THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1920 REAL ESTATE. THREE SHERMAN COUNTY SNAPS. 1640 acres of land, 4J5 In cultivation, ?fU in wheat. In summer fallow, all the Block and machinery, good buildings, plenty of water, close to warehouse, on railroad. This is good land, must be old In 30 da vs. This- place in worth $Httno more than we are asking for it. 720 acres, 550 acres in cultivation, 225 In wheat, 325 summer fallow, good bolding., plt-nty water, one mile to haul wheat. "Will also lease one section of good land adjoining this place for five years, with 250 summer fallow on it. The party buying thi- place and getting lease to leave as much summer fallow at the end of five years. Price of the 7'0, with wheat and summer fallow, 943.ino, pood terms. 3suo acres, 400 tillable, about 22R in wheat, 175 summer fallow; one-third rp poeti with this place. Fine stock and wheat ranch, lots of water, buildings not much account, nine miles to town. 1'rice on thi $25 per acre, JiiuOO cash; crop worth about J14U0. Inquire of A LEX Ht'NTBR. Moro, Or. Will be at lo75 Sandy boulevard after J uly 24 for a few days. 10 ACRES land, 15 miles K. W. of Port land at Scholls on Tualatin river. In heart of highest developed section in Oregon; 25 acres good timber on river, worth $3.50 M; 10 acres grafted English walnuts; balance in grain, all perfectly tile drained 3 to 5 feet deep in highest tato of cultivation; come see the crop on it; easy terms. Ferd Groner. Hills boro, Oregon. UANTKIJ REAL ESTATE. Over $1,800,000 Worth of HOME'S SOLD Since January 1, 1!20, by FRANK L. McGL'IRE LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Have you a houe to sell? Try the MeifUire System, which has won an in ternational reputation and established a national record for Home Selling because it is the ORIGINAL, SUPERIOR, SCI ENTIFIC, MODERN method of Home fielling. OUR RECORD: Hu-mes sold last year. 110 Home sold In May. 9 Homes sold on July 13. ftOrt Homes- sold to date this year. Tour house is sold if listed with us. "WE NEED IT TODAY! Within 24 hours after listing- w PERSONALLY A P 1'RAISE, INSPECT AND PHOTO GRAPH It. We'll display the photograph of your home in our G-REAT SHOW- itOOM, which Is continuallv thronged with EARNEST HOME BUYERS! If you can t come, telephone. Our only charges are the standard rate of 5 per cent commission In the event of a satis factory sale. IS experience-d salesmen with autos to work on the sale o YOUR home. St-e FRANK L. McGL'IRE, To Sell Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1008. TfiOVj 3d St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. HAVE customers wanting 3 to 5 acres between Portland and Gresham ; good buildings. 1'hone, write or call at oilice. F. L. EDDY, HITTER, LOW E & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. SOLD. Every home we list. Few listings make possible our personal attention. We make no charge for legal papers. WELLER & RINEHART. 212 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4503. HAVE many clients for homes, city and suburban. If you have a place for sale and price Is not inflated, phone POINDEXTER. 2(K SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SQQ. RESIDENCE. EAST 6771. V ANTED West-side property south of Aladison st. Handling west-side property is my specialty. Call and see me or . phone Main J478. JOHN SINGER, 420 Chamhor of Commerce bldg. NICE cozy home, well located. 12 minutes from city; want apartment house or rooms. Price $3500, might pay some dif ference. Phone Main 50S7. "WANT at least 6-room house in either Liidd's. Murrnymead or Colonial Hgts. Will ray $0000 to $7000. AK 430, Ore oi Ian. WANT a 5 or 6-room modern bungalow In Roue City or Laurelhurst. Give full description and terms. AH 8.0, Orego- nian. WANTED Modern 5-room bungalow in good condition. 615 Chamber of Com merce Bldg. WANT to rent or buy 3 to 5 acres, im proved, with some fruit, on Base line, outside of city limits. Tabor 1481. 6-ROOM house, full lot, about $200; have lilS Dodge car as first payment. A 542, Oregonian. Farms anted- " HIGH-CLASS FARMlVANTED. We have a client wanting from 40 to B0 acres, well Improved, with modern house of not less than 5 rooms: property must be on a good road and within 2o miles of Portland, on the Oregon side. 1 Will go as high as $10,000. ' Does not have to be equipped. JOHN FERGUSON. PER LINGER BLDG. WANTED to buy, direct from owner. small improved dairy farm. Give full description Hrst letter. A V 150, Ore gonian. Wanted to Rent" Farms. WANT TO RENT. Mr. Farmer, don't wait till the last minute to rent that farm. You would be surprised to see the amount of good - farmers I have appealing to me to rent them farms. Send me description of your place, I can rent it at once, don't delay. Som of them will buy personal property. A. Gt BENDER, RITTER. LOWE Sc. CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FARM OF OWNER Between 100 and 320 acres, about 2-3 under cultivation, good duiiuiuss, noi over ou miles irom Port land; possession Oct. 1. Cash rent pre- xerrea ; reierences iurnisnea. Room 354 Sacramento st., Portland, Or. J? ARM on shares. Must have some fruit ana be close to .Portland. Have had years' experience. L U03, Oregonian. WANT to rent farm for 192 J ; will fully block it; pay casa rent, urcnara. wash. Rt. 1. box 125. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE Second-growth timber in North Lincoln at low price; not far from new k. n. at' b'Jl, oregonian. w ILL assist financing small sawmill . proposition. State proposition fully. j- .jo, urt-giinian. PILING WANTED ABOARD S. P. O. V. GAMBLE. Couch Bldg.. Portland. LOCAL buyers, lumber, ln large or small lumotf centers, in 2547 Oregonian. WANT bridge plank and timbers. Davis, 600 Lumbermen's bit . W. G. TO RXCHAACE REAL K8TATE. H IOH LY Improved. stocked. ea mooed. uwi iu uoiaenaaie, w asn. ; nouses, burns, lots of free wood, water, electric lights, telephone and school; fenced and croea-iencea; running water everv field: ell cheap or trade for Cal. prop.; part iraue in roriiana prop., auto trucks. auto business; time on part. What have you to oner.' v rite full description in Ona,t uttr; oy owner; price $10,000. AV I . rr, : Ai c cnicaen rancn; good -room plas tered house, fine henhouse, 4 tons hay jn parn. v nite i-egnorn nens. laying. iretli cow, fruit, etc., 4 cords wood, 4 HTos under cultivation, 1 acre timber: ?;;HM); sell or exchange for Portland i mime, owner, r, tj. box 2004. FOR SALE or exchange, business Drooertv consisting of a large two-story building anu iuu cement oaaement; lot HXtxlSO ; -s-ton truck, as good as new; 1 i.?-ton truck and woadsaw; will sell or exchange for farm or business, south or east; also a o-room pungaiow. call Se-ll. 3400. FOR SALE or trade, 6 vacant lots located in Ventura Park. 1 block north Baseline road, for some In or near Kansas City, aio. owner is visiting on tract. Call write Mrs. C. B. Newman. Portland Or.. R. No. A. Box 511. care of Airs. Charles Moai-h. 44 TO 120 acres, good house. Whits Sal mon valley, for small home in or near Portland, near school ; bal. easy terms. M. S. Davis. Husum, Wash. Wdln. 1704. A GOOD Willamette valley farm to frade lor Montana or Dakota wheat land win buy laud In either of thoe states; give run particulars, u 'j.ri, Oregonian. CHEAP QUICK ACTION. Two 50x112 and one 100x112. Univer sity Park add. Will consider auto part ajiqem. u o-. oregonian. OR SALE Lndertaktmc business in best town in central Alberta. Will trade for Oregon reai estate. AV 1j4. Oregonian. (2000 EQUITY in east side business uroo- erty on main thoroughfare for lots, acre sge or merchandise. D 925. Oregonian. HAVE t acres on paved road, exchange ior moaern oungaiow, win assume equity. fc, frt, oregonian. LOT in Rose City Park In exchange for rora. 1 ;, oregonian. WANT to trade age for house 1 lots and cranberry acre- .nd lot. Wdln. 423. TO EX CHANGE MISCKLLAXKOfS. WANTED To exchange. Smith & Wesson automatic 35 revolver for shotgun. Wdln. ia7, 998 E. 27tn N. BEACH lot, ocean front, to exchange for furnace or labor. Tabor o.Wiv l DANDY Winton 8579. Cord tires. six for a diamond. M. CHICK ERIN G grand pinno for an auto. wnat nave your. Tabor I4i, FOR SALE. Hones, Vehicles, Livestock. FOR SALE. 4 Holsteln Bulls. 1 4 years, registered. 1 2 years, not registered. 'Z 1 year, not registered. C. MINSINGER, 210 Board of Trade Bldg. GOATS! GOATS! A splendid opportunity to buy some very good milk goats and doe kids by purebred Toggenberg sire. ('HEAP. Send for list. John M. Mann, 302 City Hall, Portland. Or. ONE 6-year-old mare. 2 sets harness, rub ber tire surrey and light buggy, 91 50 ; also 3 turkey hens, ona fine torn. Geo. p.ushby. Guineas ave., Gilbert road, Lents junction. REGISTERED pedigreed stock, Himalayan-, American Blues, Champagne d-Argent and Black Flemish; from $5 to $-5 each. 437 Marguerite ave. 20 FRESH COWS, large Holstein, Durham and Jersey; tuberculin tested. Vancouv er car to Columbia blvd.. one block north. TWO HORSES AT YOUR OWN PRICE, GOOD TO WORK. TRANSFER CO.. BETWEEN 34TH AND 35TH. EAST Y A M H I L L. FRESH young Jersey cow for sale; splen did milker; full-blood but not registered. A. Meister, 4 mile narth of Dosch sta tion. FIVE good frerh cows, some HolsteinH, Durhams and Jersey , 3 to 5 gals. 72S E. II lid st.,- corner, on Powell st. 300 HEAD stock cattle and land teases for sale. Write Box 102, Okanogan, WashJ i DEAD stock removed quickly; cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone MUwaukie 69-J for service. FOR SALE -good Belgian stallions, one 2 years old. one 3 years old. C. Min Binger 210 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE 3 high-grade Toggenourg milk goats, 2 In milk; reasonable. Miss Hetlesater, Garden Home. Or. Main 4419. 2SOO-LB. TEAM AND HARNESS, in fine condition, $175. Phone The Ranch, Main 7118. FARM outfit, small team wagon, ness. plow, cultivator and scraper. Front st. har 327 DRIVING outfit, horse. 1100 lbs., sound, true and gentle; buggy and harness. 327 Front. FIVE head young fresh Holstelns, Dur hams and Jersey Holsteins. 751 East Ash. " DEAD horse, animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co.. Woodlawu 20. DEAD HORSES taken quickly; c ash for dead cows. Tabor 4203. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 636. FOR SALE Team horses, Hughey Bros., 41st st. and Holgate St.. VoodstocK car TEAM, weight about 2700; on block East l!d and nanaers. aui. .'-u-ji. PASTURE for horses. S2 per mo. Running water, w. H. rtauK. urcnaru, wasn. $05 NEW government wagon for sale. Hth and Savier sts. North. Piano. Organs and Monica! Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. 2 -mall upright pianos, $0o ana... to $300 Gray & Co. upright piano, casn iiu $450 Hallet & Davis upright piano. 145 .41 nun ha m nnrleht nla.nO. cash . 165 $475 Davis & Son upright piano, cash 215 43 FranKlyn Piano to. piano, can $550 Kimball Co. upright piano, canh 205 $850 Mendenhall player piano, cash. 805 Parlor organs. $18, $25. $35. $38 and 45 Phonographs $18. $25, 135, 55 and 9o Pianos stored, bought and sold for cash. 102 10th st., corner aiara o. THE SCHWAN PIANO CO OFFERS this week: $750 Steinway & Sons uprignt.40 $000 Kranlch & Bach upright doa $550 Conover oak upright 315 $4V5 Vose & Sons ebony upright. .- 235 $550 Kimball &. Co. upright grand.. 345 $475 Mclntyre & Goousell upright.. 245 $25 cash and $7, $8, $10, $12 monthly. 101 loth st., at Washington and Stark. EIGHT UPRIGHT PIANOS $100-$225. Easy terms: fine standard makes; Z Fischers, Emerson, Cable. Kohler &. Campbell, Schaffer, MeCameran. others. lou don t have to spend a lot oi money get a Kuod piano, guaranieeu goou conuition. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. . PIANO BARGAINS. $185 and up; guaranteed STEINWAY, CH1CKER1NG, CABLE, VICTOR, DECK ER & SON. HOWARD and others; see them; TERMS GIVEN. Selberling Lucas Music Co., 125 4th St., between Washington and Alder. $150 BRUNSWiC -C. like new.. ..$125 $la Columbia, the latest...-. iu O a bier, fine, fine tone 215 Kranich & Bash, $550 value... 838 Ivers & Pond, little used 307 $875 Sohmer upright, perfect.. 58l HAROLD S. GILBERT, 394 Yamhill bC STEINWAY upright; snap $500 (JxiltKEKI.NO concert grana ouu . SE1 BEKL1NU-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. Between Washington and Alder. BUY. SELL. RENT OR TRADE. TALKING M ACH IN ES A N D RECORDS. MUSIC ROLLS. flA.NUH. NEWMAN'S RECORDS EXCHANGE, 128 1ST. MAIN 44U5. TABOR oi'JS. Sl.tiui FINE Dlaver niano. bench and mu sic. latest style, oniy tou; tane g'iuu upright piano as part payment, terms given. Brokerage Co.. 312 Worcester building. NEARLY NEW HAMILTON PLAYER PIANO FOR SALE. REAL. HAKUA1.. APPLY 38 CLEVELAND AVENUE. TEL. WOODLAWN 22Btt. FOR SALE True-tone Buescher, C mel ody L. P. saxophone. Finish, 3 witn case. Room 203 Washington bldg or phone Woodlawn 758. PIANOS WANTED Highest CASH paid or TRADE FOR NEW V 1C TKOL.A ana records. Selberling-Lucas Music Co., 125- 127 4th st. Main 8580. PRACTICALLY" new mahogany upright piano. 1524 Billaru ave., corner xiuimio, St, Johns car. PIANOS, player pianos and grafonolas for rent. Empire Co., o jroaaway. uroaa way 155. fLATER-fiANO WANTED. Will erive Tillamook Beach lots for rood player. WriteBJ 802, Oregonian. SLIGHTLY usea .tiinzie piano, good as new, only -. aouie uros., lou 10th st., near jviorrison. WANTED- Baby grand piano, Circassian walnut dining room set. Columbia 151 PIANO, upright, splendid tone, $150 cash. Main 03 iz- WELLINGTON piano, good condition, rea sonable price, terms. w ooaiawn 2o2o. WANTED Good-toned piano at once; pay casn. Main as to, oeiore a:iv. WANTED Bargain in a piano at one Marshall 500. No dealers, pay cash. Furniture for Sale. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. we can save yo money on your freight in our tnroug cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine st. TWO very fine quartered oak dressers, serpentine fronts, one is princess. $40 an $30; two pairs marquisette lace trimmed curtains - pair. looo ui vision. Ua w thorne car to osth. LEAVING CITY. Complete furniture for 7 rooms, solid oa and genuine leather; will sell all. 88 N 22d st. RUGS 2 Anglo-Persian, 9x12 and 6x9 fluff. 7x11; bed; 2 small tables. 834 E. Sheridan near 20th st, after 11 A. M OFFICE r u KM ITU RE. Used oy Kovern ment, now on sale at Pacific Stationery & printing Co.. 107 2d st. FOR SALE Universal range, used few weeks. can loy Winchell sc., betwee via ana 4: oargain. DUO-FOLD davenport, massive, new; cost sfso; Feu tor juu. 33s j-j. aotn. QUARTERED OAK DAVENPORT, good as new, reasonable. 4 oth st. FOR SALE -Dining set, $35. East 5058. Of fi ce Furniture. 5 ROLL-TOP desks,, 1 roll-top t. w. desk. 2 safes, 2 rotary bookcases, 20 law size bookcases, chairs and filing cabinets. Bushong & Co., 91 Park st. Poultr. O. A. C. Barred Rock chicks. 1 to 6 weeks' old, 25c to ooc each; brown and white Leghorn, 4 weeks old, 35c each; 200 R. I. Red chicks, July 27, 25c each. J. R. Magulre. 7S7 Oregon st. East 1805. 1-AYING young White Leghorn hens, $1.25 eacn. i. rt. .uacguire, isi Oregon it, near E. 24th- THOROBRED BROWN LEGHORNS. 10 HENS AND ROOSTER, REASONABLE. TABOR 6940. 200 WHITE LEGHORN chickens, good con- dltlon. Main ou. ask tor Mr. Alan. 85 S. C. White Leghorn pullets, March hatched. 0424 84th Court st. S. E. Dogs, Rabbits, Birds, Pet Mock. BOSTON AIREDALE. Fox Terrier puppies. prices ngni. opeeaway fennels. Tabor 5088. FOR SALE A bird Sellwood 379S. dog, 3 months old: ENGLISH SETTER PUPPIES for sale cheap. 12IU Maiiory ave. Wdln. 1889. FOR SALE 7 females and large cage, also young singers, xvouer stoca. of . 06a 4. FOR SALK. Dofcw, Rabbit. Birds. I'et Stock. f 500 SNA P $500. Will sacrifice GOO White Leghorn chickens, brooded, incubator, tools, gar den, fruit, with H -year lease on 2 acros, -room house. See owner on place. 2857 58th st. S. E. WANTED A home for a beautiful Mai-1 tese cat (neuter), a Derfect net. where there are- no children or dogs. Phone I iiQwy, 4J44. FUR RAfiRfTS. Registered black Siberian for sale or on shares, at 7405 63d ave. S. E. Tabor I t n:'. WILL SELL my entire stock of Flemish ana iew zealands, dirt cheap. U207 4bth st, S. E. Woodstock car. Laancnes and Boats. CANOES. 'CANOES. Several canoes for sale cheap. In Al 1 conuition. Come in and see them. 2-cylinder motor canoe in first-class I condition. This is a bargain fur some one who enjoys the river. . Small launch In rood conditlnn. Owner leaving city and must be sold at I once. LA-MBERSON & REID, 242 Hawthorne ave. FURNISHED HOUSEBOAT FOR SALE. CALL SELLWOOD 3774, NO. 20 WILLAMETTE MOOR AGE. EVENINGS. OR SALE Boathouse furnished com plete; electric lights. Call Sun. before 4 P. M. or Mon. after 8 P. M. Fulton boatyard. Take Fulton car, get off at cross roads, 2 blocks east WANTED to trade my Overland roadster, model 75, In fine shape, for a moturboat. Value $500. Call Marshall 2105, week days, between 0 A. AL and 5 P. M. A 20-FOOT launch in good cond ition, cheap; can be seen at Dredge Portland, t. Johns dry dock. FOR SALE 37-foot troU boat, .oak ribs. sound hull, 27-H. P. engine. J. K. Eublch, i rort (Jotumbta. wash. ONE DAYTON DYNAMO, $20; launch. 12 mnes perfection engine. iloO: west end Madison-street bridge. FOR SALE Hardwood motor canoe, fully equipped, extra accessories, Willamette moorage, houseboat B. Sellwood 1030. FOUR-ROOM houseboat, with bath, fur nished, 45 Willamette moorage. 10-FOOT Oldtown canoe, cheap. Columbia 13. good condition, LAUNCH Columbia for sale, ft. of Ains- wortu dock. Broadway 4061. M 1ST sacrifice my 16-foot Shell Lake canoe. Main, 812S. W ANTE with or without motor. Call M Machinery. SALE or trade. Reo speedster, powered witn special u-norse Continental;, con sider Ford. Thor motorcycle, bargain at $25. Erd. 30-h. p.. throttle governed, ma- . rlne, stationary or tractor gas engine, new. 1 Dayton electric farm lighting plant. usea. at -a list price. 5-h. p. steam boiler; $10 takes It. New Cushman lighting plant. 1 k. 4-h. p.. throttling engine. Call or write Clackamas garage. Clackamas, Or. MOTOR WANTED. 2200-volt, 3-phase. 00-cycle, 20 to 35- norfeepower motor wanted; give name- plate rating, price.' condition and guar antee, a -Tv oj, oregonian. PAINT spraying machine. Champion Mfg. ijo. w ooaiawn soot. Ty pe wrl t era. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale. rent, exenange. v e are exclusive ens- tn butors of Corona portable. $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies for all makes. E. W. PEASE COMPANY. 110 Sixth street. Main 2285. DOANE GUARANTEED . TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All makes overhauled; expert mechanics. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. Sell. Rent and Exchange. Main 6397. Supplies. 263 Oak St. GUARANTEED reouilt typewriters, all makes, sold arvd rentea; easy - terms; send for prices. Wholesale Typewriter to., Jl Washington iu Main utKSl. UNDERWOOD NO. 4 typewriter for sale: lately rebuilt; $47. Mrs. More. . Main 940. UNDERWOOD and Remington typewriter. 9s.;o a month. Empire Co., 2u4 Broad way. Bdwy. 15;i. VISIBLE machines, year guarantee, $20. The Rebuilt Typewriter Co., 304 Oak st. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter t'o., 04 Fifth. Main 3008. UNDERWOOD No. 5. sacrifice cash. C. W. Roberts. 000 Flanders, apt. 1. Bdy. 3405. A SNAP One typewriter for sale, $15. in gooa conuition. ui 3d st. Alain 307. FOR SALE One new noiseless typewriter. ior particulars inquire Main 077. M ificellaneous. SNAP! Man's bicycle, also 3-A Eastman camera, tripod, devel. outfit. Main 2900. FOR SALE Baby's crib with pad and bedding; also hfgh chair and fireleas cooker. Tabor 44a. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko- daas. toanay s. s j w asnington st. BILLIARD and - pocket billiard tables. showcases. wall cases, fixtures ; terms. W. J. Quigley. 369 Hawthorne. East 123, A FIREPROOF SAFE. 1500 lbs., in good condition, cheap for cash. Woodlawn 2915. THREE pool tables. 1 billiard table. 12 poolroom chairs, soda fountain, root beer barrel. 2 soaa tanks, call at 66 3d. OFFICE FURNITURE, used by govern ment, now on sale at Pacific Stationery & fnnting Co.. 107 2d t- FOR SALE 2 saddles annd 1 pair leather chaps. Don t answer unless you want real saddles. Mil! St. MEAT SLICER for sale: good condition: win sen cneap. fountain Grocery. 700 w asnington. bL v & KAL gooa used rugs, various sizes. bargains. i. c. . wax, 312 . 5th SL Broadway 2 1 30. FOR SALE Cedas fence posts, large size; get a car load. ti. Goodrich. R, 3, box 403. Lents. Or. FOR SALE Cheney phonoeraDh with rec ords; Wueen Anne design ; price right. Must oe sola. yv ooaiawn 4275. v Kii. bA L.E Li'Jiither reversible rmtcnnj coat ; size as ; gooa as new ; cost $90 ; will sell for $3. 480 East Washington. FOR SALE An Good condition, couver. invalid's wheel 3211 E. loth st. chair. Van- A BEAUTIFUL -karat diamond for sale. nave Deen noiaing it as collateral se curity. Call at 1124 N. W. bank bldg., TWO bicycles, in good repair, $25 and $30. Apply city room, 23 Oregonian bldg. for sale at circulation GAS stove. 4-bumer, for sale. 596 Claybourne ave. CASH register for Quick sale, $27 Corbett bldg., 5th and Morrison. GAS range, 4 -hole, Tillamoo st. good order, $9. 1073 LARGE ice chest for restaurant or grocery. call ri. J0to. , BLOCK wood and slab wood, mixed, $5.50 a loaa in --ioaa iota. rjast U4i. WOOD and coal range with gas attaenment, o. iaoor ou. BEER BAR for sale; 18 feet long. 375 E. Burnside. UrfUKiij -Nil i to Kec taaies usea ap parel in baiiremursc nome. janor ' ."S NEW HONEY for sale. 310 East 76th sL South. Tabor 9273. ALL CHERRIES 5c per pound. 1S70 24th ave. S. E. Tabor 3506. WOOD SAW. Ford attachment. $R5. 263 Salmon. Main 3420. Call for Fred. FOR SALE Butcher's icebox. Call at 5286 Washington. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning. 1 N. 1st st. " WOODSAW in sold at once. good condition. Must be Call at 746 Grand ave. N. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machin. showcase. 43 1st St.. near Ash. FOR SALE Paint spraying machine. Champion Mfg. Co.. Woodlawn 3607. 2 ELECTRIC FANS FOR SALeThEAP NEWMAN. 128 First St.. near Wash. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. $1 per day. delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 3495. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dresses, slightly worn. Main 9507. BARBER chairs. great sacrifice. mirrors 86 6th. and suDDlies: near Stark. FOR SALE Planer trimmings. f5 a load. Phone Woodlawn 954. DESK ADDING MACHINE. $13. 518 COR BETT BLDO. MARSHALL 557. FLOOR showcases, all sixes: plate glass, all kinds of mirrors. 690 First st. WILL sacrifice two -karat solitaires, set separately in rings. 470 Main St.. apt. 6. LARGE FILING CABINET FOR SALE. B 270, Oregoniftn. ANT part or U of 30O to 500 cords extra an- siaowooo. t-none fni.npa, t,. Qosa. CHERRIES for sale, 5o lh. en the tree. 160 E. 47tn at, N. FOR SALE. M iscella n eons. DOLON WRECKING & CONST. CO. 19TH TO 20TH WASHINGTON ST. PORTLAND. Lumber "from hrine stand; "I50,000 feet 2x4. 2x0. 2x8. 2x10. -xl2 and 1x3 boards; 50.000 feet 0x6, lo to 24-foot lengths, from S15 M ud. All iiKe new No. 1; all nails pulled; about SO cords firewood at a bargain. To make room for big work. DOLON WRETKINO & CONST. CO. 19th to 20th, Portland, or. YOU BETTER RE, AD THIS. - FRESH COLUMBIA RIVER SALMON. ONLY 19C A LB. , WESTERN FISH COMPANY. 126 1ST. NEAR ALDER. MAR, 51SO. I have the following sets ot books for sale: T A hrn rv nf Vnlnahla K tirtwlpfieft. 25 volumes i i JviDlIntr V, leather. 10 vols u Pickens, 13 vols r 13 F. Marion Crawford. 25 vols $20 tJaii 3l East Flanders, nar wm. f?RWIVn VATVIIN'ES. 20 !ate (irnn-hcids. like new. Singers, whitps. Kutinnui Pntnrv Willamette. etc., $15 to $35. A large number ot gooa machines from $8 to $10. Machines rent ed, $3 per month. Singer store. Moose bldg., 103 4th st. Main 6833. SEWING machines, new and second-hand. soia lor ies; no agents employed; com plete line or parts lor an maKes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 9431. SEWING-MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 Third St., near Taylor. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new ana secorta-hand, -at right prices, oougiu, sold and exchanged. Easy terms if de sired. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO., 105 Second et. Main 2045. FOR SALE 20O feet of 2Vi-lnch mill hose. including couplings, and 15-inch brass nozzle. irt.T and 3o feet 2-inch wire lined suction hose, 40c per foot; also forge and anvil for 35. B. H. Moore, i Corbett bldg. USED electric vacuum cleaners in first- I fln(B niMihanlrol cnmMrinn H.t a OIK Sav ing: a few hand vacuum cleaners, each. SCOTT ELECTRIC CUA.M, 81F1 f th St. A I . l VT top fisruf r-unftt. ot hpr caaei. candy cases counter cases, wail case, ice uo. lectric soft drink mixer, corner case. large and small safes, stools, tables, gas range for restaurant purposes. cai- mon. t FOR SALE: Second-hand furnaces bought and sold; we install reasonably; rooi anu gutter renairinj?. Broadway 2S69. Auto Sheet Metal works, sole agents, mond self-regulating furnace. HoT-W ATF.H tnnkR AO-eAl.. S7: 40-Kal.. $0; tested and guaranteed; stove ayia in rnurp ru dob hMtpm lnblalled: ex pert plumbine. repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams sL E ast S516. LEAKY roof h ' Verv aseravatlnK Indeed, Why cot a permanent and comionaoit root? we repair, ruober bona ana reju- i venate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work j guaranteed. Phone Main 5560. I'OR SALE Th.w lectrlft washer, new model, with swinging- wringer; Just like r:tw. You will have to hurry it you get this, as I am making a quick move, $135 cash. Tabor 2119. 650 E. 60th st. IS. fiHKRHI ES FOR SALE. Bines. Lamberts. Roval Anne. 5c lb.. bring ba&kets. Woodcock Ranch, New Era; paved road from Portland. In- qulre at -store. SAFES New and second ha-nd: some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. easy terms if desired. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1906. 48 Front St. NEW folding kodak, anastigmat lens, post cara size, extra back lor nacK or piaies. fine case, films, plates, holders, etc., all new, value L0; will sell cheap. See it. te!9 Belmont. FOR SALE Second-hand furnaces bought and sold; we install reasonably. Root and gutter repairing. Alder Sheet Metal orKs, -Broadway 1:0.10, sole agents uia- monq belt-Regulating Furnaces. CURTISS AEROPLANE with - Canadian motor, completely overhauled, tested out, newly painted, in strictly first-class condition. $1750. 812 Board of Trade. TRAP DRUMS, alto horn, banjo. Pearl Queen concertina, red dining table, break fast table, bookcase, Edison phonograph I witn lou ree ds, sen or trade, woin. -ua. LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms lor o rooms cor u. au new material used. Work guaranteed to pass inspection. Woodlawn 31. TWO DICTAPHONE DICTATING- MA CHINES. PRACTICALLY NEW. BUEHNER LUMBER COMPANY. 1569 Y EON BLDG.. PORTLAND. OREGON. TWO SUITS sliehtly worn. Placed at Vic tor Tailors, 4t3 wasnington st. Any i reasonable offer will be accepted. No dealers. ELECTRIC FANS, drink mixers repaired; new, used, exchanged; motors rewaund l and repaired; wiring; supplies. Hynon Electric Co., 302 Pine. Broadway 4203. ELECTRIC IRONS, appliances, door-bells. vacuum cleaners reoairea: fixtures wired. We call and deliver. Woodlawn i 1259 or East 4045. USED electric washing machines; sorae bargains. SCOTT ELtAJlH UU.VirA.i I , 5th and Oak Sts. RELIABLE gas range with 4 burners and 3 ovens, in good condition; gooa vxiz Axminster rug, oak rocker, garden tools, 37 E. 83d North. 500 CORDS WOOD. $4 a cord; or hire hauled 240 rods, 80 cents; call o miles southeast Oregon City by Linn's mill. Chauncey Barney. ELECTRIC Singer sewing machine, elec tric cooker, b'ankets, new sneets, o-A Eastman kodak, guitar. Aptly 505 Ir ving st. FOR SALE Stove. A. B. combination range, 1 heater, 1 2-burner oil stove, line kitchen hoosier. All 99 per cent new. Phone Tabor 75. NEW "SINGERS," $5 down. $3 monthly. Exoert sewine machine repairing. MORRISON-STREET SINGER STORE. 382 Morrison. Marshall 724. 20-FOOT bar and back bar and some glasses, all In working order at Kenton Hotel. Kenton. Phone WooAia'wn 2915. Must be sold at once, cheap. CANDY KETTLE, lurnace, marble slab. I other eauioment. electric coffee mill. National cash register, candy Jars; act 1 quickly; very low price. 242 Salmon. ALL KINDS of second-hand lumber, ceil- in, rustic and framing lumber, fc. (tn and Hawthorne. East b479. See Mr. Whitlock. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Three tents, rifle, shotgun. Main 4495. Tabor 679S. 128 1st. CASH registers, show cases, scales, xoot I beer barrels, steam table and many other I fixtures. Call 113 2d st. FLOOR CASES, registers. Ice boxes, wall cases, number of other nxtures; terms if necessary. 242 Salmon. : 100 SUGAR SACKS. 100-lb. size, 10c each. 50 potato sacks, iw-iD. size, o eacn. 25th and Thurman sts. Marshall -485J. I EXPERT sewing machine repairing; all makes. Pay when satisliea. rnone fceu wood 1071. FOR SALE Second-hand doors, windows. brick and lumber. tu otn bt., near Caru-thers. FOR SALE ACTOMOBILKS. ONE 193S DODGE 5-pass. touring car. new top, good tires, guaranteed in first-class conditio!!, 9900. Montgomery oarage, 308 Front st. f 1918 490 CHEVROLET touring, good con dition, gaort tires; cannot duplicate this I lor $000. terms. aii Aicora, stetson or Grout. Broadway 240. OVERLAND car in good shape, extra good cord tires, price $525. $150 down, bau $10 tnontn, at ium r rancia avenue. 1917 FORD motor. replaced by starter type; excellent touuiuon; uu. Broad way 351. 1818 FORD touring, excellent condition: real snap t taken at once. Automatic irnft. KALE 1915 7-passenger Al condition: 1 need money; make offer! WILL sacrifice Mitchell Victory Six. with extras, driven less than 1 year In the city, by owner. Woodlawn 3S07. LATE model Standard make. In finest con dition for sale cheap; leaving city. Call Sellwood 909. FOR SALE Buick In good condition for cash. Call evenings after 5. 81 . ,34 St. N. WE PUT STEEL TEETH IN YOUR OLli FLYWHEEL. H. B. BLACK MACHIVB 6HOP. 534 ALDER ST. BDWY. 2"si. OVERLAND, two seats, suitable for bug or delivery, make me an offer. 1277 E. 10th st. North. NEW 1920 Liberty. $600 under regular price. Elite Garage, 12th and Jefferson Main 7304. FOR. SALE for cash, 191. Ford touring car" good condition,- good tires. SJ00 BF 720. Oregonian. BRAND NEW STEPHENS. 1 will save you some monev t , " will call Sell. 2923. BF 720. Oregonian essex roadster, 5-oversise cord tire? 1 perfect condition, must be sold Uvi week! J Tabor 72A. . FOR BALK AC'TOMOBILKS. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. REAL- USED CAR BARGAINS.' 1920 CHANDLER DISPATCH. Hkfl new, oversize cord tires, 1 brand new extra, bumper, motometer, Gabriel snubbers. perfect mechan ical condition ; guaranteed same as new car; price. $2000 1919 CHANDLER 7-pass., rebuilt throughout, newly painted, good tires with extra; we give new cr guarantee on this car ; price. . . . $1500 1918 CHANDLER CHUMMY, four pass, roadster, rebuilt through- out, oversize cord tires, nearly new, guaranteed same as new car; price $1500 191 S CHANDLER DISPATCH, new ly painted, first-class mechanical , condition, wire wheels, cord tires " with extra; guaranteed same as new car; price $1800 SPECIAL. 1918 CHANDLER CHUMMY, four- pass, roadster, good mechan leal condition, wire wheels, very good tires, with extra ; price $ 1275 1917 CHANDLER, 7-pass., fine me. chanical condition, wire wheels, cord tires, newlv nalnted: & real snap ; price $1000 2-PASS. SPORT ROADSTER, Wire wheels, cord tires, newly paint- . ed. perfect mechanical condition. a class job; price $1400 1917 VELIE, 5 -pass., good mechan ical condition, renaintea. xocd tires;.-price I 000 191 S OAKLAND. 5-pass.. good con- aiuon, excellent tires; price ouu 1918 HUDSON SUPER SIX, 7-pass. touring, overhauled ana in Al condition, cord tires with extra. .$1500 1918 OVERLAND 4-90-'Club Road ster, good mechanical condition, wire wheels, good tires, repaint ed, price 1 STT'TZ BEARCAT, first-class con dition $2250 SOME MORE GOOD BUYS. COME IN AND SEE THEM. These cars will all be found as repre sented and very reasonable terms can be arranged. 605 WASHINGTON STREET, 514 ALDER STREET. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP. Buy your used car from s. honse of stability where you are sure of a home for your car. We have been in business for the past 38 ears and our policy is to give our customers a square deal. WE OFFER HE.F! A FEW FOR YOUR. APPROVAL; 1916 OVERLAND. 5-pass.; 4-cyt 1915 MITCHELL, 5-pass. ; 4-cyl. 1916 MITCHELL, 7-pass. ; 6-cyl.; food condition, with cord tires. 1917 MITCHELL, 5-pass. ; 6-cyL 1918 MITCHELL. 7-pass.; 6-cyl. 10L MITCHELL, 7-pass.; 6-cyL 119 MITCHELL, 5-pass.; 6-cyL 1918 MITCHELL. 3-pnss.; 6-cyL 1918 WILLYS-KNIGHT, 7-pass.; 4-cyL Several others to select. We overhaul end repaint our oars when they need It and you can depend upon whatever we tell you regarding them. NO BROKERAGE CHARGES. WE CARRY ALL OV OUR OWN PAPER. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO., Broadway at Everett. Phone Broadway 4675. USED CHEVROLETS. SERVICE RELIABILITY REPUTATION. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., CHEVROLET AGENTS. 14TH AND ALDER STS. BDWY. 240. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE, WE FURNISH THE MONEY OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 20o SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. VELIE. 1920, BRAND NEW, NEVER BEEN DELIVERED. MUST HAVE CASH. WILL SELL FOR $1985 AND DELIVER. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 1503, TACOMA, WAonl.MjiUi, NOTICE TO TRUCK DRIVERS! The following trucks we are closing out this week. These were trucks taken in on new ones. Put In first-class con dition and are priced to sell quick, with terms: 1 -ton Fulton, 2-ton Reo, 1-ton Chevrolet, 3 Vj -ton Indiana. PEPP MOTOR CAR CO.. 84 BRO'DWAY. 1919 HOT SPOT CHALMERS. A CAR THAT WILL GIVE YOU A WORLD OF SERVICE AND CANNOT BE TOLD FROM A NEW CAR: HAS BEEN DRIVEN PRIVATELY AND IS IN TIP-TOP SHAPE: THIS CAR MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. CALL EAST 3075. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. 1920. A FINE CAR AT RIGHT PRICE: ALL CORD TIRES AND AN EXTRA: CAN GIVE 90 DAYS' SERVICE AND REPLACEMENTS SAME AS FACTORY GIVES ON NEW CAR, CALL BROAD WAY 4625. 1920 HUDSON TOURING. RUN 8000 MILES: 5 CORD TIRES. REFINISHED AND FIRST-CLASS CON DITION ; BA RG AIN 1 F TAK EN AT ONCE; GABRIEL SNUBBERS. TWO SPRING BUMPERS. SPOTLIGHT. CALL EAST 3075. ONLY $950 FOR 3919 CAR. Oakland touring, good as new ; extra equipment; good terms. See owner, Tcb betts, Ladd & Til ton bank. FORD touring, in excellent condition throughout, shock absorbers, speedometer, trunk rack, practically all new tires and one brand new extra, has full set of tools. A real snap. Cheap for cash. 310 East 9th st. LATEST 1917 Velie: 5 oversize cord ires, new paint, full leather upholstering. Continental Red Seal motor. Remy igni tion, Tlmken axles and bearings; price $900; easy terms. 588 East 59th st. N. Tabor b04o. 1919 ESSEX TOURING. $1550 CASH OR TERMS WILL BUT THIS DANDY LITTLE CAR WITH 4 BRAND NEW TIRES: 90 DAYS SERV ICE AND GUARANTEE. CALL MAIN bub. ; HAtNES -paas. model ..6; new paint, new top. t frood tirctf. ttpotligtit. genuine leatner upnoi.lertng; in nne tsnape; mo tor and rear end overhauled: Sl-OU; easy terms. W. Hogberg. 11:: N. ltith. Call between 4 ana 5 f. at. PACKARD 1917 7-paaa.. being completely overnauiea; can o seen now in snop. Will paint to suit purchaser. Guarantee and service given same as new car. Reasonably priced with good terms. PEPP MOTOR CAR CO.. 84 BRO'DWAY. OVE RLAND FOUR. 1920. Driven .less than 30(10 miles. Price $950. EASY TERMS. P. H. DUN. phone Sellwood 1393. CHANDLER chummy, fine condition finished and overhauled, $1341): terms. Will teke a small car In trade. Jlr Arfo, Broadway 381. 1917 FORD TOURING CAR. Completely overhauled. looks and runs like new; absolutely guaranteed. 210 Jefferson st. FORD 1917 touring, guaranteed like new: good tires, extras: haven t room for two cars: $4uO. and a bargain: write owner. Box s& tjornenus. or. DODGE touring car. real buy. in excellent condition, all good tires, spotlight, bumn er. other extras. 1919 model; run only 704M miles. wooaiawn iJt. LATE 1917 BUICK. light six, S ; will demonstrate meciianicany with any Buick in Portland. Price $1000 for quick sale; terms. ir. Argo, fjroaqway 3231. 1919 MAXWELL touring: this car is in good condition; $.0. Columbia Auto Sales Co., 345 Union ave. East 53. MUST be sold; Oldsmobile. 1918. best of condition-. 3 spare Urea. Phone ifeiA FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. AT THR COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY PLANT. Have you that little car 1 was looking at yesterday? I think so; see !f this Is not the one. Yes. it is; I'm going to take it now and I want to tell you something. I not only believe you have the finest stock of used cars In the city to select from, but I am convinced that your cars offer by far the greatest value pos sible for the money. I have found out In one or two of my recent exoerienres how easy it Is to spend a hundred or two dollars to put a car In shape after I had thought I made a good buy. pos sibly at $50 to $75 under what some other fellow was asking. I have learned that you cannot nut thes-e cars In as fine condition as thev are in without spending a lot of monev on each car. and I more than ever ap preciate your iolicy in doinc so. I find your prices, however. Just as low and even lower than are being asked else where, many of whom have done .lust as little as possible to the car. instead oi everything that is necessary. When you are buvine a used ear vou are most interested in the mechanical condition of the car. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS. 1918 Touring 1917 Touring 191 Touring 3916 Roadster 3919 Chassis $ 975 750 750 850 Truck, 2 ton, new attachment. Cad- mac motor, a dandy, only 3914 OVERLAND 3917 MAXWELL, delivery... 1918 CHEVROLET touring. 1400 350 450 good tires 1920 FORD sedan, practically new. wire wheels, extra tire, and other accessories, cost over $ 13O0. for sale by owner 3918 FORD sedan, electric starter. C25 lion 775 850 425 J'Jio ORD roadster, good shape. . 3917 FORD touring 1918 OVERLAND VQ. a remarkable buy 1920 MAXWELL touring, just like new. big Hnap 3917 MAXWELL touring 1917 REO roadster, good shape... 1914 REO touring 1910 FIERCE-ARROW, would make a wonderful bug , 1912 CADILLAC, good iwrviee car. 1916 BUICK touring, rebuilt 191 5 CHANDLER taurine- 700 8 4 soo 500 4O0 4D0 1O50 1400 1920 CHANDLER DISPATCH, wire wheels, nearly new 2350 jitui colk 8, a beauty 1916 HUDSON 6. 5 wire wheels, 1100 cord tires, new paint 650 191 STUDEBAKER 0, good shape. new top. new paint - 1000 1919 PEERLESS. 4-passenger. a beauty 2300 ,1919 HAYNES 6 touring. In perfect shape. & beautiful car and priced. at only 1500 CADILLACS. i ne greatest care has been taken to proQuce ttie utmost In quality, service. appearance and value, where our usfd Cadillacs are concerned. If you would like a heavier car than the one you are driving, possibly we can arrance to accept it as part payment on one of luese excellent Cadillacs. We Are Open Sundav. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. W asnington St. at 21st. Main 0244. . - G. C. BLEASDALE. Terms No Brokerage. All standard makes. Call and look them over and get our proposition: Make I juur own terms. FORD bug S 37 FORD touring $ 47 PAIGE, 0 cylinder, 7 passenger.... 4." MAXWELL touring $ 5m) MAXWELL roadster $ 050 CHEVROLET. 118 $ 050 MLiLK Light 4 Delivery $ Al A X WELL. l'.HS 0.-,u OVERLAND. Model 90 $ 050 OVERLAND, 85-4 t 70 OVERLAND, 7 passenger $ S5o OVERLAND Light 0 $ S50 CHALMERS Light 6 $ 050 BUICK Light 0 $ you OL.iis Light Six. 118 1. REO. 7 passenger $ll".0 COLE. 8 cylinder. 7 passenger ....$1250 CHALMERS. Light 0 $1750 vTHK CAltS TO CHOOSE FROM T E R M S N O BROKER AG E. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EYENlNGrf. C. G. BLEASDALE. 530 Alder st. Broadway 3 852. USED FORD BARGAINS. 1916 DELIVERY $750 iyi7 DELIVERY 2S5 3918 WORM TRUCK CHASSIS... 475 3013 ROADSTER 450 1!U9 ROADSTER 4!)5 3013 CHASSIS. BOSCH MAG 175 3010 TOURING 205 3015 TOURING ;;50 1017 TOURING ;J75 1U1S TOURING !t5 1939 TOURING 525 Many other bargains to select from. Easy Terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Used Fords Exclusively. Grand ave. and E. Yarnhiil st. Open Evenings. P1ERCE-ARROW. 1917, 5-pass., completely overhauled and painted. Many extras. Guaranteed and service given. Priced at a sacrifice. Will take small car in as part payment. Terms on balance. Act QUICK. REPP MOTOR CAR CO.. 84 BRO'DWAY. HUDSON SUPER-SIX. WILL SACRIFICE OR WILL TAKE SMALLER CAR AS FART PAYMENT; THIS CAR IS IN FIRST-CLASS CON DITION AND IS A REAL BARGAIN. CALL EAST 7338. TERMS IF DE- SlKfciD, KING SEDAN, 7-pass. Looks and runs like ntw, as has jut been pamt-d and over hauled. Will make wonderful for hire or funeral service car. Priced to be with in reach oi the man with, small capital, with long, easy terms. PEPP MOTOR CAR CO.. 84 BRO'DWAY. 1920 MAXWELL TOURING. A BARGAIN IN AN UP-TO-DATE LITTLE CAR: RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE MSWi A KH.A1-. BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE. CALL BROAD- W'AY 4825. DODGE TOURING, 1917; Just overhauled. Three brand new tires; one extra tire. winasnieia wings, spot ngnt; other ex tras. $700, terms. Hurry, as this will sro auick. PEPP MOTOR CAR CO., 84 BRO'DWAY. FIVE-PASSENGER 1918 Chevrolet. Car thoroughly overhauled; new parts; fine condition. Cash or terms. Have new Dodge car. Ask for "Doc's" car. East Mxtn and Burnwide sts AN OPPORTUNITY to buy oldsmobile like this one comes but seldom. A light six in wonderful shape, and the price Is truly surpris ing, ynone nronaugn, uawy. (ilti. 1UKD Dug. a aeslgn. not a rreak; exam ine others, they try to compare racing gears; name your Bpeed. $200, extra equipment. .Engine guaranteed. East 4TH1I. 19li tHt-vKULtl in dandy mechan ical condition, has a brand new storage battery: a bargain. Call ownr. Tabor 10 or Mr. Knox. Broadway 1130 during1 weeK. WANTED 1819 Dodge roadster in good condition in exchange for Rose City corner lot. value tiutiu. 'litle Insurance. See Farrington. o'lli DeKum lildg. NEW HUDSON. 1920, Immediate delivery. or t passenger, consider traae on small car or truck. Phone 1200 Main. Hart. 2cs lain st. 1919 FORD roadster In A-l shape. Good tires; looks and runs like new. $475 cash. Call Main 6304 or apt. 10 at 4U7 Hall st. BABY Saxon 4 for sale or trade on Ford touring; new tires, new tan top and un- holstery. 32 miles to gallon, $350 cash. Owner. Grana ave N. FOR SALE Chevrolet. 490 model: best huv in town: 1919 model: eouiuned witn extras, original tires: $700. Phone 4S0 or 5Q6. Vancouver. Wash. STUDEBAKER. 7-pass.. 91S; A-l condi tion: will mane a gooa ior nire or la llv car. Easy terms given. PEPP MOTOR CAR CO.. 84 BRO'DWAY. OAKLAND SIX. Have no use for same; will sell this car; no reasonable offer refused. SEE MANAGER. 3I5 OAK ST. HERE Is one extra special looks and runs like new: baby Buick. 1918 roadster only $700, $500 cash. Cail at 488 Mar ket St. LATE 1919 Chevrolet touring, in fine con dition, new tires all around: this car i9 a good buy. Call Irvine. Tabor 5S68 or Bdwy. 240. - FOR SALE Pierce Arrow 5 - passenger touring. Model 1911. 36 H. P. Good condition. Phone owner. Main 3067. DODGE NEW. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. CALL AFTER P. M. 671 RODNEY AVE. PHONE EAST 4144. REO touring, good niech. cond., $300 cash. also Chev.. late 1919. $675 terms. Must be sold at once. Box AJ 820. Oregonian. SIX-CYLINDER roadster, run less than 4000 miles; fine shape. $900. Phone owner, East ooOO. GOOD used Saxon for sale cheap. $250 down, balance on easy terms. Phone E. 8774. Address 452 E. Taylor. THOROUGHBRED NEW ZEALAND RAB BITS. ALL SIZES. CHEAP. TABOR 6940. FOR SALE 2-cylinder Maxwell roadster. $100. tools. linn cast .Mam St. 1920 FORD coupe, run 1500 miles; perfect shape. Call j-tobinson, fcn8t "Ii;. - STUDEBAKER 4 for sale very reasona able. Call Tabor 6OS0. Lenta. HUPMOBILE. by owner. No reasonable offer retusea. Bast ri:i. . 1918 FORD touring. A-l condition, $4.00. oliuuDia auu oaiu -wo. juntiL 0 J. I "OR N L AUTOMOBILE. BIG CUT PRICE SALE. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CO. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Main 7&0. 56-00 N. 23d St. We are golnr to of this splen did stock of cood used cars at the very earliest possible moment, as we must make room for more trades on our new cars, which ate com in it fast- Each of these t ;irs has been put in the I very finest condition, both mechanically and as to BDDcarancp. Here are a few of them, listed for your consideration : Maxwell touring, 1917 475 Maxwell touring. l;HH 550 Maxwell roadster. 111S 7 Overland, litis touring, model 90., 750 Overland, 191S. touring 6, mod. 5. Sio Overland. 1010, touring, model 75.. 475 Overland, 1910, touring, model 83. 400 Bulck. 1918. tourinu. 5 cord tires. . new naint 1450 Studebaker, 1917, 4-cyL touring.... 500 Studebaker. 191S. 6-cyL. touring... 10 Hi Mitchell. 1917. touring, 6-cyl 950 Reo. 191$, 6-cyl. touring lOOrt Oldsmobile, 191 H, 8-cyl. touring.... 1250 Paitre. litis. 7-oass. tourinn. VeUe, 3'J17, 5-pass. touring ........ P00 Velie, 1019. 5-pass. touring 1400 Ford roadster. 1917 450 Saxon, 1917. 5-pass. touring 700 Buy your car from a responsible dealer if you expect to get your money's worth. Each car sold ou easy terms and fully guaranteed. FORD OWNERS. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motors overhauled 520 Rear axle overhauled 6 valves eround. carbon removed Magneto recharged 6 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings. etc., w iiich :i:sures a perfect-running i motor. Genuine t ord parts only u&ed. AU wora gUHranteeil. THE REASON the Ford engine starts hard and tha llchts are dim is because the MAG NETO is wean. Have it RECHARGED by EXPERTS. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. 210-212 Jeiferton. Main 7644. ' ESSEX SEDAN, refinished like new, tires good, car mechan ical ly perfect, orinmal price $"y5t. will sell for $lino. will Kio 10 months' time. If interested call East 0o63. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories. ' tires, tubes. Ford parts. light Ktooea. etc. : aiso do towing. Open day ana night. LU.9 & fislLVA. Phone East 0iiU. 402 Hawthorne. NEW OVERLAND!. Immediate delivery. Personal service. Liberal Allowances for your Ford, Chtv. or Overland. BUY FROM P. H. DUNN At btc own saies and service station. Cor. Milwnukie ave. anu Hybee. Phone Sellwood 1393. A SNAP! New Crow-Elkhart. 4-cylindcr; regular price SI595. for L'...U. ' one crow-KiKhart. ts-cyiinaer. i-paw. Sedan, run 1 Ono miles, . cord tires; retrular trice S2075. for S21i.. Address 617 Main St.. Oregon City, Or. Phone 107. ly20 Oakland touring, nearly new; only driven 55u0 miles; runs like a watcn; ennd tires, extra tire and bumper; cir- rnmutAncpj force me to sell: $1100. Phono owner, 319-84. Call at 271 Fargo street. i vonn sF.DAN' Latest model starter, de mountable rims, car is sugnt.y usea. i am ip.ivimr citv. must sell at once. Call week davs Bdwv. 1572, evenings aud Sunday Tabor 8100. FOR HIRE DRIVERS. TAKK -NUTirK! WUlvs-Knignt. i.'n, over hauled and painted. Guaranteed and service given. Will sell cheap and give t..rm a ttt r;Tinnsihl nartv. PEPP MOTOR CAR CO.. E4 BRO'DWAY. 1920 CASE six. 5-pas., factory equippeo; nov-fir hpn used : regular price . iou. owner leaving town and and w ill sacri fice for $27t)0: will give terms. Can be seen at the Fieldhouse Motor Co.. SL Helens, Or. FOKD BUi Exclusive boav design, Demt Hms, shock aba., spotlight, storage battory. price onlv $150. Terms $150 down, baL $3o per raontn. P. H. DUNN, phone Sellwood 3 303. CADILLAC 7-PASS ENGER CAR. type 57. 1f norfppt cona mon. useu ouiy u in -ac iHont nr u t(A cnlleee. may be seen mt Reed college. Telephone Sellwood 2436. Price, with six cord tires and all extras. S3300. r R SALE AUTOMOBILE Studebaker. six cylinder, 191S model, no u.mrrr new Iv oai n ted. new ton. eood condition; $900. Phone Tabor 2 4 ii : vluh TnnRI't. 1920. good condition: ncfliinieier. r -eeriest i cvji , ouv n. absorbers, all 3ux3 Yj tirew; other parts; leaving state. W. C. CURRY, Black- stone Hotel. STUDEBAKER, 1920, 5-pass.; driven only few thousana mnes: ?xLra. luc, luua looks like new. rnwi iur nui u iti trTnt tiuaranteed. PEPP MOTOR CAR CO.. 84 BRO'DWAY. lull BUICK, 7-pass.. just IiKe new. wun cord tires: over uu unn oi cau, ,-f onlv used S months by private owner; sacritice at $1850. with terms to respon sible party. Woodlawn -in. BONA FIDE SACRIFICE- -S9M0. T ntt model Oldsmobile. 4 passenger, special painting and equipment : right mechanically; easily worth $1.00. see private owner. -"9 Tenth. TOWING DAY AND NlO-nT. TABOR 72.4. rr Xr L. REPAIR SHOP. rrneral motor car repairing; brakes our specialty. 124S E. Morrison. tAii'W. Ti IT RING. 1119. Like new", Looks and runa like wie u.iy n -" xti.iu cal will uauuiv, -tmuiue PKPP' MOTOR CAR CO.. S4 BRO PWAT. llfl FORD trff.. demountable, absorbers. tai'ns. spare tiff, rim and carrier, $325. 30S East salinom Tji-ictr 1019: first-class condition through out Will take .man tdi m u.ue. XMLl- PEPP MOTOR CAR CO.. 84 BRO'DWAY. MiiTORS. geiirs. bearings, wbeela. axlea. We WreCK all luaiYTra .) i lii 11 11 11 Bt'.j their parts at half price. David Hodej Auto Wrecking Dept., 105-7 N. 11th st. Big block. USED CARS Prices right No Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. CHEVROLET touring car, fully equipped. in tlisi-tiaaa . . ...... ..... .iw.. $750 cash. I5hoao frell. o27. tK10:i 52d si. . K. ,...,) plGB-I.ARCHMON'T port luoci 1. 'run only 1450 miles; ilo-l in txtrae; will sacrifice fcr $7oo le than new price. Mr Argo, Broadway 32S1. 11U DODGE delivery. A-l snape, 5950: will take ruiu. - - ... ..vw. 1HIH2. FORL, Juat overnauieu. iooks ana runs hi" ",T"- .v. -.-. 1Q7H East 32d North. HAVE TWO GRANT Sl.V CARS; inuit soli one- fine condition throughout. $650; will" consider terms. Tabor 440. 1U14 MAXVVfc.1.1' louuiiK, .-i conuition. new tires, iois ul u, uaut;. Woodlawn 401)2. FuRI TOURING, in first-class condition; Ennil tires Nortvt 1 1 -ii i- I i -,oo LOC OMOB1LK 1 I mechanlcal condition. -ton Call truck. A-l Aut. 26111, - I then DODGE ROADSTER, late in. compieteana has tne pep. v"- , Kar'.eich. Marshall 220O. 1915 FORD touring, rear coras, spot, bat- terV abSOroers, najiitiu - " ' " " i el J , $4ii"o". 452 burnside. mi? nrll-K roadster, just lik new. Dandy tires, run ii.uw i""", "j. 'i Private. PASSENGER Studebak Al shape: $125. 414 Gl SWELL bug for sale. $150 if taken today. 43 1st st. FORD ROADSTER, jjeeda no repairs; $325. 42 FOR ALK Hudson Super Six. 1920 mod el, run 2000 ml. 269 1st st. TO TRADE, good Ford delivery body for touring Jud. 2'i3, Oregonian. t-V.RD BUG. complete. See Bruce at Ford Agency. 6th and Madison. rTTiRD 30, 5-pass. pnaeton body. GOOU COHU 11 ' ' "- I TkW AUTOMOBILE Never bee rost tl7ll: sell for $1400. 88 22d Never been run; t. N. $9ou: ej ...-j. ---- 1617 FORD BlAitnunjeji quicaiy. . Jiake me an onei. . FOR S4.LE or traile. Chalmers roadster. Call evenings. 8912 6th ave. S. E. J1H FORD COUPE Good tirs, good shape; bargain. E. Hawes. E. 244. 1915 FORD chassis, snlendid motor, good tires. 1J-Q license. muauwai ijl. SALE or exenange ior uig corses. 1914 Hupmouiie. o r'""-. I -wTnTON SIN, cord tires. $750. M 3579. I , ; i nnrr.K rteliverv for sa:e. ool First sttrppr 1 3 r - u. xww. v mu, -,a nsn. FOR SAT.K ArTOMOBIlES. FACTS WORTH KNOWING. The cars vou read about tn this ad are overhauled or rebuil U and we sti.l insist mat we are about Jo per cent lower than the same cars are selUns for on the market. Look these over. 1-ord tourinc, runs perfectly Ford touring, newly painted, extras 4-5 Ford touring, ls. .just, overhauled.. 44)0 Ford 1119 light delivery, just new.. 45 Ford liir'it delivery, a fine buy. .. . 250 Ford l:'0 one-ton truk. worm drive Oa'iI J-ord I'.tlS bu;f. a Pulling fool oO 19 1 S Chevrolet touring. 95 per cent new 6X0 Chalmers Master six. new battery. new carburetor, runs just perfect oOO Model X Hup. rebuilt and newly painted OOO D-15 Huick six, rebuilt throughout ItoO Several Other Goo luj. Your Cretin is iwo CONLKV S VSED-CAR C iTN 1 ER. Our New Location: 51 1 BurrsiUo St.. between Fourteenth and Fifteenth. Phone Lroadway 1424. HTTDSON ST'EEDSTTTR. Hudson 4-passenger sport model has been leCt with me for a quiclc sale. This car is mechanically perfect, has six tires and tire car rier in the rer. Will give same service and replacement as if it was a new car. Will paint color desired and give reasonable trms. If interested call Jack Herzinger, Hudson salesman, EaJt 663. $1900. FORD nWN'ERl FORD overhauled t2 Rear exl overhauled 6 Valves eround. carbon removea. .... Magneto rec harped We hand-lao pistons, scrape ss. etc.. which insures a pericct running, motor. Lie nu i ne Ford parts only used. AH work puaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO. 2M Front st., corner Jefferson. WILL ACCEPT ON E-YEAR LEASE on five or six-room modem house in rooi location as first payment on standard make touring car, always used privately ant I in first-class condition. Give phone number and location of house in answer ing. AE 435, Lregonian. I FOR SALE Chalmers . new tires, two snares new oversize i-restoiite Dattery. lots oi extras; a bargain. Owner lt:av Ing town. Call at 22S Harrison st. OVERLAND NINETY. In fine sha pe and well painted. P RIO E V ' 5. EASY TEH M S. T. H. DUNN, phone Sellwood lo3. litis PAIGE light six. a fine car for 91550; terms ; run very nitie ana nsjs ooen rc lmtehed and thoroughly overhauled, Mr. Aigo. Broadway 32S1. FOR SALE 101$ Dodge touring, car. ex cellent conuition. learner lop, p:ate glass in rear, original enamel ; $U50 cash. Phone E. 0:154. Automobiles Wanted. CASH FOR CARS. I will pay cash in hand for some light late model touring cars or road sters; bring your cars to me; I will not ask you to leave them to sell as I do not handle commission cars, but will pay cash. 5u5 Alder st. Red Front 1'st d Car Co. . WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE VSED CAR EXCHANGE. 127 Lown.sda.le st, S. W. corner 15th and Washington. CASH FOR YOUR FORDS. 530 ALDER, BROADWAY 1S52. WE WANT CARS. Customer on our lists for all makes of cars ana can mait that car mean money to you. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO., 531 Alder st. Broadway 2411. WILL take automobile up to $2000 on taae of attractive O-room hjuse, nortneast corner 29th and Weiiiler Sts. Price $a0uo, balance mortgage- and Installments. E 227. Oregonian. WANT light 5-pas.snger machine as part payment on nw, moaern. --room uun galow. Rose City, worth $5000. Will take it- .vs. Broadway 190S. CASH for real bargain in Hiiia.ll touring1 cur, good mechanical conuition. ciai year, make, price. Not a dealer. D 253, Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE as first payment on a haine. auto must bo & meaium-weisni car and in first-class condition. BJ b41, O re g onian. HAVE GOOD Ford delivery body to ex change for roaosier ooay. ir , o-, ure- goni;in. MAXWELL touriug body, 1917 or rO model. Jas G. Greene, xiou wiuamccte boulevard FOKD heavy delivery body lor sale or for roadster tuay. loo iame. ow Eat oTth st. 1 WANT the best light car that o00 to 0u0 will buy. 1'Uouo liaiey, isroaawty 41 7S. No aaents. t WANTED One 5-ton logging trailer, must be In good conaition ana easy terms, 279, Oregonian. 4 0 CONTRACT, payable $20 monthly, 325 Railway Exchange trade tor r ora. bldg. WE ARE in the market for used cars. Urlve them in and walK away witn ma money. Pacific Auto Co., 523 Aldrt- LUTO up to $1000 as part payment 10-acre ranch. 5 acres bearing orchard; $2700; owner. L OOP. Oregonian. WANT to buy old cars, any size or any condition. Call Vancouver xw -w Gore. WNTED To buy one or two second-hand iJf ln good condition. 7 Washington st.. Vancouver. Wa3fh. WNTED Ford roadster; must be reason- Main I2.. WANT LITTLE PACKARD IS. Jr-none Broadway 3-ri. WANT to buy from owner mediiim-Tncea used car; no aal-ers. auiq. oi .-t j. Motorcycle. SACRIFICE . ISMS H.trley-Davldmn. elec trically e lUippea; caan $--o. -uuu oci. 2V0, or 7 7 '. ". FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 2U4-2II0 3D ST. MAIN 230. 191 3 DAYTON motorcycle. $40, if taken at once. 12119 KcCy. Mar. 40Q5. Auto Tiren and Acceiurie. 1 HODGE 5-passenger. 1910. in A-i -o""r dition; just put 2iiu on n cash. No trade. Marshall 29aJ. Jb" Cable st. BARGAINS in NEW and used tires ana tubes while they last; special u.ys... on a Miller cord. "3x4!i rib tread. ol Union avenue North. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS FOR 111 RE, w ith or without driv ers. Dav or night service. COUCH. MAN GAJiAGE. 19th and Couch. Remember our number. Broadway 369-t. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS OVERLAND. HUDSON- LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BROADWAY 2408. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1020 models, reasonable rtst 132 12th st., between Washington ant Alder. Bdwy. 840. NEW CARS FOR RENT. WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITHS. THIRD AND GL1SAN STS. 2629. BROADWAY 2629. jiLTHCiP BENNETT. CARS FOR Minis " WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, THIRD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRr,. I,. 1 SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 232. I11TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236. HIGHWAY auto service. Bdwy. 334. Main 224. Pierce-Arrows, Packards, W intona. Cars by hour, day, month. CARS for hire without drivers at Long Silva. 462 Hawthorne. Phone East 6a4Q. 19-MI 5 PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE, WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 3547. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. FOR S1LE Case steam tractor, 13 H. P.; one Perkins shinglo mill; hay baler Svnd engine Bans piow with eight fourteeu inch bottoms: will sell very reasonable, with easv terms on good security. Call on or address owner, G. A. Volet, Junc tion City. Or. TRUCK KNAP. 3'A-ton Mack on steady job at $5 per hour", one-third cali. balance easy terms. eB 7j. A. SMITH, Oregon City. Or. 1-TON FEDERAL. In good shape, runs and pulls fine, easy terms with very small payment down. Palace Garage, 12lh and Stark. Bdwy. 1572. A TRUCK BARGAIN. 2-ton Garford truck on good Job $30 per dav: $750 will handle. BEATI E-SM ITII TRUCK CO. Oregon City. Or. FORCED TO SELL 2-TON TRUCK. ALL EQUIPPED FOR USE AS MOVING OR FURNISHING VAN: WILL SELL CHEAP. AR S27. OREGONIAN. FOR SALE or trade, a 2-ton truck, in good shape. Phone Tabor 4780. Address cor 44th ave. at 72d st. 3-TON White truck, just overhauled, flna condition: very cheap. Broadway 181. ON E-TON truck for sale cheap. Will demonstrate. Call at 745 Milwaukie st. KKO speed waon. practically new. B. 5 1 25. QQ5 Wash st. ONE TON Pierce-Arrow delivery Xor als or trade, f un Eait, f