Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 21, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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Action in Regard to Fusion
With Other Liberals.
Railway Men's Ieague Convention
Delegates Xamc C. F. Stlms6n
Congressional Candidate.
TAKIMA, Wash.. July 20. (Special.)
Nearly a. complete etate ticket was
selected late this afternoon by the
non-partisan league state convention
in session here in conjunction with
conventions of the triple alliance,
committee of 48, railway men's wel
fare league and other "liberal" organ
izations. Candidates were named by
ballot, or unanimous vote, for gov
ernor, lieutenant-governor, secretary
of state, state treasurer, attorney
general, land commissioner and insur
ance commissioner.
Whether or not this points to in
dependent action by the non-partisan
league tonight was somewhat obscure,
but the understanding of most of the
delegates appeared to be that the
naming of these candidates was pre
paratory to going into the joint com
mittee of all conventions, which will
pick out state and congressional
tickets, if plans of the leaders are
carried out.
fusion Center of Fight.
One of the questions around which
warm battles have been fought in
several of the conventions is whether
the separate conventions here shall
attempt fusion into a third party and
nomination of state and congressional
tickets, or seek to attain their ends
by "entering" by the primaries of one
or the other of the present parties.
Leaders of the ' non-partisan league
have strongly opposed fusion. Never
theless, there was manifested today a
disposition to disregard these warn
ings and it was stated tonight that
the non-partisans were taking part in
joint deliberations over platform and
The state ticket as named by the
non-partisans was: Governor, Robert
Bridges, Seattle; lieutenant-governor,
E. Bowles, Prosser; secretary of state,
Lucy I. Case, Seattle; treasurer, Frank
Pease, Seattle; attorney-general, W.
D. Lane, Spokane; state land commis
sioner, Samuel Smyth, Goldendale;
state insurance commissioner, A. M.
Mecklem, Tacoma. Bridges received
20 votes for nomination for governor,
others voted for being J. E. Scollard,
Chehalis; William Bouck, Sedro
Woolley; James Duncan, Seattle.
Spokane Man Withdraws.
John Mulligan of Spokane was the
first choice of the non-partisans for
attorney-general, but withdrew his
name on the plea of lack of time.
Delegates to the railway men's con
vention from the fourth congressional
district tonight caucused and named
C. K. Stimson as their choice for con
gressional candidate. This completed !
the railway men s congressional slate.
By general agreement, the rail men
appeared to have accorded the privi
lege of picking the congressional can
didate whom the fusion convention is
expected to indorse.
Convention leaders appeared confi
dent tonight that third-party fusion
would be accomplished, though no
one would predict just how soon. The
two tasks upon which effort was con
centrated were the framing of a plat
form acceptable to at least the
stronger groups and the selection of
itCKei. vy nemer eitner pJatrorm or
ticket can be put through a joint con
vention, however, without starting a
fight that will disrupt the entire pro
gramme is regarded by many of the
delegates as doubtful.
Farmers' Union Moves Offices.
SPOKANE, Wash., July 29 Offices
of the Washington Farmers' union to
day were being transferred to Yaki
ma, which is to be the new head
quarters, according to A. D. Cross.
retiring secretary of the organization.
W. B. Armstrong, newly-elected sec
retary, superintended the moving.
Attorney Files as Xon-Partlsan.
VANCOUVER, Wash., July 20.
(Special.) H. W. Arnold, local attor
ney, today filed for office of judge
of the superior court of Clarke county
on the non-partisan judiciary ticket.
John Schaefer filed for the office of
county clerk on the republican ticket.
He was a lieutenant with the overseas
forces in France.
Drill Exhibitions Given Visitors
Are Appreciated.
Expression of appreciation for the
splendid drills performed by mem
bers or the .Portland fire bureau on
the Lewis building, opposite the
Multnomah hotel, during the week of
the Shrine convention for the benefit
of the eastern visitors in Portland
that week was received yesterday by
Chief Dowell from the Shrine gen
eral committee.
Throughout the convention period
picked men from the fire bureau
were assigned to these drills, which
.consisted of life-saving exhibitions.
ladder scaling and other similar
"stunts." The letter of appreciation
also recognized the work of the fire
men in assisting the police in keep
lng order and contained thanks for
the co-operation of the firemen in
the floral parades and other events
of the Shrine-Rose Festival week.
Vassar Underwear
Stetson Hats
f '
A. suit for your vacation
trip at clearance prices
;u V l i fr
Vfr? v iA?
, ;; Jinn 4 u
You'll want some summer
clothes to take on your va
cation here's a chance to
save money.
A large number of
Hart, Schaffner &
Marx spring- and
summer suits have
been re-grouped
and re-priced.
$45 and $50 $60 and $65
Suits Now Suits Now
Copyricht 1920 Hart Schaffner & Marx
Fine all-wool fabrics, at
tractive patterns, stylish
models, splendid tailoring
exceptional values.
Money Back if you want it.
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.
The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Fifth at Alder Gasco Building
you manya,
dirty job like this!
Non-porous rubber is 50 to 100 tougher than
average tire rubber
Thmtmoid Crotidm Compound Tit
0limsnat9 premmturm wear.
Oriinarv rubber
"porous." A
fjlata of wafer
cozes through im
Ootid Com
pound it "non- .
parous." It
remain wafrr
tight indtfiniitlg.
-OWN under the back wheel pumping
up the jack 1 How about your clothes?
How about the train you meant to
catch? " What's the cause of roadside trouble
like this? Can't the tire makers build a casing
that will stand the gaff? Aren't tires any
better than they were 6ve years ago?" Are
these the questions that are frequently in
your mind?
You can get better tires. You can save
yourself many a dirty job of tire changing. . ,
The chief cause of premature tire trouble
eand boils, blow-outs, a loose flapping tread,
. shoe that wears off "as fast as putty"
is ordinary porous rubber. Tires made of
such rubber weaken and disintegrate on 'he
'road. Soon they are absorbing dirt, mois
ture, grease, oil and other injurious substance.
Soon tbe tire is ready to give way at tbe first
udden strain or shock. i
Due to the discovery of a remarkable com
pound, these common troubles can now be
greatly reduced. Crolide Compound, first
produced in 1917, makes fires non-porous.
.It seals the millions of tiny pores. It makes
rubber practically impervious to moistnrerv
oil and grit. It prevents rapid disintegration
Crolide Compound Tires
now available
Made of Crolide Compound; this newrub2
.ber is 50 to 100 tougher than ordinary,
rubber, and yet resilient. A one-inch strip
stretches to 7Ji inches, if n.rt !
- Because they are made with this remarka
ble compound, Tbennoid Tires eliminate the
premature trouble you experience with ordi
nary tires. Either the cord or fabric type
gives maximum mileage under all road and!
weather conditions. .
You are invited to call and see these new
tires also the famous Crolide Compound
'tubes. Let us tell you interesting detail facts;
experiences and tests that show why Ther
.moid Tires and tubes end prematura trow
ble and give better mileage. .
' Write or ask us for name and address of the
Thermoid dealer who will supply you. ,
Convention Session to Be Held In
Forenoons, With Afternoons Given
Over to Entertainment.
day last October and, it Is charged,
talked to prisoners through the bars.
A deputy sheriff appeared as Van
derveer (rot into an automobile in
front of the court house. He jumped
into the car and was driven away by
Miss Catherine Beck. When he ap
peared to defend the prisoners he was
arrested and later tried before W. R.
Wilson, justice of the peace at Min
nehaha, and fined $25 and costs. He
at once put up $50 cash and appealed
to the superior court of Clarke county,
demanding a jury trial. He defended
himself in both courts.
The advance contingent of dele
gates from Portland Klks lodge No.
142, will leave this afternoon for
Salem to attend the third annual con
vention of the Oregon State Klks'
Harry G. Allen, president of the
association, and James I. Olson, sec
retary, also will leave late this after
noon for the capital city, to establish
headquarters during the convention
period at the Marion hotel.
The opening ceremonies of the
convention tonight will be held in
the armory and will be open to the
public. Governor Olcott, Mayor Wil
son of Salem, August Hirckenstein,
chairman of the convention committee,
Supreme Justice Harris of Eugene,
and President Allen are among those
who will speak at the meeting.
The convention session will be
opened Thursday morning. All busi
ness sessions will be held In the
morning hours in order that the after
noons may be left open for the dele
gates to join in the entertainment.
Mayor George Baker of Port
land has been invited to address the
convention Friday morning. On
Saturday morning the election of of
ficers will take place and the 1921
convention city will be chosen. The
convention will close at midnight
Saturday night.
Phone your want ads to The Orego-
tilan. Main 7070, Automatic 560-95.
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
City Council of Vancouver Grants
Request of Elks.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. July 20.
(Special.) Permission was given the
Elks by the city council last night
to close a number of streets during
the Washington state Elks conven
Hon, to be held here in August. Dr
C. S. Irwin, general chairman of the
entertainment committee here, asked
for the closing of Tenth street be
tween Main and Washington, Eighth
street from Esther to Columbia and
Eleventh street from Main to C street
Permission was also given the Elks
to collect for concessions to ass
in-defraying expenses, which will be
in excess of S8000. It is expected
that more than 7000 will be here
during the convention and 10,000 on
the third day, many coming from
Portland, Salem and other Oregon
Clement Scott, deputy exalted rule
of the state of Washington, now en
route home through San Francisco
from the national convention in Chi
cago, telegraphed today that .Grand
Exalted Ruler Abbott of San Fran
Cisco, Past Exalted Ruler Hagan o
Los Angeles, and Judge Kennan
Spokane, a member of the grand
forum, will be here Friday, August
20, to attend the convention.
-isayer 'xaDiets or Atpirin Is gen
ulne Aspirin proved safe by millions
and prescribed by physicians for over
twenty years. Accept only an un
broken "'Bayer package" which con
tains proper directions to relieve
Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu
ralgia, Rheumatism, Colds and Pain.
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost
few cents. Druggists also sell larger
"Bayer packages." Aspir'n is trad a
mark, Bayer Manufacture Mono
aceticacidester of Salicylicacid. Adv.
Lawyer Assessed for Talking to
Prisoners to Appeal.
vivrflTTVWR 'Wash. .Tulv
(Special.) George vanaerveer, at
torney for alleged I. W. W.. arrested
V-... last Jammrv on a charen nf 11.
i legally talking to prisoners in the
county jail, was today sentenced to
nav a fin, ftf 111)1) ttnfl CniT! H. COVA
bail and bonds of J150 and notice of
an appeal to tne supreme court or the
state or Washington.
Mr. vanaerveer came here one Sun
Aim Is to Decide on Policy of Or
ganization Toward I. W. W.
and Oilier Radicals.
For the purpose of formulating
ecommendations to the second na
ional convention of the American
Legion, meeting in Cleveland, O., next
September, as to the future policy of
th'e American Legion toward the
I. W. W. and kindred organizations,
-epresentatives of western depart
ments of the legion will meet in
Portland today. William B. Follett,
state commander of Oregon, will pre
side over the conference.
Lemuel L. Holies, formerly of Seat
tle but now of Indianapolis, national
adjutant of the American Legion, is
expected to arrive this morning to
attend the meeting. Arthur Woods,
national chairman of the Americanism
committee of the legion and former
police commissioner of New York City,
planned to come, but has been pre
vented by illness, according to a tele
gram received yesterday by Mr.
The states of Washington, Califor
nia, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Montana
and North and South Dakota have
been requested to send delegates to
the conference, preferably the state
chairmen of Americanism committees.
The chairman of the Americanism
committee of the legion in Oregon
is Rogers MacVeagh, who recently
returned from a conference with le
gion heads in the east.
The sessions will open at 9 o clock
at state headquarters of the legion
in the Morgan building.
Because of the special knowledge
which Centralla has of the activities
of the I. W. W., as demonstrated in
the Armistice day slaying of four ex
service men, a representative of Grant
Hodge post of that city has been es
pecially invited.
Edward J. Eivers. department ad
jutant of Oregon, who represented
this state at a recent conference nn
radicalism held in Spokane, will at.
tend today's meeting, as also will
George A. White, state executive com
mitteeman of the legion and adjutant
general of Oregon.
Chinese Marries WJiite Girl.
VANCOUVER. Wash., July 20.
(Special.) Chan Lan Sheung, 41, of
San Francisco, a Chinese, and Miss
Mary Done, 26, a white girl, also of
San Francisco, were married here to
day. ' Their witness was Mrs. Signa
HirOse of 347 Oak street. Portland.
64 Broadway-
R. A. Bofcgess, 1648 E. Thirteenth Street
Uapp & Neubauer, 783 Front Street
Hansen Tire & Service Station, Twenty-fourth and Thurman Streets
Laurelwood Filling Station, 6419 Foster Road , .
Multnomah Auto Repair, 333 Fargo Street
State Distributors
Phone Broadway 3223
National Vulcanizing Works, St. Johns
Pioneer Paint Co., 186 First Street
Peoples Auto Repair Co.. 5529 Foster Road
Square Deal Garage, 1111 Hawthorne Avenue
City Garage, 106 E. Seventh Street, Vancouver, 'Wash.
.YD Hi
Crolide non-porous rubber gives extra wear
Coprtfihted I9i0, Thntnold Rubber Company. Trenton. If. J.
I citv council has passed an ordinance
Vancouver to Raise Awnings. j making it compulsory to have the
awnlnirs at least six feet above tne
VANCOUVER. . Wash., July
sidewalks, hereafter, E. V. Coats.
(Special.) Awnings in the Business ember of the council, who Intro
section of the city in many casesl,juued tne ordinance, reported that
strike a tall man' head and knock I merchants have had them at varioifs
off his hat if hfls not watching. The 1 heights.
"On the Coast" We All Use
Howard's Buttermilk Cream
This good-looking young woman says :
Buttermilk and Cream simple remediet
best keeps lace, hands and arms in ex
quisite condition soft, smooth and beauuV
tul guaranteed. Be sure you get
Howard's Buttermilk Cream
At tho Owl Drug- Company
How Much Have You
Saved in 1920?
Have you saved half the amount you planned to at
the beginning of the year? If not, begin NOW to
make up the deficit. Just a small amount saved
regularly will enable you to make a note similar to
the above on Oecember 31. Don't let a payday go by
without adding something to your Savings Account.
Northwestern National Bank
Portland, Oregon
The Choice Prizes of Life Are Won
By the Healthy and Strong
The weak, soft, flabby-muscled tbewe who are deficient in vigor and vital force bar,
ever had to suffer the humiliation of being ruthlessly shoved aside by their stronger rivals
A cleat- ruddy complexion; brierht eyes hardened muscles; and a well knit-together body"
of elastic step and sway, constitute a trump card in any fame whether of love or business .
If you feel that you are out
classed, lacking the stamina to
stand up and claim your own,
don 't delay another day in com
mencing to take
The Great General Tonic
It will restore that confidence you need to combat the ever
opposing forces of social and business life; it will give yon
the heart and spirit to do and the courage to challenge the
world to your right to a place in the Sun. because it will re
build your physical strength and mental power to a state of
perfect health, strengthening yoar run-down system wits)
better nourishment because of its great aid to digestion,
"LYKO" is a refreshing appetirer and an exceptional general
tonic in those subnormal conditions of the physical and nerv
ous systems, such as muscular and mental fatigue, nervous)
exhaustion, general weakness, or debility following a pro
tracted illness or the result of a wasting disease. It's truly
Nature's first assistant as a restorative agent "-a really re
markable reconstructive. All druggists have LYKO. Get a
bottle today and begin at once to feel and look better.
Sole Manufacturers s
mm? lift!
I.VKO t .old In oriirinal pack
age jnlr. like picture aboe
Kef us. all ktibstitulc.
New York
For sale by all druggists, always in stock at
Owl Drug Co.
DO Jft
THIS K) 9 fM
Leonard ar Q
Relieves Deafn ess, Stops Head
It Is not put In the ears, but is Rubbed In
Back of the Ears and Inserted in the Nostrils.
Has had a successful sale since 1907.
For sale- in Portland by Stout-Lyon a Drug: Co. 3 stores: Northern Pacific
Pharmacy. 3d and Morrison Sts.: Perkins Hotel Phar, 6th and Washington:
IrvinKton Phar.. K. Broadway at 15th).
This Signature on Yellow
Box and on Bottle
70 Fifth. Ave. ew York City.