THE 3IORXING ORGGOXIAX, FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1020 10, HELP WANTED MALE. $300 to $500 A MONTH. Are you earning that? Many automo bile experts are. You may Join the high-salaried mU i I led-mechan Ic ranks if you take advantage of the gaa engineer ing courses offered by the I.KADINu ALTO SCHOOL. OK THB WK8T WIT H A' RKCORD OK MORE ORA OUATES THAN ANY OTHKK bl'HOOU Investigate, enroll and don't pay us a. rent until you are convinced that we'll de.iver the goods. That's fair, isn't It? Write lor our $1 bS-page catalogue. It's free. Ask for Book No. 5. OUR COURSES ARB FRBB TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MBS. ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE UNION AVBNui)AND WASCO BT. 18. MT TOUNO MEN ' have. In the past years, been assisted in finding positions through the Portland V. M. C. A. advisory and employment dept. This Is not an 'agency, and no extra fees er commissions are cnarf"i; Kmnlnvirt nutiirullu turn to the Y for men beeause we anneal to the pestj tpe of men and boys. Our demand at present ia far greater than the supply. You never had such an opportunity to fet a better position if you are prepared r it. All men ia clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially Invited to eonauit one of the employment secre taries, room 307. Free vocational guidance and employ ment for ex-service muu. MR. EX-SKRVICE MAN Are you bunting Job or seeking a Career? Have vou discovered where you fit inT Would )ou like to talk over your problem confidentially, with a man of wide experience who will take a per sonal interest in you? , The Y. M. O, A. advisory and em ployment dept. can assist you in choos ing, and can help you find the place for which you are best fitted, Ihls service is absolutely free to ex-service men. See one ot the secretaries. Room AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Automobiles, tractors, vulcanising. This school, not run to make money but to make automotive mechanics. Is super vised by leading automobile and tractor business men of Portland. Btudenta do practical repair work. Free tuition to ex-service men; clip this ad. Send it or call at office, 410 Oregon Institute of Technology. Y. M. C. A. m THE MEIER A FR ANK COMPANY re quires the services of two experienced bubhelmen. . Apply Employment Bureau, Sixth Flour, Meier at Frank Company. li)ARN a trade now and pay later. Are you mechanically Inclined T If eo. in vestigate HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE AND GAB TRACTOR SCHOOL at T07 Hawthorne ave., corner East 20th, where you can learn in six weeks to op erate and repair mil makes of autos and tractors. WANTED Makeup Tor flally paper in town of 10,000; must be experienced en country daily; eight pjages daily and 36 pages Sunday morning. No Satur day issue. Job is permanent. Now open, tei ale 0.75. September 1 goes to $42.75. Union. Centralis Daily Hub, Centralla, Wash. . WHOLESALE house desires services of a young man under 25 years of age who has had retail training in men's wearing apparel; for one of good appearance with average schooling a wonderful oppor tunity for growth la offered. Answer in own handwriting and give -experience and salary expected. T 268, Oregonian. BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN'-Repreient a reliable established company in your territory. Experience not necessary. We help you succeed. Some splendid open ings now for young middle-aged or elderly men. Toppenish Nursery Co., Top pen Is h. Wash. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn 1100 to $200 monthly corresponding for newspapers; $13 to $25 weekly in spare time: exuerience unnecessary: no ca assing; subjects suggested. Send for particulars. National Press Bttreau. But talo. N. Y. ' PIANO FINISHER WANTED A splendid position offered to competent piano polisher and finisher who is capable of doing first-class work on high-grade pianos. Apply to The Wiley B. Allen 16., Morrison at -sroaaway. IF ITS HELP you want, call BROAD WAY &2&U. STAR EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. -4 North, tfecond St. RKS.lWYER for horizontal resaw. day shift, eie-ht hours. $0.75. Increase if satisfactory. Crosse tt Western Lumber Co., Wauita. Oregon, To miles .below Portland on Astoria division. S- P. & Tty. WANTED Yarding engine for Immediate iifl. nrtfer 11x13 Willamette or 12xlJ Tucoma. Must be In A-l condition. Ad dress National Lumber & Mfg. Co., Ho- quiam, Wah. MELP WANTED A first-class piano Pol is her and finisher. Fine position offered to a competent man who la thoroughly reliable and honest. The Wiley B. Alien Co., Morrison at Broadway. lOl.NO MAN, single, especially gifted in salesmanship, for position with whole sale house, excellent opportunity. State age, references, where last employed. H D2U, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED felting machine man mattress filler. ran and helper in most modern rectory ; steady . , employment. United Manufacturing Co., 2tU 1 and IoliHduy. V'ANTED Experienced janitor and wife for 703 Davis street apartments; must t horoughly understand heating,, plumb ing anu wiring. Appiy oeiween iu anu j j to 1j. ii. -tor i man, iu i tjasco mag, W ANTE D W E A VERS. For tiav and night work hiph-gratie flannels and blankets, EUREKA WOOLEN MILLS. . . Eureka. Cal. AUTOMOBILE WASHER wanted: steady work; highest wages in. city; must be capable and steady worker. Apply to Mr. Walcott. shop auDL, North, West Auto. Alder and lhth st. MEN under 55, experience unnecessary travel, make secret Investigation, re ports; salaries, expenses. Write American Foreign ueteetive Agency, tut st, Louis, FIRST-CLASS experienced reeawyer for day shift for large Columbia river mill good pay to the right man. AG kli Ore gonlan. . WANT 600 cords wood moved 2-10 rods, bOc; or sell at 14. call o mites south east Oregon City, by Ljnn'a mill, Chaun cey Barney. WANTED Names men, boys over Hi, w isning Decome railway man clerks 1133. 19u month. Answer AV U3( Ore gonian. TRUCK OWNERS. ATTENTION! Want U to 34-ton truck and trailer. haul logs. Call 221 Salmon st. Main h 1 i4. GOOD truck driver wanted to take hal interest in truck making $-10 per day J 1000 will handle. .Phone before 10 A. M. or evenings, woooiawn 4 it 00. AIVERTISINO solicitor of ability wanted for about 10 days on substantial special edition, a dare, staling experience, 70, Oregonian. WANTED Upholsterers, high-grade work, Michaeison Bros., 6-133 Foster road. pnone Taoor twa. WANTED Students to learn vulcanizin and retreading from Akron, 0-( grad PICK and hovei laborers wanted. Port land Gas & coae co. . Apply 4 P, te. Z-il r lanaera at. - WANTED airst-eiass meat cutter for country snop, waxes ou per week. Ad dress Li ox aui, xnueoenaence. ur. HELP WANTED A first-cjass piano tun and player repair man. The Wiley ; Allen Co.. Morrison at Broadway. FREE rent, wood and water to marr!e man desiring saw mm worn, school cloa James coie. xewm. yr. BARBER Steady job: 2 Saturday men S. 41. iiowaru. seo. Aiaster Barker as sociation, no ruy iu liELLBOY wanted, short hours, from 5 P. M. to jo i'. ju. cniversxty club, tith an J efrerson. EXPERIENCED btenographur, ;i month work : state age. expert anU boIji BARbftK waniea, lirsi-ciuss, guar an tee, 60 per cent over $45. 816 Lombard st at. Jonns car. WANTED fitipino poy to work mornings only. -au n unctr. iio at. vai nt., corner or wasnmgton. waXTKD First-class second-hand card and a card sender. Wire Eureka Woolen Mills, Kureaa. - H R N K.M A K E RS. Co.. l- Igt st. The T. J. Cronin NON-UNION barber wanted, steady job, good wagee guaranteed. 2Q3 Morrison st. BARBER wanted. Shop. Morgan Bldg. Barber "WANTED An experienced hospital order ly or .janitor. Apply 533 Pittock block. YOUNG' MAN wanted for office work. $14 week to start. WMte AH 411. Oregonian. AT ONCE. good, all-around baker; best of wares. Lleb's Bakery. Albany. Oregon. LEARN the vulcanising business, write 158 East Broadway.- Call or HELP WANTED HALE. LARGE wholesale house has opening for general office man; excellent opportunity ior man who is capable of accepting re sponsibilities and one who is ambitious for advancement; this position offers fair starting salary with quick advance ment as ability shown: orefer man be tween age of 23 and 80. AE 800. Ore- gonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED MECHAN1C- FOR LAYOUT WORK IN' WOODWORK- -ING MILL; PREFER ONE EXPERI ENCED IN CARRIAGE OR BODY WORK; TO THE RIGHT MVN WE OFFER EXCELLENT PAY. APPLY PANDY BLVD. CARRIER wanted in St. Johns district for route south of Jersey street. Apply CItV uircuiauon utpi.. ;:o3 oregonian bldg. CARRIER wanted for large oute in Ladd-s addition. Fine route, lor student who wishes to return to school this fall. Ad- ply City Circulation. 203 Oregoniau bldg. WANTED 12' STEEL M OLDER ME CHANICS FOR HEAVY AND HUNCH WORK: HIGHEST WAGES 1A1LI. UN EMPLOYED MOLDEKS CAN FIND EM i PLOYMENT AT COLUMBIA STEEL CO., AT PITTSBURG. CAL. FOR PAR TICULARS COMMUNICATE WITH CO LUMBIA STEEL CO.. PORTLAND, OR. rum lais l;, o n. THE OLDS, WORTMAN A KINO STORE requires me services of an experienced window sjiade maker. Apply superin- lenaecii olLce. to 10:30 A. M. MINERS. For Hercules Miue, Burke, Idaho. Steady employment; wages $5.75 to $6.2 per day ; modern hotel accommo dations; room and board $45; all water liners, 2 nun era on a machine; no lee cnaxgeu. NO I. W. WS WANTED. Apply Louis K. Church, service club. am Trent avenue, Spokane, Wajh. NEAT young men te travel from here to Seattle with crew manager; $35 per week, tf hours' work per day. Call ready to ko between 8 and 0 A. M.: train leaves at IO A. M. Call 804 Pine et. Call tor Mr. Pope. EXPERIENCED butcher for out-of-town wont. Good wages and Xirst-clasa work ing conditions. Ex-service men register with us. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 205 Artisans' Bids. Broadway 1367. EXPERIENCED edgerman for 10-Inch machine, day shift, o hours, ?u; eight lumber pliers. So. 25 ; resiwver lor Mer it hon horizo-.ical bami rsa.w. day shift. kb.tb. Crosaeit Western Lumtor Co., Wauna, Or., 75 miles bt low Portland, on Asiorli. Dlv., ri. P. ft S. Ky. WANTED- Young laan, experienced In re tail riower Btiop, capable ot uotnj alt de signing; give references and statu waives expected in firtt Wtter. Position now (pen. State of Idaho. AV 101, Orego- ltian. W ANTED "liree bright, ntat-appearing young men, aged about 21, to join trav eling crew ana learn good oaytnff busi ness; references required. Liberal sal ary to start. Call in person, JO to 12 a. xi., today, rtoom o, Carlton hotel. FOR big factory In a good little town north of Portland, o men to work in or Around plant; f-i.50, 10 hra. ; 1 edgerman. i.i'O, b lira. JJo Burnsiue. WANTED Miia and wife to work f irm, man to do general farm wont and woman to ssUt with noi ewoik; $1 0 P.t month una board, is. Ji. i;eeher. Forest Grove, Or. K. 1. WANTED Man to learn wasning; one not ati-atd ot work; -: per week to start. Crystal Laundry, E. 21st at. Sandy, 11. C. car. WANTED Man and wife, man as ccok lady as waitress small countiy restau rant; iim per montn. tnuin i Employ. ment Service, 2734 Burnslde, cor. 4 th. A-l AUTO repair man to take charge of pig tnop on west side; must have o0. KLLlAliLb 1XV ESTMJSNT CO., o05 Oak St. EXPERIENCED and inexperienced fancy pacaers, also gtria to work in candy fac tory. Apply Chocolate Trufflers Co., cor. Grand ave. and bast Stark. ' WANTED A middle-aged man for ma chine shoo floor work. Call Friday morn ing only. Cutler Manufacturing Co., E. nitn ana -nm. MARKER and distributor wanted; salaty !;.. per week write run particulars in nrst letter. wenttcnee stum i.a unary. Wenatcnee, ash. BOOKKEEPER. AUTO EX PERI KNOE PREFER li ED, C A P A BLF OF AUDI T4 1NG; GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG MAN. O OFU. OREGONIAN. WANTED Firat-class automobile mechan ic; married man preferred: steady wurk. Phone or write Csman . McDonald Auto Co., Eugene. Or. DISHWASHER and kitchen mar, experi- erced, ji;e place, steuay job. vrite or phone. The Pheasant, Hood River. WANTED Firat-class fry cook. Apply after I'J noon. Clarcmont Cavern, t-o iiinnton rnaa. WANTED An experienced fountain man for grocers picnic, Bonneville. July Call E. H00. ask for manager. BARBER wanted for Pilot Rock. Or. Good wages. Inquire Lewis-tenger Barbers' supply co. . WANTED Man with good truck nd trailer to take contract hauling lumber und tl-st. Phone 33A53, Newbtrg. WANTED Stickerman, experienced sash pur up man, by City Planing mills, r.oom 4-iu w orcenter oiug. EXPERIENCED preaser on Hoffman; steady position. Apply in person. U. S. t'leaners, it Grand five. WANTED Office boy; must be over 1G years or age; permanent. Apply Lang BARBER WANTED Guaranteed $2P for fa and 0(-per cent over. J as. A. Wyae, rtianco narurr s-nop, iviarsnr icia. jr. BARB ER wanted tunion man). 244 Alder. BARBER for Saturday. $7. 120U 2d rt. . Help Wanted Salesmen. STOCK SALESMEN. For tried, proven, efficient industrial. organized under Oregon iaws. factory Portland: will not interfere with your regular business; send only name and address, particulars when we meet. JX (jtu, oregonian. l E ricnest ana oest corporation ot its kind on the Pacific coast desires the services or nvo energetic, ambitious men. capable of being developed into sales men of ability and worth : permanent connection, good pay. Call Uutf Wilcox , bldg. WANTED Salesman to carry men's shirts as side line; must be acquainted with gent s rurmsmng trace; give references. state lines you carry ana territory you cover. Fashion Shirt Mfg. Co., 241 K. 5th st.. Loa Angeiea, Lai. WE HAVE a very attractive nronnsitinn showing big profits, $400, to $500 per month : eoods sold on a money-bark guarantee; investment of $100 to $300 will start you. au Do. Washington st. 1 0 A . M . to 1 r. M. WANTED County nnd state managers at on, good proposition S&nt Manifold Sales Co.. o.4 Giiamoer oi Commerce. Main t,;i0j SALESMAN to sell electrical household appliances can make big money if will ing to work. Call The Electric Maid Shop. 133 tutn st. SALESMAN for standard line of automo- Lltes t cover i-au-m terr irory. Perma nent position. AQdiess dox 4SU, lem. Or. WANTED Truck salesman, 2 lines of trucks. Must be hustler. See. Oregon T6t6$25 PER DAT, experienced or experienced. S30 Chamber of Commerce l id g. . 4tn ana atari. . GOIXO subdivision. A-l proposition, good territory and leads, big money to right man. ace J unnaon. --to oiartt st. CAN save man or woman going to Chicago some money, rnone moor i d-i oeiore O A. M. - MAN or woman for educational specialty: from $200 a month up. Cail 010 Slock ex. bldg. from z to 3. SA LESMEN Wonderful opportunity, in come insurance, evx -oroeti digs. HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Salesmen. fr.OOO A Y.EAR SALESMAN WANTED. BY FRANK L. McOl'IHK. LARGEST HOME SKLLKlt ON THE PACIFIC COAST. We ore coins: to Hell H-'iii inn-.p 1Yt years. Will furnish you wlht 1000 homes anil hundreds of orosDcti. IN"T ANSWER THIS All unlpsu vau meet the following requirements: ' -oi over ,-n years old. 2 Must have best references. Must know the city. 4 Must own your auto. ft Must have p rac-naMl v. Must have determination. 7 Mist have optimism. 8 Must have a lenw of h jtnor. O MUST BE WILLING TO WOitK. FRANK L. MrGUlRK Ablturton BUlg. 100 3d Ft. WANTED. DISTRIBUTOR ExcIimIvm r-ontrart for flty or state to handle marvelous true- uiuo ruel saver. Threatened coal fam ine creates Intense demand. Have saved 20 per cent upon thousands of furnaces for 5 years. One easy $33 sale a day equals $525 month profit, or 15l on rost KDlon- did advertising literature, hearty co operation, full training. We make vou succeed. Small capital, but lance capa bility required. Unusual onnortunit v. Give full particulars-. Crown Fuel Saver Lompany, Richmond, Ind. SALESMAN WANTED. Wanted High-grade salesman with experience in selling bean threshers. threshing machinery or agricultural im plements, to work dealers and farmers on salary and commission. Well-known nnuse with high standing. Opportunity for rapid development and permanent Position. Give full experience In first letter. AH applications considered in confidence. Address AG 813. Oregonian. W A N TED Reliable salesmen or men wh are never satisfied but always want more. Read carefully and if this is your caliber answer: if not lay off. No time to waste on dead ones or men who want to borrow money. Business ciean cut, high-class and for live ones only. Money you never saw it neiore irom tne Mart. Call 703 Spalding bid-, ask lor -u r. otrananan. CREW MANAGERS AND SALESMEN. Experienced crew managers to ha ndle girls In or out of city ; also salesmen and canvassers. Portland is virgin ter ritory and offers big inducements to rejil workers. Cail 3 00 IN ONE MFG. CO., 1 :;:&." N. W. Bank Bide;. SALESMEN WANTED. Two good salesmen capable of selling stocic in a nrst-oias ind us trial prooosi tion; absolutely new; men with machines preferred; leads given; good aavertis- ins. can 4ii Aiam street. Vancouver, Washington. PA PEP. SALESMAN. Tounc man waniea who had ex perience in paper or stationery and can sell goods. State atfe, experience, salary xpeciea, etc. K1CHA11USON-UAS13 PAPER CO.. Sacramen'.o, Cal. SALESMEN WANTED. Two good salesmen to sell A-l Ind as trial stock in Clarke county, Washing j ton; new proposition; easy to sell for good men; strong advertising campaign Call 7UJ Spalding bidg., ask for Mr. Starr. WANTED A reliable party to handle block of stock. Producing Mining Co. Address secretary, aiu roxcroft bldg. San Francisco. WANTED AGENTS. SALESMAN Auto accessory. D. A. Nor ton. Fenton bldg. Bdwy, 274- AGENTS wanted. Occidental Life Insur ance Co., 400 Northwestern Bank bldg. I1ELP WANTED FEMALE. THE OLDS. WORTMAN & KINO STORE requires the services of experienced op erators for beauty parlors. Apply super intendents oil ice. U:io to iu:ju a. TWO real live women, over the age of 23 years, to sell an article of merit to women only. If you want to earn some renl monev easv. here Is your chance. Cnll at Room 1021 Northwestern Bank bldg., from K:3 A. JU- to o Ai. i ri day and Saturday. TWO young ladles to travel from here to Seattle, take subscriptions tor sunset Mag.; 130 per week, 0 hours' work per day; travel with manager. Call between 8 and 9 A. M. ; train leaves at IO A. M. Call 304 Pine st. Call lor Mr. Pope. FUR FINISHERS, experienced, good wages, atiady employment. Apply N. ai. cngur, J 41 Broadway. APPLICATIONS will be r-cived from voune women aged 20 to Jj for wood working factory at Bt. Johns; good pay and steady employment., AH iV2. Ore pon4in. EXPERIENCED MAKERS FOR OUR R1UM. 120 SIXTH ST. $ao W K K K.LiY up, home work, experience unnecessary ; everytning iurnisnea. benu self-addressed stamped envelope fo f rea particulars. Kara Candy makers Co., Fhimdeiptua, la. MRS. L. V. SCOTT, formerly director employment for women with the federal rovernment. will secure employment foi -women in all lines. Office 320 Henrv bldg., cor, 4th and Oak sts. Bdwy. 4537. any cirl In need t a friend apply the Salvation Army rtescue iiome,, way fai" and Alexander sts, .pnone Mai 8450. DM car. WANTED Middle-aged or elderly worn a as houseKeeoer ior man ana a smai boys; would consider woman and child. Call Main 451. WANTED Names women, girls ov 16, wishing to. uecome government postal nerki; commence I4O0 ; answer Imme ri .a tely. AV Oregonian. WANTED Assistant bookkeeper, out of town position; rirst-ciass living conai tions. Apply in own handwriting. Bo US. Dufur. Or. WANTED At Yamhill Bakery, good ho tel cook ; wages 4 per uav ana ion job to right party. Address George San ders. or Yamhill -Bakery. COMPETENT and trustworthy office girl for confidential position; state reier ences. previous employers, address, phon number. C. oregonian. STENOGRAPHER. $125; bookkeeper. $100- S1JS: assistant bookkeeper, stenosrapne and O. O. W.. $100; law stenographer. $ 1 10. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. FOUR thoroughly experienced chocolat dippers wanted, dchi wages anu worain, conditions. Apply Chocolate Truffles Co corner Grand ana faawt atark. powf.h. machine operators wanted, nre fr t hose exDeriencea in mmmery lines Apply Loweugart & Co., Broadway and Burnslde st. HOUSEKEEPER for light work: marrie wnman Dreierrea; iurnisnea apt. an wages. Euclid Hotel. lHth anq Wash, WANTED For special screen work, 6 re fined attractive women, appiy 0 only. 8li0 Piatt bldg. GIRL to care for children and assist wit housework. ca.u uroaaway eu alter 0 A. M. ; - EXPERIENCED BOOK KEE PER, ST EX., H i, $11U 1U DjAHl. AWIO VV ILtJVA BLDG. GIRL for general housework in country during summer, city in -winter. ai. Bd w y. 4702 after 9 A. M. SOUTH 2 ladw waitresses. $70t per month and board. uousnns araoioymeni serv ice. 273 Burnslde. cor. 4th st. COMPETENT law stenographer. $1 10. Clerical lie-ip service. Artisans Diug.. Oak at Broadway.- WOMEN wanted for canning; fruit. Starr Fruit Products co., e. ist ana lamhill streets. GIRL a'Mi f- sssistant In d.n list's eif:iee; 9i Ir weew io a. arc I'crue nent position. E tiu, Oxonian DICTATING machine stenographers, good positions. me -aipnonn, u. Oregon bldg. WANTED A general kitchen helper In small hospital, wnn some Knowledge or cooking: age 24-26. 'Apply Olo Lovejoy. THB Florence Crittenton Home is ready to help any gin in distress, vita East Glisan. "MV" car. East 316. MILLINERY makers wanted, good wages. yearly position, caio -nmmea nat CO., Artisans bldg.. Broadway and Oak. STRONG woman for dishwasher, some janitor woi-jv , cb. a. sHe Kite bakery, 200 Alder st. COMPETENT girl to do cooking and house wora, o auuit. oa Montgomery drive. ' WANTED Hand ironer: experienced onl Main 4445. OSS Washington. MAIDS wanted. Apply linen room, Oregon notei. , WAITRESS Apply at Plllsbury's. 100 W. Park st. nours u-. WANTED An experienced chambermaid Call In person. Alder hotel. 285 Alder. WANTED An experienced chambermaid Apply Nortorla Hotel. No phone calls, WANTED Cook in country hotel. Box 104. Shaniko. or. WAITRESS wanted. Moonlight restaurant. 123 N. m!st.: WANTED First class manicurist at WiT cox building barber shop. Call In person, BUS GIRL wanted. 126 5th. Liberty jbunco. HELP WANTED FEMALE.' WANTED GTRLP FOR POWER MA- CHINbJ OPERATORS. THB WOKK. 13 EASY TO LEARN. PLEASANT, WITH GOOD WAGES, - ALSO A LARGE BONUS PAID EACH WEEK. EXPERIENCED GTRLS PREFERRED BUT BOMB INEXPERIENCED GIRLH ACCEPTED. m GIRLS MUST NOT BE UNDER 16 ' OR UVtJtt YEARS OF AGE. MODERN AND 1TTVTO-DATR FACTOkT. Wlii SATURDAY AFTERNOONS OF' APPLY AMES, HARRIS. NEVIT.LT3 BAG CO. lr.TH AND HOTT STS. BETWEEN 7:80 AND 8:30 A. M. TELEPHONE OPERATING '' FOR TOUNO WOMEN. BEGINNERS RATE. 114 PER WEEK. regular increases, rapid advancement, apply now. room 04, 6th floor, telephone building, park. and oak 8t3. this pacific telephone & telegraph; company. EXPERIENCED saleswoman wanted In 101 lowing sections: ART NEEDLEWORK, DRAPERIES. DRUGS. NECKWEAR AND VEILINGS. Apply employment bureau before 10:30. Lipman. Wolfe & Co. WANTED. OTRLS TO WOP K TPT PAPER BOX FACTOR. F. C. STETTLER MFG. CO., 300 OREGON ST. EXPERIENCED calculating machine and comptometer operators please register Tor positions with Miss Miller, 003 Yeon building. Have more positions open than can fill; for; this summer only I will give a court on caiculatinr machines. comptometers, adding machine and bookkeeping machines, regular $100 for $15. This offer closes this week, after wnicn regular, rates are again in exiect. Day and evening classes. Miller School, U3 Yeon bldg. Experlensd cuff girl. Experienced hand-sewer overcoats. on factory Experienced sMrls for overall fronts. Apply 'MT. HOOD FACTORY. 233 Couch St., cor. Second. THE MEIER FRANK CO. requires the service pi an experienced elevator op erator. One apprentice elevator operator: per manent work. ' - . Apply Employment Bureau. Sixth noor, jueier & Frank Co. THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY quires the services of two experienced saleswomen for children's section of the shoe department. Applv Employment Bureau, - Sixth floor, Mtier & Frank Co. THE OLDS. WORTMAN A KING STORE requires the services of a thoroughly ex perienced woman who can take charge of hair weaving room in beauty parlors. secona iioor. Apply superintendent s ot- iice, u:jj to lt;?u A- i . THE Olds, Wortman A King Store re quires the services of experienced sales woman for stationery dept.: must under stand fountain pens and. be able, to take orders for t engraving ; also experienced saleswoman - lor candy dept. Apply superintendent's' office) 9:1a to 10:0 A. M. 1 - ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn 9100 to $200 monthly corresponding for newspapers; $15 to $25 weekly In spare time; experience unnecessary; no can vassing; subjects buggested. Send for particulars. National Press Bureau. Buf falo. N. Y. LADIES TO CANVASS- New manufacturing concern desires the services of -.several salesladies: excellent opportunity for those who Qualify: salary or commission. "TOO IN ONE MFG. CO., l:t:;.l N.- W. Bank Bldg. WOULD like to-cornmunlcate with girl in tending going. to business college or htah school: will give good home and small wage for services. Sma'.i family. Rose City park. N 000. Oregonian. - TRIMMERS and experienced makers! wanted for city and out-of -town dosI- tlons. Apply Low en cart & Co.. Broad-I wav and Burnsioe. - CHANCE for inexperienced, refined girl of age or single woman wno can Keep house to earn to clrit in atore; ateady. 707 Commercial st WANTED A housekeeper, between 30 and 40 years of. age, ror two men ana a boy wages $10; a good home. Address N. C Hansen, Chinook. Wash. EXPERIENCED order clerk, capable of running swiicn ooara; uo not answer 1 unlefs A-l; ateady position, Enke s. 3d and E. Ash. WANTHD-f Dishwasher and-, experienced waitress; hours :ju to u r. al. lien der s lunch room, zv jn. aao GIRLS wanted for chorus work, fall sea son. 610 Eilers Diog. GIRL wanted. Penny Arcade. 20 North 3d st. Wanted Dom entice. RXPRRIENCUQ a-irl far -cooklnsr. some houaework; no laundry, n6 Thurnia.y din- i i-er. August at Deacn. Appy it A. 22 Johnson et WANTED An experienced girl for cook lng and downstairs work; 4 grown peo ple in familv. Call alain 2957. 681 Jackson sL. Portland -Heights. WANTED A competent girl to do cook ing, good wages. 429 v lata Ave., cor. . Carter Lane,. Portland - Height. Main 2412. WANTED-t-A Norwegian woman for wssh - ing and Ironing in privaXe family. Mar shall 214. WAMtD Girt for general housework; no washing, small family; good wages, per- ' nianent position. Call u5 Pittocli blk. WANTED A cook for a family. Apply , to Mrs. . Burrell, -825 Hawthorne Ave. Phone Automatic ZTi-ii. WANTED Cook for a, family; no washing gomery.iawtnorneve. Eastbi73. WANTED Competent gl?l - for general 'housework; 1 A. M. to 8 P. M." Go home evenin g s. .References. lab o r 1 7 07 . WANTED Woman lor general housework. wages $.-Q. P bu, oregonian-. . - GIRL for second work. 70-4 Lovjqy. Main WANTED Maid for general housework. Good wages. Automatic pnone -uu. GIRL for general bouse work, small family. OiU uveriuu i. mam nuii. " 1 ave, , Alain . HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestic. W A NTED 5irl for general housework. Hood River Valley. 2 in family, no cook ing for outside help; wages depend on experience. Apply in person or by phone, Mrs. L. C- Oilman, Hotel Mallory, Port land, mornings. WANTED Girl for cooking and general housework in small family where second girl la also kept; steady position: waxes $60. Apply forenoon to 115 North ii-d st., eor. Gllyan. AN EXPERIENCED second maid, refer ences, excellent wares. b3 N. 120th SL Broadway -Otis. WANTED Experienced woman, w hite or coiorea ior cook and xeneral housework. ' wages $75, references required. Call Mr. $ates, room 305 leou Bidg.. between 4 .nd 5 P. M. cirl to assist with ' housework: one who is wilting to go to beach now and attend school in ran; small family; references. Apply East Wi4t. KXPERI ENCED girl for cooking, eoine housework; no laundry; no Thur'l.y din- ; 'August at beach. Apply J A. il . b-j Johnson at. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. STUDIOS to houpe six companies are now under way ; demand Tor motion picture artists exceeds anything Portland can supply; Portland has the talent if cor rectly developed ; w ny permit cantor ma to furnish all talent; Register with We are the exclusive agent for new S.jOO.OOO producing corporation. Phone Broadway 1 07 7. 231 Artisan bldg.. Broad way and Oak. NEAT young man. any nationality, for kitchen work at email beach resort; easy place; student acceptable or middle-aged man cottMuerea u clean workor ; wag $4 with room: also detdre young lady student for dining room work at 3.V fare paid. Answer, giving phone number it potable. R ft77, Oregon lan. WANTED City solicitors, men or women. on housenoia necesnuy usea in every family; . business already established; good pay, salary ana commission, is Oregonian. WANTED Firnt-cUrr stenogJ 4ier ; must be familiar witn the cxuorti.i business. C 1K-0. Otegontam PROFESSIONAL, people out of work reg ister at u Aiancy tneaincai agency, oio Eilers bldg. WANTED Man and wife on fruit farm. wife to cook, man to work on the farm. -Mr, Hackett. East 03. JANITOR and wife for hotel; man for art time. 4i3ft wasn.. cor. ntn st. EDUCATIONAL. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Will teach you the trade In 8 weeks. give you a set of tools ana some pay while learning. Positions secured. Ore gon ex-service men, the course is xree to you. Write or call for particulars and catalogue. 2 J4 Burnslde st. POSITIONS ASSURED ' EVERY GRADUATE OS" B EH NKE-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. PIANO AND HARP. Concerts, musicals, recitals. Dunning system for beginners. Alice Genvleve Smith, Studio 59 Eilers bldg. Phone 11 h I n u 0 tt . eu mmer scnooi iim otn av e. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach vou tne trade in weeks; scaip ana race massage specialty ; tools free; positions guaranteed ; pay while learning; tuition reduced t'lia term. jnauiso n. O'MALLY dramatic and dancing school; dramatic, vaudeville, motion picture, ballroom, stage dancings classes for children in hinging and wlancing. 010 Eilers bldg. fllaip ll-'3. MADAME BOURY will register students for French classes to open immediately; beginners "and advanced. For further In formation can rsroaaway ioj. EAST BIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Buckets private scnooi: individ ual instruction. 122,,'i Grand ave. E. 427, PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning; gives you set ot tools free: position secured. 3a N. Second st. ROCKY MT. Teach-irs' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-asHt. state supt.. Mgr. N. w. Bank bldg. Mum m. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Reliable Tele graph institute. 4o rt an way jxenange bids. Free booklet. j FISK Teachers Agency Journal bldg. Main 483a. Teaching positions, free reg. THE International Correspondence School can raise your salary. -iqa uaa st. OREGON Law School, Aliaky bldg., 3d and Mor. W. .K. Kicnaraaon. .ec. Main vii. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Fre registration. Main uroaaway oiag, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG MAN OWN TNG CADILLAC 8 WANTS OPPORTUNITY TO .MA Kri OC CD MONEY THHOUGIT KUMM ER. TO I'EfilN AT ONCE. A' ILL HIT THE BAIL AND. HUSTLE. L 270, OREUO- N1AN. - - Bi s l ESS MEN reotilrlnr competent of flee workers, call Broadway 44U-J. uniy anitahU nnllcnnlR iinf : no charge tO the employer. Clerical" Help Service. 523 Artisans bldg., opposite Benson hotel. WANT to run or operate small sawmill; 20 years experience ; nave gooa reierences. rnonft' Main 5i4 or can at io.u ui:t. am st. WANTED By 3 mn crag raws, fir slumpae, or will cut by cord tor relia ble party; Phono Tabor 8577. R, T. Oasey, 0l'J3 02a five. S. E. GARDENER, ninglts, experienced green house and landscape garaener. w.-inu po sition in private place; thoroughly com petent: references. AN 4:2, Oregonian. JAPAN ESS, first-class comminution cook. dusirea poaltt'in in notei, riHurani or ramp. George Taaaka, Mikado hotel, 202 Everett st. EXPERIENCED truck driver wishes work. well acquaintea un n.v. 4:t ask for F. H. Mlesner. room 14, after 5 P. M. WANTED Wood cutting, short wood pre ferred, surlace Clearing, any muu 01 woodwork; will go any place. C 071. Oregonian. SITUATION wanted: married man wants farm work; wire can cook ior or men; good teamster and farmer. B 621, Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT with several years experi ence in macnine ana implement wants position; best of references. T S74, Oregonian. MAf;RlED man wishes position on farm; can milk and do general iarm wura. 2fe4 E. 7i:d st. N. Phone Tabor 2.121. CARPENTER, first class, fast and prac tical; rougn or xuusa; repairs- cuwy. 710. WANTED Position in shoe and clothing store and learn tne uueinwn. Auurcw ISS E. 45th st. YOUNG man, 21, would HKe a or nours- work evening S. i or u niuiua wrn. F W. Case, Tabor H7 IH. EXPERIENCED plumber and lead worker wants w or k oy uaj or h w. rnwu Sellwood 12S7. YOUNG man, lumber invoice ana order clerk ; tnorougniy eiyencuwou. x x, OregonlH-"' WANTED Job -In cleaning and pressing . shop, spotting and dyeing. - E 231. Ore- TI-UCK DRIV3R, reliable, emplcyed by Col river Slliuyurus, wiaii': wuim.. Ainiu 1755. CARPENTER New or repair work. Esti mates caeenuny k"cm. ia,i;u, juaiu 1065. EMPLOYMENT - by elderly man, handy with tools', janitor; rcicrcnte. v )! t, Oregonian. V BRIGHT young Filipino boy desires a poaition as a.nver; cuuiu ma una re pairing. AL 815. Oregonian. WANTED-r-Position by electric r welder. year experience j mmyj " - 2020. LOGGING or mill blacksmith wants posi tion: years oi experience. u -o ore gonian. ' tt CARPENTER JOINER, repairing, remod eling, etc.. reilauie roeuuamt. xrunuw.jr 5487. . ' STRAIGHT MATTER compositor wants noMtion. L (. oreKoni,ii. BAKER on bread, able to worn alone. Conrad. Gresnam rt. . YOUNG boy wishes to worn oy tne nour vmn il J.A EXPERT driver-mechanic desires position. Woodlawn J. FTrpkntering. repairing and as. FLOOR WAXING. WINDOW CLEANING; EXPERT. m ai.x 1 1 '-. CEMENT work, floors, walks, garages and driveways, rteasona mc. q"w CARPENTER wants work by day or coa- tract. air, larnuucn. iuftuiiaii .nt. CARPENTER New and repair work; all branches. rasi uo.v - ji. PAINTING, tinting; work guaranteed; nr pp9 reasonable c-i.. PAINTING. DECORATING. SiUNS. KAL- SOMINig: pc-gi .ai3vjh jdu FOR painting and kalsomining phone Ta bor &mw. YOUNG man desi.-ea work cJsyeen hours! ti A. 1L end 3 P. M. M 20.-$, Crgonian, I SITUATIONS WANTED MALK. ENGINEER. EXPERIENCED GAS AND STEAM. WISHES TRACTOR OR STA TIONARY ENGINE; HAVE TOOLS AND KNOW HOW TO USE THEM; STEADY AND RELIABLE. F J MENARD, 001 SAV1ER T TOUR NEIGHBOR SAYS: Wish Blank would PAINT that houspj It's a disgrace to the neighborhood. I 11 do you a first-class lob for about naif w hat you think It will rnt- Estimate free. CLIFFORD. Main h220. m YOUNG, dependable . married man with good education, desire a position in a store or wholesale house where there is a chance for advancement: have had some experience in store work and can give good references. H 277. Oregonian. WANTED By man 4."., Mini kind of po sition on monthly M';u y ; good nt wood -work; also good 'draftsman : some ftpr rl nee rjt rod iitid chain work on stirv y Iriir. Good references. M 07:t, rego n a:. CARPENTER shop, SOS Jefferson. Gen eral contracting, any carpenter work ; also concrete and cement wortt. Rein forced concrete garages, designing and construction of residence, any type, rea pnna Ma. Call Main 7S0S. or drop notice. HOMES designed and built oy experienced and reliable builders. Woodlawn 5348 Bookkeeper. Stenograpuers. office. ACCOUNTANTS We make a specialty of keeping accounts for ail kinds of busi ness In Portland and vicinity. Will take complete charge of your books. For full details, cail Mr. E. F. Young, Main 104. 121U--0 Northwestern Bankbldg. SITUATION WANTED By voung man. age 84, as accounts receivable or navabte bookkeeper: thoroughly experienced. Main 5107. SITUATIONS VAVTEI FEMALE. C S. PRACTITIONER. 12 years' successful practice t elderly widow ) wants perma nent home with friends who will accept her services. Tabor 8101. ELDERLY C. S. practitioner, 12 years' practice. ' w ants permanent home with friends as reader-teacher or companion. Tabor 8101. WANTED A place to take care of chil dren eenlncs while ' mother is away; references. Woodlawn 1611. LACE. SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE cur tains done up like new. WiU call. East S518. L.A D Y wants housecleanln g, other work, hours day; wurk guaranteed. Wood law n 6:U5. . EXPERIENCED typirt- with knowledge of bookkeeping wishes position. Sell wood 113. mornings. NEAT, refined young woman desires w ork several hours evenings; good references. East 7800. EXPERIENCED girl wishes position of second work; wishes 100; references. Main 5S2L ' . STENOGRAPHER. Just out of business college, wishes position, iiaranau room 31". EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work Friday. Saturday. bellwood m.u. LADY wishes position as housekeeper in re. pec table home. Sell. 1 1 J. WANTED Work bv the hr. or day. oOc per hr. and car fare. Phone Main a. COLORED lady wants day's work. Phone K. 3237. A JAPANESE GIRL wants school girl po- lition.' l. North Mxth st. To CARE for children afternoons and eve nings. Main 4 i IS. . LAUNDRY WORK and cleaning; rcfer- ences. Marshall S02S. POSITION by steady, reliable P. B. X. operator by Aug. 1. E OOP. Oregonian. WORK by day. 50c per hr., car fare, lunch. Bast 34 IS. EXPERIENCED lady wishes work for Fri dav and Sat. Mar. 3'Ji3. room 202. EXPERIENCED cashier Call Tabur 4000. wants position. Boo kkecpen, Stenog raj bcre Office. STENOGRAPHER, several years experi-en-. -some knowledge bookkeeping wlnhea position August 1st. H 000, Ore gonian. . vnr vn t inV mithi rpnr r 1 office work : has tvping experience. Call between 8 and 12 A. M.. Col. o31. I)K'tist. or office w ork. bright, inex- r.rinced girl: salary no object. Call Sellwood 62, TYPIST desires copy lug at home. 42 East 8th st. Phone Tabor 0854. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenugra pher. Best of references. Muln 2bli. OFFICE work, bright, 20; salary no object. Inexperienced Tabor 4M4. Drei4makeni. iihkmakixg Suits, coats, skirts, voile onH riroKses. altratioii and make over work of all kinds. Reasonable, v rs Kell v. 702 Vancouver ave. 310-00 nn RvtssM A KING and alteration; work guaranteed. Mis Stump, Columbian apts.. No. 42. Main Hill. DRfcTStSMAKlNG Work guaranteed, prices 341 Central J3tUg. aiiu 3 4UM. . WANT dressmaking and tailoring by the day or at home. Phone Tabor 3-J-. EXPERIENCED dressmaker; day engage menu, 4. Buwy. o o. i fis,m a KING and alteration ; work guaranteed. 75 B. 0th st. East 0D4. FlRiT-CLASS drenttmaklng, reasonable. 54 Wash, st. alteration Aut. ;l-03 SEWING of all kinds; houee aprons tjpeciaity. Broadway 3b. apt, o. Nurses. TRAINED NURSE; no objection tc housework. Mrs. 'Huffman. East hel 4 OS 4 Housekeepers. fi-i.fiiTRi.v woman wants position housekeeper in widower's home or Uffht housekeeping in email xamnjr. x w Oiegonianj Domestics. THE VERIBEST WINDOW CLEAXBRS. T A TtflR 403A. House 'cleaning, floor waxing and vacuum cleaning ; estimates cheerfully given. Best of references. FIRST-CLASS cook, with 0-year-old girl, wishes position. C 008, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. Houjies. WANTE rent nicely furnished mod ern -3 or w ho will i e-room bungalow by couple ve beat of care. Phone E. 5C0. I DESIRE to lease modern small unfur nished house or bungalow, about six rooms, garage, near school ; preler close in. Ready to occupy about August 15 or September 1. Btst possible care giv en your property. Rev. E. C. Hickman. East h034. WANTED To lease by Sept. 1. for one year or longer, by refined family of 4 adults and 2 children. S-room modern house, furnished or unfurnished, prefer ably in Eastmoreland district. Call Mar shall 477H. 0 A. M. to 5 P. M. SIX OR SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE with ga rage prefer Irving ton districL by or before Kept. 1. Will take good care of placer and pay reasonable rent. Phone week days. Main SIOU. WANTED To rent, by Aug. 15. modern 6 or 7-room unfurnished house; preier Sunnyside or Laurelhurst, but am not particular as to location if luuse suits; state full particulars. V 529, Oregonian. WILL lease an 8 to 12 -room furnished flat or residence on west side; must be "ta good condition at the right price, own ers only and location ant condition iirst letter. BD 35. Oregon inn. WANTED TO RENT After August 1, un furnished house. West- Side, family oi three adults, references. Address H. W. 010 Worcester Block. BY AUGUST 1st. modern 6, 7 or S-room house ; must have furnace : west side preferred ; have little girl 2 years old and baby boy. Main RW26. WANTED 4 or S-room cottage or bunga low bath, gas. electricity, furnished or unfurnished. Phone L. C. Pearce Tabor 7S40. ' WANTED Furnished modern . bungalow or cottage. 5 or 6 rooms: will lease. Bst of references. Tabor 5721. I WANT to rent a snall place suitable for chickens: must have some fruit and berries. R. E. Patterson. Cornelius. Or. WANTED A 7 or 8-room house, furnished or partly, on east side. Answer imme diately. Call Broadway 3583. WANTED To rent. 6 to S-room house, with garage, desirable district, modern, good condition. Broadway 2326. WANT to lease 3 or 4-room house In or near Kenton; two in family. Woodlawn 5358. WANTED 5 or 6-room modern furnished house, cast side, responsible rrty. Ta bor 5214. 5 OR 6-ROOM modern cottage, furnished or unfurnished, must be clean. - Wood - lawn 1150. YEAR lease, five or six-room house In good location; care guaranteed. AV 158, Ore- goni a n. - . WANTED Modern 4 or 5-room house, rta or apartment for family of two by Sept. 1. Main 1166. 4 OR -ROOM bungalow In southeast Portland or Sellwood; no children. J3F 725, Oregonian. WANTED TO RLNT. Apartments. A GENTLEMAN from the east just lo cating permanent! v In Portiand wishes to communicate with a Private familv of culture and refinement who would be willing to accept him Into the familv an a paying guest. Rfiillet are nolii-ited" only from the best residential portions of Portland and where a real home w it li congenial and friendly atmosphere can be offered. In replying kind v Ki ve full detail?, including sixe of family, descrip tion of room, compensation desired, ad dress and telephone number. M Jti. Oregonian. WANTED To rent, by young married cuu ple furnished house or t lat ; must be modern and clo&e in AK s'ti or. 1 WANTED Board and room in private home, close to A'.dcr and -1st. by youn man. BC 7. Oregonian. WANTED To rent or o or fi-room unfurnished apartment. Phone Main 1171. BUSINESS man out of city moat of time wishes to rent unfurnished room. Phone East rrri. Rooms With Board. WANTED Room and board in a re.uon- slble C. S. family Tor a i-year-oid cirl who is employed durinn the da v. State full particulars as to size of family and terms i which must be low) in first let ter. M 2i; Oregonian. FOR RENT. STORK room fixed into living rooms. partly furnished, lights, ca.", water, right on car line. Cail 00 S Vernon ave. lor information. SLEEPING rooms for rent. 227 ay. Main 4044. Broad- Furnlhhrd Rooms. MAXWELL HALL.' 207 14t1 St. Cool and airy .roi ng and H. K . rooms, modern, cloj-o ift. fine location, transient. A homo away irom home. RITZ HOTEL. Morrison and Park st. New, fireproof and modern. In the center ot shopping and Theater uistrict. Moik-rate rales. Special rates to permanent guest . HOTEL BAXTER. Newly furnished steeping and house keeping rooms, close in, on east mde, about 4 blocks from Broadway Lridji. reasonable rent; Uko "MA' car, tet off at A i -bina ave, or Phone East 7uu'.. SAVON HOTEL. 131 11th st., between Washington and Alder, modern transient rooms with or w ithout private bath, $1 per da and up. Weekly rates $5 and up. ANSON IA HOTEL. 124 14th Su, at Washington. Ratee, $5 per week up, $1 day. Fire proof, large attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusement and shopping center. ATTRACTIVE rates to permanent guests. See our accommodations. N fc, w tt-iv-K1NS HOTEL. Fifth at Washington. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St.. at Eat Sixth. The principal east elde hotel; dignified and refined. $1.20 per day and up; $ per week ard up. PRIX C ESS BOTE L, 341 EAST BURNS1DE. SUMMER RATES $4.i0 up; Transients $i and up. ST. PAUL HOTEL. 10 Fourth, between Aider and vt ashington. lrst-ciaas ac commodations at reasonable rates tor transient or permanent guests. TRANSIENT rooms for rent. New hail Hotel. 4U2 East Washington st., corner Grand avenue. Rates $1 per day; two in room, $LriO. Phone East MOO. NETHERLANDS HOTEL 120 lT.tii St.. corner Washington; transient and per manent; Bpotie.-s rooms $. per week and up; phono, private baths. HOTEL ARTHUR. 17 11th st. X ice. at transient and modern, clean rooms, permanent rates. HOTEL RAMAPO. Washington st. at 14th. rooms $0 and up per week; also lamny suites of 2 and 3 rooms and bath. DENVER rooms, 2S Wash tt., under new management; sleeping rooms, $2.50 to $4.50 per week. HOTEL OCK.LKY, Morrison st. at TenOi Rates $1 a day up; weekly, $5 up; ire phone and baths. SARGENT HOTEL Housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Phone East 201. 2l4,,3 Grand ave. OHIO HOTE1 ing rooms. - Housekeeping and sleep 200 Front, corner Mad I son. FURNISHED rooms, nice, $10 up. 635 Everett st. cool and airy. HOTEL CADILLAC 3d nicely furnished rooms. near Jefferson, reasonable rates GOOD SLEEPING ROOM. ItiH l-'Ui st.. near M orrison. Main 3401. WEAVER HOTEL. 70H WASH ST.. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, Bath. KOO MS by day, we-k or month, and comfortable. 573 Third ft. GARLAND HOTEL, 25 Trinity place. Mod ern outside rooms, $3.50 per week up. Unfurnished Rooms. FOUR housekeeping rooms, gas, electricity, $12. adults. 00 Kusyell St. Tabor 671. UN FURNISH ED 8 rooms, inclu ling gas range, light and water. 44S Hall st. Furuifihrd Rooms in Private Family. IF YOU want a clean room, beautifuly furnished, with plenty of hot water and linen, call after 0 I'. M. at 145',- N. 21st st. Newly furnished for bachelor quar ters; sitting room; five minutes' walk to business center. SUITABLE for 2 men. permanent, walk ing distance; all modurn con enientes ; tiuiet and cool; 2 blocks N. of Broadway, 2 blocks west of Williams. 423 Flint st. Reference exchanged- LOVELY large room with alcove, new furniture. In modern home, walking dis tance. Nob 11 til. Call before 10 or after 5, Main 2064, 738 Hoyt, FoR RENT Nicely furnished room In first-class steam-heated apt.; reasonable Carmella apts., 501 13th and Jeffeiaon, w a! king distance. Phone Main 4 720. TWO furnished rooms, light, airy, well furnished: Ideal for men employed nights. 303 Glenn ave., half block south of Hawthorne. CHARM ING SUITE OF ROOMS ; light housekeeping, in refined home; ideal for two refined ladiea; Nob Hill. l'houo East 7W5. IF you want a beautifully furnished, clean room, upper flat, hot water, phone, rea sonable, call at Holt N. 21st after 6 P. M. or call Automatic 510-43. NICELY furnished parlor with piano, in good home, to one or two girls, em ployed; $1 a morith. Call after 5:30. Broadway 2048. 007 G'lsan st. . NEWLY furnished, strictly modern sleep ing rra., w. B.. 15 min. ia!k to P. O. ; $12 per mo. up. 604 Vb Everett st. PLEASANT room, furnished complete for sleeping or housekeeping; price right. For gentlemen. 451 Tenth st. South WELL furnished room nnd breakfast if desired in pn ate home ; lady employed preferred. Phone 3500 Tabor. LIGHT, airy rooms in private family: t home privileges. Pboue East 2432. Gen tlemen preferred. FOR KENT 3 furnished rooms, suitable for gentleman; bath. etc. Private en trance. 930 Williams ave. FURNISH ED room; hot and cold water, all conveniences: suitable for gentleman, 5S0 E. Ankeny. East 3015. FINE room in comfortable home; garage convenient. S30 E. Everett. Phone Eat 317. STEAM H E ATED. furnished room, ail modern conveniences. Call after 6 P. M.. 504 Couch St.; apt. 3. LARGE front room with bath, close in. on car line. Call before lu A. M., 3-4 P. M. M t. Tabor or S. a. car. 1212 Belmont. NICE, clean, cool sleeping room; hot and co. a water near by. Call Sellwood 31iu. 82 E. 15th st. FURNISHED room for two ladies, em ployed. East 353. 440 East Clay at., cor ner 7th. 2G9 14TH Choice rooms, modern conven iences; 'kingistance: FOR RENT Nice sleeping room. Nob Hill d t strict. Main 71 23. FURNISHED rooms for two ladies or gen tlemcn. 572 Ladd ave. E. 8h7. NICELY furnished rooms; hot and cold water. 260 6lh st. LARGE front room: twin beds: also si Ele room. 160 N. 21st st. Bdwy. 20S7. ON E furnished room, 1 st and Clackamas, Walking distance. Phone E. 4035. FURNISHED room; all conveniences; gen tlemen oniy. 05 N. 21st st. Rooms With Board. WHY PAY ENORMOUS PRICE Por inside dark room when you can get light, airy outside rooms with splendid home-cooked meals in connection tor less money? Haxel hotel. Alain 7'!4. 452 MORRISON, cor. 33th Choice rooms and board ; modern conveniences; walk Ing distance. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 38 1 10th st. For business girls and students; reasonable rates. Mar. 125L. ROOM arjd board for business girls; all modern conveniences: walking distance; $5 per week. Aut. 21-074. 13 E. 7 in at. IOR RENT. Rooms With Board. CAMPRKLIi HOTEL. 2r. D AND HOYT TS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST- Two of the beat-known residential hot! on Pacific coast. A mencan plan, w ith or without bath. $2.c0 a day up; rRti-s by day or month. Meals served to transferts NORTONI A HOTEL, Portnd's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or singie. with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comfort of a home. Reasonable rates. EXCLUSIVE family hotel on east ide. I upper 2 large rooms wjui good talil board to couple ot young people em ployed; ati racti grounds, large porches, shower and al cou enlences. East St0. KiMm W ith Hoard in Private Family. A YOUNG married couple with no children will give a or 4-year-old boy or girl a good home at a reasonable charge ; lo cated in nt co neighborhood ; w ill furnish het of re! e re n ces. C OoS. Ore gonmn. W ANTE V Roomers and boarders in pri vate home. 2 blocks cal of Bd wy, bridce. Ross st. Enst 2rG0. NICK front room, suitable for 2 genticmen, along with home-cooked meals; modern. 2 1 ; N'ftrth 21 st. L.A KG E front room with good board, fcuit aMe for two. all home privileges. Mar h :i:i74. ll N. 23d tt. LA iY in suburban home w ill give intent gent loving care to children. ho lie Sollwood ai2. FiKST-CLASS tablo board, .(c meal; spe cial SuuOay dinner from 1 : 1 T-m2 .'SO o'clock. t;o: ifavlcr. Broad w ay 14 73. Wit L board -.'hildien. nice ;rd. can give parents room if desired; walking dis tance. 4u0 First St., in ar Hall. . IKVINOTOX sitting room and sleeping roich; two or three people; board. East G54r.. WANTED 1 or excellent care. : children; private homi, Phone Automatic 61o-74. HuOM and board for Phone East 2SO0. in private family. H. K. SUITE with sleeping porch. 154 X. lMh t. WANTED Boy or giri to care for in pri vate home. Ta bor 5o. GOOl room and board 1 t:m K. Hovt. Tabor ' in private home. .515. Furnished Apartments. TOURISTS SUMMER HOME. AI-SU TRANSIENT. HIGH-CLASS APARTM ENTS. 1. 2 and X-rnom ants, and sleeping porch, beautifully furnished in Chinese rugs and willow furniture; also bachelor suite u ml Ningle rooms and bath ; refer ences required. Marshall 2bil0. 4 LARGE rooms, parlor, piano, dining room, p.isa pantr), kitchen, gas range and water heater; large bedroom near bath; one extra large bedroom if want ed; would do for 2 families if they cook totreihw; would take a WELL-BEHAVED CHILD. Water, hent. phone, electricity free. Cnll Tabor 54SS. RESIDENT OR TRANSIENT. A part ment s. 2 3 and 4 rooms; an a pa rt ment hotel of superior character w-here your comfort and convenience are first r on sid era t ion. THE WHEKLDON ANNEX. Corner Tenth nnd Salmon Sts. SIX-ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. Best d is trie t on the west side, easv wal king distance. $70 month ; adults . oniy: all outride rooms. 3 bed rooniM . Plenty of heat and warm water. Shown bv appointment on I v. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stork Exrh. UN USUALLY well-furnished. 4-room out fide apartment: oriental rues, piano, vic trola. library; complete artistic home for adults of refinement. Can be leased from owner for not less than one year beginning about September 1. Refer ences reo uf red. Main 100. THE ELM WOOD, Strictly f irat-clasa. completely fur. 3 -room apts. Two disappearing beds, dressing room, tiled bath. etc.. $70 up; wl'.po 2-rm. apts., $45 up; adutts; refer ences. 415 loth st. Main 6000. THE ELBRIDGE. 274 N. 21st ft.: df.-lrablrt 2 and S-room front apts., all light outside rooms in modern brick apt. bu ildlnz : automatic !f a tor. etc. Broadway 4730. BARON APARTMENTS. 14TH AND -COLUMBIA. 3 and 4 -room apartments, furnished and in furnished. Main 7337. W1CKERSHAM, 6-room apartment, fur nished throughout in old mahogany and Turkish ruga; will sub-let for a tew months. Broadway 2400. CORN ER apartment ; 3 rooms and front porch ; never been occupied. Rent $00. Adults. Irving ton. 305 E. 10th N. East 4 MO. BENSON APT.. 205 N. 20th St. 3-roorn furnished apt., dressing room, private bath and phone: adults only. Manager. Phone Bdwv. 4448. THE LAURETTE. Completf ly f urn. 3-rm. apts., living room, bedroom, kitchen, bath: 6 min. w-Hlk; references. 220 11th. Main 8307. LEEDS APARTMENTS 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, also sleeping rooms; mod ern, fireproof block, private baths, clean, reasonable. 2Ki Market bt. BELKNAP APARTMENTS Completely furnished 2-rom, 535. i-n eluding ligh t ; v-'aiking distance. 187 17th St., near Ya mli li U VICTORIA N APARTM ENTS One 4-room unfurnished apt. Main 2-173. Walking dial a nee. ALBERT APT. Furnished, steam heat,', private bath; new management. Mis- hisHippl ave. FOR SALE Complete furnishings of nice 4-room apt.; apt. for rent reasonable. 212 CirutneM Kt.. npt. 11. A LARGE, 3-room. completely furnished apt., private bath, open fireplace. 460 .lei'ferson. PEA BODY APTS., 10th and Upshur Housekeeping apartments. 1. 2 and 3-rm, srea:n heat; reasonable. Bdwy. 1546.' ONE 3 and one 4-room. beautifully fur nished, modern apt., walking distance, wvst side. Main C375. YOUNG man wants another young man, musically inclined, to share apartment ; C S. preferred. V 075. Oregonian. LAK'iE 3 -room furnished apt., v ry desir able. 1 block to car. Fine neighborhood, 054 E. Ash. MORTON APTS. 3-room furnished apt.: also basement apt. 037 Washington st. M a in IPS 2. " SACRAMENTO APTS. 192 Union ave. N. 2-room modern furnished apt., on car line ; rates reasonable. Adults. CECILIA. Nice 3-room furnished side rooms. apt. All out- J A EG ER APARTMENTS. 701 WASHING TON ST. . HAVE SEVER A L A PART M ENTS READY FOR OCCUPANCY. ROSELYX APTS. 2-room apt., strictly m.odern. ' Broadway 414. Phone ALBERT APT. Furnished, steam heat, private bath; new management. elOVs Mississippi ave. LUCI LE COURT, 3 and 4-room apts.. light and airy, modern -fire-proof building. Cail Broadway 2071. AND 3-room furnished apts.; tlie bath, elevator. Main 350. King Albert- l r APTS. for rent. $IS to $5 per mo. 2oS 1 Wash, st, 2-ROOM modern apt. with bath, $10 week; also others. 402 V 3d s-t. UPSHUR Apartments, 2-room furnished apts.. ?13 per month up. 4oOVj N. 20th st. THE AR LIN E, 3 rooms and bath. $45. 220 N. 17th st. FURNISHED housekeeping apartments. 125 14th, near Washington. ALCO APTS. East Couch and Union ave. Modern 2-room apt, reasonable. FLORENCE. 3S3 11th st.. 34-room front furnished apartment; walking distance. FOR RENT 2-room furnished housekeep ing apt.. St. Johns car. Woodlawn 4219. THE FLORENCE 3 and 4-room r.ished apts.. walking distance. fur- 3 -ROOM water. furnished 214 13th. apartment, running FURNISHED apt.. 3 rooms and bath, JSS.oO. Katherine apts. Mar. 2003. 3 ROOMS neatlv furnished, tt. $42.50. Mar. 2250. 1S6 N. 22d 3-ROOM furnished, apt. with private bath. $32.50. Alta Apts.. 82 E. Ash. GLADSTONE, 721 and kitchenette; Grand ave. N.. 2-room walk ins distance. PORTNOM AH 3. 4-room. w alking dis- tance, adults. 200 East 13th. HERMENIA, 400 Hall st . corner loth, 3-room furnished apartments, adults. UNION AVE. and Killings worth7$13-3o, a i-l complete : cone re te bldg. PARK HURST APTS. Ono 3-room f; ont corner apt. for rent. Bdwy. 1179. FURNISHED apt., 2 rooms and bath, $30; Katherine apts. Mar. 2003. 2-ROOM apt., walking distance; private bath. East S41. Adult- only. THE CLASSIC Newly tinted. 2-room. lar. apt. 002 GliFan. Bdwy. 2034. WILL sublet until Oct. 1. my JJ-room furnished art $35 per mo. Tabor 2765. 'lltRLE and four-room apis. Mar. 1160 41 11th st. ENTIRE second floor. 3 rooms, bath $'5 O'JO E. IOui at, Roland. O. W. K. store. 1 1 09 0v I