THE MORNING OREGONIAX, WEDNESDAY, JUT.Y 21, 1920 17 HELP WANTED MALE. ARK YOU MECHANICALLY INCLINED? If so, get into the best-paying busi ness of today, earn $I50-$300 a month: learn by practical methods on up-to-date equipment. We help students earn room and board. Practical courses- in A TITO M ECHANIC3. TlfCTOR ENGINEERING. VULCANIZING. ADVANCED IGNITION". MACHINE-SHOP WORK. "Write today for FREE 72-PAGE CAT ALOG. KATIONAL, AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL, 13 S. Flgueroa St., Los Angeles. Cal. LARGE wholesale house has opening; for general office man; excellent opportunity for man who is capable of accepting re sponsibilities and one who is ambitious for advancement; this position offers fair starting salary with quick advance- ' ment as ability shown; prefer man be tween age of 25 and 30. AE S09. Ore gon Jan. THE MEIER & PRANK COM PANT re quire the services of three experienced elevator operators. Applicants having had no experience will also be considered for elevator work. Apply to employment ' department, sixth floor. Meier & Frank Company. MINERS. For Hercules Mine, Burke, Idaho. Steady employment: waxes 13.73 to $4.23 oer day : modern hotel accommo 1 at ions; room and board $45; all water liners, 2 miners on a machine; no fee charged. NO I. W. W.'S WANTED. Apply Louis K. Church, service club. 310 Trent avenue. Spokane. Wash. 1'J-OuR MAN for garage. Must be able to rive all cars and change tires. Voung- man to drive Ford delivery. Bridge carpenters and helpers, R. R. eel ion foreman, It. K. Ex-service Men Register with Us. KNIGHTS OF COLIMBIS EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, 25- Artisans Bldg. Broadway 1337. WANTED Makeup for daily paper in town of 10.000; must be experienced on country daliy; eight pjages dally and 10 pages Sunday morning. No Satur day issue. Job is permanent. Now open. Seal $10.73. September 1 goes to $42.75. Union. Centra.Ua Dally Hub. Centralis, Wash. ItKS A W Y K R for horizontal resaw. day shift, eight hours. $6.75. Increase if satisfactory. Crossett Western Lumber Co.. Wauna, Oregon. 73 miles below Portland on Astoria division, S. P. & S. SUNSET READING CLUB. Want 4 -young men to travel from kers to Seattle with manager, $30 per week. 6 hours work per day. Leaving Thursday 10 A. M. Call 304 Pine at., ask for Mr. Rayle. TWO Industrious single young men to trav el with manager and learn good paying business. Expenses advanced weekly to right Darty. References. See manager,. 4 to o P. M.. today, joom 220. Carlton hotel. WE need five more men for thinning apples and orchard work; work year round ; good food and accommodations. A pply today to Mrs. Thompison, Public Employment Bureau, Sixth and Pine Ms. 6UNBEAM FILM CO. tare shooting pic tures this week. If Interested apply main office. 1029 Chamber of Commerce. Scenarios wanted; we also teach the camera. IOING MAN. single, especially gifted in salesmanship, for position with whole sale hoube, excellent opportunity. State age. references, where last employed. B 926, Qregonian. WANTED Master mechanic for sawmill in Portland, capable of handling all re pair upkeep and construction; state ex perience and reference. Write AH 800, Oregon ian. FI RST-CLASS loader and engineer for duplex loader; family men preferred excellent accommodations offered for family. California. Barrel Co. 8-3 Yeon idg., Portland, or. EXPERIENCED felting machine man, mattress filler nan and helper tn most modem factory : ctteady employment. United Manufacturing Co., -Oth and HoiiHday. IF YOU have a few hundred dollars and want it to earn you $400 to $300 per montn, pe your own boss, nanaia own money, ojrport unity of your 1 ife. Call evenings at 529 East Davis St. WANTED Man and wife on farm. $125 a month and house furnished. Prefer family with two children about 14 years old. Butts & Oake. 241 Couch st. WANTED Middle-aged man for hotel, one who can do painting, kalsomlning and general repairing job by the month. New Houston Hotel. W A N T E D 1 0 millwrights, $ 3 per day, and o carpenters at $7, for Kalamath Fails, Oregon. Delaney's Employment Service. 13 N. 2d st. CLEAN-CUT young man as chauffeur for 8-cvlInder car. Must be careful and experienced driver. State waxes and references. C 002. Oregonian. YOUNG man to work in stock department in Inrge store; one having dry goods ex perience prefarred ; must be permanent; htate experience. AG 807, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced stove and fur niture repairer, can alao drive Ford true:. Apply at A. & S. Gevurts Furni ture Mnr 207 First st reet. WANTED At once, first-class experienced open-shop lathe machinists for work in 'ty. Apply 320 Oregon bldg., 0th and f K St S. WANTED At once, first-class experienced open -shop woo 1 patternmaker for work In tlty Apply 520 Oregon bldg., 5th and a K SIB. J'JRST-t'LASS experienced reyawyer for day shift for large Columbia river mill; good pay to the right man. AG S08, Ore gonian. A liOCAIi corp. can use a few highly dlgnit td people for movies. Apply 12 to - or h to 7 only. 32f Piatt bldg. WANTED Man and wife cook and helper hicken Dinner Inn, on highway. Phone l a nor 4U. p. m. B A R BE R wanted for Condon, Or. ; good wnf i n(iuire Lew is-St en gor Barbers Supply Co. WANTED A driver for Ford dellvcrv mut know ciiy. L. Meyer & Co.. 100 5th Ptroet. DISHWASHER Tounr man -referred. Apply now. PilUburys Beancry 100 W. I HrK St. COO D barber for Wbso, Oregon. Good pay. Apply O' Brien-Shold Barbers' Sup ply v n., o roan way. GOOD barbrr for Enterprise. Oregon. Ap ply O' Brien-Shold Barbers' Supply Co. Stl RroadwHV. AT ONCE, good, all-around baker; brst of wage., l.ieb a Bakery. Albany. Oregon. A NIGHT mopper. Public Library. Apply Kfnerm oiiic. i at n ana lamnni, Help Wanted Salesmen. CREW M AVAGERS AND SALESMEN Kxperienced crew managers to handle girls lit or out of city : also salesmen nnd canvassers. Portland Ih virgin territory and offers big Inducements to real workers. tail !( IN ONE MFG. CO., 1335 N. W. Bank Bldg. WK WANT a few forceful salesmen who have earned sino upward per week previous experience not necessary. Ours Is a legitimate business and is perma nent If you have ability and excellent be made Call 702 Spauldlng bldg. Ask lor Mr. hum mi nan. SALESMEN WANTED. Two good aalesmerr capable of selling Mock In a nrst-ciass Industrial prnpos tton: absolutely new; men with machines preferred : leads given : good advertis Ing. Ca il 411 Main street. Vancouver. W Rynmytun. SALESMEN WANTED. Two good salesmen to sell A-1 Indus trial stock In Clarke county. Washing ton: new proposition: easv to se.l to good men; strong advertising campaign Call 702 Spalding bldg.. ask for Mr. Starr. WANTED Salesman to carry men's shirt: as side line; must be acquainted with gent s turn tan ing traae; give references, state line you carry and territory you cover. r amiuun oniri .m i g. o. H . ot h St.. I-.QB Angeles, tal. W E HAVE a very attractive proposition showing big profits. $400 to $500 per month ; goods sold on a money-back guarantee: investment or iluo to S3( will start you. Call GC3 Washington at. iu a. i. to i f . m . WANTKD By investment banking house. vouno man lor DooKKeeninir and nom typewriting work: good future and pleas ant work; give age. experience, refer en cps. Address x 573. Oregonian. AN INTELLIGENT young woman of good , personal ity to travel in Oreeon. canabl of selling to all kinds of men: salary - commission ana expenses. j Gov, Orego Titan.- SALESMAN to sell electrical houxphnl appliances can make big money if will tng to worn. an Tne .Electric Mat BtlOp. 13.1 i fix n st. 6ALESM EN" Wonderful opportunity, come insurance. 601 Corbett bldg. in HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Saienmen. $5000 A YE4B SALESMAN WANTED. BY FRANK I. McGUIKE, LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THS PACIFIC COAST. We are gbl.ig to sell 1200 homes this year. Will furnish you with 1000 homes and hundreds of prospects. DON'T ANSWER THIS AD unless you can meet the folio win requirements: 1 Not over So years old. 2 Must h ve best references. 3 Must know the city. 4 Must own your auto. H Must have personality. 6 Must have determination. 7 Must have optimism. 8 Must have a sense of humor. MUST BE WILLING TO WORK. FRN L. McGUIRE Ablngton 31dg- 106 M 3d St. WANTED Reliable salesman with auto mobile for largest eastern manufactur ing concern in its line ; this connection means an Income from $4000 to $15,000 yearly; line staple and repeater, re stricted and protected territory with lib eral drawing account. Our field man ager, who will be here, will work with you for a time If necessary. Good ref erences required. Read carefully. Give telephone number. AN 316. Qregonian. EXPERIENCED scale and store fixture salesman. Thompson Scale & Fixture Co., Bu6 Oak st., distributors Detroit auto matic scales. WANTED AGENTS. TA I LORING agents sell men's special order suits, overcoats, best values, low est' prices; want big producers; state ex perience. Write for fall-winter sample line. Leads Woolen Mills, 230 S. Franklin, Chicago. INSURANCE AGENTS wanted In each town In Oregon and Washington for large old -line company writing general FIRE. GRAIN and AUTOMOBILE! in surance. M 141, Oregonian. TO SELL household necessity; big monev in It. Call between 7 and 10 at 340 Front st., for sample and particulars. WANTED Agents for auto rim tool, money, coun ties open to rlg"ht men, demand. Mr. Walter. 01 11th St. big big AGENTS wanted. Occidental Life Insur ance Co.. 406 Northwestern Bank bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. IT IS EASY TO SECURE A HIGH CLASS POSITION WITH GOOD PAY when you know how to operate the Comptometer. It'a the "Know Hew" that counts in business. Take a six weeks' course In our Comptometer School and you will "know how." Course Includes special train ing In Commercial Arithmetic under system of Felt & Tarrant Mfg. Co., makers of the Comp tometer Adding and Calculating Machine. Call, write or phone. WM. A. BACON. 313 Morgan Bldg. Phone Main D714. LADIES TO CANVASS. New manufacturing concern desires the services of several salesladies; an excellent opportunity for those - who quality; salary or commission. 100 IN ONE MFG. CO.. 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg. A WELL-EDUCATED woman wanted for a permanent position with educational association ; one with teaching experi ence preferred ; salary $1500 and bonus to start; excellent opportunities for ad vancement. Miss Coleman, room 637, Pittock blk. THE Olds. Wortman & King Store re quires the services of experienced sales woman for stationery dept.; must under stand .fountain pens and be able to take orders for engraving; also experienced saleswoman lor candy dept. Apply superintendent's office, 9:15 to 10:1)0 A. M. PHONE clerk and assistant file girl: com petent, level-headed clerk, willing and industrious, will find this a good posi tion with opportunity for advancement: fair salary to start; Increase according to ability displayed. Call at 430 North western Bank bids., before 11. Wednes day. WANTED A stenographer and typist with experience; chance for advance ment; must be able to take dictation and type rapidly and correctly ; salary to start $73 per month. Address In own handwriting, giving telephone num ber. Y 577. Oregonian. WANTED By Investment banking house. thoroughly competent stenorapner wno understands filing and general office du ties. Good salary and pleasant work. Give experience and references. Address C 501. Oregonian. ASSISTANT lady bookkeeper-stenographer. Must have had at least two years ex perience, and be able to handle details in general office work. State experi ence and salary expected. N 006. Ore gonlan. WANTED Neat woman between 2o and 45 years, with no children, wun some experience, to do cooking and help with housework on ranch; small family, wages $."0. Mrs. L. W. Walker. The Dalles. Or. Route 3. box S8. WANTED Stenographer and typist to as sist in stenographic and srenerai ortice work of investment banking house: good salary and pleasant work. Give experi ence and references. Address B 023. Oregon ian. WOULD like to communicate with girl in tending going to business college or niRn school ; will give good home and small waxes for services. Small family. Rose City park. N fl'0. Oregonian. WANTKL) Girl for cooking and general housework in small family where second Kirl in also kept; steady position: wages $Ci0. Apply forenoon to 113 North 22d st., cor. Gllwan. WANTED Order clerk; must have some bookkeeping experience and be able to operate tvpewriter. Give experience, age and salary expected in first letter. P. O. 3ox 211.1. WANTED A housekeeper, between ,'.0 and 40 years of age. tor two men and a ooy wages $40: a good home. Addresa N. C Hansen. 'hi nook. Wash. WANT good strong single woman to work, for me steadily in helping to fix up. run and sell department and room- ing house. iQU. Couch Ding. IN SU RANCH st"nographor $123, lumber stenographer $12. . bookkeeper and ste-nsraphe- $100. law stenographer $100. ::oi N. W. Bank bldg. EXPERIENCED order clerk, capable of running sw Itch board : do not answer unless A-l ; steady position. Enke's. Bd and K. Ash. WANTED Clerks for delicatessen and Top . Del. & Gro.. grocery. Apply Tip 1 3th and Morrison. LOCAL corp. ran use a few highly dig- nified people for movies. Apolv 12 to 1 2 or ft to 7 only. 320 Piatt bldg. S7 ENOGRAPHER Must have at least I year s experience in good general line. 1013 Wilcox bldg. WOMAN for light housework and care of invalid lady, steady job. Phone Wdln. 4633. before 11 totiay. ROOM and board in exchange for help with elderly lady, part tlmeT Tabor 175. AK 442. Oregonian. WOMEN wanted for canning fruit. Starr Fruit Products Co., E. 1st and Yamhill strtels. DICTATING machine stenographers, good positions. The Edlphone, 502 Oregon bldg. WANTED Man and wifeT cook and helper. Chicken Dinner Inn, on highway. Phone Tabor 40." A. P. M. J AN I TRESS wanted for the Oregon bldg. A pply superintendent, 5li and Oak sts. W ANTED Woman to work in small hotel. Phone Woodlawn 4057. GIRLS wanted for chorus work, fall sea son. 610 Eilers bldg. WANTED A waitress, po North Sixth st Rose Restaurant, WANTED Experienced chambermaid. $05 per month. Broadway Hotel. EXPERIENCED chambermaid. Clyde Ho tel. Apply In person to housekeeper. GlKL wants general housework. Call W ood 1 aw n 4S7 1 . . GIRL wanted. 3d st. Penny Arcade. 2Q North NEAT girl for cafeteria, experience un necessary. 487 Wash. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted: $18 per week. 26 N. 2d St. Bdwy. 1382. WANTCD Lunch waitress at Baltimore Restaurant.. 303 Hawthorne. LuE V A TO K OPKRATO R ; experienced. Apply 312 Railway Exchange. - WANTED Chambermaid. $12 per week. 0 hrs. per day. Apply 288 3d eL WANTED Experienced rook for large ranch; good wages. Call Vancouver 4F5. WOMAN to make hot bread, p. M. Main 7554. 4 P. M. to HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED GIRLS FOR ' POWER MA CHINE OPERATORS. THE WORK 13 EASY TO LEARN, PLEASANT, WITH GOOD WAGES, ALSO A LARGE BONUS PAID EACH WEEK, EXPERIENCED GTRLS PREFERRED BUT SOME INEXPERIENCED GIRLS ACCEPTED. GIRLS MUST NOT BE UNDER 16 OR OVER 25 YEARS OF AGE. MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE FACTORY. WITH SATURDAY AFTERNOONS OFF. APPLY AMES, HARRIS. NEVILLE BAG CO. 1.VTH AND HO YT ST 8. BETWEEN 7:30 AND 8:30 A. M. TELEPHONE OPERATING FOR YOUNG WOMEN. BEGINNERS RATE. $14 PER WEEK. REGULAR INCREASES. RAPID ADVANCEMENT. v APPLY NOW. ROOM 604, 6-TH FLOOR, -TELEPHONE BUILDING, PARK AND OAK STS. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH COMPANY. GIRLS wanted for factory work, good wages, steady work, experience unneces sary; Saturday afternoon off. N. &. S. Portland car to lflth and Thurman. American Can Co., 14th and Front sts. EXPERIENCED calculating machine and comptometer operators please register it pus 1 1 ions wun nuns Miller, UU3 i eon building. Have more positions ooen than can fill; for this summer only I will give a course on calculating machines, comptometers. ad din a machine and bookkeeping machines, regular $100 for $15. This offer closes this week, after wnicn regular rates are again In effect. Day and evening classes. Miller School, vmo i eon Diag, THE MEIER A FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of two experienced saleswomen for children's section of the snoe department. Apply Employment Bureau. Sixth fioor, Jieier 6c Frank Co. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON mav earn $100 to $200 monthly corresponding for newspapers; $lo to $25 weekly In spare time: experience unnecessary; no can vassing; subjects suggested. Send for particulars. National Press Bureau. But falo. N. Y. YOUNG woman or middle-aged for house- Keeper; no ODjection to one small child; have one girl '21 months old; Just the two of us to cook for; no washing ex- pi mr oaoy. v;aii out walnut st. WANTED EXPERIENCED HAND EM BROIDERERS ON GEORGETTE WAISTS. WE WORK 5 DAYS A WEEK ONLY. APPLY M AVER'S WOMEN'S WUAK. FOU RTH AND COUCH. VA.l c L w oman, well educated and ambitious, with business corporation . one with teaching experience preferred position good for $1000 r more first year. write AJ ku4, Oregonian. SUNBEAM FILM CO. are shooting pic tures this week. If Interested apply main office. 1029 Chamber of Commerce. Scenarios wanted. We also teach the camera. WOMAN or girl to care for children and jignt oouseworK. Apply View Restau rant. Kenton Station, between A. M. and 2 P. M, Phone Woodlawn 4417, Mra. Kaymona, WANTED Bookkeeper, ambitious and wining, with Knowledge or stenography must have at least 2 years' rxnerlenre good salary and bonus. Apply Mr. Scott. I fit toe K DIOCK. A IMPLICATIONS will he rrived from young women aged 0 to s. for wood working factory at St. Johns; good pay ana sieaay employment. A 13 iilJJ, Ore pon'in. EXPERIENCED MAKERS FOR OUR WORK ROOMS. EMPO R1UM. 120 SIXTH ST. $30 WEEKLY up, home work, experience unnecessary; everything furnished. Send self -addressed stamped envelope for freo particulars. . Karn Candy makers -o., rnnaaeipnia. i-'a. MRS. L. V. SCOTT, formerly director o employment for women with the federal government, will secure employment for women in an lines. Office 320 Henrv DiQg. . cor. 4tn and oak sts. Bdwy. 4.137. WANTED Middle-aged woman for house keeper and care for 2 little girls, aged ana ; room, ooard and some wages. '"aiiyg t,une, Loiumoia 'tw. siter o. AN i girl In need of a friend apply to nic oaivation Army itescue Home. Mav fsi- and Alexander sts. Phoiie Main ..-o"'. l.m car. ,, . ... . V A N Tt D Names women, girls ovf 16 wismng to oecome government posta ciraa, commence i4uu; answer i:nme n.steiy. av h.u. oregonian. TRIMMERS and experienced - makers wanteo ior city and out-ot-lown posl tions. Apply Lowengart & Co., Broad way ana uurnsiac. CHANCE for inexperienced, refined lrl n age or single woman who can keep xiouon 10 learn to cierK in store; steady. 707 Commercial st. rne TrufflM Cc ? cor Gnirt fZSt? gtark! rand ao. and K. WANTED A disengaged school teacher college student for Ausrust and nrt September. $183 for AO days: permanen to rignt party. A j sts. Oregonian. rn-K v E h. K for 3 neat young ladies, o nours woric per nay. Call 304 Pin ai'ct-i. sn ior Air. itayie. THE Florence Crittenton Home la rri to help any girl in distress. 953 East OMsan M V" r-a TTa 'ita WAN i h.L Competent nurse to take fu charge of 0-months-old baby: no house' .-.MM'jr w nmg Bt., atternoons. MiLLi.xbKY makers wanted, good wages. puainoH. ciBia inmmeo Mat Co. natma umg.. oruauway and UBK, WANTED Kind ladv to talc baby during day; must live close to 110 f uv inui nr. l io r W ANTED Dish washer and experienced waitress; hours 2:30 to 11 P. M. Ben der's lunch room. 229 K. 23d. SALESLADY wanted; experienced in Vic . tor records, typist, neat appearance. BP 498. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced candy girl. Rehe's confectionery, 3ft.-; Alder. Apply SuMEONfi to do sewing in exchange for music lessons. Main 3018. WOMAN for lialf days. SL Paul hotel. 130 Fourth st. WANTED One bindery girL Printing Co.. 8B',fc Bdwy. Modern FIRST-CLASS manicurist Wilcox Barber1, Shop. Sixth and Washington eta. WANTED Chambermaid. Alder st. Call 427 H WANTED An experienced waitress, room and board. Mar. 0070. W ANTE laeeXPerienCd chambermai. 171 Lownsd WANTED Cook in 104. Shanlko. Or. country hotel. Box HAND ironer. Portland Laundry. Union ave. and East Mill. WOMAN to help with cooking. Carnobeil Hill Hotel. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Experienced saleswomen for , ' KITCHEN WARE. Apply employment bureau before 10:30. L1PMA.V, WOLFE & COMPANY. THE Meier Frank Co. requires the err- lcts of experienced saleswomen for the stationery, drug and neckwear depart ments. Apply Employment Bureau, 6th floor, Meier & Frank. Co. Wa n ted Domes tl ce. "WANTED Experienced cook foe general nouseworK ; must sleep at nome. a adults, convenient 5-room flat ; perma nent. References. Call 0274 E. Ankeny cor. 30th. Phone East 8380. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, no objection to one child. lor young man and two little girls; good home more than big wages. Win advance ticket If necessary. Harry Clay. Klamath Falls. Or. WANTED Young girl to assist with nouseworic; one who Js willing to eo to beach now and attend school In fall; small family ; references. A pply East WANTED An experienced girl for cook ing and downstairs work: 4 grown peo ple In familv. Call Main 2037. 581 Jackson st.. Portland Heights: WANTED A competent girl to do cook ing, good wages. 42U V lsta ave, cor. Carter Lane, Portland Heights. Main 2412. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, must like children ; Wages ytu. jan feast puoiy WANTED Girl for general housework: no cooking, ramiiy ot 3 adults ana chil dren. Phone Tabor 8377. WANTED A Norwegian woman for wag ing ana ironing in private family. Mar shall 2142. GIRL for general housework, small fam ily, small house, good wages. Main 2O04. WANTED Girl for general housework, no washing, small tamiiy; good wages, per manent position. Call 554 Pittock blk. WANTED A young girl to assist with housework in a a-room apt. Main 1004. WANTED An experienced pantry .woman. good wages, room and poaro. Alar. tiUiu. WANTED A housekeeper In family with 3 children: working people. Tabor 8800. WANTED Competent maid for general housework. 43S E. 14th N. East 4280. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. STUDIOS to house-six companies are now under way; demand ior motion picture artists exceeds anything Portland can supply; Portland has the talent If cor rectly developed; why permit California to furnish all talent? Register with us. We, are the exclusive agent for new $500,000 producing corporation. Phone Broadway 1077. 231 Artisan bldg., Broadway and Oak. WANTED City solicitors, men or women. on household necessity used In every family; business already established; good pay, salary and commission. N 257, Orgonia-n. MAN and wife on a good ranch, woman to do the housework, man to do farm work; middle aged, wants to be ex perienced. C. Minsinger. 210 Board of Trade. PROFESSIONAL people out of work reg ister at o Mai ley theatrical agency, oitf Eilers btdg.- JANITOR and wife .for hotel: man for part time. 413 Vfe Wash., cor. 1 1th st. EDUCATIONAL, MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Will teach you the trade In 8 weeks, give you a set of tools and some pay while learning. Positions secured. Ore gon ex-service men, the course la free to you. Write or call for particulars and catalogue. 234 Burnside st- POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. PIANO AND HARP. Concerts, musicals, recitals. Dunning system for beginners. Alice Genevieve Smith, studio 509 Eilers bldg. Phone Main 665tt. Summer school 16,14 6th ave. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed: pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. O M A LLY dramatic and dancing school ; dramatic, vaudeville. motion picture ballroom, stage dancing. classes for children In singing and dancing. G10 Eilers bldg. Main 1123. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Suckers private school: individ ual Instruction. 122 Grand ave. E. 427. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning; gives you set or tools free; poeition secured. 3a ?r. tecond st. ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free Frank Jv. weiiesi cx-usst. state supt., Mgr. N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8271. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Reliable - Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. f ree pooaiet. F1SK Teachers Agency Journal oldg. Main 4S35. - Teaching positions, free reg. THE International Correspondence Scnools can raise your salary. Oak st. OREGON Law School. Allnky bldg.. 3d and Mor. W. K. Richardson. Kec. Main 077. YATES-FISHER Tearhers' Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. SITUATION wanted : married man wants farm work: wife can cook for 1 or 2 men: good teamster and farmer. B 621. Oregonian. t STEADY man. slightly crippled one leg. wants work in factory with chance ot advancement. Phone Marshall 2022. 1 SPECIALIZE In first-class bungalow painting, tinting, decorating; lowest coat. Woodlawn 4O02. WANTED ob in cleaning and pressing shop, spotting and dyeing. E 231, Ore gon lian. - HANDY MAN in stock or -shipping room, good salesman; have car; yeur Interest is mine. C O0.". Oregonian. A GENERAL all-round mechanic, five years' experience as stationary engineer wants position. Y 672, Qregonian. BAKKR. middle-aged, well experienced in both branches, wants position. T 079, Oregonian. , . CARPENTER New or repair work. Esti mates cheerfully given. Blaco. Main 1 665. CARPENTER and cabinetmaker will work reasonable .'day or contract. Phone East 212. Apt. 11. V BRIGHT young Filipino boy desires a position as driver: could do his own re pairing. A L S13. Oregonian. WANTED Position bv electric welder, year experience in shipyard. Woodlawn 2020. LOGGING or mill blacksmith wants posi tion: years of experience. D 28S. Ore gonian. MAN with some experience operating, re pairing moving 'picture machines. wants poHition. AK 812. Oregonian. . EX PE Rl ENCED timekeeper, well educat ed, am a good mechanic, wants position. AK 813, Oregonian. . MAN and wife want job in camp, experi enced. Marshall 2 5 OS. mornings and evenings. WINDOW .CLEANING, floor waxing, gen eral house cleaning, expert men. Tabor 0402. . " LOCK and gunsmith wants position with some .Portland firm. Y 671. Oregonian. exFkbtbnceO PAPERHANGER. C. ti.- BIGGS. BAST 713Q. CARPENTER wants work in town or out. Mr. cs-mpoeu, .Mars nan zi i.- PERT driver-mechanic desires position. Woodlawn 204. CEMENT work, floors, walks, garages and driveways. Reasonable. Tabor 6070. AUTO TRUCK driver wants Job., must be steady. Call room 223. New Scott Hotel. WANT Job driving truck: single; will go any place. AM 800, Oregonian. CARPENTER. first-cJass. fast worker, rough or finish, repairs. Broadway T1Q. POSITION by middle-aged man as janitod or watchman. Tabor 9103. CARPENTER New and repair work: all branches. East 5396 after & P. m. DENTIST, laboratory graduate, city or country. N 327, Orfgonian. HOUSE painting, tinting, reasonable, best work. Tabor 3051. PAINTING, DECORATING. SIGNS. KAL SOMINING; BEST WORK, TABOR 2a FOR painting and kalsomlning phone Ta bor 5850. - HOMES designed and built oy experienced and reliable builders. Woodlawn 6348 CARPENTERING. REPAJ RCN5 AND RE MODELING. PHONE TABOR 234. FLOOR WAXING. WINDOW CLEANING EXPERT. MAIN 1 42U. ' CESSPOOLS dug. Woodlawn 54ttX SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. CAN you use a man in vour organization I who is thoroughly competent and ex r perlenced in general office work; execu tive and administrative T Can handle satisfactorily position of office manager, chief clerk, purchasing agent, or any position. Best of references and will accept position in or out of city. A 617. Qregonian. ENGINEER. EX PERI ENCED GAS AND STEAM. WISHES TRACTOR OR STA TIONARY ENGINE; HAVE TOOLS AND KNOW HOW TO USE THEM: STEADY AND RELIABLE. F. J. MENARD. 009 SAVIER ST. EASTERN MAN. college education. 30 years old. is open for position as cor respondent. Have handled sales promo tion and foi low-up correspondence ex tensively and successfully. Available lmmedlatejy. AR 820. Oregonian. MAN and wife wish positions with private family, man chauffeur and mechanic, expert, 7 years' experience; wife sec ond girl or waitress; ref. ; no children, good wages expected. AC 804. Orego nian. YOUR NEIGHBOR SAYS: Wish Blank would PAINT that house: It's a disgrace to the neighborhood. I'll do you a first-class Job for about half what you think it wilt cost. Estimata free. CLIFFORD. Main 8220. EXPERIENCED dairyman and milker, middle-age, email dairy preferred, rea sonable wa ges and a good home con sidered. State wages in first letter, address and phone number. V 79, Ore gonian. WANT work by man. middle-aged, very active, good worker: bank' references if desired; worked In bakeries, creameries and laundries ; prefer baker v or work where It Is dry. B 622. Oregonian. CARPENTERS. I have a crew of real mechanics all ready to put up that building; will figure anything in or out of town. G IHJtf. Ore gonian. STUMP PULLING CONTRACTS WANT ED. 1 AM WELL EQUIPPED WITH BEST OF MACHINERY. STATE ACRE AGE WHEN REPLYING. N 256, ORE GONIAN. EXPERIENCED farmer and wife (no chil dren) want work on farm, man work on farm and wife do the cooking; can give references: state particulars and wages. P 5 .Hi. Oregonian. TWO-MEN want 1000 cords or more of lirst-growth fir to cut ' near Portland. Would furnish own tools ; must provide batching outfit. Apply Culiiford, o4U salmon St.. Portland. BUS I N ESS MEN requiring competent of- nce workers, call Broadway 44'J. oniy suitable applicants sent; no charge to the employer. Clerical Help Service, 029 Artisans bldg., opposite Benson hoteu ELECTRICIAN First-claas. all-around In side man. many years' experience, de sires position with established Portland concern; capable or tilling any posl tion. AR 810. Oregonian. CAPABLE saleseman, 11 years' experience In Oregon, desires position with reliable firm, country or city, headquarters in Portland. AK 727, Oregonian. PAINTING AND TLNTING. Take advantage of my reduced sum mer rates on high -class work. Louis Burk. Broadway 1207 WANT Job driving private car; willing to do other work; understand repairing car; will go any place: am single; ' can give reference. A M 807, Oregonian. CAPABLE selesman. 11 years experience in Oregon, desires position with a reliable firm, country or city, headquarters in Portland. AK 727. Oregonian. WE DO all kinds of repair work; plaster ing, brick, cement. KUFseii, V Mall st. I'hone Marshall 226. WINDOW cleaner, handy man. work, hour or day. Main 2302. GOOD pastry cook or baker wants work; flrst-clHSs man. i --u. uregonmn. ttuoiihfepent, Sieaogntpneni. Office. BOOKKEEPER with experience in lumber, manufacturing and construction business wants position: have also experience as timekeeper and c,an operate typewriter: willing to 'start with moderate salary it position permanent: can furnish refer ences. A-d dress E. B. A.. 1212 Belmont Pt.. or phone Tabor 2331 before 10 A. M. ACCOUNTANTS We make a specialty of keeping accounts for ail kinds of busi ness In Portland and vicinity. Will take complete charge of your books. For full details, call Mr. E. F. Young. Matn 1013. 1210-20 Northw ester n Bank bldg. YOUNG man, 2C, desires work evenings, from 7 to 11. general office and ship ping experience; good references. E 2 S3. Oregonian. ' BOOKKEEPER, beginner, wants position, accurate tn figures and good penman ; references. C 100. Oregonian. SITUATION'S WANTED FEMALE. LADY past middle age. refined, sterling rharacttr. wants wvrk part time in re turn for room and board and use of some ground, in family of same char acter: willing and able. Pl.ase write me full particulars, first letter. M. Hcrrls. Santa Rosa Apts.. Morrison St., between Union ave. and 3d St., Portland. STENOGRAPHER with varied experience wan ts a position with insurance firm with chance to learn the busluess, ambi tious and have h-ld positions of respon sibillty. C 004, Oregonian. C S. PRACTITIONER, 12 years' successful practice t elderly widow wants perm nent home with friends who wiil accept her services. Tabor blOl. WANTED By experienced waitress, pis In small restaurant or lunch counter, aft ernoon and early night hours. T 077, Oregon ian. ELDERLY C. S. practitioner. 12 years' practice, wants permanent home with friends as reader-teacher or companion. Vabor Sli. WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings while mother is away references. Woodlawn 1011. LACE. SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE cur tains done up like new. vn iu cau. East SO 18. WANTED Students to tutor in grammar chool subjects by normal Fturlent with teaching experience. Call Wdln. 828. WILL do laundry in exchange for ladies' suit, size 49, in good condition. AR 824, Oregonian. - EXPERIENCED laundress wants wishing and clea nlng, 30 cents an hour and oar fare. Woodlawn 2M0. LADV wants housecleaning, other work, hours day; work guaranteed. Wood lawn 0:;o;. DEPENDABLE nurse cares for chlMren evenings, the sick through the day. Mar. H4:. WOULD like work from 11 to 2 or a, prefer serving lunch or pantry worn, tan eii. 1020.. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work, washing, ironing. Main 14. COLORED lady wants day's work. B. 237. TO CAKE for children afternoons and eve ninKS. Main 4723. WANT day work. K. 12th and Alberta. Phone Woodlawn 1103. WANTED Washing and cleaning. Ouc an hour and car fare. Wdln. WOMAN wants day work, Thursday and Saturday. East b7, room . RAPID, accurate cashier, experienced gro cery and smoked meat. J 071, Oregonian. TWO YOUNG girls delre work. Call East 4078. WOMAN wishes day work; experienced. Automatic 311-57. WOMAN wants day work. Wednesday, Thursday Friday. East 507. room 22. WANTED Work by day or hour. East 259. WOMAN wants day work. Phone eveuings. Tabor 4174. Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. STEN OGRA P HE R , 22. ambitious and cup- able, has had bookkeeping ana some stenographic experience, desires office position. B 620, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, several years' experi ence, some knowledge bookkeeping, wishes position August 1st. R 005, Ore gonian. STENOGRAPHIC position desired by busi ness college graduate. No experience. Please call after 4 P. M. Phone 325-10. WANTED Billing or general offioe work, permanent or temporary; experienced. " N 007. Oregonian. EX PERIENCED steno. wants general of fice work; can do cashier work; refer ences furnished. E 60o, Oregonian. COMPETENT stenogra-pher desires per manent position ; A-l references. Phone 2151-45. ' -V ASS1ST ANT bookkeeper. 3 years, expe rience. 23 years old; can furnish best of references. Broadway 1023. - OFFICE work, bright, inexperienced girl, 20; salary no object. Tabor 4314. TYPIST would like position during vaca tion of regular heVp. C 000. Oregonian. - EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher; best of referenegs. Main 2817. Dresftmakrrs. DRESSMAKING Suits, coats, skirts, voile and silk dresses, alterations and make over work of all kinds. Reasonable. M rs. Kelly, 752 Vancouver ave. 316-06. DRESSMAKING guaranteed. 7 and alteration; work E. 30th st. East 604. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. aitera tions reasonable. 540 -Wash, st Aut. 13-03 W ANTED Sewing; hatx, coats or dresses; . will go ouU Phone Tabor 9428. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING and alteration; work guaranteed. Miss stump, coiumoian apis . No. 42. Main 1011. DRESSMAKER, experienced, maker over. tailoring, leav your pnone.' sj.du aay. Sell wood lOOft. DRESSMAKING Work guaranteed, prices reasonable. 341 Central Slag. Main 340vS. EXPERIENCED dressmaker; day engage ments. $L Bdwy. 5670. . DRESSMAKING by the day or piece. Call East 2370. TRAINED nurse requires position. Mrs. Hoffman, 542 Gantenbeln. East 4034. A PRACTICAL nurse wishes position. Call after 9 A. M.. Woodlawn 3514. Housekeepers. WOMAN, fully competent, with 2 small children, would liKe position as House keeper, preferably city or ctose in. Col. 052. - POSITION as housekeeper by elderly lady, smalt family or widower's home, or place of trust. References. Y 674. Ore gonian. WIDOW with child. 14. wishes position of housekeeping on farm for widower. Tourist hotel, upstairs, room 314. First " and Alder sts. Domestic, THE VERIBEST WINDOW CLEANERS TABOR 4038. House cleaning, floor waxing and vacuum cleaning: estimates cheerfully given. Best of references. HOUR work wanted or plnln family work by week ; ro laundry. Main 7000 WANT day work for Weds., T h u r . , Sellwood 10S4. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. MEIER A- FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau Reliable. up-to-AVte lists of desirable vacant houses, apartments and flats with definite Information pertaining to each Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly located. Eighth Floor. WANTED To rent, by Aug. 13. modern 6 or 7-room house; prefer Sunnyslde or Laurel hurst, but am not particular as to location if house suits: state full Par ticulars. V 529. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT After August 1. un iurni.ned house, est side, lamtiy or three adults, references. Address il. W 610 Worcester Block. FURNISHED or unfurnished 8-room mod ern house by refined faml.y of 4 adults and 2 child re n. Phone Marshall 4779, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. WANTED TO RENT Completely furnished 4 or 3-room bungalow, no children, good references. O. Lear, care of F. Hall, Newport. Or. WANTED 4 or 5-room cottage or bunga low, ba th. gas. electricity, furnished or unfurnished. Phone L. C. Pearce Tabor 74tl WANTED Sinai! furnished house, 3 or 0 rooms: piano it pnnsiuie, nut not essen tial; rent about J 50. Woodlawn 5727 evenings. " WANTED A 7 or 8-rooni house, furnished or partly,- on east side. Answer imme diately. Call Broadway 33H3. WANTED To rent. 6 to 8-roont hote. with garage, desirable district, modern, good condition. Broadway 2326. WANT, to lease 3 or 4-room house in or near Kenton; two In family. Woodlawn 53."8. WANT to rent or share 50-o0 a neat room ing house, walking distance, by compe tent lady. A L $13. Oregonian. 5 OR fi-ROOM modern cottage, furnished or unfurnished, must be clean. Wood lawn USA. RESPONS1 BLK party wishes bungalow or small, modern house; would lca. Tabor 2753. Apartments. WANTED! Apartment of 4 rooms or flat of 4 or o rooms; must be strictly modern, lo cated on east side ; references given. East 04iS. WANTED To rent, by young married cou ple lurnisned house or fiat : must De modern and close in AK 614, Orego nian. 5-ROOM unfurnished apartment, modern. west side preferred. Phone Main 1 171. Housekeeping Room. WANT to rent permanently 3 or 4 fur nished housekeeping rooms in private family, suitable for family with one girl 5 years old. Must be desirable place and not too far out. E 003. Ore gonian. WANTED Latter part August, furn. 2-rm apt. or h. k. room, kitchenette: two sis ters, employed. E 000. Oregonian. FOR RENT. FurofslifMl Rooms. YOUNG MAN. honest, congenial and steady worker, would like to hear fro voung man with rime Qualities who wishes to become roommate. Am occu pant of a modern cony, outside room. close in. if you appreciate good com panionmhln and besides wish to tave on room rent, it will pay you to Invettl ga'.e this. T 6S2. Oreitonlan. MAXWELL HALL. 207 14th St. Cool and airy sleeping and H. K. rooms, modern, close in, bet location, transients. A home away from home. RI1Z HOTEL. Morrison and Park sts. New, tire proof and modern. In the center of shopping and Theater district. Moderate rates. Special rates to perm a n ent guests. HOTEL BAXTER. Newly furnished sleeping and house keeping rooms, close in. on east side, about 4 blocks from Broadway bridge, reasonable rent; take "MA" car. get off '-at Albina ave., or Phone East 755. SAVON HOTEL. 181 ltth st., between Washington and Alder, modern transient rooms with or without private bath. SI per day and up Weekly rates $5 and Up. . ANSON I A HOTEL. 124 14th St., at Washington. Rates, $5 per werk up. $1 day. Fire proof, large attractive, spotless rooms. close to amusement and shopping center. ATTRACTIVE rates to permanent guests. See our accommodations. NEW PER KINS .HOTEL, Fifth at Washington. HOTEL CLIFFORD, F.ast MorrUon St.. at East Sixth. The principal vast side hotel; dignified and refined; $1.25 per day and up; $0 per week ard up. PRINCESS HOTEL. 349 EAST RURN-S IDE. SUMMER RATES $4.50 up; Transients $1 and up. ST. PAUL HOTEL, 130 Fourth, between Alder and Washington. First-class ac commodations a t reasons ble rates for transient or. permanent guests. TRANSIENT rooms for rent. Newhall Hotel, 402 East Washington St., corner Grand avenue. Rates $1 per day; two in room. $1.50. Phone Easts490. NETHERLANDS. HOTEL 126 13th St., corner Washington ; transient and per manent ; spotless rooms $3 per week and up; phone, -private baths. HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 11th U Nice. modern, clean rooms, - at transient and permanent rate. 1 HOTEL. RAMAPO. Washington rt. at 14th. rooms $6 and up per week; aleo family suites of 2 and 3 roomsa ndba th. HOTEL OCKLET. Morrison st. at Tenth Rates $1 a day up; weekly. $4 up; free - phone asd baths. SARGENT HOTEL Housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Phone Eat 20L 217 Grand ave. OHIO HOTEL Housekeeping and sleep ing roome. 200 Front, corner Madison. FURNISHED rooms, nic?. cool and airy". $10 up. 635 Everett st. HOTBU CA DIlLAC 8d near Jefferson, nicely f uralshed rooms, reasonable rata WEAVER HOTEL, 70S WASH. ST., NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. Bath. ROOMS hr day. week or month, clear and comfortable. 573 Third st. MODE It N sleeping rooms. reasonable. Raleigh bldg.. 327 Wash. L'nfurnlslie Room. FOUR housekeeping rooms, gas, electricity, $12. adults. 90 Ruggell St. Tabor 571. Famished Rooms p Private Family. N ICE clean, cool sleeping room ; hot and coiu water near by. Call Sellwood 3199. 82? K. 15th st. FINE corner r o o t n in modern home; all comforts. tI2..n. pcreoa employed. Main 3048. west side j to young FOR RENT. luniisbetl Room fu PrivatFuinily. IF YOU want a clean room, beautifullv furnished, with plenty of hot water and linen, call after 6 P. M. at 14." N. 2 UI st.- Newly furnished for bachelor quar ters. Sitting room, 15 minutes' walk to business center. LOVELY large room with alcove, new furniture, in modern home, walking dis tance. Nob Hill. Cali before 10 or after 5. Main 2064. 73S Hoyt. LA ROE room with bleeping porch. on Nob Hill, gentlemen oniy. J0 Lucretia st. Marshall 36M. BEAUTIFUL front room; Ideal location, shady porch, yard; 23. Ooo Everett, B road way 3,"01. FOR RENT Nicety furnished room in pri vate familv. west side: prefer middle aged working lady. Phone Main 5730. ROOM large enough for 2 gentlemen In .strictly private Jewish family; references. Bdwy. 17S2. FOR RENT 3 furnished rooms, suitable for gentleman : bath, etc Private en trance. 930 Williams ave. FURNISHED room; hot and cold water, all conveniences; suitable flr gentleman. E. Ankeny. East SOir.. FURNISHED Tabor rl7. room to - business men. 1 1S! Hawthorne ave. N IC ELY furnished rooms; hot and cold water- 260 V-j 5th st. FURNISHED rooms for two ladies or geu tlemen. T72 Ladd ave. E. SN7. LARGE furnished room suitable for two; one single room. S52 Market st. 201 14TH Choice room, modern conven iences, walking distance. Main 3Sl3. N ICELY furnished sleeping room, gentle men; walking distance. Main 7033. FURNISHED room; all conveniences; gen tlemen only. N. 21st Ft. ONE nicely furnished room, suitable for t wo. h 1 1 con ven iences. S00 1 1 th st. TWO furnished rooms for rent, priva te family, no other roomers. Ma r x h a 1 1 0 1 .V VERY convenient bedroom, private home, lrvlngton. East IStiO. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL, 2iP A ND HOYT STS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL, 741 W ASH I NGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential hote's on Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bsth. $2. .0 a day up; rates by day or month Meals terved to transients. NORTON I A hutlu Portlands downtown high-class family hotol; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. '. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. ONE large 4-room furnished apt. 1104 Guild st. Guild apts., between Thurman and Vaughn. Agent. Wakefield, Fries ft co. 4o2 MORRISON, cor. 13th Choice rooms and board; modern conveniences; walk ing distance. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 380 10th st. For business girls and students: reasons oie rates. Mar. 1261. ROOM and board for business gi rls; all modern conveniences; walking distance ; So per week. Aut. 21-074. 12 E. 7th st. -ROOM modern apt. with bath, $10 week; also others. Va -td st. Kounw With Board in Private Family. A VOUNG married couple with no children will give a 3 or 4-year-o!d boy or girl a good home at a reasonable charge; lo cated in nice neigh bor hood : will furnish pest or r etere 1 1 c e s c o . ur e k o man ROOM with breakfast privileges in neatlf furnished bungalow, dandy location 1 or 2 business people. Call East 3301 d url wg dai . WANTED Roomers and boarders in pri vate home. 2 blocks east of Bd wy. bridge. 373 Ross St.. East ROOM and board in exchange for help elderly ladv. part tune. Tabor A K 442, Oregonian. with 175. LARG E front room w 1th good board, uit- aoie lor two. all home privileges. Mar shall 3374. 101 N. 23d St. LARGE room and large closet with good home cooking for two men. 21U 23d N., near Lovejoy. Phone Marshall 3143. FIRST-CLASS table board T.Oc meal: spe cial Sunday dinner from 1 : 1 .1-2 :30 o'clock. 000 Savler. Broadway 1473. LADY will care for and board one or two little boys or Kir la. 7o3 Everett. Mar. 3U23. IR VI NGTON Sitting room and sleeping porch : two or three people; board. East 6645. WANTED Boy or, girl to care for In pri vate home. Ta bor 8."or. CHILDREN to board and care for. 7308. Furnished Apartments. BENSON APT.. 203 N. 20th st. 3-room furnished apt., dressing room, private bath ami phone: adults only. Manager. Ph o ne Bdwy. 444b. FURNISHED Apt. 3 rooms and kitchen ette; piano, light and phon', rent $iu. No children. Phone. East S334. 005 E. Ash. THE LAL'RETTE. Completely furn. 3-rm. apts.. living room, bedroom, kitchen, bath; 5 mln. walk ; references. 220 11th. Main 8307. FURNISHED 3-room apt.. $20; 1 house keeping room. $s per month. 151 JuLa ave.. South Portland, near Oregon Box 'o. VERY desirable, nicely furnished outside 3-room apt., modern, private bath and phone. Marshall apartments. 0J4 Mar shall st., Broadway 3S51. Summer rates SAN MARCO APT., corner East Sth and Couch, one 3-room furnished h pt. with private bath and phone; price $15. Last i::u. FURNISHED APT.. 3 rooms and sleeping porch. 4Ul4 50th ave.. near Hawthorne; $3U mo. Wakefield. Fries & Co., 85 Fourth st. LLEDS APARTMENTS 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, alto sleeping rooms; mod ern, fireproof block, private baths, clean. reasonable. 210 Market t LA M BROOK apts. 43U E. Yamhill Foi rent, one furnished two-room apt. and also sleeping room. Call East 4002. ALBERT APT. Furnished, steam private bath; new management. sisFippi ave. heat. Mia- P 1CABO D Y A PTS 1 t h and Upshu r Housekeeping apartments. 1. 2 and 3-rm. sfam heat; reasonable. Bdwy. 1540 A . LARGE 3-room. completely furnished apt., private ba th. open fireplace. 40 Jefferson. Main 1303 ONE 3 and one 4-room. beautifully fur . niched, modern a pt.. walking distance, went side. Main 0375. FU FINISH ED APT., enotte, $20. Todd Stark. Kax 2.V.H. i rooms' .with kitch apta , E. 12th and YOUNG man wants another oung man. musically inclined, to share apartment ; C. S. preferred. V i75. Oregonian. SACRAMENTO APTS. 492 Union ave. N. 2-room modern furnished apt. on car line: rates reasonable. Adult YOUNG M AN wants a not her young man. musically- Inclined, to Khare apsrtnicnt. C. S. preferred. V 673. Oregonian. THE DKZENDoRF APTS.. 208 I0TH. NEAR TAYLOR, 4-room furnished apartments. MORTON APTS. 3-room furnished apt.: alo bai-ement apt. 037 Washington st. Main 1082. BELKNAP APTS.. completely furnished 2 room apts.. $35 including light; walk ing distance,. 17 17th st.. near Yamhill. JAEGER APARTMENTS. 7tll WASHING TON ST.. xi A V HKVKKAI. APART MENTS READY FOR OCCUPANCY. fiOSE LYN APTS. 2-room apt., strictly modern. Broadway 4140. - Phone UPSHUR Apartments. 2-room furnished spts.. $15 per month up. 40t;iNi 20th st. FLORENCE. 3SS 11th st,. 3. 4 room front furnished apartment; w alktng d istance. GLADSTONE, 721 Granl ave. N.. 2-room and kitchenette: walking distance. PORTNOM AH 3. 4-room. tance. adults. 2O0 East walkinc 13th. 2-ROOM housekeeping apt, at 262 . Call Main 4277. TH REE-ROOM furnished apartment, run ning water, sink. "14 13th St. HERMENIA, 400 Hall St., corner 10th. 3-room furnished apartment, adults.. 3-ROOM furnished apartment with $35. 8S2 E. Ash. UNION AVE. and Kil Itngswortb. all complete: concrete bldg. FURNISHED APARTMENTS AUDITORIUM t'OLRT APT. 2-ROOM apt., walking distance; private bath. East S4L Adults only. THE A R LINE. 3-room and bath. $43 N. 17th st. THE CLASSIC Newly tinted. apt. 6H2 Glisan. Bdwy. 2034. -room, fur. THREE and four-room-apts. Mar. 1I0O 414 11th ft. ENTIRE second fioor. 3 room?, bath $-5 K90 E. 10th St. Roland, Q. W. K. store. FURNISHED apt. 1-2 -room suites, fight and gas free. 703 h Thurman. cor. 2:',tl. 2-ROOM furnished apt., walkiug distance" a-ift Mill st.. near Broadway. -KO M apt. with hath, tnssippj ave. 33. S4CVi Mis- 3-KOOM furnished pl.. running water. I $15. 604 Flanders u FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. THE CROMWELL Fifth and Columbia Street. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's, store; good surroundings, strictly mod. outside with Fnencu doors and balcoay. Permanent and, transient TOURISTS' SUMMER HOME. ALSO TRANSIENT. HIGH-CLASS APARTMENTS. . Z and 3-room apts. and sleeping Porch, beautifullv furnished in Chsneee rugs and willow furniture, also bachelor une and single rooms and hath, refer ences required. Marshall 2830. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. Broadway and Jefferson St. 4-room strictly modern, oniy 7 blocks from Broadway and Washington. Phone furnished, rent SOU, with privilege of mom hs or a year lease to responsible party. Call S. B. Gustatf. Main 2500. or Broadway 4W75. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. Broadway and Jefferson St. 4-room strictly modern, only 7 blocks from Bdwy. and Wash. Phone furnished, rent SOU, with privilege of 0 mo. or a. year lease to responsible party. Call S. B. Gustaff. Main 2.'.oti, or Bdwy. 4U75. BEAUTIFUL 4-room. newly furnished apartment, all large, airy, outside rooms; unusually attractive and homelike. The Meda A partments. 377 Vancouver Ave.. Just across the Broadway bridge. i block north of Broadway, walking distance. Hduita. lease oniy ior one year. THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, new ly decorated, white enamel finish, large porch, all outside rooms, strictly mod ern anjl very desirable; choice location. Rent $45. to adults only. 341 Montgom ery .st. cor Broadway. KINGSBURY A PA RTMENT. IS. VISTA AVE. Nicely furnished 3-room apt., with disappearing bed. with outside balcony, will rent by week or month; prices S05 up. Call Main 3-S3. THE ELM WOOD. Strictly first-class. completely fur. 3-room apts. Two disappearing beds, dressing room, tiled bath, etc., $70 up ; also E-rm. apts., S4. up; adults; refer ences. 4i5 10th st. Main 6000. THE ELBRIDGE. 274 N. 21st ft.; desirable 2 and 3-room front apts.. all light outside rooms in modern brick apt. building: automatic e)e ator. etc. Broadway 4730 a-KOOM furnished apartment, piano, out side rooms, convenient for rontlng rooms If so desired, walking distance. Phone Main 7M. BARON APARTMENTS. 14T11 AND COLUMBIA. 8 and 4-room apartments. furnlhd and unfurnl.shed. Main 7337. WICK KKSHAM, 6-room apartment, fur nished throughout in old mahogany and Turkish, rus; will sub-let for a few months. Broadway 2496. 4-HUUM furnished basement apartment, Alvarado Apartments, 730 Everett st.; S0 per month. See janitor at prcm. Iscs or Wakefield. Fries & Co. . to 4th s t. CORNER apartment; 3 rooms and front porch; never been occupied. Kent S00. Adults. Irving-Ion. 305 E. 13th N. Last 4010. I nfurnbiued Apan uiruu. SHEFFIELD APARTMENT. Broadway and Jefferson. Four rooms, within 7 blocks of Broad way and Washington. Only a short walk downtown. Will rent or lcae to respon sible parties for ti months or year; rent S ..- per month. Cat I S. li. GusiaTf. Broadway 4;7j or Main L'300. K I N G SBU R Y A PA RT M EN T. ISO VISTA AVE. 3-room unfurnished apt., one disappear. Ing bed ; also bedroom, outside balcony. Call Main 3?-83. COLLEGE. 3 rooms, sleeping porch, private hath, fteam heat, hot water, free phone, $30. Third and College, Marshall 3505. GARFIELD Newly tinted 4-rooms. 301 K. Failing, one block west Union -Ave. TH E Marlborough. 21st and Flanders, u- room modern. Matn 75 1 0. THE CLASSIC? Newly tinted 3-roora un furnished npc 002 Ptisan. Bdwy. 2iH4 Furnished or lnfumi.bed Apartments. FURNISHED apts. $3 and up. 200 Market, 32S 4tn st. Flats. 7-ROOM FLAT. MODERN. Rent $ 4u per month, 1 year lease, fwell furniture with lease. $SU0, walking distance. F. L. McAttee. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 305 Oak St. MoDEKN. clean, cheerful, unfurnished rooms, bath, sleeping porch, front bal cony, wonderful view, gas range, water heater, furnace, basement space, ex eel -lent condition, west side. close-In. adults. references. $4 0. a t4 04 Hill st. WEST SIDE 3o2 Everett and 17th, mod ern 0-room upper flat, separate base ment, furnace and large yard; 3 minutes from business center. J. R. DOWNES, 3Q2 Dekmn Bldg. SEPT. 1 Kxtra well-built 5-room flat, large, nice rooms, light and airy, good basement, large porch, modern in detail; references exchanged; near F. 15th and Belmont. AE 702, Oregonian. 3-ROOM modern, partly furnished or un fur niched flat, walking distance. 420"1 Rodney ave. East 7J43. 3-R OM flat for rent, prefer people w iih children . rent' reasonable. Taoor 4714 afi-r O P M. 4ul E. 50TH, near Hawthorne, 0 room, un i urnlshed. $35. Broadway 2'.S0. FIVE-ROOM palo cheap. flat G for 07 4. rent, furniture Oregonian. FOR RENT Unfurnished 3-room flat. 071 E. Ah st., near 18th. upstairs, partly r st.. near 23d. heated flat. FitritlsiieU Flats. 4- ROOM furnished. $35 ; 6-room unfur nished, $25; west side, walking distance, nt-e view. 3804 10th L Vlnuey. Mar. 1H-J2. 5- ROOM strictly modern, well furnished with mahogany furniture; good location. est side, near car line. Dan Hughes, Krod way 1 251 . FURNISHED modern 3-room flat, walk ing d istance. w est side. $20. AL 734. . oregonian. ' 4-ROOM uppr flat; clcun, quiot place. Will make rate to qui;! permanent ten Hnt.t. Adults only. Main 3014. BE A UT1 FUL furnished 3-room flat with sleeping porch, private wash tray.s, walk ing distance. 3t7 Vancouver ave. 6-ROUM upper furnished fiat, modern in every y. rent $27.50. 182 Gibbs bt. Inquire Gevurtz Furniture Co.. 385 Is., ft. 3- ROOM furnished flat at 400 N. 25Lh st. "at! 745 Vs Roosevelt- Phone Marshall 37 10. FLA T ot four rooms rao'Jern, beautiful surroundings, quiet place for night work er. 1 '125 V irginia fct., Fulton car. GIRL to share fiat, who wishes to study music: re fere net s. Main 301 8. 3- ROOM furn is lied flat, walking distance. Marshall -117 4. 552 Mill St. 3-ROOM furni.-hed ut flat. 552 Mill et. I'hone Marshall 4174. 5 KuUMs, heated, upstairs. 120 N. 23d st MarMiall 3719. Housekeeping Room. T Vp front housekeeping rooms.- nicely furnished, with davenport bed. also sin gle housekeeping room, suitable tor one. $: pr w eek, 312 Clay st. DESIRABLE housekeeping suite. 2 rooms and kitchenette. $45. also 2-room attic housekeeping, nice for bachelors, $22. 57 Trinity Place. TRUNKS and baggage delivered In down town district ior hoc Auto service, r rev storage for 13 days. Phone Bdwy. 2445. MAKE the Buihmark your nome, one and two-room oueide apts., clean, modern, respectable. Wash. cor. 17th. 2 FRONT H. K. rooms for rent, also 2 iti rldtt li. K. rooms. 207 Knott eL Mr. Will iams. THE LEAVER, 12th and Mar.; furnished H. K. rooms, $13 up. Including gas range; hot water electric lights, iaupary room. SINGLE and suites, furnished and un furnished; fine place, attractive rates. 103 1st et. AND 3-ROOM Mats, furnished for house keeping. $13 and Jia a month, 440 Last Oak. pear 7th gt. LARGE front single rooms, Flanders. room and hot water kitchenette, always. 00o NICE, clean basement room for H. K. 147 X. 17th st. Bdwy. 3371. housekeeping rooms, sing.e $io per month and up; modern. 147 13th st. $4 WEEK, large furnished H. K "3 lJ2 Wash. st.. rorner 3d st. TWO furnished rent, clos in- housefieeplng rooms for 4"4 Park fct. TWO furnished, housekeeping rooms, Yamhill fct ONE 3-ROOM light housekeeping satte Broadway 2733. 4 ROOMS furnished, gas and electricity $5 per week, near car. 100 E. iW:h St. N. N K." ELY furnished ::i 4 Columbia, cor housekeeping roumi. ior th. THREE-ROOM furnished npart ment. $0 per week. housekeepIr:; S50 14th st FURNISHED Mht hotiHk eeping room $10 ;i month '"1 F'amlt-!-)- Si. $iv ONE cican front room with kitchen ette. 400 C;ay sU WANTED Lady barber. . 210 Madison "at. n .