TITC MOIHTOfG OITEGONIAX, FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1920 11. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF City Editor Main 7070. 5R0-05 Sunday Editor Main 70.0. 5- AdvertlBing Department. .Main .0.0. fcuperintendent of Bldg. .Main 7U7U. jSO-aa AMUSEMENTS. XVTRTC (Fourth and 8tark Musical com edy. "Up In the Air." Three showe dallj at 2. 7 and 8. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Tamhlll Vaudeville and moving pictures. 2 to o. 6:43 to 11 P. M Saturdays. fUIJa''," and holidays continuous. 1:14 to 11 r- - PANTAOB3 (Broadway at Aider) Vaude ville. Three shows daily. 2:30. 7 and 9:03. COUNCIL. CREST Free amusement park. Take "CC" cars. Morrison or Washing ton streets. THE OAKS Campbell's American Band In concert Free admission until o P. M., except Sundays and holidays- HOL.1.ADAY PARK Free municipal band concert. 8 P. M. COLUMBIA BEACH Children free. Bath ing and amusements. OKEGOJJlAN AT RESORTS. Subscribe wittl the following agents, at your summer resort, to secure the nost prompt delivery of The Oregonian. t-iiJ rates. Subscriptions by mail are payable in advance. n, ,. Barvlew. Or W. A. S'PP"" Bay City. Or O. B. 8h el ley Bayocean. Or F. . Mitchell Br.ghton Or A W- Row. Carson. Wash C. B Smith Ktola. Or.. Cannon Beach Merchandise Co. Garibaldi. Or D. C. Ellis J. L. 'dQ" Oearhart. Or W. S Rjblwon Long Beach. Wash W. K. s'r"h ilanzanita. Or E- KTard'1 Nahcotta. Wash H. J. Brown Neahkahnle Beach. Or A. C. Andenon Nehalem. Or D- C- p"eJaY Newport. Or O. F. Herron Ocean Like. Or Nettie Tomprett Ocean park. Wash Emma S. Campbell Pacific Beach. Wash Bur, 5 "" J! Pacific City. Or D. V. Edrnand. Kockaway. Or Frank Miller Seaside. Or C. W. Alward Kliipherd's Hot Springs. Wash. .. - ... Mrs. N. St. Martin Feav'lew.' Wash George N. P"1" Tillamook. Or J- s- Wheeler. Or R, H. Cody and Leo Sohler Masons to Initiate. The Mfsonlc hall of Sunnyside lodge No. "i. cor ner of Thirty-ninth street and Haw thorne avenue, will be the scene Sat urday evening of a ceremonial and initiation by Gul-Reazee ro" .fp: 6.-.. The Sunnyside lodge has invited the Uul-Iteazee Grotto to bring Us degree team, band and guard and put on the master mason degree n-ni ha served, and mere short programme in Dinner will be a ddition to the initiation ceremony, witn an aaui? by Prophet George L. Baker. Lnder the direction of Clyde K. Lewis, the Ciul-Rcazee Grotto, a social organi zation for master masons, with chap ters all over the country. Is conduct ing a membership campaign during the summer, and expects to have 1000 candidates ready for initiation at a big ceremonial at the close of the campaign, September 11. Part of Libel Complaint Stricken Out O W. Eastman, circulator of lo,-tinn petitions, lost the first step in his $50,000 libel suit against the i Oregon Daily Journal yesterday when Circuit Judge Stapleton granted a motion of the defense to strike nu merous paragraphs' from the plain tiffs complaint, which the judge held to be history of a public movement and matter about which a newspaper had a right to seek and publish in formation. Eastman is suing on newspaper articles in which he is accused of initiating objectionable petitions for the purpose of extorting money from those who would be in jured by them. He is represented by Attorney Nelson R. Jacobsen, who last recent libel suits against the livening Telegram and The Orego nian. Suit fob 115,000 Damages Filed. 'Barnes road, favorite speedway of automobile demonstrators, was the scene of an accident, resulting in a $13,000 damage action filed in the cir cuit court yesterday by Emelda Thi bault against the Oldsroobile company of Oregon. The woman was struck by an automobile, the speed and "pick-up" of which on the heavy erade were being demonstrated by 1. a. Richardson, salesman of the Oldsmobile cmpany. May 8, 1920, it Is alleged. The machine was on the wrong side of the road and was ex ceeding: the speed limit, it is said. The plaintiff's skull was fractured and she was in the hospital three weeks. Barnes road is the continuation of Washington etreet past Washington park. Dental Clinic. A limited number of persons desiring painless extrac tion of teeth by the nerve-blocking method will be treated by the post graduate dentists at clinios held un der the auspices of the Oregon State Dental association on Thursday and Friday of this week. Patients are requested to call at North Pacific College building. East Sixth and Ore gon streets, at 10 A. M. and 2 P. M., July 22d and 23d. All service is free and given under the direction of Dr. Arthur E. Smith of Chicago. 111. Adv. Jury Acquits Defendant. Frank Everhart was found not guilty of as sault and battery by a jury in the court of District Judge Jones yester day. He was accused of an unpro voked attack on A. B. Price, a butch er, but his defense was tl'at he was avenging an insult to his sister. Ber tha Everhart. Deputy District At torney George Graham prosecuted the case and Attorney Henry Collier de fended Everhart. JuoiiE Alden to Speak. Judge G. I. Alden of Massachusetts will be the speaker at the regular meeting of the City flub, to be held in the Crystal room of the Benson hotel Friday, July 23. at 12:15 P. M. Judge Alden has been a lecturer for the past 10 years, and has been connected with the Ellison-White Chautauqua circuit tlie iast four years, lecturing on "The Needs of the Hour." Mayor Attends Elks' Convention. Mayor Baker and Commissioner Mann left Portland a noon yesterday to .attend the Elks convention at Salem. Mayor Baker will be one of the prin cipal speakers at the convention ses sion this morning. He will return with Commissioner Mann early this afternoon in time to be present at the council meeting at 2 o'clock. Liquor to Bk Shipped East. Liq uor, ahout 1000 gallons, in the cus tody of United States Marshal Alex ander in the old postoffice. will be shipped to the L'nited States public health bureau. The liquor will be distributed among hospitals, accord ing to an order being prepared by As sistant United States Attorney Flegel. Numerous healings of cases pro nounced hopeless by physicians have reported at Lake's divine healing in stitute. Bedridden will l . ministered to in their homes if renucsted. No rharstii. Phone Tabor l.Mli. Private ministration from 10 A. M. to 12 M. daily. Adv. Uk. eption at K'nai B'rith Hai.l. Tonight at 8 o'clock at B'nai B'rith hall. Thirteenth and Mill streets, the social workers of Portland will hold thrir reception, honoring Dr. Thomas and Father O'Hara. Friends of the two guests are invited to be there. Jewish Services Announced. Serv ice will be held at Congregation Ahaval Sholoni. Park and Clay streets, tonight at S o'clock. Tomorrow morn ing services will be held at 9 o'clock Rabbi It. Abrahamson will officiate. Artificial Teeth made by the spe cialist. Dr. Rossman, are made to eat with and they make you look your best. 307 Journal bldg. Adv. Rom-i-da Hair Grower, positive guarantee. Shampooing, manicuring. 428 Medical bldg. Main 7966. Adv. Swimming every afternoon, dancing every evening. "Windemuth on the Willamette." Adv. Several desirable office suites and single rooms. 218 Fenton bldg. Adv. Kimmirim Coal. Caroon Coal c mine agents. East 1188. At, Suit to Recover Land in Progress. Suit of William G. Nesmith to recover a 300-acre farm from Levi Ankeny is in progress in the federal court. Mr. Nesmith Is the youngest son of the late United States Senator J. W. Nesmith. The acreage in question is the old family land in Polk county. The plaintiff conveyed the land to Mrs. Ankeny in 1899. . The contention of Mr. Nesmith is that the transac tion was a mortgage and not a sale, and that, being a mortgage, he has a right to redeem it. Mrs. Ankeny was a sister of Mr. Nesmith. Levi Ankeny is not in attendance at the trial, hav ing made a deposition. He is repre ented by Ben C. Dey. Mr. Nesmith is represented by W. P. Lord. Among the witnesses are C. N. McArthur, congressional representative, a neph ew of the plaintiff, and Louis A. Mc Arthur. East Twentieth Improvement Com pleted. rThe improvement of East Twentieth street from the Sandy bou levard to Hawthorne avenue, the first through street running north and south between East'Twelfth and East Thirty-ninth streets, has just been completed by the municipal paving plant.. The street was formerly ma cadamized and is now laid with as phaltic concrete pavement. The im provement covered 19 blocks, with a total yardage of 18.630 square yards. The total cost of the work, including a little grading and other extras, was $22,933.72, an average cost of $1.25 per square yard. The work took 13.0 days, an average of 1382 square yards per day. About 25 men were em ployed on the work. Railroad Men to Picnic. An all day band excursion for Southern Pa cific employes to Rockaway beach is scheduled for Saturday. Two special trains have been chartered to accom modate the 1500 or more employes who are expected to go. The first train leaves the union depot at 7:00 A. M., followed by the second at 7:30 A. M. The Brooklyn shops will be closed for the day and the clerical force from the general office will at tend. Various stunts, including ball games, foot races, band concerts and swimming, are on the programme. The first train on the return trip will leave Rockaway at 6:30 P. M. and the second at 11:00 P. M. Special trains have been arranged to accom modate the employes from Tillamook to Wheeler. La no Syne Society to Have Excur sion. The seventh annual mid-sum mer excursion of the Lang Syne so ciety of Portland will be a river trip on the barge Swan. Monday evening August 2. The orchestra will furnish old favorite selections and also mod ern dance music. The upper deck of the boat will be entirely reserved for members and their families and the lower deck will be used by the younger folk for dancing. There will be no charge for tickets, but only members and their families are in vited, announces Charles B. Moores, president. The Swan will leave the Jefferson-street wharf at 8 P. M. and return at 11:30. Woman Hits Child: Fine Suspend ed. Nellie Pitman took deep offense when the small son of Mrs. M. Hen sley threw a brick on her front walk and smashed it into small pieces. She picked up a piece of the brick and threw it at the youngster. It hit him in the back of the head, inflict ng a painful wound. On complaint of the boy's mother, the Pitman wom an appeared in municipal court on an assault charge. She was found guilty and fined $50. which Judge Rossman later suspended on condition she would have no further trouble with her neighbors. Federal Attorney Examines Ac thor. Herman Schreiber, author of "Harmageddon," a book containing mass of scriptural quotations, was in terviewed by United States Attorney Humphreys yesterday- as to why the book was published. According to Mr. Humphreys, Schreiber informed him that he felt a divine call to come to America and send out his message. The book, he said, cost him $1000. Mr. Humphreys says that Schreiber is ap parently harmless and has inflicted enough punishment on himself by the sacrifices he has made for the book. Wife Has Spouse Jailed. Conrad Sitner has been a frequent visitor at CARS COLLIDE; 3 INJURED TWO WOMEN ACTOISTS AUK HURLED TO PAVEMEXT. Vancouver, Wasli., Driver Crashes Into LVeaverlon Motorist on Interstate Bridge. Three persons, were injured early yesterday morning when an automo bile driven by Max H. Hofer of Van couver, Wash., ran into the machine operated by H. C. Hartwig of Beaver- ton on the interstate bridge, wrecking the Hartwig car and throwing two women occupants to the pavement. Those hurt were: Mrs. H. C. Hart wig, probable internal injuries; Miss Louise H. Hartwig, 805 Halsey street, seriously bruised and possible inter nal Injuries, and H. G. Wiedo, 805 Halsey, wrenched back. Reports to Sheriff Hurlburt's office threw the blame for the collision on the shoulders of Hofer. The "accident occurred on the side of the bridge where the Hartwig party clearly had the right of way, it was said. Ac cording to Hartwig. Hofer was "hog ging" the road and swerved into them without warning while the Hartwig car was less than six feet from the bridge railing. In a statement made by Hofer following the accident he said he was reaching in his pocket for change to pay at the bridge toll gate when the accident occurred. Others in the Hartwig automobile were Mr. Wiedo, uncle of the girl, and H. H. Hartwig. a brother of the driver. Otto Hartwig of the Btate federaiton of labor is also a brother. H. H. Hartwig is employed by. the emergency fleet corporation and lives at 490 East Lombard street. He was not hurt. Mr. Hofer, who lives at 914 Main street, Vancouver, Is an employe of Carter & Carter, drygoods store, of Vancouver. OPERETTA SALE BEGINS SORORITY GIRLS OF UNIVERSI TY IX CHARGE OF DETAILS. ro of People in Cast, Majority Whom Are Children of All Ages. Tickets are now on sale at Shtrman & Clay and Wiley B. Allen cdmpany for the fairy operetta, "The Forest Children," which will be presented Tuesday afternoon in the gardens of the H. C. Wortman home. 245 Vista avenue. The general ticket sale is n charge of sorority girls of the Uni versity of Oregon under thv direction of Miss Doris Pittentier. Announcement has just been made that Miss Marie Gammie will take one of the leads. She will take the place of Miss Betty Gram, who has been suddenly called to New York to aid the national woman's party in their fight for suffrage. Others taking leading roles are Mrs. Gertrude Holmes Drewery. Mrs. Violet Penster Blagg, Mrs. Eleanor Osborne Buck ley and George" Natanson. The dress rehearsal will be held Monday. Rehearsals have been held daily the past week for the training of the little dancers, who are being instructed by .Miss Imogene Seton, and for the choruses. Seventy per sons are appearing in the production, the majority of them children. But terflies, bees, dryads -and wild ani mals will lend color and interest to the operetta. The performances are being given to provide .. fund which will be a gift from the late Miss Camille Dosch and her little nephew, Fleurot, for the University of Oregon's woman's build- oit Prices Slashed Kuppenheimer and Lion Special Suits For Men and Young Men, Values to $65, Now Models in the newest grays, browns, tans, blues and greens. Exceptional quality and tailoring. 20 Cut All our other Kuppenheimer Suits. All Lion Special Suits, and other well-known brands. AH Kuppenheimer Air-O-Weaves for summer wear. All our Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Furnishings, And everything else sold in our store for men and boys. Silk Shirt Special $10 and $12.50 values $g85 Crepe de chine, broadcloth, pon gee and tub silks in white, tan, olive drab and fancy stripes. Panama Hats Values to $10 Popular sailor, optimo, fedora and Alpine shapes. An excep tional offering. Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland Morrison at Fourth S. & H. Stamps Given r Last Day but One Biggest Water Heater Sale Ever Attempted in Portland Only T5 Cents Down And 50c a Week (Payable $2 a Month With Gas Bill), . $36.75 INSTALLED and Over a Year to Pay for It. Remember: The Supply Is Limited. Only Portland Has Any! Offer Holds Good Only This Week Portland Gas & Coke Co. Mala SOO Alder Near Fifth (Special.) Two small forest fires' were reported in the Wenaha rt serve Tuesday. Neither did much damage. This makes five small fires to be re ported this season. Walla Walla to Feed Cattle. WALLA WALLA, Wash.. July 22. (Special.) Farmers in the Doug las county section who are appealing for food for their starving cattle, will be asked to send about 3000 head to Walla Walla county for feeding this winter. Arrangements are now be- ing made for places to feed the ani mals. It is stated that the cattle can be shipped in here, fed this win ter and returned to their owners cheaper than to ship the feed to the drought-stricken section. ing. A tablet will be placed in the police headquarters and ech time his I building in their memory. wife has been complaining witness. On all other occasions the '"better hair- has relented when the husband faced the court and pleaded for his release. But yesterday it was differ ent when Sitner was booked for non support. The wife's patience finally had been exhausted. Judge Rossman held him to the grind jury under $1000 bond pending investigation of the non-support charge which she filed. Federal Court Punishes Moon shiners. Indicted for making moon shine, Nettie C. Jones was fined $oU0 in the federal court yesterday; R. E Jones was sentenced to 330 days and Oeorge D. London was fined $300 and sentenced to 60 days In jail. Each was also directed to pay one-third of the costs, which total about $300. The defendants were apprehended near Prinevtlle with a still. The case wa prosecuted for the government by Assistant L'nited States Attorney Keames. Shoplifter's 30 Dats Suspended. Blanch Yates. amateur shoplifter, who pleaded guilty to stealing a suit of clothes from a local department store, was sentenced to 30 days in the city jail yesterday by Judge Rossman. She was arrested a week ago and has been in jail since. The court suspend ed the remainder of the jail sentence and Blanch went her way with a sol emn promise of reformation. Camels Meet Tonioht. There will be a meeting of the order of Camels this evening at S o'clock in the AHsky building to organize a caravan in Portland. A programme has been arranged which will include prom inent speakers who will talk on "Personal Liberty." Organizers for the Camels will be present to explain the objects of the order. All are invited. rORTERHOL'SE bTEAK. lie. At Frank 1. Smith's. 228 Alder street. Prime rib and oven roast beef 13c Roast mutton and mutton chops.. 15c Very best cuts of round steak 20c Legs mutton and veal cutlets 20c Iwoast veal and corned beef 13c Boiling beef . . . 1 0cPot roa.sts. . . 1 2 Vic Frank L.Smith's is 228 Alder st. Adv. Fall From Tree Fatal. F. S Craw, a retired engineer, died at noon vesterday at Good Samaritan hospital as a result of injuries sustained ear lier in the day when he fell from tree while trimming branches. He sustained a fractured skull and never regained consciousness. Cases Admitted by Moore Sani tarium. No communicable diseases and no mental diseases of insane na ture are ever admitted to the Moore sanitarium. It is an ideal "cure'' for patients broken down in health. whose cases are not strictly surgical. Adv. Wenalin Forest Fires Small. WALLA WALLA, Wash., July Last Chance FINAL WIND-UP During the remain ing nine days of this month I will sell all my Fall and Winter Coats and Suits at HALF PRICE I am closing my store for two months or more no place to move. Now hurry! J. M. ACHESON ctiHiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiMiHiiiiiiiiiJitiiuiiiiiMUMHiitiiMinMiiiinHmmmiiic 1 Vacation Hazards 1 DRAWING $50 WEEK think how CREDIT! Did you ever ston many vacations are marred by ac- I cidents? WHY WORRY? Take! out accident" insurance, before i starting on your vacation and pro- 1 i tect yourself, your family a n d I your bank account. For particu- I lars phone Mar. 2159. I W. R. McDonald Company ! General Insurance with Service I NOTICE TO CAMPERS Dally truck service from Portland to Arra Wauna. Welches and Rhodo dendron. Leave all trunks or goods of any kind at Front and Morrison, Portland Fruit Co.. 153 Front street. For Rent Two tank type tractors suitable for road work or log and piling haul. By day or contract. JIAI.V 100. MARSHALL, 4313. Joy makes the payments easy on his hand-tailored clothes to order. Your name's good with Joy see him about a new suit; let him enter your meas ure for future orders. Joy has a full corps of ex pert cutters and tailors you'll receive prompt service. 22. 362 Alder St.' ?,iiiiiiiiniiniiliiiliiiiiiiniiMiitttiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiMiliiinitiintliitiiiiiiiii. I II WVvi7 7i fnl&Lj&I ll 'S ' " lftpfiiSSffiSjJ , 104 Fourth Street, ' 3l BetWhindStarlc KIRK'S MILITARY SHOP 94 Third Street Portland, Oregon A Mecca for Autoists, Campers and Hikers CAMP, GRATES, single or double... 65 to $1.50 CAMP OVENS, foldable ..$1.50 to $3.50 CAMP STOVES, very compact. . ..$3.5( to $1C.OO THE PACK-SACKS HAVE JUST ARRIVED..$1.50 BOYS' PACK-SACKS, with straps.....' 50 Folding Tables 4J50 Aluminum Cups 2Sc Tin Cups 15e BED or SLEEPING ROLLS special at..4.0O to .."0 Clothing Rolls 2.75 Condiment Cans 75c Auto Canteens, 2 gal. $3 Holders 2.:t5 Canvas Basins re (Soprglcs 75c Ladies' Breeches . 3.0O Ladles' Skirts 3.75, .S Serge Cloth, dark blue. per yard ..2.00, 92.03 Folding Cots .HS-OO Spiral Leggings 2-25 Head Nets 25c Army Aluminum KniTe 15c Ponchoes . . . .S2.25 to 84..V Duplex Pails.. .2.r.O, 3.0O Khaki Handkerchiefs lOc Ladies' Coats i4.no to S6.SO Boys' Khaki Shirts S1.5U Arm; Field Shan, Trench Shoe. March Ins Shoes, O. D. Blanket, Sweaters. Rain Coats, Macklnaws, Etc All Sizes and St vies in All-Wool Suits for Every Age and Size of Man BARGAINS IX A FEW ROYALS that have been used as demonstrators as good as new. THE ELECTRIC MAID SHOP 133 Tenth St. Broadway 4024, Let the Electric Maid Do Your Work. ELIMINATE THE MIDDLEMAN and you'll save money every time! OUR SELLING POLICY From Manufacturer-to-Wearer elim inates the middleman and his -profits. This accounts for your being able to buy a splendid, all-wool, full-lined, hand-tailored suit here, in any size or style, from $10 to $20 less than you would pay at other stores. WE URGE YOU to come in and inspect these wonderful suit values in our spacious show room, which covers the entire second floor of the Woolen Mill building. Attentive salesmen await the privilege of explaining Our Mill-to-Man Policy to you, and why you can buy a better suit here for less! t V Largest Man ufacturing Clothiers West of Chicago Astoria MEN'S w-ioi SUITS $27 to BROWNSVILLE $54 WOOLEN MILL STORE Entire Building Third and Morrison Eugene PORTLAND Marshfield Men's and Boys' Complete Outfitters North Bend 1 mimmwMmmmmmimwmmmFm 19 ART METAL Steel Filing Cabinets Letters, Card Records, Etc STEEL SHELVING STEEL LOCKERS VAULT TRUCKS SAFES PLAN FILES Ask for Catalogue. Glass & Prudhomme Company ' Printers Bookbinders. 65-67 Broadway. Portland. Saxophones Martin EXTRA Free Movies Evenings Store Window Martin Band in struments are of. superior worth. Ask any musi-, cian of reputa-i tion and be; will tell you that the "Old". Martin line is' first class. The Martin Line Is Complete Cornets, Trumpets, Saxophones and everything for the modern Band. MELODY "C SAXOPHONE 149 Sixth, Bet. Alder and Morrison STEWART TRICKS AT 30 BELOW RETAIL. PRICE. AMD 1 V4 TONS. Phone 420. . OREGON CITY AUTO CO., Ore son City. Or. Algrate Electric Co. ExclusiTe Distributors 423 Washington, Near 11th St. Phone Bdwy. 720 On a Limited Number We Will Sell NEW AUTO TRUCKS and Supply Hauling Until Truck Is Paid For One-third Cash Payment Holman Fuel Co. Wilson Truck Agency Si Fifth Street Spendyour vacation in SAN FRANCISCO AT THE HOTEL TEWART On Geary St., just off Union Square, close to everything worth while. Good accommodations at moderate ratee. Breakfast, 50c, 60c, 75c, Lunch 70c (Sundays 75c), Dinner $1.25 (Sundays SI. 50). Municipal car passes the door. Stewart Motor Bus meets principal trains and steamers. It is advisable to make reservations in advance of arrival. Estab. 20 Years in Portland C.Gee Wo Root and Herb Remedies 162 Vz First St., Portland, Or. BEAVER BOARD ffi FOR BETTER W ALLS CLE. AND CEILINGS RASMUSSEX & CO. N. E. Cor. Second and Taylor Streets 4