16. THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX. THURSDAY. JtJXT 22, 1920 VA NTE I M I SC E I.I.A N KOI' 8. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We want your used ruga, carpets, stoves household goods and the highest cash prices. furniture, and all will pay TOP MARKET PRICES. 5V also buy and pell hardware, fawning gtxxls. tents, bl c?.es, typewriter?, adding ma afh Ines and store and of i ice fur niture. When you nave anything o buy, sell or trade CALL MAIN 0072. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. 221-223-225 Frofit SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I PAY SPOT CASH AND THE HIGH KST MARKET VALUE FOR DIA MONDS. NO AMOUNT IS TOO LARGE FOR ME TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BY A LARGE DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE DIA MONDS OFFERED. MY LOCATION 1 S DO W N TO W N A N D CON V EN1ENT. ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CON FIDENTIAL. ERNEST DEEDS. 340 WASH 1NGTON ST. MAIN 3173. $12.50 TO $25. FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAT LOR. He rays more than anyone in the city for suits, overcoat and shoes. ChI! -Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison st.. near 3d st. Will call day or evening. WE BUY. SELU RENT OR TRADE e lee trio fans, shot suns, rifles, lent, showcase-, cash registers, typewriters, tools, ho asehold goods, musical Instru ments. STORK AND OFFICE FIXTURES. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. 328 1st. Main 4405. Tabor ii'UH SA FE War i wnialt second-hand safe : not particular about condition If fireproof. AP 710, OreKoiiian. Furniture Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WASTE D. We want your used furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves and all house hold goods, and will pay the highest cash prices. TOP MARKET PRICKS. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, sporting goods, tents, bl tycles, tj riu-rs, adding ma chines and store and office fur niture. When you have anything to buy, sell or trade CALL MAIN 9072. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221-223-223 Front .KU MARSHALL &D81. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. WB BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY; HIGH EST PRICES PAID. WE ARK THE OLD EST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF OUR KIND IN PORTLAND. 183 FIRST ST. PHONE MARSHALL 59S1. C A L L MAIN 3f H 1 M MEDIATE LY. W E PA Y THE H I H EST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CAR PETS, ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH TH E MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 102 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. 1 WANT YOUR FURNITURE. CARPETS. STOVES. ETC., TO SHIP OUT. AN D W I L L PA Y MORE THAN OTHER LOG A L DEALERS. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING BUYER AT ONCE WHO WILL CONVINCE YOU. CALL MAIN 4773. BE SURE AND LET USSEE " your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are In the markt for same and will pay hiKhest prices. Portland furniture exchange, 208 first st. main 772s. MAIN 8051. We buy everything in furniture; we pay the price. F R E E M A N-WOLF F U R. CO. , 20 list St., S. E. Cor. Taylor. 1 WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds ol household goods. Call us for one article or a houe lull and a competent, cour teous buyer will call. Mar. 2093. Crown. CALL MAIN 78. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. S-e us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN SS78. I AM in the market for used furniture, household goods, etc., from private party only. A phone call will bring buyer with cash. MAIN 738. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on household goods. Pacific Coast For warding Co., th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 703. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4027 or 166 First St. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Experienced Janitor and wife for 7 05 Da, is street apartments; must tnorougniy understand heating, plumb ing and wiring. Apply between 10 and 1- to 1. rl. Hoffman, 707 Gasco bldg. W ANTE D W E A VERS. For (lav and night work on high-grade flannels and blankets. EUREKA WOOLEN MILLS. Eureka. Cal. AUTOMOBILE WASHER wanted: steady work; highest wages in city; must be capable and steady worker. Apply to Mr. Walcott. shop supt.. North West Auto. Alder and 18th st. TRUCK OWNERS. ATTENTION! Want 2 to 34 -ton truck and trailer, haul logs. Call 227 Salmon st. Main SI 54. GOOD truck driver wanted to take half interest in truck making $40 per dav, $1000 will handle. Phone before 10 A. M. or evenings, Woodlawn 4960. STENOGRAPHER and clerical work, lum ber camp, $125. room and board; stenog rapher and secretary. 301 N. W. Bank building. WANTED AT ONCE First-class exoeri- enced open shop wood patternmaker for v.orK in city. Apply oiiu Oregon bldg nth and Oak sts. ADVERTISING solicitor of ability wanted for about 10 days on substantial special edition. Address, stating experience, P I76, Oregonian. WANTED Upholsterers, high-grade work. M Ichaelson Bros., 5433 Foster road Phone Tabor 705, EXPERIENCED sash put-up man. stocker man for city planing mill. Room 430 Worcester bldg. WANTED A man with $150 to drive my swell little bug away from 43 1st St. s today. WANTED AT ONCE First-class open shop laborers for work in city. Apply 5 Jo Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak sts. CAN save man or woman going to Chicago some money. . Phone Tabor 7U27 oetore ft A. M. WANTED Power station operators. Ap ply third floor Gasco bldg. alter 7:30 P. M. today. BELLBOY wanted, short hours, from 5 P. M. to 10 P. M. University club. 0th and J efferson. SALESMAN with small ' capital, big, quick returns. 839 Chamber Commerce bldg Fourth and Stark. WANTED By wholesale meat house, man to drive Ford delivery and put up or ders. Carstens Pkg. Co.. 43 Front st. BARBER wanted, first-class. $28 tuaran tee. 00 per cent over $45. 816 Lombard st i-t. Johns car. a.mlu rnipino Doy to work mornings only. Call at nnce. apt. 3. 1G0 St. Claire st.. corner or wasnmgton. WANTED First-class second-hand carder and a card render. Wire Eureka Woolen ,i iii jl. r, u re k a , a i . VAN to work in laundry, must understand maenmery. inquire .11 Jr ront St. H A H N E S SM A K E RS. ..Jo.. 129 1st st. The T. J. Cronln WANTED Helpers in steel plant. Coium bia Steel Co.. loth and Johnson. NON-UNION barber wanted, steady Job, good wages guaranteed. 205 Morrison st, BAKBER wanted ; good workman. N. V. tiiinK oaroer snop. BARBER wanted. Shop. Morgan Bldg. Barber EARL FRY, formerly of Baker. Or., send leiepnone numoer. j w--, oregonian. HOY. about IS years, for auto delivery. Apply Empire Market. 295-1. Main 404 WANTED An experienced hospital order. ly or Janitor. Apply 533 Pittock block. WANTED Hotel buss driver; state - ag snn e. 'jiTinur. .'.u, urepron ian. Ol'N 1 MAN wanted for office work It week to s'.art. Write AH 411, Oregonian KANTrr- fion Su Sboeinalvir or helper. 40G Mor HELP WANTED MALE. $300 to $500 A MONTH. Are you earning that? Many automo bile experts are. You may Join the high-salaried skilled-mechanic ranks if you take advantage of the gas engineer ing courses offered bv the LEADING AUTO SCHOOL OF THE WEST WITH A RECORD OF MORE SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES THAN ANY OTHER SCHOOL Investigate, enroll and don't pay us a cent until you are convinced that we II de.tvei the goods. That's fair, isn't it? Write for our $1 88-page catalogue. It's tree Ask for Book No. 5. OU R CO URS ES ARE FREE TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. UNION AVENUE AND WASCO ST. 18.287 YOUNG MEN have, in the past, years, been assisted in finding positions through the Portland Y. M. C. A. advisory and employment dept. This is not an ,agency." and no extra fees or commissions are charged. Employers naturally turn to the ' Y for men because we appeal to the best type of men and boys. Our demand at present is far greater than the supply. You rever had such an opportunity to get a better position if you are prepared for it. All mtn in clericu.1. technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to consul one of the employment secre tariea, room 307. Free vocational guidance and employ ment for ex-service men. MR. EX-SERVICE MAN Are you bunting a job or seeking a career Have you discovered where you fit in? Would you like to talk over your problem confidential! v. with a man of wide experience who will take a per sonal In teres t in you ? The Y M. C. A. advisory and em Dlovment dent, can assist vou In choos ing, and can help you find the place 'for which you are best fitted. This service is absolutely free to ex-service rmn. See one of the secretaries. Room 307. THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY re quires i h services of three experienced eleator operators. Applicants, having iiud no experience will also be consiaerea for elevator work. Apply to employment department, sixth floor, Meier & Frank Company. A UTOMOTI VE SCHOOL. ' A uf ntnohilRH. t raetors. vulcanizing. This school, not run to make money but to make automotive mechanics, is super vised by leading automobile and tractor bUHiDt'88 men of Fortltinu. aiuuenw uo practical roair work. Free tuition ex-service men; clip this ad. Send it or can at ortice. -tie oreiron mauiuw ui Technology, Y. M. C. A. BOYS WANTED. Energet ic. ambit ious boys, ages 10 14. for pleasant part time work near your ow n home: earn while learning. Apply F. N. Bay, 270 Fourth St., Wednesday. Thursday and Friday morn ing. Carfare refunded If you bring this advertisement. LEARN a trade now and pay later. Are you mechanically Inclined ? If so, in vestigate HEM PHI LL'S AUTOMOBILE AND GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL at 707 Hawthorne ave., corner East 20th, whore vou can learn in six weeks to op- ' erate and repair ail makes of autos and i ractora. WANTED Makeup for dally paper 1 town of lo.ouo; must be experienced on country daily ; eight pjages daily and 10 pages Sunday morning. No Satur day issue. Job is permanent. Now open, Scale $40.73. September 1 goes to $42.75. Union. Centralia Daily Hub. Centralia, Wash. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn $ 100 to .$200 monthly corresponding for newspapers: $15 to $23 weekly in spare time: experience unnecessary ; no can vassing : subjects suggested. Send for particulars. National Press Bureau. Buf lalo. N. Y. PIANO FINISHER WANTED A splendid position ottered to a competent piano polisher and finisher who is capable of doing first-class work on high-grade pianos. Apply to The W llcy li. Allen Co., Morrison at Broadway. IF ITS HELP you want, call BROAD WAY 52is0. UTAH EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 24 North Second St. RES A W Y E R for horizontal resaw, day shift, eight hours, $0.75. Increase if satisfactory. Crossett Western Lumber Co., Wauna, Oregon. 75 miles below Portland on Astoria division. S. P. & S. By. . WANTED Yarding engine for immediate use, prtfer 11x13 Willamette or 12 xl2 Tacutna. Must be in A-l condition. Ad dress National Lumber & Mfg. Co.. Ho quiam, Wash. HELP WANTED A first-class piano pol isher and finisher. Fine position oi'fered to a competent man who Is thoroughly reliable and honest. The Wiley B. Aileu Co., Morrison at Broadway. GENERAL foreman. furniture factory, city. Must be expert all departments. State experience and salary expected. All replies strictly confidential. AP 732. Oregonian. WANTED Married couple, to live on pri vate place in country; man to drive car and do some work around house, wom an to do laundry work. Answer. E 5UU, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. single, especially gifted in salesmanship, for position with whole sale house, excellent opportunity. State age. references, where last employed. . B 926. Oregonian. EXPER1 ENCED felting machine man, mattress f 11 ler r.an and helper In most modern factory ; steady employment. United Manufacturing Co., 25th and Holladay. IF YOU have a few hundred dollars and want it to earn you $4O0 to $500' per month, be your own boss, handle own money, opportunity of your life. Call evenings at 529 East Davis St. CLEAN-CUT young man as chauffeur for 8-cvllnder car. Must be careful and experienced driver. State wages and references. C 902. Oregonian. YOUNG man to work in stock department in large store; one having dry goods ex perience pre arrtjd ; must be permanent; state experience. AG 867, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS , experienced reswyer for day shift for large Columbia river mill; good pay to the right man. AG 868. Ore gonian. WANTED Chauffeur, married or single, to live on private place in country: one who is willing to do some work around house. Answer. L. 97"U Oregonian. WANTED Young man, 23 to 30 years old, familiar with the city, for orfice po sition ; state experience and salary ex pected. A 610. Oregonian. CARRIAGE man. some experience setting r tenet, email mm; gooa wages; it m:ies out. A. L. Hubbard Sawmill Co., Tabor 951 S. WANT 500 cords wood moved 240 rods. JSOc; or sell at $4. Call o miles south east Oregon City, by Linn's mill, Chaun- cey barney. WANTED Names men, boys over 16, wishing become railway mail clerks; $133, $195 month. Answer AV 930, Ore gon! a iv WANTED Students to learn vulcanizing and retreaaing irom Aaron, o.. grad uate. 433 Stark st. PICK and shovel laborers wanted. Port land Gas & ook wo. Apply 4 P. i. 241 Flanders st. WANTED At once. 3 men to learn vul canizing a-na retreaamg. wail 432 Haw thorne ave. WANTED First-class meat cutter for country shop, wages $30 per week. Ad dress Box 31)3. Independence. Or. HELP WANTED A first-class piano tuner and player repair man. The Wiley B. Allen Co.. Morrison at Broadway. BARBER wanted for out-of-town shop. $35 guarantee. euv over aao. inquire at 377 Stark st. FREE rer.t. wood and water to married man decir'.ng saw mill worn. School close James Cole. Dewitt, Or. WANTED BARBER. $30 guarantee, shop clones 6:30. 133 4th st. P. K. Egbert. Phone Mar. 22!0. WANTED 2 3 -ton trucks and trailers to haul logs, can -- Salmon. Main 8154. Ready ror worn -jvriaay. BARBER Steady Job; 2 Saturday men S. H. riowara. sec. i-t aster itarbers is- soctation. nay. st. w x XTED Man and wife cook and helner Chicken Dinner Inn, on highway. Phone Tabor 4638 P. M. AT ONCE. good, all-around baker; best of wages. L.ieo s cattery. Ainany. Oregon "WANTED Man to help Campbell Hill Hotel. with cooking. LEARN the vulcanUlng business, write 158 East Broadway. Call or WANTED Linotype operator. Apply Morn ing ASTOriHii. .a sLuriH. v-t. "WANTED 2 first-class auto painters. Apply covey wot or tar wo.. tn floor. MAN' to cut cord wood; house live in, close to r. rt . ; corn. Main 172L - WANTED 1 cylinder press feeder. S6V 4 awwa HELP WANTED MALE. LARGE wholesale house has opening for general office man; excellent opportunity for man who is capable of accepting re sponsibilities and one who is ambitious for advancement; this position offers fair starting salary with quick advance ment as ability shown, prefer man be tween age of 20 and 30. AE S0. Ore gonian. THE OLDS. WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services of aa experienced window ahude maker. Apply superin tendent's otfice. U:10 to 10:30 A. M. MINERS. For Hercules M ine. Burke. Idaho Steady employment; wages $5.73 to $6.25 per day ; modern hot;l accommo dations; room and board $45; ail water liners, 2 miners ou a machine; no lea charged. NO I. W. WS WANTED. Apply Louis K. Church, service club, 319 Trent avenue. SpoKane. Wash. ONE camp baker. $125, room and board; 1 camp second cook, $125, room and board ; 3 camp flunkies, $e5, room and board; 2 camp dishwashers;, $75 and $85; 1 try cook, hotel. 120, room and board; 1 pantry man, hotel, ?95, room and board; 2 waitresses, hotel; 3 waitresses, logging camp. c. & B. H. Culinary Woraera Assn., 242 Ankeny St. THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of two experienced ousneimen. Apply Employment Bureau, Sixth loor, Meier . Frank Company. WAREHOUSEMAN; must be thoroughly experienced and lurnt.sh reterences. Butcher helper, both cutting and back room man; must nave reterences. Ex-service men register with us. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, ' 2i5 Artisans' iJldjjj. Broadway 13ft" b I h A l J man wan ted take permanent charge good territory. Supplies and spe cial Information furnished. Experience not required. Cash weekly. If a per manent, profitable business Interests you, give this a trial. Yakima Valley Nur sery. Toppenish. Wash WANTED FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER ONE WHO t.'NDE'KSTA N DS INSUR ANCE ACCOUNTS PREFERRED. AP PLY AFTER 10 A. M. 415 ALDER ST.. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. MA N to do janitor work in fmall office requiring not over one hour per day; prefer eit her Ch inese, Japanese or col ored ; advise salary wanted. G 250. Ore gonian. VV A NTED Single man as collector; m ut be able to give references and be familiar with the city; salary $19.50 per wet k and comm isslons. Apply 400 Ore gon) an bldg. between 1 and 2 today. ELECTRICIAN for new mili Just building, wages $N for 8 hours, hotel room a nd board. Cook for survey crew, 9 men, on the beach, $125 and board. Portland Labor Agency, 1 1 N. 7th St. TIRE CHANGER. Husky boy or young man who under stands the changing and service work. A pply before noon. Coffey Conway, 6th and Broadway. PERMANENT position open for young man wishing to take up" special rales work, good money to Mart, road position later. Call 403 Spalding Bldg., 4 to 5 P. M. WANTED First-class a utomoDiie mecnan ic ; married man preferred ; steady work. Phone or write Osmun & McDonald Auto Co. , WANTED Boy for office work, muwt be over 16 years of age. V 535, Oregonian. Help Wanted- Salesmen. SALESMEN WANTED. Two good salesmen capable of selling stock in a tirst-ciass industrial proposi tion: absolutely new; men with machines preferred ; leads given ; good advertis ing. Call 411 Main street. Vancouver, Sv ashington. S A L E S M E N W ANTED. Two good salesmen to sell A-1 Indus trial stock In Clarke county. Washing ton; new proposition: easy to sell fr good men ; strong advertising campaign. (.Tall 702 Spalding bldg.. ask for Mr. Starr. STOCK SALESMEN. For tried, proven, efficient industrial, organized under Oregon laws, factory Portland; will not interfere with your regular business; send only name and address, particulars when we meet. N 679. Oregonian. THE richest and best corporation of its kind on the Pacific coast desires the services of five energetic, ambitious men, capable of being developed into sales men of ability and worth ; perman ;nt connection, good pay. " Call U09 Wilcox bldg. ' WANTED Salesman to carry men's shirts as side line; must bo acquainted with gent's furnishing trade; give references, siate lines you carry and territory you cover. Fashion Shirt Mfg. Co., 241 E. 5 th s t . , Los Ange les. Cal . VE HAVE a very attractive proposition showing big profits, $400 to $500 per month: goods sold on a money-back - guarantee; investment of $100 to $300 will start you. Call 033 Washington sU 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. WANTED A reliable party to handle a block of stock. Producing Mining Co. Addrepa secretary. 31ti Foxcroft bldg.. San Frar.cisco. SALESMAN to sell electrical household ann ancra can mane mg money n win ing to work. Call The Electric Maid Shop. 133 10th st. nv or woman for ed ucational special w ; from $200 a month up. Cail 010 Slock Ex. bldg. from 2 to 3. WANTED Specialty salesman for auto mobile accessory. Mr. Perry, 60 14th st SALESMEN Wonderful opportunity, come insurance. 501 Corbett bldg. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents for auto rim tool, big money, counties open to right men, big demand. Mr. Walters, 91 lltn St. SALESMAN Auto accessory, ton. Kenton bldg. Bdwy. D. A. Nor- 274. a r: ka'TS wanted. Occidental Life Insur ance Co.. 406 Northwestern Bank bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Young lady for general office unrb miiwt write talr hand and have some knowledge of figures; salary $10 a week. Apply 400 Oregonian bldg. between 10 and 11 today. xt isri h;ra FHEK. $125: bookkeeper. $100 125; assistant bookkeeper, stenographer and G. O. W., $100; law stenograpner, $100. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Middle-aged or elderly woman as housekeeper for man and 3 small bovs: would consider woman and child. Call Main 481. AN Intelligent woman of good personality to travel in Oregon; salary, commission and expenses. Give details of self. C H51. Oregonian. SALESLADY for ail departments, to as sist US Wltn tne Faie Ol l ortnci abw.iv. Come prepared to work. Apply at Le vitts, 4th and Wash. ASSISTANT in dental oitice. stale ex perience II any, sa.ary ueainrw. x c4 nent position. P 075. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER able to operate Under wood billing machine, $100. 320 Arti- ians' Bidg., cor. oa ana oroauwa. COMPETENT girl to do cooking and 408 Montgomery housework, a aauus. drive. GIRL wanted for office work, one with slight typewriter anowieuge preierreu 307 Merchants Trust Bldg. WANTED Dishwasher and experienced waitress; nours .;oj io ii r-. ren der's lunch room, 229 N. 23d. "WANTED Girl to wait on lady with broken Iimo auring ine uay; i per cay. 552 Kearney st. WANT experienced combination waffle cook and waitress. ooas .uncn, 101 6th St. LAMP SHADE maker wanted, must be ex perienced GIRLS wanted for chorus work, son. RIO Ellers bldg. fall sea- WANTED A waitress. HO North Sixth st. Rose Restaurant, GIRL wanted. 3d st Fenny Arcade, 26 North EXPERIENCED waitress wanted: $18 per week. 20 N. st. oawy. j.as. YOUNG lady for grocery and confectionery. Call Tabor 89B4. WANTED Hand troner; experienced only. Main 444-. o w asn in g ton. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Washington St.. Washington Cafe. MAIDS wanted. Apply linen room. Oregon hotel. ' GIRL wanted as usher, evening work. New Grand theater. 10 nth st. WANTED An experienced chambermaid Apply Nortonla Hotel. No phone calls. YOUNG woman to work on fountain In drug store. M 675, Oregonian. ir AVT1TT1 wnin n n to wnrlf In V Xroio. 12 to S P. M. Campbell Hill Hotei HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED GIRLS FOR POWER MA CHINE OPERATORS. THE WORK IS EASY TO LEARN, PLEASANT. WITH GOOD WAGES, ALSO A LARGE BONUS PAID EACH WEEK- EXPERIENCED GIRLS PREFERRED BUT SOME INEXPERIENCED GIRLS ACCEPTED. GIRLS MUST NOT BE UNDER 16 OR OVER 25 YEARS OF AGE. MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE FACTORY, WITH SATURDAY AFTERNOONS OFF. APPLY AMES. HARRIS. NEVILLE BAG CO. 15TH AND HOYT STS. BETWEEN 7:30 AND 8:30 A. M. TELEPHONE) OPERATING FOR YOUNG WOMEN. BEGINNERS' RATE. $14 PER WEEK. REGULAR INCREASES. RAPID ADVANCEMENT. APPLY NOW. ROOM 604, 6TH FLOOR, . TELEPHONE BUILDING, PARK AND OAK STS." THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE &, TELEGRAPH COMPANY. GIRLS wanted for factory work, good wages, steady work, experience unneces sary; Saturday afternoon off. N. & S. Portland car to Kith and Thurman. American Can Co., 14th and Front sts. EN PERI ENCED calculating machine and comptometer operators please register lor positions with Miss Miller. 9U3 1 eon building. Have more positions open than can fill; for this summer only I will give a course on calculating machines, com ptomters. ad dine machine and bookkeeping machines, regular $100 for $15. This offer closes this week, after which regular rates are agnin in eitect. pay ana evening classes. Miller bcnooi, 903 Yeon bldg. THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of two experienced saleswomen for children's section of the shoe department. Apply Employment Bureau, Sixth Floor. Meier &. Frank Co. THR Mfier - Frank Co. requires the serv ices of experienced saleswomen for the stationery, drug and neckwear depart ments. Apply Employment Bureau, 6th floor, jueier & rank. Co. A WELL-EDUCATED woman wanted for a permanent position, with educational association; one with teaching experi ence preferred; salary $1500 and bonus to start ; excellent opportunities for ad vancement. Miss Coleman, room b37, Pittock blk. THE Olds. W ortman & King Store re quires the services of experienced sales woman for stationery dept.: must under stand fountain pens and be able to take orders for engraving; also experienced saleswoman for candy dept. A pply superintendent's office. 9:15 to 10:30 A. M. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn $100 to $200 monthly corresponding for newspapers; $13 to $25 weekly in snare time ; experience unnecessary; no can vassing; subjects suggested. Send fo particulars. National Press Bureau. Buf' falo. N. Y. YOUNG woman or middle-aged for house keeper; no objection to one small child have one girl 21 months out ; lust tn two of us tn cook for: no washing ex cept for baby. Call ;i0 Walnut st. WOULD like to communicate with girl in tendine erolnir to business colletce or hie school ; will give good home and smal wages for services. Sma'.l family. Ros City park. N OreKoiiian. WUMAN or sir! to care for children an light housework. A pply View Restau rant. Kenton Station, between R A. M and 2 P. M. Phone Woodlawn 4417, Mrs. Raymond. APPLICATIONS will b rrWed from young women aged 20 to J for wood working factory at St. Johns; good p: and steady employment. AB 3U2, Ore gomin. EXPERIENCED MAKERS FOR OUR MILLINERY WORKROOMS. EMtO R1UM.. 120 SIXTH ST. $30 WEEKLY up, home work, experienc unnecessary: everything furnished. Send se If -ad dressed stamped envelope fo free particulars. Kurn Candymakers Co.. Phiiaueipn:R. i a. MRS. L. V. SCOTT, formerly director employment for women with the federal government, will secure employment to women in all lines. Office 32U Henr bldg.. cor. 4th and Oak sts. Bdw y. 4337. AN Y girl In need ot a friend apply to the Salvation Arm Rescue Home, May fiii- and Alexander sts. Phone Main 3:50. DM car. WANTED Names women, girls ova- 16. wishing to become government postal cierks; commence $1400; answer i:n rr.j- ri.ateiy. AV 31. Oregonian. TRIMMERS and experienced makers wanted for city and out-of-town posi tions. Apply Lowengart & Co., Broad way an d Burnside. CHANCE for Inexperienced, refined girl of age or single woman wno can keep house to learn to clerk in store; steady. 707 Commercla I st. WANTED A housekeeper, between 30 and 40 years or age, ror two men and a boy wages 40; a good home. Address N. C Hansen. Chinook. Wash. EXPERIENCED order clerk, capable of running switch board : do not answer unless A-l: steady position. Enke's. 3d and E. Ash. ROOM and board in exchange for help with elderly lady, part time. Tabor 175. AK 442, Oregonian. WOMEN wanted for canning fruit. Starr Fruit proaucts wo., ,. 1st and Yamhill streets. DICTATING machine stenographers, good positions. The Ediphone. 02 , Oregon bldg. WANTED Man and wife. cook and helper. Chicken Dinner Inn. on highway. Phone Tabor 4058. P. M. THE Florence Crittenton Home Is ready to help any girl In distress. U55 East Glisan. "MV car. East 310. MILLINERY makers wanted, good wages, yearly position. Eisie Trimmed Hat Co., Artisans bldg.. Broadway and Oak. WANTED Kind lady to take care of baby during day: must live close to 11C3 Hawthorne. Call Tabor 1405. SOMEONE to do sewing in exchange for music lessons Main 3018. WANTED One bindery girl. Printing Co.. SB'-fe Bdwy. Modern W'ANTED Chambermaid. Alder st. Call 427 WANTED An experienced waitress, roon and board. Mar. 6070. W ANTE n experienced chambermaid. 171 Lownsdale. WANTED Cook in country hotel. 104. Shanlko. Or. Box WOMAN to help with cooking. Hill Hotel. Campbell WANTED Woman to work in small hotel. Phone Woodlawn 4057. WANTED Experienced cook for large ranch; good wages. Call Vancouver 4 F5. i WANTED Lady barber. 210 Madiauo st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Experienced Saleswomen for DRUGS, LADIES' NECKWEAR and VEILING. Apply employment bureau before 10:30. L1PMAN. WOLFE & COMPANY. Experienced cuff girl. Experienced hand-sewer on factory overcoats. Experienced girls for overall fronts. Apply MT. HOOD FACTORY. 233 Couch St.. cor. Second. COOK for 14-men camp, $75; lady for reading room, $60; two waitresses, out, hotel. 45, R. and B. u lady to take care of old lady; housekeeper for widower; kitchen helper: women with child: 2 waitresses, restaurant, out. $60; attend ant for Institution; cook for camp, 12 men $75. Free fare. 3ol Raleigh bldg., 327 Washington St. GIRL for billing and detail office work and answering phone, should have had some experience handling money, mak ing change, also familiar with typewrit er, must be good penman, accurate, will ing. Answer in own han-d writing, state age, experience, salary expected, give ' references. O 672, Oregonian. GIRL TO DO TY P I NG . Girl who is willing to learn and wants steady place. In answering be sure and answer all questions: name, experience. If any; reference, age. O 608. Orego nian. BOOKKEEPERS, stenographers and other or rice w oncer to file; witn your ap plication on hand we can tell you im med lately position offers. Call Clerics t Help Service, Artisans' Bldg.. Broadway at Oak. Wanted Dome Mrs. WANTED -Girl for general housework. Hood River Valley. 2 In family, no cook ing for outside help: wages depend on experience. Apply in person or bv phone, Mrs. L. C- Gilman, Hotel Mallory, Port land, mornings. WANTED Experienced cook for general Housework ; must sleep at home. 3 adults, convenient 5-room flat; perma nent. References. Call 927 E. Ankeny cor. 30th. Phone East 8380. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, no objection to one child, for young man and two little g-irls; good home more than big wages. Will advance ticket if necessary. Harry Clay. Klamath Falls. Or. W A NTED Girl for cooking and general housework in small family where second glri is also kept; steady position; wages $ti0. Apply forenoon to 115 North 22d st.. cor. GMsan. AN EXPERIENCED second maid, refer ences, excellent wages. 85 N. 20th St Broadway 2065. WA NTED Experienced woman, w hite or colored, for cook and general housework, wages $75, reference required. Call Mr. Bates, room 303 Ycon Bldg., between 4 and 5 P. M. WANTED Young girl to assist with housework ; one who Is willing to go to beach now and attend school in fall ; smalt family; references. Apply East :i40. WANTED An experienced girl for cook ing and downstairs work; 4 grown peo ple in famflv. Call Main 2U57. 51 Jackson st.. Portland Heights. WANTED A competent girl to do cook ln-g, good wages. 429 Vista Ave., cor Carter Lane, Portland Heights. Main 2412. WANTED Girl for general housework: no cooking, family of 3 adul ts and 3 chil dren. Phone Tabor S377. WANTED A Norwegian woman for wash ing and Ironing in private family. Mar shall 2142. GIRL for general housework, small fam Main II y. small house, good wages. 2094. WANTED Girl for general housework, no washing, small family; good wages, per- mnnent position. Call j.i4 Pittock bl. WANTED A cook for a family. Apply Ave. to Mrs. Burrell, 825 Hawthorne Phone Automatic 217-77. WANTED A young girl to assist with housework in a u-room apt. Main lt64. WANTED An experienced pantry woman. good wages, room ana board. Mar. O0i0. WANTED A housekeeper In family with 3 children; working people, 'labor beOtt. WANTED Woman lor general housework. wages $.o. p i7. oregonian. 1RL for second work. 247. 794 Lovejoy. Main WANTED Maid for general housework. Good ages. A utomattc phone -i GIRL lor general housework, smali family. 810 Overton. WANTED -An experienced cook. 453 Vista ave. Main 23u. WANTED Competent maid for general East 42&0. housework. 43S E. 11th N. HELP WANTED MALE OR" FEMALE. STUDIOS to house six companies are now under way; demand for motion picture artists exceeds anything Portland can supply; Portland has the talent if cor rectly developed; why permit California to furnish all talent? Register with us. We are the exclusive agent for new $500,000 producing corporation. Phone Broadway 1077. 231 Artisan bldg., Broadway and Oak. NEAT young man. any nationality, for kitchen work at small beach report; easy place; student acceptable or middle-aged man considt-red if clean worker; wages $45 with room ; also d- sire young lady student for dining room work at $35, fare paid. Answer, giving phone number if p oh i b le. R 577. Oregonian. WANTED City solicitors, men or women, on household necessity used in every family ; business already established; good pay, .alary and commission. N 257, Oregonian. MAN and wife . on a good ranch, woman to do the housework, man to do farm work; middle aged, wants to be ex perienced. C. Minsinger. 210 Board of Trade. . WANTED Man ami wife, man cook. $140 per month; lady as waitress $50. Small country restaurant. Cousins Employ ment Service. 274 Burnside. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, haying knowledge of lumber business. Apply in person at 800 Multnomah st. PROFESSIONAL people out of work reg ister at O'Malley theatrical agency. 610 Filers bldg. . WANTED Man and wife on fruit farm, wife to cook, man to work on the farm. Mr. Hackett, East HS3. JANITOR and wife for hotel; man for part time. 4131 Wash., cor. 11th st. EDUCATIONAL. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Will teach you the trade In 8 weeks, give you a set of tools and some pay while learning. Positions secured. Ore gon ex-service men. the course Is free to you. Write or call for particulars and catalogue. 234 Burnside it. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking. I bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. I PIANO AND HARP. Concerts, musicals, recitals. Dunning system for beginner. Alice Genevieve Smith. Studio 509 Eilers bldg. Phone Main GG5tf. Summer school 10S4 6th ave. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty : tools free ; positions guaranteed: pay while learning: tuition reduced this term. 233 MadUo n. O'M ALLY dramatic and dancing school; dramatic, vaudeville. motion picture, ballroom, stage dancing. classes for children In singing and dancing. 61d Eilers bldg. Main 1 123. MADAM E BOURY will register students for French classes to open Immediately; beginners and advanced. For further in formation call Broadway 4537. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Buckel's private school: individ ual instruction. 1224 Grand ave. E. 427. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning: gives you set of tools free : position secured. 3S N. Second st- ROCKY MT. Teachers Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. state supt., M gr N W. Bank bldg. Main 827ft. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Reliable , Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Free booklet. FISK Teachers Agency Journal bldg. Main 4835. Teaching positions, free reg. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. 205 H Oak st. OREGON Law School. Alisky bldg.. 3d and Mor. W. E. Richardson. Sec. Main 077. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main C274. Broadway bldg SITU ATI ONS WANTED MA LE. GOOD pastry cook or baker wants work; a first-class man. M 206. Oregonian. CARPENTERING. REPAIRING AND HE MODELING. PHONE TABO 234. FLOOR WAXING. WINDOW CLEANING; KX PERT. MAIN 1420. CJb;aPOO-.a dug. - .Woodlawn 54.83 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. CAN you use a man in your organization who is thoroughly competent and ex perienced in general office work; execu tive and administrative? Can handle satisfactorily position of office manager, chief cierk. purchasing agent, or any position. Best of references and will accept position in or out of city. A 617. Oregonian. ENGINEER. EXPERIENCED GAS AND STEAM. WISHES TRACTOR OR STA TIONARY ENGINE: HAVE TOOLS AND KNOW HOW TO USE THEM: STEADY AND RELIABLE. F. J MENARD. 609 SAV1ER ST. . YOUR NEIGHBOR SAYS: Wish Blank would PAINT that house: It's a disgrace to the neighoorhood. I'll do you a first-class Job for about half what you think it will cost. Estimate free. CLIFFORD. Main 8220. YOUNG, dependable married man with good education, desires a position In a store or wholesale house where there is a chance for advancement ; have had some experience in store work and can give good .references. H 277, Oregonian. CARPENTER shop, 205Va Jefferson. Gen eral contracting, any carpenter wur w. . also concrete and cement work. Rein forced concrete garages, designing and construction of residences, any type, rea sonabie. Call Main 7805. or drop notice. EX PERI ENCED dairyman and miiker, middle-age. small dairy preferred, rea sonable wages and a good home con sidered. State wages in first letter, address and phone number. V 79, Ore gonian. WANT work by man. middle-aged, very active, good worker; bank references If desired : worked In bakeries, creameries and laundries: prefer bakery or work where it is dry. B 622. Oregonian. STUMP PULLING CONTRACTS WANT ED. I AM W E LL KQU1PPK D WITH BEST OF MACHINERY. STATE ACRE AGE WHEN REPLYING. N 256. ORE GONIAN. , EXPERIENCED farmer and wife (no chil dren) want work on farm, man work on farm and wife do the cooking; can give references: state particulars and .wages. P 55H. Oregonian. B I "SIN ESS MEN requiring competent of fice workers, call Broadway 4401. Only suitable applicants sent: no charge to the employer. Clerical Help Service. 529 Artisans' bldg., opposite Benson hotel. ELECTRItTlAN First-class, all-around in side man. many years' experience, de si re position with established Portland concern : capable of r illing any posi tion. AE M0. Oregonian. CAPABLE saleseman. 11 years' experience in Oregon, desires position with reliable firm, country or city, headquarters In Portland. AK 72 1, Oregonian. WANT to run or operate small sawmill; 20 vears' experience ; ha ve good references. Phone Main 4M4 or call at 1020 Macad am st. . SITUATION wanted ; married man wants farm work; wife can cook for 1 or men; good teamster and farmer. B 621. Oregoni a n. MAN and wife would like steady position In hotel or apartment house; man can drive cars and keep them up; handy at anything. K 22J, Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT with several years' experi ence, in machine and implement line wants position; best of references. T 574. Oregonian. 1 SPECIALIZE in first-cla.su bungalow painting, timing, decorating; lowest cost. W ood lawn 40p 2. EXPERIENCED plumber and lead worker wants work by day or contract. Phone Sellwood 12S". WANTED Job in cleaning and pressing shop, spotting and dyeing. K 231. Ore- gonian. BAKER, middle-aged, well experienced in both branches, want position. T 079. Oregon ian. CARPENTER New or repair work. Esti mates cheerfully given. Blaco, Main 13. EM PLOY M EXT by elderly man. handy with tools; janitor; references. V 577, Oregonian. CARPENTER and cabinetmaker will work reasonable, day or contract. Phone East 212. Apt. 11. BRIGHT young Filipino boy desires position as driver: could do his own re pairing. AL 815. Oregonian. WANTED Position by electric welder, year experience in shipyard. Woodlawn '2H20. WANTED Hauling contract, lumber, logs or piling, by truck; experienced. Oregonian. m t.o ::i'C nr mill blacksmith wants nasi tion: years of experience. D 283. Ore gonian. WINDOW CLEANING, floor waxing era I house cleaning, expert men. 9402. BAKER'S HELPER wants position, all- around good worker. P. Holland, 392 E. Taylor. , . r RPEN'TER JOINER, repairing, remod- elintr. etc.. reliable mechanic. Broadway 2487. STRAIGHT MATTER compositor wants pop i t i on . L fi77, Oregonian. CARPENTER New or repair, day or Job pr.ni rart estimates fre. Phone (-!. EXPERT driver-mechanic desires position. Wood lawn 24. SALESMAN with uuto wants position, sal ary Or COmmiSSIQII. ' l -' uirnmiiBU. CEMENT work, floors, walks, garages driveways. Reasonable. Tabor fl070. CARPENTER. first-elasf. fast worker, 't-nneh or finish, repairs. .Broadway 71V CARPENTER New and repair work: a branches. East 53O0 after P P. M. PAINTING. tinting; work guaranteed; prices reasonable. Tabor S077. PAINTING, DECO-R ATI NO. SIGNS. KAL SOM1NING; BEST WORK. TABOR 2tt FOR painting and kalsominlng phone Ta bor 5S56. HOMES designed and built ny experienced and reliable builders Wood lawn 5348 Bookkeeper, Stenograpnrrs. Office. BOOKKEEPER with experience in lumber, manufacturing and construction business wants position: have also experience as timekeeper and can operate typewriter: willing to start with moderate salary if position permanent: can furnish refer ences. Address E. B. A.. 1212 Belmont st., or phone Tabor 2351 before 10 A. M. ACCOUNTANTS We make a specialty of keeping accounts for ail kinds of busi ness in Portland and vicinity. Will take complete charge of your books. For full details, call Mr. E. F. Young, Main 1643. 12PJ-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. SITUATION WANTED By young man. age 34, as accounts or payroll book keeper, thoroughly experienced. Main 5107. BOOKKEEPER beginner, wants position; accurate in figures and good penman ; references. C 1 60. Oregonian. TWO good salesmen with bent of reter ences want a first-class proposition; we have our own cars. 514 Henry bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. C S. PRACTITIONER, 12 years" successful practice (elderly widow) wants perma nent home with friends who will accept her services. Tabor Slll. WANTED By experienced waitress, place in sma.l restaurant or lunch counter, aft ernoon and early night hours. T i77, Oregonian. practitioner. 12 years practice, wants permanent nome w itn friends as reader-teacher or companion. Tabor 8101. WANTED A place lo take care of chil dren evenings whlie mother Is away ; references. Woodlawn IC1L LACE, SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE cur tains done up like new. Will calL East 851s LADY wants housecleaning. other work, hours day ; work guaranteed. Wood la wn 0305. COLORED lady wanta day's work. E. 3237. Phone TO CAKE for children afternoons .nd eve nings. WANT day work. E. 12th Phone Woodlawn 1 105. and Alberta. RAPID, accurate cashier, experienced gro cery and smoked meat. J 971, Oregonian. WOMAN wants day work. Thursday. Friday. East 507 Wednesday, room 22. CLEANING, window washing, laundry, 50c, lunch, car fare. Bdwy. 4:tn. WORK by day, 50c hour, carfare, lunch. East 341S. Mrs. Harrison. GIRL. 13. would like work In delicatessen, grocery or confectionery. Tabor 2120. WOMAN wantH day work. 45c and car fare. Phone Woodlawn 3753. WOMAN wants day Automatic 31 1-57. work; experienced. WOMAN wants day work. East 507, room 29. evenings. EXPERIENCED cashier wants Call Tabor 4006. position. WANTED Work by day or hour. East 259. Phone Bookkeeper, frtenographe rs, Office. ASSISTANT bookkeeper. 3 years, expe rience. 23 years old: can furnish best of references. Broadway 1025. DENTIST, or office work, bright, inex perienced girl; salary no object. Call Sellwood 652. OFFICE work, bright, inexperienced girl. 0; salary no object. Tabor 4514. - EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher; best of references. Main 2b 17, SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. STENOGRAPHER, several years' experi ence, some knowledge bookkeeping, wishes position August 1st. R 065. Ore gonian. STENOGRAPHIC position desired by busi ness college graduate. - No experience. Please call after 4 P. M. Phone 325-10. TYP"ST. begmne. call East 3 SO). wishes position. Please Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING Suits, coats, skirts, voile and silk d rese-. iterations and mane uver work of ati kind. Reasonable. Mrs. Kelly, 752 Vancouver ave. 316-0. DRESSMAKING and alteration; work guaranteed. Miss Stump, Columbian apts . No. 42. Main 1911. DRESSMAKER, experienced, maker over, tailoring, leave your phone. " $3.50 day. Sellwood 1009. DRE-SS-M A KING Work guaranteed, prices reasonable. 341 Central Bldg. - Main 34iW. EXPERIENCED dressmaker; ments. $4. Bdwy. 5H70. day engage- DRESSMAK1NO by the day or piece. Call East 2376. DRESSMAKING and alteration; work guaranteed. 75 E. 30th st. East 614. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking i alterations reasonable. 549 Wash. st. Aut 513-03. SEWING of all kinds: specialty. Broadway 3- house 78. apt. aprons a A PRACTICAL nurse wishes aftr f A. M.. Woodlawn 3: position. 14. H o Ufe k ee pe rs. ELDERLY WOMAN wants position as housekeeper In widower's home or licht housekeeping in small family. T 577, Oregonian. I E FINE D. trustworthy, elderly lady with best references, alike to tak charge of house for one or two adults. C 233, Oregonian. WOM AN. fully competent, with 2 small children, would like position as house keeper, preferably city or close in. Col. 952. WANTING to aj-ist with chi'dren and light housework. Call Main 2ti0 before II A. M. RELIABLE housekeeper wanted, like to tn k charge of a home. Call Broadway EXPERIENCED lady wilios a position a noiiMekeeper. O 671, Oregonian. Domestics THE VERIBEST WINDOW CLEANERS. TABOR 438. House cleaning. floor waxing and vacuum cleaning ; estimates cheerfully given. Best of references. EX V E Rl EN 'E D woman desires oookins whore second girl is kept or general work, small familv. American family nnlv; ref. ; wages $00 least. Broadway 23 0V HOUSEWORK wanted by experienced lady in plain home; wages $60. 1 1 280. Ore gonian. HOUR work anted or plain familv work by week: no laundry. Main !:. WANT day work for Weds., Thur., Sellwood P,N4. WANTKD TO KENT. WANTED To rent nicely furnished mod ern 5 or b-rooni hunsalow by couple who will fUvc bet of care. Phone E. 560. I DESIRE to lease modern small unfur-- nished house or bunt-alow, about Fix rooms, garage, near set) ool ; pref er cloi-e in. Ready to occupy about August 15 or September 1. Bc.t possible care giv en vour property. Rev. E. C. Hickman. East KOX4. WANTED To lea.e by Sept. 1. for one year or longer, by refined family of 4 adults and 2 children. 8-room modern house, furnished or unfurnished, prefer ably in Kastmorfland district. Call Mar shall 47! y A. M. to 5 P. M. WANTED To rent, bv Aug. 13. modern 6 or 7 -room unfurnished house ; prefer Sunny side or Laurel h urst. but am not particular as to location if house suits; state full particulars. V 52J. OregonUn. WANTED 4 to fi-room unfurnished bun galow. Hawthorne or Rose City pre ferred. El ler ly couple, best of care Not over $IO. Call Tabor SIM. WANTED TO RENT After August 1. un furnished house. West Side, family o! three adults, references. Address H. W.( 010 Worcester Block. WANTED 4 or 5-room cottage or bunga low, bath, gax. electricity, furnished or unfurnished. Phone L. C. Pearccs, Tabor 7i-ttl W" A NTED Small furnished house. 5 or 6 rooms : piano if possible, but not essen tial ; rent about $50. Woodlawn 5727 evenings. 1 WILL lease small unf urnished house or bungalow, about 6 rooms, with garage, shout Aug. 15 or Sept. 1. Phone East S034. W'ANTED A 7 or 8-room house, furnished or partly, on east side. Answer imme diately. Call Broadway 3..S3. REFINED young couple wish n icely fur nished modern house or bungalow, close In. reasonable rent. V 5 1 u, Oregonian WANTED To rnt. to 8-room house with garajre, desirable district, modern good condition. Broadway 2 3 2 d . WANT to lease 3 or 4 -room house in or near Kenton ; two in family. W oodlawn 53..S. 5 OR ll-ROOM modern cottage, f urn ished or unfurnished, must be clean. Wood lawn 1150. YEAR lease, five or six-room houe in good location ; care guaranteed. A V !..-. Ore gonian. 4 OR ,1-ROO.iI bungalow in sou then: Portland or Sellwood; no children. BP 725, Oregonian. WANTED Srn.tll furnished house, not over 3; modern. CU Thursday. East 315. Apartments. WANTED To rent, by young married cou ple 1 urnished house or flat : mu.t be modern and close in AK 814. Orego- nian. W ANTED To rent or leafe 5 or 6-room unfurnished apartment. Phone Main 1171. Kmiins With Board. YOUNG GIRL in need of a friend wishes board and room in private family ; she is employed downtown. Mar. 477'J. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. SAVON HOTEL. 131 11th st., between Washington and Alder, modern transient rooms with or without private bath. SI per day and up. Weekly rates $5 and up. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th St.. at Washington. Rates. 5 per week up. $1 day. Fire- f proof, large attractive, spot' ess rooms, close to amusement and shopping center. ATTRACTIVE rates to permanent guests. See our accommodations. NEW PER KINS HOTEL, Fifth at Washington. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St.. at East Sixth. The principal eat side hotel: dignified and refined: $1.25 per day and up; $i per week aid up. PRINCESS HOTEL, 34V EAST BURN-SIDE. SUMMER RATES $4.30 up; Trans ien is $ I and up. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room in first-class steam-heated apt.; reasonaoie. Carmelia apts.. 501 13th and Jefferson, walking distance. Phone ' Main 4720. ST. PAUL HOTEL. 130 Fourth, between Alder and Washington. First-class ac com mod at ions at reasonable rates for transient or permanent guests TRANSIENT rooms tor rent. Newhall Hotel, 402 East Washington st., corner Grand avenue. Rates SI per day; two in room. t1.5u. Pho n e E a st S4 tfO NETHERLANDS HOTEL 126 13th St.. corner Washington: transient and per manent: spotless rooms $5 per Week and up: phone, private baths. HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 11th it Nice, modern, clean rooms, at transient, aad permanent rate HOTEL RAMAPO. Washington Ft. at 14th. rooms (6 and up per week: also family mites of 2 and 3 rooms and bath. fiVK ire front sleeping room: II. K. privileges if desired; suitable for gentle men. 2l2 lllo st. DENVER rooms, 2uS Wash. st.. under new management; sleeping rooms. $2.o0 to $ 4 . 50 per week. HOTEL OCKLET. Morrison st. at Tenth Rates Si a day up; weekly. $5 up; tree phone and baths. BARGE NT HOTEL Housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Phone East 2iL 217 tirand ave. OHIO HOTE1 ing rooms. j Housekeeping and leep 266 Front, corner Madison. FURNISHED rooms, nice. S1Q up." 635 Everett sL cool and airy. HOTEL CADILLAC 3d near Jefferson, nicely furnished rooms, reasonable rat a, " WEAVER HOTEL. 708 WASH. ST., NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. Bath. ROOMS by day. week or month, clear and comrortapie. .hj i mrq st. c. kKLAND HOTEL 25 Trinity place. Mod IT ara outside rooms. 3.50 per. week FOB RENT. Furnished llooms. YOUNG MAN. honest, congenial and a steady worker, would like to hear from voung man with same qualities who wishes to become roommate. Am occu pant of a modern, cosy, outside room. Ciose in. If vou appreciate good com panionshii and besides wish to save on room rent, it win pay vcu to investi ga:e this. T 6S2. Oreronian. RITZ HOTEL. Morrison and Park sis. New, fireproof and modern. In the center of shopping and 1 heater district. Moderate rates. Special rates to permanent gneata. HOTEL BAXTER, Newly furnished sleeping and house keeping rooms, close in, on east side, about 4 blocks from Broadway bridge, reasonable rent; lake "MA" car. get off at Albina ave.. or Phone East 7559. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO largo front rooms and kitchenette. uniurnisnea, auii, 1470 E Giisan, cor. 55 th. FOUR housekeeping roome. gas. o'ectricity. 12, aduiis. no Russell St. Tabor 571. t'XKl'R.MSH ED 3 rooms. including c jus 44S Hall st. range, light and water. Furnifhed Rooms tn Private Family. lb YOU want a clean room, beautifully furnished, with plenty of hot water and linen, call alter 6 P. M. at 145 N. 2lst st. Newly furnished for bachelor quar ters. Sitting room. 15 minutes' walW to business center. HOTEL ROOMERS. TAKE NOTICE. Lovely front room, small private fam ily, all modern conveniences, one or two gentlemen. 50G Couch, apt. 6. Bdwy. LO ELY large room with alcove, new furniture, in modern home, walking dis tance, Nob Hill. Call before 10 ox after 5. Main 2004, 73S Hove 1 v o well-furnished rooms for two or three gentlemen, or with kitchen privi leges for couple employed. Tabor 7173 or 335 E. 3sth st. FRONT room, close tn. lrvington, private home, everything modern; just right for downtown business people. C 231, Ore gonian. PLEASANT room with quiet, refined cou ph ; old ivory furniture; all home con icuceu. Esy walking distance. Kast 1 74. NEWLY furnished, Ftriclly modern sleep in? rm w. s.. 15 nun. walk to P. O. ; $12 per mo. up. Kj4 1 E ve r-1 1 St. PLEA SA N T room, t urn it-lied complete for - sleeping or housekeeping; price right. For gentlemen. 451 Tenth St. South. ROOM 1h rge enough for 2 gentlemen In strictly private Jewish family; reference Bdwy. 172 FO R RENT 3 furnished room, suitable for gent Ionian : bath. etc. Private en trance. ..;:-. Williams ave. I 1 5 K. FLA N I E RS room, private entmnc one block Montavilla "ool. enmfortab! lavatory, toilet; B K A 1 'TI FPL larq room, fireplace, hard wood floors, wkker furniture. 10S N. Ii't. DroaJwiy 4251. FVRX1SH ED room; hot and c & waicr, ;entltmau. nil con veniences; sn itab lo for 5M E. A nkeriy. East 31 5. ST E A M H FATED. furnished room. sil modern conveniences. Call after 6 P. M. r.r.4 Couch m.. apt. 3. LARGE front room with bath, close in. on car line. "all before Id A. M.. 3-4 P. M. Mt. Tabor or S. S. car. 1212 Belmont. NIC E, 'lea n, cool slevpi n g room ; hot and co. a vater near by. Call Sell wood 3iy'J. 82" E 15th M. N IC ELY furnished rooms; hot and cold w ater. 2t'!t 5th st. FURNISHED rooms for two ladies or gen tlemen. 2 Ladd ave. E. 87. 201 14TH Choice room, modern conven iences, walking distance. Main 3803. NICELY furnished sleeping room, gentle men; alking distance. Main 7033. LARGE front room with kitchen, fur nished, for housekeeping. 1 74 13th st. ON E f urnishd room, lt and Clackamas. Walking distance-. Phono E. 4535. N H ELY furnished room, close in. able. Mar. 3402. 701 Hoyt. NICE room, suitable for '. every conve- nienee. ;tOI th street. ON E large f u mi shed bedroom, private home. $14 month. Call Main 1S2. FURNISHED room; all conveniences; tlemen only. N. 21st st. Rooms Witli Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23 D AND HO YT STS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the bet -known residential hotels on Pacific coa?t- American plan, with or without bath, ?2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals nerved to transients. NORTON I A HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-class family hotel ; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. ' EXCLUSIVE family hotel on east side, uier 2 large rooms with good table board to couple or young people em ployed; attractive grounds, large porches, shower and all conveniences. East 80K-t. ONE large 4 -room furnished apt. 314 Guild st. Guild apts., between Thurman and Vaughn. Agent. Wakefield, Fries fe Co. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th Choice rooms and board: modern conveniences; walk ing distance. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 3h0 10th st. For business girls and students: reasonable rates. Mar. 1251. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences: walking distance; per week. Aut. 21-174. 12 E. 7th st. Kooiuh W'itb Hoard in Priate Family. A YOUNG married couple with no children will give a 3 or 4-year-old boy or girl a good home at a reasonaoie charge; lo cated in nice neigh borhood ; will furnish best of reterences. C G5S. Ore gonian. ROOM with breakfast privileges In neatlT furnished bungalow, dandy location for 1 or 2 business people. Call East 53U4 during day. W A NTED Roomers and boarders in pri vate home, 2 blocks east of Bdwy. bridge. 373 Ross st. East 2500. LARGE front room witti good board, suit able tor two, ail home privileges. Mar shall 3374. 101 N. 23d St. LA RG E room and large closet with good home cooking for two men. 210 23d N., near Lovejoy. phone Marshall 3143. FIRST-CLASS table board, 50c meal; spe cial Sunuay dinner from 1 :1 5-2 :30 o'clock. i01 Savu-r. Broadway 1473. lAR E room, airy cedar closet, good home cooking, home privileges; gentle men preferred. East 83oo. 254 E. 23d. WHL board -jhildren, nice yard, can give parents room if desired ; wn Iking dis tance. 4oii First st.. near Hall. A PLEASANT home in country boy about 7; $5 per week. Oregonian. for little AV 157. LADY will care for and board one or two little boys or girls. 703 Everett. Mar. 3023 1RVINGTON Silling room and sleeping porch : two or three people; board. East 0C45. WANTED Boy or girl to care for in pri vate home. Tabor S5t'5. CHILDREN to board and care for. 73US. Tabor WANTED 1 or 2 children; private home, excellent care. Phone Automatic 515-74. ROOM and board for 2 in private family. Phone East 2St9. ROOM and board In private family. East 73 2 s. Furnished Apartments. ROSELYN APTS. 2-room apt., strictly modern. Broadway 4140. Phone 2-ROOM modern apt. with bath, J10 week; also others. 402 3d st. UPSHUR Apartments. 2-room furnished apts., 15 per month up. 4Qi - N. 26th at. FURNISHED 2-room apt., mined. East 3101. newly kalso- FURN1SH ED housekeeping apartments. 1 25 1 4t h near Washington. ALCO APTS. East Couch and Union ave. Modern 2-room apt. reasonable. FLORENCE. 3SS 11th it. 3. 4 room front furnished apartment: walking distance. FU RNISH ED apt., 3 rooms and bath. $ :, s. 5 o. Katherine apts. Mar. 200n. GLADSTONE. 721 Grana ave. N.. 2-room and kitchenette: walking distance. PORTNOMAH 3. 4-room. walking dis tance. adults. 20O East 13th. HERMENIA. 4o0 Hail St., corner 10th. 3-room furnished apartment, adults. UNION AVE. all complete: and Killings worth, concrete bldg. $19-50. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. AUDITORIUM COURT APT. -ROOM apt., walking distance: private bath. Eat 841. Adults only. THE A RL1NE, 3-room and bath. $45. 220 N. 17th st. . THE CLASSIC; Newly tinted. 2-room, fur. RTt. 602 Glisan. Bdwy. 2934. TH VI EE and four-room 11th M ipts. Mar. 1160. 414 - ' - "IS' u"" 4,, V , "T-1"' up. - luia " ' M