13 TIIE MORNING OTtEG ONI AN, THURSDAY, JULY 22,- 1920 FRUIT NIK RFP I iiui i unmiL.nu ulu GOOD SEASON Situation Improves as Price Peak Is Passed. FINANCIAL AID IS NEEDED Short-Time Loans Necessary and Appeal May Be Made to Banks of Portland. Fruit canners report signs of im provement in the canned goods mar ket as It concerns the 1920 pack. For a time the outlook was anything- but cheerful and some of the canners feared there would be a serious slump in prices of "futures." This they ascribed to the action by certain Cali fornia packers, who, after putUng out their opening prices, proceeded to quote discounts ia the hope of at tracting trade. As a result, the Oregon canners say, the Jobbers held back and refused to buy. believing that further shading of prices-would follow. Now there is a disposition on the part of all canners to stand firm and as a consequence the jobbers are showing more inter est in the market. Klnunclal Quentlon Bothersome. The canners still have the financial question to worry tnem, nowever, anu managers of some of the smaller plants in this state declare they will have to close down their establish ments unless the large banks of Port land come to their assistance. In several Instances country banks have accommodated the Institutions of fheir communities to the limit of their abilities and in the past week a number of interior canners have come to Portland looking for relief. Reserve Bank Not Appealed To. Statements made by representatives j of several of the smaller canners that the federal reserve bank had refused to furnish sufficienl oapital to finance them during the peak of the fruit sea son are denied by officials of the Portland branch of the federal reserve bank. The bank has not only not re fused to make short-time loans to the canners. but has had no direct dealings whatever with them, as It operates only through member banks and so far as the federal reserve officials know, the member banks have not dis criminated against the fruit packers when eligible paper was offered. KXTITtK XOBTnWEST IS SEARCHED FOR T. S. IIAYXES, Former Sea Captain Disappears. Brother Here, II. H. Haynes, Suspects Koul Pla. A search covering the entire north west is beiny made by H. H. Haynes, of the Haynes-Foster Baking: coi pany, for hia brother, Thomas S. Haynes, of Aberdeen, Wash., who dis appeared on July 8, being last heard from in Olympia Wash. Relatives fear that he haB met with foul play and the matter has been taken up with the police departments of vari ous northwestern cities in the effort to ferret out the mystery of the man's disappearance. H. H. Haynes has spent most of the time since his brother's disappearance trying to obtain some clue. Thomas Haynes had recently been engaged in the automobile tire busi ness, being head of . the Haynes Rub ber company at Aberdeen. Previous to that he was for many years steamboat captain on Alaskan waters and also engaged in mining in that territory. On one occasion he superintended the building of a boat in Portland, which was the first vessel to success fully navigate the waters of the Koy- kuk river. Captain Haynes left Aberdeen on a business trip for Tacoma on the day of his disappearance, going by bus as far as Olympia. Since that time nothing has been heard from him. He is described as 49 years of age, about five feet eight inches tall and weighing about 143 or 150 pounds. He was bald and had a scar on top of bis head. ROBBERY REPORTED FAKED Mrs. M each am Said to Hare Con fessed to Police Inspectors. Clarenca Moacham. Berkley hotel, Third and Taylor streets, thought that hia wife was working in a res taurant. Instead she -was employing her time In eeekingr amusements, ac cording to a confession she Is said to have made. Yesterday, which was supposed to be pay day at the restaurant, Mrs. Meactiam could think of no way to explain why she had received no money, so she is said to have told a. story of being robbed. To make the story, more realistic, she went to their apartment in the hotel and gagged herself with a piece of cloth and bound her hands with a necktie. When the husband returned home he notified the police. ART INSTRUCTOR NAMED Mrs. Laura Ripley Mack Choice ol Eugene School Board. OREGON CITT. Or., July 21 The position of art Instructor In the Eu frene pubiio schools has been given to Mrs. Laura Ripley Mack of this city. She has been a most successful in structor In art of the Oregon City high, school for the past two years and was re-elected at the time of electing the teachers here. Mrs. Mack is at present in Eugene, where she Is teaching art in the sum mer school at the University of Ore Eon. Candidates File for Offices. VANCOUVER, Wash.. July 21. (Special.) Henry Crass today filed for the office of state senator on the republican ticket to succeed K. L. French, who held the office for the past 12 years and is now a. candidate for the office of lieutenant-governor. T. L Henrichsen. incumbent, filed for county treasurer to succeed him self on the republican ticket. J.ohn Schaefer, deputy county clerk, filed for the office of county clerk to suc ceed Joseph Hall, who is running for the office of county attorney to suc ceed W. E. Tates. Phone your want ads to The Orego nian. Main 7070, Automatic S60-. AMUSEMENTS. FINE NEW BILL TODAY vited MARGARET DOHERTY "Past Sind Present" A SONG AND DANCE REVUE OF , THE OLD AND NEW CHARLES RAY IN HIS MASTER PICTURE "The Pinch Hitter" FORD AND HEWITT "At the North Pole" JOHNSON AND CRANE "Copped" NEVILLE & BROCKWAY "In Alaska" GARRY OWEN & Co. your free. Plor Snappy Songs Bright Talk CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE SATURDAY, ALSO " ON ALL SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS Kiddies' Balloon Matinee Sat urday. pANTAGE MATINEE DAILY, 2:30 Triple Features Extraordinary M.Mfc.. DOKEE'S CELEBRITIES in OrHiid Opera Selections. SENATOR MIKI'HV THE IIOIULAS DANCERS Most Beautiful of Dancing Acta.. SIX. OTHER BIG ACTS Three performances dally. Night tain at 7 and 9. LYRIC Musical Comedy Mat. Daily at S. Evenings at 7 and 0. Gif-Ele with MIKE and IKE In' "UP IN THE AIR" A much messed-uo love affair. Friday Mgbt Chorus Girla' Contest. GLOBE 11th and Washington The Girl From Outside All-Star Cast REX BEACH CIRCLE r Konrth Washington, Eugene O'Brien IN 'The Broken Melody" AIfo the comedy. "Pals and Pugs,' and me iora weeiuy. Open from i o'clock In the morning until 4 o'clock of the following morning. FREE CONCERTS EVEKV EVENING AND SUNDAY AFTERNOONS. Campbell's American Band AMUSEMENTS CONCESSIONS. Admission to Park Free to B P. M. Daily Except Sundays and Holidays. Cars First and Alder. Fare 6 Cents. Go to olumbia Beach on a Picnic Daddy can meet yon In The evening. niDES, GAMES, AMUSEMENTS A. hunt for a good time leads to the beach. I - - H SWBIMING - EVERY AFTERNOON DANCING EVERY EVENING Get Up in the Air. f OUNCIL 1 I Cl CREST 1 PARK I 1200 Feet Elevation. DANCING AND AMUSEMENTS. DANCING TAUGHT All new steps and dances taught at De Honey s beautiiui academy, xwen- ty-third and wasnmgton. laaies, j; gentlemen, $5. Classes Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 8 to 11:30. Plenty of desirable partners and practice. No embarrassment, warn irom proces sional dancers. Private lessons all hours. Phone Main 7656. Phone Your Want Ad3 to The Oregonian Main 7070 A. 6093 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. LOOK AT THIS SACRIFICE. Owner anin east. 7 rooms and bath. laundrv trays, full cement basement. ,"0x lot) lot. street paved, ftarafre, chicken varii fruit trees and berries: ail for s-JftOO. $s00 down, balance like rent Hl!7 tirand ave. North. kxpkriKNCKU truck driver wishes work well acquainted with city. Call East 4:v.. ask (or F. H. Miesner, room 14, after j P. M. At'CTlON SAI.ES. At trie Bsker Auction Hoftse. TlmhlU I . K f is and West Park streets. Bala It 1 A, M, MEETING NOTICES. B. P. O. ELKS. No. 142. Members are requested to meet at the chapel of Fin ley & Son this (Thursday) afternoon. 8:0 o'clock, to conduct the funeral serv ices cf our late Brother George J. IJrwan, member of Oconto (Wis.) lodge. No. 887. VisltilHf brothers In to attend. M. R. SPAVLDING, secretary. KIRKPATRICK COUN CIL, NO. 2227. SECl'HITI BENEFIT ASSN. will give their usual 500 card party and dance at the .Swiss hall. 3d and Jefferson sts., Fri day evening. Cards com- mencine at 8:30 sharp. Good prizes and good union music. Come and bring friends for & good time. Admission ONKONTA TRIBE NO. 2. IMP'D O. it. M. Regular council this evening at 8 o'clock at W. O. W. Hall. East Sixth and East Alder streets. Members urged to attend. Visiting brothers welcome. Degree team re- annual tianquet to' be held July 27. L. B. SMITH, J. or K. WAVERLY LODGE. U. D., A. F. AND A. M. Special communication will be held this (Thursday) evening. July 22. at 7:30 P. M., East 20th. and Clinton sts. Work in E. A degree. Visitors welcome. By order W, M. H. E. VERRINDEK. Sec. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114. A. K. AND A. M. Special communication this (Thurs day) evening at 7 o'clock. Labor In the M. M. degree Visiting brethren always wel come. By order W. M. FRED L. OLSON, Sec VKVTnK IlDflE. 0. 145 A. . F. AND A. M. Stated communication today (TllUrs day). July 22. Work in E. A. degree. Visiting oreinren ti come. F. ROBINSON. Sec VICTOKV CHAPTER. U. D.. O. K. S.. will hold a regular communication this evening (Thursday). July 22. at ! o'clock at Archer Plaoe hall at which time the chapter will t.a ,.nnHtiitiri and officers in- lied. By order of the worthy grand matron. GRACE CRAMER, beo, REfitnAR meeting to . LOrv- tilght CThursday), at i.m Kop linker hall, Killingsworth ' t r ' i i i . . .. . . ..'..ml Kill A1U1II B.CHWS., degree. Visitors always VRlr'nRIM. E C. BROTHERS, N. G. C. E. WILSON. Secretary. TtF.nt'i.ATt MEF.Tlsn of tltoola Rebekah lodge this (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock. i. (. kj. a-, nan. .ast bin anu aiuci. vis ltors cordially invited. A .i -N A CUA, T. ZAN NATTA, Correspondent. BETSY ROSS Tent No. 1. Daughters of Veterans, will meet In room 5-5 Courthouse, at 8 o'clock tonight. MRS. C. A. WILLIAMS. Press Correspondent. THE MACCABEES. PORTLAND TENT NO. 1. Regular review every Thursday 400 Alder street. All members urged to oe present, v lulling sir anights welcome. OEO. S. BAXiSK, R. K. BIO PROSPECT DANCE Friday night, July 23, given by Progress Assembly. No. .)0S. united Artisans. Thiel hall. Killings worth- ave. and Mississippi ave. Free. Fun tor ail. UTOPIA REBEKAH LODGE. NO. I. O. O. t . Regular business meetinr thi (Thursday) evening In Orient hall, E. tith aim Aiutr sis. visitors welcome. JESSIE L. HENDERSON. Sec, EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. new aesigns. jaeger tiros.. 131-3 Bta sc. FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblems, cis pins ana medals. 310 Washington a PIED. FLOOD At Spokane. Wash., July 20, 1020, Sarah Walsh Flood, aged 40 years, be loved wife ot B. F. Flood and sister of Paol Walsh of Spokane, and Joseph, James, Edward. Eugene and John Walsh of Portland. Funeral and Interment at Spokane. Wash. WHITE In this city, July 20, Annie Aline White, aged 34 years, late of Bridgeton. Or., wife of John White, mother of Harold, Hildgard and Werner White. The remains are at Finley's. Montgomery at oth. Notice of funeral hereafter. ROLANDEH At his residence. 63 West Winchell St.. July 20. ItlJO. Charles Rolander. age 43 years 6 months days, father of Arthur. Russell and Oeorgle. Remains are at R. T. Byrnes' residential parlors, U01 Williams ave. Funeral notice later. FUNERAI, NOTICE. HALE In this city, July 20th. William Henry Hale, ased 6 years months and 1H days, rather of William Hale. Seattle, Wash.: brother of Georg-e Hale ot mis city. ine luneral services will be held from the conservatory chapel of the K. S. Dunning Inc.. east side luneral directors. 414 East Alder St., 11 A. M.. Friday, July Si. Friends vitea. interment in Ureenwood ceme tery. McALLEX In this city. July 20. 1020, Daniel McAllen. aped years, beloved husband of Anna 1. McAllen. father nf John L... William D.. Edward D. and Mark A. McAllen. Funeral corteue will leave Holmans funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sts.. at !.:t0 A. M. today (Thursday). July 22. 1920. thence t St. Mary s cathedral. 15th and Davis sts. where requiem mass will be offered at 9 A. M. Interment Mt. Calvary ceme tery. JANICKE At Glendale. Or.. July 20. 1020. Carolina Janlc-Ke. aired N.t years, beloved motner 01 Merman JanlcKe. errand mother of Walter. Fred and Henry Brakeburh of Glendale. Or.: Ida Gress of Portand, Or., and Martha Koehler of Tacoma. wash. friends Invited attend the funeral services at Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sts. at 10 A. M. tomorrow Friday). July 23 ly-u. interment itiverview cemetery. TANNER At the residence, 174 Chester St., July 21st. Lenetta Tanner, aged 311 years, beloved wire of Jesse A., mothe of Robert. Verne. Ellsworth, Elsie, Juanita. l.eofy and Helen Tanner. Funeral services will be held at th new residential funeral parlora of Dunnlnir & McEntee, Morrison at 12th St., today (Thursday) at J f. Al. f riends invited to attend. Interment Multnomah Park cemetery. CER.NET At the home of his sister. Mrs Lteorge M. Norton, 2u.ii E. Morrison st July 20. John V. ( erney, age 39 years and 0 months. Funeral corteire will leave the abova resilience Thursday. July 22. at :4o a. -!.. inence to the Ascen sion church. E. 7th and Yamhill sts. where requiem mass will ne offered 9 A. M. Interment Mt. Calvary ceme tery. Arrangements in care of Miller & Tracey. I'RWAN In this city. July IT. Georire "IJrwan. aired 41 years, husband of Eenn Urwan. father of George Urwan Jr. Th funeral services win De held toaa (Thursday). July 22. at 3:30 o'cloc P. M.. at Finley's. Montgomery at 5th under the auspices of B. P. O. K. No. 1 142. Friends Invited. Interment ML Scott cemetery. RUDEFEI.DT At Lewiston. Idaho, July IS. 1U20. Dorothy Rudereldt. aged 13 years, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rudefeldt. Friends invited to at tend the funeral services at Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sts., at 10:30 A. M. today (Thursday), July 22. 1020. Interment Rose City ceme tery. MORROW At the familv residence, 288 Russett St.. July 20, Alton K. Morrow, sged 22 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morrow, brother of Howard. Clarence. E'roy and Anna Morrow of this city. The funeral services will be held today (Thursday), July 22. at 1 o'clock P. M.. at Finley's. Montgomery at 3th. Friends Invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. TAYLOR In this city. July 21. Matilda Taylor, aged 00 years, late of Curtis. Wash. The remains were forwarded Inst evening by J. P. Finley & Son to Chehalis, Wash., where services will be held and Interment made. WHITESIDE The funeral services of the late Thomas Edward .Whiteside will be held Saturday. July 24, at 2:30 o'clock T M at Flnleva. Montgomery at Rth Friends invited. Interment Irtvarvixw cemetery. DUNN The funeral services of the late Alice Mary Dunn will be held today (Thursday), juiy --. at z:u o ciock P. M.. at Finley's, Montgomery at r.th. Friends invited. .Interment - Rlverview cemetery. HARDESTT The funeral services of the late Marie K. Hardest: win be held Thursday, July 22. at I P. M. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment at the Multnomah Farlc cemetery. HOWE At his home. West Mill Plain, at 8 A. M. July 21, 1920, John F. Rowe. Funeral services Thursday afternoon at 2:30. Burial at the City cemetery. In charge of Oddfellows. BLACK The funeral services of the late Mori Klack will be held Thursday, .lulv 22 at 11 A. M. at the chapel or Miller A Tracey. Interment at ilt. Scott Park cemetery. s FUNEBAT. CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firm3 and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, Honse 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS It. BLACK, public accountant, au ditor, accounting systems opened, main tained; income tax service; references. Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. Ma.n 7443. ALTERATIONS. LADIES' tailoring. Perfect fitting; work guar. I. Keubin, 4o Bush e Lane blda- ASSAVEHS AND ANALYSTS. liONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 Second ( At'TOS 1'OK HIKE. AUTOS FOR HIRE. 1918 Plerce-Arrow by hour, day or month; long trips a specialty. Jock Houston, Broadway 334, Main 73r,l. BATHS. T. DR. JlcilAHuN S sanitary baths. Always ready. Steam, showers, plunges, luni. Necessaries furnished. Rubdowna and massage when desired. Service and prices cannot be beat. S. W. cor. 4th and Wash. Tell your friends. CHlKOi'KACTIC, sleam baths and mas sage, iotn floor Broadway Diag. shall 31K7. Dr. Laura IS. Downing. CAKI'KN'l-JKa ANU CONTRACTORS. ontsncnTrn general contract- UrtHrClllCn lng. Jobbing. Tabor S049. CARPET WEAVINO. LUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag rugs all sizes Mali orders prompt Send (or Booklet. ' 9x12 rugs steam or dry .cleaned, $1.50. FLUFF BUG CO., 64-5B Union. N. E. 6516, E. 76S5. B. 1475. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. FLUFF -OR HAG RUi;3. WOVEN ALL SIZES. WHITE OK CALL PORTLAND RUG CO. CELLULOID BITTONS. THE 1HW1N-HODSUN COMPANY. 387 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254 CEMENT WORK. SEWER connections, septio tanks, cess pools, houses raised, cement work, ex cavatlng. Tabor S008. CHIROPODIST. L R r i: PHILLIPS, oainless chiropodist crraduate: former nurse assistant to Dr. O. O. Fletcher, now located In my new office: suite 316 Morgan bldg., Main 6383. FEET HURT Come to Dr. Gartner, foot foot arches made to order. 811 Swetland building, 5th and Washington. Main 10M n o Pl.RTrHER. aseDtic chlropo dlst, graduate nurse assistant; all mal formations of the foot scientifically cor rected. Suite 512 Morgan bldg. Main 8762. " C II IROPODIST ARCH SPECIALISTS. WILLIAM, Kstelle and FtorelLo De eney, the only scientific chiropodists and arch .specialists In the city. Parlors '402 tier linger bldg., S. W, cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 4301. CHIROPRACTOR. 300,000 KNOW McMahon. 100 Chiroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment best. CHIMNEY 8YVKEP8. BISHOP. CHIMNEY SWEEP. Furnace smokes through registers, needs repairing or cleaning? Tabor B8S3. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1706. No collections, no charge. Estab. ll00. DENTISTRY. DENTISTRY DR.A.W. KEENK, Washington Bt. Without i pain Late nerve-blocking- method. DANCING. rehk KI.K Y dancine academy: private les sons: day-evening; latest steps, jazz steps taugftt ty Del proiBionai icntnio. Mr. & Mrs. Summers. 129 4th. Main 3318 MRS. BATH. 208 Dekum bids. rrivaie lessons day ana evening;. simnijij. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL,. SOSK CITY VETERINARY HUSflTAU 415 East 7tn. cor. urant. a.ast wii nd 219-ti2. Doss and horses clipped. WHOLESALERS AND FCIKKR8 AND MILL SUPPLIKS. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-86-87-89 front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIc"gRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front sl r A 1 N TS01LS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. RASMUSSEN CO.. Second and Taylor FP-.URAL DIRECTORS. Dunning & McEntee El'NEitAl. U11U.11U",'. , . . Now located in their new residential iu ?.rll bom.. Morrison at 12th. west -ids. Fhone aroaa T m.nt Thfl T uncrai . . and UistiuctUe service. . . nh, nnr a n V eon- Nota W- nave , o '-v; "V undertaking firm. EDWARD HOLM AN &SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third (nd Salmon Streets. Main 607. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Director,. Washington street, Stw" ila "', lilst Streets. West bid. L.ady Assistant. Main 269U Auto. 678-85. McENTEE & EILERS a Fhuonm.al r-i'va vchyoni Broadway Wi- Automatic CJ1-33. J P. FIJSILEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9 , Montgomery at gutn. F S. IiUNNlNu, INC. 414 E Alder, rnona nasi u- Perfect service, personal direction, free ,e of floral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR successors to Wilson ot noss. uuiliiuu st eIsI 1 East o4. Irvlngton distrl ah rlcu P. L. LERCH .s K. Kleventh and Clay. t 781. Taoor 1833. X D. KENWORTHV ft CO 5802-04 ER1CSON Broadway 2534. A. R. ZELLER CO. G92 Williams ave. East 1088. O 1088. BREEZE & SNOOK j.&af b 15" FKBWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d Bf.na fTiav. M. 41i2. A 22al. Lady assistant FLORISTS. 328 MorrisonSt. -n1 sail Untal Mar7M 'J(Z Ui UC1IU . 7 348 MorrisonSt." - stones - Bet.Brdwy.lPark Mar257 Charge Accounts sonciiea- Smith's Flower Shop Portland's progressive florist. We special ize in funeral designs. 141V4 Sixth, op posite Meier & Frank's. Main Hia. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists. 3!i4 Washington. Main 269. flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists. 2ST Morrison st. Main 7T03. Fine flowers and floral da- signs No branch stores. TOKSETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Wsshlngtoo St.. bs 4th and 6th. Main 6102. A 11 111 MONUMENTS. . PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS tB Fonrtb 8t.. Onp City Hall. Nen Broa. fH BLAE.SINQ GRANITE CO. I fr TMIRDAT MADiyON 3TRKET I f7 t.'nC'La KI.KCTR1CAI, REPAIRING. H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO. Or. Re- repalr- MOTORS REWOUND and Repaired Sought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS, Fllone 527-27. -4Ml 1st at. M. 671. HARDWOOD FLOORlNG. 84 N. First. Portland. ,Vl'ii- winding and electrical iSi f ,ng specialty. New or used rlfeg motors. Bdwy. 1045. A 1048 SEE Heckley for hardwood floors and re- finishlng. I apor HEMSTITCHING. & D. HEMSTITCHING shop; superior work; prompt service. R. Ul8 Oregon Eilers oldw.. 2a? hi Washington Bt. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS GLASSES AT A SAVING. 1 solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou- r ..f suLisfied customers. A trial will convince you. Charles Vv. Good man, optometrist. i!o'J Morrison. M. l-4. EVES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST- ir. ed with laouern uiiuuiiui Glasses fitted, 2.50 up. A. E. HUKW1TZ, optometrist. -2a 1st St. GEORGE RUBEN STEIN, the veteran op tician, Is an expert eye inter. au iw. ciiaraes are verv reasonable; satlslaction guaranteed. 21 Aiorrison su, near TAUNTING. PAINTING. DECORATING, SIGNS. CAL.- cljll.M.Nli; itbal wcitttv. lALivn -vm. PAINTING AND PAPEKHANG1NO. PAINTING, paperhanging. John C. Loo- llsk. 13a 16 1 n s uii broaawa y -. PAINTING, PAPERING AND TINTING. PAl.S'TLXG. 'papering and work,' reasonable. Eabt tinting; 5410. good I'ATLNT ATTORNEYS. iATliM'ii Our practice extended over period ot 40 years. All corumunl caiion mrictiy cunfiUeutlal ; prompt, ef ficient, conscientious, service, handbook free on request. WlA.N Ml CO., patent attorneys, ban Francibuo office. 10 bar t blda.. itb'Z Market st. ; Chicago office, room &1U Tower bldg.: Wasntngton or flee, room 103. tii i nIkm 1 ti t 'Ii h su; Aiew Vork o t fice, W o 1 o r t h bid g. K, C. WK1GHT 'Z'l years experience U. S. and foreign patents. tUrl Uekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. R. R. A. PHH-.L.Il'd, Broadway -bidg., rheumatism, stomach, bowet, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostata, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moiea, birth marks. rLCMUlXJ bL'PPLlES. PEUMB1NU SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE prices. Stark-Davis Co., IBS 4tn- At. mi. 1'KIMTINU. uC PIIY and sel1 uscd printing ma ilt DUI chinery and equipment. J. I. Caldwtill. Inc.. 207 2d st- DDIUTIKIP w- BALT12S & COMPANY, r nlll I lltU First and Oak. Main 160; 011-05. bECOMJ-HANU WOKES. LEVIN UAliUWAHK & FUKNITL'KK CO.. 221 FRONT ST. We buy and sell everything; in the hardware and lurniturt line. Phone Maiu UU72. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 601 Dekum bldg. U.- S., fureluP trademarks. TKANSFiiH AND STORAGE. . OREGON AUTO DESPATCH Thirteenth and Kearney. GENbRAL HAULING. Motor and horse equipment; anj ca pacity. .Moving, packing-, storage. PHONE BOWY. 3309 OKEGO.N TlfANSFEH CO., 474 Glisan st. corner Uta. Fnone Broadway 151 or 1109. we own and operate two large class A warenouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates In the city. PACKING. MOVING. STOKAOE. FECUH IT V STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., 103 PARK ST. Main 31U5. A 1051. MANUFACTURERS HIDES. WOOL AND CASCARA BARK KAHN BROTHERS. 105 Front St. PLUMBING SUPPLIES ANU PIPK. THE M. L. KLINS CO.. 84-SU-87-89 Front. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, EVERDIXG. A FAHKELL, 140 Front si SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordaae Co.. 14th and NorthruD OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 5 Pi M. The society has full charge, of the cltv pound at its home, 535 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time. W'oodlawn 764. Dos for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and strav animaln r:ir.rf for. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc.. picked up free of charge. KKW TODAY. M'K CALL FOR YOUR OLD CA It PUTS, not! and Woolen Clothing;. FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Ou Promptly Rac ltuga Woven All Sizea Slu.ll Order. Send for Booklet. Carpets Cleaned. Laid and Refitted. NORTHWEST RIT. CO, 188 Kant Hth St. Phone Kaat 350. Light Manufacturing A splendid building. 18x70, 11 vine rooms in connection, one 10-horse-power U. E. motor. 2 French Burr mills. 2 sets of rollers, belts, shifters, etc.; located in South Portland. This is completely equipped for cereal mill work. Will take out machinery, leav ing: motor, and sell for $2000, or will sell plant complete, ground, building and machinery,, for $2500, and ar range terms. f-KKU W. (iKJIA1l CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Mortgage Loans Lowest Intereat rates Installment re payment if desired. Hulldina: loans made. No delay In closing;. A. H. BIRRELL GO. S17-31S Northwestern Bank Buildlns. SUirshall 4114. EXECUTORS AND ADMINIS TRATORS Will Kind Our Thrice-Secured KA11M MOlUXiAGES Exceptional inveatmenta for trust fund. Sot a foreclosure ia twen ty Tears. FEAR ift GRAY, Phone Matin 35. 10 J Fourth St. LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on real estate, first and second mortgages, contracts, livestock, noiea. etc. F. E. BOWMAN & CO. 210 Chnm. ot Com. Mldg. Main 3028. NOB HILL HOME 169 North 22d. near Irving, 7 rooms, newly painted, first-class condition. OWMOR, Main 2561. Edward E.Goudey Co. mortgage: loans United Statca Liamlt building. NEW TODAY. For f estover One of the most beautiful, desirable homes In Portland today! Incom parably: lovely panoramic view. Just think: 10.000 square miles for a FRONT YARD! A home re plete with every modern conven ience. Spacious living room with massive fireplace, dining room with beautiful built-in buffet, all first floor finished in selected fir, hardwood floors with wax finish, grlassed observation porch, cosiest of dens, model kitchen, pantries, etc. Second floor has 3 splendid sleeping- rooms, each equipped vi ith separute lavatory, 2 large screened in sleeping porches, full concrete basement, servants' quarters, hot water heating system. parage; grounds have 130 foot frontage, it ia imnossible to properly de scribe this wonderful home. If you are interested you'll appreciate fee ing it! Price only $15,000; T500 rash will handle. It couldn't be built for less than S25.000. See J. W. Croasley, Manager High-Class Home Dept.. who has personally inspected this property, and pro nounces it a "eut-edge Duy. FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. AblnctOsa nitigr. Main 1MI 3d St- Bet. Wh. and Starlt Heavy constructed warehouse, with track age, centrally located on east side. Building contains 37,000 square feet floor area; large sample or display room, good offices. Price $65,000 . J. F. STAVER Macleay Building. Houses Garages Eractad la Portland 6hlpped anritlierr In built 4-Ioot sec tions r a d jr and asy to pu& lo setber. . r irt.t.e!aKs hojs, or carars di rect trom tho factory at a GREAT SAVING. You pay no middleman's profit. Write for catalog. Redimade Building Co. t'Mt Kleventli and Blarket. 2 Blocks south of Hawthorn. 1'bone tOKt 6114. I'ortland. Or. MOTOR TRUCK CONTRACT We have a 3's-ton motor, truck and unusually good lumber hauling contract. Operators now on job earn ing $40 per day gross. Rea sonable terms on equipment. C 235, Oregonian. Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver.) Old Rugs and Woolen Clothing. We Make Reversible. Haad-Woven FLUFF RUGS Room-Size Fluff Ron Woven. $17.50 R&K Roks Wovro All feises. Clothes Clranin-r and Dyelnr DfoU. Mail Order Send for Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 0x12 Kuka. Steam Cleaned. $1.50. M ESTERN FI.t'FP RI G CO- 4 Cnioo Ave. f. Thones. Eut 6516 and Kast 76.3. FOR RENT FIRST FLOOR, 25x100 and BASEMENT 23x90 CONCRETE FIREPROOF BUILDING NEW Ready Sept. 1 For Lease, GLISAN ST Apply COR. 11TH 440 Wanted, Weavers For day and night work on high grade flannels and blankets. Eureka Woolen Mills Eureka, California. RFAL K ST ATE. I'or ISale -Flat and Apartment Tro pert y . BUT a home and have, an income at same and have time. I have two small apartment houses in irvinton lor saie - at si ,ooo and 18.000: first-clsss in every respect. R. J O'Neil. 717 Board of Trade bldg. 4-FAMILY apartment. clofe in. east side; live In one. let others pay srood Income on investment: low price of $7oOO for quick sale, terms. Phone owner, a 16-1 9, morning and evening. 4 1 lilllUI REAL. ESTATE. Sal Mat and Apartment Property. SOME GOOD TNA-ESTMEXTS. 5-famIly flat near 13th and Hall, 4 have 5 rooms each and 1 has 4 rooms, 4 are well furnished, icood income, lot 50xlt)0. price 16.0uo. 2-family flat, 5 rooms each, ex tra well located on corner lot, -walking distance. Income $10 per xrontb, price $7UU0. 4-family flat, near 16th and Yamhill, SOxlOU lot, this is a very fine close-in modern building, price luo.ooo. -family flat. East 9th near Burns id e, corner lot. walking dis tance, each fiat has 5 rooms, eil arranged, price $2D,0O0. 2-family flat on 11th St, West Side, & rooms on 1 floor, 5 rooms on upper with 2 nicely finished rooms on 3d floor, pnceJ 8oi0. 2-family flat on E. 10th St., each has 6 rooms, 1 biock to car, handy to schools, etc., price $550O. This In only a few of the many flats and apartments which we have for sale. Cail at our office for full details. RITTER. IOWE A CO. COI-o-5-7 Board of Trade Bid?. For Sale Beach Property. CHOICE BEACH LOT, EXCHANGE FOR Painttnpr and Faperhanglnff and furnmh material. Iot located in Tillamook beach Salt air), near utation and ocean. AK 760, Oregon lan. SIX-ROOM houM, completely furnished. and two fine lots at Seaview, ash., lor $1800; will take $!iOO down and talanc to ituit purchaser; are forced to sell to aettle an estate and this offer is a real bargain; inquire 330 Worcester bids Main ofe0. FOR SALE Or will rent or loaiso two choice iota, 50x140 feet at Tillamook beach, on board walk, county road and railroad; near dunce pavilion and boteL A L T7. Oreponian. BLIAVIKW. WASH. For rent or for sale, a complete ti-room furnished cottage; running water, patent toilet, elec light. Call 6Q0 Dekum bldg.. 11 to I. FOR SALE At Welches. 4 lota 3 river front, 1 with furnished colt as a. Call Main tOZ'J week days. TWO lots, R.trkway beach, very cheap will trjde. W. R, Heales. 301 od st. 100x100 SWi. S25 down. J.r' 5i monthly, burs nn did corner. 100x100. on macadamized street. 43d st. : sewer assessment of to be assumed by the purchaser. $(i,0 was paid for these lots 3D years ao. In the same district we have an Inside 100x100 for $41. on the same kind of terms. Fred V. German Co., 73'-' Cham, of Com. FORECLOSl'RK Northwest corner of 17th and Beech sts. ; paved on both sides: sewer in. If you are in the market for an Irvinxton sacrifice, see THE FRED A, JACOBS CO.. 101 5th St. Main tfsdf WIS have a number of lots in Rose Cttv Park district, good buys, ranjtine from JJ.'.O to $2000; if you want to build your home in thU fast-growing section. aae us. TIIE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th St. Main 6S69. CiluICK "(OjilOO lot. near Killingsworth ave., car and stores, on direct street to Kenton and interstate bridge ; absent owner will sacrifice for $:0u, terms. Wood lawn 37UU mornings or evenings. THREc. fine buildlnr lots In University f Park, one block from car line ; price $11M0. Owner. L., E. Evens. Oswego. FOR SALE by owner, beautiful corner lot in C. Park, facing Sandy. Main 4Q."0. For tSale Houaea. CA REY-SAVIDGE CO.. If you are In the market for a really genuine bargain, do not decide upon a home until after you have spent a few minutes in our display room. 54SOO In Rose City Park, on - paved mreet; lot -xius; street Itn provnnents paid ; a substantial. double constructed story and half bunealow-tpye house with three large, airy bedrooms In ivory woodwork upstairs: 4 rooms downstairs, one of w hleh may be used us a den or bedroom ; built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace. hardwood floors; easily worth $0000. only $4S00, $1000 down. $G700 Right on the edpe of Kenll worth Park, on full lot: a modern 3-roorn bungalow, completely fur nished. Including - piano, excel lent garden, fruit, berries; on block to car; only $1000 down. $4000 This typical Hawthorne bunga low of 5 rooms Is an exceptional buy ; garage, fireplace, paved street, al! improvements In and paid ; 2 blocks from car; $1500 down. MT. SCOTT. jPOO We offer a very clapsy 5-room bun ga low on full lot. cement basemen t, fireplace. Fh rubbery and flowers. 1 block from car; this- bflngalow could not be built today under $4000. b'ee this aftr you have looked at others; terms. $2200 substantial 8-room house of colo nial design, on full lot. large roonv. bath, toilet, cement foun dation, paved streets. wer, 1 blocks from car. This is a gen uine bargain. Terms. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Seven-room modern house: hard wood floor in reception hail, living and dining room, nice larce kitchen, three bedrooms and bath, f ul I cement basement, stationery tubs: 50x1 o0 lot; paved street: beautiful view of river and moun tains: price for quirk sale, $5250; $3250 cash. Main 5073. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. GARAGii $4350. Splendid littie bungalow with hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, ete. Garage, ideally focaied; owner moving to larger house and mut sell Very liberal terms. A. O. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 3002, Branch Office. SOth and Sandy. BY OWNER 8-room story and half bun galow in Rose City Park. 1 block off Sandy: hardwood tloors, fireplace, beautiful bull t-ins. furnace, wash trays, fuil cement basement. Cannot be dup licated at the price. Payment do w u. bal. monthly or to suit purchaser. Call x Taber S34:t. JUST what you have been looking for; nice 5-room bungalow, furnished with oak furniture, close to car nd stores n nd onlv $2S50. I have many others from $200 to $0000 each on which I can quote a homeseeker reasons ble prices and terms. J. B. Holbrook. 211 215 Pnama bldg. $35O0. EAST 24TH ST.. ANKENT OR R. C. CARS. Reception hall. good rooms and at tic, full basement, large bathroom, fruit trees, hard surface, tsewers, good dis trict, near schools; price right, terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exch. Bids. Main 67S2. RICHMOND BUNGALOWS. Two fine bungalows, u and rooms respectively, strictly modern ; all im provements paid, $4000 and $4250 terms. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015. NIFTY 8-ROOM BUNGALOW. Rose City Park car; furnace, fire place, full cement basement, excellent electric fixture, best of plumbing, extra ntlet and lavatory upstairs, real home. Must be seen to be appreciated. Only $350. terms-. Tabor 4JUk ALBERTA. $2700 for this 0-room bungalow style house, with fireplace, buffet, built-in kitchen, full basement. laundry trays, block to car. Easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. K. W. Bank Bldr. Main 377. ML'T SELL A wonderful Rose City bungalow, nicely located, beautiful sur roundings, ail kinds of trees, flowers, sh rubber v. north and east front; priced right. 553 Eat 4th st. North, corner Wistaria. Tabor S2W;j. BEAUTIFUL MODERN BUNGALOW. East 2tth st. N. Very best restricted district: Inrge rooms, attic, full lot: al! improvements In and paid; good terms. Owner. Tabor 8292. DANDY new 4-room bungalow, sleeping porch, hardwood floors. nice buffet, white enameled, cement basement, hard surface street. 1 block Hawthorne car. Division, near 62d st. Owner. Tabor 170. HOTEL LEBANON. LEBANON. OIL FINE FIVE-ROOM BL'Nii ALOW. Richmond dist rict. paved street, roses, lawn; $300o. Best buy In this districC 1 5 Chamber of Commerce bldg. joO TERMS, west side. 4 rooms- and bath, just renovated ; nice neighbors; good location. Owner. Broadway 247. FOR SALE FINE MODERN HOME, BOS a CITY PARK. PHOMJi 312-79. REAL ESTATE. For Sale WEST SIDE. In the exclusive Nob Hi!l district, fin English style home. lO large rooms, cen ter lia!l. hardwood floors, al! conven iences, parage, ."iOxlon jot. owner left alone arid has no use for this home: will sacrifice for quick ale. For appointment c-U Tabor 3U&'J. A BARGAIN. Modern S-room Rope City Park bun Klow ; hardwood floors, built-in buffet anl bookcase, fine I utch kitrhon, co mt'nt basemont. fitationury washtuba, fine lawn. Home fruit and berrlfs. garaKu, on pavfd street near Sandy blvd. Pri-e good terms. C. J. CULL1SON RKAL ESTATE CO., -Oii Morrifaon L. ?KLLVOOD. $-000 Substantial 8-rnorn house of co.o ninl design, on full l't, paved Ptreet. sewer: ." bedrooms, cement foundation; $-." per month plus interest ; this is a re 1 ha re am. $ 1 K0 ci own. $-5 plus ." pe r cen t. $" 00 stnry-and-tia:f tunjsa'.ow - i p house of eifiht rooms. 3 large bed rooms upstairs. fu'I lot. excel lent parien. abundance of fruit and berries. Ixok at this; terms, I'ARKV-S A V 1 LKJ K O. . 21 1 Ry. KxchmiRe li'ds.. Ud and i?ta rk tia. Main 74S7. Opfn Kven.rss and Sundays. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. P-room modern house, built for a home. Attractive prom l$e excellently const uc ted. comparative ly new, fine ro nd it ion. about I'O.OOO s, leet nearly level ground, gourt view, quiet, placn. protected f rorn the t-ast and oceau winds: will please most any one w ho can afford to own it. You will have to see place to appreciate it. This is a blind ad that you should answer if you want to buy an exceptionally desirable pin ce. V r.;ifi. Oregonian. $ 7 ."WO LAUREL1 1URS T S 7 .V t O If it s a real home you are after bT all means see th is: location Ideal; (J rooms and den, center entrance hall, oak floor, beautiful interior finish, Dutcti kitchen, lots of built-ins. full basement, furnace, fireplace. 1 f you arc looking for a snap you have it here. First time ot i e red for bale, shown by appointment only. J. A, AlcCarty. liTOVa Stark SU Main 17o0. MT. TABOR SWELL HOME .SNAP. U-room larse residence; 4 iireplaces. furnace, buiit-ins. 1 ibra ry. sewing room. 4 bedrooms, lare sleeping porch, lurpe attic, fine corner. lUOxHHi, waved sts. paid; elegant view, on East Morrison St., I block to car: would cost S14.OO0 to build houie now; price $iooo, ou any reasonable terms. I'hoto at our off ice. G Rt'SSl & UK S S E I T, "1 -r,LM Hoard of Trade. Main 7432. ROSE CITY PARK. $0r..-,O. cw ti rooms and sleeping porch, hard wood f'.oors, fireplace, fine breakfast room, built-in kitchen, first-class bath, cement basement, furnace heat, good electric fixtures, good parage, east from, on paved street, and is all double con structed; will take reasonable down pay ment. JOHXPON'-nODSOX CO., ftm N. W. Itunk D:ig. .Viiln 377. ROSK CITY NKW KfiALUW. Hrand new 7 -room bungalow ; furnace, firepluce. oak Moors throughout except kitchen; all bullt-ins, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement. - bedrooms down, '2 upstairs; lot Ouxioo; a rlne new home, on K.tst i.'.th at., south of Sumly. Hnce $.'it75 ; about $-."10 cash, bain nee ti',V. CRUSSI t BENNETT. niH-i'l Board of Trade. Main 74o2. $.-,.-i.-0 ROSE CITY PARK $."A0. This fine 7-room home couldn't be duplicated for $t'.50O. It ha? all modern features, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, furnace, fruit room, expensive garage, street paved and paid. Pay a fair pav ment down then $23 and interest month ly. Don't overlook a good buy. COMTB & KOH L.M.VN, Chamber of Commerce. Main 5S0. A NEW" 8-room bungalow, large living room, break i ant. bedrooms. shower bath with recent fcath tub. pedestal iav atorv. French dining room with built-in buffet, auto garage, street improvements in and paid for. it blocks to school; pos sesion at once. Drive out and see Aln at 100 Hancock st. For further in formation phone Auto. SlO-38. N I FT Y NEW BCNUAI-OW $2000. Call the owner. Main oOSS. to tee this beautiful 4 -room new bungalow, two blocks from Union ave., one block from Dekum ave. and street car; living room, dining room. whit enamel Dutch kitch en, two bedrooms with full closets.- full ' plumbing, cement foundation and base ment, fuil lot; $.'00 cash. $'J." per month. .ViO CASH BUNGALOW SNAP. Dandy 5-room bungalow with full basement, 50xlOO lot. garage, great va riety fruit, berries and flowers ; two blocks from car. near 4Sth st. and 33d ave.; price $2M0, $iOO cash. $30 per month: a snap. R. F. FEEMSTER, 417 AMngton Bldg. $ js;0 7 ROO MS, sleeping pocch. electric ity, gas, while enamel plumbing, newly painted Inside and out, beam ceding, paneled dining room, window seats, fire place. Dutch kitchen, stationary tubs, lot 50x100: $750 cash, balance like rent. luOl oOth st. S. E. Sell wood 3000. RICHMOND DISTRICT. Well built 7 -room house in best of condition, full basement. Improved streets. 1 block from car on 26th St.. price $5O00. HENRY TV. GODDARD. U43 STARK ST. 10-ROOM house, within one block of Rosa City Park school. "0 feet frontage with beautiful lawn, trees, rose bushes and shrubbery, house heated with hot water radiators, fine sleeping porch, large porches, fine fireplace. 33 E. 30ta su N. Telephone Tabor 3421. $." HJ. 1-story G-room bungalow, "0xl00-foot lot. plumbing all in, concrete founda tion, cement baement. double con structed : place in good t-ondit ion ; terms. JOHiSON-DuDSoN CO.. W 3 N . W . Ban k Bid sr. Main "787. $1500.00 I n Overlook addition, by owner. o-room mooern Bungalow, nara wood floors. built-in bookcase and buffet, fireplace, full cement basement. Hou.ie built last year. Lot 50x100. T'-rnis reasonable. Overlook Land Co. Tel. Main 21. O N M A L LO K Y AVE. N IS A R ALBEllT A. 70x1 00 lot with corn tor table, homey. 7-room house, st reet im proved and paid. Nitre lawn, flowers and fruit trees. House in fine condit ton. Price $42.".0. Terms. V r. Brown, 00 1 Railway Exchange bids. Main 7011 or Tabor A TITLE insurance policy is a -uar;i:itos by a responsible company that ou wiil not suiter loss on account of the tltie to your real estate,. When you buy reai estate get a title Insurance policy, .no abstrict required. Title 6c Trust com pany. HOME BA RCA IN. 8-room modern houe. double con struction, nice buili-ina. fireplace, lot sux 10O feet. I price $4500; furnished, $500; good terms can be made. R- M- CtATKWOOP A CO.. 105 4th st. FOR SALK Unusual opportunity to obtain practically new ti-room house, hardwood floors, tapsiry papr. fireplace, full ce ment basemont nnd furnnr-e. Corner lot, ftOxlOO, garage, located 110S Clinton, cor. 37th St. SACKIFICB. FINE ALAMEDA HOME. $5750 Seven rooms, modern, hard wood . floors, fireplace, furnace, beauti ful fhade trees; a bargain at this price. S. S. PRENTISS, 615 Cham, of Com. IRVINGTON HOME SACRIFICED Own er leaving Saturday. must sell this charming, modern home, oak floors, fire place, garase. shrubbery? near 17tu and Knott. East 3'Jt. Main u7! VROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. Restricted district, educational cen ter, to school, high school, college, 4312 4th st., Woodstock car. Mak cash of fer or terms. Phone owner. Bdwy. 42L BEHIND every policy of title insurance is a deposit with the state of Oregon to protect you against lo&s. yet It is cheap er than the abstract method. Title & Trust company. UNION AVE. PROPERTY. Seven -room hoiwe on Union ave., for ,sale, might trade; loolt this up; it i a bargain lor tomeone. Peter KiUea, 15.5 N. th. A TITLE insurance pol icy is a guarantee of the title to ytfur home. When you buy your home have the title insured. Better be safe than sorry. Title & Trui company. 1 AC Ft E, 2 blks. from station ; 3 -room liouse. chicken house, city water, ga; $1150, $500 cash. $15 per mo. INTER STATE LAND CO.. 24S Stark it Main 6129.