring blue stone engraved inside. Reward. Return to 271 Hawthorne avenue or call East 014. WOULD party who found kodak on desk at post of f Ice on Morrison st. please ring Marshall 1050. apt. :S4. L 'ST Garnet ward. Mrs. lawn 5171 hroocii, Wednesday. Re Brton F. lironson. Wood- LOST A w rhit watch Thursuay evening, between 7th and Davis and Broadway. Reward. Eatt 1040. LOST 2 small black and tan dogs near Wiiliams ave., on Tillamook st. Reward. Main 2o55. LOST A pair of glasses in long leather rase, tortoise ' shell, nail file in case. Vain 4001. LOST tast Friday, downtown street, gold watch chain; reward. Call Bdwy. 552, T ru 11 k 5i t LOST A pointer pup: body white, brown fcpots on ear and oer ri-?ht eye. Return to 14 E. 1Mb st. S. Phone East 2.M0. LUST Cuff Hk. gold. ees set with rubies, snia 1 1 diamond in mouth. -Call Marshall 44WO, 0 to 7 P. M. Reward. LOST Long bar pin with opal In center and set with small diamonds: tins safe t y. I .cave at Seward hot-!. Reward. LOST Handbag with jewelry and sum of money; reward. 217 Oth Ave. W., Sea f. r. LOST Sma U diamond ring, valued for its sentiment: reward. H. F. Iverson, Fed eral Reserve bank. LOST Three key rings attached together and carrying l-'i to 20 kes. Finder pUase notify Main 501. LOST A crescent shape pearl pin In Ma jestic theater Tuesday eve.; valued a keepsake. Heward. Main 15'2. lA'e?T ijuitcaHe. Wednesday evening, be tween Canby and Aurora. Finder please call Tabor 1S50. LOST Oreen pendant to lavailiere. Tabor 8.".''R. Reward. LOST Purple silk scarf; reward to finder. Returnto -34 Vista avenue LOST Canary bird. East 1042. Pine t. Heward. 612 East LOST Fountain pen, in i tin Is L. W. W. Reward. Return to 301 Macleay bldg. LOST -larnpt brooch. Wednesday; reward. Mrs. Berton K. Bronson, Woodlawn ."171. SPECIAL NOT1CKS. THE BUSINESS formerly conducted at North Portland Union Stockyards at Portland. Oregon, by the undersigned as co-partners under the firm name of Wil.ard Commission company, has been Bold out to Willard Commission company, an Oregon corporation, and said par:ner sh p has no connection wit h the busi ng s s. 1. H. W 1 LL AJt D and E. E. WILLARD. Proposals Invited. SEALED PROPOSALS addressed to E M Duffy, business manager of the State A gricultural College. Corvallis. Oregon, will be received by the Board of Re gents of the State Agricultural Collesre. until 2 o'clock P. M.. August 2. 192. for the furnishing of all materials and the performance of all la:or required for the erection and completion of the first and second units of the girls dor mitory building, for the State Agricul tural College. Corvallis. Oregon. All bids to be indorsed "Proposals for Girls Dormitory Building." Said pro posals to be opened upon the above date by the said Board of Recents. AH the work and materials must con form to the plans and specif if at ion therefor on fi'e at the business office of the college. Corvallis. Or., and of the Architect. John V. Bennes. 140 Cham ber of Commerce bldg.. Portland. Or. Each proposal must be accompanied by certified check or 5 pr cent of the amount of the bid as a guarantee that the successful bidder will enter into a contract according to said pans and specifications. Said i heck to be made payable to the State Agricultural College of Oregon. If for any reason the bidder fails to execute the proper contract and bond required within ten days after notifica tion of -the acceptance of h'.s bid. then certified check shall become forfaited to the State Agricultural College of the State of Oregon. TENDERS will be received up to 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. Aug. 4. 1920. for fur nishing all material and work for a playhouse for school district No. 1. Hood River county. Or., as per plans and sptc inVationa. which mav be seen at postof lice. Cascade Locks, Or. A certified check for 5 per cent of amount must ac company each tender as a guarantee of good faith. The board reserves to itself the right to rejei-t any or a: I tenders. Jas. Henderson, cl?rk school dist. No. 1. Cascade Locks. Or. TENDERS for kalsomining and painung the interior of school house of school - district No. 1. Hood Rivr countv. at Cascade Locks. Or., wll 1 be received uv to 12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Aug. 4. iie Doara reserves the reject any or all tenders. Jan. son. clerk school dist. No. 1, Locks, or. right t H-t nder Cascade Miscellaneous. WE BOUGHT out the business at 31 4 i Burnside t.. consisting of totaeco stoo-k. soft dring.. also the furniture. If any one has anything coming to them inquire not laterthanAugust 10. MADAME CARTER-wnfhe glad to wef come her manv friends in the public at her newly opened modern beautv parlor, located at 2:19 Aiifcky bldg., corner 3d and Morrison. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. ORKOON BUND & MOltTGAUE CO.. 2U5 SELLING BLDO.. 2D FLuoli. LIVESTOCK LOANS. We have money to loau on cattle, sheep, hogs. E. BOWMAN & CO., 210 Chamber of Commerce. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers con tracts on real estate 111 Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 310 Lum be r m ens bldg. WE BUY first and second mortgages and seller' contracts. F. E. Bowman & Co., 2K Chamber of Com mere. MONEY to loan. Trust com nan v. See Lawyers' Title & 26 Stark st.. near 4th. .Money to Ioan on Real Katute. , RESIDENCE LOANS. 7. five-year period. You may pay $10o or any multiple thereof account principal, semi-annually and reduce In tel tat on loans under S5000 INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 00 . value house and lot at 7. You pay one-half of one per cent account principal monthly. For ex ample. S2UUU loan, you pay $10 month. y and interest; ou have priviTt-ge of pay ing $1 00 or any multiple thereof monthly Interest reduced accordingly. NO COM MISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period. c9. Excellent re payment pi lvileges. MURTUAGE LOAN COMPANY. Vain satts. 407 Yeon Bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willatnc te val ley farms, no commission, no delays. D E V E R E A U X MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 Sixth St., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 0 AND 7 PER CENT INSTALLMENT LOANS. NO COMMISSION UNION ABSTRACT CO.. , S3 4TH ST.. HENRY BLDG. $ CO. 000 TO LOAN in sums to suit on city, suburban and farms. Building loans a specialty. WILLIAM G. BEK. 215-210 FAILING BUI LI T NO, THIRD AND WASHINGTON. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying pr.vi.euea. A. H. BI K it ELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A 411. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm and city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 80 Fourth St.. Portland, or. MORTGAGE loans on improved firm and city property, .avorabie repaying privi leges; no commission or aeiay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD SOU P'att bldg Main 5571. LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our money on real estate. 1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, ii v e stock, notes, etc. K. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3u20 MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city property and also Im proved farm property. Current rates. WM. Mc MASTERS, S3T U. S. National Bank Bldg. $4UO. S.V0. $00, $800. $1000, $1100, $1,100, $J000 and up, lowest rates, quick, action; pay off $10 or more at any interest date. -Gordon Morigaga Co.. ti3l Cham ber of Commerce liidg. Main 1..TO. CITY AN D FARM LOAN S. No belay. No lelay. No Oe'ay. $10)0. $1500. $2ou0, $3000 and UP. We loan our money on real estate F. H. UESHON. tilo CilAM. OF COM. FARM LOANS without red tape, delav or publicity. Amounts to suit. Willamette Valley Mortgage Loan Company, Aurora Oregon $500, $1000 AND upward on improved real estate, favor ble terms ; no delay; no brokerage. John Bain, 507 Spalding b!dg. A PRIVATE PARTY haa JL'OOO to loan on first mortgage, no commissions, H '276. OreRonian. $300. $400. $oi0, $7;V0, $10no AND UP; lor rates; quick action. Fred W. Cermat Co. 73 J Cham, of Com. Main 6445. SEE OREGON JNV. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Ptark. MO It TO AGE LOANS. 6 Ixniis Solomon & Co., and 7 per cent, 4Q8 Selling bldg. MONEY to cent. Geo. i on real estate. 7 per Lent. 717 Corbett bldg. FINANCIAL. Money to Loim 00 Rfa Etae. CIJJ.I'OAxn- NO COMMISSIO merit -n?, Property, or for tmprd a T!l 1 and method of pa- a-"-1 our monthly payment pia per month for 3 A months, -Iri-rl Per month for 60 month- . j per month for 96 months r loan of JKMO and i.,t r-.. Poruons f thr mount H T-i-T'T. JlT Payment privileges EQLITABKE SAVINGS & LOW AS -42 Stark st., Portland. Or. MONEY or -e or interrst. Otto & Ha Re i -co., 4ij Chamber of Money to Loan Chattels and Sala; PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN AS MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY P O R T L A BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BC ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON MONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY. V -Awi PIANOS, LIBERTX BON AND FURNITURE. 894 STARK ST.. NEAR TENTH. CARRIE MYERS HERRMANN, Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS ,.,DPTOU NEED MONEY virH .KATES. QUICK SERVICi v v .n i , t-. r l r TnT )DAV, ... LO3 MADE ON AUTg?I.?Il-t:s. KLKMTUKE. PIANC Wtli.uUS. REAL ESTATE. bonds, kti- If your Ta .me-nt . wLUrL.n?t0moblie or furniture eontrac m, V pay them up and advance y ciaitv Af 7r i neeaea. we make a sp ruriiv i .vans ana leave tna in jour possession and you c L.-O MAKli SALAKf LOANa rwpay Wli A wj , l" Fcvpi on inetr own sot bu.,n.. ":?".-", Tlvte office. A iUhIU.D LOAN CuilAN T, tni- -. . lUCKXSEBi. "V." "eKUm B'dK. Miirh11 S-R(l. W. mira ana vashiptton. 6AUHV. ..WE LOAN MOSSY men ,,n .1, , ce to -'-ried or workln mon.hr 0"1 weekly, .em Alii, 11 ru-, , NU INDOKSER. lv.bi'V1-L,I1:-1'1 NO SECURITY. Dlanos , .n h"s-'ho:d turnlturJ , " "oui removal. "-ALL, ASU IXVESTIUATE. COLUMBIA Dlsctuj-JX J5l LICENCED. rAll,l.J BLDC on a-? T WAX. Jewelry ,:,.." H goods held I" V 114 Main 6ti49. QUICK money to salaried people on notJ nTce b ig Chamber of Cu .H oin-i MONEY To I .n v , : r losa! rate,- :;;, " monaii- J-eir i!Mit-d vear: cstab-J Dan Marx at t-o., w UEO. HAKVLV hold eoo.i : . "lvavy on nou- Tabor 3 S06. HATH A WAY L, 1 . , 1 imiiio8 ana turn: L-a- n a.! niiigion bid z Loanw Va n t cd . WANT Joou land home; JiitHJ cent on unail For o per cent nn 1 y, I -i-!.,,-kMi-. man Co ?; k . I 1 - r ra vv- j.t- . - - v "-t ii in r 01 Cu ummerce bldg. whulfsale . and rowing! oiocKa of $,-iOn ft gooq returns. it t",4 more ; -uuu loan wanted. Bfcuniv .... 1 ..." uianiomis I tin t ment wri - " "ail Ml.irKs Wiv sp Oregonian. WANTED oil house cent. gmo u u X x, ? '! ' Per - ' OIUU. ainor of Com.. 4:i. n.i ,ri. TEKSOXAI. CORRECT CORSET MODELS fnr act ' --" nt-t'llon H llb a Mreial Co-. L ka. """ts"J in our re- Vvfrat -waist measure 1'J -waist measure ralcht figure Avao f K iie of medium height 1 ...ea.ure inches, hips 4U 111. -he. 4. Ta "''' f'Bure Waist mtaaut. 31 inch.. I. Wo in -frith hern'a rn,ntl,. - i. wear a.xo 2ti or 32 irunt .acing cor- Set. Woman with ho curvature of nine 'ii or -ti iront laeins can -a tar s.io : cor.-et. 3. Woman in Mate Gf pregnane . . w, trout laine ina.I.rnitv .-.t... -2 tr u''JlZ Wrk JVt'm,nrarv - hours and . , """-"nio aiirartive a :id 11 ours 01 your ypare tllllt will he -1 Mu.tilolliuh M r. tsu-a:d M I no li! EliE i a remedy t hand for every dis cordant condition. Jlio pychom-ia-phjsital institute invites vou lo call and have a persona! interview with its ii- . . v .... . . f-v. -.i m iner man. t' nu-tapti. 1 o-ir. t liuh it Lane KCI'O- bhis. 1 ui.iic -Main int.i. m-li' afternoons; evenings and poiiitmen t njorniiijfs. j-i &unday by up. TAKAKA AXTISKl'TIC POWDKIl is a cleunsiuK. heulinj: germicidal and tnie oratniK douche, a preat aid in lencor rhoea and lemaie diMrler?; :.nc and $1 per box. I'ortiand Hot-?! r harmacy. LE A i; N beauty culture, iiiRnt school. 7 to o cioi k ; 5 expert special teachers; work day time, liarn fiood trade evenings aau ilary litauiy i'ariors, Marshall 17uj. 1 Crl' A II A N'TE E to cure corns, bunions Tmr. nail. warta and moles absolutely; new in vent ion. no pain, no o renews. Cow e -it pru-cs in tow n. Consultation t ree Hei 1 ye-ra; arches fitted. 00:; Ockutn bias ELY VOl'll SI MMER FUKS AT 1H1C FL U till op. Klne furs to order. Moderate price- Above h IE h rent. below lush nr''V-S o; S wetiand bids;., .".th and W.n KiitlL'MATISM and stomach troubles vied to LanK'a Mineral Wonder when" al else miis. A iure mineral, not a druc pat U at''1 $ 1 . Kt'i'iini mended h v thousand. Port land U:st. Co.. o 1 4 Si ;i rk, Portland MASSAfiE. baths; constipation, stomach kidneys, rheumatism. Dr. EIna -Sorcn-sttn, o"S Panama bldg. Drug. ess phy Main 3oS6. FEBV E T & HANEBUT. leading -. iS and loupe makers; finest stork human hair goods. hairdrej-sing, manicuring, la-a and scalp treatment. 310 Alder. Main 54i. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Ir. Eaton s. the CHIROPODIST and AHCti si'LST., wno doesn't hurt yon; S yrs. here; exam, free. Olobe bldg.. llth & Wsh. Bdw. '224, BATHS Steam baths, chirooractic bdr mass-ace and vibration. Dr. Marraret Havn:e. Main 17;.-. IMS Swetland b,dc. Open evenings: trained nurse asiftant. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago. eT, Hours '2 to 5 or bv anoolntmenL Phone1 Main lu4'J. Office 30&-C. Thirdist. IF YOU are tfred and nervous, have a scientific body niaace. Ir. Ovid a, Larson.427MoraaabJdg. Main SULPHUR steam bath, violet ray; Improve vour sv-tein. Mrs. Rollins. 42 Ciay. Mam ha.VJ. 10 A. M. to ts P. M. SHAMPOO, face. scalD treatments. m inl- 2o0 cunnz hair d veins. aterw aving. KiiHlnerbMc. SCALP treatment, facial massase. electri cal treatment. .ctea:n bath and ma-saxe. Ethel Burke. 30 i Dekum bldg. Dt your feet hurt ? See Dr. Ethel A. Sacrv. pedicurins and manicuring, 10 A. 1 . 7 P. M. R.ileigh b.dg. WELL-TO-DO woman inhes to Jidopt piri u!nl-r 4 year. Cull before 10 o'ciock, room --7. Portland Hotel. PILES an be permanently- cured without oiK-ratinn Call or write Dr. Dcao. l- Morrjiionst. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed b 10 ucedles method; trial free. Joie F in I5 . o 14 Bush & Lane b;ig. Main b3is. SUl'ERFLUOUS hair removed forever bv m ultple-nee,die method. SO 4 Swetland bkis.Fiiti and W a.-h i n g t o n s ts. AR T work, hand pit int ing. photo ct:ori t: cr. desiKiiiuK. bead ill g done reasonable. T,i bor 214 4 ELEi'TRIC CABINET BATHS. Dr. Irons idtrs. 3Q'. B t c ad w a y bid g . BODY maacf. violet rav, lrt a. M. t p. M.. daily. 4."U Morgan blds.Ma:n 7; no ESN' T Tom. Dick or Harry pay v ee Vlereck. collections. Dekum bld PHI M EDA BALM, formerly called Bal of Figs, b o-id. Sell. 2213 mornin. P1I.Es" CAN BE CU RED without ation. Free booklet. P. O. Box llo. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without operation. Free booklet. P. O. Box HOP. JUNICIDE will cure rheumatism or money back. 4un ueKum mag. PATIENTS to take cabinet massage or hourly nursing. baths with Tabor MI'.:. A-l MASSAGE. 415 BUCHANAN BLDG. MAIN $366.