Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 23, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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Republican Candidate for Presidency Pledges Fidelity to Country and Loyalty to Best in American Tradition and Hope.
MARION. O., July 22. Senator
Harding, accepting: the repub
lican nomination for the pres
idency tpday. eald:
Members of the notification com
mit tee, -members of the national com
mittees, ladies and gentlemen:
The message wnicn you have for
.mally conveyed brings to me a realiza
tion OI rcbpuilbiuuuy 13
underestimated. It ia a eupreme task
to interpret the covenant of a great
political party, the activities of which
ale eo woven into the history of this
republic and a very sacred and solemn
undertaking to utter the faith and
aspirations of the many millions who
aohere to that party, i'he party plat-,
form has charted the way, yet.
somehow, we have come to expect
that interpretation which voices the
faith of nominees who must assume
specific tasks.
Let me be understood clearly from
the very beginning. I believe in party
sponsorship in government. 1 believe
in party government a distinguished
from personal government, individual,
dictatorial, autocraticor what not. In
a citizenship of more than a hun
dred millions it is impossible to reach
agreement upon all questions. Parties
are formed by those who reach a con
sensus of opinion. It was the intent
of the founaing fathers to give to this
republic a dependable ana enduring
popular government, representative
in form and it was designed to make
political parties not only the preserv
ing sponsors but also the effective
anencies through which hopes and
aspirations and convictions and con
science may be translated into public
Popular government has been an
inspiration of liberty since the dawn
of civilization. Republics have risen
nnd fallen, and a transition from
porty to personal government has
preceded every failure since the world
began. Under the constitution we
have the charted way to security and
prepetuity. We know it gave to us
the safe path to a developing emin
ence which no people in the wyrld
ver rivaled. It has guaranteed the
rule of intelligent, deliberate public
opinions expressed through parties.
Vender this plan a masterful leader
ship becomingly may manifest its in
fluence but a people's will still re
mains the supreme authority.-
America World Einmple,
The American achievement under
the plan of the fathers is nowhere
disputed. On the contrary the Amer
ican example has been the model of
every republic which glorifies the I
progress of liberty and is everywhere
the leaven of representative democ
racy which has expanded human free
dom, it has been wrought through
party governments
Xo man is big enough to run this
frreat republic. There never has been
one. Such domination was never lh-
tended. Tranquillity, stability, de-;
pondability all are assured in party
sponsorship and we mean to renew
the assurances which were - stranded
In the cataclysmal war.
v It was not surprising that we went
far afield from afe and prescribed
paths amid the war anxieties. There
was the unfortunate tendency before:
there was the surrender of congress
to the growing assumption of the
executive before the world war im-
fieriled all the practices we had
earned to believe in; and in the war
emergency every safeguard was
swept away. In the name of democ
racy we established autocracy. Ve
are not complaining at this extra
ordinary bestowal or assumption in
war, it seemed temporarily necessary;
our alarm is over the failure to re
store the constitutional methods when
the war emergency ended.
Our first committal is the restora
tion of representative popular gov
ernment, under the constitution,
through the agency of the republican
party. Our vision includes more than
a chief executive, we believe in a
cabinet of highest capacity, equal to
the responsibilities which our system
contemplates, in whose councils- the
vice-president, second official of the
republic, shall be asked to partici
pate. The same vision includes a
cordial understanding and co-ordinated
activities with a house of con
gress, fresh from the people, voic
ing the convictions which members
bring from direct contact with the
electorate, and cordial co-operation
along with the restored functions of
the senate, fit to be the greatest de
liberative body of the world. Its
members are the desigriated sentinels
on tne towers of constitutional gov
eminent. The resumption .of the
senate's authority saved to this re
public its independent nationality,
when autocracy mislntprnreteri the
dream of a world experiment to be
the vision of a world ideal.
- V. S. Heritage lo lie Held.
It is not difficult. Chairman Lodge,
to make ourselves clear on the ques
tion of international relationship. We
republicans of the senate, conscious
of our eolemn oath and mindful of
our constitutional obligations when
we saw the structure of a world
super-government taking visionary
form, joined in a becoming warning
of our devotion to this republic. If
the- torch of constitutionalism had not
been dimmed, the delayed peace of
the world and the tragedy of disap
pointment and Europe's mlsunder-
biandlng of America easily might
have been avoided. The republicans
of the senate halted the barter of
independent American eminence and
influence, which'it was proposed to
exchange or an obscure and un
equal place in the merged govern
ment of the world. Our party means
to hold the heritage of American na
tionality .unimpaired and unsurren
dered. The world will not misconstrue. We
do not mean to hold aloof. We do not
mean to shun a single responsibility
of this republic to world civilization.
There is no hate In the American
heart. We have no envy, no sus
picion, no aversion for any people in
the world. We hold to our rights and
mean to defend, aye, we mean to sus
tain the rights of this nation and our
citizens alike, everywhere under the
shining sun. Yet there is the con--ord
of amity and sympathy and fra
ternity in every resolution; There is
a genuine aspiration In every Amer
ican breast for tranquil friendship
with all the world.
More, we believe the unspeakable
sorrows, the immeasurable sacrifices,
the awakened convictions and the
aspiring conscience of human kind
must commit the nations of the earth
to a new and better relationship. It
'need not be discussed now wiiat mo
tives plunged the world into war, it
need not be Inquired whether we
asked the sons of this republic to de
fend our national rights, as I believe
we ma. or to purge the old world of
the accumulated ills of rivalry and
greed, the sacrifices will be in vain
if we cannot acclaim a new order,
w ith added security to civilization and
peace maintained.
Iteferencrum Is Welcomed.
One may readily sense the con
science of our America. I am sure I
understand the purpose of the dom
inant groi of the senate. We were
not seeking to defeat a world aspira
tion, we were resolved to safeguard
America. We were resolved then,
even as we are today, and will be to
morrow, to preserve this free and in
dependent republic. Let those now
responsible, or seeking responsibility,
propose the surrender, whether with
interpretations, apologies or reluctant
reservations from which our rights
are to be omittted we welcome the
referendum to the American people
on the preservation of America, and
the republican rjartv nledE-es lt
fecse of the preserved Inheritance of
national ireedom.
In the call of the conscience of
America is peace, peace that closes
the gaping wound of world war and
silences the impassioned voices of in
ternational envy and distrust. Heed-
ing this vail and knowing as I do the
disposition of the congress. I nromise
you formal and effective peace so
quickly as a republican congress can
pass its declaration for a republican
executive to sign. Then we mav
turn to our readjustment at home and
proceed deliberately and reflectively
to'fhat hoped-for world relationship
' which sh;II satisfy both conscience
and aspirations and still hold us free
front menacing Involvement.
I can hear In the call of conscience
en insistent voice for the largely re
duced armaments throughout the
world.- with attending reduction of
burdens upon peace-loving humanity.
We wish to cive of American in
fluence and example; we must give of
American leadership to that invalua
ble accomplishment.
American aspiration and the repub
lican committal for an association of
nations, co-operating In sublime ac
cord, to attain ana preserve peace
through justice rather than force, de
termined to aid to security through
international law. so clarified that no
misconstruction can be possible with
out affronting world honor.
America Mont Be Right.
This republic can never be unmind
ful of its power and must never for
get the force of its example. Pos
sessor of might that admits no fear,
America must stand foremost for the
right. If the mistaken voice of
America, spoken in unheeding haste,
led Europe, in the hour of deepest
anxiety, into a military alliance which
menaces peace and threatens all free
dom, instead of adding to their se
curity, then we must speak the truth
for Amei-ica and express our hope for
the fraternized conscience of nations.
Jt will avail nothing to discuss in
detail the league covenant, which
was conceived for world super-government,
negotiated in misunder
standing and intolerantly urged and
demanded by its adniiniiftration spon
sors, who resisted every effort to
safeguard America and who finally
rejected when such safeguards were
inserted. If the supreme blunder has
left European relationships inextrica
bly interwoven in . the league com
pact, our sympathy for Europe only
magnifies our own good fortune in
resisting involvements. It is better
to be the free and disinterested agent
of international justice and advancing
civilization, with the covenant of
conscience, than be shackled by a
written compact which surrenders
our freedom of action anTl gives to a
military alliance the right to pro
claim America's ' duty to the world.
No surrender to A world council or Its
military alliance, no assumed manda
tory however appealing, ever shall
summon the sons of this republic ta
war. Their supreme sacrifice shall
Only be allied ftr America "and its
call of honor. There is a sanctity in
that right we will not delegate.
When the compact was being writ
ten, I do not know whether Europe
asked or ambition insistently 'be
stowed. It was so good to rejoice in
the world's confidence in our unsel
fishness that I 'can believe-that our
evident disinterestedness inspired
Europe's wish --for our association,
quite as much as the selfish thought
of enlisting American power and re
sources. Ours Is an outstanding In
fluential -example to the world.
whether we cloak it in spoken mod
esty or magnify it in exaltation. We
want to heln: we mean to help: but
we hold to ouj- own interpretation of
the American conscience as the very
soul of our nationality.
We Are Americans First.
Disposed ns we are. the way is very.
simple. i-iet trie tauure attenaing
assumption, obstinacy, impracticabil
ity and delay be recognized and let
us find the big. practical. Unselfish
way to do our part, neither covetous
because or ambition nor nesitant
through fear, but ready to serve our
selves, humanity and Qod. With a
senate advising as the constitution
contemplates, 1' would hopefully ap
proach the nations of Europe and of
the earth, proposing that understand
ipg which makes us a willing partici
pant in the consecration of nations
to a new relationship, to commit the
mortal forces of the world. American
included, to peace and international
justice, still leaving America free, in
dependent and self-reliant, but otter
intr friendshin to all the world.
If men call -for more specific de
tails. 1 remind them that moral com
mittals are broad and all-inclusive.
and we are contemplating peoples in
the concord of humanity's advance
ment. From our own viewpoint the
programme is specifically American
and we me,n to be Americans iirst
to all the world.
Appraising preserved nationality as
the first essential to the continued
progress of the republic, there is
linked; with it the supreme necessity
of the restoration let us say the re
vealment of the constitution and
our reconstruction as an industrial
nation.. Here s is the transcending
task. It concerns our common weal
at home and will decide our future
eminence in the "World. More than
these. this constitutional republic.
under constitutional liberties. has
given to mankind the most fortunate
conditions for human activity arui at
tainment. the world has ever noted,
and we are today the world's reserve
force in the creat contest for liberty
through security. and maintained
equality of opportunity and its right
eous rewards.
It is folly to close our eyes to out
standing facts. Humanity is restive,
much of the world is in revolution,
the agents of discord and destruction
have wrought their tragedy in pa
thetic Russia, have lighted their
torches nmong- other peoples, and
hope to see America as a part of the
great red conflagration. Ours Is the
temple of liberty under the law and
it is ours to can the sons of oppor
tunity to its defense. America must
not only save herself, but ours must
be the appealing voice to sober the
World Nerds I nilerntanill npr.
More than all else the present day
world needs understanding. There
can be no peace save through com
Dosed differences, and the submission
of the individual to the will and weal
of the many. Any other plan means
anarchy and its rule ot force
It must be understood that toil
alone makes for accomplishment and
advancement and righteous posses
sion is the reward of ton. and its in
centive. There Is no progress except
In the stimulus of competition. When
competition natural, fair, imnellin
competition is suppressed, whether
by law, compact or conspiracy we
halt the march of progress, silence
the voice of aspiration, and paralyze
the will for achievement. These are
but common eense truths of human
The chief trouble today is that the
world war wrought the destruction
of healthful competition, left our
storehouses empty and there Is
minimum production when our need
is maximum. Maximum, not mini
mum, is the call of America. It is
not a new story, because war never
falls to leave depleted storehouses
and always impairs the efficiency of
production. War also establishes its
higher standards for wages, and they
abide. I wish the higher wage to
abide, on one explicit conditioh that
the wage earner will give full re
turn for the wage received. It is the
best assurance we can have for a.
reduced cost of living. Mark you
am ready to acclaim the highest
standard of pay, but I would be blind
to the responsibilities that mark this
fateful hour If I not caution the
wage earners of America that mount
ing wages ana decreased production
can lead only to industrial and eco
nomic ruin.
I want somehow to appeal to the
sons and daughters of the republic
to every producer, to join hand and
brain in production, more production,
honest production, patriotic nroduc
tion. because patriotic production is
no less a defense of our best civiliza
tion than that of armed force. Profi
teering is a crime of commission,
under-production is a crime of omis
sion. We must work our most and
best, else the destructive reaction will
come. We must stablize and strive
for normalcy, else the inevitable re
action will bring in its train suffer
ings, disappointments and reversals.
We want to forestall such reaction,
we want to hold all advanced ground
and fortify It with general good
In Conflict Ia Disaster.
Let us return for a moment to the
necssity for understanding particu
larly that understanding which con
cerns ourselves at home. I decline to
recognize any conflict of interest
tamons the participants in- industry.
l ne destruction or one is tne ruin of
the other, the suspicion or rebellion
of one unavoidably Involves the other.
In conflict is disaster, in understand
ing there is triumph. There is no
issue relating to the foundation on
which industry is builded because in
dustry Is bigger than any element in
its modern making. But. the insistent
call Is for labor, management and
cam'tal to reach understanding.
The human element comes first,
and I want the employers in industry
to understand the aspirations, the
convictions, the yearnings of the mil1 I
lions or American wage earners, iudi
I want the wage earners to under-1
stand the problems, the anxieties, the!
obligations of management and'
capital and all of them must under-
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Photo Copyright by Underwood
and heir obligation to the republicl
(Jut ot tms understanding will come
the unanimous committal to economic
justice and economic justice lies
that social justice which is the
highest essential 16' human happi
ness. .V'
I am speak'ing as. one who has
counted the contents of the pay
envelope from the viewpoint of the
earner as wen as the employer, -xvo
one pretends to deny the inequalities
which are manifest in modern in
dustrial life. They are less in fact
thaiv they were before organization
and grouping on either side revealed
the inequalities, and conscience has
wrought move justice than statutes
have compelled, but the ferment of
the world rivets our thoughts on the
necessity of progressive solution, else
our generation will suffer the experi
ment which means chaos ror our day,
to re-establish God's plan for the
great tomorrow.
Speaking our svmoathles. utterlncr
the conscience of all the people, mlnd-
tui oi our rtgnt to awen amid the
good fortunes of rational, conscience
impelled advancement, we hold the
majesty of righteous government,
with liberty under the law. to be our
avoidance of chaos, and we call upon
every citizen or tne repuDiic lo noia
fast to that which made us what we
are. and we will have orderly govern
ment safeguard the onward march
to all we ought to be.
Americana On People.
The menacing tendency of. the pres
ent day Is not chargeable wholly to
as the rights of life and the pursuit
of happiness.
We do hold to the right to crush
sedition, to stitle a menacing con
tempt for law, to stamn out a nerll
t the safety of the republic or its
the unsettled and fevered conditions nmnlp u.-h'n nmo-o. ...... n i
caus-ed by the war. The manifest cause eruritv n,i ti.o ,',, e
weakness in popular government lies the law are the first essential ot
in the temptation to anneal to grouped
ritiaenship for political advantage.
There is' no great peril. The consti
tution contemplates no class and
recognizes no group. It broadly in
cludes all the people, with specific
recognition for none, and the highest
consecration we can make today is a
committal of the republican party to
that saving constitutionalism which
contemplates all Americans as one
people and holds just government free
from influence on the one hand and
unmoved by intimidation on the other.
It would be the blindness of folly
to ignore the activities in our own
country which are aimed to destroy
our economic system and to commit
Us to the colossal tragedy which has
both destroyed all freedom and made
Russia Impotent. This movement is
hot to be halted iti throttled liberties.
We must not abridge the freedom of
speech, the freedom of press or the
freedom of assembly, because there
is no promise in repression. These
liberties are as sacred as the free
dom of religious belief, as inviolable
Masterful leadership may manifest its influence, but a people's
will still remains the supreme authority.
Republicans of senate halted barter of American eminence fof
obscure and unequal place in merged government of world.
We do not mean to shun a single responsibility of this republic
to world civilization.
We welcome the referendum to the American -people on the
preservation of America, and the republican party pledges its
defense,. .'
1 promise you effective peace so quickly as a republican con
' gress can pass its declaration for a republican executive to sign.
' Possessor of niight that admits no fear, America must stand
' foremost for the right.
League covenant, conceived for world super-government and
'. negotiated in misunderstanding.
. It is better to "be the free and disinterested agent of interna
tional justice than be shackled by a written compact which- sur
renders our freedom.
America must not only save herself, but ours must be the ap
pealing voice to sober the world.
.- I acclaim the highest standard of pay, but mounting wages and
. decreased production can lead only to industrial and economic ruin.
Railway workmen ought to be the best paid and knoW the best
working conditions in the world. Theirs is an exceptional re
sponsibility. Inadequate transportation facilities, mainly chargeable to fail
ure of government experiment, are losing millions to agriculture
- and hindering industry.
We debased the dollar in reckless finance; now we must restore
it in honesty. .
In all sincerity we promise the prevention of unreasonable
profits, we challenge profiteering with all the moral force and
legal powers of government.
; Our party has never failed in its realization that agriculture
is essentially the foundation of our very existence.
I believe there is an easy and open path to righteous rela
tionship with Mexico.
Neither government nor party can afford to cheat the Ameri
can people.
Defenders on,land and sea worthy of best traditions of a people
never warlike in peace and never pacifist in war.
Womanhood of America, always its glory, its inspiration and
its potent uplifting force, is about to be enfranchised.
Have confidence in the republic. America will go on.
liberty. He who th
tion of the government by force or
iiaunis nis contempt for lawful au
thority, ceases to be a loyal' citizen
oiiu lonens nis rights to the free
dom of the republic.
.. " . ald to aU of America
that our p an of mniniuF rTm.a..nnxA
contemplates such orderly changes as
. johinhu intelligence if the
majority of our people think best.
mere can be no modification of this
,T .i k r ' .Dut no minority
iufin me rignis or a majority,
-vien have a right to uuesiinn nnr ex
tern in full nd .in frAr.m I. .. .
must always remember that the rights
Z 1.1 , fdl.1 impose the obligations
whlch maintain it. Our policy is not
tf repression, but we make appeal
today to American intelligence and
i ii luiiFm. wnen the repi
...c.ncu irom wunin. just as we
trusted American patriotism when our
"6 wcru threatened- from without
Steadiness Now Kecded.
We call on all America for steadi
ness. so that we may proceed de
noerateiy to the readjustment- which
concerns all the people. Our party
platform fairly exnreuri i , .,
science of republicans on Industrial
rp ations. No party is indifferent to
ii.c wciuie oi tne wage earner. To
us his good fortune is of
cern, and we seek to make tW good
fortune permanent. We do .not op
pose but approve collective bnrgaln
because that is an outstanding
iignt, Dut we are unalterably insistent
that its exercise must not destroy
y?.ei,.eqlial;y ?crea right of the in
dividual, in his necessary pursuit of
livelihood. Any American has the
right to quit his employment, so has
'er,Ter,?n the riht to seek em
ployment. The group must not en
drager the individual and we must
discourage groups preying upon one
another, and none shall be allowed
to forget that government's obliga
tions are alike to all the
I hope we may do more than merely
discourage the losses and suffering
attending industrial conflict. The
strike against the government is
properly denied, for government stir
vice involves none of the elements of
profit which relate to competitive en-
itTPrV?ei.Th?re .is Progress In the
establishment of official revealment
of Issues and conditions which lead
to conflict, so that unerring public
sentiment mav bhpoH th ..... .
but I hope for that accord ot purpose'
not forced but inspired by the com
m on weal, which will give a regulated
i-.ui.iii, oci vice me runest guarantv or
continuity. I ana thinking of theirs.
In modern life thev ara th v.m
base of all our nrtiviti..a in..:
changes. For public protection we
nave enacted laws providing for a
regulation of the charge for service,
a limitation on the capital invested
and a limitation on ranit.-ir at-nino-..
There remains only competition of
service on which to base our hopes
meet our modern requirements. The
railway workmen nuo-ht tn k. it,.
best paid and know the best working
wnuii..uii!i in me worm. i neirs is
an exceptional responsibility. They
are not only essential to ihu'lifa tirf
health and all productive activities
of the people, but thev are directly
responsible for the safety of travel
ing millions. The government which
has assumed so much nniiinritv
the public good might well stamp
railway employment Wltn the sanc
tity of public service and ruaramea
to the railway employes that justice
which voices the American concep
tion of righteousness on the one hand
ana assure continuity ot service on
the other.
I can "speak: ' unreservedly of the -eland their- rttltieaiiipto th-e people
Road Rehabilitation Urged.
The importance of railway rehabil
itation is so obvious that reference
seems uncalled for. We are so con
fident that much of the present day
insufficiency and Inefficiency of trans
portation are due to the withering
hand of government operation that
we emphasize anew our opposition to
government ownership: we want to
expedite the reparation and make
sure the mistake is not repeated.
It is little use to recite tile story
of development, exploitation, govern
ment experiment and its neglect,
government operation and Its fail
ures. The inadequacy of trackage
and terminal facilities, the Insuffi
ciency of equipment and the ineffi
ciency of operation all bear the
restoration of private ownership de
serves our best encouragement. Bil
lions are needed in new equipment,
not alone to meet the growing de
mand tor service, but to restore the
extraordinary depreciation due-to the
strained service of war. With re
stricted earnings and with speculative
profits removed, railway activities
have come to the realm of conserva
tive and constructive service aud the
government which impaired must
play its part in restoration. Manifest
ly the returns must be so gauged that
necessary capital may be eulisted and
we must foster as well as restrain.
We have no more pressing problem.
A state of Inadequate transportation
facilities, mainly chargeable to the
failure of governmental experiment,
is losing millions to agricutture, it is
hindering industry, it is menacing
the American people with a tiel
shortage little less than a peril. It
emphasizes the present day problem
and suggests that spirit of encour
agement, and assistance which com
mits all America to relieve such an
The one eomnenAtion amid attend
ing anxieties is our new and needed
realization of the vital part the
transportation plays in the complexi
ties of modern life. We are not to
think of rails alone, but highways
from farm to market, lrom railway
to farm, arteries of life blood to
present day life, the quickened ways
lo communication and exchange, the
answer of our ueoule to the motor
age. We believe in generous federal
co-operation in construction, liiiaea
with assurances of maintenance that
will put an end to criminal waste of
public fumls on the one hniid and gic
guaranty oi uPKept nignways on
the other.
Sea Kmlnence Desired.
Water transportation is inseparably
linked with adequacy of facilities and
we favor American eminence on the
seas, the practical development of in
land waterways, the upbuilding and
co-ordination of all to make them
equal to and ready for every call of
lipvulnninr nnd wiileniuir American
commerce. 1 like mat recommittal
to thoughts of America first which i
pledges the Panama canal, an Amer
ican creation, to the tree use of
American shipping. It will add to
the American reawakening.
one cannot speak of niuusiry anu
commerce and the transportation on
which they are dependent witnout an
earnest thought of the abnormal cost
of living and the problems in its
-wake, it is easy to inveigh, but that
avails nothing. And it is far too
serious to" dismiss with naming uui.
futile promise.
ISight years ago. in times oi peace,
the democratic party made it an is
sue and when clotneu wun power
that party came near to us accom
plishment by destroying tne peoples
capacity to buy. But that was a cure
worse than tne ailment. u is
to understand the real causes, after
which the patient must help to effect
his own cure.
Gross expansion or currency anu
friHit hnv ilenre luted the dollar
just as expansion and inflation have
Oiscreaiveu tne coma yj i tiir
We inflated in haste, we must ue
flate in deliberation. We debased the
dollar In reckless finance, we must
restore in honesty. Deflation on the
nritx hatiH and restoration of the 100-
cent dollar on the other ought to have
begun on the day after tne armistice,
but plans were lacking or courage
failed. The unpreparedness for peace
was little less costly than unpre-
parednesR for war.
We can promise no one remedy
which will cure an ill of such wide
proportions, but we do pledge that
AnrnpBt nnH rnnslstent attack which
thA nartv nlntform covenants. We will
attempt Intelligent end courageous
denation anu sirine at ko -i mucin
borrowing which enlarges the evil.
and we will attack high cost or gov
rnmfnt with everv energy and fa
cilitv which attend republican ca
pacity. We promise that relief whicn
win uttenH thA hnltinir of waste and
extravagance, and the renewal of
the practice of public economy, not
alone because it wiil relieve tax
i,,,.Hina Kiit hoinip it will-- be an
examnle to stimulate thrift and
economy in private life.
Profiteer to. He Fought.
I have already alluded to the ne
cessity for the fullness of production
and we heed the fullness of service
which attends the exenange oi prod
ucts. Let us sneak the irrefutable
truth, high wages and reduced cost
of living are in utter contradiction
unless we have the height of elfl
ciency for wages received.
In all sincerity we promise the pre
vention of unreasonable profits, we
challenge profiteering with all the
moral force d the legal powers of
government and people, but it is fair,
ave. It is timely, to give reminder that
law Is not the sole corrective of our
economic ills.
Let us call to all the people for
thrift and economy, for denial and
sacrifice, if need, for a nation-wide
drive against extravagance and lux
urv, to a recommittal to simplicity of
living to that prudent and normal
plan of lire which is the health of
the republic. There hasn't been a re
covery from the waste and abnormal
ities of war elnce the story of man
kind was first written except through
work and saving, through industry
and denial, while needless spending
and heedless extravagance have
marked every decay in the history o'
nations. Give the assurance of tha
rugged simplicity of American lif
which marked the first century ot
amazing development and this gen
eration mav underwrite a seconu een
tury of surpassing accomplishment.
The republican party was founded
by farmers, with the sensitive con
science born of their freedom and
their simple lives. These founders
sprang from the farms of the then
middle west. Our party has never
failed In its realization that agricul
ture Is essentially the foundation of
our very existence and it has ever
been our policy, purpose and perform
ance to protect and promote that es
sential industry.
New conditions. which attend
amazing growth and extraordinary
industrial development, call for a
new and forward looking programme.
Tho American farmer had a hundred
and twenty millions to feed in the
home market, and heard the cry of
the world for food and answered it.
though he faced an appalling tasK
amid handicaps never encountered be
fore. Farmen Should Unite.
In the rise of price levels- there
VtavA i-nme Increased appraisals to
his acres without adding to their
value In fact, but which do add to his
taxes and expenses without enhancing
his returns. His helpers have yielded
tn thA lurA of shoD and city until.
almost alone, he has met and borne
the burden of the only insistent at
tempts to force down prices. It
r-hnllenseH both the wisdom and the
justice of artificial drives on prices
to recaft mat tney were euei-iive m
most snlelv aeainst his products in
the hands of the producer and never
effective against the came products
in passing to the consumer. Contem
plating the defenselessness of the in
dividual farmer to meet the organized
buvers of his products and tne a-is
tributors of the things the farmer
buvs, I hold that farmers snouia not
oniv be permitted but encouraged to
Join in co-operative association to
reap the just measure of reward mer
ited bv their arduous toil. Let us
facilitate co-operation to Insure
arulnst the risks attending agrtcul
ture. which the urban world eo little
understands, and a like co-operation
to market their products as directly
as possible with the consumer, in the
interests ot alt. upon sucn associa
tion and co-operation should he laid
onlv such restrictions as will pre
vent arbitrary control of our food
supply and the fixing of extortionate
nrice UDOn it.
Our platform Is an earnest pledge
of renewed concern for this most ea
selitial and elementary industry, and
in both appreciation and Interest we
pledge effective expression in law
and practice. We will hail that co
operation which again wiil make
tiroritable and desirable the owner
ship and operation of comparatl vely
Kmall farms intensively cultivated.
and which will facilitate the caring
for the Droducts of farm and orchard
withftut the lamentable waste under
present .conditions.
America would look with anxiety
on the discouragement or farming ac
tivity either tnrougn tne govern
ment's neglect or its paralysis by so
ministration will be committed to re
newed regard for agriculture and
seek the participation of farmers in
curing the ills justly complained of
and aim to place the American farm
where it -ught to be highly ranked
in American activities and fuily shar
ing the highest good fortunes of
American life.
Becomingly associated with this
subject are the policies of irrigation
and reclamation, so essential to agri
cultural expansion and the continued
development, of the great and won
derful west. It is our purpose to
continuevand enlarge federal aid, not
In sectional partiality, but for the
good of all America. We hold to that
harmony of relationship between
conservation and development which
fittingly appraises our natural re
sources and makes them avaiiuhle to
developing America of today ami still
holds to the conserving thought for
the America of tomorrow.
The federal government's relation
to reelamstion and development is
too important to admit of ample dis
cussion today. Alaska alone is rich
in resources beyond all imagination
and needs only closer linking,
through the lines of transportation
and a governmental policy that both
safeguards and encourages develop
ment, to speed it to a foremost posi
tion as a commonwealth ruKged in
citizenship and rich in materialized
These things I can only mention,
within becoming limits one cannot
say more. Indeed, for the present
many questions of vast importance
must bp hastily passed, reserving a
fuller discussion to suitable occasion
as the campaign advances.
I believe the budget system will
effect a necessary, helpful reforma
tion and reveal business methods to
government business.
1 believe federal departments shouM
be made more businesslike nnd send
back to productive elfort thousands
of federal employes who are either
duplicating work or not essential at
I believe in the protective tnriff
policy and know we will be cslung
for its saving Americanism again.
I believe in a great merchant ma
rine I would have this republic the
leading: maritime ration or the w ond.
I believe in a navv amble to orotect
it and able to assure us dependable
I believe in a small armv. but the
best in the world, with a mindfulness
for preparedness which will avoid the
unutterable cost ot our previous
Heal Americanism I'rgetF.
I believe in our eminence in trade
abroad, which the government should
aid in expanding, both in revealing
markets and speeding cargoes.
I believe In establishing standard
in Immigration, which are concerned
with the future citizenship ot the
republic, not with mere man power in
indust ry.
I believe that everv m:tn whn rtonft
the garb of American citizen shin and
walks in the light of American op
portunity, must become American in
heart and soul.
I- believe In holding fast to every
forward step in unshacklinir ehilrl l:i-
bor and elrvating conditions of
woman's e"miloyinent.
1 believe the federal government
should stamp out Ivnchinir and re
move that stain from the lair name
of America.
I believe the federal government
should give its effective aid in solv
ing the problem of ample and be
coming housing of its citizenship.
I believe this government shuuld
make its liberty and victory bonds
worth all that Its patriotic citizens
paid in purchasing them.
I believe the tax burdens imposed
for the war emergency must be re
vised to the needs of peace and in
the interest of equity In distribution
of the burden.
I believe the negro citizens of
America should he guaranteed the en
joyment of all their rights, that thev
have earned' the full measure of
citizenship bestowed, that their sac
rifices in blood on the battlefield of
the republic have entitled them to all
of freedom and opportunity, all of
symnathy and aid that (he American
spirit of fairness and justice demands.
Mexican 1'rohlrm simple.
I believe there is an easy and open
path to righteous relationship with
Mexico. It has seemed to me thiit
our undeveloped, uncertain and in-
tirm policy has made us a culpable
party lo the governmental misfor
tunes In that land. Our relations
ought to be both friendly nnd sym
pathetic: tve would like to acclaim a
stable government there and offer a
neighborly hand in pointing the wav
to greater progress. It would he
simple to have a plain and neich-
Dorly understanding, merelv an un
derstanding about respecting our
borders, about protecting the lives
nd possessions of American citizens
lawfully within the Mexican domin
ions. There mustbe that understand
ing, else there can be no recognition,
and then the understanding must be
faithfully kept.
Many or these declarations deserve
a fuller expression, with some ua-
srestions of plitns to emphasize the
faith. Such expressions wi:l follow
in due time, I promise you.
I believe in law enforcement. If
elected I mean to be a constitutional
president nnd It Is impossible to ig
nore the constitution, unthinkable to
evade the law. when our every rom
mital is to orderly government. 1'eo-
Ie ever will differ about the wis
dom ofthe enactment of a law
there is divided opinion respecting
the ISth amendment arid the laws
enacted to make it iterative but
there can be no difference of opinion
about honest law enforcement.
Neither government nor party can
afford to cheat the American people.
The laws of congress must harmonize
with the constitution, else thev soon
are adjudged to be void: congress
enacts the laws and the executive
branch of government is charged
with enforcement. We cannot nul
lify because of divided opinion, we
cannot Jeopardize orderly government
with contempt for law enforcement.
Modification or repeal is the right
of a free people, whenever the de
liberate and intelligent public senti
ment commands, but perversioif and
evasion mark the paths to the failure
of government itself.
Though not in pi rt ' sn risen
must sneak of the services of the
men and women who rallied to the
colors of the republic in the world
war. America realizes and appreci
ates the service rendered, the sacri
fices made and the sufferings en
dured. There shall be no distinction
between those who knew the perils
nnd glories of the battle front or the
dangers of the sea and those who
were compelled to serve behind the
lines, or those who constituted the
great reserve of a grand armv which
awaited the call in camps at home.
Tribute lnld Defender.'
All were brave, all w-ere sacri
ficing, all were sharers of those
ideals which sent our boys thrice
armed J,0 war.. Worthy sort and
daughters, these, fit successor to
those who christened our banners in
the immortal beginning, worthy sons
of those who saved the union and
nationality wnen civil war wiped the
ambiguity from the constitution,
ready sons of those who drew the
sword for humanity's sake the first
time in the world, in IS'jS.
The four million defenders on land
and sea were worthy of the best tra
ditions of a people never warlike in
peace and never pacifist in war. They
commanded our pride, they have our
gratiiude, which must have genuine
expression, it is not onlv a duty, it is
a privilege to ee that the sacrifices
made shall be requited, and that
those still suffering from casualties
and disabilities shall be abundantly
aided and restored to the hiahest
capabilities of citizenship and its en
jo nii-nt.
1 he womanhood of America, al
wav s its glory, its inspiration and the
potent, uplifting force in its social
and spiritual development, is about
to be enfranchised. Insofar as con
gress can go. the fact is already ac
complished This party edict, by my
recorded vote, by personal conviction.
1 am committed lo this measure of
Justice. It is my earnest hope, my
sincere desire that the one needed
stale vote be quickly recorded in the
a if i i niation of the riuht of equal
suffrage and vote of every citUen
shall be cast nnd counted in the ap
proaching eleclion.
Let us not share the apprehensions
of many of men and women as to tha
danger of this momentous extension
l tiie franchise. Women have never
been without influence in our politi
cal life. Knfranchisenient will brinf
to the polls the votes of citizens who
have been born upon our soil, or who
have souaht in faith and assurance
the freedom and opportunities of our
land. K will bring the women edu
cated in our schools, trained in our
customs and habits of thought, and
sharers of our problems. It will
brinu the alert mind, the awakened
conscience, the .sure intuition, the
abhorreiu-e of tyranny or oppression,
the widF and tender" sympathy that
distinguished the women of America.
Surely there can be no danger there.
America Will (,o On.
And to the great number of noble
women who nave opposed In convic
tion this tremendous change in the
ancient relation of the sexes as ap
plied to government. 1 venture to
plead that they wiil accept the full
responsibility of enlarged citizen
ship and give to the in the re
public their suffrage and support.
Much has been suid of late about
worid ideals, but 1 prefer to think
of the ideal for America. I like lo
think there is something more than
the patriotism aud piacticrtl wisdom
of the founding fathers. It is good
to believe that may be destiny held
this new world republic to the su
preme example of representative de
mocracy and orderly liberty by which
humanity is inspired to higher ac
complishment. It is idle to think we
have attained 'perfection, but there
Is the satisfying knowledge that w
hold orderly processes for uiaking our
government refiect the heart and
mind of tho republic. Ours is tit
only a fortunate people but a very,
common sensical people, with vision
high but their feet on the earth, with
belief in themselves and faith in i Ri
Whether enemies threaten from with
out or menaces arise from within,
"there is some indefinable voice fray
in!: "Have confidence in the republic!
America will go on."
Hi-e is a temple of liberty no
storms may shake, here are the altari
of freedom no passions shall destroy.
It was American in concepiion, Amer
ican in Us building, it shall be Amer
ican in the fulfillment. Section:!.'
once. we are all American now and
we mean to be all Americans to ail
the w or til.
Mr. Chairman, members of the com
mitlec. my countrymen all: 1 would,
not be my natural self if I did noi
utter my consciousness of my limited
ability to meet our full expectations
or to" realize the aspirations withir
my own breast, but I will gladly giv
all that is in me. all of heart, sou'
and mind and abiding love of country
to service in -our common cause.
can only pray to the omnipotent Cod
that I may be as worthy in servici
as I know myself to be faithful if
thought and purpose. One can noi
give more Mindful of the vast re
sponsibilities I must be frankly hum
ble, but 1 have that confidence in tin
consideration and support of all trui
Americans which makes wholly un
afraid. With an unalterable faill
and in hopeful spirit, with a hyrri
of service in my heart. 1 pledge fi
delity to our country and to God aii
accept the nomination of the repub
lican party for the presidency of th
United Slates.
100.000,000 Von Will Ho Bon
ruwctl or "United Slates Tor Kails.
TOKIO. July 22. Baron Takahasi
minister of finance, announced in th
house of peers today that a loan ot
100,000,000 yen for the South Man.
churlan railroad would probably bi
floated in the United States soon.
Foreign Minister Uciiida. answerini
questions during the same session, de..
clared the American shipping Ian
doubtless would materially affco!
Japanese shipping interests, but thai
Japan was prepared to take the w is-
7 est steps to meet the situation.
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