Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 29, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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.1:7 M
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Bandit Leader Gives Self Up
After Conference.
financial Guarantees Allowed
Rebel and Men Under
EAGLE PASS, Tex.. July 28.
Francisco Villa, bandit idol of the
Mexican peon and for years a menace
to governments of his country
throughout northern Mexico. Is en
trained tonight with his men for
Torreon to take the first steps toward
his entrance once more to private
Mexican citizenship, a consequence of
hlo negotiations with the Do la
Huerta government, concluded at Sa
binas today.
Advices from Sabinas told also the
terms under which Villa agreed in
the words of General Eugenio Marti-j
ner, commander of the Torreon mill-1
tary zone, to "submission to the De la
Huerta government in recognition of
its stability and his desire to retire to
private life and abide by the laws of
the government."
Year's Pay Allowed.
Under the terms, advices state.
Villa Is to be allowed a year's army
pay for his soldiers and be permitted
to go with them to Torreon, under
personal escort, where this condition
will be effected. The band numbers
about 1S00. it isald. At Torreon the
men are to be "mustered out" of
ilia's service and each allowed a
tract of land. Villa, too, it is said,
bas been given financial guarantees.
General Martinez, communicating
to Eiliano Tames, Mexican consul at
Eagle Pass, termed Villa's acceptance
as "an act of patriotism." He has
wired that railroad traffic in the Sa
binas district is being resumed and
that he has given orders for running
of all trains on schedules.
Slaughter Rumor Uaconflrme4.
Details of the negotiations with
Villa say that the conference for sur
render conducted for the De la Hueita
government by General Martinez
lasted all night, ending at 11 o'clock
this morning.
Rumors of slaughter of Sabinas po.
licemen and mutilation of bodies of
many womet- there yet lack confirma
tion. Other reports, however, tell of gen
eral rejoicing in Mexico and of cele
brations planned.
Surrender of Villa May Aid Mexico
With United States.
WASHINGTON. July 28. Recogni
tion of the new Mexican government
by the United States in the opinion of
Mexican observers here has been
brought nearer by Francisco Villa's
surrender. He Is under Indictment
charged with the kl'lling of soldiers
and civilians at Columbus, N. M., In
1916, and his extradition may be
sought. In such contingency the
Mexican government might be afford
ed fresh embarrassment.
With Villa peaceful, it Is believed
generally, the prospects for restora
tion of order are much better.
I'our New Xuxnes Added In Utah
Conspiracy Charge.
SALT LAKE CITY. July 28. Four
men not named In the original com
plaint filed against directors of the
Utah-Idaho Sugar company charging
infraction of the Lever Act in con
nection with sales of sugar, are named
in an amended complaint filed here
by Isaac Blair Evans, United States
district attorney, and three named in
the original complaint are not men
tioned in the new document.
The three not named are Heber J.
Grant, president of the company and
head of the church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints; W. T. Pyper and
(H. G. Whitney. These are said not to
'have been directors at the time of the
alleged infraction of the law. The
four new names added to those
cnarged are: David A. Smith. W. S.
. McCornick, James D. Murdock and W.
H. Wattis.
(Continued From First Face.)
to be reluctant to concur. A dispatch
from Tokio today said that the Nichi
Nicht had published a statement that
Japan had received an inquiry par
taking of the nature of a protest from
"a certain country" in connection
with her intention to occupy this ter
btate department officials would
neither affirm nor deny whether the
country referred to was the United
States, but the general understanding
oi tnose in close touch with the situa
tion was that it was the United
What purports to be a copy of a
dispatch sent by the Japanese commander-in-chief
in Siberia to the
Japanese minister of war came to
light today. It was dated . July
and said: v
"It is my Intention to seize Imme-
. diately the whole of the territory up
to a line drawn west of Baikal, 150
miles, including in the occupation the
Manchurian concession zone. I will
take about a month to complete the
occupation. When the occupation
has been made Japan will be able to
control the formation of a new gov
ernment. "The commander-in-chief requests
notification of his action be com
municated to the powers and that the
result of the notification be com
municated to him at an early date."
Japanese Land Purchases Regard
ed With Apprehension.
HOOD RIVER. Or., July 28. (Spe
cial.) R. E. Scott, secretary of the
Hood River Anti-Asiatic association,
left last night for Seattle to appear
before the congressional committee
Investigating the status of Japanese
in the northwest. Mr. Scott will tes
tify as to conditions prevailing in the
Hood River valley.
"I will not claim," said Mr. Scott,
"that our existing Japanese popula
tion Is a menace. Our problem is
potential, rather than actual. We are
seeking preventive measures rather
than a cure. Unless something is
done, the Hood River valley will be
come Japanese land in 10 years.
"The records show that Japanese
owned more than 1000 acres of land
" up to January 1. While land buying
on the part of the orientals was very
active about Ihat time, it has fallen
off somewhat since ihen. We feel
that the only way to stop Japanese
buying will be to enact stringent
Japanese War Minister Blames
Deadlock In Negotiations.
TOKIO, July 28. (By the Assocated
Press.) Major-General Tanaka, min
ister of war. has informed the cabinet
that withdrawal of troops from
Trans-Baikal has been delayed owing
to a deadlock in the negotiations for
the creation of a buffer state.
But as a result of the progress of
the pour parlers with the Verkhne
Udinsk government, it is believed the
withdrawal will shortly be started.
I '
4 000 Troops In Occupation.
TOKIO, July 28 Four thousand
Japanese troops have been ordered to
complete the occupation of the north
ern half of Saghalin island, Russian
territory, Major-General Tanaka, min
ister of war, has informed the diet.
These were a portion of the Japanese
forces in the Trans-Baikal area, he
Both Racers Saluted With Deafen
ing Noise as They Seek
Anchorage in Rivers.
NEW YORK. July 28. Resolute,
which decisively defeated Shamrock
IV in the deciding yacht race in de
fense of America's cup yesterday,
probably will not run another race,
said H. De B. Parsons, a member of
the race committee of the New York
yacht club, today. The defender will
be dismantled at the Herreshoff yards
at Bristol, R. I.
There will be no special celebration
of the victory by the New York yacht
club. Yachtsmen today highly praised
the handling of the Resolute by
Charies Francis Adams II, in all the
The Resolute's crew of 22 Norwe
gians, seven Swedes and one Dane, all
American citizens, also came in for
unstinted praise.
Sir Thomas Lipton, who hid his
bitter disappointment behind his cor
dial congratulations to Resolute and
her crew, saying that the better boat
won, will soon leave for a visit to
Canada. He will issue another chal
lenge in 1922, and will name the chal
lenger Shamrock V, he said.
Resolute, successful defender of the
America's cup, was greeted by a great
chorus of whistles when she passed
up the East river today.
Shamrock IV, the defeated cup chal
lenger, left Sandy Hook shortly after
noon for an anchorage in the Hudson
river, rasslng steamers gave her al
most a continuous ovation of whistle
Sir Thomas Lipton, owner of Sham
rock, said today that he had not made
up his mind what he would do with
the racer, and the trial boat, the
33-meter Shamrock. It is understood
he had received offers for both boats
from American yachtsmen.
TlTi crow of the challenger will be
sent home on the first available ship.
Sir Thomas-said. '
Baron, When Lad, Drove Male Car
in New Orleans.
NEW ORLEANS, July 28. Con
gratulations cn the showing of the
Shamrock IV were sent today to Sir
Thomas Lipton by members of the
southern yacht club and persons who
remembered the days in the late '60s
when the baronet, then a lad, drove i
mule car over the streets of New Or
leans and dispensed hot coffee at the
Poydras market restaurant.
Racing Vachtsman to Pay Visit to
San Francisco.
SAN FR4NCISCO. July 28. Sir
Thomas Lipton accepted an Invitation
to address the commercial club here
on a date In August that has not been
determined, according to an an
nouacement by the club today.
George Carlile Pleads Guilty and
Is Assessed $100 and Costs.
COTTAGE GROVE. Or., July 28.
(Special.) George Carlile was fined
100 and costs in justice court today
when he pleaded guilty to a charge
of dynamiting trout in the Coast Fork
river on the morning of June 6. The
complaint was filed and the arrest
made by Chief Deputy Game Warden
Brown of Portland, and Deputy War
den Hawker of Albany.
The case grew out of notice-by the
game department of a warning pub
lished in the Cottage Grove paper and
signed by R. V. Carman, who. lives
near where the alleged dynamiting
took place. Mr. Carlile declared that
he was not guilty of the charge, but
would plead guilty and pay a ligh
fine rather than fight the case.
Australia Repudiates Assertions of
Archbishop Mannix.
ROME, July 28. Strong remon
utrances from Australia on the utter
ances in the United fatates of Arch
bishop Daniel J. Mannix of Melbourne
have been received by the Vatican.
The protests state that the arch
bishop's assertions do not represen
the feeling prevalent In Australia,
and ask that some tangible publi
declaration be made In order to pro
tect the loyalty of the large majority
of the Australian population.
Assistant Cashier and Customer Are
Locked in Vault.
28. The State Bank of Peyton, 17
miles east of here, was held up and
robbed of xgoou this afternoon.
Two men wearing goggles and driv
ing an automobile locked the. assist
ant cashier and a customer in th
vault and took ' everything but the
contents of the safety deposit boxes
and fled.
(Continued From First Page. )
advanced here for a roan to live th
life of a hunter alone."
Fattlg will enter a plea In the fed
eral court this morning. He says
will plead guilty. Also, he says if
he can locate Charles he will advise
him to surrender so they can start
life afresh.
Applications Pile Up, on Fed
eral Commission.
To Provide Places for Applicants to
Obtain Information Four Dis
tricts Are Apportioned.
ngton, July 28. Applications, coming
in large part from the west, for Tjer-
lts and licenses to develop water
power, reaching the office of the fed-
ral water power commission now
ggregate 2,000,000 horsepower, ac-
ording to O. C. Merrill, executire
ecretary of the commission. I
The commission, which was created
nder tne water power bill recently
passed by congress and composed of
the secretaries of war. interior and
grlculture, held Its first meeting to
day without waiting longer for the
return of John Barton Payne, secre-
ary of the interior. The anxious
esire of applicants fbr some def
inite action hastened the meeting.
Secretary Baker of the war depart-
ent and Secretary Meridith of the
department of agriculture were pres-
District la Divided.
To facilitate the reception of ap
plications and to provide places where
possiDie applicants may obtain in
formation of procedure, the commis-
ion divided the country west of the
Mississippi into four districts, with a
entral office in each through which
ppucants may transact the prelimi-
ary negotiations.
The law prohibits the commission
maintaining a separate clerical force
Its own. Accordingly, the existlnar
machinery of the present three gov
ernmental departments involved will
: used.
Thus the forest service offices at
an Francisco and Denver will be the
enters, respectively, of the Pacific
oast and the intermountaln districts
nd the office, of the army district
engineers at -St. Louis and St Paul
respectively, will be the centers ol
the lower and the upper Mississippi
istricts. In these last two the dis-
rict engineer will be the officer in
harge. while at San Francisco and
uenver tne chief forestry engineer
will have the responsibility.
The only other action of Impor
tance was to approve a tentative plan
organization for the commission.
This Involves primarily the divisloff
f the commission's activities Into
four parts, namely, the division ol
nglneering. the division of account
ing, the legal division and the divi-
ion of operations.
Kelly to Head Engineers. .
Lieutenant-Colonel William Kelly,
i army engineer, now chairman of
he California debris commission, has
been selected to head the engineer
ing department. It is expected that
will report in Washington about
the middle of August.
In the meantime the committee
eaded by Secretary Merrill, of-which
Major-General E. H. Crowder is a
member. Is at work on the regula
tions Interpreting the new law.
Inasmuch as these regulations prom
ise to be lengthy. It has been deter
mined to concentrate on that section
which covers the forms and require
ments to be submitted with formal
pplication for licenses and permits.
tentative draft of this section will
be ready soon. It will not be adapted
ntil it has been passed upon by a
onference to be called by Mr Merrill
of all interested in water power de-
elopment. The National Electric
Light association, which is particu
arly Interested in the law. will be
Invited Into the conference, so that
all possible objections to the tenta
ive regulations may be threshed out
before they are promulgated.
As the tentative draft of each sec
ion of the regulations is completed
this procedure will be followed. The
commission is anxious to make the
law and the regulations workable In
order to promote development, and it
wants to give objectors every chance
to make their objections known be
fore a regulations Is adopted.
Non-Partisan Candidate Wins In
North Dakota Primary.
BISMARCK, a D., July 28. Dr. E
F. Ladd of Fargo, N. D., Non-Partisan
eague candidate, received 3S15 more
votes than Senator A. J Gronna for
the republican nomination for United
States senator at the June Z0 pri
manes, according to figures made
public -Tuesday by the state canvass
ng board. Ladd received 54,967 votes
Gronna 51,142 and Colonel Frank
White 3477.
For the republican nomination for
governor. Governor LynYi J. Frazier,
Non-Partisan league candidate, re
ceivea t,ao votes ana William
Langer, Independent, 53,941.
Dr. J. R. Judd Presented With
Medal of Legion of Honor.
HONOLULU, T. H.. July 19. (By
Mail.) Dr. James Robert Judd, Hon
olulu physician, has been presented
with the medal of the Legion of
Honor for his services to France dur
ing the war by Dr. Augustus Marques.
French consul here, acting on behal
of President Deschanel of the French
During a considerable portion of th
war Dr. Judd was in charge of
French hospital on the west front.
Two Croups of Bones Unearthed In
Fashionable Berkeley, Cal., District.
BERKELEY, Cal.," July 28. "Work
men today unearthed a skeleton in a
building lot in the heart of Berkeley's
fashionable residential district.
.In the same shallow grave was
found a quantity of lime. The blade
of a hacksaw was also found with the
bones which were in two groups, one
group about two inches above the
first, giving rise to the police the
ory that the body had been dismem
Actress Jumps From Tower of
Cathedral In Mexico City.
(Copyright by the New Tork World. Pub
lished by Arrancemnt.)
MEXICO CITY. July 28. (Special.)
From one of the towers of the
great cathedral in the heart of the
city a pretty girl of 18 leaped and
went to destruction below on the flag
stones of the plaza. She proved to
be Tucket Tanker, an actress in the
Salon Rojo, a theater in the Avenida
Francisco Madero. She attempted to
get Into the cathedral tower alone the
day before, but the woman custodian
turned her away. The next morning
on the great plaza she met a young
man, an employe in the movie theater.
She told him she wished to see the
panorama from the cathedral tower
and asked him to be her escort. The
custodian let them ascend.
Once n the tower Miss Tanker
asked the young man to write their
names, as is the custom, on one of
th"e great bells, the historio gift of
an ancient Spanish-Mexican family
of grandees. He wrote, turned around
she was gone. At that moment a
policeman in the plaza, near the
flower market, heard the crash of
her body. No explanation of the
tragic suicide Is given.
Mr. Lloyd George, In Speech of Ac
ceptance, Says. Martyr Is Giant
Figure of History.
LONDON, July 28. Elihu Root, who
recently took part in the work of
the commission of jurists at The
Hague for eetablishment of a perma
nent international court of justice, to
day formally presented to the British
people the Saint Gaudens statue of
Lincoln in Canning square as a gift
rom America, and later the statue
was unveiled. Premier Lloyd George
delivered the speech of acceptance.
The presentation was made in the
presence of a distinguished audience
in the central hall of Westminster
with Viscount Bryce, former British
ambassador to the United States, pre
siding. In the course of his address Mr.
Root declared:
"We may disregard all life's preju
dices and quarrels that result from
casual friction and pin-pricks and
from outside misrepresentation and
detraction and rest upon Lincoln's
unerring Judgment of his countrymen
and his race. We may be assured
from him that whenever trials come,
whenever there is need for assurance
of the inherent power, truth and tri
umph of justice, humanity and free
dom then the peace and friendship
between Great Britain and America
will prove to be as Lincoln desired to
make them-j-perpetual." ,
In his reply. Premier Lloyd George
said that on behalf of the people oV
the British empire he accepted with
gratitude this statue of a great man.
The premier spoke of the pride and
affection with which Lincoln was re
garded here, and continued:
He was one of those giant figures
of whom there are so few in history
who lose their nationality in death;
one of those few who belong to man
kind. Such men are needed now more
than ever in the settlement of the
'May I be permitted to say that
this torn and bleeding earth is call-
ng today for the help of the America
of Abraham Lincoln's days."
Work of Construction Carried For
ward Under Difficulty by
PRINEVILLE, Or., July 28. (Spe
cial) Ochoco dam, the reservoir for
the Ochoco irrigation project, was
completed at noon July 26. The dam
Is the fourth highest in the United
States and the largest in the north
west. The maximum height is 126
feet. It is 1000 feet long and 600 feet
thick at the base, contains 541.000
cubic yards of earth and rock and is
18 feet wide on top.
Work was started on the dam
January 2, 1918. The work was com
pleted by a Seattle company.
The work was accomplished under
many difficulties, the cost of materi
als being so great and transporta
tion rates so high. Part of the ma
chinery was shipped to Redmond and
then hauled over 20 miles to the dam
Water has been used from the reser
voir for the past two years and al
ready the effects of It can be seen.
changing the dry sage brush and rye
grass desert into a valley of green
alfalfa fields. ,
The project Includes over 22,000
acres, and is bonded for $1,350,000, and
was supervised by R. W. Rea and
J. H. Fertig, engineers.
Traveler Slakes Thirst Before World
and Lands in Jail.
NEW TORK. July 28. (Special.)
For establishing an oasis in the rail
road station at PJamaica, L. I., James
E. Toye of Corona was arrested. Toye
entered the station with a suitcase,
walked up to the lunch counter,
picked up a glass, opened his suit
case, produced a bottle, filled the
glass and drank the contents.
"Step Up, fellere, and have one on
me," he invited a group of men, as
he waved the bottle.
No second invitation was required.
Officer Gottlieb of the railroad police
was attracted by a rapid growing
crowd, with Toye and his bottle as
Its "focal point. He discovered Toye
to be 'the most popular man In
Jamaica- Someone had just suggest
ed that he ought to run for presi
dent, when Gottlieb grabbed the bot
tle. It was empty. He placed Toye
under arrest for possessing liquor
without a permit.
2 8 Dealers Participate In Washing
ton; County Organization.
H1LLSBORO, Or., July 28. (Spe
cial.) The Washington County Au
tomotive association was organized
at. a meeting In Hillsboro Monday
night, attended by 28 dealers from
all parts of the county. Robert E.
Magner, field secretary of the Na
tional Automobile Dealers' associa
tion, was present and assisted in the
work of organization. ' s
Officers elected were: M. P. Cady,
Hillsboro, president; J. W. Philpot,
Gaston, first vice-president; Albert
Losli, Beaverton, second vlce-presl
dent; R. E. Loom is. Forest Grove,
The new organization will be affil
iated both with the national and state
associations, and it is understood that
handling the present gasoline situa
tion and provision for the future are
among Us objects.
S. & H. green
Holman Fuel Co.
stamps for cash
Main 353, 5G0-21
Nations to Co-operate and
Cut Out Competition.
Provision Made for Concessions
and for Development In Near
East and Slav Territory.
WASHINGTON. July 28. (By the
Associated Press.) France and Great
Britain, according to Information to
night from an authoritative source,
have concluded an agreement con
cerning oil companies designed to se
cure international co-operation and to
eliminate competition which might
give rise to friction between them.
Provisions of the agreement, it is
understood, extend to all countries
where oil interests of the two nations
can be usefully united or might be in
conflict. It deals specifically with the
French and British crown colonies and
provides co-operation in connection
with commercial concessions to de
velop oil wells in Roumanta, Asia
Minor, Gallcia and the territories of
the old Russian empire. There is
proviso permitting extension to other
countries by mutual consent.
In connection with commercial con
cessions in Roumania, the govern
ments agree not to compete but to
enter into common negotiations when
their nationals desire to obtain oil
rights there. They also agree that in
connection with oil concessions and
shares belonging to former enemy
subjects or bodies in Roumania and
sequestrated by the Roumanian gov
ernment, they will support their re
spective nationals in common negotia
tions entered Into with the govern
ment of Roumania for acquisition of
such property.
Exploitation la Arranged.
Shares and interests belonging to
former enemy companies and corpor
ations that can be secured by such
joint action will be divided 50 per cent
each to British and French interests.
In companies formed to undertake
exploitation of these concessions, na
tionals of the two countries will have
equal voting power as well as equal
portions of the capital subscribed and
equal representation on the executive
The governments also agree to sup
port their respective nationals in any
effort they may make to obtain com
mercial petroleum concessions and ex
port facilities in Russia and in any
territory which, as the result of the
war, may have been detached from
As to Mesopotamia, the agreement
provides if the oil fields there are
developed by Great Britain the Brit
ish undertake to see that France or
its nominees will receive 25 per cent
of the net output of crude oil at cur
rent prices. Should a Franco-British
commercial company or corporation
be used to develop the oil fields it is
agreed that, while the control will be
British, a share of 25 per cent in such
a company will be placed at the dis
posal of the French government.
Native Right Protected.
Further, the British government un
dertakes that any British company
which may be projected to develop oil
wells in Mesopotamia shall place 25
per cent of its shares at the disposal
of the French government at a price
not higher than that paid by other
participators in the formation of the
company. To safeguard interests or
the natives in Mesopotamia, the two
governments agree that native Inter
ests shall be entitled to and may if
they so desire participate to the ex
tent of 20 per cent of the share capital.
Before the war rights of develop
ment of Mesopotamia oil fields were
held by the Turkish Petroleum com
pany under concessions from Turkey
The British and French governments
have agreed, as part payment of repa
ration, to assign to France the Ger
man shares of the company, which
thus becomes an Anglo-French cor
According to Information here, the
agreement does not affect interests of
other governments or of their nation
als and it reserves no exclusive rights
to France or to Great Britain, not even
in Mesopotamia. Its effect, it Is said,
is merely to guarantee to France a
share in the output of Mesopotamian
oils at ordinary commercial prices and
to permit France and Great Britain
to share on fair terms oil at the dis
posal of either.
Full Reciprocity Aim.
The agreement extends on similar
ines to the French colonies and the
British crown colonies. Any Franco-
British group of good standing. It Is
explained, will be given facilities sub
ject to the new guarantees, for the
acquisition of oil concessions in the
French colonies and protectorates and
zones of influence.
It Is necessary, under French law.
that groups so formed contain French
nterests of at least 67 per cent.
French subjects wishing to prospect
and exploit petroleum lands in Brit
ish colonies would be given advan
tages under the agreement similar to
those enjoyed by British subjects In
the French colonies.
Wilson Asked to Appoint Commis
sion to Arrange Conference.
WASHINGTON, July 28. President
Wilson today had before him the
recommendation of a commission of
the interchurch world movement that
he appoint a special commission to
bring about an immediate conference
between employers ana employes In
the steel industry. The suggestion
was offered to the president yester
day by the group which investigated
last summer's steel strike.
In a letter sent to the president
with a copy of the investigators: re
port, the interchurch commission de
clared that "unless vital changes are
brought to pass, a renewal of the
conflict In this industry seems in
The Finnish language has no prep
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
ftliitim. ) jfy
PI 5 to 40
Only Three More Days of This
Great July Clearance
The days of this sale are numbered only three more days and
the opportunity to buy at a saving of from 15 to 40 will be
passed. Thousands have benefited by the underpricings since
the beginning of this event. Now for the wind-up. In spite of
the tremendous selling of the past few weeks, there is still the
greatest variety of merchandise from which to choose because
we have thrown shipment after shipment of incoming goods into
the sale. 1 here is still time to buy but you must hurry.
Do not put it off another day or you will miss this
remarkable opportunity to save. Come tomorrow if
President Wilson's Failure Is La
mented by Head or Press- Body
in Great Birtain.
HALIFAX. N. S., July 28. Failure
of the United States to assume some
of the responsibilities "which its tri
umphant entry into the war imposed
upon that country," is largely re
sponsible for continued unsettled con
ditions throughout the world, Robert
Donald, chairman of the Imperial
press union and one of the foremost
newspaper men in Great Britain, de
clared here today In an address- at n
civic luncheon given the Imperial
press conference delegates.
"The two branches of the English
speaking people." he said, "acting
together harmoniously In peace as
they did In the latter period of the
war. could have reconciled, or si
lenced, the clashing Interests of Eu
rope: led the new democratic states,
carved out of old tyrannical empires,
gently but firmly into the paths of
peace, and established on a sure ana
lasting: foundation the league of na
tions. Then, indeed, the world would
have been safe for democracy. Let
us hope that the lapse of America is
only temporary.
"Two years ago fresiaent wuson
was the Inspiring moral force of de
mocracy. He rose to a pinnacle or
greatness unequaled by the head of
any state, the hopes ol numanny
were centered upon him. Mr. Wil
son's failure, the reason and cause I
will not discuss, to live up to his lorty
principles and noble ideas chilled the
hearts of millions who had put their
faith in him and almost worshiped
him. They look with real sorrow
upon the moral lapse of America as
one of the tragedies of history."
Militia Goes to Coal Fields.
FRANKFORT. Ky., July 28.
Twenty-five Kentucky state guards
men, under command of Captain G. M.
Kemedy left last night for the Ken
tucky-West Virginia border -oal
I fields, where disorders have occurred
recently. Twenty-five more guards
men will entrain today, it was learned.
Japan Launches Fast Cruiser.
TOKIO. July 17. (Delayed.) A second-class
cruiser, one of the fastest
type planned In the navy programme,
36-knot speed, was launched today.
Plague Fighting to Be Taught.
WASHINGTON July 2. State and
Do you think of your
rugs as only so many
square feet of floor cov
erings or as essential ele
ments of a definite idea
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Fitness for a purpose, in
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Genuine Oriental Rugs
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Visitors are always wel
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An All Night
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WE would like to
have every man,
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tance of the all night
service of the Store of
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Your prescription will be
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ways on duty.
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city health officers will receive in
struction in methods of fighting bu
bonic plague at Galveston, Tex.. Au
gust 2 and 4, under officers of the
public health service, it was an
nounced here today. Most of the of
ficials will be from sea coast states.
Phone your want ads to The Orego-
nian. Main 7070. Automatic 560-95.
,(v v wt c& H f5 f9
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Optometrists for the exami
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skilled workmen to con
struct the lenses a concen
trated service that guaran
tees dependable glasses at
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Complete Lent Grinding;
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Portland's Larf eet. Most
Modern. Itent FZqaipped. in
clusive Optical Establishment
Since 1808.
fe "W 3T 0 V$ q
sick won
Yon Can Be Free from Pain
is I Am, if You Do as I Did.
Harrington, Me. "I suffered with
backache, pains through my hips and
such a bearing-,
down feeling that
I could not stand
on my feet. I also
had other dis
tressing b y in p
torn 8. At times I
bad to give up
work. I tried a
number of reme
dies, but Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vege
table Compound
did me more good
than anything else. I am regular, do
not suffer the pains I used to, keep
house and do all my work. I recom
mend your medicine to all who suffer
as I did and vou may use my letter as
you like." Mrs. Missus Mitchell,
Harrington, Me.
There are many women who suffer as
Mrs. Mitchell did and who are being
benefited by this great medicine every
daT. It has helped thousands of wo
men who have been troubled with dis
placement, inflammation, ulceration,
irregularities, periodic pains, back
ache, that bearing-down feeling, indi-"
gestion and nervous prostration.
Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
Found contains no narcotics or barm- .
ul drugs. It is made from extracts
of roots and herbs and is a safe me
dium for women. If you need special
advice write Ivdia E. Pinkham Medi
cine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass,
IP ip i m m, n
kw tfte . -.J