THE MORXIXG OREGONIAN, SATURDAY. JULY 31, 1920 pllllIIIIIIH Charge Purchases Made Today Go On August Accounts Payable September 1 85c Hair Ribbon 49c Yard Main Floor All-silk Moire Taffeta Ribbon, 5V6 inches wide; AQf assorted colors; 85c grade A' C. 0. Shampoo 15c Bottle Main Floor Cocoanut Oil Sham poo for the hair and scalp; "I PT 4-ounce bottles,- special at -S-tJxs The Standard Storm a the Northwest Ivory Soap 4 for 25c Main Floor Limit 4 to a customer. Sold and delivered only with or other drug purchases, 4 for Silk Waists $3.59 Second Floor Fancy and Tailored Georgette Waists, latest PO CQ colors. Climax special DO.D Olds, Wortman & Kin : Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods You Cannot Afford to Miss These Extraordinary Bargain Offerings $7.50 Gloves S2.98 Main Floor Women's Gloves in 16-button length. Black kid suede, of a well-known make. This lot is composed of several odd lines selected from our regu lar stock; not all sizes; (PQ QQ standard $7.50 Gloves 0imVO $9.50, $10 Silk Umbrellas $5.95 Main Floor Women's Rain-and-Sun Umbrellas, good quality silk in fancy plaids and stripes; India or 10-rib styles. Some have large ring handles in white or colors. Regular $9.50 and $10 QP QfT Umbrellas. Climax Sale &0VO Wesson Oil $2.50 Gal. Model Grocery, 4th Floor We reserve the right to limit quan tity to a customer. Wesson Oil in full gallon cans on fiQ Kfl sale Climax Day, can 15c and 20c Handkerchiefs Main Floor Women's Handker chiefs with colored embroidered corners or embroidered initial. Also fancy Sport Handkerchiefs and plain handkerchiefs with Q tape borders; 15c, 20c grades 35c Kerchiefs 25c Plain Linen Handkerchiefs of splendid quality. Excellent 35c grade. Limited quantity -or on sale Climax Day, each J ASK FOR S. & H. STAMPS. 8c V ) Untrimmed Hats Half Price ; Basement Sale Hemp, Milan and Hemp, Milan, Imi tation Panama, Lisere and rough straw Hats a great one-day clean-up sale at just one-half regular prices. $1.69 Hats 850 $2.69 Hats $1.35 $3.69 Hats $1.85 $4.69 Hats $2.35 Hats $2.85 Hats $3.35 $5.69 $6.69 Trimmings 49c Cellaphane Flowers, wreaths, crushed Rosas, Foliage, 6mall Flowers, Orna ment, Fancy Feathers; special 490 Girls' Gingham Dresses $2.25 and $2.85 tf? n n r f x ? Every department of the store participates in the Climax Sale and every item offered is a REAL BARGAIN in every sense of the word. Owing to quantities, in some instances, being limited, we suggest buying early in the day. People living anywhere within reach of this store should take ad vantage of the wonderful savings this sale affords and buy for months ahead. S. & H. green trading stamps given with purchases an additional saving! NO TELEPHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED FOR CLIMAX DAY SPECIALS Women's Suits, Coats, Dresses EXTRA SPECIALS FOR CLIMAX DAY Suits and Coats WOMEN'S SUITS of Wool Jersey, Serge and Tricotine. Many attrac tive styles sport, flare, semi-fitted and box effects, trimmed with P" n braids and buttons; special fll WOMEN'S COATS in sport and dressy models, with belts or in loose styles. Polo Cloth, Serge. Tricotine, Silvertone and Novelty Mix- C" tures. Climax Day Sale only wi Taffeta, beaded Georg ette, Tricolette and Messa line Dresses in a number of beautiful mod- COQ els. Priced special 3iO Many styles. 1$17 Second Floor Special assortments of Girls' Gingham Dresses at great reduction in price. Many charming styles to select from. Ages 6 to 14. Plain colors, plaid3 and checks. Special $2.25 and $2.85 ONE" LOT Wash Dresses at Half Price. Girls' Smocks Half Price Second Floor Girls' Cotton Smocks in the Climax Sale at just half price. Many pretty styles in the showing. Very ap propriate for beach wear. $2.50 to $6.00 smocks at $1.25 to $3.00 Pongee Silk Smocks also are on sale at reduced prices. Infants' Dept. Infants' Pillow Slips at Half Price. Carter's Knit Shirts for in- (PI QQ fants; regular $2.50 kind,' at.J-.0 Suits and Coats WOMEN'S SUITS in belted, flare and novelty styles. Made up in Trico tine, Gabardine, Silvertone,-Velour and Wool Jersey, Black and col- fl?07 ors. Special for Climax Day WOMEN'S COATS A special group of high-class garments selected from our regular stock; sport and dressy models in best of ma- PO terials. Climax Sale special $27 4 Great Specials in Dresses D r e s s e s of Georgette, Tricolette, Satin and Taf feta. Short or long sleeves. , Tricolette, Satin, 'nd Georgette Dresses in charming styles. Some with ruff led or shirred CJO skirts. Special at DiO attractive QQQ Climax Sale t Climax Sale of Silks QUALITY SILKS from regular stock offered for Climax Day at greatly reduced prices. Silks for dresses, skirts, waists, petticoats, linings, etc. Take advantage of this splendid opportunity to save! $6 Sport Crepe $3.95 Main Floor Kaba Crepe, one of the season's choicest weaves for sport and other apparel. Shown in pink and white. The PQ Qf? $6.00 grade,' at yard oOVD $5.00 La Jerz $2.98 Main Floor La Jerz Sport Silks in pink and white. These make up beautifully. Oar (JO QQ regular $5 grade at 00 $4.00 Taffeta $2.98 Main Floor Black Taffeta Silk of a standard make specially priced for the Climax Sale. Ex cellent quality for costumes, skirts, linings, petti- (PQ QQ coats, etc. $4 Taffeta D.0 Voiles $1.98 Main Floor Indestructible Voiles in all the most desirable colors. Particularly adapted for summer dresses and party (PI QQ frocks. Climax special D-L.i0 Suits and Coats wuhisn'S SUITS this season's best styles for sport and street wear. Tricotine, Tweed, Poiret Twill, Hair line and 'checked suitings. (jJQrr Hardly two alike. Climax Sale I WOMEN'S COATS beautiful mod els developed in Chiffon Velour, Gab ardine and Silk Poplin. Mostly in loose wrap effects. Good range of colors. Climax Sale price DJ I Taffeta A wonderful assortment of beautiful Dresses made up in Georgette, Paulette, Tricolette and Taf- (IM Q feta. Special onlv Dtc $37 V , $2.60 Wearlong Sheets Pillow Tubings Reduced For the Climax Sale Main Floor Extra quality Bleached Pillow Tubing in all widths. None sold to dealers and no telephone or mail orders filled. SHOP EARLY! 36-inch Pillow Tubings, A Q priced special at, a yard Wash Goods Remnants HALF PRICE Main Floor Hundreds of good useful lengths in Wash Goods at half price Climax Day. Ginghams, Percales,. Shirtings, Devonshire Cloth, Outing Flannels, White Goods, etc. Shop early in the day for best selection. itj---- -" mm Women's $6 Union Suits $3.00 Main Floor Great half price sale of Women's Union Suits for Climax Day. These are made in athletic styles and are exceedingly cool and comfort able. Dainty silk and lisle fab rics and fancy cross-bar weaves. White and delicate pink. Here is a great opportunity to buy the newest style in Union Suits at a big saving. Full assort ment of sizes. Regular (PQ $6 Union Suits Climax Day $7.50 to $11 Special, Pair A sensational offering of hundreds of pairs of Women's White Shoes at an av erage of less than half price. Every pair is from our own regular stock. Re liable makes only. By all means take advantage of this chance to save. $11 Shoes $5 WOMEN'S White "Reignskin" Shoes on medium toe last with military heel and welt sole. Celebrated "Selby" make. sizes. Regular $11 Shoes, Climax WOMEN'S White Albo Cloth Shoes with plain toe and medium low "New York" heels. Ohe of our best selling num bers. Reg. $8.50 Shoes, Climax Sale WOMEN'S White Albp Cloth Shoes in the well-known "Kelly" make. Plain toe with high leather heels. Regular $10.00 grades. PP Priced'for Climax Day Sale at WOMEN'S White Canvas Shoes with Neolin soles and low rub ber heels. Regular $7.50 grade S5 Men's $12 to Main Floor Men's two-tone Shoes greatly reduced in price for the Climax Sale.- Strictly high-grade footwear from best of makers. Mostly on Eng lish last so much liked by the younger men. In the sale there are black calf shoes with gray tops brown calf with dark gray tops tan calf JQ with field mouse tops; brown vlci kid with field mouse tops; 0O I $2.18 Only 6 to a Customer Get a half dozen of these good Sheets and save $2.52. Fa mous "Wearlong" make the always dependable kind that never fail to give satisfaction. Iron straight and smooth and launder to perfection. Only 6 Sheets to 'each customer in or der that all may have an equal opportunity. Regu- (PQ " Q lar $2.60 Sheets, each 35i.0 Domestic Aisle Main Floor 42-inch Pillow priced special, at 45-inch Pillow Tubing, pr A a yard J-" Tubing, ro. priced special, at a yard wu' Headquarters for Pillow ' Slips, Sheetings, Bed Spreads, Towels, etc. Women's $3 Silk Hosiery $1.98 L Main Floor It will pay you to buy a half doz en pairs of these high-grade stockings. Full fashioned style. Pure silk thread with lisle heel, sole, toe and double lisle garter welt. Famous "Best-Knit make, noted for service. Every pair is perfect and there is a complete range of sizes in the sale. Hose such as you pay $3.00 for in the regular (PI QQ way. Priced for Climax Day Sale 3-L.JO White Shoes $ All Sale 85 WOMEN'S White "Reignskin" Shoes with tipped toe and medium heel. Regular $8.50 grade. P P Priced for Climax Day Sale at DO NURSES' White Albo Cloth Shoes with round toe and rubber heel. Very comfortable. Regular $8 CJK erode. Climax Sale snecial at DJ $14 Shoes $8 S5 $3.50 Georgettes at $1.95 Fancy Georgettes $2.48 Lace Dept. Georgette Crepe in a large selection of desirable plain colors for blouses, dresses, millinery and other purposes; 39 to 40 inches wide. Good quality at (PI QC $3.50 a yard. Climax Day DJ..UO Women's White Hats Special at $3 The Millinery Store offers an exceptional bar gain in White Hats for the Climax Sale. Any woman who has need for an inexpensive hat to fin ish out the season will find these very appropri ate. Of White Hemp, in several good styles, large or medium. Smartly tai lored, ideal for beach, sport, outing or street wear. - Shop early in the day, for these are quite likely to sell out in a hur ry. Special for Cli- QQ max Dayat only Millinery Salon 2d Floor All Children's Hats At Half Price $3.25 Table Damask $2.08 Main Floor Irish Table Dam ask of splendid quality. Full bleached and beautiful pat terns. This sells in the regu lar way at $3.25 the PQ (Q yard; Climax Sale 5UO $10 Napkins $6.38 Doz. Main Floor Irish. Damask Napkins in quality and pat terns to match above. Full dinner size and regular $10 value. Priced special C?f? QQ for Climax Day, doz. wU.OO S. & H. Stamps with purchases. Metal Laces Half Price Main Floor 18 to 36-inch Metal Flouncings, 18 to 36-inch Silver Allover Laces, 2 to 9-inch metal Bands; suitable for evening gowns, dresses and waists; $1.50 to $8.50 Laces on sale Climax Day, 750 to $4.25 yd. Embroidery 8c Yard Main Floor Cambric and nain sook Emb'dery Edges in dainty eyelet patterns. A large as sortment to select from. Q Regular 15c values, yard $3.50 Flouncings At $1.95 Main Floor Organdie Ruffled Flouncings in blue, pink, coral, lavender, Nile, old rose and white. Scalloped or straight edge ruffles. Also "white Or gandie Flouncings and Ruffled Net Flouncings. Values up to $3.50. Priced in the Q- QfT Climax Day Sale, yd. D J-0 Lace Dept. Fancy Georgette Crepes in a variety of pretty patterns for blouses and frocks. Very latest color combinations. These are from regu lar lines selling at $3.95 QQ A Q to $4.75. Climax Sale at Di0 iilllillllllllH mlll:Ult( ,.n.,.,wiiiiiiii!ii