Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 29, 1920, Image 1

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    VOL. LIX NO. 18,G20
Entered at Portland Oregon)
Postnf f Ice af Srcond-C!asa Matter.
2 5 TO 3 0 CENTS.
Anonymous Protest Be
lieved From U. S.
Dairy League and Investi
gator Both Attacked.
Slayer and Comrade Are
Seen by Train Crew.
Indian Chief and Trackers
Leading Man-Hunters.
Guards Fire on Outlaws Near
Meacham ; Party Closing In on
Reluge Believed In Canyon.
PENDLETON, Or., July 18. (Spe
cial 'V w n ff thn fiio-IHvA hanititR
r were again seen this afternoon. They
were resting on the bank of Meacham
creek across from the Oregon-Washington
Railway & Navigation tracks.
One had a rifle slung. across his lap.
The other wore a white handkerchief
around his forehead.
They were distinctly seen by the
crew of the eastbound freight which
passed Camp siding at 3:30 o'clock. Of
ficials believe that the man with the
whfe handkerchief around his head
is Hart, the murderer of Til Taylor.
Hart was known to have been badly
ruptured before the jail break and it
is thought he is growing weak and
tired from the 72-hour flight.' The
other fugitive was not identified, but
no one connected with the man hunt
believes that the two Indians would
Only 150 Yard. Away.
Only 150 yards separated the out
laws from the train crew when they
were seen. They dashed Into the
brush and disappeared.
Glenn Bushee, known to the TJma
tillas as Chief Tall Pine and perhaps
the closest friend of the Indians on the
reservation, was dispatched from the
posse headquarters on the top of tele
phone ridge Camp siding, where the
fugitives were seen. With him are
two Indian trackers and five white
Sheriff Lee Warnich of Union coun
ty hit the trail of the outlaws at 9
o'clock this morning with his two
blood hounds and three Pendleton
plainsmen. He has not been heard
from since and this fact is taken as
an indication that the dogs are close
upon the trail of the desperados.
'Guards Halt Kugrltlvea.
The trail was taken up at Duncan,
a station 15 miles this side of
Meacham. It was at Duncan that the
fugitives were first seen. They
sneaked out of the brush at the west
end of the station yard when they
were espied by guards.
The latter halted them and the pair
turned and dashed into the thick
brush near the track. Another party
closed in on their hiding place at
Meacham Creek canyon after the
train crew reported at Meacham at
4:10 this morning. An Oregon-Washington
Railway & Navigation engine
vaa commandeered and boarded by
ten possemen. They got off at Camp
Siding and are now in pursuit! the
Rathie Believed Located.
The only other clew deemed relia
ble concerned Rathie, who is thought
to be in the vicinity of Cayuse. He
is the man who robbed the Rose
Tierce cabin of bread and shoes last
night, according to Peterson, a settler
who caught a glimpse of the fleeing
outlaw early yesterday. Another
lone posseman phoned in last night
that he had seen a hatiess man mak
ing his way up Squaw Creek can
yon. His description tallies exactly
with Rathie.
Anderson and Peterson, the two
forgers, have completely disappeared.
Officials believe that the night will
see sharp action in the camp siding
Two automobiles carrying sheriffs
and detectives left the courthouse at
2 o'clock this afternoon to take up
the chase In the Squaw creek region.
A bloodhound from Woodburn in
, charge of a man named Snyder, went
along with the party.
Venezuela. Minister to Encourage
Emigration to South America.
TOKIO, July 2S. Peres Dupuy, first
Venezuelan minister to Japan, arrlv
ng here recently, explained the pur
pose of his mission was to encour
age Japanese emigration to Venezuela,
where labor for agriculture is needed,
he said.
There are no Japanese In Venezuela
at present, he said, but he will seek
to negotiate a treaty with Japan to
permit the entry of Japanese into the
South American republic
Former Democratic Candidate for
Governor Declares for Re
publican Ticket.
MARION, O.. July 28. A telegram
commending the yacht Resolute- for
her victory In the international races
was sent to the New York Tacht club
today by Senator Harding. It said:
"Along with all vour fellow Ameri
cans, I want to extend my congratu
lations on the victory of Resolute.
The defender won over a good boat
and over one of the' best sportsmen
In the world. We could all hope that
if the historic trophy is ever to be
lost to us. It might become the reward
of Sir Thomas Lipton's splendid and
persistent efforts. But as Americans
we all take the more pride In winning
against such an antagonist. It is the
more a worth-while victory. The won
derful series of races for America's
cup has done very much to create the
best of understanding between the
two great English-speaking nations."
Harding headquarters made public
tonight a letter f rom, L. G. Bohmrich,
former democratic nominee for gover
nor of Wisconsin and a Wilson elector
in 1912, pledging support to Senator
Harding and declaring the Wilson ad
ministration had "seriously Invaded
and brutally ignored fundamental
"Let it be known that a vote for
the democratic ticket this year does
in fact mean indorsement of all the
things that have been done by this
administration, and your victory will
be crushing to your opponents," he
In a message today to Governor
Coolidge, Senator Harding said:
"It is heartening to all America to
read your sterling speech of accept
ance. It adds to confidence in' the
republican purpose to repossess the
people with their government and it
emphasizes my conviction that as vice
president you will be asked to make
your official services comport with
the second highest place in the gov
ernment of the republic.
American Government Closely
Observes Far East Policy.
Secretary Colby and Sir Auckland
Geddes Confer With English
Ambassador to Japan.
Kansas City Producers Warned
Against Further Embargoes.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 28. Fol
lowing a peace conference attended
by dairy managers whose firms shut
off Kansas City's nvilk supply yester
day, city officials and members of the
Consumers' league, it was announced
that regular delivery of milk would
continue after the expiration of the
three-day armistice agreed on.
The dairymen were warned that,
should another milk embargo occur,
receivership proceedings would be instituted.
Heads of the four companies con
cerned were at liberty today on bond
after their arrest yesterday on war
rants charging conspiracy to injure
the public health. The . trials were
et for August 9.
Judge Tells Mother She Should Be
Proud of Son Who Befriended Her.
SA-N FRANCISCO. Cal.. July 28.
TOKIO. July - 28. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) According to the Nichi
Nlchl, the Japanese government has
received an inquiry partaking of the
nature of a protest from "a certain
country" in connection with Japan's
intention to occupy Saghallen, Man
churia, stationing troops in Khaba
rovsk and elsewhere. -
Viscount Uchida, foreign minister.
haa submitted the inquiry to the cabi
net, which later will discuss the
subject with the diplomatic advisory
WASHINGTON, July 28. (By the
Associated Press.) The American
government Is understood to be
watching closely Japanese relations
and Japan's general policy in the far
east because of the effect on the
questions involved in the recent with
drawal of American . troops from
Siberia, the signing of the consortium
relative to Chinese financial aid, the
assumption of control of the Chinese
eastern railway by the Japanese and
the Japanese occupation of northern
Saghalien and much of the maritime
province of Siberia.
Colby and Geddes Confer,
Secretary Colby has conferred with
sir. Auckland ueaaes, British am
bassador, who brought Into the con
ference Sir Bielby Alston, British am
bassador to Japan, who la returning
to London on leave. Sir Bielby gave
Mr. Colby latest Information from
Tokio, supplementing the views of
Roland Morris, American ambassador
to Tokio, who is home on leave.
British interests in China and Japan
are regarded as paralleling to some
extent those of America, because of
the large business transactions be
tween those countries and Canada and
Australia, as well as the desire of the
colonial governments and California
and other Pacific coast states to solve
the 'problem of oriental labor. Solu
tion of this problem by the British
government, in the opinion here, is
made mora-complex by the Anglo
Japanese treaty, recently renewed for
one year.
Changes in the status of the Chinese
eastern railway have been closely
watched, since this line forms the
most valuable branch of the Siberian
railway and affords the only practical
communication between the interior
of Siberia and. Vladivostok and both
the United States and Great Britain
are understood to desire its interna
tional character be preserved to as-
Thrcatenlng Letters Demanding
$1000 In Hands or Authorities
ol New Mexico Town.
NARAVISA. N. M. July 28. Cir
cumstances surrounding the death of
Lewis Payne, an ex-soldier here, fol
lowing receipt by him of two alleged
"black hand" letters, are being In
vestigated. A coroner's Jury decided
Payne died of poison administered by
an unknown hand.
His death occurred in a local lodg
ing house. Persons In an adjoining
room were atracted by Payne's
screams and shouts of "murder." To
those who answered hut cries, Payne
is declared to have said he had taken
a drink of water and that it was
killing him.
One of the alleged "black hand" let
ters was received about July 15, the
other only last Saturday. The first
told Payne to leave $1000 In gold on
a lonely road where there would be
a lighted lantern and to leave the
country within 20 days, under threat
of death.- The second also threatened
death unless he left town.
Analysis of the dead man's stom
ach contents is to be made. Payne's
life was said to have been heavily
Father's Rifle Accidentally Kills
Daughter at Picnic
ABERDEEN, Wash., July 28. (Spe
cial.) Margaret Eichentopf, 4-year-
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Eichentopf of Hoqulam, died at the
Hoquiam General hospital at 11:30
o'clock this morning from a gunshot
wound Inflicted by a rifle accidentally
discharged last night by her father.
Mr. and Mrs. Eichentopf, a baby and
the little girl went for a picnic jaunt
last night. Mr. Eichentopf took a .22
caliber rifle, stowing it under the
front seat of his automobile. When
he alighted from the car at the picnic
ground he attempted to remove the
gun. It struck against the frame of
the car, firing the shell in the cham
ber. The bullet struck the child In
the abdomen.
Temblor Cracks Open Ground and
Causes Oil Beneath to Flow,
City OTficlal Admits.
LOS ANGELES. Cal.. July 28. (Spe
cial.) Los Angeles experienced Its
daily quake at 11:29 A. M. today. '
Again no damage was reported
simultaneously with the temblor, but
late this afternoon one man was in
jured, probably, fatally, and three
others "narrowly escaped death when
20 feet of brick wall of a building
under construction at Seventh and
Figueroa streets collapsed.
The injured man was Harry Keld-
ler of West Alhambra, It is said that
the -wall was weakened by 'repeated
LOS ANGELES. Cal.. July 28. A
light earthquake shock was felt here
at 11:26 o'clock this morning.
The temblor, which was light In
comparison with other recent ones.
was said by the city engineer to have
opened two oil wells on' property
owned by the city.
Both were In the nelghborhod of
Westlake park. In the "oil belt,"
which traverses part of the city.
One was said to be giving forth
considerable quantities of oil of high
quality. The other was reported as
leaking the pavement dangerous for
The board of public works an
nounced the wells would be developed
for the municipality.
Chief of Co-operative Body
Asks for Commission.
Edwin Williams, an 18-year-old bell
boy, was commended by the judge
when he appeared in police court to
day in connection with the shooting
of his father last night in defense of
nis mother. The mother had pre
viously -confessed to the shooting in j SUre the maintenance of the open
an eiiori to save me eon. asotn door.
mother and son were freed. As to the Japanese occupation of
"You should be roud of your son." Saghalien. the'United States is known
tne court saia to Mrs. w imams. tie
hnK nrovefl hirrtKpT' n man W
man's SDirit and a son's." 1
Williams was
(Concluded on tag 2, Column 1.)
Fact Brought Out in Probe of San
Francisco Price Rise. .
SAN FRANCISCO, July 28. A to
tal of 4305 gallons less milk daily
thanthe usual shipments of San Fran
Cisco has resulted from conditions in
the dairying Industry, which have
caused 11 dairies to go out of busi
ness altogether and one other to sell
part of its herd, according to fig
ures from the Associated Dairymen
of California given out today by Gil
bert S Daniele. state market director.
The figures were submitted In re
sponse from the market director for
the reasons for the announced in
crease of 1 cent a quart inhe price
of milk to go into effect August 1.
Negro Pugilist "Motors With Sher
iff; Attorney Ha Him Removed.
CHICAGO. July 28. Jack John
son, negro pugilist, was removed from
the county jail at Jollet today and
transferred to Geneva, following re-J
ports he had been taken out aut
mobile riding yesterday by Sheriff
Newkirk of J diet.
District Attorney Clyne ordered the
removal and notified Sheriff Claude
Poole at Geneva he wanted Johnson
"treated like a prisoner and not like
a hotel guest."
Court Ignores. Petition to Force Sec
retary Colby to Act.
WASHINGTON, July 28. Because
no demand had been made on Secre
tary Colby to promulgate the resolu
tion ending the state of war with
Germany before the filing of the suit
for mandamus by Harry S. Mecart
ney, a Chicago lawyer. Chief Justice
McCoy of the district court "refused
today to hear argument on the peti
The court continued the matter un
til tomorrow to let the petitioner de
cide whether he should make the
formal demand on Mr. Colby and
amend his petition to show that such
a demand had been made or have the
petition dismissed as defective.
Kentucky Executive Turns Intruder
Over to Police.
NEW YORK, July 28. Aroused by
the scuffling of guests with an al
leged burglar in the Waldorf-Astoria
hotel today. Governor Edwin P. Mor
row of Kentucky rushed from his
room and helped overpower the in
truder, who fought desperately to
The alleged burglar was about to
run into the governor's room when
the Kentucklan appeared in his pa
jamas and grappled with the man,
whom he turned over to the police.
Makers of Bogus Notes for Pictures
Held to Grand Jury.
LOS ANGELES, July 28. Five me
charged with having counterfeited
French franc notes for motion pic
tare purposes today were held in
11000 bail each for the United State
grand jury by United States Com
missioner Long.
Attorneys for the defendants asked
dismissal of the charge, contending
there was no allegation that counter
feit money had been issued with
criminal intent.
. M. Gregory Asks "Why Necessity
of "Hide-Bound" Contract of
5 Years on Producers.
Re-election of Alma D. Katz as
president of the Oregon Dairymen's
Co-operative league, the firing of a
broadside at Lionel C. Mackay and his
milk investigation through a letter
addressed to Mayor Baker and a state
ment issued by C. M. Gregory, repre
senting the Portland milk distribut
ors, addressed to the officials of the
eague, made up yesterday's develop
ments In Portland's milk controversy.
Mayor Baker announced ' that the
nvestigation now being conducted by
Deputy Attorney Mackay is not over
looking the milk distributors in Port
land and that if evidence being col
lected warrants, they, too, will be
prosecuted. The mayor explained
that because of announcements of Mr.
Mackay's probe an .impression had-be-
come prevalent that the distributors
were the instigators of the invest!
gatton and were not included in the
Probe Held Xot Factional.
"I have Instructed Mr. Mackay to
investigate the milk situation, not the
milk producers alone. In doing this
I am representing the people of Port
land, and not any faction or clique.
I am not ready to make any statement
at -this time, because I wish to review
the evidence which Mr. Mackay has
and is now collecting before I com
mlt myself."
Mr. Mackay's investigation of the
milk situation is termed both "ab
aurd and one-sided" by President
Katz, who asserts that the dairymen
have not received a hearing.
The Oregon Dairymen's Co-operative
league Is declared to be nothing more
than a club held over the heads of
Portland mUk distributors and con
suiners in the statement issued by Mr
Gregory. In this statement Mr. Greg
ory places numerous questions before
of ticials of the league.
A mass meeting of dairymen at Li
brary hall Saturday, as announced by
the Dairymen's league, for the pur
pose of discussing matters , pertain
ing to milk prices and plans for re
tail delivery, will not be held because
of the rush of harvest work. At
meeting of the new board of directors
full power was granted to the execu
tive committee to act on all matters
pertaining to the league. This com
mittee Is composed of Alma D. Katz,
Jacob Lusher, A. B. Flint, A. E. West
cott and Theodore Brugger.
Leaarue Aaked Queatlona.
"Is the Oregon Dairymen's Co-oper
ative league really co-operative?"
reads Mr. Gregory's statement. "If
so, why the necessity of the hide
bound five and a half years' contract
If the dairyman actually receives
(Concluded on Page 3, Column l.
a son s.
shot through the
The wound was not danger-
Ludwig Martens Says He Is Ac
credited Representative.
NEW YORK, July 28. Ludwig Mar
tens, unrecognized Russian soviet am
bassador, at the resumption of his de
portation hearing on Ellis island to
day, declared he will contend he is
the "accredited" representative of a
foreign government and is, therefore,
not liable to deportation under immi
gration laws.
"The immigration laws provide
against deportation of an 'accredited
representative of a foreign govern
ment,", he said. "They do not say
anything about 'unrecognized' representative."
Lander, AVjo., Now 2133, an In
crease of 17.7 Per Cent.
'WASHINGTON', July 28. Ccnsu
figures announced today are as fol
lows: .
Lander, Wyo., 2133, increase 321,
or 17.7 per cent
San Bernardino, Cal., 18,721, increase
5942 or 46.5 per cent.
Waycross, Ga., IS, 068. Increase 3583
or 24.7 Per cent.
l "
Large Minneapolis Mills An
nounce Drop of 7 0 Cents.
MINNEAPOLIS. July 28. The slump
in wheat prices was reflected - when
flour dropped today at all large mills
here, one of the largest mills report
ing a reduction of 70 cents a barrel
and another a 75-cent drop.
Today's quotations were (13.50 to
$13.55 a barrel in carload lots, in
98-pound cotton sacks, for family patents.
William M. Reedy Passes Away at
San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 28. William
Marion Reedy, prominent St. Louis
publisher, died here today . after a
brief illness. He came here for the
democratic national convention.
Reedy was the publisher of Reedy's
Mirror. .
Shortage Expected to Continue
Throughout August No Re
lief In Sight.
According to announcement made
yesterday by officials of the Standard
Oil company, the existing rules ' of
supplying all commercial and Indus
trial needs with gasoline to 100 per
cent capacity and of pleasure cars to
20 per cent of their tank capacity will
be continued throughout August.
Emphasis Is laid on the fact that com
mercial needs and industrial require
ments are being met fully.
.Developments of yesterday con-
tsted of an increase in price from
25 cents to 27 cents by the Union
Oil company.
The Standard was selling at 25
cents per gallon with no information
regarding any change. However,
Manager Balsley declared that the
rice is controlled solely by supply
nd demand, and so that it was 1m-
ossible to make any statement as to
possibility of price changes.
The Shell company was pricing gas
oline at 30 cents yesterday. Associated
t 27 cents and Standard at 25 cents
The Associated has adopted the method
f equalizing its distribution by mak
ing an equal amount available each
day of Its bi-weekly supply. When
hat is gone no more is to be had na
il the following day. Consumers are
inding it difficult to even secure
their 0 per cent allowance, by reason
of the long lines of cars that endeavor
o get the limit daily, and line up at
he stations.
Alfred Fattig Is Driven
Out by Solitude.
Scruples Against Killing
Cause of Flight.
Man Who Has Made Millions Fear
less of Inquiry.
.BOSTON, July 28. The accounts of
Charles Portzi. dealer in international
postal coupons, who has obtained sev
eral millions of dollars from the pub
ic on his promise to pay 60 per cent
profits, will be audited by county and
federal authorities.
United States Attorney Gallagher
announced today that the audit would
be made to learn whether his busi
ness was solvent and whether his
Juggling of international stamps in
volved any violation of federal laws.
Ponzi has estimated his total lia
bilities at $3,000,000 and says he has
$13,000,000 to meet them. He came
from Italy a few years ago with
only $2.50.
Nationalists and Socialists Only
Ones Opposing Act.
BERLIN, July 28. (By the Assocl
ated Press.) The relchstag today by
an overwhelming majority approved
the agreement made recently by the
government at Spa with the represen
tatives of the entente.
The resolution approving the Spa
agreement was presented jointly by
the three coalition parties and the
majority socialists. It declared "thai
the relchstag duly appreciates the
motives which actuated the govern
ment in signing the agreements
at Spa."
The. resolution was opposed only
by the nationalists and independent
The Weather.
VESTERDAT'S Maximum temperature,
7. doKrees; minimum, ott degrees.
TO DA Y s Lnseitied weather; westerly
Japanese occupation in far east cause of
Inquiry, Page .
west most anxious lor water power.
France an1 Britain to co-operate in oil
development and trade. Page 2.
Death of ex-soldier In New Mexico town
ascribed to black band. Page 1.
Harding: commends yacht Resolute for vic
tory. Page l.
Chairman White opens democratic national
headquarters in ew York. Page 3.
New York republican convention nomi
nates fcyracusan for governor. Page
Villa surrenders to Mexican general
Page '
Los Angeles has usual daily quake.
Page 1.
Public service commission urges Installa
tion t block signal system on railroad
between Portland and Reedville. Page 9.
Pacific Northwest.
Japanese defended for promotion of agri
cultural industry in northwest. Page 5.
Posees baffted in hunt for Pendleton out
laws. Page 1.
Bov's air generator drives motorboat.
Page 4.
Tacoma has tennis classic. next week.
Page 10.
Coast league results Portland 2. San Fran
cisco 3; Oakland 3. Sacramento 1; Ver
non 6, Salt Uke 4; Seattle it, Los An
geles 8. Page 10.
V anion and Ray win easily on Springfield
course. Page 10.
Commercial and
Wheat again rle at Portland following
record drop or preceamg aay. t'age li.
Livestock market la steady with light run
of Bales- Page IT.
Export demand Cannes rally of Chicago
wheat market. Page 17.
-ew Tork stock market wavers. Call
money drop 7 per cent. Page 19.
Chamberlain takes losue with Admiral Ben
son over choice ot Seattle. Page IS.
Portland and Vicinity.
Slacker comes out of Oregon forest after
three years' absence. Page 1.
Verbal volleys on milk investigation feud.
Page 1.
Mount Baker to be goal of 65 Mazama on
outing. Page 7.
Charge that she is a vampire brings hot
retort from accused woman. Page S.
Gaso'lne rationing in Portland to continue
during August. Page 1.
Young Corblo In court tella of his con
nection with auto theft. Page 8.
Oregon ranks fifth in investments In war
stamps and savings certificates. Page 4.
Jl!k tests reveal city Is supplied with
bigh quality product Page 11.
Local democrats told Mr. Cox is not "wet.'"
Page 4. '.
Mcdford Boys Support Life on
Game and Berries Tliey
Gather in Woods. .
Living on deer and bear meat, wild
honey and huckleberries for three
years, and with only half a dozen
shells of ammunition remaining. Al
fred Fattig. draft evader, could stand
the solitude of the Siskiyou moun
tains no longer. He surrendered to
the eheriff of Jackson county and
yesterday in Portland told his story
to Charles Reames. assistant United
States attorney.
With his brother, Charles, Alfred
Fattig disappeared in the mountains
after filling his questionnaire' in 1917.
Since then Alfred has led the lire of a
nomad and when he separated from
Charles last fall, he became a wander
ing hermit until the very sound of his
own voice scared him. Alfred has no
idea where Charles has gone. Their
miserable existence palled on Charles
more quickly than on Alfred.
War Would Have Been Easy.
. "We didn't want to kill anyone."
explained Alfred in giving his story
yesterday. "We were brought up to
believe that killing isn't right, so
rather than go to war and kill people,
we preferred to hide out in the moun
tains. It has been a terrible experi
ence. The army would have been
heaven compared to It. No one told
us that because of our conscientious
objections to killing we could
have been assigned to non-combatant
'I was born in Nebraska 27 years
ago. and came with my parents to Or
egon when a child. We lived 12 miles
southwest from Medford- When we
decided that we could not be soldiers
because of our principles against kill
ing, we prepared for fleeing to the
mountains. We took clothing, salt,
matches, weapons and ammunition.
I forget how many pairs of shoes I
carried probably half a dozen. I had
1000 rounds of ammunition. We car
ried a prospector's pan and pretended
to be prospectors when we occasion
ally met prospectors or miners in th
mountains, which wasn't often.
Mother Ueta Vlnlt.
"Once since we left I returned home.
I saw my mother in February, 1918,
and then went back to the mountains.
About Christmas time In 1918 we
heard from an old miner that the war
was over.
"Always we kept moving, summer
or winter. We never remained more
than two weeks in one spot. We each
had a small tent and a sleeping bag,
and once in a while we foMnd an
abandoned cabin which would shelter
us. We ranged in the mountains
around Indian creek and the Clear
water country and kept high up In
the Siskiyous except In winter, when
the snows were terribly deep. We
never tried prospecting; it took all
our time trying to keep alive. It was
always a case ot trying to get food.
We killed and ate deer and bear and
grouse. We trailed wild bees to their
trees for honey and we ate berries.
A few times, we got a little coffee
from some store In a little settlement,
but mostly we drank only water. We
got a little cornmeal once or twice.
Game and Berrlea Are Diet.
"The diet of wild game was monot
onous. We had to keep eating fresh
meat, without bread or vegetables,
and it affected our constitution, but
we kept going. We cooked our meat
with the grease reduced from fat
taken from bear and deer. Always
we had to avoid discovery. We never
built a fire when within five miles of
a settlement except at night, for fear
the smoke would be seen, and when
we iscd a fire we placed it where it
would be concealed.
"Last fall my brother Charles said he
had had enough of It and was going
somewhere to work. I decided to keep
in the mountains, alone. All through
the winter in the Siskiyous, with deep
snows, 1 lived alone, and had to hunt
and fish to keep supplied with food.
Lonesome? It was awful! I never
heard a voice for long periods of time,
except my own, and the sound of my
own voice startled me. I wouldn't
go through the experience again for
any sum of money. My hair grew
long, but I kept It reasonably short
by cutting It myself. I had a razor
and kept shaved.
Solitude Protrfs Terrible.
"Finally It got so I simply couldn't
stand it any longer. You keep
thinking about your condition and
you almost lose your mind. I want
ed civilized food. I wanted to
be with people and. above all,
I wanted to get back and help my
mother and father, who are getting
old. . And so 1 came out and sur
rendered. If officers had found ma
I wouldn't have resisted them at any
time during the long hlding-out.
"Yes, a man can keep himself alive
for an indefinite period in the moun
tains of Oregon, btlt we're too far
Coucludcd on Page fL Column 2.)