TIIE 3IORXIXG OREGON! AX, SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1920 l OR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. ONE 1 'j.TON DIAMOND T TRUCK, with good express body. Practically new, $2250. On 'J-ton Federal truck, with body, practically new. $220. Two 1-ton Kotd trucks in good condition. Make your own trms. Oregon Diamond T Truck Co.. Corner Tenth and Flanders. Tel. Broadway 4557. ONE-TON Ford truck, pneumatic tirea. cover d top; "1920 model, almost new, ?750. Qwn;r. Marshall .".454. Terms. ONK-TON Ford truck for sale at bargain. Come and lee it. G. K Taylor, iioO So. ' 1 I arrlson et. At TO REPAIRING. A LB IN A GARAGE. TV an ted. all kinds ot automobile re pairing by first-class mechanics : all work guaranteed: prices reasonable. Call Wdln. 1111. 850 Garfield ave. G.KAGKS. FOR R K NT Oarage Phone. Tubor 4UC. 3 -'5 East 42d at. I'OR RENT Gara:;e, 9i2 Gladstone avc. om r :;M. $5 a. month. PRIVAIK parase. near 23d and Washing ton. N 993. Oregonian. FOR HUNT Private Baraa. $7..'0. Cor. 10th and HarriKon. Phone Bdwy 4451. HA NTK D M I SC E LI. A N KO U S. HOUSEHOr.D GOODS WANTED. We want your used rus carpets. stoves household goods and the highest cash prices. furniture, and all will pay TOP MARK KT PRICES. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, porting goods, tents, bi e cles, typew r Iters, adding ma chines and More and of) tee fur niture. When you nave anything to buy, sell or trade CALL. MAIN 9072. LKVTN HARDWARE ' A FURNITURE CO. L2I -23-223 Front SL S PO T C A S H FO R DT A M O N DS. 1 PAY SPOT CASH AND THE HIGH EST MARKET VALUE FOR DIA MONDS. NO AMOUNT IS. TOO LARGE FOR ME TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BY A LARGE DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL TH B Dl A MON OS -OFFERED. MY LOCATION IS DOWN TO WN AND CON V EN 1 ENT. ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CON FIDE N TIAU ERNEST DKK D3. 340 .WASHINGTON' ST. MAIN 3173. $12.50 TO $25. FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER, THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone in the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison st.. Bear 3d L Will call day or evening. WE BUY, SELL. RENT OR TRADE electric fans, shotguns, rifle, tents, showcases, cash registers, typewriters, tools, household goods, musical lnstru men i.i. KTORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. 128 1st. Main 4495. Tabor 6708. VP TO $35. TOn MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d St., N. W. cor. Wash. Main 0344. $3 50 UP TO $23. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 3032. 245 '-i BURNS IDE. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. BETWEEN "2D AND HO. FURS. FURS. FURS. Cleaning and alterations, any descrip tion. Use La France fur- dressing for summer and save $100. Reasonable prices. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. -163 W. Park. bet. Morrison and YamhilL Main 052'.. , UR SPECIALTY Is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest cash prices paid; will iuii nay or mgnt. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. 200 Madison. MOTOR W A N T I: d". 220-volt, o-phase. Oo-cyde. 20 to 33 horaepower motor wanted; give name plate rating, price, con d it ion and guur ant c c. A it 825. Ore go ma n. $10 TO $25 positively paid for gents' used suits and overcoats; call any place; get my offer before you tell; - will call any time and place. Goldbaum. the tailor. 167 First St.. nr. Morrison. Main 73$. DIAMONDS WANTED. We pay cash, in any amount, for diamond. VINES' JEWELRY STORE. 257 Washington St.. cor. 3d. Main 6640. TAKE NOTICE. We buy second-hand men's suits and overcoat at $lO and up. Call up Main :i207 or call and see Ben Adler, 201 Third st. WANT to buy one No. 5 Underwood type writer In good condition; also one large fiat-top oak desk and chair. Call Maui t.777. WANTED Second -hand warehouse plat form scale : suitable for weighing fruit. Address Ore eon Groweiv Packing cor p oration , Mediord. Oregon. KAFE Wart small second-hand safe; not particular about condition If fireproof. ' AP 706. Orego n i a n. JUNK WANTED JUNK. 11 igliest prices paid ; we also buy old Clothing and furniture. Main 734. HEATER. COOK S TO V E AND RANGE WANTED. 12S FIRST. MAIN 4405, TAUOll 0708. WANT TENT, CA RP ENTER TOOLS, SHOTGUN AND RIFLE. MAIN 4405, TABOR u70H. DUCK hunters, for one of the best shoot ing reserves on Sauvies island. M 003, Oresonian. HOUSE AND ROOF PAINTING. It EPA 1 R J NG. T 1 N T 1 N G. WALLS CLEANED. TA UOR 5212. DOUBLE OFFICE DESK, flat top. 00x60 Inches; must be bari;ain. 531 Railway Exchange bids. Marshall 3000. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dla monds. Dan Marx & Co.. 2s3 Wash, st. WANTED To buy fuel or cull ties. Cal: Marshall 2074. WANTED A sta-ndard make type-writer and desk. Call 210-62. W A -N T S ECO X D-HAND SHELVJ X G. 12 S FIRST. MAIN 4405, TABOR 0703. I BUY used and second-hand sewing ma chincs. Phone Sell. 1071. Furniture Wanted. MARSHALL 5081. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY; HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE ARB THE OLD EST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF OUR KIND IN PORTLAND. 183 FIRST ST. - PHONE MARSHALL 6081. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. ' WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WTILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 300. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. "Wanted Used furniture, stoves, car pets and rugs; any quantity; best pricea paid. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. Main 4033. 174 First St.. N. E. cor. Yamhill. 1 WANT YOUR FURNITURE, CARPETS. STOV ES. ETC., TO SH 1 P OUT. AN D W 1 LL PA Y- MO RE THAN OTH Ert LOCAL DEALERS. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING BUYER AT ONCE WHO WILL CONVINCE YOU. CALL MAIN 4773. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are in the market for taine and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE, 20S FIRST ST. MAIN 7728. MAIN 8051. We buy everything in furniture; weJ pay t ne price. FR EEM A N-WOLF FUR. CO., 200 1st St., S. E. Cor. Taylor. 1 WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and ail kinds ol household goods. Call us for one article or a house full and a competent, cour teous buyer will call. Mar. 2003. Crown. CALL MAIN 78. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. wo us nerore you sell, CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE, MAIN 8878. 1 AM in the market for used furniture, household goods, etc.. from private party onlv, A phone call will bring buyer with cash. MAIN 738. SvEUUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on household goods. Pacific Coast For w a rd ing Co.. 0th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 703. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cah. I houo today. Main 4027 or 166 Firm St. WATED M ISC ELLANEOU3. Furniture Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. "We want your used furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves and all house hold goods, and will pay the highest cash prices. TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, sporting goods, tents, bi cycles, t.,-A rlters. adding ma chines and store and office fur niture. When you have anything to buy, sell or trade CALL MAIN 072. - LEVIN HARDWARE & F U RN IT U R E CO., 21-223-225 Front St. Household furniture wanted, will pay cash. main 3332. HELP WANTED MALE. Young man with experience in packing for position in de pa rtm ent store. janitor wanted for depart ment store harvest hands, $4 day and BOARD. EX-SERVICE MEN, REGISTER WITH US. K N I G H TS O F COLL M B US EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 25 Beck Bldff. Bdwy. 1367. SPORTING GOODS SALESMAN. The Meier & Frank Co. reauires the services of an experienced sporting goods salesman. Apply to employment depart ment, sixth floor. Meier & Frank Co. EXPERIENCED night janitor; must furnish best references. Apply em ployment bureau before 10:30. Lip man, Wolfe & Co. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn $100 to $200 monthly corresponding fori new spapers ; $10 to 925 w eekiy in spare J time; experience unnecessary ; no can vassing: subjects suggested. Send for I particulars. National Press Bureau, nut- ikiq. i . I . SUNBEAM FILM CO- ARE SHOOTING PICTURES THIS WEEK. MORE TYPES W ANTE D. APPLY MAIN OFFJCK. 1"2 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. SCENARIOS WANTED. .LSO TEACH THE CAMERA. WANTED Solicitor and collector lor large eastern company: married man : preferred, age 25-40; opportunity for advancement, permanent position. 13. E. Wilson, 001-3 N. W. Bank bldg. GOOD paving Job for man with Ford car; experience unnecessary. II you nave in telligence, the ord and a determina tion to make money. I can put you to I work at once. N o7I, Oregonlan. ANTED Man and wife, man as cook: lady as waitress small country restau- 1 rant: $190 per month. Cousin's Employ ment Service, 273 Buruslde. cor. 4th. WANTED First-class plasterers for out- of-town work, $10 per day, hours. transportation furnished. For particu lars, apply 510 Oregon bldg. WANTED AT ONCE First-class experi enced open -shop boring mill operator for work In city. Apply 520 Oregon Bldg., ot it anu uaK sts. WANTED AT ONCE First-class experl- I enced open-shop wood patternmaker for work in city. Apply 020 Oregon Bidg.. 5th and Oak sts. PHI VATE secretary, bookkeeper and col lector, lumber bookkeeper, city ; book keeper and stenographer, out of town. bOl N. W. Bank bldg. YOUNG MAN wanted for work 4 to 8 P. M. evenings, Saturdays 12 noon to si r M.m per week. Address ah 41L Oregonlan. MARKER and distributor wanted: sMaiy f.o per weu writs full particulars first letter. Wen tehee Steam Laundry, v enatcnee, w asn. WANTED First-class automobile mechan ic: married man preferred: steady work. Phone or write Oamao St. McDonald a uto Co.. KUigone, or. LARGE wholesale house has a position open tor a young man as ledger clerk : good chance for advancement; state age anu saiary expecieq. vi uregonian. Y OU NG man for stock department, one having had hardware experience pre ferred. Apply in office. Jones Cash EXPKR1ENCED tuf tins' machine ouamtor: steady employment; pleasant surround ings. United Manufacturing Co.. 25th and Holladuy. JANITOR and wife to take care of hieh- grade apartment house; must know his business: wages $65 and apartment. 677, Oregonian. POLISH ERS on plumbing brass goods wanted. r irst-ciass onty need apply. standard Brass Casting company. Oak land. Cal. , 1 W O rirst - class iiariey - Davidson me chanics. Other than first-class men need not apply, see Mr. Abbott, Motor- cycle & Supply Co.. 200 3d st. FIRST-CLASS barber In a good town in Washington. $35 guaranteed. Apply O'Brien-Shold Barbers Supply Co.. 86 Broadwav. A GOOD BARBER for Enterprise. Or.. $30 guarantee. 70 over $35. Apply O'Brlen- Shold Barbers' Supply Co.. 80 Broadway. W ANTED First-class stenographer; must be familiar with the exporting business. t; pu, regonian. WANTED Experienced Ford mechanic tor shop foreman. V. B. Staples, On- tario. Or. D3SHWASHER and kitcnen mar., experi enced, nice p1n.ee. steady job. Write or piione. The Pheasant. Hood ,River. CUTLER MFG. CO. r wants man, experienced In assembling machinery ; no others need apply. WANTED An experienced fountain man for grocers picnic, Bonneville, July 26. Call E. 6S00. ask for manager. PLATEN press feeder, good opening in small shop. Take N&S car to 70S Front st. EXPERIENCED cash and dsor machine men for out of town. 430 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak. WANT is D Man with good truck mud trailer to take contra at hauling lumber and ties. Phone 33A-3, Newberj. WANTED Bread baker and bench hand. Call between 11 and 12 A. M. Royal naKery, iitn ana niverett. EXPERIENCED presser on Hoffman; steady position. Apply in person. U. s. Cleaners, I NO Grand ave. CABIN ETM A KER. one capable of doing ! repair work, including finishing. Heaity tiros.. JOtn anu noyi sis. EXPERIENCED furniture stock man for warehouse, one familiar with chair stock, i-ieaiy tros.. j.stn and Hoyt sts. WANTED Piano player for road how travel in auto; you pay hotel. Beeson tiros.. Astoria. jr. WANTED First-class second-hand carder and a card sender. Wire Eureka Woolen M Li 'Z1 ' vai. WANTED Filipino hoy to work mornings! only. Call at once, apt. 3, 166 tit. Cire I st.. corner oi Washington. WOOD contract with drag saw, 350 cords, I good greund. Want partner. P. O. Box us, lroutuaie, ur. ' CITY WORK. " 6 laborers, $5, 8 hours, steady work. Cousin s employment, a i a Burnside. WOODCUTTERS wanted: good timber nri place to camp, can -uj y, irst st. Main 4203. BARBER WANTED Guaranteed $25 fof $35 and 0O per cent over. jas. A. Wyne, BARBER wanted, iirst-ciass. J2S tumn, tee. 00 per cent over $45. 816 Lombard st at. Johns car. BARBER anteed. - wanted. Steady. 120 2d st. Wages guai- H A RNESSM A K E RS, Co.. 3 20 1st St. The T. J. Cronin NON-UNION barber wanted, steady 1oh. good wages guaranteed. 205 Morrison st. BARBER wanted. Morgan Bldg. Barber Shop. AT ONCE, good, all-around baker; best of wages, uigu d'j. Aiunny. oregon. LEARN the vulcanlalng business, write 158 East Broadway. Call or SALESMEN who can sell, call S30 Cham ber or LommeroeDjQi tin ana stark. WANTED Janitor to work afternoon and evening. Aooresa aj urt,"ian. WANTED Nink watchman. Address G l0.t. Oregonian. COMPETENT moving picture operator. suburban nouse. au ga?, oregonian- BARBER wanted for Sat., union man; $10 gu a rantee. 1673 B. Kith. Sellwood car. GOOD automobile washer wanted. Apply supt. Manley Auto Co. YOUNG man desiring to learn motion ple ture operating. Box O 576, Oregonlan. WANTED A shoe salesman. 263 Morri iion street. M N to carry banner. L!72i Sriark ml. MN to collect garbage. 741 Washington. K LEVATOR BOY wanted. 741 Washington. BARBER wanted (union man). 244 Alder. liAlUiU for Saturday, $7, UOi Zd ct. HELP WANTED MALE. $300 to $500 A MONTH. Are you earning that? Many automo- I bile experts are. You may loin the high-salaried, skilled-mechanic ranks if I f ou take advantage of the gas engineer- ng courses offered by the LEADING AUTO SCHOOL OF THE WEST WITH I A RECORD OK MORE SUCCESSFUL onA uuAi to THAN ANY OTHJtK SCHOOL. Investigate, enroll and don't pay us at cent until you are convinced that we'll ae.iver u goods. That's fair, isn't ttT Write tor our $1 88-page catalogue. OUR COURSES ARE FREE TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL, UNION AVENUE AND WASCO ST. 18.287 YOUNG MEN have. In the naif vpifr. hean assisted In finding positions through the Portland T. M. C. A. advisory and employment I dept. This Is not an 'agency," and no I extra fees or commissions are charged. Employers naturally turn to the "Y" for men because we appeal to the best type of men and boys. Our demand at I present is far greater than the supply. You never had such an opportunity to I get a better position If you are prepared for It. All men in clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially Invited to f consult one of the employment secre- uries. room au. Free vocational ruldanea and employ ment, ior ex-service men. MR- EX-SERVICE MAN -Are you hunting a Job or seeking a I car r i Have you discovered where you m mi Would you like to talk over your problem confidentially, with a man of I wide experience who will take per sonal interest In your inn z At. j. A. aavisory ana em- Ploy men t deoL can assist vou In choos ing, and can he In vou find the place I for which you are best fitted. This service is absolutely free to ex-service men. See one of the secretaries. Room 207. LARGE wholesale house has opening fori general oifice man; excellent opportunity for man who is capable of accepting re sponsibilities and one who Is ambitious I ior advancement; this pea it ion oirers i fair, alanine salary with iulck advance ment as ability shown; prefer man be tween age oz .'5 and so. ae vro- gonian. CARRIER wanted In St. Johns district for route south of Jersey street. Apply CUV circulation .Dept.. 203 Oreicooiaa biag. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Automobiles. trim torn vu lean I sins. This school, not run to make money but to maae automotive mechanics, is super vised by leading automobile and tractor ousiness men ot Portland, students do practical repair work. Free tuition to ex-service men; clip this ad. Send it or call at office, 416 Oregon Institute of i ecnnoiogy. y.-Ai. C A. CARRIER wanted for large route In Ladd's j aaaition. rin route ior stuaent wno wibhes to return to school -this (all. Ap ply City Circulation, 203 Oregonlan bldg. MINERS. For Hercules Mine, Burke, Idaho. Steady employment: wages $3.73 to I $6.25 per day: modern hotel accommo- I datlons; room and board $45; all water I liners, 2 miners on a machine; no feel charged. iNO I. W. W. S WANT1SD. Aonly Louis K.. Church, service club. Oiu Trent avenue, bpokane, Wasn. THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services of an experienced window shade maker. Apply superin tendent's oifice. 0:15 to 10:30 A. M. LEARN a trade now and pay later. Are you mecnanicaiiy inclined 7 it so, in vestigate HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE AND OAS TRACTOR SCHOOL at 707 Hawthorne ave., corner East 20 th, where you can learn in six weeks to op- I erate and repair all makes of autos and I tractors. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn $100 to $200 monthly corresponding for newspapers; $15 to $25 weekly in spare time: experience unnecessary i no can vassing; subjects suggested. Send for particulars. National Pre Bureau. Bui- falo. N. Y. EXPERIENCED edgerman for 10-Inch machine, day shift, 8 hours, $0; eight lumber pliers. So.yo; resi wvr ior Aier- ar.on horizontal band reaAw, day shift, kU. 75. Crosse tt Western Luml r Co.. a una. Or., 75 miles blow Portland, oir Aju.ru. oiv., . p. V . kv WANTED Young man, experienced In re tail tiower snop. capable or uoin.r ail de signing ; give references and stato watea expected in first tetter. Position now cptn. State of Idaho. AV 101, Orego- iiiau. WANTED Three bright, neat-appearing young men, agea about xi, to join trav eling crew and learn good payUtsr busi ness; references required. Liberal sal ary to start. Call in person, 10 to 12 A. M., todny. Room 220, Carlton hotel. PIANO FINISHER WANTED A splendid position oirerea to a competent piano polisher and finisher who is capable of doing first-class work on high-grade pianos. Appiy to l ne wuey is. Allen to., .Morrison at ttroacway. IF ITS HELP you want, call BROAD WAX O-BO. STAR EMPLOYMENT OFFICK. 24 North Second St. WANTED Yarding engine for Immediate use, prefer 11x13 Willamette or 12xl racoma. ftiust ue in a.-i condition. Ad dress National Lumber & Mfg. Co., Ho- quiam, Wash. HELP WANTED- A first-class piano ool- isner anu tinisner. r me position offered to a competent man who is thorourhiv reliable and honest. The Wiley B. Alien o., .Morrison at croaaway. EXPERIENCED felting machine man. mattress tuier ran and helper In most modern, factory; steady employment. United Manufacturing Co., 25th and nowaday. WANTED Experienced janitor and wife ror ua uaia Btreet apartments: must tnorougniy unaerstana neaune. plumb ing and wiring. Apply between 10 and .1 to u. r. nou man, iu( uasco Oldg. WANTED WEAVERS. For dav and night work on high-grade flannels and blankets. EUREKA WOOLEN MILLS. . Eureka. Cal. WANT 500 cords wood moved -'40 rods. bOc; or sell at $4. Call 5 miles south east Oregon City, by Linn mill, Chaun cey Barney. WANTED Names men, boys over 16. wismng pecome railway man clerks; $133, i mouiQ. Answer A v 30, Ore gonian. ADVERTISING solicitor of ability wanted for aDout iu days on supstantial special edition. Address, stating experience, P OiO, oregonlan. WANTED students te learn vulcanising1 ana reirenami iroio Aurua, grad uate, too omrK Bi. PICK and shovel laborers wanted. Port land uas 4c toaa lo. Apply 4 P. it 2i r laoaert si. WANTED First-class meat cutter for Ad- country shop, wages $30 per week, dress Box 303, Independence.' Or. HELP WANTED A first-class piano tuner ana pisyer- repair man. i ne vvjiey B. a uen -o. , juornson at oroaaw a y . FREE rent, wood and water to married man desiring saw mill work. School close. j ames joie, ucwui, or. EXPERIENCED .teno?raphor, 3 months' work; state age, experim.o and ealsiy expe-ctea. on. o i vi 3w-" m. ELEVATOR BOY wanted. Alder hotel. Help Wanted Saleameu. SALESMAN to sell electrical household aooliances can mane nig money If witl ing to work. Call The Electric Maid S hop. 153 ititn st. WANTED Experienced furniture sales man, a man who has sold new and second-hand furniture before. Call at I Gevurtz . "o first st. WANTED Truck salesman, 2 lines of trucks. Must be hustler. Se Oregon City Auto jq., Oregon i:icy. $10 TO $25 PER DAT1, experienced or in experienced. 839 Chamber of Commerce l-ldfj., 4th and Stsrk. GOI NO subdivision. ' A-l proposition, cood territory and leads, big money to right man. bee jonnson, -o ciara. st. 8 A LESMEN Wonderful opportunity. r coma Insurance Oul Cprbetl bids. HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Salesmen. 0000 A YEAR SALESMAN WANTED BY FRANK L. McGUIRK, LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. We are going to sell 1200 homos this year. Will furnish you with 1000 nomes and hundreds of prospects. DON'T 1 ANSWER THIS AD unless you can meet! the following requirements: 1 Not over 3o years ola. 2 Must, have best references. 3 Must know the city. 4 Must own your auto. 5 Must have personality. 6 Must have determination. 7 Must have optimism. 8 Mutft have a sense of humor. 9 MUST BE. WILLING TO WORK. BY FRANK L. McGUIRE, Abington Bldg. lOO'fr 3d St. WANTED A SALESMAN. -A salesman for Idaho. Washington and Oregon to call on the best dry goods trde- fuat. be enterprising, aggressive I and w illing to work at least ten months year. AI arried man preferred ; neau- quarters at Spokane or on territory. This Is an exceptional opportunity for man of energy and general worth to connect with eastern silk house. State qualifications in first letter. Your cor respondence will be held in strict confi dence. If you are a floater or a one trio man. don't answer. A V 168. Orego- nlan. WANTED "A salesman capable to sell advertising. A big money maker. The only advertising of this kind In the city. Call Ta bor 558 for appointment. Sidney Brown, manager. 207 East 33d sL, near Hawthorne. STOCK SALESMEN. For tried, proven, efficient Industrial. organized under Oregon iaws, factory Portland; will not interfere with your regular business; tend only name and address, particulars when we meet. N 679, Oregonlan. PAPER SALESMAN. Young man wanted who l as ha4 ex perience In paper or stationery and can sell goods. State aye, experience, salary tipectea. etc. 1UCHARDSON-CASE PAPER CO., Sacra men to, Cal, ATTENTION, SALESMEN! " If you are well acquainted with knit goods, such as sport coats, sweaters. Jerseys and bathing suits, etc., etc., and If you are at home with the trade and buyers throughout the Pacific northwest, then write to Box AV 1 07. Oregonlan. ' WANTED Salesman to carry men's shirts I as side line; must do acquainted witn gents furnishing trade; give references, siate lines you carry and territory sou cover. Fashion Shirt Mfg. Co., 241 E. 5th t.. Los Angeles, cat. SALESMEN and saleswomen, a rare op portunity awaits you. it you can sou gold, dollars you can make good in this. It Is a winner. Call at 307 Washington St.. Vancouver, Wash. Open evenings. SALESMAN WITH CAR: CALL ON CITY AND COUNTY TKAUE. SKK. M K. WATTS. 0:30 TO 12 TODAY. COUCH MAN" 3 GARAGE. 19 TU AND COUCH STS. WANTED A reliable party to handle a .block of stock. Producing Mining Co. Atl dress secretary, 316 Foxcroft bldg.. San Francisco. WANTED A live salesman for an old es tablished house; state age and salary ex pected and phone number if you have one. H 673. Oregonian. WANTED County nnd state mnnagers at I once, good proposition. bant Manifold Sales Co., 034 Chamber of Commerce. Main 03O2. WANTED AGENTS. TWO house-to-house solicitors in town: money in your pocket every night. Call 211 Stock Exchange bldg., cor. 3d and Yamhill. ' SALESMAN Auto accessory. D. A, Nor- ton. Fenton bldg. flawy. Yl. AGENTS wanted. Occidental Life Insur ance Co.. 406 northwestern uanK oiag. HELP WANTED FEMALE, INTERESTING WORTH-WHILE WORK FOR YOUNG WOMEN. TELEPHONE OPERATORS EARN $0 FIRST MONTH. 1000 FIRST YEAR. RAPID ADVANCEMENT. REFINED AND HEALTHFUL SURROUNDINGS. APPLY NOW. Room 601 6th Floor Telephone Building. Park and Oak Sts. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company. WANTED Operators on clothing, band machine, 2 needle union special and -needle Singer machines; also front hand, steady work the year round, $44 per week. Sat. afternoons off. Apply 22 Front st. near Ankeny. THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of three hand -knit-tors. Bring samples of work. A pply Employment Bureau. Sixth floor, Meier &. Frank Company. EXPERIENCED saleswoman for needlework department. Apply em ployment bureau before 10:30. Lip man, Wolfe A Co. WANTED Young lady for light office work in furniture store, give age, ierer ences, salary expected, etc. C 006, Ore gonian. THOROUGHLY competent law stenogra pher, ill' to commence; no oeginners. Clerical Help service. Artisans mug., Broadway and Oak. 10 DOMESTICS", wages from $50 to $90; x second eirts. 5du to sou in cnamber- maids, $60. Mrs. Scott, 899 Henry bids. I GIRLS wanted for musical comedy road 1 show: experience not necessarv. call 701 Eilers Bldg.. after 10 A. M. TYPIST who wants to learn multl graph and llneograpn business, rs 033, orego nlan. LX PERI ENCED waitress and kitchen helper, no Sunday woric Lunco Box, 167 Third street. WANT girl for soda fountain work; expe rience not necessary, rerniiia notei pharmacy. Sth and Wash. ! WOMAN to help cook for harvesters, good wages, long run. H. K. No. A, Box 73, Madras. Or. WANTED Experienced young lady to cook waffles in window; $3.00 per day. AD ply 324 Alder st. WANTED Three girls for flat-work dept. Experience not necessary. t ryatai laun- : dry, E 21st and Sandy, R, C. car. WANTED Dishwasher and experienced waitress; hours 2:30 to ll P. M. en der's iunch room, 229 N. 23d. WOMEN wanted for canni.ng fruit. Starr Fruit rrooucia to., ana larahui streets. GIRL aH t jfl k ssslstant In d.iUial's oirice; i x-cr wen to b an Perms ient position. K Iior.. Oregonlan DICTATING machine stenographers, good bldg. THE Florence Crittenton Home Is ready to help any gin in distress. 955 East GUean. "v car, cast 3iq. WANTED First-class stenographer; must be familiar witn tne exporting business. " o. oregonian. MILLINERY makers wanted, good wages. yesrly position, cisio j.nmmea riat Co., Artisans bldg.. Broadway and Oak. WANTED Experienced waitress for hotel near citv; a monin, room anu poara. Phone Woodlawn 2400. WANTED Woman to work in small ho tel. wood lawn 4ot. EXPERIENCED stenographer. Apply Si- mo 21-J--SS.. MAIDS wanted. Apply linen room, Oregon hotel. WANTED Experienced cashier and check er for cafeteria. Apply 324 Alder st. WANTED An experienced chambermaid. A pply Nortonik Hotel. No phone ca I is. WANTED Cook in country hotel. Box 194, bnaniKo. -r. WANTED First class manicurist at Wil cox bunding parper renop. ian in perso n . GIRLS wanted 4or chorus work, fall sea- on. 610 Eilers bldg. I CHAili-il-iKAlAlI. St, Paul hotel 130 1th sL HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED OTRLS FOR POWER MA CHINE OPERATORS. THE WORK 13 EASY TO LEARN, PLEASANT. WITH GOOD WAGES. ALSO A LARCjE BONUS PAID EACH WEEK- EXPERIENCED GIRT.S PREFERRED BUT SOM E INEXPERIENCED GIRLS ACCEPTED. GIRLS MUST NOT B UNDER 16 OR .OVER 25 YEARS OF AGE. MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE FACTORY, with a -rifrt rTir irV-ni a 06k APPLY AMES, HARRIS. N EVILLE BAG CO. 15TH- AND HOYT STS. BETWEEN 7:30 AND 8:30 A. M. WANTED. GIRLS TO WORK TN PAPER BOX FACTORY. F. C. STETTLER MFG. CO., 300 OREGON ST. EX PERI ENCED calculating machine and comptometer operators please register ior positions witn Miss Miller, uua l eon building. Have more positions open than can fill; for this summer only X will give a course on calculatini: machines, comptometers. add Ins: machine and bookkeeping machines, regular $100 for $15. This offer closes this week, after which regular rates are again In effect. iy ana evening classes. Aimer school. wva teon mag. Experienced cuff girt f Experienced hand-sewer on overcoats. factory Experienced girls for overall fronts. Apply MT. HOOD FACTORY, 233 Couch St., cor. Second. THE OLDS, WORTMAN A KING STORE requires the services of a thoroughly ex perienced woman who can take charge of hair weaving room In beauty parlors, second floor. Apply superintendent's of fice, 0:15 to 10:30 A. M. THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services of experienced op erators for beauty parlors. Apply super intendent's office. 0:15 to 10:30 A. M, ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn $100 to $200 monthly corresponding lor newspapers: $15 te $23 weekly in spare time ; experience unnecessary; no can vassing : subjects sugKested. Send ior particulars. National Press- Bureau. Buffalo. N. X. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn $100 to $200 monthly corresponding for newspapers : $15 to $25 weekly in snare time: experience unnecessary; no can vassing; subjects suggested. Send tor particulars. National Press Bureau. Buf falo. N. Y. PRIVATE secretary, $150; stenographer and bookkeeper; stenographer, knowl edge of dictaphone; experienced checker and cashier for cafeteria; exchange op erator and O. O. W. 301 N. W. Bank building. OFFICE SPACE FREE to" public stenographer lu return for services answering telephone and for warding correspondence, A ui4, ore gonian. POSITION open for experienced lady ele vator operator in office building. Deair able hours and your Sundays at home. Give experience and telephone number. C 090. Oregonlan. FUR FINISHERS, experienced, good -wages. steady employment. Apply n. ax. Uhgar, J4X it road way. SUNBEAM FILM CO. ARE SHOOTING PICTURES THIS WKKK. MORE TYPES WANTED. APPLY MAIN OFFICE. 1O20 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. SCENARIOS WANTED. ALSO TEACH THE CAMERA. APPLICATIONS will D rctved from young women aged 20 to 35 for wood working factory at St. Johns; good pay and steady employment. Att 392, Ore gonn. $30 WEKKLT up, home work, experience unnecessary: everything xurnisned. bend self -addressed stamped envelope for free particulars. Kara Candy makers Co.. Philadelphia. I a. MRS. L. V. SCOTT, formerly director of employment for women with the federal government, w ill secure emplovment for women in all lines. Office 329 Henry bldg.. cor. 4th and oak sts. Bdwy. 4537, WA NT E D First-class pants finisher, to act as fore lady also ; good pay ; steady work. Answer, M 971. Oregonian. Give name, address and telephone number. EXPERIENCED MAKERS FOR OUR M 1 LL1N E R Y WOP. K KOUili EMPO- RIUM. 126 SIXTH ST. AN Y girl in need of . friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. May fat- and Alexander sts. Phone Mam 3450. dm car. WANTED Middle-aged or elderly woman as housekeeper ior man and 3 smal boys: would consider woman and child. Call Main 43 L. WANTED Names women, girls ove 16, wishing to uecome government postal cierks. commence si4uu; answer unm ri.ately. AV W3l, Oregonian. WANTED Assistant bookkeeper, out town position; first-class living condi tions. Apply in own handwriting. Box 98. Durur. ur. WANTED At Yamhill Bakery, good ho tel cook : wages $2 per day and long job to right party. Address George San ders. or Yamntu Bakery. COMPETENT and trustworthy office girl for confidential position ; state refer ences. previous employers, address, phon number. c 007, oregonian. POWER machine operators wanted, pre fer those experienced In millinery lines. Apply Lowengart A Co., Broadway and Burnsiae st. TRIMMERS and experienced makers wanted for city and out-oi-town post tions. Apply Lowengart Sc. Co., Broad way and Burnside. WANTED Hand Ironer: experienced only Main 444a. ess Washington. EXPER1 ENCED waitresses wanted. So' ward grlH. K'th and Alder. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Girl for general housework, s Hood River Valley, 2 In family, no cook ing for outside help? wages depend on experience. Apply In person or by phone. Mrs. L. C- Oilman. Hotel Mallory, Port land, mornings. WANTED Girl for cooking and gsneral housework in small family where second girl is also kept; steady position; wages $60. Apply forenoon to 115 North 22d St.. cor. Gllsan. AN EXPERIENCED second maid, refer ences, excellent wages. 85 N. 20th St Broadway 203. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking, some housework, no laundry, no Thursday din ner. August at beach. Applg, mornings, 822 Johnson st. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking, some housework; no laundry, no Thurs ip.y dn i.er. August at beach. Apply 0 A, M., S22 Johnson st. WANTED An experienced girl for cook ing and downstairs work; 4 grown peo ple in familv. Call Main 2957. 6 si Jackson st., Portland Heights. EXPERIENCED children's nurse or nur sery governess; high wages. D 027, Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing, small family; good wages, per- manent position, taioai nttocK bin. WANTED Experienced cook and nurse maid to go to tne country ior the cum in e r town In winter. Broadway 4702. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Go home evenings. References. Tabor 179T. WANTED -Woman for general housework, wages $50. P 677, Oregonian. GIRL to assist with housework. 674 Elliott ave. East 7856. GIRL for second work. 794 Lovejoy. Main 247. - GIRL, for general housework, small family. SIO Overton st. Main 5517. i WANTED Nurse girl to care for 2 chil dren afternoons ouiy. Apply uotf Alareiiu. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wantrtl Dometls. WANTED An experienced cook. 453 Vista ave. Main 2 too. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. STUDIOS to house six companies are now under way ; demand tor motion picture artists exceeds anything Portland can supply; Portland has the taient If cor rect! developed; why permit California to furnish all talent? Register with us. We are the exclusive agent for new $500,000 producing corporation. Phone Broadway 1677. 231 Artisan bldg., Broadway and Oak. WANTED First-class stenographer; must be familiar with the exporting business. C fi. Oregonlan. 5 LOGANBERRY pickers for Sheridan, Or. A 1 camp conditions, fine berries. Mrs. Scott, 320 Henry bldg. FOR light office position, shorthand nec essary, out ot town. Clerical Help serv ice. Artisans' bldg., cor. Bdwy. and Oak. CAN save man or woman going to Chicago some money, rnone i aoor tu.i oelore A. M. PROFESSIONAL .people out of work reg ister at u aiaiiey tneatricai agency, 610 Filers bldg. WANTED Man nd wife on fruit farm. wife to cook, man to work on the farm, Mr. Hackett. East 983. JANITOR and wife for hotel; man for part time. 413' Wafrh.. cor. 11th sL EDUCATIONAL. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, give you a set of tools and some pay while learning. Positions secured. Ore gon ex-service men. the course Is free to you. Write or call for particulars and catalogue. 234 Burnside st. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKKR Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free cstalogue. PIANO AND HARP. Concerts, musicals, recitals. Dunning 83-stem for beginners). Alice Genevieve Smith, Studio 509 Eilers bldg. Phone Mam 6656. Summer school 16S4 6th ave. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade In 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free ; positions g us ran teed ; pay wniie learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. O'MALLY dramatic and dancing school; dramatic. vaudeville. motion picture, ballroom, stage dancing, classes for children In singing and dancing 610 Kil4s bldg. Main 1123. MADAME BOURY will register students for French classes to open immediately; beginners and advanced, r or turtner in formation call Broadway 4537. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss .Muckers private school; indttid nal instruction. 122H Grand ave. E. 427. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning; gives you set or tools free; position secured. S3 N. Second St. KOCKY MT. Teactwrs Agency. Enroll free. FranK - we lies, ex-assu state supL, Mgr. N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8276. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Reliable Tele graph Institute, 434 Kail way exchange bldg. Free booklet. F1SK Teachers Agency Journal bldg. Main 4fr3.j. 'leaching positions, free reg. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. L'tto'i oak st. OREGON Law School. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Mor. W. E. Kichsrdson. Sec Main 977. YATES-FISHER Teachers Agency Free registration. Main 6274.' Broadway bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ENGINEER. EXPERIENCED GAS AND s T c, A M . WISHES TKAtTUR on c i a TIONARY ENGINE; HAVE TOOLS AND KNOW HOW TO USE THEM: STEADY AND RELIABLE. F. J. MENARD. 669 SAVIER ST. . CARPENTER nhop, 203 H Jefferson. Gen eral contracting, any carpenter wr., also concrete and cement work. Rein forced concrete garages, designing and construction of residences, any type, rea sonable. Call Main 7805. or drop notice. X U W. v-nn in n.4 nf A rf river WhOSC eX prlence places him anove tne average; This man has qualifications of a high order as a driver, trouble shooter, etc What have you 7 Let us talk it over. AJ HI'S. Oregon tan. EXPERIENCED dairyman and milker. also experienced in c-rimea aairy worn, iiitriilin nee: reasonable wages and a good home. State wages and address. Phone number in first letter. D ji, ore gonian. .. THllVR!S MKM raulrlnr romoetent of flee workers, call Broadway umj suitable applicants sent; no charge to the employer. Clerical Help Service. 529 Artisan ' bldg.. opposite Benson hotel. WANTED Bv 3 men with drag saws, fir tiuir.uaiK. or will cut by Cora ior relia ble party. Phone Tabor &577. IL T. Casey. .01 :3 62d nve. S. K. G A RDEN EH. single, experienced green house and landscape gardener, wants po sition in private place; tnorougniy com petent; references. AN 432. Oregonlan, EXPERT mechanio wants Job as separator tender or engineer in harvest neia; ju yeaW experience, Dest ot reis... . o, OregXnian. EXPERIENCED middle-aged janitor wants to work ror rurnisnea room in pnvaiv house, walking distance. u zou. ore gonian. JAPANESE, first-class combination cook. di-sires position in notei, resmursni or camp. George Ta-iska, Mikado hotel. 202 Va Everett st. YOUNG married man wants steady posi tion on general (arm ; iiietnne expe rience: would like place wiih separate furnished house. -BD hS. Oregonian. WANTED Wood cutting, short wood pre ferred, surface clearing, any kind of woodwork; will go any place. C 071. OreEontan. ACCOUNTANT with several years' experi ence in machine and implement line wants position ; best of references. T 674, Oregonian. POSITION wanted: all-around handy man. any kind work, drill sharpener or press man, filing, assembling. Olson. Bdwy. 2i 2 s. YOUNG man with some experience wants position as salesman In clothing store. Will work hard to please. Call Main 2276. apt. 108. EXPERIENCED man desires kalsomlning. painting, repairing, etc.: all-around worker. A. Burton. SflO'A E. Wash. EXPERIENCED office man and salesman wants position, part salary, part com mission. H 929. Oregonian. MARRIED mn.n wishes position on farm; can mirk and do general farm work. 264 E. 7ld st. N. Phone Tabor 2321. CARPENTER, first class, fast and prac tical; rough or finish; repairs. Bdwy. 716. WANTED Position in shoe and clothing store and learn the business. Address lHSVi E. 45th st. YOUNO man, 21, would like 3 or 4 hours' work evtninRs. 0 or G nlghta a week. V W. Case, Tabor 8736. EXPERIENCED plumber and lead worker wjints work by day or contract. Phone Sellwood 12S7. YOUNG man, lumber Invoice and order clerk: thoroughly experienced. B 671, Oregonlan. ADVERTISING solicitors for Seattle rail way brotnernooa oook. Liyao, .iu Stock Exch. Bo Y, 15, wants work in country, room, board and wages. Main 7865 after 10 A. M. Call Mrs. McDonald. JAPANESE man and wife want position. any kind work, town, or country, laoor 304. TRUCK DRIV3R. reliable, employed by Col. river shipyards, wishoaf work. Malu 1755. K BRIGHT young Filipino boy desires a position as driver: could do his own r' pairing. AL S15. Oregonian. CHAUFFER wants position; competent driver, reliable; pest ol reierences. ai uua Oregonlan. WANTED Position by electric welder, year experience in shipyard, Woodlawn 2620. CARPENTER JOINER, repairing, remod eling, etc., reliable mechanic Broadway 2487. BAKER on bread, able to work alone. P. Conrad. Gresham R. 4. MAN with family wants place on farm, dairy preferred. AV 15rt. Oregonian. CARPENTERING. REPAIRING AND 1 1. MOD E LING. PHONE TABOR a34. FLOOR WAXING. WINDOW CLEANING; EXPERT. MAIN 1420. CEMENT work, floors, walks, garages and driveways. Reasonable. Tabor 6070. CARFENTER would like to work in the country. 193 West Park. Marshall 2141. PAINTING BY DAY OR JOB. WDLN. 571. CARPENTER New and repair work: all branches. East 5396 after 5 P. M. PA 1 N TING. tinting; work guaranteed; prices reasonable. Tabor SQ77. PAINTING. DECORATING. SIGNS. KAL S OMINIXQ; BEST WORK. TABOR 266 YOUNG man desire worV Votn hours A. M. and 3 P. M. M 207, Crvgonmn. HOMES designed and built by experienced and reliable builders, Woodlawn 5343, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG MAN WITH GOOD EDUCATION AND TEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE AD MINISTRATIVE AND EXECUTIVE OF FICE WORK. DESIRES POSITION WITH RELIABLE COMMERCIAL CONCERN WHERE ABILITY AND CONSCIENTIOUS EFFORTS ARE R EC OGNIZKD. CAN HANDLE ANY KIND OF POSITION SUCH AS OFFICE M AN AGER. CHIEF CLERK. PURCHASING AGENT. TRAFFIC MANAGER OR A NY POSITIO N R EO FIRING GOO D JUDGMENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE ABILITY; EXCELLENT REFERENCES. WILL LEAVE CITY". D 0S0. OREGO NlAN. YOUNG MAN WITH NINE YEARS' EX PERIENCE R A I LRO A DING WISHK S TO SECURE POSITION OF TRAFFIC MANAGER WITH RELIABLE COM MERCIAL CONCERN OR LUMBER COMPANY. WILL ACCEPT ANY PO SITION REQUIRING ADMINISTRA TIVE OR EXECUTIVE ABILITY. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED AN D CAN HANDLE ANY POSITION. FIRST CLASS REFERENCES CAN BE FUR NISHED AND WILL ACCEPT POSI TION IN OR OUT OF CITY. D UTS. OR EG ON IAN. CARPENTER New or repair work Esti Maia mates cneerxuuy given. . iiaco, 1665. Book keepers. Stenographers, office. ACCOUNTANTS We mske a specialty of keeping accounts tor ail kinds of busi ness in Portland and vicinity. Will take complete chargu of your books. For full details, call Mr. E. F. Young. Main 1643. 1219-20 Northwestern Back blagj SITUATION WANTED By young man. age 34. as accounts receivable or payable bookkeeper; thoroughly experienced. Main 5107. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALB. C. S. PRACTITIONER, 12 years" euccetssiul practice elderly widow) wants perma nent home with friends who will accept her services. Tabor b!91. MOTHER and daughter wish position cooking on ranrh. No tririers apply. Denver "Rooms Hotel, room 20, First and AVashtngton sts. ELDERLY C. S. practitioner. 12 years' practice, wants permanent home with friends as reader-teacher or companion. Tabor 8191. . WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings while mother Is away ; references. Woodlawn 1611. MOTHER and daughter, experienced all kinds of housework, wish positions together. Phone Main 135. v AN EXP. tel. operator desires private branch exchange. Cail Y. W. C. A. be fore 12. Miss KendaiL LACE SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE cur tains done up liko new. Will caiL East S51S. EXPERIENCED woman wants hour work washing, lroulng. Call alter 2 P. M. Main 1140. LADY wants housecleanlng. other work. hours day; work guaranteed. wooa- lawn 6."03. NEAT, refined young woman desires work several hours evenings; goo a reierences. East 7 860. STENOGRAPHER Just out of business college, wishes position. AN 4ju, ure gonian. GOOD COOK, wishes work in down river camp of about 13 men: line at pastries and all around. Woodlawn dU4. DEPENDABLE nurse cares for children evenings; the sick througn tne uay Marshall 340. EXPERIENCED girl wishes position of second work; wishes sou; reiorencea. Main 52l. WANTED Work by the hr. or day. 50c per nr. and car tare. Fhone Main j-- COLORED lady wants day's work. E. 3237. A JAPANESE G I RL wants school girl po sition. SH,, Nortti hixtn st. POSITION bv steady, reliable P. B. operator by Aug. i. a- uuo. urcRiau, EXPERIENCED cashier wants position. Call Tabor 4HO. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra pher, best of references. Main m i. LADY wants to manage apartment house Phone Sellwood 3413. EXPERIENCED womau wants day worl Woodlawn so;;. WOMAN wants day work Saturday. 567. room 22. CLEAN! N'G or ironing well done, Satur day. V euntauay. UDur it GRADUATE nur wishes position in doc tor's office. M 226. Oregonlan. Uoo kLeepe rm. htenogra pliers. Office. KVPHRIKNCBO bookkeeper, familiar w;i .iii.i Mc.'.t m. desires Immediate position or will keep small set books evenings. Woodlawn 42UU. YOUNG LADY wishes general office work has typing experience. uu oemcco and 12 A. M.. Col. 531 TYPIST desires copying at home. East 8th st. Phone Tabor 6b54. OFFICE work, bright, inexperienced girl, 20; salary no object. Tabor 4ai4. Dressmaker. r. w i. s: i a K 1 x CS Suits, coats, skirls, voil and silk dresses, alterations and make wr work of all kinds. Keasonab Mrs. Kellv. 752 Vancouver ave. 316-06 DRESSMAKING and alteration; wor auara.ntetd. Miss Stump, Columbia apts.. No. 42. Main 1911. DRESSMAKING Work guaranteed, price reasonable. 341 Central B.ag. -"a, 34os. WANT dressmaking and tailoring by day or at home. Phone Tabor 3-.'. by th EXPERIENCED dressmaker; day engage ments, $4. Bdwy. oui DRESSMAKING and alteration; wor guaranteed. 75 E. 30th st. East 194 m g"rt REPAIRING and plain sew in, neatly done. MRS. P.. Main 4496. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. alterations reasonable. S49 Wash, st. Aut. 513-03. Nurses. EASTERN graduate nurse wishes position in doctor s oliice or smaii uuopua. Oregoniam Housekeepers. WANTED A respectable place as house keeper in city or counirj. oy "'"'Vo. aged widow with boy 15. Woodlawn 1401 or BF V.Mi. Oregonian. ELDERLY WOMAN wants position as housekeeper in v mower a noma housekeeping in small family. T o. i, Oregonian LADY wishes position as housekeeper for one, two or mree reiiucu " Sellwood 1538. . Domestics. THE VERIBEST WINDOW CLEAN BR S. House cleaning, floor waxing and vacuum cleaning; estimates cheerfully given. Best of references. COMPETENT woman wants work. 50c an hour ana car tare. room 14. WANTED TO KENT. Houses. WILL lease an 8 to 12 -room lurnisneu uai or residence on west muc, must, ic good condition at the right price. Own ers only nnd location auc condition uiat letter. KI 35, Oregonian. WANTED Four H. K. rooms in good lo cality or four or five-room furnished house, not over $4-. Give full particu- lars. Reference. P 531. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT After August V. un furnished house. West Side, family oZ three adults, references. Address H. W., 610 Worcester Block. WANTED To rent, a furnished house of six rooms, for last week of July and month of August. Can give references. Address A E HOP. Oregonian. BY AUGUST 1st, modern 6. i or S-room house; must have furnace; west side preferred; have little girl 2 years old and baby boy. Main 5626. WANTED To rent by business man. five or Six-room modern house, three adults; best of care of property. Phone East 967. 5 OR 6-ROOM residence In desirable loca tion; small family; excellent references, Aut. 316-49 WANTED Furnished modern bungalow or" cottage. 5 or tt rooms: will lease. Best of references. Tabor 5721. I WANT to rent a small place suitable for chickens: must have some fruit and berries R. E. Patterson. Cornelius. Or. UNFURNISHED 6-room modern bungalow Witn ;ar.r, isi auh,., u Buunii. uuu lav n 40O4. 4 OR 5-ROOM bungalow In southeast Portland or Sellwood; no children, BF 725. Oregonian. WANTED To rent. 6 -to S-room house, with garage, desirable district, modern. good condition. Mroaaway 2o26. WANTED To rent by family of adult?. 6 or 7 -room monern nouse; win i?ase. Phone Sellwood 'J4V W ANT to lease .H or 4-room house In or near Kenton; two in lamlly. Woodlawn 5358. YEAR lease, five or six-room house in good location; care guaranteed, av 18. Ore gonian. W ANTED Modem 4 or 5-room house, flat or apart mMit for famiiy ot two by Sept 1. Main 1 11. BY AUG. 8. furuif-hed modern bungalow cottage or flat; will lea&o. 'labor fclfr WANTED TO BENT. Houses. WILL ACCEPT ONE-TEAR LEASE on five or six-room modern house in good location as first payment on standard make touring car, always used privately and in first-class condition. Give phone number and location of house in answer ins. A E 435. Oregonlan. WANTED To rent nicely furnished mod em 5 or 6-room bungalow by coup's who will fciv best of care, rhone E, 63. 1 DESIRE to lease modern small unfur nished house or bungalow, about hix rooms, garage, near school; prefer close in. Heady to occupy about August 15 or September 1. B?t possible care giv en our property. Rev. E. C. Hickman, Fast S034. n WANTED 5 or 6-room furnished apart ment in an exclusive neighborhood by S a nuts, no children, for 2 or 3 months, not to exceed $00 monthly; be?t of ref erences given. A tkinson A Porter. 112 . o'.'li tat., ancouvcr. wash. SIX OR SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE with ga rage; prefer lrvington district, by or before Sept. 1. Wilt take good care of place- and pay reasonable renL Phone eek days. Main 8160. ANTED To rent, by Aug. 15, modern 9 or "-room unfurnished house; prefer Sunnyside or Laurel hurst, but am not particular as to location if house suits; mate full particulars. V 529. Oregonian. ANTED Furnished or unfurnished house by August 0. Call Wdln. 57;i. Apartments. WANTED To rent or les?-e 5 or 6-room unfurnished apartment. Phone Main 11 ii. WANTED Quiet room downtown for gui tar practice net ween the hour of 1 to .". P. M . H 977. Oregonian. WO GENTLEMEN ant room near Union between Alberta, and Dekum. Bdwy. 1142. FOR RENT. Iu rn t fched Rooms. MAXWELL IT ALL. 207 14th St. Cool and airy sleeping and IT. TC. rooms, modern, clo.c In. fino location, transients. A home away from. home. R1TZ HOTEL. Morrison and Park sts. New, fireproof and modern. In the center of shopping and Theater district. Moderate rates. Special rates to permanent guests. HOTEL BAXTER. Newly furnished sleeping and house keeping rooms, close In, on east side, about 4 blocks from Broadway bridge, reasonable rent; take "MA" car. get otf at Albina ave., or Phone East 7559. SAVON HOTEL 131 11th st between Washington and Alder, modern transient rooms with or without private bath. $1 per day and up Weekly rates $3 and up. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th St., at Washington. Rates. $0 per week up, $1 day. Fire proof, large attractive, spotless rooms, flose to amusement and shopping center. ATTRACTIVE rates to permanent gassts. See our accommodations. NbW Pb.n K1NS HOTEL. Fifth at Washington, HOTEL CLIFFORD. Fast ,MorrlBoQ St.. st East Sixth. The principal east side hotel; dignified and refined; $1.25 per day and up; $6 per week atd up. PR 1 NO fcTSS HOTEL. 349 EAST BURNSIDE. SUMMER RATES $4.50 up; Transients 91 and up. NETHERLANDS HOTEL 126 13th St.. corner Washington; transient and per manent; spotie&a rooms $5 per week and up; phone, private baths. lloT&L ARTHUR, 170 11th st- Nice, modern, clean rooms, at transient ana pt-rmanent rates. $1 DAY, $.1 week up, nicely furnished Hotel Cadillac, 3d near Jeffer- rooms. Fon. UOTEL RAMAPO. Washington st. at 14th. rooms $6 and up per weew; also larouy suues of 2 and 3 rooms and bath. DENVER rooms, 20 Wash st., under nsw management; sleeping rooms, $2.0 to $4.."o p-r week. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st. at Tenth Kates $1 a uay up; weekly, $5 up; free phone and baths. 3 -ROOM, ground floor, walking distance -from town. Call East 3505. or 40 J E. Ankeny. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing; everything furnished; $4 per week up. 103 Vj Second St. SARGENT HOTEL Housekeeping- and sleeping rooms. Phone East 291. 2174 Grand ave. OHIO hote: ing rooms. -Housekeeping and eleep 266 Front, corner Madison. FURNISHED rooms, nice, cool and airy, $10 up. 0;i5 Everett st. WEAVER HOTEL. 708 WASH ST., NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. Bath, ROOMS by day, and comfortable. n-eek or month, clean 573 Third st. GARLAND HOTEU 25 Trinity place. Mod ern outside rooms. $3.5Q per week up. 1 nfurnlstied Rooms. UN FURNISH ED 3 rooms, including gas range, lights and water. 44H Hall st. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. SUITABLE for 2 men. permanent, walk in;? distance ; all modern conveniences ; quiet and cool: 2 blocks N. of Broadway, 2 blocks west of W illiams. 423 Flint st. It eferences exchanged. . LOV ELY large room, with alcove, new furniture, ia modern home, walking dis tance. Nob Hill. Call before 10 or alter 5. Main 2964. 73S Hoyt. TWO furnished rooms, light, airy, well furnished ; Ideal for men employed nights. 3"3 Glenn ave- half block south of Hawthorne. a IF you want a beautifully furnished, clean room, upper flat, hot water, phone, rea sonable, cail at 145' N. 21st alter 6 P. M . or call Automatic 510-43. NICELY furnished parlor with piano, la good home, to one or two girls, em ployed ; $1S a month. Call after 5:30. Broadway 204S. 607 Gilsan St. NICE sleeping room, close in, home priv- ile&ea, use of phone, piano and type writer. Men preferred. Breakfast if desired. East to"02. NICELY furiufahed parlor with piano, in' good home, to one or two girls em- . ployed, $1S a month. Call alter 6:30 , Bdwy. 294S. 667 Giisan at. CHARMING SUITE OF ROOMS; light housekeeping, in refined home; ideal for two refined ladies; Nob Hill. Phone Main 7s95. ' NEWLY lurnished. strictly modern sleep ing rm., w. a.. i. min. waiK to f. u. ; 9x4 per mo. up. 694 V Everett st. WELL furnished room and breakfast if desired in private home: laay empiojea preferred. Phone 5590 Tabor. - FOR RENT 3 furnished rooms, suitable for gentleman; oatn, etc rriTaw en trance. 99 Williams ave. FINE room in comfortable home; garage convenient. 9J9 L. Everett- rnona i.aot STEA M HEATED, furnished room, all modern conveniences. t;ai alter o ai.. 504 Couch st., apt. 8. LARGE front room with bath, close in. on car line. Call oeiore J" a. ai.. j-e r. M. Mt. Tabor or S. S. car. 1212 Belmont. NICE clean, cool sleeping room ; hot and co.d water near oy. can enwoou siua. 82T E. 15th st. FURNISHED room for two ladies, em ployed. Last UCm. 440 .cast Clay si, cor ner 7th. LA RGE room suitable for two, alt con veniences, walking distance. 09 11th street. 269 14TH Choice rooms, modern conven ience; walking distance, jviam FURNISHED rooms for two ladies or gen tlemen. 572 Ladd ave. E. 8S7. N IO ELY furnished room, modern home, downtown, reasonable. Main 2960. NIC ELY f u rnlshed rooms ; water 200 5th nL hot and cold LA RGE front room : fcwin beds; also sin C le room. 160 N. 21st st. Bdwy. 20S7. ; UN K furnished room, 1 st and Clackamas, Walking distance. Phone E. 4535. FURNISHED room; all conveniences; gen tlemen only. 65 N. 21st st. MODE RN room for gentleman, west side. Marshall 1 7!:;. Rooms W itb Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 230 AND HOYT STS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best.-knpwn residential hotels on Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to trans' en ts. NORTON I A HOTEI. Portland's downtown high-class family hotol ; rooms en suite r or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women . We give you all the comforts of a home Reasonable rates. 452 MOR Rl SON. cor. 13th Choice rooms -and board; modern conveniences; walk ing distance.