THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1920 Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business Cirms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian. Main 7070 or A 6095, House 2D. ACCOOTAST9. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, au ditor, accounting system opened, main tained; income tax service; references. 'oneord bldg.. 2d and Stark. Main 7443. A iTt era tioxs. LADIES' t KUar. I. Unrlnit. Perfect fitting: work Reubin. 4 OS Bush Sc Lane bide. AwAVKKH AM) ANALYSTS. MONTANA' ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second 'Sold, sliver and platinum bought. ALTOS FOlt H IRK. AUTOS FOlt HIRE. J01S Plerce-Arrow by hour, oay or month; long trips a specialty. Jock Houston. Broadway D?,4. Main 7:i50. BATHS. DR. McMAHON'S sanitary baths. Always ready. Utam showers, plunges, tubs. Necessaries furnlBhed. Rubdowns and manage when desired. Service and prices cannot be beat. & W. cor. 4tn and Wash. Tell your friends. CH I HOPRACTIC. steam baths and mas Ma r- Siifte. loth floor Broadway oiur. shall 31ft7. Lr. Laura K. Downing. ( AHPENTKM AM CONTRACTORS. PADDCMTCD GENERAL. CONTRACT UMnrUllCn lng. Jobbing. Tabor 9049. CAKl'KT WKAVINO. f LUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag rugs all sixes Mull orders prompt. Send for Booklet. 9x12 rug stenm or dry cleaned, tl.oO. FLl-FF Bffi CO.. R4-.1H I'nlon N. E. Br.18. K. 7B'S. B 14 1 5. CAKl'KT fl.KAMXG. CARPET CLEANIKO. FLITFF OR RAG RCOS. WOVEN ALL SIZES. WRITE OR CALL PORTLAND RUG CO. CKI.I.M.OII) BUTTONS. THK 1RW1X-HODSON COMPANT SS7 Washington. Broadway 4!U. A 1254. CF.MKNT WORK. PKWER connections, septic tanks, cess pools, houses raised, cement work, m cavatlng. Tabor SOPS. rrrT UHBT Come to- Dr- Gartner, foot tlCkl nUvl I specialist; corns, bunions, foot arches made to orrter. iUl Swetland building. 5th nnrt Washington. Main 10M. O. O. FLETCHER, aseptic chiropo dist, graduate nurse assistant: all mal formations of the foot scientifically cor rected. Suite 512 Morgan bldg. Main 8762. CHIROPOlTisTS AKCH 8VKCI Al.ISTS. WILLIAM, Estelle and Florello De Veney. the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists in the city. Parlors 302 Ger llncer bldg., H. W. cor. id and Alder. Phone M h In 1301. CHIROPODIST. IR. B. l.oriSB COX. chiropodist. 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. 438 Morgan Bldg. Main 44H. ' 4 IIIROPRACTOR. I00.O0O KNOW Mc.Vlalion. 100 Chiroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment best. " CHIMNEY SWEKI'S. BISHOP. CHIMNEY 8WF.KP. Furnace smokes through registers, needs repairing or cleaning? Tabor COLLECTIONS. NBTH CO., Worcester bldg. Main 17IW1. No collections, no charge. Estab. l!on. DENTISTIIV. nrilTIPTpY DR. A. W. KKKNK, 35Vw ULllllJlnl WaKhinftton st. Without rin. I.afe perve-blocking method. DANCING. JM a first-class oriental dancer with rood wardrobe: am ready all times to dance for clubs, smokers, lodges and private entertainments; also irive lessons in ori ental dancing. Call Miss Grace Allen. room 408 Willard. Hotel, between . 2-4 ,iul T-H. Jb'krKEI.EY dancing academy: private len ; day-evening; latest steps. Jazx steps taugni oy Dcst protesslonal teachers Mr. & Mrs. Summers, 120 4th. Main 3:'.! 8. faRK. BATH, 50S Dekum lessons day and evening. bldjr. Private Main i::4,. 1HG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. 41T, Kast 7th. cor. Grant. East 1847 and ii-tj. uogs ana horses clipped. WHOLESALERS AND AMI MH.I, SrPPMKS. THK M. U Kf.lNB CO.. S-S-87-K From. GKATN MKHTnANTS. PACIFIC tiKAl.N C'f.. Board of Tra1e hldK. HATS ANI CAPS. THANH AUHKR HAT CO.. 5:)-5.-i Front St. PAINTS, Olt.S A NO ;i.ASS. P. FL't.t.KR CO.. Front and Morrison KAfMUrirX &. CO.. ti?cond and Taylor. M!W TOD AT. WHOLESALE GROCERY FIRM wants experienced super intendent, capable of han dling porters and taking charge of warehouse. - D 928, Oregonian Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver.) Old K tip; and Woolen Clothintr. We Mnke Reversible. Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Koom-SIze fluff Run Woven. C17.50 Raar Rues Woven Alt Sizes. Clothes rieaninsr and I.velns: DeDts. Mail Orders Send for UookleU Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 9x13 Kncs. Steam Cleaned. fl.SO. WESTKRN FLUFF RUO CO 64 t'nion Ave. '. rbones. East 6518 and But 7633. FOR RENT FIRST FLOOR, 23x100 and BASEMENT 25x90 CONCRETE FIREPROOF BUILDING NEW Ready Sept. 1 For Lease, Apply 440 GLISAN ST., COR. 11TH Mortgage Loans Lowrst Interest rates I Installment re payment. If desired. Bnlldlns; loans made. o delay in closing;. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217- !19 A orth western flank Bnildlnz. Mar. nail 4114. Wanted, Weavers For day and night work on high grade flannels and blankets. Eureka Woolen Mills Eureka. California. Edward E.Goudey Co. MOItTGAGE LOAN'S Caited States Bank UoUdlaa. F.LKCTRICAL REPAIRING. H. II. H. ELECTRIC CO., 34 N. Flrst.Tortland, Or. Re winding and electrical repair ing a specialty. New or used motors. Bdwy. 1045, A 1046. and niuiuno ncnuunu Repaired Bought and Sold. NICHOLS JSLKCTRIO wuiv.o. M. 71. fliona 6i!i-ai. za: HARDWOOD TLOORIXtj. tEB Heckley lor hardwood floors and re- finlshing. Tabor 41)o4. HEMSTITCHING. a irr-UOTITrUIXU Hh0D superior workT'prompt service. Room 18 1 Oregon Kilers bldg.7 28T'i Washington st. OPTOMETRISTS A NDJIIiL .. r . cui-a T A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou sands of satisfied customers. A will convince J"". -aries t , man, outomeirist,i:ui'iio" c "" " rtir SCIENTIFICALLY TEST S with modern Instrument. "ir Classes fitted, .50 uP-.,, ... , UIIULVIT'. I MlLOIIietrlSl, --O 1" Bl- GoMG KUBEN3T1S1N. tlie veteran op tician, la an txpert e e "t",? .."1B charges are very reasonable; satis iloa guaranteed. 1!2 Morrison St.. near ia. PAINTING. PAINTING, DECORATING, SIGNS CI M IN 1 NO ; B ao'x W ORM.. TAiJ GAL- PAINTING A N DJAFEBHAXOlXft pTlNTiyarpaperbanglng. John C;.Cm llxk. 133 loth st. N. Broadway .04 o. PAINTING. PAPERING AND TINTING. 1-AlNTlNG. papering and unung, work, reasonable. iaat 4iu. good PATENT ATTORNEYS. - , PATENTS Our practice a extended over a period of 40 years. All communi cations strictly confidential; prompt ef ficient, conscientious serve; handbook lree on request. MINN & CO.. attorneys. San Francisco office, Hobart bldg, 6S2 Market st. ; room 81" Tower bldg.; fl..A room 1(1:1. ti2A r Chicago ornce. Washington oc su; Wew York oftico. yVoolworth bWlg. R. C WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. B and foreign patenta. 601 liekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broaoway "". rheumatism, stomacn. oowci, " " kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, 'ernale disorders, akin It fectloiu?. blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birth markB. PLUMBING SUPPLIES PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE prices. StarK-uavis u , j ...... - PRINTING. UE D1IV and sell used printings ma ilt BUI chinery and equipment. .1. 1. Caldwell, Inc., 20i za St. PRIMTINQ,V.B b W. BAL.TKC5 & COMPANY, k. Main 165; Gll-63. SECOND-HAND BTORES. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO. m vhoxt ST. We buy and sell everything In the and furniture line. Phone Main 0072 TRADEMARKS. i.umiriM TRADEMARK BUREAU. H01 Dekum bhlc. U. S.. foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH Thirteenth and Kearney. GENERAL HAULING. Motor and horse equipment: any Pacity. Moving, packing, storage. PHONt BDWY. 3309 OREGON' TRANSFER CO.. 474 GliFan st corner lth. Phonfi Broadway 12SI or llt(l. "We own and operate two larre ciasa "A" warelioupef on terminal trucks. Lowest insurance ratoa in the citv. PACKING. UOVIXO. S STOItAUE. TRANS ECU KIT Y afoRAGE TRANSFER CO 105 PARK ST. Main S105. A 1051. MANUFACTURERS IlllltS, WOOL AMI CASCABA BARK. KAHN BROTHERS. 19r P'ront St. Pl.LMHINU MCPPl.IKH AND PIPK. THK M. L. Kl.l.NK CO.. 84-S-8T-Sl Front. PK)IHK COM MISSION M KRCIIANTS, EVBRD1NO & FAP.RKLU 140 Front St. sash, noons ani ii.Ass. W. P. KUlf.KR & CO.. Front and Morrison. HOPK AM) I1IMIKR TWINE. Portland CordaEP Co.. 14th and NorthruD. NETV TODAY. ieau e stover One of the most beautiful, desirable homes in Portland today! Incom parably lovely panoramic view. Juat think; 10,000 square miles for a FRONT YARD! A home re plete -with every modern conven ience. Spacious living room with massive fireplace, dining- room with beautiful built-in buffet, all first floor finished in selected fir. hardwood floors, woodwork wax finish, glassed observation porch, cosiest of dens, model kitchen, pan tries, etc. Second floor has 3 splen did sleeping rooms, each equipped with separate lavatory, 2 large screened-in sleeping porches,,f ull concrete basement, servants' quar ters, hot water heating- system, f?a rafre; grounds have 130-foot front age. It is Impossible "to properly describe this wonderful home. If you are interested you'll appreci ate seeing it! Price only 115.000; $7500 cash will handle. It couldn't be built for less than $25,000. See J. W. Crossley. Manager High-Class Home Dept., who has personally inspected this property and pro nounces It a "gilt-edge buy." Frank L. McGuire o Buy Your Home. AbinKton llldff. Main 106S. lOtfVi 3d St., Bet. Wah. ana Stark. 13? ife&S Houses uvd Garages Eracted la Portland Shipped An j-wherr In built 4-foot sec tions ritdy and asy put la-a-ether. A xirst-class house or garage di rect from the factory at a GHfiAT 8AV1NQ. You pay no middlemen's profit. Write xur catalog. Redimade Building Co. East Eleventh and Market. 2 blocks - south ot Hawthorne. Phcnr Kelt A114. I'urtland. Ur. Phono your want ads to The Orego nian. Main 7070 Automatic b 60-9 5 w NtW TODAY. Light Manufacturing A splendid building-. 18x70, living rooms in connection, one 10-horse-pow-er G. E. motor. 2 French Burr mills, 2 sets of rollers, belts, shifters, etc.; located in South Portland. This is completely equipped for cereal mill work. Will take out machinery, leav ing motor, and sell for $2000, or will sell plant complete, ground, building and machinery, for 2500. and ar range terms. KltKIJ W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce REAL ESTATE. l-'or Sale -Flat and Apartment Property. BUY a home and have an Income at same time. I have two small apartment houses In Irvingtcn for sale at $17,000 and SIS, 000: ftrst-ciasa In every respect. R. J.- O'Xell. 717 Board of Trade bldg. For Sale Ilearn Property. FOR SALE Or will rent or lease two choice lota. 00x140 feet at Tillamook beach, on board walk, county road and railroad; near dance pavilion and hotel. AL 7u7. Oregonian. SEAVIEW, WASH. For rent or for sale, a complete 0-room furnished cottage; running water, patent toilet, elec light. Call QUO Di-kiim bldg.. 11 to 1. FOR SALE At Welches. 4 lots. 3 river front, 1 with furnished cottaga. Call Main 1032 week days. MANHATTAN BEACH Choice station and beach. 200. T 67 nlan. lot near 5, Orego- TWO lots will trad Rockway beach, very cheap; W. K. Beales. 201 M st. Kor Sale Lots. 300x100 J495. $25 down. $12.50 monthly, buy solen dld corner, 10axl00. on macadamized street. 63d mt. : aewer assessment ot $305 to be assumed by the purchaser. $50 was paid for these lots 30 years ago. In the same district w have an inside 100x100 lor $415 on the same kind of terms. Fred W. Uermall Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. CHOICE 50x100 lot. near KlUIngsworth ave., car and stores, on direct street to Kenton and Interstate bridge; absent owner will nacrlfice for $3ti0. terms. v oodlawn 3Ti0 mornfngr! or evenlnsrs. BEAUTIPIX lot tor home, 50x102. Ala meda Park, lot 36. block 31. UStta ana Mason sts. ; clear; fU75. A. J. King, wneeier, ur. THREE fine building lota In University Park, one block from car line; price i'u. owner. L.. , Kvena. oswego. FINE LOT, 50x1 00. and 2-room house, near tandy lilvd. Easy terms. 855 E, 82d St. N. - - ALAMEDA. 100x100. S. W. cor. 60th, $1100 plus street improvements. B Ore Kantan. FOR KALE by owner, beautiful corner lot in t. farK, lacins Bandy. Main 45U. FOUR fine lots. 5Cxl00. Improved streets, Ati soo. OreRonian. For Sale Iloiisea. $4.300 ROSE CITY PARK -$4500. This bunealow is exceedinely beautl ful inside and out. There are oak. floors in all rooms, a beautiful fireplace, book cases, buffet, all bui It-ins, cement bane ment. furnace, wash trays, garape with cement runway; all rooms are finished in ivory. This Is a lovely home. You are bound to like it. Owner wants $1000 aown. nniance iikh rrnt. COMTE A KOHLMA.V. M. 6o50. 28 Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. y-roAra modern house, built for a home. Attractive prem ises excellently constucted. comparative ly new, fine condition, about 20,000 si. loot nearly level crounu, koou view, quie place, protected from the eatst and ocean wiiiUh; will please most any one wiio can affoid to own It. You will have to see place to appreciate it. This Is mind, atl that you should answer If you , want to buy an exceptionally desirable place. v iioU, urcgonlan. HERE'S A REAL BARGAIN. This home is beautifully situated on cast bank of river, surrounded by blah clans renidenies. Wal king dint a nee highly suitable for refined room in house or eaKlly convertible into doubl houHo or fiats. Contains 12 rooms, t baths, three fireplaces. Price $S5U0 terms. LADD ESTATE COMPANY. Marshall r454. 24rt fctarV ft, HAWTHOKNW BUNGALOW. $."000 lor a 7 -room ; hardwood floors, ii rp pi ace. bun i -in bun h no booKCase furnace and parage; (4 '." Tor a fine 6 room with furnace, nlerpinn porch, an rage, lots of fruit and fine lot. These are on O lnn ave. Phone Mar. 8-J or Tabor 7Jim. F. Ts. BLAN'CHARD, Hallway Kx. ROS15 CI T Y PA l K. 4TO0. $4700. Dandy S-rnom wml-hunjwlnw, 100 ftt off Sandy blvd. ; livinir room J4x27; lars:e rtiniriK room and kltchrn ; cement base mem, furnace, fireiilaee; paved st, tew er in. tsee tins toaav. i. C, (iOLDKNBERj. 21. Aldington bldp. Main 40X AUMKDA PARK. ATTRACTIVE SJX KOOM. A-t location corner lot, two foot hich, nice shrubbery on lot and parking. All street improvements in and paid. Built for a home.' Price $7500; terma If de r Pired. Possession. HMlTFI-WAiiUNKR CO. STOCK KXCH KOSK CITV HOMES. 4 rooms S:;r.o. 140 Canh. T rooms and si. por $-500. $dr0 cash. rooms 7.n.u, ah. 5 rooms and attic 4f. 17ftrt ca; 6 rooms and si. por. $4::o0, $19:i5 ca Jse these homes before you buy. Ta bor 4307. FOR SALE By owner, modern fl-roo house in : fino district: was complete) renovated recently; closo to Jefferson high and grammar school?, t wo blocks from car line; lot 50x100; double garage; this la an exceptionally good buy and deserves your attention. Price $3200. Call Eat 3721. LOOK! LOOK! A real bargain a southern Oregon home; 40 acres; good houue, all kinds fruit. 30 acres plow land. 0 miles from railroad town ; my price $1 S0O cash ; no agents. Inquire of Lester Pierce, 148 Knott st.. alter 6::;o P. M. $4NOO 7- ROOM MODERN HOUSE, lot 50 xlOO. cor., east Front: this Is one of the finest houses in Vernon district : fine winding stairway, fine basement, shrub bery, one block north of Alberta st. 10!U East 20th st. North. Call or phone before 2 P. M. Woodlawn 4056. 17500. CI.OSE-1N EAST SIDE. STRICTLY MOLiEHN 7 ROOMS. THREE BED ROOMS. SLEEP1NU PORCH. ATTIC. UARAGE. POIN DEXTER. 208 Sellino: Bldg. Main 1 Boo. Residence East B771. NICE 4-ROOM HOUSE, hardwood floors. - bedrooms, cement basement, hot-water heating system; full size lot. nice lawn and lots of fruit and berries. All Im provements in and paid. Only $375 $15(MI down, balance easy. C. V. SMOCK. Marshall IM03. SOUTH PORTLAND SNAP. $1000 5 ROOMS $1000. Pay us $100 cash and move In. Bal ance like - rent. Has electric and fras. S0xlO0 foot lot. Some cash. Swell view of citv and river. SMITH-WAGONER CO. STOCK EfiCH. $oS00 . FOR a fine ow o-room bunKalow; nrepiace. oui;t-in oooacases anu Dunet, con. bapemrnt, H. S. Btreets, close in on east side; $l.i00 cash. bal. terms. Phone Mar. S2l or Tabor 71 HO. P. L. BLAXCHAHD," SIO-'JO Railway Ex. FIXE ALAMEDA HOME. $5730 Seven rooms, modern; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, beauti ful shade trees; a bargain, at this price. S. S. PilKN'TIS. 815 Chamber of C. : $200 ALBERTA bargain, new 3-room bungalow, enamel Dutch kitchen, bath, bedroom and closet, large living room, full plumbing. 1012 B. 0th st. No., near Alberta car. Small payment, bal. 6 per cent. Phone oodlawn 4;t!l. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Modern 6-room bungalows, all ready to move in; garage; price $4000 to $3000; terms. GEO. A. ROSS. OWNER. Marshall 8r,8. 404 Gerlinger Bldg. N EAT 5 -room house (one year old), cement hRRAmrnt. electric .lent and rai: 1 blocks from car, near school; -cement walks iiv and paid for; bearinsr fruit trees and shrubbery. Price $12600; $500 down. Phone isellwood G5. I RVINGTON DISTRICT. FINE CORNER LOT. 6-room house, 5 bedrooms: miffht consider smaller place, or Rive eayv terms. POIN'DEXTER. 208 Selling Bldt?. Main 1800. Residence East 6771. $7500. IRVING TON. 7 artistic rooms, large glass sleeping porch, perfect condition inside and out, hardwood floors, fine gacage, near Stan ton and 18th. East 410. 6-ROOM house, all furnished, good as new, for $2500. $1000 down, balance terms. Phone Automatio 216-66. 1611 E. 13th street. , ' 6-ROOM house, lot 100x5O, ig yard. Must be sold at once. Cheap. Apply loH 2d St.. room 2 or 3. MODERN up-to-date bungalow, 20 minutes from town. $2000. terms, Woodlawn 4091. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 514-iiO Swetland Bids'. -Auto. 511-50 or Marshall 3989. NO. TJAUiRElJHtJR3T BUXOALOW. RICE tll.oOO. TERMS. Thl an exceptionally well built, de lightfully arraneed. buncalow built on the California style. Large living? room, paneled dining room: the bath, bedroom. center nail ana reception ha, are i in ished In white enamel; there is a fine garage; lot 73x100. Let Us ahow you this beautiful home. NO. 4JW. FOR A FEW MORE DATS. "We are offering- this beautiful Tutch colonial home on Willamette Heights on the bargain counter. The location and the view are Ideal. The house Is perfect in finish and arrangement. The cost of building this place teven vears ago was $13,000. We are authorized by the owner to take $'J1250 for it. Call us up for appointment to see this place. KNOB HILL. PRICE $15,000. ONE-HALF CASH. A very fine 12-roern house one block from 2ild St. car line: has six bedrooms. 3 baths, 4 toilets and 2 fireplaces, also sleeping porch. Located In the very choicest part of the test district ob the west side and surrounded by fine homes. Ten minutes from the center of the city with the best car service to be had. Im mediate posveattion If desired. NO. 471. I R V I NX3 TON'. $12,500. This fine modern home of 8 rooms in the best part of Irvlngton is one of our best buys. Plate gtasa windows through out, beautiful large airy rooms with a fine billiard room. This Is a magnificent home la the midst of fine surroundings. Lot 75x100. For appointment call us up. NO. 570. PIEDMONT. PRICBJ $5000. CASH $20O0. Th Is large two-story 8-room modVrn house on a 100x100 lot is a good buy for some one. The rooms are weil-arranged and convenient to the car line and Is one of Portland's coming districts. We will be glad to show you this place by appointment. SO. 575. ROSE CITY. PRICBJ !5oOO. CASH $15O0. This is one of our many Rose City home which we are offering to you at a very reasonable figure. , There are six well-arransred rooms with many built-in effects. Has hot air furnace, hardwood floors, on a paved street, one block from the car line; 50x100 lot. NO. 0t0. "WEST PLOPE MT. TABOR. PRICE $5750. ONE-HALF CASH. Fine 5-mom modern bunsraVow located on East Taylor st. near 51 th. This is one of the best districts on Mt. Tabor. This Is a good buy and Includes a gas range. See this early it you wish to locate In the Mr. Tabor district. NO. 573. PETNINSULA PARR. PRICE $4750. CASH $250. This is a fine 7-room modern bungalow built about three years ago; there are many bui.t-tnst the rooms are very con veniently arranged : fuil cement base ment, hot a!r furnace and hardwood floors; one block from the car line, con venlent to graded school and high school "We will show you this place at your convenience. IUCHMONTJ DISTRICT. PRICE $2700. CASH $700. One-storv. u-room. -not fancy but mighty good buy; near 20th Ht. Call us up and we will be glad to show you this place. NO. 572. hmhlavd: . PRICK $0000, 2500 CASH. Two-story, 10 rooms; 3 large bedrooms downstairs. 4 bed rooms upnt airw; lot lOOxl.'tO. If you want a real home In high-class district at a very low price call us np, Auto, ol 1-irO. DRAL WITH OWNER DIRECT. T have a neat six-room' bungalow In Alberta district, cloe to school and car line, house has full ba;;ement,'tattnnary wash tubs, built-in buffet, lot noxioo. nice rarden. rement sidewalks, will sel furniture if desired. Price $3i00. $1000 cash, balance .10 a month including torest. 087 East 20lh N. W'oodiawn 3353. HST owner, rurnls'ieil modern 7-room house on car line, just east of Reed college 100x100 corner. 10 large fruit trees, br rie and flowers: owner here from Call fornla and must sell this week; $1000 mortgace on house, runs 2 i years; cas orice $400: my equity $U0O0, or will make terms, $5150. $1250 cash, bal, $50 per month; toll furnished or unfurnished, furniture 'or sain. See owner, 6U05 41bt st. S. K. Phone Sell.- 182. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Less than coat, new colonial bunga low. 5 rooms, attic. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook; up-to-date conveniences; hardwood floors, ivory finish, fireplace, French doors, Gasco furnace, fine porch, beautiful view of river, mountains, select neighborhood. Inspection Invited. Owner, Main 3S:i6. FOR SALE, like rent 708-700 E. 46th N.. ;02-6u0-71 E. 45th N. ; ail new. ivory finish, oak floors throughout, window shades, tapestry paper, buffet. Radiant fire, breakfast nook, built-in kitchen. H cement basement, furnace, full plumb ing, laundry trays and drain In base ment, electric fixtures. 5 rooms. 14x2U attic. 50x100 lot; all improvements paid. See the owner at 709 E. 46th N. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into income We design and build apartments, garages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY. faERVICE. SATISFACTION. L R. Bailey Co.. Inc., 021 N. W. Bank bldg. H A WT I LO R N K "B U N G A LO W. f4ono for a tine home on E. 40th. with hardwood floors in 4 rooms; has 4 bed rooms. Ilrepiace. bookcases, buffet, ce ment basement ; all paid ; no Hens; Vs cash. Phone Mar. S20 or Tabor 711)0. F. L. BLA NOH A R D, 510-2O Railway Ex. 1235(1 AN ATTRACTIVE HOME. Six-room cot i ace and furniture ; fire place, attic, cemetit bsment: wood and rnl: lot r."xHH: Harden and tool; herinr fruit trr: modern Dlumbinff And electric fixtures. No agents. Tabor 8191. WILLAMETTE HETOHT3. By owner, modern niwne, f! lanre rooms, lot axi uu. neauuiui view; prlct SG7i. terms. iain j i. FOR SALE BV OWNER. A 2-flat house. B rooms each. S28 East First, near Halsey. Price low. Terms easy. Inquire 14G Front st. , Phona Main 171. TAKE IRVINUTON CAR. Brand new tl-room bungalow, strictly modern, hardwood r.oors, furnact and built-lns; all st tmpvs. paid; $U0 cash will handle it : go see It todsy. 821 K. lflth t. N. j-none owner, jl. 4uw. FOR SALE at Gresham. Or., 7-room house. modern in every way; an new nniHh, at a gieat sacrifice. You could not buy the material for what 1 am asking for the house and lot. A. W. Kegner, owner, 6 34 K. Burnslde, city. VGR SALE: $1300. 3-room cottage with bath. to4et, gas, electric lights, piped for hot and cold water, lot 50x100. $40O cash, bal, $25 per month, including 6 tier cent Interest. Phone automatic 21S-92. 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. 5 BROOMS, bath, gas, electric, house plas tered, lot uoxioo. street improved and paid; chicken runs and garage; price $K50; $500 down, balance $20 and In terest: worth looking at. 1070 Francis avenue. Owner. , DO YOU WANT A HOME? 8 fine lots. 5-roora house with modern conveniences, plenty of fruit and ber ries: garage : immediate possession ; $2000, terms. Tabor 822. BEAUTIFUL MODERN BUNGALOW. East 26th st. N. Very best restricted district; large rooms, attic, full lot: all Improvements In and paid; good terms. ' Owner, Tabor 8202. UNION AVE. PROPERTY. Seven -room house on Union ave.. for sale, might trade; look this up; it is a bargain tor someone. Peter Kikes. 155 n. titn. 7-ROOM residence, lot 50x100. .all assess ments paid. u n;. iztn, near Washing ton street. Price $5,150. Terms. PARRISH, WATKINS & CO.. 106 2d st. Main 1644. A SACRIFICE. 6-room cottage, corner, 2 car lines, 2 biocas irom scnooi; aDsoiuteiy no agenta can Main iuus. FINE FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. Richmond- district, paved street, rosea, lawn: $3000. Best buy in this district. tii. c nam Per oi commerce Diag. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, 2 lots ROxlOO, no liens, 2 blocks to car. new paint in side and out; cash or terms. 4852 73d street S. E. 5-ROOM house, oath, large pantry, ga rage, all Improvements in and paid for; partially furnished; $2300, terms. In quire at 5r6 Maiiory ave. IRVIXGTON. Mt $10,000 home for sale for $7500 N. W. corner 15th and Hancock sts. East 2189 nights and aunaaya. BUNGALOW. Five rooms, furnished, new mahogany furniture, $4300. 615. K. 64th N. Ta bor 7388. . 5-ROOM house, modern, good condition. fl.u: a nargain. iau jauor MODERN 6-room bungalow, Willamette Heights cail owner. Main 344. 5-ROOM modern house. - Apply 613 W. lth st.. Vancouver, vv ash. FIVE-ROOM bungalow, $3200; $550 balance easy. 735 E. 67th at, N. down, REAL ESTATE. For ale Houses. MARSHALL NORTH IRVINOTON. $20. oo Per Month. No. 121 6-roora cottage, elertrie - tights, gas. plumbing, basement, etc. This place has a lot JOOxlOO with 21 bearing fruit trees, gsr den and small fruit.. Paved streets. cement sidewalk. Just think, on ! y $45O0. $1 500 cash, balance $20 per month ' p!usT per rent. BEAU TI FcTT- LAV RE LHtJRST. Vacant Must Sell. No. 103 We are authorized to sell at a sacrifice this beauti ful Laurelhurst bungalow. remember his loss is your gain. The bunra low consists of 6 rooms and den, large fireplace with - built-in, hardwood floors, fine plumbing, : light fixtures, stoVo and linoleum goes with ins Dutch kitchen, full oe- merit, basement with fur nace, garage with ce ment driveway, lot 50x : loo, all improvements In and paid for at this price. Price weli worth $sooo and In a $10.uo district. Price cut to $0250. $1500 cash. balance $75 per month. Special Just think, only $200.00 down. $45 per month buys this new bungalow, lot 40x110. every modern con venience, plumbing, heat ing plant, fireplace. ce merit drive In for itarage, big storeroom, of ly one block to carline. Price ' $4rt."i0. $00 cash, balance $45 per month. ROSE CITY. No. 06 One of the most attractive bungalows on the market, combined city and coun try with all the at- . tributes of each. Located in Rose City park district on 7 2d street. Modern bungalow of 5 rooms, ground space of 42 x2 1 ft feet. House and grounds In perfect order. Garden with fruit trees, berries and a place for chickens. House has full basement, bathroom. 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room," kitchen, laundry and all modern conveniences, rrice $4000, $1500 cash, balance easy Installments. Apply for further par- ' ticulars LAWYERS' TITLE & TRtTPT CO., 215 sftark st., near 4th. Phone Marshall lS'.S. FOR THE NEWLTWED9. A practically new newiywed aoart ment house type of bungalow, splendid per sol a entrance. Murphy disappearing bed. dressing room, large living room wsth flreplacs ar.d seat. Pullman buffet kitchen and breakfast nook, built-in-table and seats, beautiful lot. paved street and carline; $H00 cash, any larre monthly payment will do. Fred W. Gor ma nC o . . 7 3 2 C h am . o f C o m. IRVINUTON RESIDENCE. I have a tine, modern, up-to-date home of 6 rooms ; reception, living and d tiling room in Ivory and mahogany: Dutch kitchen in white, all hardwood floors. French doors bet. living and din- Ins room, built-in bookcases and butfet. furnace fireplace. 2 toilets, garage and full lot. facing east; all In the pink of condition; a bargain. 440 E. 2til Phone 21 or Mar. 820. 3150. FURNISHED COTTAGE. 6 rooms and bath, electric lights and gas. lot 50x100. fine garden, some fruit, rabbit and chick en house; on hardsurface street. 3 blks. tSell wood car. Terms $1000 cash. bal. easy. PO IN DEXTER. 20R Selling Bldg. Main 1S0U. Residence East 6771. FOR QHCK PAT.E. Bt the owner, splendid home, 7 rooms. sleeplnir porch, full cement basement. fine furnace and fireplace, lot .iUxmo, everything paid, clofe in on east nide. good neighborhood. Price So t00, terms. Telephone Kaat 104L. A NEW fi-room bungalow, large living room, breakfast. 4 bedrooms, shower bath with recent bath tub. pedestal la a tory, French dining room w 1th buiU-i n huffe, auto garage, street Improvements in and paid for, 3 blocks to school; pos session at once. Drive out and se Alin at 1)00 Hanflork st. For further In form a ti on phone Auto. 310-38. HAWTHORNE AVE. $0000 for a fine, modern, up-to-dste I P-room ; 2 fireplaces, furnace. - toilets. fine lot with rruit ni snrurnery. n Oth. in flrst-clsHS condition. Phone Mar. fcl or Tabor 7iir F. I-. HUNOHARD, r.lO-'JO Kailnay IZx. HERE'S A HEAL BARGAIN. Bungalow In Eaaimoreland, on one of the choicest sites; six rooms and garage: price only $t3iio; street assessments all paid; caay terms; 0 interest on unpaid balance. It interested sen um at orioe. LADD ESTATE COMPANY, Marshall o4R4. 240 Stark Street. WON D ICR FUL IRVIXGTON Select, 75x100. massed with flowers. Japanese and other shrub- berv. 0 rooms and sleeping porch, sill floors hardwood; terms $i;HJ0 cash. $00 per month im-iurt in g interest ; vacant August 1st. Last 1-14 1. $1100 SELLWOOD $900. 5 -room partlallv furnished shack on lot 50x100,. wired for electric lights, good i sink. In fair condition; $125 cash. $t3 monthlv. Here is a chance for Mr. Handyman. Fred W.. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. ijfir.O 7 ROOMS, sleeping porch, electric its, gas, while enamel plumbing, newly painted msiae snn out. beam ceiling. paneien aining room, winuow seats, nre piace, Dutch kitchen, stationary tubs. 50x100: f m0 cash, balance like renL loot ath st. s. k. seiiwood amm. 10-KOOM house, within one block of Rose i City Park school. 75 feet frontage with ! beautiful lawn, trees, ross bushes and ! shrubbery, house heated with hot water rad .ators, line sleeping porch, large porches, fine fireplace. u3d ti. oath N. Telephone Tabor 3421. $4000.00 In Overlook addition, by owner, I o-room moaern oungaiow, nara- wood floors, built-in bookcase 1 and buffet, fireplace, full cement basement. riouse built last year. . ioi nuxiuu. Vi enna reasonable. Overlook Land Co. Tel. Main 216. FINE ALAMEDA HOME. $5750 Seven rooms, modern, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, beauti ful shade trees; a bargain at this price. S. S. PRENTISS, 15 Cham, of Com. SACRIFICE Lot 140x140. 4-room house. woodsheu. cnicnen nouse, an kinds of fruit trees ana berries, lo minutes' walk frcm Lents Junction; will sell for $000 now. For more information call Tabor 2152. WALKING DiSlA.Lti, west aide, 7 rooms. hot and cold water, Datn, gas, electric lights, 2 fireplaces, cement basement. good condition; lot 50x100, $5000, half cash. Se owner evenings, 407 10th at.. near Jackson. $50 DOWN. $12.30 MONTHLY. For a 5-room plastered cottage, brick 1 chlmnev. lot. 50x100. total price $1200. 1 F red "VV. CWman Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. VACANT HAWTHORNE 8 ROOMS. $ 40O0. 45th st.. modern. 12 bearing fruit trees. flowers, shrubbery, excellent condition. 50 j xlOO lot; $ooo cash. Marshall iujj $1250 FOR SALE. half cash. o-room house, two lots, corner. Data, tonec. gas, 2 blocks to Mount Scott car; terms. Owner, 8500 6;d ave. and S5th st. IRVINGTON 8-room house, first-class con dition; lot BOxloo; fruit and shrubbery. $5ooo. Owner,. fe.ast 'id. 4iKOOM bungalow in first-class condition; must be sold at once; owner leaving city: matte oner. uoor .m.j. EXCELLENT FLAT BLDG., in best part of Nob Hill district; $12,000; terms if i wanted. C. V. SMOCK, Marshall 2003. $16M 5-room plastered bungalow, full size lot with fruit trees. $230 down, balance lik-e rent, inquire 011a 3iin Ave. y FOREST GROVE. Reven rooms and bath. Inquire Prof. Edw. Taylor, Forest Grove, Or., box 2S5. BEAUTIFUL 6-room bung-alow in Irvins;- ton. Just compieta. jau at oao E. t. N. from 1 to A. HAWTHORNE tnap. $4250; terma; 6 rms.. modern, fine lot, paved street. Owner, 338 E. 35th. iast in. BARGAIN 4-room nouse, 00x100, garage and chicken house, $S50 cash or $000 on terms, osau 41st Ave. e. n. en. 1231. IRVINGTON corner. 6 lovely rooms,- A-l worth $10,000 for-$S500; $3000 cash. East 410. 5-ROOM modern bungalow. 323 E. 33d. 1 block south of Hawthorne. Can be seen " morninga. $2200 TERMS, west side. 4 room and bath, just renovated; nice neighbors; good location. Owner. Broadway 2437. 6 FLATS. $115 income, walking; distance. $7250. terms 1-3 cash. Place will pay bal. Phone Main 37b7. IRVINGTON colonial bungalow. 6 large rooms, hardwood floors, built one year, garage. $7500. $1500 cash. East 419 FOR SALE FINE MODERN SoMfi. ROSE CITY PARK. PHONE 312-79 MODERN 5-roora bungalow, built-lns and paved st. 851 E. Kelly, cor. 28th. ALAMEDA, S rooms, beautiful, hot-water heat; built 3 years; $0500. East 419. 5-ROOM bungalow for sale, cheap, for cash and term. Tabor 429. KKAL KSTATE. For ISale -House 1000 PHOTOORAPHS OF HOMES FOR S A Li"E. LARGEST -HOME 5EL.I-ERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. SEE FRANK 1. McOlMRE To Buy Your Home. Th McGuire system has won an In ternational reputation and established a nalioual record for home soiling, because it is the original, sclent if ic, superior, modern system ot home selling. It elim inates your every house-hunting prob- lom a nil nrnloxfd vnnr fl'Prv interest. Kverv home nernonaliy inspected and appraised. Our 18 Automobiles and cour teous, experienced saiesmeu are con stantly at your service. HOLLADAY-TRVINGTON. $4500 Cool and inciting Is this beauti ful vine-covered Irvlngton home ; 6 rooms, artistically designed out Mide and In ; fireplace and art bookcases In homelike living room, paneled dining room witk massive buffet, clean white Dutch kitchen, cosy den. hardwood floors, sleeping porch, lull ce mer.t basement, furnace, laundry room, piived street, Hns all paid; garage ; terms. A wonderful nev-er-to-be-found-again bargain. At . Broadway, corner East vth. HAWTHORNE HOMES. $5500 A beautiful Hawthorne bunga low, artistic and homelike. Ideal ly located ; 5 rooms, living room ha-s fireplace and leaded art giass bookcases, dining room with great buffet, French doors, white Dutch kitchen, 3 sunny sleeping rooms, hardwood floors, full concrete basement, furnace, garage, paved .: , at., 1 block to car. East 4Uth, , near Madison. $ $2950 On East 34th, near Main, Is this very substantial rmtifralnw cot tage home; Just $0t down, easy monthly payments; best white en amel i-lumbing, electricity, gas. paved street, liens paid. There's - gaod value In this Hawthorne hoiiie. - i ROSE CITY. $3600 The blpgest bargain In our of fice today. 5-room artistic Rose City bungalow, practically new, full width front porch, pretty liv ing room with indirect lights, dining room with built-in buffet, cement basement with laundry trays, best white enamel plumb ing, electricity, gas, 14x25 little house in back can be used either for chicken house or garage; splendid lot, 00x200. with fruit, berries, flowers, shrubs and gar den (these potatoes will make a decided dent in the high cost of living). Just $roj down. East 74th and Klickitat. t READ THIS. Jt'ST $2O0 DOWN. $2000 Owner must sell. Price cut for a quick sale. in avoriy-iticn-mond, Just east of ladd's Addi tion, Is this 4-room vry sub stantial, comfortable bungalow; best white enamel plumbing, gas, paved street paid, no mortgage, good basement with laundry trays, full lot with fruit trees, shady and cool ; only $20 down, and this home is yours. Division street. See thin now. ALBERTA HOMES. $3500 Attractive ti-room Alberta home, built-lns, most practu-ai Kitcnen, full basement, best white enamel . plumbing, electricity, gaa, full bearing fruit tr-es, garane, paved street paid; terms. This is a real Alberta bargain. We have 80 Alberta homes. $2500 Marguerite avenue; shingled, ar- l stlc oungaiow. real Aiuerm nar- galn ; 4 rooms, modern, sleeping porch, white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas, full lot, pavd street, liens paid, 1 block to car. Will take a Chevrolet or Dodge a part pajmtnt. bee this today. KENTON HOMES. $3990 White Kenton bungalow, new. - massive ounat in umuiK roum, wh lie Dutch kitchen. 2 sunny bedrooms. best white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas; vacant. Brandon street, paved, street liens paid. Terms. We have 30 Ken " ton homes. WEST OF LAURELHURST. $2100 Just west of laurelhurst, on a corner lot, is tnis uii uhuuhj i tractive 4-room bungalow ; dupli cate of a 4-room modern apart ment; beat w bite enamel plumb In e. good cement basement, ga rage, all improvements in and paid. East Couch, walking dis tance. If vou are in the market for a home, you can't be eatisftefl until you have visited our thow room and In spected hundred vi wonderful home bargains. See FRANK L. McOVlRB To Buv Your Home. Ablngton Building. Main 10RR. aott Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. ENGLISH COLONIAL BUNGALOW.. J L'aT HK1 N" ! FINISH ED, EAST MO RE LA N I. omrare this for beauty of dengn convenience and worth in construction with anvthinar in the city. Five beautiful rooms and hath on one floor, with room upstairs for two more. Finest of Interior finish. HTtak floors, evrrv convenience in the kitchen, in cluding built-in Hoosier cabinets, etc. Automatic Gasco furnace and water heater. Garage, 55x1 0O lot set to shrub bery and flowers. All improvements in and paid. Price only $7050. Yours for a email payment do n. balnm-o like reut Shown bv appointment only. LADD ESTATE COMPANY. Marshall f454. 240 Stark fit. NEAR WALNUT PARK. $4250. Beautiful -room house. by owner. Has large living room extending across entire front of house with fireplace, large attractive dining room and Dutch kitchen : beautiful built-in buffet on lower floor, 3 bedrooms and bath tip stairs. Entire borne in white enamel. Full cement basement. You can't appre ciate the value without seeing. Must sell the next few days, so don't delay. This price is the rock bottom in order to make aujck turn. Call Woodlawn 3111 and 1 will take you out. $2000 cash. AN UNUSUAL OFFERING. Jo. 010 GRAND AVENUE. PRICE $SSOO. Beautifully situated on the east bank of the river, opposite Ross Island and only a short walk from the business center of the city. Interior must be seen to be appreciated. Three fire places, two baths, ample room for large family. Look at it and you will ap preciate the vn lue. UDD ESTATE COMPANY. Marshall 5454. 24rt Stark St. HAWTHORNE, $4 20o On a flOxlOO corner lot. near Haw thorne avenue on 33d street, a substan tial 2-storv 0-room house, furnace, full cement basement, several fine fruit trees. rare shrubbery and flowers, street im provements all paid; a wonderful loca tion. Lot alone worth $2500; $1000 will handle. CAREY-SAVTDGE CO.. 211 Rt. Kxcbange Bldg. Main 74S7. Third and Stark Streets. FURNISHED HOUSEBOAT FOR SALE. CALL SELLWOOD 3774. NO. 20 WILLAMETTE MOOR- , AGE. EVENINGS. . HAWTHORE RESIDENCE. $450O for a fine corner on E: S4th; hardwood floors, nrepiace. bulit-in con veniences. 2 toilets: a very nice home, In the pink of condition; Vs cash. Phone Mar. tJ2V or Tabor 71o. F. L. BLANCH A RD, 510-20 Railwav Ex. MOVE RIGHT IN. $2000 $800 Down. Balance Like Rent. Seven rooms, garage. .10x100 lot. all Improvements in and paid, fruit trees and berries, chicken yard : best resi deuce districL three blocks to school owner going east and will make this sacrifice. 927 Grand ave. N. KENTON DISTRICT HOME. IHAOO $250 CAPH. BALANCE TERMS 50x100 lot and 4-room modern house Here is a good buy. OWNER IN EAST AND HAS TO SELL. SMITH-WAGONER CO. STOCK EXCH. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Six-room, finished in old ivory, hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, garage full cement bssemeDt, sleeping porcn. 24 East 20th ., near JH razee. YOU'LL have to speak quick If you want this at the bargain price I'm offering this strictly modern six-room bungalow in Alameda Park. Main 5S3. Ask fur Mr. Bald. $2200 Four-room bungalow, bath, electric lights, gas and water, garden; $15o0 cash, balance iixe rent. Alt. scott dis trict. 5403 0th St. S. E. Phone Aut. 20111 then 4022. FOR SALE By owner, neat bungalow, partly furnished, 6 rooms, bath, lava tory, full basement : Improved street fine car service. $2800, terms. Phone Woodlawn 32ft. X 1400 THREE ROOMS $1400. Alberta cottage, street improvements paid, fine lawn, fruit trees, one block to car. Terms. wooarawn BEAUTIFUL WESTMORELAND 7 rooms, 2 large sleeping porches, iurnace, fire place ; cost $0200 ; sike $4700 ; some terms. Marshall 1022. FOR SALE or trade for acreage, good 8 room bouse In University Park; going back to the iarm; a oargain. t. ti. zeii, 70 Willamette Eivo., near Flak... R EA I- ESTATE. For 8ale -House MARSHALL 1S9S. $1500. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST. VACANT MUST SELL. No. 109" We are authorised to sell at a sacrifice this beautiful Laurelhurst bungalow, remember his los is your gain. The bunga low consists of ti rooms and den, pretty stairway leading from re ception hall. lnrge fireplace with bulit-ine. hardwood floors. fin plumbing, liplit fixtures, stove and linoleum goes wtth the Dutch kitchen, fuli cement basement with a furnace, garage with cement driveway, lot 1.0x100. all improve ments in and paid lor at this price. Place we ! worth $simo and in a Sio.000 district. Price cut to $Ui.'.-.o. $1500 caih, balance $73 per month. HAWTHORNE. $1000.. . No. 10.T This Hawthorne bunra low is on the slope ot Mt. Tabor, 5 rooms and recept Ion hall, hard wood r;oors, fireplace, bullt-ins. Dutch k itc hen. attic, good base ment w-ith furnace, lot 44xlo0 with good garage, street improvements u'.l in a tut paid for. price $500, $10ot cash, balance terms. Phone Marshall 1S9S LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST CO. 2&5 Stark St.. near Fourth. C A R E Y - S A V 1 D G E COMPANY, MAIN 74HT. LET US HEI.P YOU START Bl'YTXG YOUR HOME. LET YOUR RENT FINISH PAYING FOR IT. As an indication of our faith In the following values we will loan to the purchaser. If he wishes, from $ UK) to $2o toward making his first payment This can be paid back to us in tasy payments, agreeable jo the purchaser, without interest or urlty. KENTON, $3500. Brand new bungalow, one block from car, on lull lot, improvements paid, hardwood floors, fireplace, cement base ment, ivory woodwork; vacaut; $500 down. WOODSTOCK. k $3O0l. On 4Oxl20 lot, improvements paid: an i attractive u-room bungalow, lull cement basement, built-in but fct, garage, flow er and shrubbery; $500 down. MT SCOTT, $2150. On 6CxlRS-foot lot. a very substantial 5-rnnm bungalow, 1 blocks from car, 9 bearing fruit trees, berries, garden, earage; ou should see this. Terms. MONT A VILLA. $285. KOx200 lot with story and half bun galow type house, 2 bedrooms upstairs. 1 down, cement basement, abundance of fruit, berries, fine garden; $500 down. ALBERTA, Modern 4-room bungalow with 2 sleep ing rooms, on a full lot with paid im provements, 1 block from car line, large combination living ar.d tlining room ivorv finish, garage, full cement btkse- mevnt; $5oo. CAREY-SAVTDGE COMPANY, Main 74S7. 211 Railway Exchange BldgT, Third and Stark Streets. Open Evenings and Sundays. BEAUTIFUL WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 75(l Distinctive, ultra modern home I on besaatiful WILLAM ETTK H EIGHTS. 7 root i is; spacious living room 35 feet long with fireplace, solid paneled dinint? room with tnasoUe buffet: HARDWOOD FLOORS; 4 sunny sleeping rooms; full cement basement with furnace and laun dry room; paved street lin paid : splen did corner; ,MxlOO feet, with shade trea. shrubs, garnu. Terms. ',a bloek to car. THIS is EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. Seel J . W. C ross lev. with FRANK L. MeGU'lRE. To Buv Your Distinctive Home. Ablngton Bide. Min 100s. WOOI L A W N SNAP. 5 -room house, lot 44x l"0; house plas- j tereo : bat n. toilet, e eei ric ana cas. ment bitsenicnt. cement w a Iks. 5 fruit I trees; one bloek to car; nice garden ; price $loOO. $.-00 cash, lal. io muntn. b', int. WOODSTOCK DTST. 4-room double, eons t rut ted bungalow beam ceiling, lot oloo; 6 blocks to car.) some dial an r- out. but ft dandy go buy; prxe $!50O. $nuo down, bal. $25 month, ttro int. RICHARDS & REED. tOS Mc-Kay Hlilg. Main 4102 Suburban Hornet. "RY OWNER. OJTOlCE RIVER FRONT, SUPURRAN Homes on paved highway, ore- ;ON CITY CAR LfN K : SOM W IT If ORCHARD AND (1HA PES; 25 MINUTES DKIVK TO CENTER PORTLAND: 1 MODKRN S LAK'iB R(OM H"USE. H LOCKS OAR: 2 MODERN H-KiOM PV ; 1ST OCTOItEU. BLOCKS CAR. WITH OX K ACRE UP. INOU1RK i W N E Iv. MAIL HOX 2SS. RIVER ROAD. R. 1, MILWAUKIE, OR- BUILDING SITES AT GARDEN HOME. s.-.n DOWN 10 MONTH. Onlv 15 minutes out on the OREGON ELECTRIC, 7c. commutation fare, 4fi eiectr'.e trains dally; gas, electricity and r,iri.l wilier-- ttrir-fn S-J.O tn ?'"n0: onlv , $50 down. $10 per niunth. YOIJ BL'f IHRECT FROM OWNER. See McOOR- MIC, owner, at 242 Washington atreeL Main 8220. SUBURBAN HOME FOR PALE Vancouver country home at citv limits: five minutes warn to capttoi hill car line; from S to 12 acres- or wiil se.I any part. Prune orchard, cherries. i.i rn a tvnie.-. oiu ms. a tn nee. rerries: irr.Un crnyiinff: citv Water, e-lect Tie i t v. bath, toilet, cellar, -phone, barn and m n drvpr: he;i r Pacific h 1 en way 45th and Washington sts. Price Irom $500 to $1200 per acre. Phone owner, olW. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreaKe. well located, near car ilne. from $ lou up. Inquire 3d house north of Klsley station, on Oregoo City car line, sign "Aider KrooK. For Sale Puineia Property. WILL BUILD one-tory warehouse for suitable tenant, area jii.ouu square reet. paved street, trackage, very close in. central, east sine, a a:i, uregonian. For Sale -A crease. INCOME-PRODUCING- FARMS AT Cr R ESH AM. THE BEST FARMING SECTION IN . ' OREGON. On the paved highway, close to Port- lanJ; none good bargains in stocked I and equipped farms, suburban homes, j chrcken r.tnche3 and berry lands. KRIDEt & ELK1NGTON. GRESHAM, Or. Telerhone 17-X. AT BERTHA STATION. ABOUT 0 2-3 ACRES. Ftrsa traet on Capitol highway, and excellent location for suburban homes. a.l cleared and sightly, cioe to schooi. electric lines and city conveniences. might divide. See me at 722 Chamber of I Commerce during next tea day. Mr. Bills, owner. KEEP THIS IN MIND. 10 acres. 8 acres clear. - acres In or chard: this land Is located -3 mile from Oregon electric, near Wondburn. right in the fumnua loganberry dtst.; price $1500; one crop of loganberries would more than pay for the land. RICHARDS ft REED. 301! McKay B;dg. Mb In 41ft; MILWAUKIE ACREAGE. S acres uncleared, rich soil, stream running through land. Terms. Call Main 7720, ask for M. A. Munley. 3 ACHES, adjoining Portland Goif and Riding clubs and the finely improved home of Dr. Wood, in cultivation and priced right at $35oo. Will consider di viding. Phoue Oilman, Main 64b0 01 Main 1585. $luO DOWN. $20 MONTHLY. 5 acres of black loam soil, all in cul tivation, i mile to Ornc, Oregon Electric, rock road. Price $1000; a splendid buy. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. B'. ACRES, all in cultivation, good house, small barn, chicken houses, all kinds of fru.t. soma; crops. In Tualatin. 4 blocks from interurban station. $50OO. POIN DEXTER. 2'X Selling Bldg. Main 1M0. Residence East 6771. Sa -5 acres beautiful home sue right on Oregon City car line, suitable Tor plat ting. Gas and electricity, good 8-room house. Price $600 per acre. Terms. RISLEY. STARKWEATHER BLACK, b02 Broadway bldg. Main 6100. FOR SALE BY OWNER DIRECT. 100 acres fine land in prune district Clarke county. Wash., 14 miles from business d. strict Portland; will sub divide; no agents. T M-0. Oregonian. A SNAP For sale by owner, on Cornell road, five miles west of Portland, two acres, bungalow, barn, chicken house, 150 4-mos.-old W. L. pullets and crops, $ ISOO, $St0 down. Main 5404. NICE 10 ACRES, all In cult, (good crop of oats), close in, on Base Line road. Low price for quick sale. Easy terms.. C. V. SMOCK. Marshall 2003. - 3 ACRES CHEAP if taken right away-, eVtluvated, on electric at station, close In, west side. Owner, Main ?-30. FOR SALE 0 acres, all under cultivation, on Red Electric, 17 miles out; young or chard. AV 148. Oregonlan. 10 ACRES first-class timber at Tigard; aeU chan. Tc2Gr 4213. REAL F.STATR. For fair -Acreage. ItiO ACHES, Lower pNehaiem vailey, , pa Roosevelt faiiihway and tidewater, 4 miles from K. It., cheese factory ; ff ne mountain stream through, place; tine soil, no rocks, low bench land, trnc tically level, some small new luiiMmv? : school 2 minutes' wk ; line da iry a:id fruit land when cleared ; must be seen to be appreciated; phone line, R. F. i . . milk route; price $:tiM0. terms $1iNo cash, consider balance Portland property. Wm. Luce. lor. K. 11th Port-and. Phone East 17S. IN BEAUTIFUL MONTAGUE. B acres, fine grove, orchard and gar den, good soil. 7-room houe. simp and t her Improvements, best, location. At cow, poultry, incubators, tools, etc. A l-o S: block unimproved, fine grove. In bet residence section, Good boating and fishing. White lake is one of Michigan s gems. Going w est ; some terms, popibiy, part trade. Get details if interested. E." L. Hulbert, box 277, Montague, Mich. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND. Write for map of western Washington showing location, pice and terms. Over lO.UOu acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. llomestead. Relinquishments. I HAVE some of the best homested relin quishments in Oregon ; can also locate you on from 40 to 100 acres, home stead tracts In the O. & C. laud grata, close in. ANDERPON. 531 Railway Exch. Rids. Office hours. 8 to 5. 7:30 to 9. ; TWO homesteads, covered w 1th beaut if ul timber, close to railroad, town and saw mill; rare chance; $:'.oO cash each, if you act quickly. 3o; Corbet t bldg. Fruit and Nut Lands. 11 ACRES walnuts and cherries in fine hill section; trees ten years old; $400 pec acre. 80 acres bearing prunes. 20 acres cherries, 0 aeres t'mhpr. drier and buiidincs. big cror: $Sii.000. 3-aere tracts, $1."0 per acre. If desired we contract to plant to nuts, fru.t or berries and to care for planting. PKAKC x BROS., Contracting Horticulturists. Salem. Or. For Sale -Farm. FULLY EQUIPPED HOO AND . DAIRY RANCH. T8 acres of the tet loam soil," almost level, 05 acres In hih state, of cultivation, and in crop. A I j. fenced and cross-fenced, excellent water, family orchard of assorted, fruits, crops consist of oats, vetch, , corn and clover. Six-room house, larye barn, new . silo. chicken houe, hog house, dairy, together with H cow's. 4 horses, 15 hog's, chickens, binder, mower, ruke. dip, 2 plows, harrow, drill, corn pjanter. wagon, harness, hack, ten hore engine, truck, and all smaJ tools. Close to school on main, automobile road with all rural ad vantage's in a thickly-set tied and highly -improved district only 4 miles from good town on Pacific highway. Price $ll.UO0. Half caah. TTtOrPSON. S-WAN A LEE. 3d. and Main bis. Vancouver, Wuh. YOUR ATTENTION. PLEASE. Owing to lit health 1 have decided ta sHl my holdings in Carson valley. Wash ing-ton. consisting of oio acres or land. together with water rights tor power and irrigation, and fte miles of canal, flume and laterals, complete, with water in them; power proposition is wnrtn price 1 am a skin? for entire- holding. Land is subdivided Into 10. 20 and -acre tracts ; good deep soil, free f rein rock; two good houses una some snacKs; land partly fenced; three wells, good io ration near the famous St. M ar tin . bh i j berd and government mineral springs. Price, without crops. $1 n.uou ; any reas onable terms. H. M. Haw ley. Ca rson. Washington. Phone care J. M. Uoj d, t 'a rsn. 3COTTCB. TAMTf ILL VALLEY FARMS. W have a large list of email . and larK farms for you to ri-k " from. Some on the new high-' wav. With or without equipment. These farms are ali close in on good rock mad. phone or write us for particulars. Were at your service. "WEIDNER ft VOUOHT CO. Bank Bid;..- Yamnul, Oregon, WHEAT AND STOCK FARM FOR 6ATE. 610 aeres deeded land, half mile from town. 540 acres have e-en in cultivation, all fenced 3 barb wires, water for dnins tic use. 5-room house with aood sur roundings. 100 acres school land leased and fenced for pasture. We are in the heart of the district that comes unnVr The Columbia Basin Project. Price $14,000. Terms half cash. OTTO C. ULRH'H. Owner. Conn e 1L W a s Ik CROPSTOCK EQUIPMENT. No. 17. Near Tebanon. 107 acres, good dairy and stock farm; 40 tons hay in bHrn. 30 acres grain. S good rows, 4 heifers. 4 horses and equipment, fair bu ild ins, spring water piped, isravel road. R. F. I and cream route, phone; chcao at p-r acre. Take $3500 cash, some trade, house or acreage, time on balance. Come and see at once. .los. C. GTP.SON. "THE LAND M AN. FOR SALE by owner, going stock and dairy farm or nearly suo acres; 10 acre In crop and grass, 200 acres bottom land. 30 acres fenced hog-tight; running stream all year, good houao, large barn, about 0 head cattle and horses. 20 head hogs, poultry, 7-ton scale house, new H. L. K. milker. 2 new gus engines, at ecesary implements, excellent orchard; on Pacifio highway, near two R. R. towns; shipping point 1 milea; price $30 ouO. terms; part exchange possible. Address P 610. Oregonlan. GRESHAM FARM! 20 acres, all unuer cultivation, with good crop, stock and implements, good team Jersey cow, brood sow and chick ens, large list of farm Implements. Mt. Hood loop will go ritfht by your front door. Hero is a genuine barguin. Only $0O0. only a few das to run at this price. Terms. - - .- 'CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., -212 Railway Exch. Bldg. v Main 073. TWO CRKAT BARGAINS. 100 acres fronting on Ciackamas rfvf : lots of desirable features. $20,000, aud worth It. i;.50 acres, heart of Willamette valley; good buildings. 9 miles wire fencing; good roads, fine trout stream ; ahet-u cattle horses. Price $25 per acre. I. G DAVIDSON. . S10 Chambtr of Commerce. 145-ACRE FARM, 14 miles te Portland, big snap, only $150 pr acre including 10 cows, team, all farm implements, binder, wagon, etc. (farm machinery al most new), 05 acres in cultivation and in crops, crops go with place if soid at once, sets buildings, orchard, running creek through place, jooit soi., mostly hard aurface road. 1 mile to car line. H. W. GARLAND. 201 Third St.. cor. Taylor. r " " IDEAL SHEEP RANCH, 3500 ACRES Fight hundred acres in prain. balance ery fine range, plenty of good water, house and barns; for information, write A. E. Epler. care Carolina, court. S- at tie. Wash. 1 NOW Is the chance to buy 10-acre orchaid 0f a No. 1 pears and apple trees and lo ganberries, about IO minutes' walk from packing house; owner in now on place until September. Write Otto Siebert, Sheridan. Or.. Rt. 1. LISTEN I will sell nriofc 157 acres of .t & very rpa.onntne the best WLiamet te valley land, situated near Salem, on rail road, East 1.19 or write C. Krebs. 004 Williams ave. ' Oregon Electric Rail way. . . " YAMHILL COUNTY. 220 acres ail tillable, 3Vi miles level rock road from good town and highway, SQ acres in cultivation, buildings, a-il i-reU; $50 per acre, accept some trade. Owner. 732 Pat ton road. Main S3sQ. 8-4-ACRE bearine apple orchard, level and fenced. $200 cash. bal. easy. Also f ac level, fenced. 3-rm. house, well. $1250 $150 cash, bal. easy. Both near W i lla'mina. Jesse R. Sharp. S3 '.j 3d st. FOP S-VLE River-bottom farmi close to good town, near Portland, with or with out stock- Address owner, P'019.'Or aonian. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, $75 to $100 per acre, easy terms; best soil; farms for sale, all bUja. McFarland. 20a Falling bldg. fOR SALE 25 acres, good land, good buildings, water, all clear, fenced, sta tion lx miles. Salem 11 miles; $2000, term;. 741 E. Pine st.. Portland. FOR SALE 50 acres, 20 in cultivation, balance pasture ; 10 miles west ot Eu gene. 3 miles from railroad station; -'2oo P. Clarno. Elmlra. or. - . LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water; good soil, H tillable; employ ment: easy terms. J. R. Sharp. 83 H 3d. FOR SALE ISS-acre farm in famous Umpqua valley, near Drain. For .par ticulara. addreas Box 2. Drain. Or. FREE" FARM LISTS. San Joaquin valley farms, Paul Rossler. Stockton. Cal. TWO blue ribbon Silver Campine roosters $3 each, Automatic 2UI-72.