16 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, . JULY 14, 1920 BEAL E8TATK. For SaleHouses. carey-savidges co. Successors to BIHR-OAREY CO., Main 74S7. 210 Railway Exch. Bid. 600 MODERN CITY HOMES FOR SALE. Photos on disp-Iay in our large s-how-rooms of SOO modern honvei. Don't think cf lying until you have inspected them. !Vfre real bargains to bo found in our of fice than elsewhere in the city. Eight autos at your service. EXCEPTIONAL ROSE CITY BUNUALOW. .$6000 On 43d it., just off Sandy, five rooms, a home wonderfully at tractvlo and right up to the min ute; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, garage. Let your imag ination run riot as to this homo; It will more tha nmake good. Terms. (3130 Nothing to compare -with this in Rose City t-room bungalow, a regular doll's house; interior in mission woodwork, built-in buf fet, Dutch kitchen. breakfast Tiook, 1 bedroom and spare for folding bed; easy terms. t0O0 One of Hawthorne's prettiest homes; 5-room modern, and 2 unfinished rooms upstairs, pretty ! fire-place, paved street, garage. Her is truly & real bargain; . 15o0 down. ( f3250 Greatest bargain in Hawthorne today, 8-room bungalow on Ox I lt cor. lot; owner leaving for j ranch, will take $500 down. This ! is $4o00 property and cheap at that. I 9 1350 1-room bungalow with dandy fire- ' place, lights, gas, bath and toHet, f garden aid in. worth $75; stoves 1 included In price ; terms. , 91730 Alberta 4-room bungalow, lights, j gas, bath, toilet, pretty yard and ; trees; $200 down to sacrifice. i $2200 Mt. Scott 4-room house and H f acre of frne orchard and frnit, 5 corner property, sidewalks In and f! paid; $400 down. ' TTnndreds of other splendid buys In very district In the city; 8 salesmen with, autos at your service. CATtBY-SAVIDGK CO. . J. A. WICKMAN CO. "Shortest Way Home." I We are now located in our new sales- room, ground floor Ry. Exch. bid., 264 Stark st. Call and inspect photos of our home bu s. You will find among I them some exceptional values. LIST No. 1330. .$2 050 Let us show you this 6-room home with large llging room, dining room. Dutch kitchen, one bedroom and bath down. 2 bed- 1..' rooms up. Close to car and 't. Franklin high. Terms. I LIST No. 2. l 92700 Here is a real value. A 5-room I home with furnace, full cement i basement. wash trays. Dutch I kitchen, huf fet. This home can j be had with very small down i payment and $25 monthly. 1 LIST No. 1344. I $4600 Here is your opportunity to e- cure 100x100 with large, full- L bearing fruit trees. Full base- 4 ment, furnace. 5 rooms and bath with full floored attic for five ' additional rooms If desired. Out I of-town owner very desirous of i selling. Terms. j LIST No. 120t. ! $4500 We have here a real borne, dou f bly constructed. 0 rooms and (. sleeping porch, full cement base- ment, wash trays, furnace, nre ? Place, buffet, Dutch kitchen, ga rage. Terms to suit. Rose City park. $500 cash as first payment will handle ' a number of fine bungalows that we have for sale in this desir ; able district. Come in and ln- i spec t our photos or phone and t falpsman will call for you wit h 1 auto and show you the kind of home that you desire. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. C04 Stark st. Main 513 and 1004. BEAUMONT. PRICE $YOOO CASH $2000. The best buy for the money we have. A beaut i I ul 0-room home on E. 4 2d st.. near Fremont, on a 50xlo0 lot; beautiful lurge living room and d Ining room, all modern built-ins, 4 lovely sleeping rooms and sleeping porch on 2d floor; delight ful bath, nice floored attic, hardwood floors, good furnace, garage. Call early, t h is won't keep. I'hone evenings. Mar. 24(1; day time. Auto. 011-00. ask for M rs. Srww. , - PRICES SLAS'HBD! gi'K'K ACTION SAVES YOU $200. Tour choice of 10 new. .modern, don-Me-constructed bungalows' at $200 less than regular price. Buy today and save this amount on your homo. Liberal terms. B. F. BOND REALTY" CO. THE IDEAL HOME BUILERS. 1230 Sandy Blvd. Tabor 2S35. HAWTHORNE SPECIAL. One of the greatest bargains In months, modern 5-room bungaiow with Attractive fireplace, full cement base ment, paved street; near Hawthorne ave. This will sell on sight, act quickly: $2hi0, 11473 down. CAREY-vSAVIDGS CO., Wain 74,s7. 210 Railway Exch. Bldg. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY. Beautiful, modern 7-room bungalow and garage, Al condition, like new; immediate possession ; would cost $7500 to build today ; lot with 16-ft. alley, paved street, paid, close in on east side; only $5000, terms. Owner, Marshall 24 SO. LAURELHURST" BUNGALOW. Classy nearly-new 6-room bungalow with garage, near park ; old ivory fin ish, beautifully papered, French doors. sun room, breakfast nook, nice lawn and shrubbery. At a real bargain. Also lfe story 6-room house with, garage, same location. 'laoor 4U7. NOB HILL HOME. Very attractive 2-story 8-room home tm Kearney, near 25th. like new; large rooms and old ivory finish, plate glass windows, oak floors throughout, hot water heat, 4- bedrooms, finished attic, lot of trees and shrubbery. A real snap. Tabor 407. LOTS OF GROUND $1650. 67x304. all in cultivation, 20 assorted bearing fruit trees and berries, good Darn, cmcaen nouse ana 4-room bun galow type of house with sleeping porch, Woodstock district ; $250 cash, balance monthly. Fred W. German Co., 73 Cham, of Com. JUST THINK! $4200 Buys a 5-room and attic modern 50x100 ft. lot, paved, near car, high and grade vcnoois, in line district.: sljuu casn. ba $25 per mo., including 6 per cent interest. i-tuy cneaper tnan renting. Marshall 3352, or Tabor 3000. vr rnniiu iur me urst time my strict tly hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace enameled woodwork, large corner lot Plenty of flowers, trees and shrubbery 653 East 46th st. N., cor. Wisteria drive FOR SALE S3G00, by owner: $1300 down balance on terms: 5-room cottase on ! corner lots with large chicken house and jiens, fruit and berries, all in A-l con dition: on hard-surface street. You anoum see this. 3U40 o-d Bt. S. E. Ta nor 319B. UEAUTIFUL, MODERN BUNGALOW HAWTHORNE. Clos in. Hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, 54x10o lot. east front. 6 rooms. at bargain price, pome terms. See at once. l. i. Klrd. SL'i, Chamber of Com meree. Marshall 1022. 6-ROOM and hath on ground floor at high Bononj, lot iwxiw. garnen, fruit, berries garage, first-das condition: S.t20fl. Tell me what you can pay down, balance $25 monthly. Mr. Fisher, with Interstate Land Jo,, IMS StarK St., Main 5421). IHTiOO ALAMEDA PARK HOME. Here Is your opportunity. Strictly mod rn home or 7 rooms: rpc. hal, rnrnire every modern convenience: white enamel throughout: on 20th near Bryce ave. inis is a real nargain. Tanor B441. tl3r,0 $440 CASH. Bal. like rent: 4-room bungalow with nam. iuu piumoing, gas, eiectrielty phone; only 1 blocks from R. C. car hoxioo lot: quick possession. Call Ta, nor 4.iU( for appointment. WEST SIDE. S.1.0. 6-room 2-storv house. 1mm than IS minutes" walk to center of city, near scnoois ana cnurcnes; some rurnlture nil improvements la ana paid for. Own er, -y- iuia st. $250 CASH. 5 rooms, bath, toilet, huilt-lns. fire place, cement basement; $3000; 2 block to car. .Mr. t isner, witn Interstate ' l.ard Co.. 248 Stark st.. Main 5429. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. " Motor out to 1164 Laurel hurst ave., near 3i)th st.. and Inspect the biggest bargain in city. Owner and builder. Main 3144. KEW Irvington bungalow, 6 large rooms, Casco furnace, garage ; strictly modern ; terms. Southwest corner 10th and Klick ltat. Open evenings 7 to 8:30. IRVINGTON CHARMING COLONIAL Built for home, ivory finish, oak firs., art paper, garage; choice- location, Neuhau ser. Main S078. BY OWNER. $500 cash, $30 month, buys 5-room bungalow; price $20H): worth $500 more: a beauty. 4909 64th st. S. E. KOlt SALE by owner Modern home of 7 rooms, built by dny labor; full cement basement, lot 50x100; part cash, balance terms. Phone Main 4122. TO BUY DUPLEX HOUSE OR FLAT SEE RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WILL sell 6-room mod-ern bungalow cheap if taken today. A. C. Bohrnstedt, Sew ard hotel. BUNGALOW Modern. 5 rooms, new ma il oga ny f urn i t ure ; $4500. 615 E. 64 th N. Tabor 736. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. BRAND NEW HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. SIX ROOMS. This bungalow is 2 blocks from Haw thorne ave. It has living room and din ing room in front of house. 3 bedrooms, bathroom with bet plumbing, kitchen with all built-ins. nice lighting fixtures, hardwood floors, tapestry paper in din ing room and living room; has built-in buffet, fireplace, bookcase, linen closet, cement basement: old Ivory finish; lot is 50x100. Price is $4SO0; terms. Have almost completed another 5-room and breakfast nook in same neighborhood. Price $4500. See R. S. McFARLAXD, Owner and Builder. Tabor 2740. HAWTHORNE 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. 50x100 LOT. $4200. 6 rooms, all on first floor, floored at tic, cement basement, wash trays, fire place. bookca-s and buffet; 50x100- lot, all Bt. imps, paid; 1 block to Hawthorne car; price $4200, terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 RY. EXCH. BLEK3. MAIN 6752. Suburban Homes. OREGON CITT CAP.LIXE. Pretty 34 acre home near car Una. Beautiful, modern 6-room bungalow. City water, hardwood floors, built-ins. Fruit and Berries. Choice soil. $5GtiO. Pretty, modern 5-room bungalow. Close to car and river. Lovely grove. Water svstem, fireplace and built-ins. Choice . -acre. Plenty fruit. $43o0. TMve-aere home. 1-3 mile from station. Good 6-room house and outbuildings. Large spring piped into kitchen. Good soil, plenty fruit. $4000. lH-acre home. 4 rooms and bath. Four blocks to car. Very neat. Weil equipped for chickens. Frnit. The price will suit. 3iOO. terms. Pretty little 5-room California bungalow. Bath, built-ins. gas: wired for lights. Choice acre, good well and garage. Only J2600. $U50 cash, easy terms. Choice acre, well-built 7-room house. Abundant fruit. Courtney station. $4200. lli-acre home, right on highway. Six-room, house, modern conveniences. $i500. Phone 11S-W. C E. APPLE. OAK GROVE, OR. SPANISH LOG BtTNGALOW. Hi acres of fine soil with lo'.s of frul'. lie fare. 40 minutes out. lots of shade trees, nice grounds and pergola; attrac tive bungalow with large living and din ing room. 1 bedroom and Dutch kitchen on first floor, large room upstairs; good electric light fixtures, fine fireplace: price $:i.-.0O. Joining this Is also lhd acres of loganberries that can be had very rea sonable. This is clore to electric sta tion. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLIN GER BLDG. COUNTRY HOME. On Hlllsboro electric line and paved highway. 10 miles from Portland, an 8 room modern home one year old. hard wood floors, gas radiators, built-in buf fet and bookcases. Dutch kitchen, den. 1 bedroom down stairs. 3 no: fine porce lain bath fixtures. 5i acres. 1 acre of heavy bearing loganberries. 1-3 acre raspberries. 250 bearing fruit trees, dou ble garage, fine barn, chicken houses and run. excellent garden and grain. $11,000. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. "ON FoiJRTNEY AVE.. ONE DOOR NORTH OF COURTNEY ROAD. Two-acre tract. Oregon City carllne. B0 minutes' ride; 3 blocks east of Court ney; sidewalk, electric lights and paved road: place highly improved, good mod ern 7-room house. 3 fireplaces, gas rector heating system, and laundry; city conveniences, flowers, shrubs, gar den and fruits, hay. cow, chickens, tools and furniture if desired. Owner offers it for $10,500. Leaving for Mexico to look after sugar plantation. Phone Oak Grove 131 W. Office. 826 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 1)74 BEAUTIFUL RIVER FRONTAGE. We are offering for the first time about 30 acres fronting on the Willam ette river. 22 miles south of Portland. The grounds are ideal, 13 acres are un der cultivation; small 'bungalow; im mense spring and fine trout stream of swift living water, beautiful trees; on main highway, close to electric station. Without doubt this Is one of the most beautiful places along the river. Owner is moving away and this property will be sold for $754K), terms. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Cham, of Com MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. 5 acres, near Garden Home, on good graveled road. Close to the highway. Plastered bungalow, with best of white enamel plumbing, full cement basement, furnace. Woven wire fencing. All under cultivation. Lots of fmit. Convenient to the station. Price $51100. $2000 cash. No apologies to offer on this place. Photo at office. Inspected by Nelson, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger Bldg. 10 ACRE SNAP FOR SOMEONE. 10 A. only 9 ml. from Courthouse on Columbia hiKhway. Best of soil, 5 A. cult, and In potatoes, balance very easily cleared. 40 bearing fruit trees. If you know values out this way you won't hesitate to Krab this at $3J00, easy terms. Let me drive you out and you'll say it's a real investment. Will con skier Rood home to J4000. P. tu Jesse. 027 Corbett Bids. Main 71 4 1. TIRED of help. What rent will you offer me for a a-room modern house, partly furnished, and about 4 acres of good soii. 7 miles from Portland, on hard surfaced street and one block to Oregon City car? Alo 7 A-l cows, large barn, milkhouse and new separator, horse and wapon and farm implements, mower, rake and other tools. Will lease for 5 years if desired. Also have small chicken ranch. Write Box 67, Portland. Or. 1 ACRE, 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. $250 0. New 5-room bungalow, Jut finished, extra well-built. 1 acre of fine ground, only 24 miles to city limits, owner must sell at once. Price only JUoOO, will take auto part payment. F. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5T Board of Trade Bldpr. 2 ACRES IMPROVED ON THE ST. CAR LINE. 5-room house, garage, chicken houses and Darks, family orchard, full bearing, some garden, all for $1400 cash. This is on paved roaa, i- miles out. jonnson, with STEWART & BUCK, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg1. 1 A. with good 3-rm. house and garage, Dlace covered with fruit, berries and garden truck. Near 2 car lines, only 40 minutes out. A real buy at $2200. terms. F. R. Jesse, Main 7141. 527 Corbett bldg. SAVE RENT BUY A HOME One-half acre, west slope Council Crest. 10 min utes to car: neat three-room cottaKe: city water, fruit, berries, garden, (low ers, chicKen run, Deautnui view; a bar g a 1 n. J 5S0. Oregon i an. REMARKABLE BUY ONLY $500 TERMS. Large homesite with sweeping view of Oswego laKe; water rignts, rock road, maples and dogwood. Only J50 down. Call 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line. from $1S00 up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign ' Aiaer btook. $1000 $1100 $1230 $1750 $2000 $2250. Coxy cottages, shades trees, acres.- ear- dens. Lake Grove and Bryant, Oswego LaKe. Alain du.z. jucf ariana, zua fail Ing bldg. 10 A. Base Line, close in. Bargain If sold this week. C. V. Smock, Marshall 2003. 6 ACRES. $2500; house," barn, orchard. Main 3672. Jlc arland. failing bldg. For Sale Acreage GARDEN TRACTS. On Red Electric line, quarter-acre tracts as low as $35 down and $10 per month ; city water, gas and electricity available. 7 cents fare. You can't beat this proposition anywhere around Port land. See Atchison, 204 Henry bldg. 10 ACRES located on main county rock road 3 miles south of Oswego. All in cultivation, family orchard in full bear ing, shack buildings. Soil the very best. Price $2600. Terms. JOHN E. HOWARD. 316 Cham, of Com. ONE-HALF ACRE. Five-room house, elec. lights, gas, city water, 20 fruit trees, berries and a good garden on paved road, near station, $2000, terms. Call Mr. Sletton, Main 5429. 3Va ACRES at Mount Zion cross roads, with city conveniences, fine location for coun try home with beautiful view; $7500, easy terms. John Bain (owner), 507 Spalding bldg. BARGAIN Excellent 15, near Vancouver; ideal location; good buildings; sacrifice. $3500. 141 East 69th North. Evenings. Tabor- 7055. BARGAIN 10 acres near Tualatin, light timber. Price $1250. Terms, $300 cash. E. J. Geiser, 417 Chamber of Commerce SACRIFICE Choice 20, near electric; buildings, best soil, crop Included, $3250. 141 East 69th N. Evenings. Tabor 7055. 60 ACRES rich soil, close in. fine timber. $3000. bail cash. AK 746, Oregonian, REAL ESTATK. For Sale Acreage. CHICKEN RANCH I am offering a choice 5-acre tract on improved county road near the Powell Valley rd.. for $580u. Has a good 5-room house, with private water system, including tank and pum-p. I am unable to take care of the pacs on account of poor health and must sell. There is a balance of $2750 at 7 per cent on my property which can be paid at $50 a year. I should like the rest of my selling price cash so that I may purchase a small place with the money. For particulars call on my attorney at 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. He will bring you out or direct you how to find my property. INCOME CHICKEN RANCH. 14 miles from Portland, Oregon City district. 8i acres, all fine land; 7 acres under cultivation; 300 fruit trees. 6-room plastered house, barn, chicken houses for over 1000 chickens. With the place go 500 laying hens and 400 March pul lets. 20 high-grade cockerels, crops and equipment: $2500 cash, balance on easy terms. Over $2500 worth of eggs have been sold off this place in the last 6 months. Marsters, with JOHN FERGU SON, GEHLI.NGEB BLDG. CUT FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. 10H acres, y, miles east of Gresham. fronting 200 feet on Section Line road and 1500 on Troutdale road. Fine soil, well located and priced at half what adjoining land has recently sold for. Splendidly adapted to fruits, berries and poultry. Owner in California says ell for $3000 cash. MacINNES & PRATT. 203-10 Oregon Bids. 5th and Oak. GRAB THIS ONE. 4 '4 Acres. 11 miles from Portland, l ive-room bungalow, modern, bath and J,- h.13" good barn, chicken house, 25x100; -oOO gal. storage tank, good well, engine Tor pumping water in house and barn and all buildings. Incubator and brooder, 5 fruit trees bearing, lots of berries, big garden and spuds. 4 tons hay cut: 3O0 V , rom Bta: everything goes for S5000. tZoOO cash. bal. terms RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. . 305 Oak st. 10 ACRES 5-ROOM HOUSE $1500 All good plow land. 4 acres in culti vation, balance easily cleared, fenced and cross-fenced; dandy 5-room celled house well at back door, good barn, nice fam ily orchard; 1 mile from station. 28 miles from Portland. You can't beat this place anywhere for the money; price $1500. terms $!lO0 cash, balance to suit I.UEDDEMANN COMPANY. 13 Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE SNAP. Good six-room house and 3 acres lo cated In thriving young town 16 miles from Portland, few minutes' walk from electric station. Land all in cultiva tion. 1 acre in fine bearing orchard, ill. afes in potatoes, lot of raspber II? ' i, .rn' BaraKe- chicken house, elec tric lights. City water available. Can nery close by. Price $.1000. JOHN E. HOWARD. 316 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE S acres of land, all cleared and fenced, 6-room house and large chicken house and other outbuildings Lots of fruit of all kind. One-half mile from highway. One-half mile to station. miles from Hillsboro. This is a time- 3'30" -0 can. balance on KERR & ERW1.V. Hlllsboro, Box 71. ONE ACRE 5-ROOM EUNGA LOW S2.125 Located near Buckley avenue and Pow ell valley road. 5-room bungalow, low ceilings, French doors and windows,' nice ?:i.: . i rice tor next 3 day 2525; terms. $1000 cash down, balanc nee ,aaUMaLie, aiso consider auto Pay. LUEDDMANN COMPANY. 13 Chamberof Commerce. part 1440 ACRES $4500 oFOR STOCK OR SHEEP. 800 acres deeded. 40 acres relin quishment, all in one body. Plenty of water year round. 60 acres In oltiva t on. more can be put in. A fine loca tion for sh.-ep. Half cash. MacINNES & PRATT 200-10 Oregon Bldg. 5th and Oak. 1! ACRES $1000 1! ACRES Chicken ranch on Pacific highway; neat house, barns, bearing fruit trees, ?" DP'''S. cherries. etc.; small neld for hay. garden and plenty of tim ber for wood on hillside, close to big sawmill; work the year around; will hold until August 1. Write Mrs. J. L. Irwin, box 140. Drain, Or BERRIES. BERRIES. BERRIES ive acres. .114 acres in berries 3 room house. Bull Run water, family orchard; berries bring you REAL MON 4.1 quick. How much do you pay for produce? What WUI 3 crea SVS PREXTTSS. n.( Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LOOfiEn-riJrii t i vnc ?' -o a,cre" UP. located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soli no rock, plenty of water; work nearby: buy on your own terms. Prices 20 to iUi per acre. LEUDDEMAVN CO., 13 Chamber of Commerce. 5 ACRES. HOUSE. 'BARN. vated land, fruit; no gravel or city as sessments; city water to be had mac adam road; 2 miles nearer Br adway and Washington than Lents. Why pay ?iS11vhw0rTf huvs?1and lnt farther out? 121ft N. W . Bank bldg. Main CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. twi Ver 500 8ma11 close to Portland, some on paved road clo to electric line; all have been?Perted Photos at office. JOHN FEHGrsiw GERLINGER BLDG. "GLSON. 7 ACRES HILLSBORO DISTRICT 55O0. ' wmehHvMl?11,leal ,ittle ranch n the Hillsboro district, with good modern ,.f, 7 r00"V c!oBe ir and near elec tric station This is an exceptional buy. oin T NEILAN & PARKHILL. 219 Lumbermen's Bldg,, 5th and Stark. 2000 YAMHILL COUNTY RANCH $2000 10 acres; $300 down. bal. $300 per runninc waipr -r-ru -m land, fine erasjt for nt'nr.u- mlna, not far from ihe new R. R build ing to the coast; will accept auto as first payment. 226 Chamber of Commerce SEACH REST BROS '"ummerce- FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND Write for map of western Washington SSi" locatlon. Price and term. Over 10.000 acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO Tacoma, Wash. " CLOSE-IN ACREAGE We have over COO small places, clone to Portland, some on paved road, close to electric line; all have been inspected Photos at office. JOHN FERGUSON' GERLINGER BLDG. A For sale f arms. FOR SALE 40 acres located 3 miles from gooa wuiamette valley town: first-class soil. 10 acres cleared, balance slashed jc..b .ku auu easy io clear; strong i " B""" "l "est oi water; land fenced: no buildings. Price $2500 Will KAVre,K.2odterms to right party. Owner A V 105. Oregonian. AT MAPLE WOOD $2500. xnree-quarter-acre and 5-room house and barn, chicken house, in garden, .fruit and berries; school and stores han- x o f.i iitre, auu cash, some buy. ' RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO 305 Oak st. ' 25-ACRE farm, 16 acres cleared. acres orcnaru, oia buildings. rood water. Five minutes' w-alk to electric station school, P. O., store; hard road out. Price $3500. V 532, Ore- 36 miles gonian oeannj appie orchard, level . . n. Daiance easy. Also 5 ac. level, fenced. :-cm well, $1250, $150 cash, bal. easy Both Anivo i run ana oerry land 1 mile vanim.u. v ftuw tuiuvaccu, zoo bear i irun trees, x V2 acres berries. 25 s t avi "I'uac, ji. w uou. water COW Price $30O0. Write G. W. Ludwig own. er. Oakland. Or. CAN YOU PAY $75 n mv v On 11 acres close to sta. highway store school? Work near by; price $1100, $75 DRAPER, 401 Board of T ra d e. LISTEN ! I will sell at a vr-vr -& able price 157 acres of the best Wiliam- cuc H.nej jjiiiu, oituttteu near Sale: vu mm unci. i Ji'Jiio r-itit or Writ FINE 40-acre farm, all stacked and cultivation; good buildings; fenced and 1-1 , hcb 11,1.0 miiu levei. .rood loamy soil ;in fact, a reai iarm. Phone oio-o-, vi ti,uii w u j- .d. iota st. jv. FOR SALE River-bottom farms close to gOOU town, 1 ui uaiiu, Willi Or With' out stock. Address owner, P 619 Or gonian. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN Rivruu-c near Portland, $75 to $100 per acre ev itrino . cui, uo iui Pttie, ail BlZet, MCf arianu. vo railing oiag. $500 PER ACRE 18 acres Tualatin val ley; good improvements. Main 3672 Mc Farland, Failing bldg. 40 ACRES, small house. 8 acres cleared very cneap. or particulars, write UALifUK.MA improvea zarms ns Q ramento for sale, terms. Write for list. 160 ACRES in North Unit Irrigation aim. trier; 46 acres cultivated. If interested wiiko uioi nvau luuci l, uaieway, Or REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. fHIS IS THE KIND OF SUBURBAN HOME THAT APPEALS TO EVERYONE. 22 acres, 16 miles from Newberg, in one of the nicest localities surrounding Portland; lots of retired business men and farmers own homes in sight of this place, which is one of the nicest among them. Has a nice 5-room plastered house with porches on three sides, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch, fine store house, with double walis, adjoining; lo cated In lir grove of about 1 acre; good barn and outbuildings, chicken house and park in oak grove, acres; entire place is fenced on three sides with chicken wipe; all balance of place is in crops; 64 acres of berries, set out this year; 60 large cherry .trees, loaded down with cherries; other'kinda of fruit for family use: fronts on good graveled road, w-ith all rural advantages; only a few minutes' walk to red electric station, cannery, store, etc. Price is $10.0uo, but you will say it is worth a great deal more. Will consider a well-located house in Portland to $4000 and $2000 cash, good time on balance. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg THIS 90 ACRES IS GOING TO BE SOLD FOR HALF ITS VALUE. Improved with good tt-room house, large barn, will hold 80 tons of hay and care for 40 head of stock; 2-story chick en house, hog house and other outbuild ings, all In fine condition ; 40 acres In high state of cultivation ; 15 more eas ily cleared; 15 in alfalfa, ready to cut: 10 good cows, bull and 10 head of yoang stock. 3 good horses, 22 hogs, shoats and pigs, good harness, wagons and all kinds of machinery and tools; new Ford touring car. household furnishings, lot of turkeys and chickens; everything complete'for only $7. Mm). Must have $4."0O cah. Personal property and Improve ments are worth more than you are paying for the place. Located In south ern Oregon, 3 miles from town, on good road. cloe to school, mall and cream route by the door; telephone In houe. You can look the state over and yod won't find a buy like this. STEWART & BUCK, 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. HIGH-CLASS RANCH. Over 50 acres, located on fine road that Is paved within half mile of place and will be paved by the place; 12 miles from center of Portland, southeast, half mile from station; best of soil, no gravel; 43 acres in finest crops, wheat. oatM, clov er and potatoes, which is included; good bearing orchard, fine 7-room plastered house, best of white enamel ptumbint, water svstem, small creek and oi.J spring, large barn 3xC0, hoghouse with water piped to it. Buildings, ali painted and in A-l shape. This Is only 30 min utes out. with paved road all the way. Offered at a bargain for short time. In spected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGU SON, GERLINGER BLDG. FINE ORCHARD AT BARGAIN PRICE. 50 acres in White Salmon district, all ' except building site in finest varieties of apples, all bearing; orchard has had best of care and is In excellent condi tion; very attractive buildings and sur roundings; place is fully stocked and equipped for operating, and should easily produce iiOM to ftooo packed boxes this season. Nonresident owners, unable to give attention to place, have authorized us to sell for $22,500. including this year's crop; will accept small payment down, and balance easy annual pay ments which can be made out of crop. This is an exceptional opportunity to ac quire a good Income orchard on easy terms. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. A REAL SACRIFICE. NEED THE MONSY BADLY. 40 acrea near Vancouver, Wash., 25 acres in cultivation, balance mostly stumps and brush. Fair set of buildings with spring water, piped in. Gas pump and pressure tank. Practically all level land. We need the money and will sell at a sacrifice price of $4000. Wouid ac cept $ 1000 in good clear property, and $loK) cash as first payment. Phone Broadway 30SJ. NEAR HILLSBORO, OREGON. 44 acrese. located on a good road; over acres unner cultivation and in crop, good orchard of 40 bearing fruit trees; woven and barb wire fences; all the land can oe cultivated, Daiance in neavy timber, about 0(0 cords of wood; 4 room house, barn and other buildings, telephone and all rural conveniences. There are 3 fine chicken houses and larir e brooder house. The place is well stocked and equipped. Price $65o0 for everything. Including the crop ; $25no cash, balance for 5 years at 6'. JoHN HERE IS A NICE LITTLE HOME TO RETIRE TO. 20 acres hear Damascus, all in crop; good family orchard, lots of berries for home use, some to sell; good 5-room house, barn and outbuildings. W ith th coea 150 Leghorn chickens. 75 of which are laying; nice team of mules, good cow, harness, wagon, disc, riding culti vator, Z plows, harrow ; all of t hese tools aro new, everything is Jn perfect condition ; house, clan and weil fur nished; furniture goes with place; every thing complete for $i5m. snme terms. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. THERE is a 50-acre farm, for sa.e. three miles from Carrolls. V ash. ; it nns a big barn and house built a few moniUs and It also has lots of water for o k and household use. There are about 12 acres of cleared land bm! tn balance all food for pasture-- With the farm we sell 30 chickens. 3 good cows. one heifer and 3 calves and about 8 jris of hay ; 1 acre of grown potatoes. acre or piantea com ana a good orcnaro e want for all $J.oo. Address or see M r. A. Fernandez, 86 N. Jd St.. P01 1- Iand. Oregon. 100 ACRES in foothills in Willamette val- lev. 4 Va miles from Bear Creek station S. P.' and store; 4-room bungalow with fireplace, large barn, big chicken house, goat fched; water piped to all buildings, which are in first-class condition; water also piped . into garden; young bearing orchard and small fruit : 5 acres In cul tivation. 25 in pasture, some fine timber; fenced and cross-fenced. A fine little home; $3000, terms. Mrs. Richard Hohlfeld. route 1, box S0-A, Junction City, Or. 40 ACRES, all In crop, beautiful 7-room bungalow, basement. fireplace. water svstem. electric lights in all buildings good barn, stanchions for 20 cows. 2 silos, all fenced; family fruit: mile from Independence, walking distance of Oregon state normal, on rock and paved road; crop goes. Price 14. 500. Will sell 20 Jersey cows and complete equip ment very reasonable. Address me or come at once to Salem, or. D. D. SOCOLOFSSLY. 341 State St. PRUNE RANCH BARGAIN, 20 acres, located 2 miles from good town in Clackamas county. Or.: 6 acres of bearing prune orchard 9 years old 1 4 acres strawberries. 9 acres of the place in fruit ; 4-room house, barn chicken houses. On the road that Ij being paved. Price $4600, $2S00 cash Brooks, witn JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. FOR SALE by owner, going stock and dairy farm of nearly 500 acres; 125 acres In crop and grass, -uo acres bottom land, 30 acres fenced nog-ti;nt; running stream all year, good house, large barn, about 60 head cattle and horses. 20 head hogs, poultry. 7-ton scale house, new B. L. K. milker, 2 new gas engines, ail necessary implements, excellent orchard on Pacific highway, near two R. R. towns; shipping point 1 milee; price $30,000, terms; part exchange possible. Address P 010, oregonian. 23 ACRES CLOSE IN. EASY TERMS. West side, 10 miles by machine 4th and Wash. About o miles Beaverton 13 acres under cultivation. Fine bear ing orchard, 5-room house, oak floors, fireplace. .JJeep ricn son, rree or roc or gravel. Every inch tillable. East em owner offers for $6000. Ixnmedi ate nossesslon. J. C. Corbin Co., 305-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. INCOME-PRODUCING FARMS AT GRESHAM. THE BEST FARMING SECTION IN OREGON. - On the paved highway, close to Port land; some good bargains in flocked ana equippea lanna, vuuuroan nomes. chicken ranches and berry lands. KRIDER & ELKINGTON. Gresham, Or. Telephone 17-X. FOR SALE My little Oregon ranch, cated at Wolf Creek, adjoins town. state highway. 33 acres. 2 acres in bear ing apples and peaches. 10 acres cleared bal. wood. woir creeK runs througl place; two beautiful springs; soil riches in valley: $3500. James Watson. 303 S, Hill st.. Los Angeles. Cat. BEAUTIFUL 11-acre suburban place, all in cultivation, good buildings, has ow water system, good orchard, finest garden land, fronting Columbia high way. 9 miles from Courthouse, price $12,500. $2500 to $3000 down, balance to suit. See Mr. Taylor, with L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. 240 ACRES irrigable, cultivated farm land In Sutherlln vaUey. Douglas county, ac quired by foreclosure of mortgage, for sale cheap a,nd on easy terms. Call at Seward hotel today or address A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonic temple. Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE 188-acre farm in famous Umpqua valley, near Drain. For par ticulars, addres Box 2. Drain, Or, BEAL KSTATK. For 6a1c -Farm. $4000 INCOME ALFALFA RANCH. MU ACRES. 25 acres in alfalfa. 6 In wheat, 6 In clover. 2 acres of cpuds. 25 acres of oats and wheat; small house and barn, chicken house, hoghouse. new cistern. 6ooo gal. big pond for stock; 65 acres water right p;iid. family orchard, big garden. 1 miles to R. R. sta., 4 miles to town, good roads; cheap at $72m, $3000 cash; will take Portland properly to $35ik tor balance. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak st. 60 ACRES on county road. 1 mile from school, 4 miles from S. P. depot and tore. 20 acres in grain. 20 acres In pas ture and 40 acres In commercial timber. 2 good springs, 1 large new barn; fenced and cross fenced. $4200. Terms. OSCAR ARNOLD, Route 1, Box 39A, Junction City. Or. HAPPY; VALLEY. 40 ACRES ni SACRIFICE. Rich, loamy soil, 6 miles from Port land, excellent roads, onl? $tMH0: for full particulars Fee F. O. Bird. 520 Cham ber of Commerce. Marshall 1022. LOGGED-OFP lands, $10 acre up; running water; good soil, i tillable; employ- "" ierma. j. xi. snarpe, 63 i 3d. WA.VTf.n REAL ESTATE, OVER $1. SOU. 000 WORTH of Homes Sold Since January 3, 1920, by FRANK L. McGUIRE, Largest Home Sellers oa the Pacific Coast. Have you a house to sell? Try THE McGUIRE SYSTEM, which has won an International reputation and established a national- record for home selling, bo cause It is THE ORIGINAL. SUPERIOR. SCIENTIFIC, MODERN METilOU OF HOME SELLING. OUR RECORD. 809 homes sold last year. homes sold in one day. 310 homes sold In May. 5SO homes sold to date this year. Your house is sold if listed with vs. We personally INSPECT, APPRAISE and PHOTOGRAPH it within 24 hours after listing. The photograph of jour home will be displayed in our great display room, wrich t cintinualiv thronged with EARNEST HOME BUYERS. If you can' t home down,, telephone; we'll gladly call. Our only charges are the standard commission of 5 per cent in the event of a satisfactory sale ; IS experi enced salesmen with autos to work, on the sale of your home. See ' FRANK. L. McGUlR To Sell Your Home. AbJngton bldg. Main 1069. 106H 3d st.. between Washington and Stark. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC S. O. S. We expect to sell 50O houses by the end of this year and are hav ing calls every day that we cannot supply. Bring in your listings and we will look them over, and if priced right we can make you 'quick sale. Have several competent Ealesmen on hand with autos to show property, hncs can get quick action. Do not delay, as we have actual buyers waiting and, need your listing. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 514-20 Swetland Bldg., Phone Marshall 399. READ THIS! Have you a lot to sell? List with us for results. Now is the time to sen. Ask for J. L. Richardson, LOT DE PARTMENT, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, To List Your Lot. Abington Bldg. Main 1063. Third St., Between Wash, and Stark. WE HAVE clients waiting ror nomes from fjuwo to xiooo; good first payment. If your property la for saie call at our office or phone. O. W. T. MUELLHAUPT A CO.. C. E. Adams. 407 U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Broadway 3a 08. WANTED 5 or 6-room bungalow or house on hast faiue. bounded by Burn side and Hawthorne Ave.. ::.th St.. or West Side, 14th St and Yamhill, south to College. All cash, must,- have house tomorrow. AG 74. Oregonian. HAVE many clients for homH. city and suburban. If you have a place for sale ana prne la not inflated, phone POIND ENTER. 2oS SELLING BLDG, MAIN liSUO. RESIDENCE EAST 0771 WILL pay all cash for lot and house Btore building on Union Ave., between Russell and Alberta Sts. Room IVa, waan .st. CASH BUYER. We want the beet buy in a 5-room cot tage or bungalow that $3000 cash will ruy. can Main 7.a. WANT 5-room strictly modern house, cor ner lot, Hawthorne or other good dis trict, up to $4000. $1000 Cttbh. Box 77, Arieta. WISH to secure bungalow in Irvington or Aiameaa, if possible ; must be modern. give run aescription. Ah. 44, oregonian. HOUSE wanted for 1O0 acrea of good land minion timber; .; miles out; Jo00. .Last b-i-'S. .Mrs. smith. WANT house for lot In Ladd's add. as part payment. J. C. Corbin Co., 305-6-7-8 Lewis Bldg, WANT to purchase modern 7-room house, iaureinurst; ueai witn owners. T 532, regon ian. WE WANT to purchase 5-room, modern oungaiow. ttose city park, mean busi news. AK 747, Oregonian. PURCHASER is looking for 5 or 6 rooms Sunnyside, modern; deal with owner. A in l, Oregonian. WANTED To buy good home in good a isE.nct. w nat nave you ; t uso, orego nian. WILL, pay cash for a 50x100 lot in a good district; must ue pneeu ngnt. Call Auto. D-4-1 4. WANT mrern 5-room bungalow. Rose jiy rarK, to mow. .Main u4JV. Farms Wanted. WANTED To rent, good farm; would buy stocK ana equipment. Hancliy uros.. . Aiuany. or. FOR RENT FARMS. DAIRY WITH STOCK. AND EQUIPMENT. 20 acres. 10 cultivated, small famllv orchard. 6-room house, barn for 20 head of cattle, water piped to liou.se and barn ; 18 head A-l cows worth $2700; 3 horses worth $600; S hogs worth $150; $50O worth of hay in the barn; all necessary farm Implements; about 5O-O0 acres out-range of white clover and wild vetch. The milk check here is over $400 monthly. Free hog feed from ho tels and restaurants. Everything lor $5500. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. FA R M FO R RENT. 140 acres, 35 acres In oats, 4 acres In potatoes; good family orchard ; 5-room house, barn for 75 tons hay. 20 cows, 5 horses, all for $1200. Including rent to Feb., 1021; lease for 3 years at $200 per year; this place is about 6 miles from Springdale, in the hills on mall and cream ruote; finest kind of outrange, dandy stock farm or dairy proposition. Johnson, with STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR RENT lOO-acre tract about 2 miles from Sherwood. About 20 acres clear and has house and bam. This would make a good chicken ranch. It Is near ' a good surfaced highway and about an hour's ride to Portland. Phone Tabor Mi 04. SO-AC RE garden land, on Columbia high way. 0 miles from Courthouse, lease 5 to 10 years. See Mr. Taylor, with L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. SO NEAR Oregon City ; considerable pas ture, fruit; rent November. 1921, $350. 141 Eaat 69th St. N. Evening. Tabor 7055. SO NEAR Oregon City; considerable pas ture, fruit: rent. -November, 3o. 141 E. 00th K., evenings Tabor 7005. TIMBER LANDS. 9Uxl0 SEATTLE DONKEY. 1400 feet 1 inch line. 3800 feet -inch line, two Tommv Moore blocks, all other neces sary blocks, chokers, yarders and small tools; price S'jooo. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce Main 3020, WANT man to take contract to put In 25,000 ft. of logs dally; equipment fur nished; long Job. J 036. Oregonian. WANT bridge plank and timbers. Davis, 509 Lumbermen's bldg. WANT man with some money to Join me In good country mm. a oa-. oregonian PILING WANTED ABOARD S. P. O. V. GAMBLE, Couch Bldg., Portland TO EXCHAXGr-REAl ESTATE. WILL trade 10 or more lots, all cultivated, summer house, storeroom and chicken house, city gas. for modern house, equity, balance cash or wjll assume. Write to Box 45. Oak Grove. Or. 34 LOTS, S. E. cor. 43d. Division. Value $20,000 want hotel, apt. house. Portland or good live town. J. H McMahon, 2606 East 43d st. Tabor 5361. WILL sell very cheap or trade for acre age or an automobile. 5-room plastered house. 1 block from Mt. Scott car line. Phone Sell wood 737. inn a I . A V It m rtit h rtf Hon rl rlenr of incumbrance; will exchange for city i GRAFONOLAS for rent with records. K tri or suburban property; might assume. Call Pre Transfer Co., 254 Broadway. Bdwy. owner. Tabor 6034. 1 1. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. GOING FARM FOR PORTLAND HOME. 72 acres S miles from Camas. Wash.. 35 acres In cultivation, good 6-room house, barn 72x50. chicken house, out buildings, stream and spring. Fenced with woven wire; 10 head oi cattle. 10 heep 1 brood sow. 15 ehlckens. all farm implements. Only $6000: will take home up to $3500 and long time on bal ance at fi per cent. See MacINNES & PRATT. 200-10 Oregon Bldg.. 5th and Oafc. 6-ROOM house located 2 blocks from Mt. oott car line to trade for farm. Lot 80x105. Abundance fruit and shrub bery. House in good repair. Price $-'5K). Owner will trade this place In on farm valued at $t0'" and assume a mortgage not over $3500. Mr. Ackley. Main 7141, 527 Corbett Bldg. BY OWNER WHEAT LAND. 4S0 acres, all under cultivation; $30 per acre; fair buildings; not in crop this year; incumbrance $12 per acre, mortgage running three years, 6f:t; will consider good Port' and or Seattle resi dence, bal. terms to suit. Address G 5i!t, Oregonian. $3500. $1400 CASH. 5-room bungalow, fireplace, built-in bookcase, buf ftt. complete kitchen. Ra Do svstem of heating, on hard surface street, ail liena paid. Want close -in acreage. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. ACREAGE FOR HOUSE. Will assume $200O and give 10 acres of Tillamook Co. acrea ge, worth $ UH'0. as first payment for house worth the money. A. W. ESTES. 000 Chamber of Commerce. Main "15. HAVE moved to city, must dispr.se ot tnj line rami or l5 acres, hishiy lmprovtd ; stocks, crops and machinery; this is no Junk, and if you have not got good property do not bother mo. 1 am the owner. Phonw Sunday, Tabor 22S5, week days Main 6419, for appointment. FORD touring car wanted for my equity In b-room house, good location: several good fruit trees : balance due $640. $ Hi per month and 6 per cent interest. Phone Columbia 1239. 120 ACRES Yamhill Co.; 30 in cultivation; all fenced; small bldgs., close highway; $50 per acre; will avcept city property to $G00O, bal. time. Owner, 732 Putt on road. Main 30. FOR SALE or exchange. 25 acres IS miles Irom Lugene; price $210O; free of in cumbrance; want house and lnt in de sirable d istrict ; will ussume. East 5S00. Mrs. McLeod. 423 E. ltith st. N. A NICE, modern four-rcom house to ex change for a I arm between 5i and PHI acres, within 50 miles of Portland, in Oregon. Address yi E. tiiuh st. N., Portland. A NICE level wheat farm In Canada and some timber land south of Portland for home in Portland; will accept late model car as part payment. East N 4'0. TWO tine quarter blocks, pa ved. on car :tne, value $t.oo, mtg. $2.. exchange for farm, acreage, high-class automo bile or apt. house. East 622 S. 30-FOOT motorboat fully equipped. 25 h. p. motor, targe boathous-e. win traae lor timber land or real estate or Seaside property. Add res AV 1 Oregonian. 10 ACRES close to Vancouver, on fine highway, for equity furnished or unfur nished bungalow ; will assume or pav cash. Write to Box 45, Oak Grove. cr. FOR SALE or exchange. 2U acres of Til lamook land, value f 750 ; want city lot, light car or small truck of equal value. Call 645 Clinton st. or phone Sell. 70 lull CHEVROLET delivery, used but lit tle, for mna!l.houe, close-in acreage or lot. East 022s. owner. TO KX CHANG F MISCKtLANKOl'8. WANT small cottage built at Saltalr Tillamook Beach . Will exchange choice tots Jn same tract for labor and material. Address D 1&7, Oregonian. WANT Ford bug. a tent. ..'IS automatic pistoi, field glasses or cabinet Edison phonograph for $350; Graflex camera, the kind reporters and particular pho tographers use. Evenings at oOOO 40th st. S. K. Take Woodstock car. 0 IX Dallmeyer portrait lens. 18-in. focus, in -new condition, for 5x7 camera. wi,th an-astigmat lens equipment. Evenings, .V.Mni 4titn st. S. E. Take Woodstock car. FOR SALE. IIor-M, Vehicles, LlvetoCK. 3 OuOU young fresh cows, one of them fresh with calf; giving better than 4 gallons per day; liulstein and Jersey. 3 yrs. old, giving 5 gal. per day; one Jer--y-Guerp.ey. coming fresh Sept. 13. giving now 3 gal. per day; also 2 teams of good work horses, weight 25oo uud :00o lbs., harness and waon, very rea sonable, 'lake Woodstock car to 31 11, ft blocks N. to U!tO Powell alley road. Phone Sell wood 717. TEAMS of good young work horses, weight 2500 and 3(oo lbs., with harness and wagon; also a light orchard or farm team, price t5. Take V oodstock car to Greenwood ave.. 0 blocks north to 000 Poweil ValU-y road. BIG Durham cow. fresh; 1 purebred Jer sey; 1 Wilkes pony, gentle lor any boy or girl, 4 ynarB old, for sale cheap. One block t-outh S. P. depot, Milwaukie; Ore gon City car. Henry Smith. FOR SALE 7 head of perfectly gentle work horses which have been used in th city, single and double, foe the past 4 years. Fashion Stables. E. 11th and Klandfrs. FOR SALE or trade, good team of work horst s. w eight about 1000 lbs. ; w agon and harness. 040 E. Lombard at., near 11th. FEW more of our transfer horses and their harness must go; trucks have taken their places; all horses guaranteed. 1020 E. Yamhill st. $225 TEAM,-2000 pounds; almost new 34 Bain farm wa:ron and harness. Guar anteed good workers. Atlas Woodyard. 327 Front. FOR SAL.E One span of horses, worth about $320. harness awl wagon; 1 span of mules worth about $2S0, wagon and harness. Call freliwooa 34bO, Monday. FOR SALE Thirty-five registered Shrop shire March and April ram lambs; $-0 each. Hoin.an Fuel Co., 4 5th st. FOR SALE - good Belgian stallions, one 2 years old, one 3 years old. C. Min singer. 210 Board of Trade Bldg. DEAD stock removed quickly; cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukie 6i-J for service. FOR SALE A team of horsei. w eight about 2uo; bearocK price. $130. call East Flanders and 22d st. Aut. 220-31 FOR SALE Saddle pony, young, sound gentle; weight about 600 lbs.; cheap. Col. 1170. Ff.R SALE New set douoie buggy hi ness, $60. Ho. man Fuel Co., l4 5th st. LARGE pastures for rent near Portland Main 83. DEAD horse, animals hauled away free. Portlana itena .ring .o.. w ooaiawn zu. DEAD HORSES taken quickly; dead cows. Tabor 4203. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6366. FOR SALE good young Hereford bul.s. C. Minsinger. 210 Board of Trade Bldg $45 HORSE, 1100 pounds, sound and gen tie, single or double. 327 Front. FOR SALE 2 good fresh family cows. Ed. Damian, Gresham, or. WILL take stock in pasture. Roth Standler, Troutdale, Or. R. 1. box 3. FINE fan-ily cow for sale. Wdln. 4755. Pianos, Organ and Musical Instruments. STEIN WAV. Steinway & Son upright, a real gren uine bargain, equal to a new one; $500, terms given. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th St., bet. Washington . and Alder. FOR SALE Mahogany case Zow upright piano, not standard make, but sweet tone, practically new: 524; leaving city must sell. Apt. 2. Morton apts. Call after 6 P. M. Marshall 2. 04. VICTROLA, WANT PIANO. Trade your old piano for new Vic trola and records. Best proposition, Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Main S3Sti, VICTROLAS. VICTOR RECORDS. Exclusively VICTOR DEALERS. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co. 125 4th St., bet. Washington and Alder. PIANOS WANTED. Best cash price paid for used pianos. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Main S3b6. SPOT CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. TABOR 679S. 128 1ST. MAIN 4495. PORTABLE telescope Bilhorn organ, good tone : -t", Bargain. ua Aomgton blag. afternoon. BEACTIFL'L almost new high-grade Behning piano very cneap. lei. Las 21 by evenings ana aunaays. CABLE &. SON upright, $185, good con dition. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st.. bet. Washington and Alder sta WANTED A piano; will pay cartace and store for use of same: no children; first floor: best of cafe. Broadway 1207. Player-piano wanted. Will give Tillamook Beach lots for a good player. Write BJ 802. Oregonian. FOR SALE. Pianow, Organs and Musical Instruments, PIANO RAR(",A1NS. $1S5 and up. We have the best pr!ces on used pianos. Look elsewhere, then se our bargains and you will be con- inceu. wrnw given. STEIXWAY & SON. a snap tA BLK & SON. good condition. BAT LEY. mahoganv, plain case . BOLLERMAX & SON. oak case. .$15 .$25" nAitvAKU, plain mahogany GR AMER iutmSwJ5aiiy $300 . .5275 bogany $300 And others. PUVER BARGAINS. INn ERbAL Flayer, with rolls and bench $425 HOWARD Mannalo Player, latest stylo, like nw J5T5 DECKER & SOX 60 -note, good con dition $300 SEIBERLINrt-LLVAS MUSIC CO. 4h St.. bet. Washington and Alder. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT JiimaI1 uPriPht pianos. Jb. and...$ 75 .i00 bray & Co. uurielit niATin. rash 110 f; Haliet & Iais upright piano. 145' ;r "uiuiara uprijsnt piano, casn. V'5 Vavi's Son "priRht piino, cash 215 z? f ranklyn Piano Co. piano, ca.h 240 .-50 Kimball Co. upright piano, cat-h 2i5 .0 Mendenhall pia'-er piano, cash. 3,5 J arlor organs, $!;, $35, $3S and -15 Phonographs $i?. $35, r,r. and i5 Pianos, stured, bought and sold for cath. lu- luth st., corner Stark St. THE SCHWAN PIANO CO OFFERS tins week: $(.,0 Steinway & eons upright. $315 JM0 Kranich & Bach upright. 33 .j0 Conover oak uprtgnt 315 $J.5 Use A Sons ebonv upright.., 235 J.0 Kimball Ac Co. upright grand.. 345 $! Mclntyre & Ooodseil upright.. 245 $-5 cash and J7, t. lo, $12 monthly, lol loth st.. st Washington and S.ark. ir0 BRUNSWICK. like new $12o $175 Columbia, the latest..... 140 Gabler, fine, fine tone 215 Kranich & B.ish. $550 value... S3S lvrrs & Pond, litti used 3ti7 $S7o Sohmer upright, periect.. t&7 HAKOL1) S. GILBERT, 3i4 Yamhill fat. CHICKERIXO. Chlckerini? Concert Grand, used In private home. Just as good as new. A real bargain. $0oo. See it and be con vinced. Se 1 ber ling-Lucas Music Co., 125 fn st.. bet. Washington and Alder. A HAWAIIAN bona harp. $50, or $'; also a brief case, S. .Broadway 1273. worth 575 ,03 N. 23d. Furniture for Sale. CAMPERS ATTENTION. Edison Amberola talking ma ch me and 40 records, the n liuie outfit for $32.50. MISH FURMTTRE CO.. 1SS-100 1st fit. I WILL receive bids on mv- I'urniiuro, car pets and It mm of 73 rooms and also kitchen and dining room wart-, 20-1 00 1 oar ana back bar. 1 J 5iti-ib. safe, 3 snow cases, desk, 3 retrigeratort, gas plates. Kenton hotI, Kenton. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight In our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Uisoa Transfer He Storage Co., 248 Pine st. oai.c rurniture, excellent condition; iiuiincr-i'aweu soli a oaK. dining srt, leather seat chair... Axin. Jtxlj rug. oak rocker, princess dresser, larye gas range. " 1 l-. con o ri ri. HANDSOM E carved mahogany bookcase ; also manogany desk with glass front an. shelves above, chair to match. Tel. E 1SH.V r .(. . rooms 01 lurmture Just like new at a bargain price. Apt. for rent. Call today ai. -1- carruinura st., apt. It, Bdwy. NEW massive tapestry davenport. 2 chairs 10 matcn, reasonao.e. lil give maker name for reierence. East 2305. 4-ROOM flat for rent; furniture for sale from 4 P. M. to cheap, flat 3. Call lJ. M. 22S Hall st , west sill, front h bfcb&FRIMt and mattress, princess dress er, washsfcand. 2 chairs and ix!2 rug, etc.; no ieulers. 154 E. 2s th st. N. FLKMTLKE of four-room Hat for sale or rent furnished. 431 Miss. car. Ltrrabee MAriLMiA.N 1 furniture for saie in a 3-room apariinent. .o oetter can be bought Call -Main 4318. . OFFICE FURNITURE, u?ed oy novern ment. now ou sale at Pacific Stationery e rnnuus vo.. iut .a si. tOK SALE t urniture of 3 rooms and flat for rent- Call after 5 P. M. M. J. Lang niiuf-ii. ozi V3 i'fi:iy st. 3-PIECE bedroom set with springs, birch woo-n, oiu style, price $10. Phono East iilMO. FURNITURE of 7-room hou.e, all com. condition; house can be rented. Broad way 332. OK bAl.h Arcadian malleable -steel range. 1 ni uire 1 fc.ast -.Uh st. S. EXCELLENT A. 11. gas range for sa K-itl E. Sherman. Sell wood "J5S 4. FOR SALE Vuican gas good baker; $1S. 140 K. 47th 1 'U KNITL'K E of 7-ror.m house, with K steady boarders; hous-e for rent. E. 70sl Ox 1 2 AN MINSTER rug, Persian design. $50. Main 4lu. FIVE-ROOMS furniture for saie complete, no dealers. 1044 E. :th St. N. 5-ROOM bungalow. rent.$30; furniture for pie : leaving city. Jlurry. v din. 13j. Office FurniturcX 3 ROLL-TOP desks. 1 roll-top t. w. desk. 1 t. w. desk. 1 bookkeeper's desk. 2 safes. 2 rotary bookcases, low size bookcases chairs and filing cabinets. Huh hong . A: Co., tl Park st. Potiltr. FOR SALE 30 pure White Leghorn chicks 0 w k s . old, 50c each; aU 23 W hue Leghorn hens $1 each. Main H2 i2. BARRED ROCK, chicks, today, lT.c each. 20O K. I. Rd chicks. July 27, 23c each. .1. R. Magulre. 77 Oregon -st. K.ist 105. 2a S. C. WHITE Leghorns, one year old. Tiincred str:tin. $1.25 each: heavy luyers. Marshall 4o31 or Main 3272. Do, KaLbitH. Birds, Pet Motk. CHOICE Airedale puppies. 2o up. Bun Farm. Lents. Or., el 7. R, No. 3 LenLS. Automatic 4322. THOROUGHBRED English bloodhound, female, in season. Sell immediately. Call at 215 Swetland bidg.. Dr. Haynie. CHOICE Scotch Collie pups, nicely marked. C. E. Apple, Oak Grove,- Or. I'hone 1 13-W. FOR SALE Boston terrier puppies, beau tifniiy marked. Tabor 292. NINE geese for sale. Call at Kellogg or phone Col. 1017. YOUNG St. And re a s berg singers and fe males for sale reusT.ahle. 37 E. fr3d N. VOL' NO parrots Bdwy. 2ol6. for sale cheap. 533 Johnson st. FOR SALE White Persian kitten ife male. Phone Main 635S. FOR SALE 1 Boston male puppy. 304 Ru-msdde st. BEAUTIFUL talking parrot for sale cheap. Main 0125. Laum-nr and Boats. $1050 FOR sale. 6-room modern house boat, furnished; moorage rent $ti.7. must be seen to- be appreciated ; $500 cash will handle. BROWN & BIDDLE. 324 Ry. Exch. bldg.. 31 and Stark. TROLLING boat for sale. 3fl-ft. by 10 ft. with 10 H. P. L. nion engine. 2 years old. must sell account of health; best of season left to pay for boat, easy. Ask for terms. Box IfS. Ilwaco. Wash. FISHERMAN, ATTENTION! Fish trap for sale,, complete with gear. Already tarred and ready to drive ; will sell boat too. A sacrifice. AV 1110, Ore gonian, FOR SALE Troller regal engine. 14 h. p. f ul J v equipped, terms. Foot of East Morrison St. Bridge. Main 7t40. FO R S A LE 3 7-foot tro'l boat, oak ribs, sound hull. 27-H. P. engine. J. R. Eublch, Fort Columbia. Wash. 3-ROOM HOUSEBOAT, foot Hamilton ave. Call Sundays before 5 P. M., or week days after 5 P. M. J. Bragg. GooD flat-bottom boat for sale cheap Phone Tabor 402. Machinery. AIR COMPRESSORS, AIR TANKS. U. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety valves, coupling and automatic switches, every thing for the air line. AIR COMPRESSOR ai EQUIPMENT CO. Broadway 3300. 220 Couch st. Typewriters. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments. Send for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co., 321 Washington st. UNDERWOOD and Remington typewrit ers practically new. D. C. Wax. 31 N. 5th St. Bdwy. 2730. UNDERWOOD and Remington typewriters, $3.50 a month. Empire Co., 254 Broad- way. Bdw y. 155. VISIBLE machines, year guarantee, J0. The Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. 304 Oak st. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark. Main 14o7. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. tf4 Fifth. Main 3ttti$. UNDERWOOD, No. 3, cheap for cash; will take liberty bonds, A 124, Cregouiao, Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale. rent, exenange. vv e are excius.ve dis tributors of Corona portab.e. $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies for all makes. E. W. PEASE COMPANY. 110 Sixth street. Main 2255. Do AN E GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER A" m9 rhauled; expert mechanic. Ma'n 3!'7. Supplies, 2 OiiK St. Miscellaneous. ARMY RETAIL STORE. Fifth and Pine Streets. All of the meat allotted bv the government to this d. strict has been sold, and It has therefore be come necessary to discontinue this feature from the store, and to close out the meat market, equipment. The following articles are offered at most reasonable prices for a quick sale; 1 Tee box. dimensions 5 ft. 2 In. by - ft. by S ft., in&ide mea surement. 40 liutcher's aprons. 0 -Meat blocks. 3533. 1 Meat block. 30x30. 2 Glass counter top cases. 2 1 4-inch cleavers. 13 doz. Meat hooks. 2 lrip puns. 2 Block scrapers. 1 Steel rake. 2 Toledo scales. 1 SauMge grinder, 6 Paper cutters. ARMY RET ATT STORK, Fifth and Pine Streets. DOLAN WR FXTKTNC? ft CONST. CO. 19TH TO 20-TH WASHINGTON STS PORTLAND. LUMBER FROM GRANDSTAND SHRINE CON V E NTIO N. 15n,OoO FT. 2i 6. KOTC H AND SUR7 3 30.OOU FT. 2xlO. Kol GH AND SURF. l.o.ooo FT. lxs AND 1x12 KuL'GH AND SI'RF. AT A BARGAIN THIS WET-TK TO MAKE WAY FOR BIG JOB. LARGEST DEAL ER IV BUILDING MATERIAL. ON THH COAST. YARD AT 10TH AND WASH INGTON STS.. PORTLAND. OREGON. DJ LA N WRECKING & CONST. CO. BICYCLES. Make your cwn term and pay as you ride. DL'BANT) CYCLE CO., 02 Broadway. LARGE ICE BOX. TnsMe dimensions 5 ft. 2 In. by 6 It. by JS ft. An excellent box fir a meat market. Must be dis posed of at once. Inquire superin tendent. ARMY RETAIL STORE, Fifth and Pine Streets. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for ali makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 943L E W I N G M A C H IN E EM POKI UM, 100 Third St.. near Taylor. NATIONAL cash register, small an-1 Iarg one, round-corner cast, candy and cigar cases, wall case, la rg and small sffe, ire box, electric coffee mill, gas rang-1, Toledo scale, at racrifice price. iU2 Salmon. H OT - WATER tanas. SO-gal.. $7: 40-gal., $9; tested and guaranteed: stove and furnace coils, gas heaters Installed; ex pert plumbing. repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adorns st. East b51i. SA FES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. NORR1S SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Main 2045. LEAKY roof, eh! Very aggravating Indeed. Why rot a permanent and comfortable roof? We repair, rubber bond and reju venate ail kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Phone Main 5.".tlo. ioR SAL1-; Alexander Hamilton modern business course; includes '4 vols, and 2 years' course; .-a me as new; will sell $5u below new price; must sell at ,nw t-u Sell. 35: SHOP and yard equipment including punches, shears, drills, jib-cranes, chain blocks, grinders, anvils, forges, etc. Co lumbia Shipbuilding Coi p.. foot of Mea de st. Ma rstia 11 4 33. ELECT RIC irons, appliances. dot.r-beI:s. vacuum cleuners repaired ; f ixt urc-s t e wired. We call and deliver. Woudlawn 12oi or Hnt 40-15. Foil SALE Lady's mahogany brown duvel n drss. embroidered ; size 34 or 3ti; new this spring; cost $125; will fell lor 1 5o. Call room 4o7 HoLet Benson. FOR SALE Loganberries in patch, cheap. Bring con t a incr. MRS. K. Mr SHAW. Route 3. Box 27. Oregon City. SNA 1 Photographer Eastman camera. fcxio. good tor inside or outside work; Goetz Dagoi lens. I'hone or address Be 11 J. Ansel mo. 24 j Alder st. Main 3-17. NEW "SINGERS," $5 down. S3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON-STREET SINGER STORE, S2 Morrison. Marshall 721. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE AND SUPPLY CO. Broadway P.Miti. 4- Front St. ROYAL ELECTRIC CIJiAN E RS for rent, $1.5o per day, delivered. Tne Electric Maid Snop, 133 Tenth st. Broadway 4u24. "Let the Electric Maid do your work." OFFICE f urnit ura from Columbia river ship building corp.; desks, chairs, add ing machines and comptometer. U. C. Wax. 31 N . 5th St. Bdwy. 2730. BING and Lambert cherries, cracked from rain ; good for canning. Pick what yuu want at Oc. M. L. Smith. Milwaukie, 4 biock N. of Ring St., on 32d. CH E RR1 ES Royal Amies, liings and Lamberts. M t. Tabor car to 73d. 1 block north. Bring your buckets and pick at 5c a pound. CH ERKIKS foi Royal Annes, 'ol. s.!t. sale. Black Binga a nd Sc a pound on the tree. ROYAL ANNE and black cherries for sale, io cents a lb. 1&3J Peninsula ave. Take St. Johns car. FOR SALE Velvet rug. slightly used, h feet by 10-6, at right price. Cail Room 2Q2. H ippodrome b ldg. STANDARD computing scale. National cash register. Royal electric coffee grind er. 4."HJ0 Otith St- S. E. EDEN elect, washer, cost $143 few months ago; must sell at once. $05. M 5S7. Ore goniaru FOR SA LE Shingles, red cedar and yel low fir. delivered anywhere at whole sale price Phone Broadway 233y. WE SELL LADIES' USED APPAREL In our home in Laurelhurst: prices right. 1132 East Glisan st. Tabor 2S25. KODAK3. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko- gaks- Sandy's. 32t Washington st. BILLIARD and pocket Billiard tabiea. showcases, wall cases, fixtures; terms. W. J. Quigley. 300 Hawthorne. East 123. OFFICE FURNITURE, u.eed by govern ment, now on sale at Pacific Stationery & Printing Co.. 107 2d st. FOR SALE Furnaces, J105 and up. Get our prices before you buy. Aider Sheet Metal Works, Broadway 2030. .NEARLY HALF PRICE 1 safe, steel fil- ing case, office desk, computing scale, check writer. 306 Oak st. CHERRIES Royal Ann, Bing and Lam bert on trees; choice. Tabor 1U30. 17i2 Division st. CASH registers, safes, floor cases, ice box. scales, wall cases, other fixtures. on terms. 242 Salmon, " MURPHY WARDROBE TRUNK. 41.-, ft. in height; must dispose of cheap. 1435 Grand .ave. N. Take Wood lawn car. FOR SALE Cheney phonograph with rec ords; Queen Anne design; price right. M ust be sold. Woodlawn 4275. PRIVATE LAW LIBRARY FOR SALE OR TRADE. CASH OR TERMS. FOR PAR T1CULARS PHONE MAIN 4711. PIS cherries and black Lamberts for sale at 0730 50th Ave. S. E. Phone Tabor 1453. FOR SALE Cedar fence posts, iarge size; get a car load. H. Goodrich, K. 3. box 4 OA, Lenta. Or. 000 CORDS wood adjacent Oregon City; or hire hauled 240 rods. 141 East 00th N. Evenings. Tabor 7055. ONE PAIR of white kid lady's shoes, size 4-4-c, worn once, cost 14, seJ for $5. Woodlawn 1337. FOR SALE Royal Anne cherries, trees. 9c picked. Tabor 570. FOR SALE Pond-hand brick and lum ber. Main 2670 ALL-WOOL hand-knit led pink sweater for sale; size 3S: price $23. Bdwy. 2-S-. Safe 30x20-ln., Hsrring-HaU-Marvin make; has inside door. AP 700. Oregonian. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sal. Pacific Tent & Awning. 1 N. l;t at. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding; machine, showcase 43 1st st. nw A so.