13 E BLOCKIfJ i!i!iillllllili!llli!llii!ll!lll!IiilH We Give S. & II. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More Don't Overlook This Cash Saving Filled Stamp Books Redeemed at S. & H. Office 3d Floor T Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parlors 2d Floor Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlors in the Basement Light Luncheon Served From 11 to 2 Daily in Basement The Standard Store of the Northwest Dr. A. E. Smith of Chicago Demonstrates at Clinic. Short Lengths Wash Goods Special 45c Yard Main Floor Devonshire Cloth, Kindergarten Cloth, Lorraine Tissues and Soisettes short lengths -in a good assort ment of colors. Priced special for Friday the yard The Coolest Store in Portland! No matter how warm the day may be you will find this a cool, inviting place to do your shopping. Rest Rooms, Retiring Rooms, Second Floor. Tea Room, Fourth Floor. FREE CLINIC IS HELD Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods I Friday Another Great Day in the July Clearaway lectures on Block Anesthesia Are Civen at Convention of Ore gon Dental Association. TITE OREG ONI AX, FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1920 0 STRY IS SHOVVW Olds, Wortman & King Tr. Arthur E. Smith of Chicago yes. torday gave a demonstration of pain less dentistry at the 27th annual meet Injr of the Oregon State Dental asso ciation. Dr. Smith gave post-graduate lectures on block anesthesia and oral turgery before the delegates at U North Pacific Dental college. "There la no longer any excuse tOi a dentist causing pain," said Dr. Smith, and he proved his theory yes terday by extracting teeth for nearly. 150 patients at a free clinic. He -was assisted in the work by Dr. Howard Miller, also of Chicago. No time was wasted In explaining how actually to pull the tooth or how to fill the cavltv. but the demonstra tion was on Dr. Smith's method of nerve blocking during the time neces sary to complete the work, so fhat the operation was painless to the pa tient. 0 Free Clinic Are Held. Testerday forenoon s programme consisted of the free clinics and classes for dentists. In the afternoon Dr. Lief Underdahl of Portland lec tured on "tiold Dentures with Porce lain Facings," Dr. Lucile Sickler of Portland on "Care of Children's Teeth," Dr. Carey H. Jenkins of Hood River on 'Hold Crowns" and Dr. Eu gene Vaughn of Portland on "A Is'ew Inlay Investment." There was no evening1 cession, but Dr. Smith of Chicago, Dr. "Weston A. Price of Cleveland, Dr. E. T. Tinker of Minneapolis and Dr. A. W. Ward of San Francisco were the principal speakers at an Inter-fraternity ban quet last night at the Benson hotel for the visiting dentists. Local chapters of Delta Sigma Delta, Psi XI 1'hl and the Phi Omega, national dental fraternities, were the hosta of the banquet. "Wives of Portland and visiting dentists also were entertained at a dinner at the Benson, with Mrs. Fred E. Uulick, Mrs. W. A. Shearer and Mrs. J. C. Jones in charge. One of the interesting features of the convention which is attracting considerable attention is the display of dental supplies at the North Pa cific college. The demonstrations are In charge of Dr. E. S. Sharpless, Dr. W B. Lutz, Edwin Olstad, Dr. W. H. 3ngraham. Dr. J. W. Welch. G. S. Badger, Dr. Harry Bonine, A. A. Hale and A. I. Ivlees. Film to Be Viewed Today. Today from 10 A. M. to 12 M. the dentists and members of the medical profession will view DOOO feet of film Illustrating block anesthesia. These motion pictures will be shown by Dr. Arthur E. Smith of Chicago at the theater at union avenue and Russell street, as the city fire ordinance will not permit the pictures to be shown at the college. Freo clinics and classes with Drs. Tinker, Ward and Smith will be held from 2 P. M. to 4 P. M. At 4 P. M. the general business session will elect of ficers for the ensuing year. A trip will be taken by the dentists over the Columbia river highway to morrow to Bonneville, where a p'cn'c te tela. PROHIBITION AIDS MOVIES Hippodrome Mana gcr Says Many Kew Theaters Are Being Opened. .W. W. Ely, manager of the Hippo drome, returned from San Francisco yesterday, where he has been on bvrsi ness connected with the organization of the Western Vaudeville association. composed of the managers of theaters as well as the vaudeville promoters of the coast. "California appears to be enjoying Its usual theatrical prosperity," said Mr. Ely, "although the admission fees in that city are generally much higher than they are here and they are talking of raising them to an un heard of scale. "New theaters are being opened everywhere, due, it is generally con ceded, to the advent of prohibitions which has removed a source of amusement that entertained formerly a large percentage of the people who now find themselves at a loss to find eomething to do." Tan, Red or Freckled Skin Is Easily Shed To free your summer-soiled skin of its TmidcUnevs, freckles, blotches or tan. the I' cat thing- to do ia to free yourself of tfae skin itself. This ia easily accomplished by , the use of ordinary mercolised v.-ax. which of course can be had at any drug lore. .tTse at night as you use cold cream, wash luff It off In the morning. Immediately the offending surface akin to come off In fine powder-like parti:los. Gradually the entire outer ricarf skin la absorbed, t-Itbout the least harm or Inconvenience. The second layer of skin now in evidence presents a spotless whitness and sparkling l eauty obtainable in no othor way. One our ce of mercolized wax umially is suffi cient to completely renovate a bad cum plexion. Adv. 111 Ml VIC li 11 Purity, freshness and f laror are the essential qualities of imported Pompeian Olive Oil Great Sale of Coats Coverall Aprons At $1.19 Center Circle, First Floor At this special low price for one day only. Women's Coverall Aprons of ex cellent quality percale in dote, figures, stripes and checks. Front or side fastening styles with round, square or V necks, short sleeves, belts and pockets. All GJ-f 1Q sizes in the sale. Special D J-i- Khaki Outing Apparel . Second F 1 o o r Women's Outing Coats of wool khaki $8.75. $15 Wool Khaki Skirts at $11.50 Khaki Breeches $fi.95-$ 10.95 Wool Khaki Shirts $0.75-$7.95 Cotton Khaki Skirts $3.95-$G Cotton Khaki Breeches 3.50-$5 Women's $3.50 AT $3.50 Women's White Hemp Sport Hats in several at tractive styles for the summer season. " These are from lines sell ing heretofore at $5.00 and $6.50. Priced special Friday (PO Kf and Saturday; "choice, at 50OU AT $5.0O-Beautiful Hats of White Georgette delightful styles to wear with sport apparel and wash dresses. Regular fijpr A A $7.50 to $10.00 grades at fJ.UU Sport Hats At $5.00 Second Floor Batavia Sport Hats, very serviceable for beach and out ing wear. Shown in navy navy and white green and white. Reg ular $7.50 values. Priced Cf? ff for Friday and Saturday DtJUU All Pattern Hats Vfc Price About 30 Models to Select From Early summer Pattern Hats in medium and large styles, to be closed out at just HALF PRICE. $15.00 Hats priced special $7.50 Women's Georgette Hats $34.89 Second Floor There isn't an undesirable Coat in the entire lot and the price we have put upon them assures a quick clearaway. Strictly high-class garments made up in the following materials Polo Cloth Tricotine Bolivia Velour Fancy Mixtures plain colors predominate, but there is also an attractive showing of Coats in pretty plaids and checks. Belted styles with plain or plaited backs, blouse effects and the loose, dressy Coats for afternoon wear. Many smart sport models are also included in the offering. Some are lined throughout. Specially fl?Ql OQ priced for this sale; choice fOrOU Garment Salons, 2d Floor Women's $13.50 Oxfords $8.88 Main Floor Women's Oxfords of black gunmetal calf leather. Neat pointed toe last with welt sole and military heel. A very smart style for sport, street and outing wear. Practically all sizes and widths in the PQ QQ sale. Regular $13.50 grade 30.00 $12.50 Oxford Ties at $8.88 White Oxfords $8.88 Main Floor Oxford Ties of black kid. Narrow toe, Imitation tip, welt sole and Cuban heel. These are standard $13.50 values. ?Q OQ Priced special the pair 3000 $12.50 Brown Oxfords $8.88 Main Floor Women's Oxfords of dark brown Russia Calf. Smart narrow toe last with medium heel and welt sole. One of our best makes, QO QQ selling in the regular way at $12.50 a pair. All sizes and widths DO00 White Hats and $5 $17.50 Hats priced only $ 8.75 $20.00 Hats priced only $10.00 $22.50 Hats priced only $11.25 $25.00 Hats priced only $12.50 A fnid-season Sale of high-class milli nery' at about half-price! Don't fail to shop early in the day, for these are ex traordinary values. Georgette Hats in many different styles, including wide brims, droops and poke effects. All white and a few in colors. Ribbon, yarn and applique trimmings. Hats made to sell at $7.50 up to $10.00, of- OA QQ fered in the Basement, at All Girls' Hats Reduced $4.98 $26.75 to $38.50 Silk Skirts $14.98 Second Floor A' phenomenal un derprice offering of Women's Silk Sport Skirts for Friday and Sat urday. Kumsi Kumsa, Fan-ta-sie, Georgette, Tricolette, Bar onette Satin, Paulette, Faille and other fine materials. Beautiful styles come are trimmed with laces or hand-embroidered. Large selection of light and dark colors.' Regular $20.76 to $38.50 Skirts C- A QO on special at only wlO Women's Sport Skirts $3 to $7.50 Special showing of Women's Tub Skirts at popular prices. Gabar dine, Cotton Venetian, Pique and Bedford Cord materials. Latest plaited and gathered styles includ ed. Make your selection at once while assortments are large. Prices range from $3.0O up to $7.50 Second Floor Hilt Main Floor Women's Oxford Ties of white nubuck. Fancy perforated vamp and tip, military heel and narrow toe. Regular CJQ QQ $13.50 grade. Special at 50.00 7ctol0c Wash Laces 5c Yd. Main Floor Attractive Laces for fancy work, curtains and many other purposes. Cluny, torchon and val laces in a large variety of patterns and widths'. Edges and insertions. A good opportunity to supply your sewing needs. 7c to 10c Laces special, yard w 35c Linen Handkerchiefs 25c Main Floor Women's Pure Linen Handkerchiefs at a reduced price for today's selling. White with dainty one-coraer embroidery in white or colors. Handkerchiefs from our own regular stock marked to sell at 35c Specially OP priced for today's sale, each 'J-' All Men's y4 Off t All $25 Suits at $75 Suits $56.25 Friday and Saturday every Man's Suit be on sale at a reduction of 25 from regular market prices. Blue Serges and novelty mixtures in all the newest colorings. Single' and double breasted, with or without belts. Save 25 on Your New Suit! All $23 Suits S18.75 All $45.00 Suits priced special at All $50.00 Suits priced special at All $60.00 Suits priced special at All $75.00 Suits priced special at priced special at All $30.00 Suits COO cn priced special at DJvf All $35.00 Suits co? rrr priced special at I O All $40.00 Suits PQA fi( priced special at wOU.UU Men's $1.50 Union Suits Special at 95c Main Floor These are the famous Shedaker Trouserseat Union Suits you hear so much about. Cool and exceedingly comfortable for warm weather wear. Plain material, also with small and medium checks. Complete range of Qfln regular sizes. Standard $1.50 Union Suits now UV Coolmor Porch Shades Wind - safe and 6elf - hanging. Equip your porch with Coolmor Shades and enjoy summer com fort. Shown in green, brown and mixed colors. Dept. Third Floor. Sizes and Prices 4x7:6 5x7:6 6x7:6 7x7:6 9x7:6 Coolmor Coolmor Coolmor Coolmor Coolmor Shades Shades Shades Shades Shades $ 3.65 $ 5.65 $ 6.65 $ 8.25 $10.75 Boys' Suits Special at $6.65 Main Floor Broken lines of Boys' Suits to go at a sacrifice price in order to clean up the stocks' in short order. Knicker Suits sizes 15, 16, 17 Junior Suits, sizes 6 to 10. Dark mixtures and a few C? CK corduroys. Special, the Suit DO.Uei Boys' Suits $9.85 Good sturdy Suits made up in dark colored tweeds. Norfolk styles with loose belts. Pants full cut and lined. All sizes for boys 6 to 18 years PQ QT of age. Priced special at DOtJ Boys' Khaki Pants 79c Pair Basement Boys' Khaki Pants and a few pairs of Corduroy Pants slightly imperfect. Broken sizes. On '7Q special sale today at, the pair ODD LINES BOYS' STRAW AND Girls' Wash Dresses Reduced Beginning this morning every Girl's Wash Dress will be reduced in price. It's the annual mid-summer clearaway many mothers have been waiting for. Our stock contains no old or out-of-date styles every garment is thoroughly desirable. Large selection of Wash Dresses in plain colors and plaids. Latest 1920 models. ALL ON SALE AT SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTIONS. SHOP EARLY! Girls' Coats 1-2 Price Only one or two Coats of a style and size. Ages 2, 4, 5, 6 and 14 only. Mostly serges, bat there are a few coats made up in other desirable materials buy the Children's School Coats at Vz PRICE. Girls' Smocks Reduced Second Floor Choose any Girl's Colored Smock Friday and Sat urday at a reduced price. Latest styles some are hand-embroidered. All colors in the sale. Suits m inn I li ii i i i I ft- ,n m iiiiiiik., i r" -s. - x $18.75 in the house will S33.75 S37.50 $45.00 S56.25 III tell plil? Women's Neckwear Special $1.95 ' Main Floor Clean-up Sale of Women's Neckwear to dispose of all odd pieces and small lots that have accumulated during the last week or ten days. Or gandie Collars, Modeste Sets, Vestees, Embroidered Vests and Guimps. Dainty styles trimmed with laces and nets or hemstitched, tucked and em- ?"J QfC broidered. All new and desirable. Regular to $5.00 values; special Marabou Capes, Special $8.95 Neckwear Department, Main Floor Women's Marabou in brown and taupe. Latest styles. Also marabou and ostrich combinations. Ideal shoul der wraps for summer and all-year wear. 2 lots special $8.95 and $10.95 Boys' Sport Blouses Special $1.29 Main Floor Boys' Sport Blouses with long or short sleeves and convertible collars. Excellent materials. (J"J OQ On special sale today, at H CLOTH HATS SPECIAL AT 69 BABY WEEK SALES end Saturday. Mothers should take quick advantage of the low prices now in force and supply the baby's needs for LESS. riii nil iiii ti 1 JfTJ?.ri-:iMa a 'S? rli Jvi i !t a. .-! Cane Sugar 23c Lb. Fourth Floor No deliveries ex cept with other purchases made in the Grocery Department. Best Cane Sugar on special OOp sale today at the pound Snowdrift Shortening Fourth Floor Stop atthe dem onstration booth and sample the delicious cake made with Snow drift, the perfect shortening. 4-lb. can Snowdrift at $1.40 8-lb. can Snowdrift at $2.75 Summer Drinks of All Kinds Welch's Grape Juice Phez Loganberry Juice Pineapple Juice Ginger Ale Phez Apple Cider White Rock Mineral Wa ter Rief 's Special Bevo Schlitz, and many other favorites. SPECIAL Applju OM,, Model Grocery 4th Floor Lace Curtains 15c to SI Bargain Circle, First Floor Spe cial purchase and sale of 1200 half-pair Curtains. These are in full length but are slightly im perfect. Sol4 as "seconds." White, cream and ecru. Values to $1.75. Priced special 156 to $1 each. Drapery Remnants At V2 Price ' Bargain Circle Drapery Rem nants good useful lengths for curtains, pillow tops, ecarfs, etc., on sale today at HALF PRICE. 90c Curtain Nets 48c Bargain Circle Filet Curtain Nets in many beautiful figured designs. Various good col- A Q n ors. 90c grade the yard