16 TIIE MORNING OliEGONIAX, SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1920 FOR SALE. Horsw. Vehicles, Livestock. MKre and horse. 5 and 6 years old. -weight 3100 lbs. ; guaranteed sound and good workers in every way; was offered $400 one month ago. Have no more use for them. Will take $325 If sold by Satur day. Inquire at Martin's place, 71t and Powell Valley road. TWO teams, weight over 3000 pounds each. tge from 3 to 7 years: best ot workers in every way; one gray horse, 11 years o!d. weight 1430 lbs., price $75; team of small horses. $65. Inquire 990 Powell Valley road, corner 34th St. Woodstock cr.r. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. Two span of big, stylish, sound young horses, 5 and 6 yrs., weighing 3300 lbs.; a. span suitable fur lodging or any kind of work. Red barn, corner of Richmond and Syracuse St., St. Johns. GOATS! GOATS! A splendid opportunity to buy some very good milk goats and doe kids by purebred TogRenberg sire. CHEAP. Send for list. John M. Mann. S')-' C i t y Hall. Portland. Or. FOR SALE 15 tons good mixed hay. In stack, on Canyon toad, joining city limits; one good work mare, about 1350 lbs.; one Durrani cow, fresh in six weeks. Phone Wd'n. 807. S TOGGENBERG milch goats. 2 bucks. 1H years, well bred; $125 takes ail or wmI exchange for good cow or cow and c.-fcif. 3S9 N. lath et. Take loth or S. car to luth st. , 20 FREiSH COWS Large Holstein. Dur ham. Jersey, 3 to 7 gallons, tuberculin tested; take Vancouver car to Columbia boulevard, go one b'.ock north. UHKEB. extri good young family cows; must bo sold at once: for. and up. Call at l"!0 Powell Valley road, cor. 34th. Woodstock car. HOUSE, harness and light delivery wagon with top. all in fine condition and will be solci at a bargain. Main 8051. XEAI stock removed quickly; cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukie 6l)-J for service. SOWS and pigs. J. A. Keller ranch at Tigard, Or. P. O. Hillsdale. R. 2, box FOR SALE 6 head of good, gentle horses. Fashion Stables, Ifi. 11th and Flanders StS. TWO mares, weight about 1100 lbs. each; must be sold at once. Transfer stables, 34th-and 35th sts.. on East Yamhlll. FOR SALE 3 Hereford bulls, one 6 mo, old, one 1 year old. one 2 years old. C. Minsingcr. 210 Board of Trade. i'OR SALE 3 Holstein bulls, one 1 y"r old, one 2 years old, one 3 years old. C Minsinger. 210 Board of Trade. NICE gentle family cows, $05. 731 E. Ash. $45, $55 and 10 GRADED Jersey cows for sale. Paul Boss, Milwaukie. Route 1. Box 428. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT 2 small upright pianos. $65 and ... . i5 $300 Gray & Co. upright piano. cash.. 110 $450 Haliet 4 Davis upright piano.. 143 $425Dunham upright piano, cash., 16j $475 Davis & Son upright piano, cash 2lu 1475 Franklyn Piano Co. piano, cash 240 1.150 Kimball Co. upright piano, cash -i5 JK50 Mendenhall player piano, cash 395 Parior organs. $18. $25. $35. $38 and 4j Phonographs, $18. $23, $35. $j3 and 93 Pianos stored, bought and sold for cash. 102 10th st.. corner Stark st. BARGAINS IN USED PHONOGRAPHS Kdison, like new ,- Columbia, great value 14 Victrola ?2 $225 Cremona, a beauty - $135 Cremona for only 100 $300 Cremona, like new 188 Emerson Records. FERRY MUSIC COMPANY. 427 Washington St. THE Sl'HWAN PIANO CO. OFFERS this week: $75 Steinway & Sons upright $343 $000 Kranlch & Bach upright 363 $550 Conover oak upright .....315 $475 Vow & Sons ebony upright..... 235 $5511 Kimball & Co. upright grand.. 34o $475 Mclntyre Goodsell upright.. 243 $25 cash and $7. $M. $10. $12 monthly. 101 luth st., at Washington and Stark. 13-NHTK Pianola and 50 rolls $ 23.00 $125.00 Brunswick, like new (some records) 100.00 full-size M a n s f e ldt and Nome piano Kingsburv (fine tone) -.00.00 HAROLD S. GILBERT. Pianos, Player Pianos. 384 Yamhill St. " PIANO BARGAINS. You should see our good buys in used rlnuos and player pianos, $185 and up. We offer a Stain way. Decker, Canle, Mctor, Howard. Bailey. Harvard and many others. Terms. Seiberllng-Lucaa Music Co.. 125 4th St., bet. Washington and Alder. FOR SALE By owner, a snap, piano and self-playing attachment with 30 pieces classic music. Call 402 Zumbro Court apt., 20th and Wash. Mar. 2700. LUDWIG piano. Just like new. at $200 below present market value for a new one. it is in perfect condition. G.' F. Johnson Piano Co.. 14!) Bth. J'iANHS WANTED Highest CASH paid or TRADE FOR NEW V1CTOROLA and records. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 127 4lh st. Main 8580, "WILL give free Btorage of piano for use of same; excellent care taken. Call Auto. 216-28. COLUMBIA GRAPHONOLA. Walnut case, instrument in perfect condition, 50 good records. Columbia 832. BARGAIN Brand-new fumed oak Vic trola and fine Washburn guitar. 1059 E. 15th St. N. Alberta car. 321-05. MARTIN melody "C" saxophone (silver, case complete, $155. U. F. Johnson Piano Co. CARVED Brunswick phonograph for sa.e. first-class condition, inciuuing ou rec ords. Call Woodlawn 5443. SOME used phonographs cheap; good val ues. $15, $2o, $4o, ij anu up. u. r . Johnson Piano Co., 14V) 6th. PLAYER PIANO WANTED Will give Tillamook Beach lots for a good player. Write BJ 802, Oregonian. SOME good values in used pianos. $1H5, $200, (mj ana up. vi. -r. juunsun rv ano Co. . KIMBALL piano. large size, ooiy $350. This la a real bargain. G. F. Johnson 1Mb no Co., 149 0th. LRT MODEL phonograph, $250 style, used very little, now $183. U. F. Johnson Piano Co. UPRIGHT mahogany piano at a bargain. H 670. uregonlan. I'LAIEH-PIANO, like new; bargain. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th. WILL exchange my $300 phonograph for a gOOU piano. 1 yjicsmimu. WELLINGTON piano (oak), only $200; in good condition. Vj. r. jonnsun riano v,o ANDREW KOHLER piano and duet bench cheap for casn. lot jeasup st. Furniture for Sale. -room house for rent in Nob Hill dis trlct and alt furniture therein for sale: contents consist of fine mahogany piano end bench, fine dining set, 4 complete bedrooms, new gas range, new inlaid linoleum, new drapes and curtains and other goods too numerous to mention; will sell ail or part. v-au at ooo noyi, near 21st st. n?cir. TTinhniranv parlor desk and chair 1 mahogany colonial dressing table and rhair- 1 ivorv wicker table: 1 gray "Wiiton rug, 9x12; 1 mulberry and blue Wilton rug. 0x12; 2 blue Saxony rugs, fixSU: 1 solid carved mahogany rocker; 1 hair mattress. 705 Davis. Marshall S058. DINING ROOM SET. 2 bureaus. 2 chif fnniers. rugs, bedding, kitchenware. 4- room modern apt. to rent. Call Friday nfter l. all day Saturday and sunuay. Mordaunt apt., 5S6 Everett, apt. K. phone 543-98. No dealers. I)i)"T SACRIFICE your furniture if lolnc east or to California. Ws can save you money on your freight In our through cars; fireproof storage. c M. Oisoo Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine st. FOR SALE at a sacrifice, miscellaneous household lurniture. Am leaving city Call SUNDAY ONLY. 6S0 E. Pine St. cor. 14th. WILL sacrifice complete furnishings of a 7-room house: win not sli by piece. Furniture and carpets Al; terms; house tor rent. Broadway 8032. FOR SALE Oak dining room set. leather seated chairs, heavy oak library table. Call 271-37. FURNITURE of 4 rooms for sale, house for rent: no children. 427 Harrison. Main 4166. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, leaving city, must sell at once at a sacrifice. 9th and Schuyler, apt. 8. Phone East 6131. OFFICE FURNITURE used by govern ment, now on sale at Pacific Stationery fc Printing Co.. 107 2d st. ONE 6-hole stee range. 1 wood and coal heater, both in first-class condition. 497 Maiden ave. FOR SALE Reliable gas range, oak rock er, 9x12 axminster rug. 87 E. 83d North. . Office Furniture. ALL OFFICE equipment from Columbia River Ship Bldg. Corp.. including add ing machine, comtometers and type writers. D. C. Wax, 31 N. Oth st. Broadway 2739. t ROLL-TOP desks.. 1 roll-top t. w. desk. 2 safes. 2 rotary bookcases. 20 law sizs bookcases, chairs snd filing cabinets. Bushong Co., 81 Perk st. FOR SALE Office furniture used only 5 jriontbs. 613 Chamber ot Commerce. Main 4937, FOR SALE. Poultr. BARRED ROCK and R. I. Red pullets. S to 4 months old. $1.50 each. J. R. Maguire, 767 Oregon St Portland. IoBs, Babbits, Birds, Pet Stock. ENGLISH BUTTERFLY RABBITS, buck, doe and 6 young. $5; buck, doe and 4 young, $2.50; buck, 75 cents. 453 Fifth st., corner Jackson. SHEPHERD pups, fine cattle and sheep dogs. Males $10, females $5. 208 Wash ington bldg. Phone Main S4S8. PERSIAN' KITTENS for sale, black male. $10. Tabor 3003. 935 E. Alder. 7 FEMALES and large cage; also young singers. Roller stock. 37 E. 83d North. FOR SALE Fox terrier female dog. 1031 Corbett. between 5 and 9 evenings. BEAUTIFUL SINGER. FOR SALE. MAIN 468. FINE female fox terrier. 4 months old. 628 Mont, drive. Main 5974. Launches and Boats. FOR SALE 17-FOOT OLDTOWN CANOE WITH PADDLE. BACK REST AND LIGHT: EVERYTHING COMPLETE. CALL TABOR 8443. FOR SALE Triple expansion, water tube, screw driven, 60-foot length. 10-foot beam, 4-foot draft, steam towboat: will sell on terms to responsible parties; good condition, recent inspection. D till, Ore gonian. SEA SLED, new this year, guaranteed the fastest pleasure craft on the river: can not duplicate for $2000; will take (1500 cash or will consider car as part pay ment. Sellwood 1022, or 22 Portland Motorboat Club. FOR RENT Space for one houseboat; electricity, gas. water, 18 mln. from 2d and Alder, ti-cent carfare. Apply to J. O. Mials, foot of Linn ave., Sellwood. MOTORBOAT. Buick "4" engine, speedy. in gooa snape. See oslleia at Lamber son & Reld's, or call Main 3322. ATTRACTIVE houseboat, all modern con veniences; a bargain, casn or terms, o. 3 8 Willamette Moorage. NIFTY 3-room houseboat, partly furnished. large porch, good foundation, $600. 22 Port. Motorboat Club. FOR SALE 3-room houseboat. Call Son- day before 5 P. M.. week days after 5 P. M., foot of Hamilton ave. Jack Bragg. FOR SALE 37-foot lro'1 boat, oak rlDs. sound null. Jt-l. r engine. J. It. .Eubich, Fort Columbia, Wash. 18-FT. Sponson motor canoe, full equip ment, wain. diio. ENGLISH setter puppies for sale cheap. 10 Mallory avenue, Wdln. 188ii. Machinery. COMPLETE garage, office, repairshop equipment; lathes, motors, drill press, welding outfit, etc.; make offer. Broad way 5137. PAINT spraying machine. Champion Mfg. uo. wooaiawn aou. COMPLETE welding outfit with tanks. East 2.71. Typewriters, REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale. rent, exenauge. we are exclusive dis tributors ot Corona portable. $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies for all makes. E. W. PEASE COMPANY. 110 Sixth street. Main 2285. DOANB GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All makes overhauled; expert mechanics. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. Sell, Rent and Exchange. Main 6397. Supplies. 26314 Oak St. GUARANTEED rebuilt typewriters, all makes, sold and rented; easy terms; send for prices. Wholesale Typewriter Co., 321 Washington St. Main 5681. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark. Main 14U7. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 Fifth. Main 3008. UNDERWOOD No. 5. sacrifice cash. C. W. Roberts. BOO Flanders, apt. 1. Bdv. 3403. Miscellaneous. MOST everybody has been overcharged or their jewelry repairing has been done unsatisfactorily. Try us next time. We guard against such errors. MILLERS CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS. 855 Wash. St., next door Majestic theater. DIAMOND Weight 1.05 carat, beautiful white stone or line quality and brilliancy, quick sali for cash only, from private owner. $400; call week days Broadway 580, line 25. or write V 171, Oregonian. NATIONAL cash register, almost new; cost $32.i, will sell for $2i.i; registers from lc to $5.90; ticket and tape crank on side. Phone 220-42 between 2 and 5 P. M-, or Tabor 7202 after 6 P. M. EITHER WAY If you have a diamond and want the cash, or have the cash and want a diamond, call In and talk it over. Miller's Clearing House for Diamonds, 355 Wash. St., next to Majestic theater. FOR SALE $175 Wonder combination range, wood, coal and gas: practically as good as new; $115. Owner. Phone Main 7654. FOR SALE New Home sewing machine, perfect condition, $36. L. E. Bays, Mar shall 3840. I DO WATCH repairing and do it righL MILLER. 35a WASH. ST. Next to Majestic Theater. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy's. 329 Washington st. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables. showcases, wall cases, fixtures; terms. W. J. Quigley. 369 Hawthorne. East 123. BARGAIN China closet, handsome fumed oak and parlor lamp. 1059 E. 15th St. N Alberta car. 313-64. $25 FOR $75 Hart, Schaffner & Marx light gray suit, size 42, too small. 019 Kail way Exchange bldg. ICE BOX Practically new. 200 pounds ice capacity. iso reasonaDie oiler reiusea. White Palace Grocery. Broadway 2103. COMPLETE set books on accounting and expert bookkeeping, best published, half price. G ouo, oregonian. FOR SALE Universal range. 6 holes. warming oven, water coils; had best of care. Price is right. 72 Belmont st. ONE WICKER BASSINETTE, one baby bed, in good condition. Phone Col. 23. or call 20 Mohawk St., bt. Johns. CIRCLE EXCHANGE. Rummage sale, Aug. 2, 3, 4. 415 Filed tier bldg. Bdwy. 220. MASSIVE antique bureau of solid black walnut. 9th and bchuyler, apt. 8. Phone East 6131. GAS water heater, copper coil, $15; a Jewel gas range, $15. East 4S52. FOR SALE Boynton furnace, water coil excellent condition. O 075. Oregonian. BEER BAR tor sale, IS fu long. Burnside. 375 E. 2D-H AND pipe furnace for sale cheap for quick sate. oi atara Bt. jiain I0.t4 THREE refrigerators, tables, chairs, sil verware, pnone wain. 2il5. FRENCH prunes: overstocked, must sell 100 lbs. $12. 1SS 3d st. BLOCK wood and slab wood, mixed, $5 50 a load in 2-load lots. East 2041. coats, xurs. suits, gowns and evening BARBER chairs, great sacrifice. mirrors 86 6th. and supplies: near stark. DESK ADDING MACHINE. $18. 518 COR BETT BLDG. MARSHALL 557. SAFES One large and one small. R aos, OPPORTUNITY to get ladies' used alT parel in Laurelhurst home. Tabor 2825 SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. .rauno; .. ........ j. i. at at FOR SALE r-aint spraying machine. FIRE proof safe In gooa order. Kenton ONE addressograph. excellent condition, a FOR SALE Cash register, safe, addlne ......... oi... near Ash FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, $1 per aay delivered anywhere Woodlawn 3495 1 MEAT box 6x9 ft., 2 meat blocks Ford delivery car. V 983. Oregonian. TllUtt electric wanner, singer electric gewmn iimwiimp. oct- urapu Ave. N. NEW sewing machine, fine phonograph clock and rug cheap. 1224 E. Main st- ' FIRST growth cordwood. $9.50. on side. $10 west. Call Bdwy. 486. 1 AND 2-QUART jars. 75c dozen. Main St. Phone Main 4S10. 3C5 SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sals. facixic i ti t c owning, i . ist st. VICTROLA. good as new. and 30 records. fnone eeuwuuu oiuu. WICKER baby buggy, only $12. 1278 East Taylor St.. near -jtn. CALL TABOR 6940, painting, day or con tract. BLUE tricotine suit, size 40. cheap. 410 Fourth. Main 7237. ale HEAVY box wood $5.50 a load. Phone Woodlawn 954. ONE mimeograph. $20. Marshall 5832. FOR BALE. Miscellaneous. Ii50 BUYS practically new. complete mnl tlgraphlng outfit, motor-driven, self feed, signature device. 2 typeetting machines, ail kinds of type and accessories. This is a real bargain. Call after 11 A. IL Main 8657. FOR SALE Floor cases, all sires, corner cases, penny register, electric coffee mill, electric soft-drink mixer, suction fan, 3 tables, stools for restaurant purposes, w-all case, scales, bread blicer, candy out fit, peanut roaster on wheels, draft arms, candy Jars, check protector, safes, large and small. 242 Salmon. SEWING MACHINES. 20 late drop-heads, like new. Singers, Whites, National, Rotary, Willamette, etc., $15 to $35. A large number of good machines from $8 to $10. Machines rent ed, $3 per month. Singer store, Mooso bidg.. 13 4th St. Main 6833. HAVE your diamonds reset into modern, up-to-date white gold mountings; a won derful selection to pick from. MILLER'S CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS. 355 Wash. St.. next door Majestic theater. DRAGSAW. VAUGHAN CLUTCH. LITTLE USED, PERFECT CONDITION; 5 TO 6 FT. BLADES; WITH NECESSARY TOOLS FOR CORDWOOD. ROSE CITY CAR TO 72D ST., NORTH V MILE TO LOG CABIN ; $140. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for lets; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third st., near Taylor SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. Easy terms If de sired. MORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO. 105 Second st. Main 2045 LEAKY concrete fuel oil tanks can now be rendered positively oilproof by using CONWAX; the only guaranteed material on the market. Address Waterproof Paint Co.. 6325 Fountain ave., Los An geles. Cal. USED electric vacuum cleaners in first class mechanical condition at a big sav ing; a few hand vacuum cleaners, 1 each. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY. . SI Fifth St. FOR SALE I new Smith & Wesson police special 32-20 six shooter, a hard shooter: 1 bedsprlngs, large size; 1 large Lisa roaster, slightly used; 1 nlckelplaled coffee pot. Call East 8028. LEAKY roof, eh? Very aggravating Indeed. Why not a permanent and comfortable roof? We repair, rubber bond and reju venate ail kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Phone Main 6560. HOT-WATER tanks. 30-gai., $7: 40-gal., $9; tosted and guaranteed: stove and furnace coils, gas heaters installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. Kast Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st. East 8518. A WROUGHT steel range, 6 foot long, made by Selig Co. Double oven, almost new. suitable for hotel, or camp, and cooking utensils. Phone Woodi. 2915. Kenton Hotel, Kenton. TWO DICTAPHONE DICTATING MA CHINES. PRACTICALLY NEW. BUEHNER LUMBER COMPANY. 1309 YEON BLDG.. PORTLAND. OREGON. ELECTRIC FANS, drink mixers repaired; new. used, exchanged; motors rewound and repaired: wiring; supplies. Hvson Electric Co.. 302 Pine. Broadway 42t)3. FOR SALE Fishing tackle. Bristol 5-ft. steel jointed rod. fine slides, reel, book 2 doz. flies, leader box. or trade for .25 Colt's pistol. Room 326 Hotel Foster. ELECTRIC IRONS, appliances, door-bells, vacuum cleaners repaired: fixtures re wired. We call and .deliver. Woodlawn 1259 or East 4045. USED electric washing machines: some bargains. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY. oth and Oak Sts. NEW "SINGERS." $5 down. $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON-STREET SINGER STORK. 382 MorriBon. Marshall 721. CHERRIES. 3 cents on the tree: take Capital highway, pass through Tigard vllle, then right and up on Bull moun tain. John Schmid. SAFES Ne and second-hand; some with Durgiar cnests. at reasonahle prices PAC'FIC i SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1066. 48 Front St. MUST SELL a complete line of store fix. lures, caen registers, show cases, scales, elec. coffee mill. 113 2d. OFFICE FURNITURE, used by govern ment, now on sale at Pacific Stationery tPrintlng Co.. 107 2d st. FOR SALE Cheney phonograph with rec- oros; wueen Anne aesign: price- right. Must be sold. Woodlawn 4275. WICKER baby sulky, almost new. a bar gain it soia at once. 34 1 Grand ave N. East 6741. ADDING MACHINE, Burroughs. 8 column ana stana; perfect condition. $75. F. H. Barstow. 7 Board of Trade Bldg. OREGON REPORTS, complete 26 vol.. rul ing case a., an new ana at greatly re duced price. CALL TABOR 9050. PRINTING PLANT 10x13 press. type, stones, complete, $250; snap. E 612, Oregonian. 'STOLL" auto bed, folds on running board, used but 3 times; cost new $49, sell for $23. Main 5073. FLOOR CASES, all sizes; wall cases, cor ner case, scales, penny register, a candy outfit; on terms. 242 Salmon. ELECTRIC disk. 23-inch diameter: u1 short time; cost $14. will sell for $8. Call Automatic wi--'.m. $4 ORIOLE baby carriage. 346 Harrison. FUR 8A1E AUTOMOBILES. CHANDLER chummy, in beautiful condi tion, motor runs smooth as a clock, top and upholstering good as new; 5 good tires, bumper, two spot lights; a real buy. Call Mr. Howard. Broadway 1858. IMMEDIATE delivery on New Oakland touring roadster and sedans: drive one away toaay; gooa gas mileage, long tire life; cash or terms. Drop in and see the new model. 100 North Broadway. Broadway 4184. MITCHELL SIX roadster in excellent -nn uiuon mrougnouL, o wire wheels with cord tires, spotlight, mirror and primer; this is a bargain and must be seen to be appreciated. Call Woodlawn 1314 before l a. m. OAKLAND touring car. like new, must be Boia, new paint. gooa motor. tires, leather top and carries a guarantee; cash or terms. See me before buying elsewhere. Call Mr. Clemans, Broadway io. Auurtag xuo ri . croaaway st. 1817 FORD roadster, first-class in everv way. an gooa tires ana looks good as new; a genuine bargain at $425. Small payment down, balance easy. A -1 Auto Works & Painting Co.. 525 Alder at. SAXON six, overhauled from one end to the other, new battery and good tires: $550, easy terms, no brokerage. 523 Alder at. Bdwy. 3411. MY LIGHT six. Just overhauled, painted and new top and good battery; she's a beaut. $200 down, terms on the balance. Call Mr. Howard. Broadway 1S38 CADILLAC BUG., newly painted, sneedv . v.. .i , n ,,. ...in ,11 utoi. wii.ii ..uii, u.,i, fi, cuiiMuer -o down, balance monthly. 742 E. 13th Rhone, or phone Sell. 1575. Hoeck. 1920 FORD sedan, electric starter and demountable rims; car is like new. Will sacrifice; terms if wanted. O 663, Ore- goniau. 1919 CHANDLER. Dispatch, four-passenger, w-lre wheels, cord tires, excellent condition. $1475, easy terms. Bdwy. 30. 1919 FORD touring, perfect condition. 6 good tires, 2 new, never used; new n.iint; absolutely the best buy in the city,$525. Fred Day Motor Co.. E. 7th and Ankenv. GRAB THIS ONE! 1918 Light 6 Paige, newly painted and overhauled by the Cook & Gill Co.: $1150: terms. Mr. Argo. Broadway 3281. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. We wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Auto Wrecking Dept.. 105-7 N. 11th st. SAXON 6. 1918. In Al condition: it's worth $800. I'll let It go for $575 cash. Main 1 1 32. $700 DANDY HUPMOBILE. Overhauled and in fine condition; good looker, good tires; terms. Sellwood 63L OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB. Price $775, on easy terms. Phone Dunn. Sellwood 1393. 1917 STUDEBAKER 4: 5 good i tires: con dition Al. Price $475. Terms. 588 E. COth St. N. Taoor 6645. FORD TOURING; Lots of extras, price $350. terma. Phone Dunn. Sellwood 1393. Vv E PUT STEEL TEETH IN YOUR OLD FLYWHEEL. H. B. BLACK MACHINE SHOP. 584 ALDER ST. BDWY. 268 L 1917 MAXWELL in Al shape, good tires run only 11.00O miles, by a mechanic! $450. 440 Belmont st. FOR SALE 1917 Studebaker six; lots of extras, first-class paint. $850. Phone Main 7455 "M STEARNS touring, silent-night motor A-l 'condition; cost $3S0O; will take $450 Columbia 1000. Mr. Oliver. FORD BUG. $439. TERMS. ' Has everything on that you can buy Phone Dunn. Sellwood 1393. I FORD bug. submarine type; classy looker and some stepper: easy term. Terminal Garace. 5th and Hoyu I FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. USED AUTOMOBILES. PRICED DOWX TO MAKE SALES. We do not have a Used Car Depart ment these bargains are on our sales room floor. 1917 Maxwell, all overhauled and re painted; fins little car $550 1918 Maxwell automobile, all In fine condition $630 1920 Maxwell, like new $975 Dodge, a bargain $575 1918 Liberty, all sons ever and In fine condition $1000 1917 Chalmers light-six. bargain. .$900 HUDSON SUPER-SIX. Hudson super-six, overhauled and re painted with the same service to you as on a new car $1230 1918-1919 Series Hudson speedster, overhauled, looks Just like a new car and we give you the same a-rvice as goes with a new automobile $1825 1918 Hudson super-six. 7-passenger. all like new $1800 Latest Hudson super-six. C I BOSS AUTOMOBILE! CO, 615-617 Washington St. WONDETtFUL BARGAINS IN USED CARS. The following cars are all In the best of condition, and will be sold subject to our regular guarantee, during our August clearance sale, commencing Friday morn ing; this is your chance to secure a late model car of your favorite make at a fraction of its real worth. HUDSON SPEEDSTER, many extra. BUICK TOURING, like new. OVERLAND, 90, 191!). a beauty. OVERLAND, 85-4, 191K, cord tire. HUDSON, 6-4H, as good as new. OVERLAND 73. fine light car. OAKLAND SIX, 1919. wonderful shape. FORD SEDAN, starter, etc. CHALMERS LIGHT SIX, some snap. FORD BUG. fine body design. CHEVROLET BUG. 1919. snappy. FORD SPEEDSTER. 1920. starter. CHEVROLET BABY GRAND, a dandy. MAXWELL. lfll. finest condition. FORD, 1-ton worm drive truck. FRA-NKLIN. 1915, new tires. Many others to select from. Terms No Brokerage. ASSOCIATED MOTOR SALES CO. 45-47 N. 9th St Between Couch and Davis Sts. USED FORD BARGAINS. 1914 chassis. Bosch mag.. $1 1913 chassis. 1918 block 1 iHi( iignt delivery 223 1914 touring 250 1916 light delivery 273 1018 roadster 450 JH1. touring 350 1918 worm drive truck 375 1918 touring 393 Many other bargains to select from. EASY TERMS. T7NIVERSAT, CAR EXCHANGE. Used Fords Exclusively. ' Crand Avenue and East Yamhill St. Open Evenings. Large Stock of Genuine Ford Part. FORD OWNERS. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motors overhauled ..$20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed...... 3 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc.. which insures a perfect-running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranted. THE REASON the Ford engine starts hard and the lights are dim Is because the MAG NETO is weak. Have it RECHARGED by EXPERTS. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO. 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7644 LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. FORD ROADSTER. If you want to buy a first-class Ford roadster at tbe lowest price such a car can be bought I have it- Must sell new. See me, lou North Broadway St.. Port land. Call me Broadway 4184, Mr. C. Stover. 15 CARS to be sold at highest offer; S Chevrolets. 4 Fords, 1 Locomobile. 1 Franklin 6. 1 Maxwell, 1 Scripps-Booth chummy roadster, 8-cy Under; 1 Chal mers roadster.- 6-cyL : 1 Studebaker 6, 7-pass.; 2 Dodsres. 414 Glisan St., cor. Tenth. OAKLAND TOURING CAR $330. Best buy in Portland. Five-passenger Oakland touring car in best of running order, good tires and leather. 1 will have to sell this week. Phone me, Broadway 4184. Mr. R. P. Stanley. 100 North Broadway St., Portland. $600 LISTEN $600. A little Oakland, condition exception ally good, tires almost new, with spare and cover, bumper, spotlight, motometer. mirror, clock. Call Mr. Railsback. Main 78U. Eiveniings, laDor ot4a. VICTORY. 1920 v ictory model Moon, run 3600 miles; i nave to sen, my loss i your gain; maae me an otter. i;a.l Auto 01-O18. 1017 BUICK roadster, fine condition, looks good: runs good: front and rear bumper, spotlight, cord tires, extra cord tire and lUDe. finap ouy. Aiust sen at once. $800. rm-ne owner, prjanwar --o. itiLv isyjityiij jciici;i Buapts, o prac tically new General tires. If you want a .1 1 l.i.l Don't nau (hi. . Terms. Dana, 14ta and Alder Sts. Bdwy 240. BUICK ROADSTER. 1918 Buick roadster, five cord tires, finish and upholstery and the whole car In perfect shape; for a real buy phone Bronaugh. Broadway 616. OVERLAND model 73, completely over hauled, in first-class condition. $600. Inquire' at 1592 Gravenstein ave and Lombard. Want to sell quick, leaving town. 1920 PAIGE, Larchmont sport model; run less than 1500 mlies; car as good as new; new price over $3000; a snap at $2450; terms; $100 worth of extra. Mr. Argo. Broadway 3281. CHANDLER 7-passenger. thoroughly over hauled and high-grade paint Job; worth $1500; first JlltHI takes it; you can't equal this bargain. Mr. Argo, Broadway 32S1. TOWIfCG DAY AND NIGHT. TABOR 7274. H. & L. REPAIR SHOP. General motor car repairing; brakes our specialty. 1248 E. Morrison, FOR SALE 7'pass. 4-cyl. Studebaker, '17 series, good condition, full equipment, spotlight, 5 tires. Will sacrifice at $450. For demonstration see service dept sec retary, Y. M. C. A.. Bth and Taylor sts. BARGAIN. BARGAIN. BA RGAIN. 1919 Veils roadster, perfect condition, all new tires; must have money; will sacrifice. Call Broadway 323L Ask for Brown. RARE BARGAIN 1919 Ford panel delivery car; we are buying new truck, this is your chance; $423. or best cash offer. 210 Jefferson st., or 295 Columbia st. Main 7644. 1919 $490 CHEVROLET. New tires and extra car In fine shape; a real bargain at $625, terms. Dana, 14th and Alder. Bdwy. 240. 1918 7-PASS touring, newly painted, fine mechanical condition; cord tires; only run 12.0OO miles. Price right, terms to responsible party. Phone East 1454. BIG USED CARS. PRICES STOCK. RIGHT. No Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 1019 LIGHT PAIGE; looks like new, runs the same; new price is $2175; grab this at $1525; terms. .Mr. Argo. Broadway 3281. NEW 120 FORD coupe; run less than 100 mites; must sell at once. O 666. Ore- FORD touring, new tires, good condition. $390, term. X 671, Oregonian, FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. AT TH COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY PLANT The overhauling, rebuilding and refinish ing of a used car is only as good as the determination of the dealer to make it so. It has been said that we do too much to our used cars to insure reasonable profit, but we are content in the knowl edge that after looking around the buyer usually returns for something he has seen and tried out at the Covey Motor Car company plant. After all. we are in the used car business only to aid in the sale of new cars. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS. 1018 Touring , 1917 Touring , 1916 Touring . 1916 Roadster 1919 Chassis .. ..$ 975 . . 925 . . 7 V . . 750 .. S50 Truck 2-ton. new attachment, Cad illac motor, a dandy, only 1400 1914 OVERLAND delivery 830 1917 MAXWELL delivery 450 1916 FORD roadster 400 1020 FORD sedan, practically new. wire wheels, extra tire and other accessories; cost over $1300; for sale by owner 1100 1918 FORD sedan, electric starter.. 773 1916 FORD roadster, good shape.. 350 1917 FORD touring 425 1918 OVERLAND 90. a remarkable buy 700 1917 MAXWELL touring 475 1917 REO roadster, good shape.... 8O0 1014 REO touring 500 1910 PIERCE-ARROW. would make a wonderful bug 400 1912 CADILLAC, good service car 4(0 191 6 BUICK, rebuilt 1O50 11118 BUICK 4. fine shape 1230 1918 CHANDLER touring 1400 1920 CHANDLER DISPATCH, wire wheels, nearly new 2350 191B COLK 8, a beauty 1100 1918 STUDEBAKER , good shape, new top, new paint 10 1919 PEERLESS, 4-passenger. a beauty 23 1919 HAINES 6 touring. In perfect shape, a beautiful car and priced at only ......................... 15 CADILLACS. The remarkable condition in which you find the used, rebuilt and refiniahed Cadillacs we are offering at this lime can be traced to the years of experi enrs we have acquired in trying to outdo each former effort. We Are Open Sundays. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Washington su at 21st. Main 6244. QUALITY COUNTS In nsd ears as In other things, quality counts. We have used cars of quality, many of them over hauled and repainted, all of them having thousands of miles of satisfactory serv ice stiU In them. Compare our cars and our prices with others and you will see the wisdom of trading with us. Overland, model 00, club roadster, with wire pheels. wind deflectors. 2 bumpers, spotlight, spare tire; all ready for the road; a pickup at $700 1917 Hupmoblle, 5-pass., 4-cyl. 1915 Mitchell. 5-pass., 4-cyl. 1916 Mitchell, 7-pass., 6-cyl. 1917 Mitchell, 5-pass., 6-cyl. 1918 Mitchell, K-pass., 6-cyl. 1918 Mitchell, 7-pass., 6-cyl. 1919 Mitchell, 5-pass., 6-cyl. 1919 Mitchell. 7-pass.. 6-cyl. 1918 Willys-Knight. 7-pass.. 4-cyl. Jordan Sport Marine, 4-pass., 6-cyL Jordan Suburban, 7-pass.. 6-cyl. Many others, both large and small. Prices $.VW) and up. No brokerage charges We carry our own note. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVER CO. Broadway and Everett. Phone Broadway 4675. C. G. BLEASDALE. TERMS NO BROKERAGE. All standard makes. Call and look them over and get our proposition. Make your own terms. FORD roadster $ 400 FORD touring 475 PAIilK. ('.-cylinder. 7-passenger 4.VI MAXWELL touring r.l'O MAXWELL roadster r0 CHEVROLET. I'.ll 650 BUICK light 4 delivery H.'.O MAXWELL. 1918 7."0 OVERLAND. Model 90 7O0 OVERLAND. 85-4 850 OVERLAND. 7-passenger 8.-0 OVERLAND light 6 850 CHALMERS light 6 950 BUICK lisht 6 flO OLDS light 6. 1918 1"30 REO. 7-passenger 1150 COLE. R-rvlinier. 7-passenger 1250 CHALMERS light 6 1350 WILLYS-KNlGHT.'7-pass.. like new 430 MANY OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM TERMS NO BROKERAGE. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. C. G. BLEASDALE. 530 Alder St. Broadway 1852. RARE BARGAIN. Lexington 6. Just let us show you this. Elgin Six. One of the best buys that we ever had. Paige Six. One of those light sixes at a price that is right. Saxon Six. It's a 1918. Don't miss it at $600. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15th and Washington. have a few special bargains in used cars: 191s hudson super. new paint. Good rubber. 1918 chalmers. 1918 chummy roadster. these cars are all in good order and will give you service. price will interest you. call east 6948 for appoint MENT. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories, tires, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc.; also do towing. Open day and night. LONG & SILVA. Phone East 6840. 402 Hawthorne. BEST FORD FOR MONEY in city; tires, upholstering, paint all good. Large steering wheel, Y brace, foot throttle, cut-out, new timer and wiring, side curtains and top cover, fire and theft insurance policy, 1920 license, all for $475, $323 cash. 300a College st. Main 3591. ALMOST new Ford sedan. 1920; run only 2000 miles. Here's one of the reliable cars suitable for sunshine or Oregon weather: more pleasure at less expense. There is always a good market for a Ford. A demonstration by calling Mr. Howard. Broadway 1858. Liberal terms. OVERLAND 1920 DEMONSTRATOR. One of the famous little model 4 used by one of my salesmen; save $200. Price $930 Easy Terms. P. H. DUNN. Corner Milwaukie and Bybee Avenue. Phone Sellwood 1393. AN ECONOMICAL four: save carfare, buy a good light car; 1918 Maxwell, 5 good tires. In fine shape mechanically: also 1918 Briscoe, new tires and paint, bee these, both prlcea low. small casn pay ment. long terms. Mr. Howard. Broad way 1858. SPECIAL. 1918 Ford one-ton truck, first-class in every way; all ready for work. You can make this truck pay for Itself In a short while. Price only $450; part cash, bal ance easy monthly payments. A-l Auto works et Palntrng Co.. d25 Aiaer. DODGE TOURING CAR ONLY $7Q0. New paint, good tires, fine motor make this a wonderful buy. You must see it and you will be convinced that it is best used car bargain in Portland. Call Mr. Adkins. Broadway 4184. 100 North Broadway St.. Portland. CADILLAC 7-PASSENGER CAR. type 57. in perfect condition, used only by the president of Reed college; may be seen at Reed college. Phone Sellwood 2436. Price, with 6 cord tires and all extras. $33O0. FOR SALE 1-ton brand new Republic truck, not run over 600 miles; price $1500. Sanitarium Mkt.. Gresham. FORD COUPE in excellent condition, ex-, tras; owner must sacrifice immediately. East 3470. 1916 FORD 5-passenger. excellent me chanical condition. - Phone East 59s6; terms cash, $375. WANTED To trade Buick 6-roadster for good 5-passenger car. Call East 2111 after 5 P. M. BY OWNER Baby grand Chevrolet, per fect condition. Evenings and Sundays. East 7bt3, FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. 1920 CHANDLER DISPATCH, like new, new oversized cord tires, 1 brand new extra, bumper, moto meter. Gabriel snubbers. perfect mechanical condition; guaranteed same as new car. Price -uuu 1919 CHANDLER 7-pasS.. rebuilt throughout, newly painted, good tires with extra; we give new car guarantee on this car. Price $louu 1918 CHANDLER CHUMMY. 4-pass. roadster, rebuilt throughout, oversize cord tires, nearly new; guaranteed same as new car. Prtca lj0 191S CHANDLER DISPATCH, new ly painted, first-class mechanical condition, wire wheels, cord tires witn extra: guaranteed same new car. Price S1S00 SPECIAL. 1918 CHANDLER CHUMMY. 4 pass roadster, good mechanical condition, wire wheels; very good tires, with extra. Price l-io 1917 CHANDLER. 7-pass.. fine me chanical condition, wire whee.s. cord tires, newly painted: a ro' snap. Price J100 1917 VEL1E. 5-pass.. good mechan ical condition, repainted; good tires. Price 8"u 191S OAKLAND. 5-pass., good con- dition. excellent tires. Price. ...$ 600 1918 HUDSON SUPER SIX. 7-pass. touring. overhauled and in A condition; cord tires with extra.. $lo00 1918 OVERLAND 4-90 club road ster, good mechanical condition; wire w heels, good tires, repainted Price li0 SOME MORE GOOD BUYS. COME IN AND SEE THEM. These cars will all be found as repre sented and very reasonable terms can be arranged. 603 WSHINGTON STREET. 514 ALDER STREET. TWIN. STATES MOTOR CAR CO. YOU want a ROADSTKR? We have a late model DODGE. STUDEBAKER. CHEV ROLET and FORD. See them now. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15th and Washington. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. TMs is a most wonderful job special: shock absorber, spotlight, bumper and 5 cord tires, special top and paint Job; no reasonable offer refused. Terms. 80 North 9th St. Bdwy. 118 ALMOST new Ford delivery, panel body, demountable rims: machine cost $i5 and I will sell at 625 and terms or $650 on time: machine Is In fine shape. Call 220-42 between 2 and 5 P. M.. or Tabor 7202 after 6 P. M. 1920 DODGE, never been run. will sell my delivery st the old price, or my 1919 Dodge, excellent condition. Alemlte lub ricating system, two bumpers. 4 tires never been run. spotlight. $1130. Main 2042. Sunday Tabor 4200. FOR SALE Reo 7-passenger. This car has only been driven about 14.0O0 miles and has just been thoroughly over hauled. Guaranteed to be in first-class condition. Phone Bdwy. 5373 or Tabor 7357. FORD coupe In fine condition, good tires, reflnishei In light green, for ouick sale. $7UO. 330 Aider. Broadway 1S52. FOR SALE One new Ford touring car. Just out. with starter. wire wheels, shock absorber, speedomoter. etc.; also a 1920 Ford touring car slightly used; terms. 3820 92d et. S. E. 1918 BUICK 6. Buick 6 touring, looks and runs like nw. all new tires. Just repainted. Easy terms. H.l North 9th St. Bdwy. 118. LET'S beat this car fare, folks. A nice Maxwell touring, five good tirea and In first-class shape mechanically; wi.l sell this for $450 and very easy terms. Bdwy. 3411. 323 Alder st. NEW CHEVROLETS. Easv terms, prompt delivery. P. II. DUNN MOTOR CO.. Corner Milwaukie Avenue and Bybee. Phone Sellwood 1393. 1 HAVE a little 1919 Overland touring car to dispose of at once: repainted and. in exceptionally good state: will quote an attractive price and grant terms. C r. Dean. Broadway 217. 1919 BUICK tocring car, only run Rooo miles; fine mecnaiiicaiiy. ut'j i.ni..- ., new battery, cord tires; have had car in storage. Owner leaving city. Must sclL Like a new car. $1500. Tabu 4459. 19" BABY Grand Chevrolet, run 590 miles. extra lire and cover. spotlight- owner buying enclosed car. same model A wonderful car. terms. Dana, 14th and Alder sts. Bdwy. 24Q. FORDS All kinds. Ford bugs. Ford tour ings Ford roadsters. Ford deliveries, all In perfect mechanical shape and priced from $230 to $500. very easy terms. i23 Alder st. Bdwy. 341L DODGE Late 1918 touring, private owner. This car is in fine shape. You will like it. Come and Bee It Sunday or Monday. Price $885. C. E. Foster. 1314 Halsey SI. Tabor 3041. CHANDLER CHUMMY Refinifhed and oVerhauled. Price $1300. Will take smaller car as part payment. Mr. Argo. Broadway 32M. WE HAVE a good stock of cars, both large and small, roadsters. R-pass. and 7-pass.; easy terms on all. Bdwy. 3411. i Aiaer ti. $450 WILL buy you a dandy Reo. fine condition, new tires and spot light $200 down: you can't pass this up. Call Mr. Howara. Drouu LATE model Chevrolet 5-passenBer. mod ern equiffment and good rubber. Price $525, terms, $173 down, snap. Mr. Argo, B roadway mi. 1 IUi 'Li u i - .w... For sale by owner. 1920 Dodge road ster in excellent condition. Call Mam 19 lor nemonsuuu STUDEBAKER SERIES IS o good tires. 2 Flsk cords new. good mohair top, good paint fine mechanical condition. Just overhauled, fnone aT o.,- FOR SALE 2 Ford panel delivery cars at a bargain, first-class shape. Laffaw Mo tor Car Co.. 13th and Hawthorne ave. East 6885. 4-H P GASOLINE engine, cordwooa at tachments, everything for cutting wood except the woodwork part, at bargain von won't get again. Phone Main .089. - . . . . . . r. ...I motor four rood . i ... .n-Mlameter and Klaxon. $200 ' .!-(.. i , awav Sunday A. M. 217 Mllin st, am-on. . . . . . . - I-,. i. x.-i in c.i i- Equip It to suit and take it from agency or will sell my old one at bar Iain Main 3591. 3"'4 College st. FRANKLIN 5-passenger, 6-cylinder; cyl inders reground: new top; first-class shape. 2H7 E. 37th St. 1917 FORD touring body, slso delivery body, cheap. Terminal Garage. 5th and Hoyt. KING roadster, all new tires: some snap at $450. easy terms. Terminal Garage. 5th and Hoyt. K.i t FORD, good mechanical condition. four new tires: $350; snap, hurry. Mr. Argo. Brraoway ;i. SEVEN-PASSENGER Buick. practically new, $204) in extras; at a bargain. Wd.n. 2111. l'.-lS MODEL 90 Overland, newly painted, new tires; mechanically perfect. For culck rale. $075. Phone Sellwood 2036. NEW 1920 Ford roadster, electric lights and starter, for $100 less than it cost. Call Mr. Mountain. Bdw 217. OLDS M OBI LE at once. E. -A sacrifice; has to be sold 7619. 1U19 FORD touring, lika new. $150 cash, bal. easy. Tabor 5U. 5-PASS. light 6. cheap. Phil Holshelmer. 21 East Washington st. 1920 Maxwell demonstrator. Call Mar. S67 or Mar. 2706. Ask for Rieman. 1916 OAKLAND 6. $400 cash. P. A. Garage. 3S0 Union ave. East 4461. CHALMERS car,-run 8000 mllesT- $1250. Phone East 613L 1917 OVERLAND. $450 or will trade for houseboat same value. Phone East 4666. 1918 FRANKLIN Just overhauled. $1400. rush or terms. 636 E. 51st st. N. FORD delivery, panel body; $300. 188 Park st. GOING EAST, must sell my Ford bug E. 7619. " 120-GAL. or larger gasoline tank wanted. 121 N. 3d St. Bdwy. 2629. LATE FORD SEDAN, with Ford starter, cheap for cash only. Tabor 8519. FORD, cheap. Cedarville Park. Route A. Box 473. Gresham. Or. LIGHT 6 BUICK For $1100. Broadway 8281. Mr. Argo. MITCHELL 6 5-pass. for s Ford. M M Oregonian. lie or trade for W1NTON SIX. cord Urea, (750. H 3579. FOR BALE AUTOMOBILES. 1918 CHUMMY Chandler. 3 good new tires; cannot be duplicated under $1600. will sell for $1275. terms. 1919 Buick. guaranteed perfect con dition. 5 new tires; yours for $1300 1020 Olds, cord tires, cost $ly00; yours for $1473. A new Templar roadster. 4000 miles, fully equipped, some car; cost $3400; yours for $26t0. Better hurry, these won't last long. WRAV MOTOR CAR CO.. 84 11th St. N. Broadway 324T. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed.... 3 Magneto recharged 3 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which Insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO., 280 Front St.. Corner Jefferson SALE ON USED CARS. Ftudebaker. 191S $700 Olds 8 Too Saxon 6 ........................... 650 Maxwell. 1919 750 Peerless, fine shape 350 Fords from $275 to 425 Peerless chassis loo Studebaker bug 150 Chevrolet R 350 LONG & SILVA, 4H2 Hawthorne. SATURDAY SPECIALS. Maxwell touring Overland touring Don't Pass These Up. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15th and Washington. .Hr.a . 450 FISHERMEN, take notice! For $350 you can buy a car that will take you any place: large -enough to carry a load mid 5 pusseugers. and Is very easy riccr. it is a 4-cylinder Mitchell and re.idy for a long trip. Easy terms. Bdwy. 3411. 523 Alder st. A 1917 LIGHT six. Buick. 5-pass. with wuitK satisfaction for this Is in con dition and at the price of a Maxwell: come early on this one for it is priced to sen, noi m Keep. PACIFIC AUTO CO.. 523 Alder st. Broa.iwav 3411 FORD COUPE. Latest model, electric starter, wire whee.s, equipped complete, privaie. priced low for quick sale. See at 1229 r.. Ash st.. between 12 and 4, or cai Tahor :io:t. . lolh LIGHT 6 I'sig.. a new top. a high- graae f I'm puint Job. o cord tires, per fect mechanical condition. Price $1250. You can't eiiual this snap anywhere. Pru-e new $2175. Will give terms. Mr. Kordney. Broadway 45K4. CHAN DLh. R i-passenger, refinihed and overhauled: $1400; will take small car a-pari payment. air. Argo, Broadway Automobiles Wantea. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 127 Lownsdale st, 8. W. corner 15th and Washington. CASH FOR YOUR FORDS. 530 ALDER. BROADWAY 1852. i. WANT i;aRS. Customers on our lists for all makes of cars and can make mat car mean money to you. PORTLAND CAIi SALES CO.. 531 Alder st. Broadway 2411 5-PAS.SENGER. Ford or Chevrolet nre ferred ; good condition, late model; have late Henderson motorcycle. fair ex change. Auto. 310-26 after 4:30 P. M. "ANTED r ord or Chevrolet touring that s not too old; $125 down. $20 per month on baiance: give year, make and con'iition. J imiO, Oregonian. WISH to exchange my $200 equity in new piano as first payment on a good used car. roadster or touring, no junk. Call Marshall lv.ili. WANTED To trade a good limber claim close in. value $::6oo. for uic 4 o- cylinder car and some cash. Bet. 5 and room .114 Hotel Ritx. I HAVE a perfect solitaire, valued Sl'lno. wish to trade It for a good used light ' " ' hi t, .regonian. A LIGHT auto for piano with soif-plnying attachments. Call 402 Zuinhro Court apt., 20th and Wash. Mar. 2706 HAVE GOOD Ford delivery body" to ex- cnange ior roadster Oody. Call 14 North Broadway or phone Broadway 2402. WANTED A low-priced, late model five or seven-passenger used automobile. Terms not desired. B 626, Oregonian. TRADE 40 acres good land for small car. good condition: don't pass this up. C. S. Richardson. Gen. Del. ONE-EIGHTH interest valuable patent and cash for late model automobile Mar shall 754. WANT to buy old cars, any size or any condition. Call Vancouver 6o5. R. E. Gore. WANTED To rent Ford car. 2 to 4 weeks city use: experienced ariver. Universal Body Corporation, ask for Roahen. WANTED Buick 6; cash talks; must lie In Al condition and price right. ' 1907 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. WANT Ford, not over $225; have -karat diamond. 217 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. Phone 4S0. 2 IMPROVED lots in Vancouver as part pay on car. Address M. It. Harlan, Box 543, Vancouver, Wash. WILL TRADE furniture of 7-room valued at $000 for late model car. Wood. awn 5357. 1920 FORD touring body wanted. Call Main :;.S2S. or V 172. Oregonian. FORD touring roadster, bug or chassis, not over $230. Tabor 1901. WANTED White roadster. Inquire write 483 Union ave. N. SIDE CAR wanted for Excelsior; must be cheap. X 20ii, Oregonian. Motorcycles. 1919 HENDERSON", good as new; post yourself on prices, then see this one. private, going away, will trade in on good late model 5-passenger car. Ford or Chevrolet preferred. 402 E. 33d st. North, cor. Hancock, before 10 A. M. or after 5 P. M. i USED MOTORCYCLES. " All makes, terms if desired. Used mo tors, parts, etc. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand ave. Excelsior. Henderson and Cleveland Agency. 1919 INDIAN for sale, overhauled and one new tire. $175. Call between 3 and 8 P. M. Arrow Garage, 23d and Savier. NEW CYCLE with motor attachment. $75. Dayton Cycle Company, 36 Third street. Main 1082. LATE model Indian, power-plus, electric equippea, tanaem, etc.; iirti-ciass ci d.tion; must sell; $230. Woodlawn 512 FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 6230. FOR SALE Harley-Davldson motorcycle, electric equipped. $150. 190 Madison. MOTORCYCLE In good shape for sale cheap. 7004 30th ave. S. E. 1918 INDIAN motorcycle and side car. 102i E. Wash. Tabor 9552 Automobile for Hire. LUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without driv ers. Day or night service. COUCHMAN GARAGE. 19th and Couch. Remember our number. Broadway new autos without drivers, overlands. hudson3. lownsdale garage, broadway 2408. 15th and wash. autos without drivers. New 1920 models, reasonable rates. 132 12th sL. between Washington and Alder. Bdwy. 840. NEW CARS FOR RENT. WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GLISAN STS. A 2629. BROADWAY i62. HIGHWAY auto service. Bdwy. 334. Main 224. Fierce-Arrows. Packarda, Wintoua Cars by hour, day, month. ALTHOF & BENNETT, CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. THIRD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 16B7. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE L. 1. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARA'.K. Mar. 232. loTH AND YAMHILL. A 123J1. AUTOS for hire without driver. Third straet Garage, 84 N. 3d St. Bdwy. 4".'l. FORD coupe for hire, Sundays only. E. 28th st. N. 596 CARS tor hire without drivers at Long A Silva. 462 Hawthorne. Phone East s40 1920 5 PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE, WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 3547. FOB SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTOR. FOR SALE One 8-16 IL p! tractor in good condition, $650; will take good acre age and pay cash difference. S. Lav, 171 Front st. Phone Automatic 55.2'Jl. FOR SALE One 2-ton truck, good condi tion. One 2-ton Nash in perfect condi tion. Phone Broadway 3S48. or call at loth and Davis. FOR SALE 2-ton trailer and bunks, chairs, binders, presto tank and lamps and tire chains. 5227 SSth st. S. E. FORD 1-ton truck, only few days must sell; terms it desired. O o7 gon ian. old: Ore- FEDERAL l5-ton worm drive, cheap. Jeffery & Hanawalt, 63 No- 23d. Mar shall 1428. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. ASK ABOUT OUR FREE TRIAL. ON TRUCKS. We have one of the largest stocks of used trucks in the state of Oregon I hey are all overhauled and put in the finest pos.-ible condition. It wili pay you to invesugaie our line. SPECIALS THI5 TVTT T-tr 1-ton Moreland 4ton Republic 1-ton Ford, body and top..".".""." lVa-ton Federal $ R-,n 750 6ov) 830 2-ion Republic . 1854 MANY OliiERS TO SELECT FROM. EASY TERMS NO BROKERAGE! ... . GRANNING TREECE. 512 Alder st,. cor. II th, Broadway 1723. RENEWED MOTOR TRUCKS. After a used truck has gone through our shop It is a renewed truck and offer the buyer a first class Investment. We have one-ton Fords. Republics Max wells, and IS ton Federal, a 2-ton V Lite, 3-ton Gram and u fine 21 ton Jumbo. These are ail trucks that we have traded in on new Jumbo trucks and it is our policy to trade onlv on trucks that are good honest resale values. Play safe, see our line first. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVER CO.. Broadway and Everett ONE 2-ton Federal truck. 1 lt--ton Dia mond T truck, both prartlcailv new: 1 worm-drie 1-ton Ford truck in Al con dition, and 1 chain-drive 1-ton Ford truck in good condition. Will Rive terms to responsible parties. Orei Diamond T Truck company, cor. 10th and f.un ders sts. Phone Bdwy. 4557. READ THIS. Need men to operate gravel trucks la city. m:ik.- J.tu to S35; lots of work - can not operate truck my.,vif on account of other interest. See owner. Campbell. East Jn.ili. 5-TON G. M. C. truck for si!. renHv .,- Immediate work. Call Dooly & Co.. Marshall 702 7.tfI? CAT L- : . . t. .hv. i . "vy..t;?,.a .?:. !. ' - - .-.-J. ......... nufty. 4tl. AUTO RKPA I RI NO. ALB1NA GARAGE. Wanted, all kinds of automobile re pairing bv first-class mechanics; all guaranteed: prices reasonable. Cail V d.n. 1114. 856 Garf:eld ave vl.N a.n.i IltOS . radiators, fender. -nrf body works; smashups a specially 1M I'olumhia st. GARAGES. PRIVATE g.iraiTC. Union aiem... Gra 1!4 Gra ham. Phone Mrs. LaMond. Broadway FOR KENT Private garace and room In modern home, for on.- gentleman. 194 . E. 30th s:. Talmr. 5501. FOR RENT I'rlva to garage. 30th ana Kast Ankeny sts. VAED MISCELLANEOUS. SPOT CASH vor ntiuovna I PAY SPOT PAif ivnViil- ii'ti-!x , 1 Alt n. fc. I VALUE FOR DIA MONDS. NO AMOUNT IS TOO LARGH tlH ME TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BV A LARGE DIAMOND i.lj:i'-;ERN TO T,L'Y -A'-1- THE DIA-JL0-.055 OFFERED. MY LOCATION IS DOWNTOWN AND CONVENIENT. ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CON FIDENTIAL. ERNEST DEEDS. 840 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 3173. $12.30 TO $25 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone in the city Tor suits, overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall 1229 or 25t Madison st near 3d su Will call day or evening. UP TO $3.1. FOR MEN'S SUI1S AND OVERCOATS. Vv e pay any price for men's clothea. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d st.. N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9311. $- S0 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PAYS UK. H EST CASH PRICE FOR MENS SLITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC BROADWAY 3932. 245 'j BLRNSlDK. CALL ME BEFORE AXVEuiil LLbE. BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. FURS. FURS. FURS. Cleaning and alterations, anv descrip tion. Ui-e La France tur dressing for summer and .-ave $loo. Reasonable prices. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. 163 W. Park, b.-t- Morrison and 1'amhllL Main t2:. SPOT CASH. NO RED TAPE. Diamonds bought, ail sixes, business com ii-iitial. J OS. 1.1NZ. H(I2 Spalding b;!;r. Hours 1 to 0 P. M. WANTED SAFE. NEW OR USED. Foil OFFICE. WILL PAY CAS 11. IN ANSWERING. Fl RN1SH PRICE AND FULL INFORMATION. D 101. ORE GONIAN. . OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast t clothing; highest ca&h prices paid: will cail aay or niKht. PEOPLES SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. $10 TO $2 positively paid for gents used suits and overcoats: cail anv place: get my otfer before you hell: will cail any time and place. Goidbaum. the tailor. 107 Fust St.. nr. Morrison. Main 738. DIAMONDS WANTED. We pay cash, in anv amount for aiamomls. VINES' JEWELRY STORE. 257 Washing to n bt.. Co r. 3 d. Main 6640. TAKE NOTICE. t We buy second-hand men's suits and overcoats at $10 and up. Call up Main 3207 or call and see Ben Adler. 2ol Third st- A 2 OR 3-CAV1TY' vulcanizing mould with gas heater; al.so a Weaver tire mounter and a Weaver jack; must be bargain. R 670. Oregonian. HAVE you a camping trailer? L would like to rent one for the last two weeks in August. Write 11. G. Martin. 305 Pine st.. city. HIGHEST "IUCKaTd. WE ALSO BUY FURNITURE AND C Lu THING. CALL MAIN 734. WANTED To buy second-hand sewing machine. Repairs, cleaning, all makes. Setiwood 1U71. WANTED To buy or. hire 2 burros or ' cayuses. Call C. E. Devers. b26 Gantcn bein avtnut, between 4 and 7 P. M. WANTED Several carloads s'.abwoodl phono Eist 5940. Write Grand Union Hotel. :",! l East Burnside. SAFE Wa-t small second-hand safe: not particular about condition If fireproof. AP 700. Oregonian. DUCK hunters, for one of the best shoot ing reserves ou Sauvies Island. M. 403. oregonian. WANTED Second-hand fteam table. Phone Vancouver 2su. Ask for Mrs. Fagan. JUNK; good prices for rags, old clothing, tools, turniture. carpets. East 5171. WANTED To buy No. 1 old-growth lir cordw-ood. N 007. Oregonian. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dla"- monds. Dan Marx & Co.. 2s Wash, st. WANT a man's flat-top or roil mahogany desk. C t-5i. Oregonian. USED Burroughs adding machine wanted. phone E. 5105. WANTED -Two used trunks. Phone Bdwy 1207. NO. 1 F 4.3 or No. 1 F 6.3 kodak. R 3)i Oregonian. ' Furniture Wanted. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. Wanted Used furniture, stove&i car pets and rugs; any quantity; best prlcea Pi" FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO Main 4633. 174 First St.. N. E. cor Tamht:!. 1 1 - - - - - - - - - j i ii ;i i. 1 W ANT YOUR FURNITURE. CARPKTs" STOVES. ETC.. TO SHIP OUT AN'ri WILL PAY MORE THAN OTH E it LOCAL DEALERS. A PHONE CALI WILL BRING BUYER AT ONCE WHO WILL CONVINCE YOU. CALL Maw 47 73. -' BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be lore you sell. We are In the market tor tame and will pay highest price-. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXOHAVfsr 208 FIRST ST. MAIN tVi MAI.l OU.H. We bu7 everything In furniture- w. pav the price. FREEMAN-WOLF FUR, CO. o ibi at., o. c cor. laylor 1 WANT used furniture; cash win be mi4 for stoves and ranges and all kinds i.f household goods. Call us for one artlcii or a bouse full and a competent. eo,V, teoua buyer will calL Mar. 2693 Crow nl -TW 1J AS 4U Al. o O 4 We pay the highest prices for u.e furniture. See us before vou iv CALL UNITED FURNITURE SToLV MAIN 8878. on-, WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITUpS of any description; have the readv V-ViT Phone today. Main 4627 or 166 First .. P.tDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all" point; on household goods. Pacific Cot i wardine Co.. tth and Hnvt ta..fi or- - - "'J. y. iu:t. V 1 r. ' ' ruiuuuie. IIRHl Oak- n 1 . steel bed. full size, complete. rile 5..- oregonian. ' WE BUY used furniture. For best r.u,it" call. Auto. 217-71 or JSaax 2403- result