18. THE MORNING OREG ONIAN, SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1920 ron KENT. iDfurnlHura Apartmenu. FOR RENT 4-room apartment and store, wish to rent toother. S-o ; good location for store at Kelly st. Take Fulton car to Flo er st. IN PRIVATE home. 2 desirable rooms, kitchen partly furnished. reasonable rent. 1J04 Francis ave. Phone Sell Q.0. li ItL1 U V Vr.,,,rv tin fiiTTi RIlL 1 t O - children; $35. Waverly Court, K. 2Uth , and Clinton fts. MAYO apts., ."0o- Union ave., "-room un fiirnishfil uni. PluitiH East it-O. FurnlshtU or UniurnlslieU Apartmcnw. JAEGER APARTMENT. 7o WASHTCf TON ST. HAVE SEVERAL. APAKT- MKNTiS READY FOR OCCUPANCY. 3-KOOM modern front apartment, fur nished or unfurnished. Inquire apart-mt-nt 'J. 107 N. Hist. Flat. fr-ROOM upper Hat with attic and fire place ; reasonable to risht party. Call between lo A. M. and 4 1 Ai., 0 Ella street. liOLLADAY ADDITION, modern 5 rooms, lower flat, at il-U Occident st.. close in, 3 blocks from Sled bridge. Inquire 343 Multnomah tt. VACANT July 10th. modern R-room apt. on west side, near Montgomery-Ward. : , new home, btea.ui heat. Phone Mar- s h alM uT'J. MODERN 4-room partly furnished flat, new and clean, 2"J E. IStn su N. Phone East i4 Ci. FOR RENT 4 larfie room flat, $20. 200 Vi McMillan St. Furnihiietl Flats, a4 5-ROOM strictly modern, well fur nished with mahogany furniture; good location, east yide, nar car line. Dan Hughes. Broadway 11151. $J0 MODERN furnished 5-room flat, bath and Bleeping porch; rent o months In advance. Phone Main UUU2. after 9 A. M. 6-KOOM furnished fl;it for two or three months; modern, desirable; adults only. 54t K. "th st. N. FOUR-ROOM July 13 to Sept. 15; five minutes to Broadway bridge, $--.50. O fH7, Oregon lam . 6-ROOM furnished flat, west side. Call Main 3041 between if and 1- A. M. MODERN 4-room furnished flat, janitor. water, phone. $40. Phone 31-001. $30, MODERN 4-room flat, clean, on car- line, adults. Woodlawn 3'Jl'J. ; JvOB HILL Five rooms furnished, $40. Will lease. Main 7?3. 4- ROOM flat on 2 car lines. $1S. 1S2 Gibba st. N. S. rar. 5- KUOM flat, furnished, all conveniences, ."0, close in. Buwy. 5'.4t, mornings. House keeping ltooms. SINGLE and double housekeeping rooms completely furnished; one 3-room suite with private bath, gas range, laundrv. electricity. Plenty hot water. Children welcome. IStt Sherman st. Mar. 3US3. HOUSEKEEPING room, nice and light. Electric bath and phone. $2.50 a week, 1 sleeping room. $1.00 a week. 42 Ella st. Bdwy. 2.;:7. $tO A MONTH. 2 clean furnished house keeping rooms, walking distance; laun- . d ry, hot and cold water, yard. Phone East t0,t0, 406 Vancouver ave. TRUNKS and baggage delivered In down town district for 25c. Auto service. Free Ptorage for 15 aays. Phone Bdwy. 2445. LARGE front room and kitchen; also sin gle housekeeping rooms; reasonable. 331 14th st., near Clay. 61NGLE furnished housekeeping room, also t-Ice ping room. $10 per month. 201 ltith st. 2 MODERN light housekeeping rooms, hot and cold running water. 504 Flanders st. $20 MONTH, completely furnished house keeping suites, every convenience ; save carfare. The Cadillac. 3d. near .leffeison. .NICE single rooms very reasonable ; hot water always .baths, laundry, 655 Flan ders. 2-ROOM apt. $3.00 week; 3 2-room apts.. 12.50 week : electricity, gas, clean; nice Place for tarn ily. 057 Vj 1st. TWO large, furnished housekeeping rooms for rent ; ligh t and water furnished. Phone East 4720. TRUN KS and baggage delivered in down town district for 25c; auto service. Phone Main 2i5. Housekeeping rooms, single, clean, modern, central, $12 per month and up. 147 13th st. THE. BEAVER, 12th and Mar.; furnished ' H. K. rooms, $15 up. including gas range, hot watfr. electric lights, laundry room. NICE, single housekeeping room furnished, light and gas free, $15. 554 E. Madison st.. cor. 13th.. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished, fresh ly tinted, bath, on car line. 003 Wil liams ave. MAKE the Bushmark your noma, one ad two-room oueside apts., clean, modern, respectable. Wash. at., cor. 17th. 3 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, close in. 60S East Oak. East "061. DNE furnished housekeeping room, free cooking j. $14 per mo. 400 Clay. LIGHT H. room, or sleeping room and garage. East Rlh st. N. East 2010. BEAUTIP ULLY furnished room and kitehepette ; private bitth. 74.. Hoyt. 1 LARt'G room North 21st st. with kitchenette FuR K V'N T 2 furnished housekeeping, $5 per veK. ouu oiti st. '94 v fjtiK- single lurnistieii i. w. room. 2jJV Washington, corner Third st. FOR t KNT H. K. or sleeping" rooms, closf in. Bd wy. 322S. . N ICE 'ight basement room. 312 Clay st. Housekeeping Kooms In Private Family. I20-$2 FJ RST floor: two suites of nice large, clean housekeeping rooms; nicely located ; yard, roses, near shipyards; walking distance from town. 134 Porter. IaARCK. airy, steam-heated H. K. room. o v jndows, laundry ; every thing fur nishd ; $6 per v eek. 445 Columbia. .Maui ALL ground floor cottage, 3 large rooms, arranged for four, west side. 412 Hail. near inn. ian mornings. 2 CLEAN furnished h. k. rooms with ga ruge. reasonable. S77 E. Davis, between ami iun sis. t-ast m uy. J i lie n. K. room?, private bath, m ocau-.ii ni priva te nomr ; j a per month 407 ?lay st. Main 03o4. TWO oesirabbi furnished h. k. rooms. Sl 1 sleeping room. $S per month; suitable I or vrorKing men. b-2 l la;u)ei s. 8 13 1 3TH ST. Basement house kee pi n g rooms; private entrance and toilet. Suit- anie ior a man. wanting distance. ROOMS, well furnished for housekeeping, reie;hone; adults only. 6S2 E-ist Tnylor, $20 KYERYTII INC furnished; large front parlor, f i rst floor, 47. Cluy st. 2 R :i HOUSEKEEPING rooms, walking distance. Main 3154. 3 VERY large, modern h. k. rooms" hirst Moor. 249 l"th st. S ROOMS partly furnished and 4 rooms unfurnished, apt. Mar. 3156. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. 631 Marshall st. and sleeping 4-ROOM furnished, with water and gas. Wood 1 aw n 1 272. 2 LARGE, light, clean front H. K. rooms. :t"3 3d st. L. H . K. ROOMS, gentleman pre f e r re d. S75 E. Yamhil 1 st. . cor. 29th . Houses. ARE YOU TIRED PAYING RENT' ARB YOU TIRED MOVING? Then come to North Coast lieinhts. Tou, -Mr. Man, who are working in Van couver and liv-'ntr in Portland and pay ing a hlirli rent, double car fare and three hours of your Kood time to ko b-ick and forth, why not net n place vou can call your own? Fifty other fami lies on this subdivision are doing so rirht now. fo whv can't you? Ten nrniutes from downtown. Close to prarte and liisrli school: citv water, electric liirlits, cement sidewalk, two car lines OaiiU,l Hill nnd Sifton car). Some tracts are cleaved and ready to build on, fitters with shade trees. A hundred dollars worth of lumber will pet you Marled and In lo days you will be 'un der your own .oof. Tracts as low as $125, $10 down and $5 per month. Come out Saturday; come out Sunday. Take either car in front of our office to office on Addition, cor. Main ana S9th. Aifent on ground every day and all du Sundf-v. SWAVK COFFTEIiD, Selling Acents. 512 Main St. Vancouver, -Wash. WANTED To rent indefinitely. lovely S room house on Portland Heights. Main 10!' 6. $40 MODERN bungalow, furnace, f ire place. large yard: references. 954 Van couver ave. Woodlawn intt. WILL LEASE modern house for one year to proper parties. Call 402. Panama bldg. 6EVEN-ROOM modern house, easy walk ing distance, west side. Ivey at 546 ' Columbia. LOCAL and long-distance moving and hauling; first-class equipment. Green Tr. Co.. 202 Vi Alder St. Main 1281, 672-61 (-ROOM cottage. ri4fi E. 19th st. adult W. W. car. Sellwood 2107. 16; FOR HEM. HOUSES FOR RENT. Modern tJ-room house at 754 Front St., walking distance, printer or auto me chanic may earn hiB rent.' Call between U and7P.M. or Tabor 7303. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC llfrht service. Broadway 580. A 6747. FOR RENT A bungalow style cottage with 4 large rooms and enclosed sleeping porch, 10x16. Will rent for J16. 'Call Tabor 2rK, or call at 204 East Sftth st. N. G-ROOM. furnished house, modern. St. J tmjor at. Take Woodlawn car to end ot line. See owner at same from 4 P. M. to 8 P. M. b-JiOOM house, desirable, available 15th to person buying fitted carpets; good body Brussels. lhS E. 12th sU MOVING Pia-no. furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. & W, Truck Service Co., 40 2d st. Phor.e Bdwy. 5121. G-ROOM house, bath, gas and elec, full basement, fruit; $30. Phone Sell. 530. Furnifttiea Houses. FOR RENT Furnished 8-room house, close in. modern conveniences, good base ment, stationary tubs, furnished with elec. and gas, has nice back yard, will rent till November 1, or might rent longer. 8 E. 11th St. S. Phone "Wdln, 5;tr7. FURNISHED 5-room bungalow with sleep ing porch for rent six weeks, beginning last week in July, at very reasonable rate to right people; cool house, pleas ant neighborhood, good garden; please f urn ish references. Tabor S3. FINE ti-roorn furnished house, near car line; good location ; $43 per month ; 3 months in advance. COBB BROS.. Oak St. FOR RENT Beautiful 9 -room modern home; furnace heat, good west side lo cation; ?0; furniture for sale, nearlv new; purchased last winter; rooms can he rented if desired. 58 N. 20th st. IN LADD'R ADDITION, niceiy furnished mnaern nome ior t months, no linen or silver furnished ; will reserve one room for hoy of 16 years; ref. East 5043. 3-ROOM furnished bungalow on Willam ette river and Oregon City paved road. Call Main 478. Sunday, call Oak Grove 12G X. W 'ILL rent or lease my home, strictly .i.-u-i i, uui.tjMcicij lurnisuuu, w rooms sleeping porch; adults only. Sell. :i(Mi ATTRACTIVE 8-room furnished house ..viursnan street, corner :;-itu. References required. MODERN 4-rooru bungalow. East 25th near i'. snops, 133. East 8225. PART of 12-room house, furnished. 21st anowisan. riroadway 2048. FURNISHED house, garden, for sale. 1626 ?m ississippj ave. Woodlawn 2400. NINE large room house. 623 Everett, near -"in. tan week day. HOUSE to rent. 6 rooms, bath, furniture ior saie. vr,s tsixtn st.. near Mill. G-ROOM furnished house. 548 Mill, near i.napman et. Summer Resorts. ENJOY THE COOL MOUNTAIN AIR AND SCENERY. At the Parkdale hotel. located 8 miles from Mt. Hood, good eats, reasonable rates, mount-in guide and equipment provided. Write or phone Odell 375 for reservations. FOR RENT OR SALE Gearha rt ocean- 1 1 uii l coLtaKe, t rooms iurnisned. July, for $150. Will sell subject to August lease ($250); 60x100. for $3500. Owner. PB. an Nice. East 517 or Marshall GEARHA RT Modern house. 8 rooms with iare sleeping porch, completely fur nished, fronting golf links, to rent for month of July or for the season. A H Birrell, 217 Northwestern Bunk bldg. Marshall 4114. COZY, newly built and furnished 4-room cottage, choicest location, overlooking ocean, and 5-room cottage with conser vatory and garden, well furnished; also nicely furnished rooms. E. Hanneman, Long Beach. Wash. BEAUTIFULLY located beach cottage. eai rocKs, ivewport ; fine ocean view; 5 lots, fenced and all furnished: barn, garage, woodhouse, good well. large porches, fireplace and ready to move in; bargain. Frank E. Geiser, 70 Ella st. MarLEAN'S CAMP. OSWEGO LAKE Cottage for rent, partly furnished : reached from Oswego station on 4th-st. red electric line. MacLean. Bo7 Lewis bldg. Phones Bdwy. C000 and Oswego SEASIDE cottages for rent of 2, 3, 5 and i looms: one or n rnnmu nan y )--,. v. for Aug. ; also sleeping rooms with or wiluuul KiLcnen. privileges. Airs. S. Sny der, 31 5 3d ave... Seaside. Or. SLAV IEVV Attractive. clean, well-furnished 4-room cottage: choice location; also furnished house tent, comfortable. Main N00S. OCEAN Park, Wash, cottage for rent. " """n "'. kg miciien. sleep ing apartments for 6 people or more. Phone E a s t 5175. SEASIDE Del Mar Apts., 2-room com pletely furnished for 2 or 4 people rates by day or week. 211 3d st. N and 2d ave. MODERN 6-room cottage, niceiy fur nished, 4 beds; block and half from ocean, paved street, until August 15 P. O. Box 627. Seaside. Or. THE ANDORA HOTEL. Seaside, room and board, reasonable rates; meals served itLiuiiy Biyie, nome cooking and baking oiks, north of postof f ice. s;i i i u-.v vTTTiTrTI 777Z . . v, ; . i . Wafeh., $10 weekly; expert dietitian in .nrt.i?;e. ror mi or mat, ion call K. 5022. a -r i iurnisned cottages. e.ectriu lights, city water. Box 102 Long Beach, ""J"- xuuor .p.n. or Men wood. 1701 SEASIDE Room and board in modern iioiuc near ocean, i .j a WeeK. Airs. iviiinsc.) , 1 I iweiitn ave RESERVE your room at Seaside now modern home near beach. Write Sham rock cottage. PRIVATE cottage hotel for couples; ocean view; lovely location; $5 each per day. a. ii, i eei. j m mn ave.. E-easide. Or.l ROOMS with kitchen privilege; modern " ca' .it. iijbo in, itr 10 week Mrs. M. Z. Morris. Seaside. Or. OCEAN PARK, Wash., 4-room cottage and o or j-ronm aparimen t. t C. Kin Perkins hotel. NEWLY furnished tent house. 16x16 at v annon ucacu, ior August. Call East 2H22. TWO furnished rooms, near ocean. For n:rticuin rs. write, box 66, Seaside. Or. FoR KENT Hoclbing cottage at Seaview. Wash. Main 2935. OCEAN CHEST APTS. Light housekeep ing. Rockaway Beach. SEASIDE. OR. Rooms or sleeping porch $s to $10 per week. Box 354. 2-ROOM furnished cottage at Manhattan beach for July. P hone Tabor 5777. A 4-ROOM COTTAGE t Beach Center. Ru n n i n g water. Phone Sellw o o d 946. 6- ROOM HOUSE for rent. Seaview. WasK Kunning wster iurnisned. Marshall 728 BEACH COTTAGE Furnished cottase at Gearhart. $10 per month. East 5679. COTTAGE for rent at Long Beach. Phone East 362'. TWO-ROOM house at Seaside. Wdln. 2614. Stores. STORE FOR RENT. A Very Attrfftfve Store On Broadway, Near Everett. Center of Automobile Row. Inquire t Sit North Broadway. i 7r-pTNTfc0 r 2fo FOB BENT. Storey. FOR LEASE SALESROOM 36x25. WITH ADDITIONAL SPACE IN LARGE GAR AGE. SPEEDWELL GARAGE, 14TH AND COUCH STS. PHONE BROAD WAT 3074. WAREHOUSE, 50x100, trackage. East Second, East Alder, for rent. Call Broadway 5720. $25 STORE, west fett. Tabor 1114. side, close 1. 23x94 FOR RENT Store room with six living rooms; reasonable rent. H3 Gibbs st. Offices. THE PITTOCK BLOCK HAS A NUMBER OF HIGHLY DESIRABLE OFFICES READY FO H IMMEDIATE OCCU PANCY. ONE LARGE SUITE OF NINE , ROOMS CAN BE SUBDIVIDED. PHONE BDWAY 784 OR CALL ROOM 414 PIT TOCK BLOCK. WANTED Chiropractor or hair dresser to share large and nlcely-f urnlshed re ception room, with doctors. 316 Mor gan bldg. Main 63-S3. DESK room with use of furniture and telephone at 420 Cham, of Com. bldg BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE Meat and grocery business, doing a business of $50,000 annually; cat tle, sheep and hogs rig"ht at hand. We handle everything a farmer has to sell. If you are a trader, here is your chance. Plant consists of cold storage large enough to freeze 65 cattle for winter use and other fixtures and machinery up to the minute. Price $7000. Reason for selling, have saw mill and cannot run both. Address all communications to AV S9. Oregonian. FOR SALE One of the best small apart, houses, right downtown, lovely place, on prominent corner; 15 rooms, all house keeping, good furnishings, all clean, and rooms full ; reasonable rent; other busi ness reason for selling, excellent oppor tunity; cash and good acreage; clear. V 5SS, Oregonian. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE In growing prosperous community. Fix tures and bldj. $2500. or will lease with option to buy. Stock invoice about $3000. Will consider Trade for good Portland real estate. For further particulars call or write to COO VE R & H O L MAN, 322-3-4 Falling bldg., 3d and Wash. A WELL established DaKery doing $60"0 business a month for sale: owner wants to retire for a long needed rest; lease and reasonable rent; this place Is worth $13,000; will take $10,000 or $9500 for spot cash; stock at invoice. O 209. Ore gonian. $1500 CASH Confectionery store doing I to business, in good town on Oregon Electric. Southern Pacific, Pacific high way and Willamette river, for snle; deal direct with owner. AV 1 37. Oregonian. FOR SALE Restaurant in busy district. doing Detter man .0 a day and grow ing, $1800 takes stock and fixtures; must sell on account of other business, some terms. AL 765, Oregonian. RESTAURANT for sale, corner location. doing good business, rent $a0 month. 2 years lease, sale account sickness, receipt from $60-$H0 day. come see your self. Call East 2870. $2000 GARAGE $2000. 60x100 concrete, has good storage and repair trade; $2000 will handle. Let us show yon. Room Ml Railway Ex. WANTED For 3-ton truck, road work, wood, lumber or tie hauling. will go anywhere. Address, "Wayne Moore, 966 Superior st. FOR SALE or rent, suburban store on paved road, living room, good barn, good well, some land, attractive offer. 349 E. 60th st. Tabor 7734. A COUNTRY store In good farming com munity, building and business for $3000. Sickness cause sale. Room 511 Railway Exchange. BA KERY fixtures for sale. 1 rotary gas oven, 1 stationary gas oven, all counters and show cases and troughs and all utensils chea p. .V.O1 Washington. A DANDY little grocery and confectionery store doing 4o a day; 2 nice living rooms. Price $1000 cash. Deal with own er. 1376 Albina ave. FOR SALE Old established flour and feed business; good location: investigate if interested. 1956 East Stark st. AJ 851, Oregonian. ELECTRICAL supplies, wiring and con tracting business, established 7 years. O. H. McKee. 1003 Main st., Vancouver, Wa sh. GOOD paying busyness for sale; can take a good nouse as part payment; old age forces this sale. 2077. 2079 Van Houten street. WELL equipped blacksmith and wood working shop, been doing auto truck work; very reasonable If taken soon. 249 East Ninth South. ICE CREAM, coffee, and light groceries, west side; one living room, bargain: $1 100 will buy it. Boom 511 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE BY OWNER ERIKSON'S WHITE SHIELD MATERNITY HOME. 708 E. ' 2 3 N. PHONE 312-79. STOCK of hardware for sale; doing a good business; price$4000. or 5 per cent less than invoice. R 590. Oregonian. FOR SALE Complete housef urnishlngs store; good eastern Oregon town. Terms. Might trade. N 210, Oregonian. GOOD opening for trict; rent free, ton. Woodlawn l cafeteria; good dis- 1 i..l Derby st.. Ken 291 5. PARTNER wanted with $400 to buy half interest in good -paying business. Includ ing stocks and tools. 2t3 Hawthorne ave. ti.-,t) 4-RM cottage overlooking ocean, 9 miles north of Gearhart; would trade; take piano and cash. Woodlawn 44 1. FOR SALE Barber shop, good location: cheap rent and long lease. Apply 376 Commrecial St., Astoria. Or. CLEANING and pressing parlor, good lo cation, low rent. Price reasonable. Own er. 168 10th. Main 0081. RESTAURANT and soft drink, near snip yard ; steady boarders. Joj 1? irst st. Good business. BAKERY for sale, cheap ior cash, sick ness reason for selling. Call at 622 Alberta. , FOOL ROOM for sale cheap if taken at once; no agents; deal with owner. E 173, Oregonian. BAKERY FOR SALE OR TRADE. Must sell as I have other business. Write box 1 t.i. Carson. v ash. BAKERY for sale in a prosperous Oregon town ; doing good business; this will stand in vestlga tion. N 66, Oregonian. FOR SALE Out-of-town plumbing and tin shop, good business, good location Call or write AV 81 , Oregonian. $750 CLEANING and preying shop. Hoff man. Presser; rent $15. with living rooms, uooa uu&uicys. kj jjt. oregonian. FOR SALK One complete vulcanizing and retreading outnt. t'none iast o333. GROCERY stock for sale, good corner lo cation; will invoice. 514 A lterta. CAFETERIA equipment for small busl ness; unust sell at once. 42 N. 1st sL. 2-CHAIR barber shop, doing good busi ness. sicKiiess. i"i ou st. BARBER CHAIRS, mirrors and supplies; great sacrmce. o qui st.. near stark GASOLINE wood ?aw for sale or fade for a light car. irs k. 17th st. Sell. r.l l FINE dental office and equipment for rent. Sellwood 17.3. FOR SALE ber. Or. -Good business. Box 75. Tim- 1920 AUTO DIRECTORY. 10th N MAN for wood business in town, capita 1 necessary. 550 Couch st. 7 1 ISISIVESS OPPORTUNITIES. RANCH PARTNER,'$3000 TO $5000. (CAN SAFELY DOUBLE YOUR MONEY.) OR PARTY WITH CATTLE, SHEEP OR GOATS ON SHARES. A SURE MONEY MAKER. NEARLY 1000 ACRES NEAR GOBLE (NEAR RIVER AND RAIL), ALL FENCED, GOOD IMPROVEMENTS, RUNNING WATER. IDEAL FOR LARGE DIVERSIFIED STOCK AND HOG RANCH. A LIBERAL PROPO SITION; ACTIVE INTEREST IF DE SIRED. CONSIDER 2 OR 3 PARTIES OF $1000 EACH. WORTHY YOUR EARLY INVESTIGATION. ADDRESS OWNER, HARE J 5S6, OREGON IAN. . LARGE. WELL-PAYING CAFETERIA FOR SALE; SPLENDID LOCATION. LONG LEASE. AM 748. OREGONIAN. WESTERN ALBERTA. Canada, ranch and summer resort. Owner of this 1200-acre ranch wants partner of means to assist In placing it in well developed state; 50C acres easily irrigated, own private water; unlimited amount of free graz ing: 300 acres now under cultivation ; buildings, weil fencecL close to towns. For further information write T. F. Davis. Burmls. Alberta, or phone J. T. Davis, mornings. Sellwood 2378. CONFECTIONERY and grocery doing good business; elegant location; owner com pelled to leave the city at once, will sacrifice for $075. One of the best grocery stores In the city; fine fixtures; rent $22.50; short time at $1200. Do not delay if you want something good. COBB BROS., 263 Oak St. OR SALE Grocery and general mer chandise business. Well located In Salem, Or. Stock $12.ooo to $15,0O0; real estate $10,000. consists of over 5000 feet store and warehouse space. Also 5-room home in tame building. This is the 23d year of successful business. Gross sales this year will amount to about S70.0UO. v i i bear thorough investigation. Address box 522. Salem. Or. HOG ranch on rented place for sale; good money-making business ; am sacrificing this at $25ot; have best feed route in town, including one 2-ton truck ; build ings and machinery enough to handle 35o to 400 hogs. See this and act quick, ly. Fred Leo. M. A. Kenton car to end of line ; place north of foot of Argyle and Columbia blvd. AUTO PAINTER WANTED. GOOD MECHANIC WITH A LITTLE CASH. CAN MAKE BIG MONEY. AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. READ V FOR BUSINESS. ADDRESS J 587, OREGONIAN. LIVE WIRE MANAGERS for every county Oregon, Washington, Idaho, for nationally advertised low-priced fire extinguisher; dignified, profitable busi ness to good men who want business of unusual' features and guaranteed prod uct. Fire X Company. Beck building. Portland. WILL SELL my dining room fully equipped and soft drink bar doing a good business, in good district ; 65 boarders to start with and room for more; good payroll every reek; steam heated ; could be turned Into cafeteria if desired: stone building. 1751 Derby st., Kenton. Woodlawn 2915. MR. BARBER If you are looking for an absolutely bona fide proposition, nere it is. Dandy little white, 2-chalr shop, clearing better than $60 per week: good location and expenses less than $20 per month; want to leave -so will sell very reasonable. Address AJ 765. Oregonian. SEASIDE RESTAURANT. M. and B. restaurant, established busi ness, long lease, living quarters con nee ted ; will tand full investigation. Price $2200. Write M. and is. Res taurant. Seaside, Or. INVESTIGATE Bargain; 4-store building. o-room cottage, barn, garden, paved streets, cement scldewalks; building fine condition; income $50 month; $3000 cash. By owner. J. Fulton. 209 N. Main at-. New burg. Or. A PARTNER WANTED for a close-In garage- 4-year lease; can store 40 cars. $10 month; plenty repair work, wash rack, etc. ; $1300 w V.l buy equal half interest with a good me chanic. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. Have 63 cars steady storage and plenty repair work ; partner wanted to eeil the gas, oils, tires ana oe generally usciui in garage; clears $350 month for each partner. Room 401 Dekum bidg. FOR SALE Established business a fine fruit and confectionery store with good cigar and tobacco trade; best location in one of the 11 vest towns in Oregon; reason for selling, poor health. Ad dress George Lutos. Bend, Or, 3 ABSOLUTELY first-class hauling jobs for truck purchasers. lie nauiiiig, rocK hauling. log hauling. All real money makers. Service Truck Agency, 227 Salmon St. GOOD location for bakery, butcner shop or specialty store; modern store build ings in good population center; good in ducement to right parties. Johnson, 248 Stark st, $1650 LIGHT grocery and confectionery. well located, rent .'; good iixiures, clean stock, average daily business $65; See Morris with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. OPPORTUNITY to purchase Interest in state distributorship of highest quality motor truck, business established, prod uct favorably known, can procure work ing interest. $20.000 desired. M 138. FOR SALE Restaurant doing $70, coun try town on Columbia highway. 2 years lease, low rent; good reason lor selling; $1250 and invoice stock, around $500. AV 70, Oregonian. CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing deal of so-called interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg. Broad way 1902! FOR SALE Only steam laundry In coun ty ; doing an excellent business ; every thing is in good condition; fireproof building, long lease, cheap rent. Ad dress AV P77. Oregonian. COMPLETE woodworking plant with ma chinery and equipment; the business has been attached, so will sell cheap; be sure to investigate this. Address G 179, Oregonian. . GRADUATE lawyer and successful busi ness man with means, desires to form association with a corporation In an cx ecutive capacity. A 284. Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY, lee cream, cigars, light lunch; nice family trade. $200 month clear; invoice $1200; living, room; rent $ 1 5 Love's, corner 1 7th and A Iherta. CAN furnish about 8 months' work with auto truck, can make $10 to $70 per day. Atterbury Truck Sales company, contract department. Bd wy 354. FOR SALE i-Out -of-town restaurant doing $85 to $400 and more a day; rent $25 per mo $550 down, balance at $50 per mo. Price $1000. A V 130, Oregonian. $1700 RESTAURANT in 2oo-room hotel. fully equipped, doing good business, easy terms. AL 764. Oreg onian . FOrTsALE or rent, fully equipped theater, terms. D. H. Welch. Astoria. Or. AUTO-STAGE and milk rout o. clearing $:;50. 518 Cham, of Com. Bargain. CLE ANI NG and pressing shop, low ren t, lease: best buy in town. 189 Park st. POLLY AND HER PALS PA LIFTS TIH3 LID AXD FRKDDIG BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. $2300 NICE, clean cafeteria on "Washing ton street, doing good business; terms. . $4000 Restaurant and lunch counter; Sixth street; busiest place in city; terms. $1000 Soft drink and cigar stand; 3d st., good lease ; snap. C. E. SCOTT & CO., 517-19 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 3353. FOR SALE: General merchandise store with six living rooms in connection; do ing fine business; no competition within 6 miles; located in heart of prune dis trict of Clarke county. Wash.; on paved road, near fine school; Delco tights; property stock and fixtures; $8000. This is one good buy ; best of reasons for selling. A V 86, Oregonian. Hotels and Ivoomlng Houses. AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY. The leading hotel in fine payroll town, 20 miles from Portland; 34 rooms com Kletely furnished: brick building, steam eat, best location; always full. Gross receipts one month will pay for place; excellent reason for selling. A money maker. We crii show you. $2700, terms. C. E. CRANF1LL. 203 First. Main 4203. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business, Hotel. Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see F. RIERDON. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. R1TTKR. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 19 APARTMENTS. Close in, brick building, east side, long lease, eood furnishings; must be cash ; $0000. See Mr. Ross. . INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. RIGHT DOWN TOWN. 7 h. k. apartment house, full all the time; good paying place; good reason for selling. Call and see it and owner; no agents. 169 Park it. 11 H. K. and furnished rooms, best of fur niture, clean and modern and nice home, 2 blocks from First Church of C. S. BARNEY JOHNSON & CO., 170 10th st HOTEL on Pacific highway. 35 rooms, brick buildine: restaurant in connection. Fine opportunity for couple with grown up children. Address notei jvaramz, Box 443. Kalama, Wash. Ui.nnoM hotel and restaura nt for saie good opportunity for man and wife: bar gain it sold at once. Appiy in persuu, 24 Albina avenue. . 22 HOUSEKEEPING rooms for sale; rent $25: electricity, gas. First St., near ship yards: $1 200. $3io down, easy terms. Owner, 264 Jefferson st. m WILL sell or" trade $2500 equity in 42 room H. K. apts.. East 3487. BJ4 Williams ave., income $330 month, 3 yenr lease. . DON'T FORGET. If your hotet, apartment or rooming house is fnr sale to call C. E. Bowden Co., Main 3638. We call and Inspect. WILL sacrifice complete furnishings of a 7-room house; will not sell by piece; furniture and carpets A-l. House for rent. Broadway 3032. 9-ROOM house, well furnished and mod ern, furniture nearly new: close in. west side; lovely home. 58 N. 2Qth st. WANT hotel or apartment house, 30 rooms or more, must be bargain. V 585. Oregonian. 10-ROOM house for sale, furnished for 4 families, corner lot, furnace, close In west side, good Income. East 166S. FOR best bargain in apartment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 245 4th st. - WANTED An apt. house or housekeeping rooms for cash ; no agents. Address X 502, Oregonian. M RS. M. E. LENT. Hotel and apartment-house broker. 523-4-5 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR SALE. cash. 10 housekeeping rooms, rentrally located, $900; rent $35. 229 5th st. $1200 FOR quick sale. 2o housekeeping, west side. Sellwood 2390. rooms, all Call owner. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Large brown leather hand bag, with papers, bills of no value, between Hoyt and Thurman sts. Finder phone eve. Wood la wn 6116; reward. LOST Knight Templar side of Masonic charm. Has name on one side. Finder please communicate with E. A. Lewis, Cherry Grove. Or. LOST Between North Clark and Union streets, gray wool auto blanket and camera ; finder please call phone No. East 8629. Reward. LOST A wallet containing $22 or $23 in currency, stamped First National bank on inside. Finder please return to Driver, Pacific Mkt.. 4th and Yamhill. Reward. LOST A brown leather wallet containing five $10 bills. Finder plense return to So2 Oantenbein avenue, or phone Woodlawn 46 1 S. Reward. LOST On Broadway between Washington nni c.iisHn. Hiniill package containing lady's collar and vestee. Finder please call Broadway 4.Mi. LOST Brown coat with black plush col lar, on road between Eugene and Mt. Ansel. Notify E. Olwoth. Mt. Ange:. or phone Sellwood IQQ6, Portland. Reward LOST Will the nartv who took Scotch Collie dog from farm near Tigard please call Tlgard K (collect), iteward. LOST One wallet in P. R. L. & P. sta tion. Finder please return to 10OO Yeon bldg. Papers valuable. Ke ward. LOST In Portland Hillsboro Commercial Bank check book containing checks. Phone Main 6443. Suitable reward. JULY 5. lady's bracelet encraved "Auda 1913." W. M. Green. 020 Board of Trade Bldg. Reward. LOST Bv working girl. Monday night from auto, a traveling bag bearing the name Laura La Jjinerte. labor 4U1 l LOST In public market, a purse containing jewelry Broadway 4386. small black and money. LOST. Tuesday, a bowk not brooch, set with pearls and one pearidot; liberal re' ward offered. Phone Tabor HiM. LOST Full grown tan and white Collie dog without license. Phone Tlgard 915 (collect ). liewaru. LOST Saturday, July 3. on mad to Hills boro. coral pink sweater with gra v col lar and cuffs. Reward. East 6648. PARTY who found two 34-Inch tires near Scappoose, Sunday, please phone Wood lawn 441. Name on tube. Reward. LOST. July 3. on Mt. Hood road, fishine basket containing field glares and other arucios, a. f. fine. 107 ;d st. Reward LOST .Masonic folder contnining receipts snd currency, on or nvar Vancouver fill. Notify S. S. Wilcox, East 6101. Reward! THE party who picked up suit, coat In lavatory on second flnor of the Impernal hotel pi oh pc la ve at desk. GOOD reward to finder of child's copper colord sweater. .143 Washington st. LOST on road to Gropham Monday tire and rim. Call East 'i'27. Reward. LOST On Washington st.. Tnesdav pair tortolseshell glasses. Phone East 6674.. LOST Small gold wrist watch: monogram J. T. H. nn back. Reward. Marshall L'OiM. LOST A lady's good wrist w;ilch: gram E. L. R. on hack. East 371 LOST Small cameo pin: return to 81 Sixth Mrect. Mrs. Joffrav. ftcwa rd . Lu-ST-5i;o:;. -Staples spectacles in case. Main MAKES A FLYIISG EXIT BY CLIFF LOST AND FOUND. LOST Leather greenback folder, as Issued by Bank of California, Northwestern National bank or California bank, ipn laining 1 Seattle bank check, dated May 1020, for $325. payable to Bruno Braritlgani and signed W. D. Crandall; 2 promissory notes for $162.73 and $06. respectively. payable one year from dates May and June, 1920; 2 automo bile license certificates and ot her re ceipts. Reward given at 164 East 27th st. TH E following articles were found on cars of the P. R.. L. & P. Co.. July S: 1 pair gloves. 1 single glove. 3 books, sweater. 10 packages, hat. bag tools, board. 4 lunch boxes, 5 suitcases. 5 um brellas. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder et. LOST Between Troutoale and Scenic sta tion, on road, a black leather grip con taining water colors and women's ap parel. Reward offered for return. Sat urday, July 3. Wm. Hammond, Oregon City. Or. LOST Wednesday afternoon after 6 o'clock, a pair of nose glasses (Toric Kryptok lenses) with gold ear chain attached, enclosed in case, from Good man, optician. Reward. Phone Auto matic 32-247. LOST An Eastman folding Premo kodak No. 2-A, in case, Sunday. June 27, on 52d st. or between 52d and Milwaukie. Suitable reward. Address F. AV. Ma hony, Gervais. Or. LOST Black leather purse containing round-trip ticket to Cincinnati, address book and baggage checks. Return to Union depot or Hoyt hotel for Mrs. Brewster. LOST Near Beaverton. green cretonne shopping bag containing 1 pair ladv's slippers. 1 pair child's shoes, jewelry and other articles. Phone Main 6443 Suitable reward. LOST A cameo brooch by bank in St. Helens, Or., Mondav. July 5. Finder Please return to Mrs. M. J Campbell, Clatskanie. Or., and receive reward. ?5 r. Estacada sta., black handbag containing glasses, keys, watch, monev and cards. Reward. Notify Good ... . (luapjiiti. SPKCIAL NOTICES. Proposals invited. XIT -V STATES SHIPPING BOARD. AVasniTiton, D. C, July 6. 1920. to-5c 070sals for the purchase of J.P w IRI on a- lump sum basis, as Li. ere l3- be received at the 1J-0 when they will be opened. ,.uVDei se' Ia "0 located at Army-street Trwr!' Fra-ncisco. and mav be in spected on annllearion TfyA??. Operations. San Francisco. Crimea check for lo per cent of whiei. . ccompany each proposal, which must state terms of navmnt Description: Built of irtm bv A. Les lie & Co. at Newcastle-on-Tyne. Eng in.d. An 1,siiiiJ lenl 321 feet: beam 0 "vuiueu aeptn. 28 feet 4 inches: ius tonnage . 28o5; net tonnage. 1996: -a-'OO. Equipped with one compou-nd engine; cylinders 30 inches by i2rtfl":4? Jnches stroke: two double i.5ftCh b,oiIers 'lh working pres sure i pounds per square inch. Boil ers reported in good condition. ofVhfpplng"1 AX Amerl Bureau tffale,Lbs to be addressed to United States Shipping Board. Washington. D. L'hi t i indorScd sealed bid for steam- nvH0? Jserves the riKht to Ject any and all bids. NOTICE OF BOND SALE. Sealed bids will be received bv C G Irvine, clerk of school district No. 29. I oik county. Oregon, at Independence. Oregon, until the hour of 6 o'clock P. M- on Saturday, the 31st day of Jul v. 190, and immediately thereafter pub licly opened by the school board of school district No. 29 of Polk county. Oregon, at the Farmers State bank. Indepen dence. Oregon, for the -purchase ol an issue of bonds of said district in the sum of $15,000. said bonds to be dated July 1. 3 920. and bear interest at the rate of 6 per annum and be in the denomination of $5(M each. Said bonds to mature serially $1000 each year from 1921 to 19H5. both inclusive. Principal and semi-annual interest to be payable at the fiscal agency of the state of Ore gon In the city and state of New York. Said bids must be accompanied by a certified check for 10 of the par value of bonds bid for and must be made un conditional. The approving legal opin ion of Messrs. Carey & Kerr, attorneys. Portland. Oregon, will be furnished the successful bidders therefor. The school board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 1st tlav of Julv. 1920. C. G. IRVINE. District Clerk. U MTKD STATES SHIPPI.VO BOARD. Washington, D. C, July 6. lll!0. Sealed proposals for the purchase of the Ferris type wooden steamship Fort Seward, of B6S dwt. Sealed proposals will be received at the above office until 10:."0 A. M. .luly lit,, lyo. and then opened, for the pur chase of the above vessel on a lump sum Dasis as is ana where is. Until re cently this vessel has been in north A t lan tic coal trade and is now located off Pralls island. New York harbor. Certified check for 10 per cent of the purchase price must accompany each bid. Terms of payment arexto be sub mitted with proposal. Prospective bidders may inspect ves on application to Shipping Board at Washington. D. C. Philadelphia or New York. Proposals should be addressed to United States Shipping Board, Washing ton, D. C, and indorsed sealed proposals steamsh ipKort Seward." The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. NOTICE OF SALE OF BONOS OF CO LUMBIA IRRIGATION DISTRICT. KENNEW1CK. WASH. Notice is hereby given that until Thursday, July the board of direc tors of the Columbia Irrigation d in trie t will receive bids for the sale of $.0,0h) of 10 to -U-year serial 6 per cent gold bonds. The proceeds of v these bonds are for payment of final construction work on the Columbia Irrigation district canal By. stem. The district has been operating three years and now has 8000 acres under cul tivation, with a canal capacity to water ll.fiOO acres, the total area within the district. Total bonded indebtedness. Including this isue, $5.V,00O, with no warrant in- $12,000, itock. fixtures and property, CHESTER K. EDWARDS. Secretary Columbia Irrigation District. SEALED bids for the erection and com pletion of portable school buildings will be received at the office of tno under signed until 4 P. M., Thursday, July lo. V.rjO. and will be opened at a regular meeting of the board to bo held at the same hour on that date. Plans and tpci- fications may be obtained at the office of the supervisor of building-maintenance and construction, 303 courthouse. Port land. Or. A certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to R. If. Thomas, school clerk a nd busi nesH manager, must accompany each proposal. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or to divide the award. R. If. THOMAS. School c1rk and business manager. July K. l!UO.- SLALKD bids will be received for Htork of tnerchandifl located tit Touehet, Wash., conniiitinc of dry Roods, J'-' 1 .".ti. : jewelry, etc.. 141.1K; shoes. 7ia."l: drtiits, $1R,40; prro.-eriefi. $"jn4l.r.7 : fix tures $1011. 75: total, fj-T.rt'2: up to 12 o'clock noon of Friday. July 16, 1!-J. An inventory may be seen at my office, 740 Morgan htiildine. Portland. Or., and tbo Koods may - be Inspected on ap plication at Touehet. Wash. Terms cash and a certified check for icc of amount offered mut accompany each bid. The riKlit is reserved to refect any and all bids. K. I.. SAB1.V. 5TEHRETT. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE OF SALE OF DRAINAGE DIS TRICT BONDS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived by the board of supervisors of the Klamath drainage district of Klam ath county, Oregon, at the office of said board, which Is in the courthouse in the city of Klamath Fa Ms, Or., for the pur chase of $2u0.000 of the bonds of said Klamath drainage district, until the hear of 2 o'clock in the afternoon on the 17th day of July. A. D. 1920. Said bonds are to be dated July 1. 1920. and are to bear interest from date at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, pay able on the first day of January and the first day of July each year. The board of supervisors reserve tne right to reject any and all proposals for any reason and if not satisfactory to said board. Address all communications and all proposals to the undersigned. C. R. DEL A P, Sec of Klamath Drainage District Klamath Falls. Oregon. SEALED bids will he received for the fol lowing merchandise located at Portlnnd. Oregon, consisting of ladies and chil dren's shoes. $1240.1"'; ribbons. $20::. 2:; ; ready to wear. etc.. $009.4."; total. $24 1 1.7S. up to 12 o'clock noon of Tues day. J u'. y 13. 1 V20. An invent ory m a y be seen and the stack inspected on ap plication at my office. 7" Morgan build ing. Portland. Terms cash and a cer tified check for JO' of amount offered must accompany each bid. The rilit id reserved to reject any and all hi. is. R. 1 4. SAH1N. M tc c U a n e-t u k . P ROPOS A LS 1 N V IT ED. In the tiffctrirt court of t lie United States in and for the district of Or, con In the matter of Filers Music House, bankrupt: Sea'.ed bids will he received by the undersigned for the following merchandise: 123 piano benches nearly alt crated). 5 piano chairs funcratedK 133 piano stoo's (crated). 29 music cabinets tone-half crated). 2 small cabinet phonograhps (in boxes'). 1 lot of parts of piano stools and chairs. Inventory value $1519. Bids received up to 12 o'clock noon Thursday. July J.. 1 120. Inventories on fl'e at room 51 1 Fenton building. Portland. Oregon. Prop erty can be inspected at the Premises of Reed-French piano house. 435 Washing ton street. Terms cash and a ch de posit or certified chock of 1('',J- of "amount offered must accompany each offer submitted. The risrht is reserved to reject anv and all bids. Bids will be opened at the offic of A. M. Cannon, referee in bankrupt iu-y. Title & 1 rust building. Portland. Or.nn, H. W. SITTON. Trustee. RECEIVER'S NOTICE. T. the receiver of the Portland Central Heating Co.. will sell to the lushpft bidder for cash. All the personal and real property, also franchise, mains and laterals of saM company. Sale to take place at 06O West over road. Saturday, July 17. 1920. nt 10 A. M. JOSEPH A. HILL. Receiver. AFTER June 9 I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my w-.fe. Mrs. T. Donovan. T. DONOVAN. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND &. MoKTGAG E CO.. 205 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. 10.000 SHARES Chappell Oil Co.'s stock, Wyoming, at $1.25. par $1, now paying lit ner rrnt. This will stand thorough in vestigation. All cash or in three equal pay merits. AB 766. Oregonian. Cash paid for mortgages and seliers con tracts on real estate in Washington. Ore gon. H. E. Nobie. 316 Lumoenuens bid to WE BUY first and second niorlKases and sellers' contract. K. E. Bowibun k Co.. 1:10 Chamber ot Commerce. Money to Loan on Ural KMutr. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On improved property, or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $3 J. 26 per month tor oii muutns. or $lH.4 per month for 60 months, or per month foi 16 mouths pays a loan of $100i and interest. Loans of other amounts in same pro portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASaN, Stark St., Portland. Or. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission, no iitlays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. hi Sixth st.. Portland, Or. $60,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit on city, suburban and farms. Building loan specialty. WILLIAM G. BECK. 2L"-J16 FAILINU BUILDING, THIRD AND WASHINGTON. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm and city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges. Lowest rates. WESTERN KONU,4 MORTGAGE CO.. 80 Fourth St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying prlvilegua, A. H. BI KRE1.L CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 411S. MORTOAOK LOANS. FARM AM) CITY I'KOfliHTT. B AND 7 INSTALLMENT LOANS. NO COMMISSION UNION ABSTRACT CO.. 83 4TI1 ST.. HENRY ULCd. MORTGAUK loan, on Improved farm and city property, favorable repaying- privi leges; no commission or delay. THE ORKHON MORTA(iE CO.. LTD 3i'. iMatl Il dg., Main .VITl. ' LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our morey on rem estate, 1st and -d mortKages. contracts, live stock, notea etc. K. K. Bowman & Co . iilt) Chamber of Commerce. Alain 3oi'ti jljono A NI $4i"0 TO T. iM (ix PORTLAND IMPIIOVKU PROTLRTT KAST 4111. MONEV TO LOAN on Improved city property and also im proved farm property. Current rates. W M. Mc.M ASTERS. 331 U. S. National Bank b:dy. $400. iOoT"60. no. 1 1 ono. "Yi 200 l"noo 200o and up. lowest rates, qui. k'action ' pay off 30 or more at any Interest data Gordon Mortgage Co.. ;sl Chamber of Commerce bldB. Main 3;170. CITY AND FARM LOANS No Delay. No Delay. No De'ay $1000. J 1000. $2000, $.1000 and Up We loan our money on real estate F. H. DESHON. 615 CHAM. Qf uo'lt. tiono TO 16o0 to loan on residence prop erty in city, give location, no commis sions. Tl nmpniiiiiii. $300. 400, $r.O0. $7.'.0. Jlnno AND Pp- ow rates: quick action. Fred w. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445 J500. JIOOO AND upwaro on 1m provedTreal estate: favorable terms: no delay- nt) brokerage. Joi n Bain. SOiSpald Inir b!dg. BEE OREGON INV. MORTUAOK CO" J2-' Cham, of Commerce, 4ih and Stark! $500. $7.-.0. $1000. $.-,000 TO T,n,N on citv real estate. Houck 110 10th t. MORTGAGE LOANS. 0 and " T per cent Louis Solomon & Co.. 40S Selling bids" FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Kstmte. f - RESIDENCE LOANS. -,1?" "v-'ear period. You may pay sioo or any multiple thereof account principal, serai-annuallv and reduce in terest on loans under $50o0 t-,., VTALLMKNT LOANS. LI .loan 6ovi value house and lot st jc. lou pay one-half of on per cent account principal monthly. For ex- mpie. $2000 loan, you pav $10 monthly and interest; you hnve privilege of pay -lng $ 0u or any multiple thereof month Jix.,1 rrr" reduced accordingly. NO BUSINESS LOANS. ive-year period. 6v. i.xc.!tot rr paymetu privilege. mortgage loan compnt Main 4uI Veon blde $1000-$10.000 PRIV A TE ;t 5S60 Money to Loan Jmttels an d Su lance PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY. VIC TROLAS. PIANOS. LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. 394 STARK ST.. NEAR TENTH, CARRIE MTER3 HERRMANN. Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN A T T , Y VH . N K D M O N E IS. Cl 'll'l.' CI.'UVKM." loU 1I( IIA I I'. CAN GET IT t.iiCa - AU?K" pianos. voir tt LSS.?"...!?? '.? e wiii will 11. .. .1 u. e con l rati?. more lnonev mum UO arid sdvmw.t vn !f TT..r1...1 v.- vurny i v I"J"3 and '"e the e r"'y J, i,5our J,u",o.. "J you can VK v" ' X',rt'' ,"""Uh:y payment,. Lu-'infa reso"a" Private oflc. All i'of'T. ; V--,y confidential. iOi.lLA.NU l.o A. t.'oilPANY o00-o, reki. .!.i.. ... W. -or inird and Washington. i-oa.s-s. auTrEIZ on i,nWE.LUAi HOXEV. men cm tl'1" to -"arK-d or workins n 0.1th -l. ; elr ow" notes. Weekly. emt tr'tni; m,ntn!y Lay-menu. Eacb Uy conndential. Vv. . ,i1LL1 XO SKCLH1TV. Danon "' household furniture, p.anoi., etc.. without removal. Cut 1 -,f P -1 N V E m- 1U A T E. -IS KA11.IXU lil.Ci sioxev to i.oa. diamonds. watches. jewel. v on bonds v i'Jl . ra"'s: Koods held 1 year tS JKWliLKV STOKE XJear- 1H-UG V cor- Washington. WU1.1C money to .h r..-,i . T Without in.iorser, or ,ecuntv- l tno, tion confidential; 0 liida. -MOXliY TO I.OAX . '-OaN on diamonds, jewelry o"i'' n,i,i a lished t,'- T r , . iVV j , 1 ioai:s moil on housp- "v"4 legal rate Tabor ;;S06. LOA N w anted JRl'.-.ftii re cent 011 corner lot with yrs. at 7 per two houses. n cm.. ni'sr sill.- M -4.1 nry W. Guddaru. WILL sci: 3-year bungalows lr i , ' . ..u ?a 011 modern iinsaiov lope Aft 1 none l-.uiit 4 1X4 WANTED To for :nt d ays. $j.tM. gitrxi securaj. WANT $0;.ui loan JMM-nperly. m"4 , VlVs CSt Jamher of M'"- I'KRSDXAI. a remedy at nana for everv hi. cordant condition. Tho Psveh . Phys.cal Instuute lnvl, vou c.T.nd have a personal Interview w,.h i ?d rector. Dr. u K y lth d'" melaDh. 3II1-.YIT u... J .. ." ' 1'hone Alain Lane bide. U7G1. "nit"- ven"' .d.'y ap- A M arraiiKinB tour i'i.-ree-A ri ovv. trip f California In 1!MS in. luoe 1 "Semite f ir In 1 . -. """"V "d Los Ansel,.. 1-.. L- it ,., ; iniorriiution 11 o.Ml. Main Uiill.K .spirttua li.M ie Sun.. Thurs.. i I'. Si hori. pallor, tan until 10 p. M. (i.,.,. cluireh meetings. M. Key. Mia. .1. t te a-en by friends ior i.'cture aiiuumi Ilurnside. corner Kat 1 A KARA AXTISKl'TIC POWDER Is"-1 c-leanMinir h.-alintf Kermlcidal and Inviit oratli.K douche, a Kreat aid leucor rhea and femaie disorders: ocmj and 11 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy LEARN Beauty culture niKht school. 7 to 9 o clock; 5 expert special teachers. Work daytime. Learn wood trade evenlncs Samtary Beauty Parlors. .Marsh 17u- 1 C.i ARAN Cl-.E to cure corns, bu 11 ions i nc nan.-, wai ts and moles ali&olulcly new Invention, no pain. 110 soreness Lowes' i.iicc-i 111 inw 11. consultation tree n,. 1- vf ar.i; arches fiit-d. .',;; Do k urn bids. BUV YOCR SUMMER KUKS AT THE Kin SHO?. Fine, furs to order. Moderate pricea Above hlnh rent, below high prices iluii Swetland bids-.. &th and Wash. FKBVET HANNKUtJT. leading wig Ind loupe makers; finest stock human hair gooils, hairdressiiiK. niartcurliiK. face and scalp treatment. 34'. Alder. Main 646. M.RVOCS AND CHTtCNIO LTlSEASi-- treated by NEW METHODS U DR. J. W. HATUUKK. Naturonath 3'I4 Dekum HMt, 1 to .-. 1. M. Main 1160. $1 (JETS both feet fixed up at I ir Katon-. the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SI'I ST who doesn't hurt you; H yrs. here- exam" tree. Globe bids. ,1 1th & Wsh. Bwy ATTES'i'.OV LADIES! gets face massage. l1H,r shampoo, hair dyring a tpeciaity. l;tauty Pari l.irs. room 205 "a Alisky bldg IF YOU ARE TIRED AND NERVOl'S visit the Sunhume Parlor; scientific body, face and scalp massage. 4"7 nr gan bldg.. Main 1WJ. " ""or" W ANTE I Coiuiuuiiiialion with 11.,-, ,, ' who worked at Andrew Kan .Store ten j.a.o , u .ion Dlock, allle. Wash. , ' UA1IIS -steam baths, chiropractic bodv niassage and vibration. Dr. Margaret Haynie. Main 1765. 215 Swotland bldir Cipen evenings. 'I rained nurse assistant.' GRADUATE lurse treats lumbTgo"-eT-Hours 2 to b or by a pnoint men t. Phone Main 143. Office 3tl-C. Third St. DO YOUR, feet hurt? s-e Dr. KtheT 7C Stacy, pedicuring and manicuring 60-. UaleiBh bldg. Mar. 3376. ANTE IV ly S1X-V.C Well-to-do coupl to aili.nt l.ve. ks-oid baby rl of good par 1 Or.-K.inia n. BluLI'HL'li steam path, violet ray; impron vour syste n. Mrs. l'oilins, j-jq iav Mam Bll.VJ. 10 A. M. to S P. M. scl.P treatments, facial, shampoos, etc liouo at your own home by experienced .,n.-rator. For appointment. Main 4.;L. SCAL1' treatment, facial matiaage. electri cal treatment, steam bath and massage. Ethel Burke. 3U4 Dekum bldg. plLES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Lean. 234'- Morrison st. Superfluous hair, moles, warts removed by 10 needles method; trial free, Josie Fin Icy, 514 Hush & Lane bldir. Main 636S. MASSAGE, baths for constipation, stom ach kidney, rheumatism. Dr. Elna Sor r nsen. 50S Panama bldg. Drugi-sa phy. SUPERFLUOUS 11 A I R removed forever by inultipie-needle m. thod. r.04 Swetland bldg.. Fifth and Washington sta. HAWAIIAN entertainers tor all occasions. SI CallTabor 77. I ELECTRIC Kl.KCTRIC CABINET BATHS Pr. Ironsides. 3'U ISromlway bldg. BODY masfasf. violet ray. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. daily. 450 Morganbldg. Main 7579. GERTRUDE DANIELS, superfluous hair, manicuring, face, scalp. 322 Fliedner bid. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay yn see Viereck. collections. Dekum b,. " PRIM EDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. S44 E. 33d. Sell. 2213 morning... PILES ation. CAN BE CURED without eper Free booklet. P. O. Box 1105. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an operation. Free booklet. P. O. Box llOii. JUNIC1DE w ill cure rheumatism or money back. 4QS Dekum bldg. ETHEL McCOY. chiropodist. 603 Buchanan b dg . Wash. het. 4th and 6th. Main 5076- t-l MASSAGE, 41." Uiiclianan Mdjc.. bet. 4 til and 5th. Main vvi'iti. i! PATIENTS to tnke cabinot massage or hourjy nursing. baths with Tabor 817J I A cHMIIKSS homr wi,! give r-si of car 1 to small girl U oil, Oregonian.